Item 5.Staff Report with Exhibits 1-17.15600-15650 Los Gatos Blvd PREPARED BY: Jocelyn Shoopman Associate Planner Reviewed by: Planning Manager and Community Development Director 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● (408) 354-6872 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT MEETING DATE: 03/08/2023 ITEM NO: 5 DATE: March 3, 2023 TO: Planning Commission FROM: Joel Paulson, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Requesting Approval for Construction of a New Commercial Building, a Formula Retail Business (Whole Foods) Greater Than 6,000 Square Feet, a Merger of Two Lots into One, a Variance from the Required Number of Parking Spaces, and the Removal of Large Protected Trees on Properties Zoned CH. Located at 15600-15650 Los Gatos Boulevard. APNs 424-14-028 and -036. Categorically Exempt Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15332: In-Fill Development Projects. PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: Steve Lynch, Sand Hill Property Company. PROJECT PLANNER: Jocelyn Shoopman. RECOMMENDATION: Denial. PROJECT DATA: General Plan Designation: Mixed Use Commercial Zoning Designation: CH Applicable Plans & Standards: General Plan; Commercial Design Guidelines Parcel Size: 2.79 acres Surrounding Area: Existing Land Use General Plan Zoning North Commercial Mixed Use Commercial CH East Commercial and Residential Medium Density Residential and Low Density Residential O, RM:5-12, and R-1:8 South Commercial and Residential Mixed Use Commercial and Low Density Residential C-1 and R-1:8 Prezone West Commercial and Residential Mixed Use Commercial C-1 and CH PAGE 2 OF 14 SUBJECT: 15600-15650 Los Gatos Boulevard/S-22-008, M-22-002, U-22-005, and V-22-004 DATE: March 3, 2023 CEQA: The project is Categorically Exempt pursuant to the adopted Guidelines for the Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act, Section 15332: In-Fill Development Projects. FINDINGS: ▪ The project is Categorically Exempt pursuant to the adopted Guidelines for the Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act, Section 15332: In-Fill Development Projects. ▪ The project meets the objective standards of Chapter 29 of the Town Code (Zoning Regulations) except the required number of parking spaces. ▪ As required by Section 29.10.09030(e) of the Town Code for demolition of existing structures. ▪ As required by Section 66474 of the State Subdivision Map Act. ▪ As required by Section 29.20.190 of the Town Code for granting a Conditional Use Permit. ▪ As required by Section 29.20.170 of the Town Code for granting a Variance application. ▪ As required for compliance with the Commercial Design Guidelines. CONSIDERATIONS: ▪ As required by Section 29.20.150 of the Town Code for granting approval of an Architecture and Site application. ACTION: The decision of the Planning Commission is final unless appealed within ten days. BACKGROUND: The subject property is located on the east side of Los Gatos Boulevard at the intersection of Los Gatos Boulevard and Los Gatos-Almaden Road (Exhibit 1). The project site is comprised of two separate parcels that in total are approximately 2.79 acres and was previously occupied by Los Gatos Chevrolet, an auto dealership. Paved parking and hardscape cover s the majority of the site. The site has four driveways: two from Los Gatos Boulevard and two from Los Gatos- Almaden Road. PAGE 3 OF 14 SUBJECT: 15600-15650 Los Gatos Boulevard/S-22-008, M-22-002, U-22-005, and V-22-004 DATE: March 3, 2023 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: A. Location and Surrounding Neighborhood The subject property is located on the east side of Los Gatos Boulevard at the intersection of Los Gatos Boulevard and Los Gatos-Almaden Road (Exhibit 1). The surrounding area contains a mix of uses with multi-family residential and office located to the east. To the south and west are commercial uses. B. Project Summary The applicant is requesting approval of an Architecture and Site application, Subdivision application, Conditional Use Permit (CUP) application, and Variance application to demolish existing vacant buildings, remove large protected trees, and merge two lots for the purposes of constructing a new one-story commercial building for a formula retail use that is greater than 6,000 square feet. C. Zoning Compliance A formula retail business greater than 6,000 square feet use is allowed as a conditional use in the CH zone and requires approval of a CUP. The proposed project includes a request for a variance from the required number of parking spaces. DISCUSSION: A. Subdivision There are two existing parcels that the applicant is proposing to merge into a single 2.79- acre parcel under Subdivision application M-22-002. B. Architecture and Site Analysis The proposed project would create a new one-story commercial building totaling 40,170 square feet with 164 parking spaces. The proposed building has a front setback of 15 feet along Los Gatos Boulevard; a street side setback between 15 feet and 30 feet, seven inches along Los Gatos -Almaden Road; a side setback of 150 feet, six inches; and a rear setback of 135 feet, ten inches. The proposed 40,170-square foot commercial building would be up to 35 feet in height. Materials would consist of wood siding, smooth stucco, stone veneer cladding, metal panel PAGE 4 OF 14 SUBJECT: 15600-15650 Los Gatos Boulevard/S-22-008, M-22-002, U-22-005, and V-22-004 DATE: March 3, 2023 DISCUSSION (continued): cladding, and standing seam metal roof. The proposed building materials are provided on Sheet A3.3 of Exhibit 16. C. Zoning Permitted uses in the CH zone include: retailing, including formula retail up to 6,000 square feet; personal service businesses and service businesses necessary for the conduct of households; office uses; limited manufacturing uses when the majority of sales are made on-site to the ultimate consumer; and group classes. The applicant is proposing a formula retail business greater than 6,000 square feet which requires approval of a CUP in the CH zone. The proposed project meets the required setbacks, lot coverage, and height requirements for the CH zone. The proposed lot coverage would be 35 percent and the maximum height would be 35 feet, both of which are consistent with the zoning designation for the site, that allows up to 50 percent lot coverage and a maximum 35-foot height. The required and proposed setbacks in the CH zone are described in the following table: Setback Required Proposed Front 15 feet 15 feet Right (Interior) Side None 150 feet, six inches Left (Street) Side 15 feet 15 feet to 30 feet, seven inches Rear None 135 feet, 10 inches D. Conditional Use Permit The proposed project includes a CUP application for a formula retail use (Whole Foods) greater than 6,000 square feet. In order to grant approval of a CUP for the proposed use, the deciding body must make the following findings: 1. The proposed use of the property is essential or desirable to the public convenience or welfare; 2. The proposed use will not impair the integrity and character of the zone; 3. The proposed use would not be detrimental to public health, safety , or general welfare; and 4. The proposed use of the property is in harmony with the various elements or objectives of the General Plan and the purposes of the Town Code. PAGE 5 OF 14 SUBJECT: 15600-15650 Los Gatos Boulevard/S-22-008, M-22-002, U-22-005, and V-22-004 DATE: March 3, 2023 DISCUSSION (continued): In regard to the first finding, the proposed use would be considered desirable to the public convenience or welfare in that in that it provides a retail option for residents and visitors. As required by finding two, the proposed application would not impair the integ rity and character of the zone since the grocery store use is located in a commercial zone. In regard to the third finding, the proposed use would not be detrimental to public health, safety, or general welfare. In regard to the final finding, the propos ed use meets the objectives of the General Plan and Town Code as described in this report. E. Design and Compatibility The Town’s Consulting Architect reviewed the project to provide recommendations regarding the architecture and neighborhood compatibility (Exhibit 13). The Consulting Architect noted that the design would be substantially different from most of the newer commercial projects along Los Gatos Boulevard; however, the project is very well designed and in the spirt of the Commercial Design Guidelines. The Consulting Architect provided the following four recommendations, and the applicant provided a response (Exhibit 14): 1. Add a landscape divider at the Los Gatos-Almaden Road project entry if possible. Response: A landscape divider was initially proposed; however, it was subsequently removed due to the entire driveway being needed for the turning movements for a truck accessing the loading dock. 2. Provide a protected pedestrian circulation pathway from the east parking lot to the entry similar to the one proposed from the north parking lot. Response: A new protected pedestrian circulation pathway is proposed from the east parking lot to the entry. Refer sheet A1.1 and A1.2 of Exhibit 16. 3. Remain flexible on the treatment of the Los Gatos Boulevard and Los Gatos-Almaden Road intersection corner and the Los Gatos Boulevard facade fenestration until building tenant confirms potential interior uses. If not feasible as currently shown, add landscaping to the corner and investigate alternative treatments for the window areas. Response: The treatment of the Los Gatos Boulevard and Los Gatos-Almaden Road intersection corner and the Los Gatos Boulevard facade fenestration has been finalized for the new tenant Whole Foods. PAGE 6 OF 14 SUBJECT: 15600-15650 Los Gatos Boulevard/S-22-008, M-22-002, U-22-005, and V-22-004 DATE: March 3, 2023 DISCUSSION (continued): 4. Tone down the color contrast of the white stucco wall volumes on Los Gatos Boulevard and the truck loading area walls or change the material to wood siding or stone to improve the overall design unity of the facades and to subordinate the visual prominence of the loading area. Response: The color contrast on Los Gatos Boulevard and the truck loading area walls has been toned down with the introduction of a new toned down color, similar to the color recommended. Refer sheet A0.5, A3.0, A3.1, and A3.3 of Exhibit 16. The proposed building is consistent with the applicable provisions of the Commercial Design Guidelines to provide a unified design around all sides of the building, to utilize high quality building materials, to screen all roof equipment, to subordinate the parking to the building, and to provide well designed landscaping. F. General Plan The 2020 General Plan Land Use designation for the site is Mixed Use Commercial. The proposed project meets the Mixed Use Commercial requirements for land coverage and height. This designation permits a mixture of retail, office, and residential in a mixed-use project, along with lodging, service, auto-related businesses, non-manufacturing industrial uses, recreational uses, and restaurants. Projects developed under this designation shall maintain the smalltown, residential scale and natural environments of adjacent residential neighborhoods, as well as provide prime orientation to arterial street frontages and proper transitions and buffers to adjacent residential properties. In addition to maintaining neighborhood quality, the 2020 General Plan Land Use Element focuses on maintaining a “full-service” town that provides a range of goods and services that support economic vitality, while limiting adverse impacts on the quality of life of all the residents. Applicable goals and policies of the 2020 General Plan Land Use and Community Design Elements include, but are not limited to the following: • Policy LU-1.4: Infill projects shall be designed in context with the neighborhood and surrounding zoning with respect to the existing scale and character of surrounding structures and should blend rather than compete with the established character of the area; PAGE 7 OF 14 SUBJECT: 15600-15650 Los Gatos Boulevard/S-22-008, M-22-002, U-22-005, and V-22-004 DATE: March 3, 2023 DISCUSSION (continued): • Policy LU-1.8 Commercial development of any type (office, retail, research and development, etc.) shall be designed in keeping with the small-town character of Los Gatos; • Policy LU-2.1 Minimize vehicle miles traveled for goods and services by allowing and encouraging stores that provide these goods within walking distance of neighborhoods in Los Gatos; • Goal LU-4: To provide for well-planned, careful growth that reflects the Town’s existing character and infrastructure; • Policy LU-6.5: The type, density, and intensity of new land use shall be consistent with that of the immediate neighborhood; • Goal CD-1: Preserve and enhance Los Gatos’s character through exceptional community design; • Policy CD-1.4: Development on all elevations shall be of high-quality design and construction, a positive addition to and compatible with the Town’s ambiance. Development shall enhance the character and unique identity of existing commercial and/or residential neighborhoods; and • CD-2: To limit the intensity of new development to a level that is consistent with surrounding development and with the Town at large. G. Parking Town Code parking regulations require one parking space for every 235 square feet of gross floor area for retail and commercial store uses. The applicant is proposing 164 parking spaces, whereas 171 parking spaces are required. The applicant’s Letter of Justification states that the tenant, Whole Foods has been a leader in home grocery delivery in place of customer trips to their stores (Exhibit 6). Additionally, the applicant cites the finding of the Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) prepared by Hexagon Transportation Consultants, Inc. and peer reviewed by the Town’s Traffic Consultant, that a Transit Demand Management (TDM) program is implemented for the project to include measures, such as a transit fare subsidy, ride matching assistance, and commute trip reduction marketing and education to encourage employees to use alternative transportation options and reduce the parking demand. The TIA is discussed in greater detail below. Based on an understating of the parking demand for Whole Foods, the applicant believes that the proposed 164 parking spaces are in excess of the actual parking demand for the use. Staff supports the applications and proposed use; howev er, staff cannot make the findings for granting of a variance. Discussion of the variance request for a reduction in the number of parking spaces required is discussed further below. PAGE 8 OF 14 SUBJECT: 15600-15650 Los Gatos Boulevard/S-22-008, M-22-002, U-22-005, and V-22-004 DATE: March 3, 2023 DISCUSSION (continued): H. Traffic and Public Improvements Access to the parking spaces is provided off of Los Gatos Boulevard and Los Gatos-Almaden Road. A TIA was prepared by Hexagon Transportation Consultants, Inc. and peer reviewed by the Town’s Traffic Consultant, TJKM, available online at: https://www.losgatosca.gov/Transportation-Impact-Analysis. The purpose of the TIA was to identify any potential traffic impacts fro m the proposed grocery store use. The report found that the proposed grocery store use is expected to generate 115 new trips (68 inbound and 47 outbound) during the AM peak hour and 274 new trips (137 inbound and 137 outbound) during the PM peak hour. The intersection level of service (LOS) analysis section of the TIA shows that all study intersections would operate at acceptable LOS under all scenarios (LOS D or better). The added project trips would not cause an adverse operation effect at any of the studied intersections. Additionally, the TIA also evaluated un-signalized intersections and found that they would continue to operate at LOS D for their respective worst approaches during the peak AM and PM hours under all scenarios. The Town’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan (BPMP) includes a pedestrian improvement project to remove the slip right-turn lanes and pork chop islands for the northbound and westbound approaches at the intersection of Los Gatos Boulevard and Los Gatos-Almaden Road. Based on the current lane configuration and roadway width, with the improvements, the northbound slip right-turn lane would be removed, and a typical northbound right-turn pocket would be installed at the intersection controlled by the signal. In the westbound direction on Los Gatos-Almaden Road there is a dedicated right-turn lane with a pork-chop island. By removing the pork chop island, the westbound right-turn lane would still be maintained, but would be controlled by the signal at the intersection (Sheet EX-1, Exhibit 16). The TIA studied the entering and exiting of freight trucks to the site. Under the TIA, it is expected that the freight trucks would enter the site via Los Gatos-Almaden Road and exit via either Los Gatos-Almaden Road or Los Gatos Boulevard. Based on the truck turning- movement template for the largest truck type that would typically serve a grocery store, freight trucks accessing the loading area would be able to back into and exit the loading dock and circulate through the site without any maneuvering issues. PAGE 9 OF 14 SUBJECT: 15600-15650 Los Gatos Boulevard/S-22-008, M-22-002, U-22-005, and V-22-004 DATE: March 3, 2023 DISCUSSION (continued): In conclusion, the TIA found no significant impacts with the estimated 2,866 new daily trips for the proposed project. Even though the TIA found that the proposed project’s impact from traffic generation would be less than significant in accordance with CEQA and the Town’s Traffic Impact Policy, pursuant to the Town’s Traffic Impact Policy the project would be required to pay a traffic impact fee of $2,129,936.19. The recommended improvements from the TIA are all proposed to be implemented for the project. The recommended improvements are included in Exhibit 3, Condition of Approval 50 as follows: Intersection of Los Gatos Boulevard/ Los Gatos Almaden Road/Chirco: a. Construct a second southbound left turn lane from Los Gatos Boulevard to Los Gatos Almaden. Construct a second receiving lane for eastbound Los Gatos Almaden east of Los Gatos Boulevard. Plans shall be prepared by developer’s design consultants and submitted to Town Engineer for approval prior to construction. Applicant is required to designate necessary right of way for the required widening. b. Re-stripe eastbound Los Gatos Almaden to provide a minimum of two-car storage left turn lane for entering the project site. Re-stripe to provide a left turn lane and a shared through/right turn lane for northbound Peach Blossom Lane. c. Remove the westbound free right-turn and pork-chop island as included in the 2020 Update of the Los Gatos Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan (see Table 4.4, Pedestrian Improvement Projects Part 1, project number P5). Construct a separate right-turn lane and make signal modifications as required. d. Consider, with examination by the required traffic impact analysis, the removal of the northbound free right-turn as included in the 2020 Update of the Los Gatos Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan (see Table 4.4, Pedestrian Improvement Projects Part 1, project number P5). e. The developer shall provide a new Town standard bench to replace the existing VTA bench and other transit related improvements in compliance with current VTA standards, including moving the existing bus stop closer to the marked crosswalk, as determined by the Town Engineer. f. Modernize and update the signalized intersection as required and/or as recommended by the traffic impact analysis. Los Gatos Boulevard: a. Curb, gutter, sidewalk, street lights, signing, striping, storm drainage, and sanitary sewers, as required. PAGE 10 OF 14 SUBJECT: 15600-15650 Los Gatos Boulevard/S-22-008, M-22-002, U-22-005, and V-22-004 DATE: March 3, 2023 DISCUSSION (continued): b. Provide a 2-inch grind and overlay from centerline to the lip of gutter/edge of pavement on the project (eastern) side, or alternative pavement rehabilitation measures as approved by the Town Engineer. c. Concurrent with the 2020 Update of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan, reserve width for a future Class IV bikeway lane along the property frontage as directed by the Town Engineer (see Table 4.2, Connect Los Gatos Prioritized Projects, section 4.2b, project number 11). d. A traffic-appropriate engineered structural pavement section for the areas needed and affected by elimination of the free right turn. Los Gatos-Almaden Road: a. Curb, gutter, sidewalk, street lights, signing, striping, storm drainage, and sanitary sewers, as required. b. A traffic-appropriate engineered structural pavement section for the areas needed and affected by elimination of the free right turn. I. Trees The Town’s Consulting Arborist provided two peer review reports of the applicant’s arborist report (Exhibits 8 through 12). The project proposes to remove 31 protected trees, of which two are considered large protected trees. The two large protected trees (#19 and #31) are Coast Live Oaks which are in good condition and are proposed to be removed to accommodate the parking for the proposed building. Tree protection recommendations and replacement requirements are contained in the conditions of approval (Exhibit 3). J. Variance The applicant is requesting a variance from Section 29.10.150 of the Town Code for the required number of parking spaces for a retail or commercial store. The applicant’s Letter of Justification states that the tenant, Whole Foods has been a leader in home grocery delivery in place of customer trips to their stores (Exhibit 6). Additionally, the applicant cites the finding of the TIA prepared by Hexagon Transportation Consultants, Inc. and peer reviewed by the Town’s Traffic Consultant, that a TDM program is implemented for the project to include measures, such as a transit fare subsidy, ride matching assistance, and commute trip reduction marketing and education to encourage employees to use alternative transportation options and reduce the parking demand. Based on an understating of the parking demand for Whole Foods, the applicant believes that the proposed 164 parking spaces is in excess of the actual parking demand for the use. PAGE 11 OF 14 SUBJECT: 15600-15650 Los Gatos Boulevard/S-22-008, M-22-002, U-22-005, and V-22-004 DATE: March 3, 2023 DISCUSSION (continued): Staff supports the applications and the proposed use; however, staff cannot make the findings for granting of a variance. As required by Section 29.20.170 of the Town Code, the Planning Commission, on the basis of the evidence submitted at the hearing, may grant a variance if it finds tha t: 1. Because of special circumstances applicable to the property, including size, shape, topography, location or surroundings, the strict application of this ordinance deprives such property of privileges enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity and under identical zone; and 2. The granting of a variance would not constitute a grant of special privileges inconsistent with the limitations upon other properties in the vicinity and zone which such property is situated. In response to the required findings for a variance, the applicant has provided the following justification (Exhibit 6): (1) The property is unique in shape with an angled corner that is not easily usable for parking or vehicular circulation. The building has been placed fronting on Los Gatos Boulevard, per the Commercial Design Guidelines and due to the access driveways on Los Gatos Boulevard and Los Gatos-Almaden Road. The affect has made a parking field that wraps around the rear and sides of the building that is less efficient than could otherwise be achieved if the parking area was consolidated near the corner. (2) The request is seeking a four percent parking reduction while providing 10 bike parking spaces. The number of parking spaces is consistent with the percent of parking provided at other shopping centers along Los Gatos Boulevard, some of which do not meet the current parking requirements. In addition, a TDM program is proposed which would reduce the parking demand to accommodate the seven parking space reduction. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Story poles and signage were installed on the site and w ritten notice was sent to property owners and tenants within 300 feet of the subject property. The applicant provided a summary of their neighborhood outreach efforts in Exhibit 7. Staff has included all public comments received by 11:00 a.m., Friday, March 3, 2023, as Exhibit 17. PAGE 12 OF 14 SUBJECT: 15600-15650 Los Gatos Boulevard/S-22-008, M-22-002, U-22-005, and V-22-004 DATE: March 3, 2023 CEQA DETERMINATION The project is Categorically Exempt pursuant to the adopted Guidelines for the Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), Section 15332: In-Fill Development Projects. A memorandum providing information as to how the project is Categorically Exempt from CEQA was prepared by the Town’s Environment Consultant, EMC Planning Group Inc. (Exhibit 15). As part of the memorandum, technical documents regarding Traffic, Noise, Air Quality, and Water Quality were prepared. In the evaluation of the technical documents, it was determined that with conditions of approval there would be no significant impacts as a result of the proposed project. CONCLUSION: A. Summary The applicant is requesting approval of a Subdivision application to merge two parcels and an Architecture and Site application to demolish an existing vacant building, construct a one-story commercial building, and remove large, protected trees. In addition, the applicant is requesting approval of a Conditional Use Permit application to allow for a formula retail use greater than 6,000 square feet (grocery store) in the CH zone. The applicant is also requesting approval of a variance from the Town Code f or the required number of parking spaces. The project is consistent with the Zoning (except for the variance request for parking), General Plan, and applicable Commercial Design Guidelines. B. Recommendation Based on the analysis above, staff recommends denial of the Architecture and Site application, Subdivision application, Conditional Use Permit application, and Variance application based on the discussion in this report that staff could not make the findings for granting of a variance. Staff is supportive of the applications; however, staff cannot make the findings for granting of a variance and, therefore cannot recommend approval of the applications without a modification to the gross floor area of the building or number of parking spaces provided to comply with the parking requirements. C. Alternatives Alternatively, the Commission can: 1. Approve the applications by taking the following actions: PAGE 13 OF 14 SUBJECT: 15600-15650 Los Gatos Boulevard/S-22-008, M-22-002, U-22-005, and V-22-004 DATE: March 3, 2023 CONCLUSION (continued): a. Find the project is Categorically Exempt, pursuant to the adopted Guidelines for the Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act, Section 15332, Class 32: Infill (Exhibit 2); b. Make the required finding that the project meets the objective standards of Chapter 29 of the Town Code (Zoning Regulations) except the required number of parking spaces; c. Make the required findings as required by Section 29.10.09030 of the Town Code for granting approval of the demolition of existing structures (Exhibit 2); d. Make the required findings as required by Section 66474 of the Subdivision Map Act (Exhibit 2); e. Make the findings as required by Section 29.20.190 of the Town Code for granting approval of a CUP (Exhibit 2); f. Make the required findings as required by Section 29.20.170 of the Town Code for granting a Variance (Exhibit 2); g. Make the required finding that the project complies with the Commercial Design Guidelines (Exhibit 2); h. Make the required considerations as required by Section 29.20.150 of the Town Code for granting approval of an Architecture and Site application (Exhibit 2); and i. Approve Architecture and Site application S-22-008, Subdivision application M-22- 002, Conditional Use Permit application U-22-005, and Variance application V-22- 004 with the conditions contained in Exhibit 3 and Exhibit 4 and the development plans in Exhibit 16. 2. Continue the matter to a date certain with specific direction; or 3. Approve the applications with additional and/or modified conditions. EXHIBITS: 1. Location Map 2. Required Findings and Considerations 3. Recommended Conditions of Approval for the Architecture and Site, Subdivision, and Variance applications 4. Recommended Conditions of Approval for the Conditional Use Permit application 5. Project Description 6. Letter of Justification for Variance from Parking 7. Community Outreach by Applicant 8. Applicant’s Arborist Report #1 9. Consulting Arborist’s Peer Review Report #1 10. Applicant’s Arborist Report #2 11. Consulting Arborist’s Peer Review Report #2 PAGE 14 OF 14 SUBJECT: 15600-15650 Los Gatos Boulevard/S-22-008, M-22-002, U-22-005, and V-22-004 DATE: March 3, 2023 EXHIBITS (continued): 12. Applicant’s Arborist Report #3 13. Consulting Architect’s Report 14. Applicant’s Response to Consulting Architect’s Report 15. Environmental Consultant’s CEQA Categorial Exemption Memorandum 16. Development Plans 17. Public Comments received before 11:00 a.m., Friday, March 3, 2023 LOS GATOS BLCAM ELLI A T E CARLTON AVCHI R C O D RBENEDICT LNLOS GA T O S - A L M A D E N R D 15600-15650 Los Gatos Boulevard 0 0.250.125 Miles ° Update Notes: - Updated 12/20/17 to link to tlg-sql12 server data (sm) - Updated 11/22/19 adding centerpoint guides, Buildings layer, and Project Site leader with label - Updated 10/8/20 to add street centerlines which can be useful in the hillside area - Updated 02-19-21 to link to TLG-SQL17 database (sm) EXHIBIT 1 This Page Intentionally Left Blank PLANNING COMMISSION – March 8, 2023 REQUIRED FINDINGS & CONSIDERATIONS FOR: 15600-15650 Los Gatos Boulevard Architecture and Site Application S-22-008 Subdivision Application M-22-002 Conditional Use Permit Application U-22-005 Variance Application V-22-004 Requesting Approval for Construction of a New Commercial Building, a Formula Retail Business (Whole Foods) Greater Than 6,000 Square Feet, a Merger of Two Lots into One, a Variance from the Required Number of Parking Spaces, and the Removal of Large Protected Trees on Properties Zoned CH. APNs 424-14-028 and –036. Categorically Exempt Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15332: In-Fill Development Projects. PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: Steve Lynch, Sand Hill Property Company. PROJECT PLANNER: Jocelyn Shoopman. FINDINGS Required findings for CEQA: ■ The project is Categorically Exempt pursuant to the adopted Guidelines for the Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act, Section 15332: In-Fill development. Class 32 consists of projects characterized as in-fill development meeting the conditions described in this section. a) The project is consistent with the applicable general plan designation and all applicable general plan polices as well as with applicable designation and regulations. b) The proposed development occurs within Town limits on a project site of no more than five acres substantially surrounded by urban uses. c) The project site has no value as habitat for endangered or rare threatened species. d) Approval of the project would not result in any significant effects related to traffic, noise, air quality, or water quality. e) The site can be adequately served by all required utilities and public services. Required compliance with the Zoning Regulations: ■ The project meets the objective standards of Chapter 29 of the Town Code (Zoning Regulations) except the number of required parking spaces. EXHIBIT 2 Required finding for the demolition of existing structures: ■ As required by Section 29.10.09030(e) of the Town Code for the demolition of existing structures: 1. The Town's housing stock will be maintained as the demolition does not include any residential buildings. 2. The existing structure has no architectural or historical significance. 3. The property owner does not desire to maintain the structure as it exists. 4. The economic utility of the structure is diminished because of age. Required findings to deny a Subdivision application: ■ As required by Section 66474 of the State Subdivision Map Act the map shall be denied if any of the following findings are made: None of the findings could be made to deny the application. Instead, the Planning Commission makes the following affirmative findings: a. That the proposed map is consistent with all elements of the General Plan. b. That the design and improvement of the proposed subdivision is consistent with all elements of the General Plan. c. That the site is physically suitable for the type of d evelopment. d. That the site is physically suitable for the proposed density of development. e. That the design of the subdivision and the proposed improvements are not likely to cause substantial environmental damage nor substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat. f. That the design of the subdivision and type of improvements is not likely to cause serious public health problems. g. That the design of the subdivision and the type of improvements will not conflict with easements, acquired by the public at large, for access through or use of, property within the proposed subdivision. Required Findings for a Conditional Use Permit: ■ As required by Section 29.20.190 of the Town Code for granting a Conditional Use Permit: 1. The proposed uses of the property are essential or desirable to the public convenience or welfare in that it provides a retail option for residents and visitors; 2. The proposed uses will not impair the integrity and character of the zone since the grocery store use is located in a commercial zone and meet the development standards of the zone including setbacks, building height , and lot coverage; 3. The proposed uses would not be detrimental to public health, safety, or general welfare; and 4. The proposed uses of the property are in harmony with the various elements or objectives of the General Plan and the purposes of the Town Code. Required findings for granting a Variance application: ■ As required by Section 29.20.170 of the Town Code fo r granting a Variance application: (1) Because of special circumstances applicable to the property, including size, shape, topography, location or surroundings, the strict application of this ordinance deprives such property of privileges enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity and under identical zone; and (2) The granting of a variance does not constitute a grant of special privileges inconsistent with the limitations upon other properties in the vicinity and zone which such property is situated. Commercial Design Guidelines: ■ The proposed building is consistent with applicable provisions of the Commercial Design Guidelines. CONSIDERATIONS Considerations in review of Architecture and Site applications: ■ As required by Section 29.20.150 of the Town Code, the considerations in review of an Architecture and Site application were all made in reviewing this project . N:\DEV\FINDINGS\2023\LGB 15600-15650 - A&S, Subd, Variance Findings - PC 3-8-23.docx This Page Intentionally Left Blank PLANNING COMMISSION – March 8, 2023 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 15600-15650 Los Gatos Boulevard Architecture and Site Application S-22-008 Subdivision Application M-22-002 Variance Application V-22-004 Requesting Approval for Construction of a New Commercial Building, a Formula Retail Business (Whole Foods) Greater Than 6,000 Square Feet, a Merger of Two Lots into One, a Variance from the Required Number of Parking Spaces, and the Removal of Large Protected Trees on Properties Zoned CH. APNs 424-14-028 and –036. Categorically Exempt Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15332: In-Fill Development Projects. PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: Steve Lynch, Sand Hill Property Company. PROJECT PLANNER: Jocelyn Shoopman. TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: Planning Division 1. APPROVAL: This application shall be completed in accordance with all of the conditions of approval and in substantial compliance with the approved plans. Any changes or modifications to the approved plans shall be approved by the Community Development Director, DRC or the Planning Commission depending on the scope of the chan ges. 2. EXPIRATION: The approval will expire two years from the approval date pursuant to Section 29.20.320 of the Town Code, unless the approval has been vested. 3. OUTDOOR LIGHTING: Exterior lighting shall be kept to a minimum, and shall be down directed fixtures that will not reflect or encroach onto adjacent properties. No flood lights shall be used unless it can be demonstrated that they are needed for safety or security. 4. GENERAL: All existing trees shown on the plan and trees required to remain or to be planted are specific subjects of approval of this plan, and must remain on the site. 5. TREE REMOVAL PERMIT: A Tree Removal Permit shall be obtained for any Town- regulated trees to be removed, prior to the issuance of a building or grading permit. 6. ARBORIST REQUIREMENTS: The developer shall implement, at their cost, all recommendations identified in the Arborist report, dated December 21, 2022, on file in the Community Development Department. A Compliance Memorandum shall be prepared by the applicant and submitted with the building permit application detailing how the recommendations have or will be addressed. These recommendations must be incorporated in the building permit plans, and completed prior to issuance of a building permit where applicable. 7. TREE FENCING: Protective tree fencing shall be placed at the drip line of existing trees and shall remain through all phases of construction. Fencing shall be six-foot-high cyclone attached to two-inch diameter steel posts drive 18 inches into the ground and spaced no further than 10 feet apart. Include a tree protection fencing plan with the construction plans. Any trenching within the dripline of existing trees shall be hand dug. 8. REPLACEMENT TREES: New trees shall be planted to mitigate the loss of trees being removed. The number of trees and size of replacement trees shall be determined using the canopy replacement table in the Town Code. Town Code requires a minimum 24- inch box size replacement tree. No new trees planted on site shall have a trunk diameter of less than 1.5 inches. New trees shall be double staked with rubber ties and shall be planted prior to final inspection and issuance of occupancy permits. 9. WATER EFFICIENCY LANDSCAPE ORDINANCE: The final landscape plan, including landscape and irrigation plans and calculations, shall meet the Town of Los Gatos Water Conservation Ordinance or the State Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance, whichever is more restrictive. The final landscape plan shall be reviewed by the Town’s consultant prior to issuance of building permits. A review fee based on the current fee schedule adopted by the Town Council is required when working landscape and irrigation plans are submitted for review. 10. ROOFTOP EQUIPMENT: Any new or modified roof mounted equipment shall be fully screened and painted to match the roof material prior to issuance of an occupancy permit. 11. STORY POLES: The story poles on the project site shall be removed within 30 days of approval of the Architecture & Site application. 12. SIGN PERMIT: A Sign Permit from the Los Gatos Community Development Department must be obtained prior to any changes to existing signs or installation of new signs. 13. CONFORMANCE WITH CODE. No part of this approval shall be construed to permit a violation of any part of the Code of the Town of Los Gatos. 14. COMPLIANCE WITH LOCAL, STATE, and FEDERAL LAWS. The subject use shall be conducted in full compliance with all local, state, and federal laws. 15. TOWN INDEMNITY: Applicants are notified that Town Code Section 1.10.115 requires that any applicant who receives a permit or entitlement from the Town shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the Town and its officials in any action brought by a third party to overturn, set aside, or void the permit or entitlement. This requirement is a condition of approval of all such permits and entitlements whether or not expressly set forth in the approval, and may be secured to the satisfaction of the Town Attorney. 16. COMPLIANCE MEMEMORANDUM: A memorandum, in compliance with standard Town practice, shall be prepared and submitted with the building permit detailing how the conditions of approval will be addressed. Building Division 20. PERMITS REQUIRED: A Demolition Permit is required for the demolition of the existing commercial structure. A separate Building Permit is required for the construction of the new cold shell commercial structure. 21. APPLICABLE CODES: The current codes, as amended and adopted by the Town of Los Gatos as of January 1, 2023, are the 2022 California Building Standards Code, California Code of Regulations Title 24, Parts 1-12, including locally adopted Energy Reach Codes. 22. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: The Conditions of Approval must be blue lined in full on the cover sheet of the construction plans. A Compliance Memorandum shall be prepared and submitted with the building permit application detailing how the Conditions of Approval will be addressed. 23. BUILDING & SUITE NUMBERS: Submit requests for new building addresses to the Building Division prior to submitting for the building permit application process. 24. SIZE OF PLANS: Minimum size 24” x 36”, maximum size 30” x 42”. 25. REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPLETE DEMOLITION OF STRUCTURE: Obtain a Building Department Demolition Application and a Bay Area Air Quality Management District Application from the Building Department Service Counter. Once the demolition form has been completed, all signatures obtained, and written verif ication from PG&E that all utilities have been disconnected, return the completed form to the Building Department Service Counter with the Air District’s J# Certificate, PG&E verification, and three (3) sets of site plans showing all existing structures, existing utility service lines such as water, sewer, and PG&E. No demolition work shall be done without first obtaining a permit from the Town. 26. AIR QUALITY: To limit the project’s construction-related dust and criteria pollutant emissions, the following the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD)- recommended basic construction measures shall be included in the project’s grading plan, building plans, and contract specifications: a. Idling times shall be minimized either by shutting equipment off when not in use or reducing the maximum idling time to 2 minutes. Clear signage shall be provided for construction workers at all access points. b. All construction equipment shall be maintained and properly tuned in accordance with manufacturer’s specifications. All equipment shall be checked by a certified visible emissions evaluator. All non-road diesel construction equipment shall at a minimum meet Tier 3 emission standards listed in the Code of Federal Regulations Title 40, Part 89, Subpart B, §89.112. c. Developer shall designate an on-site field supervisor to provide written notification of construction schedule to adjacent residential property owners and tenants at least one week prior to commencement of demolition and one week prior to commencement of grading with a request that all windows remain closed during demolition, site grading, excavation, and building construction activities in order to minimize exposure to NOx and PM10. The on-site field supervisor shall monitor construction emission levels within five feet of the property line of the adjacent residences for NOx and PM10 using the appropriate air quality and/or particulate monitor. 27. SOILS REPORT: A Soils Report, prepared to the satisfaction of the Building Official, containing foundation and retaining wall design recommendations, shall be submitted with the Building Permit Application. This report shall be prepared by a licensed Civil Engineer specializing in soils mechanics. 28. SHORING: Shoring plans and calculations will be required for all excavations which exceed five (5) feet in depth, or which remove lateral support from any existing building, adjacent property, or the public right-of-way. Shoring plans and calculations shall be prepared by a California licensed engineer and shall confirm to the Cal/OSHA regulations. 29. FOUNDATION INSPECTIONS: A pad certificate prepared by a licensed civil engineer or land surveyor shall be submitted to the project Building Inspector at foundation inspection. This certificate shall certify compliance with the recommendations as specified in the Soils Report, and that the building pad elevations and on -site retaining wall locations and elevations have been prepared according to the approved plans. Horizontal and vertical controls shall be set and certified by a licensed surveyor or registered Civil Engineer for the following items: a. Building pad elevation b. Finish floor elevation c. Foundation corner locations d. Retaining wall(s) locations and elevations 30. TITLE 24 ENERGY COMPLIANCE: All required California Title 24 Energy Compliance Forms must be blue-lined (sticky-backed), i.e., directly printed, onto a plan sheet. 31. SITE ACCESSIBILITY: At least one accessible route within the boundary of the site shall be provided from public transportation stops, accessible parking and accessible passenger loading zones and public streets or sidewalks to the accessible building entrance that they serve. The accessible route shall, to the maximum extent feasible, coincide with the route for the general public. At least one accessible r oute shall connect all accessible buildings, facilities, elements and spaces that are on the same site. 32. ACCESSIBLE PARKING: The parking lots, as well as the parking structure, where parking is provided for the public as clients, guests or employees, shall provide accessible parking. Accessible parking spaces serving a particular building shall be located on the shortest accessible route of travel from adjacent parking to an accessible entrance. In buildings with multiple accessible entrances with adjacent parking, accessible parking spaces shall be dispersed and located closest to the accessible entrances. 33. BACKWATER VALVE: The scope of this project may require the installation of a sanitary sewer backwater valve per Town Ordinance 6.50.025. Please provide information on the plans if a backwater valve is required and the location of the installation. The Town of Los Gatos Ordinance and West Valley Sanitation District (WVSD) requires backwater valves on drainage piping serving fixtures that have flood level rims less than 12 inches above the elevation of the next upstream manhole. 34. HAZARDOUS FIRE ZONE: All projects in the Town of Los Gatos require Class A roof assemblies. 35. SPECIAL INSPECTIONS: When a special inspection is required by CBC Section 1704, the Architect or Engineer of Record shall prepare an inspection program that shall be submitted to the Building Official for approval prior to issuance of the Building Permit. The Town Special Inspection form must be completely filled-out and signed by all requested parties prior to permit issuance. Special Inspection forms are available online at www.losgatosca.gov/building. 36. BLUEPRINT FOR A CLEAN BAY SHEET: The Town standard Santa Clara Valley Nonpoint Source Pollution Control Program Sheet (page size same as submitted drawings) shall be part of the plan submittal as the second page. The specification sheet is available online at www.losgatosca.gov/building. 37. APPROVALS REQUIRED: The project requires the following departments and agencies approval before issuing a building permit: a. Community Development – Planning Division: (408) 354-6874 b. Engineering/Parks & Public Works Department: (408) 399-5771 c. Santa Clara County Fire Department: (408) 378-4010 d. West Valley Sanitation District: (408) 378-2407 e. Local School District: The Town will forward the paperwork to the appropriate school district(s) for processing. A copy of the paid receipt is required prior to permit issuance. TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND PUBLIC WORKS: Engineering Division 38. GENERAL: All public improvements shall be made according to the latest adopted Town Standard Plans, Standard Specifications and Engineering Design Standards. All work shall conform to the applicable Town ordinances. The adjacent public right -of-way shall be kept clear of all job-related mud, silt, concrete, dirt and other construction debris at the end of the day. Dirt and debris shall not be washed into storm drainage facilities. The storing of goods and materials on the sidewalk and/or the street will not be allowed unless an encroachment permit is issued by the Engineering Division of the Parks and Public Works Department. The Owner, Applicant and/or Developer's representative in charge shall be at the job site during all working hours. Failure to maintain the public right-of-way according to this condition may result in the issuance of correction notices, citations, or stop work orders and the Town performing the required maintenance at the Owner, Applicant and/or Developer's expense. 39. APPROVAL: This application shall be completed in accordance with all the conditions of approval listed below and in substantial compliance with the latest reviewed and approved development plans. Any changes or modifications to the approved plans or conditions of approvals shall be approved by the Town Engineer. 40. CONSTRUCTION PLAN REQUIREMENTS: Construction drawings shall comply with Section 1 (Construction Plan Requirements) of the Town’s Engineering Design Standards, which are available for download from the Town’s website. 41. LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT: The Developer shall enter into a Landscape Maintenance Agreement with the Town of Los Gatos in which the Developer agrees to maintain the vegetated areas along the project’s Los Gatos Boulevard and Los Gatos- Almaden Road frontage located within the public right -of-way. The agreement must be completed and accepted by the Town Attorney prior to the issuance of any encroachment, grading or building permits. 42. PERMIT ISSUANCE: Permits for each phase; reclamation, landscape, and grading, shall be issued simultaneously. RIGHT-OF-WAY: 43. ENCROACHMENT PERMIT: All work in the public right-of-way will require a Construction Encroachment Permit. All work over $5,000 will require construction security. It is the responsibility of the Owner/Applicant/Developer to obtain any necessary encroachment permits from affected agencies and private parties, including but not limited to, Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E), AT&T, Comcast, Santa Clara Valley Water District, California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). Copies of any approvals or permits must be submitted to the Town Engineering Division of the Parks and Public Works Department prior to releasing any permit. 44. RESTORATION OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS: The Owner, Applicant and/or Developer or their representative shall repair or replace all existing improvements not designated for removal that are damaged or removed because of the Owner, Applicant and/or Developer or their representative's operations. Improvements such as, but not limited to: curbs, gutters, sidewalks, driveways, signs, pavements, raised pavement markers, thermoplastic pavement markings, etc., shall be repaired and replaced to a condition equal to or better than the original condition. Any new concrete shall be free of stamps, logos, names, graffiti, etc. Any concrete identified that is displaying a stamp or equal shall be removed and replaced at the Contractor’s sole expense and no additional compensation shall be allowed therefore. Existing improvement to be repaired or replaced shall be at the direction of the Engineering Construction Inspector and shall comply with all Title 24 Disabled Access provisions. The restoration of all improvements identified by the Engineering Construction Inspector shall be completed before the issuance of a certificate of occupancy. The Owner, Applicant and/or Developer or their representative shall request a walk-through with the Engineering Construction Inspector before the start of construction to verify existing conditions. 45. STREET/SIDEWALK CLOSURE: Any proposed blockage or partial closure of the street and/or sidewalk requires an encroachment permit. Special provisions such as limitations on works hours, protective enclosures, or other means to facilitate public access in a safe manner may be required. 46. DRIVEWAY APPROACH: The Owner, Applicant and/or Developer shall install two (2) Town standard commercial driveway approaches. The new driveway approaches shall be constructed per Town Standard Plans and must be completed and accepted by the Town before a Certificate of Occupancy for any new building can be issued. New concrete shall be free of stamps, logos, names, graffiti, etc. Any concrete identified that is displaying a stamp or equal shall be removed and replaced at the Contractor’s sole expense and no additional compensation shall be allowed therefore. 47. DRIVEWAY: The driveway conform to existing pavement on both Los Gatos Boulevard and Los Gatos-Almaden Road shall be constructed in a manner such that the existing drainage patterns will not be obstructed. 48. SIDEWALK: Consistent with 2040 General Plan policy MOB-4.3, sidewalks between eight and ten feet in width are required in commercial and mixed -use areas to allow shared use by pedestrians and non-motorized modes of transportation. 49. CURB RAMP: The Owner, Applicant and/or Developer shall construct one (1) curb ramp in compliance with ADA Standards which must be completed and accepted by the Town before a Certificate of Occupancy for any new building can be issued. New concrete shall be free of stamps, logos, names, graffiti, etc. Any concrete identified that is displaying a stamp or equal shall be removed and replaced at the Contractor’s sole expense and no additional compensation shall be allowed therefore. 50. PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS: The following improvements shall be installed by the Developer. Plans for those improvements shall be prepared b y a California registered civil engineer, reviewed and approved by the Town, and guaranteed by contract, Faithful Performance Security and Labor & Materials Security before the issuance of any grading or building permits or the recordation of a map. Plans for the improvements must be approved by the Town prior to the issuance of any grading or building permits. The improvements must be completed and accepted by the Town before a Certificate of Occupancy for any new building can be issued unless otherwise allowed by the Town Engineer. a. Intersection of Los Gatos Boulevard/ Los Gatos Almaden Road/Chirco: i. Construct a second southbound left turn lane from Los Gatos Boulevard to Los Gatos Almaden. Construct a second receiving lane for eastbound Los Gatos Almaden east of Los Gatos Boulevard. Plans shall be prepared by developer’s design consultants and submitted to Town Engineer for approval prior to construction. Applicant is required to designate necessary right of way for the required widening. ii. Re-stripe eastbound Los Gatos Almaden to provide a minimum of two-car storage left turn lane for entering the project site. Re-stripe to provide a left turn lane and a shared through/right turn lane for northbound Peach Blossom Lane. iii. Remove the westbound free right-turn and pork-chop island as included in the 2020 Update of the Los Gatos Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan (see Table 4.4, Pedestrian Improvement Projects Part 1, project number P5). Construct a separate right-turn lane and make signal modifications as required. iv. Consider, with examination by the required traffic impact analysis, the removal of the northbound free right-turn as included in the 2020 Update of the Los Gatos Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan (see Table 4.4, Pedestrian Improvement Projects Part 1, project number P5). v. BUS STOP: The developer shall provide a new City standard bench to replace the existing VTA bench and other transit related improvements in compliance with current VTA standards, including moving the existing bus stop closer to the marked crosswalk, as determined by the Town Engineer. vi. Modernize and update the signalized intersection as required and/or as recommended by the traffic impact analysis. b. Los Gatos Boulevard: i. Curb, gutter, sidewalk, street lights, signing, striping, storm drainage, and sanitary sewers, as required. ii. Provide a 2-inch grind and overlay from centerline to the lip of gutter/edge of pavement on the project (eastern) side, or alternative pavement rehabilitation measures as approved by the Town Engineer. iii. Concurrent with the 2020 Update of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan, reserve width for a future Class IV bikeway lane along the property frontage as directed by the Town Engineer (see Table 4.2, Connect Los Gatos Prioritized Projects, section 4.2b, project number 11). iv. A traffic-appropriate engineered structural pavement section for the areas needed and affected by elimination of the free right turn. c. Los Gatos-Almaden Road: i. Curb, gutter, sidewalk, street lights, signing, striping, storm drainage, and sanitary sewers, as required. ii. A traffic-appropriate engineered structural pavement section for the areas needed and affected by elimination of the free right turn. 51. TRENCHING MORATORIUM: Trenching within a newly paved street will be allowed subject to the following requirements: a. The Town standard “T” trench detail shall be used. b. A Town-approved colored controlled density backfill shall be used. c. All necessary utility trenches and related pavement cuts shall be consolidated to minimize the impacted area of the roadway. d. The total asphalt thickness shall be a minimum of three (3) inches, meet Town standards, or shall match the existing thickness, whichever is greater. The final lift shall be 1.5-inches of one-half (½) inch medium asphalt. The initial lift(s) shall be of three-quarter (¾) inch medium asphalt. e. The Contractor shall schedule a pre-paving meeting with the Town Engineering Construction Inspector the day the paving is to take place. f. A slurry seal topping may be required by the construction inspector depending their assessment of the quality of the trench paving. If required, the slurry seal shall extend the full width of the street and shall extend five (5) feet beyond the longitudinal limits of trenching. Slurry seal materials shall be approved by the Town Engineering Construction Inspector prior to placement. Black sand may be required in the slurry mix. All existing striping and pavement markings shall be replaced upon completion of slurry seal operations. All pavement restorations shall be completed and approved by the Inspector before occupancy. 52. SIGHT TRIANGLE AND TRAFFIC VIEW AREA: Any proposed improvements, including but not limiting to trees and hedges, will need to abide by Town Code Sections 23.10.080, 26.10.065, and 29.40.030. 53. GREEN BICYCLE FACILITIES: The Owner, Applicant and/or Developer shall install green bike lanes and bike boxes in directions of improved streets and intersections as directed by the Town Engineer. The improvements must be completed and accepted by the Town before a Certificate of Occupancy for any new building can be issued. 54. FRONTAGE IMPROVEMENTS: The Developer shall be required to improve the project’s public frontage (right-of-way line to centerline and/or to limits per the direction of the Town Engineer) to current Town Standards. These improvements may include but not limited to curb, gutter, sidewalk, driveway approaches, curb ramp, signs, pavement, raised pavement markers, thermoplastic pavement markings, storm drain facilities, traffic signals, street lighting (upgrade and/or repaint) etc. Plans for the improvements must be approved by the Town prior to the issuance of any grading or building permits. The improvements must be completed and accepted by the Town before the issuance of any grading or building permits unless otherwise allowed by the Town Engineer. 55. GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE MEASURES: Projects which propose work within the Town’s right-of-way, including but not limited to pavement restoration, street widening, construction of curb, gutter and/or sidewalk, right-of-way dedication, etc., will be evaluated by Staff to determine its potential for the implementation of Green Infrastructure measures and associated improvements. 56. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY: The Engineering Division of the Parks and Public Works Department will not sign off on a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy or a Final Certificate of Occupancy until all required improvements within the Town’s right -of-way have been completed and approved by the Town. 57. IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT: The Owner, Applicant and/or Developer shall enter into an agreement to construct public improvements in accordance with Town Code Section 24.40.020. The Owner, Applicant and/or Developer shall supply suitable securities for all public improvements that are part of the development in a form acceptable to the Town in the amount of 100% performance and 100% labor and materials prior to the issuance of any encroachment, grading or building permit. The Owner, Applicant and/or Developer shall provide two (2) copies of documents verifying the cost of the public improvements to the satisfaction of the Engineering Division of the Parks and Public Works Department. An electronic copy (PDF) of the executed agreement shall be submitted to the Engineering Division of the Parks and Public Works Department prior to the issuance of any encroachment, grading or building permit. 58. GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE: The property owner shall provide proof of insurance to the Town on a yearly basis. In addition to general coverage, the policy must cover all elements encroaching into the Town’s right-of-way. 59. PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTIONS: The Owner, Applicant and/or Developer or their representative shall notify the Engineering Inspector at least twenty -four (24) hours before starting any work pertaining to on-site drainage facilities, grading or paving, and all work in the Town's right-of-way. Failure to do so will result in penalties and rejection of any work that occurred without inspection. GRADING PERMIT: 60. PLAN CHECK FEES: Plan check fees associated with the Grading Permit shall be deposited with the Engineering Division of the Parks and Public Works Department prior to the commencement of plan check review. 61. GRADING PERMIT FEES: All fees associated with the grading permit shall be deposited with the Engineering Division of the Parks and Public Works Department prior to the issuance of a grading permit. 62. GRADING PERMIT: A grading permit is required for all site grading and drainage work except for exemptions listed in Section 12.20.015 of The Code of the Town of Los Gatos (Grading Ordinance). After the preceding Architecture and Site Application has been approved by the respective deciding body, the grading permit application (with grading plans and associated required materials and plan check fees) shall be made to the Engineering Division of the Parks and Public Works Department located at 41 Miles Avenue. The grading plans shall include final grading, drainage, retaining wall location(s), driveway, utilities and interim erosion control. Grading plans shall list earthwork quantities and a table of existing and proposed impervious areas. Unless specifically allowed by the Director of Parks and Public Works, the grading permit will be issued concurrently with the building permit. The grading permit is for work outside the building footprint(s). Prior to Engineering signing off and closing out on the issued grading permit, the Owner/Applicant/Developer’s soils engineer shall verify, with a stamped and signed letter, that the grading activities were completed per plans and per the requirements as noted in the soils report. A separate building permit, issued by the Building Department, located at 110 E. Main Street, is needed for grading within the building footprint. 63. DESIGN CHANGES: Any proposed changes to the approved plans shall be subject to the approval of the Town prior to the commencement of any and all altered work. The Owner, Applicant and/or Developer’s project engineer shall notify, in writing, the Town Engineer at least seventy-two (72) hours in advance of all the proposed changes. Any approved changes shall be incorporated into the final “as -built” plans. 64. PLANS AND STUDIES: All required plans and studies shall be prepared by a Registered Professional Engineer in the State of California and submitted to the Town Engineer for review and approval. Additionally, any post-project traffic or parking counts, or other studies imposed by the Planning Commission or Town Council shall be funded by the Owner, Applicant and/or Developer. 65. PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING: Prior to issuance of any grading or building permits, the general contractor shall: a. Along with the Owner, Applicant and/or Developer, attend a pre-construction meeting with the Town Engineer to discuss the project conditions of approval, working hours, site maintenance and other construction matters; b. Acknowledge in writing that they have read and understand the project conditions of approval and will make certain that all project sub-contractors have read and understand them as well prior to commencing any work, and that a copy of the project conditions of approval will be posted on-site at all times during construction. MAPS: 66. GENERAL: The Owner, Applicant and/or Developer shall comply with all Town, County, State and Federal laws and regulations applicable to this land division. No other proposed development is included in this particular application of the lot merger. Issuance of a lot merger will acknowledge the Town’s acceptance of the parcel as legally created in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act. Any subsequent development will be required to demonstrate compliance with the Town Development Standards and Codes. 67. CERTIFICATE OF LOT MERGER: A Certificate of Lot Merger shall be recorded. Two (2) copies of the legal description for exterior boundary of the merged parcel and a plat map (8-½ in. X 11 in.) shall be submitted to the Engineering Division of the Parks and Public Works Department for review and approval. The submittal shall include closure calculations, title reports less than ninety (90) days old and the appropriate fee. The certificate shall be recorded prior to the issuance of any grading or building permits. 68. DEDICATIONS: The following shall be dedicated by separate instrument. The dedication shall be recorded before any grading or building permits are issued: a. Public Sidewalk Easement: Ten (10) feet wide, next to the Los Gatos Boulevard and Los Gatos-Almaden Road right-of-way. b. Public Service Easement (PSE): Ten (10) feet wide, next to the Los Gatos Boulevard and Los Gatos-Almaden Road right-of-way. GEOLOGICAL AND GEOLOGY: 69. SOILS REPORT: One electronic copy (PDF) of the soils and geologic report shall be submitted with the application. The soils report shall include specific criteria and standards governing site grading, drainage, pavement design, retaining wall design, and erosion control. The reports shall be signed and "wet stamped" by the engineer or geologist, in conformance with Section 6735 of the California Business and Professions Code. 70. SOILS REVIEW: Prior to Town approval of a development application, the Owner, Applicant and/or Developer’s engineers shall prepare and submit a design-level geotechnical and geological investigation for review by the Town’s consultant, with costs borne by the Owner, Applicant and/or Developer, and subsequent approval by the Town. The Owner, Applicant and/or Developer’s soils engineer shall review the final grading and drainage plans to ensure that designs for foundations, retaining walls, site grading, and site drainage are in accordance with their recommendations and the peer review comments. Approval of the Owner, Applicant and/or Developer’s soils engineer shall then be conveyed to the Town either by submitting a Plan Review Letter prior to issuance of grading or building permit(s). 71. SOIL RECOMMENDATIONS: The project shall incorporate the geotechnical/geological recommendations contained in the project’s design-level geotechnical/geological investigation as prepared by the Owner, Applicant and/or Developer’s engineer(s), and any subsequently required report or addendum. Subsequent reports or addendum are subject to peer review by the Town’s consultant and costs shall be borne by the Owner, Applicant and/or Developer. UTILITIES: 72. WATER METER: All water meters shall be relocated within the property in question, directly behind the public right-of-way line. The Owner, Applicant and/or Developer shall repair and replace to existing Town standards any portion of concrete flatwork within said right-of-way that is damaged during this activity prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy. 73. SANITARY SEWER CLEANOUT: A sanitary sewer cleanout shall be located within the property in question, within one (1) foot of the property line per West Valley Sanitation District Standard Drawing 3, or at a location specified by the Town. 74. PARKING LOTS: Parking lots and other impervious areas shall b e designed to drain stormwater runoff to vegetated drainage swales, filter strips, and/or other Low Impact Development (LID) treatment devices that can be integrated into required landscaping areas and traffic islands prior to discharge into the storm drai n system and/or public right-of-way. The amount of impervious area associated with parking lots shall be minimized by utilizing design features such as providing compact car spaces, reducing stall dimensions, incorporating efficient parking lanes, using p ermeable pavement where feasible, and adhering to the Town’s Parking Development Standards. The use of permeable paving for parking surfaces is encouraged to reduce runoff from the site. Such paving shall meet Santa Clara County Fire Department requirements and be structurally appropriate for the location. 75. UTILITIES: The Owner, Applicant and/or Developer shall install all new, relocated, or temporarily removed utility services, including telephone, electric power and all other communications lines underground, as required by Town Code Section 27.50.015(b). All new utility services shall be placed underground. Underground conduit shall be provided for cable television service. The Owner, Applicant and/or Developer is required to obtain approval of all proposed utility alignments from any and all utility service providers before a Certificate of Occupancy for any new building can be issued. The Town of Los Gatos does not approve or imply approval for final alignment or design of these facilities. TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION: 76. FRONTAGE IMPROVEMENTS (TRAFFIC): The Developer shall construct improvements including and may not be limited to signage, striping, curb/gutter/sidewalk, ADA ramps, pedestrian crosswalk, street lights, and traffic signal(s) at project frontage as directed by the Town Engineer. Plans for the improvements must be approved by the Town prior to the issuance of any grading or building permits. The improvements must be completed and accepted by the Town before the issuance of any grading or building permits unless otherwise allowed by the Town Engineer. 77. FRONTAGE IMPROVEMENTS (SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION): The Developer shall upgrade existing traffic signal(s) to current Town standards including, and may not be limited to, all signal indication to LEDs, non-ADA compliant pedestrian pushbuttons to ADA compliant pushbuttons, eight (8) inch signal heads to twelve (12) inch, pedestrian signals to solid pedestrian count down signals, and installation of video detection devices, as applicable. In addition, if applicable, the Owner, Applicant and/or Developer shall install fiber optic connection from controller cabinet to the fiber optic splice enclosure at the intersection, and necessary fiber modem and camera switches for the signal controller and video detection system in the controller cabinet. Plans for the improvements must be approved by the Town prior to the issuance of any grading or building permits. The improvements must be completed and accepted by the Town before the issuance of any grading or building permits unless otherwise allowed by the Town Engineer. 78. FRONTAGE IMPROVEMENTS (STREET LIGHTS): The Developer shall replace existing street light fixture with LED light fixture and re -paint existing street light pole. Plans for the improvements must be approved by the Town prior to the issuance of any grading or building permits. The improvements must be completed and accepted by th e Town before the issuance of any grading or building permits unless otherwise allowed by the Town Engineer. 79. TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENTS (OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENT): Traffic improvements may be required as determined by traffic study. Construct off -site improvements as required. Plans shall be prepared by the Developer’s design consultants and submitted to the Town Engineer for approval prior to construction. Plans for the improvements must be approved by the Town prior to the issuance of any grading or building permits. The improvements must be completed and accepted by the Town before the issuance of any grading or building permits unless otherwise allowed by the Town Engineer. 80. STREET LIGHTS AND TRAFFIC SIGNAL INSPECTION FEES: The Owner, Applicant and/or Developer shall pay for the Town’s inspection of street lights and traffic signal-related work installed by the Developer. The fees, the amount of which will be determined after review if the traffic analysis has been completed, shall be due at time of building permit application. 81. TRAFFIC SIGNAL MODIFICATION PLAN: A Traffic Signal Modification Plan is required and must be submitted and approved prior to issuance of any work in the public right -of- way. This plan shall be prepared by a licensed traffic engineer, rev iewed and approved by the Town before the issuance of any grading or building permits. 82. TRANSPORTATION DEMAND MANAGEMENT PLAN (TDM): The Owner, Applicant and/or Developer shall prepare a Transportation Demand Management Plan for the Town of Los Gatos approval prior to the issuance of any building permit. The TDM shall include the measures such as bicycle facility provisions, shower facilities, local shuttle service, transit passes and subsidies, carpool incentive, designated car share parking, and other measures that may be required by the Town Engineer to obtain a goal of a 15% vehicle trip reduction. The TDM shall also include a TDM Coordinator and identify the requirement for an annual TDM effectiveness report to the Town of Los Gatos. 83. TRAFFIC STUDY: Any development of land use that generates greater traffic impacts than those assumed in the traffic study report may require an updated traffic study in accordance with the Town’s traffic impact policy. 84. TRAFFIC IMPACT MITIGATION FEE: Prior to the issuance of any building or grading permits, the Owner/Applicant/Developer shall pay the project's proportional share of transportation improvements needed to serve cumulative development within the Town of Los Gatos. The fee amount will be based upon the Town Council resolution in effect at the time the building permit is issued. The fee shall be paid before to recordation of the lot merger document. The final traffic impact mitigation fee for this project shall be calculated from the final plans using the current fee schedule and rate schedule in effect at the time, using a comparison between the existing and proposed uses. 85. INTERSECTION IMPACT FEES (LOS GATOS BOULEVARD / LOS GATOS ALMADEN ROAD): The Owner, Applicant and/or Developer shall pay a fair share contribu tion toward the improvement of intersection for mitigation of project impact, as applicable. This fee, the amount of which will be determined after review if the traffic analysis has been completed, shall be paid before the issuance of any grading or bui lding permit. 86. CONSTRUCTION VEHICLE PARKING: No construction vehicles, trucks, equipment and worker vehicles shall be allowed to park on the portion of any public (Town) streets without written approval from the Town Engineer. 87. TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN: A traffic control plan is required and must be submitted and approved by the Town Engineer prior to the issuance of an encroachment, grading or building permit. This plan shall include, but not be limited to, the following measures: a. Construction activities shall be strategically timed and coordinated to minimize traffic disruption for schools, residents, businesses, special events, and other projects in the area. The schools located on the haul route shall be contacted to help with the coordination of the truckin g operation to minimize traffic disruption. b. Flag persons shall be placed at locations necessary to control one-way traffic flow. All flag persons shall have the capability of communicating with each other to coordinate the operation. c. Prior to construction, advance notification of all affected residents and emergency services shall be made regarding one-way operation, specifying dates and hours of operation. 88. CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL: All construction traffic and related vehicular routes, traffic control plan, and applicable pedestrian or traffic detour plans shall be submitted for review and approval by the Town Engineer prior to the issuance of an encroachment, grading or building permit. 89. ADVANCE NOTIFICATION: Advance notification of all affected residents and emergency services shall be made regarding parking restriction, lane closure or road closure, with specification of dates and hours of operation. CONSTRUCTION: 90. SITE SUPERVISION: The General Contractor shall provide qualified supervision on the job site at all times during construction . 91. HAULING OF SOIL: Hauling of soil on- or off-site shall not occur during the morning or evening peak periods (between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. and between 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.), and at other times as specified by the Director of Parks and Public Works. Prior to the issuance of an encroachment, grading or building permit, the Developer or their representative shall work with the Town Building Department and Engineering Division Inspectors to devise a traffic control plan to ensure safe and efficient traffic flow under periods when soil is hauled on or off the project site. This may include, but is not limited to provisions for the Developer to place construction notification signs noting the dates and time of construction and hauling activities, or providing additional traffic control. Coordination with other significant projects in the area may also be required. Cover all trucks hauling soil, sand and other loose debris. 92. CONSTRUCTION HOURS: All construction activities, including the delivery of construction materials, labors, heavy equipment, supplies, etc., shall be limited to the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., weekdays and 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Saturdays, holidays excluded. The Town may authorize, on a case-by-case basis, alternate construction hours. The Owner, Applicant and/or Developer shall provide written notice twenty-four (24) hours in advance of modified construction hours. Approval of this request is at discretion of the Town. 93. CONSTRUCTION NOISE: Between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., weekdays and 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. weekends and holidays, construction, alteration or repair activities shall be allowed. No individual piece of equipment shall produce a noise level exceeding eighty-five (85) dBA at twenty-five (25) feet from the source. If the device is located within a structure on the property, the measurement shall be made at distances as close to twenty-five (25) feet from the device as possible. The noise level at any point outside of the property plane shall not exceed eighty-five (85) dBA. 94. CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT PLAN SHEET: Prior to the issuance of any encroachment, grading or building permits, the Developer’s design consultant shall submit a construction management plan sheet (full-size) within the plan set that shall incorporate at a minimum the Earth Movement Plan, Traffic Control Plan, Project Schedule, site security fencing, employee parking, construction staging area, materials storage area(s), construction trailer(s), concrete washout(s) and proposed outhouse locations. Please refer to the Town’s Construction Management Plan Guidelines document for additional information. 95. DUST CONTROL: Blowing dust shall be reduced by timing construction activities so that paving and building construction begin as soon as possible after completion of grading, and by landscaping disturbed soils as soon as possible. Further, water trucks shall be present and in use at the construction site. All portions of the site subject to blowing dust shall be watered as often as deemed necessary by the Town, or a minimum of three (3) times daily, or apply (non-toxic) soil stabilizers on all unpaved access roads, parking areas, and staging areas at construction sites in order to insure proper control of blowing dust for the duration of the project. Watering on public streets sh all not occur. Streets shall be cleaned by street sweepers or by hand as often as deemed necessary by the Town Engineer, or at least once a day. Watering associated with on -site construction activity shall take place between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. and shall include at least one (1) late-afternoon watering to minimize the effects of blowing dust. All public streets soiled or littered due to this construction activity shall be cleaned and swept on a daily basis during the workweek to the satisfaction of the Town. Demolition or earthwork activities shall be halted when wind speeds (instantaneous gusts) exceed twenty (20) miles per hour (MPH). All trucks hauling soil, sand, or other loose debris shall be covered. 96. AIR QUALITY: To limit the project’s construction-related dust and criteria pollutant emissions, the following the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD)- recommended basic construction measures shall be included in the project’s grading plan, building plans, and contract specifications: a. All exposed surfaces (e.g., parking areas, staging areas, soil piles, graded areas, and unpaved access roads) shall be watered two times per day, or otherwise kept dust - free. b. All haul trucks designated for removal of excavated soil and demolition debris from site shall be staged off-site until materials are ready for immediate loading and removal from site. c. All haul trucks transporting soil, sand, debris, or other loose material off -site shall be covered. d. As practicable, all haul trucks and other large construction equipment shall be staged in areas away from the adjacent residential homes. e. All visible mud or dirt track-out onto adjacent public roads shall be removed using wet power vacuum street sweepers at least once per day, or as deemed appropriate by Town Engineer. The use of dry power sweeping is prohibited. An on-site track- out control device is also recommended to minimize mud and dirt-track-out onto adjacent public roads. f. All vehicle speeds on unpaved surfaces shall be limited to fifteen (15) miles per hour. g. All driveways and sidewalks to be paved shall be completed as soon as possible. Building pads shall be laid as soon as possible after grading unless seeding or soil binders are used. h. Post a publicly visible sign with the telephone number and person to contact at the lead agency regarding dust complaints. This person shall respond and take corrective action within forty-eight (48) hours. The Air District’s phone number shall also be visible to ensure compliance with applicable regulations. Please provide the BAAQMD’s complaint number on the sign: 24-hour toll-free hotline at 1-800-334- ODOR (6367). i. All excavation, grading, and/or demolition activities shall be suspended when average wind speeds exceed twenty (20) miles per hour. j. Vegetative ground cover (e.g., fast-germinating native grass seed) shall be planted in disturbed areas as soon as possible and watered appropriately until vegetation is established. 97. SILT AND MUD IN PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY: It is the responsibility of Contractor and homeowner to make sure that all dirt tracked into the public right-of-way is cleaned up on a daily basis. Mud, silt, concrete and other construction debris SHALL NOT be washed into the Town’s storm drains. 98. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING: Good housekeeping practices shall be observed at all times during the course of construction. All construction shall be diligently supervised by a person or persons authorized to do so at all times during working hours. The Owner, Applicant and/or Developer's representative in charge sha ll be at the job site during all working hours. Failure to maintain the public right-of-way according to this condition may result in penalties and/or the Town performing the required maintenance at the Owner, Applicant and/or Developer's expense. 99. NEIGHBORHOOD CONSTRUCTION COMMUNICATION PLAN: Prior to the issuance of an encroachment, or grading or building permit, the Developer shall initiate a weekly neighborhood email notification program to provide project status updates. The email notices shall also be posted on a bulletin board placed in a prominent location along the project perimeter. 100. COVERED TRUCKS: All trucks transporting materials to and from the site shall be covered. STORMWATER: 101. DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENT: Prior to the recordation of lot merger (except maps for financing and conveyance purposes only) or prior to the issuance of any grading/improvement permits, whichever comes first, the Owner, Applicant and/or Developer shall: a) design provisions for surface drainage; and b) design all necessary storm drain facilities extending to a satisfactory point of disposal for the proper control and disposal of storm runoff; and c) provide a recorded copy of any required easements to the Town. 102. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT: Construction activities including but not limited to clearing, stockpiling, grading or excavation of land, which disturbs one (1) acre or more which are part of a larger common plan of development which disturbs less than one (1) acre are required to obtain coverage under the construction general permit with the State Water Resources Control Board. The Owner, Applicant and/or Developer is required to provide proof of WDID# and keep a current copy of the storm water pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) on the construction site and shall be made available to the Town of Los Gatos Engineering Division of the Parks and Public Works Department and/or Building Department upon request. 103. BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMPs): The Owner, Applicant and/or Developer is responsible for ensuring that all contractors are aware of all storm water quality measures and that such measures are implemented. Best Management Practices (BMPs) shall be maintained and be placed for all areas that have been graded or disturbed and for all material, equipment and/or operations that need protection. Removal of BMPs (temporary removal during construction activities) shall be replaced at the end of each working day. Failure to comply with the construction BMP will result in the issuance of correction notices, citation s, or stop work orders. 104. STORMWATER DEVELOPMENT RUNOFF: All new development and redevelopment projects are subject to the stormwater development runoff requirements. Every Owner, Applicant and/or Developer or their design consultant shall submit a stormwat er control plan and implement conditions of approval that reduce stormwater pollutant discharges through the construction, operation and maintenance of treatment measures and other appropriate source control and site design measures. Increases in runoff vo lume and flows shall be managed in accordance with the development runoff requirements. 105. REGULATED PROJECT: The project is classified as a Regulated Project per Provision C.3.b.ii. and is required to implement LID source control, site design, and stormwater treatment on-site in accordance with Provisions C.3.c. and C.3.d.. 106. STATE CONSTRUCTION GENERAL PERMIT: The filing of a Notice of Intent (NOI) and submittal of a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) to the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board as part of a State Construction General Permit is required. These items shall all be completed and accepted by the Engineering Division before issuance of a grading or building permit. 107. SITE DESIGN MEASURES: All projects shall incorporate at least one of the following measures: a. Protect sensitive areas and minimize changes to the natural topography. b. Minimize impervious surface areas. c. Direct roof downspouts to vegetated areas. d. Use porous or pervious pavement surfaces on the driveway, at a minimum. e. Use landscaping to treat stormwater. 108. BIORETENTION SYSTEM: The bioretention systems shall be designed to have a surface area no smaller than what is required to accommodate a 5 inches/hour stormwater runoff surface loading rate, infiltrate runoff through bioretention soil media at a minimum of 5 inches per hour, and maximize infiltration to the native soil during the life of the project. The soil media for bioretention systems shall be designed to sustain healthy, vigorous plant growth and maximize stormwater runoff retention and pollutant removal. Bioretention soil media that meets the minimum specifications set forth in Attachment L of Order No. R2-2009-0074, dated November 28, 2011, shall be used. 109. EROSION CONTROL: Interim and final erosion control plans shall be prepared and submitted to the Engineering Division of the Parks and Public Works Department. A Notice of Intent (NOI) and Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) shall be submitted to the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Bo ard for projects disturbing more than one (1) acre. A maximum of two (2) weeks is allowed between clearing of an area and stabilizing/building on an area if grading is allowed during the rainy season. Interim erosion control measures, to be carried out during construction and before installation of the final landscaping, shall be included. Interim erosion control method shall include, but are not limited to: silt fences, fiber rolls (with locations and details), erosion control blankets, Town standard seeding specification, filter berms, check dams, retention basins, etc. Provide erosion control measures as needed to protect downstream water quality during winter months. The grading, drainage, erosion control plans and SWPPP shall be in compliance with applicable measures contained in the amended provisions C.3 and C.14 of most current Santa Clara County National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Municipal Regional Permit (MRP). Monitoring for erosion and sediment control is required and sh all be performed by the Qualified SWPPP Developer (QSD) or Qualified SWPPP Practitioner (QSP) as required by the Construction General Permit. Stormwater samples are required for all discharge locations and projects may not exceed limits set forth by the C onstruction General Permit Numeric Action Levels and/or Numeric Effluent Levels. A Rain Event Action Plan (REAP) must be developed forty-eight (48) hours prior to any likely precipitation even, defined by a fifty (50) percent or greater probability as det ermined by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and/or whenever rain is imminent. The QSD or QSP must print and save records of the precipitation forecast for the project location area from (http://www.srh.noaa.gov/forecast) which must accompany monitoring reports and sampling test data. A rain gauge is required on -site. The Town of Los Gatos Engineering Division of the Parks and Public Works Departmen t and the Building Department will conduct periodic NPDES inspections of the site throughout the recognized storm season to verify compliance with the Construction General Permit and Stormwater ordinances and regulations. 110. DETAILING OF STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITIES: Prior to the issuance of any grading or building permits, all pertinent details of any and all proposed stormwater management facilities, including, but not limited to, ditches, swales, pipes, bubble -ups, dry wells, outfalls, infiltration trenches, detention basins and energy dissipaters, shall be provided on submitted plans, reviewed by the Engineering Division of the Parks and Public Works Department, and approved for implementation. 111. CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES: All construction shall conform to the latest requirements of the CASQA Stormwater Best Management Practices Handbooks for Construction Activities and New Development and Redevelopment, the Town's grading and erosion control ordinance, and other generally accepted engineering practices for erosion control as required by the Town Engineer when undertaking construction activities. 112. SITE DRAINAGE: Rainwater leaders shall be discharged to splash blocks. No through curb drains will be allowed. Any storm drain inlets (public or private) directly connected to public storm system shall be stenciled/signed with appropriate “NO DUMPING - Flows to Bay” NPDES required language. On-site drainage systems for all projects shall include one of the alternatives included in section C.3.i of the Municipal Regional NPDES Permit. These include storm water reuse via cisterns or rain barrels, directing runoff from impervious surfaces to vegetated areas and use of permeable surfaces. If stormwater treatment facilities are to be used, they shall be placed a minimum of ten (10) feet from the adjacent property line. Alternatively, the facility(ies) may be located with an offset between 5 and 10 feet from the adjacent property and/or right-of-way line(s) if the responsible engineer in charge provides a stamped and signed letter that addresses infiltration and states how facilities, improvements and infrastructure within the Town’s right-of-way (driveway approach, curb and gutter, etc.) and/or the adjacent property will not be adversely affected. No improvements shall obstruct or divert runoff to the detriment of an adjacent, downstream or down slope property. 113. AGREEMENT FOR STORMWATER BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE OBLIGATIONS: The property owner shall enter into an agreement with the Town for maintenance of the stormwater filtration devices required to be installed on this project by the Town’s Stormwater Discharge Permit and all current amendments or modifications. The agreement shall specify that certain routine maintenance shall be performed by the property owner and shall specify device maintenance reporting requirements. The agreement shall also specify routine inspection requirements, permits and payment of fees. The agreement shall be recorded, and an electronic copy (PDF) of the recorded agreement shall be submitted to the Engineering Division of the Parks and Public Works Department, prior to the release of any occupancy permits. TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE SANTA CLARA COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT: 114. Review of this Developmental proposal is limited to acceptability of site access, water supply and may include specific additional requirements as they pertain to fire department operations, and shall not be construed as a substitute for formal plan review to determine compliance with adopted model codes. Prior to performing any work, the applicant shall make application to, and receive from, the Building Department all applicable construction permits. 115. FIRE SPRINKLERS REQUIRED: (As Noted on Cover Sheet) Approved automatic sprinkler systems in new and existing buildings and structures shall be provided in the locations described in this Section or in Sections 903.2.1 through 903.2.18 whichever is the more restrictive. For the purposes of this section, firewalls used to separate building areas shall be constructed in accordance with the California Building Code and shall be without openings or penetrations. NOTE: The owner(s), occupant(s) and any contractor(s) or subcontractor(s) are responsible for consulting with the water purveyor of record in order to determine if any modification or upgrade of the existing water service is required. A State of California licensed (C-16) Fire Protection Contractor shall submit plans, calculations, a completed permit application and appropriate fees to this department for review and approval prior to beginning their work. CFC Sec. 903.2 116. FIRE HYDRANT SYSTEMS REQUIRED: (As Noted on Sheet C6.0) Where a portion of the facility or building hereafter constructed or moved into or within the jurisdiction is more than 400 feet from a hydrant on a fire apparatus access road, as measured by an approved route around the exterior of the facility or building, onsite fire hydrants and mains shall be provided where required by the fire code official. Exception: For Group R-3 and Group U occupancies the distance requirement shall be 600 feet. For buildings equipped throughout with an approved automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1, 903.3.1.2 or 903.3.1.3, the distance requirement shall be not more than 600 feet. [CFC, Section 507.5.1]. Hydrant spotting plan shall be submitted by San Jose Water Company to SCCFD office for new public hydrant installation. 117. REQUIRED FIRE FLOW: (Letter received) The minimum require fireflow for this project is 1438 Gallons Per Minute (GPM) at 20 psi residual pressure. This fireflow assumes installation of automatic fire sprinklers per CFC [903.3.1.3] 118. FIRE ALARM: Fire Alarm requirement will be determined during building permit phrase. 119. BUILDINGS AND FACILITIES ACCESS: (As Noted on Sheet A1.1) Approved fire apparatus access roads shall be provided for every facility, building or portion of a building hereafter constructed or moved into or with the jurisdiction. The fire apparatus access road shall comply with the requirements of this section and shall extend to within 150 feet of all portions of the facility and all portions of the exterior walls of the first story of the building as measured by an approved route around the exterior of t he building or facility. [CFC, Section 503.1.1]. 120. TURN RADIUS (CIRCULATING): The minimum inside turning radius is 20 feet and outside turning radius is 42 feet for required access roadways. Greater radius up to 60 feet may be required where the Fire Department determines that Ladder Truck access is required. Circulating refers to travel along a roadway without dead ends. 121. FIRE APPARATUS (ENGINE) ACCESS ROADWAY REQUIRED: (As Noted on Sheet C6.0) Provide an access roadway with a paved all-weather surface, a minimum unobstructed width of 20 feet, vertical clearance of 13 feet 6 inches, minimum circulating turning radius of 42 feet outside, and a maximum slope of 15%. Surface shall be capable of supporting 75K pounds. Installations shall conform to Fire Departm ent Standard Details and Specifications sheet A-1. CFC Sec. 503. Show applicable turning radius on plans. 122. REQUIRED AERIAL ACCESS: (As Noted on Sheet C6.0) 1. Where required: Buildings or portions of buildings or facilities exceeding 30 feet (9144 mm) in h eight above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access shall be provided with approved fire apparatus access roads capable of accommodating fire department aerial apparatus. Overhead utility and power lines shall not be located within the aerial f ire apparatus access roadway. 2. Width: Fire apparatus access roads shall have a minimum unobstructed width of 26 feet (7925) in the immediate vicinity of any building or portion of building more than 30 feet (9144 mm) in height. 3. Proximity to building: At least one of the required access routes meeting this condition shall be located within a minimum of 15 feet (4572) and a maximum of 30 feet (9144mm) from the building and shall be positioned parallel to one entire side of the building, as approved by the fire code official. SCCFD SD&S A-1. 123. FIRE LANES REQUIRED: (As Noted on Sheet C6.0) The minimum clear width of fire department access roads shall be 20 feet. The minimum outside turning radius is 42 feet for required circulating access roadways. Fire apparatus access roads shall be designated and marked as a fire lane as set forth in Section 22500.1 of the California Vehicle Code. 124. KNOX KEY BOXES/LOCK WHERE REQUIRED FOR ACCESS: Where access to or within a structure or an area is restricted because of secured openings or where immediate access is necessary for lifesaving or firefighting purposes, the fire code official is authorized to require a key box to be installed in an approved location. The Knox Key Box shall be a of an approved type and shall contain keys to gain necessary access as required by the fire code official. Locks. An approved Knox Lock shall be installed on gates or similar barriers when required by the fire code official. Key box maintenance. The operator of the building shall immediately notify the fire code official and provide the new key when a lock is changed or re-keyed. The key to such lock shall be secured in the key box. [CFC Sec. 506]. 125. FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION: (As Noted on Sheet C6.0) The fire department connection (FDC) shall be installed at the street on the street address side of the building. It shall be located within 100 feet of a public fire hydrant and within ten (10) feet of the main PIV (unless otherwise approved by the Chief due to practical difficulties). FDC's shall be equipped with a minimum of two (2), two-and-one-half (2- 1/2”) inch national standard threaded inlet couplings. Orientation of the FDC shall be such that hose lines may be readily and conveniently attached to the inlets without interference. FDC's shall be painted safety yellow. [SCCFD, SP-2 Standard]. 126. WATER SUPPLY REQUIREMENTS: Potable water supplies shall be protected from contamination caused by fire protection water supplies. It is the responsibility of the applicant and any contractors and subcontractors to contact the water purveyor supplying the site of such project, and to comply with the requirements of that purveyor. Such requirements shall be incorporated into the design of any water-based fire protection systems, and/or fire suppression water supply systems or storage containers that may be physically connected in any manner to an appliance capable of causing contamination of the potable water supply of the purveyor of record. Final approval of the system(s) under consideration will not be granted by this office until compliance with the requirements of the water purveyor of record are documented by that purveyor as having been met by the applicant(s). 2019 CFC Sec. 903.3.5 and Health and Safety Code 13114.7. 127. ADDRESS IDENTIFICATION: New and existing buildings shall have approved address numbers, building numbers or approved building identification placed in a position that is plainly legible and visible from the street or road fronting the property. These numbers shall contrast with their background. Where required by the fire code official, address numbers shall be provided in additional approved locations to facilitate emergency response. Address numbers shall be Arabic numbers or alphabetical letters. Numbers shall be a minimum of 4 inches (101.6 mm) high with a minimum stroke width of 0.5 inch (12.7 mm). Where access is by means of a private road and the building cannot be viewed from the public way, a monument, pole or other sign or means shall be used to identify the structure. Address numbers shall be maintained. CFC Sec. 505.1. 128. CONSTRUCTION SITE FIRE SAFETY: All construction sites must comply with applicable provisions of the CFC Chapter 33 and our Standard Detail and Specification S1-7. Provide appropriate notations on subsequent plan submittals, as appropriate to the project. CFC Chp. 33. N:\DEV\CONDITIONS\2023\LGB 15600-15650 - PC COA - A&S, SUBD, VAR - PC 3-8-23.docx PLANNING COMMISSION – March 8, 2023 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 15600-15650 Los Gatos Boulevard Conditional Use Permit Application U-22-005 Requesting Approval for Construction of a New Commercial Building, a Formula Retail Business (Whole Foods) Greater Than 6,000 Square Feet, a Merger of Two Lots into One, a Variance from the Required Number of Parking Spaces, and the Removal of Large Protected Trees on Properties Zoned CH. APNs 424-14-028 and –036. Categorically Exempt Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15332: In-Fill Development Projects. PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: Steve Lynch, Sand Hill Property Company. PROJECT PLANNER: Jocelyn Shoopman. TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: Planning Division 1. APPROVAL: This application shall be completed in accordance with all of the conditions of approval and in substantial compliance with the approved plans. Any changes or modifications to the approved plans shall be approved by the Community Development Director, DRC or the Planning Commission depending on the scope of the changes. 2. EXPIRATION: The approval will expire two years from the approval date pursuant to Section 29.20.320 of the Town Code, unless the approval has been vested. 3. LAPSE FOR DISCONTINUANCE: If the activity for which the Conditional Use Permit has been granted is discontinued for a period of one (1) year, the approval lapses pursuant to Section 29.20.340 of the Zoning Ordinance. 4. USE: The approved use is for a formula retail greater than 6,000 square feet. 5. HOURS: The business hours of operation are from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. 6. OUTDOOR DISPLAY OF MERCHANDISE: Outdoor display of merchandise shall comply with Town Code Section 29.50.025 including a pedestrian walkway of six (6) feet between the display and any other obstruction. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the building plans shall show six feet of clearance between outdoor displays and vehicle overhangs at front ground level parking spaces. 7. SIGN PERMIT: A Sign Permit from the Los Gatos Community Development Department must be obtained prior to any changes to existing signs or installation of new signs. 8. CERTIFICATE OF USE AND OCCUPANCY: A Certificate of Use and Occupancy must be obtained prior to commencement of use. 9. BUSINESS LICENSE: A business license is required from the Town of Los Gatos Finance Department prior to commencement of use. 10. CONFORMANCE WITH CODE. No part of this approval shall be construed to permit a violation of any part of the Code of the Town of Los Gatos. 11. COMPLIANCE WITH LOCAL, STATE, and FEDERAL LAWS. The subject use shall be conducted in full compliance with all local, state, and federal laws. 12. TOWN INDEMNITY: Applicants are notified that Town Code Section 1.10.115 requires that any applicant who receives a permit or entitlement from the Town shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the Town and its officials in any action brought by a third party to overturn, set aside, or void the permit or entitlement. This requirement is a condition of approval of all such permits and entitlements whether or not expressly set forth in the approval, and may be secured to the satisfaction of the Town Attorney. 13. COMPLIANCE MEMEMORANDUM: A memorandum, in compliance with standard Town practice, shall be prepared and submitted with the building permit detailing how the conditions of approval will be addressed. SAND HILL PROPERTY COMPANY May 20, 2022 Joel Paulson, Director Community Development Department Town of Los Gatos 110 E. Main St. Los Gatos, CA 95030 RE: 15600 and 15650 Los Gatos Blvd. Letter of Justification Dear Mr. Paulson: Thank you for accepting our application for Architecture and Site review for 15650 Los Gatos Blvd. Sand Hill Property Company recently acquired this site which is the location of the former Los Gatos Chevrolet dealership. We are pleased to submit a project that will allow for the revitalization of this property so it will again contribute to the vibrancy, connectivity, and overall success of the Town. Existing Site The existing site has been vacant for over a decade and is comprised of two parcels. The first is 102,282 square feet and the second is 19,372 square feet, totaling 121,655 square feet (2.79 acres). There are three existing structures on-site. All were built in the 1970’s and are primarily wood framed buildings associated with the former Chevrolet dealership. They are in a state of significant disrepair and hazardous conditions at this time. All buildings are proposed for demolition. Project Summary In accordance with the Town’s 2040 General Plan land use for the site (Mixed Use Commercial), we are proposing a new commercial/retail building and fully redeveloped site. The building will be a single-story building, anticipated to be 42,645 sf. (.35 FAR and Lot Coverage). This includes a 40,170 sf. building and a 2,475 sf. truck loading area. All new parking will be surface stalls with 164 spaces and associated bicycle parking. It will be comparable in size, scale, and use, to the surrounding retail buildings currently found on Los Gatos Boulevard. While we do not have a specific tenant under agreement at this time, the building is designed to accommodate a new grocery market. The public hours of operations are approximately 7:00am - 10:00pm. This is the publicly accessible hours, with employees working outside of those hours. The site is zoned CH - Restricted Commercial Highway which envisions “vehicular oriented uses and sales along highway frontages, intermingled with compatible retail, service and administrative activities.” The building and site plan are designed to be in compliance with current Town policies and development standards, including property setbacks, lot coverage, and height requirements. 2600 EL CAMINO REAL, STE 410 | PALO ALTO, CA 94306 | (650) 344-1500 EXHIBIT 5 Director Paulson May 20, 2022 Page 2 Architectural Narrative The new retail building has been designed in accordance with the 2005 Commercial Design Guidelines and the existing built environment in Los Gatos. The building has been broken down to small scale architectural features, including special attention to landscaping and architectural details. The building’s form utilizes materials and details that are compatible with nearby architecture. The design includes beautiful natural material and finishes, such as stone veneer, wooden members, stucco and aluminum canopies, giving it a softer commercial character. Special attention has been given to the corners of the building, designed as more transparent taller spaces, and including beautiful architectural details such as stone cladding finishes or louvered wood features. The main entrance is located in the north elevation and emphasized by a taller structure with a sloped roof. The building maintains continuity of designs, materials, form and architectural detail for all elevations to reinforce the unique scale and character of Los Gatos. A strong pedestrian orientation is another key aspect of the design, given the Boulevard’s close proximity to surrounding residential neighborhoods. The building has been designed with a strong commitment to human scale, and it includes pedestrian canopies and trellises all around the building. The setback areas near the edges of the building are substantially landscaped for visual screening, including large specimen trees, flowering plants, and hedges. Site and Landscape Narrative The plans show the new building set away from the adjacent residential neighbor, providing a larger buffer/privacy zone versus the existing buildings. This makes the new building relate strongly to the streetfront while hiding or de-emphasizing the parking lot behind. Quieter uses and landscaping have been placed near the rear fence-line of the site, minimizing potential noise and light impacts. The proposed single-story building will also protect from any perceived privacy conflicts with the neighborhood, by eliminating any second story lines of sight. Throughout the process we will continue to give particular attention to the sensitivity of this neighborhood interface. The landscape design provides a pedestrian friendly and attractive landscape frontage at this important corner of Town. A new public plaza has been located at the corner of Los Gatos Boulevard and Los Gatos Almaden Road. This major design feature will be a publicly accessible outdoor space open for community use. Special treatment has been also given to paving, specially at pedestrian crossings of project entries and new plaza area. The project also provides pedestrian amenities and pedestrian scale lighting. Pedestrian plazas, public art, enriched paving materials and convenient bicycle parking welcome the community to the site. The proposed landscaping takes advantage of many good quality mature trees and preserves them where possible. It also provides new large scale shade trees to significantly enhance the tree canopy over the site. Native and Mediterranean adaptive species are used in the planting design to create enhanced habitat and drought resilient landscape design. Director Paulson May 20, 2022 Page 3 Finally, the parking lot is heavily landscaped with groups of trees and bushes. This will visually break up the paved area while providing needed shade and creating a positive landscape buffer. Sustainable Design: • Energy efficient HVAC system would be used. • Use of solar energy – Solar PV panels would be installed on roof. • Reduction of energy demands - Sun shade canopies, trellis and translucent glazing would be used for energy reduction and to reduce solar heat gain. • Minimization of storm water runoff - Through the use of bio-swales and landscape features that conform to C-3 requirements • Recycled materials such as wood siding and trim, concrete design mix and asphaltic paving mix would be used. • No copper roofing is used on the project. • Cal green recommended insulation would be used and Energy efficient lighting would be installed. We look forward to hearing Staff’s comments and to continue working with the Town on this exciting project. Sincerely, Steve Lynch Director of Planning and Entitlements Sand Hill Property Company This Page Intentionally Left Blank SAND HILL PROPERTY COMPANY 2600 EL CAMINO REAL, STE 410 | PALO ALTO, CA 94306 | (650) 344-1500 February 16, 2023 Jocelyn Shoopman, Associate Planner Community Development Department Town of Los Gatos 110 E. Main St. Los Gatos, CA 95030 RE: 15600 and 15650 Los Gatos Blvd. Letter of Justification – Parking Reduction Dear Ms. Shoopman, Thank you for reviewing our application for 15600 Los Gatos Blvd. We are pleased to submit a project that will allow for the revitalization of this property so it will again contribute to the vibrancy, community, economy, and overall success of the Town. Project Parking Our application is for a 40,190 sf supermarket building (Whole Foods), which includes all areas enclosed by 50% or more of wall area. The Town’s parking rate is 1 space for every 235 sf of enclosed area. This equates to an overall parking space requirement of 171 spaces. At this time, we are proposing a total parking count of 164 spaces. While this is short of a strict application of the Town’s parking requirement by 7 spaces, we believe the project will meet the actual customer parking demand, based on the following justifications. Parking Demand Analysis Per suggestion from Town staff, we submitted a Parking Demand Analysis from Hexagon Transporting Consultants. In their report, it was determined that 164 spaces would be sufficient with the implementation of a Transit Demand Management (TDM) program. The number of required spaces is only 7 spaces more than what would be provided. It is recommended the project implement a TDM plan to include measures, such as a transit fare subsidy, ride matching assistance, and commute trip reduction marketing and education, to encourage employees to use alternative transportation options and reduce parking demand. Transit Demand Management (TDM) Currently the Town does not have a policy that would allow for a reduction in vehicle trips or vehicle parking based on a parking management plan. Most jurisdictions in Santa Clara County allow for significant reductions in vehicle trips, or single occupancy vehicle trips, based on a EXHIBIT 6 Jocelyn Shoopman February 16, 2023 Page 2 TDM program that redirects trip to various other transportation solutions. Redirecting trips can include bicycle incentives, transit subsidies, employee carpool incentives, off-peak trips, etc. More aggressive TDM plans can require up to a 45% trip reduction (Mountain View) and less aggressive plans can require only 15% reduction (San Jose). In this case, a 7-space reduction equates to a 4% reduction in trips which is easily achievable through the most basic TDM measures. In their report, Hexagon Transporting Consultant addressed this option and made the following recommendation: The project should implement a TDM plan to include measures, such as a transit fare subsidy, ride matching assistance, and commute trip reduction marketing and education, to encourage employees to use alternative transportation options and reduce parking demand. Whole Foods Parking Demand The anticipated tenant for this building is a new Whole Foods Market. Whole Foods has been the leader in home grocery delivery in place of customer trips to their stores. This can be measured in their percent of sales to in-store customers versus home delivery (ie. 1 trip per 10+ deliveries). Based on an understating of their parking demand, Whole Foods believes that 164 parking spaces is still far in excess of what will be the actual parking demand for this store. Town Code Variance Findings The Planning Commission may grant a Variance if applications meet the required findings, basis on evidence submitted. We believe the justifications outlined in this letter allow the Planning Commission to make the following findings for a small parking reduction: 1) Because of special circumstances applicable to the property, including size, shape, topography, location or surroundings, the strict application of this ordinance deprives such property of privileges enjoyed by other property in the vicinity and under identical zone; and As stated above, the anticipated use of the property as a Whole Foods Market creates a special circumstance where a strict application of the Town’s parking ordinance requires a number of parking spaces that is in excess of what will be the actual parking demand for this use. This is proven by Whole Foods understanding of actual demand for their store. As stated above, the reduced number of trips is primarily based on the percent of sales via home delivery. Other similar uses in the area do not have a high percent of home delivery and require a larger number of spaces for in-store shopping. The property is unique in shape with an acute angled corner that is not easily usable parking or vehicle circulation. We have placed the building fronting on Los Gatos Boulevard, per Town design guidelines, and the building was forced to be located into this acute edge area since the access driveways from the two street cannot be placed near this corner. This is due to minimum setback distances for driveways from intersections. The affect has made a parking field that wraps around the rear and sides of the building Jocelyn Shoopman February 16, 2023 Page 3 that is less efficient that could otherwise be achieved if the parking area was consolidated near the corner. 2) The granting of a variance would not constitute a grant of special privileges inconsistent with the limitations upon other properties in the vicinity and zone in which such property is situated. We are seeking a modest reduction in parking (7 parking spaces) while still providing a significant number of spaces - 164 car and 10 bike spaces. This number of parking spaces is consistent with the percent of parking provided at other shopping centers on Los Gatos Boulevard, some of which do not meet current parking requirements. In addition, we are proposing a TDM program that will easily reduce the parking demand to accommodate the 7-space reduction. If the Planning Commission desires, we can submit a TDM that will reduce parking demand well in excess of the 7-space we are seeking relief from. From the above information, we believe that a modest (4%) reduction in 7 parking spaces can easily be justified through: • A better understanding of actual demand for the store, and • An entry level TDM with trip reduction strategies. We look forward to hearing Staff’s comments and to continue working with the Town on this exciting project. Sincerely, Steve Lynch Director of Planning and Entitlements Sand Hill Property Company This Page Intentionally Left Blank This Page Intentionally Left Blank 15650 Los Gatos Boulevard Development Los Gatos, California Prepared for: The Guzzardo Partnership Sand Hill Property Company Kenneth Rodrigues & Partners Inc. Location: 15650 Los Gatos Blvd Los Gatos, CA 95032 Prepared by: Neil Woolner ISA Certified Arborist WE-2329A ArborMD Tree Care, Inc. Neil Woolner ISA Certification WE-2329A 4/18/2022 Introduction: ArborMD tree care was asked to perform a sitewide inventory on the trees at 15650 Los Gatos Boulevard, Los Gatos, CA 95032. The inventory was built per the requirements of the Town of Los Gatos for the purposes of a planning application on behalf of The Guzzardo Partnership and Sand Hill Property Company. Per the requirements of the Town of Los Gatos, each tree on site must be identified for species, diameter at breast height (54” above ground) measurement, height and health condition. This inventory was performed April 14th, 2022 with a total of 47 trees found on site, 13 of which are proposed for removal due to planned construction. Intent of Report: This report is designed to record detailed statistics outlining the state of each tree on site as seen in Figure 1. Data collected per tree is as follows: Common Name, Scientific Name, DBH measurement at 54” above ground, Health and Structure. The health and structure measurements are used in combination to assign each tree a rating 1 - 5 (see methods for details). Health rating for each tree is determined by canopy size, density, leaf size and condition. Any deviation from the normal status is considered on a comprehensive level including but not limited to the trunk, crown and any visible roots for each given tree. Structure was rated based on the overall integrity of the trunk as well as structure of primary and secondary branches. Both ratings are subject to the inspecting arborist observations from ground level, as no aerial or below ground inspections occurred. Methods and Data: Methods employed in collecting data are as follows: ●Perform site visit and create comprehensive map with points for each tree along with corresponding photos taken during visit ●Measure Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) approximately 54” inches above grade ●Estimate size of tree based on ground level view ●Observe health and structure at time of visit and assign rating of each tree into one of the following five categories listed below. Neil Woolner ISA Certification WE-2329A 4/18/2022 ○Excellent - Very good health and vigor in surveyed species with expected ascendancy in tree structure and growth. ○Good - Minor deficiencies seen in surveyed species, none severe enough to be seen as untreatable through traditional mitigation measures. ○Moderate - Higher levels of deficiencies including possible hazards, requiring mitigation efforts. ○Fair - significant deficiencies noted in overall health and structure of tree, significant action may need to be taken. ○Poor - Observation of clearly poor or compromised structure, significant action required. ●Using data collected on site, prepare comprehensive report Figure 1: Common Name Scientific Name Quantity Poor - 1 Fair - 2 Moderate - 3 Good - 4 Excellent - 5 Arizona Cypress Cupressus arizonica 1 1 0 0 0 0 Bailey Acacia Acacia baileyana 1 1 0 0 0 0 Chinese Elm Ulmus parvifolia 5 0 0 0 5 0 Chinese Pistache Pistacia chinensis 1 0 0 0 0 0 Coast Leucothoe Leucothoe axillaris 1 0 0 0 1 0 Coast Live Oak Quercus agrifolia 19 0 0 0 19 0 Evergreen Pear Pyrus kawakamii 1 0 0 0 1 0 Liquidambar Liquidambar styraciflua 3 1 0 0 2 0 Mexican Fan Palm Washingtonia robusta 1 0 0 0 1 0 Southern Magnolia Magnolia grandiflora 14 3 0 0 11 0 Neil Woolner ISA Certification WE-2329A 4/18/2022 Tree ID#’s and DBH: Figure 2: ID Species DBH ID Species DBH 1 Coast Live Oak 12"24 Liquidambar 11" 2 Coast Live Oak 5"25 Chinese Elm 12" 3 Coast Live Oak 2"26 Chinese Elm 15" 4 Coast Live Oak 4"27 Chinese Elm 14" 5 Coast Live Oak 2"28 Chinese Pistache 14" 6 Coast Live Oak 3"29 Coast Leucothoe 15" 7 Coast Live Oak 1"30 Southern Magnolia 9" 8 Coast Live Oak 5"31 Southern Magnolia 9" 9 Coast Live Oak 6"32 Southern Magnolia 9" 10 Coast Live Oak 3"33 Southern Magnolia 12" 11 Coast Live Oak 3"34 Southern Magnolia 12" 12 Bailey Acacia 13"35 Southern Magnolia 11" 13 Coast Live Oak 4"36 Southern Magnolia 7" 14 Coast Live Oak 4"37 Southern Magnolia 12" 15 Coast Live Oak 3"38 Southern Magnolia 12" 16 Coast Live Oak 6"39 Southern Magnolia 10" 17 Coast Live Oak 3"40 Southern Magnolia 9" 18 Chinese Elm 2"41 Southern Magnolia 12" 19 Coast Live Oak 3"42 Southern Magnolia 9" 20 Coast Live Oak 11"43 Southern Magnolia 8" 21 Chinese Elm 17"44 Evergreen Pear 7" 22 Liquidambar 10"45 Mexican Fan Palm 14" 23 Liquidambar 7"46 Coast Live Oak 24" 24 Liquidambar 11"47 Arizona Cypress 14" Neil Woolner ISA Certification WE-2329A 4/18/2022 Site Map: Below is an image of the site map built. As part of our inspection, the landscape services requested several trees be marked for potential removal. These trees can be seen with the red outline around their map pin. Neil Woolner ISA Certification WE-2329A 4/18/2022 Discussion: In performing our onsite survey, 47 trees were inventoried, with the most prominent species being Coast Live Oaks (19) at 40% of the total count and Southern Magnolias (14) at 29% of the total count. All trees on site were found to be alive to be in good or poor condition. Of the 14 Southern Magnolia trees found on site, 3 were seen to be in poor condition (Tree ID#: 36, 42 and 43) and 11 in good condition. Southern Magnolia trees require high volume of water use as such, several of this species on site showed evidence of scorching on the trunk. Southern Magnolia’s that are not part of the potential removal plan will require annual mulching and excessive water to supplement the effects of drought restrictions. Of the total 19 Coast Live Oak trees on site, all 19 were found to be in good condition. As a species native to California, this species is of particular interest to the town of Los Gatos and should be preserved where possible. The Chinese Pistache, Coast Leucothoe, Liquidambar and Chinese Elm are all off site, but will be impacted by the construction plan. It is important to note that the trees along the Eastern property line reside under power lines and will require annual topping to provide sufficient clearance for the power lines and ensure hazard reduction. The Mexican fan Palm and Evergreen Pear are both located in the center of the property and contribute a limited amount to the site thus can be removed. DBH 15650 Los Gatos Blvd April 14, 2022 Quercus agrifolia ID# 1 Coast Live Oak Height: 20'DBH: 12" Health: 80% - Good Near Power Lines Removal April 14, 2022 Quercus agrifolia ID# 2 Coast Live Oak Height: 24'DBH: 5" Health: 80% - Good April 14, 2022 Quercus agrifolia ID# 3 Coast Live Oak Height: 19'DBH: 2" Health: 80% - Good 15650 Los Gatos Blvd April 14, 2022 Quercus agrifolia ID# 4 Coast Live Oak Height: 19'DBH: 4" Health: 80% - Good April 14, 2022 Quercus agrifolia ID# 5 Coast Live Oak Height: 14'DBH: 2" Health: 80% - Good Near Power Lines April 14, 2022 Quercus agrifolia ID# 6 Coast Live Oak Height: 18'DBH: 3" Health: 80% - Good 15650 Los Gatos Blvd April 14, 2022 Quercus agrifolia ID# 7 Coast Live Oak Height: 8'DBH: 1" Health: 80% - Good April 14, 2022 Quercus agrifolia ID# 8 Coast Live Oak Height: 17'DBH: 5" Health: 80% - Good Near Power Lines April 14, 2022 Quercus agrifolia ID# 9 Coast Live Oak Height: 19'DBH: 6" Health: 80% - Good 15650 Los Gatos Blvd April 14, 2022 Quercus agrifolia ID# 10 Coast Live Oak Height: 12'DBH: 3" Health: 80% - Good April 14, 2022 Quercus agrifolia ID# 11 Coast Live Oak Height: 12'DBH: 3" Health: 80% - Good April 14, 2022 Acacia baileyana ID# 12 Bailey Acacia Height: 33'DBH: 13" Health: 40% - Poor Against Building Removal 15650 Los Gatos Blvd April 14, 2022 Quercus agrifolia ID# 13 Coast Live Oak Height: 12'DBH: 4" Health: 80% - Good April 14, 2022 Quercus agrifolia ID# 14 Coast Live Oak Height: 15'DBH: 4" Health: 80% - Good April 14, 2022 Quercus agrifolia ID# 15 Coast Live Oak Height: 11'DBH: 3" Health: 80% - Good 15650 Los Gatos Blvd April 14, 2022 Quercus agrifolia ID# 16 Coast Live Oak Height: 11'DBH: 6" Health: 80% - Good Near Power Lines April 14, 2022 Quercus agrifolia ID# 17 Coast Live Oak Height: 9'DBH: 3" Health: 80% - Good April 14, 2022 Ulmus parvifolia ID# 18 Chinese Elm Height: 8'DBH: 2" Health: 80% - Good 15650 Los Gatos Blvd April 14, 2022 Quercus agrifolia ID# 19 Coast Live Oak Height: 35'DBH: 3" Health: 80% - Good Near Power Lines April 14, 2022 Quercus agrifolia ID# 20 Coast Live Oak Height: 15'DBH: 11" Health: 80% - Good April 14, 2022 Ulmus parvifolia ID# 21 Chinese Elm Height: 24'DBH: 17" Health: 80% - Good Near Power Lines 15650 Los Gatos Blvd April 14, 2022 Liquidambar styraciflua ID# 22 Liquidambar Height: 15'DBH: 10" Health: 40% - Poor Near Power Lines Removal April 14, 2022 Liquidambar styraciflua ID# 23 Liquidambar Height: 15'DBH: 7" Health: 80% - Good Near Power Lines Removal April 14, 2022 Liquidambar styraciflua ID# 24 Liquidambar Height: 15'DBH: 11" Health: 80% - Good Near Power Lines Removal 15650 Los Gatos Blvd April 14, 2022 Ulmus parvifolia ID# 25 Chinese Elm Height: 24'DBH: 12" Health: 80% - Good Near Power Lines April 14, 2022 Ulmus parvifolia ID# 26 Chinese Elm Height: 24'DBH: 15" Health: 80% - Good Near Power Lines April 14, 2022 Ulmus parvifolia ID# 27 Chinese Elm Height: 24'DBH: 14" Health: 80% - Good 15650 Los Gatos Blvd April 14, 2022 Pistacia chinensis ID# 28 Chinese Pistache Height: 24'DBH: 14" Health: 80% - Good Near Power Lines April 14, 2022 Leucothoe axillaris ID# 29 Coast Leucothoe Height: 18'DBH: 15" Health: 80% - Good Near Power Lines Removal April 14, 2022 Magnolia grandiflora ID# 30 Southern Magnolia Height: 13'DBH: 9" Health: 80% - Good Near Power Lines Removal 15650 Los Gatos Blvd April 14, 2022 Magnolia grandiflora ID# 31 Southern Magnolia Height: 13'DBH: 9" Health: 80% - Good Near Power Lines April 14, 2022 Magnolia grandiflora ID# 32 Southern Magnolia Height: 13'DBH: 9" Health: 80% - Good Near Power Lines April 14, 2022 Magnolia grandiflora ID# 33 Southern Magnolia Height: 13'DBH: 12" Health: 80% - Good Near Power Lines 15650 Los Gatos Blvd April 14, 2022 Magnolia grandiflora ID# 34 Southern Magnolia Height: 24'DBH: 12" Health: 80% - Good Near Power Lines Removal April 14, 2022 Magnolia grandiflora ID# 35 Southern Magnolia Height: 20'DBH: 11" Health: 80% - Good April 14, 2022 Magnolia grandiflora ID# 36 Southern Magnolia Height: 17'DBH: 7" Health: 40% - Poor Removal 15650 Los Gatos Blvd April 14, 2022 Magnolia grandiflora ID# 37 Southern Magnolia Height: 18'DBH: 12" Health: 80% - Good April 14, 2022 Magnolia grandiflora ID# 38 Southern Magnolia Height: 18'DBH: 12" Health: 80% - Good Removal April 14, 2022 Magnolia grandiflora ID# 39 Southern Magnolia Height: 18'DBH: 10" Health: 80% - Good Removal 15650 Los Gatos Blvd April 14, 2022 Magnolia grandiflora ID# 40 Southern Magnolia Height: 17'DBH: 9" Health: 80% - Good Removal April 14, 2022 Magnolia grandiflora ID# 41 Southern Magnolia Height: 26'DBH: 12" Health: 80% - Good Removal April 14, 2022 Magnolia grandiflora ID# 42 Southern Magnolia Height: 18'DBH: 9" Health: 40% - Poor 15650 Los Gatos Blvd April 14, 2022 Magnolia grandiflora ID# 43 Southern Magnolia Height: 13'DBH: 8" Health: 40% - Poor April 14, 2022 Pyrus kawakamii ID# 44 Evergreen Pear Height: 14'DBH: 7" Health: 80% - Good April 14, 2022 Washingtonia robusta ID# 45 Mexican Fan Palm Height: 60'DBH: 14" Health: 80% - Good 15650 Los Gatos Blvd April 14, 2022 Quercus agrifolia ID# 46 Coast Live Oak Height: 40'DBH: 24" Health: 80% - Good April 14, 2022 Cupressus arizonica ID# 47 Arizona Cypress Height: 30'DBH: 14" Health: 40% - Poor 15600 - 15650 Los Gatos Boulevard Los Gatos Arborist’s Review July 15, 2022 July 15, 2022 Jocelyn Shoopman Community Development Department 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 Summary and Assignment I was asked to review the plans and the applicant’s arborist report and provide findings and recommendations. The report provides tree species, trunk diameters, locations on an aerial image with associated identification numbers, and a condition rating. The arborist’s report was provided by ArborMD Tree Care, Inc. prepared by Neil Woolner dated April 18, 2022 contains some required information for the proposed project. The following deficiencies are not included in the report and will need to be resolved: •“The tree survey inventory numbers shall correspond to a numbered metal tag placed on each tree on site during the tree survey.” - Sec. 29.10.1000. New property development. (a)1 •There are no specific tree protection measures regarding those proposed for retention - Sec. 29.10.1000. New property development. (c). •The table in the report does not indicate the disposition of each tree including “Protected” or “Large Protected”. - 29.10.1000. New property development (a)(3). •There are no tree crown diameters provided - Town of Los Gatos Tree Canopy Replacement Standard section Sec. 29.10.0985. Determination and conditions of permit. (1)(2) Table 3-1. •No tree appraisals were performed or values provided - 29.10.1000. New property development. (c)(3). The plan set does not contain the required Tree Preservation Instructions (Sheet T-1) sheet Sec. 29.10.1000. New property development. (c) (1) or a Landscape Plan indicating replanting information consistent with the Town of Los Gatos Tree Canopy Replacement Standard section Sec. 29.10.0985. Determination and conditions of permit. (1)(2) Table 3-1. There are remnant tags from a previous inventory on some magnolias around the perimeter.1 Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com Page of 1 4 EXHIBIT 9 15600 - 15650 Los Gatos Boulevard Los Gatos Arborist’s Review July 15, 2022 Recommendations Arborist Address the following discrepancies and include Section 29.10.1005. - Protection of Trees During Construction and become familiar with Sec. 29.10.1000. New property development. 1.All trees four inches and greater must be accounted for and aluminum number tags affixed to the trees for identification on site and in the report and plans. 2.Recommendations for specific precautions necessary for their preservation during all phases of development (demolition, grading, during construction, landscaping). 3.Table indicating the disposition of each tree including “Protected” or “Large Protected”. 4.Provide crown diameters. 5.Provide appraised values using the Guide for Plant Appraisal Tenth Edition. 6.Review of civil drawing. 7.Locate the trees and their numbers on the plan set. Applicant 1.Have the design team work with the “project arborist” to help ensure proper tree protection and conservation measures are accounted for in the plans and plan set. Refer to ordinance section 29.10.1005 Protection of trees during construction for specifications and precautions. 2.Create a T-1 Sheet as required by the ordinance as in section 29.10.1000 - New property development section (c) (1). 3.Place all existing trees, numbers, and locations along with dispositions for retention, removal as indicated with an “X”, and protection as designated by the project arborist onto the civil and landscape plans. 4.Once it is determined what trees are to be removed provide a mitigation plan with appropriate replacements as indicated in the Town of Los Gatos Tree Canopy Replacement Standard (ordinance Section 29.10.0985. Determination and conditions permit table 3-1). The Landscape Plan should reflect the proper mitigation as determined by the Town. The landscape plan also needs to indicate the existing trees and their numbers. Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com Page of 2 4 15600 - 15650 Los Gatos Boulevard Los Gatos Arborist’s Review July 15, 2022 Qualifications, Assumptions, and Limiting Conditions Any legal description provided to the consultant is assumed to be correct. Any titles or ownership of properties are assumed to be good and marketable. All property is appraised or evaluated as though free and clear, under responsible ownership and competent management. All property is presumed to be in conformance with applicable codes, ordinances, statutes, or other regulations. Care has been taken to obtain information from reliable sources. However, the consultant cannot be responsible for the accuracy of information provided by others. The consultant shall not be required to give testimony or attend meetings, hearings, conferences, mediations, arbitration, or trials by reason of this report unless subsequent contractual arrangements are made, including payment of an additional fee for such services. This report and any appraisal value expressed herein represent the opinion of the consultant, and the consultant’s fee is not contingent upon the reporting of a specified appraisal value, a stipulated result, or the occurrence of a subsequent event. Sketches, drawings, and photographs in this report are intended for use as visual aids, are not necessarily to scale, and should not be construed as engineering or architectural reports or surveys. The reproduction of information generated by architects, engineers, or other consultants on any sketches, drawings, or photographs is only for coordination and ease of reference. Inclusion of said information with any drawings or other documents does not constitute a representation as to the sufficiency or accuracy of said information. Unless otherwise expressed: a) this report covers only examined items and their condition at the time of inspection; and b) the inspection is limited to visual examination of accessible items without dissection, excavation, probing, or coring. There is no warranty or guarantee, expressed or implied, that structural problems or deficiencies of plants or property may not arise in the future. Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com Page of 3 4 15600 - 15650 Los Gatos Boulevard Los Gatos Arborist’s Review July 15, 2022 Certification of Performance I Richard Gessner, Certify: That I have personally inspected the tree(s) and/or the property referred to in this report, and have stated my findings accurately. The extent of the evaluation and/or appraisal is stated in the attached report and Terms of Assignment; That I have no current or prospective interest in the vegetation or the property that is the subject of this report, and I have no personal interest or bias with respect to the parties involved; That the analysis, opinions and conclusions stated herein are my own; That my analysis, opinions, and conclusions were developed and this report has been prepared according to commonly accepted Arboricultural practices; That no one provided significant professional assistance to the consultant, except as indicated within the report. That my compensation is not contingent upon the reporting of a predetermined conclusion that favors the cause of the client or any other party, nor upon the results of the assessment, the attainment of stipulated results, or the occurrence of any other subsequent events; I further certify that I am a Registered Consulting Arborist® with the American Society of Consulting Arborists, and that I acknowledge, accept and adhere to the ASCA Standards of Professional Practice. I am an International Society of Arboriculture Board Certified Master Arborist®. I have been involved with the practice of Arboriculture and the care and study of trees since 1998. Richard J. Gessner ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist® #496 ISA Board Certified Master Arborist® WE-4341B Copyright © Copyright 2022, Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC. Other than specific exception granted for copies made by the client for the express uses stated in this report, no parts of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording, or otherwise without the express, written permission of the author. Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com Page of 4 4 15650 Los Gatos Boulevard Development Los Gatos, California Prepared for: The Guzzardo Partnership Sand Hill Property Company Kenneth Rodrigues & Partners Inc. Location: 15650 Los Gatos Blvd Los Gatos, CA 95032 Prepared by: Neil Woolner ISA Certified Arborist WE-2329A ArborMD Tree Care, Inc. EXHIBIT 10 Neil Woolner ISA Certification WE-2329A 4/18/2022 Introduction: ArborMD tree care was asked to perform a sitewide inventory on the trees at 15650 Los Gatos Boulevard, Los Gatos, CA 95032. The inventory was built per the requirements of the Town of Los Gatos for the purposes of a planning application on behalf of The Guzzardo Partnership and Sand Hill Property Company. Per the requirements of the Town of Los Gatos, each tree on site must be identified for species, diameter at breast height (54” above ground) measurement, height and health condition. This inventory was performed April 14th, 2022 with a total of 47 trees found on site, 13 of which are proposed for removal due to planned construction. Intent of Report: This report is designed to record detailed statistics outlining the state of each tree on site as seen in Figure 1. Data collected per tree is as follows: Common Name, Scientific Name, DBH measurement at 54” above ground, Health and Structure. The health and structure measurements are used in combination to assign each tree a rating 1 - 5 (see methods for details). Health rating for each tree is determined by canopy size, density, leaf size and condition. Any deviation from the normal status is considered on a comprehensive level including but not limited to the trunk, crown and any visible roots for each given tree. Structure was rated based on the overall integrity of the trunk as well as structure of primary and secondary branches. Both ratings are subject to the inspecting arborist observations from ground level, as no aerial or below ground inspections occurred. Methods and Data: Methods employed in collecting data are as follows: ● Perform site visit and create comprehensive map with points for each tree along with corresponding photos taken during visit ● Measure Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) approximately 54” inches above grade ● Estimate size of tree based on ground level view ● Observe health and structure at time of visit and assign rating of each tree into one of the following five categories listed below. Neil Woolner ISA Certification WE-2329A 4/18/2022 ○ Excellent - Very good health and vigor in surveyed species with expected ascendancy in tree structure and growth. ○ Good - Minor deficiencies seen in surveyed species, none severe enough to be seen as untreatable through traditional mitigation measures. ○ Moderate - Higher levels of deficiencies including possible hazards, requiring mitigation efforts. ○ Fair - significant deficiencies noted in overall health and structure of tree, significant action may need to be taken. ○ Poor - Observation of clearly poor or compromised structure, significant action required. ● Using data collected on site, prepare comprehensive report Figure 1: Common Name Scientific Name Quantit y Poor - 1 Fair - 2 Moderat e - 3 Good - 4 Excellen t - 5 Arizona Cypress Cupressus arizonica 1 1 0 0 0 0 Bailey Acacia Acacia baileyana 1 1 0 0 0 0 Chinese Elm Ulmus parvifolia 5 0 0 0 5 0 Chinese Pistache Pistacia chinensis 1 0 0 0 0 0 Coast Leucothoe Leucothoe axillaris 1 0 0 0 1 0 Coast Live Oak Quercus agrifolia 19 0 0 0 19 0 Evergreen Pear Pyrus kawakamii 1 0 0 0 1 0 Liquidambar Liquidambar styraciflua 3 1 0 0 2 0 Mexican Fan Palm Washingtonia robusta 1 0 0 0 1 0 Neil Woolner ISA Certification WE-2329A 4/18/2022 Southern Magnolia Magnolia grandiflora 14 3 0 0 11 0 Tree ID#’s and DBH: Figure 2: ID Species DBH ID Species DBH 1 Coast Live Oak 12" 24 Liquidambar 11" 2 Coast Live Oak 5" 25 Chinese Elm 12" 3 Coast Live Oak 2" 26 Chinese Elm 15" 4 Coast Live Oak 4" 27 Chinese Elm 14" 5 Coast Live Oak 2" 28 Chinese Pistache 14" 6 Coast Live Oak 3" 29 Coast Leucothoe 15" 7 Coast Live Oak 1" 30 Southern Magnolia 9" 8 Coast Live Oak 5" 31 Southern Magnolia 9" 9 Coast Live Oak 6" 32 Southern Magnolia 9" 10 Coast Live Oak 3" 33 Southern Magnolia 12" 11 Coast Live Oak 3" 34 Southern Magnolia 12" 12 Bailey Acacia 13" 35 Southern Magnolia 11" 13 Coast Live Oak 4" 36 Southern Magnolia 7" 14 Coast Live Oak 4" 37 Southern Magnolia 12" 15 Coast Live Oak 3" 38 Southern Magnolia 12" 16 Coast Live Oak 6" 39 Southern Magnolia 10" 17 Coast Live Oak 3" 40 Southern Magnolia 9" 18 Chinese Elm 2" 41 Southern Magnolia 12" 19 Coast Live Oak 3" 42 Southern Magnolia 9" 20 Coast Live Oak 11" 43 Southern Magnolia 8" 21 Chinese Elm 17" 44 Evergreen Pear 7" Neil Woolner ISA Certification WE-2329A 4/18/2022 22 Liquidambar 10" 45 Mexican Fan Palm 14" 23 Liquidambar 7" 46 Coast Live Oak 24" 24 Liquidambar 11" 47 Arizona Cypress 14" Site Map: Below is an image of the site map built. As part of our inspection, the landscape services requested several trees be marked for potential removal. These trees can be seen with the red outline around their map pin. Neil Woolner ISA Certification WE-2329A 4/18/2022 Discussion: In performing our onsite survey, 47 trees were inventoried, with the most prominent species being Coast Live Oaks (19) at 40% of the total count and Southern Magnolias (14) at 29% of the total count. All trees on site were found to be alive to be in good or poor condition. Of the 14 Southern Magnolia trees found on site, 3 were seen to be in poor condition (Tree ID#: 36, 42 and 43) and 11 in good condition. Southern Magnolia trees require high volume of water use as such, several of this species on site showed evidence of scorching on the trunk. Southern Magnolia’s that are not part of the potential removal plan will require annual mulching and excessive water to supplement the effects of drought restrictions. Of the total 19 Coast Live Oak trees on site, all 19 were found to be in good condition. As a species native to California, this species is of particular interest to the town of Los Gatos and should be preserved where possible. The Chinese Pistache, Coast Leucothoe, Liquidambar and Chinese Elm are all off site, but will be impacted by the construction plan. It is important to note that the trees along the Eastern property line reside under power lines and will require annual topping to provide sufficient clearance for the power lines and ensure hazard reduction. The Mexican fan Palm and Evergreen Pear are both located in the center of the property and contribute a limited amount to the site thus can be removed Neil Woolner ISA Certification WE-2329A 4/18/2022 15650 Los Gatos Boulevard Tree Valuation Chart: Tree Protection Key: Six foot chain link fence, attached to eight foot post. This post is driven two feet into the ground and is spaced at eight feet centers. Placed five feet from the trunk on the construction side only. Six foot chain link fence attached to eight foot post. This post is driven two feet into the ground and is spaced at eight feet centers. To be placed at either drip line or edge of landscape. N/A ID Common Botanical Height DBH Crown Dia Protected > 4" Protected > 24" Overall Value Planned Removals Trees Not Onsite Tree Protection Arborist Recommended Removals 1 Coast Live Oak Quercus agrifolia 20' 12" 5' Yes No $436.08 Remove Onsite No 2 Coast Live Oak Quercus agrifolia 24' 5" 5' Yes No $75.69 Remove Onsite No 3 Coast Live Oak Quercus agrifolia 19' 2" 5' No No $12.11 Remove Onsite No 4 Coast Live Oak Quercus agrifolia 19' 4" 5' Yes No $48.43 Remove Onsite No Neil Woolner ISA Certification WE-2329A 4/18/2022 5 Coast Live Oak Quercus agrifolia 14' 2" 5' No No $12.11 Remove Onsite No 6 Coast Live Oak Quercus agrifolia 18' 3" 5' No No $108.97 Remove Onsite No 7 Coast Live Oak Quercus agrifolia 8' 1" 5' No No $3.03 Remove Onsite No 8 Coast Live Oak Quercus agrifolia 17' 5" 5' Yes No $75.69 Remove Onsite No 9 Coast Live Oak Quercus agrifolia 19' 6" 5' Yes No $109.01 Remove Onsite No 10 Coast Live Oak Quercus agrifolia 14' 3" 5' No No $27.22 Remove Onsite No 11 Coast Live Oak Quercus agrifolia 14' 3" 5' No No $27.22 Remove Onsite No 12 Bailey Acacia Acacia baileyana 33' 13" 25' Yes No $290.88 Remove Onsite Yes 13 Coast Live Oak Quercus agrifolia 15' 4" 10' Yes No $48.43 Remove Onsite No 14 Coast Live Oak Quercus agrifolia 14' 3" 6' No No $27.22 Remove Onsite No 15 Coast Live Oak Quercus agrifolia 16' 4" 6' Yes No $48.43 Remove Onsite No 16 Coast Live Oak Quercus agrifolia 14' 3" 6' No No $27.22 Remove Onsite No 17 Coast Live Oak Quercus agrifolia 13' 4" 8' Yes No $48.43 Remove Onsite No 18 Chinese Elm Ulmus parvifolia 8' 2" 12' No No $17.96 Remove Onsite Yes Neil Woolner ISA Certification WE-2329A 4/18/2022 19 Coast Live Oak Quercus agrifolia 35' 28" 42' Yes Yes $192,054.8 9 Remove Onsite No 20 Coast Live Oak Quercus agrifolia 15' 11" 15' Yes No $366.44 Remove Onsite No 21 Chinese Elm Ulmus parvifolia 24' 17" 25' Yes No $2,596.65 Staying Not onsite No 22 Liquidamb ar Liquidamb ar styraciflua 15' 10" 12' Yes No $147.03 Staying Not onsite No 23 Liquidamb ar Liquidamb ar styraciflua 15' 7" 12' Yes No $72.03 Staying Not onsite No 24 Liquidamb ar Liquidamb ar styraciflua 15' 11" 18' Yes No $177.90 Staying Not onsite No 25 Chinese Elm Ulmus parvifolia 24' 12" 22' Yes No $1,293.75 Staying Not onsite No 26 Chinese Elm Ulmus parvifolia 24' 15" 30' Yes No $2,021.56 Staying Not onsite No 27 Chinese Elm Ulmus parvifolia 24' 14" 30' Yes No $1,760.96 Staying Not onsite No 28 Chinese Pistache Pistacia chinensis 24' 14" 15' Yes No $2,100.84 Staying Not onsite No 29 Coast Leucothoe Leucothoe axillaris 18' 15" 32' Yes No $1,323.20 Remove Onsite No 30 Southern Magnolia Magnolia grandiflora 13' 9" 16' Yes No $4,830.29 Remove Onsite Yes 31 Southern Magnolia Magnolia grandiflora 13' 9" 30' Yes No $4,830.29 Staying Onsite Yes Neil Woolner ISA Certification WE-2329A 4/18/2022 32 Southern Magnolia Magnolia grandiflora 13' 9" 25' Yes No $4,830.29 Staying Onsite Yes 33 Southern Magnolia Magnolia grandiflora 13' 12" 30' Yes No $8,587.60 Staying Onsite Yes 34 Southern Magnolia Magnolia grandiflora 24' 12" 20' Yes No $8,587.60 Remove Onsite Yes 35 Southern Magnolia Magnolia grandiflora 20' 11" 20' Yes No $7,216.20 Staying Onsite Yes 36 Southern Magnolia Magnolia grandiflora 17' 7" 10' Yes No $485.99 Remove Onsite Yes 37 Southern Magnolia Magnolia grandiflora 18' 12" 22' Yes No $5,720.51 Remove Onsite Yes 38 Southern Magnolia Magnolia grandiflora 18' 12" 21' Yes No $12,871.15 Remove Onsite Yes 39 Southern Magnolia Magnolia grandiflora 18' 10" 18' Yes No $8,946.02 Remove Onsite Yes 40 Southern Magnolia Magnolia grandiflora 17' 9" 15' Yes No $7,244.29 Remove Onsite Yes 41 Southern Magnolia Magnolia grandiflora 26' 12" 35' Yes No $12,881.40 Remove Onsite Yes 42 Southern Magnolia Magnolia grandiflora 18' 9" 15' Yes No $7,244.29 Staying Onsite Yes 43 Southern Magnolia Magnolia grandiflora 13' 8" 14' Yes No $5,717.98 Staying Onsite Yes 44 Evergreen Pear Pyrus kawakamii 14' 7" 10' No No $64.03 Remove Onsite Yes 45 Mexican Fan Palm Washingto nia robusta 60' 14" 8' Yes No $1,780.66 Remove Onsite No Neil Woolner ISA Certification WE-2329A 4/18/2022 46 Coast Live Oak Quercus agrifolia 40' 24" 57' Yes Yes $141,074.1 8 Remove Onsite No 47 Arizona Cypress Cupressus arizonica 30' 14" 42' Yes No $509.18 Staying Not onsite No Neil Woolner ISA Certification WE-2329A 4/18/2022 15650 Los Gatos Boulevard Supplementary Photos: Neil Woolner ISA Certification WE-2329A 4/18/2022 Neil Woolner ISA Certification WE-2329A 4/18/2022 Neil Woolner ISA Certification WE-2329A 4/18/2022 Neil Woolner ISA Certification WE-2329A 4/18/2022 Neil Woolner ISA Certification WE-2329A 4/18/2022 Neil Woolner ISA Certification WE-2329A 4/18/2022 Neil Woolner ISA Certification WE-2329A 4/18/2022 Neil Woolner ISA Certification WE-2329A 4/18/2022 Neil Woolner ISA Certification WE-2329A 4/18/2022 Neil Woolner ISA Certification WE-2329A 4/18/2022 Neil Woolner ISA Certification WE-2329A 4/18/2022 Neil Woolner ISA Certification WE-2329A 4/18/2022 Neil Woolner ISA Certification WE-2329A 4/18/2022 Neil Woolner ISA Certification WE-2329A 4/18/2022 Neil Woolner ISA Certification WE-2329A 4/18/2022 This Page Intentionally Left Blank 15600 - 15650 Los Gatos Boulevard Los Gatos Arborist’s Review October 24, 2022 October 24, 2022 Jocelyn Shoopman Community Development Department 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 I was asked to review the second submitted plans and the applicant’s arborist report and provide findings and recommendations. My first review was dated July 15, 2022 The report provides tree species, trunk diameters, locations on an aerial image with associated identification numbers, and a condition rating. The new arborist’s report was provided by ArborMD Tree Care, Inc. prepared by Neil Woolner was also dated April 18, 2022 with no updated date to reflect changes or label stating it was a revision. The report contains some required information for the proposed project. The following deficiencies are not included in the report and will need to be resolved: •“The tree survey inventory numbers shall correspond to a numbered metal tag placed on each tree on site during the tree survey.” - Sec. 29.10.1000. New property development. (a)1 MCA: COMPLETE •There are no specific tree protection measures regarding those proposed for retention - Sec. 29.10.1000. New property development. (c). MCA: INCOMPLETE: The report now indicates through the table and color coding that nine trees off site require chain link fence and six (southern magnolia street trees) also require chain link fence. There is no indication of the location of the fence and in this instance those along the street would require Type II or Type III protection as indicated int eh ordinance. Please indicate on the plans where the protection will be locations and what “type” as described in the ordinance. There are no general tree protection guidelines as specified in the ordinance or prohibited activities explicitly stated. Please provide both specifications and guidelines as outlined int eh ordinance. •The table in the report does not indicate the disposition of each tree including “Protected” or “Large Protected”. - 29.10.1000. New property development (a)(3). There are remnant tags from a previous inventory on some magnolias around the perimeter.1 Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com Page of 1 4 EXHIBIT 11 15600 - 15650 Los Gatos Boulevard Los Gatos Arborist’s Review October 24, 2022 MCA: COMPLETE •There are no tree crown diameters provided - Town of Los Gatos Tree Canopy Replacement Standard section Sec. 29.10.0985. Determination and conditions of permit. (1)(2) Table 3-1. MCA: COMPLETE •No tree appraisals were performed or values provided - 29.10.1000. New property development. (c)(3). MCA: COMPLETE The plan set does not contain the required Tree Preservation Instructions (Sheet T-1) sheet Sec. 29.10.1000. New property development. (c) (1) or a Landscape Plan indicating replanting information consistent with the Town of Los Gatos Tree Canopy Replacement Standard section Sec. 29.10.0985. Determination and conditions of permit. (1)(2) Table 3-1. MCA: INCOMPLETE: No T-1 protection sheets have been provide and none of the plans indicate the tree number locations as designated by the arborist. Please update the plans, either Landscape or Civil to reflect tree numbers and protection locations. Richard J. Gessner ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist® #496 ISA Board Certified Master Arborist® WE-4341B Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com Page of 2 4 15600 - 15650 Los Gatos Boulevard Los Gatos Arborist’s Review October 24, 2022 Qualifications, Assumptions, and Limiting Conditions Any legal description provided to the consultant is assumed to be correct. Any titles or ownership of properties are assumed to be good and marketable. All property is appraised or evaluated as though free and clear, under responsible ownership and competent management. All property is presumed to be in conformance with applicable codes, ordinances, statutes, or other regulations. Care has been taken to obtain information from reliable sources. However, the consultant cannot be responsible for the accuracy of information provided by others. The consultant shall not be required to give testimony or attend meetings, hearings, conferences, mediations, arbitration, or trials by reason of this report unless subsequent contractual arrangements are made, including payment of an additional fee for such services. This report and any appraisal value expressed herein represent the opinion of the consultant, and the consultant’s fee is not contingent upon the reporting of a specified appraisal value, a stipulated result, or the occurrence of a subsequent event. Sketches, drawings, and photographs in this report are intended for use as visual aids, are not necessarily to scale, and should not be construed as engineering or architectural reports or surveys. The reproduction of information generated by architects, engineers, or other consultants on any sketches, drawings, or photographs is only for coordination and ease of reference. Inclusion of said information with any drawings or other documents does not constitute a representation as to the sufficiency or accuracy of said information. Unless otherwise expressed: a) this report covers only examined items and their condition at the time of inspection; and b) the inspection is limited to visual examination of accessible items without dissection, excavation, probing, or coring. There is no warranty or guarantee, expressed or implied, that structural problems or deficiencies of plants or property may not arise in the future. Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com Page of 3 4 15600 - 15650 Los Gatos Boulevard Los Gatos Arborist’s Review October 24, 2022 Certification of Performance I Richard Gessner, Certify: That I have personally inspected the tree(s) and/or the property referred to in this report, and have stated my findings accurately. The extent of the evaluation and/or appraisal is stated in the attached report and Terms of Assignment; That I have no current or prospective interest in the vegetation or the property that is the subject of this report, and I have no personal interest or bias with respect to the parties involved; That the analysis, opinions and conclusions stated herein are my own; That my analysis, opinions, and conclusions were developed and this report has been prepared according to commonly accepted Arboricultural practices; That no one provided significant professional assistance to the consultant, except as indicated within the report. That my compensation is not contingent upon the reporting of a predetermined conclusion that favors the cause of the client or any other party, nor upon the results of the assessment, the attainment of stipulated results, or the occurrence of any other subsequent events; I further certify that I am a Registered Consulting Arborist® with the American Society of Consulting Arborists, and that I acknowledge, accept and adhere to the ASCA Standards of Professional Practice. I am an International Society of Arboriculture Board Certified Master Arborist®. I have been involved with the practice of Arboriculture and the care and study of trees since 1998. Richard J. Gessner ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist® #496 ISA Board Certified Master Arborist® WE-4341B Copyright © Copyright 2022, Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC. Other than specific exception granted for copies made by the client for the express uses stated in this report, no parts of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording, or otherwise without the express, written permission of the author. Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com Page of 4 4 1 15650 Los Gatos Boulevard Development Los Gatos, California Prepared for: The Guzzardo Partnership Sand Hill Property Company Kenneth Rodrigues & Partners Inc. Location: 15650 Los Gatos Blvd Los Gatos, CA 95032 Prepared by: Neil Woolner ISA Certified Arborist WE-2329A ArborMD Tree Care, Inc. EXHIBIT 12 Neil Woolner ISA Certification WE-2329A 12/21/2022 2 Introduction: ArborMD tree care was asked to perform a sitewide inventory on the trees at 15650 Los Gatos Boulevard, Los Gatos, CA 95032. The inventory was built per the requirements of the Town of Los Gatos for the purposes of a planning application on behalf of The Guzzardo Partnership and Sand Hill Property Company. Per the requirements of the Town of Los Gatos, each tree on site must be identified for species, diameter at breast height (54” above ground) measurement, height and health condition. This inventory was performed April 14th, 2022 with a total of 47 trees found, 23 of which are proposed for removal due to planned construction. Intent of Report: This report is designed to record detailed statistics outlining the state of each tree on site as seen in Figure 1. Data collected per tree is as follows: Common Name, Scientific Name, DBH measurement at 54” above ground, Health and Structure. The health and structure measurements are used in combination to assign each tree a rating 1 - 5 (see methods for details). Health rating for each tree is determined by canopy size, density, leaf size and condition. Any deviation from the normal status is considered on a comprehensive level including but not limited to the trunk, crown and any visible roots for each given tree. Structure was rated based on the overall integrity of the trunk as well as structure of primary and secondary branches. Both ratings are subject to the inspecting arborist observations from ground level, as no aerial or below ground inspections occurred. Methods and Data: Methods employed in collecting data are as follows: ●Perform site visit and create comprehensive map with points for each tree along with corresponding photos taken during visit ●Measure Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) approximately 54” inches above grade ●Estimate size of tree based on ground level view ●Observe health and structure at time of visit and assign rating of each tree into one of the following five categories listed below. Neil Woolner ISA Certification WE-2329A 12/21/2022 3 ○Excellent - Very good health and vigor in surveyed species with expected ascendancy in tree structure and growth. ○Good - Minor deficiencies seen in surveyed species, none severe enough to be seen as untreatable through traditional mitigation measures. ○Moderate - Higher levels of deficiencies including possible hazards, requiring mitigation efforts. ○Fair - significant deficiencies noted in overall health and structure of tree, significant action may need to be taken. ○Poor - Observation of clearly poor or compromised structure, significant action required. ●Using data collected on site, prepare comprehensive report Figure 1: Common Name Scientific Name Quantit y Poor - 1 Fair - 2 Moderat e - 3 Good - 4 Excellen t - 5 Arizona Cypress Cupressus arizonica 1 1 0 0 0 0 Bailey Acacia Acacia baileyana 1 1 0 0 0 0 Chinese Elm Ulmus parvifolia 5 0 0 0 5 0 Chinese Pistache Pistacia chinensis 1 0 0 0 0 0 Coast Leucothoe Leucothoe axillaris 1 0 0 0 1 0 Coast Live Oak Quercus agrifolia 19 0 0 0 19 0 Evergreen Pear Pyrus kawakamii 1 0 0 0 1 0 Liquidambar Liquidambar styraciflua 3 1 0 0 2 0 Mexican Fan Washingtonia 1 0 0 0 1 0 Neil Woolner ISA Certification WE-2329A 12/21/2022 4 Palm robusta Southern Magnolia Magnolia grandiflora 14 3 0 0 11 0 Tree ID#’s and DBH: Figure 2: ID Species DBH ID Species DBH 1 Coast Live Oak 12"24 Liquidambar 11" 2 Coast Live Oak 5"25 Chinese Elm 12" 3 Coast Live Oak 2"26 Chinese Elm 15" 4 Coast Live Oak 4"27 Chinese Elm 14" 5 Coast Live Oak 2"28 Chinese Pistache 14" 6 Coast Live Oak 3"29 Coast Leucothoe 15" 7 Coast Live Oak 1"30 Southern Magnolia 9" 8 Coast Live Oak 5"31 Southern Magnolia 9" 9 Coast Live Oak 6"32 Southern Magnolia 9" 10 Coast Live Oak 3"33 Southern Magnolia 12" 11 Coast Live Oak 3"34 Southern Magnolia 12" 12 Bailey Acacia 13"35 Southern Magnolia 11" 13 Coast Live Oak 4"36 Southern Magnolia 7" 14 Coast Live Oak 3"37 Southern Magnolia 12" 15 Coast Live Oak 4"38 Southern Magnolia 12" 16 Coast Live Oak 3"39 Southern Magnolia 10" 17 Coast Live Oak 4"40 Southern Magnolia 9" 18 Chinese Elm 2"41 Southern Magnolia 12" 19 Coast Live Oak 28"42 Southern Magnolia 9" Neil Woolner ISA Certification WE-2329A 12/21/2022 5 20 Coast Live Oak 11"43 Southern Magnolia 8" 21 Chinese Elm 17"44 Evergreen Pear 7" 22 Liquidambar 10"45 Mexican Fan Palm 14" 23 Liquidambar 7"46 Coast Live Oak 24" -—-47 Arizona Cypress 14" General Site Map: Neil Woolner ISA Certification WE-2329A 12/21/2022 6 Discussion: In performing our onsite survey, 47 trees were inventoried, with the most prominent species being Coast Live Oaks (19) at 40% of the total count and Southern Magnolias (14) at 29% of the total count. All trees on site were found to be alive to be in good or poor condition. Of the 14 Southern Magnolia trees found on site, 3 were seen to be in poor condition (Tree ID#: 36, 42 and 43) and 11 in good condition. Southern Magnolia trees require high volume of water use as such, several of this species on site showed evidence of scorching on the trunk. Southern Magnolia’s that are not part of the potential removal plan will require annual mulching and excessive water to supplement the effects of drought restrictions. Of the total 19 Coast Live Oak trees on site, all 19 were found to be in good condition. As a species native to California, this species is of particular interest to the town of Los Gatos and should be preserved where possible. The Chinese Pistache, Coast Leucothoe, Liquidambar and Chinese Elm are all off site, but will be impacted by the construction plan. It is important to note that the trees along the Eastern property line reside under power lines and will require annual topping to provide sufficient clearance for the power lines and ensure hazard reduction. The Mexican fan Palm and Evergreen Pear are both located in the center of the property and contribute a limited amount to the site thus can be removed. All trees being protected will need Type II fencing in order to maintain sufficient barriers for preservation. Trees listed as needing this protection are Tree ID#s: 21 -28, 31 - 33, 35, 42, 43 and 47. Additionally, all tree protection will be based on the city of Los Gatos Tree Protection Conditions as listed in the “Planning - Tree Protection” document submitted with this report. Finally, supplemental information on tree protection designations provided by the city is shown in the Tree Valuation Chart below. Tree ID#s: 19 and 46 are “large protected” trees, Tree ID#s: 3, 5-7, 10, 11, 14, 16 and 18 are all “not protected” and all other trees are defined as protected by the city. Neil Woolner ISA Certification WE-2329A 12/21/2022 7 15650 Los Gatos Boulevard Tree Valuation Chart: Tree Protection Key: Six foot chain link fence, attached to eight foot post. This post is driven two feet into the ground and is spaced at eight feet centers. Placed five feet from the trunk on the construction side only.* Six foot chain link fence attached to eight foot post. This post is driven two feet into the ground and is spaced at eight feet centers. To be placed at either drip line or edge of landscape.* N/A Note: All trees that are being protected will need Type II fencing protection with suitable widths to contain each tree's canopy spread. ID Common Botanical Height DBH Crown Dia Protected > 4" Protected > 24" Overall Value Planned Removals Trees Not Onsite Tree Protection Arborist Recommended Removals 1 Coast Live Oak Quercus agrifolia 20'12"5'Yes No $436.08 Remove Onsite Protected No 2 Coast Live Oak Quercus agrifolia 24'5"5'Yes No $75.69 Remove Onsite Protected No 3 Coast Live Oak Quercus agrifolia 19'2"5'No No $12.11 Remove Onsite Not Protected No Neil Woolner ISA Certification WE-2329A 12/21/2022 8 4 Coast Live Oak Quercus agrifolia 19'4"5'Yes No $48.43 Remove Onsite Protected No 5 Coast Live Oak Quercus agrifolia 14'2"5'No No $12.11 Remove Onsite Not Protected No 6 Coast Live Oak Quercus agrifolia 18'3"5'No No $108.97 Remove Onsite Not Protected No 7 Coast Live Oak Quercus agrifolia 8'1"5'No No $3.03 Remove Onsite Not Protected No 8 Coast Live Oak Quercus agrifolia 17'5"5'Yes No $75.69 Remove Onsite Protected No 9 Coast Live Oak Quercus agrifolia 19'6"5'Yes No $109.01 Remove Onsite Protected No 10 Coast Live Oak Quercus agrifolia 14'3"5'No No $27.22 Remove Onsite Not Protected No 11 Coast Live Oak Quercus agrifolia 14'3"5'No No $27.22 Remove Onsite Not Protected No 12 Bailey Acacia Acacia baileyana 33'13"25'Yes No $290.88 Remove Onsite Protected Yes 13 Coast Live Oak Quercus agrifolia 15'4"10'Yes No $48.43 Remove Onsite Protected No 14 Coast Live Oak Quercus agrifolia 14'3"6'No No $27.22 Remove Onsite Not Protected No 15 Coast Live Oak Quercus agrifolia 16'4"6'Yes No $48.43 Remove Onsite Protected No 16 Coast Live Oak Quercus agrifolia 14'3"6'No No $27.22 Remove Onsite Not Protected No Neil Woolner ISA Certification WE-2329A 12/21/2022 9 17 Coast Live Oak Quercus agrifolia 13'4"8'Yes No $48.43 Remove Onsite Protected No 18 Chinese Elm Ulmus parvifolia 8'2"12'No No $17.96 Remove Onsite Not Protected Yes 19 Coast Live Oak Quercus agrifolia 35'28"42'Yes Yes $192,054.8 9 Remove Onsite Large Protected No 20 Coast Live Oak Quercus agrifolia 15'11"15'Yes No $366.44 Remove Onsite Protected No 21 Chinese Elm Ulmus parvifolia 24'17"25'Yes No $2,596.65 Staying Not onsite Protected No 22 Liquidamb ar Liquidamb ar styraciflua 15'10"12'Yes No $147.03 Staying Not onsite Protected No 23 Liquidamb ar Liquidamb ar styraciflua 15'7"12'Yes No $72.03 Staying Not onsite Protected No 24 Liquidamb ar Liquidamb ar styraciflua 15'11"18'Yes No $177.90 Staying Not onsite Protected No 25 Chinese Elm Ulmus parvifolia 24'12"22'Yes No $1,293.75 Staying Not onsite Protected No 26 Chinese Elm Ulmus parvifolia 24'15"30'Yes No $2,021.56 Staying Not onsite Protected No 27 Chinese Elm Ulmus parvifolia 24'14"30'Yes No $1,760.96 Staying Not onsite Protected No 28 Chinese Pistache Pistacia chinensis 24'14"15'Yes No $2,100.84 Staying Not onsite Protected No Neil Woolner ISA Certification WE-2329A 12/21/2022 10 29 Coast Leucothoe Leucothoe axillaris 18'15"32'Yes No $1,323.20 Remove Onsite Protected No 30 Southern Magnolia Magnolia grandiflora 13'9"16'Yes No $4,830.29 Remove Onsite Protected Yes 31 Southern Magnolia Magnolia grandiflora 13'9"30'Yes No $4,830.29 Staying Onsite Protected Yes 32 Southern Magnolia Magnolia grandiflora 13'9"25'Yes No $4,830.29 Staying Onsite Protected Yes 33 Southern Magnolia Magnolia grandiflora 13'12"30'Yes No $8,587.60 Staying Onsite Protected Yes 34 Southern Magnolia Magnolia grandiflora 24'12"20'Yes No $8,587.60 Remove Onsite Protected Yes 35 Southern Magnolia Magnolia grandiflora 20'11"20'Yes No $7,216.20 Staying Onsite Protected Yes 36 Southern Magnolia Magnolia grandiflora 17'7"10'Yes No $485.99 Remove Onsite Protected Yes 37 Southern Magnolia Magnolia grandiflora 18'12"22'Yes No $5,720.51 Remove Onsite Protected Yes 38 Southern Magnolia Magnolia grandiflora 18'12"21'Yes No $12,871.15 Remove Onsite Protected Yes 39 Southern Magnolia Magnolia grandiflora 18'10"18'Yes No $8,946.02 Remove Onsite Protected Yes 40 Southern Magnolia Magnolia grandiflora 17'9"15'Yes No $7,244.29 Remove Onsite Protected Yes 41 Southern Magnolia Magnolia grandiflora 26'12"35'Yes No $12,881.40 Remove Onsite Protected Yes Neil Woolner ISA Certification WE-2329A 12/21/2022 11 42 Southern Magnolia Magnolia grandiflora 18'9"15'Yes No $7,244.29 Staying Onsite Protected Yes 43 Southern Magnolia Magnolia grandiflora 13'8"14'Yes No $5,717.98 Staying Onsite Protected Yes 44 Evergreen Pear Pyrus kawakamii 14'7"10'No No $64.03 Remove Onsite Protected Yes 45 Mexican Fan Palm Washingto nia robusta 60'14"8'Yes No $1,780.66 Remove Onsite Protected No 46 Coast Live Oak Quercus agrifolia 40'24"57'Yes Yes $141,074.1 8 Remove Onsite Large Protected No 47 Arizona Cypress Cupressus arizonica 30'14"42'Yes No $509.18 Staying Not onsite Protected No Neil Woolner ISA Certification WE-2329A 12/21/2022 12 Tree Protection Practices Per Sec. 29.10.1005 - Protection of trees during construction: A. Protective tree fencing shall specify the following: 1. Size and materials. Six (6) foot high chain link fencing, mounted on two-inch diameter galvanized iron posts, shall be driven into the ground to a depth of at least two (2) feet at no more than ten-foot spacing. For paving area that will not be demolished and when stipulated in a tree preservation plan, posts may be supported by a concrete base 2. Area type to be fenced. Type I: Enclosure with chain link fencing of either the entire dripline area or at the tree protection zone (TPZ), when specified by a certified or consulting arborist. Type II: Enclosure for street trees located in a planter strip: chain link fence around the entire planter strip to the outer branches. Type III: Protection for a tree located in a small planter cutout only (such as downtown): orange plastic fencing shall be wrapped around the trunk from the ground to the first branch with two-inch wooden boards bound securely on the outside. Caution shall be used to avoid damaging any bark or branches. 3. Duration of Type I, II, III fencing. Fencing shall be erected before demolition, grading or construction permits are issued and remain in place until the work is completed. Contractor shall first obtain the approval of the project arborist on record prior to removing a tree protection fence. 4. Warning sign. Each tree fence shall have prominently displayed an eight and one-half-inch by eleven-inch sign stating: "Warning—Tree Protection Zone—This fence shall not be removed and is subject to penalty according to Town Code 29.10.1025." 1. Provide a detail in the report on the location of the Type II tree protection fencing. 2. The plan set does not contain the required Tree Preservation Instructions (Sheet T-1) sheet Sec. 29.10.1000. New property development. (c) (1) or a Landscape Plan indicating replanting information consistent with the Town of Los Gatos Tree Canopy Replacement Standard section Sec. 29.10.0985. Determination and conditions of permit. (1)(2) Table 3-1. Provide the replacement standard table within the report. Neil Woolner ISA Certification WE-2329A 12/21/2022 13 Tree Canopy — Replacement Standard Canopy Size of Removed Tree1 Replacement Requirement2, 4 Single Family Residential Replacement Option3, 4 (if, applicable) 10 feet or less Two 24-inch box trees Two 15-gallon trees More than 10 feet to 25 feet Three 24-inch box trees Three 15-gallon trees More than 25 feet to 40 feet Four 24-inch box trees; or Two 36-inch box trees Four 15-gallon trees More than 40 feet to 55 feet Six 24-inch box trees; or Three 36-inch box trees Not Available Greater than 55 feet Ten 24-inch box trees; or Five 36-inch box trees Not Available Neil Woolner ISA Certification WE-2329A 12/21/2022 14 15650 Los Gatos Boulevard Supplementary Photos and Maps: Neil Woolner ISA Certification WE-2329A 12/21/2022 15 Neil Woolner ISA Certification WE-2329A 12/21/2022 16 Neil Woolner ISA Certification WE-2329A 12/21/2022 17 Neil Woolner ISA Certification WE-2329A 12/21/2022 18 Neil Woolner ISA Certification WE-2329A 12/21/2022 19 Neil Woolner ISA Certification WE-2329A 12/21/2022 20 Neil Woolner ISA Certification WE-2329A 12/21/2022 21 Neil Woolner ISA Certification WE-2329A 12/21/2022 22 Neil Woolner ISA Certification WE-2329A 12/21/2022 23 Neil Woolner ISA Certification WE-2329A 12/21/2022 24 Neil Woolner ISA Certification WE-2329A 12/21/2022 25 Neil Woolner ISA Certification WE-2329A 12/21/2022 26 Neil Woolner ISA Certification WE-2329A 12/21/2022 27 Neil Woolner ISA Certification WE-2329A 12/21/2022 28 Neil Woolner ISA Certification WE-2329A 12/21/2022 29 Neil Woolner ISA Certification WE-2329A 12/21/2022 30 Neil Woolner ISA Certification WE-2329A 12/21/2022 31 This Page Intentionally Left Blank May 4, 2022 Ms. Jocelyn Shoopman Community Development Department Town of Los Gatos 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95031 RE: 15600 & 15650 Los Gatos Blvd. Dear Jocelyn: This is the fourth round of site plan and architectural submittals that I have reviewed for this project in the past ten years, the last being in 2013. I have reviewed the revised project drawings. My comments and recom- mendations are as follows: NEIGHBORHOOD CONTEXT The site is a former auto dealership located at the corner of Los Gatos Boulevard and Los Gatos Almaden Road. The site is largely a paved parking area with now abandoned sales and service buildings. Nearby uses are mixed, and include shopping centers, commercial strip buildings, an auto dealership, and residences. Photos of the site and surrounding neighborhood are shown below. ARCHITECTURE PLANNING URBAN DESIGN EXHIBIT 13 Site with existing building Los Gatos Blvd. site frontage Eastern parcel property edge Commercial building across Los Gatos Blvd. Adjacent auto dealership to the north Shopping Center across Los Gatos Almaden Road Los Gatos Almaden Road site frontage Commercial building across Los Gatos Blvd. 15600 & 15650 Los Gatos Blvd. Design Review Comments May 4, 2022 Page 2 CONTEXT The site, as an important corner lot on two main streets, needs to be viewed in the broader context of Los Ga- tos Boulevard. Over the past twenty years or so, several other corner lots have seen new development, and the Town has worked hard to guide that development in a manner to reinforce those corners with strong archi- tectural forms and landscaping. The site and the other most important corners are shown in the aerial photos below. Some of the earlier project submittals for this site utilized site plans which separated the proposed structure from the Los Gatos Boulevard and Los Gatos Almaden Road frontages with parking lots. The current plan properly places the structure at the corner with parking to the side and behind it. This is much more desirable than allowing parking to dominate the street frontages. The proposed corner treatment is shown below with two other similar Los Gatos Blvd. intersections. Lark Avenue Intersection Blossom Hill Road Intersection Proposed Site Plan Proposed Corner Treatment 15600 & 15650 Los Gatos Blvd. Design Review Comments May 4, 2022 Page 3 PROPOSED PROJECT Proposed Los Gatos Blvd. Elevation Proposed East Elevation (Entry and Parking Lot side) Proposed North Elevation (Entry and Parking Lot side) Proposed Los Gatos-Almaden Road Elevation Los Gatos Blvd. Parking Lot Entry Corner North Parking Lot Entry Corner Los Gatos Blvd. Corner 15600 & 15650 Los Gatos Blvd. Design Review Comments May 4, 2022 Page 4 ISSUES AND CONCERNS The proposed design is contemporary in style with a mix of flat and sloping roofs. It would be substantially different in that regard from most of the newer commercial projects along Los Gatos Blvd. which have been largely modeled on traditional Mediterranean Styles. The closest in style would be the Market Hall in the North Forty project. That said, the project is very well designed and would, I believe, be in the spirit of the Town of Los Gatos and the Town’s Commercial Design Guidelines. There are, however, a few issues which staff may wish to discuss further with the applicant. 1. Provisions for safe pedestrian circulation from parking at the northern edge of the parking lot to the building entry are well provided for, but similar accommodations have not been made for parking at the eastern edge of the site 2. .The proposed treatment at the intersection corner of the site appears attractive, but not likely pedestrian- usable as shown on the corner sketch below unless the adjacent building occupancy supports outdoor uses. 15600 & 15650 Los Gatos Blvd. Design Review Comments May 4, 2022 Page 5 3. The strong contrast of color on the central portion of the Los Gatos Blvd. facade and on the truck load- ing dock area would draw the eye like a focal point, and would disrupt the well-done design unity of the rest of the structure. Likewise, the window treatments (i.e., transparency) on all sides of the structure will depend on the tenant’s interior uses. RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Add a landscape divider at the Los Gatos-Almaden Road project entry if possible 15600 & 15650 Los Gatos Blvd. Design Review Comments May 4, 2022 Page 6 2. Provide a protected pedestrian circulation pathway from the east parking lot to the entry similar to the one proposed from the north parking lot. 3. Remain flexible on the treatment of the Los Gatos Blvd /Los Gatos-Almaden Road intersection corner and the Los Gatos Blvd. facade fenestration until building tenant confirms potential interior uses. If not feasible as currently shown, add landscaping to the corner and investigate alternative treatments for the window areas. Some examples of both are shown below. Corner Landscaping Example 15600 & 15650 Los Gatos Blvd. Design Review Comments May 4, 2022 Page 7 4. Tone down the color contrast of the white stucco wall volumes on Los Gatos Blvd. and the truck load- ing area walls or change the material to wood siding or stone to improve the overall design unity of the facades and to suborinate the visual prominence of the loading area. Street-facing Window Examples 15600 & 15650 Los Gatos Blvd. Design Review Comments May 4, 2022 Page 8 Jocelyn, please let me know if you have any questions, or if there are specific issues of concern that I did not address. Sincerely, CANNON DESIGN GROUP Larry Cannon 15600 & 15650 Los Gatos Blvd. Design Review Comments May 4, 2022 Page 9 This Page Intentionally Left Blank Comment Response Letter Responses to Consulting Architect comment letter dated 05.04.2022 are following each comment. Responses prepared by Kenneth Rodrigues and Partners in Blue. Response to Comments: NEIGHBORHOOD CONTEXT The site is a former auto dealership located at the corner of Los Gatos Boulevard and Los Gatos Almaden Road. The site is largely a paved parking area with now abandoned sales and service buildings. Nearby uses are mixed, and include shopping centers, commercial strip buildings, an auto dealership, and residences. Photos of the site and surrounding neighborhood are shown below. To: Jocelyn Shoopman Associate Planner From: Kenneth Rodrigues & Partners, Inc. 445 N. Whisman Road, Suite 200 Mountain View, CA 94043 Ph: (650) 965-0700 kenr@krparchitects.com Sand Hill Property Company Steve Lynch 965 Page Mill Road Palo Alto, CA 94304 slynch@shpco.com Date: 05.27.2022 Subject: 15650 Los Gatos Blvd Consulting Architect Comment Response letter EXHIBIT 14 May 27, 2022 Page 2 Commercial building across Los Gatos Blvd. Commercial building across Los Gatos Blvd. Site with existing building Los Gatos Blvd. site frontage Eastern parcel property edge Adjacent auto dealership to the north Los Gatos Almaden Road site frontage Shopping Center across Los Gatos Almaden Road May 4, 2022 Page 3 Blossom Hill Road Intersection CONTEXT The site, as an important corner lot on two main streets, needs to be viewed in the broader context of Los Gatos Boulevard. Over the past twenty years or so, several other corner lots have seen new development, and the Town has worked hard to guide that development in a manner to reinforce those corners with strong architectural forms and landscaping. The site and the other most important corners are shown in the aerial photos below. Some of the earlier project submittals for this site utilized site plans which separated the proposed structure from the Los Gatos Boulevard and Los Gatos Almaden Road frontages with parking lots. The current plan properly places the structure at the corner with parking to the side and behind it. This is much more desirable than allowing parking to dominate the street frontages. The proposed corner treatment is shown below with two other similar Los Gatos Blvd. intersections. Proposed Corner Treatment Proposed Site Plan Lark Avenue Intersection May 4, 2022 Page 4 North Parking Lot Entry Corner Los Gatos Blvd. Corner PROPOSED PROJECT Proposed Los Gatos Blvd. Elevation Proposed East Elevation (Entry and Parking Lot side) Proposed North Elevation (Entry and Parking Lot side) Proposed Los Gatos-Almaden Road Elevation Los Gatos Blvd. Parking Lot Entry Corner May 4, 2022 Page 5 ISSUES AND CONCERNS The proposed design is contemporary in style with a mix of flat and sloping roofs. It would be substantially different in that regard from most of the newer commercial projects along Los Gatos Blvd. which have been largely modeled on traditional Mediterranean Styles. The closest in style would be the Market Hall in the North Forty project. That said, the project is very well designed and would, I believe, be in the spirit of the Town of Los Gatos and the Town’s Commercial Design Guidelines. There are, however, a few issues which staff may wish to discuss further with the applicant. 1. Provisions for safe pedestrian circulation from parking at the northern edge of the parking lot to the building entry are well provided for, but similar accommodations have not been made for parking at the eastern edge of the site 2. The proposed treatment at the intersection corner of the site appears attractive, but not likely pedestrian- usable as shown on the corner sketch below unless the adjacent building occupancy supports outdoor uses. May 4, 2022 Page 6 3. The strong contrast of color on the central portion of the Los Gatos Blvd. facade and on the truck loading dock area would draw the eye like a focal point, and would disrupt the well-done design unity of the rest of the structure. Likewise, the window treatments (i.e., transparency) on all sides of the structure will depend on the tenant’s interior uses. RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Add a landscape divider at the Los Gatos-Almaden Road project entry if possible May 4, 2022 Page 7 A landscape divider cannot be added since the truck turning movements need to utilize the entire driveway. 2. Provide a protected pedestrian circulation pathway from the east parking lot to the entry similar to the one proposed from the north parking lot. Acknowledged. A new protected pedestrian circulation pathway is proposed from the east parking lot to the entry. Refer sheet A1.1 and A1.2 3.Remain flexible on the treatment of the Los Gatos Blvd /Los Gatos-Almaden Road intersection corner and the Los Gatos Blvd. facade fenestration until building tenant confirms potential interior uses. If not feasible as currently shown, add landscaping to the corner and investigate alternative treatments for the window areas. Some examples of both are shown below. Acknowledged. The treatment of the Los Gatos Blvd /Los Gatos-Almaden Road intersection corner and the Los Gatos Blvd. facade fenestration has been finalized for the new tenant Whole Foods. May 4, 2022 Page 8 Corner Landscaping Example Street-facing Window Examples 4. Tone down the color contrast of the white stucco wall volumes on Los Gatos Blvd. and the truck loading area walls or change the material to wood siding or stone to improve the overall design unity of the facades and to subordinate the visual prominence of the loading area. Acknowledged. The color contrast on Los Gatos Blvd. and the truck loading area walls has been toned down with the introduction of a new tone down color, similar to the color recommended in the sketch below. Refer sheet A0.5, A3.0,A3.1 and A3.3. May 4, 2022 Page 9 This Page Intentionally Left Blank January 31, 2023 Jocelyn Shoopman, Associate Planner Town of Los Gatos 110 E Main Street Los Gatos CA 95030 Re: 15600-15650 Los Gatos Boulevard Project CEQA Compliance - Categorical Exemption Findings Dear Jocelyn, EMC Planning Group has been asked to prepare documentation to assist the Town of Los Gatos with CEQA compliance for the proposed 15600-15650 Los Gatos Boulevard Project. Project Description The approximately 2.8-acre project site is located at 15600-15650 Los Gatos Boulevard in the Town of Los Gatos (APN: 424-14-028 and -036). The project site is made up of two parcels and contains surface parking, one shed, and two existing structures from the previous car dealership that have been vacant for over a decade, according to the application materials and Town staff correspondence. Trees are located on the eastern, southern, and western boundaries of the site. Surrounding land uses include commercial to the north, Los Gatos Almaden Road and commercial uses to the south, commercial and residential uses to the east, and Los Gatos Boulevard and commercial uses to the west. The proposed project includes development of a 40,170-square foot, single-story commercial/retail building with a 3,305 square foot truck loading area. The building is designed to accommodate a new grocery market. The project would also include the development of 164 surface parking spaces and 10 bicycle parking spaces. Hours of operation for the public are approximately 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., with employees working outside of those hours. Landscaping is proposed around the perimeter of the project site. EXHIBIT 15 15600-15650 Los Gatos Boulevard Town of Los Gatos CEQA Compliance – Categorical Exemption Findings January 31, 2023, Page 2 The project plans are included as Attachment A. Categorical Exemption (CEQA Guidelines Section 15332) Section 21084 of the California Public Resources Code requires the CEQA Guidelines to include a list of classes of projects which have been determined not to have a significant effect on the environment and which shall, therefore, be exempt from the provisions of CEQA. In response to that mandate, the California Secretary for Resources has found that the following classes of projects listed in this article do not have a significant effect on the environment, and they are declared to be categorically exempt from the requirement for the preparation of environmental documents. The CEQA Guidelines identifies 33 classes of project types that are categorically exempt. The proposed project clearly qualifies for the Class 32 exemption, In-fill Development Projects, which is defined in the CEQA Guidelines section 15332, as follows: Class 32 consists of projects characterized as in-fill development meeting the conditions described in this section. (a) The project is consistent with the applicable general plan designation and all applicable general plan policies as well as with applicable zoning designation and regulations. (b) The proposed development occurs within city limits on a project site of no more than five acres substantially surrounded by urban uses. (c) The project site has no value as habitat for endangered, rare or threatened species. (d) Approval of the project would not result in any significant effects relating to traffic, noise, air quality, or water quality. (e) The site can be adequately served by all required utilities and public services. Exceptions (CEQA Guidelines Section 15300.2) CEQA Guidelines section 15300.2 identifies the following situations where a project otherwise exempt, would not be due to unusual circumstances. (a) Location. Classes 3, 4, 5, 6, and 11 are qualified by consideration of where the project is to be located – a project that is ordinarily insignificant in its impact on the environment may in a particularly sensitive environment be significant. Therefore, these classes are 15600-15650 Los Gatos Boulevard Town of Los Gatos CEQA Compliance – Categorical Exemption Findings January 31, 2023, Page 3 considered to apply all instances, except where the project may impact on an environmental resource of hazardous or critical concern where designated, precisely mapped, and officially adopted pursuant to law by federal, state, or local agencies. (b) Cumulative Impact. All exemptions for these classes are inapplicable when the cumulative impact of successive projects of the same type in the same place, over time is significant. (c) Significant Effect. A categorical exemption shall not be used for an activity where there is a reasonable possibility that the activity will have a significant effect on the environment due to unusual circumstances. (d) Scenic Highways. A categorical exemption shall not be used for a project which may result in damage to scenic resources, including but not limited to, trees, historic buildings, rock outcroppings, or similar resources, within a highway officially designated as a state scenic highway. This does not apply to improvements which are required as mitigation by an adopted negative declaration or certified Environmental Impact Report (EIR). (e) Hazardous Waste Sites. A categorical exemption shall not be used for a project located on a site which is included on any list compiled pursuant to Section 65962.5 of the Government Code. (f) Historical Resources. A categorical exemption shall not be used for a project which may cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of a historical resource. Findings and Evidence We have evaluated the proposed project to determine if it qualifies for the Class 32 exemption, and if so, whether any of the exceptions presented above would apply. The following findings with evidence are presented. Class 32 Categorical Exemption (a) The project is consistent with the applicable general plan designation and all applicable general plan policies as well as with applicable zoning designation and regulations. 15600-15650 Los Gatos Boulevard Town of Los Gatos CEQA Compliance – Categorical Exemption Findings January 31, 2023, Page 4 Evidence. Due to an October 2022 referendum, the Land Use and Community Design Elements of the Town of Los Gatos California 2040 General Plan were suspended. On October 4, 2022, the Town Council adopted a resolution to provide that the 2020 General Plan Land Use and Community Design Elements will govern during the period of suspension. Therefore, when the term “General Plan” is used in this document, it is the General Plan in effect that is being referenced (i.e., the Town of Los Gatos California 2040 General Plan with the Town of Los Gatos 2020 General Plan’s Land Use and Community Design Elements). The project site has a General Plan land use designation of Mixed-Use Commercial and is zoned CH Restricted Commercial Highway. Pursuant to the General Plan, the Mixed-Use Commercial designation permits a mixture of retail, office, and residential in a mixed-use setting, along with lodging, service, auto-related businesses, non- manufacturing industrial uses, recreational uses, and restaurants. According to the Town’s Municipal Code, the CH zone is intended for vehicular-oriented uses and sales along highway frontages, intermingled with compatible retail, service, and administrative activities. The project as a proposed grocery market is consistent with the applicable General Plan designation and is consistent with all applicable General Plan policies, as well as with applicable zoning designation and regulations. (b) The proposed development occurs within city limits on a project site of no more than five acres substantially surrounded by urban uses. Evidence. The approximately 2.8-acre project site is located within the Town limits and is surrounded by urban uses. Surrounding land uses include commercial to the north, Los Gatos-Almaden Road and commercial uses to the south, commercial and residential uses to the east, and Los Gatos Boulevard and commercial uses to the west. (c) The project site has no value as habitat for endangered, rare or threatened species. Evidence. The project site is within a densely urban area of the Town and has been previously developed with the rest of the project site 15600-15650 Los Gatos Boulevard Town of Los Gatos CEQA Compliance – Categorical Exemption Findings January 31, 2023, Page 5 covered with an old parking lot. Therefore, the project site has no value as habitat for endangered, rare or threatened species. (d) Approval of the project would not result in any significant effects relating to traffic, noise, air quality, or water quality. Evidence – Traffic. Hexagon Transportation Consultants prepared the 15600-15650 Los Gatos Boulevard Grocery Development Transportation Analysis (“transportation analysis”) on December 23, 2022. The following is a summary of the transportation analysis’ conclusions. The Governor’s Office of Planning and Research recommends that local-serving retail developments (considered to be less than 50,000 square feet in size) may be assumed to cause a less-than-significant impact on VMT. The proposed project would comprise of a building that is less than 50,000 square feet and, therefore, would be considered local-serving retail and a VMT analysis is not required. Evidence – Noise. Residences (i.e., sensitive receptors) are located northeast of the project site and could be affected by buildout and operational noise occurring onsite as a result of the proposed project. The noise generated by onsite activities would be subject to the Town’s maximum allowable exterior noise levels contained in Chapter 16 of the Town’s Municipal Code as well as the goals and policies within the General Plan that reduce excess noise generated by new development. Compliance with these regulations and policies would ensure potential onsite noise impacts would be less than significant. Development of the proposed project may also result in an increase in offsite traffic noise on Los Gatos Boulevard and Los Gatos Almaden Road. According to the transportation analysis prepared for the General Plan EIR, 25,400 daily trips occur on Los Gatos Boulevard under existing conditions (Appendix C of the General Plan EIR, p. 67). According to the transportation analysis prepared for the proposed project, the proposed project would generate a total of 2,866 new daily trips. Under the assumption that 100 percent of the trips would be distributed on Los Gatos Boulevard, the project’s trip 15600-15650 Los Gatos Boulevard Town of Los Gatos CEQA Compliance – Categorical Exemption Findings January 31, 2023, Page 6 generation would represent an approximately 11 percent increase to existing trips on Los Gatos Boulevard. According to the transportation analysis prepared for the General Plan EIR, 10,000 daily trips occur on Los Gatos Almaden Road under existing conditions (Appendix C of the General Plan EIR, p. 67). Under the assumption that 100 percent of the trips would be distributed on Los Gatos Almaden Road, the proposed project’s 2,866 new daily trips would represent an approximately 29 percent increase to existing trips on Los Gatos Almaden Road. The threshold of perception in change for the human ear is three decibels (3 dB), which would be achieved if the vehicle trips on Los Gatos Boulevard or Los Gatos Almaden Road were doubled as a result of the trips generated by the proposed project. Under the assumptions presented above, trips generated by the proposed project would result in an 11 percent or 29 percent increase on Los Gatos Boulevard and Los Gatos-Almaden Road, respectively. Therefore, the proposed project would not result in a perceptible increase in offsite operational noise levels from the additional vehicle trips on Los Gatos Boulevard and Los Gatos Almaden Road. Additionally, noise associated with build-out of the General Plan was evaluated in the General Plan EIR. Development at the project site would be required to comply with applicable General Plan polices such as Policy MOB-1.1, which requires that all development or redevelopment with more than ten housing units or over 5,000 square feet of non-residential square footage (such as the proposed project) to include a detailed, sustainable, and measurable Transportation Demand Management program with accountability requirements to ensure that the program’s measures are achieved; Policy MOB-1.2, which encourages that employers create incentives that reduce employee vehicle trips; and Policy MOB-1.3, which states that development near transit stops (such as the proposed project, which includes a bus stop at the project frontage on Los Gatos Boulevard) shall provide Transportation Demand Management programs or facilities that encourage transit use for all types of trips. 15600-15650 Los Gatos Boulevard Town of Los Gatos CEQA Compliance – Categorical Exemption Findings January 31, 2023, Page 7 The proposed project is consistent with the Town’s General Plan designation for the site and, therefore, the operational noise impacts of commercial uses have been evaluated by the General Plan EIR and anticipated by the Town’s General Plan. Therefore, implementation of the applicable General Plan policies would help reduce vehicle trips and, therefore, ensure impacts related to traffic noise levels as a result of development of the proposed project are less than significant. The Town’s Municipal Code Section 16.20.035 identifies timing requirements for when construction noise is permitted during the weekdays and weekends, and lists the noise level requirements for construction equipment. This section states that construction noise is allowed between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on weekdays and between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. on Saturdays with a valid Town permit. The proposed project would be required to comply with Town Municipal Code Section 16.20.035, thereby ensuring that temporary construction noise levels would be less than significant. Therefore, construction of the project would not result in any significant noise effects. Evidence – Air Quality. The project is within the jurisdiction of the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (“air district”). The air district is responsible for monitoring air quality in the air basin, which is designated, under state and national criteria, as a nonattainment area for ozone and respirable (PM10) and fine particulate matter (PM2.5); under federal criteria, the air basin is unclassified for (PM10). The air district has developed thresholds of significance that are used to determine whether or not a proposed project would result in a cumulatively considerable net increase of criteria air pollutants during operations and/or construction. A significant environmental impact would occur if the proposed project would generate emissions that would exceed state thresholds for criteria air pollutants. Table 3-1 within the air district’s CEQA Air Quality Guidelines provides the operational-related criteria air pollutant and precursor screening level sizes to and is used to determine if a project would have a 15600-15650 Los Gatos Boulevard Town of Los Gatos CEQA Compliance – Categorical Exemption Findings January 31, 2023, Page 8 significant operational air quality impact. Based on this table, a supermarket would have a significant operational air quality impact if the proposed building was 42,000 square feet or larger. The proposed project includes the construction of a 40,170-square foot building. Therefore, the proposed project’s operational emissions would be less than significant. Construction emissions would include mobile source exhaust emissions and emissions generated from fugitive dust associated with earthmoving equipment. However, Table 3-1 of the CEQA Air Quality Guidelines also contains screening criteria for construction impacts of new development projects. For a supermarket, construction emissions impacts are less than significant for projects whose buildings are 277,000 square feet or less. The proposed project includes construction of a 40,170-square foot building. Therefore, the proposed project would be below the construction-related air quality screening criteria and would result in a less-than-significant impact from construction emissions. Construction of the project would not result in any significant effects relating to air quality. Evidence – Water Quality. According to the project plans (Sheet C5.0), the proposed project would include impervious surfaces (building, parking and maneuvering, and walkways) on approximately 85 percent of the project site with the remainder of the site consisting of pervious surfaces such as landscaping. According to the project plans (Sheet C5.0), the project is exempt from hydromodification requirements pursuant to the Santa Clara County C.3 Technical Guidance Document due to the project decreasing the amount of impervious surface compared to pre-project conditions. However, the proposed project would replace more than 50 percent of the existing impervious area and, therefore, must treat the stormwater for entire project site. The proposed project’s Stormwater Management Plan proposes the following treatment measures to regulate the quality of storm water leaving the project site: 15600-15650 Los Gatos Boulevard Town of Los Gatos CEQA Compliance – Categorical Exemption Findings January 31, 2023, Page 9 Self-treating area – runoff in this area originates in and flows through planting prior to existing the project site, no treatment is required. Bio-retention area – runoff in this area is directed to a bio-retention planter/area for filtration, infiltration, and evapotranspiration prior to exiting the project site. The proposed development would conform to the Town’s stormwater requirements, which are enforced through the Town Municipal Code (Chapter 22), the Town’s Storm Drain Master Plan, and adherence to the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board’s Basin Plan. Therefore, construction of the project would not result in any significant effects relating to water quality. (e) The site can be adequately served by all required utilities and public services. Evidence. The project is site almost entirely impervious features and, therefore, the property’s stormwater currently drains overland into the existing Town storm drain system within Los Gatos Almaden Road. The proposed project anticipates connecting into the Town’s storm drain, water, and sanitary sewer system within Los Gatos Almaden Road. The project also proposes to remove and replace an existing fire hydrant fronting Los Gatos Almaden Road, and install one domestic and one irrigation water meter. Electricity will be routed from an existing pole with a transformer and a gas meter installed on the site fronting Los Gatos Almaden Road. According to the project’s Fire Access Plan, all drive aisles and curb radii have been shown to accommodate onsite circulation of fire trucks vehicles pursuant to the requirements of the California Fire Code. There is no evidence to suggest that the proposed project, located on an infill parcel in central Los Gatos, cannot be adequately served by all required utilities and public services. Exceptions (a) Location. Classes 3, 4, 5, 6, and 11 are qualified by consideration of where the project is to be located – a project that is ordinarily insignificant in its impact on the environment may in a particularly sensitive environment be 15600-15650 Los Gatos Boulevard Town of Los Gatos CEQA Compliance – Categorical Exemption Findings January 31, 2023, Page 10 significant. Therefore, these classes are considered to apply all instances, except where the project may impact on an environmental resource of hazardous or critical concern where designated, precisely mapped, and officially adopted pursuant to law by federal, state, or local agencies. Evidence. The project qualifies for a Class 32 exemption, which is not one of the specified classes of exemptions to which this exception applies. Therefore, the location exception does not apply to the project. (b) Cumulative Impact. All exemptions for these classes are inapplicable when the cumulative impact of successive projects of the same type in the same place, over time is significant. Evidence. There are no plans for successive projects of the same type in the Town of Los Gatos. Therefore, there is no cumulative impact of successive projects of the same type in the same place. Additionally, cumulative development that would be proposed consistent with the general plan has been evaluated in the General Plan EIR. (c) Significant Effect. A categorical exemption shall not be used for an activity where there is a reasonable possibility that the activity will have a significant effect on the environment due to unusual circumstances. Evidence. Case law makes clear that application of this exception must proceed in two steps. The first is to determine whether a proposed project involves “unusual circumstances.” If the answer to that question is in the affirmative, the second step is to consider whether those unusual circumstances will give rise to potentially significant environmental effects. (Berkeley Hillside Preservation v. City of Berkeley (2015) 60 Cal.4th 1086, 1097-1105 (Berkeley Hillside.) As explained below, the proposed project does not involve any unusual circumstances with respect to its location, size, environmental setting, physical attributes, surrounding land uses, or planning context – factors considered relevant under case law. (See Berkeley Hillside, supra, 60 Cal.4th at pp. 1118–1119; San Lorenzo Valley Community Advocates for Responsible Education v. San Lorenzo Valley Unified School Dist. (2006) 139 Cal.App.4th 1356, 1381; McQueen v. Bd. of Directors (1988) 202 Cal.App.3d 1136, 1149; Lewis v. Seventeenth Dist. Agricultural Assn. (1985) 165 Cal.App.3d 823, 828–829; City of Pasadena v. State of California 15600-15650 Los Gatos Boulevard Town of Los Gatos CEQA Compliance – Categorical Exemption Findings January 31, 2023, Page 11 (1993) 14 Cal.App.4th 810, 826–827; Bloom v. McGurk (1994) 26 Cal.App.4th 1307, 1315–1316; and Voices for Rural Living v. El Dorado Irrigation Dist. (2012) 209 Cal.App.4th 1096, 1109.) The proposed project (grocery market) is consistent with the General Plan land use designation of Mixed-Use Commercial, and the Town’s zoning designation of CH Restricted Commercial Highway, as discussed above. The project site is located on a previously developed, highly-disturbed flat parcel surrounded by urban development within the core of the Town of Los Gatos. There is nothing unusual about the project site as a typical infill parcel and nothing unusual about the proposed project as a typical infill project. The project features (commercial/retail building, truck loading area, parking areas) are typical project features that do not differ from other projects in infill exemption class 32. The residential uses northeast of the project site would not suffer significant noise impacts due to the proposed project. Therefore, there are no unusual circumstances regarding conditions of the project site or in the immediate vicinity. (d) Scenic Highways. A categorical exemption shall not be used for a project which may result in damage to scenic resources, including but not limited to, trees, historic buildings, rock outcroppings, or similar resources, within a highway officially designated as a state scenic highway. This does not apply to improvements which are required as mitigation by an adopted negative declaration or certified EIR. Evidence. The project site is located approximately 1.5 miles northeast of the nearest officially designated state scenic highway, State Route 9 (California Department of Transportation 2022). Therefore, development of the proposed project would not substantially damage scenic resources, rock outcroppings, and historic buildings within a state scenic highway. (e) Hazardous Waste Sites. A categorical exemption shall not be used for a project located on a site which is included on any list compiled pursuant to Section 65962.5 of the Government Code. Evidence. The project site is listed on the List of Leaking Underground Storage Tank Sites from the State Water Board’s GeoTracker database 15600-15650 Los Gatos Boulevard Town of Los Gatos CEQA Compliance – Categorical Exemption Findings January 31, 2023, Page 12 as a leaking underground storage tank cleanup site; however, its case has been completed and is closed (State Water Board 2022a). The project site is not included on the list of solid waste disposal sites identified by the State Water Board with waste constituents above hazardous waste levels outside the waste management unit (State Water Board 2022b); is not included on the State Water Board’s list of active Cease and Desist Orders and Cleanup and Abatement Orders (State Water Board 2022c); and is not included on the list of hazardous waste facilities subject to corrective action pursuant to Section 25187.5 of the Health and Safety Code, identified by the Department of Toxic Substances Control (California Department of Toxic Substances 2022a). Further, the project site is not included on a list of hazardous materials sites compiled pursuant to Government Code section 65962.5 (California Department of Toxic Substances Control 2022b) and, as a result, would not create a significant hazard to the public or the environment. (f)Historical Resources. A categorical exemption shall not be used for a project which may cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of a historical resource. Evidence. The existing structures onsite (associated with the previous car dealership use) were constructed between 1965 and 1970 (Town of Los Gatos 2013). According to the Town’s Municipal Code Section 29.10.020, the Town defines a historic structure to be: Any structure that is located within a historic district; or Any structure that is historically designated; or Any primary structure constructed prior to 1941, unless the deciding body has determined the structure has no historic significance and should not be included in the Town Historic Resources Inventory. Given that the project site is not within a historic district, is not historically designated, and the structures onsite were not constructed prior to 1941, the project would not cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of a historical resource. 15600-15650 Los Gatos Boulevard Town of Los Gatos CEQA Compliance – Categorical Exemption Findings January 31, 2023, Page 13 Please contact either of us if you have any questions or comments. Sincerely, Shoshana Lutz Associate Planner Teri Wissler Adam Senior Principal 15600-15650 Los Gatos Boulevard Town of Los Gatos CEQA Compliance – Categorical Exemption Findings January 31, 2023, Page 14 REFERENCES Bay Area Air Quality Management District. May 2017. CEQA Air Quality Guidelines. https://www.baaqmd.gov/~/media/files/planning-and- research/ceqa/ceqa_guidelines_may2017-pdf.pdf?la=en California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). “California State Scenic Highway System Map.” Accessed December 19, 2022. https://www.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=465dfd3d807c46cc8e 8057116f1aacaa California Department of Toxic Substances Control. “List of hazardous waste facilities subject to corrective action pursuant to Section 25187.5 of the Health and Safety Code, identified by DTSC.” Accessed on December 20, 2022a. https://calepa.ca.gov/sitecleanup/corteselist/section-65962-5a/ California Department of Toxic Substances Control. “EnviroStor Database.” Accessed December 20, 2022b. https://www.envirostor.dtsc.ca.gov/public/map/?myaddress=gonzales Google Earth. 2022. Hexagon Transportation Consultants, Inc. December 23, 2022. 15600-15650 Los Gatos Boulevard Grocery Development Transportation Analysis. Gilroy, CA. Kenneth Rodrigues and Partners, Inc. Submittal February 14, 2022, resubmittal November 18, 2022. Development Review Application. Shoopman, Jocelyn, Associate Planner, Town of Los Gatos. Email message to consultant, 14 March 2022. State Water Board. “List of Leaking Underground Storage Tank Sites from the State Water Board’s GeoTracker database.” Accessed on December 19, 2022a. https://calepa.ca.gov/sitecleanup/corteselist/ State Water Board. “List of solid waste disposal sites identified by Water Board with waste constituents above hazardous waste levels outside the waste management unit.” Accessed on December 20, 2022b. chrome- extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://calepa.ca.gov/wp- content/uploads/sites/6/2016/10/SiteCleanup-CorteseList-CurrentList.pdf State Water Board. “List of “active” CDO and CAO from Water Board.” Accessed on December 20, 2022c. https://calepa.ca.gov/sitecleanup/corteselist/ 15600-15650 Los Gatos Boulevard Town of Los Gatos CEQA Compliance – Categorical Exemption Findings January 31, 2023, Page 15 Town of Los Gatos. January 2011. Town of Los Gatos 2020 General Plan. Los Gatos, CA. Town of Los Gatos. August 2013. Initial Study - CVS Pharmacy and Commercial Development 15600 & 15650 Los Gatos Boulevard, Los Gatos, California, Planned Development Application PD-11-005, Negative Declaration ND-11-007. Los Gatos, CA. Town of Los Gatos. November 2019. Town of Los Gatos Zoning Map. Los Gatos, CA. Town of Los Gatos. July 2021. 2040 General Plan Draft Environmental Impact Report. Los Gatos, CA. Town of Los Gatos. June 2022a. 2040 General Plan Final Environmental Impact Report SCH#2020070175. Los Gatos, CA. https://losgatos2040.com/images/docs/5_LG_2040_GP_FEIR_RTC_June_2022.pdf Town of Los Gatos. June 2022b. Town of Los Gatos California 2040 General Plan. Los Gatos, CA. http://losgatos2040.com/documents.html Town of Los Gatos. Town Code. Last updated on June 15, 2022c. https://library.municode.com/ca/los_gatos/codes/code_of_ordinances This Page Intentionally Left Blank DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATION LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA 15650 LOS GATOS BOULEVARD SUBMITTAL 02.14.2022 * RESUBMITTAL#1 05.13.2022 * RESUBMITTAL#2 08.10.22 * RESUBMITTAL#3 09.14.22 P R O J E C T T E A M S H E E T I N D E X ARCHITECTURAL A-0.0 COVER SHEET A-0.1 DESIGN GOALS AND IMAGERY A-0.2 AERIAL MAP A-0.3 PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE EXISTING SITE A-0.4 NEIGHBORHOOD CONTEXT A-0.5 PERSPECTIVE VIEW A-0.6 PERSPECTIVE VIEW A-0.7 PERSPECTIVE VIEW A-1.0 EXISTING SITE PLAN A-1.1 ILLUSTRATIVE SITE PLAN A-1.2 DIMENSIONED SITE PLAN A-1.3 OPEN SPACE ANALYSIS A-1.4 PARKING CALCULATION AND CIRCULATION PLAN A-1.5 SHADOW STUDY A-2.0 BUILDING FLOOR PLAN A-2.1 BUILDING ROOF PLAN A-2.2 LOADING DOCK AND SERVICE AREA PLAN A-3.0 BUILDING ELEVATIONS A-3.1 BUILDING ELEVATIONS A-3.2 STREETSCAPE ELEVATIONS A-3.3 MATERIALS AND FINISHES A-4.0 BUILDING SECTIONS OWNER KENNETH RODRIGUES & PARTNERS, INC. 445 N. WHISMAN ROAD, SUITE 200 MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA 94043 Phone: 650.965.0700 Contact: Rachana Ramesh Email: rachana@krparchitects.com SAND HILL PROPERTY COMPANY 965 PAGE MILL ROAD PALO ALTO, CA 94304 Phone: 650.344.1500 Contact: Steve Lynch Email: slynch@shpco.com ARCHITECT THE GUZZARDO PARTNERSHIP, INC 181 GREENWICH STREET SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94111 Phone: 415.433.4672 Contact: Gary Laymon Email: glaymon@tgp-inc.com LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT SANDIS 1700 S WINCHESTER BLVD, SUITE 200 CAMPBELL, CA 95008 Phone: 408.636.0962 Contact: Steven Yasutake Email: syasutake@sandis.net CIVIL ENGINEER PROPERTY ADDRESS: APN: LOT AREA: ZONING: USE: OCCUPANCY: TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: AREA CALCULATION BUILDING AREA: OPEN LOADING AND SERVICES: FLOOR AREA RATIO (FAR): BUILDING COVERAGE CALCULATION TOTAL BUILDING FOOTPRINT: EXTERIOR CANOPY AREAS: TOTAL BUILDING COVERAGE: ALLOWABLE SITE COVERAGE: PROPOSED SITE COVERAGE: ALLOWABLE BLDG. HEIGHT: PROPOSED BLDG. HEIGHT: STORIES PROPOSED: SPRINKLER SYSTEM: REQUIRED PARKING STALLS: PROVIDED PARKING STALLS: REQUIRED PARKING RATIO: PROPOSED PARKING RATIO: NOTE: OPEN LOADING DOCK IS NOT INCLUDED IN PARKING CALCULATION. 15650 LOS GATOS BOULEVARD 424-14-028 121,655 SF (2.793 ACRES) CH COMMERCIAL M (MERCANTILE) V-B 40,170 SF 3,305 SF 0.33 40,170 SF 2,475 SF 42,645 SF 50% 35% 35'-0'' 35'-0'' 1 STORY YES 171 STALLS 164 STALLS 1/235 (4.25/1000) 1/245 (4.0/1000) V I C I N I T Y M A P PROJECT SITE THE 15650 LOS GATOS BOULEVARD PROJECT HAS A SITE AREA OF 2.793 ACRES AND IS LOCATED WITHIN THE CH- RESTRICTED COMMERCIAL HIGHWAY ZONING IN THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA. THE PROJECT CONSISTS OF CONSTRUCTING A NEW COMMERCIAL BUILDING AND SURFACE PARKING LOT. THE PROJECT AIMS TO CREATE A UNIQUE BUILDING THAT EMBODIES THE QUALITIES WHICH ARE DESIRABLE FOR THE BOULEVARD. IT CONTAINS NEIGHBORHOOD SHOPPING USES WHILE MAINTAINING A UNIQUE SCALE AND PEDESTRIAN FRIENDLINESS THAT IS HIGHLY DESIRABLE TO TOWN RESIDENTS. THE PROJECT DESIGN IS CONSISTENT WITH THE C.H COMMERCIAL ZONING AND LOS GATOS BOULEVARD DESIGN GUIDELINES. THE NEW BUILDING IS LOCATED ON THE BOULEVARD TO ENCOURAGE PEDESTRIAN CONNECTIVITY AND VIBRANCY. THE BUILDING DESIGN IS A SERIES OF SMALLER SCALE ARCHITECTURAL FEATURES AND DETAILS TO SUPPORT THE BOULEVARD GUIDELINES AND TOWN OF LOS GATOS DESIGN GOALS. P R O J E C T I N F O R M A T I O N P R O J E C T D E S C R I P T I O N CIVIL C-1.0 CIVIL COVER SHEET C-2.0 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY C3.0 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN C3.1 EARTHWORK HEAT MAP C4.0 UTILITY PLAN C5.0 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN C6.0 FIRE ACCESS PLAN C7.0 EROSION CONTROL PLAN LANDSCAPE L-1 SCHEMATIC SITE PLAN L-2 LANDSCAPE IMAGERY L-3 SCHEMATIC PLANTING PLAN L-4 HYDROZONE PLAN L-5 SCHEMATIC LIGHTING PLAN L-5.1 PHOTOMETRIC PLAN L-6 TREE DISPOSITION PLAN EXHIBIT 16 15650 LOS GATOS BOULEVARD LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA SAND HILL PROPERTY COMPANY KENNETH RODRIGUES & PARTNERS, INC. 36.654 09.14.2022 DESIGN GOALS AND IMAGERY A0.1 DESIGN GOALS 1. FOLLOW THE ARCHITECTURAL CHARACTER OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS BY: - BREAK BUILDING DESIGN DOWN TO SMALL SCALE ARCHITECTURAL FEATURES WITH A STRONG PEDESTRIAN ORIENTATION - ATTENTION TO ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS AND LANDSCAPING 2. SUBSTANTIALLY LANDSCAPE THE SETBACKS TO INCLUDE LARGE SPECIMEN TREES AS WELL AS FLOWERING PLANTS 3.PROVIDE VISUAL UNITY TO THE BOULEVARD 4. ACCOMMODATE AUTO-ORIENTED USES WHILE MAINTAINING A HIGH DEGREE OF HUMAN SCALE AND APPEAL FOR PEDESTRIAN AND BICYCLE USERS 5. PROVIDE A VISUAL FOCAL POINT FOR SITE AND BUILDING ENTRIES 6. COLORS AND MATERIALS TO BE COMPATIBLE WITH OTHER PROJECTS ALONG THE BOULEVARD 15650 LOS GATOS BOULEVARD LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA SAND HILL PROPERTY COMPANY KENNETH RODRIGUES & PARTNERS, INC. 36.654 AERIAL MAP A0.2200' 0'400' NLOS GATOS BOULEVARDLOS GA T O S A L M A D E N R O A DHIGHWAY 17CHERRY BLOSSOM LNC H I R C O D R PROJECT SITE 09.14.2022 15650 LOS GATOS BOULEVARD LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA SAND HILL PROPERTY COMPANY KENNETH RODRIGUES & PARTNERS, INC. 36.654 PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE EXISTING SITE A0.3 IMAGES OF THE SITEB 3 CONTEXT SITE PLANA 1 2 3 PROJECT SITE 1 2 4 5 6 4 5 6 09.14.2022 15650 LOS GATOS BOULEVARD LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA SAND HILL PROPERTY COMPANY KENNETH RODRIGUES & PARTNERS, INC. 36.654 NEIGHBORHOOD CONTEXT A0.4 1 2 IMAGES OF ADJACENT BUILDINGSB 3 4 6 7 8 9 5 CONTEXT SITE PLANA SUTTER HEALTH BUILDING1 MOORE BUICK GMC2 NOB HILL FOODS SHOPPING CENTER3 CITIBANK4 HAPPY HOUND5 LESTER SQUARE6 STARBUCKS RESERVE CENTER7 CORNERSTONE SHOPPING CENTER8 LUNARDI'S MARKET9 PROJECT SITE 09.14.2022 15650 LOS GATOS BOULEVARD LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA SAND HILL PROPERTY COMPANY KENNETH RODRIGUES & PARTNERS, INC. 36.654 A0.5 VIEW FROM LOS GATOS BOULEVARD 09.14.2022 15650 LOS GATOS BOULEVARD LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA SAND HILL PROPERTY COMPANY KENNETH RODRIGUES & PARTNERS, INC. 36.654 A0.6 VIEW FROM LOS GATOS BOULEVARD 09.14.2022 15650 LOS GATOS BOULEVARD LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA SAND HILL PROPERTY COMPANY KENNETH RODRIGUES & PARTNERS, INC. 36.654 A0.7 VIEW FROM CUSTOMER PARKING 09.14.2022 PARCEL 1 LANDS OF SHP-CUTE, LLC APN:424-14-036 DOC#:25107922 121,655± SQUARE FEET 2.793± ACRES LOS GATOS BLVD LO S G A TO S - A LM AD EN RO AD PARCEL 2 LANDS OF SHP-CUTE, LLC APN:424-14-028 DOC#:25107922 LOT 1 MAP O F T R A C T NO. 2 9 8 4 B K . 134 O F M A P S , PAGE 2 9 LOT 3 MULTI-STORY CONC BUILDING TOP HEIGHT=22.5' BLOCK BUILDING TOP HEIGHT=16.5' 15650 LOS GATOS BOULEVARD LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA SAND HILL PROPERTY COMPANY KENNETH RODRIGUES & PARTNERS, INC. 36.654 EXISTING SITE PLAN A1.030' 0'60' APN: ZONING: SITE AREA: EXISTING BUILDING AREA: EXISTING BUILDING HEIGHT: NUMBER OF STORIES: EXISTING SITE SUMMARY 424-14-028 CH HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL 121,655 SF (2.793 AC) +/-20,600 SF +/- 22.5' 2 STORY 40'-1"12'-1"18'-6"1 2 3 PROPERTY LINE KEYNOTES: 4 BUILDING FOOTPRINT DRIVEWAY PARKING AREA 1 2 1 3 4 5 BUILDING SETBACK LINE 6 EXISTING SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION 5 3 23'-9"5'-1" 6 (E) 1 STORY COMMERCIAL (E) 2 STORY RESIDENTIAL (E) BUILDING TO BE DEMOLISHED (E) 2 STORY RESIDENTIAL (E) 1 STORY COLLISION CENTER (E) 1 STORY AUTOMOBILE SHOWROOM (E) 1 STORY COMMERCIAL 09.14.2022 9 6 7 9 9 10 98 5 10 10 13 8 10 10 EV EV EV EV EV EV EV EV T 8 9 7 7 15650 LOS GATOS BOULEVARD LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA SAND HILL PROPERTY COMPANY KENNETH RODRIGUES & PARTNERS, INC. 36.654 DIMENSIONED SITE PLAN A1.230' 0'60' L O S G A T O S B O U L E V A R D L OS GA T OS A L MA DE N ROA D16'25'18'26'16'73'-10"1 2 3 PROPERTY LINE KEYNOTES: 4 5 6 7 3 BUILDING FOOTPRINT DRIVEWAY PARKING AREA LANDSCAPE AREA LOADING & SERVICE OUTDOOR PATIO SEATING 8 COVERED OUTDOOR SALES 9 PRIMARY ENTRY 10 16'18'26'9'-6"5'154'-6"6 4 1 2 3 5 1 5 1 5 1 5 4 5 ' - 3 ' 'DR IV EWA Y W ID TH 15' 284'-10" 1 5 141'-8" 18'5' 8 11 15' WIDE BUILDING SETBACK LINE 11 17 9 12 LINE OF CANOPY ABOVE 12 12 ZONING: SITE AREA: AREA CALCULATION BUILDING AREA: OPEN LOADING AND SERVICES: FLOOR AREA RATIO (FAR): BUILDING COVERAGE CALCULATION BUILDING FOOTPRINT: EXTERIOR CANOPY AREAS: TOTAL BUILDING COVERAGE: ALLOWABLE SITE COVERAGE: PROPOSED SITE COVERAGE: ALLOWABLE BLDG. HEIGHT: PROPOSED BLDG. HEIGHT: BUILDING SETBACKS: FRONT (LOS GATOS BLVD) SIDE REAR STREET SIDE (LOS GATOS ALMADEN RD) CH HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL 121,655 SF (2.793 AC) 40,170 SF 3,305 SF 0.33 40,170 SF 2,475 SF 42,645 SF 50% 35% 35'-0'' 35'-0'' SITE SUMMARY15'-0''1-STORY MAJOR TENANT 13 OUTDOOR NODE 13 1 5 7 ' - 9 "65'-2"PROPOSED 15'-0'' 150'-6'' 135'-10'' 15'-0'' 14 LOADING DOCK SCREEN WALL 21 14 10 EXISTING SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION 2'18'2'9'-9"2' 2' 11'18'25' REQUIRED 15'-0'' NONE NONE 15'-0'' (E) 1 STORY COMMERCIAL (E) 2 STORY RESIDENTIAL (E) 2 STORY RESIDENTIAL (E) 1 STORY COLLISION CENTER (E) 1 STORY AUTOMOBILE SHOWROOM (E) 1 STORY COMMERCIAL 135'-10"150'-6" 15 SINGLE WIDE CART CORRAL 15OPEN TRASH AND COMPACTOR NOTE: REFER SHEET 1.4 FOR PARKING CALCULATIONS15'16'2'25'6'8'-6"6'-2"4'4'4'25'6'16'16 16 2' PARKING OVERHANG 5'16 5 16 1 5' 25'18'18'25'5' 6' 17 TRELLIS ABOVE 30' DRIVE. WIDTH 7 3'-6" 11 OPEN LOADING AREA 2'2'18 BIKE PARKING 18 18 2'19 SECONDARY ENTRY 19 20 20 EV CHARGING STATION 21 LANDSCAPE SCREEN WALL16'-10"30'-7"15'16'-11"15'-10"15'09.14.2022 9 6 7 9 9 10 98 5 10 10 13 8 10 10 EV EV EV EV EV EV EV EV 8 9 7 7 15650 LOS GATOS BOULEVARD LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA SAND HILL PROPERTY COMPANY KENNETH RODRIGUES & PARTNERS, INC. 36.654 OPEN SPACE ANALYSIS A1.330' 0'60' L O S G A T O S B O U L E V A R D L OS GA T OS A L MA DE N ROA D15'AREA(SF) BUILDING FOOTPRINT LANDSCAPE AREA 3,968 SF 40,170 SF DRIVEWAY/ PARKING 52,697 SF LOT COVERAGE % 43% 3% 33% WALKWAYS 8,117 SF 7% 100%121,655 SF 5'-0'' 2'-0'' 23'-6"5'EXTERIOR CANOPY AREAS PARKING LOT LANDSCAPE AREA5'4'4'6'16' 4' 5'4'2,475 SF 2% 10,923 SF 9% *PARKING LOT LANDSCAPE AREA SMALLER THAN 5' ANY DIMENSION AS WELL AS CURBING AND VEHICLE OVERHANGS ALLOWANCES ARE NOT INCLUDED IN THE CALCULATION PER SECTION 29.10.155 (G) (6) PARKING LOT CALCULATIONS SITE CALCULATIONS PARKING LOT LANDSCAPE AREA*8,520 SF DRIVEWAY AREA 54,230 SF 86% TOTAL PARKING AREA 62,750 SF 100% TOTAL SITE AREA 14% (>5%) PURSUANT TO SECTION 29.10.155 (g)(6) OF THE TOWN CODE, AT LEAST FIVE PERCENT OF THE INTERIOR OF ALL PARKING AREAS SHALL BE LANDSCAPED. OPEN LOADING AND SERVICES 3,305 SF 3% 09.14.2022 9 6 7 9 9 10 98 5 10 10 13 8 10 10 EV EV EV EV EV EV EV EV 8 9 7 7 T 15650 LOS GATOS BOULEVARD LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA SAND HILL PROPERTY COMPANY KENNETH RODRIGUES & PARTNERS, INC. 36.654 PARKING CALCULATION AND CIRCULATION PLAN A1.430' 0'60' L O S G A T O S B O U L E V A R D L OS GA T OS - A L MA DE N ROA D1-STORY MAJOR TENANT TO OPEN LOADING AND SERVICE TO MAIN ENTRY PEDESTRIAN CIRCULATION VEHICULAR CIRCULATION PLAZA EXISTING SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION 18'4" 5' 1'-6" 9'EHCVHC1''=10' 2' 11' 4' LEGEND HC ACCESSIBLE STALLS EHC ACCESSIBLE EV STALLS EHCV ACCESSIBLE EV VAN STALLS BR BIKE RACKS EV ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGING STALLS 9'8'-6" 4"HCBR BR BR BR BR BR BRBRBR PARKING LOT CALCULATIONS BUILDING AREA 40,170 SF TOTAL PARKING STALLS 164 STALLS STAND. DOUBLE STRIPED SPACE REQUIRED PROPOSED PARKING STALLS 171 164 PARKING RATIO 4.25/1000 (1/235) 4.0/1000 (1/245) ACCESSIBLE STALLS (HC)4 4 ACCESSIBLE EV STALLS (EHC) 8 8EV CHARGING STALLS (EV) BIKE PARKING 7 10 NOTE: OPEN LOADING DOCK IS NOT INCLUDED IN PARKING CALCULATION.HC HCEHCACCESSIBLE EV VAN STALLS(EHCV) 1 1 1 1HC LINE DENOTES ACCESSIBLE PATH OF TRAVEL TO SECONDARY ENTRY 09.14.2022 15650 LOS GATOS BOULEVARD LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA SAND HILL PROPERTY COMPANY KENNETH RODRIGUES & PARTNERS, INC. 36.654 SHADOW STUDY A1.5 SUMMER SOLSTICE 9 AM1 SUMMER SOLSTICE 12PM2 SUMMER SOLSTICE 3PM3 WINTER SOLSTICE 9 AM4 WINTER SOLSTICE 12PM5 WINTER SOLSTICE 3PM6 09.14.2022 T A 1 B C D E F G H J K 2 3 4 5 6 A 1 B C D E F G H J K 2 3 4 5 6 15650 LOS GATOS BOULEVARD LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA SAND HILL PROPERTY COMPANY KENNETH RODRIGUES & PARTNERS, INC. 36.654 BUILDING FLOOR PLAN A2.016' 0'32' 30'-0"30'-0"30'-0"30'-0"30'-0"30'-0"30'-0"30'-0"30'-0"30'-0"30'-0"30'-0"284'-10" 37'-4"135'-8"17'-0"2'-6"44'-6"154'-6"70'-0"40'-0"OPEN LOADING & SERVICE AREA 3,355 SF ENTRY/EXIT6 ' WA L KWA Y RAM P COMPAC TO R37'-4"36'-3"OUTDOOR DISPLAYT RA S H 10'-0"1'-8"19'-6" 3'-0"2'-0"1-STORY MAJOR TENANT 40,170 SF 23'-0"8 1 ' - 4 " LOS GATOS BLVD. LO S G A TO S A LM AD EN RO AD PROPERTY LINE P RO P E R T Y L IN E 65'-10"30'-4"7 6 ' - 5 "24'-0"18'-0"17'-0"96' ENTRY/EXIT 3 3 ' - 0 "55'-0"10'-0"1 PROPERTY LINE KEYNOTES: 2 3 4 5 6 7 BUILDING FOOTPRINT DRIVEWAY PARKING AREA LANDSCAPE AREA LOADING & SERVICE OUTDOOR PATIO SEATING 8 COVERED OUTDOOR SALES 9 PRIMARY ENTRY 10 1 11 BUILDING SETBACK LINE 12 LINE OF CANOPY ABOVE OUTDOOR NODE 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 11 12 30'-0"30'-0"14'-10" 9 13 RECESSED DOWNLIGHT BEGA 24 818 13 14 WALL MOUNTED LIGHT FIXTURE BEGA 66 698 14 2'-6"7 15 LINE OF TRELLIS ABOVE 10 10 15 4'-6"14 35'-0"28'-6"17'-6"115'-6"41'-0" 2 A-4.0 2 A-4.0 1 A-4.0 1 A-4.0 16 BIKE PARKING 16 16 17 SIDEWALK EASEMENT LINE 17 17 18 EV CHARGING STATION 184'-0"4'-1"3'-8"21'-6" 19 19 SCREEN WALL ENTRY/EXIT20 SECONDARY ENTRY 20 9'-5"2'-1"1'-6"4 8 ' - 0 " 3 3 ' - 4 " 1 ' - 8 "2'-4"16'-0"16'-0"09.14.2022 7 10 13 8 10 EV EV EV EV EV EV EV EV 8 9 7 7 A 1 B C D E F G H J K 2 3 4 5 6 ROOF PLAN A2.116' 0'32' 30'-0"30'-0"30'-0"30'-0"30'-0"30'-0"30'-0"30'-0"30'-0"30'-0"30'-0"30'-0"42'-0"50'-0"48'-6"44'-0"42'-0"ROOF SLOPE 8% 62'-0" ROOF SLOPE ROOF SLOPE 1 PARAPET AT TOWER ELEMENT KEYNOTES: 2 CANOPY BELOW 3 BUILT-UP ROOFING 4 STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF 5 MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT SCREEN 1 2 2 2 1 3 4 5 6 MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT WELL 30'-0"30'-0"T.O.ROOF 22'-0" 2 A-4.0 2 A-4.0 T.O.ROOF 22'-0" T.O.RIDGE 23'-0" T.O.SCREEN 28'-0" T.O.ROOF 35'-0" T.O.ROOF 27'-0" T.O.ROOF 22'-0"T.O.PARAPET 29'-0" T.O.PARAPET 25'-0" T.O.PARAPET 32'-0" T.O.TRELLIS 12'-0" T.O.CANOPY 12'-0" T.O.CANOPY 12'-0" T.O.CANOPY 14'-0"T.O.CANOPY 14'-0" T.O.CANOPY 14'-0" 6 1 A-4.0 1 A-4.0 T.O.PARAPET 25'-0" T.O.ROOF 22'-0" ROOF SLOPE ROOF SLOPE 15650 LOS GATOS BOULEVARD LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA SAND HILL PROPERTY COMPANY KENNETH RODRIGUES & PARTNERS, INC. 36.654 OPEN TRASH AND COMPACTOR BELOW OPEN LOADING AREA BELOW T.O.SCREEN WALL 12'-0" T.O.PARAPET 27'-0" T.O.PARAPET 25'-0" T.O.PARAPET 25'-0"66'-0"133'-0"63'-10"10'-512"94'-21 2" 3 4 ' - 4 "22'-0"4 8 ' - 0 "30'-8"7 7 ' - 1 "36'-512"8'-0" T.O.PARAPET 25'-0" 09.14.2022 LOADING DOCK AND SERVICE AREA PLAN A2.28' 0'16' 6 ' WA L KWA Y RAM P COMPAC TO R T RA S H 1-STORY MAJOR TENANT LO S G A TO S A LM AD EN RO AD 1 PROPERTY LINE KEYNOTES: 2 3 4 5 6 DRIVEWAY PARKING AREA LANDSCAPE AREA BUILDING SETBACK LINE SIDEWALK RECEIVING OP EN LOAD ING & S E RV IC E A R EA +0'-0" (F.F.E. 347.3') RETAIL FF -1'-0" (F.F.E. 346.3') -4'-0" (F.F.E. 343.30') LOADING FF 6% S LO P E PAVING FF 1 . 5% S LO P E 48" GUARD RAIL 15650 LOS GATOS BOULEVARD LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA SAND HILL PROPERTY COMPANY KENNETH RODRIGUES & PARTNERS, INC. 36.654 1 2 6 3 4 523'-0"4 8 ' - 0 "8'-6"3'-6"8'-6"4'-5"4'-0"2'-1"18'-0"3'-3"24'-0"1'-2"4'-0"2'-2"8 1 ' - 4 " 7 7 LOADING DOCK SCREEN WALL 3 3 ' - 4 " 1 ' - 8 "25'-0"6'-0"3'-5"1'-0"4'-0"4'-0"6'-0"4'-0"4'-0"2% S LO P E -1'-0" (F.F.E. 346.1') PAVING FF 09.14.2022 15650 LOS GATOS BOULEVARD LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA SAND HILL PROPERTY COMPANY KENNETH RODRIGUES & PARTNERS, INC. 36.654 BUILDING ELEVATIONS A3.0 +10'-0" +14'-0" +25'-0" +0'-0" (F.F.E. 347.30') +10'-0" +14'-0" +25'-0" 3/32"=1'-0" NORTH ELEVATION1 3/32"=1'-0" WEST ELEVATION (LOS GATOS BLVD ELEVATION)2 6 5 2483 1710 11 24 31710114 STWSP1 G1 A1WHST W P1ST A1A1A1 A1A1 G1 G1 WSWH A1A1 1 2 KEYNOTES: COMPOSITE LOUVERS: GEOLAM WOOD HYBRID SYSTEM: SOLEO 6034, COLOR : TEAK ALUMINUM CLADDING: ALUCOBOND, METAL PANEL, COLOR: STATUARY BRONZE CLEAR GLASS: GUARDIAN GLASS, GUARDIAN ULTRACLEAR LOW-IRON GLASS FROSTED GLASS: GUARDIAN GLASS, GUARDIAN DECO HT, COLOR: MILK WHITE STONE VENEER CLADDING WOOD SIDING PAINTED STUCCO WOOD STAIN: OLYMPIC SEMI-TRANSPARENT STAINS "SIERRA" 700 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 STOREFRONT WINDOW SYSTEM WITH CLEAR GLAZING AND ALUMINUM FRAMES AUTOMATIC SLIDING STOREFRONT DOOR SYSTEM WITH CLEAR GLAZING AND ALUMINUM FRAMES HORIZONTAL LOUVERS WOOD COLUMNS WITH STONE BASE WOOD TRELLIS METAL CANOPY 11 METAL PANEL CLADDING 12 HOLLOW METAL DOOR, PAINT TO MATCH ADJACENT WALL COLOR 13 WALL MURAL ST WS COLORS AND MATERIALS: STONE VENEER: BEST STONEWORKS, 'SCHUYLKILL ASHLAR' WOOD SIDING: ADVANTAGE LUMBER, IPE WOOD WOOD STAIN: OLYMPIC SEMI-TRANSPARENT STAIN, "SIERRA" 700 STUCCO PAINT: BENJAMIN MOORE, HAMPSHIRE TAUPE 990P1 G1 G2 A1 WH W 14 WOOD BEAM 15 ROOF EQUIPMENT SCREENING 15 WOOD AND STEEL GATES KEY MAP A3.0 2 1 A3.0 2 A3.1 1 A3.1 LEVEL 1 +0'-0" (F.F.E. 347.30') LEVEL 1 +25'-0" T.O.PARAPET T.O.ROOF T.O.CANOPY T.O.PARAPET T.O.PARAPET +0'-0" (F.F.E. 347.30') LEVEL 1 T.O.CANOPY T.O.PARAPET T.O.PARAPET +12'-0" +29'-0" +22'-0" +0'-0" (F.F.E. 347.30') LEVEL 1 T.O.TRELLIS T.O.CANOPY T.O.PARAPET T.O.PARAPET -1'-0" (346.30') T.O.DRIVEWAY -2'-1" (345.15') T.O.CURB +35'-0" (382.30') +29'-0" (376.30') +29'-0" (376.30') +32'-0" (379.30') 8' 0'16' 24' 32' 09.14.2022 15650 LOS GATOS BOULEVARD LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA SAND HILL PROPERTY COMPANY KENNETH RODRIGUES & PARTNERS, INC. 36.654 BUILDING ELEVATIONS A3.1 +12'-0" +25'-0" +25'-0" 3/32"=1'-0" SOUTH ELEVATION (LOS GATOS ALMADEN ROAD ELEVATION)1 3/32"=1'-0" EAST ELEVATION2 +10'-0" 6 92483710913 4823 7913512 P1 WS WS P1G1 G1 A1 WH WH W W ST STW WA1 A1 A1 G1 P1 1 2 KEYNOTES: COMPOSITE LOUVERS: GEOLAM WOOD HYBRID SYSTEM: SOLEO 6034, COLOR : TEAK ALUMINUM CLADDING: ALUCOBOND, METAL PANEL, COLOR: STATUARY BRONZE CLEAR GLASS: GUARDIAN GLASS, GUARDIAN ULTRACLEAR LOW-IRON GLASS FROSTED GLASS: GUARDIAN GLASS, GUARDIAN DECO HT, COLOR: MILK WHITE STONE VENEER CLADDING WOOD SIDING PAINTED STUCCO WOOD STAIN: OLYMPIC SEMI-TRANSPARENT STAINS "SIERRA" 700 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 STOREFRONT WINDOW SYSTEM WITH CLEAR GLAZING AND ALUMINUM FRAMES AUTOMATIC SLIDING STOREFRONT DOOR SYSTEM WITH CLEAR GLAZING AND ALUMINUM FRAMES WOOD AND STEEL GATES HORIZONTAL LOUVERS WOOD COLUMNS WITH STONE BASE WOOD TRELLIS METAL CANOPY 11 METAL PANEL CLADDING 12 HOLLOW METAL DOOR, PAINT TO MATCH ADJACENT WALL COLOR 13 WALL MURAL ST WS COLORS AND MATERIALS: STONE VENEER: BEST STONEWORKS, 'SCHUYLKILL ASHLAR' WOOD SIDING: ADVANTAGE LUMBER, IPE WOOD WOOD STAIN: OLYMPIC SEMI-TRANSPARENT STAIN, "SIERRA" 700 STUCCO PAINT: BENJAMIN MOORE, HAMPSHIRE TAUPE 990P1 G1 G2 A1 WH W 14 WOOD BEAM 15 ROOF EQUIPMENT SCREENING 15 1 ST 1 ST KEY MAP A3.0 2 1 A3.0 2 A3.1 1 A3.1 +0'-0" (F.F.E. 347.30') LEVEL 1 -1'-0" (346.30') T.O.DRIVEWAY T.O.WINDOW T.O.PARAPET T.O.PARAPET +0'-0" (F.F.E. 347.30') LEVEL 1 T.O.SCREEN WALL T.O.PARAPET +18'-0" +0'-0" (F.F.E. 347.30') LEVEL 1 T.O.WINDOW T.O.PARAPET T.O.PARAPET +14'-0" +0'-0" (F.F.E. 347.30') LEVEL 1 -1'-0" (346.30') T.O.CURB T.O.CANOPY T.O.PARAPET T.O.ROOF +28'-0" (375.30') +32'-0" (379.30') +32'-0" (379.30') +25'-0" (372.30') +35'-0" (382.30') 8' 0'16' 24' 32' W 1 ST 14 W 9 W 1 ST 14 W +12'-0" T.O.TRELLIS +12'-0" T.O.SCREEN WALL 09.14.2022 15650 LOS GATOS BOULEVARD LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA SAND HILL PROPERTY COMPANY KENNETH RODRIGUES & PARTNERS, INC. 36.654 STREETSCAPE ELEVATIONS A3.2 PROJECT SITE15500 LOS GATOS BLVD LOS GATOS BLVD LOOKING EAST LOS GATOS BLVD LOOKING WEST 15665-15687 LOS GATOS BLVD 15643 LOS GATOS BLVD 15595 LOS GATOS BLVD 15585 LOS GATOS BLVD 15575 LOS GATOS BLVD 15553 LOS GATOS BLVD 15665-15687 LOS GATOS BLVD15643 LOS GATOS BLVD15595 LOS GATOS BLVD15585 LOS GATOS BLVD15575 LOS GATOS BLVD15553 LOS GATOS BLVD L O S G A T O S B O U L E V A R D EL GATO VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTERPROJECT SITE15500 LOS GATOS BLVD EL GATO VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER 09.14.2022 15650 LOS GATOS BOULEVARD LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA SAND HILL PROPERTY COMPANY KENNETH RODRIGUES & PARTNERS, INC. 36.654 MATERIALS AND FINISHES A3.3 ENLARGED NORTH ELEVATION1 6 ENLARGED EAST ELEVATION2 7 24183 3642481 7 GEOLAM WOOD HYBRID SYSTEM CLADDING, SOLEO 6034, COLOR : TEAK ALUMINUM CLADDING, ALUCOBOND, METAL PANEL, COLOR: STATUARY BRONZE 8 4 CLEAR GLASS - GUARDIAN GLASS - GUARDIAN ULTRACLEAR LOW-IRON GLASS FROSTED GLASS, GUARDIAN GLASS, GUARDIAN DECO HT, COLOR: MILK WHITE 5 6 1 STONE VENEER - BEST STONEWROKS 'SCHUYLKILL AHLAR'WOOD SIDING - ADVANTAGE LUMBER IPE WOOD STAIN - OLYMPIC SEMI-TRANSPARENT STAINS "SIERRA" 700 2 STUCCO PAINT - BENJAMIN MOORE, HAMPSHIRE TAUPE 9903 WOOD STAIN - OLYMPIC SEMI-TRANSPARENT STAINS "SIERRA" 700 9 RED CEDAR TRELLIS, WOOD STAIN - OLYMPIC SEMI-TRANSPARENT STAINS "SIERRA" 700 9 5 09.14.2022 15650 LOS GATOS BOULEVARD LOS GATOS, CALIFORNIA SAND HILL PROPERTY COMPANY KENNETH RODRIGUES & PARTNERS, INC. 36.654 BUILDING SECTIONS A4.0 3/32"=1'-0" BUILDING SECTION A-A2 A B C D G H J K KEY MAP 1 2 3 4 5 B-B 3/32"=1'-0" BUILDING SECTION B-B1 A-A T.O. PARAPET +25'-0" T.O. CANOPY +14'-0" LEVEL 1 +0'-0" (F.F.E. 347.30) T.O. PARAPET +25'-0" LEVEL 1 +0'-0"3'-0''25'-0''2'-0''12'-0''T.O. PARAPET +25'-0" T.O. CANOPY +14'-0" LEVEL 1 +0'-0"(F.F.E. 347.30) T.O. PARAPET +25'-0" LEVEL 1 +0'-0" (F.F.E. 347.30) T.O. ROOF +22'-0" T.O. ROOF +22'-0" T.O. ROOF +22'-0" T.O. ROOF +22'-0"8'-0''PROPERTY LINEKEYNOTES: 1 2 3 METAL CANOPY 4 SLOPED ROOF AT MAIN ENTRANCE 5 ROOF 5 6 4 6213 2 1 352 T.O. TRELLIS +12'-0" 1 PROPERTY LINE7 ROOF SCREEN 7 7 8 TRELLIS STONE VENEER CLADDING WOOD SIDING PAINTED STUCCO 6 1 3'-0''25'-0''2'-0''10'-0''10'-0''3'-0''25'-0''2'-0''12'-0''8'-0''T.O.CURB -2'-0" (F.F.E. 345.50) T.O.DRIVEWAY -2'-0" (F.F.E. 345.00) T.O.CURB -0'-6" (346.80) T.O.DRIVEWAY -1'-0" (346.30) T.O.CURB -0'-4" (347.00) T.O.DRIVEWAY -0'-10" (346.50) 15'-0'' 8' 0'16' 24' 32' 09.14.2022 EV CHARGINGONLY EV CHARGINGONLY EV CHARGINGONLY EV CHARGINGONLY EV CHARGINGONLY EV CHARGINGONLY EV CHARGINGONLY EV CHARGINGONLY UNAUTHORIZED CHANGES AND USES CAUTION : OWNER INFO 15650 LOS GATOS BOULEVARD PLANNING SET LOS GATOS, CA PROJECT DESCRIPTION KEY MAP 15650 LOS GATOS BOULEVARD LOS GATOS, CA SAND HILL PROPERTY COMPANY KENNETH RODRIGUES & PARTNERS, INC. 36.654 09.02.2022 VICINITY MAP LEGEND EXISTING PROPOSED Þ ABBREVIATIONS SITE C1.0 CIVIL COVER SHEET LOS GATOS BLVD LOS GA TOS A LMADEN RD CIVIL SHEET INDEX RETAIL BUILDING = = = PARCEL 1 LANDS OF SHP-CUTE, LLC APN:424-14-036 DOC#:25107922 121,655± SQUARE FEET 2.793± ACRES PARCEL 2 LANDS OF SHP-CUTE, LLC APN:424-14-028 DOC#:25107922 15650 LOS GATOS BOULEVARD LOS GATOS, CA SAND HILL PROPERTY COMPANY KENNETH RODRIGUES & PARTNERS, INC. 36.654 09.02.2022 SURVEY NOTES UNDERGROUND UTILITY NOTE BASIS OF BEARINGS CONTROL NOTE BOUNDARY NOTE 0' 1 INCH = 60'30'15'6' 30 FT C2.0 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY LOS GATOS BLVD LOS GA TOS A LMADEN RD EASEMENT NOTE HORIZONTAL & VERTICAL BENCHMARK LEGEND EV CHARGING ONLY EV CHARGING ONLY EV CHARGING ONLY EV CHARGING ONLY EV CHARGING ONLY EV CHARGING ONLY EV CHARGING ONLY EV CHARGING ONLY T 15650 LOS GATOS BOULEVARD LOS GATOS, CA SAND HILL PROPERTY COMPANY KENNETH RODRIGUES & PARTNERS, INC. 36.654 12.21.2022 LEGEND C3.0 GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN 0' 1 INCH = 60'30'15'6' 30 FT LOS GATOS BLVD L O S G A T O S A LM A D E N R D RETAIL BUILDING SECTION A SECTION B SECTION C LOS GATOS BLVD LO S G A TO S - A LM AD EN RO AD EV CHARGING ONLY EV CHARGING ONLY EV CHARGING ONLY EV CHARGING ONLY EV CHARGING ONLY EV CHARGING ONLY EV CHARGING ONLY EV CHARGING ONLY 15650 LOS GATOS BOULEVARD LOS GATOS, CA SAND HILL PROPERTY COMPANY KENNETH RODRIGUES & PARTNERS, INC. 36.654 09.02.2022 LEGEND C3.1 EARTHWORK HEAT MAP 0' 1 INCH = 60'30'15'6' 30 FT LOS GATOS BLVD LOS GA TOS A LMADEN RD RETAIL BUILDING EARTHWORK QUANTITIES EV CHARGING ONLY EV CHARGING ONLY EV CHARGING ONLY EV CHARGING ONLY EV CHARGING ONLY EV CHARGING ONLY EV CHARGING ONLY EV CHARGING ONLY 15650 LOS GATOS BOULEVARD LOS GATOS, CA SAND HILL PROPERTY COMPANY KENNETH RODRIGUES & PARTNERS, INC. 36.654 12.21.2022 LEGEND STORM DRAIN NOTES SANITARY SEWER NOTES WATER SYSTEM NOTES C4.0 UTILITY PLAN 0' 1 INCH = 60'30'15'6' 30 FT LOS GATOS BLVD L O S G A T O S A LM A D E N R D RETAIL BUILDING EV CHARGING ONLY EV CHARGING ONLY EV CHARGING ONLY EV CHARGING ONLY EV CHARGING ONLY EV CHARGING ONLY EV CHARGING ONLY EV CHARGING ONLY 15650 LOS GATOS BOULEVARD LOS GATOS, CA SAND HILL PROPERTY COMPANY KENNETH RODRIGUES & PARTNERS, INC. 36.654 09.02.2022 HYDROMODIFICATION NOTE: SITE TREATMENT AREA NOTE: STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN LEGEND C5.0 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN 0' 1 INCH = 60'30'15'6' 30 FT LOS GATOS BLVD LOS GA TOS A LMADEN RD “” “ ” STORMWATER MANAGEMENT NOTES: RETAIL BUILDING SOURCE CONTROL MEASURES: SILVA CELL SYSTEM 3X SILVA CELL SYSTEM + CATCH BASIN 2 3 SILVA CELL SYSTEM + CATCH BASIN 1 EV CHARGING ONLY EV CHARGING ONLY EV CHARGING ONLY EV CHARGING ONLY EV CHARGING ONLY EV CHARGING ONLY EV CHARGING ONLY EV CHARGING ONLY 15650 LOS GATOS BOULEVARD LOS GATOS, CA SAND HILL PROPERTY COMPANY KENNETH RODRIGUES & PARTNERS, INC. 36.654 09.02.2022 LEGEND FIRE FLOW REQUIREMENTS FIRE FLOW TEST DATA FIRE PROTECTION NOTES C6.0 FIRE ACCESS PLAN 0' 1 INCH = 60'30'15'6' 30 FT LOS GATOS BLVD LOS GA TOS A LMADEN RD RETAIL BUILDING 15650 LOS GATOS BOULEVARD LOS GATOS, CA SAND HILL PROPERTY COMPANY KENNETH RODRIGUES & PARTNERS, INC. 36.654 09.02.2022 LEGEND Ü C7.0 EROSION CONTROL PLAN 0' 1 INCH = 60'30'15'6' 30 FT LOS GATOS BLVD LOS GA TOS A LMADEN RD WATER POLLUTION CONTROL NOTES: EV CHARGING ONLY EV CHARGING ONLY EV CHARGING ONLY EV CHARGING ONLY EV CHARGING ONLY EV CHARGING ONLY EV CHARGING ONLY EV CHARGING ONLY 15650 LOS GATOS BOULEVARD LOS GATOS, CA SAND HILL PROPERTY COMPANY KENNETH RODRIGUES & PARTNERS, INC. 36.654 12.21.2022 EX-1 TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENTS EXHIBIT 0' 1 INCH = 60'30'15'6' 30 FT LOS GATOS BLVD LO S G A T O S A LM A D E N R D RETAIL BUILDING 15650 LOS GATOS BOULEVARDLOS GATOS, CASAND HILL PROPERTY COMPANYKENNETH RODRIGUES & PARTNERS, INC. 0'36.65409.02.2022 20' 40'Scale: 1" = 20' L-2LANDSCAPE IMAGERY PAVINGAckerstone Concrete 4"x12" Unit Pavers - Type 1Ackerstone Concrete 4"x12" Unit Pavers - Type 2TABLES AND CHAIRSBistro Seating and Table Language SCULPTURESculpture InspirationSEAT WALLConcrete Seat Wall with Wooden Slat Top InspirationTREESLaurus nobilis ‘Saratoga’Magnolia grandiflora ‘Little Gem’Quercus agrifoliaQuercus suberUlmus parvifolia ‘Drake’BIKE RACKLandscapeForms - Loop Bike Rack LOS GATOS BOULEVARDT21CLJ-ANI11RHA28CLJExisting Magnoliatrees to remain,typical of (2)Existing Magnoliatrees to remain,typical of (4)6RHA MAJ15 GAL STD5QUE SUB48" BOX STD5MAG GRA48" BOX STD10QUE AGR36" BOX STD2RHA MAJ15 GAL STD-MUR-CAT-WES-BOG-DIB22ULM PAR24" BOX STD-SAL-MUR-WES133ARC-DIB-MUR-WES16RHAExisting offsitetrees to remain,typical. Referto sheet L-6.-MUR-WES-DIB-DIB-CAT-CAT-DIB-CAT50%50%50%50%-SAL-BOG3LAV-CAT8PIS CHI24" BOX STDNote: Magnolia speciesand variety to matchexisting street trees.LOS GATOS ALMADEN ROAD-DIB4LAU SAR24" BOX STD24LAV15650 LOS GATOS BOULEVARDLOS GATOS, CASAND HILL PROPERTY COMPANYKENNETH RODRIGUES & PARTNERS, INC. 0'36.65409.02.2022 20' 40'Scale: 1" = 20' L-3SCHEMATIC PLANTINGPLANBOTANIC NAMESIZECOMMON NAMENOTESKEY*TREESQUE SUBSHRUBSLAVLavatera thuringiacaGarden Tree-Mallow5 galPLANTING LEGEND GRASSESMURMuhlenbergia rigensDeer Grass5 gal36" oc* Tree size provided on Planting Plan, sheet L-3. WUCOLSLLLCA NATIVE48" ocQuercus suberCork OakStandardLLAU SARLaurus nobilis 'Saratoga'Saratoga Bay Laurel*StandardVLQUE AGRQuercus agrifoliaCoast Live Oak*StandardMMAG GRAMagnolia grandiflora 'Little Gem'Little Gem Southern Magnolia*Standard*ULM PARLUlmus parvifolia 'Drake'Drake Chinese ElmStandardPERENNIALSDIBDietes bicolor Fortnight Lily5 gal36" ocLARCArctostaphylos d. 'Howard McMinn'Howard McMinn Manzanita48" oc5 galLANIAnigozanthos 'Harmony'Red-Yellow Kangaroo Paw36" oc5 galLCLJCallistemon 'Little John'Dwarf Callistemon5 galL36" ocRHARhamnus cal. 'Mound San Bruno'Mound San Bruno Coffeeberry5 galL48" ocSALSalvia 'Bee's Bliss'Bee's Bliss Sage5 galL24" ocBOGBouteloua gracilisBlue Grama5 gal24" ocLWESWestringia fruticosa 'Low Horizon'Low Horizon Coast Rosemary5 galL24" ocNativeNativeNativeNativeNativeNativeBOTANIC NAMESIZECOMMON NAMESPACINGKEYWUCOLSQTY5410522NOTESCA NATIVETOTAL PROPOSED TREES63CATCarex tumulicola Berkeley Sedge 5 gal24" ocLNativeLRHA MAJRhaphiolepis 'Majestic Beauty' Majestic Beauty Indian Hawthorn*Standard8LPIS CHIPistacia chinensis 'Keith Davey' Keith Davey Chinese Pistache *Standard9 LOS GATOS BOULEVARDTLOS GATOS ALMADEN ROAD15650 LOS GATOS BOULEVARDLOS GATOS, CASAND HILL PROPERTY COMPANYKENNETH RODRIGUES & PARTNERS, INC. 0'36.65409.02.2022 20' 40'Scale: 1" = 20' L-4HYDROZONE PLANKeyLow Water UseMedium Water UseHigh Water UseSpecial Landscape AreaVery Low Water UseWATER USE LEGENDWUCOLS CategoryWELO CALCULATIONS LOS GATOS BOULEVARDTLOS GATOS ALMADEN ROAD15650 LOS GATOS BOULEVARDLOS GATOS, CASAND HILL PROPERTY COMPANYKENNETH RODRIGUES & PARTNERS, INC. 0'36.65409.02.2022 20' 40'Scale: 1" = 20' L-5SCHEMATIC LIGHTINGPLANLANDSCAPE LIGHTING LEGENDParking Lot Pole Light - 22' Pole,Mounted P20 Gardco LEDLight, By PureFormParking Lot Pole Light, Double Fixture -22' Pole, Twin Mounted P20 GardcoLED Light, By PureFormPedestrian Scale Pole Light - 12' Pole,Mounted PPT Gardco LED Post Top,By PureFormRecessed Canopy Downlight - WideBeam LED Recessed Ceiling Downlights,By BEGAArchitectural Downlight - Aluminum WallMounted Luminaires, By BEGALANDSCAPE LIGHTING IMAGESRecessed Canopy DownlightWide Beam LED RecessedCeiling Downlights, By BEGAArchitectural DownlightAluminum WallMounted Luminaires, By BEGAParking Lot Pole Light22' Pole, Mounted P20Gardco LED Light, By PureFormParking Lot Pole Light, DoubleFixture22' Pole, Twin Mounted P20Gardco LED Light, By PureFormPedestrian Scale Pole Light12' Pole, Mounted PPT GardcoLED Post Top, By PureFormStreet light, per citystandardStreet light, per citystandard 15650 LOS GATOS BOULEVARDLOS GATOS, CASAND HILL PROPERTY COMPANYKENNETH RODRIGUES & PARTNERS, INC. 0'36.65409.02.2022 20' 40'Scale: 1" = 20' L-5.1PHOTOMETRIC PLAN LOS GATOS BOULEVARDT#4Quercus agrifolia#43Magnolia grandiflora#42Magnolia grandiflora#41Magnolia grandiflora#35Magnolia grandiflora#34Magnolia grandiflora#33Magnolia grandiflora#32Magnolia grandiflora#31Magnolia grandiflora#30Magnolia grandiflora#44Pyrus kawakamii#45Washingtonia robusta#3Quercus agrifolia#1Quercus agrifolia#22 (Offsite)Liquidambar#21 (Offsite)Ulmus parvifolia#27 (Offsite)Ulmus parvifolia#26 (Offsite)Ulmus parvifolia#23 (Offsite)Liquidambar#24 (Offsite)Liquidambar#25 (Offsite)Ulmus parvifolia#20Quercus agrifolia#19Quercus agrifolia#18Ulmus parvifloraLOS GATOS ALMADEN ROAD#36Magnolia grandiflora#37Magnolia grandiflora#40Magnolia grandiflora#39Magnolia grandiflora#38Magnolia grandiflora#28 (Offsite)Pistacia chinesis#29Leucothoe axillaris#2Quercus agrifolia#6Quercus agrifolia#17Quercus agrifolia#12Acacia baileyana#16Quercus agrifolia#15Quercus agrifolia#14Quercus agrifolia#5Quercus agrifolia#8Quercus agrifolia#11Quercus agrifolia#7Quercus agrifolia#9Quercus agrifolia#10Quercus agrifolia#13Quercus agrifolia#47 (Offsite)Cupressus arizonica#46Quercus agrifolia15650 LOS GATOS BOULEVARDLOS GATOS, CASAND HILL PROPERTY COMPANYKENNETH RODRIGUES & PARTNERS, INC. 0'36.65412.20.2022 20' 40'Scale: 1" = 20' THEINC.GuzzardoPartnership,Landscape ArchitectsLand PlannersPier 9, The Embarcadero, Suite 115San Francisco, CA 94111www.tgp-inc.comL-6TREE DISPOSITION PLANEXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVEDEXISTING TREES TO REMAINTOTAL EXISTING TREES ON SITE (4" DBH & GREATER) TREE DISPOSITION SUMMARYEXISTING TREES TO BE TRANSPLANTED296230TREE DISPOSITION LEGENDEXISTING TREE TO REMAIN EXISTING STREET TREE TO REMAINQTYPROPOSED NEW TREES - 24" BOX OR GREATER 63Refer to Planting Plan, sheet L-3 Note: Refer to Arborist Report prepared by Arbor MD for TreeRemoval and Protection recommendations.EXISTING TREE TO BE REMOVEDEXISTING TREE TO BE REMOVED LESS THAN 4" DBH, NOT INCLUDED EQUAL OR GREATER THAN 4" DBH IN DISPOSITION SUMMARY TREE PROTECTION FENCING TYPE II FENCING 36" BOX MIN. 24" BOX MIN.REPLACEMENT TREES REQUIRED PER TABLE 3-16512TOTAL REPLACEMENT TREES REQUIRED 77Sec. 29.10.1005. - Protection of trees during construction.a.Protective tree fencing shall specify the following:1)Size and materials. Six (6) foot high chain link fencing, mounted ontwo-inch diameter galvanized iron posts, shall be driven into the ground toa depth of at least two (2) feet at no more than ten-foot spacing. For pavingarea that will not be demolished and when stipulated in a tree preservationplan, posts may be supported by a concrete base.2)Area type to be fenced. Type I: Enclosure with chain link fencing of eitherthe entire dripline area or at the tree protection zone (TPZ), when specifiedby a certified or consulting arborist. Type II: Enclosure for street treeslocated in a planter strip: chain link fence around the entire planter strip tothe outer branches. Type III: Protection for a tree located in a small plantercutout only (such as downtown): orange plastic fencing shall be wrappedaround the trunk from the ground to the first branch with two-inchwooden boards bound securely on the outside. Caution shall be used toavoid damaging any bark or branches.3)Duration of Type I, II, III fencing. Fencing shall be erected beforedemolition, grading or construction permits are issued and remain in placeuntil the work is completed. Contractor shall first obtain the approval ofthe project arborist on record prior to removing a tree protection fence.4)Warning sign. Each tree fence shall have prominently displayed an eightand one-half-inch by eleven-inch sign stating: "Warning--Tree ProtectionZone--This fence shall not be removed and is subject to penalty accordingto Town Code 29.10.1025."CANOPY SIZE OF REMOVED TREE REPLACEMENT REQUIREMENT* 10 feet or lessMore than 10 feet to 25 feetMore than 25 feet to 40 feetMore than 40 feet to 55 feetGreater than 55 feet (2) 24" box trees (10) 24" box trees or (5) 36" box trees (6) 24" box trees or (3) 36" box trees (4) 24" box trees or (2) 36" box trees (3) 24" box trees Replacement Standard Table 3-1 - Tree Canopy *NOTE: Single-family residential option not applicable replacementoption for this project. From: tbwinca <> Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2023 1:41 PM To: Town Manager <Manager@losgatosca.gov> Subject: 15600-15650os Gatos Blvd. Dear Ms. Prevetti, This community want all the present magnolia trees to be permanent. They are heirloom trees and are part of the reason Los Gstos has the designation of "tree city". We want the trees as part of our urban forest. Please do not let any of the trees to be cut down. The architects can design around them. Judy Rogers Sent from Samsung Galaxy smartphone. EXHIBIT 17 From: tbwinca <> Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2023 1:34 PM To: Town Manager <Manager@losgatosca.gov> Subject: 15600-15650 Los Gatos Blvd. Dear Ms. Prevetti, This message is being written with a sense of urgency. We see the story poles are up at the new Whole Foods shopping center at Los Gatos Blvd and Los Gatos Almaden Road. I have written previously regarding the ingress-egress onto and across Los Gatos Almaden Road. It must be addressed and provisions or changes made because crossing Los Gatos Almaden Road from and to Peach Blossom Lane is a disaster in the making. Please tell us the plans for that crossing. If there are no plans, the Town is being derelict in their duty to keep people safe. Your attention to this matter and prompt response is necessary and appreciated. Judith and Robert Rogers Sent from Samsung Galaxy smartphone. Sent from Samsung Galaxy smartphone. From: Alok Mehrotra <> Sent: Wednesday, February 1, 2023 11:31 AM To: Jocelyn Shoopman <jshoopman@losgatosca.gov> Subject: Fw: Project at 16500 Los Gatos Blvd Hello Jocelyn, I have left you a voicemail as well. I own the house at and have raised some severe concerns to the project developers. 1. The building is planned so that the delivery truck bays and parking are towards the back pf the lot where the residential zones are on Los Gatos Almaden Rd instead of towards the commercial zone of Los Gatos Blvd. This is logically reversed but the developer insists that the town requires it this way. The other such commercial developments on Los Gatos Blvd, have the parking towards Los Gatos Blvd and the building towards the back of the lot. This development claims to be pedestrian/bicycle/neighborhood friendly but their building plan are a direct contradiction. 2. The truck bay location is a disaster. As shown by the developer in the Turning Map attached, there will be trucks doing sharp U-Turns from Los Gatos Almaden Rd to get to the loading bay that is placed kitty corner across from the residences instead of being placed towards Los Gatos Blvd where the turns are easier into the lot. There are school children, bicyclists, pedestrians on Los Gatos Almaden Rd and these delivery trucks will be making sharp turns into the lot to reach the bay. This is a safety risk and a traffic nightmare. A safer saner alternative is present from Los Gatos Blvd. Look forward to your response. Thanks, Alok Mehrotra From: Dr. Sam Infantino <> Sent: Thursday, November 3, 2022 10:56 AM To: Jocelyn Shoopman <jshoopman@losgatosca.gov> Subject: Support for whole foods Dear Planning Commissioners, I am writing to show my support for the new Whole Foods Market located at 15600 Los Gatos Boulevard. As a neighboring business owner I believe this will bring a long vacant, derelict site back to being a vibrant, active corner of the Town. Adding a community amenity like a grocery store like Whole Foods to Los Gatos Boulevard will provide a new resource for the community and a beautiful public space with outdoor seating area. The new store has taken into consideration impacts to the neighborhood that surround it, the beautification of this very visible corner of Los Gatos, and ways that people can utilize the site with more pedestrian and bike friendly options. It falls in line with the Town’s vision for redeveloping the Boulevard with new retail buildings on the street and hiding the parking lots behind. We encourage the Planning Commission to support this project and look forward to welcoming it to our neighborhood. Regards, Sam Infantino, D.D.S. Office: 408.442.3440 Fax: 408.796.5306 www.infantinodentallosgatos.com From: Cathy Smith <> Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2022 11:49 AM To: Jocelyn Shoopman <jshoopman@losgatosca.gov> Subject: Support of new store across the street from me Thank you, Cathy ***************** Cathy H. Smith ELREPCO, Inc. President “Learn from the mistakes of others. You can’t live long enough to make them all yourself.” Dear Planning Commissioners, I am writing to show my support for the new Whole Foods Market located at 15600 Los Gatos Boulevard. As a (fill in affiliation - property owner, business owner, neighbor) I believe this will bring a long vacant, derelict site back to being a vibrant, active corner of the Town. Adding a community amenity like a grocery store to Los Gatos Boulevard will provide a new resource for the community and a beautiful public space with outdoor seating area. The new store has taken into consideration impacts to the neighborhood that surround it, the beautification of this very visible corner of Los Gatos, and ways that people can utilize the site with more pedestrian and bike friendly options. It falls in line with the Town’s vision for redeveloping the Boulevard with new retail buildings on the street and hiding the parking lots behind. We encourage the Planning Commission to support this project and look forward to welcoming it to our neighborhood. Regards, From: tbwinca <> Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2022 1:49 PM To: Town Manager <Manager@losgatosca.gov> Subject: 15600 and 15650 Los Gatos Blvd. Project Yesterday, I received the attached letter. Please explain to me how advanced the project is at this time. Also, please let me know the changes the new owners of El Gatos Shopping Center are planning. Your attention to my requests is appreciated. Judy Rogers From: Judith Rogers <> Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2022 11:42 AM To: Jocelyn Shoopman <jshoopman@losgatosca.gov> Subject: Re: 15600 and 15650 Los Gatos Blvd. Project The entrance/egress shown of Los Gatos/Almaden Road shows no traffic involvement of Peach Blossom Lane. Peach Blossom needs to be closed to prevent traffic crossing all lanes of Los Gatos/Alamaden Road. That would be very dangerous. Judy Sent from my iPad From: Judith Rogers <> Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2022 12:16 PM To: Jocelyn Shoopman <jshoopman@losgatosca.gov> Subject: Re: 15600 and 15650 Los Gatos Blvd. Project Please consider below grade parking as in proposed project for 14926 Los Gatos Boulevard. Judy Sent from my iPad From: Judith Rogers <> Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2022 11:32 AM To: Jocelyn Shoopman <jshoopman@losgatosca.gov> Subject: Re: 15600 and 15650 Los Gatos Blvd. Project I have reviewed the documents for this project. Please do not allow removing any of the mature magnolia trees. Los Gatos is a tree city USA and we want to retain the urban forest these trees create. Judy Sent from my iPad This Page Intentionally Left Blank