Item 5.Desk Item and Exhibit 19.15600-15650 LGB PREPARED BY: Jocelyn Shoopman Associate Planner Reviewed by: Planning Manager and Community Development Director 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● (408) 354-6872 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT MEETING DATE: 03/08/2023 ITEM NO: 5 DESK ITEM DATE: March 8, 2023 TO: Planning Commission FROM: Joel Paulson, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Requesting Approval for Construction of a New Commercial Building, a Formula Retail Business (Whole Foods) Greater Than 6,000 Square Feet, a Merger of Two Lots into One, a Variance from the Required Number of Parking Spaces, and the Removal of Large Protected Trees on Properties Zoned CH. Located at 15600-15650 Los Gatos Boulevard. APNs 424-14-028 and -036. Categorically Exempt Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15332: In-Fill Development Projects. PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: Steve Lynch, Sand Hill Property Company. PROJECT PLANNER: Jocelyn Shoopman REMARKS: Exhibit 19 includes public comment received between 11:01 a.m., Tuesday, March 7, 2023, and 11:00 a.m., Wednesday, March 8, 2023. EXHIBITS: Previously received with the March 8, 2023, Staff Report: 1. Location Map 2. Required Findings and Considerations 3. Recommended Conditions of Approval for the Architecture and Site, Subdivision, and Variance applications 4. Recommended Conditions of Approval for the Conditional Use Permit application 5. Project Description 6. Letter of Justification for Variance from Parking 7. Community Outreach by Applicant 8. Applicant’s Arborist Report #1 9. Consulting Arborist’s Peer Review Report #1 10. Applicant’s Arborist Report #2 11. Consulting Arborist’s Peer Review Report #2 12. Applicant’s Arborist Report #3 PAGE 2 OF 2 SUBJECT: 15600-15650 Los Gatos Boulevard/S-22-008, M-22-002, U-22-005, and V-22-004 DATE: March 8, 2023 EXHIBITS (continued): 13. Consulting Architect’s Report 14. Applicant’s Response to Consulting Architect’s Report 15. Environmental Consultant’s CEQA Categorial Exemption Memorandum 16. Development Plans 17. Public Comments received before 11:00 a.m., Friday, March 3, 2023 Previously received with the March 8, 2023, Addendum Report: 18. Public Comment received between 11:01 a.m., Friday, March 3, 2023, and 11:00 a.m., Tuesday, March 7, 2023. Received with this Desk Item Report: 19. Public Comment received between 11:01 a.m., Tuesday, March 7, 2023, and 11:00 a.m., Wednesday, March 8, 2023. From: Chris Zaler <> Sent: Tuesday, March 7, 2023 10:00 PM To: Jocelyn Shoopman <jshoopman@losgatosca.gov> Cc: Janette Judd <jjudd@losgatosca.gov> Subject: 15600-15650 Los Gatos Blvd Hi Jocelyn, My name is Chris Zaler and I live at . After reviewing the plans for the new Whole Foods development, I see multiple things that will negatively impact my family’s and the joining neighbors quality of life. My biggest concerns are related to the proposed location of the shipping/receiving area and the driveway off Los Gatos Almaden Road. The proposed driveway and shipping/receiving area for Whole Foods will greatly increase noise and disturbance at our property from cars, delivery trucks, garbage trucks, and garbage compactors. The proposed delivery truck shipping receiving area is kitty corner from our house and we find it unbearable to imagine the disturbance from the delivery trucks and garbage trucks we will have to endure. Since it is so close to our home, we will be able to hear the backup beeping from trucks, idling delivery vehicles, and truck refrigerators running very early in the morning and throughout the day. These noises, including the vibrations from idling trucks, easily penetrate our house and create a constant disturbance throughout the house. Could you please move the shipping/receiving area away from our house? The garbage area is also a noise and smell concern. Can the garbage area be moved away from our house as well? The Whole Foods driveway off Los Gatos Almaden Road will be adding to the already congested intersection in all directions. The Los Gatos Almaden Rd and Peach Blossom intersection already creates confusion and driving risks for the existing neighbors and patrons of the shopping center. I have witnessed multiple accidents at that intersection. Our house driveway is off Peach Blossom and is very close to the Los Gatos Almaden Rd / Peach Blossom intersection (where the driveway for the Whole Foods is located) and creates issues for us entering and exiting our driveway safely. The added congestion at that intersection will make it very difficult to safely enter and exit our driveway. Passing drivers are very impatient when entering and exiting the intersection and shopping center parking lot. The Whole Foods driveway off Los Gatos Almaden Rd will greatly increase the risk around our house and make it even more difficult to enter/exit our driveway safely. Can the Whole Foods driveway off Los Gatos Almaden Rd be moved away from our house? In addition to the noise from the shipping/receiving area and intersection, kitchen and facility fans can create an annoying buzz/hum that lasts as long as the fan is on which could be the whole day and evening. These noises easily penetrate our house and can be heard in all rooms of the house. I’ve already dealt with fan noises from Los Gatos Cafe and the paint booth at the Buick dealership. It’s not the decibel level but more so the constant sounds emitted which builds into an incredible annoyance you can’t escape. The cafe was able to eliminate these noises by installing an ultra-low decibel high efficiency kitchen fan/blower. Where will the kitchen fan/blower be and what type of fan will be installed? I don’t see having the Whole Foods on that property as a bad thing but having all the high noise service EXHIBIT 19 areas so close to our house creates many concerns and has a negative impact to the quality of life of my family and neighbor’s lives. The Los Gatos Almaden driveway is also a traffic nightmare that will create a lot more congestion around our house. I would like to discuss possible options to remedy these issues. Please call me to discuss possible options. Regards, Chris Zaler From: tbwinca <> Sent: Tuesday, March 7, 2023 4:05 PM To: Jocelyn Shoopman <jshoopman@losgatosca.gov> Subject: 15600 - 15650os Gatos Blvd. (entrance/exit) This message is being sent to the Planning Commission in regards to the entrance/egress from the proposed shopping center onto Los Gatos Almaden Road. The current plans don't give adequate information as to the merging traffic danger at the site shown on the attached map. Crossing Los Gatos Almaden Road to and from Peach Blossom to get to and from the new shopping center needs to be carefully planned. I have lived close to that intersection since 1976. Over time, the traffic at that intersection has become increasingly snarled. Adding more is a catastrophe waiting to happen. Presently, there is an entrance/exit from Peach Blossom to the El Gato Shopping Village near Los Gatos Almaden Road that isn't shown on the plans. Also, event hough it is not a loading zone, big and very big trucks stop on Peach Blossom to unload. It seems like a street light to regulate the traffic crossing Los Gatos Almaden Road to and from Peach Blossom would be the best way to solve the impending problems. I am not sure, but I think there are regulations that wouldn't allow it because there is a nearby stoplight at Los Gatos Almaden Road and Los Gatos Blvd. Please give the aforementioned conundrum considerable thought because to do otherwise would be a dereliction of your duty to keep people safe. Your attention to this matter is greatly appreciated. Judy Rogers From: tbwinca <> Sent: Tuesday, March 7, 2023 2:37 PM To: Jocelyn Shoopman <jshoopman@losgatosca.gov> Subject: 15600 - 15650 Los Gatos Blvd (trees) This message is being sent to the Planning Commission in regards to the fourteen protected magnolia trees on the property being discussed. As you know in 2022, the Town was named a Tree City USA by the National Arbor Day Foundation for the 42nd consecutive year, honoring it's commitment to its community forest. The Sand Hill Corporation wants to remove these mature, magnificent magnolia trees that have big, beautiful white saucer-like blooms for many months each year. The trees are not deciduous so they have something to offer year round. I've attached images of the trees taken three days ago. There has been little to no maintenance for over a decade. This is how they look at their worst and at the end of winter. The images have not been enhanced in any way. The trees need the attention of an arborist. They are healthy and no way hazardous. Citizens want these trees to stay and be part of the urban forest. Any landscape designer or architect can create a design around these trees and must not be limited by computer aided design. I think the results will be more unique and charming by doing so. Your attention to this matter is appreciated. Judy Rogers Sent from Samsung Galaxy smartphone.