Attachment 1 -Near-term Improvements to Adult Recreation CenterMemo from Councilmembers Matthew Hudes and Rob Moore to the Los Gatos Town Council Near-term Improvements to Adult Recreation Center The Senior Services Roadmap, unanimously endorsed by the Los Gatos Town Council in March 2023, called for a long-term effort to create a welcoming and inviting intergenerational Community Center. It is recognized that it will take at least 2 years for the broad direction to be planned, and probably another 6-7 years for fundraising and required construction. However, in the near-term, certain improvements to the existing Adult Recreation Center facility would significantly benefit our older adult population and the Los Gatos community at-large. Some of the potential near term improvements could include: 1. Space for a variety of non-profit agencies to provide services to our community. This could include 3-4 outside service organizations that provide services to the community and older adults (as outlined in the 2009 Lease Agreement). 2. Re-configuration of existing space to both better provide services to older adults and to make the space feel more open and inviting to the broader community. This effort could include the engagement of a community center design consultant assistance, not to exceed $75k of the total allocation. The proposed funding of these improvements will be achieved by allocating up to $1 million of ARPA funds to a Community Center Development Fund. This would be accomplished by “Allocation of the Remaining General Fund Monies Made Available from American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Qualified Public Safety Expenses” in the amount of $866,281. If, over the next 2 years, capital funds, including previously allocated ARPA funds, were not expended as budgeted, an additional amount of up to $133,719 of capital funds could be allocated to the Community Center Development Fund, per Council action. This initial funding would be immediately allocated to near-term improvements. In the future, additional funds might be obtained through grants or other programs (such as CDBG) and could be added to this initial amount for potential future development. It would be valuable to convene a group of concerned residents and community partners focused on older adult services and community services in general in the decision about the specifics of how the existing facility could be improved. This would include the CHSSC, Older Adults 501(c)(3) Foundation, LGS Recreation, SASCC, non-profits who provide services, faith leaders, and Santa Clara County representation such as staff from Supervisor Joe Simitian’s office. The recommendation from staff and this group could then be considered by the Town Council during the 2024 Capital Budget time-period. ATTACHMENT 1