Staff Report.NCE Amendment PREPARED BY: Nicolle Burnham Parks and Public Works Director Reviewed by: Town Manager, Assistant Town Manager, Town Attorney, Finance Director, and Parks and Public Works Director 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● (408) 354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: 08/15/2023 ITEM NO: 8 DATE: August 4, 2023 TO: Mayor and Town Council FROM: Laurel Prevetti, Town Manager SUBJECT: Authorize the Town Manager to Execute the First Amendment to the Consulting Services Agreement with Nichols Consulting Engineers for Additional Engineering Services in an Amount of $42,500, Resulting in a Total Agreement Amount Not to Exceed $486,900, and an Extension of Time for the Shannon Road Repair Project (CIP No. 811-0008) RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the Town Manager to execute the first amendment (Attachment 1) to the consulting services agreement with Nichols Consulting Engineers for additional engineering services in an amount of $42,500, resulting in a total agreement amount not to exceed $486,900, and an extension of time for the Shannon Road Repair Project (CIP No. 811-0008). BACKGROUND: On May 31, 2021 the Town entered into an agreement with Nichols Consulting Engineers to design a repair of Shannon Road between Diduca Way and Santa Rosa Drive. The scope of work authorized in that agreement included development of topographic survey and right of way mapping, geotechnical analysis, design of stabilization structures, pavement design, and development of design plans through construction bidding. The scope also includes engineering support through the construction phase of the project. The project design is nearing completion and bidding for construction is anticipated in early fall 2023. The construction schedule will depend on the weather, with work expected to be complete by summer 2024, or sooner if possible. PAGE 2 OF 3 SUBJECT: First Amendment with Nichols Consulting Engineers for Shannon Road Repair (CIP No. 811-0008) DATE: August 4, 2023 DISCUSSION: The design work has progressed and staff reviewed 65 percent complete plans in early 2023. During design review three specific changes have occurred that necessitate the proposed amendment: 1) Staff requested additional analysis of bike pullout locations resulting in redesign of this feature. 2) Initial design had assumed that Shannon Road would remain open for the duration of construction. An alternating one-way traffic pattern would be set up with temporary signals. This would limit the contractors work area, extending the time of construction and increasing the costs. As such, staff requested evaluation of full closure of this portion of Shannon Road with a detour routing traffic around the work area. 3) Coordination with PG&E and the adjacent property owner necessitate changes to previously completed design of guardrail and storm drainage features. The cost of each of these changes and the scope of work are in documented in the contract amendment. The current contract is set to expire on December 31, 2023. This First Amendment would extend the contract to December 31, 2024. This will allow the consultants to provide support through construction and project closeout. CONCLUSION: The proposed First Amendment to the Agreement for Consulting Services with Nichols Consulting Engineers provides for an increase in project cost and an extension of time to allow for completion of the project. COORDINATION: This memorandum has been coordinated with the Finance Department. FISCAL IMPACT: Staff costs are tracked for all projects. Tracking of staff costs allows for accountability in the costs of projects, recovery of costs from grant funded projects, and identification of future staffing needs. This project utilizes a combination of full-time budgeted staff and temporary staff that support fluctuating workloads. The costs for temporary staff will be directly associated with this project while full-time staff are accounted for in the Department’s operating budget. PAGE 3 OF 3 SUBJECT: First Amendment with Nichols Consulting Engineers for Shannon Road Repair (CIP No. 811-0008) DATE: August 4, 2023 FISCAL IMPACT (continued): ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: This is a project as defined under CEQA but is Categorically Exempt (Section 15301). A Notice of Exemption will be filed. Attachments: 1. First Amendment to NCE Agreement with Exhibits 2. Original Agreement Budget GFAR 4,879,064$ Total Budget 4,879,064$ Costs Prior Consultant Services 507,473$ Consultant Services Agreement with Nichols Consulting Engineers (Approved with this Staff Report)486,900$ Misc. Project Costs 187$ Total Costs 994,560$ Available Balance 3,884,504$ Shannon Road Repair CIP No. 811-0008