Item 4.Staff Report with Exhibits 1-11.144 Wood Road PREPARED BY: Sean Mullin, AICP Senior Planner Reviewed by: Santa Clara County Fire Department, Planning Manager, Community Development Director, and Town Attorney 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● (408) 354-6872 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT MEETING DATE: 03/08/2023 ITEM NO: 4 DATE: March 3, 2023 TO: Planning Commission FROM: Joel Paulson, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Appeal of a Santa Clara County Fire Department Decision Denying a Request for an Exception to the State Minimum Fire Safe Regulations on Property Zoned HR-5. Located at 144 Wood Road. APN 510-47-045. Building Permit Application B22-0025. PROPERTY OWNERS/APPELLANTS: Omari and Kavita Bouknight. PROJECT PLANNER: Sean Mullin. RECOMMENDATION: Grant an appeal of a Santa Clara County Fire Department (SCCFD) decision denying a request for an exception to the State Minimum Fire Safe Regulations on property zoned HR-5 located at 144 Wood Road. PROJECT DATA: General Plan Designation: Hillside Residential Zoning Designation: HR-5 Applicable Plans & Standards: General Plan; Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines Parcel Size: 0.68 acres (29,632 square feet) CEQA: The project is Categorically Exempt pursuant to the adopted Guidelines for the Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act, Section 15303: New Construction. PAGE 2 of 12 SUBJECT: 144 Wood Road/B22-0025 DATE: March 3, 2023 FINDINGS: ▪ The project is Categorically Exempt pursuant to the adopted Guidelines for the Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act, Section 15303: New Construction. ▪ Granting the appeal meets the intent of providing defensible space consistent with the Fire Safe Regulations. ACTION: The decision of the Planning Commission is final unless appealed within ten days. BACKGROUND: The subject property is located on the north side of Wood Road, approximately 1,663 feet from the intersection of Wood Road and South Santa Cruz Avenue (Exhibit 1). The subject property is undeveloped and approximately 0.68 acres (29,632 square feet) with an average slope of 35.1 percent. On January 27, 2021, Architecture and Site application S-21-003 was submitted to the Town proposing construction of a new single-family residence and site improvements requiring a Grading Permit on the vacant parcel. Through the technical review process, staff representatives of Town departments, which include Community Development (Planning and Building Divisions), Parks and Public Works (Engineering Division), and the SCCFD, reviewed several iterations of the project plans and met with the project team to discuss submittal deficiencies on March 3, 2021; May 19, 2021; and June 6, 2021. Following the June 6th meeting, only deficiencies from the SCCFD remained and all other Town departments deemed the application complete for processing. In coordination with the SCCFD, the project team revised the project plans to address water supply comments and the SCCFD deemed the plans complete for processing on June 22, 2021 (Exhibit 4h). Public Resources Code 4290 (PRC 4290) and the Fire Safe Regulations were not applicable to the subject property at the time of the SCCFD review and comments or conditions related to PRC 4290 were not provided at that time. On July 28, 2021, the Planning Commission considered the application and continued it to a date certain with direction to evaluate options to reduce the height and visibility of the residence and to clarify whether a right-of-way exists on the subject property. On August 25, 2021, the Planning Commission considered the application again, including the project team’s response to direction provided at the previous meeting. The Planning Commission approved the application subject to conditions of approval. No appeals were received, and the conditions of approval became final with the adoption of the August 25, 2021, Planning Commission meeting minutes on September 8, 2021 (Exhibit 4k). PAGE 3 of 12 SUBJECT: 144 Wood Road/B22-0025 DATE: March 3, 2023 BACKGROUND (continued): On October 15, 2021, the property owners submitted an application for Building Permit B21 - 1015 for construction of retaining walls adjacent to the new driveway serving the proposed residence. Town staff reviewed and approved the Building Permit for the retaining walls on January 1, 2022, and the permit is ready to be issued. On January 10, 2022, Building Permit B22-0025 for construction of the new residence was submitted to the Town. To date, Town staff has reviewed three iterations of the project materials and comments were provided to the property owners on March 17, 2022, July 1, 2022, and December 1, 2022. As of December 1, 2022, Planning, Building, and Engineering have approved the Building Permit application and comments from the SCCFD remain outstanding. As detailed below, the property owners filed a request for an exception to the Fire Safe Regulations on December 13, 2022 (Exhibit 4r). On January 18, 2023, the SCCFD denied the exception request based on two outstanding deficiencies: roa d grades and turnarounds (Exhibit 4s). On February 1, 2023, the property owners appealed the decision of the SCCFD to the Planning Commission (Exhibit 4). APPEAL: The property owners are appealing the decision of the SCCFD denying a request for an exception to the Fire Safe Regulations. A. Background on PRC 4290 and the Fire Safe Regulations In 1991, the Board of Forestry (BOF) adopted PRC 4290 (Exhibit 5) requiring that the BOF establish minimum fire safety standards applicable to lands located in the State Responsibility Area (SRA) and as of July 1, 2021, within lands classified and designated as Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zones (VHFHSZ) within the Local Responsibility Area (LRA) (Exhibit 6). The Fire Safe Regulations (Exhibit 7) as adopted by the BOF establish the minimum wildfire protection standards for building and construction related to: • Road standards and fire equipment access; • Standards for signs identifying streets, roads, and buildings; • Minimum private water supply reserves for emergency fire use; and • Fuel breaks and greenbelts. Section §1270.06 (a) of the Fire Safe Regulations outlines a process allowing applicants to request exceptions to the regulations where it is shown that the exceptions provide the same practical effect as the Fire Safe Regulations (Exhibit 7). In Los Gatos, exception requests are considered by the SCCFD. As defined in the Fire Safe Regulations, same PAGE 4 of 12 SUBJECT: 144 Wood Road/B22-0025 DATE: March 3, 2023 APPEAL (continued): practical effect means an exception or alternative with the capability of applying accepted wildland fire suppression strategies and tactics, and provisions for fire fighter safety, including: a. Access for emergency wildland fire equipment; b. Safe civilian evacuation; c. Signing that avoids delays in emergency equipment response; d. Available and accessible water to effectively attack wildfire or defend a structure from wildfire; and e. Fuel modification sufficient for civilian and fire fighter safety. Pursuant to Section §1270.06 (c) of the Fire Safe Regulations, w hen an exception is not granted, the applicant may file an appeal to be heard by the local jurisdiction who can establish or utilize an existing appeals process (Exhibit 7). Consistent with the Town Code, an appeal of a SCCFD denial of an exception request to the Fire Safe Regulations is considered by the Planning Commission. Pursuant to the Fire Safe Regulations, the Planning Commission may grant the appeal upon making the findings that the decision meets the same intent of providing defensible space consistent with the regulations. Section §1271.00 defines defensible space as: The area within the perimeter of a parcel, development, neighborhood or community where basic wildland fire protection practices and measures are implemented, providing the key point of defense from an approaching wildfire or defense against encroaching wildfires or escaping structure fires. The perimeter as used in this regulation is the area encompassing the parcel or parcels proposed for construction and/or development, excluding the physical structure itself. The area is characterized by the establishment and maintenance of emergency vehicle access, emergency water reserves, road names and building identification, and fuel modification measures. B. SCCFD Review of the Building Permit Applications As outlined above, on October 15, 2021, the property owners submitted an application for Building Permit B21-1015 to construct retaining walls adjacent to the new driveway serving the proposed residence. The SCCFD issued comments in a letter dated November 2, 2021 and has indicated to staff that it was at this time that it was recognized that the requirements of PRC 4290 would apply to the construction of the residence. The SCCFD issued revised comments for approved Architecture and Site application S-21-003 to identify the obligation to comply with PRC 4290. The SCCFD further indicates when the comment letter was issued on November 2, 2021, they did not have knowledge that the Planning Commission had already approved the Architecture and Site application on August PAGE 5 of 12 SUBJECT: 144 Wood Road/B22-0025 DATE: March 3, 2023 APPEAL (continued): 25, 2021. In staffs’ view, since the Architecture and Site application had already been approved nearly 10 weeks prior to receiving the revised comment letter from the SCCFD, modification of the conditions of approval for this application was not possible and the comments related to PRC 4290 were attributed to the pending Building Permit (B21-1015). On January 10, 2022, the property owners submitted an application for a Building Permit for construction of the new residence. Following their initial review of the Building Permit application (B22-0025), the SCCFD issued comments related to PRC 4290, the Fire Safe Regulations, and other SCCFD standards in a letter dat ed February 3, 2022. Through coordination with the SCCFD and project revisions, the property owners resolved a number of the initial comments related to the Fire Safe Regulations. In the most recent comment letter dated November 30, 2022, the SCCFD identified three provisions of the Fire Safe Regulations to which the application was deficient: road grades; corner radii; and turnarounds (Exhibit 8). The property owners and the SCCFD continued to coordinate to find remedies to the outstanding comments through multiple meetings, production of additional materials, and plan revisions through November 2022. This coordination also included an operational assessment conducted by the SCCFD on November 4, 2022, where a fire apparatus was driven up Wood Road beyond the subject property to the terminus near 138 Wood Road. The fire apparatus successfully conducted a turnaround at the terminus and descended Wood Road to S. Santa Cruz Avenue. The fire apparatus site visit was made under clear, dry weather conditions, and therefore made no assessment of the ability to safely navigate the road in inclement weather. In November 2022, the SCCFD informed the property owners that a request for an exception to the regulations would be required, due to road grades and distance to turnarounds exceeding what is allowed under the Fire Safe Regulations. The property owners filed an exception request on December 13, 2022 (Exhibit 4r). On January 18, 2023, the SCCFD denied the exception request based on two outstanding deficiencies: road grades and turnarounds (Exhibit 4s). On February 1, 2023, the property owners appealed the decision of the SCCFD to the Planning Commission (Exhibit 4). 1. Road Grades Section §1273.03 of the Fire Safe Regulations states that (a) “at no point shall the grade for all roads and driveways exceed 16 percent,” and (b) “the grade may exceed 16 percent, not to exceed 20 percent, with approval from the local authority having jurisdiction and with mitigations to provide the same practical effect.” The section of Wood Road between S. Santa Cruz Avenue and the proposed driveway does not meet the Fire Safe Regulations for grades. The SCCFD, being the “local authority,” has a standard detail and specification for roadways (A-1) stating that roadways are not to exceed grades of 15 percent (Exhibit 9). As an alternative and with PAGE 6 of 12 SUBJECT: 144 Wood Road/B22-0025 DATE: March 3, 2023 APPEAL (continued): the goal of providing the same practical effect as the Fire Safe Regulations, the SCCFD suggested that the appellants include details in their exception request demonstrating whether this section of Wood Road conformed to the SCCFD standard details and specifications for driveways (D-1) (Exhibit 10). The D-1 specifications state that “When approved by the Fire Code official, grades up to 20 percent may be allowed. In no case shall the portion of driveway exceeding 15 percent gradient be longer than 300 -feet in length. For longer driveways, there shall be at least 100-feet of driveway at 15 percent or less gradient between each 300-foot section that exceeds 15 percent.” Exception Request The appellants’ exception request included that a survey of Wood Road leading from S. Santa Cruz Avenue to the subject property was prepared and submitted to the SCCFD (Exhibit 4r). The survey divided this portion of Wood Road into seven straight path sections showing grades ranging from 10.00 percent to 19.43 percent (Exhibit 4u). The appellants indicate that since portions of the road exceed 16 percent, but do not exceed 20 percent, an exception should be granted based on the mitigations outlined in their request related to existing pavement surfacing that prevents slippage, provision of a new turnout at the new driveway, and by not installing driveway gates at the new driveway so that no obstructions are encountered for the turnout. SCCFD Response to Exception Request In their letter denying the exception request, the SCCFD indicates that a road profile (Exhibit 4v) created at their request for this section of Wood Road is not consistent with the seven road sections included in the exception request (Exhibit 4s). The road profile shows that approximately 370 feet of this portion of Wood Road exceeds 20 percent slopes and, while the exception request offers mitigation in the form of a new turnout, no specific mitigation for these excessive slopes has been provided. Since this section of Wood Road does not meet the alternative specifications offered under SCCFD Standard D-1, the same practical effect was not achieved. Appeal In their appeal, the appellants recognize that the road profile shows slopes along this section of Wood Road of up to 21.8 percent and that reengineering of the sections of the road to below 16 percent is not feasible due to existing conditions, requirement to lengthen the roadway, additional curves needed, property ownership complications, and significant costs (Exhibits 4t and 4w). The appellants also indicate that a road/driveway is located approximately 920 feet up from the intersection with S. Santa Cruz Avenue that can act as an additional turnout providing additional support to fire PAGE 7 of 12 SUBJECT: 144 Wood Road/B22-0025 DATE: March 3, 2023 APPEAL (continued): apparatus along the roadway. Lastly, the appellants referenced the operational assessment conducted in November 2022 as further justification for granting of the appeal, but makes no reference to weather conditions at the time of operation. 2. Turnarounds Section §1273.05 of the Fire Safe Regulations states that (a) “turnarounds are required on driveways and dead-end roads” and (d) “each dead-end road shall have a turnaround constructed at its terminus. Where parcels are zoned for five (5) acres or larger, turnarounds shall be provided at a maximum of 1,320-foot intervals” (Exhibit 7). Wood Road is a dead-end road, and the Fire Safe Regulations limit the length of dead- end roads to no more than 2,640 feet for roads that serve parcels zoned between five and 20 acres. Wood Road complies with this regulation. The existing turnaround at the terminus of Wood Road is well beyond 1,320 feet from S. Santa Cruz Avenue and does not comply with this regulation. Exception Request The appellants’ exception request proposes a new turnout at the base of the proposed driveway (Exhibit 4r). This turnout would be located approximately 1,633 feet from S. Santa Cruz Road. The proposed turnout provides space for apparatus to stage off the roadway, but does not provide space for apparatus to turn around. The exception request also references the operational assessment conducted in November 2022 as further justification for granting the exception , but makes no reference to weather conditions at the time of operation. SCCFD Response to Exception Request In their letter denying the exception request, the SCCFD recognizes that the dead-end road serves parcels zoned for between five and 20 acres and that the road length complies with Fire Safe Regulations (Exhibit 4s). The SCCFD letter also recognizes the existing turnaround at the terminus of Wood Road and that a compliant turnout is proposed by the appellants on their property at the base of the proposed driveway. The location of this turnout would be 1,633 feet from S. Santa Cruz Avenue. Because the turnout does not provide the same functions as a turnaround and it exceeds the maximum interval distance of 1,320 feet, the exception request was denied. Staff notes that the slope of Wood Road where the proposed driveway would take access is 17 to 18 percent. The SCCFD Standard D-1 for turnarounds limits slopes within the turnaround area to no more than five percent in any direction. Therefore, introduction of a compliant turnaround at the base of the proposed driveway would not be possible. PAGE 8 of 12 SUBJECT: 144 Wood Road/B22-0025 DATE: March 3, 2023 APPEAL (continued): Appeal In their appeal, the appellants indicate that the provision of a new compliant turnout at the base of the proposed driveway aligns with the overall intent of the Fire Safe Regulations (Exhibit 4t). The appellants note that an additional turnaround will be constructed on the subject property at the top of the proposed driveway , as is required by the California Fire Code due to the driveway length exceeding 150 feet in length . The turnaround at the top of the driveway would be located approximately 1,800 feet from S. Santa Cruz Avenue and is required even in the absence of PRC 4290 being applicable. Lastly, the appellants referenced the operational assessment conducted in November 2022 as further justification for granting the appeal, but makes no reference to weather conditions at the time of operation. 3. General Appeal Points In addition to the appellants’ justification for their appeal as it relates to road grades and turnarounds, the appellants assert in a letter accompanying their appeal that the inclusion of new conditions and potential reengineering of Wood Road related to PRC 4290 and the Fire Safe Regulations after the final conditions were approved by the Planning Commission is a violation of the Permit Streamlining Act and would constitute a taking under the Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution (Exhibit 4c). At this time, the SCCFD has not imposed a requirement to reengineer Wood Road , but has denied an exception request based on the existing grades of the road and the distance to the existing turnaround. A component of the appellants’ justification for granting the appeal explores what would be needed from an engineering perspective to make this portion of Wood Road comply with the Fire Safe Regulations. Permit Streamlining Act Argument The Permit Streamlining Act requires that public agencies notify applicants within 30 days of application submission whether or not the application is complete. Because the appellants have an approved Planning application, this issue is moot. The appellants have objected to the application of the Fire Safe Regulations after they obtained Planning application approval. The Planning application Condition of Approval #100 states that the SCCFD “review shall not be construed to be an approval of a violation of the provisions of the California Fire Code or of other laws or regulations of the jurisdiction.” Restated, this condition requires conformance with the regulations of entities having jurisdiction over the property, including the BOF, which requires conformance with PRC 4290 and the Fire Safe Regulations. It is staff’s opinion that the Fire Safe Regulations apply to the Building Permit applications. PAGE 9 of 12 SUBJECT: 144 Wood Road/B22-0025 DATE: March 3, 2023 APPEAL (continued): Takings Argument In staff’s view, imposing a requirement to reengineer and lengthen this portion of Wood Road would constitute an unconstitutional taking. When reviewing “ad hoc” (uncodified) exactions such as this, courts will consider the connection between what is being required and the impacts of the project. In the Dolan decision, the United States Supreme Court discusses the required degree of connection between the exaction imposed and the projected impacts of the proposed development (Dolan v. City of Tigard, 512 U.S. 374 (1994)). The Dolan court held that a city must demonstrate a “reasonable relationship” between the conditions imposed on a development permit and the development’s impacts. In evaluating a “takings” claim, a court must first determine whether an “essential nexus” exists between the “legitimate state interests” and the permit condition. If it finds that a nexus exists, the court must next find that the required exaction is “roughly proportional” to the projected impacts of the private development. A Feasibility Study prepared by the appellants’ civil engineer explored what would be required to comply with the slope and turnaround requirements of the Fire Safe Regulations (Exhibit 4w). The report recognizes that slope is a simple function of the elevation difference between two fixed points divided by the length of the road, in this case the proposed driveway and the intersection of Wood Road and S. Santa Cruz Avenue. The report concludes that it would not be possible to reduce the slope of this section of Wood Road to 16 percent within the existing right of way. A n additional 198 linear feet of roadway would be required to comply with the 16 percent limitation and would require Wood Road to be completely reconfigured and reconstructed. If the slope of the road were to be reduced, existing driveways might not have feasible points of connection to Wood Road. Additional land would need to be acquired to provide the space needed for the turnaround and to provide space for the switchback horizontal curves that would be required to increase the length of the road to reduce the slope. With these limitations in mind, the report estimates that the cost of reengineering Wood Road to comply with the Fire Safe Regulations would exceed $1,000,000, which does not include the costs of property acquisition. In staff’s view, requiring one property owner to reengineer a public road serving 13 homes at an estimated cost exceeding $1,000,000 in order to reduce the slope of the roadway and add a turnaround is not “roughly proportional” to the impacts of the proposed single-family home. Further, this cost estimate does not take into account the costs associated with any needed property acquisition, negotiation of easements, or existing driveway disruptions; therefore, the true cost is likely much higher than the provided estimate. In addition, it is not physically possible to reengineer the road to reduce the slope because the road would need to be lengthened within its route by PAGE 10 of 12 SUBJECT: 144 Wood Road/B22-0025 DATE: March 3, 2023 APPEAL (continued): adding switchbacks and turns, which would interfere with existing intersections and driveways. As a result, in staff’s view, imposing such an exaction would result in an unconstitutional “taking” and staff does not recommend that the Town impose this requirement. 4. Staff’s Analysis With regards to the road grades and turnarounds, while this section of Wood Road does not comply with the Fire Safe Regulations and an exception could not be granted by the SCCFD as discussed above, there is no feasible or reasonable remedy available to address the deficiencies of the road. Reducing the slope of the road and introducing turnarounds at compliant intervals to meet the Fire Safe Regulations would require lengthening and reengineering portions of the road to create numerous switchbacks. Any reengineering of the road could result in rendering existing driveways unable to connect to Wood Road. The existing topography, private property ownership, and construction costs of such an endeavor represent insurmountable practical barriers to achieving this goal. The operational assessment performed in November 2022 demonstrated the ability of fire apparatus to service the road in its current condition under ideal weather conditions. The appellants have provided information confirming that the roadway surface meets minimum load requirements (Exhibit 4l) and propose to make emergency access and egress improvements by constructing a turnout at the base of their driveway. While not meeting the statutory requirements of the Fire Safe Regulations, the demonstrated serviceability of Wood Road, along with the incremental emergency access and egress improvements of a new turnout offered by the appellants, meet the intent of providing defensible space consistent with the Fire Safe Regulations. Therefore, staff recommends that the Planning Commission grant the appeal of the denial of the exception request and make the requ ired findings set forth in Exhibit 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Public comments received by 11:00 a.m., Friday, March 3, 2023, are included as Exhibit 11. CEQA DETERMINATION: The project is Categorically Exempt pursuant to the adopted Guidelines for the Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act, Section 15303: New Construction. PAGE 11 of 12 SUBJECT: 144 Wood Road/B22-0025 DATE: March 3, 2023 CONCLUSION: A. Summary The property owners request that the Planning Commission grant their appeal of a SCCFD decision denying a request for an exception to the Fire Safe Regulations related to road grades and turnarounds on property zoned HR-5 located at 144 Wood Road. B. Recommendation Based on the analysis above, staff recommends that the Planning Commission grant the appeal of the SCCFD’s decision denying a request for an exception to the Fire Safe Regulations by taking the following actions: 1. Make the finding that the proposed project is Categorically Exempt, pursuant to the adopted Guidelines for the implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act, Section 15303: New Construction (Exhibit 2); and 2. Make the finding pursuant to 14 CCR Section §1270.06 of the Fire Safe Regulations that granting the appeal of the Santa Clara County Fire Department’s decision denying a request for an exception to the Fire Safe Regulations meets the intent of providing defensible space consistent with the Fire Safe Regulations as provided in the Statement of Reasons included in Exhibit 2 and subject to the Condition of Approval included in Exhibit 3. C. Alternatives Alternatively, the Commission can: 1. Continue the matter to a date certain with specific direction; or 2. Grant the appeal with additional and/or modified conditions; or 3. Deny the appeal. PAGE 12 of 12 SUBJECT: 144 Wood Road/B22-0025 DATE: March 3, 2023 EXHIBITS: 1. Location Map 2. Required Findings and Statement of Reasons 3. Recommended Conditions of Approval 4. Appeal Package a. Appeal Form b. Project Plans – Architecture and Site Application c. Planning Commission Written Description of Project, dated January 30, 2023 d. Recorded Easements Benefitting 144 Wood Road e. Addresses Along Wood Road f. Community Development Department - Development Review Application Package g. Staff Technical Review Meeting Agenda, May 19, 2021 h. SCCFD Review Letter (Architecture and Site Application), June 22, 2021 i. Project Sign for Architecture and Site Application j. Planning Commission Action Letter, August 25, 2021 k. Planning Commission Approval of Meeting Minutes with Fi nal Conditions of Approval l. Supplemental Geotechnical Letter, dated July 16, 2022 m. Appellants' Notes of Meeting with Staff, January 10, 2023 n. County of Santa Clara, Department of Planning and Development Memorandum, dated November 16, 2021 o. Office of the County Counsel, County of Santa Clara Memorandum, dated September 26, 2022 p. Appellants' Summary of Takings Case Law q. Appellants' Summary of Application Timeline r. Property Owners' Exception Request to the Fire Safe Regulations, dated December 13, 2022 s. SCCFD Denial of Property Owners' Exception Request to the Fire Safe Regulations, dated January 18, 2023 t. Appellants' Letter of Justification for Appeal, dated January 30, 2023 u. Topographic Survey of Wood Road v. Road Profile of Wood Road w. Feasibility Study of Wood Road Improvements by Hanna-Brunetti x. County of Santa Clara, Department of Planning and Development Memoranda, dated August 3, 2022, July 19, 2022, and August 2, 2022 5. Public Resources Code 4290 6. Fire Hazard Severity Zones Map 7. Fire Safe Regulations 8. SCCFD Review Letter (Building Permit Application), dated November 30, 2022 9. SCCFD Standard Detail A-1, Fire Department Apparatus Access 10. SCCFD Standard Detail D-1, Specifications for Driveways, Turnarounds, and Turn Outs 11. Public Comments received by 11:00 a.m., Friday, March 3, 2023 W M A I N S T WOOD RD BR O A D W A Y MANZANITA AV OAK KNOLL RD EUCLI D A VBAYVIEW AVFARWELL LNSB 17 FROM S SANTA CRUZFAIRVIE W A V FAIRVIEW PLZ RIDGE RDCLIFTON AVMASSOL CT 144 Wood Road 0 0.250.125 Miles ° Update Notes: - Updated 12/20/17 to link to tlg-sql12 server data (sm) - Updated 11/22/19 adding centerpoint guides, Buildings layer, and Project Site leader with label - Updated 10/8/20 to add street centerlines which can be useful in the hillside area - Updated 02-19-21 to link to TLG-SQL17 database (sm) WOOD RD EXHIBIT 1 This Page Intentionally Left Blank S:\PLANNING COMMISSION REPORTS\2023\03-08-2023\Item 4 - 144 Wood Road\Exhibit 2 - Required Findings Statement of Reasons.docx PLANNING COMMISSION – March 8, 2023 REQUIRED FINDINGS AND STATEMENT OF REASONS FOR: 144 Wood Road Building Permit Application B22-0025 Appeal of a Santa Clara County Fire Department Decision Denying a Request for an Exception to the State Minimum Fire Safe Regulations on Property Zoned HR-5. APN 510-47-045. PROPERTY OWNERS/APPELLANTS: Omari and Kavita Bouknight PROJECT PLANNER: Sean Mullin FINDINGS Required finding for CEQA: ■ The project is Categorically Exempt pursuant to the adopted Guidelines for the Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act, Section 15303: New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures. Required for Granting an Appeal of a Santa Clara County Fire Department Decision Denying an Exception to the Fire Safe Regulations: ■ As required, granting the appeal meets the intent of providing defensible space consistent with the Fire Safe Regulations as provided in the following statement: While the section of Wood Road between S. Santa Cruz Avenue and the proposed driveway serving the subject property does not comply with the Fire Safe Regulations and an exception could not be granted by the SCCFD, there is no feasible or reasonable remedy available to address the deficiencies of the road. Reducing the slope of the road and introducing turnarounds at compliant intervals to meet the Fire Safe Regulations would require lengthening and reengineering portions of the road to create numerous switchbacks. Any reengineering of the road could result in rendering existing driveways unable to connect to Wood Road, impacting access to existing properties. The existing topography, private property ownership, and construction costs of such an endeavor represent insurmountable practical barriers to achieving this goal. Further, potentially requiring one property owner to reengineer a public road serving 13 homes at an estimated cost exceeding $1,000,000 in order to reduce the slope of the roadway and add a turnaround is not “roughly proportional” to the impacts of the proposed single-family home. Imposing such an exaction would result in an unconstitutional “taking.” The operational assessment performed in November 2022 demonstrated the ability of fire apparatus to service the road in its current condition under ideal weather conditions. The appellants have provided information confirming that the roadway surface meet s minimum load minimum load requirements and propose to make emergency access and egress EXHIBIT 2 S:\PLANNING COMMISSION REPORTS\2023\03-08-2023\Item 4 - 144 Wood Road\Exhibit 2 - Required Findings Statement of Reasons.docx improvements by constructing a turnout at the base of their driveway. While not meeting the statutory requirements of the Fire Safe Regulations, the demonstrated serviceability of Wood Road, along with the incremental emergency access and egress improvements of a new turnout offered by the appellants, improves existing conditions and meets the intent of providing defensible space consistent with the Fire Safe Regulations. PLANNING COMMISSION – March 8, 2023 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 144 Wood Road Building Permit Application B22-0025 Appeal of a Santa Clara County Fire Department Decision Denying a Request for an Exception to the State Minimum Fire Safe Regulations on Property Zoned HR-5. Located at 144 Wood Road. APN 510-47-045. Building Permit Application B22-0025. PROPERTY OWNERS/APPELLANTS: Omari and Kavita Bouknight. PROJECT PLANNER: Sean Mullin TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: Planning Division 1. ARCHITECTURE AND SITE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: The conditions of approval included with approved Architecture and Site application S-21-003 remain in effect. 2. SANTA CLARA COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT REGULATIONS: The applicant shall work with the Santa Clara County Fire Department to ensure compliance with the local fire department requirements and regulations except those related to road grades and intermediate turnarounds along Wood Road. TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE SANTA CLARA COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT: 3. TURNAROUND ACCESS: The property shall remain free of obstructions across the driveway, such as gates, that could obstruct or delay access to the fire apparatus turnaround at the terminus of the driveway. 4. SIGNAGE: The applicant shall include signage at the driveway entrance stating "Fire Apparatus Turnaround Ahead", or similar language to be approved by Santa Clara County Fire Department. N:\DEV\CONDITIONS\2023\Wood Road, 144 - 4290 Appeal PC COA - 03-08-23 DRAFT.docx EXHIBIT 3 This Page Intentionally Left Blank This Page Intentionally Left Blank OF REVISIONS DATE: SCALE:51 UNIVERSITY AVE. "L" • LOS GATOS, CA. • 95030 • (408) 395-2555NOTE:•The Contractor shall verify all dimensions,elevations and conditions, prior to startingany field work.•Any deviation called by field conditions,or any conditions different from thoseindicated on the plans shall be broughtto the Architect's attention prior toinstallation.S H E E TARCHITECTURAL AND SITE DEVELOPMENT FOR:THE BOUKNIGHT FAMILY144 WOOD ROAD • LOS GATOS, CA 95030AS SHOWN A-1 12/8/21 COVER SHEET 581 1 PLAN CHECK COMMENTS 6/16/22 2 1 1 PROJECT DIRECTORY ARCHITECT: KOHLSAAT & ASSOCIATES 51 UNIVERSITY AVENUE, SUITE L LOS GATOS, CA 95030 TEL: (408) 395-2555 SCOPE OF WORK STRUCTURAL ENGINEER: CORNERSTONE STRUCTURAL DESIGNS 2941 SUNRISE BOULEVARD, STE 220 RANCHO CORDOVA, CA 95742 TEL: (916) 638-0848 SITE AND ARCHITECTURAL DEVELOPMENT ON AN EXISTING VACANT HR-5 ZONED LOT. WORK TO INCLUDE: STRUCTURES: 1. CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW RESIDENCE WITH AN ATTACHED GARAGE AND BELOW GRADE FLOOR AREAS. 2. OPEN TRELLIS AND LOGGIA 3. EGRESS, VENTILATION WELL AND SITE STAIRS. SITE WORK (SEE CIVIL AND LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR DETAILS): 1. ACCESS DRIVEWAY INCLUDING FIRE TRUCK TURNAROUND 2. UTILITY CONNECTIONS 3. PLANNING FOR FUTURE POOL AND SECURITY FENCING 4. PAVED YARD AREAS 5. LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATIONS ALSO SEE CIVIL PLANS FOR GRADING, DRAINAGE SCOPES. NO TREE IS PROPOSED TO BE REMOVED. CODE COMPLIANCE ENERGY CONSULTANT: MONTEREY ENERGY GROUP 227 FOREST AVENUE, SUITE 5 PACIFIC GROVE, CA 93950 TEL: (831) 372-8328 VICINITY MAP PROJECT DATA PROJECT ADDRESS: OWNER: APN#: ZONING: OCCUPANCY GROUP: CONSTRUCTION TYPE: GROSS & NET SITE AREA: AVERAGE LOT SLOPE: NET LOT AREA: PARKING: FIRE SPRINKLER: 144 WOOD ROAD, LOS GATOS OMARI & KAVITA BOUKNIGHT 16717 SHANNON RD LOS GATOS, CA. 95032 510-47-045 HR-5 R-3, U V-B 29,632 SF 35.1% 11852.8SF (AFTER 60% DEDUCTION) 2 SPACES IN GARAGE, 4 SPACES ON DRIVEWAY YES MAIN FLOOR LOWER FLOOR UPPER FLOOR GARAGE TOTAL MAX. ALLOWABLE FLOOR AREA = 3,900SF 1,635 SF 305 SF 1,214 SF 48 SF 3,202 SF = 18.97% STRUCTURE COVERAGE: RESIDENCE + GARAGE FOOTPRINT COVERED PATIOS, DECKS, BALCONIES POOL & SPA SUBTOTAL 3,781 SF 1,136 SF 705 SF 5,622 SF * EXCLUSIONS: (1) BELOW GRADE SF (2) GARAGE UP TO 400SF SHEET INDEX CIVIL ENGINEERING AND SURVEYOR: HANNA-BRUNETTI 7651 EIGLEBERRY STREET GILROY, CA 95020 TEL: (408) 842-2173 FLOOR AREA (A): 1,169 SF (1) 1,493 SF (1) 448 SF(1 & 2) EXCLUSIONS (B)*: 2,804 SF 1,798 SF 1,214 SF 496 SF 6,312 SF (A) + (B): FIRE/ BUILDING NOTES • FIRE SPRINKLERS: An automatic residential fire sprinkler system shall be installed in one- and two-family dwellings as follows: In all new one- and two-family dwellings and in existing one- and two-family dwellings when additions are made that increase the building area to more than 3,600 square feet. Note: The owner(s), occupant(s) and any contractor(s) or subcontractor(s) are responsible for consulting with the water purveyor of record in order to determine if any modification or upgrade of the existing water service is required. A State of California licensed (C-16) Fire Protection Contractor shall submit plans, calculations, a completed permit application and appropriate fees to this department for review and approval prior to beginning their work. CRC Sec. 313.2 as adopted and amended by LGTC. • WATER SUPPLY REQUIREMENTS: Potable water supplies shall be protected from contamination caused by fire protection water supplies. It is the responsibility of the applicant and any contractors and subcontractors to contact the water purveyor supplying the site of such project, and to comply with the requirements of that purveyor. Such requirements shall be incorporated into the design of any water-based fire protection systems, and/or fire suppression water supply systems or storage containers that may be physically connected in any manner to an appliance capable of causing contamination of the potable water supply of the purveyor of record. Final approval of the system(s) under consideration will not be granted by this office until compliance with the requiremeTnts of the water purveyor of record are documented by that purveyor as having been met by the applicant(s). 2016 CFC Sec. 903.3.5 and Health and Safety Code 13114.7 • ADDRESS IDENTIFICATION: New and existing buildings shall have approved address numbers, building numbers or approved building identification placed in a position that is plainly legible and visible from the street or road fronting the property. These numbers shall contrast with their background. Where required by the fire code official, address numbers shall be provided in additional approved locations to facilitate emergency response. Address numbers shall be Arabic numbers or alphabetical letters. Numbers shall be a minimum of 4 inches (101.6 mm) high with a minimum stroke width of 0.5 inch (12.7 mm). Where access is by means of a private road and the building cannot be viewed from the public way, a monument, pole or other sign or means shall be used to identify the structure. Address numbers shall be maintained. [CFC Sec. 505.1]. • EMERGENCY GATE/ACCESS GATE REQUIREMENTS: Gate installations shall conform with Fire Department Standard Details and Specification G-1 and, when open shall not obstruct any portion of the required width for emergency access roadways or driveways. Locks, if provided, shall be fire department approved prior to installation. Gates across the emergency access roadways shall be equipped with an approved access devices. Knox Key-switch is required for the automatic gate. • FIRE APPARATUS (ENGINE) ACCESS DRIVEWAY REQUIRED: Provide an access driveway with a paved all weather surface, a minimum unobstructed width of 12 feet, vertical clearance of 13 feet 6 inches, minimum circulating turning radius of 36 feet outside and 23 feet inside, and a maximum slope of 15%. Installations shall conform to the Fire Department Standard Details Specifications D-1 and CFC Section 503. • CONSTRUCTION SITE FIRE SAFETY: All construction site must comply with applicable provisions of the CFC chapter 33 and County of Santa Clara Standard Detail and Specification S1-7. • REACH CODE COMPLIANCE: This residence will comply with the town's electric appliance, electric vehicle and energy storage system requirements in accordance with town code section 6.70.020 and 6.120.020. DEFERRAL SUBMITTALS • PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM: RESIDENTIAL FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS SHALL COMPLY WITH FIRE DEPARTMENT STANDARDS W-1 & MANUFACTURER'S REQUIREMENTS. FIRE PROTECTION WATER SYSTEMS SHALL BE PERMITTED, INSTALLED & APPROVED BY THE FIRE PREVENTION OFFICE. THE WHARF HYDRANT SHALL BE ACCESSIBLE AT ALL TIMES. TANK SYSTEMS PROVIDING BOTH THE DOMESTIC SUPPLY & SUPPLY TO THE SPRINKLER SYSTEM AND/OR HYDRANT MAY REQUIRE CROSS CONTAMINATION PROTECTION. HYDRANT & TANK OUTLETS SHALL BE INSTALLED SUCH THAT THE CENTER OF THE HOSE CONNECTION IS NOT LESS THAN EIGHTEEN (18") INCHES NOT MORE THAN THIRTY (30") INCHES ABOVE THE FINAL GRADE. FOUR NEW 5,000 GALLON WATER TANKS & ONE 1,000 GALLON TANK TO BE INSTALLED WITH BOOSTER PUMP FOR DOMESTIC USE. • PV SYSTEM - A SEPARATE BUILDING PERMIT IS REQUIRED FOR THE PV SYSTEM AS REQUIRED BY THE ENERGY CALCULATIONS COMPLIANCE MODELING AS WELL AS BATTERY BACKUP. *STAIRS *HANDRAILS *GUARD RAILS *ELEVATOR GEOLOGIC & GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING: C2EARTH 750 CAMDEN AVE, SUITE A CAMPBELL, CA 95008 TEL: (408) 866-5436 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT: DAVID R. FOX & COMPANY 1188 KOTENBERG AVE SAN JOSE, CA 95125 TEL: (408) 761-0212 SITE THE CURRENT CODES, AS AMENDED & ADOPTED BY THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS AS OF JANUARY 1, 2020, ARE THE 2019 CALIFORNIA BUILDING STANDARDS CODE, CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULATIONS TITLE 24, PARTS 1-12, INCLUDING LOCALLY ADOPTED ENERGY REACH CODES. THESE DEFERRED SUBMITTALS SHALL FIRST BE SUBMITTED TO THE PROJECT ARCHITECT & ENGINEER FOR REVIEW & COORDINATION; A SUBMITTAL TO THE TOWN SHALL BE MADE (FOR TOWN REVIEW & APPROVAL), WHICH SHALL INCLUDE A LETTER STATING THIS REVIEW & COORDINATION HAS BEEN PERFORMED & COMPLETED & PLANS & CALCULATIONS FOR THE DEFERRED ITEMS ARE FOUND TO BE ACCEPTABLE (E.G.,WITH REGARD TO GEOMETRY, LOAD CONDITIONS, ETC.) WITH NO EXCEPTIONS. CRC SECTIONS R106.1 & R301.1.3.1 A-1 COA CB AR-1 AR-2 A-2 1 3 4 5 6 7 A-3 A-4 A-5 A-6 A-7 A-8 A-9 A-10 A-11 A-12 A-13 A-14 A-15 E-1 E-2 E-3 T-1 T-2 S1.0 S1.1 S2.1 S2.2 S2.3 S2.4 S3.1 S3.2 S3.3 S3.4 S3.5 WSWH1 WSWH2 L1.0 L2.0 L2.1 L2.2 L3.0 L4.0 L4.1 L4.2 L4.3 L5.0 L6.0 L7.0 S1 S2 D1 COVER SHEET CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL BLUEPRINT FOR A CLEAN BAY ARBORIST REPORT ARBORIST REPORT SITE PLAN TOWN NOTES, PROJECT DATA & ABBREVIATIONS EXISTING TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY SITE & UTILITY PLAN AND LEGEND GRADING & DRAINAGE PLAN GRADING & DRAINAGE PLAN CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT & EROSION CONTROL PLAN LOWER FLOOR PLAN MAIN FLOOR PLAN UPPER FLOOR PLAN OPENING & DOOR SCHEDULE WINDOW SCHEDULE ROOF PLAN ELEVATIONS ELEVATIONS SECTIONS A & B SECTIONS C & D SECTIONS E, F, & G SHORING PLAN ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS ELEC/MECH LOWER FLOOR PLAN/CALGREEN CHECKLIST ELEC/MECH MAIN FLOOR PLAN ELEC/MECH UPPER FLOOR PLAN TITLE ENERGY CALCULATIONS TITLE 24 ENERGY CALCULATIONS GENERAL NOTES TYPICAL DETAILS LOWER LEVEL FOUNDATION PLAN MAIN LEVEL FOUNDATION/FLOOR FRAMING PLAN UPPER LEVEL FLOOR FRAMING PLAN ROOF FRAMING PLAN STRUCTURAL DETAILS STRUCTURAL DETAILS STRUCTURAL DETAILS STRUCTURAL DETAILS STRUCTURAL DETAILS STRONG-WALL ANCHORAGE DETAILS STRONG-WALL FRAMING DETAILS LANDSCSAPE DRAINAGE PLAN FULL SITE LANDSCAPE FRONT LAYOUT PLAN REAR LAYOUT PLAN UTILITY PLAN DETAIL CALLOUTS DETAILS DETAILS DETAILS TREE PLAN PLANTING PLAN IRRIGATION PLAN POOL STRUCTURAL PLANS POOL SECTIONS POOL DETAILS PRIOR TO FOUNDATION INSPECTION BY THE CITY, A LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR OF RECORD SHALL PROVIDE A WRITTEN CERTIFICATE THAT ALL BUILDING SETBACKS COMPLY WITH THE APPROVED PLANS. ENCROACHMENT PERMIT:APPLICANT (OWNER) SHALL OBTAIN AN ENCROACHMENT PERMIT FOR ANY & ALL IMPROVEMENTS IN ANY CITY RIGHT-OF-WAY OR CITY EASEMENT INCLUDING THE STORMWATER SWALE PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF THE WORK. CONSTRUCTION WADDLES SHALL BE INSTALLED ALONG STREET SIDES TO PREVENT EROSION DURING RAINY SEASON. SILT AND MUD IN PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY: IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR & HOMEOWNER TO MAKE SURE THAT ALL DIRT TRACKED INTO THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY IS CLEANED UP ON A DAILY BASIS. MUD, SILT, CONCRETE & OTHER CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS SHALL NOT BE WASHED INTO THE STORM DRAINS. GENERAL NOTES: A. ALL ADHESIVES, SEALANTS, CAULKS, PAINTS, COATINGS, & AEROSOL PAINT CONTAINERS MUST REMAIN ON THE SITE FOR FIELD VERIFICATION BY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR. CGBSC SECTION 4.504.2.4 B. PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION, A LETTER SIGNED BY THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR OR THE OWNER/BUILDER (FOR ANY OWNER/BUILDER PROJECTS) MUST BE PROVIDED TO THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS BUILDING OFFICIAL CERTIFYING THAT ALL ADHESIVES, SEALANTS, CAULKS, PAINTS, COATINGS, AEROSOL PAINTS, AEROSOL COATINGS, CARPET SYSTEMS (INCLUDING CARPETING, CUSHION & ADHESIVE), RESILIENT FLOORING SYSTEMS, & COMPOSITE WOOD PRODUCTS INSTALLED ON THIS PROJECT ARE WITHIN THE EMISSION LIMITS SPECIFIED IN CGBSC SECTION 4.504 DOCUMENTATION SHALL BE PROVIDED, PRIOR TO FIRST INSPECTION, CONFIRMING COMPLIANCE TO THE WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN PROVIDED TO THE JURISDICTION. CGBSC SECTION 4.408.2.1 CONSTRUCTION SITE FIRE SAFETY: ALL CONSTRUCTION SITES MUST COMPLY WITH APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF THE CFC CHAPTER 33 & OUR STANDARD DETAIL & SPECIFICATION SI-7. WATER SUPPLY REQUIREMENTS: POTABLE WATER SUPPLIES SHALL BE PROTECTED FROM CONTAMINATION CAUSED BY FIRE PROTECTION WATER SUPPLIES. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE APPLICANT & ANY CONTRACTOR & SUBCONTRACTORS TO CONTACT THE WATER PURVEYOR SUPPLYING THE SITE OF SUCH PROJECT, & TO COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THAT PURVEYOR. SUCH REQUIREMENTS SHALL BE INCORPORATED INTO THE DESIGN OF ANY WATER-BASED FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS, &/OR FIRE SUPPRESSION WATER SUPPLY SYSTEMS OR STORAGE CONTAINERS THAT MAY BE PHYSICALLY CONNECTED IN ANY MANNER TO AN APPLIANCE CAPABLE OF CAUSING CONTAMINATION OF THE POTABLE WATER SUPPLY OF THE PURVEYOR OF RECORD. FINAL APPROVAL OF THE SYSTEM UNDER CONSIDERATION WILL NOT BE GRANTED BY THIS OFFICE UNTIL COMPLIANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE WATER PURVEYOR OF RECORD ARE DOCUMENTED BY THAT PURVEYOR AS HAVING BEEN MET BY THE APPLICANT. CFC SEC. 903.3.5 & HEALTH & SAFETY CODE 13114.7 A COMPLETED CF2R-LTG-01-E FORM MUST BE PROVIDED TO THE CITY/TOWN BUILDING INSPECTOR, PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION. THE BUILDER MUST PROVIDE THE HOMEOWNER WITH A LUMINAIRE SCHEDULE (AS REQUIRED IN TITLE 24 CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULATIONS, PART 1 §10-103(b)) THAT INCLUDES A LIST OF LAMPS INSTALLED IN THE LUMINAIRES. FOUNATION INSPECTION: A PAD CERTIFICATE PREPARED BY A LICENSED CIVIL ENGINEER OR LAND SURVEYOR SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE PROJECT BUILDING INSPECTOR AT FOUNDATION INSPECTION. THIS CERTIFICATE SHALL CERTIFY COMPLIANCE WITH THE RECOMMENDATION AS SPECIFIED ON THE SOIL REPORT, & THAT THE BUILDING PAD ELEVATIONS & ON-SITE RETAINING WALL LOCATIONS & ELEVATIONS HAVE BEEN PREPARED ACCORDING TO THE APPROVED PLANS. HORIZONTAL & VERTICAL CONTROLS SHALL BE SET & CERTIFIED BY A LICENSED SURVEYOR OR REGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER FOR THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: 1) BUILDING PAD ELEVATION 2) FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION 3) FOUNDATION CORNER LOCATIONS 4) RETAINING WALL(S) LOCATIONS & ELEVATIONS 1 VIEW FROM DRIVEWAY A NEW RESIDENCE: THE BOUKNIGHT RESIDENCE 144 WOOD ROAD LOS GATOS, CA 95030 THIS PROJECT IS LOCATED IN THE WILDLAND URBAN INTERFACE HERS VERIFICATION REQUIRED FOR INDOOR AIR QUALITY VENTILATION, THE KITCHEN HOOD, HVAC COOLING, HVAC HEATING, HVAC DISTRIBUTION. PROVIDE 3RD PARTY VERIFICATION (HERS) TO PROJECT BUILDING INSPECTOR, PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION. PROVIDE 6.0 kWdc SOLAR SYSTEM W/13 kWh BATTERY BACKUP. A SEPARATE PERMIT IS REQUIRED FOR THE PV SYSTEM THAT IS REQUIRED BY THE ENERGY CALCULATIONS COMPLIANCE MODELING. THE SEPARATE PV SYSTEM PERMIT MUST BE FINALED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY NOTE: PV MODULE TYPE: PREMIUM; PV POWER ELECTRONICS MICROINVERTERS; INDOOR AIR QUALITY, BALANCED FAN; & NORTHWEST ENERGY EFFICIENCY ALLIANCE RATED HEAT PUMP WATER HEATER; SPECIFIC BRAND/MODEL, OR EQUIVALENT, MUST BE INSTALLED IS REQUIRED FOR THIS PROJECT AS "REQUIRED SPECIAL FEATURES OF THE ENERGY CALCULATIONS" EXCAVATION CUTS EXCEEDING 5' TYPICALLY REQUIRE A DOSH PERMIT. ALL EXCAVATIONS MUST CONFORM TO APPLICABLE OSHA & CAL-OSHA REQUIREMENTS. CONTACT CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY & HEALTH (DOSH) FOR INFORMATION ABOUT REQUIRED PERMITS. DOSH'S LOCAL OFFICE: (510) 794-2521. PRIOR TO EXCAVATION, THE EXCAVATION CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT PROOF, TO THE TOWN BUILDING INSPECTOR, THAT SHOWS HE OR SHE HAS RECEIVED SUCH A PERMIT FROM DOSH. REGARDING THE PROPOSED BASEMENT, SEE SHEET A-14 FOR TEMPORARY EXCAVATION SLOPE STABILITY. AN OPERATION & MAINTENANCE MANUAL WILL BE LEFT ON SITE FOR THE OWNER OR OCCUPANT AT THE TIME OF FINAL INSPECTION. CGBSC 4.410.1 ALL TREE MAINTENANCE & CARE SHALL BE PERFORMED BY A QUALIFIED ARBORIST WITH A C-61/D-49 CALIFORNIA CONTRACTORS LIC. TREE MAINTENANCE & CARE SHALL BE SPECIFIED IN WRITING ACCORDING TO AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD FOR TREE CARE OPERATIONS: TREE, SHRUB & OTHER WOODY PLANT MANAGEMENT: STANDARD PRACTICES PARTS 1-10 & ADHERE TO ANSI Z133.1 SAFETY STANDARDS & LOCAL REGULATIONS. ALL MAINTENANCE IS TO BE PERFORMED ACCORDING TO ISA BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES. PRIOR TO BUILDING PERMIT FINAL APPROVAL, THE PROPERTY SHALL BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE VEGETATION CLEARANCE REQUIREMENTS PRESCRIBED CALIF. FIRE CODE § 4906 INCLUDING CALIF. PUBLIC RESOURCES CODE 4291 OR CALIF. GOVERNMENT CODE 51182. CRC § R337.1.5 2 PLAN CHECK COMMENTS 8/15/22 EXHIBIT 4B OF REVISIONS DATE: SCALE:51 UNIVERSITY AVE. "L" • LOS GATOS, CA. • 95030 • (408) 395-2555NOTE:•The Contractor shall verify all dimensions,elevations and conditions, prior to startingany field work.•Any deviation called by field conditions,or any conditions different from thoseindicated on the plans shall be broughtto the Architect's attention prior toinstallation.S H E E TARCHITECTURAL AND SITE DEVELOPMENT FOR:THE BOUKNIGHT FAMILY144 WOOD ROAD • LOS GATOS, CA 95030AS SHOWN COA 12/8/21 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 582 1 PLAN CHECK COMMENTS 6/16/22 PLANNING COMMISSION –August 25, 2021 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Wood Road (APN 510-47-045) Architecture and Site Application S-21-003 Requesting Approval for Construction of a New Single-family Residence and Site Improvements Requiring a Grading Permit on Vacant Property Zoned HR-5. APN 510-47-045. PROPERTY OWNERS: Omari and Kavita Bouknight. APPLICANT: Gary Kohlsaat, Architect. PROJECT PLANNER: Sean Mullin TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: Planning Division 1.APPROVAL: This application shall be completed in accordance with all of the conditions of approval and in substantial compliance with the approved plans. Any changes or modifications to the approved plans and/or business operation shall be approved by the Community Development Director, DRC or the Planning Commission depending on the scope of the changes. 2.EXPIRATION: The approval will expire two years from the approval date pursuant to Section 29.20.320 of the Town Code, unless the approval has been vested. 3.OUTDOOR LIGHTING: Exterior lighting shall be kept to a minimum and shall be down directed fixtures that will not reflect or encroach onto adjacent properties. No flood lights shall be used unless it can be demonstrated that they are needed for safety or security. 4.EXTERIOR COLORS: The exterior colors of all structures shall comply with the Hillside Development Standards & Guidelines. 5.DEED RESTRICTION: Prior to the issuance of a building permit, a deed restriction shall be recorded by the applicant with the Santa Clara County Recorder’s Office that requires all exterior materials be maintained in conformance with the Town’s Hillside Development Standards & Guidelines. 6.TREE REMOVAL PERMIT: A Tree Removal Permit shall be obtained for any trees to be removed, prior to the issuance of a building or grading permit. 7.EXISTING TREES: All existing trees shown on the plan and trees required to remain or to be planted are specific subjects of approval of this plan and must remain on the site. 8.TREE FENCING: Protective tree fencing, and other protection measures shall be placed at the drip line of existing trees prior to issuance of demolition and building permits and shall remain through all phases of construction. Include a tree protection plan with the construction plans. 9.ARBORIST REQUIREMENTS: The developer shall implement, at their cost, all recommendations identified in the Arborist’s report dated as received January 26, 2021 for the project, on file in the Community Development Department. These recommendations must be incorporated in the building permit plans and completed prior to issuance of a building permit where applicable. 10.TREE DEED RESTRICTION: Prior to issuance of a building permit, a deed restriction shall be recorded by the applicant with the Santa Clara County Recorder’s Office that identifies the on-site trees and those located in the adjacent exclusive use easement east of the subject property that were used to provide screening in the visibility analysis and requires their replacement if they die or are removed. 11.MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT: Following the issuance of a certificate of occupancy, the property owner shall execute a five-year maintenance agreement with the Town that the property owner agrees to protect and maintain the trees shown to remain on the approved plans, trees planted as part of the tree replacement requirements, trees planted for screening, and guarantees that said trees will always be in a healthy condition during the term of the maintenance agreement. 12.FRONT YARD LANDSCAPE: Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy the front yard must be landscaped. 13.TREE REPLACEMENT: Prior to issuance of final occupancy replacement trees must be planted. 14.WATER EFFICIENCY LANDSCAPE ORDINANCE: The final landscape plan shall meet the Town of Los Gatos Water Conservation Ordinance or the State Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance, whichever is more restrictive. A review fee based on the current fee schedule adopted by the Town Council is required when working landscape and irrigation plans are submitted for review. 15.STORY POLES: The story poles on the project site shall be removed within 30 days of approval of the Architecture & Site application. 16.TOWN INDEMNITY: Applicants are notified that Town Code Section 1.10.115 requires that any applicant who receives a permit or entitlement from the Town shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the Town and its officials in any action brought by a third party to overturn, set aside, or void the permit or entitlement. This requirement is a condition of approval of all such permits and entitlements whether or not expressly set forth in the approval, and may be secured to the satisfaction of the Town Attorney. 17.COMPLIANCE MEMORANDUM: A memorandum shall be prepared and submitted with the building plans detailing how the Conditions of Approval will be addressed. Building Division 18.PERMITS REQUIRED: A Building Permit is required for the construction of the new single- family residence and attached garage. Additional permits will be required for any detached structure such as pools, patio covers, vehicular gates, retaining walls that support a surcharge, etc... An additional Building Permit will be required for the PV System if the system is required by the California Energy Code. 19.APPLICABLE CODES: The current codes, as amended and adopted by the Town of Los Gatos as of January 1, 2020, are the 2019 California Building Standards Code, California Code of Regulations Title 24, Parts 1-12, including locally adopted Energy Reach Codes. 20.CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: The Conditions of Approval must be blue lined in full on the cover sheet of the construction plans. A Compliance Memorandum shall be prepared and submitted with the building permit application detailing how the Conditions of Approval will be addressed. 21.BUILDING & SUITE NUMBERS: Submit requests for new building addresses to the Building Division prior to submitting for the building permit application process. 22.SIZE OF PLANS: Minimum size 24” x 36”, maximum size 30” x 42”. 23.SOILS REPORT: A Soils Report, prepared to the satisfaction of the Building Official, containing foundation and retaining wall design recommendations, shall be submitted with the Building Permit Application. This report shall be prepared by a licensed Civil Engineer specializing in soils mechanics. 24.SHORING: Shoring plans and calculations will be required for all excavations which exceed five (5) feet in depth or which remove lateral support from any existing building, adjacent property, or the public right-of-way. Shoring plans and calculations shall be prepared by a California licensed engineer and shall confirm to the Cal/OSHA regulations. 25.FOUNDATION INSPECTIONS: A pad certificate prepared by a licensed civil engineer or land surveyor shall be submitted to the project Building Inspector at foundation inspection. This certificate shall certify compliance with the recommendations as specified in the Soils Report, and that the building pad elevations and on-site retaining wall locations and elevations have been prepared according to the approved plans. Horizontal and vertical controls shall be set and certified by a licensed surveyor or registered Civil Engineer for the following items: a.Building pad elevation b.Finish floor elevation c.Foundation corner locations d.Retaining wall(s) locations and elevations 26.TITLE 24 ENERGY COMPLIANCE: All required California Title 24 Energy Compliance Forms must be blue-lined (sticky-backed), i.e. directly printed, onto a plan sheet. 27.TOWN RESIDENTIAL ACCESSIBILITY STANDARDS: New residential units shall be designed with adaptability features for single-family residences per Town Resolution 1994-61: a.Wood backing (2” x 8” minimum) shall be provided in all bathroom walls, at water closets, showers, and bathtubs, located 34 inches from the floor to the center of the backing, suitable for the installation of grab bars if needed in the future. b.All passage doors shall be at least 32-inch wide doors on the accessible floor level. c.The primary entrance door shall be a 36-inch-wide door including a 5’x 5’ level landing, no more than 1 inch out of plane with the immediate interior floor level and with an 18-inch clearance at interior strike edge. d.A door buzzer, bell or chime shall be hard wired at primary entrance. 28.BACKWATER VALVE: The scope of this project may require the installation of a sanitary sewer backwater valve per Town Ordinance 6.50.025. Please provide information on the plans if a backwater valve is required and the location of the installation. The Town of Los Gatos Ordinance and West Valley Sanitation District (WVSD) requires backwater valves on drainage piping serving fixtures that have flood level rims less than 12 inches above the elevation of the next upstream manhole. 29.HAZARDOUS FIRE ZONE: All projects in the Town of Los Gatos require Class A roof assemblies. 30.WILDLAND-URBAN INTERFACE: This project is located in a Wildland-Urban Interface High Fire Area and must comply with Section R337 of the 2019 California Residential Code, Public Resources Code 4291 and California Government Code Section 51182. 31.PROVIDE DEFENSIBLE SPACE/FIRE BREAK LANDSCAPING PLAN: Prepared by a California licensed Landscape Architect in conformance with California Public Resources Code 4291 and California Government Code Section 51182. 32.PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION: Provide a letter from a California licensed Landscape Architect certifying the landscaping and vegetation clearance requirements have been completed per the California Public Resources Code 4291 and Government Code Section 51182. 33.SPECIAL INSPECTIONS: When a special inspection is required by CBC Section 1704, the Architect or Engineer of Record shall prepare an inspection program that shall be submitted to the Building Official for approval prior to issuance of the Building Permit. The Town Special Inspection form must be completely filled-out and signed by all requested parties prior to permit issuance. Special Inspection forms are available from the Building Division Service Counter or online at www.losgatosca.gov/building. 34.BLUEPRINT FOR A CLEAN BAY SHEET: The Town standard Santa Clara Valley Nonpoint Source Pollution Control Program Sheet (page size same as submitted drawings) shall be part of the plan submittal as the second page. The specification sheet is available at the Building Division Service Counter for a fee of $2 or at ARC Blueprint for a fee or online at www.losgatosca.gov/building. 35.APPROVALS REQUIRED: The project requires the following departments and agencies approval before issuing a building permit: a.Community Development – Planning Division: (408) 354-6874 b.Engineering/Parks & Public Works Department: (408) 399-5771 c.Santa Clara County Fire Department: (408) 378-4010 d.West Valley Sanitation District: (408) 378-2407 e.Local School District: The Town will forward the paperwork to the appropriate school district(s) for processing. A copy of the paid receipt is required prior to permit issuance. TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE DIRECTOR OF PARKS & PUBLIC WORKS: Engineering Division 36.GENERAL: All public improvements shall be made according to the latest adopted Town Standard Plans, Standard Specifications and Engineering Design Standards. All work shall conform to the applicable Town ordinances. The adjacent public right-of-way shall be kept clear of all job-related mud, silt, concrete, dirt and other construction debris at the end of the day. Dirt and debris shall not be washed into storm drainage facilities. The storing of goods and materials on the sidewalk and/or the street will not be allowed unless an encroachment permit is issued by the Engineering Division of the Parks and Public Works Department. The Owner's representative in charge shall be at the job site during all working hours. Failure to maintain the public right-of-way according to this condition may result in the issuance of correction notices, citations, or stop work orders and the Town performing the required maintenance at the Owner's expense. 37. APPROVAL: This application shall be completed in accordance with all the conditions ofapproval listed below and in substantial compliance with the latest reviewed and approved development plans. Any changes or modifications to the approved plans or conditions of approvals shall be approved by the Town Engineer.38. CONSTRUCTION PLAN REQUIREMENTS: Construction drawings shall comply with Section 1(Construction Plan Requirements) of the Town’s Engineering Design Standards, which are available for download from the Town’s website.39. PRIOR APPROVALS: All conditions per prior approvals shall be deemed in full force andaffect for this approval.40. GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE: The property owner shall provide proof of insurance tothe Town on a yearly basis. In addition to general coverage, the policy must cover all elements encroaching into the Town’s right-of-way. 41. PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTIONS: The Owner or their representative shall notify theEngineering Inspector at least twenty-four (24) hours before starting any work pertainingto on-site drainage facilities, grading or paving, and all work in the Town's right-of-way. Failure to do so will result in penalties and rejection of any work that occurred without inspection. 42. SITE SUPERVISION: The General Contractor shall provide qualified supervision on the jobsite at all times during construction.43. STREET CLOSURE: Any proposed blockage or partial closure of the street and/or sidewalkrequires an encroachment permit. Special provisions such as limitations on works hours,protective enclosures, or other means to facilitate public access in a safe manner may be required.44. PLAN CHECK FEES: Plan check fees associated with the Grading Permit shall be deposited with the Engineering Division of the Parks and Public Works Department prior to the commencement of plan check review. 45. INSPECTION FEES: Inspection fees shall be deposited with the Town prior to the issuance ofany grading or building permits or recordation of the Parcel / Final Map. 46. DESIGN CHANGES: Any proposed changes to the approved plans shall be subject to theapproval of the Town prior to the commencement of any and all altered work. The Owner’s project engineer shall notify, in writing, the Town Engineer at least seventy-two(72) hours in advance of all the proposed changes. Any approved changes shall beincorporated into the final “as-built” plans.47. PLANS AND STUDIES: All required plans and studies shall be prepared by a Registered Professional Engineer in the State of California and submitted to the Town Engineer for review and approval. Additionally, any post-project traffic or parking counts, or other studies imposed by the Planning Commission or Town Council shall be funded by the Owner. 48.GRADING PERMIT: A grading permit is required for all site grading and drainage work except for exemptions listed in Section 12.20.015 of The Code of the Town of Los Gatos (Grading Ordinance). After the preceding Architecture and Site Application has been approved by the respective deciding body, the grading permit application (with grading plans and associated required materials and plan check fees) shall be made to the Engineering Division of the Parks and Public Works Department located at 41 Miles Avenue. The grading plans shall include final grading, drainage, retaining wall location(s), driveway, utilities and interim erosion control. Grading plans shall list earthwork quantities and a table of existing and proposed impervious areas. Unless specifically allowed by the Director of Parks and Public Works, the grading permit will be issued concurrently with the building permit. The grading permit is for work outside the building footprint(s). Prior to Engineering signing off and closing out on the issued grading permit, the Owner/Applicant/Developer’s soils engineer shall verify, with a stamped and signed letter, that the grading activities were completed per plans and per the requirements as noted in the soils report. A separate building permit, issued by the Building Department, located at 110 E. Main Street, is needed for grading within the building footprint. 49.ILLEGAL GRADING: Per the Town’s Comprehensive Fee Schedule, applications for work unlawfully completed shall be charged double the current fee. As a result, the required grading permit fees associated with an application for grading will be charged accordingly. 50.GRADING ACTIVITY RESTRICTIONS: Upon receipt of a grading permit, any and all grading activities and operations shall not occur during the rainy season, as defined by Town Code of the Town of Los Gatos, Sec. 12.10.020, (October 15-April 15), has ended. 51.COMPLIANCE WITH HILLSIDE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES: All grading activities and operations shall be in compliance with Section III of the Town’s Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines. All development shall be in compliance with Section II of the Town’s Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines. 52.DRIVEWAY: The driveway conform to existing pavement on Wood Road shall be constructed in a manner such that the existing drainage patterns will not be obstructed. 53.CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT: Prior to the issuance of a grading or building permit, it shall be the sole responsibility of the Owner to obtain any and all proposed or required easements and/or permissions necessary to perform the grading herein proposed. Proof of agreement/approval is required prior to the issuance of any Permit. 54.TREE REMOVAL: Copies of all necessary tree removal permits shall be provided prior to the issuance of a grading permit/building permit. 55.SURVEYING CONTROLS: Horizontal and vertical controls shall be set and certified by a licensed surveyor or registered civil engineer qualified to practice land surveying, for the following items: a.Retaining wall: top of wall elevations and locations. b.Toe and top of cut and fill slopes. 56.PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING: Prior to issuance of any grading or building permits or the commencement of any site work, the general contractor shall: a.Along with the Owner, attend a pre-construction meeting with the Town Engineer to discuss the project conditions of approval, working hours, site maintenance and other construction matters; b.Acknowledge in writing that they have read and understand the project conditions of approval and will make certain that all project sub-contractors have read and understand them as well prior to commencing any work, and that a copy of the project conditions of approval will be posted on-site at all times during construction. 57.RETAINING WALLS: A building permit, issued by the Building Department, located at 110 E. Main Street, may be required for site retaining walls. Walls are not reviewed or approved by the Engineering Division of Parks and Public Works during the grading permit plan review process. GEOLOGICAL AND GEOLOGY: 58.SOILS ENGINEER CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION: During construction, all excavations and grading shall be inspected by the Owner’s soils engineer prior to placement of concrete and/or backfill so they can verify that the actual conditions are as anticipated in the design- level geotechnical report and recommend appropriate changes in the recommendations contained in the report, if necessary. The results of the construction observation and testing shall be documented in an “as-built” letter/report prepared by the Owner’s soils engineer and submitted to the Town before a certificate of occupancy is granted. 59.SOIL RECOMMENDATIONS: The project shall incorporate the geotechnical/geological recommendations contained in the project’s design-level geotechnical/geological investigation as prepared by the Owner’s engineer(s), and any subsequently required report or addendum. Subsequent reports or addendum are subject to peer review by the Town’s consultant and costs shall be borne by the Owner. IMPROVEMENT PLANS: 60.JOINT TRENCH PLANS: Joint trench plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Town prior to recordation of a map/and or issuance of a grading permit. The joint trench plans shall include street and/or site lighting and associated photometrics. A letter shall be provided by PG&E stating that public street light billing will by Rule LS2A, and that private lights shall be metered with billing to the homeowners’ association. Pole numbers, assigned by PG&E, shall be clearly delineated on the plans. 61.UTILITIES: The Owner shall install all new, relocated, or temporarily removed utility services, including telephone, electric power and all other communications lines underground, as required by Town Code Section 27.50.015(b). All new utility services shall be placed underground. Underground conduit shall be provided for cable television service. The Owner is required to obtain approval of all proposed utility alignments from any and all utility service providers before a Certificate of Occupancy for any new building can be issued. The Town of Los Gatos does not approve or imply approval for final alignment or design of these facilities. 62.PRIVATE EASEMENTS: Agreements detailing rights, limitations and responsibilities of involved parties shall accompany any proposed private easement. Access driveway shall be within the recorded access easement. A new private access easement shall be recorded, and an electronic copy (PDF) of the recorded agreement shall be submitted to the Engineering Division of the Parks and Public Works Department, prior to issuance of a grading or building permit. A realigned access driveway shall be completed prior to the issuance of grading or building permit. 63.DRIVEWAY APPROACH: The Owner shall install a Town standard residential/commercial driveway approach. The new driveway approach shall be constructed per Town Standard Plans and must be completed and accepted by the Town before a Certificate of Occupancy for any new building can be issued. New concrete shall be free of stamps, logos, names, graffiti, etc. Any concrete identified that is displaying a stamp or equal shall be removed and replaced at the Contractor’s sole expense and no additional compensation shall be allowed therefore. 64.FENCING: Any fencing proposed within two hundred (200) feet of an intersection shall comply with Town Code Section §23.10.080. 65.SIGHT TRIANGLE AND TRAFFIC VIEW AREA: Any proposed improvements, including but not limiting to trees and hedges, will need to abide by Town Code Sections 23.10.080, 26.10.065, and 29.40.030. TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION: 66.CONSTRUCTION VEHICLE PARKING: Construction vehicle parking within the public right-of- way will only be allowed if it does not cause access or safety problems as determined by the Town. 67.ADVANCE NOTIFICATION: Advance notification of all affected residents and emergency services shall be made regarding parking restriction, lane closure or road closure, with specification of dates and hours of operation. 68.HAULING OF SOIL: Hauling of soil on- or off-site shall not occur during the morning or evening peak periods (between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. and between 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.), and at other times as specified by the Director of Parks and Public Works. Prior to the issuance of a grading or building permit, the Owner and/or Applicant or their representative shall work with the Town Building Department and Engineering Division Inspectors to devise a traffic control plan to ensure safe and efficient traffic flow under periods when soil is hauled on or off the project site. This may include, but is not limited to provisions for the Owner and/or Applicant to place construction notification signs noting the dates and time of construction and hauling activities, or providing additional traffic control. Coordination with other significant projects in the area may also be required. Cover all trucks hauling soil, sand and other loose debris. 69.CONSTRUCTION HOURS: All subdivision improvements and site improvements construction activities, including the delivery of construction materials, labors, heavy equipment, supplies, etc., shall be limited to the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., weekdays and 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Saturdays. The Town may authorize, on a case-by-case basis, alternate construction hours. The Owner shall provide written notice twenty-four (24) hours in advance of modified construction hours. Approval of this request is at discretion of the Town. 70.CONSTRUCTION NOISE: Between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., weekdays and 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Saturdays, construction, alteration or repair activities shall be allowed. No individual piece of equipment shall produce a noise level exceeding eighty-five (85) dBA at twenty-five (25) feet from the source. If the device is located within a structure on the property, the measurement shall be made at distances as close to twenty-five (25) feet from the device as possible. The noise level at any point outside of the property plane shall not exceed eighty-five (85) dBA. 71.CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT PLAN SHEET: Prior to the issuance of any grading or building permits, the Owner and/or Applicant’s design consultant shall submit a construction management plan sheet (full-size) within the plan set that shall incorporate at a minimum the Earth Movement Plan, Traffic Control Plan, Project Schedule, site security fencing, employee parking, construction staging area, materials storage area(s), construction trailer(s), concrete washout(s) and proposed outhouse locations. Please refer to the Town’s Construction Management Plan Guidelines document for additional information. 72.SHARED PRIVATE STREET: The private street accessing Project Site shall be kept open and in a safe, drive-able condition throughout construction. If temporary closure is needed, then formal written notice shall be provided at least one week in advance of closure. 73.PRIVATE STREET PAVEMENT RESTORATION: Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for any new building, the Owner/Applicant/Developer shall overlay to section of private street pavement immediately in front of/adjacent to the subject property, or alternative pavement restoration measure as approved by the Town Engineer. 74.COMMON PRIVATE DRIVEWAY: The common private driveway accessing the Project Site shall be kept open and in a safe, drive-able condition throughout construction and in perpetuity after construction has been completed. If temporary closure is needed, then formal written notice shall be provided at least one (1) week in advance of closure. 75.EMERGENCY VEHICLE ACCESS: The Emergency Vehicle Access Easement (EVAE) that traverses the Project Site shall be kept open and in a safe, drive-able condition throughout construction. If temporary closure is needed, then formal written notice shall be provided at least one week in advance of closure. 76.EMERGENCY VEHICLE ACCESS EASEMENT: Prior to the issuance of any grading or building permits, the Owner shall coordinate with the Santa Clara County Fire Department to ensure that any proposed modifications to the Emergency Vehicle Access Easement that traverses the Project Site are curvilinear, allows for the Department’s equipment to travel across said easement, and meets all Department specifications. Plans shall be submitted to the Santa Clara County Fire Department for approval prior to construction. OTHER PERMITS: 77.SANTA CLARA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT (SCVWD): Prior to start of any work along or within Santa Clara Valley Water District (SCVWD) right-of-way/easement, the Owner shall submit construction plans to SCVWD for review and approval and obtain necessary encroachment permits for the proposed work. A copy of approved encroachment permit is required to be submitted to the Engineering Division of the Parks and Public Works Department prior to Grading/Building Permit issuance. 78.WVSD (West Valley Sanitation District): Sanitary sewer laterals are televised by West Valley Sanitation District and approved by the Town of Los Gatos before they are used. A Sanitary Sewer Clean-out is required for each property at the property line, within one (1) foot of the property line per West Valley Sanitation District Standard Drawing 3, or at a location specified by the Town. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT: 79.STATE CONSTRUCTION GENERAL PERMIT: In the event that, during the production of construction drawings for the plans approved with this application by the Town of Los Gatos, it is determined that the project will disturb one (1) acre or more of site area, the filing of a Notice of Intent (NOI) and submittal of a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) to the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board as part of a State Construction General Permit will be required. These items shall all be completed and accepted by the Engineering Division before issuance of a grading/building permit. 80.NPDES STORMWATER COMPLIANCE: In the event that, during the production of construction drawings for the plans approved with this application by the Town of Los Gatos, it is determined that the project will create and/or replace more than 2,500 square feet of impervious area, completion of the NPDES Stormwater Compliance Small Projects Worksheet and implementation of at least one of the six low impact development site design measures it specifies shall be completed and submitted to the Engineering Division before issuance of a grading/building permit. 81.SITE DESIGN MEASURES: All projects shall incorporate at least one of the following measures: a.Protect sensitive areas and minimize changes to the natural topography. b.Minimize impervious surface areas. c.Direct roof downspouts to vegetated areas. d.Use porous or pervious pavement surfaces on the driveway, at a minimum. e.Use landscaping to treat stormwater. 82.UNLAWFUL DISCHARGES: It is unlawful to discharge any wastewater, or cause hazardous domestic waste materials to be deposited in such a manner or location as to constitute a threatened discharge, into storm drains, gutters, creeks or the San Francisco Bay. Unlawful discharges to storm drains include, but are not limited to: discharges from toilets, sinks, industrial processes, cooling systems, boilers, fabric cleaning, equipment cleaning or vehicle cleaning. 83.DUST CONTROL: Blowing dust shall be reduced by timing construction activities so that paving and building construction begin as soon as possible after completion of grading, and by landscaping disturbed soils as soon as possible. Further, water trucks shall be present and in use at the construction site. All portions of the site subject to blowing dust shall be watered as often as deemed necessary by the Town, or a minimum of three (3) times daily, or apply (non-toxic) soil stabilizers on all unpaved access roads, parking areas, and staging areas at construction sites in order to insure proper control of blowing dust for the duration of the project. Watering on public streets shall not occur. Streets shall be cleaned by street sweepers or by hand as often as deemed necessary by the Town Engineer, or at least once a day. Watering associated with on-site construction activity shall take place between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. and shall include at least one (1) late-afternoon watering to minimize the effects of blowing dust. All public streets soiled or littered due to this construction activity shall be cleaned and swept on a daily basis during the workweek to the satisfaction of the Town. Demolition or earthwork activities shall be halted when wind speeds (instantaneous gusts) exceed twenty (20) miles per hour (MPH). All trucks hauling soil, sand, or other loose debris shall be covered. 84.AIR QUALITY: To limit the project’s construction-related dust and criteria pollutant emissions, the following the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD)- recommended basic construction measures shall be included in the project’s grading plan, building plans, and contract specifications: a.All exposed surfaces (e.g., parking areas, staging areas, soil piles, graded areas, and unpaved access roads) shall be watered two times per day, or otherwise kept dust-free. b.All haul trucks designated for removal of excavated soil and demolition debris from site shall be staged off-site until materials are ready for immediate loading and removal from site. c.All haul trucks transporting soil, sand, debris, or other loose material off-site shall be covered. d.As practicable, all haul trucks and other large construction equipment shall be staged in areas away from the adjacent residential homes. e.All visible mud or dirt track-out onto adjacent public roads shall be removed using wet power vacuum street sweepers at least once per day, or as deemed appropriate by Town Engineer. The use of dry power sweeping is prohibited. An on-site track-out control device is also recommended to minimize mud and dirt-track-out onto adjacent public roads. f.All vehicle speeds on unpaved surfaces shall be limited to fifteen (15) miles per hour. g.All driveways and sidewalks to be paved shall be completed as soon as possible. Building pads shall be laid as soon as possible after grading unless seeding or soil binders are used. h.Post a publicly visible sign with the telephone number and person to contact at the lead agency regarding dust complaints. This person shall respond and take corrective action within forty-eight (48) hours. The Air District’s phone number shall also be visible to ensure compliance with applicable regulations. Please provide the BAAQMD’s complaint number on the sign: 24-hour toll-free hotline at 1-800-334-ODOR (6367). i.All excavation, grading, and/or demolition activities shall be suspended when average wind speeds exceed twenty (20) miles per hour. j.Vegetative ground cover (e.g., fast-germinating native grass seed) shall be planted in disturbed areas as soon as possible and watered appropriately until vegetation is established. 85.DETAILING OF STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITIES: Prior to the issuance of any grading or building permits, all pertinent details of any and all proposed stormwater management facilities, including, but not limited to, ditches, swales, pipes, bubble-ups, dry wells, outfalls, infiltration trenches, detention basins and energy dissipaters, shall be provided on submitted plans, reviewed by the Engineering Division of the Parks and Public Works Department, and approved for implementation. 86.CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES: All construction shall conform to the latest requirements of the CASQA Stormwater Best Management Practices Handbooks for Construction Activities and New Development and Redevelopment, the Town's grading and erosion control ordinance, and other generally accepted engineering practices for erosion control as required by the Town Engineer when undertaking construction activities. 87.SITE DRAINAGE: Rainwater leaders shall be discharged to splash blocks. No through curb drains will be allowed. Any storm drain inlets (public or private) directly connected to public storm system shall be stenciled/signed with appropriate “NO DUMPING - Flows to Bay” NPDES required language. On-site drainage systems for all projects shall include one of the alternatives included in section C.3.i of the Municipal Regional NPDES Permit. These include storm water reuse via cisterns or rain barrels, directing runoff from impervious surfaces to vegetated areas and use of permeable surfaces. If stormwater treatment facilities are to be used they shall be placed a minimum of ten (10) feet from the adjacent property line and/or right-of-way. Alternatively, the facility(ies) may be located with an offset between 5 and 10 feet from the adjacent property and/or right-of-way line(s) if the responsible engineer in charge provides a stamped and signed letter that addresses infiltration and states how facilities, improvements and infrastructure within the Town’s right-of-way (driveway approach, curb and gutter, etc.) and/or the adjacent property will not be adversely affected. No improvements shall obstruct or divert runoff to the detriment of an adjacent, downstream or down slope property. 88.MAINTENANCE OF PRIVATE STREETS: It is the responsibility of the property owner(s)/homeowners association to implement a plan for street sweeping of paved private roads and cleaning of all storm drain inlets. 89.SILT AND MUD IN PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY: It is the responsibility of Contractor and homeowner to make sure that all dirt tracked into the public right-of-way is cleaned up on a daily basis. Mud, silt, concrete and other construction debris SHALL NOT be washed into the Town’s storm drains. 90.GOOD HOUSEKEEPING: Good housekeeping practices shall be observed at all times during the course of construction. All construction shall be diligently supervised by a person or persons authorized to do so at all times during working hours. The Owner's representative in charge shall be at the job site during all working hours. Failure to maintain the public right-of-way according to this condition may result in penalties and/or the Town performing the required maintenance at the Owner's expense. GENERAL: 91.NEIGHBORHOOD CONSTRUCTION COMMUNICATION PLAN: Immediately upon approval of an encroachment permit, the Owner shall initiate a weekly neighborhood email notification program to provide project status updates. The email notices shall also be posted on a bulletin board placed in a prominent location along the project perimeter. TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE SANTA CLARA COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT: 92.Review of this Developmental proposal is limited to acceptability of site access, water supply and may include specific additional requirements as they pertain to fire department operations and shall not be construed as a substitute for formal plan review to determine compliance with adopted model codes. Prior to performing any work, the applicant shall make application to, and receive from, the Building Department all applicable construction permits. 93.FIRE SPRINKLERS REQUIRED: (As noted on Sheet A0) An automatic residential fire sprinkler system shall be installed in new one- and two-family dwellings. 94.FIRE DEPARTMENT (ENGINE) DRIVEWAY TURNAROUND REQUIRED: (As noted on Sheet L1.1) Dead- end fire apparatus access roads in excess of 150 feet in length shall be provided with an approved area for turning around fire apparatus. Provide an approved fire department engine driveway turnaround with a minimum radius of 36 feet outside and 23 feet inside. Maximum grade in any direction shall be 5%. Installations shall conform with Fire Department Standard Details and Specifications D-1. [CFC Section 503.2.5]. 95.PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM: (As noted on Sheet A0, A1.1 & response letter) Residential fire protection systems shall comply with Fire Department Standards W-1 and manufacturer's requirements. Fire protection water systems shall be permitted, installed and approved by the Fire Prevention Office. The wharf hydrant shall be accessible at all times. Tank systems providing both the domestic supply and supply to the sprinkler system and/or hydrant may require cross contamination protection. Check with the local Building Department for specific requirements related to protection of the domestic supply. Hydrants and tank outlets shall be installed such that the center of the hose connection is not less than eighteen (18”) inches nor more than thirty (30”) inches above the final grade. Proposed two new 5k gallon water tanks are not sufficient. Given project proximity to relatively urban development, water supply in accordance with NFPA 1142 is appropriate, per CFC B103.3. Preliminary NFPA 1142 calculations suggest a minimum of 20,000 gallons are necessary for the proposed structure. The proposed tank system does not meet design standard W-1 with respect to combining domestic, sprinkler and hydrant storage. Tank capacity for combined domestic/fire sprinkler systems shall be determined by adding the required hydrant and sprinkler system volume to a minimum of 1K gallons for domestic use. Water for other purposes, such as irrigation, shall not be combined in the same tank system [SCCFD Standard Details and Specifications sheet W-1]. a.Minimum of 20,000 gallons are required. b.A more detailed design proposal for the water storage system is required. c.Provide all details necessary to guarantee maintenance of the stored hydrant water for fire suppression purposes. 96.FIRE APPARATUS (ENGINE)ACCESS DRIVEWAY REQUIRED: (As noted on Sheet 5 of 7) Provide an access driveway with a paved all weather surface, a minimum unobstructed width of 12 feet, vertical clearance of 13 feet 6 inches, minimum circulating turning radius of 36 feet outside and 23 feet inside, and a maximum slope of 15%. Installations shall conform to Fire Department Standard Details and Specifications sheet D-1. Driveway profile provided on Sheet 5 of 6 shows slopes up to 20%. The request for slope greater than 15% but not to exceed 20%, as outlined in the Letter of Justification dated January 18, 2021 and demonstrated in the driveway profile, has been acknowledged and approved by SFPE R. Campbell on 03/09/21. 97.CONSTRUCTION SITE FIRE SAFETY: (As noted on Sheet A0) All construction sites must comply with applicable provisions of the CFC Chapter 33 and our Standard Detail and Specification S1-7. Provide appropriate notations on subsequent plan submittals, as appropriate to the project. [CFC Chp. 33]. 98.WATER SUPPLY REQUIREMENTS: (As noted on Sheet A0) Potable water supplies shall be protected from contamination caused by fire protection water supplies. It is the responsibility of the applicant and any contractors and subcontractors to contact the water purveyor supplying the site of such project, and to comply with the requirements of that purveyor. Such requirements shall be incorporated into the design of any water-based fire protection systems, and/or fire suppression water supply systems or storage containers that may be physically connected in any manner to an appliance capable of causing contamination of the potable water supply of the purveyor of record. Final approval of the system(s) under consideration will not be granted by this office until compliance with the requirements of the water purveyor of record are documented by that purveyor as having been met by the applicant(s). 2019 CFC Sec. 903.3.5 and Health and Safety Code 13114.7. 99.ADDRESS IDENTIFICATION: (As noted on Sheet A0) New and existing buildings shall have approved address numbers, building numbers or approved building identification placed in a position that is plainly legible and visible from the street or road fronting the property. These numbers shall contrast with their background. Where required by the fire code official, address numbers shall be provided in additional approved locations to facilitate emergency response. Address numbers shall be Arabic numbers or alphabetical letters. Numbers shall be a minimum of 4 inches (101.6 mm) high with a minimum stroke width of 0.5 inch (12.7 mm). Where access is by means of a private road and the building cannot be viewed from the public way, a monument, pole or other sign or means shall be used to identify the structure. Address numbers shall be maintained. [CFC Sec. 505.1]. New address pending approval as noted on Sheet A0. 100. GENERAL: This review shall not be construed to be an approval of a violation of the provisions of the California Fire Code or of other laws or regulations of the jurisdiction. A permit presuming to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of the fire code or other such laws or regulations shall not be valid. Any addition to or alteration of approved construction documents shall be approved in advance. [CFC, Ch.1, 105.3.6] N:\DEV\CONDITIONS\2021\Wood Road - A&S PC COA - 07-28-21 - FINAL.docx TOWN OF LOS GATOS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION (408) 354-6872 Fax (408) 354-7593 September 13, 2021 Gary Kohlsaat 51 University Avenue, Suite L Los Gatos, CA 95030 Via Email RE: Wood Road Architecture and Site Application S-21-003 Requesting Approval for Construction of a New Single-Family Residence and Site Improvements Requiring a Grading Permit on Vacant Property Zoned HR-5. APN 510-47-045. PROPERTY OWNER: Omari and Kavita Bouknight APPLICANT: Gary Kohlsaat PROJECT PLANNER: Sean Mullin At its meeting of September 8, 2021, the Town of Los Gatos Planning Commission approved the meeting minutes from August 25, 2021, confirming any additional or modified conditions of approval for the project. The Planning Commission decision is now considered final. The conditions of approval, including any additional or modified conditions of approval for the project in the underlined font attached to the letter dated August 25, 2021, are now considered final. If you have any questions, I can be contacted by email at smullin@losgatosca.gov. Sincerely, Sean Mullin, AICP Associate Planner Cc: Jessie Delucchi, Omari Bouknight, Kavita Bouknight – Via email N:\DEV\PC\PC ACTION Letters\2021 Follow up Ltrs\08-25-21 [Wood Road- Item 2; Approved].docx CIVIC CENTER 110 E. MAIN STREET LOS GATOS, CA 95030 result in the issuance of correction notices, citations, or stop work orders and the Town performing the required maintenance at the Owner's expense. 37.APPROVAL: This application shall be completed in accordance with all the conditions of approval listed below and in substantial compliance with the latest reviewed and approved development plans. Any changes or modifications to the approved plans or conditions of approvals shall be approved by the Town Engineer. 38.CONSTRUCTION PLAN REQUIREMENTS: Construction drawings shall comply with Section 1 (Construction Plan Requirements) of the Town’s Engineering Design Standards, which are available for download from the Town’s website. 39.PRIOR APPROVALS: All conditions per prior approvals shall be deemed in full force and affect for this approval. 40.GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE: The property owner shall provide proof of insurance to the Town on a yearly basis. In addition to general coverage, the policy must cover all elements encroaching into the Town’s right-of-way. 41.PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTIONS: The Owner or their representative shall notify the Engineering Inspector at least twenty-four (24) hours before starting any work pertaining to on-site drainage facilities, grading or paving, and all work in the Town's right-of-way. Failure to do so will result in penalties and rejection of any work that occurred without inspection. 42.SITE SUPERVISION: The General Contractor shall provide qualified supervision on the job site at all times during construction. 43.STREET CLOSURE: Any proposed blockage or partial closure of the street and/or sidewalk requires an encroachment permit. Special provisions such as limitations on works hours, protective enclosures, or other means to facilitate public access in a safe manner may be required. 44.PLAN CHECK FEES: Plan check fees associated with the Grading Permit shall be deposited with the Engineering Division of the Parks and Public Works Department prior to the commencement of plan check review. 45.INSPECTION FEES: Inspection fees shall be deposited with the Town prior to the issuance of any grading or building permits or recordation of the Parcel / Final Map. 46.DESIGN CHANGES: Any proposed changes to the approved plans shall be subject to the approval of the Town prior to the commencement of any and all altered work. The Owner’s project engineer shall notify, in writing, the Town Engineer at least seventy-two (72) hours in advance of all the proposed changes. Any approved changes shall be incorporated into the final “as-built” plans. 47.PLANS AND STUDIES: All required plans and studies shall be prepared by a Registered Professional Engineer in the State of California and submitted to the Town Engineer for review and approval. Additionally, any post-project traffic or parking counts, or other studies imposed by the Planning Commission or Town Council shall be funded by the Owner. 48.GRADING PERMIT: A grading permit is required for all site grading and drainage work except for exemptions listed in Section 12.20.015 of The Code of the Town of Los Gatos (Grading Ordinance). After the preceding Architecture and Site Application has been approved by the respective deciding body, the grading permit application (with grading submitted with the building permit application detailing how the Conditions of Approval will be addressed. 21.BUILDING & SUITE NUMBERS: Submit requests for new building addresses to the Building Division prior to submitting for the building permit application process. 22.SIZE OF PLANS: Minimum size 24” x 36”, maximum size 30” x 42”. 23.SOILS REPORT: A Soils Report, prepared to the satisfaction of the Building Official, containing foundation and retaining wall design recommendations, shall be submitted with the Building Permit Application. This report shall be prepared by a licensed Civil Engineer specializing in soils mechanics. 24.SHORING: Shoring plans and calculations will be required for all excavations which exceed five (5) feet in depth or which remove lateral support from any existing building, adjacent property, or the public right-of-way. Shoring plans and calculations shall be prepared by a California licensed engineer and shall confirm to the Cal/OSHA regulations. 25.FOUNDATION INSPECTIONS: A pad certificate prepared by a licensed civil engineer or land surveyor shall be submitted to the project Building Inspector at foundation inspection. This certificate shall certify compliance with the recommendations as specified in the Soils Report, and that the building pad elevations and on-site retaining wall locations and elevations have been prepared according to the approved plans. Horizontal and vertical controls shall be set and certified by a licensed surveyor or registered Civil Engineer for the following items: a. Building pad elevation b. Finish floor elevation c. Foundation corner locations d. Retaining wall(s) locations and elevations 26. TITLE 24 ENERGY COMPLIANCE: All required California Title 24 Energy Compliance Forms must be blue-lined (sticky-backed), i.e. directly printed, onto a plan sheet. 27. TOWN RESIDENTIAL ACCESSIBILITY STANDARDS: New residential units shall be designed with adaptability features for single-family residences per Town Resolution 1994-61: a. Wood backing (2” x 8” minimum) shall be provided in all bathroom walls, at water closets, showers, and bathtubs, located 34 inches from the floor to the center of the backing, suitable for the installation of grab bars if needed in the future. b. All passage doors shall be at least 32-inch wide doors on the accessible floor level. c. The primary entrance door shall be a 36-inch-wide door including a 5’x 5’ level landing, no more than 1 inch out of plane with the immediate interior floor level and with an 18-inch clearance at interior strike edge. d. A door buzzer, bell or chime shall be hard wired at primary entrance. 28. BACKWATER VALVE: The scope of this project may require the installation of a sanitary sewer backwater valve per Town Ordinance 6.50.025. Please provide information on the plans if a backwater valve is required and the location of the installation. The Town of Los Gatos Ordinance and West Valley Sanitation District (WVSD) requires backwater valves on drainage piping serving fixtures that have flood level rims less than 12 inches above the elevation of the next upstream manhole. 29. HAZARDOUS FIRE ZONE: All projects in the Town of Los Gatos require Class A roof assemblies. UNDERSTOOD NOTED ON SITE PLAN CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE N/A UNDERSTOOD UNDERSTOOD OWNER TO SIGN UNDERSTOOD IN PLANSET OWNER TO SIGN OWNER TO SIGN IN PLANSET IN PLANSET UNDERSTOOD DONE UNDERSTOOD THIS IS IT UNDERSTOOD IN PLANSET THIS IS IT DONE UNDERSTOOD DONE N/A CIVIL TO PROVIDE IN PLANSET IN PLANSET NONE REQ'D IN PLANSET NOTED ON PLANS INCLUDED IN LANDSCAPE PLANS UNDERSTOOD UNDERSTOOD IN PLANSET UNDERSTOOD INCLUDED IN CIVIL PLANS UNDERSTOOD UNDERSTOOD UNDERSTOOD UNDERSTOOD CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE UNDERSTOOD UNDERSTOOD UNDERSTOOD UNDERSTOOD UNDERSTOOD CIVIL TO PROVIDE UNDERSTOOD UNDERSTOOD UNDERSTOOD UNDERSTOOD UNDERSTOOD N/A CIVIL TO PROVIDE UNDERSTOOD CIVIL TO PROVIDE UNDERSTOOD UNDERSTOOD CIVIL TO PROVIDE INCLUDED IN CIVIL PLANS INCLUDED IN CIVIL PLANS OWNER TO SIGN UNDERSTOOD UNDERSTOOD UNDERSTOOD UNDERSTOOD UNDERSTOOD UNDERSTOOD UNDERSTOOD UNDERSTOOD UNDERSTOOD UNDERSTOOD UNDERSTOOD CIVIL TO PROVIDE UNDERSTOOD CIVIL TO PROVIDE UNDERSTOOD CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE CIVIL TO PROVIDE CIVIL TO PROVIDE UNDERSTOOD UNDERSTOOD UNDERSTOOD CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE OWNER TO PROVIDE CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE IN PLANSET INCLUDED IN CIVIL PLANS IN PLANSET INCLUDED IN CIVIL PLANS IN PLANSET IN PLANSET IN PLANSET UNDERSTOOD SEE PAGE 7 OF CIVIL SEE PAGE 7 OF CIVIL NEW LATERAL SEE PAGE 7 OF CIVIL N/A Materials storage & spill cleanup Non-hazardous materials management 4 Sand, dirt, and similar materials must be stored at least 10 feet from catch basins, and covered with a tarp during wet weather or when rain is forecast. 4 Use (but don’t overuse) reclaimed water for dust control as needed. 4 Sweep streets and other paved areas daily. Do not wash down streets or work areas with water! 4 Recycle all asphalt, concrete, and aggregate base material from demolition activities. 4 Check dumpsters regularly for leaks and to make sure they don’t overflow. Repair or replace leaking dumpsters promptly. Hazardous materials management 4 Label all hazardous materials and hazardous wastes (such as pesticides, paints, thinners, solvents, fuel, oil, and antifreeze) in accordance with city, state, and federal regulations. 4 Store hazardous materials and wastes in secondary containment and cover them during wet weather. 4 Follow manufacturer’s application instructions for hazardous materials and be careful not to use more than necessary. Do not apply chemicals outdoors when rain is forecast within 24 hours. 4 Be sure to arrange for appropriate disposal of all hazardous wastes. Spill prevention and control 4 Keep a stockpile of spill cleanup materials (rags, absorbents, etc. ) available at the construction site at all times. 4 When spills or leaks occur, contain them immediately and be particularly care- ful to prevent leaks and spills from reaching the gutter, street, or storm drain. Never wash spilled material into a gutter, street, storm drain, or creek! 4 Report any hazardous materials spills immediately! Dial 911 or your local emer- gency response number. Vehicle and equipment maintenance & cleaning 4 Inspect vehicles and equipment for leaks frequently. Use drip pans to catch leaks until repairs are made; repair leaks promptly. 4 Fuel and maintain vehicles on site only in a bermed area or over a drip pan that is big enough to prevent runoff. 4 If you must clean vehicles or equipment on site, clean with water only in a bermed area that will not allow rinsewater to run into gutters, streets, storm drains, or creeks. 4 Do not clean vehicles or equipment on-site using soaps, solvents, degreasers, steam cleaning equipment, etc. Dewatering operations 4 Reuse water for dust control, irrigation, or another on-site purpose to the greatest extent possible. 4 Be sure to call your city’s storm drain inspector before discharging water to a street, gutter, or storm drain. Filtration or diversion through a basin, tank, or sediment trap may be required. 4 In areas of known contamination, testing is required prior to reuse or discharge of groundwater. Consult with the city inspector to determine what testing to do and to interpret results. Contaminated groundwater must be treated or hauled off-site for proper disposal. Concrete, grout, and mortar storage & waste disposal 4 Be sure to store concrete, grout, and mortar under cover and away from drainage areas. These materials must never reach a storm drain. 4 Wash out concrete equipment/trucks off-site or designate an on-site area for washing where water will flow onto dirt or into a temporary pit in a dirt area. Let the water seep into the soil and dispose of hardened concrete with trash. Make sure your crews and subs do the job right! Storm drain polluters may be liable for fines of up to $10,000 per day! Runoff from streets and other paved areas is a major source of pollution in San Francisco Bay. Construction activities can directly affect the health of the Bay unless contractors and crews plan ahead to keep dirt, debris, and other construction waste away from storm drains and local creeks. Following these guidelines will ensure your compliance with local ordinance requirements. 4 Divert water from washing exposed aggregate concrete to a dirt area where it will not run into a gutter, street, or storm drain. 4 If a suitable dirt area is not available, collect the wash water and remove it for appropriate disposal off site. Earthwork & contaminated soils 4 Keep excavated soil on the site where it is least likely to collect in the street. Transfer to dump trucks should take place on the site, not in the street. 4 Use hay bales, silt fences, or other control measures to minimize the flow of silt off the site. Paving/asphalt work Saw cutting 4 Always completely cover or barricade storm drain inlets when saw cutting. Use filter fabric, hay bales, sand bags, or fine gravel dams to keep slurry out of the storm drain system. 4 Shovel, absorb, or vacuum saw-cut slurry and pick up all waste as soon as you are finished in one location or at the end of each work day (whichever is sooner!). 4 If saw cut slurry enters a catch basin, clean it up immediately. 4 Do not pave during wet weather or when rain is forecast. 4 Always cover storm drain inlets and man- holes when paving or applying seal coat, tack coat, slurry seal, or fog seal. 4 Place drip pans or absorbent material un- der paving equipment when not in use. 4 Protect gutters, ditches, and drainage courses with hay bales, sand bags, or earthen berms. 4 Do not sweep or wash down excess sand from sand sealing into gutters, storm drains, or creeks. Collect sand and return it to the stockpile, or dispose of it as trash. 4 Do not use water to wash down fresh asphalt concrete pavement. Painting 4 Never rinse paint brushes or materials in a gutter or street! 4 Paint out excess water-based paint before rinsing brushes, rollers, or containers in a sink. If you can’t use a sink, direct wash water to a dirt area and spade it in. 4 Paint out excess oil-based paint before cleaning brushes in thinner. 4 Filter paint thinners and solvents for reuse whenever possible. Dispose of oil-based paint sludge and unusable thinner as hazardous waste. 4 Avoid scheduling earth moving activities during the rainy season if possible. If grading activities during wet weather are allowed in your permit, be sure to implement all control measures necessary to prevent erosion. 4 Mature vegetation is the best form of erosion control. Minimize disturbance to existing vegetation whenever possible. 4 If you disturb a slope during construction, prevent erosion by securing the soil with erosion control fabric, or seed with fast- growing grasses as soon as possible. Place hay bales down-slope until soil is secure. 4 If you suspect contamination (from site history, discoloration, odor, texture, abandoned underground tanks or pipes, or buried debris), call your local fire department for help in determining what testing should be done. 4 Manage disposal of contaminated soil according to Fire Department instructions. Bay Area Stormwater Management Agencies Association (BASMAA) 1-888-BAYWISE Pollution Prevention —It’s Part of the Plan OF REVISIONS DATE: SCALE:51 UNIVERSITY AVE. "L" • LOS GATOS, CA. • 95030 • (408) 395-2555NOTE:•The Contractor shall verify all dimensions,elevations and conditions, prior to startingany field work.•Any deviation called by field conditions,or any conditions different from thoseindicated on the plans shall be broughtto the Architect's attention prior toinstallation.S H E E TARCHITECTURAL AND SITE DEVELOPMENT FOR:THE BOUKNIGHT FAMILY144 WOOD ROAD • LOS GATOS, CA 95030AS SHOWN AR-1 12/8/21 ARBORIST REPORT 584 1 PLAN CHECK COMMENTS 6/16/22 Tree Inventory, Assessment, and Protection Report APN 510-47-045 145 Wood Road Los Gatos, CA 95032 Prepared for: Town of Los Gatos March 22, 2021 Prepared By: Richard Gessner ASCA - Registered Consulting Arborist ® #496 ISA - Board Certified Master Arborist® WE-4341B 145 Wood Road APN 510-47-045 Tree Inventory, Assessment and Protection Report March 22, 2021 Table of Content Summary 1 ............................................................................................................... Introduction 1 ........................................................................................................... Background 1 ............................................................................................................ Assignment 1 ............................................................................................................. Limits of the assignment 1 ........................................................................................ Purpose and use of the report 2 ................................................................................ Observations 2 ......................................................................................................... Tree Inventory 2 ......................................................................................................... Analysis 4 ................................................................................................................. Discussion 5 ............................................................................................................. Condition Rating 5 ..................................................................................................... Suitability for Conservation 6 .................................................................................... Expected Impact Level 6 ........................................................................................... Tree Protection 8 ....................................................................................................... Conclusion 8 ............................................................................................................ Recommendations 9 ............................................................................................... Bibliography 10 ........................................................................................................ Glossary of Terms 11 ............................................................................................... Appendix A: Tree Inventory Map and Site Plan 13 ................................................ Appendix B: Tree Inventory and Assessment Tables 14 ...................................... Appendix C: Photographs 17 .................................................................................. Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com 145 Wood Road APN 510-47-045 Tree Inventory, Assessment and Protection Report March 22, 2021 C1: North stand 17 .................................................................................................... C2: South stand 18 .................................................................................................... Appendix D: Tree Protection Guidelines 19 ........................................................... D1: Plan Sheet Detail S-X (Type I) 19 ........................................................................ D2: Plan Sheet Detail S-Y (Type III) 20 ...................................................................... D3: Section 29.10.1005. - Protection of Trees During Construction 21 .................... Tree Protection Zones and Fence Specifications 21 ................................................. All persons, shall comply with the following precautions 22 ..................................... Prohibited Activities 22 .............................................................................................. Monitoring 23 ............................................................................................................ Root Pruning 23 ......................................................................................................... Boring or Tunneling 23 ............................................................................................... Tree Pruning and Removal Operations 23 ................................................................. Appendix E: Tree Protection Signs 24 .................................................................... E1: English 24 ............................................................................................................ E2: Spanish 25 ........................................................................................................... Qualifications, Assumptions, and Limiting Conditions 26 ................................... Certification of Performance 27............................................................................. Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com 145 Wood Road APN 510-47-045 Tree Inventory, Assessment and Protection Report March 22, 2021 Summary The plans are to construct a new residence on the vacant lot and install all the required utilities. The access will largely mimic the current site ingress and egress. The inventory contains 37 trees comprised of 3 different species with 13 bay laurel (Umbellularia californica), 22 coast live oaks (Quercus agrifolia), and 2 valley oaks (Quercus lobata). Six oaks are considered Large Protected and no trees are Exempt. The trees are all in good or fair condition. None of them have been maintained as these are natural stands of trees with typical broken limbs and cavities. With the exception of trees in poor condition all have good suitability for preservation if retained within the stand. Their value is in their numbers in this instance because these are naturally occurring stands of native trees. Ten trees could be moderate to highly impacted primarily from the proposed retaining wall, driveway grading near #118, and the water and sanitary sewer bisecting the lower south stand of trees. Placing water and sewer under the driveway or directly down the slope adjacent to valley oak #128 could remove the utility issues. The retaining wall and grading around #109-#117 would need to be altered. For this project it would be best to protect the groves to the north and south of the proposed driveway and residence. There were 37 trees appraised for a rounded depreciated value of $101,320.00. Introduction Background
 The Town of Los Gatos asked me to assess the site, trees, and proposed footprint plan, and to provide a report with my findings and recommendations to help satisfy planning requirements. Assignment •Provide an arborist’s report including an assessment of the trees within the project area and on the adjacent sites. The assessment is to include the species, size (trunk diameter), condition (health, structure, and form), and suitability for preservation ratings. Affix number tags on the trees for reference on site and on plans. •Provide tree protection specifications, guidelines, and impact ratings for those affected by the project. •Provide appraised values using the Trunk Formula Technique. Limits of the assignment •The information in this report is limited to the condition of the trees during my inspection on March 16, 2021. No tree risk assessments were performed. •Tree heights and canopy diameters are estimates. Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com Page of 1 27 145 Wood Road APN 510-47-045 Tree Inventory, Assessment and Protection Report March 22, 2021 •The plans reviewed for this assignment were as follows (Table 1) Purpose and use of the report The report is intended to identify all the trees within the plan area that could be affected by a project. The report is to be used by the Town of Los Gatos and the property owners as a reference for existing tree conditions to help satisfy planning requirements. Observations Tree Inventory The inventory consists of trees protected by the Town of Los Gatos located on site and those in close proximity on neighboring properties. Sec. 29.10.0960. - Scope of protected trees. All trees which have a four-inch or greater diameter (twelve and one half-inch circumference) of any trunk, when removal relates to any review for which zoning approval or subdivision approval is required. (Appendix A and B). Los Gatos Town Ordinance 29.10.0970 Exceptions (1) states the following: “A fruit or nut tree that is less than eighteen (18) inches in diameter (fifty-seven-inch circumference). The plans are to construct a new residence on the vacant lot and install all the required utilities. The access will largely mimic the current site ingress and egress. Table 1: Plans Reviewed Checklist Plan Date Sheet Reviewed Source Existing Site Topographic Proposed Site Plan 01/25/21 A1, A1.1 Yes Kohlsaat & Associates Erosion Control Grading and Drainage 01/15/2021 5 of 6 Yes Hanna Brunetti Utility Plan and Hook-up locations 01/15/2021 4 of 6 Yes Hanna Brunetti Exterior Elevations Landscape Plan Irrigation Plan T-1 Tree Protection Plan Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com Page of 2 27 145 Wood Road APN 510-47-045 Tree Inventory, Assessment and Protection Report March 22, 2021 The inventory contains 37 trees comprised of 3 different species (Chart 1). Six oaks are considered Large Protected and no trees are 1 Exempt . 2 Large protected tree means any oak (Quercus spp.), California buckeye (Aesculus californica), or Pacific madrone (Arbutus menziesii) which has a 24-inch or 1 greater diameter (75-inch circumference); or any other species of tree with a 48-inch or greater diameter (150-inch circumference). A fruit or nut tree that is less than eighteen (18) inches in diameter (fifty-seven-inch circumference).2 Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com Page of 3 27 Quantity 145 Wood Road APN 510-47-045 Tree Inventory, Assessment and Protection Report March 22, 2021 Analysis Tree appraisal was performed according to the Council of Tree & Landscape Appraisers Guide for Plant Appraisal 10th Edition, 2019 (CLTA) along with Western Chapter International Society of Arboriculture Species Classification and Group Assignment, 2004. The trees were appraised using the “Cost Approach” and more specifically the “Trunk Formula Technique” (Appendix B). “Trunk Formula Technique” is calculated as follows: Basic Tree Cost = (Unit tree cost x Appraised trunk area), Appraised Value = (Basic tree cost X functional Limitations (percentage) X Condition (percentage) X External Limitations (percentage)). The trunk formula valuations are based on four tree factors; size (trunk cross sectional area), condition, functional limitations, and external limitations. There are two steps to determine the overall value. The first step is to determine the “Basic Tree Cost” based on size and unit tree cost. Unit tree cost is calculated by dividing the nursery wholesale cost of a 24 inch box specimen and its replacement size (cost per square inch trunk caliper) which is determined by the Species Classification and Group Assignment, 2004 Western Chapter Regional Supplement. The cost of the 24 inch box wholesale specimen was determined through personal communications with BrightView and Normans nurseries in Farmington and Central Wholesale in San Jose for an average of $214.00. The second part is to depreciate the tree’s Basic Cost through an assessment of condition, functional limitations, and external limitations. The condition assessment guidelines and percentages are defined in the “Condition Rating” section of this report. Functional limitations are based on factors associated with the tree’s interaction to its planting site that would affect condition, limit development, or reduce the utility in the future and include genetics, placement, and site conditions for the individual tree. External limitations are outside the property, out of control of the owner and also affect condition, limit development, or reduce the utility in the future (i.e power lines, municipal restrictions, drought adaptations, or species susceptibility to pests). There were 37 trees appraised for a rounded depreciated value of $101,320.00 Appraisal worksheets are available upon request Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com Page of 4 27 145 Wood Road APN 510-47-045 Tree Inventory, Assessment and Protection Report March 22, 2021 Discussion Condition Rating A tree’s condition is a determination of its overall health, structure, and form. The assessment considered all three criteria for a combined condition rating. •100% - Exceptional = Good health and structure with significant size, location or quality. •61-80% - Good = Normal vigor, well-developed structure, function and aesthetics not compromised with good longevity for the site. •41-60 % - Fair = Reduced vigor, damage, dieback, or pest problems, at least one significant structural problem or multiple moderate defects requiring treatment. Major asymmetry or deviation from the species normal habit, function and aesthetics compromised. •21-40% - Poor = Unhealthy and declining appearance with poor vigor, abnormal foliar color, size or density with potential irreversible decline. One serious structural defect or multiple significant defects that cannot be corrected and failure may occur at any time. Significant asymmetry and compromised aesthetics and intended use. •6-20% - Very Poor = Poor vigor and dying with little foliage in irreversible decline. Severe defects with the likelihood of failure being probable or imminent. Aesthetically poor with little or no function in the landscape. •0-5% - Dead/Unstable = Dead or imminently ready to fail. The trees are all in good or fair condition. None of them have been maintained as these are natural stands of trees with typical broken limbs and cavities. Eighteen are in good shape which are mostly smaller specimens and eighteen fair as they are older and have typical issues for mature trees. Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com Page of 5 27 Quantity 145 Wood Road APN 510-47-045 Tree Inventory, Assessment and Protection Report March 22, 2021 Suitability for Conservation A tree’s suitability for preservation is determined based on Functional and External Limitations (ISA, 2019). 3 •Good = Trees with good health, structural stability and longevity. •Fair = Trees with fair health and/or structural defects that may be mitigated through treatment. These trees require more intense management and monitoring, and may have shorter life spans than those in the good category. •Poor = Trees in poor health with significant structural defects that cannot be mitigated and will continue to decline regardless of treatment. The species or individual may possess characteristics that are incompatible or undesirable in landscape settings or unsuited for the intended use of the site. With the exception of trees in poor condition all the trees have good suitability for preservation if retained within the stand. As individuals none of the trees particularly stand out as exemplary specimens. Their value is in their numbers in this instance because these are naturally occurring stands of native trees. Expected Impact Level Impact level defines how a tree may be affected by construction activity and proximity to the tree, and is described as low, moderate, or high. The following scale defines the impact rating: •Low = The construction activity will have little influence on the tree. •Moderate = The construction may cause future health or structural problems, and steps must be taken to protect the tree to reduce future problems. •High = Tree structure and health will be compromised and removal is recommended, or other actions must be taken for the tree to remain. The tree is located in the building envelope. Ten trees could be moderate to highly impacted primarily from the proposed retaining wall near #115 - #117, driveway grading near #118, and the water and sanitary sewer bisecting the lower stand near trees #120 through #128. Functional Limitations are based on factors associated with the tree’s interaction to its planting site affecting plant condition, limiting plant 3 development, or reducing the utility in the future and include genetics, placement, and site conditions for the individual tree (ISA, 2019). External Limitations are outside the property, out of control of the owner and also affect plant condition, limit plant development, or reduce the utility in the future (i.e power lines, municipal restrictions, drought adaptations, or species susceptibility to pests) (ISA, 2019). Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com Page of 6 27 145 Wood Road APN 510-47-045 Tree Inventory, Assessment and Protection Report March 22, 2021 The plan below indicates the area of expected impacts (Image 1). Highlighted in red are the areas where modifications could alleviate some issues. Running the water and sanitary sewer under the driveway or directly down the slope adjacent to valley oak #128 would remove the utility issues. The retaining wall and grading around #109-#117 would need to be altered. Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com Page of 7 27 145 Wood Road APN 510-47-045 Tree Inventory, Assessment and Protection Report March 22, 2021 Tree Protection Typically there are three different tree protection schemes which are called Type I (Appendix D1), Type II and Type III (Appendix D2) trunk protection only. Tree protection focuses on avoiding damage to the roots, trunk, or scaffold branches (Appendix D). The most current accepted method for determining the TPZ is to use a formula based on species tolerance, tree age/vigor, and trunk diameter (Matheny, N. and Clark, J. 1998) (Fite, K, and Smiley, E. T., 2016). Preventing mechanical damage to the trunk from equipment or hand tools can be accomplished by wrapping the main stem with straw wattle or using vertical timbers (Appendix D). There are two primary stands of trees on this site so there will not be any individual tree protection schemes. For this project it would be best to protect the groves to the north and south of the proposed driveway and residence. Conclusion The plans are to construct a new residence on the vacant lot and install all the required utilities. The access will largely mimic the current site ingress and egress. The inventory contains 37 trees comprised of 3 different species with 13 bay laurel, 22 coast live oaks, and 2 valley oaks. Six oaks are considered Large Protected and no trees are Exempt. The trees are all in good or fair condition. None of them have been maintained as these are natural stands of trees with typical broken limbs and cavities. Eighteen are in good shape which are mostly smaller specimens and eighteen fair as they are older and have typical issues for mature trees. With the exception of trees in poor condition all have good suitability for preservation if retained within the stand. As individuals none of the trees particularly stand out as exemplary specimens. Their value is in their numbers in this instance because these are naturally occurring stands of native trees. Ten trees could be moderate to highly impacted primarily from the proposed retaining wall near #115 - #117, driveway grading near #118, and the water and sanitary sewer bisecting the lower stand near trees #120 through #128. Running the water and sanitary sewer under the driveway or directly down the slope adjacent to valley oak #128 would remove the utility issues. The retaining wall and grading around #109-#117 would need to be altered. There are two primary stands of trees on this site so there will not be any individual tree protection schemes. For this project it would be best to protect the groves to the north and south of the proposed driveway and residence. There were 37 trees appraised for a rounded depreciated value of $101,320.00. Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com Page of 8 27 145 Wood Road APN 510-47-045 Tree Inventory, Assessment and Protection Report March 22, 2021 Recommendations 1.Place tree numbers and tree protection fence locations and guidelines on the plans including the grading, drainage, and utility plans. Produce a T-1 plan sheet to reflect the tree numbers provided in Appendix A and B of this report. 2.Consider relocating the utilities to an area that does not bisect the southern grove of trees, possibly follow the driveway. 3.Consider adjusting the grading at the driveway radius to avoid the tree on both sides. 4.Place tree protection fence at the drip line radius around both the north and south stands of trees and eliminate grading in these areas. 5.All tree maintenance and care shall be performed by a qualified arborist with a C-61/D-49 California Contractors License. Tree maintenance and care shall be specified in writing according to American National Standard for Tree Care Operations: Tree, Shrub and Other Woody Plant Management: Standard Practices parts 1 through 10 and adhere to ANSI Z133.1 safety standards and local regulations. All maintenance is to be performed according to ISA Best Management Practices. 6.Provide a copy of this report to all contractors and project managers, including the architect, civil engineer, and landscape designer or architect. It is the responsibility of the owner to ensure all parties are familiar with this document. 7.Arrange a pre-construction meeting with the project arborist or landscape architect to verify tree protection is in place, with the correct materials, and at the proper distances. Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com Page of 9 27 145 Wood Road APN 510-47-045 Tree Inventory, Assessment and Protection Report March 22, 2021 Bibliography American National Standard for Tree Care Operations: Tree, Shrub and Other Woody Plant Management : Standard Practices (Management of Trees and Shrubs During Site Planning, Site Development, and Construction)(Part 5). Londonderry, NH: Secretariat, Tree Care Industry Association, 2019. Print. Fite, Kelby, and Edgar Thomas. Smiley. Managing trees during construction, second edition. Champaign, IL: International Society of Arboriculture, 2016. ISA. Guide For Plant Appraisal 9th Edition. Savoy, IL: International Society of Arboriculture, 2000. Print. ISA. Guide For Plant Appraisal 10th Edition. Savoy, IL: International Society of Arboriculture, 2018. Print. ISA. Species Classification and Group Assignment, 2004 Western Chapter Regional Supplement. Western Chapter ISA Matheny, Nelda P., Clark, James R. Trees and development: A technical guide to preservation of trees during land development. Bedminster, PA: International Society of Arboriculture 1998. Smiley, E, Matheny, N, Lilly, S, ISA. Best Management Practices: Tree Risk Assessment: International Society of Arboriculture, 2017. Print Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com Page of 10 27 145 Wood Road APN 510-47-045 Tree Inventory, Assessment and Protection Report March 22, 2021 Glossary of Terms Basic Tree Cost: The cost of replacement for a perfect specimen of a particular species and cross sectional area prior to location and condition depreciation. Cost Approach: An indication of value by adding the land value to the depreciated value of improvements. Defect: An imperfection, weakness, or lack of something necessary. In trees defects are injuries, growth patterns, decay, or other conditions that reduce the tree’s structural strength. Diameter at breast height (DBH): Measures at 1.4 meters (4.5 feet) above ground in the United States, Australia (arboriculture), New Zealand, and when using the Guide for Plant Appraisal, 9th edition; at 1.3 meters (4.3 feet) above ground in Australia (forestry), Canada, the European Union, and in UK forestry; and at 1.5 meters (5 feet) above ground in UK arboriculture. Drip Line: Imaginary line defined by the branch spread or a single plant or group of plants. The outer extent of the tree crown. Form: describes a plant’s habit, shape or silhouette defined by its genetics, environment, or management. Health: Assessment is based on the overall appearance of the tree, its leaf and twig growth, and the presence and severity of insects or disease. Mechanical damage: Physical damage caused by outside forces such as cutting, chopping or any mechanized device that may strike the tree trunk, roots or branches. Scaffold branches: Permanent or structural branches that for the scaffold architecture or structure of a tree. Straw wattle: also known as straw worms, bio-logs, straw noodles, or straw tubes are man made cylinders of compressed, weed free straw (wheat or rice), 8 to 12 inches in diameter and 20 to 25 feet long. They are encased in jute, nylon, or other photo degradable materials, and have an average weight of 35 pounds. Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com Page of 11 27 145 Wood Road APN 510-47-045 Tree Inventory, Assessment and Protection Report March 22, 2021 Structural evaluation: focused on the crown, trunk, trunk flare, above ground roots and the site conditions contributing to conditions and/or defects that may contribute to failure. Tree Protection Zone (TPZ): Defined area within which certain activities are prohibited or restricted to prevent or minimize potential injury to designated trees, especially during construction or development. Tree Risk Assessment: Process of evaluating what unexpected things could happen, how likely it is, and what the likely outcomes are. In tree management, the systematic process to determine the level of risk posed by a tree, tree part, or group of trees. Trunk: Stem of a tree. Trunk Formula Technique: Method to appraise the monetary value of trees considered too large to be replaced with nursery or field grown stock. Based on developing a representative unit cost for replacement with the same or comparable species of the same size and in the same place, subject to depreciation for various factors. Contrast with replacement cost method. Volunteer: A tree, not planted by human hands, that begins to grow on residential or commercial property. Unlike trees that are brought in and installed on property, volunteer trees usually spring up on their own from seeds placed onto the ground by natural causes or accidental transport by people. Normally, volunteer trees are considered weeds and removed, but many desirable and attractive specimens have gone on to become permanent residents on many public and private grounds. Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com Page of 12 27 145 Wood Road APN 510-47-045 Tree Inventory, Assessment and Protection Report March 22, 2021 Appendix A: Tree Inventory Map and Site Plan
 Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com Page of 13 27 4SHEET OF 6 20053AS SHOWNTMAMXXAMJANUARY 15, 2021DATE:DESIGN:DRAWN:CHECK:ENGR:SCALE:PROJECT NO.:DATEBYREVISIONS[APPLICATION TYPE] APPLICATION NO. [_-__-___]SITE & UTILITY PLAN AND LEGENDTOWN OF LOS GATOSPARKS AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTLANDS OF BOUKNIGHT - WOOD ROADPLAN FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OFCONTRACTOR AGREES THAT HE SHALL ASSUME SOLE AND COMPLETE RESPONSIBILITY FOR JOB SITE CONDITIONS DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT, INCLUDING SAFETY OF ALL PERSONS AND PROPERTY; THAT THIS REQUIREMENT SHALL APPLY CONTINUOUSLY AND NOT BE LIMITED TO NORMAL WORKING HOURS;AND THAT THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DEFEND, INDEMNIFY AND HOLD THE OWNER AND THE ENGINEER HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY, REAL OR ALLEGED, IN CONNECTION WITH THE PERFORMANCE OF WORK ON THIS PROJECT, EXCEPTING FOR LIABILITY ARISING FROM THE SOLE NEGLIGENCE OF THE OWNER OR THE ENGINEER.REV.: DEC. 2015 CIVIL ENGINEERSLAND SURVEYORSCONSTRUCTION MANAGERSHANNA-B UNTTIEST. 19107651 EIGLEBERRY STREET GILROY 95020 CALIFORNIAOFFICE (408) 842-2173 FAX (408) 842-3662EMAIL: ENGINEERING @ HANNABRUNETTI.COMAPN 510-47-045NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PRELIMINARY PLANS HB JOB NO. 20053 #101 #102 #103 #104 #106#105 #107 #108 #109 - #117 #118 #119 #137#128 #129 #133#136 #120 -#128 Added tree numbers to site plan. Ran joint trench around grove of trees Adjusted grading at driveway radius. Added tree protection fence around grove. Added note to title sheet regarding all tree maintenance. Provided a copy of this report to all contractors & project managers. Provided photos of tree protection to planning department as well as pre-construction meeting with all parties. OF REVISIONS DATE: SCALE:51 UNIVERSITY AVE. "L" • LOS GATOS, CA. • 95030 • (408) 395-2555NOTE:•The Contractor shall verify all dimensions,elevations and conditions, prior to startingany field work.•Any deviation called by field conditions,or any conditions different from thoseindicated on the plans shall be broughtto the Architect's attention prior toinstallation.S H E E TARCHITECTURAL AND SITE DEVELOPMENT FOR:THE BOUKNIGHT FAMILY144 WOOD ROAD • LOS GATOS, CA 95030AS SHOWN AR-2 12/8/21 ARBORIST REPORT 585 1 PLAN CHECK COMMENTS 6/16/22 145 Wood Road APN 510-47-045 Tree Inventory, Assessment and Protection Report March 22, 2021 Appendix B: Tree Inventory and Assessment Tables Table 3: Inventory and Assessment Summary Tree Species I.D. #Trunk Diameter (in.) ~ Canopy Diameter (ft.) Condition Suitability Expected Impact Protection Status Rounded Depreciated Value valley oak (Quercus agrifolia) 101 24 45 Fair/50%Fair Low Large Protected $5,700.00 bay laurel (Umbellularia californica) 102 12, 6 15 Fair/50%Fair Low Protected $1,950.00 bay laurel (Umbellularia californica) 103 9 15 Good/70%Good Low Protected $1,130.00 coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia)104 16, 16, 16, 12 Fair/50%Fair Low Large Protected $9,000.00 coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia)105 18 35 Good/70%Good Low Protected $4,510.00 coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia)106 18 25 Fair/50%Fair Low Protected $3,220.00 coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia)107 20 35 Fair/50%Fair Low Protected $3,980.00 bay laurel (Umbellularia californica) 108 16 25 Good/70%Good Low Protected $3,560.00 coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia)109 10 20 Good/70%Good Low Protected $1,390.00 coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia)110 18 25 Good/70%Good Low Protected $4,510.00 coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia)111 6 15 Good/70%Good Low Protected $500.00 Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com Page of 14 27 145 Wood Road APN 510-47-045 Tree Inventory, Assessment and Protection Report March 22, 2021 coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia)112 6 15 Good/70%Good Low Protected $500.00 coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia)113 27 45 Good/70%Good Low Large Protected $10,200.00 coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia)114 8 20 Good/70%Good Low Protected $890.00 coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia)115 2, 4 12 Fair/Fair Low Protected $250.00 bay laurel (Umbellularia californica) 116 4, 4 multi 12 Fair/Fair Moderate- High Protected $250.00 coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia)117 9, 6 25 Fair/Fair Moderate- High Protected $1,200.00 coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia)118 12, 12 35 Fair/Fair Moderate- High Large Protected $2,870.00 coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia)119 20, 26 45 Fair/Fair Low Large Protected $10,800.00 coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia)120 8 20 Good/70%Good Moderate- High Protected $890.00 coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia)121 12 25 Good/70%Good Moderate- High Protected $2,010.00 bay laurel (Umbellularia californica) 122 6 10 Good/70%Good Moderate- High Protected $500.00 coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia)123 8 20 Good/70%Good Moderate- High Protected $890.00 bay laurel (Umbellularia californica) 124 11 20 Good/70%Good Moderate- High Protected $1,680.00 Tree Species I.D. #Trunk Diameter (in.) ~ Canopy Diameter (ft.) Condition Suitability Expected Impact Protection Status Rounded Depreciated Value Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com Page of 15 27 145 Wood Road APN 510-47-045 Tree Inventory, Assessment and Protection Report March 22, 2021 bay laurel (Umbellularia californica) 125 9 20 Good/70%Good Moderate- High Protected $1,130.00 coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia)126 7 20 Fair/50%Fair Moderate- High Protected $490.00 coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia)127 12, 12 35 Fair/50%Fair Low Large Protected $2,870.00 valley oak (Quercus agrifolia) 128 24 40 Fair/50%Fair Low Large Protected $5,700.00 coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia)129 12 25 Good/70%Good Low Protected $2,010.00 bay laurel (Umbellularia californica) 130 5, 5 20 Fair/50%Fair Low Protected $640.00 bay laurel (Umbellularia californica) 131 8 15 Good/70%Good Low Protected $890.00 bay laurel (Umbellularia californica) 132 8 15 Poor/15 Poor Low Protected $380.00 coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia)133 13, 18, 18 45 Fair/50%Fair Low Large Protected $7,800.00 bay laurel (Umbellularia californica) 134 7, 11, 10 30 Fair/50%Fair Low Protected $2,550.00 bay laurel (Umbellularia californica) 135 6 15 Good/70%Good Low Protected $500.00 bay laurel (Umbellularia californica) 136 12 30 Fair/50%Fair Low Protected $1,430.00 coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia)137 16 30 Fair/50%Fair Low Protected $2,550.00 Tree Species I.D. #Trunk Diameter (in.) ~ Canopy Diameter (ft.) Condition Suitability Expected Impact Protection Status Rounded Depreciated Value Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com Page of 16 27 145 Wood Road APN 510-47-045 Tree Inventory, Assessment and Protection Report March 22, 2021 Appendix C: Photographs C1: North stand
 Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com Page of 17 27 145 Wood Road APN 510-47-045 Tree Inventory, Assessment and Protection Report March 22, 2021 C2: South stand Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com Page of 18 27 145 Wood Road APN 510-47-045 Tree Inventory, Assessment and Protection Report March 22, 2021 Appendix D: Tree Protection Guidelines D1: Plan Sheet Detail S-X (Type I)
 Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com Page of 19 27 TREE PROTECTION Crown drip line or other limit of Tree Protection area. See tree preservation plan for fence alignment.4'-0"Maintain existing grade with the tree protection fence unless otherwise indicated on the plans. 2" x 6' steel posts or approved equal. Tree Protection fence: High density polyethylene fencing with 3.5" x 1.5" openings; Color- orange. Steel posts installed at 8' o.c. 5" thick layer of mulch. Notes: 1- See specifications for additional tree protection requirements. 2- If there is no existing irrigation, see specifications for watering requirements. 3- No pruning shall be performed except by approved arborist. 4- No equipment shall operate inside the protective fencing including during fence installation and removal. 5- See site preparation plan for any modifications with the Tree Protection area. SECTION VIEW KEEP OUT TREE PROTECTION AREA 8.5" x 11" sign laminated in plastic spaced every 50' along the fence. URBAN TREE FOUNDATION © 2014 OPEN SOURCE FREE TO USE Tree protection fence: Fencing shall be comprised of six- foot high chain link mounted on eight- foot tall, 1 7/8-inch diameter galvanized posts, driven 24 inches into the ground. Minimum 4” thick mulch layer Crown diameter drip line distance equal to the outer most limit of foliage.Notes: •All tree maintenance and care shall be performed by a qualified arborist with a C-61/D-49 California Contractors License. Tree maintenance and care shall be specified in writing according to American National Standard for Tree Care Operations: Tree, Shrub and Other Woody Plant Management: Standard Practices parts 1 through 10 and adhere to ANSI Z133.1 safety standards and local regulations. •All maintenance is to be performed according to ISA Best Management Practices. Notes: The Tree Protection Zone (TPZ) may vary in radius from the trunk and may or may not be established at the drip line distance. See arborist’s report and plan sheet for specifications of TPZ radii.6’-0”Modified by Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC, 2019 145 Wood Road APN 510-47-045 Tree Inventory, Assessment and Protection Report March 22, 2021 D2: Plan Sheet Detail S-Y (Type III)
 Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com Page of 21 27 145 Wood Road APN 510-47-045 Tree Inventory, Assessment and Protection Report March 22, 2021 All persons, shall comply with the following precautions 1.Prior to the commencement of construction, install the fence at the dripline, or tree protection zone (TPZ) when specified in an approved arborist report, around any tree and/or vegetation to be retained which could be affected by the construction and prohibit any storage of construction materials or other materials, equipment cleaning, or parking of vehicles within the TPZ. The dripline shall not be altered in any way so as to increase the encroachment of the construction. 2.Prohibit all construction activities within the TPZ, including but not limited to: excavation, grading, drainage and leveling within the dripline of the tree unless approved by the Director. 3.Prohibit disposal or depositing of oil, gasoline, chemicals or other harmful materials within the dripline of or in drainage channels, swales or areas that may lead to the dripline of a protected tree. 4.Prohibit the attachment of wires, signs or ropes to any protected tree. 5.Design utility services and irrigation lines to be located outside of the dripline when feasible. 6.Retain the services of a certified or consulting arborist who shall serve as the project arborist for periodic monitoring of the project site and the health of those trees to be preserved. The project arborist shall be present whenever activities occur which may pose a potential threat to the health of the trees to be preserved and shall document all site visits. 7.The Director and project arborist shall be notified of any damage that occurs to a protected tree during construction so that proper treatment may be administered. Prohibited Activities The following are prohibited activities within the TPZ: •Grade changes (e.g. soil cuts, fills); •Trenches; •Root cuts; •Pedestrian and equipment traffic that could compact the soil or physically damage roots; •Parking vehicles or equipment; •Burning of brush and woody debris; •Storing soil, construction materials, petroleum products, water, or building refuse; and, •Disposing of wash water, fuel or other potentially damaging liquids. Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com Page of 22 27 145 Wood Road APN 510-47-045 Tree Inventory, Assessment and Protection Report March 22, 2021 Monitoring Any trenching, construction or demolition that is expected to damage or encounter tree roots should be monitored by the project arborist or a qualified ISA Certified Arborist and should be documented. The site should be evaluated by the project arborist or a qualified ISA Certified Arborist after construction is complete, and any necessary remedial work that needs to be performed should be noted. Root Pruning Roots greater than two inches in diameter shall not be cut. When roots over two inches in diameter are encountered and are authorized to be cut or removed, they should be pruned by hand with loppers, handsaw, reciprocating saw, or chain saw rather than left crushed or torn. Roots should be cut beyond sinker roots or outside root branch junctions and be supervised by the project arborist. When completed, exposed roots should be kept moist with burlap or backfilled within one hour. Boring or Tunneling Boring machines should be set up outside the drip line or established Tree Protection Zone. Boring may also be performed by digging a trench on both sides of the tree until roots one inch in diameter are encountered and then hand dug or excavated with an Air Spade® or similar air or water excavation tool. Bore holes should be adjacent to the trunk and never go directly under the main stem to avoid oblique (heart) roots. Bore holes should be a minimum of three feet deep. Tree Pruning and Removal Operations All tree pruning or removals should be performed by a qualified arborist with a C-61/D-49 California Contractors License. Treatment, including pruning, shall be specified in writing according to the most recent ANSI A-300A Standards and Limitations and performed according to ISA Best Management Practices while adhering to ANSI Z133.1 safety standards. Trees that need to be removed or pruned should be identified in the pre-construction walk through. Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com Page of 23 27 145 Wood Road APN 510-47-045 Tree Inventory, Assessment and Protection Report March 22, 2021 Qualifications, Assumptions, and Limiting Conditions Any legal description provided to the consultant is assumed to be correct. Any titles or ownership of properties are assumed to be good and marketable. All property is appraised or evaluated as though free and clear, under responsible ownership and competent management. All property is presumed to be in conformance with applicable codes, ordinances, statutes, or other regulations. Care has been taken to obtain information from reliable sources. However, the consultant cannot be responsible for the accuracy of information provided by others. The consultant shall not be required to give testimony or attend meetings, hearings, conferences, mediations, arbitration, or trials by reason of this report unless subsequent contractual arrangements are made, including payment of an additional fee for such services. This report and any appraisal value expressed herein represent the opinion of the consultant, and the consultant’s fee is not contingent upon the reporting of a specified appraisal value, a stipulated result, or the occurrence of a subsequent event. Sketches, drawings, and photographs in this report are intended for use as visual aids, are not necessarily to scale, and should not be construed as engineering or architectural reports or surveys. The reproduction of information generated by architects, engineers, or other consultants on any sketches, drawings, or photographs is only for coordination and ease of reference. Inclusion of said information with any drawings or other documents does not constitute a representation as to the sufficiency or accuracy of said information. Unless otherwise expressed: a) this report covers only examined items and their condition at the time of inspection; and b) the inspection is limited to visual examination of accessible items without dissection, excavation, probing, or coring. There is no warranty or guarantee, expressed or implied, that structural problems or deficiencies of plants or property may not arise in the future. Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com Page of 26 27 145 Wood Road APN 510-47-045 Tree Inventory, Assessment and Protection Report March 22, 2021 Certification of Performance I Richard Gessner, Certify: That I have personally inspected the tree(s) and/or the property referred to in this report, and have stated my findings accurately. The extent of the evaluation and/or appraisal is stated in the attached report and Terms of Assignment; That I have no current or prospective interest in the vegetation or the property that is the subject of this report, and I have no personal interest or bias with respect to the parties involved; That the analysis, opinions and conclusions stated herein are my own; That my analysis, opinions, and conclusions were developed and this report has been prepared according to commonly accepted Arboricultural practices; That no one provided significant professional assistance to the consultant, except as indicated within the report. That my compensation is not contingent upon the reporting of a predetermined conclusion that favors the cause of the client or any other party, nor upon the results of the assessment, the attainment of stipulated results, or the occurrence of any other subsequent events; I further certify that I am a Registered Consulting Arborist® with the American Society of Consulting Arborists, and that I acknowledge, accept and adhere to the ASCA Standards of Professional Practice. I am an International Society of Arboriculture Board Certified Master Arborist®. I have been involved with the practice of Arboriculture and the care and study of trees since 1998. Richard J. Gessner ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist® #496 ISA Board Certified Master Arborist® WE-4341B Copyright © Copyright 2021, Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC. Other than specific exception granted for copies made by the client for the express uses stated in this report, no parts of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording, or otherwise without the express, written permission of the author. Monarch Consulting Arborists LLC - P.O Box 1010, Felton, CA 95018 831.331.8982 - rick@monarcharborist.com Page of 27 27 OF REVISIONS DATE: SCALE:51 UNIVERSITY AVE. "L" • LOS GATOS, CA. • 95030 • (408) 395-2555NOTE:•The Contractor shall verify all dimensions,elevations and conditions, prior to startingany field work.•Any deviation called by field conditions,or any conditions different from thoseindicated on the plans shall be broughtto the Architect's attention prior toinstallation.S H E E TARCHITECTURAL AND SITE DEVELOPMENT FOR:THE BOUKNIGHT FAMILY144 WOOD ROAD • LOS GATOS, CA 95030AS SHOWN A-2 12/8/21 SITE PLAN 586 1 PLAN CHECK COMMENTS 6/16/22 DOWN(8"SS)(8"SS)(8"SS)JP GUY JP util i t y b o x headwall headwall headwall 688.80 INV 18IN PCP 709.40 709.8 7 SSMH - 5 . 2 0 I N V 8 I N JP GUY 737.2 1 SSMH - 4 . 3 0 I N V 8 I N T12-1 5 T12-1 5 T14-2 5 T12-2 0 T16-2 5 T12-2 0 T12-2 0760750 740730720710 700690 680 680700 69071072 0730710 720730 720730740 6506606706806907 0 0 71 0 72 0 73 0 96.47 N21° 07' 30"W112.28N01° 06' 30"E32.02S52° 31 ' 14"E14.89 S7 5 ° 0 3 ' 3 2 " E 26. 7 8 S88° 2 5 ' 3 5 " E 39.25 N83° 13' 1 3 " E 62.33 N76° 20' 03"E 61.13 N85° 37 ' 3 6 " E 28.78 S77 ° 0 6 ' 3 4 " E 36. 8 8 S57° 24' 54"E41.17S38° 54' 44"E36.09N10° 54' 00"W34.01N39° 13' 00"E25.08N54° 46' 40 " E 31.95 N14° 59' 00"E24.45S13° 01' 00"E19.92S7 4 ° 3 2 ' 0 0 " E N68° 51' 16"E 203.10 N21° 09' 25"W114.5551.46 10.87 37.16 CUR B CURB-5.50INV 48IN CMP (8"S S ) (8"S S ) (8"S S )740UPUPC (LOWER FL)C (LOWER FL)C (UPPER FL)BC (MAIN FL)C (MAIN FL) C (MAIN FL)BBBB 1 1 1 1 1 1 20'-0" SIDE SETBACK 20'-0" SIDE SETBACK 30'-0"FRONT SETBACK25'-0"REAR SETBACK2'-3"INTO FRONTSETBACK6'-21/2" POOL SETBACK 38'-2"HOUSE TO P.L.12'-6"TO P/L38'-31/2" HOUSE TO P/L 40'-81/2" HOUSE TO P/L 40'- 1/2" HYDR A N T T O S T R U C T U R E20'-9"TANK TO STRUCTURE10'-0" TANK SETBACK 18'-0"8'-6" 30'-43/4" 8'-6" CONSTRUCT RETAINING WALL UNDER PERMIT B21-1015 ASPHALT DRIVEWAY (W/ CURB AS SHOWN) CONC. RETAINING WALL CONC. RETAINING WALL LRDA LRDA LRDALRDALR D A INGRESS/EGRESS EASEMENT TO WOOD ROAD SUBJECT PROPERTY FIRE TRUCK TURNAROUND PROPOSED WHARF HYDRANT CONNECT 1000 GAL TANK TO NEW BOOSTER PUMP FOR DOMESTIC USE. CONSTRUCT RETAINING WALL UNDER PERMIT B21-1015 CONSTRUCT RETAINING WALL UNDER PERMIT B21-1015 CONSTRUCT RETAINING WALL UNDER PERMIT B21-1015 CONSTRUCT RETAINING WALL UNDER PERMIT B21-1015 APN 510-47-027 APN 510-47-038 4.3 Acres EXISTING & PROPOSED 7001008EL E C T R I C / T E L E P H O N EJOINT TRENCHSS CO SS CO 4" SS LATERALDOMESTIC WATERPROP O S E D WATE R M E T E R DO M E S T I C W A T E R PROJECT SITE APN 510-47-045 #103 T9-15 #104 T16,16,16,12- #106 T18-25 #107 T20-35 #108 T16-25 #109 T10-20 #118 T12,12-35 #119 T20,26-45 #137 T16,30 #105 T18-35 #101 T24-45 #102 T12,6-15 #128 T24,40 #133 T13,18,18,45 #110 T18-25 #111 T6-15 #112 T6-15 #117 T9,6-25#115 T2,4-12 #113 T27-45 #116 T4,4-12 #114 T8-20 #121 T12-25 #120 T8-20 #127 T12,12-35 #132 T8-15 #129 T12-25 #122 T6-10 #123 T8-20 #124 T11-20 #125 T9-20 #126 T7-20 #130 T5,5-20 #131 T8-15 #134 T7,11,10-30 #135 T6-15 #136 T12-30 WASTE RECEPTACLE NOTE: EXTERIOR LIGHTING SHALL BE KEPT TO A MINIMUM & SHALL BE DOWN DIRECTED FIXTURES THAT WILL NOT REFLECT OR ENCROACH ONTO ADJACENT PROPERTIES. NO FLOOD LIGHTS SHALL BE USED UNLESS IT CAN BE DEMONSTRATED TAHT THEY ARE NEEDED FOR SAFETY OR SECURITY. NOTE: POOL IN NOT UNDER THE SCOPE OF THIS PERMIT. POOL & SPA ARE UNDER PERMIT B22-0027 UPA (MAIN FL)A (MAIN FL) A (MAIN FL)A (MAIN FL) A (MAIN FL)A (MAIN FL) A (LOWER FL) A (LOWER FL) A (LOWER FL) A (LOWER FL) 1 LOWER FLOOR RETAINING WALL MAIN FLOOR RETAINING WALL GRAVEL PATH FROM LOWER TO MAIN LEVEL INSTALL (4) 5,000 & (1) 1,000 GAL WATER TANKS FOR FIRE PROTECTION & DOMESTIC WATER ON 6" CONCRETE PAD OVER 6" BASEROCK (TANK HEIGHT 12'-6", IN DARK GREEN COLOR) STUCCO FINISH RETAINING WALL EGRESS WELL/ STAIRS ADDRES DISPLAY AND MAIL. 6FT HT OPEN WOOD AND WIRE FENCE 6 HT OPEN WOOD AND WIRE FENCE 6FT HT OPEN IRON FENCE STUCCO FINISH RETAINING WALL W O O D R O A D ( p r i v a t e ) RESIDENCE (MAIN LEVEL) F.F. 734.58' DECK (MAIN LEVEL) PATIO (MAIN LEVEL) LOWER YARD (UPPER LEVEL) RESIDENCE (UPPER LEVEL) F.F. 744.66' POOL BY OTHERS (UPPER LEVEL) LOGGIA (MAIN LEVEL) GARAGE (LOWER LEVEL) F.F. 723.0' DECK (MAIN LEVEL) DRIVEWAY (ASPHALT) SEE CIVIL FOR SLOPE DRIV E W A Y / TURN - A R O U N D (CO N C + P A V E R ) COURT YARD (PAVERS) PATH (GRAVEL) EGRESS PATH (LOWER LEVEL) TURN-OUT DRIVEWAY (ASPHALT) SEE CIVIL FOR SLOPE ENTRY TO RESIDENCE (LOWER LEVEL) F.F. 723.5' (4) 8.5x18 PARKING SPACES HOT TUB BY OTHERS (UPPER LEVEL) UPPER YARD (UPPER LEVEL) LOWER YARD (UPPER LEVEL) EQUIP (MAIN LEVEL) TYPE (FLOOR) TYPE (FLOOR) LEGEND LOWER FLOOR GARAGE AND RESIDENCE MAIN FLOOR RESIDENCE MAIN FLOOR DECK AND LOGGIA UPPER FLOOR RESIDENCE UPPER FLOOR PAVERS YARD AREA LOWER FLOOR PAVERS DRIVEWAY AREA ASPHALT PAVED DRIVEWAY D.G. PATH & PATIO (SEE LANDSCAPE PLAN) GRASS AREA FUTURE POOL WM CO EM STONE FINISH RETAINING WALL AT YARD (SEE CIVIL FOR HTS) STUCCO FINISH RETAINING WALL AT BUILDING (SEE CIVIL FOR HTS) RUSTIC CONCRETE FINISH RETAINING WALL ALONG DRIVEWAY (SEE CIVIL FOR HTS) EXISTING WOOD FENCE NEW OPEN WOOD & IRON FENCE TREE PROTECTION FENCE (DURING CONSTRUCTION) EXISTING TREE (AND DRIB LINE) TO REMAIN EXISTING TREE TO BE REMOVED PROPERTY LINE SETBACK LINE LEAST RESTRICTIVE DEVELOPMENT AREA (LRDA) LINE NEW ELECTRICAL AND DATA LINES VIA W/ NEW JOINT TRENCH LINE TO HOUSE NEW WATER METER W/ NEW LINE TO HOUSE AND FIRE PROTECTION TANKS NEW SEWER CLEAN-OUT, W/ BACKFLOW DEVICE AS SHOWN. SITE ADDRESS ADDRESS SHALL BE PLACED IN A POSITION THAT IS PLAINLY LEGIBLE & VISIBLE FROM THE STREET OR ROAD FRONTING THE PROPERTY. THE NUMBERS SHALL CONTRAST WITH THEIR BACKGROUND. ADDRESS NUMBERS SHALL BE ARABIC NUMBERS OR ALPHABETICAL LETTERS. NUMBERS SHALL BE A MIN. 4" HIGH WITH A MIN. STROKE WIDTH OF ½". WHERE ACCESS IS BY MEANS OF A PRIVATE ROAD & THE BUILDING ADDRESS CANNOT BE VIEWED FROM THE PUBLIC WAY, A MONUMENT, POLE, OR OTHER SIGN OR MEANS SHALL BE USED TO IDENTIFY THE STRUCTURE. CBC R319.1 PROPOSED EXTERIOR LIGHTS: TYPE A B C FIXTURE TYPES: CEILING SURFACED MOUNTED @ 10'-0" A.F.F. PATH LIGHTS @ 3' A.F.F. WALL SURFACED MOUNTED @ 7'-0" A.F.F. EXIT POINT FROM / AROUND RESIDENCE EXTERIOR LIGHT FIXTURES WILL BE SHIELDED AND DOWNWARD DIRECT. ALL EXTERIOR FIXTURES LOCATED AT A HEIGHT OF FOUR FEET OR MORE WILL MEET THE REQUIREMENT TO BE FULLY CUTOFF FIXTURES AND DOWNWARD DIRECTED SO THAT NO DIRECT LIGHT RAYS ARE EMITTED AT MORE THAN 90 DEGREES FRON THE VERTICAL. TYPE (FLOOR) N 1 SCALE: 1" = 10' ARCH. SITE PLAN UPUP REV.: DEC. 2015 VICINITY MAP PLAN FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OFLANDS OF BOUKNIGHT - 144 WOOD ROADPARKS AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTTOWN OF LOS GATOSTOWN NOTES, PROJECT DATA & ABBREVIATIONSGRADING PERMIT APPLICATION NO. GR21-354REVISIONSBYDATEPROJECT NO.:SCALE:ENGR:CHECK:DRAWN:DESIGN:DATE: NOVEMBER 2021AMXXAMTMAS SHOWN20053SHEET INDEX 1. TOWN NOTES, PROJECT DATA & ABBREVIATIONS 2. BLUEPRINT FOR A CLEAN BAY SHEET 3. EXISTING TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY 4. SITE & UTILITY PLAN AND LEGEND 5. GRADING & DRAINAGE PLAN - 20 SCALE DRIVEWAY PROFILE 6. GRADING & DRAINAGE PLAN - 10 SCALE 7. CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT & EROSION CONTROL PLAN PLAN FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF TOWN OF LOS GATOS GRADING & DRAINAGE PLANS GRADING PERMIT APPLICATION NO. GR 21-354 TOTAL SITE AREA: 29,632 SF TOTAL SITE AREA DISTURBED: 14,637 SF (INCLUDING CLEARING, GRADING OR EXCAVATING) EXISTING AREA (SF) PROPOSED AREA (SF) REPLACED NEW TOTAL AREA POST-PROJECT (SF) IMPERVIOUS AREA TOTAL NEW & REPLACED IMPERVIOUS AREA PERVIOUS AREA TABLE OF PROPOSED PERVIOUS AND IMPERVIOUS AREAS AB AGGREGATE BASE AC ASPHALT CONCRETE AD AREA DRAIN ARV AIR RELEASE VALVE BC BACK OF CURB BFP BACKFLOW PREVENTER BW BOTTOM OF WALL CATV CABLE TELEVISION CB CATCH BASIN CFS CUBIC FEET PER SECOND C/L CENTERLINE CMP CORRUGATED METAL PIPE CO CLEANOUT CY CUBIC YARD DCVA DOUBLE CHECK VALVE ASSEMBLY DI DROP INLET DIA DIAMETER DIP DUCTILE IRON PIPE DWY DRIVEWAY (E) EAST EG EXISTING GRADE ELEC ELECTRICAL EP EDGE OF PATH EVAE EMERGENCY VEHICLE ACCESS EASEMENT EX EXISTING FC FACE OF CURB FDC FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION FF FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION FG FINISHED GRADE FH FIRE HYDRANT FL FLOW LINE FM FORCED MAIN FS FIRE SERVICE FT FEET G GAS GA GAUGE GB GRADE BREAK GM GAS METER GS GAS SERVICE HDPE HIGH-DENSITY POLYETHYLENE HP HIGH POINT IEE INGRESS/EGRESS EASEMENT IN INCH INV INVERT ELEVATION LAT LATERAL LG LIP OF GUTTER LP LOW POINT MAX MAXIMUM MH MANHOLE MIN MINIMUM MPH MILES PER HOUR (N) NORTH N.T.S. NOT TO SCALE O.C. ON CENTER O.D. OUTSIDE DIAMETER PAD PAD ELEVATION PCC PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE PERF PERFORATED PG&E PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY PIEE PRIVATE INGRESS/EGRESS EASEMENT PL PROPERTY LINE PR PROPOSED PSDE PRIVATE STORM DRAIN EASEMENT PSE PUBLIC SERVICE EASEMENT PSSE PRIVATE SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT PUE PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT PVC POLYVINYL CHLORIDE R RADIUS RCP REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE RIM RIM ELEVATION R/W RIGHT-OF-WAY (S) SOUTH S SLOPE SCC SANTA CLARA COUNTY SCCFD SANTA CLARA COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT SD STORM DRAIN SDCO STORM DRAIN CLEANOUT SDE STORM DRAIN EASEMENT SDMH STORM DRAIN MANHOLE SDR STANDARD DIMENSION RATIO SF SQUARE FEET SJWC SAN JOSE WATER COMPANY SS SANITARY SEWER SSCO SANITARY SEWER CLEANOUT SSE SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT SSMH SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE STD STANDARD S/W SIDEWALK TC TOP OF CURB TELE TELEPHONE TLG TOWN OF LOS GATOS TW TOP OF WALL TYP TYPICAL VCP VITRIFIED CLAY PIPE (W) WEST W WATER WM WATER METER WS WATER SERVICE WV WATER VALVE WVSD WEST VALLEY SANITATION DISTRICT XING CROSSING ABBREVIATIONS 7SHEET OF 1CONTRACTOR AGREES THAT HE SHALL ASSUME SOLE AND COMPLETE RESPONSIBILITY FOR JOB SITE CONDITIONS DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT, INCLUDING SAFETY OF ALL PERSONS AND PROPERTY; THAT THIS REQUIREMENT SHALL APPLY CONTINUOUSLY AND NOT BE LIMITED TO NORMAL WORKING HOURS;AND THAT THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DEFEND, INDEMNIFY AND HOLD THE OWNER AND THE ENGINEER HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY, REAL OR ALLEGED, IN CONNECTION WITH THE PERFORMANCE OF WORK ON THIS PROJECT, EXCEPTING FOR LIABILITY ARISING FROM THE SOLE NEGLIGENCE OF THE OWNER OR THE ENGINEER.APN 510-47-045CIVIL ENGINEERSLAND SURVEYORSCONSTRUCTION MANAGERSHANNA-B UNTTIEST. 19107651 EIGLEBERRY STREET GILROY 95020 CALIFORNIAOFFICE (408) 842-2173 FAX (408) 842-3662EMAIL: ENGINEERING @ HANNABRUNETTI.COM144 WOOD ROAD - APN 510-47-045 Santa Cruz Highway 17Santa Cruz AvenueWes t M a i n S t r e e t Broa d w a y S t r e e t Wo o d RoadBayviewAvenueTaft AvenueHB JOB NO. 20053 TOWN OF LOS GATOS STANDARD GRADING NOTES 1. ALL WORK SHALL CONFORM TO CHAPTER 12 OF THE CODE OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS, THE ADOPTED CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE AND THE LATEST EDITION OF THE STANDARDSPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION EXCEPT AS SPECIFIED OTHERWISE ON THESE PLANS AND DETAILS. 2. NO WORK MAY BE STARTED ON-SITE WITHOUT AN APPROVED GRADING PLAN AND AGRADING PERMIT ISSUED BY THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS, PARKS AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT LOCATED AT 41 MILES AVENUE, LOS GATOS, CA 95030. 3.A PRE-JOB MEETING SHALL BE HELD WITH THE TOWN ENGINEERING INSPECTOR FROMTHE PARKS AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PRIOR TO ANY WORK BEING DONE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CALL THE INSPECTIONS LINE AT (4080 399-5771 AT LEAST FORTY-EIGHT (48) HOURS PRIOR TO ANY GRADING OR ONSITE WORK. THIS MEETINGSHOULD INCLUDE:a. A DISCUSSION OF THE PROJECT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL, WORKING HOURS, SITE MAINTENANCE AND OTHER CONSTRUCTION MATTERS; b. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IN WRITING THAT CONTRACTOR AND APPLICANT HAVE READAND UNDERSTAND THE PROJECT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL, AND WILL MAKE CERTAIN THAT ALL PROJECT SUB-CONTRACTORS HAVE READ AND UNDERSTANDTHEM PRIOR TO COMMENCING WORK AND THAT A COPY OF THE PROJECT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL WILL BE POSTED ON SITE AT ALL TIMES DURINGCONSTRUCTION. 4. APPROVAL OF PLANS DOES NOT RELEASE THE DEVELOPER OF THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE CORRECTION OF MISTAKES, ERRORS, OR OMISSIONS CONTAINED THEREIN. IF,DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION OF THE IMPROVEMENTS, PUBLIC INTEREST AND SAFETY REQUIRES A MODIFICATION OR DEPARTURE FROM THE TOWN SPECIFICATIONS OR THESE IMPROVEMENT PLANS, THE TOWN ENGINEER SHALL HAVE FULL AUTHORITY TO REQUIRE SUCH MODIFICATION OR DEPARTURE AND TO SPECIFY THE MANNER IN WHICH THE SAME IS TO BE MADE. 5. APPROVAL OF THIS PLAN APPLIES ONLY TO THE GRADING, EXCAVATION, PLACEMENT, AND COMPACTION OF NATURAL EARTH MATERIALS. THIS APPROVAL DOES NOT CONFERANY RIGHTS OF ENTRY TO EITHER PUBLIC PROPERTY OR THE PRIVATE PROPERTY OF OTHERS AND DOES NOT CONSTITUTE APPROVAL OF ANY OTHER IMPROVEMENTS. 6. EXCAVATED MATERIAL SHALL BE PLACED IN THE FILL AREAS DESIGNATED OR SHALL BE HAULED AWAY FROM THE SITE TO BE DISPOSED OF AT APPROVED LOCATION(S). 7. IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PERMITTEE OR CONTRACTOR TO IDENTIFY,LOCATE AND PROTECT ALL UNDERGROUND FACILITIES. PERMITTEE OR CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY USA (UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT) AT 1-800-227-2600 A MINIMUM OF FORTY-EIGHT (48) HOURS BUT NOT MORE THAN FOURTEEN (14) DAYS PRIOR TO COMMENCING ALL WORK. 8. ALL GRADING SHALL BE PERFORMED IN SUCH A MANNER AS TO COMPLY WITH THE STANDARDS ESTABLISHED BY THE AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT FOR AIRBORNE PARTICULATES. 9. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL LOCAL, STATE AND FEDERAL LAWS, CODES, RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE WORK IDENTIFIED ON THESE PLANS. THESE SHALL INCLUDE, WITHOUT LIMITATION, SAFETY AND HEALTH RULES AND REGULATIONS ESTABLISHED BY OR PURSUANT TO THE OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH ACT ORANY OTHER APPLICABLE PUBLIC AUTHORITY. 10. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE QUALIFIED SUPERVISION ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING CONSTRUCTION. 11. HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL CONTROLS SHALL BE SET AND CERTIFIED BY A LICENSED SURVEYOR OR REGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER QUALIFIED TO PRACTICE LAND SURVEYING, FOR THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: a. RETAINING WALL: TOP OF WALL ELEVATIONS AND LOCATIONS (ALL WALLS TO BE PERMITTED SEPARATELY AND APPLIED FOR AT THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS BUILDING DIVISION). b. TOE AND TOP OF CUT AND FILL SLOPES. 12. PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF ANY PERMIT, THE APPLICANT'S SOILS ENGINEER SHALL REVIEW THE FINAL GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLANS TO ENSURE THAT DESIGNS FOR FOUNDATIONS, RETAINING WALLS, SITE GRADING, AND SITE DRAINAGE ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THEIR RECOMMENDATIONS AND THE PEER REVIEW COMMENTS.THE APPLICANT'S SOILS ENGINEER'S APPROVAL SHALL THEN BE CONVEYED TO THE TOWN EITHER BY LETTER OR BY SIGNING THE PLANS. SOILS ENGINEER: C2 EARTH, INC.REFERENCE REPORT NO. 210919C-01R1, DATED APRIL 28, 2021 LETTER NO. 1 Grading and Drainage Plan Review, DATED AUGUST 26, 2021, SHALL BE THOROUGHLY COMPLIED WITH. BOTH THE MENTIONED REPORT AND ALL UPDATES/ADDENDUMS/ LETTERS ARE HEREBY APPENDED AND MADE A PART OF THIS GRADING PLAN. 13. DURING CONSTRUCTION, ALL EXCAVATIONS AND GRADING SHALL BE INSPECTED BY THE APPLICANT'S SOILS ENGINEER. THE ENGINEER SHALL BE NOTIFIED AT LEAST FORTY-EIGHT (48) HOURS BEFORE BEGINNING ANY GRADING. THE ENGINEER SHALL BE ON-SITE TO VERIFY THAT THE ACTUAL CONDITIONS ARE AS ANTICIPATED IN THE DESIGN-LEVEL GEOTECHNICAL REPORT AND/OR PROVIDE APPROPRIATE CHANGES TO THE REPORT RECOMMENDATIONS, AS NECESSARY. ALL UNOBSERVED AND/OR UNAPPROVED GRADING SHALL BE REMOVED AND REPLACED UNDER SOILS ENGINEER OBSERVANCE (THE TOWN INSPECTOR SHALL BE MADE AWARE OF ANY REQUIRED CHANGES PRIOR TO WORK BEING PERFORMED). 14. THE RESULTS OF THE CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION AND TESTING SHOULD BE DOCUMENTED IN AN “AS-BUILT” LETTER/REPORT PREPARED BY THE APPLICANTS' SOILS ENGINEER AND SUBMITTED FOR THE TOWN'S REVIEW AND ACCEPTANCE BEFORE FINAL RELEASE OF ANY OCCUPANCY PERMIT IS GRANTED. 15. ALL PRIVATE AND PUBLIC STREETS ACCESSING PROJECT SITE SHALL BE KEPT OPEN AND IN A SAFE, DRIVABLE CONDITION THROUGHOUT CONSTRUCTION. IF TEMPORARY CLOSURE IS NEEDED, THEN FORMAL WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE ADJACENT NEIGHBORS AND THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS PARKS AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SHALL BE PROVIDED AT LEAST ONE (1) WEEK IN ADVANCE OF CLOSURE AND NO CLOSURE SHALL BE GRANTED WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE TOWN. NO MATERIAL OR EQUIPMENT SHALL BE STORED IN THE PUBLIC OR PRIVATE RIGHT-OF-WAY. 16. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL AND MAINTAIN FENCES, BARRIERS, LIGHTS AND SIGNS THAT ARE NECESSARY TO GIVE ADEQUATE WARNING AND/PROTECTION TO THE PUBLIC AT ALL TIMES. 17. OWNER/APPLICANT: KAVITA BOUKNIGHT PHONE: 510.456.8167 18. GENERAL CONTRACTOR: TBD_____________________ PHONE: ______________ 19. GRADING CONTRACTOR: TBD_____________________PHONE: ______________ 20. CUT: 697 CY EXPORT: 0 CY FILL: 534 CY IMPORT: 0 CY 21. WATER SHALL BE AVAILABLE ON THE SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING GRADING OPERATIONS TO PROPERLY MAINTAIN DUST CONTROL. 22. THIS PLAN DOES NOT APPROVE THE REMOVAL OF TREES. APPROPRIATE TREE REMOVALPERMITS AND METHODS OF TREE PRESERVATION SHALL BE REQUIRED. TREE REMOVAL PERMITS ARE REQUIRED PRIOR TO THE APPROVAL OF ALL PLANS. 23. A TOWN ENCROACHMENT PERMIT IS REQUIRED FOR ANY WORK WITHIN THE PUBLICRIGHT-OF-WAY. A STATE ENCROACHMENT PERMIT IS REQUIRED FOR ANY WORK WITHIN STATE RIGHT-OF-WAY (IF APPLICABLE). THE PERMITTEE AND/OR CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE COORDINATING INSPECTION PERFORMED BY OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES. 24. NO CROSS-LOT DRAINAGE WILL BE PERMITTED WITHOUT SATISFACTORY STORMWATER ACCEPTANCE DEED/FACILITIES. ALL DRAINAGE SHALL BE DIRECTED TO THE STREET OROTHER ACCEPTABLE DRAINAGE FACILITY VIA A NON-EROSIVE METHOD AS APPROVED BY THE TOWN ENGINEER. 25. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF CONTRACTOR AND/OR OWNER TO MAKE SURE THAT ALL DIRT TRACKED INTO THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY IS CLEANED UP ON A DAILY BASIS. MUD, SILT, CONCRETE AND OTHER CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS SHALL NOT BE WASHED INTO THE TOWN'S STORM DRAINS. 26. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING PRACTICES SHALL BE OBSERVED AT ALL TIMES DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION. SUPERINTENDENCE OF CONSTRUCTION SHALL BEDILIGENTLY PERFORMED BY A PERSON OR PERSONS AUTHORIZED TO DO SO AT ALL TIMES DURING WORKING HOURS. THE STORING OF GOODS AND/OR MATERIALS ON THE SIDEWALK AND/OR THE STREET WILL NOT BE ALLOWED UNLESS A SPECIAL PERMIT IS ISSUED BY THE ENGINEERING DIVISION. THE ADJACENT PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY SHALL BE KEPT CLEAR OF ALL JOB RELATED DIRT AND DEBRIS AT THE END OF THE DAY. FAILURE TO MAINTAIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY ACCORDING TO THIS CONDITION MAY RESULT IN PENALTIES AND/OR THE TOWN PERFORMING THE REQUIRED MAINTENANCE AT THEDEVELOPER'S EXPENSE. 27. GRADING SHALL BE UNDERTAKEN IN ACCORDANCE WITH CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS OF THE PROJECT STORM WATER POLLUTION CONTROL PLAN AND/OR STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP), THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS STORM WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT PROGRAM, NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM (NPDES) AND ANY OTHER PERMITS/REQUIREMENTS ISSUED BY THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD. PLANS (INCLUDING ALL UPDATES) SHALL BE ON-SITE AT ALL TIMES. NO DIRECT STORMWATER DISCHARGES FROM THE DEVELOPMENT WILL BE ALLOWED ONTO TOWN STREETS OR INTO THE PUBLIC STORM DRAIN SYSTEM WITHOUT TREATMENT BY AN APPROVEDSTORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION DEVICE OR OTHER APPROVED METHODS. MAINTENANCE OF PRIVATE STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION DEVICES SHALL BE THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE OWNER. DISCHARGES OR CONNECTION WITHOUTTREATMENT BY AN APPROVED AND ADEQUATELY OPERATING STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION DEVICE OR OTHER APPROVED METHOD SHALL BE CONSIDERED A VIOLATION OF THE ABOVE REFERENCED PERMIT AND THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS STORMWATER ORDINANCE. TOWN OF LOS GATOS NPDES NOTES 1. SEDIMENT FROM AREAS DISTURBED BY CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE RETAINED ON SITE USING STRUCTURAL CONTROLS AS REQUIRED BY THE STATEWIDE GENERALCONSTRUCTION STORMWATER PERMIT. 2. STOCKPILES OF SOIL SHALL BE PROPERLY CONTAINED TO MINIMIZE SEDIMENT TRANSPORT FROM THE SITE TO STREETS, DRAINAGE FACILITIES OR ADJACENTPROPERTIES VIA RUNOFF, VEHICLE TRACKING, OR WIND AS REQUIRED BY THE STATEWIDE GENERAL CONSTRUCTION STORMWATER PERMIT. 3. APPROPRIATE BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMPS) FOR CONSTRUCTION-RELATED MATERIALS, WASTES, SPILL OR RESIDES SHALL BE IMPLEMENTED TO MINIMIZE TRANSPORT FROM THE SITE TO STREETS, DRAINAGE FACILITIES, OR ADJOINING PROPERTY BY WIND OR RUNOFF AS REQUIRED BY THE STATEWIDE GENERAL CONSTRUCTION STORMWATER PERMIT. 4. RUNOFF FROM EQUIPMENT AND VEHICLE WASHING SHALL BE CONTAINED AT CONSTRUCTION SITES AND MUST NOT BE DISCHARGED TO RECEIVING WATERS OR TOTHE LOCAL STORM DRAIN SYSTEM. 5. ALL CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR AND SUBCONTRACTOR PERSONNEL ARE TO BE MADE AWARE OF THE REQUIRED BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMPS) AND GOOD HOUSEKEEPING MEASURES FOR THE PROJECT SITE AND ANY ASSOCIATED CONSTRUCTION STAGING AREAS. 6. AT THE END OF EACH DAY OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY, ALL CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS AND WASTE MATERIALS SHALL BE COLLECTED AND PROPERLY DISPOSED IN TRASH OR RECYCLE BINS. 7. CONSTRUCTION SITES SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN SUCH A CONDITION THAT A STORM DOES NOT CARRY WASTE OR POLLUTANTS OFF OF THE SITE. DISCHARGES OF MATERIAL OTHER THAN STORMWATER (NON-STORMWATER DISCHARGES) ARE PROHIBITED EXCEPT AS AUTHORIZED BY AN INDIVIDUAL NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM (NPDES) PERMIT OR THE STATEWIDE GENERAL CONSTRUCTION STORMWATER PERMIT. POTENTIAL POLLUTANTS INCLUDE BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO: SOLID OR LIQUID CHEMICAL SPILLS; WASTES FROM PAINTS, STAINS, SEALANTS, SOLVENTS, DETERGENTS, GLUES, LIME, PESTICIDES, HERBICIDES, FERTILIZERS, WOOD PRESERVATIVES AND ASBESTOS FIBERS, PAINT FLAKES OR STUCCO FRAGMENTS; FUELS, OILS, LUBRICANTS, AND HYDRAULIC, RADIATOR OR BATTERY FLUIDS; CONCRETE AND RELATED CUTTING OR CURING RESIDUES; FLOATABLE WASTES; WASTES FROM ENGINE/EQUIPMENT STEAM CLEANING OR CHEMICAL DEGREASING; WASTES FROM STREET CLEANING; AND SUPERCHLORINATED POTABLE WATER FROM LINE FLUSHING AND TESTING. DURING CONSTRUCTION, DISPOSAL OF SUCH MATERIALS SHOULD OCCUR IN A SPECIFIED AND CONTROLLED TEMPORARY AREA ON-SITE PHYSICALLY SEPARATED FROM POTENTIAL STORMWATER RUNOFF, WITH ULTIMATE DISPOSAL IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL, STATE AND FEDERAL REQUIREMENTS. 8. DISCHARGING CONTAMINATED GROUNDWATER PRODUCED BY DEWATERING GROUNDWATER THAT HAS INFILTRATED INTO THE CONSTRUCTION SITE IS PROHIBITED. DISCHARGING OF CONTAMINATED SOILS VIA SURFACE EROSION IS ALSO PROHIBITED. DISCHARGING NON-CONTAMINATED GROUNDWATER PRODUCED BY DEWATERING ACTIVITIES REQUIRES A NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM (NPDES) PERMIT FROM THE RESPECTIVE STATE REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD.3-31-225-31-22 3SHEET OF 7 20053AS SHOWNTMAMXXAMMAY 21, 2021DATE:DESIGN:DRAWN:CHECK:ENGR:SCALE:PROJECT NO.:DATEBYREVISIONSGRADING PERMIT APPLICATION NO. GR21-XXXAPN 510-47-045TOWN OF LOS GATOSPARKS AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTLANDS OF BOUKNIGHT - 144 WOOD ROADPLAN FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OFCONTRACTOR AGREES THAT HE SHALL ASSUME SOLE AND COMPLETE RESPONSIBILITY FOR JOB SITE CONDITIONS DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT, INCLUDING SAFETY OF ALL PERSONS AND PROPERTY; THAT THIS REQUIREMENT SHALL APPLY CONTINUOUSLY AND NOT BE LIMITED TO NORMAL WORKING HOURS;AND THAT THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DEFEND, INDEMNIFY AND HOLD THE OWNER AND THE ENGINEER HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY, REAL OR ALLEGED, IN CONNECTION WITH THE PERFORMANCE OF WORK ON THIS PROJECT, EXCEPTING FOR LIABILITY ARISING FROM THE SOLE NEGLIGENCE OF THE OWNER OR THE ENGINEER.REV.: DEC. 2015 EXISTING TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYCIVIL ENGINEERSLAND SURVEYORSCONSTRUCTION MANAGERSHANNA-B UNTTIEST. 19107651 EIGLEBERRY STREET GILROY 95020 CALIFORNIAOFFICE (408) 842-2173 FAX (408) 842-3662EMAIL: ENGINEERING @ HANNABRUNETTI.COMHB JOB NO. 200533-31-22 UPUP UPUP 4SHEET OF 7 20053AS SHOWNTMAMXXAMNOVEMBER 2021DATE:DESIGN:DRAWN:CHECK:ENGR:SCALE:PROJECT NO.:DATEBYREVISIONSGRADING PERMIT APPLICATION NO. GR21-354SITE & UTILITY PLAN AND LEGENDTOWN OF LOS GATOSPARKS AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTLANDS OF BOUKNIGHT - 144 WOOD ROADPLAN FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OFCONTRACTOR AGREES THAT HE SHALL ASSUME SOLE AND COMPLETE RESPONSIBILITY FOR JOB SITE CONDITIONS DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT, INCLUDING SAFETY OF ALL PERSONS AND PROPERTY; THAT THIS REQUIREMENT SHALL APPLY CONTINUOUSLY AND NOT BE LIMITED TO NORMAL WORKING HOURS;AND THAT THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DEFEND, INDEMNIFY AND HOLD THE OWNER AND THE ENGINEER HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY, REAL OR ALLEGED, IN CONNECTION WITH THE PERFORMANCE OF WORK ON THIS PROJECT, EXCEPTING FOR LIABILITY ARISING FROM THE SOLE NEGLIGENCE OF THE OWNER OR THE ENGINEER.REV.: DEC. 2015 CIVIL ENGINEERSLAND SURVEYORSCONSTRUCTION MANAGERSHANNA-B UNTTIEST. 19107651 EIGLEBERRY STREET GILROY 95020 CALIFORNIAOFFICE (408) 842-2173 FAX (408) 842-3662EMAIL: ENGINEERING @ HANNABRUNETTI.COMAPN 510-47-045HB JOB NO. 200533-31-22 UPUP 5SHEET OF 7 20053AS SHOWNTMAMXXAMNOVEMBER 2021DATE:DESIGN:DRAWN:CHECK:ENGR:SCALE:PROJECT NO.:DATEBYREVISIONSGRADING PERMIT APPLICATION NO. GR21-354GRADING & DRAINAGE PLANTOWN OF LOS GATOSPARKS AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTLANDS OF BOUKNIGHT - 144 WOOD ROADPLAN FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OFCONTRACTOR AGREES THAT HE SHALL ASSUME SOLE AND COMPLETE RESPONSIBILITY FOR JOB SITE CONDITIONS DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT, INCLUDING SAFETY OF ALL PERSONS AND PROPERTY; THAT THIS REQUIREMENT SHALL APPLY CONTINUOUSLY AND NOT BE LIMITED TO NORMAL WORKING HOURS;AND THAT THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DEFEND, INDEMNIFY AND HOLD THE OWNER AND THE ENGINEER HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY, REAL OR ALLEGED, IN CONNECTION WITH THE PERFORMANCE OF WORK ON THIS PROJECT, EXCEPTING FOR LIABILITY ARISING FROM THE SOLE NEGLIGENCE OF THE OWNER OR THE ENGINEER.REV.: DEC. 2015 CIVIL ENGINEERSLAND SURVEYORSCONSTRUCTION MANAGERSHANNA-B UNTTIEST. 19107651 EIGLEBERRY STREET GILROY 95020 CALIFORNIAOFFICE (408) 842-2173 FAX (408) 842-3662EMAIL: ENGINEERING @ HANNABRUNETTI.COMAPN 510-47-045HB JOB NO. 200533-31-22 UPUP 6SHEET OF 7 200531"=10'TMAMXXAMNOVEMBER 2021DATE:DESIGN:DRAWN:CHECK:ENGR:SCALE:PROJECT NO.:DATEBYREVISIONSGRADING PERMIT APPLICATION NO. GR21-354GRADING & DRAINAGE PLANTOWN OF LOS GATOSPARKS AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTLANDS OF BOUKNIGHT - 144 WOOD ROADPLAN FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OFCONTRACTOR AGREES THAT HE SHALL ASSUME SOLE AND COMPLETE RESPONSIBILITY FOR JOB SITE CONDITIONS DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT, INCLUDING SAFETY OF ALL PERSONS AND PROPERTY; THAT THIS REQUIREMENT SHALL APPLY CONTINUOUSLY AND NOT BE LIMITED TO NORMAL WORKING HOURS;AND THAT THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DEFEND, INDEMNIFY AND HOLD THE OWNER AND THE ENGINEER HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY, REAL OR ALLEGED, IN CONNECTION WITH THE PERFORMANCE OF WORK ON THIS PROJECT, EXCEPTING FOR LIABILITY ARISING FROM THE SOLE NEGLIGENCE OF THE OWNER OR THE ENGINEER.REV.: DEC. 2015 CIVIL ENGINEERSLAND SURVEYORSCONSTRUCTION MANAGERSHANNA-B UNTTIEST. 19107651 EIGLEBERRY STREET GILROY 95020 CALIFORNIAOFFICE (408) 842-2173 FAX (408) 842-3662EMAIL: ENGINEERING @ HANNABRUNETTI.COMAPN 510-47-045HB JOB NO. 200533-31-22 UPUP 7SHEET OF 7 20053AS SHOWNTMAMXXAMNOVEMBER 2021DATE:DESIGN:DRAWN:CHECK:ENGR:SCALE:PROJECT NO.:DATEBYREVISIONSGRADING PERMIT APPLICATION GR21-354EROSION CONTROL PLANTOWN OF LOS GATOSPARKS AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTLANDS OF BOUKNIGHT - 144 WOOD ROADPLAN FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OFCONTRACTOR AGREES THAT HE SHALL ASSUME SOLE AND COMPLETE RESPONSIBILITY FOR JOB SITE CONDITIONS DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT, INCLUDING SAFETY OF ALL PERSONS AND PROPERTY; THAT THIS REQUIREMENT SHALL APPLY CONTINUOUSLY AND NOT BE LIMITED TO NORMAL WORKING HOURS;AND THAT THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DEFEND, INDEMNIFY AND HOLD THE OWNER AND THE ENGINEER HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY, REAL OR ALLEGED, IN CONNECTION WITH THE PERFORMANCE OF WORK ON THIS PROJECT, EXCEPTING FOR LIABILITY ARISING FROM THE SOLE NEGLIGENCE OF THE OWNER OR THE ENGINEER.REV.: DEC. 2015 CIVIL ENGINEERSLAND SURVEYORSCONSTRUCTION MANAGERSHANNA-B UNTTIEST. 19107651 EIGLEBERRY STREET GILROY 95020 CALIFORNIAOFFICE (408) 842-2173 FAX (408) 842-3662EMAIL: ENGINEERING @ HANNABRUNETTI.COMAPN 510-47-045HB JOB NO. 20053CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT &3-31-22 OF REVISIONS DATE: SCALE:51 UNIVERSITY AVE. "L" • LOS GATOS, CA. • 95030 • (408) 395-2555NOTE:•The Contractor shall verify all dimensions,elevations and conditions, prior to startingany field work.•Any deviation called by field conditions,or any conditions different from thoseindicated on the plans shall be broughtto the Architect's attention prior toinstallation.S H E E TARCHITECTURAL AND SITE DEVELOPMENT FOR:THE BOUKNIGHT FAMILY144 WOOD ROAD • LOS GATOS, CA 95030AS SHOWN A-3 12/8/21 LOWER FLOOR PLAN 5813 1 PLAN CHECK COMMENTS 6/16/22 UPD23 8'2'-8"123456789101112131415161718UPD148' 2'-8" D27 8'5'C39'8'C24'-6"4'C49' 8'C59' 8' C7 8'-6"4'C8 8'-6"4'W66' 9'D19' 6'C99' 11'D58' 3'D218' 2'-8"D258' 2'-8"D268' 2'-8"C19'-6" 12'D178' 2'-4"D188' 6'D198' 2'-6" W2 5'3'W3 5'3'D28' 18' D15 8'4'D3 8'6'D22 8'2'-8"D24 8'3'D168' 4' W5 5'6'D6 8'6'W1 5'3'D208'3'RW/D1 A-15 2 A-15 14 A-15 15 A-15 1 10'-10"12'-7"8'-2"6'-1"3'-81/4"11'-1/4"4'-10" 46'-41/2" 1'-0" 1/2" 31/2"13'-53/4"8'-43/4"12'-31/2"6'-41/2"5'-71/2"12'-6"4'-10" 28'-101/2"13'-0"22'-111/2"10'-113/4"11'-1/4"7'-11/4"8'-111/4"5'-11"9'-113/4"22'-0"16'-1/4"64'-10" 64'-10" 3'-61/2"9'-9"6'-3" 19'-61/2"7'-11/4"14'-6"8'-23/4"2'-4"14'-1"2'-2"5'-9"3'-41/4"10 1/4" 31/2"5'-71/2"13'-11"5'-2" 4'-7"3'-5" 1'-6"2'-0"2'-0"2'-0"A1.1A1.1 A1.2A1.2A1.2 A1.2A1.2 A1.2A1.2 A1.2A1.2 A1.2A1.2 A1.2A1.2 A1.2A1.2 A1.3 A1.4 A1.4 A1.4A1.4 A1.6 A1.9 A1.9 A1.9 A1.11 A1.12 A1.13A1.15 A2.1 A2.1 A2.1A2.1 A2.1 A1.7 A1.7 A2.2 A2.2 A2.2A2.2 A2.2 A3.1 A3.2 A3.3 A4.1 A4.2 A4.3 A4.2 A4.2 A5.5 A5.1 A5.6 A5.8 A6.8 A6.7 A6.10 A6.10 A1.17 A1.15 A1.19 A3.5 4 F T BE LOWGRAD E L IN E WORK #2 FOYER BDRM #3 WORK #1 BA #3 COVERED PORCH ELEV. FF 723.5 EGRESS WELL MECH EQ. open to above MUD GYM STORE FF 723 FF 723.5 STORAGE UP DRIVEWAY GARAGE COVERED PORCH FAU W/H ERV CEILING 10' CEILING 10' CEILING 10' CEILING 10' CEILING 10'CEILING 10' CEILING 10' CEILING 10' CEILING 10' CEILING 10' CEILING 10'-6" 8" 8" CEILING 9' 8"8" CEILING 10' CEILING 10' @ CEILINGMURPHY BEDMURPHY BED5X5 W4 4'6'D4 8'6'1 14'-3"3'-0"6'-0"14'-9"1'-1/2"4'-33/4"4'-1"5'-1/2"4'-1/2"2'-51/2"3'-51/2"21'-91/2"23'-41/2"5'-1"13'-5"16'-5"F A-13 F A-13 G A-13 G A-13 AREAS TO THE LEFT OF LINE NOT INCLUDED IN FLOOR AREAS: 1) 4 FT BELOW GRADE LINE 2) WITHIN FOOTPRINT OF MAIN FLOOR ABOVE A5.9 A5.10 HALL E A-13 E A-13 B A-11 A A-11 C A-12 D A-12 B A-11 A A-11 C A-12 D A-12 WOOD STUD WALL CONCRETE REC. WALL PAVED OUTDOOR DECK / PATIOS PAVED YARD AREAS ROOF COVERING LEGEND N ARCHITECTURAL NOTES WINDOWS IN SHOWERS SHALL BE MADE FROM MATERIALS THAT ARE NOT ADVERSELY AFFECTED BY MOISTURE. GLAZING SHALL BE TEMPERED. CRC R307.2 R308.4 SHOWER WINDOWS OPENABLE WINDOW AREA IN HABITABLE ROOMS MUST BE 4% OF THE FLOOR AREA FOR VENTILATION. EMERGENCY ESCAPE OPENINGS IN HABITABLE ROOMS SHALL BE 5 SF AT GRADE LEVEL ROOMS & 5.7 SF AT ALL OTHER LEVELS, WITH MIN. DIMENSIONS OF 24" HIGH AND 20" WIDE & SHALL NOT EXCEED 44" ABOVE FLOOR. THE EMERGENCY DOOR OR WINDOW SHALL BE OPENABLE FROM INSIDE TO PROVIDE A FULL, CLEAR OPENING WITHOUT THE USE OF SEPARATE TOOLS. ALL EGRESS WINDOWS WITH TWO OR MORE LATCHES SHALL HAVE THE LATCHES INTERCONNECTED & OPERABLE FROM THE LOWEST LATCH. R303.1, R310, WOODEN BACKING MINIMUM 2"X8" WOODEN BACKING SHALL BE PROVIDED IN ALL BATHROOM WALLS AT WATER CLOSETS, SHOWERS, BATHTUBS & TOWEL BAR WALLS LOCATED 34" FROM THE FLOOR. FURTHER, PROVIDE BACKING FOR GRAB BARS FOR TOILETS ON FIRST FLOOR. OPENABLE WINDOW AREA GLAZING CERTIFICATION SAFETY GLAZING ALL NEW GLAZING (FENESTRATIONS) WILL BE INSTALLED WITH A CERTIFYING LABEL ATTACHED, SHOWING THE U-VALUE. GLAZING IN THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS SHALL BE OF SAFETY GLAZING MATERIAL IN ACCORDANCE WITH CRC SECTION R308.4: a) FIXED & SLIDING PANELS OF SLIDING DOOR ASSEMBLIES & PANELS IN SWINGING DOORS. b) ADJACENT TO A DOOR WHERE THE NEAREST EXPOSED EDGE IS WITHIN A 24" ARC OF EITHER VERTICAL EDGE OF THE DOOR WHEN CLOSED & THE BOTTOM EDGE IS WITHIN 60" ABOVE THE WALKING SURFACE c) DOORS, EXTERIOR WINDOWS & ENCLOSURES FOR BATHTUBS & SHOWERS & IN ANY PORTION OF A BUILDING WALL ENCLOSING THESE COMPARTMENTS WHERE THE BOTTOM EXPOSED EDGE OF THE GLAZING IS LESS THAN 60 INCHES ABOVE A STANDING SURFACE & DRAIN OUTLET. e) GLAZING WHERE THE AREA OF THE INDIVIDUAL PANE IS MORE THAN 9 SQUARE FEET, THE BOTTOM EDGE IS LESS THAN 18 INCHES FROM THE FLOOR, THE TOP EDGE IS GREATER THAN 36 INCHES ABOVE THE FLOOR & ONE OR MORE WALKING SURFACES IS WITHIN 36 INCHES HORIZONTALLY OF THE PLANE OF THE GLAZING. FINISHES PROVIDE 5/8" GYP. BOARD AT ALL INTERIOR WALL & CEIL'G LOCATIONS. INTERIOR WALL AND CEILING PAINTS SHALL BE LOW-VOC (<100 GPL VOCS (NON- FLAT) AND <150 VOCS (NON-FLAT GLOSS)) WOOD FINISHES SHALL BE LOW VOC, WATER BASED (<250 GPL VOCS) CAULK & CONSTRUCTION ADHESIVES SHALL BE LOW VOC (<70 GPL VOCS) TO REDUCE FORMALDEHYDE IN INTERIOR FINISHES A MINIMUM OF 50% OF INTERIOR TRIM SHALL BE POPLAR OR ALDER EXTERIOR DOORS ALL EXTERIOR DOORS SHALL BE SOLID CORE DOORS,W/ STILES & RAILS NOT LESS THAN 1⅜" THICK & FIELD PANELS NOT LESS THAN 1¼" THICK. ALL GLAZING SHALL BE DUAL GLAZED & TEMPERED. ACCESS UNDER FLOOR: ACCESS SHALL BE PROVIDED TO ALL UNDER-FLOOR SPACES. ACCESS OPENINGS THROUGH THE FLOOR SHALL BE A MINIMUM 18" X 24". OPENINGS THROUGH A PERIMETER WALL SHALL BE NOT LESS THAN 16" X 24". R408.4 ATTIC: BUILDINGS WITH COMBUSTIBLE CEILING OR ROOF CONSTRUCTION SHALL HAVE AN ATTIC ACCESS OPENING TO ATTIC AREAS THAT EXCEED 30 SQ. FEET & HAVE A VERTICAL HEIGHT OF 30" OR GREATER. THE VERTICAL HEIGHT SHALL BE MEASURED FROM THE TOP OF THE CEILING FRAMING MEMBERS TO THE UNDERSIDE OF THE ROOF FRAMING MEMBERS. THE ROUGH-FRAMED OPENING SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN 22" X 30" AND SHALL BE A LOCATED IN A HALLWAY OR OTHER READILY ACCESSIBLE LOCATION. WHEN THE ACCESS IS LOCATED IN A CEILING, MINIMUM UNOBSTRUCTED HEADROOM IN THE ATTIC SPACE SHALL BE 30" AT SOME POINT ABOVE THE ATTIC ACCESS MEASURED VERTICALLY FROM THE BOTTOM OF THE CEILING FRAMING MEMBERS. R807.1 LANDING FLOORS & LANDING AT EXTERIOR DOORS. THERE SHALL BE A LANDING OR FLOOR ON EACH SIDE OF EACH EXTERIOR DOOR. THE WIDTH OF EACH LANDING SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN THE DOOR SERVED. EVERY LANDING SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM DIMENSION OF 36" MEASURED IN THE DIRECTION OF TRAVEL. EXTERIOR LANDINGS SHALL BE PERMITTED TO HAVE A SLOPE NOT TO EXCEED ¼" UNIT VERTICAL IN 12 UNIT HORIZONTAL (2%) R311.3 THE RESIDENCE SHALL BE DESIGNED WITH ADAPTABILITY FEATURES FOR A SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE PER TOWN RESOLUTION 1994-61: A. WOODEN BACKING (2" X 8" MINIMUM) SHALL BE PROVIDED IN ALL BATHROOM WALLS, AT WATER CLOSETS, SHOWERS AND BATHTUBS AT 34" FROM THE FLOOR TO THE CENTER OF THE BACKING, SUITABLE FOR THE INSTALLATION OF GRAB BARS. B. ALL PASSAGE DOORS SHALL BE AT LEAST 32" WIDE ON THE ACCESSIBLE FLOOR. C. PRIMARY ENTRANCE SHALL BE A 36" WIDE DOOR MINIMUM INCLUDING A 5'X5' LEVEL LANDING, NO MORE THAN 1" OUT OF PLANE WITH THE IMMEDIATE INTERIOR FLOOR LEVEL WITH AN 18" CLEARANCE AT THE INTERIOR STRIKE EDGE. D. DOOR BUZZER, BELL OR CHIME SHALL BE HARD WIRED AT PRIMARY ENTRANCE. RESIDENTIAL TOWN ACCESSIBILITY STANDARDS WILDLAND-URBAN INTERFACE UNDERFLOOR AREAS SHALL MAINTAIN THE IGNITION-RESISTANT INTEGRITY OF EXTERIOR WALLS. PER SEC. R337.7.8 TYP. UNDERFLOOR PROTECTION: THE EXPOSED UNDERSIDE OF ENCLOSED EAVES HAVING EITHER A BOXED-IN EAVE SOFFIT WITH A HORIZONTAL UNDERSIDE, OR SLOPING RAFTER TAILS WITH AN EXTERIOR COVERING APPLIED TO THE UNDERSIDE OF THE RAFTER TAILS, SHALL BE PROTECTED BY ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: 1. NONCOMBUSTIBLE MATERIAL. 2. IGNITION RESISTANT MATERIAL. 3. ONE LAYER OF ⅝" TYPE "X" GYPSUM SHEATHING APPLIED BEHIND AN EXTERIOR COVERING ON THE UNDERSIDE OF THE RAFTER TAILS OR SOFFIT. 4. THE EXTERIOR PORTION OF A 1 HOUR FIRE RESISTIVE EXTERIOR WALL ASSEMBLY APPLIED TO THE UNDERSIDE OF THE RAFTER TAILS OR SOFFIT INCLUDING ASSEMBLIES USING THE GYPSUM PANEL & SHEATHING PRODUCTS LISTED IN THE GYPSUM ASSOCIATION FIRE RESISTANCE DESIGN MANUAL. 5. BOXED IN EAVE SOFFIT ASSEMBLIES WITH A HORIZONTAL UNDERSIDE THAT MEET THE PERFORMANCE CRITERIA IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TEST PROCEDURES SET FORTH IN EITHER OF THE FOLLOWING: 5.1 SFM STANDARD 12-7A-3 OR ASTME2957 EXCEPTIONS: THE FOLLOWING MATERIALS DO NOT REQUIRE PROTECTION: 1. GABLE END OVERHANGS & ROOF ASSEMBLY PROJECTIONS BEYOND AN EXTERIOR WALL OTHER THAN AT THE LOWER END OF THE RAFTER TAILS. 2. FASCIA & OTHER ARCHITECTURAL TRIM BOARDS. CBC R337.7.5 EXTERIOR GLAZING SHALL BE INSULATING GLASS UNITS WITH A MINIMUM OF ONE TEMPERED PANE. PER R337.8.2 VALLEYS & GUTTERS SHALL BE 26 GAUGE GALV. SHEET CORROSION- RESISTANT METAL INSTALLED OVER NOT LESS THAN ONE LAYER OF 72LB MINERAL-SURFACED NONPERFORATED CAP SHEET COMPLYING WITH ASTM D 3909, AT LEAST 36" WIDE THE FULL LENGTH OF THE VALLEY. GUTTERS WILL HAVE THE MEANS TO PREVENT THE ACCUMULATION OF LEAVES & DEBRIS IN THE GUTTER. AS REQ'D PER SEC. R337.5.3 & R337.5.4 TYP. EXTERIOR WALL COVERINGS SHALL BE APPROVED NONCOMBUSTIBLE OR IGNITION-RESISTANT MATERIAL & EXTEND FROM THE TOP OF THE FOUNDATION TO THE ROOF & TERMINATE AT 2" NOMINAL SOLID WOOD BLOCKING BETWEEN RAFTERS AT ALL ROOF OVERHANGS OR IN THE CASE OF ENCLOSED EAVES, TERMINATE AT THE ENCLOSURE. R337.7.3 EXTERIOR DOOR ASSEMBLIES SHALL CONFORM TO THE PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS OF STANDARD SFM 12-7A-1 OR SHALL BE OF APPROVED NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONSTRUCTION, OR SOLID CORE WOOD HAVING STILES & RAILS NOT LESS THAN 1⅜" THICK WITH INTERIOR FIELD PANEL THICKNESS NO LESS THAN 1¼" THICK, OR SHALL HAVE A FIRE- RESISTANT RATING OF NOT LESS THAN 20 MIN. PER R337.8.3 ENCLOSED EAVES & EAVE SOFFITS: WHERE PROVIDED, VENTILATION OPENINGS FOR ENCLOSED ATTICS, ENCLOSED EAVE SOFFIT SPACES, ENCLOSED RAFTER SPACES FORMED WHERE CEILINGS ARE APPLIED DIRECTLY TO THE UNDERSIDE OF ROOF RAFTERS, & UNDERFLOOR VENTILATION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 1203 OF THE CBC & SECTIONS R337.6.1 THROUGH R337.6.3 OF THIS SECTION TO RESIST BUILDING IGNITION FROM THE INTRUSION OF BURNING EMBERS & FLAME THROUGH THE VENTILATION OPENING. R337.6.1 EXTERIOR WALLS: EXTERIOR DOORS: VENTS: ROOF VALLEYS: EXTERIOR GLAZING: GUTTERS GUTTER SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH THE MEANS TO PREVENT THE ACCUMULATION OF LEAVES AND DEBRIS IN THE GUTTER. CBC R337.5.4 OPEN ROOF EAVES THE EXPOSED ROOF DECK ON THE UNDERSIDE OF UNENCLOSED ROOF EAVES SHALL CONSIST OF ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: 1. NONCOMBUSTIBLE MATERIAL. 2. IGNITION RESISTANT MATERIAL. 3. ONE LAYER OF ⅝" TYPE "X" GYPSUM SHEATHING APPLIED BEHIND AN EXTERIOR COVERING ON THE UNDERSIDE EXTERIOR OF THE ROOF DECK. 4. THE EXTERIOR PORTION OF A 1 HOUR FIRE RESISTIVE EXTERIOR WAL ASSEMBLY APPLIED TO THE UNDERSIDE OF THE ROOF DECK DESIGNED FOR EXTERIOR FIRE EXPOSURE INCLUDING ASSEMBLIES USING THE GYPSUM PANEL & SHEATHING PRODUCTS LISTED IN THE GYPSUM ASSOCIATION FIRE RESISTANCE DESIGN MANUAL. EXCEPTIONS: 1. SOLID WOOD RAFTER TAILS ON THE EXPOSED UNDERSIDE OF OPEN ROOF EAVES HAVING A MIN. NOMINAL DIMENSION OF 2". 2. SOLID WOOD BLOCKING INSTALLED BETWEEN RAFTER TAILS ON THE EXPOSED UNDERSIDE OF OPEN ROOF EAVES HAVING A MIN. NOMINAL DIMENSION OF 2". 3. GABLE END OVERHANGS & ROOF ASSEMBLY PROJECTIONS BEYOND AN EXTERIOR WALL OTHER THAN AT THE LOWER END OF THE RAFTER TAILS. 4. FASCIA & OTHER ARCHITECTURAL TRIM BOARDS. CBC R337.7.4 . 1 1 1 A5.1 A5.2 A5.3 A5.4 A5.5 A5.6 A5.7 A1.1 A1.2 A1.3 A1.4 A1.5 A1.6 A6.1 A6.2 A6.3 A6.4 A6.5 A6.6 A6.7 A6.8 A1.7 A1.8 A1.9 A1.10 A1.11 A1.12 A1.13 A6.9 A6.10 A2.1 A3.1 A3.2 A3.3 A4.1 A4.2 A4.3 A4.5 A2.2 A5.8 A5.9 A5.10 A2.2 A4.6 A1.14 A1.15 A1.16 A1.17 A1.18 A1.19 A6.11 A6.12 A3.4 A3.5 A5.11 RECT. SINK(S) IN VANITY CABINET HIGH-EFFICIENCY WALL MOUNTED TOILET TILED SHOWER PROVIDE ONLY HIGH-EFFICIENCY DUAL-FLUSH OR ≤1.28 GPF TOILETS. NO FIXTURE SHALL BE SET CLOSER THAN 15" FROM ITS CENTER TO A SIDE WALL. THE CLEAR SPACE IN FRONT OF A WATER CLOSET, LAVATORY, OR BIDET SHALL BE NOT LESS THAN 24". CPC 402.5 A5.0 PLUMBING LARGE DOUBLE SINK W/DISPOSAL PROVIDE AIR SWITCH FOR DISPOSAL ANNULAR SPACES ANNULAR SPACES AROUND PIPES, ELECTRICAL CABLES, CONDUITS OR OTHER OPENINGS IN PLATES OR FOUNDATIONS SHALL BE PROTECTED AGAINST RODENTS BY CLOSING THE OPENINGS WITH CEMENT MORTAR OR CONCRETE MASONRY. CGBSC 4.406.1 A1.0 STRUCTURE 6" NOM. STUD WALL 5½" TH. STUD WALL FROM 2X STUDS @ 16" O.C. EXTERIOR LANDINGS FLOORS & LANDINGS AT EXTERIOR DOORS. THERE SHALL BE A LANDING OR FLOOR ON EACH SIDE OF EACH EXTERIOR DOOR. THE WIDTH OF EACH LANDING SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN THE DOOR SERVED. EVERY LANDING SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM DIMENSION OF 36 INCHES MEASURED IN THE DIRECTION OF TRAVEL. EXTERIOR LANDINGS SHALL BE PERMITTED TO HAVE A SLOPE NOT TO EXCEED 1/4 UNIT VERTICAL IN 12 UNITS HORIZONTAL (2%). CRC R311.3 FLOOR ELEVATIONS AT THE REQUIRED EGRESS DOORS. LANDINGS OR FLOORS AT THE REQUIRED EGRESS DOOR SHALL NOT BE MORE THAN 1" LOWER THAN THE TOP OF THE THRESHOLD. EXCEPTION: THE EXTERIOR LANDING OR FLOOR SHALL NOT BE MORE THAN 7 3/4" BELOW THE TOP OF THE THRESHOLD PROVIDED THE DOOR DOES NOT SWING OVER THE LANDING OR FLOOR CRC R311.3.1 PROTECTION OF WOOD & WOOD BASED PRODUCTS AGAINST DECAY PROTECTION OF WOOD & WOOD BASED PRODUCTS FROM DECAY SHALL BE PROVIDED IN THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS BY THE USE OF NATURALLY DURABLE WOOD OR WOOD THAT IS PRESERVATIVE TREATED IN ACCORDANCE WITH AWPA U1 FOR THE SPECIES, PRODUCT, PRESERVATIVE & END USE. PRESERVATIVE SHALL BE LISTED IN SECTION 4 OF AWPA U1. WOOD SIDING, SHEATHING & WALL FRAMING ON THE EXTERIOR OF A BUILDING HAVING A CLEARANCE OF LESS THAN 6 INCHES FROM THE GROUND OR LESS THAN 2 INCHES MEASURED VERTICALLY FROM CONCRETE STEPS, PORCH SLABS, PATIO SLABS, & SIMILAR HORIZONTAL SURFACES EXPOSED TO THE WEATHER. R317.1 LOCATION REQUIRED: TEMPERED GLASS SEE ARCHITECTURAL NOTE FOR SAFETY GLAZING 4" NOM. STUD WALL 3½" TH. STUD WALL FROM 2X STUDS @ 16" O.C. SHOWER STALL WITH WATER PROOF PAN & WETSET TILE FULL HEIGHT ABOVE FLOOR LINE OVER FIBER- CEMENT, FIBER-MAT REINFORCED CEMENT, GLASS MAT GYPSUM BACKERS & FIBER-REINFORCED GYPSUM BACKERS. WATER-RESISTANT GYPSUM BACKING BOARD SHALL NOT BE USED OVER A VAPOR RETARDER IN SHOWER OR BATHTUB COMPARTMENTS. R307.2 & R702.4.2 R702.3.8 SHOWER & TUB/SHOWER COMBINATIONS SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH INDIVIDUAL CONTROL VALVES OF THE PRESSURE BALANCE OR THE THERMOSTATIC MIXING VALVE TYPE. CPC 408.3 WASHER A6.0 APPLIANCES, FIREPLACES, ETC. PROVIDE 36" ENERGY STAR REFRIGERATOR/FREEZER W/ WATER FOR AUTOMATIC ICE MAKER 48" INDUCTION RANGE DISHWASHER PROVIDE VENT HOOD W/ LIGHT AND VENTED TO EXTERIOR. PROVIDE NECESSARY POWER SOURCE. MIN. 100CFM RANGE VENT HOOD PROVIDE 240v POWER SOURCE ON SEPARATE CIRCUIT. DRYER PROVIDE 4"Ø MIN. VENT WITH BACKDRAFT DAMPER TO EXTERIOR AT CLOTHES DRYER. MAX. LENGTH 14' PER CMC 504.4.2. MAINTAIN 6" MIN. CLEARANCE TO COMBUSTIBLES UNLESS DRYER IS LISTED FOR REDUCED CLEARANCE. COUNTER DEPTH REFRIGERATOR/FREEZER FRONT LOADING WASHING MACHINE TO MEET ENERGY STAR AND CEE TIER 2 REQUIREMENTS (MODIFIED ENERGY FACTOR 2.0, WATER FACTOR 6.0) PROVIDE ENERGY STAR DISHWASHER USING ≤ 3.5 GA/ CYCLE & ≤ 270 kWh/YEAR. NO DOMESTIC DISHWASHING MACHINE SHALL BE DIRECTLY CONNECTED TO A DRAINAGE SYSTEM OF FOOR WASTE DISPOSER WITHOUT THE USE OF AN APPROVED DISHWASHER AIR GAP FITTING ON THE DISCHARGE SIDE OF THE DISHWASHING MACHINE. LISTED AIRGAPS SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH THE FLOOD-LEVEL (FL) MARKING AT OR ABOVE THE FLOOD LEVEL OF THE SINK OF DRAINBOARD, WHICHEVER IS HIGHER. CPC § 807.3 WHERE COMBUSTION APPLIANCES OR SOLID-FUEL BURNING APPLIANCES ARE LOCATED INSIDE THE PRESSURE BOUNDARY, THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE NET EXHAUST FLOW OF THE TWO LARGEST EXHAUST FANS SHALL NOT EXCEED 15 CFM PER 100 SQ FT. OF OCCUPIABLE SPACE, WHEN OPERATING AT FULL CAPACITY. IF THE DESIGNED TOTAL NET FLOW EXCEEDS THIS LIMIT, THE NET EXHAUST FLOW MUST BE REDUCED BY REDUCING THE EXHAUST FLOW OR PROVIDING COMPENSATING OUT-DOOR AIRFLOW (NOTE: IF MAKE-UP AIR FAN IS INSTALLED IT MUST BE ELECTRICALLY INTERLOCKED WITH THE LARGEST EXHAUST FAN). ASHRAE 62.2 § 6.4 SPA BATH TUB THE MAXIMUM HOT WATER TEMPERATURE DISCHARGING FROM THE BATHTUB & WHIRLPOOL BATHTUB FILLER SHALL BE LIMITED TO 120ºF BY A DEVICE THAT CONFORMS TO ASSE 1070 OR CSA B125.3. CPC 409.4 SPA TUB ON SEPARATE GFCI PROTECTED CIRCUIT. FOR WHIRLPOOL TUB: CIRCULATION PUMP SHALL BE LOCATED ABOVE THE CROWN WEIR OF THE TRAP. PROVIDE REMOVABLE PANEL TO ACCESS & REMOVE THE PUMP. THE PUMP & CIRCULATION PIPING SHALL BE SELF- DRAINING TO MINIMIZE WATER RETENTION. CPC TBLE 1401.1. SUCTION FITTINGS ON WHIRLPOOL BATHTUBS SHALL COMPLY WITH THE LISTED STANDARDS. CPC 409.6 BATH TUB TO BE SELECTED BY OWNER HANDRAIL @ STAIR AT STAIRS WITH MORE THAN THREE RISERS, PROVIDE MIN. ONE 1¼"Ø TO 2"Ø STAIR HANDRAIL 34" TO 38" ABOVE STAIR NOSING WITH NO SHARP EDGES. HANDRAILS MAY PROJECT A MAX. OF 4½" INTO REQUIRED WIDTH OF STAIRWAY & SHALL PROVIDE 1½" SPACE BETWEEN WALL & HANDRAIL. HANDRAILS SHALL BE CONTINUOUS FROM TOP TO BOTTOM & TERMINATE AT NEWEL POSTS OR RETURN TO WALL. PROVIDE BALUSTERS, WHERE REQUIRED SUCH THAT A 4⅜" DIA. SPHERE CANNOT PASS THROUGH. RAIL FABRICATOR SHALL PROVIDE SHOP DRWGS, SPECS, & CALCS FOR APPROVAL BY ARCHITECT. CRC R312 GUARDS @ BALCONY PROVIDE 42" H. GUARDRAIL AT LANDINGS, WALKWAYS, BALCONIES & SIMILAR WALKING SURFACES WITH ADJACENT OPENINGS MORE THAN 30" ABOVE FLOOR OR GRADE BELOW. PROVIDE BALUSTERS SPACED SUCH THAT A 4" DIA. SPHERE CANNOT PASS THROUGH. RAIL FABRICATOR SHALL PROVIDE SHOP DRWGS, SPECS, & CALCS FOR APPROVAL BY ARCHITECT. CRC R312 STAIRWAYS: WIDTH. STAIRWAYS SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN 36" IN CLEAR WIDTH AT ALL POINTS ABOVE THE PERMITTED HANDRAIL HEIGHT & BELOW THE REQUIRED HEADROOM HEIGHT. HANDRAILS SHALL NOT PROJECT MORE THAN 4½" ON EITHER SIDE OF THE STAIRWAY & THE MINIMUM CLEAR WIDTH OF THE STAIRWAY AT & BELOW THE HANDRAIL HEIGHT, INCLUDING TREADS & LANDINGS, SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN 31½" WHERE A HANDRAIL IS INSTALLED ON ONE SIDE & 27" WHERE HANDRAILS ARE PROVIDED ON BOTH SIDES. THE MAXIMUM RISER HEIGHT SHALL BE 7¾". THE MINIMUM TREAD DEPTH SHALL BE 10". AT STAIRS WITH MORE THAN THREE RISERS, PROVIDE MIN. ONE 1¼"Ø TO 2"Ø STAIR HANDRAIL 34" TO 38" ABOVE STAIR NOSING WITH NO SHARP EDGES. HANDRAILS MAY PROJECT A MAX. OF 4½" INTO REQUIRED WIDTH OF STAIRWAY & SHALL PROVIDE 1½" SPACE BETWEEN WALL & HANDRAIL. HANDRAILS SHALL BE CONTINUOUS FROM TOP TO BOTTOM & TERMINATE AT NEWEL POSTS OR RETURN TO WALL. PROVIDE BALUSTERS, WHERE REQUIRED SUCH THAT A 4⅜" DIA. SPHERE CANNOT PASS THROUGH. HANDRAILS WITH A CIRCULAR CROSS SECTION SHALL HAVE AN OUTSIDE DIAMETER OF AT LEAST 1¼" & NOT GREATER THAN 2". IF THE HANDRAIL IS NOT CIRCULAR, IT SHALL HAVE A PERIMETER DIMENSION OF AT LEAST 4" & NOT GREATER THAN 6½" WITH A MAXIMUM CROSS SECTION OF 2¼". EDGES SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM RADIUS OF .01".CRC R311.7 STAIRWAYS: MAIN TO SECOND FLOOR STAIR 17 RISERS 7" 16 TREADS 12" WITH 2 INTERMEDIATE LANDINGS 10" NOM. STUD WALL 9¼" TH. STUD WALL FROM 2X STUDS @ 16" O.C. 6" CONCRETE RETAINING WALL W/2X WOOD WALL 6" CONCRETE RETAINING WALL W/½" GAP W/2X FLAT LAY STUDS @ 16" O.C. UNDER FLOOR ACCESS 18" X 24" OPENING IN FLOOR OR 16" X 24" IN PERIMETER WALL. R408.4 HYBRID ELECTRIC HEAT PUMP WATER HEATER INSTALL HYBRID ELECTRIC HEAT PUMP WATER HEATER W/ INLET & OUTLET DUCT KIT TO EXTERIOR OF ENCLOSURE PER MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS. INSTALL W/SEISMIC STRAPS AT TOP & BOTTOM & PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE W/ OUTLET TO EXTERIOR. SAFETY GLASS SHOWER DOORS PROVIDE FULLY TEMPERED, LAMINATED SAFETY GLASS SHOWER ENCLOSURE AND DOOR. SHOWER DOOR SHALL HAVE A MIN. CLEAR FINISHED OPENING OF 22" MIN. POLES & SHELVES, CONFIG. PER INT. DESIGNER CLOSETS ISLAND COUNTER SOLID CORE DOOR PROVIDE SOLID CORE 20 MIN. RATED DOOR WITH SELF CLOSER AND WEATHER STRIPPING, TIGHTLY SEAL TO CREATE AIR BARRIER BUILT-IN VANITY BUILT-IN ENCLOSED VANITY A2.0 FINISHES A3.0 FENESTRATION A4.0 CABINETRY BUILT-IN CABINETS UPPER & LOWER CABINETS AND COUNTERTOPS ⅝" GYPSUM BOARD ⅝" GYPSUM BOARD SHALL BE APPLY THROUGH OUT THE RESIDENCE. TYP. U.O.N. STONE VENEER ADHERED MASONRY VENEER SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS. R703.12 CLEARANCES ON EXTERIOR VENEER WALLS SHALL BE, 4" MIN. ABOVE EARTH, 2" ABOVE PAVED AREAS, ½" ABOVE EXTERIOR WALKING SURFACES WHICH ARE SUPPORTED BY THE FOUNDATION THAT SUPPORTS THE EXTERIOR WALLS. R703.12.1 EGRESS WINDOW EMERGENCY ESCAPE OPENINGS IN HABITABLE ROOMS SHALL BE 5 SF AT GRADE LEVEL & 5.7 SF AT ALL OTHER LEVELS, WITH MIN. DIMENSION OF 24" HIGH & 20" WIDE & SHALL NOT EXCEED 44" CLEAR OPENING ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR. THE EMERGENCY DOOR OR WINDOW SHALL BE OPENABLE FROM INSIDE TO PROVIDE A FULL, CLEAR OPENING WITHOUT THE USE OF SEPARATE TOOLS. ALL EGREE WINDOWS WITH TWO OR MORE LATCHES SHALL HAVE THE LATCHES INTERCONNECTED & OPERABLE FROM THE LOWEST LATCH. R310 8" NOM. STUD WALL 7¼" THICK STUD WALL FROM 2X STUDS @ 16" O.C. SMALL SINK W/DISPOSAL UTILITY SINK 30" WIDE UTILITY SINK PER OWNER PROVIDE AIR SWITCH FOR DISPOSAL COMPACT REFRIDGERATOR PROVIDE ENERGY STAR REFRIGERATOR W/WATER HOOKUP FOR ICE MAKER MED. SINGLE SINK W/DRAINBOARD EACH SIDE W/DISPOSAL PROVIDE AIR SWITCH FOR DISPOSAL ⅝" TYPE "X" GYPSUM BOARD ⅝" TYPE "X" GYPSUM BOARD AT GARAGE CEILING PANTRY SHELVES CONFIG. PER INT. DESIGNER LOWER CABINETS W/COUNTER & SEATING AREA 8" CONCRETE RETAINING WALL W/2X WOOD WALL 12" CONCRETE RETAINING WALL W/2X4 STUD WALL 8" CONCRETE RETAINING WALL W/½" GAP W/2X FLAT LAY STUDS @ 16" O.C. 12" CONCRETE RETAINING WALL W/½" GAP W/2X4 STUDS @ 16" O.C. LOWER TO MAIN FLOOR STAIR 19 RISERS 7" 18 TREADS 10¼" MEASURED 12" FROM INSIDE EDGE STACKED WASHER/DRYER PROVIDE 4"Ø MIN. VENT WITH BACKDRAFT DAMPER TO EXTERIOR AT CLOTHES DRYER. MAX. LENGTH 14' PER CMC 504.4.2. MAINTAIN 6" MIN. CLEARANCE TO COMBUSTIBLES UNLESS DRYER IS LISTED FOR REDUCED CLEARANCE. PROVIDE 24" ENERGY STAR UNDER COUNTER REFRIGERATOR/FREEZER UNDER COUNTER REFRIGERATOR/FREEZER WATER BOTTLE FILLER PROVIDE 120v OUTLET & WATER SUPPLY FOR WATER BOTTLE FILLER FRONT DOOR PRIMARY ENTRANCE SHALL BE A 36" WIDE DOOR MINIMUM INCLUDING A 5'X5' LEVEL LANDING, NO MORE THAN 1" OUT OF PLANE WITH THE IMMEDIATE INTERIOR FLOOR LEVEL WITH AN 18" CLEARANCE AT THE INTERIOR STRIKE EDGE. PATIO STAIR STAIR AT PATIO FROM MAIN FLOOR TO UPPER FLOOR SHALL HAVE A 6¾" RISE X 10" RUN W/ A HANDRAIL ON AT LEAST ONE SIDE LIGHT WELL STAIR STAIR AT SOUTH SIDE LIGHT WELL SHALL HAVE A 6 ½" RISE X 11" RUN W/HANDRAIL ON AT LEAST ONE SIDE. 78" ELECTRIC FIREPLACE 43" ELECTRIC FIREPLACE PROVIDE 120V, 15 AMP JUNCTION BOX, UL LISTING CSA 22.2 NO. 46-M1988. ELECTRIC FIREPLACES IN THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS SHALL HAVE NO WOOD BURNING COMPONENTS. PROVIDE 120V, 15 AMP JUNCTION BOX, UL LISTING CSA 22.2 NO. 46-M1988. ELECTRIC FIREPLACES IN THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS SHALL HAVE NO WOOD BURNING COMPONENTS. EXTERIOR VENTS ANY EXTERIOR WALL OR DOOR VENTS SHALL BE COVERED W/ CORROSION-RESISTANT WIRE MESH W/MESH OPENINGS OF 1/16TH" MIN. & ⅛TH" MAX. CRC § R337.6.2 GARAGE DOOR WHEN VISIBLE GAPS EXCEED ⅛" BETWEEN DOORS & DOOR OPENINGS AT THE BOTTOM, SIDES, & TOPS OF DOORS, SUCH GAPS SHALL BE CONTROLLED BY ONE OF THE FOLLOWING METHODS: A. WEATHER-STRIPPING LISTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TESTING CRITERIA OF CRC § R337.8.4. PROVIDE MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS SHOWING COMPLIANCE WITH CRITERIA & NOT THE MANUFACTURER'S NAME & WEATHER-STRIPPING TYPE ON THE PLANS. CRC § R337.8.4, OPTION #1. B. DOOR OVERLAPS ONTO JAMBS & HEADERS. CRC § R337.8.4, OPTION #2 C. GARAGE DOOR JAMBS & HEADERS COVERED WITH METAL FLASHING. CRC § R337.8.4, OPTION #3 OUTDOOR SHOWER OUTDOOR SHOWER WILL CONNECT TO THE SANITARY SEWER. OUTDOOR SHOWER HAS 2 FULL HEIGHT WALLS & 2 PONY WALLS W/24" OPENING W/4" CURB & A COVERED ROOF. WALLS OF ENCLOSURE SHALL BE SMOOTH, WATERPROOF, & WASHABLE. MUST BE HAVE A TRAP PRIMER. 1 A6.11 A6.12 ANNULAR SPACES AROUND PIPES, ELECTRICAL CABLES, CONDUITS OR OTHER OPENINGS IN PLATES OR FOUNDATIONS SHALL BE PROTECTED AGAINST RODENTS BY CLOSING THE OPENINGS WITH CEMENT MORTAR OR CONCRETE MASONRY. CGBSC 4.406.1 PROVIDE 120v OUTLET & WATER SUPPLY FOR WATER BOTTLE FILLER 78" ELECTRIC FIREPLACE 43" ELECTRIC FIREPLACE PROVIDE 120V, 15 AMP JUNCTION BOX, UL LISTING CSA 22.2 NO. 46-M1988. ELECTRIC FIREPLACES IN THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS SHALL HAVE NO WOOD BURNING COMPONENTS. PROVIDE 120V, 15 AMP JUNCTION BOX, UL LISTING CSA 22.2 NO. 46-M1988. ELECTRIC FIREPLACES IN THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS SHALL HAVE NO WOOD BURNING COMPONENTS. OUTDOOR SHOWER WILL CONNECT TO THE SANITARY SEWER. OUTDOOR SHOWER HAS 2 FULL HEIGHT WALLS & 2 PONY WALLS W/24" OPENING W/4" CURB & A COVERED ROOF. WALLS OF ENCLOSURE SHALL BE SMOOTH, WATERPROOF, & WASHABLE. MUST BE HAVE A TRAP PRIMER. 1 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" LOWER FLOOR PLAN OF REVISIONS DATE: SCALE:51 UNIVERSITY AVE. "L" • LOS GATOS, CA. • 95030 • (408) 395-2555NOTE:•The Contractor shall verify all dimensions,elevations and conditions, prior to startingany field work.•Any deviation called by field conditions,or any conditions different from thoseindicated on the plans shall be broughtto the Architect's attention prior toinstallation.S H E E TARCHITECTURAL AND SITE DEVELOPMENT FOR:THE BOUKNIGHT FAMILY144 WOOD ROAD • LOS GATOS, CA 95030AS SHOWN A-4 12/8/21 MAIN FLOOR PLAN 5814 1 PLAN CHECK COMMENTS 6/16/22 DOWN12345678910111213141516UPUPUPD78' 14'-6"C118' 3'-6"D99' 10'-6" W105'-6"6'W11 3'3'W8 5'3'W9 5'3'D33 8'2'-8"D32 8'4'D810'-6" 12'-8" W12 5'3'D348'2'-8"W166'6'D368' 2'-6"D358' 2'-8" W7 6'6'D31 8'2'-4"D288' 3' C15 3'-9"3'-4"C13 8'3'-6"C16 9'12'C173'-6" 1'-7 1/4" D10 8'5'C189' 13'-10" C10 8'-6"3'-6"W13 5'6'W14 4'2'-6"C6 3'-4"9'-2"D308' 2'-8"D298' 2'-8"D388' 3'D408' 2'-8"C148' 3' W15 6'-6"9'D11 8'12'D398'2'-8"D37 8'2'-4"C12 8'3'-6"DW RGDW R 13 A-15 3 A-15 5 A-15 #DrgID #LayID 6 A-15 8 A-15 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10'-9"7'-7"12'-83/4"8'-23/4"8'-91/2"3'-6"67'-31/2"20'-6"21'-9"1'-1/2"10'-31/2"3'-41/2"2'-10"8'-73/4"15'-31/4"8'-9"3'-8"4'-1"5'-0"4'-4"7'-71/2"8'-23/4"5'-11"8'-51/4"8'-113/4"1'-0" 1/2" 3'-1"3'-3"7'-9"10'-61/4"4'-91/2"4'-91/2"3'-3/4"6'-103/4"4'-41/2"3'-6"10'-3"3'-111/2"9'-6"8'-2"8'-2"16'-4"17'-5"15'-10"38'-101/2"2'-1"3'-41/2"6'-61/4"3'-41/2"3'-41/2"7'-0" 6'-4"15'-6"2'-91/4"9'-71/4"14'-4"17'-81/2"48'-1"17'-31/2"11'-21/4"10'-63/4"14'-8"3'-81/4" 3'-71/4" 8'-6"7'-81/2" 7'-9"8'-51/2" 6'-1"2'-51/2"3'-61/2"3'-101/4"5'-61/2"2'-0"2'-0"10'-33/4"6'-13/4" 7'-9" 6'-111/4"9'-0"6'-111/4"101/4"2'-0"2'-0"2'-8"2'-8"4'-9"4'-9"3'-71/4"4'-11/4"3'-2" EGRESS WELL/STAIR CONNECTS UPPER AND LOWER LEVELS. A1.1A1.1 A1.2A1.2A1.2A1.2 A1.2A1.2 A1.2A1.2 A1.3A1.3 A1.3A1.3 A1.3 A1.3 A1.3 A1.5 A1.8 A1.9 A1.9 A1.9 A1.10A1.10A1.10 A1.10 A1.9 A1.12 A1.14 A1.15 A1.16 A1.16 A2.1 A2.1 A2.1 A2.1 A1.7 A1.7 A2.2A2.2 A3.2 A3.2 A3.3 A4.1 A4.1 A4.1 A4.2 A4.3 A4.3 A4.2 A4.2 A4.5 A4.6 A4.2 A4.3 A5.3 A5.1 A5.1 A5.1 A5.2 A5.4 A5.6 A5.6 A5.7 A5.8 A5.8 A5.8 A5.9 A5.10 A6.1 A6.2 A6.3 A6.4 A6.5 A6.6 A1.15 A1.15 A1.15 A1.15 A1.18 A1.19 A1.19 A1.19 A3.4 AREAS TO THE LEFT OF LINE NOT INCLUDED IN FLOOR AREAS: 1) 4 FT BELOW GRADE LINE 2) WITHIN FOOTPRINT OF MAIN FLOOR ABOVE AREAS TO THE LEFT OF LINE NOT INCLUDED IN FLOOR AREAS: 1) 4 FT BELOW GRADE LINE 2) WITHIN FOOTPRINT OF MAIN FLOOR ABOVE FF 734.58 PANTRY KITCHEN DINING BATH #1 BDRM #1 BDRM #2 LIVING RM ELEV.4 FT BELOWGRADE L INE LAUNDRY WALK-IN PWD LOGGIA O/ DECK BA #2 CLST MECH/ STORE open to below/above CLST DECK FF 734.58 skylight pool equip on pad TECH CLST skylight 0" skylight FAU FAU W/H ERVSkylight CEILING 10'-1" VAULTED CEILING CEILING 10'-1" CEILING 8'-4" CEILING 8'-4" CEILING 8'-4" CEILING 8'-4" CEILING 8'-4" CEILING 10'-1" CEILING 10'-1"CEILING 9' CEILING 9' CEILING 8'-4" 8" CEILING 9'-1" CEILING 8'-4" CEILING 8'-4" A/C A/C A/C Skylight 8" BATTERY CEILING 8'-4" ¼" ¼" ¼"UPF A-13 F A-13 G A-13 G A-13 E A-13 E A-13 TO UPPER REAR YARD A6.11 OPEN DECK O/ GARAGE TRELLIS O/ DECK ELEC. FP B A-11 A A-11 C A-12 D A-12 B A-11 A A-11 C A-12 D A-12 WOOD STUD WALL CONCRETE REC. WALL PAVED OUTDOOR DECK / PATIOS PAVED YARD AREAS ROOF COVERING LEGEND N ARCHITECTURAL NOTES WINDOWS IN SHOWERS SHALL BE MADE FROM MATERIALS THAT ARE NOT ADVERSELY AFFECTED BY MOISTURE. GLAZING SHALL BE TEMPERED. CRC R307.2 R308.4 SHOWER WINDOWS OPENABLE WINDOW AREA IN HABITABLE ROOMS MUST BE 4% OF THE FLOOR AREA FOR VENTILATION. EMERGENCY ESCAPE OPENINGS IN HABITABLE ROOMS SHALL BE 5 SF AT GRADE LEVEL ROOMS & 5.7 SF AT ALL OTHER LEVELS, WITH MIN. DIMENSIONS OF 24" HIGH AND 20" WIDE & SHALL NOT EXCEED 44" ABOVE FLOOR. THE EMERGENCY DOOR OR WINDOW SHALL BE OPENABLE FROM INSIDE TO PROVIDE A FULL, CLEAR OPENING WITHOUT THE USE OF SEPARATE TOOLS. ALL EGRESS WINDOWS WITH TWO OR MORE LATCHES SHALL HAVE THE LATCHES INTERCONNECTED & OPERABLE FROM THE LOWEST LATCH. R303.1, R310, WOODEN BACKING MINIMUM 2"X8" WOODEN BACKING SHALL BE PROVIDED IN ALL BATHROOM WALLS AT WATER CLOSETS, SHOWERS, BATHTUBS & TOWEL BAR WALLS LOCATED 34" FROM THE FLOOR. FURTHER, PROVIDE BACKING FOR GRAB BARS FOR TOILETS ON FIRST FLOOR. OPENABLE WINDOW AREA GLAZING CERTIFICATION SAFETY GLAZING ALL NEW GLAZING (FENESTRATIONS) WILL BE INSTALLED WITH A CERTIFYING LABEL ATTACHED, SHOWING THE U-VALUE. GLAZING IN THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS SHALL BE OF SAFETY GLAZING MATERIAL IN ACCORDANCE WITH CRC SECTION R308.4: a) FIXED & SLIDING PANELS OF SLIDING DOOR ASSEMBLIES & PANELS IN SWINGING DOORS. b) ADJACENT TO A DOOR WHERE THE NEAREST EXPOSED EDGE IS WITHIN A 24" ARC OF EITHER VERTICAL EDGE OF THE DOOR WHEN CLOSED & THE BOTTOM EDGE IS WITHIN 60" ABOVE THE WALKING SURFACE c) DOORS, EXTERIOR WINDOWS & ENCLOSURES FOR BATHTUBS & SHOWERS & IN ANY PORTION OF A BUILDING WALL ENCLOSING THESE COMPARTMENTS WHERE THE BOTTOM EXPOSED EDGE OF THE GLAZING IS LESS THAN 60 INCHES ABOVE A STANDING SURFACE & DRAIN OUTLET. e) GLAZING WHERE THE AREA OF THE INDIVIDUAL PANE IS MORE THAN 9 SQUARE FEET, THE BOTTOM EDGE IS LESS THAN 18 INCHES FROM THE FLOOR, THE TOP EDGE IS GREATER THAN 36 INCHES ABOVE THE FLOOR & ONE OR MORE WALKING SURFACES IS WITHIN 36 INCHES HORIZONTALLY OF THE PLANE OF THE GLAZING. FINISHES PROVIDE 5/8" GYP. BOARD AT ALL INTERIOR WALL & CEIL'G LOCATIONS. INTERIOR WALL AND CEILING PAINTS SHALL BE LOW-VOC (<100 GPL VOCS (NON- FLAT) AND <150 VOCS (NON-FLAT GLOSS)) WOOD FINISHES SHALL BE LOW VOC, WATER BASED (<250 GPL VOCS) CAULK & CONSTRUCTION ADHESIVES SHALL BE LOW VOC (<70 GPL VOCS) TO REDUCE FORMALDEHYDE IN INTERIOR FINISHES A MINIMUM OF 50% OF INTERIOR TRIM SHALL BE POPLAR OR ALDER EXTERIOR DOORS ALL EXTERIOR DOORS SHALL BE SOLID CORE DOORS,W/ STILES & RAILS NOT LESS THAN 1⅜" THICK & FIELD PANELS NOT LESS THAN 1¼" THICK. ALL GLAZING SHALL BE DUAL GLAZED & TEMPERED. ACCESS UNDER FLOOR: ACCESS SHALL BE PROVIDED TO ALL UNDER-FLOOR SPACES. ACCESS OPENINGS THROUGH THE FLOOR SHALL BE A MINIMUM 18" X 24". OPENINGS THROUGH A PERIMETER WALL SHALL BE NOT LESS THAN 16" X 24". R408.4 ATTIC: BUILDINGS WITH COMBUSTIBLE CEILING OR ROOF CONSTRUCTION SHALL HAVE AN ATTIC ACCESS OPENING TO ATTIC AREAS THAT EXCEED 30 SQ. FEET & HAVE A VERTICAL HEIGHT OF 30" OR GREATER. THE VERTICAL HEIGHT SHALL BE MEASURED FROM THE TOP OF THE CEILING FRAMING MEMBERS TO THE UNDERSIDE OF THE ROOF FRAMING MEMBERS. THE ROUGH-FRAMED OPENING SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN 22" X 30" AND SHALL BE A LOCATED IN A HALLWAY OR OTHER READILY ACCESSIBLE LOCATION. WHEN THE ACCESS IS LOCATED IN A CEILING, MINIMUM UNOBSTRUCTED HEADROOM IN THE ATTIC SPACE SHALL BE 30" AT SOME POINT ABOVE THE ATTIC ACCESS MEASURED VERTICALLY FROM THE BOTTOM OF THE CEILING FRAMING MEMBERS. R807.1 LANDING FLOORS & LANDING AT EXTERIOR DOORS. THERE SHALL BE A LANDING OR FLOOR ON EACH SIDE OF EACH EXTERIOR DOOR. THE WIDTH OF EACH LANDING SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN THE DOOR SERVED. EVERY LANDING SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM DIMENSION OF 36" MEASURED IN THE DIRECTION OF TRAVEL. EXTERIOR LANDINGS SHALL BE PERMITTED TO HAVE A SLOPE NOT TO EXCEED ¼" UNIT VERTICAL IN 12 UNIT HORIZONTAL (2%) R311.3 THE RESIDENCE SHALL BE DESIGNED WITH ADAPTABILITY FEATURES FOR A SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE PER TOWN RESOLUTION 1994-61: A. WOODEN BACKING (2" X 8" MINIMUM) SHALL BE PROVIDED IN ALL BATHROOM WALLS, AT WATER CLOSETS, SHOWERS AND BATHTUBS AT 34" FROM THE FLOOR TO THE CENTER OF THE BACKING, SUITABLE FOR THE INSTALLATION OF GRAB BARS. B. ALL PASSAGE DOORS SHALL BE AT LEAST 32" WIDE ON THE ACCESSIBLE FLOOR. C. PRIMARY ENTRANCE SHALL BE A 36" WIDE DOOR MINIMUM INCLUDING A 5'X5' LEVEL LANDING, NO MORE THAN 1" OUT OF PLANE WITH THE IMMEDIATE INTERIOR FLOOR LEVEL WITH AN 18" CLEARANCE AT THE INTERIOR STRIKE EDGE. D. DOOR BUZZER, BELL OR CHIME SHALL BE HARD WIRED AT PRIMARY ENTRANCE. RESIDENTIAL TOWN ACCESSIBILITY STANDARDS WILDLAND-URBAN INTERFACE UNDERFLOOR AREAS SHALL MAINTAIN THE IGNITION-RESISTANT INTEGRITY OF EXTERIOR WALLS. PER SEC. R337.7.8 TYP. UNDERFLOOR PROTECTION: THE EXPOSED UNDERSIDE OF ENCLOSED EAVES HAVING EITHER A BOXED-IN EAVE SOFFIT WITH A HORIZONTAL UNDERSIDE, OR SLOPING RAFTER TAILS WITH AN EXTERIOR COVERING APPLIED TO THE UNDERSIDE OF THE RAFTER TAILS, SHALL BE PROTECTED BY ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: 1. NONCOMBUSTIBLE MATERIAL. 2. IGNITION RESISTANT MATERIAL. 3. ONE LAYER OF ⅝" TYPE "X" GYPSUM SHEATHING APPLIED BEHIND AN EXTERIOR COVERING ON THE UNDERSIDE OF THE RAFTER TAILS OR SOFFIT. 4. THE EXTERIOR PORTION OF A 1 HOUR FIRE RESISTIVE EXTERIOR WALL ASSEMBLY APPLIED TO THE UNDERSIDE OF THE RAFTER TAILS OR SOFFIT INCLUDING ASSEMBLIES USING THE GYPSUM PANEL & SHEATHING PRODUCTS LISTED IN THE GYPSUM ASSOCIATION FIRE RESISTANCE DESIGN MANUAL. 5. BOXED IN EAVE SOFFIT ASSEMBLIES WITH A HORIZONTAL UNDERSIDE THAT MEET THE PERFORMANCE CRITERIA IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TEST PROCEDURES SET FORTH IN EITHER OF THE FOLLOWING: 5.1 SFM STANDARD 12-7A-3 OR ASTME2957 EXCEPTIONS: THE FOLLOWING MATERIALS DO NOT REQUIRE PROTECTION: 1. GABLE END OVERHANGS & ROOF ASSEMBLY PROJECTIONS BEYOND AN EXTERIOR WALL OTHER THAN AT THE LOWER END OF THE RAFTER TAILS. 2. FASCIA & OTHER ARCHITECTURAL TRIM BOARDS. CBC R337.7.5 EXTERIOR GLAZING SHALL BE INSULATING GLASS UNITS WITH A MINIMUM OF ONE TEMPERED PANE. PER R337.8.2 VALLEYS & GUTTERS SHALL BE 26 GAUGE GALV. SHEET CORROSION- RESISTANT METAL INSTALLED OVER NOT LESS THAN ONE LAYER OF 72LB MINERAL-SURFACED NONPERFORATED CAP SHEET COMPLYING WITH ASTM D 3909, AT LEAST 36" WIDE THE FULL LENGTH OF THE VALLEY. GUTTERS WILL HAVE THE MEANS TO PREVENT THE ACCUMULATION OF LEAVES & DEBRIS IN THE GUTTER. AS REQ'D PER SEC. R337.5.3 & R337.5.4 TYP. EXTERIOR WALL COVERINGS SHALL BE APPROVED NONCOMBUSTIBLE OR IGNITION-RESISTANT MATERIAL & EXTEND FROM THE TOP OF THE FOUNDATION TO THE ROOF & TERMINATE AT 2" NOMINAL SOLID WOOD BLOCKING BETWEEN RAFTERS AT ALL ROOF OVERHANGS OR IN THE CASE OF ENCLOSED EAVES, TERMINATE AT THE ENCLOSURE. R337.7.3 EXTERIOR DOOR ASSEMBLIES SHALL CONFORM TO THE PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS OF STANDARD SFM 12-7A-1 OR SHALL BE OF APPROVED NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONSTRUCTION, OR SOLID CORE WOOD HAVING STILES & RAILS NOT LESS THAN 1⅜" THICK WITH INTERIOR FIELD PANEL THICKNESS NO LESS THAN 1¼" THICK, OR SHALL HAVE A FIRE- RESISTANT RATING OF NOT LESS THAN 20 MIN. PER R337.8.3 ENCLOSED EAVES & EAVE SOFFITS: WHERE PROVIDED, VENTILATION OPENINGS FOR ENCLOSED ATTICS, ENCLOSED EAVE SOFFIT SPACES, ENCLOSED RAFTER SPACES FORMED WHERE CEILINGS ARE APPLIED DIRECTLY TO THE UNDERSIDE OF ROOF RAFTERS, & UNDERFLOOR VENTILATION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 1203 OF THE CBC & SECTIONS R337.6.1 THROUGH R337.6.3 OF THIS SECTION TO RESIST BUILDING IGNITION FROM THE INTRUSION OF BURNING EMBERS & FLAME THROUGH THE VENTILATION OPENING. R337.6.1 EXTERIOR WALLS: EXTERIOR DOORS: VENTS: ROOF VALLEYS: EXTERIOR GLAZING: GUTTERS GUTTER SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH THE MEANS TO PREVENT THE ACCUMULATION OF LEAVES AND DEBRIS IN THE GUTTER. CBC R337.5.4 OPEN ROOF EAVES THE EXPOSED ROOF DECK ON THE UNDERSIDE OF UNENCLOSED ROOF EAVES SHALL CONSIST OF ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: 1. NONCOMBUSTIBLE MATERIAL. 2. IGNITION RESISTANT MATERIAL. 3. ONE LAYER OF ⅝" TYPE "X" GYPSUM SHEATHING APPLIED BEHIND AN EXTERIOR COVERING ON THE UNDERSIDE EXTERIOR OF THE ROOF DECK. 4. THE EXTERIOR PORTION OF A 1 HOUR FIRE RESISTIVE EXTERIOR WAL ASSEMBLY APPLIED TO THE UNDERSIDE OF THE ROOF DECK DESIGNED FOR EXTERIOR FIRE EXPOSURE INCLUDING ASSEMBLIES USING THE GYPSUM PANEL & SHEATHING PRODUCTS LISTED IN THE GYPSUM ASSOCIATION FIRE RESISTANCE DESIGN MANUAL. EXCEPTIONS: 1. SOLID WOOD RAFTER TAILS ON THE EXPOSED UNDERSIDE OF OPEN ROOF EAVES HAVING A MIN. NOMINAL DIMENSION OF 2". 2. SOLID WOOD BLOCKING INSTALLED BETWEEN RAFTER TAILS ON THE EXPOSED UNDERSIDE OF OPEN ROOF EAVES HAVING A MIN. NOMINAL DIMENSION OF 2". 3. GABLE END OVERHANGS & ROOF ASSEMBLY PROJECTIONS BEYOND AN EXTERIOR WALL OTHER THAN AT THE LOWER END OF THE RAFTER TAILS. 4. FASCIA & OTHER ARCHITECTURAL TRIM BOARDS. CBC R337.7.4 . A1.1 A1.2 A1.3 A1.4 A1.5 A1.6 A1.7 A1.8 A1.9 A1.10 A1.11 A1.0 STRUCTURE 6" NOM. STUD WALL 5½" TH. STUD WALL FROM 2X STUDS @ 16" O.C. EXTERIOR LANDINGS FLOORS & LANDINGS AT EXTERIOR DOORS. THERE SHALL BE A LANDING OR FLOOR ON EACH SIDE OF EACH EXTERIOR DOOR. THE WIDTH OF EACH LANDING SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN THE DOOR SERVED. EVERY LANDING SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM DIMENSION OF 36 INCHES MEASURED IN THE DIRECTION OF TRAVEL. EXTERIOR LANDINGS SHALL BE PERMITTED TO HAVE A SLOPE NOT TO EXCEED 1/4 UNIT VERTICAL IN 12 UNITS HORIZONTAL (2%). CRC R311.3 FLOOR ELEVATIONS AT THE REQUIRED EGRESS DOORS. LANDINGS OR FLOORS AT THE REQUIRED EGRESS DOOR SHALL NOT BE MORE THAN 1" LOWER THAN THE TOP OF THE THRESHOLD. EXCEPTION: THE EXTERIOR LANDING OR FLOOR SHALL NOT BE MORE THAN 7 3/4" BELOW THE TOP OF THE THRESHOLD PROVIDED THE DOOR DOES NOT SWING OVER THE LANDING OR FLOOR CRC R311.3.1 PROTECTION OF WOOD & WOOD BASED PRODUCTS AGAINST DECAY PROTECTION OF WOOD & WOOD BASED PRODUCTS FROM DECAY SHALL BE PROVIDED IN THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS BY THE USE OF NATURALLY DURABLE WOOD OR WOOD THAT IS PRESERVATIVE TREATED IN ACCORDANCE WITH AWPA U1 FOR THE SPECIES, PRODUCT, PRESERVATIVE & END USE. PRESERVATIVE SHALL BE LISTED IN SECTION 4 OF AWPA U1. WOOD SIDING, SHEATHING & WALL FRAMING ON THE EXTERIOR OF A BUILDING HAVING A CLEARANCE OF LESS THAN 6 INCHES FROM THE GROUND OR LESS THAN 2 INCHES MEASURED VERTICALLY FROM CONCRETE STEPS, PORCH SLABS, PATIO SLABS, & SIMILAR HORIZONTAL SURFACES EXPOSED TO THE WEATHER. R317.1 LOCATION REQUIRED: TEMPERED GLASS SEE ARCHITECTURAL NOTE FOR SAFETY GLAZING 4" NOM. STUD WALL 3½" TH. STUD WALL FROM 2X STUDS @ 16" O.C. 10" NOM. STUD WALL 9¼" TH. STUD WALL FROM 2X STUDS @ 16" O.C. 6" CONCRETE RETAINING WALL W/2X WOOD WALL 6" CONCRETE RETAINING WALL W/½" GAP W/2X FLAT LAY STUDS @ 16" O.C. UNDER FLOOR ACCESS 18" X 24" OPENING IN FLOOR OR 16" X 24" IN PERIMETER WALL. R408.4 8" NOM. STUD WALL 7¼" THICK STUD WALL FROM 2X STUDS @ 16" O.C. 8" CONCRETE RETAINING WALL W/2X WOOD WALL 12" CONCRETE RETAINING WALL W/2X4 STUD WALL 8" CONCRETE RETAINING WALL W/½" GAP W/2X FLAT LAY STUDS @ 16" O.C. 12" CONCRETE RETAINING WALL W/½" GAP W/2X4 STUDS @ 16" O.C. A1.12 A1.13 A1.14 A1.15 A1.16 A1.17 WOOD SIDING, SHEATHING & WALL FRAMING ON THE EXTERIOR OF A BUILDING HAVING A CLEARANCE OF LESS THAN 6 INCHES FROM THE GROUND OR LESS THAN 2 INCHES MEASURED VERTICALLY FROM CONCRETE STEPS, PORCH SLABS, PATIO SLABS, & SIMILAR HORIZONTAL SURFACES EXPOSED TO THE WEATHER. R317.1 HANDRAIL @ STAIR AT STAIRS WITH MORE THAN THREE RISERS, PROVIDE MIN. ONE 1¼"Ø TO 2"Ø STAIR HANDRAIL 34" TO 38" ABOVE STAIR NOSING WITH NO SHARP EDGES. HANDRAILS MAY PROJECT A MAX. OF 4½" INTO REQUIRED WIDTH OF STAIRWAY & SHALL PROVIDE 1½" SPACE BETWEEN WALL & HANDRAIL. HANDRAILS SHALL BE CONTINUOUS FROM TOP TO BOTTOM & TERMINATE AT NEWEL POSTS OR RETURN TO WALL. PROVIDE BALUSTERS, WHERE REQUIRED SUCH THAT A 4⅜" DIA. SPHERE CANNOT PASS THROUGH. RAIL FABRICATOR SHALL PROVIDE SHOP DRWGS, SPECS, & CALCS FOR APPROVAL BY ARCHITECT. CRC R312 GUARDS @ BALCONY PROVIDE 42" H. GUARDRAIL AT LANDINGS, WALKWAYS, BALCONIES & SIMILAR WALKING SURFACES WITH ADJACENT OPENINGS MORE THAN 30" ABOVE FLOOR OR GRADE BELOW. PROVIDE BALUSTERS SPACED SUCH THAT A 4" DIA. SPHERE CANNOT PASS THROUGH. RAIL FABRICATOR SHALL PROVIDE SHOP DRWGS, SPECS, & CALCS FOR APPROVAL BY ARCHITECT. CRC R312 STAIRWAYS: WIDTH. STAIRWAYS SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN 36" IN CLEAR WIDTH AT ALL POINTS ABOVE THE PERMITTED HANDRAIL HEIGHT & BELOW THE REQUIRED HEADROOM HEIGHT. HANDRAILS SHALL NOT PROJECT MORE THAN 4½" ON EITHER SIDE OF THE STAIRWAY & THE MINIMUM CLEAR WIDTH OF THE STAIRWAY AT & BELOW THE HANDRAIL HEIGHT, INCLUDING TREADS & LANDINGS, SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN 31½" WHERE A HANDRAIL IS INSTALLED ON ONE SIDE & 27" WHERE HANDRAILS ARE PROVIDED ON BOTH SIDES. THE MAXIMUM RISER HEIGHT SHALL BE 7¾". THE MINIMUM TREAD DEPTH SHALL BE 10". AT STAIRS WITH MORE THAN THREE RISERS, PROVIDE MIN. ONE 1¼"Ø TO 2"Ø STAIR HANDRAIL 34" TO 38" ABOVE STAIR NOSING WITH NO SHARP EDGES. HANDRAILS MAY PROJECT A MAX. OF 4½" INTO REQUIRED WIDTH OF STAIRWAY & SHALL PROVIDE 1½" SPACE BETWEEN WALL & HANDRAIL. HANDRAILS SHALL BE CONTINUOUS FROM TOP TO BOTTOM & TERMINATE AT NEWEL POSTS OR RETURN TO WALL. PROVIDE BALUSTERS, WHERE REQUIRED SUCH THAT A 4⅜" DIA. SPHERE CANNOT PASS THROUGH. HANDRAILS WITH A CIRCULAR CROSS SECTION SHALL HAVE AN OUTSIDE DIAMETER OF AT LEAST 1¼" & NOT GREATER THAN 2". IF THE HANDRAIL IS NOT CIRCULAR, IT SHALL HAVE A PERIMETER DIMENSION OF AT LEAST 4" & NOT GREATER THAN 6½" WITH A MAXIMUM CROSS SECTION OF 2¼". EDGES SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM RADIUS OF .01".CRC R311.7 STAIRWAYS: MAIN TO SECOND FLOOR STAIR 17 RISERS 7" 16 TREADS 12" WITH 2 INTERMEDIATE LANDINGS LOWER TO MAIN FLOOR STAIR 19 RISERS 7" 18 TREADS 10¼" MEASURED 12" FROM INSIDE EDGE FRONT DOOR PRIMARY ENTRANCE SHALL BE A 36" WIDE DOOR MINIMUM INCLUDING A 5'X5' LEVEL LANDING, NO MORE THAN 1" OUT OF PLANE WITH THE IMMEDIATE INTERIOR FLOOR LEVEL WITH AN 18" CLEARANCE AT THE INTERIOR STRIKE EDGE. A2.1 A3.1 A3.2 A3.3 A2.2 A2.2 A1.18 A1.19 SAFETY GLASS SHOWER DOORS PROVIDE FULLY TEMPERED, LAMINATED SAFETY GLASS SHOWER ENCLOSURE AND DOOR. SHOWER DOOR SHALL HAVE A MIN. CLEAR FINISHED OPENING OF 22" MIN. SOLID CORE DOOR PROVIDE SOLID CORE 20 MIN. RATED DOOR WITH SELF CLOSER AND WEATHER STRIPPING, TIGHTLY SEAL TO CREATE AIR BARRIER A2.0 FINISHES A3.0 FENESTRATION ⅝" GYPSUM BOARD ⅝" GYPSUM BOARD SHALL BE APPLY THROUGH OUT THE RESIDENCE. TYP. U.O.N. STONE VENEER ADHERED MASONRY VENEER SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS. R703.12 CLEARANCES ON EXTERIOR VENEER WALLS SHALL BE, 4" MIN. ABOVE EARTH, 2" ABOVE PAVED AREAS, ½" ABOVE EXTERIOR WALKING SURFACES WHICH ARE SUPPORTED BY THE FOUNDATION THAT SUPPORTS THE EXTERIOR WALLS. R703.12.1 EGRESS WINDOW EMERGENCY ESCAPE OPENINGS IN HABITABLE ROOMS SHALL BE 5 SF AT GRADE LEVEL & 5.7 SF AT ALL OTHER LEVELS, WITH MIN. DIMENSION OF 24" HIGH & 20" WIDE & SHALL NOT EXCEED 44" CLEAR OPENING ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR. THE EMERGENCY DOOR OR WINDOW SHALL BE OPENABLE FROM INSIDE TO PROVIDE A FULL, CLEAR OPENING WITHOUT THE USE OF SEPARATE TOOLS. ALL EGREE WINDOWS WITH TWO OR MORE LATCHES SHALL HAVE THE LATCHES INTERCONNECTED & OPERABLE FROM THE LOWEST LATCH. R310 ⅝" TYPE "X" GYPSUM BOARD ⅝" TYPE "X" GYPSUM BOARD AT GARAGE CEILING PATIO STAIR STAIR AT PATIO FROM MAIN FLOOR TO UPPER FLOOR SHALL HAVE A 6¾" RISE X 10" RUN W/ A HANDRAIL ON AT LEAST ONE SIDE LIGHT WELL STAIR STAIR AT SOUTH SIDE LIGHT WELL SHALL HAVE A 6 ½" RISE X 11" RUN W/HANDRAIL ON AT LEAST ONE SIDE. 1 A5.1 A5.2 A5.3 A5.4 A5.5 A5.6 A5.7 A6.10 A5.8 A5.9 A5.10 A5.11 RECT. SINK(S) IN VANITY CABINET HIGH-EFFICIENCY WALL MOUNTED TOILET TILED SHOWER PROVIDE ONLY HIGH-EFFICIENCY DUAL-FLUSH OR ≤1.28 GPF TOILETS. NO FIXTURE SHALL BE SET CLOSER THAN 15" FROM ITS CENTER TO A SIDE WALL. THE CLEAR SPACE IN FRONT OF A WATER CLOSET, LAVATORY, OR BIDET SHALL BE NOT LESS THAN 24". CPC 402.5 A5.0 PLUMBING LARGE DOUBLE SINK W/DISPOSAL PROVIDE AIR SWITCH FOR DISPOSAL ANNULAR SPACES ANNULAR SPACES AROUND PIPES, ELECTRICAL CABLES, CONDUITS OR OTHER OPENINGS IN PLATES OR FOUNDATIONS SHALL BE PROTECTED AGAINST RODENTS BY CLOSING THE OPENINGS WITH CEMENT MORTAR OR CONCRETE MASONRY. CGBSC 4.406.1 SHOWER STALL WITH WATER PROOF PAN & WETSET TILE FULL HEIGHT ABOVE FLOOR LINE OVER FIBER- CEMENT, FIBER-MAT REINFORCED CEMENT, GLASS MAT GYPSUM BACKERS & FIBER-REINFORCED GYPSUM BACKERS. WATER-RESISTANT GYPSUM BACKING BOARD SHALL NOT BE USED OVER A VAPOR RETARDER IN SHOWER OR BATHTUB COMPARTMENTS. R307.2 & R702.4.2 R702.3.8 SHOWER & TUB/SHOWER COMBINATIONS SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH INDIVIDUAL CONTROL VALVES OF THE PRESSURE BALANCE OR THE THERMOSTATIC MIXING VALVE TYPE. CPC 408.3 SPA BATH TUB THE MAXIMUM HOT WATER TEMPERATURE DISCHARGING FROM THE BATHTUB & WHIRLPOOL BATHTUB FILLER SHALL BE LIMITED TO 120ºF BY A DEVICE THAT CONFORMS TO ASSE 1070 OR CSA B125.3. CPC 409.4 SPA TUB ON SEPARATE GFCI PROTECTED CIRCUIT. FOR WHIRLPOOL TUB: CIRCULATION PUMP SHALL BE LOCATED ABOVE THE CROWN WEIR OF THE TRAP. PROVIDE REMOVABLE PANEL TO ACCESS & REMOVE THE PUMP. THE PUMP & CIRCULATION PIPING SHALL BE SELF- DRAINING TO MINIMIZE WATER RETENTION. CPC TBLE 1401.1. SUCTION FITTINGS ON WHIRLPOOL BATHTUBS SHALL COMPLY WITH THE LISTED STANDARDS. CPC 409.6 BATH TUB TO BE SELECTED BY OWNER HYBRID ELECTRIC HEAT PUMP WATER HEATER INSTALL HYBRID ELECTRIC HEAT PUMP WATER HEATER W/ INLET & OUTLET DUCT KIT TO EXTERIOR OF ENCLOSURE PER MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS. INSTALL W/SEISMIC STRAPS AT TOP & BOTTOM & PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE W/ OUTLET TO EXTERIOR. SMALL SINK W/DISPOSAL UTILITY SINK 30" WIDE UTILITY SINK PER OWNER PROVIDE AIR SWITCH FOR DISPOSAL MED. SINGLE SINK W/DRAINBOARD EACH SIDE W/DISPOSAL PROVIDE AIR SWITCH FOR DISPOSAL OUTDOOR SHOWER OUTDOOR SHOWER WILL CONNECT TO THE SANITARY SEWER. OUTDOOR SHOWER HAS 2 FULL HEIGHT WALLS & 2 PONY WALLS W/24" OPENING W/4" CURB & A COVERED ROOF. WALLS OF ENCLOSURE SHALL BE SMOOTH, WATERPROOF, & WASHABLE. MUST BE HAVE A TRAP PRIMER. 1 A4.1 A4.2 A4.3 A4.5 A4.6 A3.4 A3.5 POLES & SHELVES, CONFIG. PER INT. DESIGNER CLOSETS ISLAND COUNTER BUILT-IN VANITY BUILT-IN ENCLOSED VANITY A4.0 CABINETRY BUILT-IN CABINETS UPPER & LOWER CABINETS AND COUNTERTOPS EMERGENCY ESCAPE OPENINGS IN HABITABLE ROOMS SHALL BE 5SF AT GRADE LEVEL & 5.7 SF AT ALL OTHER LEVELS, WITH MIN.DIMENSION OF 24" HIGH & 20" WIDE & SHALL NOT EXCEED 44" CLEAR OPENING ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR. THE EMERGENCY DOOR OR WINDOW SHALL BE OPENABLE FROM INSIDE TO PROVIDE A FULL, CLEAR OPENING WITHOUT THE USE OF SEPARATE TOOLS. ALL EGREE WINDOWS WITH TWO OR MORE LATCHES SHALL HAVE THE LATCHES INTERCONNECTED & OPERABLE FROM THE LOWEST LATCH. R310 PANTRY SHELVES CONFIG. PER INT. DESIGNER LOWER CABINETS W/COUNTER & SEATING AREA EXTERIOR VENTS ANY EXTERIOR WALL OR DOOR VENTS SHALL BE COVERED W/ CORROSION-RESISTANT WIRE MESH W/MESH OPENINGS OF 1/16TH" MIN. & ⅛TH" MAX. CRC § R337.6.2 GARAGE DOOR WHEN VISIBLE GAPS EXCEED ⅛" BETWEEN DOORS & DOOR OPENINGS AT THE BOTTOM, SIDES, & TOPS OF DOORS, SUCH GAPS SHALL BE CONTROLLED BY ONE OF THE FOLLOWING METHODS: A. WEATHER-STRIPPING LISTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TESTING CRITERIA OF CRC § R337.8.4. PROVIDE MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS SHOWING COMPLIANCE WITH CRITERIA & NOT THE MANUFACTURER'S NAME & WEATHER-STRIPPING TYPE ON THE PLANS. CRC § R337.8.4, OPTION #1. B. DOOR OVERLAPS ONTO JAMBS & HEADERS. CRC § R337.8.4, OPTION #2 C. GARAGE DOOR JAMBS & HEADERS COVERED WITH METAL FLASHING. CRC § R337.8.4, OPTION #3 1 A6.1 A6.2 A6.3 A6.4 A6.5 A6.6 A6.7 A6.8 A6.9 A6.10 A6.11 A6.12 PROVIDE ONLY HIGH-EFFICIENCY DUAL-FLUSH OR ≤1.28 GPF TOILETS. NO FIXTURE SHALL BE SET CLOSER THAN 15" FROM ITS CENTER TO A SIDE WALL. THE CLEAR SPACE IN FRONT OF A WATER CLOSET, LAVATORY, OR BIDET SHALL BE NOT LESS THAN 24". CPC 402.5 SHOWER STALL WITH WATER PROOF PAN & WETSET TILE FULL HEIGHT ABOVE FLOOR LINE OVER FIBER- CEMENT, FIBER-MAT REINFORCED CEMENT, GLASS MAT GYPSUM BACKERS & FIBER-REINFORCED GYPSUM BACKERS. WATER-RESISTANT GYPSUM BACKING BOARD SHALL NOT BE USED OVER A VAPOR RETARDER IN SHOWER OR BATHTUB COMPARTMENTS. R307.2 & R702.4.2 R702.3.8 SHOWER & TUB/SHOWER COMBINATIONS SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH INDIVIDUAL CONTROL VALVES OF THE PRESSURE BALANCE OR THE THERMOSTATIC MIXING VALVE TYPE. CPC 408.3 WASHER A6.0 APPLIANCES, FIREPLACES, ETC. PROVIDE 36" ENERGY STAR REFRIGERATOR/FREEZER W/ WATER FOR AUTOMATIC ICE MAKER 48" INDUCTION RANGE DISHWASHER PROVIDE VENT HOOD W/ LIGHT AND VENTED TO EXTERIOR. PROVIDE NECESSARY POWER SOURCE. MIN. 100CFM RANGE VENT HOOD PROVIDE 240v POWER SOURCE ON SEPARATE CIRCUIT. DRYER PROVIDE 4"Ø MIN. VENT WITH BACKDRAFT DAMPER TO EXTERIOR AT CLOTHES DRYER. MAX. LENGTH 14' PER CMC 504.4.2. MAINTAIN 6" MIN. CLEARANCE TO COMBUSTIBLES UNLESS DRYER IS LISTED FOR REDUCED CLEARANCE. COUNTER DEPTH REFRIGERATOR/FREEZER FRONT LOADING WASHING MACHINE TO MEET ENERGY STAR AND CEE TIER 2 REQUIREMENTS (MODIFIED ENERGY FACTOR 2.0, WATER FACTOR 6.0) PROVIDE ENERGY STAR DISHWASHER USING ≤ 3.5 GA/ CYCLE & ≤ 270 kWh/YEAR. NO DOMESTIC DISHWASHING MACHINE SHALL BE DIRECTLY CONNECTED TO A DRAINAGE SYSTEM OF FOOR WASTE DISPOSER WITHOUT THE USE OF AN APPROVED DISHWASHER AIR GAP FITTING ON THE DISCHARGE SIDE OF THE DISHWASHING MACHINE. LISTED AIRGAPS SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH THE FLOOD-LEVEL (FL) MARKING AT OR ABOVE THE FLOOD LEVEL OF THE SINK OF DRAINBOARD, WHICHEVER IS HIGHER. CPC § 807.3 WHERE COMBUSTION APPLIANCES OR SOLID-FUEL BURNING APPLIANCES ARE LOCATED INSIDE THE PRESSURE BOUNDARY, THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE NET EXHAUST FLOW OF THE TWO LARGEST EXHAUST FANS SHALL NOT EXCEED 15 CFM PER 100 SQ FT. OF OCCUPIABLE SPACE, WHEN OPERATING AT FULL CAPACITY. IF THE DESIGNED TOTAL NET FLOW EXCEEDS THIS LIMIT, THE NET EXHAUST FLOW MUST BE REDUCED BY REDUCING THE EXHAUST FLOW OR PROVIDING COMPENSATING OUT-DOOR AIRFLOW (NOTE: IF MAKE-UP AIR FAN IS INSTALLED IT MUST BE ELECTRICALLY INTERLOCKED WITH THE LARGEST EXHAUST FAN). ASHRAE 62.2 § 6.4 COMPACT REFRIDGERATOR PROVIDE ENERGY STAR REFRIGERATOR W/WATER HOOKUP FOR ICE MAKER MED. SINGLE SINK W/DRAINBOARD EACH SIDE W/DISPOSAL STACKED WASHER/DRYER PROVIDE 4"Ø MIN. VENT WITH BACKDRAFT DAMPER TO EXTERIOR AT CLOTHES DRYER. MAX. LENGTH 14' PER CMC 504.4.2. MAINTAIN 6" MIN. CLEARANCE TO COMBUSTIBLES UNLESS DRYER IS LISTED FOR REDUCED CLEARANCE. PROVIDE 24" ENERGY STAR UNDER COUNTER REFRIGERATOR/FREEZER UNDER COUNTER REFRIGERATOR/FREEZER WATER BOTTLE FILLER PROVIDE 120v OUTLET & WATER SUPPLY FOR WATER BOTTLE FILLER 78" ELECTRIC FIREPLACE 43" ELECTRIC FIREPLACE PROVIDE 120V, 15 AMP JUNCTION BOX, UL LISTING CSA 22.2 NO. 46-M1988. ELECTRIC FIREPLACES IN THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS SHALL HAVE NO WOOD BURNING COMPONENTS. PROVIDE 120V, 15 AMP JUNCTION BOX, UL LISTING CSA 22.2 NO. 46-M1988. ELECTRIC FIREPLACES IN THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS SHALL HAVE NO WOOD BURNING COMPONENTS. 1 1 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" MAIN FLOOR PLAN OF REVISIONS DATE: SCALE:51 UNIVERSITY AVE. "L" • LOS GATOS, CA. • 95030 • (408) 395-2555NOTE:•The Contractor shall verify all dimensions,elevations and conditions, prior to startingany field work.•Any deviation called by field conditions,or any conditions different from thoseindicated on the plans shall be broughtto the Architect's attention prior toinstallation.S H E E TARCHITECTURAL AND SITE DEVELOPMENT FOR:THE BOUKNIGHT FAMILY144 WOOD ROAD • LOS GATOS, CA 95030AS SHOWN A-5 12/8/21 UPPER FLOOR PLAN 5815 1 PLAN CHECK COMMENTS 6/16/22 UPDOWN DOWN6' 6' W265'-6"6'W245'-6"6'W254'3'D12 8'2'-8"D428'3'D138' 15' D47 8'2'-6"D458'2'-6"W29 5'10'W282'-6" 3' D41 8'2'-8"D468' 2'-8" D44 8'2'-6"W274' 9'D438' 2'-8"W/DUC REF W31 5'5'W17 3'-6"3'W183'-6" 3'W193'-6" 3'W203'-6" 3'W213'-6" 3' 4 A-15 11 A-15 12 A-15 1 1 1 1 2 6'-43/4"6'-43/4"2'-61/2"3'-0"12'-11/2"5'-10"17'-81/2"11'-33/4"10'-1"6'-7"6'-2"5'-31/2"10'-51/2"6'-71/2"3'-33/4"4'-31/4"2'-53/4"6'-43/4"5'-111/4"5'-61/2"2'-4"3'-8"3'-8"3'-8"2'-4"15'-8"2'-71/4"12'-71/2"2'-53/4"2'-101/2"3'-4"17'-111/2"21'-5"12'-9"9'-11/2"16'-61/2"6'-9" 35'-8"12'-91/2"5'-61/2"45'-2"8'-91/2"6'-10"16'-51/2"5'-71/2"6'-9"6'-21/2"101/4"A1.2A1.2 A1.2 A1.2 A1.2A1.2A1.2A1.2 A1.2 A1.2A1.2 A1.3 A1.8 A1.9 A1.9 A1.10 A1.10 A1.11 A1.12 A1.15 A1.16 A1.16 A2.1 A2.1 A2.1A2.1 A2.1A2.1 A2.2 A2.2 A2.2 A3.2 A1.1 A3.3A3.3 A4.1 A4.1 A4.2 A4.3A4.3A5.1 A5.1 A5.5 A5.6 A5.6 A5.8 A5.8 A6.7 A6.9 A1.15 A1.19 A1.15 A6.12 A5.11 BDRM #5 BDRM #4 PLAYROOM BA #4 FF 744.66 BACK YARD PATIO ELEV. open to below BA #5 linenBAR CLST pool rinse area CLST DECK BELOW DECK BELOW FF 744.66 STAIRWELL 0" 12" LAUNDRY CEILING 9'-1" CEILING 9'-1" CEILING 9'-1" CEILING 9'-1" CEILING 9'-1" CEILING 8'-1" CEILING 10'-1" ¼"DOWN2'8'W223'-6"3'F A-13 F A-13 G A-13 G A-13 2'2'E A-13 E A-13 W234' 9'W305' 5' 1 1 12'-4"A1.2 A1.15 A1.18 ELEC. F P B A-11 A A-11 C A-12 D A-12 B A-11 A A-11 C A-12 D A-12 WOOD STUD WALL CONCRETE REC. WALL PAVED OUTDOOR DECK / PATIOS PAVED YARD AREAS ROOF COVERING LEGEND N ARCHITECTURAL NOTES WINDOWS IN SHOWERS SHALL BE MADE FROM MATERIALS THAT ARE NOT ADVERSELY AFFECTED BY MOISTURE. GLAZING SHALL BE TEMPERED. CRC R307.2 R308.4 SHOWER WINDOWS OPENABLE WINDOW AREA IN HABITABLE ROOMS MUST BE 4% OF THE FLOOR AREA FOR VENTILATION. EMERGENCY ESCAPE OPENINGS IN HABITABLE ROOMS SHALL BE 5 SF AT GRADE LEVEL ROOMS & 5.7 SF AT ALL OTHER LEVELS, WITH MIN. DIMENSIONS OF 24" HIGH AND 20" WIDE & SHALL NOT EXCEED 44" ABOVE FLOOR. THE EMERGENCY DOOR OR WINDOW SHALL BE OPENABLE FROM INSIDE TO PROVIDE A FULL, CLEAR OPENING WITHOUT THE USE OF SEPARATE TOOLS. ALL EGRESS WINDOWS WITH TWO OR MORE LATCHES SHALL HAVE THE LATCHES INTERCONNECTED & OPERABLE FROM THE LOWEST LATCH. R303.1, R310, WOODEN BACKING MINIMUM 2"X8" WOODEN BACKING SHALL BE PROVIDED IN ALL BATHROOM WALLS AT WATER CLOSETS, SHOWERS, BATHTUBS & TOWEL BAR WALLS LOCATED 34" FROM THE FLOOR. FURTHER, PROVIDE BACKING FOR GRAB BARS FOR TOILETS ON FIRST FLOOR. OPENABLE WINDOW AREA GLAZING CERTIFICATION SAFETY GLAZING ALL NEW GLAZING (FENESTRATIONS) WILL BE INSTALLED WITH A CERTIFYING LABEL ATTACHED, SHOWING THE U-VALUE. GLAZING IN THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS SHALL BE OF SAFETY GLAZING MATERIAL IN ACCORDANCE WITH CRC SECTION R308.4: a) FIXED & SLIDING PANELS OF SLIDING DOOR ASSEMBLIES & PANELS IN SWINGING DOORS. b) ADJACENT TO A DOOR WHERE THE NEAREST EXPOSED EDGE IS WITHIN A 24" ARC OF EITHER VERTICAL EDGE OF THE DOOR WHEN CLOSED & THE BOTTOM EDGE IS WITHIN 60" ABOVE THE WALKING SURFACE c) DOORS, EXTERIOR WINDOWS & ENCLOSURES FOR BATHTUBS & SHOWERS & IN ANY PORTION OF A BUILDING WALL ENCLOSING THESE COMPARTMENTS WHERE THE BOTTOM EXPOSED EDGE OF THE GLAZING IS LESS THAN 60 INCHES ABOVE A STANDING SURFACE & DRAIN OUTLET. e) GLAZING WHERE THE AREA OF THE INDIVIDUAL PANE IS MORE THAN 9 SQUARE FEET, THE BOTTOM EDGE IS LESS THAN 18 INCHES FROM THE FLOOR, THE TOP EDGE IS GREATER THAN 36 INCHES ABOVE THE FLOOR & ONE OR MORE WALKING SURFACES IS WITHIN 36 INCHES HORIZONTALLY OF THE PLANE OF THE GLAZING. FINISHES PROVIDE 5/8" GYP. BOARD AT ALL INTERIOR WALL & CEIL'G LOCATIONS. INTERIOR WALL AND CEILING PAINTS SHALL BE LOW-VOC (<100 GPL VOCS (NON- FLAT) AND <150 VOCS (NON-FLAT GLOSS)) WOOD FINISHES SHALL BE LOW VOC, WATER BASED (<250 GPL VOCS) CAULK & CONSTRUCTION ADHESIVES SHALL BE LOW VOC (<70 GPL VOCS) TO REDUCE FORMALDEHYDE IN INTERIOR FINISHES A MINIMUM OF 50% OF INTERIOR TRIM SHALL BE POPLAR OR ALDER EXTERIOR DOORS ALL EXTERIOR DOORS SHALL BE SOLID CORE DOORS,W/ STILES & RAILS NOT LESS THAN 1⅜" THICK & FIELD PANELS NOT LESS THAN 1¼" THICK. ALL GLAZING SHALL BE DUAL GLAZED & TEMPERED. ACCESS UNDER FLOOR: ACCESS SHALL BE PROVIDED TO ALL UNDER-FLOOR SPACES. ACCESS OPENINGS THROUGH THE FLOOR SHALL BE A MINIMUM 18" X 24". OPENINGS THROUGH A PERIMETER WALL SHALL BE NOT LESS THAN 16" X 24". R408.4 ATTIC: BUILDINGS WITH COMBUSTIBLE CEILING OR ROOF CONSTRUCTION SHALL HAVE AN ATTIC ACCESS OPENING TO ATTIC AREAS THAT EXCEED 30 SQ. FEET & HAVE A VERTICAL HEIGHT OF 30" OR GREATER. THE VERTICAL HEIGHT SHALL BE MEASURED FROM THE TOP OF THE CEILING FRAMING MEMBERS TO THE UNDERSIDE OF THE ROOF FRAMING MEMBERS. THE ROUGH-FRAMED OPENING SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN 22" X 30" AND SHALL BE A LOCATED IN A HALLWAY OR OTHER READILY ACCESSIBLE LOCATION. WHEN THE ACCESS IS LOCATED IN A CEILING, MINIMUM UNOBSTRUCTED HEADROOM IN THE ATTIC SPACE SHALL BE 30" AT SOME POINT ABOVE THE ATTIC ACCESS MEASURED VERTICALLY FROM THE BOTTOM OF THE CEILING FRAMING MEMBERS. R807.1 LANDING FLOORS & LANDING AT EXTERIOR DOORS. THERE SHALL BE A LANDING OR FLOOR ON EACH SIDE OF EACH EXTERIOR DOOR. THE WIDTH OF EACH LANDING SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN THE DOOR SERVED. EVERY LANDING SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM DIMENSION OF 36" MEASURED IN THE DIRECTION OF TRAVEL. EXTERIOR LANDINGS SHALL BE PERMITTED TO HAVE A SLOPE NOT TO EXCEED ¼" UNIT VERTICAL IN 12 UNIT HORIZONTAL (2%) R311.3 THE RESIDENCE SHALL BE DESIGNED WITH ADAPTABILITY FEATURES FOR A SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE PER TOWN RESOLUTION 1994-61: A. WOODEN BACKING (2" X 8" MINIMUM) SHALL BE PROVIDED IN ALL BATHROOM WALLS, AT WATER CLOSETS, SHOWERS AND BATHTUBS AT 34" FROM THE FLOOR TO THE CENTER OF THE BACKING, SUITABLE FOR THE INSTALLATION OF GRAB BARS. B. ALL PASSAGE DOORS SHALL BE AT LEAST 32" WIDE ON THE ACCESSIBLE FLOOR. C. PRIMARY ENTRANCE SHALL BE A 36" WIDE DOOR MINIMUM INCLUDING A 5'X5' LEVEL LANDING, NO MORE THAN 1" OUT OF PLANE WITH THE IMMEDIATE INTERIOR FLOOR LEVEL WITH AN 18" CLEARANCE AT THE INTERIOR STRIKE EDGE. D. DOOR BUZZER, BELL OR CHIME SHALL BE HARD WIRED AT PRIMARY ENTRANCE. RESIDENTIAL TOWN ACCESSIBILITY STANDARDS WILDLAND-URBAN INTERFACE UNDERFLOOR AREAS SHALL MAINTAIN THE IGNITION-RESISTANT INTEGRITY OF EXTERIOR WALLS. PER SEC. R337.7.8 TYP. UNDERFLOOR PROTECTION: THE EXPOSED UNDERSIDE OF ENCLOSED EAVES HAVING EITHER A BOXED-IN EAVE SOFFIT WITH A HORIZONTAL UNDERSIDE, OR SLOPING RAFTER TAILS WITH AN EXTERIOR COVERING APPLIED TO THE UNDERSIDE OF THE RAFTER TAILS, SHALL BE PROTECTED BY ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: 1. NONCOMBUSTIBLE MATERIAL. 2. IGNITION RESISTANT MATERIAL. 3. ONE LAYER OF ⅝" TYPE "X" GYPSUM SHEATHING APPLIED BEHIND AN EXTERIOR COVERING ON THE UNDERSIDE OF THE RAFTER TAILS OR SOFFIT. 4. THE EXTERIOR PORTION OF A 1 HOUR FIRE RESISTIVE EXTERIOR WALL ASSEMBLY APPLIED TO THE UNDERSIDE OF THE RAFTER TAILS OR SOFFIT INCLUDING ASSEMBLIES USING THE GYPSUM PANEL & SHEATHING PRODUCTS LISTED IN THE GYPSUM ASSOCIATION FIRE RESISTANCE DESIGN MANUAL. 5. BOXED IN EAVE SOFFIT ASSEMBLIES WITH A HORIZONTAL UNDERSIDE THAT MEET THE PERFORMANCE CRITERIA IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TEST PROCEDURES SET FORTH IN EITHER OF THE FOLLOWING: 5.1 SFM STANDARD 12-7A-3 OR ASTME2957 EXCEPTIONS: THE FOLLOWING MATERIALS DO NOT REQUIRE PROTECTION: 1. GABLE END OVERHANGS & ROOF ASSEMBLY PROJECTIONS BEYOND AN EXTERIOR WALL OTHER THAN AT THE LOWER END OF THE RAFTER TAILS. 2. FASCIA & OTHER ARCHITECTURAL TRIM BOARDS. CBC R337.7.5 EXTERIOR GLAZING SHALL BE INSULATING GLASS UNITS WITH A MINIMUM OF ONE TEMPERED PANE. PER R337.8.2 VALLEYS & GUTTERS SHALL BE 26 GAUGE GALV. SHEET CORROSION- RESISTANT METAL INSTALLED OVER NOT LESS THAN ONE LAYER OF 72LB MINERAL-SURFACED NONPERFORATED CAP SHEET COMPLYING WITH ASTM D 3909, AT LEAST 36" WIDE THE FULL LENGTH OF THE VALLEY. GUTTERS WILL HAVE THE MEANS TO PREVENT THE ACCUMULATION OF LEAVES & DEBRIS IN THE GUTTER. AS REQ'D PER SEC. R337.5.3 & R337.5.4 TYP. EXTERIOR WALL COVERINGS SHALL BE APPROVED NONCOMBUSTIBLE OR IGNITION-RESISTANT MATERIAL & EXTEND FROM THE TOP OF THE FOUNDATION TO THE ROOF & TERMINATE AT 2" NOMINAL SOLID WOOD BLOCKING BETWEEN RAFTERS AT ALL ROOF OVERHANGS OR IN THE CASE OF ENCLOSED EAVES, TERMINATE AT THE ENCLOSURE. R337.7.3 EXTERIOR DOOR ASSEMBLIES SHALL CONFORM TO THE PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS OF STANDARD SFM 12-7A-1 OR SHALL BE OF APPROVED NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONSTRUCTION, OR SOLID CORE WOOD HAVING STILES & RAILS NOT LESS THAN 1⅜" THICK WITH INTERIOR FIELD PANEL THICKNESS NO LESS THAN 1¼" THICK, OR SHALL HAVE A FIRE- RESISTANT RATING OF NOT LESS THAN 20 MIN. PER R337.8.3 ENCLOSED EAVES & EAVE SOFFITS: WHERE PROVIDED, VENTILATION OPENINGS FOR ENCLOSED ATTICS, ENCLOSED EAVE SOFFIT SPACES, ENCLOSED RAFTER SPACES FORMED WHERE CEILINGS ARE APPLIED DIRECTLY TO THE UNDERSIDE OF ROOF RAFTERS, & UNDERFLOOR VENTILATION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 1203 OF THE CBC & SECTIONS R337.6.1 THROUGH R337.6.3 OF THIS SECTION TO RESIST BUILDING IGNITION FROM THE INTRUSION OF BURNING EMBERS & FLAME THROUGH THE VENTILATION OPENING. R337.6.1 EXTERIOR WALLS: EXTERIOR DOORS: VENTS: ROOF VALLEYS: EXTERIOR GLAZING: GUTTERS GUTTER SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH THE MEANS TO PREVENT THE ACCUMULATION OF LEAVES AND DEBRIS IN THE GUTTER. CBC R337.5.4 OPEN ROOF EAVES THE EXPOSED ROOF DECK ON THE UNDERSIDE OF UNENCLOSED ROOF EAVES SHALL CONSIST OF ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: 1. NONCOMBUSTIBLE MATERIAL. 2. IGNITION RESISTANT MATERIAL. 3. ONE LAYER OF ⅝" TYPE "X" GYPSUM SHEATHING APPLIED BEHIND AN EXTERIOR COVERING ON THE UNDERSIDE EXTERIOR OF THE ROOF DECK. 4. THE EXTERIOR PORTION OF A 1 HOUR FIRE RESISTIVE EXTERIOR WAL ASSEMBLY APPLIED TO THE UNDERSIDE OF THE ROOF DECK DESIGNED FOR EXTERIOR FIRE EXPOSURE INCLUDING ASSEMBLIES USING THE GYPSUM PANEL & SHEATHING PRODUCTS LISTED IN THE GYPSUM ASSOCIATION FIRE RESISTANCE DESIGN MANUAL. EXCEPTIONS: 1. SOLID WOOD RAFTER TAILS ON THE EXPOSED UNDERSIDE OF OPEN ROOF EAVES HAVING A MIN. NOMINAL DIMENSION OF 2". 2. SOLID WOOD BLOCKING INSTALLED BETWEEN RAFTER TAILS ON THE EXPOSED UNDERSIDE OF OPEN ROOF EAVES HAVING A MIN. NOMINAL DIMENSION OF 2". 3. GABLE END OVERHANGS & ROOF ASSEMBLY PROJECTIONS BEYOND AN EXTERIOR WALL OTHER THAN AT THE LOWER END OF THE RAFTER TAILS. 4. FASCIA & OTHER ARCHITECTURAL TRIM BOARDS. CBC R337.7.4 . A1.1 A1.2 A1.3 A1.4 A1.5 A1.6 A1.7 A1.8 A1.9 A1.10 A1.0 STRUCTURE 6" NOM. STUD WALL 5½" TH. STUD WALL FROM 2X STUDS @ 16" O.C. EXTERIOR LANDINGS FLOORS & LANDINGS AT EXTERIOR DOORS. THERE SHALL BE A LANDING OR FLOOR ON EACH SIDE OF EACH EXTERIOR DOOR. THE WIDTH OF EACH LANDING SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN THE DOOR SERVED. EVERY LANDING SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM DIMENSION OF 36 INCHES MEASURED IN THE DIRECTION OF TRAVEL. EXTERIOR LANDINGS SHALL BE PERMITTED TO HAVE A SLOPE NOT TO EXCEED 1/4 UNIT VERTICAL IN 12 UNITS HORIZONTAL (2%). CRC R311.3 FLOOR ELEVATIONS AT THE REQUIRED EGRESS DOORS. LANDINGS OR FLOORS AT THE REQUIRED EGRESS DOOR SHALL NOT BE MORE THAN 1" LOWER THAN THE TOP OF THE THRESHOLD. EXCEPTION: THE EXTERIOR LANDING OR FLOOR SHALL NOT BE MORE THAN 7 3/4" BELOW THE TOP OF THE THRESHOLD PROVIDED THE DOOR DOES NOT SWING OVER THE LANDING OR FLOOR CRC R311.3.1 TEMPERED GLASS SEE ARCHITECTURAL NOTE FOR SAFETY GLAZING 4" NOM. STUD WALL 3½" TH. STUD WALL FROM 2X STUDS @ 16" O.C. 10" NOM. STUD WALL 9¼" TH. STUD WALL FROM 2X STUDS @ 16" O.C. 6" CONCRETE RETAINING WALL W/2X WOOD WALL 6" CONCRETE RETAINING WALL W/½" GAP W/2X FLAT LAY STUDS @ 16" O.C. UNDER FLOOR ACCESS 18" X 24" OPENING IN FLOOR OR 16" X 24" IN PERIMETER WALL. R408.4 8" NOM. STUD WALL 7¼" THICK STUD WALL FROM 2X STUDS @ 16" O.C. 8" CONCRETE RETAINING WALL W/2X WOOD WALL 12" CONCRETE RETAINING WALL W/2X4 STUD WALL 8" CONCRETE RETAINING WALL W/½" GAP W/2X FLAT LAY STUDS @ 16" O.C. 12" CONCRETE RETAINING WALL W/½" GAP W/2X4 STUDS @ 16" O.C. A1.11 A1.12 A1.13 A1.14 A1.15 PROTECTION OF WOOD & WOOD BASED PRODUCTS AGAINST DECAY PROTECTION OF WOOD & WOOD BASED PRODUCTS FROM DECAY SHALL BE PROVIDED IN THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS BY THE USE OF NATURALLY DURABLE WOOD OR WOOD THAT IS PRESERVATIVE TREATED IN ACCORDANCE WITH AWPA U1 FOR THE SPECIES, PRODUCT, PRESERVATIVE & END USE. PRESERVATIVE SHALL BE LISTED IN SECTION 4 OF AWPA U1. WOOD SIDING, SHEATHING & WALL FRAMING ON THE EXTERIOR OF A BUILDING HAVING A CLEARANCE OF LESS THAN 6 INCHES FROM THE GROUND OR LESS THAN 2 INCHES MEASURED VERTICALLY FROM CONCRETE STEPS, PORCH SLABS, PATIO SLABS, & SIMILAR HORIZONTAL SURFACES EXPOSED TO THE WEATHER. R317.1 LOCATION REQUIRED: HANDRAIL @ STAIR AT STAIRS WITH MORE THAN THREE RISERS, PROVIDE MIN. ONE 1¼"Ø TO 2"Ø STAIR HANDRAIL 34" TO 38" ABOVE STAIR NOSING WITH NO SHARP EDGES. HANDRAILS MAY PROJECT A MAX. OF 4½" INTO REQUIRED WIDTH OF STAIRWAY & SHALL PROVIDE 1½" SPACE BETWEEN WALL & HANDRAIL. HANDRAILS SHALL BE CONTINUOUS FROM TOP TO BOTTOM & TERMINATE AT NEWEL POSTS OR RETURN TO WALL. PROVIDE BALUSTERS, WHERE REQUIRED SUCH THAT A 4⅜" DIA. SPHERE CANNOT PASS THROUGH. RAIL FABRICATOR SHALL PROVIDE SHOP DRWGS, SPECS, & CALCS FOR APPROVAL BY ARCHITECT. CRC R312 STAIRWAYS: WIDTH. STAIRWAYS SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN 36" IN CLEAR WIDTH AT ALL POINTS ABOVE THE PERMITTED HANDRAIL HEIGHT & BELOW THE REQUIRED HEADROOM HEIGHT. HANDRAILS SHALL NOT PROJECT MORE THAN 4½" ON EITHER SIDE OF THE STAIRWAY & THE MINIMUM CLEAR WIDTH OF THE STAIRWAY AT & BELOW THE HANDRAIL HEIGHT, INCLUDING TREADS & LANDINGS, SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN 31½" WHERE A HANDRAIL IS INSTALLED ON ONE SIDE & 27" WHERE HANDRAILS ARE PROVIDED ON BOTH SIDES. THE MAXIMUM RISER HEIGHT SHALL BE 7¾". THE MINIMUM TREAD DEPTH SHALL BE 10". AT STAIRS WITH MORE THAN THREE RISERS, PROVIDE MIN. ONE 1¼"Ø TO 2"Ø STAIR HANDRAIL 34" TO 38" ABOVE STAIR NOSING WITH NO SHARP EDGES. HANDRAILS MAY PROJECT A MAX. OF 4½" INTO REQUIRED WIDTH OF STAIRWAY & SHALL PROVIDE 1½" SPACE BETWEEN WALL & HANDRAIL. HANDRAILS SHALL BE CONTINUOUS FROM TOP TO BOTTOM & TERMINATE AT NEWEL POSTS OR RETURN TO WALL. PROVIDE BALUSTERS, WHERE REQUIRED SUCH THAT A 4⅜" DIA. SPHERE CANNOT PASS THROUGH. HANDRAILS WITH A CIRCULAR CROSS SECTION SHALL HAVE AN OUTSIDE DIAMETER OF AT LEAST 1¼" & NOT GREATER THAN 2". IF THE HANDRAIL IS NOT CIRCULAR, IT SHALL HAVE A PERIMETER DIMENSION OF AT LEAST 4" & NOT GREATER THAN 6½" WITH A MAXIMUM CROSS SECTION OF 2¼". EDGES SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM RADIUS OF .01".CRC R311.7 STAIRWAYS: MAIN TO SECOND FLOOR STAIR 17 RISERS 7" 16 TREADS 12" WITH 2 INTERMEDIATE LANDINGS LOWER TO MAIN FLOOR STAIR 19 RISERS 7" 18 TREADS 10¼" MEASURED 12" FROM INSIDE EDGE A2.1 A3.1 A3.2 A2.2 A2.2 A1.16 A1.17 A1.18 A1.19 AT STAIRS WITH MORE THAN THREE RISERS, PROVIDE MIN. ONE 1¼"ØTO 2"Ø STAIR HANDRAIL 34" TO 38" ABOVE STAIR NOSING WITH NOSHARP EDGES. HANDRAILS MAY PROJECT A MAX. OF 4½" INTOREQUIRED WIDTH OF STAIRWAY & SHALL PROVIDE 1½" SPACEBETWEEN WALL & HANDRAIL. HANDRAILS SHALL BE CONTINUOUSFROM TOP TO BOTTOM & TERMINATE AT NEWEL POSTS OR RETURN TO WALL. PROVIDE BALUSTERS, WHERE REQUIRED SUCH THAT A 4⅜" DIA. SPHERE CANNOT PASS THROUGH. RAIL FABRICATOR SHALL PROVIDE SHOP DRWGS, SPECS, & CALCS FOR APPROVAL BY ARCHITECT. CRC R312 GUARDS @ BALCONY PROVIDE 42" H. GUARDRAIL AT LANDINGS, WALKWAYS, BALCONIES & SIMILAR WALKING SURFACES WITH ADJACENT OPENINGS MORE THAN 30" ABOVE FLOOR OR GRADE BELOW. PROVIDE BALUSTERS SPACED SUCH THAT A 4" DIA. SPHERE CANNOT PASS THROUGH. RAIL FABRICATOR SHALL PROVIDE SHOP DRWGS, SPECS, & CALCS FOR APPROVAL BY ARCHITECT. CRC R312 SAFETY GLASS SHOWER DOORS PROVIDE FULLY TEMPERED, LAMINATED SAFETY GLASS SHOWER ENCLOSURE AND DOOR. SHOWER DOOR SHALL HAVE A MIN. CLEAR FINISHED OPENING OF 22" MIN. SOLID CORE DOOR PROVIDE SOLID CORE 20 MIN. RATED DOOR WITH SELF CLOSER AND WEATHER STRIPPING, TIGHTLY SEAL TO CREATE AIR BARRIER A2.0 FINISHES A3.0 FENESTRATION ⅝" GYPSUM BOARD ⅝" GYPSUM BOARD SHALL BE APPLY THROUGH OUT THE RESIDENCE. TYP. U.O.N. STONE VENEER ADHERED MASONRY VENEER SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS. R703.12 CLEARANCES ON EXTERIOR VENEER WALLS SHALL BE, 4" MIN. ABOVE EARTH, 2" ABOVE PAVED AREAS, ½" ABOVE EXTERIOR WALKING SURFACES WHICH ARE SUPPORTED BY THE FOUNDATION THAT SUPPORTS THE EXTERIOR WALLS. R703.12.1 ⅝" TYPE "X" GYPSUM BOARD ⅝" TYPE "X" GYPSUM BOARD AT GARAGE CEILING FRONT DOOR PRIMARY ENTRANCE SHALL BE A 36" WIDE DOOR MINIMUM INCLUDING A 5'X5' LEVEL LANDING, NO MORE THAN 1" OUT OF PLANE WITH THE IMMEDIATE INTERIOR FLOOR LEVEL WITH AN 18" CLEARANCE AT THE INTERIOR STRIKE EDGE. PATIO STAIR STAIR AT PATIO FROM MAIN FLOOR TO UPPER FLOOR SHALL HAVE A 6¾" RISE X 10" RUN W/ A HANDRAIL ON AT LEAST ONE SIDE LIGHT WELL STAIR STAIR AT SOUTH SIDE LIGHT WELL SHALL HAVE A 6 ½" RISE X 11" RUN W/HANDRAIL ON AT LEAST ONE SIDE. 1 A5.1 A5.2 A5.3 A5.4 A5.5 A5.6 A5.7 A5.8 A5.9 A5.10 A5.11 RECT. SINK(S) IN VANITY CABINET HIGH-EFFICIENCY WALL MOUNTED TOILET TILED SHOWER PROVIDE ONLY HIGH-EFFICIENCY DUAL-FLUSH OR ≤1.28 GPF TOILETS. NO FIXTURE SHALL BE SET CLOSER THAN 15" FROM ITS CENTER TO A SIDE WALL. THE CLEAR SPACE IN FRONT OF A WATER CLOSET, LAVATORY, OR BIDET SHALL BE NOT LESS THAN 24". CPC 402.5 A5.0 PLUMBING LARGE DOUBLE SINK W/DISPOSAL PROVIDE AIR SWITCH FOR DISPOSAL ANNULAR SPACES ANNULAR SPACES AROUND PIPES, ELECTRICAL CABLES, CONDUITS OR OTHER OPENINGS IN PLATES OR FOUNDATIONS SHALL BE PROTECTED AGAINST RODENTS BY CLOSING THE OPENINGS WITH CEMENT MORTAR OR CONCRETE MASONRY. CGBSC 4.406.1 SHOWER STALL WITH WATER PROOF PAN & WETSET TILE FULL HEIGHT ABOVE FLOOR LINE OVER FIBER- CEMENT, FIBER-MAT REINFORCED CEMENT, GLASS MAT GYPSUM BACKERS & FIBER-REINFORCED GYPSUM BACKERS. WATER-RESISTANT GYPSUM BACKING BOARD SHALL NOT BE USED OVER A VAPOR RETARDER IN SHOWER OR BATHTUB COMPARTMENTS. R307.2 & R702.4.2 R702.3.8 SHOWER & TUB/SHOWER COMBINATIONS SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH INDIVIDUAL CONTROL VALVES OF THE PRESSURE BALANCE OR THE THERMOSTATIC MIXING VALVE TYPE. CPC 408.3 SPA BATH TUB THE MAXIMUM HOT WATER TEMPERATURE DISCHARGING FROM THE BATHTUB & WHIRLPOOL BATHTUB FILLER SHALL BE LIMITED TO 120ºF BY A DEVICE THAT CONFORMS TO ASSE 1070 OR CSA B125.3. CPC 409.4 SPA TUB ON SEPARATE GFCI PROTECTED CIRCUIT. FOR WHIRLPOOL TUB: CIRCULATION PUMP SHALL BE LOCATED ABOVE THE CROWN WEIR OF THE TRAP. PROVIDE REMOVABLE PANEL TO ACCESS & REMOVE THE PUMP. THE PUMP & CIRCULATION PIPING SHALL BE SELF- DRAINING TO MINIMIZE WATER RETENTION. CPC TBLE 1401.1. SUCTION FITTINGS ON WHIRLPOOL BATHTUBS SHALL COMPLY WITH THE LISTED STANDARDS. CPC 409.6 BATH TUB TO BE SELECTED BY OWNER 18" X 24" OPENING IN FLOOR OR 16" X 24" IN PERIMETER WALL. R408.4 HYBRID ELECTRIC HEAT PUMP WATER HEATER INSTALL HYBRID ELECTRIC HEAT PUMP WATER HEATER W/ INLET & OUTLET DUCT KIT TO EXTERIOR OF ENCLOSURE PER MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS. INSTALL W/SEISMIC STRAPS AT TOP & BOTTOM & PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE W/ OUTLET TO EXTERIOR. SMALL SINK W/DISPOSAL UTILITY SINK 30" WIDE UTILITY SINK PER OWNER PROVIDE AIR SWITCH FOR DISPOSAL MED. SINGLE SINK W/DRAINBOARD EACH SIDE W/DISPOSAL PROVIDE AIR SWITCH FOR DISPOSAL OUTDOOR SHOWER OUTDOOR SHOWER WILL CONNECT TO THE SANITARY SEWER. OUTDOOR SHOWER HAS 2 FULL HEIGHT WALLS & 2 PONY WALLS W/24" OPENING W/4" CURB & A COVERED ROOF. WALLS OF ENCLOSURE SHALL BE SMOOTH, WATERPROOF, & WASHABLE. MUST BE HAVE A TRAP PRIMER. 1 A6.1 A6.2 A6.3 A6.4 A6.5 A6.6 A6.7 A6.8 A6.9 A6.10 A6.11 A6.12 PROVIDE ONLY HIGH-EFFICIENCY DUAL-FLUSH OR ≤1.28 GPF TOILETS. NO FIXTURE SHALL BE SET CLOSER THAN 15" FROM ITS CENTER TO A SIDE WALL. THE CLEAR SPACE IN FRONT OF A WATER CLOSET, LAVATORY, OR BIDET SHALL BE NOT LESS THAN 24". CPC 402.5 SHOWER STALL WITH WATER PROOF PAN & WETSET TILE FULL HEIGHT ABOVE FLOOR LINE OVER FIBER- CEMENT, FIBER-MAT REINFORCED CEMENT, GLASS MAT GYPSUM BACKERS & FIBER-REINFORCED GYPSUM BACKERS. WATER-RESISTANT GYPSUM BACKING BOARD SHALL NOT BE USED OVER A VAPOR RETARDER IN SHOWER OR BATHTUB COMPARTMENTS. R307.2 & R702.4.2 R702.3.8 SHOWER & TUB/SHOWER COMBINATIONS SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH INDIVIDUAL CONTROL VALVES OF THE PRESSURE BALANCE OR THE THERMOSTATIC MIXING VALVE TYPE. CPC 408.3 WASHER A6.0 APPLIANCES, FIREPLACES, ETC. PROVIDE 36" ENERGY STAR REFRIGERATOR/FREEZER W/ WATER FOR AUTOMATIC ICE MAKER 48" INDUCTION RANGE DISHWASHER PROVIDE VENT HOOD W/ LIGHT AND VENTED TO EXTERIOR. PROVIDE NECESSARY POWER SOURCE. MIN. 100CFM RANGE VENT HOOD PROVIDE 240v POWER SOURCE ON SEPARATE CIRCUIT. DRYER PROVIDE 4"Ø MIN. VENT WITH BACKDRAFT DAMPER TO EXTERIOR AT CLOTHES DRYER. MAX. LENGTH 14' PER CMC 504.4.2. MAINTAIN 6" MIN. CLEARANCE TO COMBUSTIBLES UNLESS DRYER IS LISTED FOR REDUCED CLEARANCE. COUNTER DEPTH REFRIGERATOR/FREEZER FRONT LOADING WASHING MACHINE TO MEET ENERGY STAR AND CEE TIER 2 REQUIREMENTS (MODIFIED ENERGY FACTOR 2.0, WATER FACTOR 6.0) PROVIDE ENERGY STAR DISHWASHER USING ≤ 3.5 GA/ CYCLE & ≤ 270 kWh/YEAR. NO DOMESTIC DISHWASHING MACHINE SHALL BE DIRECTLY CONNECTED TO A DRAINAGE SYSTEM OF FOOR WASTE DISPOSER WITHOUT THE USE OF AN APPROVED DISHWASHER AIR GAP FITTING ON THE DISCHARGE SIDE OF THE DISHWASHING MACHINE. LISTED AIRGAPS SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH THE FLOOD-LEVEL (FL) MARKING AT OR ABOVE THE FLOOD LEVEL OF THE SINK OF DRAINBOARD, WHICHEVER IS HIGHER. CPC § 807.3 WHERE COMBUSTION APPLIANCES OR SOLID-FUEL BURNING APPLIANCES ARE LOCATED INSIDE THE PRESSURE BOUNDARY, THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE NET EXHAUST FLOW OF THE TWO LARGEST EXHAUST FANS SHALL NOT EXCEED 15 CFM PER 100 SQ FT. OF OCCUPIABLE SPACE, WHEN OPERATING AT FULL CAPACITY. IF THE DESIGNED TOTAL NET FLOW EXCEEDS THIS LIMIT, THE NET EXHAUST FLOW MUST BE REDUCED BY REDUCING THE EXHAUST FLOW OR PROVIDING COMPENSATING OUT-DOOR AIRFLOW (NOTE: IF MAKE-UP AIR FAN IS INSTALLED IT MUST BE ELECTRICALLY INTERLOCKED WITH THE LARGEST EXHAUST FAN). ASHRAE 62.2 § 6.4 COMPACT REFRIDGERATOR PROVIDE ENERGY STAR REFRIGERATOR W/WATER HOOKUP FOR ICE MAKER MED. SINGLE SINK W/DRAINBOARD EACH SIDE W/DISPOSAL STACKED WASHER/DRYER PROVIDE 4"Ø MIN. VENT WITH BACKDRAFT DAMPER TO EXTERIOR AT CLOTHES DRYER. MAX. LENGTH 14' PER CMC 504.4.2. MAINTAIN 6" MIN. CLEARANCE TO COMBUSTIBLES UNLESS DRYER IS LISTED FOR REDUCED CLEARANCE. PROVIDE 24" ENERGY STAR UNDER COUNTER REFRIGERATOR/FREEZER UNDER COUNTER REFRIGERATOR/FREEZER WATER BOTTLE FILLER PROVIDE 120v OUTLET & WATER SUPPLY FOR WATER BOTTLE FILLER 78" ELECTRIC FIREPLACE 43" ELECTRIC FIREPLACE PROVIDE 120V, 15 AMP JUNCTION BOX, UL LISTING CSA 22.2 NO. 46-M1988. ELECTRIC FIREPLACES IN THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS SHALL HAVE NO WOOD BURNING COMPONENTS. PROVIDE 120V, 15 AMP JUNCTION BOX, UL LISTING CSA 22.2 NO. 46-M1988. ELECTRIC FIREPLACES IN THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS SHALL HAVE NO WOOD BURNING COMPONENTS. 1 A3.3 A4.1 A4.2 A4.3 A4.5 A4.6 A3.4 A3.5 PROVIDE FULLY TEMPERED, LAMINATED SAFETY GLASS SHOWER ENCLOSURE AND DOOR. SHOWER DOOR SHALL HAVE A MIN. CLEAR FINISHED OPENING OF 22" MIN. POLES & SHELVES, CONFIG. PER INT. DESIGNER CLOSETS ISLAND COUNTER BUILT-IN VANITY BUILT-IN ENCLOSED VANITY A4.0 CABINETRY BUILT-IN CABINETS UPPER & LOWER CABINETS AND COUNTERTOPS EGRESS WINDOW EMERGENCY ESCAPE OPENINGS IN HABITABLE ROOMS SHALL BE 5 SF AT GRADE LEVEL & 5.7 SF AT ALL OTHER LEVELS, WITH MIN. DIMENSION OF 24" HIGH & 20" WIDE & SHALL NOT EXCEED 44" CLEAR OPENING ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR. THE EMERGENCY DOOR OR WINDOW SHALL BE OPENABLE FROM INSIDE TO PROVIDE A FULL, CLEAR OPENING WITHOUT THE USE OF SEPARATE TOOLS. ALL EGREE WINDOWS WITH TWO OR MORE LATCHES SHALL HAVE THE LATCHES INTERCONNECTED & OPERABLE FROM THE LOWEST LATCH. R310 PANTRY SHELVES CONFIG. PER INT. DESIGNER LOWER CABINETS W/COUNTER & SEATING AREA EXTERIOR VENTS ANY EXTERIOR WALL OR DOOR VENTS SHALL BE COVERED W/ CORROSION-RESISTANT WIRE MESH W/MESH OPENINGS OF 1/16TH" MIN. & ⅛TH" MAX. CRC § R337.6.2 GARAGE DOOR WHEN VISIBLE GAPS EXCEED ⅛" BETWEEN DOORS & DOOR OPENINGS AT THE BOTTOM, SIDES, & TOPS OF DOORS, SUCH GAPS SHALL BE CONTROLLED BY ONE OF THE FOLLOWING METHODS: A. WEATHER-STRIPPING LISTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TESTING CRITERIA OF CRC § R337.8.4. PROVIDE MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS SHOWING COMPLIANCE WITH CRITERIA & NOT THE MANUFACTURER'S NAME & WEATHER-STRIPPING TYPE ON THE PLANS. CRC § R337.8.4, OPTION #1. B. DOOR OVERLAPS ONTO JAMBS & HEADERS. CRC § R337.8.4, OPTION #2 C. GARAGE DOOR JAMBS & HEADERS COVERED WITH METAL FLASHING. CRC § R337.8.4, OPTION #3 1 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" UPPER FLOOR PLAN OF REVISIONS DATE: SCALE:51 UNIVERSITY AVE. "L" • LOS GATOS, CA. • 95030 • (408) 395-2555NOTE:•The Contractor shall verify all dimensions,elevations and conditions, prior to startingany field work.•Any deviation called by field conditions,or any conditions different from thoseindicated on the plans shall be broughtto the Architect's attention prior toinstallation.S H E E TARCHITECTURAL AND SITE DEVELOPMENT FOR:THE BOUKNIGHT FAMILY144 WOOD ROAD • LOS GATOS, CA 95030AS SHOWN A-6 12/8/21 OPENING & DOOR SCHEDULE 5816 1 PLAN CHECK COMMENTS 6/16/22 Schedule ID C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 C13 C14 C15 C16 C17 C18 D1 D2 D3 Room FOYER COVERED PORCH COVERED PORCH COVERED PORCH COVERED PORCH KITCHEN/ DECK MUD ROOM/ FOYER MUD ROOM/ WORK #2 FOYER/HALL LIVING ROOM/ BEDROOM 1 LANDING/ HALL HALL/HALL KITCHEN/ LANDING KITCHEN/ PANTRY KITCHEN/ LANDING DINING ROOM/ LIVING ROOM KITCHEN/ LIVING ROOM LIVING ROOM/ LANDING FOYER GARAGE WORK #2 Nominal W x H 12'-0"×9'-6" 4'-0"×4'-6" 8'-0"×9'-0" 8'-0"×9'-0" 8'-0"×9'-0" 9'-2"×3'-4" 4'-0"×8'-6" 4'-0"×8'-6" 11'-0"×9'-0" 3'-6"×8'-6" 3'-6"×8'-0" 3'-6"×8'-0" 3'-6"×8'-0" 3'-0"×8'-0" 3'-4"×3'-9" 12'-0"×9'-0" 1'-71/4"×3'-6" 13'-10"×9'-0" 6'-0"×9'-0" 18'-0"×8'-0" 6'-0"×8'-0" View from Reveal Side 8'-6"1'-0"4'-0"6"8'-0"1'-0"8'-0"1'-0"8'-0"1'-0"2'-4"1'-0"8'-0"6"8'-0"6"8'-0"1'-0"8'-0"6"7'-6"6"7'-6"6"3'-3"6"8'-0"1'-0"3'-3"3"8'-0"1'-0"8'-0"1'-0"7'-0"1'-0"Type Opening Opening Opening Opening Opening Opening Opening Opening Opening Opening Opening Opening Opening Opening Opening Opening Opening Opening Entry Sectional Rollup Garage Door Slider Frame Material Stucco w/Trim Stucco w/Trim Stucco w/Trim Stucco w/Trim Stucco w/Trim Stucco w/Trim Gypsum Gypsum Gypsum Gypsum Gypsum Gypsum Gypsum Gypsum Gypsum Gypsum Gypsum Gypsum Alum Clad Wood Frame Steel Alum Clad Wood Frame Tempered Glass No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Screen No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes Egress No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes No Yes Remarks Header Height 9'-6" 8'-6" 9'-0" 9'-0" 9'-0" 9'-10" 8'-6" 8'-6" 9'-0" 8'-6" 8'-0" 8'-0" 8'-0" 8'-0" 7'-0" 9'-0" 6'-9" 9'-0" 9'-0" 8'-0" 8'-0" Schedule ID Room Nominal W x H View from Reveal Side Type Frame Material Tempered Glass Screen Egress Remarks Header Height Schedule ID Room Nominal W x H View from Reveal Side Type Frame Material Tempered Glass Screen Egress Remarks Header Height D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 D15 D16 D17 D18 D19 D20 D21 D22 D23 D24 D25 BEDROOM 3 LOWER FLOOR STORAGE GYM DINING ROOM LIVING ROOM BEDROOM 1 2ND FLOOR MECH/ STORAGE DINING ROOM BATH 5 PLAYROOM MUDROOM MUD ROOM/ WORK #2 LOWER FLOOR LAUNDRY BEDROOM 3 CLOSET BEDROOM 3 CLOSET ELEVATOR EQUIPMENT BEDROOM 3 BATH 3 LOWER FLOOR ELEVATOR WINE SELLER GYM/HALL MECH ROOM 6'-0"×8'-0" 3'-0"×8'-0" 6'-0"×8'-0" 14'-6"×8'-0" 12'-8"×10'-6" 10'-6"×9'-0" 5'-0"×8'-0" 12'-0"×8'-0" 2'-8"×8'-0" 15'-0"×8'-0" 2'-8"×8'-0" 4'-0"×8'-0" 4'-0"×8'-0" 2'-4"×8'-0" 6'-0"×8'-0" 2'-6"×8'-0" 3'-0"×8'-0" 2'-8"×8'-0" 2'-8"×8'-0" 2'-8"×8'-0" 3'-0"×8'-0" 2'-8"×8'-0"8'-0"1'-0"1'-6"8'-0"1'-0"Slider Swing Slider Bifold Dbl Swing w/ Sidelites Swing w/ Sidelites Double swing Double Slider Swing Bifold Swing Opening Double swing Swing Bypass Swing Swing Swing Swing Swing Pocket Swing Alum Clad Wood Frame Solid Core Wood 1¾" Alum Clad Wood Frame Steel Steel Steel Fibergla ss Alum Clad Wood Frame Solid Core Wood 1¾" Steel Solid Core Wood 1¾" Gypsum Solid Core Wood 1¾" Solid Core Wood 1¾" Solid Core Wood 1¾" Solid Core Wood 1¾" Solid Core Wood 1¾" Solid Core Wood 1¾" Solid Core Wood 1¾" Glass Solid Core Wood 1¾" Solid Core Wood 1¾" Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No No No No No No No No Yes No No Yes No Yes Yes No No No Yes No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes No Yes No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Series 2000 Hvy Dty Hdwr Series 2000 Hvy Dty Hdwr 8'-0" 8'-0" 8'-0" 8'-0" 10'-6" 9'-0" 8'-0" 8'-0" 8'-0" 8'-0" 8'-0" 8'-0" 8'-0" 8'-0" 8'-0" 8'-0" 8'-0" 8'-0" 8'-0" 8'-0" 8'-0" 8'-0" D26 D27 D28 D29 D30 D31 D32 D33 D34 D35 D36 D37 D38 D39 D40 D41 D42 D43 D44 D45 D46 D47 STORAGE FOYER/ WORK 1 BEDROOM 1 BATH 1 WALK IN CLOSET BATH 1 WATER CLOSET LANDING CLOSET MED LEVEL ELEVATOR BEDROOM 2 BATH 2 BEDROOM 2 CLOSET TECH CLOSET LAUNDRY POWDER PANTRY UPPER FLOOR ELEVATOR LAUNDRY/ PLAYROOM BEDROOM 4 BEDROOM 4 CLOSET BATH 4 BEDROOM 5 BEDROOM 5 CLOSET 2'-8"×8'-0" 5'-0"×8'-0" 3'-0"×8'-0" 2'-8"×8'-0" 2'-8"×8'-0" 2'-4"×8'-0" 4'-0"×8'-0" 2'-8"×8'-0" 2'-8"×8'-0" 2'-8"×8'-0" 2'-6"×8'-0" 2'-4"×8'-0" 3'-0"×8'-0" 2'-8"×8'-0" 2'-8"×8'-0" 2'-8"×8'-0" 3'-0"×8'-0" 2'-8"×8'-0" 2'-6"×8'-0" 2'-6"×8'-0" 2'-8"×8'-0" 2'-6"×8'-0" Swing Double swing Swing Swing Swing Pocket Double swing Swing Swing Swing Swing Swing Pocket Swing Pocket Swing Swing Swing Swing Swing Swing Swing Solid Core Wood 1¾" Alum Clad Wood Frame Solid Core Wood 1¾" Solid Core Wood 1¾" Solid Core Wood 1¾" Solid Core Wood 1¾" Solid Core Wood 1¾" Solid Core Wood 1¾" Solid Core Wood 1¾" Solid Core Wood 1¾" Solid Core Wood 1¾" Solid Core Wood 1¾" Solid Core Wood 1¾" Solid Core Wood 1¾" Solid Core Wood 1¾" Solid Core Wood 1¾" Solid Core Wood 1¾" Solid Core Wood 1¾" Solid Core Wood 1¾" Solid Core Wood 1¾" Solid Core Wood 1¾" Solid Core Wood 1¾" No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Series 2000 Hvy Dty Hdwr Series 2000 Hvy Dty Hdwr Series 2000 Hvy Dty Hdwr 8'-0" 8'-0" 8'-0" 8'-0" 8'-0" 8'-0" 8'-0" 8'-0" 8'-0" 8'-0" 8'-0" 8'-0" 8'-0" 8'-0" 8'-0" 8'-0" 8'-0" 8'-0" 8'-0" 8'-0" 8'-0" 8'-0" 1 Door Door Door OF REVISIONS DATE: SCALE:51 UNIVERSITY AVE. "L" • LOS GATOS, CA. • 95030 • (408) 395-2555NOTE:•The Contractor shall verify all dimensions,elevations and conditions, prior to startingany field work.•Any deviation called by field conditions,or any conditions different from thoseindicated on the plans shall be broughtto the Architect's attention prior toinstallation.S H E E TARCHITECTURAL AND SITE DEVELOPMENT FOR:THE BOUKNIGHT FAMILY144 WOOD ROAD • LOS GATOS, CA 95030AS SHOWN A-7 12/8/21 WINDOW SCHEDULE 5817 1 PLAN CHECK COMMENTS 6/16/22 Schedule ID Room Nominal W x H View from Reveal Side Type Frame Material Tempered Glass Screen Egress Remarks Header Height W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 W7 W8 W9 W10 W11 W12 W13 W14 W15 W16 W17 GARAGE GARAGE GARAGE BEDROOM 3 WORK 1 WORK 1 BEDROOM 1 BEDROOM 1 BEDROOM 1 BATH 1 BATH 1 WALK IN BEDROOM 2 BATH 2 KITCHEN LIVING ROOM STAIRWELL 3'-0"×5'-0" 3'-0"×5'-0" 3'-0"×5'-0" 6'-0"×4'-0" 6'-0"×5'-0" 9'-0"×6'-0" 6'-0"×6'-0" 3'-0"×5'-0" 3'-0"×5'-0" 6'-0"×5'-6" 3'-0"×3'-0" 3'-0"×5'-0" 6'-0"×5'-0" 2'-6"×4'-0" 9'-0"×6'-6" 6'-0"×6'-0" 3'-0"×3'-6"4'-6"6"4'-6"6"4'-9"1'-3"5'-0"6"4'-10"8"1'-0"3'-21/2"31/2"Casement Casement Casement Double Casement Double Casement XOX Casement Double Casement Casement Casement Double Casement Casement Casement Double Casement Casement Fixed over Slider Double Casement Fixed Alum Clad Wood Frame Alum Clad Wood Frame Alum Clad Wood Frame Alum Clad Wood Frame Alum Clad Wood Frame Alum Clad Wood Frame Alum Clad Wood Frame Alum Clad Wood Frame Alum Clad Wood Frame Alum Clad Wood Frame Alum Clad Wood Frame Alum Clad Wood Frame Alum Clad Wood Frame Alum Clad Wood Frame Alum Clad Wood Frame Alum Clad Wood Frame Alum Clad Wood Frame Yes, At least one pane Yes, At least one pane Yes, At least one pane Yes Yes, At least one pane Yes, At least one pane Yes, At least one pane Yes, At least one pane Yes, At least one pane Yes Yes Yes, At least one pane Yes Yes Yes, At least one pane Yes, At least one pane Yes, At least one pane Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No Yes No No No No No No No Yes No No No No 8'-0" 8'-0" 8'-0" 8'-0" 8'-0" 9'-0" 8'-0" 8'-0" 8'-0" 8'-6" 8'-0" 8'-0" 8'-0" 8'-0" 9'-6" 8'-0" 8'-2" W18 W19 W20 W21 W22 W23 W24 W25 W26 W27 W28 W29 W30 W31 STAIRWELL STAIRWELL STAIRWELL STAIRWELL STAIRWELL BEDROOM 4 BEDROOM 4 BATH 4 BEDROOM 5 BEDROOM 5 BATH 5 PLAYROOM PLAYROOM PLAYROOM 3'-0"×3'-6" 3'-0"×3'-6" 3'-0"×3'-6" 3'-0"×3'-6" 3'-0"×3'-6" 9'-0"×4'-0" 6'-0"×5'-6" 3'-0"×4'-0" 6'-0"×5'-6" 9'-0"×4'-0" 3'-0"×2'-6" 10'-0"×5'-0" 5'-0"×5'-0" 5'-0"×5'-0"3'-21/2"31/2"3'-21/2"31/2"3'-21/2"31/2"3'-21/2"31/2"3'-21/2"31/2"5'-0"6"5'-0"6"5'-13/4"5'-13/4"Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed Fixed XOX Casement Double Casement Casement Double Casement XOX Casement Casement Double Casement Double Casement Double Casement Alum Clad Wood Frame Alum Clad Wood Frame Alum Clad Wood Frame Alum Clad Wood Frame Alum Clad Wood Frame Alum Clad Wood Frame Alum Clad Wood Frame Alum Clad Wood Frame Alum Clad Wood Frame Alum Clad Wood Frame Alum Clad Wood Frame Alum Clad Wood Frame Alum Clad Wood Frame Alum Clad Wood Frame Yes, At least one pane Yes, At least one pane Yes, At least one pane Yes, At least one pane Yes, At least one pane Yes, At least one pane Yes, At least one pane Yes Yes, At least one pane Yes, At least one pane Yes Yes, At least one pane Yes, At least one pane Yes, At least one pane No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No Yes No No No Yes No No No No 8'-2" 8'-2" 8'-2" 8'-2" 8'-2" 8'-0" 8'-6" 8'-0" 8'-6" 8'-0" 8'-0" 8'-0" 8'-0" 8'-0" Schedule ID Room Nominal W x H View from Reveal Side Type Frame Material Tempered Glass Screen Egress Remarks Header Height 2 2 NOTE: THIS PROJECT IS LOCATED IN THE WILDLAND URBAN INTERFACE. ALL WINDOWS TO HAVE AT LEAST ONE PANE TEMPERED GLASS Window Window 2 PLAN CHECK COMMENTS 8/15/22 OF REVISIONS DATE: SCALE:51 UNIVERSITY AVE. "L" • LOS GATOS, CA. • 95030 • (408) 395-2555NOTE:•The Contractor shall verify all dimensions,elevations and conditions, prior to startingany field work.•Any deviation called by field conditions,or any conditions different from thoseindicated on the plans shall be broughtto the Architect's attention prior toinstallation.S H E E TARCHITECTURAL AND SITE DEVELOPMENT FOR:THE BOUKNIGHT FAMILY144 WOOD ROAD • LOS GATOS, CA 95030AS SHOWN A-8 12/8/21 ROOF PLAN 5818 1 PLAN CHECK COMMENTS 6/16/22 2'2'2'2'6' 6' 7 A-15 9 A-15 1'-6"1'-6"1'-6"1'-6"1'-6"R1 R1 R2 R2 R3 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R4 R5 R5 R5 R5 R5 R5 R5R5 R5R5 R6 R6 D.S. d.s. D.S.D.S. D.S. D.S. D.S.D.S.D.S. D.S. D.S. NOTE: INSTALL 4.23 kWdc SOLAR SYSTEM ON FLAT ROOF AREAS, UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT 2'8'5' 5' F A-13 F A-13 G A-13 G A-13 2'2'E A-13 E A-13 10 A-15 OPEN TRELLIS BALCONY ABOVE GARAGE DECK AND STAIR BELOW R1 R1 R2 R2 R2 R2 R3 R6 R6 R6 3/12 3/12 3/12 3/12 3/12 3/12 3/12 ¼/12 3/12 3/12 cricket 3/12 3/12 3/12 3/12 1½/121½/12 3/12 ¼/12 ¼/12¼/12 ¼/12 ¼/12 ¼/12 ¼/12 ¼/12 ¼/12 ¼/12 ¼/12 ¼/12 ¼/12 ¼/12 cricket ¼/12 ¼/12 ¼/12 B A-11 A A-11 C A-12 D A-12 B A-11 A A-11 C A-12 D A-12 N 1 1 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 ROOF LEGEND ROOFING GUTTERS DOWNSPOUTS 3" ROUND PAINTED GALV. DOWNSPOUTS, TO MATCH ROOFING, TO SPLASH BLOCKS DIRECTED TO VEGETATED AREAS 5" HIGH X 4" WIDE PAINTED GALV. OGEE GUTTERS TO MATCH ROOFING W/A GUTTER COVER THAT PREVENTS THE ACCUMULATION OF LEAVES & DEBRIS CLASS "A" ROOF ASSEMBLY, TPO O/1 LAYER SECUROCK UNDERLAYMENT O/ ½" CDX SHEATHING. INSTALL ROOFING PER MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS. SLOPE PROVIDED BY ROOFING CONTRACTOR. FLAT ROOF AREA CLASS "A" ROOF ASSEMBLY, 2-PIECE CLAY BARREL TILE ROOF BY LUDOWICI O/1 LAYER 72#, "GAFGLASS" MINERAL- SURFACED, CAP SHEET BY GAF, OR EQUAL OR BETTER, O/1 LAYER #30 FELT. U.O.N. SLOPES BETWEEN 2¼/12 & 4/12 SHALL HAVE 2 LAYERS OF UNDERLAYMENT. CRC R905.3.2 & R905.3.3 SKYLIGHT PROVIDE FIXED DUAL GLAZED SKYLIGHTS W/TEMPERED GLASS OVER LAMINATED GLASS. VELUX ER-0199 CRICKET CLASS "A" ROOF ASSEMBLY, TPO O/1 LAYER SECUROCK UNDERLAYMENT O/ ½" CDX SHEATHING. INSTALL ROOFING PER MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS. SLOPE PROVIDED BY ROOFING CONTRACTOR. SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" ROOF PLAN OF REVISIONS DATE: SCALE:51 UNIVERSITY AVE. "L" • LOS GATOS, CA. • 95030 • (408) 395-2555NOTE:•The Contractor shall verify all dimensions,elevations and conditions, prior to startingany field work.•Any deviation called by field conditions,or any conditions different from thoseindicated on the plans shall be broughtto the Architect's attention prior toinstallation.S H E E TARCHITECTURAL AND SITE DEVELOPMENT FOR:THE BOUKNIGHT FAMILY144 WOOD ROAD • LOS GATOS, CA 95030AS SHOWN A-9 12/8/21 ELEVATIONS 5819 1 PLAN CHECK COMMENTS 6/16/22 32'-91/2"3'-0" 3'-0" 3'-0"9'-1"1'-0"1'-1/2"10'-1"9'-1"2'-1/2"EXISTING GRADE PROP O S E D GRAD E 18' HEIG H T P L A N E @ T H E ELEVATI O N C U T L I N E EXISTIN G GRAD E A2A2 A2 A1 A1 A3 A3 A3 A5 A6 A6 A6 A7 A8 A8 A8 A9 A12 A12 A14 A14 A14 A15 A17 A17 LOWER FL. 723.5' MAIN FL 734.58' PLATE 744.66' GARAGE FL 723' PLATE 733.58' PLATE 743.66' HIGHEST RIDGE 755.78' PLATE 754.74' PLATE 753.74' HIGHEST RIDGE 755.78' PLATE 754.74' PLATE 753.74'10'-1"FINISH GRA D E A8 A12 1 10'-1"34'-11"10'-1"9'-1"1'-0"1'-1/2"EXISTING GRADE A4 A4 A4 A2 A2 A1 A1 A1 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A5 A6 A6 A6 A6 A7 A8 A8 A8 A8 A9A9A9 A9 A10 A11 A12 A12A12 A12 A13 A13 A14 A14 A14 A14 A15 A15 A15 A16 A16 A16 A16 A17 A18 LOWER FL. 723.5' MAIN FL 734.58' UPPER FL. 744.66' HIGHEST RIDGE 755.78' PLATE 754.74' GARAGE FL 723' PLATE 753.74' HIGHEST RIDGE 755.78' PLATE 754.74' PLATE 753.74' UPPER FL. 744.66' PLATE 733.58' MAIN FL 734.58' PLATE 733.58' 1 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A12 A11 A13 A14 A15 A16 A17 A18 ALUM. CLAD WOOD FRAMED WINDOWS & DOORS. RECESSED 2" FROM EXTERIOR. ELEVATION LEGEND SITE ADDRESS ADDRESS SHALL BE PLACED IN A POSITION THAT IS PLAINLY LEGIBLE & VISIBLE FROM THE STREET OR ROAD FRONTING THE PROPERTY. THE NUMBERS SHALL CONTRAST WITH THEIR BACKGROUND. ADDRESS NUMBERS SHALL BE ARABIC NUMBERS OR ALPHABETICAL LETTERS. NUMBERS SHALL BE A MIN. 4" HIGH WITH A MIN. STROKE WIDTH OF ½". WHERE ACCESS IS BY MEANS OF A PRIVATE ROAD & THE BUILDING ADDRESS CANNOT BE VIEWED FROM THE PUBLIC WAY, A MONUMENT, POLE, OR OTHER SIGN OR MEANS SHALL BE USED TO IDENTIFY THE STRUCTURE. CBC R319.1 ROOFING WINDOWS & DOORS GUTTERS DOWNSPOUTS 3" ROUND PAINTED GALV. DOWNSPOUTS, TO MATCH ROOFING, TO SPLASH BLOCKS DIRECTED TO VEGETATED AREAS 5" HIGH X 4" WIDE PAINTED GALV. OGEE GUTTERS TO MATCH ROOFING W/A GUTTER COVER THAT PREVENTS THE ACCUMULATION OF LEAVES & DEBRIS WOOD WRAP 8" COLUMNS 8" SQ WOOD WRAPPED COLUMNS W/TRIM TOP & BOTTOM STONE VENEER ADHERED MASONRY VENEER SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS. R703.12 CLEARANCES ON EXTERIOR VENEER WALLS SHALL BE, 4" MIN. ABOVE EARTH, 2" ABOVE PAVED AREAS, ½" ABOVE EXTERIOR WALKING SURFACES WHICH ARE SUPPORTED BY THE FOUNDATION THAT SUPPORTS THE EXTERIOR WALLS. R703.12.1 CLASS "A" ROOF ASSEMBLY, TPO O/1 LAYER SECUROCK UNDERLAYMENT O/ ½" CDX SHEATHING. INSTALL ROOFING PER MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS. SLOPE PROVIDED BY ROOFING CONTRACTOR. FLAT ROOF AREA GARAGE DOOR INSTALL NEW WOOD SECTIONAL ROLL-UP GARAGE DOOR WITH OPENER. EXTERIOR WALL FINISH INTEGRAL COLOR SMOOTH 4 COAT STUCCO W/ANTIFRACTURE MEMBRANE O/CORROSION RESISTANT METAL WIRE MESH O/2 LAYERS GRADE "D" BUILDING PAPER O/½" CDX PLYWOOD SHEATHING WATER TABLE STUCCO WATER TABLE APPLIED TO STUCCO. STYLE TBD BY ARCHITECT. CAST STONE MOLDING PROVIDE CAST STONE MOLDING W/INTEGRAL GUTTER. STYLE TO BE DETERMINED BY ARCHITECT. 42" METAL RAILING PROVIDE 42" HIGH WROUGHT IRON METAL RAILING AT BALCONY WITH BALUSTERS SPACED SUCH THAT A 4" DIA. SPHERE CANNOT PASS THROUGH. FABRICATOR SHALL PROVIDE SHOP DRWGS, SPICS, & CALCS FOR APPROVAL BY ARCHITECT. CRC R312 SHAPED BEAM ENDS @ OVERHANGS PROVIDE 4X6 SHAPED BEAM END @ 36" OC AT OVERHANGS CAST STONE TRIM PROVIDE CAST STONE TRIM @ WINDOWS, DOORS, & OPENINGS. STYLE TO BE DETERMINED BY ARCHITECT SHAPED BEAM ENDS PROVIDE SHAPED BEAM END @ PATIOS. STYLE TO BE DETERMINED BY ARCHITECT SKYLIGHT PROVIDE DUAL GLAZED FLAT PROFILE SKYLIGHTS W/TEMPERED GLASS OVER LAMINATED GLASS. VELUX ER-0199 CLASS 'A' ROOF ASSEMBLY, 2-PIECE CLAY BARREL TILE ROOF BY LUDOWICI O/1 LAYER 72#, "GAFGLASS" MINERAL- SURFACED, CAP SHEET BY GAF, OR EQUAL OR BETTER, O/1 LAYER #30 FELT. U.O.N. GARAGE DOOR WHEN VISIBLE GAPS EXCEED ⅛" BETWEEN DOORS & DOOR OPENINGS AT THE BOTTOM, SIDES, & TOPS OF DOORS, SUCH GAPS SHALL BE CONTROLLED BY ONE OF THE FOLLOWING METHODS: A. WEATHER-STRIPPING LISTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TESTING CRITERIA OF CRC § R337.8.4. PROVIDE MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS SHOWING COMPLIANCE WITH CRITERIA & NOT THE MANUFACTURER'S NAME & WEATHER-STRIPPING TYPE ON THE PLANS. CRC § R337.8.4, OPTION #1. B. DOOR OVERLAPS ONTO JAMBS & HEADERS. CRC § R337.8.4, OPTION #2 C. GARAGE DOOR JAMBS & HEADERS COVERED WITH METAL FLASHING. CRC § R337.8.4, OPTION #3 2 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" LEFT ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" FRONT ELEVATION Roofing: Ludowici two piece barrel clay tile. Patio & Trellis: Wood construction with decorative shaped ends. Trim: Cast stone trim. Rails & Guards: Wrought iron railing. Gutters: Painted galv. gutters. EXTERIOR COLORS (LRV 13) (LRV 24) (LRV 2.48) (LRV 2.48) (LRV 29) (LRV 2) (LRV 2.48) Vermont Gray Black Equestrian Gray or equal. Color ranges from dark bronze to black. Exterior Walls: Smooth coat stucco. Windows & Doors: Combination of steel framed or aluminum clad doors & windows. Stained or painted ranges from dark bronze to black. Color varies. Black Color ranges from dark gray to black. 2 PLAN CHECK COMMENTS 8/15/22 OF REVISIONS DATE: SCALE:51 UNIVERSITY AVE. "L" • LOS GATOS, CA. • 95030 • (408) 395-2555NOTE:•The Contractor shall verify all dimensions,elevations and conditions, prior to startingany field work.•Any deviation called by field conditions,or any conditions different from thoseindicated on the plans shall be broughtto the Architect's attention prior toinstallation.S H E E TARCHITECTURAL AND SITE DEVELOPMENT FOR:THE BOUKNIGHT FAMILY144 WOOD ROAD • LOS GATOS, CA 95030AS SHOWN A-10 12/8/21 ELEVATIONS 5820 1 PLAN CHECK COMMENTS 6/16/22 FINISH GRADE EXISTING GRADE 18' HEIGHT PLANE @ ELEVATION CUT LINE A2 A2 A3 A5 A6 A8 A8 A13 A14 A16A16 UPPER FL. 744.66' PLATE 754.41' PLATE 755.41' HIGHEST RIDGE 755.78' UPPER FL. 744.66' PLATE 754.41' PLATE 755.41' HIGHEST RIDGE 755.78'9'-1"1'-0"1'-1/2"A4 10'-1"9'-9"FINISH G R A D E EXISTING GRADE 18' HEIG H T P L A N E @ T H E ELEVATI O N C U T L I N E A4 A4 A4A4 A1 A1 A2A2A3 A3 A3 A3 A5 A6 A6 A6 A7 A8 A8 A9A9 A9 A12 A12 A13 A13 A14 A14 A14 A15 A15 A16 A16 A17 A17 A17 A16 LOWER FL. 723.5' MAIN FL 734.58' PLATE 744.66' PLATE 754.74' GARAGE FL 723' PLATE 733.58' PLATE 743.66' UPPER FL 744.66' PLATE 743.66' HIGHEST RIDGE 755.78'HIGHEST RIDGE 755.78' PLATE 754.74' PLATE 753.74' MAIN FL 734.58' PLATE 733.58' PLATE 753.74'PLATE 753.74'10'-1"30'-9"1 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A12 A11 A13 A14 A15 A16 A17 A18 ALUM. CLAD WOOD FRAMED WINDOWS & DOORS. RECESSED 2" FROM EXTERIOR. ELEVATION LEGEND SITE ADDRESS ADDRESS SHALL BE PLACED IN A POSITION THAT IS PLAINLY LEGIBLE & VISIBLE FROM THE STREET OR ROAD FRONTING THE PROPERTY. THE NUMBERS SHALL CONTRAST WITH THEIR BACKGROUND. ADDRESS NUMBERS SHALL BE ARABIC NUMBERS OR ALPHABETICAL LETTERS. NUMBERS SHALL BE A MIN. 4" HIGH WITH A MIN. STROKE WIDTH OF ½". WHERE ACCESS IS BY MEANS OF A PRIVATE ROAD & THE BUILDING ADDRESS CANNOT BE VIEWED FROM THE PUBLIC WAY, A MONUMENT, POLE, OR OTHER SIGN OR MEANS SHALL BE USED TO IDENTIFY THE STRUCTURE. CBC R319.1 ROOFING WINDOWS & DOORS GUTTERS DOWNSPOUTS 3" ROUND PAINTED GALV. DOWNSPOUTS, TO MATCH ROOFING, TO SPLASH BLOCKS DIRECTED TO VEGETATED AREAS 5" HIGH X 4" WIDE PAINTED GALV. OGEE GUTTERS TO MATCH ROOFING W/A GUTTER COVER THAT PREVENTS THE ACCUMULATION OF LEAVES & DEBRIS WOOD WRAP 8" COLUMNS 8" SQ WOOD WRAPPED COLUMNS W/TRIM TOP & BOTTOM STONE VENEER ADHERED MASONRY VENEER SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS. R703.12 CLEARANCES ON EXTERIOR VENEER WALLS SHALL BE, 4" MIN. ABOVE EARTH, 2" ABOVE PAVED AREAS, ½" ABOVE EXTERIOR WALKING SURFACES WHICH ARE SUPPORTED BY THE FOUNDATION THAT SUPPORTS THE EXTERIOR WALLS. R703.12.1 CLASS "A" ROOF ASSEMBLY, TPO O/1 LAYER SECUROCK UNDERLAYMENT O/ ½" CDX SHEATHING. INSTALL ROOFING PER MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS. SLOPE PROVIDED BY ROOFING CONTRACTOR. FLAT ROOF AREA GARAGE DOOR INSTALL NEW WOOD SECTIONAL ROLL-UP GARAGE DOOR WITH OPENER. EXTERIOR WALL FINISH INTEGRAL COLOR SMOOTH 4 COAT STUCCO W/ANTIFRACTURE MEMBRANE O/CORROSION RESISTANT METAL WIRE MESH O/2 LAYERS GRADE "D" BUILDING PAPER O/½" CDX PLYWOOD SHEATHING WATER TABLE STUCCO WATER TABLE APPLIED TO STUCCO. STYLE TBD BY ARCHITECT. CAST STONE MOLDING PROVIDE CAST STONE MOLDING W/INTEGRAL GUTTER. STYLE TO BE DETERMINED BY ARCHITECT. 42" METAL RAILING PROVIDE 42" HIGH WROUGHT IRON METAL RAILING AT BALCONY WITH BALUSTERS SPACED SUCH THAT A 4" DIA. SPHERE CANNOT PASS THROUGH. FABRICATOR SHALL PROVIDE SHOP DRWGS, SPICS, & CALCS FOR APPROVAL BY ARCHITECT. CRC R312 SHAPED BEAM ENDS @ OVERHANGS PROVIDE 4X6 SHAPED BEAM END @ 36" OC AT OVERHANGS CAST STONE TRIM PROVIDE CAST STONE TRIM @ WINDOWS, DOORS, & OPENINGS. STYLE TO BE DETERMINED BY ARCHITECT SHAPED BEAM ENDS PROVIDE SHAPED BEAM END @ PATIOS. STYLE TO BE DETERMINED BY ARCHITECT SKYLIGHT PROVIDE DUAL GLAZED FLAT PROFILE SKYLIGHTS W/TEMPERED GLASS OVER LAMINATED GLASS. VELUX ER-0199 CLASS 'A' ROOF ASSEMBLY, 2-PIECE CLAY BARREL TILE ROOF BY LUDOWICI O/1 LAYER 72#, "GAFGLASS" MINERAL- SURFACED, CAP SHEET BY GAF, OR EQUAL OR BETTER, O/1 LAYER #30 FELT. U.O.N. GARAGE DOOR WHEN VISIBLE GAPS EXCEED ⅛" BETWEEN DOORS & DOOR OPENINGS AT THE BOTTOM, SIDES, & TOPS OF DOORS, SUCH GAPS SHALL BE CONTROLLED BY ONE OF THE FOLLOWING METHODS: A. WEATHER-STRIPPING LISTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TESTING CRITERIA OF CRC § R337.8.4. PROVIDE MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS SHOWING COMPLIANCE WITH CRITERIA & NOT THE MANUFACTURER'S NAME & WEATHER-STRIPPING TYPE ON THE PLANS. CRC § R337.8.4, OPTION #1. B. DOOR OVERLAPS ONTO JAMBS & HEADERS. CRC § R337.8.4, OPTION #2 C. GARAGE DOOR JAMBS & HEADERS COVERED WITH METAL FLASHING. CRC § R337.8.4, OPTION #3 2 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" REAR ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" RIGHT ELEVATION Roofing: Ludowici two piece barrel clay tile. Patio & Trellis: Wood construction with decorative shaped ends. Trim: Cast stone trim. Rails & Guards: Wrought iron railing. Gutters: Painted galv. gutters. EXTERIOR COLORS (LRV 13) (LRV 24) (LRV 2.48) (LRV 2.48) (LRV 29) (LRV 2) (LRV 2.48) Vermont Gray Black Equestrian Gray or equal. Color ranges from dark bronze to black. Exterior Walls: Smooth coat stucco. Windows & Doors: Combination of steel framed or aluminum clad doors & windows. Stained or painted ranges from dark bronze to black. Color varies. Black Color ranges from dark gray to black. 2 PLAN CHECK COMMENTS 8/15/22 OF REVISIONS DATE: SCALE:51 UNIVERSITY AVE. "L" • LOS GATOS, CA. • 95030 • (408) 395-2555NOTE:•The Contractor shall verify all dimensions,elevations and conditions, prior to startingany field work.•Any deviation called by field conditions,or any conditions different from thoseindicated on the plans shall be broughtto the Architect's attention prior toinstallation.S H E E TARCHITECTURAL AND SITE DEVELOPMENT FOR:THE BOUKNIGHT FAMILY144 WOOD ROAD • LOS GATOS, CA 95030AS SHOWN A-11 12/8/21 SECTIONS A & B 5821 1 PLAN CHECK COMMENTS 6/16/22 11'-7"10'-1"9'-1"1'-0"1'-1/2"9'-1"1'-0"32'-91/2"NATUR A L G R A D E 18' HEI G H T PLANE ( A T SECTI O N C U T ) LOWER FL. 723.5' MAIN FL 734.58' MAIN FL PT. 744.66' GARAGE FL. 723'.0 UPPER FL. 744.66' HIGHEST RIDGE 755.78' PLATE 754.74' PLATE 753.74' HIGHEST RIDGE 755.78' PLATE 754.74' PLATE 753.74' LOWER FL. 723.5' MAIN FL 734.58' UNDER FLOOR ACCESS UNDER FLOOR ACCESS 10'-0"9'-0"32'-91/2"GARAGE GRADE10'-1"LOWER FL HT.10'-1"MAIN FL HT.9'-1"9'-1"2'-1/2"10'-6"18"2'-11"11'-1"10'-1"12"10'-1"A1 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A7 A7 A8 A8 A8 A8 A9 A9 A9 A10A10 A10A10 A11 A12 A12 A13 A13 A14 A14 A14 A14 A16 A16 A16 A16 A18 A19 A19 A19 A19 A20 A22 A28 A29 A29 A30 18' HEI G H T P L A N E AT CU T L I N E natura l g r a d e BED 1 MUD CLOSET ELEVATOR LOWER FL. 723.5' MAIN FL 734.58' UPPER FL. 744.66' HIGHEST RIDGE 755.78' GARAGE FL. 723' GARAGE PLATE 754.74' REAR YARD DRIVEWAY 749.26 753.78 REAR YARD 749.26 PLATE 753.74' LOWER FL. 723.5' MAIN FL 734.58' UPPER FL. 744.66' HIGHEST RIDGE 755.78' PLATE 754.74' PLATE 753.74' BATH 5 CLOSET LAUNDRY CLOSET BED 2 WALK-IN CLOSET BATH 3 A1 A2 A3 A9 A5 A6 A7 A8 A10 A11 A12 A13 A4 ROOFING CLASS "A" ROOF ASSEMBLY, TPO O/1 LAYER SECUROCK UNDERLAYMENT O/ ½" CDX SHEATHING. INSTALL ROOFING PER MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS. SLOPE PROVIDED BY ROOFING CONTRACTOR. FLAT ROOF AREA CLASS 'A' ROOF ASSEMBLY, 2-PIECE CLAY BARREL TILE ROOF BY REDLANDS O/ 1 LAYER 72#, "GAFGLASS" MINERAL- SURFACED, CAP SHEET BY GAF, OR EQUAL OR BETTER U.O.N. 6" NOM. STUD WALL 5½" TH. STUD WALL FROM 2X STUDS @ 16" O.C. 4" NOM. STUD WALL 3½" TH. STUD WALL FROM 2X STUDS @ 16" O.C. 10" NOM. STUD WALL 9¼" TH. STUD WALL FROM 2X STUDS @ 16" O.C. 6" CONCRETE RETAINING WALL W/2X WOOD WALL 6" CONCRETE RETAINING WALL W/½" GAP W/2X FLAT LAY STUDS @ 16" O.C. ⅝" GYPSUM BOARD ⅝" GYPSUM BOARD SHALL BE APPLY THROUGH OUT THE RESIDENCE. TYP. U.O.N. 8" NOM. STUD WALL 7¼" THICK STUD WALL FROM 2X STUDS @ 16" O.C. ⅝" TYPE "X" GYPSUM BOARD ⅝" TYPE "X" GYPSUM BOARD AT GARAGE CEILING 8" CONCRETE RETAINING WALL W/2X WOOD WALL 12" CONCRETE RETAINING WALL W/2X4 STUD WALL 8" CONCRETE RETAINING WALL W/½" GAP W/2X FLAT LAY STUDS @ 16" O.C. 12" CONCRETE RETAINING WALL W/½" GAP W/2X4 STUDS @ 16" O.C. WALL INSULATION TYP. PROVIDE R-21 LOW-EMITTING BATT INSULATION PER TITLE 24 ARCHITECTURAL SECTION NOTES CLOSED CELL CEILING INSULATION APPLY R-38 DEMILEC CLOSED CELL SPRAY FOAM INSULATION TO UNDERSIDE OF ROOF SHEATHING. R-VALUE 7.4 PER INCH. SEE TITLE 24 FOR R VALUES REQUIRED, ESR-3210 A14 A15 A16 A17 A18 A19 A20 A21 A22 GUTTERS DOWNSPOUTS 3" ROUND PAINTED GALV. DOWNSPOUTS, TO MATCH ROOFING, TO SPLASH BLOCKS DIRECTED TO VEGETATED AREAS 5" HIGH X 4" WIDE PAINTED GALV. OGEE GUTTERS TO MATCH ROOFING W/A GUTTER COVER THAT PREVENTS THE ACCUMULATION OF LEAVES & DEBRIS WOOD WRAP 8" COLUMNS 8" SQ WOOD WRAPPED COLUMNS W/TRIM TOP & BOTTOM STONE VENEER ADHERED MASONRY VENEER SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS. R703.12 CLEARANCES ON EXTERIOR VENEER WALLS SHALL BE, 4" MIN. ABOVE EARTH, 2" ABOVE PAVED AREAS, ½" ABOVE EXTERIOR WALKING SURFACES WHICH ARE SUPPORTED BY THE FOUNDATION THAT SUPPORTS THE EXTERIOR WALLS. R703.12.1 CLASS "A" ROOF ASSEMBLY, TPO O/1 LAYER SECUROCK UNDERLAYMENT O/ ½" CDX SHEATHING. INSTALL ROOFING PER MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS. SLOPE PROVIDED BY ROOFING CONTRACTOR. EXTERIOR WALL FINISH INTEGRAL COLOR SMOOTH 4 COAT STUCCO W/ANTIFRACTURE MEMBRANE O/CORROSION RESISTANT METAL WIRE MESH O/2 LAYERS GRADE "D" BUILDING PAPER O/½" CDX PLYWOOD SHEATHING SHAPED BEAM ENDS @ OVERHANGS PROVIDE 4X6 DF #1 SHAPED BEAM END @ 36" OC AT OVERHANGS CAST STONE TRIM PROVIDE CAST STONE TRIM @ WINDOWS, DOORS, & OPENINGS. STYLE TO BE DETERMINED BY ARCHITECT SHAPED BEAM ENDS PROVIDE SHAPED BEAM END @ PATIOS. STYLE TO BE DETERMINED BY ARCHITECT SKYLIGHT PROVIDE DUAL GLAZED SKYLIGHTS W/TEMPERED GLASS OVER LAMINATED GLASS. VELUX ER-0199 1 1 A23 A24 A25 A26 A27 A29 A22 A30 HANDRAIL @ STAIR AT STAIRS WITH MORE THAN THREE RISERS, PROVIDE MIN. ONE 1¼"Ø TO 2"Ø STAIR HANDRAIL 34" TO 38" ABOVE STAIR NOSING WITH NO SHARP EDGES. HANDRAILS MAY PROJECT A MAX. OF 4½" INTO REQUIRED WIDTH OF STAIRWAY & SHALL PROVIDE 1½" SPACE BETWEEN WALL & HANDRAIL. HANDRAILS SHALL BE CONTINUOUS FROM TOP TO BOTTOM & TERMINATE AT NEWEL POSTS OR RETURN TO WALL. PROVIDE BALUSTERS, WHERE REQUIRED SUCH THAT A 4⅜" DIA. SPHERE CANNOT PASS THROUGH. RAIL FABRICATOR SHALL PROVIDE SHOP DRWGS, SPECS, & CALCS FOR APPROVAL BY ARCHITECT. CRC R312 GUARDS @ BALCONY PROVIDE 42" H. GUARDRAIL AT LANDINGS, WALKWAYS, BALCONIES & SIMILAR WALKING SURFACES WITH ADJACENT OPENINGS MORE THAN 30" ABOVE FLOOR OR GRADE BELOW. PROVIDE BALUSTERS SPACED SUCH THAT A 4" DIA. SPHERE CANNOT PASS THROUGH. RAIL FABRICATOR SHALL PROVIDE SHOP DRWGS, SPECS, & CALCS FOR APPROVAL BY ARCHITECT. CRC R312 STAIRWAYS: WIDTH. STAIRWAYS SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN 36" IN CLEAR WIDTH AT ALL POINTS ABOVE THE PERMITTED HANDRAIL HEIGHT & BELOW THE REQUIRED HEADROOM HEIGHT. HANDRAILS SHALL NOT PROJECT MORE THAN 4½" ON EITHER SIDE OF THE STAIRWAY & THE MINIMUM CLEAR WIDTH OF THE STAIRWAY AT & BELOW THE HANDRAIL HEIGHT, INCLUDING TREADS & LANDINGS, SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN 31½" WHERE A HANDRAIL IS INSTALLED ON ONE SIDE & 27" WHERE HANDRAILS ARE PROVIDED ON BOTH SIDES. THE MAXIMUM RISER HEIGHT SHALL BE 7¾". THE MINIMUM TREAD DEPTH SHALL BE 10". AT STAIRS WITH MORE THAN THREE RISERS, PROVIDE MIN. ONE 1¼"Ø TO 2"Ø STAIR HANDRAIL 34" TO 38" ABOVE STAIR NOSING WITH NO SHARP EDGES. HANDRAILS MAY PROJECT A MAX. OF 4½" INTO REQUIRED WIDTH OF STAIRWAY & SHALL PROVIDE 1½" SPACE BETWEEN WALL & HANDRAIL. HANDRAILS SHALL BE CONTINUOUS FROM TOP TO BOTTOM & TERMINATE AT NEWEL POSTS OR RETURN TO WALL. PROVIDE BALUSTERS, WHERE REQUIRED SUCH THAT A 4⅜" DIA. SPHERE CANNOT PASS THROUGH. HANDRAILS WITH A CIRCULAR CROSS SECTION SHALL HAVE AN OUTSIDE DIAMETER OF AT LEAST 1¼" & NOT GREATER THAN 2". IF THE HANDRAIL IS NOT CIRCULAR, IT SHALL HAVE A PERIMETER DIMENSION OF AT LEAST 4" & NOT GREATER THAN 6½" WITH A MAXIMUM CROSS SECTION OF 2¼". EDGES SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM RADIUS OF .01".CRC R311.7 STAIRWAYS: MAIN TO SECOND FLOOR STAIR 17 RISERS 7" 16 TREADS 12" WITH 2 INTERMEDIATE LANDINGS LOWER TO MAIN FLOOR STAIR 19 RISERS 7" 18 TREADS 10¼" MEASURED 12" FROM INSIDE EDGE FOUNDATION INSULATION INSTALL 2" RIGID FOAM INSULATION ON INSIDE OF FOUNDATION IN CRAWL SPACE TO PROVIDE CONDITIONED CRAWL SPACE. NO VENTING REQUIRED. CLOSED OVERHANGS PROVIDE PLASTER CEMENT AT ALL OVERHANGS TO CREATE CLOSED SOFFIT. ELEVATOR PIT PROVIDE 12" DEEP PIT AT ELEVATOR SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" SECTION A-A SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" SECTION B-B OF REVISIONS DATE: SCALE:51 UNIVERSITY AVE. "L" • LOS GATOS, CA. • 95030 • (408) 395-2555NOTE:•The Contractor shall verify all dimensions,elevations and conditions, prior to startingany field work.•Any deviation called by field conditions,or any conditions different from thoseindicated on the plans shall be broughtto the Architect's attention prior toinstallation.S H E E TARCHITECTURAL AND SITE DEVELOPMENT FOR:THE BOUKNIGHT FAMILY144 WOOD ROAD • LOS GATOS, CA 95030AS SHOWN A-12 12/8/21 SECTIONS C & D 5822 1 PLAN CHECK COMMENTS 6/16/22 2 32'-53/4"9'-1"9'-0"10'-0"10'-1"A2 A2 A2 A3 A3 A4 A4 A4 A7 A7 A8 A8 A8 A8 A9 A9A9 A10A10 A10A10 A10A10 A12 A13 A13 A14 A15 A15 A16 A18A18 A20 A21 A22 A23 A23 A24 A25 A26 A26 A27 A27 A29 18' ma x . height l i m i t natura l g r a d e LIVING ROOM STAIRWELL PLAYROOM DECK BACK YARD LOWER FL. 723.5' MAIN FL 734.58' UPPER FL. 744.66' HALL COVERED PORCH DRIVEWAY BACK YARD HIGHEST RIDGE 755.78' PLATE 754.74' PLATE 753.74' LOWER FL. 723.5' MAIN FL 734.58' UPPER FL. 744.66' HIGHEST RIDGE 755.78' PLATE 754.74' PLATE 753.74' FOYER STAIRWELLLAUNDRY STAIRWELL 11'-1"10'-1"9'-1"1'-0"32'-3/4"10'-1"10'-0"NATUR A L G R A D E A2 A2 A2 A2 A3 A4 A7 A8 A8 A9 A9 A10A10 A10A10 A12 A13 A14 A14 A16 A18 A21 A22 A22 A27 A29 LOGGIA LOWER FL. 723.5' MAIN FL 734.58' UPPER FL. 744.66' WORK #1 COURT KITCHENMECH/ STORAGE UPPER LEVEL REAR YARD COVERED PORCH 18' H E I G H T PLAN E ( A T SECTI O N C U T ) POOL HIGHEST RIDGE 755.78' PLATE 754.74' PLATE 753.74' LOWER FL. 723.5' MAIN FL 734.58' UPPER FL. 744.66' HIGHEST RIDGE 755.78' PLATE 754.74' PLATE 753.74' DINING STORAGE GYM 1 1 A1 A2 A3 A9 A5 A6 A7 A8 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 A16 A17 A18 A19 A20 A21 A22 A23 A24 A25 A4 A26 A27 A29 A22 A30 ROOFING GUTTERS DOWNSPOUTS 3" ROUND PAINTED GALV. DOWNSPOUTS, TO MATCH ROOFING, TO SPLASH BLOCKS DIRECTED TO VEGETATED AREAS 5" HIGH X 4" WIDE PAINTED GALV. OGEE GUTTERS TO MATCH ROOFING W/A GUTTER COVER THAT PREVENTS THE ACCUMULATION OF LEAVES & DEBRIS WOOD WRAP 8" COLUMNS 8" SQ WOOD WRAPPED COLUMNS W/TRIM TOP & BOTTOM STONE VENEER ADHERED MASONRY VENEER SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS. R703.12 CLEARANCES ON EXTERIOR VENEER WALLS SHALL BE, 4" MIN. ABOVE EARTH, 2" ABOVE PAVED AREAS, ½" ABOVE EXTERIOR WALKING SURFACES WHICH ARE SUPPORTED BY THE FOUNDATION THAT SUPPORTS THE EXTERIOR WALLS. R703.12.1 CLASS "A" ROOF ASSEMBLY, TPO O/1 LAYER SECUROCK UNDERLAYMENT O/ ½" CDX SHEATHING. INSTALL ROOFING PER MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS. SLOPE PROVIDED BY ROOFING CONTRACTOR. FLAT ROOF AREA EXTERIOR WALL FINISH INTEGRAL COLOR SMOOTH 4 COAT STUCCO W/ANTIFRACTURE MEMBRANE O/CORROSION RESISTANT METAL WIRE MESH O/2 LAYERS GRADE "D" BUILDING PAPER O/½" CDX PLYWOOD SHEATHING CLASS 'A' ROOF ASSEMBLY, 2-PIECE CLAY BARREL TILE ROOF BY REDLANDS O/ 1 LAYER 72#, "GAFGLASS" MINERAL- SURFACED, CAP SHEET BY GAF, OR EQUAL OR BETTER U.O.N. SHAPED BEAM ENDS @ OVERHANGS PROVIDE 4X6 DF #1 SHAPED BEAM END @ 36" OC AT OVERHANGS CAST STONE TRIM PROVIDE CAST STONE TRIM @ WINDOWS, DOORS, & OPENINGS. STYLE TO BE DETERMINED BY ARCHITECT SHAPED BEAM ENDS PROVIDE SHAPED BEAM END @ PATIOS. STYLE TO BE DETERMINED BY ARCHITECT SKYLIGHT PROVIDE DUAL GLAZED SKYLIGHTS W/TEMPERED GLASS OVER LAMINATED GLASS. VELUX ER-0199 6" NOM. STUD WALL 5½" TH. STUD WALL FROM 2X STUDS @ 16" O.C. 4" NOM. STUD WALL 3½" TH. STUD WALL FROM 2X STUDS @ 16" O.C. HANDRAIL @ STAIR AT STAIRS WITH MORE THAN THREE RISERS, PROVIDE MIN. ONE 1¼"Ø TO 2"Ø STAIR HANDRAIL 34" TO 38" ABOVE STAIR NOSING WITH NO SHARP EDGES. HANDRAILS MAY PROJECT A MAX. OF 4½" INTO REQUIRED WIDTH OF STAIRWAY & SHALL PROVIDE 1½" SPACE BETWEEN WALL & HANDRAIL. HANDRAILS SHALL BE CONTINUOUS FROM TOP TO BOTTOM & TERMINATE AT NEWEL POSTS OR RETURN TO WALL. PROVIDE BALUSTERS, WHERE REQUIRED SUCH THAT A 4⅜" DIA. SPHERE CANNOT PASS THROUGH. RAIL FABRICATOR SHALL PROVIDE SHOP DRWGS, SPECS, & CALCS FOR APPROVAL BY ARCHITECT. CRC R312 GUARDS @ BALCONY PROVIDE 42" H. GUARDRAIL AT LANDINGS, WALKWAYS, BALCONIES & SIMILAR WALKING SURFACES WITH ADJACENT OPENINGS MORE THAN 30" ABOVE FLOOR OR GRADE BELOW. PROVIDE BALUSTERS SPACED SUCH THAT A 4" DIA. SPHERE CANNOT PASS THROUGH. RAIL FABRICATOR SHALL PROVIDE SHOP DRWGS, SPECS, & CALCS FOR APPROVAL BY ARCHITECT. CRC R312 STAIRWAYS: WIDTH. STAIRWAYS SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN 36" IN CLEAR WIDTH AT ALL POINTS ABOVE THE PERMITTED HANDRAIL HEIGHT & BELOW THE REQUIRED HEADROOM HEIGHT. HANDRAILS SHALL NOT PROJECT MORE THAN 4½" ON EITHER SIDE OF THE STAIRWAY & THE MINIMUM CLEAR WIDTH OF THE STAIRWAY AT & BELOW THE HANDRAIL HEIGHT, INCLUDING TREADS & LANDINGS, SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN 31½" WHERE A HANDRAIL IS INSTALLED ON ONE SIDE & 27" WHERE HANDRAILS ARE PROVIDED ON BOTH SIDES. THE MAXIMUM RISER HEIGHT SHALL BE 7¾". THE MINIMUM TREAD DEPTH SHALL BE 10". AT STAIRS WITH MORE THAN THREE RISERS, PROVIDE MIN. ONE 1¼"Ø TO 2"Ø STAIR HANDRAIL 34" TO 38" ABOVE STAIR NOSING WITH NO SHARP EDGES. HANDRAILS MAY PROJECT A MAX. OF 4½" INTO REQUIRED WIDTH OF STAIRWAY & SHALL PROVIDE 1½" SPACE BETWEEN WALL & HANDRAIL. HANDRAILS SHALL BE CONTINUOUS FROM TOP TO BOTTOM & TERMINATE AT NEWEL POSTS OR RETURN TO WALL. PROVIDE BALUSTERS, WHERE REQUIRED SUCH THAT A 4⅜" DIA. SPHERE CANNOT PASS THROUGH. HANDRAILS WITH A CIRCULAR CROSS SECTION SHALL HAVE AN OUTSIDE DIAMETER OF AT LEAST 1¼" & NOT GREATER THAN 2". IF THE HANDRAIL IS NOT CIRCULAR, IT SHALL HAVE A PERIMETER DIMENSION OF AT LEAST 4" & NOT GREATER THAN 6½" WITH A MAXIMUM CROSS SECTION OF 2¼". EDGES SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM RADIUS OF .01".CRC R311.7 STAIRWAYS: MAIN TO SECOND FLOOR STAIR 17 RISERS 7" 16 TREADS 12" WITH 2 INTERMEDIATE LANDINGS 10" NOM. STUD WALL 9¼" TH. STUD WALL FROM 2X STUDS @ 16" O.C. 6" CONCRETE RETAINING WALL W/2X WOOD WALL 6" CONCRETE RETAINING WALL W/½" GAP W/2X FLAT LAY STUDS @ 16" O.C. ⅝" GYPSUM BOARD ⅝" GYPSUM BOARD SHALL BE APPLY THROUGH OUT THE RESIDENCE. TYP. U.O.N. 8" NOM. STUD WALL 7¼" THICK STUD WALL FROM 2X STUDS @ 16" O.C. ⅝" TYPE "X" GYPSUM BOARD ⅝" TYPE "X" GYPSUM BOARD AT GARAGE CEILING 8" CONCRETE RETAINING WALL W/2X WOOD WALL 12" CONCRETE RETAINING WALL W/2X4 STUD WALL 8" CONCRETE RETAINING WALL W/½" GAP W/2X FLAT LAY STUDS @ 16" O.C. 12" CONCRETE RETAINING WALL W/½" GAP W/2X4 STUDS @ 16" O.C. LOWER TO MAIN FLOOR STAIR 19 RISERS 7" 18 TREADS 10¼" MEASURED 12" FROM INSIDE EDGE WALL INSULATION TYP. PROVIDE R-21 LOW-EMITTING BATT INSULATION PER TITLE 24 ARCHITECTURAL SECTION NOTES CLOSED CELL CEILING INSULATION APPLY R-38 DEMILEC CLOSED CELL SPRAY FOAM INSULATION TO UNDERSIDE OF ROOF SHEATHING. R-VALUE 7.4 PER INCH. SEE TITLE 24 FOR R VALUES REQUIRED, ESR-3210 FOUNDATION INSULATION INSTALL 2" RIGID FOAM INSULATION ON INSIDE OF FOUNDATION IN CRAWL SPACE TO PROVIDE CONDITIONED CRAWL SPACE. NO VENTING REQUIRED. CLOSED OVERHANGS PROVIDE PLASTER CEMENT AT ALL OVERHANGS TO CREATE CLOSED SOFFIT. ELEVATOR PIT PROVIDE 12" DEEP PIT AT ELEVATOR SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" SECTION C-C SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" SECTION D-D OF REVISIONS DATE: SCALE:51 UNIVERSITY AVE. "L" • LOS GATOS, CA. • 95030 • (408) 395-2555NOTE:•The Contractor shall verify all dimensions,elevations and conditions, prior to startingany field work.•Any deviation called by field conditions,or any conditions different from thoseindicated on the plans shall be broughtto the Architect's attention prior toinstallation.S H E E TARCHITECTURAL AND SITE DEVELOPMENT FOR:THE BOUKNIGHT FAMILY144 WOOD ROAD • LOS GATOS, CA 95030AS SHOWN A-13 12/8/21 SECTIONS E, F, & G 5823 1 PLAN CHECK COMMENTS 6/16/22 11'-1"10'-1"9'-1"2'-1/2"32'-31/2"10'-0"10'-1"9'-61/4"A2 A2 A2 A2 A4 A9 A10 A10A10 A12 A12 A12 A13A13 A13 A14 A14 A14 A14 A15 A15 A16 A16 A16 A16 A17 A17 A17 A18 A19 A19 A19 A20 A21 A21 A22 A22 A27 A28 18' ma x . height l i m i t (at th e c u t p l a n e ) natural g r a d e MAIN LEVEL BED #1 LOWER FL. 723.5' MAIN FL 734.58' UPPER FL. 744.66' MUD RM ENTRY PORCH WORK #2 HIGHEST RIDGE 755.78' PLATE 754.74' PLATE 753.74' HIGHEST RIDGE 755.78' PLATE 754.74' PLATE 753.74' LOWER FL. 723.5' MAIN FL 734.58' UPPER FL. 744.66' LOGGIA 11'-1"10'-1"9'-9"32'-31/2"10'-0"10'-1"10'-1"A1 A2 A2 A2 A2A2 A3 A3 A4 A4 A6 A9 A9 A10A10 A10A10 A12 A12 A13 A13 A14 A14 A15 A15 A15 A16A16 A16 A16 A16 A17 A17 A17 A19 A19 A21 A22 A22 A23 A23 A24 A25 A26 A26 A27 A28 A28 18' ma x . height l i m i t (at th e c u t p l a n e ) natural g r a d e LIVING ROOM LOWER LEVEL LOWER FL. 723.5' MAIN FL 734.58' UPPER FL. 744.66' BEDROOM 3 GYM DININGBATH #1 HIGHEST RIDGE 755.78' PLATE 754.74' PLATE 753.74' HIGHEST RIDGE 755.78' PLATE 754.74' PLATE 753.74' UPPER FL. 744.66' LOWER FL. 723.5' MAIN FL 734.58' BATH 3 1 1 A1 A2 A3 A9 A5 A6 A7 A8 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 A16 A17 A18 A19 A20 A21 A22 A23 A24 A25 A4 A26 A27 A29 A22 A30 ROOFING GUTTERS DOWNSPOUTS 3" ROUND PAINTED GALV. DOWNSPOUTS, TO MATCH ROOFING, TO SPLASH BLOCKS DIRECTED TO VEGETATED AREAS 5" HIGH X 4" WIDE PAINTED GALV. OGEE GUTTERS TO MATCH ROOFING W/A GUTTER COVER THAT PREVENTS THE ACCUMULATION OF LEAVES & DEBRIS WOOD WRAP 8" COLUMNS 8" SQ WOOD WRAPPED COLUMNS W/TRIM TOP & BOTTOM STONE VENEER ADHERED MASONRY VENEER SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS. R703.12 CLEARANCES ON EXTERIOR VENEER WALLS SHALL BE, 4" MIN. ABOVE EARTH, 2" ABOVE PAVED AREAS, ½" ABOVE EXTERIOR WALKING SURFACES WHICH ARE SUPPORTED BY THE FOUNDATION THAT SUPPORTS THE EXTERIOR WALLS. R703.12.1 CLASS "A" ROOF ASSEMBLY, TPO O/1 LAYER SECUROCK UNDERLAYMENT O/ ½" CDX SHEATHING. INSTALL ROOFING PER MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS. SLOPE PROVIDED BY ROOFING CONTRACTOR. FLAT ROOF AREA EXTERIOR WALL FINISH INTEGRAL COLOR SMOOTH 4 COAT STUCCO W/ANTIFRACTURE MEMBRANE O/CORROSION RESISTANT METAL WIRE MESH O/2 LAYERS GRADE "D" BUILDING PAPER O/½" CDX PLYWOOD SHEATHING CLASS 'A' ROOF ASSEMBLY, 2-PIECE CLAY BARREL TILE ROOF BY REDLANDS O/ 1 LAYER 72#, "GAFGLASS" MINERAL- SURFACED, CAP SHEET BY GAF, OR EQUAL OR BETTER U.O.N. SHAPED BEAM ENDS @ OVERHANGS PROVIDE 4X6 DF #1 SHAPED BEAM END @ 36" OC AT OVERHANGS CAST STONE TRIM PROVIDE CAST STONE TRIM @ WINDOWS, DOORS, & OPENINGS. STYLE TO BE DETERMINED BY ARCHITECT SHAPED BEAM ENDS PROVIDE SHAPED BEAM END @ PATIOS. STYLE TO BE DETERMINED BY ARCHITECT SKYLIGHT PROVIDE DUAL GLAZED SKYLIGHTS W/TEMPERED GLASS OVER LAMINATED GLASS. VELUX ER-0199 6" NOM. STUD WALL 5½" TH. STUD WALL FROM 2X STUDS @ 16" O.C. 4" NOM. STUD WALL 3½" TH. STUD WALL FROM 2X STUDS @ 16" O.C. HANDRAIL @ STAIR AT STAIRS WITH MORE THAN THREE RISERS, PROVIDE MIN. ONE 1¼"Ø TO 2"Ø STAIR HANDRAIL 34" TO 38" ABOVE STAIR NOSING WITH NO SHARP EDGES. HANDRAILS MAY PROJECT A MAX. OF 4½" INTO REQUIRED WIDTH OF STAIRWAY & SHALL PROVIDE 1½" SPACE BETWEEN WALL & HANDRAIL. HANDRAILS SHALL BE CONTINUOUS FROM TOP TO BOTTOM & TERMINATE AT NEWEL POSTS OR RETURN TO WALL. PROVIDE BALUSTERS, WHERE REQUIRED SUCH THAT A 4⅜" DIA. SPHERE CANNOT PASS THROUGH. RAIL FABRICATOR SHALL PROVIDE SHOP DRWGS, SPECS, & CALCS FOR APPROVAL BY ARCHITECT. CRC R312 GUARDS @ BALCONY PROVIDE 42" H. GUARDRAIL AT LANDINGS, WALKWAYS, BALCONIES & SIMILAR WALKING SURFACES WITH ADJACENT OPENINGS MORE THAN 30" ABOVE FLOOR OR GRADE BELOW. PROVIDE BALUSTERS SPACED SUCH THAT A 4" DIA. SPHERE CANNOT PASS THROUGH. RAIL FABRICATOR SHALL PROVIDE SHOP DRWGS, SPECS, & CALCS FOR APPROVAL BY ARCHITECT. CRC R312 STAIRWAYS: WIDTH. STAIRWAYS SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN 36" IN CLEAR WIDTH AT ALL POINTS ABOVE THE PERMITTED HANDRAIL HEIGHT & BELOW THE REQUIRED HEADROOM HEIGHT. HANDRAILS SHALL NOT PROJECT MORE THAN 4½" ON EITHER SIDE OF THE STAIRWAY & THE MINIMUM CLEAR WIDTH OF THE STAIRWAY AT & BELOW THE HANDRAIL HEIGHT, INCLUDING TREADS & LANDINGS, SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN 31½" WHERE A HANDRAIL IS INSTALLED ON ONE SIDE & 27" WHERE HANDRAILS ARE PROVIDED ON BOTH SIDES. THE MAXIMUM RISER HEIGHT SHALL BE 7¾". THE MINIMUM TREAD DEPTH SHALL BE 10". AT STAIRS WITH MORE THAN THREE RISERS, PROVIDE MIN. ONE 1¼"Ø TO 2"Ø STAIR HANDRAIL 34" TO 38" ABOVE STAIR NOSING WITH NO SHARP EDGES. HANDRAILS MAY PROJECT A MAX. OF 4½" INTO REQUIRED WIDTH OF STAIRWAY & SHALL PROVIDE 1½" SPACE BETWEEN WALL & HANDRAIL. HANDRAILS SHALL BE CONTINUOUS FROM TOP TO BOTTOM & TERMINATE AT NEWEL POSTS OR RETURN TO WALL. PROVIDE BALUSTERS, WHERE REQUIRED SUCH THAT A 4⅜" DIA. SPHERE CANNOT PASS THROUGH. HANDRAILS WITH A CIRCULAR CROSS SECTION SHALL HAVE AN OUTSIDE DIAMETER OF AT LEAST 1¼" & NOT GREATER THAN 2". IF THE HANDRAIL IS NOT CIRCULAR, IT SHALL HAVE A PERIMETER DIMENSION OF AT LEAST 4" & NOT GREATER THAN 6½" WITH A MAXIMUM CROSS SECTION OF 2¼". EDGES SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM RADIUS OF .01".CRC R311.7 STAIRWAYS: MAIN TO SECOND FLOOR STAIR 17 RISERS 7" 16 TREADS 12" WITH 2 INTERMEDIATE LANDINGS 10" NOM. STUD WALL 9¼" TH. STUD WALL FROM 2X STUDS @ 16" O.C. 6" CONCRETE RETAINING WALL W/2X WOOD WALL 6" CONCRETE RETAINING WALL W/½" GAP W/2X FLAT LAY STUDS @ 16" O.C. ⅝" GYPSUM BOARD ⅝" GYPSUM BOARD SHALL BE APPLY THROUGH OUT THE RESIDENCE. TYP. U.O.N. 8" NOM. STUD WALL 7¼" THICK STUD WALL FROM 2X STUDS @ 16" O.C. ⅝" TYPE "X" GYPSUM BOARD ⅝" TYPE "X" GYPSUM BOARD AT GARAGE CEILING 8" CONCRETE RETAINING WALL W/2X WOOD WALL 12" CONCRETE RETAINING WALL W/2X4 STUD WALL 8" CONCRETE RETAINING WALL W/½" GAP W/2X FLAT LAY STUDS @ 16" O.C. 12" CONCRETE RETAINING WALL W/½" GAP W/2X4 STUDS @ 16" O.C. LOWER TO MAIN FLOOR STAIR 19 RISERS 7" 18 TREADS 10¼" MEASURED 12" FROM INSIDE EDGE WALL INSULATION TYP. PROVIDE R-21 LOW-EMITTING BATT INSULATION PER TITLE 24 ARCHITECTURAL SECTION NOTES CLOSED CELL CEILING INSULATION APPLY R-38 DEMILEC CLOSED CELL SPRAY FOAM INSULATION TO UNDERSIDE OF ROOF SHEATHING. R-VALUE 7.4 PER INCH. SEE TITLE 24 FOR R VALUES REQUIRED, ESR-3210 FOUNDATION INSULATION INSTALL 2" RIGID FOAM INSULATION ON INSIDE OF FOUNDATION IN CRAWL SPACE TO PROVIDE CONDITIONED CRAWL SPACE. NO VENTING REQUIRED. CLOSED OVERHANGS PROVIDE PLASTER CEMENT AT ALL OVERHANGS TO CREATE CLOSED SOFFIT. ELEVATOR PIT PROVIDE 12" DEEP PIT AT ELEVATOR A2 A3 A7 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" SECTION E-E SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" SECTION F-F SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" SECTION G-G OF REVISIONS DATE: SCALE:51 UNIVERSITY AVE. "L" • LOS GATOS, CA. • 95030 • (408) 395-2555NOTE:•The Contractor shall verify all dimensions,elevations and conditions, prior to startingany field work.•Any deviation called by field conditions,or any conditions different from thoseindicated on the plans shall be broughtto the Architect's attention prior toinstallation.S H E E TARCHITECTURAL AND SITE DEVELOPMENT FOR:THE BOUKNIGHT FAMILY144 WOOD ROAD • LOS GATOS, CA 95030AS SHOWN A-14 12/8/21 SHORING PLAN 5824 1 PLAN CHECK COMMENTS 6/16/22 10'-0"9'-0"32'-91/2"10'-1"LOWER FL HT.10'-1"MAIN FL HT.9'-1"3'-0" 3'-0" 3'-0" 2'-111/2"5'-0"5'-0"5'-0"9'-1"2'-1/2"4'-91/4"10'-6"18"2'-11"11'-1"10'-1"12"10'-1"STANDARD OSHA CUT STANDARD OSHA CUT STANDARD OSHA CUT A1 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A7 A7 A8 A8 A8 A8 A9 A9 A9 A10A10 A10A10 A11 A12 A12 A13 A13 A14 A14 A14 A14 A16 A16 A16 A16 A18 A19 A19 A19 A19 A20 A22 A28 A29 A29 A30 18' HEI G H T P L A N E AT CU T L I N E natura l g r a d e BED 1 MUD CLOSET ELEVATOR LOWER FL. 723.5' MAIN FL 734.58' UPPER FL. 744.66' HIGHEST RIDGE 755.78' GARAGE FL. 723' GARAGE PLATE 754.74' REAR YARD DRIVEWAY 749.26 753.78 REAR YARD 749.26 ¶ PLATE 753.74' LOWER FL. 723.5' MAIN FL 734.58' UPPER FL. 744.66' HIGHEST RIDGE 755.78' PLATE 754.74' PLATE 753.74' BATH 5 CLOSET LAUNDRY CLOSET BED 2 WALK-IN CLOSET BATH 3 2 32'-53/4"3'-0" 3'-0" 3'-0"5'-0"5'-0"2'-111/2"5'-0"9'-1"9'-0"10'-0"4'-91/4"10'-1"STANDARD OSHA CUT STANDARD OSHA CUT STANDARD OSHA CUT A2 A2 A2 A3 A3 A4 A4 A4 A7 A7 A8 A8 A8 A8 A9 A9A9 A10A10 A10A10 A10A10 A12 A13 A13 A14 A15 A15 A16 A18A18 A20 A21 A22 A23 A23 A24 A25 A26 A26 A27 A27 A29 18' ma x . height l i m i t natura l g r a d e LIVING ROOM STAIRWELL PLAYROOM DECK BACK YARD LOWER FL. 723.5' MAIN FL 734.58' UPPER FL. 744.66' HALL COVERED PORCH DRIVEWAY BACK YARD HIGHEST RIDGE 755.78' PLATE 754.74' PLATE 753.74' LOWER FL. 723.5' MAIN FL 734.58' UPPER FL. 744.66' HIGHEST RIDGE 755.78' PLATE 754.74' PLATE 753.74' ¶ FOYER STAIRWELLLAUNDRY STAIRWELL SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" SECTION B-B SHORING PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" SECTION C-C SHORING PLAN 2 PLAN CHECK COMMENTS 8/15/22 OF REVISIONS DATE: SCALE:51 UNIVERSITY AVE. "L" • LOS GATOS, CA. • 95030 • (408) 395-2555NOTE:•The Contractor shall verify all dimensions,elevations and conditions, prior to startingany field work.•Any deviation called by field conditions,or any conditions different from thoseindicated on the plans shall be broughtto the Architect's attention prior toinstallation.S H E E TARCHITECTURAL AND SITE DEVELOPMENT FOR:THE BOUKNIGHT FAMILY144 WOOD ROAD • LOS GATOS, CA 95030AS SHOWN A-15 12/8/21 ARCHITECTU RAL DETAILS 5825 1 PLAN CHECK COMMENTS 6/16/22 ISLAND SINK VENT DETAIL SCALE ¾" : 1 ' - 0 " SANI TEE EXTEND LOOP AS HIGH AS POSSIBLE 1 ½" VENT LINE1 ½" VENT LINE 2" DRAIN LINE WALL 45°45° ELL 90° ELL CLEAN OUT CLEAN OUT CLEAN OUT CLEAN OUT SUBFLOOR ⅛ BEND & WYE 3 A B C D ¼" PER FT. MIN.CLEANOUTS REQ'D A OR B & C OR D ¼" PER FT. MIN. FLAT ROOF EAVE DETAIL SCALE 1" : 1 ' - 0 " TJI RAFTERS 2X12 WOOD FACIA 3 COAT COLOR INTEGRAL PLASTER CEMENT O/WIRE METAL MESH O/2 LAYERS STUCCOWRAP® O/½" CDX SHEATHING CLOSE CELL SPRAY FOAM INSULATION PER TITLE 24 DRIP EDGE TPO SYSTEM MEMBRANE O/SECUROCK ROOF BOARD O/½" CDX SHEATHING ⅝" GYPSUM⅝" GYPSUM SLOPE W/FORM INSULATION ½" CDX SHEATHING ½" CDX SHEATHING 4X6 SHAPED BEAM ENDS @ 36" OC 10 MAT SLAB @ RETAINING WALL WATERPROOFING DETAIL SCALE ¾" : 1 ' - 0 " DRAINING GRAVEL 3" TH. CONCRETE WORKING SLAB 4"Ø RIDGID PERFORATED DRAIN PIPE SLOPE TO SUMP W/MIN. 6" DRAIN ROCK COVER FILTER FABRIC ENCLOSURE AROUND DRAIN ROCK PREPRUFE 300R PLUS WATERPROOF MEMBRANE CONT. OVER WORKING SLAB UNDER MAT SLAB, WRAP EDGES TO TOP OF MAT SLAB HYDRODUCT 220 DRAIN MAT-ALTERNATE TO DRAIN ROCK COLUMN IN FABRIC MAT SLAB IF DRAIN MAT IS USED INSTEAD OF DRAIN ROCK COLUMN, WRAP DRAIN PIPE W/FILTER FABRIC AROUND 6" GRAVEL COVER FURRING WALL CONCRETE RETAINING WALL 2 BITUTHANE WP-3000 WATERPROOF MEMBRANE CONT. TO ABOVE FINISH GRADE 42"POST SLIDES OVER BASE MOUNT, SET SCREW OR WELD IN FIELD 1½" X 3" SOLID MAHOGANY TOP RAIL ⅜" X 1½" SOLID STEEL SUB TOP RAIL RECESSED ¼" INTO TOP RAIL 1½" X 1½" TUBULAR POST TO SLIP OVER FLOOR MOUNT ½" X ½" VERTICAL SOLID STEEL BALUSTERS @ 4" OC WELDED IN FIELD ¼" X ¾" SOLID STEEL BOTTOM RAIL 4" 4' O C EXTERIOR 42" HIGH RAILING DETAIL SCALE ½" = 1'-0"8 4' O C 7/8"3 1/2" STUCCO METAL LATH BUILDING PAPER COMPRESSION FLANGE 26 GA.GALV. OR PLASTIC WEEP SCREED W/3½" MIN. VERTICAL ATTACHMENT FLANGE @ OR BELOW THE FOUNDATION PLATE LINE ON EXTERIOR STUD WALL. SHALL BE THE TYPE THAT WILL ALLOW TRAPPED WATER TO DRAIN TO THE EXTERIOR OF THE BUILDING. WEATHER-RESISTANT BARRIER SHALL LAP THE ATTACHMENT FLANGE. THE EXTERIOR LATH SHALL COVER & TERMINATE ON THE ATTACHMENT FLANGE OF THE WEEP SCREED. R702.7.2.1 MIN. 4" ABOVE EARTH MIN. 2" ABOVE HARD SURFACE FOUNDATION SILL SUBFLOOR STUD WALL ½" CDX PLY SHEATHING 4X BLKG WEEP SCREED SCALE 1 1/2" = 1'-0"1 SKYLIGHT DETAIL SCALE 1" : 1 ' - 0 " CLASS 'A' ROOF ASSEMBLY: 60 MIL TPO ROOFING O/1 LAYER SECUROCK GYPSUM FIBER ROOF BOARD O/½" PLYWOOD SHTG. APPLY PER MANUF. SPECS & INSTRCTS. ⅝" GYPSUM BOARD FRAMING PER STRUCTURAL DRWGS (2) 2X10 PERIMETER CURB ROYALITE FLAT SKYLIGHT W/TEMPERED GLASS ON THE OUTSIDE & LAMINATED GLASS ON THE INSIDE. SKYLIGHT TO OVERLAP IB ROOFING AROUND PERIMETER OF CURB DEMILEC CLOSED CELL SPRAY FOAM INSULATION, R-VALUE PER TITLE 24, PROVIDE 7.4R PER INCH. ESR-3210 6" CURB MIN. 7 WINDOW JAMB / HEAD DETAIL SCALE 3" : 1 ' - 0 " MOIST-STOP FLASHING ⅞" STUCCO O/ WIRE LATH O/ (2) LAYERS STUCCOWRAP® UNDERLAYMENT ⅝" GYP. BOARD 2X6 STUDS TYP. CASEMENT WINDOW WOOD FRAME & SASH W/ ALUM. CLADDING & NAIL FIN 2X4 FRAME *WINDOW HEAD DETAIL SIMILAR12 TILE FLOORING O/CONCRETE PATIO FOUNDATION 3 COAT PLASTER CEMENT W/METAL WIRE MESH O/2 LAYERS TYVEK STUCCOWRAP® O/½" CDX SHEATHING ⅝" GYPSUM PORTELLA STEEL FRAME OUTSWING PATIO DOOR OUTSWING PATIO DOOR THRESHOLD SCALE 1 1/2" = 1'-0"4 6" 51/2" STUCCO GARAGE HEADER 2X3 TRIM STUCCO FUR WALL TO MATCH CONCRETE CURB, SOLID FURRING AT CENTER OF HEADER FOR SPRING MOUNTING SECTIONAL GARAGE DOOR 2 LAYERS STUCCOWRAP® UNDERLAYMENT WIRE LATH CURB WIDTH CAST TRIM GARAGE DOOR HEADER SCALE 1 1/2" = 1'-0"14 GARAGE DOOR JAMB DETAIL SCALE 3" : 1 ' - 0 "51/2"6"11/2"2"4x6 3 COAT PLASTER CEMENT O/ METAL LATH O/2 LAYERS STUCCOWRAP® UNDERLAYMENT 2X3 TRIM 6" WALL 6" CURB SECTIONAL GARAGE DOOR WIRE LATH ½" CDX SHEATHING CAST TRIM 15 FINISH FLOOR LVL'S RIPPED FOR SLOPE PEDESTAL SYSTEM ⅝" GYPSUM 3 COAT PLASTER CEMENT W/METAL WIRE MESH O/2 LAYERS STUCCOWRAP® O/½" CDX SHEATHING ⅝" GYPSUM 1⅛" T&G FLOORING PORTELLA STEEL SLIDING DOOR ⅝" GYPSUM⅝" GYPSUM ⅝" GYPSUM SLIDING DOOR THRESHOLD SCALE 1 1/2" = 1'-0"5 WINDOW SILL DETAIL SCALE 3" : 1 ' - 0 " ⅞" STUCCO O/ WIRE LATH O/ (2) LAYERS STUCCOWRAP®UNDERLAYMENT TYP. CASEMENT WINDOW WOOD FRAME & SASH W/ ALUM. CLAD 2X6 WALL (1) 2X4 CAST STONE SILL BY MILLBROOK MOIST-STOP FLASHING 5/8" GYP. BOARD 11 SIMPLE SILL & APRON EAVE DETAIL SCALE 1" : 1 ' - 0 " 2x10 RAFTERS 2x6 STUD WALL ⅝" GYPSUM⅝" GYPSUM 4X6 SHAPED BEAM ENDS @ 36" OC PAINTED 3 COAT PLASTER CEMENT O/2 LAYER TYVEK STUCCOWRAP® UNDERLAYMENT ½" CDX SHEATHING 2X8 FACIA OGEE GALV. PAINTED GUTTERS CLAY TILE 3 TILE ROOFING ½" CDX SHEATHING 9 BALCONY COLUMN DETAIL SCALE ¾" : 1 ' - 0 " PAINTED GALV. GUTTER 2X12 WOOD FACIA DRIP EDGE TPO SYSTEM MEMBRANE O/SECUROCK ROOF BOARD O/½" CDX SHEATHING 6X6 STRUCTURAL POST WRAPPED TO CREATE FINISHED 8" COLUMN 3 COAT PLASTER CEMENT O/WIRE MESH O/ 2 LAYERS STUCCOWRAP® UNDERLAYMENT CAST STONE TRIM CAST STONE TRIM W/ BUILT-IN GALV. GUTTER 3 COAT PLASTER CEMENT O/WIRE MESH O/ 2 LAYERS STUCCOWRAP UNDERLAYMENT 3 COAT PLASTER CEMENT O/WIRE MESH O/ 2 LAYERS STUCCOWRAP UNDERLAYMENT HEADER PER STRUCTURAL PLANS HIDDEN CONNECTION 13 SCUPPER DETAIL SCALE 1" : 1 ' - 0 " 4"X4" GALV. SCUPPER 2" PVC DRAIN LINE THROUGH SOFFIT TO EXTERIOR BALCONY PONY WALL ⅝" GYPSUM⅝" GYPSUM 3 COAT PLASTER CEMENT O/WIRE MESH O/2 LAYERS TYVEK STUCCOWRAP O/ ½" CDX SHEATHING 3 COAT PLASTER CEMENT O/WIRE MESH O/2 LAYERS TYVEK STUCCOWRAP O/ ½" CDX SHEATHING 6 OF REVISIONS DATE: SCALE:51 UNIVERSITY AVE. "L" • LOS GATOS, CA. • 95030 • (408) 395-2555NOTE:•The Contractor shall verify all dimensions,elevations and conditions, prior to startingany field work.•Any deviation called by field conditions,or any conditions different from thoseindicated on the plans shall be broughtto the Architect's attention prior toinstallation.S H E E TARCHITECTURAL AND SITE DEVELOPMENT FOR:THE BOUKNIGHT FAMILY144 WOOD ROAD • LOS GATOS, CA 95030AS SHOWN E-1 12/8/21 ELEC/MECH LOWER FLOOR PLAN/ CALGREEN CHECKLIST 5826 1 PLAN CHECK COMMENTS 6/16/22 UP123456789101112131415161718UPRW/DSM SM SM SM SM SM T/H SD SD SDSDSDSDSDSD SDSD T/HWPGFIWPGFIWPGFIWP GFI WP GFIAFCIAFCI AFCIAFCIAFCIAFCIAFCIAFCI AFCI AFCIAFCIAFCI AFCIAFCIGFCIAFCIGFCIAFCIGFCIAFCIGFCIAFCIAFCI AFCI AFCIAFCIAFCIAFCIAFCIAFCI AFCIGFCIAFCIGFCIAFCIGFCIAFCI GFCI AFCI GFCI SD AFCIAFCIAFCIAFCIAFCI AFCI250v.SD SD SD AFCI GFCI AFCI GFCI AFCIGFCIAFCIGFCISM SM SD SDSDSDSDSDSDSDHBHB 250v. C.A.R.250v.AFCIAFCIAFCI AFCIAFCIAFCIAFCIAFCIAFCIS/CM S/CM S/CM 1 1 1 1 1 DUV A5.1 A5.5 A5.6 A5.8 A6.7 A6.8 A7.1 A7.4 A8.1 A8.2 A8.3 A8.3 A7.5 A7.6 FF 723.5 FF 723 FF 723.5 UP WORK #2 FOYER BDRM #3 WORK #1 BA #3 COVERED PORCH ELEV. MECH MUD GYM STORE STORAGE GARAGE COVERED PORCH W FAU W/H ERVA5.9 A7.3 HALL N HOSE BIBBS ELEC./MECH. NOTES EXHAUST AIR GFCI OUTLETS ALL HOSE BIBBS TO HAVE BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICES. CPC 603.4.6 THE DISCHARGE POINT FOR EXHAUST AIR WILL BE AT LEAST 3 FT. FROM ANY OPENING WHICH ALLOWS AIR ENTRY INTO OCCUPIED PORTIONS OF THE BUILDING. CMC 504.4 ANTI-HAMMER VALVES ELEC. BOND @ W.H. PIPES WALL & FLOOR PENETRATIONS PROVIDE ELECTRICAL BOND BETWEEN INTERIOR GAS LINES & HOT & COLD LINES AT WATER HEATER. CEC 250.104 PROVIDE ANTI-HAMMER VALVES WITH ACCESS PANELS AT DISHWASHER & WASHING MACHINE. CPC 609.10 ALL MECHANICAL, PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & SIMILAR PENETRATIONS OF THE FLOOR & CEILING SHALL BE FIRE CAULKED WITH A RESIDENTIAL RATED CAULK WITH AN ASTM RATING OF E136. APPLIANCE BRANCH CIRCUITS PROVIDE TWO APPLIANCE BRANCH CIRCUITS IN KITCHEN THAT ARE LIMITED TO SUPPLYING WALL OR COUNTER SPACE OUTLETS FOR THE KITCHEN, PANTRY, BREAKFAST ROOM, DINING ROOM, OR SIMILAR AREAS. NOTE: THESE CIRCUITS CANNOT SERVE OUTSIDE PLUGS, RANGE HOOD, DISPOSALS, DISHWASHERS OR MICROWAVES-ONLY REQUIRED COUNTER TOP/WALL OUTLETS INCLUDING REFRIGERATOR CEC 210.50 A DEDICATED 20-AMP CIRCUIT IS REQUIRED TO SERVE THE REQUIRED BATHROOM OUTLETS. THIS CIRCUIT CANNOT SUPPLY ANY OTHER RECEPTACLES, LIGHTS, FANS, ETC. (EXCEPTION-WHERE THE CIRCUIT SUPPLIES A SINGLE BATHROOM, OUTLETS FOR OTHER EQUIPMENT WITHIN THE SAME BATHROOM SHALL BE PERMITTED TO BE SUPPLIED.) CEC 210.11 BATHROOM DEDICATED CIRCUIT PIPING ALL HOT WATER PIPES SHALL BE INSULATED FULL LENGTH. ALL PIPING SHALL BE ENGINEERED PARALLEL W/ DEMAND CONTROLLED CIRCULATION PUMP. CPC 609.11, CPC L601.3.1 HVAC SYSTEM DESIGN HVAC SYSTEM TO ACCA MANUAL J, D, & S RECOMMENDATIONS. INSTALL UNIT & DUCTWORK WITHIN CONDITIONED SPACE. USE DUCT MASTIC ON ALL DUCT JOINTS & SEAMS. PROTECT DUCTS DURING CONSTRUCTION & CLEAN BEFORE OCCUPANCY. PRESSURE RELIEVE THE DUCTWORK SYSTEM. PROVIDE HIGH EFFICIENCY HVAC FILTER (MERV 13+). AFCI BRANCH CIRCUITS ALL 120V 15 & 20 AMP ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS SUPPLYING OUTLETS (LIGHTING & RECEPTACLES) INSTALLED IN DWELLING UNIT KITCHENS, FAMILY ROOMS, DINING ROOMS, LIVING ROOMS, PARLORS, LIBRARIES, DENS, BEDROOMS, SUNROOMS, RECREATION ROOMS, CLOSETS, HALLWAYS, LAUNDRY AREAS OR SIMILAR ROOMS OR AREAS SHALL BE PROTECTED BY A LISTED ARC-FAULT CIRCUIT INTERRUPTER, OR COMBINATION-TYPE, INSTALLED TO PROVIDE PROTECTION OF THE BRANCH CIRCUITS. PROTECTED. CEC 210.12 DOOR BELL/BUZZER DOOR BUZZER, BELL, OR CHIME SHALL BE HARD WIRES AT THE PRIMARY ENTRANCE. BATHROOMS CONTAINING BATHTUBS, SHOWERS OR SPAS SHALL BE MECHANICALLY VENTILATED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CMC PER CRC SECTION R303.3. BATHROOM FANS TO BE ENERGY STAR RATED, VENTED TO THE OUTSIDE, & CONTROLLED WITH A HUMIDISTAT SWITCH. CGBSC 4.506 BATHROOM VENTILATION AIR DUCTS ALL AIR DUCTS PENETRATING SEPARATION WALL OR CEILING BETWEEN GARAGE & LIVING AREA SHALL BE 26 GA. MIN. CRC R302.5.2 SHOWERS & TUB SHOWERS PROVIDE INDIVIDUAL CONTROL VALVES FOR THE PRESSURE BALANCE OR THE THERMOSTATIC MIXING VALVE TYPE. CPC 408.3 A DEDICATED 20-AMP BRANCH CIRCUIT IS REQUIRED TO SERVE THE LAUNDRY RECEPTACLE OUTLETS. CEC 210.11 LAUNDRY DEDICATED CIRCUIT RECEPTACLES SMOKE DETECTORS SHALL BE INTERCONNECTED WITH BATTERY BACKUP IN SUCH A MANNER THAT THE ACTIVATION OF ONE ALARM WILL ACTIVATE ALL OF THE ALARMS IN THE UNIT. THE ALARM SHALL BE CLEARLY AUDIBLE IN ALL BEDROOMS OVER BACKGROUND NOISE LEVELS WITH ALL INTERVENING DOORS CLOSED. ALARMS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ALL SLEEPING ROOMS & OUTSIDE EACH SEPARATE SLEEPING AREA IN THE IMMEDIATE VICINITY OF THE BEDROOMS, NOT LESS THAN 3' FROM BATHROOMS, MORE THAN 20' FROM ANY COOKING APPLIANCE. NO ALARMS & INSTRUCTIONS SHALL BE INSTALLED UNLESS THEY HAVE BEEN LISTED & APPROVED BY THE SITE FIRE MARSHALL PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. EVIDENCE MUST BE PRESENTED TO THE BUILDING INSPECTOR PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. PER CRC R314,315 SMOKE/CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTORS IN BATHROOMS, WATER CLOSETS COMPARTMENTS & OTHER SIMILAR ROOMS THAT DON'T HAVE THE REQUIRED NATURAL VENTILATION. PROVIDE MECHANICAL VENTILATION. THE MINIMUM VENTILATION RATES SHALL BE 50 CUBIC FEET PER MIN. FOR INTERMITTENT VENTILATION OR 25 CUBIC FEET PER MIN. FOR CONTINUOUS VENTILATION. PER CBC R303.5 SEWER CLEANOUTS PROVIDE SEWER CLEANOUT WITHIN 1 FOOT OF EASEMENT, WITHIN 2 FEET OF EACH DWELLING & AT 100 FOOT INTERVALS. CPC 719, 721 MECHANICAL VENTILATION HIGH EFFICIENCY TOILETS NEW WATER CLOSETS & ASSOCIATED FLUSHOMETER VALVES SHALL USE NO MORE THAN 1.28 GALLONS PER FLUSH. CPC 411 SANITARY SEWER BACK FLOW VALVE VERIFY IF THE NEST UPSTREAM MANHOLE IS 12" OR MORE BELOW THE FLOOD LEVEL RIMS OF FIXTURES SERVICES BY DRAINAGE PIPING. PROVIDE BACKWATER VALVE ON DRAINAGE PIPING SERVING FIXTURES THAT HAVE FLOOD LEVELS LESS THAN 12" ABOVE THE ELEVATION ABOVE THE NEXT UPSTREAM MANHOLES PER CPC 710.0. SHOWER HEADS: SHOWER HEADS SHALL BE DESIGNED & INSTALLED SO THAT THEY WILL NOT EXCEED A WATER SUPPLY FLOW RATE OF 1.8 GPM MEASURED AT 80 PSI. CPC 408.2 FAUCETS AT KITCHENS, LAVATORIES, WETBARS, LAUNDRY SINKS, OR OTHER SIMILAR USE FIXTURES SHALL BE DESIGNED & MANUFACTURED SO THAT THEY WILL NOT EXCEED A WATER SUPPLY FLOW RATE OF: KITCHEN 1.8 @ 60 PSI, LAV. FAUCETS 1.2 @ 60 PSI. ALL OTHERS 2.2 @ 60 PSI CPC 407 FAUCETS: ALL RECEPTACLES SHALL BE TAMPER RESISTANT. CEC 406.12 SPACING, RECEPTACLES SHALL BE INSTALLED SUCH THAT NO POINT MEASURED HORIZONTALLY ALONG THE FLOOR LINE OF ANY WALL SPACE IS MORE THAN 6' FROM A RECEPTACLE OUTLET. ANY SPACE 2' OR MORE IN WIDTH, SPACE AFFORDED BY FIXED ROOM DIVIDERS. FLOOR OUTLETS SHALL NOT BE COUNTED AS PART OF THE REQ'D NUMBER UNLESS WITHIN 18" OF THE WALL. CEC 210.52 GROUND-FAULT CIRCUIT-INTERRUPTERS ARE REQUIRED TO PROTECT THE RECEPTACLES IN BATHROOMS, GARAGES, OUTDOORS, KITCHENS, & LAUNDRY AREAS, & DISHWASHER BRANCH CIRCUITS. GFCI RECEPTACLES CAN BE USED ON AN ARC-FAULT PROTECTED CIRCUIT. CEC 210.8 ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGING STATION: RECESSED LUMNIAIRES IN INSULATED CEILINGS LIGHTING A. SCREW-BASED LUMINAIRES SHALL CONTAIN LAMPS THAT COMPLY WITH REFERENCE JOINT APPENDIX JA8. EXCEPTION; LUMINAIRES WITH HARD-WIRED BALLASTS FOR HIGH INTENSITY DISCHARGE LAMPS. JA8 COMPLIANT LIGHT SOURCES MUST BE MARKED AS "JA8-2019" OR "JA8-2019-E"(JA8-2016-E LUMINAIRES ARE DEEMED APPROPRIATE FOR USE IN ENCLOSED LUMINAIRES). CEC 150.0(k)G B. ALL JA8 COMPLIANT LIGHT SOURCES IN THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS ARE CONTROLLED BY VACANCY SENSORS OR DIMMERS (EXCEPTION CLOSETS LESS THAN 70 SF & HALLWAYS. CEC 150.0(k)(2K): C. AT LEAST ONE FIXTURE IN THE SHOP CONTROLLED BY A VACANCY SENSOR. CEC 150.(k)2I ALL OUTDOOR LIGHTING SHALL BE HIGH EFFICACY WITH MANUAL ON/OFF SWITCH & ONE OF THE FOLLOWING IN ACCORDANCE WITH CEC 150.0(k)3: i. PHOTOCELL & MOTION SENSOR ii. PHOTOCELL & AUTOMATIC TIME SWITCH CONTROL iii. ASTRONOMICAL TIME SWITCH CONTROL iv. ENERGY MANAGEMENT CONTROL SYSTEMS D. A COMPLETED CF2R-LTG-01-E FORM MUST BE PROVIDED TO THE CITY/TOWN BUILDING INSPECTOR, PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION. LUMINAIRE EFFICACY. ALL INSTALLED LUMINAIRES SHALL BE HIGH EFFICACY IN ACCORDANCE WITH TABLE 150.0-A. LUMINAIRE REQUIREMENTS E. AT LEAST ONE FIXTURE IN BATHROOMS, UTILITY, LAUNDRY, & GARAGES MUST BE CONTROLLED BY A VACANCY SENSOR i. BE LISTED, AS DEFINED IN SECTION 100.1, FOR ZERO CLEARANCE INSULATION CONTACT (IC) BY UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES OR OTHER NATIONALLY RECOGNIZED TESTING/RATING LABORATORY; & ii. HAVE A LABEL THAT CERTIFIES THE LUMINAIRE IS AIRTIGHT WITH AIR LEAKAGE LESS THAN 2.0 CFM AT 75 PASCALS WHEN TESTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM E283. AN EXHAUST FAN HOUSING SHALL NOT BE REQUIRED TO BE CERTIFIED AIRTIGHT; & iii. BE SEALED WITH A GASKET OR CAULK BETWEEN THE LUMINAIRE HOUSING & CEILING, & HAVE ALL AIR LEAK PATHS BETWEEN CONDITIONED & UNCONDITIONED SPACES SEALED WITH A GASKET OR CAULK; & iv. FOR LUMINAIRES WITH HARDWIRED BALLASTS OR DRIVERS, ALLOW BALLAST OR DRIVER MAINTENANCE & REPLACEMENT TO BE READILY ACCESSIBLE TO BUILDING OCCUPANTS FROM BELOW THE CEILING WITHOUT REQUIRING THE CUTTING OF HOLES IN THE CEILING; & v. SHALL NOT CONTAIN SCREW BASE SOCKETS; & SHALL CONTAIN LIGHT SOURCES THAT COMPLY WITH REFERENCES JOINT APPENDIX JA8, INCLUDING THE ELEVATED TEMPERATURE REQUIREMENTS, & THAT ARE MARKED "JA8-2019-E" AS SPECIFIED IN REFERENCE JOINT APPENDIX JA8. ALL SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS, LOW-RISE MULTIFAMILY BUILDINGS WITH PRIVATE GARAGES, & ADU'S SHALL PROVIDE TWO WIRED NATIONAL ELECTRICAL MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (NEMA) OUTLETS, EACH SUPPLIED BY A SEPARATE 40 AMP MIN. DEDICATED BRANCH CIRCUIT, & SHALL BE INSTALLED SPECIFICALLY FOR SUPPLYING ELECTRICAL POWER TO AN ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGER. ONE OUTLET SHALL BE INSTALLED INSIDE THE GARAGE & THE OTHER OUTLET SHALL BE INSTALLED OUTSIDE THE GARAGE. CAL GREEN MANDATORY MEASURES 2019 Site Development: 4.106.2 A plan is developed and implemented to manage storm water drainage during construction. 4.106.3 Construction plans shall indicate how site grading or a drainage system will manage all surface water flows to keep water from entering buildings. General WATER EFFICIENCY AND CONSERVATION Indoor Water Use Outdoor Water Use Enhanced Durability & Reduced Maintenance Construction Waste Reduction, Disposal, & Recycling Building Maintenance & Operation ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Fireplaces Pollutant Control Interior Moisture Control Environmental Comfort INSTALLER & SPECIAL INSPECTOR QUALIFICATIONS 702.1 HVAC system installers are trained and certified in the proper installation of HVAC systems. 702.2 Special inspectors employed by the enforcing agency must be qualified and able to demonstrate competence in the discipline they are inspecting. 4.507.2. Duct systems are sized, designed, and equipment is selected using the following methods: 1. Establish heat loss and heat gain values according to ANSI/ ACCA 2 Manual J-2011 or equivalent. 2. Size duct systems according to ANSI/ACCA 1 Manual D-2014 or equivalent. 3. Select heating and cooling equipment according to ANSI/ACCA 3 Manual S-2014 or equivalent. 4.505.2 Vapor retarder and capillary break in installed at slab on grade foundation. 4.505.3 Moisture content of building materials used in wall and floor framing is checked before enclosure. 4.504.5 Particleboard, medium density fiberboard (MDF) and hardwood plywood used in interior finish systems shall comply with low formaldehyde emission standards. 4.504.4 80% of floor area receiving resilient flooring shall comply with specified VOC criteria. 4.504.3 Carpet and carpet systems shall be compliant with VOC limits. 4.504.2.4 Documentation shall be provided to verify that compliant VOC limit finish materials have been used. 4.504.2.3 Aerosol paints and coatings shall be compliant with product weighted MIR limits for ROC and other toxic compounds. 4.504.2.2 Paints, stains and other coatings shall be compliant with VOC limits. 4.504.2.1 Adhesives, sealants and caulks shall be compliant with VOC and other toxic compound limits. 4.504.1 Duct openings and other related air distribution component openings shall be covered during construction. 4.503.1 Any installed gas fireplace shall be a direct-vent sealed-combustion type. Any installed woodstove or pellet stove shall comply with U.S. EPA New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) emission limits as applicable, and shall have a permanent label indicating they are certified to meet the emission limits. Woodstoves, pellet stoves and fireplaces shall also comply with applicable local ordinances. 4.410.1 An operation and maintenance manual shall be provided to the building occupant or owner. 4.408.1 Recycle and/or salvage for reuse a minimum of 65% of the nonhazardous construction and demolition waste in accordance with one of the following: 1. Comply with a more stringent local construction & demolition waste management ordinance: or 2. A construction waste management plan. per Section 4.408.2: or 3. A waste management company. per Section 4.408.3: or 4. The waste stream reduction alternative. per Section 4.408.4 4.406.1 Annular spaces around pipes, electric cables, conduits or other openings in plates at exterior walls shall be protected against the passage of rodents by closing such openings with cement mortar, concrete masonry or similar method acceptable to the enforcing agency. 4.201.1 Building meets or exceeds the requirements of the California Building Energy Efficiency Standards. 4.303.1 Plumbing fixtures (water closets and urinals) and fittings (faucets and showerheads) installed in residential buildings shall comply with the prescriptive requirements of Sections 4.303.1.1 through 4.303.1.4.4. i. 1.28 gpf for water closets ii. 1.8 gpm @ 80psi for showers iii. 1.2 gpm @ 60psi for lavatory faucets iv. 1.5 rpm @ 60psi for kitchen faucets 4.303.2 Plumbing fixtures and fittings required in Section 4.303.1 shall be installed in accordance with the California Plumbing Code, and shall meet the applicable referenced standards. 4.304.1 After December 1, 2015, new residential developments with an aggregate landscape area equal to or greater than 500 square feet shall comply with one of the following options: 1. A local water efficient landscape ordinance or the current California Department of Water Resources’ Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance (MWELO), whichever is more stringent; or 2. Projects with aggregate landscape areas less than 2,500 square feet may comply with the MWELO’s Appendix D Prescriptive Compliance Option. PLANNING & DESIGN MATERIAL CONSERVATION & RESOURCE EFFICIENCY MANDATORY FEATURE OR MEASURE REQUIREMENTS VERIFICATION Qualifications Verifications 703.1 Verification of compliance with this code may include construction documents, plans, specifications builder or installer certification, inspection reports, or other methods acceptable to the enforcing agency which show substantial conformance. 4.106.4 Provide capability for electric vehicle charging in one- and two-family dwellings and in townhouses with attached private garages; and 3 percent of total parking spaces, as specified, for multifamily dwellings. ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ DUV Heating and air-conditioning system design. Heating and air conditioning systems shall be sized, designed and have their equipment selected using the following methods: 1. The heat loss and heat gain is established according to ACCA Manual J, ASHRAE handbooks or other equivalent design software or methods. 2. Duct systems are sized according to ACCA 29-D Manual D, ASHRAE handbooks or other equivalent design software or methods. 3. Select heating and cooling equipment according to ACCA 36-S Manual S or other equivalent design software or methods. CGBSC 4.507.2 NOTE TO MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR: 244.8 CFM=.03*5910+7.5(8+1)Qfan = 0.03Afloor + 7.5(Nbr+1) DUV = DWELLING UNIT VENTILATION EXHAUST ONLY KITCHEN WILL PROVIDE LOCAL VENTILATION EXHAUST. A2. DWELLING-UNIT MECHANICAL VENTILATION RATE (from ANSI/ASHRAE 62.2-2019) The required mechanical ventilation rate (Qfan) shall be the rate Qtot in Section 4.1.1 plus the required additional airflow calculated in accordance with Section A3. If the airtightness of the building envelope has been measured, the required mechanical ventilation rate may be reduced as described in Section 4.1.2 In these cases, Section A3 shall be applied before Section 4.1.2 when determining the final mechanical ventilation rate. 4.1 Ventilation Rate. A mechanical exhaust system, supply system, or combination thereof, shall be installed to operate for each dwelling unit to provide continuous dwelling-unit ventilation with outdoor air at a rate not less than specified in Section 4.1.1. 4.1.1 Total Ventilation Rate. The total required ventilation rate (Qtot) shall be as specified in Table 4-1a (I-P) or 4-1b (SI) or alternatively calculated using Equation 4-1a (I-P) or 4-1b (SI). Qtot = 0.03Afloor + 7.5(Nbr + 1) (4-1a) where Qtot = total required ventilation rate, cfm Afloor = dwelling-unit floor area, ft2 Nbr = number of bedrooms (not to be less than 1) Table 5-1 Demand-Controlled Local Ventilation Exhaust Airflow Rates Application Airflow Enclosed kitchen • Vented range hood (including appliance-range hood combinations): 100 cfm • Other kitchen exhaust fans, including downdraft: 300 cfm or a capacity of 5 ach Nonenclosed kitchen • Vented range hood (including appliance-range hood combinations): 100 cfm • Other kitchen exhaust fans, including downdraft: 300 cfm (150 L/s) Bathroom 50 cfm 5. LOCAL EXHAUST 5.1 Local Mechanical Exhaust. A local mechanical exhaust system shall be installed in each kitchen and bathroom. Nonenclosed kitchens shall be provided with a demand-controlled mechanical exhaust system meeting the requirements of Section 5.2. Each local ventilation system for all other kitchens and bathrooms shall be either one of the following: a. A demand-controlled mechanical exhaust system meeting the requirements of Section 5.2 b. A continuous mechanical exhaust system meeting the requirements of Section 5.3 5.4 Airflow Measurement. The airflow required by this section is the quantity of indoor air exhausted by the ventilation system as installed and shall be measured according to the ventilation equipment manufacturer instructions, or by using a flow hood, flow grid, or other airflow measuring device at the mechanical ventilation fan’s inlet terminals, outlet terminals, or in the connected ventilation ducts. Exception to 5.4: Manufacturer design criteria or the prescriptive requirements of Table 5-3 shall be permitted in place of a measurement. When using Table 5-3, the airflow rating according to Section 7.1 shall meet or exceed a static pressure of 0.25 in. of water (62.5 Pa). Use of Table 5-3 is limited to duct systems not exceeding 25 ft (8 m) in length, duct systems with no more than three (3) elbows, and duct systems with exterior termination fittings having a hydraulic diameter greater than or equal to the minimum duct diameter and not less than the hydraulic diameter of the fan outlet. Table 5-3 Prescriptive Duct Sizing Fan Airflow Rating, CFM at minimum static pressure of 0.25 in. of water (L/s at minimum 62.5 Pa) Duct Type Minimum Duct Diameter, in. (mm) a,b Rigid duct Flex ductc a. For noncircular ducts, calculate the diameter as four times the cross-sectional area divided by the perimeter. b. NP = application of the prescriptive table is not permitted for this scenario. c. Use of this table for verification of flex duct systems requires flex duct to be fully extended and any flex duct elbows to have a minimum bend radius to duct diameter ratio of 1.0. d. For this scenario, use of elbows is not permitted. e. For this scenario, 4 in. (100 mm) oval duct shall be permitted, provided the minor axis of the oval is greater than or equal to 3 in. (75 mm). Air Changes per Hour (ACH), which is determined by multiplying the volume of the space by 5, ACH = cubic feet per hour, and then dividing by 60 minutes per hour to determine the cubic feet per minute. (cfm). ≤50 (25) ≤80 (40) 4e (100) ≤100 (50) ≤125 (60) ≤150 (70) ≤175 (85) ≤200 (95) ≤250 (120) ≤350 (165) ≤400 (190) ≤450 (210) ≤700 (330) ≤800 (380) 5 (125) 5 (125) 6 (150) 6 (150) 7 (180) 7 (180) 8 (205) 9 (230) 10 (255) 12 (305) 10 (255) 12d (305) 4 (100) 5 (125) 6 (150) 6 (150) 7 (150) 7 (180) 8 (205) 8 (205) 9 (230) 10 (255)NP NP NP SM SD C.A.R.HB250v.AFCIWPGFIC.A.R. T/H S/CM AFCIGFCI3DIMMER SWITCH MANUAL ON MOTION SWITCH (MOTION SENSOR SHALL ONLY BE OPERATIONAL WHEN IN ON POSITION) HARDWIRED DOORBELL/BUZZER COLD AIR RETURN @ CEILING UNDER CABINET LED LIGHTS HOSE BIBB FLOOR HVAC REGISTER CEILING HVAC REGISTER KICK HVAC REGISTER 250v. OUTLET @ 42" OFF FLOOR (U.N.O.) 125v. DUPLEX AFCI OUTLET 125v. DUPLEX AFCI/GFCI OUTLET 125v. WEATHER PROOF GFIC OUTLET 125v. 1/2 HOT DUPLEX OUTLET 125v. QUADRIPLEX OUTLET 125v. DUPLEX FLOOR OUTLET JUNCTION BOX WALL SWITCH COLD AIR RETURN @ WALL 100 CFM EXHAUST FAN - ENERGY STAR RATED, VENTED TO EXTERIOR 4" RECESSED LED CAN AT/IC SURFACE MOUNTED LED FIXTURE HEADER MTD LED LIGHT WALL MTD LED FIXTURE HUMIDISTAT TIMER ELECTRIC/MECHANICAL LEGEND WALL HVAC REGISTER COMMUNICATIONS BUNDLE W INDICATES WET LOCATION S INDICATES SLOPED LOCATION SURFACE MOUNTED LED LIGHTS SUB-PANEL ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGING STATION CEILING MOUNT, UL LISTED, 75LB RATED JUNCTION BOX FOR LIGHT OR FAN SMOKE DETECTOR/CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTOR COMBO. PANASONIC FV-10VEC2 ENERTY RECOVERY VENTILATION UNIT. 50-100 CFM 4" RECESSED DIRECTIONAL LED CAN AT/IC 270 CFM FANTECH PB270-2 EXHAUST FAN-ENERGY STAR-VENTED TO EXT. WALL MOUNTED LED STEP LIGHT ERV A5.1 A5.2 A5.3 A5.4 A5.5 A5.6 A5.7 A5.8 A5.9 A5.10 A5.11 RECT. SINK(S) IN VANITY CABINET TILED SHOWER A5.0 PLUMBING LARGE DOUBLE SINK W/DISPOSAL PROVIDE AIR SWITCH FOR DISPOSAL ANNULAR SPACES ANNULAR SPACES AROUND PIPES, ELECTRICAL CABLES, CONDUITS OR OTHER OPENINGS IN PLATES OR FOUNDATIONS SHALL BE PROTECTED AGAINST RODENTS BY CLOSING THE OPENINGS WITH CEMENT MORTAR OR CONCRETE MASONRY. CGBSC 4.406.1 SHOWER STALL WITH WATER PROOF PAN & WETSET TILE FULL HEIGHT ABOVE FLOOR LINE OVER FIBER- CEMENT, FIBER-MAT REINFORCED CEMENT, GLASS MAT GYPSUM BACKERS & FIBER-REINFORCED GYPSUM BACKERS. WATER-RESISTANT GYPSUM BACKING BOARD SHALL NOT BE USED OVER A VAPOR RETARDER IN SHOWER OR BATHTUB COMPARTMENTS. R307.2 & R702.4.2 R702.3.8 SHOWER & TUB/SHOWER COMBINATIONS SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH INDIVIDUAL CONTROL VALVES OF THE PRESSURE BALANCE OR THE THERMOSTATIC MIXING VALVE TYPE. CPC 408.3 SPA BATH TUB THE MAXIMUM HOT WATER TEMPERATURE DISCHARGING FROM THE BATHTUB & WHIRLPOOL BATHTUB FILLER SHALL BE LIMITED TO 120ºF BY A DEVICE THAT CONFORMS TO ASSE 1070 OR CSA B125.3. CPC 409.4 SPA TUB ON SEPARATE GFCI PROTECTED CIRCUIT. FOR WHIRLPOOL TUB: CIRCULATION PUMP SHALL BE LOCATED ABOVE THE CROWN WEIR OF THE TRAP. PROVIDE REMOVABLE PANEL TO ACCESS & REMOVE THE PUMP. THE PUMP & CIRCULATION PIPING SHALL BE SELF- DRAINING TO MINIMIZE WATER RETENTION. CPC TBLE 1401.1. SUCTION FITTINGS ON WHIRLPOOL BATHTUBS SHALL COMPLY WITH THE LISTED STANDARDS. CPC 409.6 BATH TUB TO BE SELECTED BY OWNER HYBRID ELECTRIC HEAT PUMP WATER HEATER INSTALL HYBRID ELECTRIC HEAT PUMP WATER HEATER W/ INLET & OUTLET DUCT KIT TO EXTERIOR OF ENCLOSURE PER MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS. INSTALL W/SEISMIC STRAPS AT TOP & BOTTOM & PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE W/ OUTLET TO EXTERIOR. SMALL SINK W/DISPOSAL UTILITY SINK 30" WIDE UTILITY SINK PER OWNER PROVIDE AIR SWITCH FOR DISPOSAL MED. SINGLE SINK W/DRAINBOARD EACH SIDE W/DISPOSAL PROVIDE AIR SWITCH FOR DISPOSAL HIGH-EFFICIENCY TOILET PROVIDE ONLY HIGH-EFFICIENCY DUAL-FLUSH OR≤1.28 GPF TOILETS. NO FIXTURE SHALL BE SET CLOSER THAN 15" FROM ITS CENTER TO A SIDE WALL. THE CLEAR SPACE IN FRONT OF A WATER CLOSET, LAVATORY, OR BIDET SHALL BE NOT LESS THAN 24". CPC 402.5 OUTDOOR SHOWER OUTDOOR SHOWER WILL CONNECT TO THE SANITARY SEWER. OUTDOOR SHOWER HAS 2 FULL HEIGHT WALLS & 2 PONY WALLS W/24" OPENING W/4" CURB & A COVERED ROOF. WALLS OF ENCLOSURE SHALL BE SMOOTH, WATERPROOF, & WASHABLE. MUST BE HAVE A TRAP PRIMER. A6.1 A6.2 A6.3 A6.4 A6.5 A6.6 A6.7 A6.8 A6.9 WASHER A6.0 APPLIANCES, FIREPLACES, ETC. PROVIDE 36" ENERGY STAR REFRIGERATOR/FREEZER W/ WATER FOR AUTOMATIC ICE MAKER 48" INDUCTION RANGE DISHWASHER PROVIDE VENT HOOD W/ LIGHT AND VENTED TO EXTERIOR. PROVIDE NECESSARY POWER SOURCE. MIN. 100CFM RANGE VENT HOOD PROVIDE 240v POWER SOURCE ON SEPARATE CIRCUIT. DRYER PROVIDE 4"Ø MIN. VENT WITH BACKDRAFT DAMPER TO EXTERIOR AT CLOTHES DRYER. MAX. LENGTH 14' W/2 90º ELBOWS FROM THE CLOTHES DRYER TO THE POINT OF TERMINATION. REDUCE THIS LENGTH BY 2' FOR EVERY ELBOW IN EXCESS OF 2. PER CMC 504.4.2. MAINTAIN 6" MIN. CLEARANCE TO COMBUSTIBLES UNLESS DRYER IS LISTED FOR REDUCED CLEARANCE. COUNTER DEPTH REFRIGERATOR/FREEZER FRONT LOADING WASHING MACHINE TO MEET ENERGY STAR AND CEE TIER 2 REQUIREMENTS (MODIFIED ENERGY FACTOR 2.0, WATER FACTOR 6.0) PROVIDE ENERGY STAR DISHWASHER USING ≤ 3.5 GA/ CYCLE & ≤ 270 kWh/YEAR. NO DOMESTIC DISHWASHING MACHINE SHALL BE DIRECTLY CONNECTED TO A DRAINAGE SYSTEM OF FOOR WASTE DISPOSER WITHOUT THE USE OF AN APPROVED DISHWASHER AIR GAP FITTING ON THE DISCHARGE SIDE OF THE DISHWASHING MACHINE. LISTED AIRGAPS SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH THE FLOOD-LEVEL (FL) MARKING AT OR ABOVE THE FLOOD LEVEL OF THE SINK OF DRAINBOARD, WHICHEVER IS HIGHER. CPC § 807.3 WHERE COMBUSTION APPLIANCES OR SOLID-FUEL BURNING APPLIANCES ARE LOCATED INSIDE THE PRESSURE BOUNDARY, THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE NET EXHAUST FLOW OF THE TWO LARGEST EXHAUST FANS SHALL NOT EXCEED 15 CFM PER 100 SQ FT. OF OCCUPIABLE SPACE, WHEN OPERATING AT FULL CAPACITY. IF THE DESIGNED TOTAL NET FLOW EXCEEDS THIS LIMIT, THE NET EXHAUST FLOW MUST BE REDUCED BY REDUCING THE EXHAUST FLOW OR PROVIDING COMPENSATING OUT-DOOR AIRFLOW (NOTE: IF MAKE-UP AIR FAN IS INSTALLED IT MUST BE ELECTRICALLY INTERLOCKED WITH THE LARGEST EXHAUST FAN). ASHRAE 62.2 § 6.4 COMPACT REFRIDGERATOR PROVIDE ENERGY STAR REFRIGERATOR W/WATER HOOKUP FOR ICE MAKER STACKED WASHER/DRYER PROVIDE 24" ENERGY STAR UNDER COUNTER REFRIGERATOR/FREEZER UNDER COUNTER REFRIGERATOR/FREEZER PROVIDE 4"Ø MIN. VENT WITH BACKDRAFT DAMPER TO EXTERIOR AT CLOTHES DRYER. MAX. LENGTH 14' W/2 90º ELBOWS FROM THE CLOTHES DRYER TO THE POINT OF TERMINATION. REDUCE THIS LENGTH BY 2' FOR EVERY ELBOW IN EXCESS OF 2. PER CMC 504.4.2. MAINTAIN 6" MIN. CLEARANCE TO COMBUSTIBLES UNLESS DRYER IS LISTED FOR REDUCED CLEARANCE. A7.1 A7.2 A7.3 A7.4 A7.5 A7.6 A7.0 MECHANICAL HEAT PUMP UNIT BATHROOM FANS MECHANICAL EXHAUST FANS SHALL BE ENERGY STAR COMPLIANT & DUCTED TO TERMINATE OUTSIDE THE BUILDING, & SHALL BE CONTROLLED BY A HUMIDISTAT THAT IS CAPABLE OF ADJUSTING THE RELATIVE HUMIDITY BETWEEN 50%-80%. CGBSC 4.506.1 AIR HANDLER PROVIDE MIN. 240v OUTLET FOR SERVICE EQUIPMENT. UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED, NOT LESS THAN 30" IN DEPTH, WIDTH & HEIGHT OF WORKING SPACE SHALL BE PROVIDED. PROVIDE HIGH EFFICIENCY A.C. UNIT W/ ENVIRONMENTALLY RESPONSIBLE REFRIGERANTS ANCHORED ON AN APPROVED PAD THAT IS A MIN. OF 3" ABOVE THE FINISHED GRADE OR LANDSCAPING ENERGY RECOVERY VENTILATION PROVIDE PANASONIC FV-10VEC2 OR RENEWAIRE EV200 ERV BALANCED VENTILATION FAN PER TITLE 24. A MANUAL SWITCH FOR THE BUILDING VENTILATION MUST BE LABELED WITH THE FOLLOWING TEXT "THIS SWITCH CONTROLS THE INDOOR AIR QUALITY VENTILATION FOR THE HOME. LEAVE IT ON UNLESS THE OUTDOOR AIR QUALITY IS VERY POOR" CEnC § 150.0 (o) 1 DRYER VENT A DURABLE PLACARD (MIN. SIZE OF 4"X5") MUST BE PERMANENTLY AFFIXED ON A WALL NEAR & VISIBLE FROM THE DRYER LOCATION. THE PLACARD SHALL STATE THE ACTUAL LENGTH OF THE INSTALLED DRYER EXHAUST VENT & INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING LANGUAGE: SEE NOTE THIS PAGE FOR LENGTH RESIDENTIAL ELEVATOR RESIDENTIAL ELEVATOR SHALL COMPLY WITH ASME A17.1 CRC§ R321 A8.1 A8.2 A8.3 A8.4 SUB-PANEL-SIZE TO BE DETERMINED BY ELECTRICIAN 400 AMP. POWER PANEL-MAIN ELECTRICAL POWER PANEL W/ METER. PROVIDE INTERSYSTEM BONDING DEVICE AT OR NEAR MAIN ELECTRICAL PANEL CONNECTED TO UFER GROUND CEC 250.94 250.52.A.3 POWER SUB-PANEL A8.0 ELECTRICAL ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGING ALL SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS, LOW-RISE MULTIFAMILY BUILDINGS WITH PRIVATE GARAGES, & ADU'S SHALL PROVIDE TWO WIRED NATIONAL ELECTRICAL MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (NEMA) OUTLETS, EACH SUPPLIED BY A SEPARATE 40 AMP MIN. DEDICATED BRANCH CIRCUIT, & SHALL BE INSTALLED SPECIFICALLY FOR SUPPLYING ELECTRICAL POWER TO AN ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGER. ONE OUTLET SHALL BE INSTALLED INSIDE THE GARAGE & THE OTHER OUTLET SHALL BE INSTALLED OUTSIDE THE GARAGE. BATTERY BACKUP 5kwh MIN. ALL SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS, LOW-RISE MULTIFAMILY BUILDINGS, & ADU'S SHALL BE PREWIRED FOR THE INSTALLATION OF BATTERY STORAGE. THE PREWIRING SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH CALIFORNIA BUILDING, RESIDENTIAL, & ELECTRICAL CODES & BE ADEQUATELY SIZED BY A LICENSED PROFESSIONAL TO ACCOMMODATE THE BACK-UP LOADS INSTALLED IN THE CRITICAL LOAD PANEL WITH A MIN. OF 5 KWH. NOTE FOR DRYER OR STACKER LAUNDRY CENTER: A DURABLE PLACARD (MIN. SIZE OF 4"X5") MUST BE PERMANENTLY AFFIXED ON A WALL NEAR & VISIBLE FROM THE DRYER LOCATION. THE PLACARD SHALL STATE THE ACTUAL LENGTH OF THE INSTALLED DRYER EXHAUST VENT & INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING LANGUAGE: WARNING: CHECK THE MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR ANY DOMESTIC DRYER THAT WILL BE INSTALLED AT THIS LOCATION. THE INSTRUCTIONS SHOULD ALLOW THE DRYER TO BE CONNECTED TO AN EXHAUST DUCT (VENT) THAT IS A MAXIMUM ______ LONG. DO NOT REMOVE THIS PLACARD 33' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" ELEC/MECH LOWER FLOOR PLAN OF REVISIONS DATE: SCALE:51 UNIVERSITY AVE. "L" • LOS GATOS, CA. • 95030 • (408) 395-2555NOTE:•The Contractor shall verify all dimensions,elevations and conditions, prior to startingany field work.•Any deviation called by field conditions,or any conditions different from thoseindicated on the plans shall be broughtto the Architect's attention prior toinstallation.S H E E TARCHITECTURAL AND SITE DEVELOPMENT FOR:THE BOUKNIGHT FAMILY144 WOOD ROAD • LOS GATOS, CA 95030AS SHOWN E-2 12/8/21 ELEC/MECH MAIN FLOOR PLAN 5827 1 PLAN CHECK COMMENTS 6/16/22 DOWN12345678910111213141516UPUPUPDW RGDW R SM SM SMSM T/H T/H SM T/HSDSD SD SDSDSDSDSDSD SD SD SD SDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDWPGFIWPGFIWPGFIWPGFIWP GFI WP GFI AFCIGFCIAFCI GFCIAFCIGFCIAFCIGFCIAFCIGFCIAFCIGFCIAFCI GFCI AFCI GFCI AFCI GFCI AFCI GFCI AFCIGFCIAFCIGFCIAFCIGFCIAFCIGFCIAFCI GFCI AFCI GFCI AFCIGFCIAFCI GFCI AFCI GFCIAFCIGFCIAFCI GFCI AFCI GFCI AFCIGFCIAFCIGFCIAFCIAFCIAFCIAFCIAFCIAFCI AFCIAFCIAFCIAFCIAFCIAFCIAFCIAFCI AFCIAFCIAFCIAFCIAFCIAFCIAFCIAFCIAFCIAFCI AFCIAFCIAFCIAFCIAFCI AFCIAFCIAFCIGFCIAFCIGFCIAFCIGFCIAFCIGFCI250v.250v.250v.250v.SD AFCI GFCI SDSDSDSD SDSDSDSDHBC.A.R. WP GFI AFCI GFCI AFCIGFCIAFCIGFCIAFCIGFCISDAFCIGFCISDSDAFCIAFCI AFCI AFCIAFCIAFCIS/CM S/CM S/CM S/CM S/CM 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 DUV A5.1 A5.1 A5.1 A5.2 A5.3 A5.4 A5.6 A5.6 A5.7 A5.8 A5.8 A5.8 A5.9 A5.10 A5.10 A6.1 A6.2 A6.3 A6.4 A6.5 A6.6 A7.1 A7.1 A7.1 A7.2A7.2A7.2 A7.3A7.3 A7.4 A8.2 A8.4 A7.1 A7.6 A7.5 FF 734.58 FF 734.58 W W W W PANTRY KITCHEN DINING BATH #1 BDRM #1 BDRM #2 LIVING RM ELEV. LAUNDRY WALK-IN PWD BA #2 MECH/ STORE CLST TECH CLST FAU FAU W/H ERVA/C A/C A/C BATTERY SSSS SSSS SS SSUP 250v.ELEC. FP N HOSE BIBBS ELEC./MECH. NOTES EXHAUST AIR GFCI OUTLETS ALL HOSE BIBBS TO HAVE BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICES. CPC 603.4.6 THE DISCHARGE POINT FOR EXHAUST AIR WILL BE AT LEAST 3 FT. FROM ANY OPENING WHICH ALLOWS AIR ENTRY INTO OCCUPIED PORTIONS OF THE BUILDING. CMC 504.4 ANTI-HAMMER VALVES ELEC. BOND @ W.H. PIPES WALL & FLOOR PENETRATIONS PROVIDE ELECTRICAL BOND BETWEEN INTERIOR GAS LINES & HOT & COLD LINES AT WATER HEATER. CEC 250.104 PROVIDE ANTI-HAMMER VALVES WITH ACCESS PANELS AT DISHWASHER & WASHING MACHINE. CPC 609.10 ALL MECHANICAL, PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & SIMILAR PENETRATIONS OF THE FLOOR & CEILING SHALL BE FIRE CAULKED WITH A RESIDENTIAL RATED CAULK WITH AN ASTM RATING OF E136. APPLIANCE BRANCH CIRCUITS PROVIDE TWO APPLIANCE BRANCH CIRCUITS IN KITCHEN THAT ARE LIMITED TO SUPPLYING WALL OR COUNTER SPACE OUTLETS FOR THE KITCHEN, PANTRY, BREAKFAST ROOM, DINING ROOM, OR SIMILAR AREAS. NOTE: THESE CIRCUITS CANNOT SERVE OUTSIDE PLUGS, RANGE HOOD, DISPOSALS, DISHWASHERS OR MICROWAVES-ONLY REQUIRED COUNTER TOP/WALL OUTLETS INCLUDING REFRIGERATOR CEC 210.50 A DEDICATED 20-AMP CIRCUIT IS REQUIRED TO SERVE THE REQUIRED BATHROOM OUTLETS. THIS CIRCUIT CANNOT SUPPLY ANY OTHER RECEPTACLES, LIGHTS, FANS, ETC. (EXCEPTION-WHERE THE CIRCUIT SUPPLIES A SINGLE BATHROOM, OUTLETS FOR OTHER EQUIPMENT WITHIN THE SAME BATHROOM SHALL BE PERMITTED TO BE SUPPLIED.) CEC 210.11 BATHROOM DEDICATED CIRCUIT PIPING ALL HOT WATER PIPES SHALL BE INSULATED FULL LENGTH. ALL PIPING SHALL BE ENGINEERED PARALLEL W/ DEMAND CONTROLLED CIRCULATION PUMP. CPC 609.11, CPC L601.3.1 HVAC SYSTEM DESIGN HVAC SYSTEM TO ACCA MANUAL J, D, & S RECOMMENDATIONS. INSTALL UNIT & DUCTWORK WITHIN CONDITIONED SPACE. USE DUCT MASTIC ON ALL DUCT JOINTS & SEAMS. PROTECT DUCTS DURING CONSTRUCTION & CLEAN BEFORE OCCUPANCY. PRESSURE RELIEVE THE DUCTWORK SYSTEM. PROVIDE HIGH EFFICIENCY HVAC FILTER (MERV 13+). AFCI BRANCH CIRCUITS ALL 120V 15 & 20 AMP ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS SUPPLYING OUTLETS (LIGHTING & RECEPTACLES) INSTALLED IN DWELLING UNIT KITCHENS, FAMILY ROOMS, DINING ROOMS, LIVING ROOMS, PARLORS, LIBRARIES, DENS, BEDROOMS, SUNROOMS, RECREATION ROOMS, CLOSETS, HALLWAYS, LAUNDRY AREAS OR SIMILAR ROOMS OR AREAS SHALL BE PROTECTED BY A LISTED ARC-FAULT CIRCUIT INTERRUPTER, OR COMBINATION-TYPE, INSTALLED TO PROVIDE PROTECTION OF THE BRANCH CIRCUITS. PROTECTED. CEC 210.12 DOOR BELL/BUZZER DOOR BUZZER, BELL, OR CHIME SHALL BE HARD WIRES AT THE PRIMARY ENTRANCE. BATHROOMS CONTAINING BATHTUBS, SHOWERS OR SPAS SHALL BE MECHANICALLY VENTILATED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CMC PER CRC SECTION R303.3. BATHROOM FANS TO BE ENERGY STAR RATED, VENTED TO THE OUTSIDE, & CONTROLLED WITH A HUMIDISTAT SWITCH. CGBSC 4.506 BATHROOM VENTILATION AIR DUCTS ALL AIR DUCTS PENETRATING SEPARATION WALL OR CEILING BETWEEN GARAGE & LIVING AREA SHALL BE 26 GA. MIN. CRC R302.5.2 SHOWERS & TUB SHOWERS PROVIDE INDIVIDUAL CONTROL VALVES FOR THE PRESSURE BALANCE OR THE THERMOSTATIC MIXING VALVE TYPE. CPC 408.3 A DEDICATED 20-AMP BRANCH CIRCUIT IS REQUIRED TO SERVE THE LAUNDRY RECEPTACLE OUTLETS. CEC 210.11 LAUNDRY DEDICATED CIRCUIT RECEPTACLES SMOKE DETECTORS SHALL BE INTERCONNECTED WITH BATTERY BACKUP IN SUCH A MANNER THAT THE ACTIVATION OF ONE ALARM WILL ACTIVATE ALL OF THE ALARMS IN THE UNIT. THE ALARM SHALL BE CLEARLY AUDIBLE IN ALL BEDROOMS OVER BACKGROUND NOISE LEVELS WITH ALL INTERVENING DOORS CLOSED. ALARMS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ALL SLEEPING ROOMS & OUTSIDE EACH SEPARATE SLEEPING AREA IN THE IMMEDIATE VICINITY OF THE BEDROOMS, NOT LESS THAN 3' FROM BATHROOMS, MORE THAN 20' FROM ANY COOKING APPLIANCE. NO ALARMS & INSTRUCTIONS SHALL BE INSTALLED UNLESS THEY HAVE BEEN LISTED & APPROVED BY THE SITE FIRE MARSHALL PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. EVIDENCE MUST BE PRESENTED TO THE BUILDING INSPECTOR PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. PER CRC R314,315 SMOKE/CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTORS IN BATHROOMS, WATER CLOSETS COMPARTMENTS & OTHER SIMILAR ROOMS THAT DON'T HAVE THE REQUIRED NATURAL VENTILATION. PROVIDE MECHANICAL VENTILATION. THE MINIMUM VENTILATION RATES SHALL BE 50 CUBIC FEET PER MIN. FOR INTERMITTENT VENTILATION OR 25 CUBIC FEET PER MIN. FOR CONTINUOUS VENTILATION. PER CBC R303.5 SEWER CLEANOUTS PROVIDE SEWER CLEANOUT WITHIN 1 FOOT OF EASEMENT, WITHIN 2 FEET OF EACH DWELLING & AT 100 FOOT INTERVALS. CPC 719, 721 MECHANICAL VENTILATION HIGH EFFICIENCY TOILETS NEW WATER CLOSETS & ASSOCIATED FLUSHOMETER VALVES SHALL USE NO MORE THAN 1.28 GALLONS PER FLUSH. CPC 411 SANITARY SEWER BACK FLOW VALVE VERIFY IF THE NEST UPSTREAM MANHOLE IS 12" OR MORE BELOW THE FLOOD LEVEL RIMS OF FIXTURES SERVICES BY DRAINAGE PIPING. PROVIDE BACKWATER VALVE ON DRAINAGE PIPING SERVING FIXTURES THAT HAVE FLOOD LEVELS LESS THAN 12" ABOVE THE ELEVATION ABOVE THE NEXT UPSTREAM MANHOLES PER CPC 710.0. SHOWER HEADS: SHOWER HEADS SHALL BE DESIGNED & INSTALLED SO THAT THEY WILL NOT EXCEED A WATER SUPPLY FLOW RATE OF 1.8 GPM MEASURED AT 80 PSI. CPC 408.2 FAUCETS AT KITCHENS, LAVATORIES, WETBARS, LAUNDRY SINKS, OR OTHER SIMILAR USE FIXTURES SHALL BE DESIGNED & MANUFACTURED SO THAT THEY WILL NOT EXCEED A WATER SUPPLY FLOW RATE OF: KITCHEN 1.8 @ 60 PSI, LAV. FAUCETS 1.2 @ 60 PSI. ALL OTHERS 2.2 @ 60 PSI CPC 407 FAUCETS: ALL RECEPTACLES SHALL BE TAMPER RESISTANT. CEC 406.12 SPACING, RECEPTACLES SHALL BE INSTALLED SUCH THAT NO POINT MEASURED HORIZONTALLY ALONG THE FLOOR LINE OF ANY WALL SPACE IS MORE THAN 6' FROM A RECEPTACLE OUTLET. ANY SPACE 2' OR MORE IN WIDTH, SPACE AFFORDED BY FIXED ROOM DIVIDERS. FLOOR OUTLETS SHALL NOT BE COUNTED AS PART OF THE REQ'D NUMBER UNLESS WITHIN 18" OF THE WALL. CEC 210.52 GROUND-FAULT CIRCUIT-INTERRUPTERS ARE REQUIRED TO PROTECT THE RECEPTACLES IN BATHROOMS, GARAGES, OUTDOORS, KITCHENS, & LAUNDRY AREAS, & DISHWASHER BRANCH CIRCUITS. GFCI RECEPTACLES CAN BE USED ON AN ARC-FAULT PROTECTED CIRCUIT. CEC 210.8 ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGING STATION: RECESSED LUMNIAIRES IN INSULATED CEILINGS LIGHTING A. SCREW-BASED LUMINAIRES SHALL CONTAIN LAMPS THAT COMPLY WITH REFERENCE JOINT APPENDIX JA8. EXCEPTION; LUMINAIRES WITH HARD-WIRED BALLASTS FOR HIGH INTENSITY DISCHARGE LAMPS. JA8 COMPLIANT LIGHT SOURCES MUST BE MARKED AS "JA8-2019" OR "JA8-2019-E"(JA8-2016-E LUMINAIRES ARE DEEMED APPROPRIATE FOR USE IN ENCLOSED LUMINAIRES). CEC 150.0(k)G B. ALL JA8 COMPLIANT LIGHT SOURCES IN THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS ARE CONTROLLED BY VACANCY SENSORS OR DIMMERS (EXCEPTION CLOSETS LESS THAN 70 SF & HALLWAYS. CEC 150.0(k)(2K): C. AT LEAST ONE FIXTURE IN THE SHOP CONTROLLED BY A VACANCY SENSOR. CEC 150.(k)2I ALL OUTDOOR LIGHTING SHALL BE HIGH EFFICACY WITH MANUAL ON/OFF SWITCH & ONE OF THE FOLLOWING IN ACCORDANCE WITH CEC 150.0(k)3: i. PHOTOCELL & MOTION SENSOR ii. PHOTOCELL & AUTOMATIC TIME SWITCH CONTROL iii. ASTRONOMICAL TIME SWITCH CONTROL iv. ENERGY MANAGEMENT CONTROL SYSTEMS D. A COMPLETED CF2R-LTG-01-E FORM MUST BE PROVIDED TO THE CITY/TOWN BUILDING INSPECTOR, PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION. LUMINAIRE EFFICACY. ALL INSTALLED LUMINAIRES SHALL BE HIGH EFFICACY IN ACCORDANCE WITH TABLE 150.0-A. LUMINAIRE REQUIREMENTS E. AT LEAST ONE FIXTURE IN BATHROOMS, UTILITY, LAUNDRY, & GARAGES MUST BE CONTROLLED BY A VACANCY SENSOR i. BE LISTED, AS DEFINED IN SECTION 100.1, FOR ZERO CLEARANCE INSULATION CONTACT (IC) BY UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES OR OTHER NATIONALLY RECOGNIZED TESTING/RATING LABORATORY; & ii. HAVE A LABEL THAT CERTIFIES THE LUMINAIRE IS AIRTIGHT WITH AIR LEAKAGE LESS THAN 2.0 CFM AT 75 PASCALS WHEN TESTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM E283. AN EXHAUST FAN HOUSING SHALL NOT BE REQUIRED TO BE CERTIFIED AIRTIGHT; & iii. BE SEALED WITH A GASKET OR CAULK BETWEEN THE LUMINAIRE HOUSING & CEILING, & HAVE ALL AIR LEAK PATHS BETWEEN CONDITIONED & UNCONDITIONED SPACES SEALED WITH A GASKET OR CAULK; & iv. FOR LUMINAIRES WITH HARDWIRED BALLASTS OR DRIVERS, ALLOW BALLAST OR DRIVER MAINTENANCE & REPLACEMENT TO BE READILY ACCESSIBLE TO BUILDING OCCUPANTS FROM BELOW THE CEILING WITHOUT REQUIRING THE CUTTING OF HOLES IN THE CEILING; & v. SHALL NOT CONTAIN SCREW BASE SOCKETS; & SHALL CONTAIN LIGHT SOURCES THAT COMPLY WITH REFERENCES JOINT APPENDIX JA8, INCLUDING THE ELEVATED TEMPERATURE REQUIREMENTS, & THAT ARE MARKED "JA8-2019-E" AS SPECIFIED IN REFERENCE JOINT APPENDIX JA8. ALL SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS, LOW-RISE MULTIFAMILY BUILDINGS WITH PRIVATE GARAGES, & ADU'S SHALL PROVIDE TWO WIRED NATIONAL ELECTRICAL MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (NEMA) OUTLETS, EACH SUPPLIED BY A SEPARATE 40 AMP MIN. DEDICATED BRANCH CIRCUIT, & SHALL BE INSTALLED SPECIFICALLY FOR SUPPLYING ELECTRICAL POWER TO AN ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGER. ONE OUTLET SHALL BE INSTALLED INSIDE THE GARAGE & THE OTHER OUTLET SHALL BE INSTALLED OUTSIDE THE GARAGE. SM SD C.A.R.HB250v.AFCIWPGFIC.A.R. T/H S/CM AFCIGFCI3DIMMER SWITCH MANUAL ON MOTION SWITCH (MOTION SENSOR SHALL ONLY BE OPERATIONAL WHEN IN ON POSITION) HARDWIRED DOORBELL/BUZZER COLD AIR RETURN @ CEILING UNDER CABINET LED LIGHTS HOSE BIBB FLOOR HVAC REGISTER CEILING HVAC REGISTER KICK HVAC REGISTER 250v. OUTLET @ 42" OFF FLOOR (U.N.O.) 125v. DUPLEX AFCI OUTLET 125v. DUPLEX AFCI/GFCI OUTLET 125v. WEATHER PROOF GFIC OUTLET 125v. 1/2 HOT DUPLEX OUTLET 125v. QUADRIPLEX OUTLET 125v. DUPLEX FLOOR OUTLET JUNCTION BOX WALL SWITCH COLD AIR RETURN @ WALL 100 CFM EXHAUST FAN - ENERGY STAR RATED, VENTED TO EXTERIOR 4" RECESSED LED CAN AT/IC SURFACE MOUNTED LED FIXTURE HEADER MTD LED LIGHT WALL MTD LED FIXTURE HUMIDISTAT TIMER ELECTRIC/MECHANICAL LEGEND WALL HVAC REGISTER COMMUNICATIONS BUNDLE W INDICATES WET LOCATION S INDICATES SLOPED LOCATION SURFACE MOUNTED LED LIGHTS SUB-PANEL ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGING STATION CEILING MOUNT, UL LISTED, 75LB RATED JUNCTION BOX FOR LIGHT OR FAN SMOKE DETECTOR/CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTOR COMBO. PANASONIC FV-10VEC2 ENERTY RECOVERY VENTILATION UNIT. 50-100 CFM 4" RECESSED DIRECTIONAL LED CAN AT/IC 270 CFM FANTECH PB270-2 EXHAUST FAN-ENERGY STAR-VENTED TO EXT. WALL MOUNTED LED STEP LIGHT ERV A5.1 A5.2 A5.3 A5.4 A5.5 A5.6 A5.7 A5.8 A5.9 A5.10 A5.11 RECT. SINK(S) IN VANITY CABINET TILED SHOWER A5.0 PLUMBING LARGE DOUBLE SINK W/DISPOSAL PROVIDE AIR SWITCH FOR DISPOSAL ANNULAR SPACES ANNULAR SPACES AROUND PIPES, ELECTRICAL CABLES, CONDUITS OR OTHER OPENINGS IN PLATES OR FOUNDATIONS SHALL BE PROTECTED AGAINST RODENTS BY CLOSING THE OPENINGS WITH CEMENT MORTAR OR CONCRETE MASONRY. CGBSC 4.406.1 SHOWER STALL WITH WATER PROOF PAN & WETSET TILE FULL HEIGHT ABOVE FLOOR LINE OVER FIBER- CEMENT, FIBER-MAT REINFORCED CEMENT, GLASS MAT GYPSUM BACKERS & FIBER-REINFORCED GYPSUM BACKERS. WATER-RESISTANT GYPSUM BACKING BOARD SHALL NOT BE USED OVER A VAPOR RETARDER IN SHOWER OR BATHTUB COMPARTMENTS. R307.2 & R702.4.2 R702.3.8 SHOWER & TUB/SHOWER COMBINATIONS SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH INDIVIDUAL CONTROL VALVES OF THE PRESSURE BALANCE OR THE THERMOSTATIC MIXING VALVE TYPE. CPC 408.3 SPA BATH TUB THE MAXIMUM HOT WATER TEMPERATURE DISCHARGING FROM THE BATHTUB & WHIRLPOOL BATHTUB FILLER SHALL BE LIMITED TO 120ºF BY A DEVICE THAT CONFORMS TO ASSE 1070 OR CSA B125.3. CPC 409.4 SPA TUB ON SEPARATE GFCI PROTECTED CIRCUIT. FOR WHIRLPOOL TUB: CIRCULATION PUMP SHALL BE LOCATED ABOVE THE CROWN WEIR OF THE TRAP. PROVIDE REMOVABLE PANEL TO ACCESS & REMOVE THE PUMP. THE PUMP & CIRCULATION PIPING SHALL BE SELF- DRAINING TO MINIMIZE WATER RETENTION. CPC TBLE 1401.1. SUCTION FITTINGS ON WHIRLPOOL BATHTUBS SHALL COMPLY WITH THE LISTED STANDARDS. CPC 409.6 BATH TUB TO BE SELECTED BY OWNER HYBRID ELECTRIC HEAT PUMP WATER HEATER INSTALL HYBRID ELECTRIC HEAT PUMP WATER HEATER W/ INLET & OUTLET DUCT KIT TO EXTERIOR OF ENCLOSURE PER MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS. INSTALL W/SEISMIC STRAPS AT TOP & BOTTOM & PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE W/ OUTLET TO EXTERIOR. SMALL SINK W/DISPOSAL UTILITY SINK 30" WIDE UTILITY SINK PER OWNER PROVIDE AIR SWITCH FOR DISPOSAL MED. SINGLE SINK W/DRAINBOARD EACH SIDE W/DISPOSAL PROVIDE AIR SWITCH FOR DISPOSAL HIGH-EFFICIENCY TOILET PROVIDE ONLY HIGH-EFFICIENCY DUAL-FLUSH OR≤1.28 GPF TOILETS. NO FIXTURE SHALL BE SET CLOSER THAN 15" FROM ITS CENTER TO A SIDE WALL. THE CLEAR SPACE IN FRONT OF A WATER CLOSET, LAVATORY, OR BIDET SHALL BE NOT LESS THAN 24". CPC 402.5 OUTDOOR SHOWER OUTDOOR SHOWER WILL CONNECT TO THE SANITARY SEWER. OUTDOOR SHOWER HAS 2 FULL HEIGHT WALLS & 2 PONY WALLS W/24" OPENING W/4" CURB & A COVERED ROOF. WALLS OF ENCLOSURE SHALL BE SMOOTH, WATERPROOF, & WASHABLE. MUST BE HAVE A TRAP PRIMER. A6.1 A6.2 A6.3 A6.4 A6.5 A6.6 A6.7 A6.8 A6.9 WASHER A6.0 APPLIANCES, FIREPLACES, ETC. PROVIDE 36" ENERGY STAR REFRIGERATOR/FREEZER W/ WATER FOR AUTOMATIC ICE MAKER 48" INDUCTION RANGE DISHWASHER PROVIDE VENT HOOD W/ LIGHT AND VENTED TO EXTERIOR. PROVIDE NECESSARY POWER SOURCE. MIN. 100CFM RANGE VENT HOOD PROVIDE 240v POWER SOURCE ON SEPARATE CIRCUIT. DRYER PROVIDE 4"Ø MIN. VENT WITH BACKDRAFT DAMPER TO EXTERIOR AT CLOTHES DRYER. MAX. LENGTH 14' W/2 90º ELBOWS FROM THE CLOTHES DRYER TO THE POINT OF TERMINATION. REDUCE THIS LENGTH BY 2' FOR EVERY ELBOW IN EXCESS OF 2. PER CMC 504.4.2. MAINTAIN 6" MIN. CLEARANCE TO COMBUSTIBLES UNLESS DRYER IS LISTED FOR REDUCED CLEARANCE. COUNTER DEPTH REFRIGERATOR/FREEZER FRONT LOADING WASHING MACHINE TO MEET ENERGY STAR AND CEE TIER 2 REQUIREMENTS (MODIFIED ENERGY FACTOR 2.0, WATER FACTOR 6.0) PROVIDE ENERGY STAR DISHWASHER USING ≤ 3.5 GA/ CYCLE & ≤ 270 kWh/YEAR. NO DOMESTIC DISHWASHING MACHINE SHALL BE DIRECTLY CONNECTED TO A DRAINAGE SYSTEM OF FOOR WASTE DISPOSER WITHOUT THE USE OF AN APPROVED DISHWASHER AIR GAP FITTING ON THE DISCHARGE SIDE OF THE DISHWASHING MACHINE. LISTED AIRGAPS SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH THE FLOOD-LEVEL (FL) MARKING AT OR ABOVE THE FLOOD LEVEL OF THE SINK OF DRAINBOARD, WHICHEVER IS HIGHER. CPC § 807.3 WHERE COMBUSTION APPLIANCES OR SOLID-FUEL BURNING APPLIANCES ARE LOCATED INSIDE THE PRESSURE BOUNDARY, THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE NET EXHAUST FLOW OF THE TWO LARGEST EXHAUST FANS SHALL NOT EXCEED 15 CFM PER 100 SQ FT. OF OCCUPIABLE SPACE, WHEN OPERATING AT FULL CAPACITY. IF THE DESIGNED TOTAL NET FLOW EXCEEDS THIS LIMIT, THE NET EXHAUST FLOW MUST BE REDUCED BY REDUCING THE EXHAUST FLOW OR PROVIDING COMPENSATING OUT-DOOR AIRFLOW (NOTE: IF MAKE-UP AIR FAN IS INSTALLED IT MUST BE ELECTRICALLY INTERLOCKED WITH THE LARGEST EXHAUST FAN). ASHRAE 62.2 § 6.4 COMPACT REFRIDGERATOR PROVIDE ENERGY STAR REFRIGERATOR W/WATER HOOKUP FOR ICE MAKER STACKED WASHER/DRYER PROVIDE 24" ENERGY STAR UNDER COUNTER REFRIGERATOR/FREEZER UNDER COUNTER REFRIGERATOR/FREEZER PROVIDE 4"Ø MIN. VENT WITH BACKDRAFT DAMPER TO EXTERIOR AT CLOTHES DRYER. MAX. LENGTH 14' W/2 90º ELBOWS FROM THE CLOTHES DRYER TO THE POINT OF TERMINATION. REDUCE THIS LENGTH BY 2' FOR EVERY ELBOW IN EXCESS OF 2. PER CMC 504.4.2. MAINTAIN 6" MIN. CLEARANCE TO COMBUSTIBLES UNLESS DRYER IS LISTED FOR REDUCED CLEARANCE. A7.1 A7.2 A7.3 A7.4 A7.5 A7.6 A7.0 MECHANICAL HEAT PUMP UNIT BATHROOM FANS MECHANICAL EXHAUST FANS SHALL BE ENERGY STAR COMPLIANT & DUCTED TO TERMINATE OUTSIDE THE BUILDING, & SHALL BE CONTROLLED BY A HUMIDISTAT THAT IS CAPABLE OF ADJUSTING THE RELATIVE HUMIDITY BETWEEN 50%-80%. CGBSC 4.506.1 AIR HANDLER PROVIDE MIN. 240v OUTLET FOR SERVICE EQUIPMENT. UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED, NOT LESS THAN 30" IN DEPTH, WIDTH & HEIGHT OF WORKING SPACE SHALL BE PROVIDED. PROVIDE HIGH EFFICIENCY A.C. UNIT W/ ENVIRONMENTALLY RESPONSIBLE REFRIGERANTS ANCHORED ON AN APPROVED PAD THAT IS A MIN. OF 3" ABOVE THE FINISHED GRADE OR LANDSCAPING ENERGY RECOVERY VENTILATION PROVIDE PANASONIC FV-10VEC2 OR RENEWAIRE EV200 ERV BALANCED VENTILATION FAN PER TITLE 24. A MANUAL SWITCH FOR THE BUILDING VENTILATION MUST BE LABELED WITH THE FOLLOWING TEXT "THIS SWITCH CONTROLS THE INDOOR AIR QUALITY VENTILATION FOR THE HOME. LEAVE IT ON UNLESS THE OUTDOOR AIR QUALITY IS VERY POOR" CEnC § 150.0 (o) 1 DRYER VENT A DURABLE PLACARD (MIN. SIZE OF 4"X5") MUST BE PERMANENTLY AFFIXED ON A WALL NEAR & VISIBLE FROM THE DRYER LOCATION. THE PLACARD SHALL STATE THE ACTUAL LENGTH OF THE INSTALLED DRYER EXHAUST VENT & INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING LANGUAGE: SEE NOTE THIS PAGE FOR LENGTH RESIDENTIAL ELEVATOR RESIDENTIAL ELEVATOR SHALL COMPLY WITH ASME A17.1 CRC§ R321 A8.1 A8.2 A8.3 A8.4 SUB-PANEL-SIZE TO BE DETERMINED BY ELECTRICIAN 400 AMP. POWER PANEL-MAIN ELECTRICAL POWER PANEL W/ METER. PROVIDE INTERSYSTEM BONDING DEVICE AT OR NEAR MAIN ELECTRICAL PANEL CONNECTED TO UFER GROUND CEC 250.94 250.52.A.3 POWER SUB-PANEL A8.0 ELECTRICAL ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGING ALL SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS, LOW-RISE MULTIFAMILY BUILDINGS WITH PRIVATE GARAGES, & ADU'S SHALL PROVIDE TWO WIRED NATIONAL ELECTRICAL MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (NEMA) OUTLETS, EACH SUPPLIED BY A SEPARATE 40 AMP MIN. DEDICATED BRANCH CIRCUIT, & SHALL BE INSTALLED SPECIFICALLY FOR SUPPLYING ELECTRICAL POWER TO AN ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGER. ONE OUTLET SHALL BE INSTALLED INSIDE THE GARAGE & THE OTHER OUTLET SHALL BE INSTALLED OUTSIDE THE GARAGE. BATTERY BACKUP 5kwh MIN. ALL SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS, LOW-RISE MULTIFAMILY BUILDINGS, & ADU'S SHALL BE PREWIRED FOR THE INSTALLATION OF BATTERY STORAGE. THE PREWIRING SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH CALIFORNIA BUILDING, RESIDENTIAL, & ELECTRICAL CODES & BE ADEQUATELY SIZED BY A LICENSED PROFESSIONAL TO ACCOMMODATE THE BACK-UP LOADS INSTALLED IN THE CRITICAL LOAD PANEL WITH A MIN. OF 5 KWH. DUV Heating and air-conditioning system design. Heating and air conditioning systems shall be sized, designed and have their equipment selected using the following methods: 1. The heat loss and heat gain is established according to ACCA Manual J, ASHRAE handbooks or other equivalent design software or methods. 2. Duct systems are sized according to ACCA 29-D Manual D, ASHRAE handbooks or other equivalent design software or methods. 3. Select heating and cooling equipment according to ACCA 36-S Manual S or other equivalent design software or methods. CGBSC 4.507.2 NOTE TO MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR: 244.8 CFM=.03*5910+7.5(8+1)Qfan = 0.03Afloor + 7.5(Nbr+1) DUV = DWELLING UNIT VENTILATION EXHAUST ONLY KITCHEN WILL PROVIDE LOCAL VENTILATION EXHAUST. A2. DWELLING-UNIT MECHANICAL VENTILATION RATE (from ANSI/ASHRAE 62.2-2019) The required mechanical ventilation rate (Qfan) shall be the rate Qtot in Section 4.1.1 plus the required additional airflow calculated in accordance with Section A3. If the airtightness of the building envelope has been measured, the required mechanical ventilation rate may be reduced as described in Section 4.1.2 In these cases, Section A3 shall be applied before Section 4.1.2 when determining the final mechanical ventilation rate. 4.1 Ventilation Rate. A mechanical exhaust system, supply system, or combination thereof, shall be installed to operate for each dwelling unit to provide continuous dwelling-unit ventilation with outdoor air at a rate not less than specified in Section 4.1.1. 4.1.1 Total Ventilation Rate. The total required ventilation rate (Qtot) shall be as specified in Table 4-1a (I-P) or 4-1b (SI) or alternatively calculated using Equation 4-1a (I-P) or 4-1b (SI). Qtot = 0.03Afloor + 7.5(Nbr + 1) (4-1a) where Qtot = total required ventilation rate, cfm Afloor = dwelling-unit floor area, ft2 Nbr = number of bedrooms (not to be less than 1) Table 5-1 Demand-Controlled Local Ventilation Exhaust Airflow Rates Application Airflow Enclosed kitchen • Vented range hood (including appliance-range hood combinations): 100 cfm • Other kitchen exhaust fans, including downdraft: 300 cfm or a capacity of 5 ach Nonenclosed kitchen • Vented range hood (including appliance-range hood combinations): 100 cfm • Other kitchen exhaust fans, including downdraft: 300 cfm (150 L/s) Bathroom 50 cfm 5. LOCAL EXHAUST 5.1 Local Mechanical Exhaust. A local mechanical exhaust system shall be installed in each kitchen and bathroom. Nonenclosed kitchens shall be provided with a demand-controlled mechanical exhaust system meeting the requirements of Section 5.2. Each local ventilation system for all other kitchens and bathrooms shall be either one of the following: a. A demand-controlled mechanical exhaust system meeting the requirements of Section 5.2 b. A continuous mechanical exhaust system meeting the requirements of Section 5.3 5.4 Airflow Measurement. The airflow required by this section is the quantity of indoor air exhausted by the ventilation system as installed and shall be measured according to the ventilation equipment manufacturer instructions, or by using a flow hood, flow grid, or other airflow measuring device at the mechanical ventilation fan’s inlet terminals, outlet terminals, or in the connected ventilation ducts. Exception to 5.4: Manufacturer design criteria or the prescriptive requirements of Table 5-3 shall be permitted in place of a measurement. When using Table 5-3, the airflow rating according to Section 7.1 shall meet or exceed a static pressure of 0.25 in. of water (62.5 Pa). Use of Table 5-3 is limited to duct systems not exceeding 25 ft (8 m) in length, duct systems with no more than three (3) elbows, and duct systems with exterior termination fittings having a hydraulic diameter greater than or equal to the minimum duct diameter and not less than the hydraulic diameter of the fan outlet. Table 5-3 Prescriptive Duct Sizing Fan Airflow Rating, CFM at minimum static pressure of 0.25 in. of water (L/s at minimum 62.5 Pa) Duct Type Minimum Duct Diameter, in. (mm) a,b Rigid duct Flex ductc a. For noncircular ducts, calculate the diameter as four times the cross-sectional area divided by the perimeter. b. NP = application of the prescriptive table is not permitted for this scenario. c. Use of this table for verification of flex duct systems requires flex duct to be fully extended and any flex duct elbows to have a minimum bend radius to duct diameter ratio of 1.0. d. For this scenario, use of elbows is not permitted. e. For this scenario, 4 in. (100 mm) oval duct shall be permitted, provided the minor axis of the oval is greater than or equal to 3 in. (75 mm). Air Changes per Hour (ACH), which is determined by multiplying the volume of the space by 5, ACH = cubic feet per hour, and then dividing by 60 minutes per hour to determine the cubic feet per minute. (cfm). ≤50 (25) ≤80 (40) 4e (100) ≤100 (50) ≤125 (60) ≤150 (70) ≤175 (85) ≤200 (95) ≤250 (120) ≤350 (165) ≤400 (190) ≤450 (210) ≤700 (330) ≤800 (380) 5 (125) 5 (125) 6 (150) 6 (150) 7 (180) 7 (180) 8 (205) 9 (230) 10 (255) 12 (305) 10 (255) 12d (305) 4 (100) 5 (125) 6 (150) 6 (150) 7 (150) 7 (180) 8 (205) 8 (205) 9 (230) 10 (255)NP NP NP NOTE FOR DRYER OR STACKER LAUNDRY CENTER: A DURABLE PLACARD (MIN. SIZE OF 4"X5") MUST BE PERMANENTLY AFFIXED ON A WALL NEAR & VISIBLE FROM THE DRYER LOCATION. THE PLACARD SHALL STATE THE ACTUAL LENGTH OF THE INSTALLED DRYER EXHAUST VENT & INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING LANGUAGE: WARNING: CHECK THE MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR ANY DOMESTIC DRYER THAT WILL BE INSTALLED AT THIS LOCATION. THE INSTRUCTIONS SHOULD ALLOW THE DRYER TO BE CONNECTED TO AN EXHAUST DUCT (VENT) THAT IS A MAXIMUM ______ LONG. DO NOT REMOVE THIS PLACARD 34' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" ELEC/MECH MAIN FLOOR PLAN OF REVISIONS DATE: SCALE:51 UNIVERSITY AVE. "L" • LOS GATOS, CA. • 95030 • (408) 395-2555NOTE:•The Contractor shall verify all dimensions,elevations and conditions, prior to startingany field work.•Any deviation called by field conditions,or any conditions different from thoseindicated on the plans shall be broughtto the Architect's attention prior toinstallation.S H E E TARCHITECTURAL AND SITE DEVELOPMENT FOR:THE BOUKNIGHT FAMILY144 WOOD ROAD • LOS GATOS, CA 95030AS SHOWN E-3 12/8/21 ELEC/MECH UPPER FLOOR PLAN 5828 1 PLAN CHECK COMMENTS 6/16/22 UPDOWN DOWNW/DSMSMSMT/HSDSDSDSDSDSD SDSDWPGFIWPGFIAFCI AFCI AFCIAFCI AFCIAFCIAFCIGFCIAFCIGFCIAFCIGFCIAFCIGFCIAFCIGFCIAFCIGFCIAFCIAFCIAFCIAFCI AFCIAFCIAFCIAFCIAFCIAFCIAFCIAFCIT/HSDSDSDSD HBHB250v.AFCI 250v.AFCIAFCIS/CM S/CM S/CM S/CM 1 1 1 1 1A5.1 A5.1 A5.5 A5.6 A5.8 A5.8 A6.7A6.9 A7.1 A7.1 A7.1 A8.2 A5.11 FF 744.66 linenFF 744.66 W WBDRM #5 BDRM #4 PLAYROOM BA #4 ELEV. BA #5 BAR CLSTCLST STAIRWELL LAUNDRYDOWN A7.6 ELEC. F P N HOSE BIBBS ELEC./MECH. NOTES EXHAUST AIR GFCI OUTLETS ALL HOSE BIBBS TO HAVE BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICES. CPC 603.4.6 THE DISCHARGE POINT FOR EXHAUST AIR WILL BE AT LEAST 3 FT. FROM ANY OPENING WHICH ALLOWS AIR ENTRY INTO OCCUPIED PORTIONS OF THE BUILDING. CMC 504.4 ANTI-HAMMER VALVES ELEC. BOND @ W.H. PIPES WALL & FLOOR PENETRATIONS PROVIDE ELECTRICAL BOND BETWEEN INTERIOR GAS LINES & HOT & COLD LINES AT WATER HEATER. CEC 250.104 PROVIDE ANTI-HAMMER VALVES WITH ACCESS PANELS AT DISHWASHER & WASHING MACHINE. CPC 609.10 ALL MECHANICAL, PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & SIMILAR PENETRATIONS OF THE FLOOR & CEILING SHALL BE FIRE CAULKED WITH A RESIDENTIAL RATED CAULK WITH AN ASTM RATING OF E136. APPLIANCE BRANCH CIRCUITS PROVIDE TWO APPLIANCE BRANCH CIRCUITS IN KITCHEN THAT ARE LIMITED TO SUPPLYING WALL OR COUNTER SPACE OUTLETS FOR THE KITCHEN, PANTRY, BREAKFAST ROOM, DINING ROOM, OR SIMILAR AREAS. NOTE: THESE CIRCUITS CANNOT SERVE OUTSIDE PLUGS, RANGE HOOD, DISPOSALS, DISHWASHERS OR MICROWAVES-ONLY REQUIRED COUNTER TOP/WALL OUTLETS INCLUDING REFRIGERATOR CEC 210.50 A DEDICATED 20-AMP CIRCUIT IS REQUIRED TO SERVE THE REQUIRED BATHROOM OUTLETS. THIS CIRCUIT CANNOT SUPPLY ANY OTHER RECEPTACLES, LIGHTS, FANS, ETC. (EXCEPTION-WHERE THE CIRCUIT SUPPLIES A SINGLE BATHROOM, OUTLETS FOR OTHER EQUIPMENT WITHIN THE SAME BATHROOM SHALL BE PERMITTED TO BE SUPPLIED.) CEC 210.11 BATHROOM DEDICATED CIRCUIT PIPING ALL HOT WATER PIPES SHALL BE INSULATED FULL LENGTH. ALL PIPING SHALL BE ENGINEERED PARALLEL W/ DEMAND CONTROLLED CIRCULATION PUMP. CPC 609.11, CPC L601.3.1 HVAC SYSTEM DESIGN HVAC SYSTEM TO ACCA MANUAL J, D, & S RECOMMENDATIONS. INSTALL UNIT & DUCTWORK WITHIN CONDITIONED SPACE. USE DUCT MASTIC ON ALL DUCT JOINTS & SEAMS. PROTECT DUCTS DURING CONSTRUCTION & CLEAN BEFORE OCCUPANCY. PRESSURE RELIEVE THE DUCTWORK SYSTEM. PROVIDE HIGH EFFICIENCY HVAC FILTER (MERV 13+). AFCI BRANCH CIRCUITS ALL 120V 15 & 20 AMP ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS SUPPLYING OUTLETS (LIGHTING & RECEPTACLES) INSTALLED IN DWELLING UNIT KITCHENS, FAMILY ROOMS, DINING ROOMS, LIVING ROOMS, PARLORS, LIBRARIES, DENS, BEDROOMS, SUNROOMS, RECREATION ROOMS, CLOSETS, HALLWAYS, LAUNDRY AREAS OR SIMILAR ROOMS OR AREAS SHALL BE PROTECTED BY A LISTED ARC-FAULT CIRCUIT INTERRUPTER, OR COMBINATION-TYPE, INSTALLED TO PROVIDE PROTECTION OF THE BRANCH CIRCUITS. PROTECTED. CEC 210.12 DOOR BELL/BUZZER DOOR BUZZER, BELL, OR CHIME SHALL BE HARD WIRES AT THE PRIMARY ENTRANCE. BATHROOMS CONTAINING BATHTUBS, SHOWERS OR SPAS SHALL BE MECHANICALLY VENTILATED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CMC PER CRC SECTION R303.3. BATHROOM FANS TO BE ENERGY STAR RATED, VENTED TO THE OUTSIDE, & CONTROLLED WITH A HUMIDISTAT SWITCH. CGBSC 4.506 BATHROOM VENTILATION AIR DUCTS ALL AIR DUCTS PENETRATING SEPARATION WALL OR CEILING BETWEEN GARAGE & LIVING AREA SHALL BE 26 GA. MIN. CRC R302.5.2 SHOWERS & TUB SHOWERS PROVIDE INDIVIDUAL CONTROL VALVES FOR THE PRESSURE BALANCE OR THE THERMOSTATIC MIXING VALVE TYPE. CPC 408.3 A DEDICATED 20-AMP BRANCH CIRCUIT IS REQUIRED TO SERVE THE LAUNDRY RECEPTACLE OUTLETS. CEC 210.11 LAUNDRY DEDICATED CIRCUIT RECEPTACLES SMOKE DETECTORS SHALL BE INTERCONNECTED WITH BATTERY BACKUP IN SUCH A MANNER THAT THE ACTIVATION OF ONE ALARM WILL ACTIVATE ALL OF THE ALARMS IN THE UNIT. THE ALARM SHALL BE CLEARLY AUDIBLE IN ALL BEDROOMS OVER BACKGROUND NOISE LEVELS WITH ALL INTERVENING DOORS CLOSED. ALARMS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ALL SLEEPING ROOMS & OUTSIDE EACH SEPARATE SLEEPING AREA IN THE IMMEDIATE VICINITY OF THE BEDROOMS, NOT LESS THAN 3' FROM BATHROOMS, MORE THAN 20' FROM ANY COOKING APPLIANCE. NO ALARMS & INSTRUCTIONS SHALL BE INSTALLED UNLESS THEY HAVE BEEN LISTED & APPROVED BY THE SITE FIRE MARSHALL PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. EVIDENCE MUST BE PRESENTED TO THE BUILDING INSPECTOR PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. PER CRC R314,315 SMOKE/CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTORS IN BATHROOMS, WATER CLOSETS COMPARTMENTS & OTHER SIMILAR ROOMS THAT DON'T HAVE THE REQUIRED NATURAL VENTILATION. PROVIDE MECHANICAL VENTILATION. THE MINIMUM VENTILATION RATES SHALL BE 50 CUBIC FEET PER MIN. FOR INTERMITTENT VENTILATION OR 25 CUBIC FEET PER MIN. FOR CONTINUOUS VENTILATION. PER CBC R303.5 SEWER CLEANOUTS PROVIDE SEWER CLEANOUT WITHIN 1 FOOT OF EASEMENT, WITHIN 2 FEET OF EACH DWELLING & AT 100 FOOT INTERVALS. CPC 719, 721 MECHANICAL VENTILATION HIGH EFFICIENCY TOILETS NEW WATER CLOSETS & ASSOCIATED FLUSHOMETER VALVES SHALL USE NO MORE THAN 1.28 GALLONS PER FLUSH. CPC 411 SANITARY SEWER BACK FLOW VALVE VERIFY IF THE NEST UPSTREAM MANHOLE IS 12" OR MORE BELOW THE FLOOD LEVEL RIMS OF FIXTURES SERVICES BY DRAINAGE PIPING. PROVIDE BACKWATER VALVE ON DRAINAGE PIPING SERVING FIXTURES THAT HAVE FLOOD LEVELS LESS THAN 12" ABOVE THE ELEVATION ABOVE THE NEXT UPSTREAM MANHOLES PER CPC 710.0. SHOWER HEADS: SHOWER HEADS SHALL BE DESIGNED & INSTALLED SO THAT THEY WILL NOT EXCEED A WATER SUPPLY FLOW RATE OF 1.8 GPM MEASURED AT 80 PSI. CPC 408.2 FAUCETS AT KITCHENS, LAVATORIES, WETBARS, LAUNDRY SINKS, OR OTHER SIMILAR USE FIXTURES SHALL BE DESIGNED & MANUFACTURED SO THAT THEY WILL NOT EXCEED A WATER SUPPLY FLOW RATE OF: KITCHEN 1.8 @ 60 PSI, LAV. FAUCETS 1.2 @ 60 PSI. ALL OTHERS 2.2 @ 60 PSI CPC 407 FAUCETS: ALL RECEPTACLES SHALL BE TAMPER RESISTANT. CEC 406.12 SPACING, RECEPTACLES SHALL BE INSTALLED SUCH THAT NO POINT MEASURED HORIZONTALLY ALONG THE FLOOR LINE OF ANY WALL SPACE IS MORE THAN 6' FROM A RECEPTACLE OUTLET. ANY SPACE 2' OR MORE IN WIDTH, SPACE AFFORDED BY FIXED ROOM DIVIDERS. FLOOR OUTLETS SHALL NOT BE COUNTED AS PART OF THE REQ'D NUMBER UNLESS WITHIN 18" OF THE WALL. CEC 210.52 GROUND-FAULT CIRCUIT-INTERRUPTERS ARE REQUIRED TO PROTECT THE RECEPTACLES IN BATHROOMS, GARAGES, OUTDOORS, KITCHENS, & LAUNDRY AREAS, & DISHWASHER BRANCH CIRCUITS. GFCI RECEPTACLES CAN BE USED ON AN ARC-FAULT PROTECTED CIRCUIT. CEC 210.8 ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGING STATION: RECESSED LUMNIAIRES IN INSULATED CEILINGS LIGHTING A. SCREW-BASED LUMINAIRES SHALL CONTAIN LAMPS THAT COMPLY WITH REFERENCE JOINT APPENDIX JA8. EXCEPTION; LUMINAIRES WITH HARD-WIRED BALLASTS FOR HIGH INTENSITY DISCHARGE LAMPS. JA8 COMPLIANT LIGHT SOURCES MUST BE MARKED AS "JA8-2019" OR "JA8-2019-E"(JA8-2016-E LUMINAIRES ARE DEEMED APPROPRIATE FOR USE IN ENCLOSED LUMINAIRES). CEC 150.0(k)G B. ALL JA8 COMPLIANT LIGHT SOURCES IN THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS ARE CONTROLLED BY VACANCY SENSORS OR DIMMERS (EXCEPTION CLOSETS LESS THAN 70 SF & HALLWAYS. CEC 150.0(k)(2K): C. AT LEAST ONE FIXTURE IN THE SHOP CONTROLLED BY A VACANCY SENSOR. CEC 150.(k)2I ALL OUTDOOR LIGHTING SHALL BE HIGH EFFICACY WITH MANUAL ON/OFF SWITCH & ONE OF THE FOLLOWING IN ACCORDANCE WITH CEC 150.0(k)3: i. PHOTOCELL & MOTION SENSOR ii. PHOTOCELL & AUTOMATIC TIME SWITCH CONTROL iii. ASTRONOMICAL TIME SWITCH CONTROL iv. ENERGY MANAGEMENT CONTROL SYSTEMS D. A COMPLETED CF2R-LTG-01-E FORM MUST BE PROVIDED TO THE CITY/TOWN BUILDING INSPECTOR, PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION. LUMINAIRE EFFICACY. ALL INSTALLED LUMINAIRES SHALL BE HIGH EFFICACY IN ACCORDANCE WITH TABLE 150.0-A. LUMINAIRE REQUIREMENTS E. AT LEAST ONE FIXTURE IN BATHROOMS, UTILITY, LAUNDRY, & GARAGES MUST BE CONTROLLED BY A VACANCY SENSOR i. BE LISTED, AS DEFINED IN SECTION 100.1, FOR ZERO CLEARANCE INSULATION CONTACT (IC) BY UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES OR OTHER NATIONALLY RECOGNIZED TESTING/RATING LABORATORY; & ii. HAVE A LABEL THAT CERTIFIES THE LUMINAIRE IS AIRTIGHT WITH AIR LEAKAGE LESS THAN 2.0 CFM AT 75 PASCALS WHEN TESTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM E283. AN EXHAUST FAN HOUSING SHALL NOT BE REQUIRED TO BE CERTIFIED AIRTIGHT; & iii. BE SEALED WITH A GASKET OR CAULK BETWEEN THE LUMINAIRE HOUSING & CEILING, & HAVE ALL AIR LEAK PATHS BETWEEN CONDITIONED & UNCONDITIONED SPACES SEALED WITH A GASKET OR CAULK; & iv. FOR LUMINAIRES WITH HARDWIRED BALLASTS OR DRIVERS, ALLOW BALLAST OR DRIVER MAINTENANCE & REPLACEMENT TO BE READILY ACCESSIBLE TO BUILDING OCCUPANTS FROM BELOW THE CEILING WITHOUT REQUIRING THE CUTTING OF HOLES IN THE CEILING; & v. SHALL NOT CONTAIN SCREW BASE SOCKETS; & SHALL CONTAIN LIGHT SOURCES THAT COMPLY WITH REFERENCES JOINT APPENDIX JA8, INCLUDING THE ELEVATED TEMPERATURE REQUIREMENTS, & THAT ARE MARKED "JA8-2019-E" AS SPECIFIED IN REFERENCE JOINT APPENDIX JA8. ALL SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS, LOW-RISE MULTIFAMILY BUILDINGS WITH PRIVATE GARAGES, & ADU'S SHALL PROVIDE TWO WIRED NATIONAL ELECTRICAL MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (NEMA) OUTLETS, EACH SUPPLIED BY A SEPARATE 40 AMP MIN. DEDICATED BRANCH CIRCUIT, & SHALL BE INSTALLED SPECIFICALLY FOR SUPPLYING ELECTRICAL POWER TO AN ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGER. ONE OUTLET SHALL BE INSTALLED INSIDE THE GARAGE & THE OTHER OUTLET SHALL BE INSTALLED OUTSIDE THE GARAGE. SM SD C.A.R.HB250v.AFCIWPGFIC.A.R. T/H S/CM AFCIGFCI3DIMMER SWITCH MANUAL ON MOTION SWITCH (MOTION SENSOR SHALL ONLY BE OPERATIONAL WHEN IN ON POSITION) HARDWIRED DOORBELL/BUZZER COLD AIR RETURN @ CEILING UNDER CABINET LED LIGHTS HOSE BIBB FLOOR HVAC REGISTER CEILING HVAC REGISTER KICK HVAC REGISTER 250v. OUTLET @ 42" OFF FLOOR (U.N.O.) 125v. DUPLEX AFCI OUTLET 125v. DUPLEX AFCI/GFCI OUTLET 125v. WEATHER PROOF GFIC OUTLET 125v. 1/2 HOT DUPLEX OUTLET 125v. QUADRIPLEX OUTLET 125v. DUPLEX FLOOR OUTLET JUNCTION BOX WALL SWITCH COLD AIR RETURN @ WALL 100 CFM EXHAUST FAN - ENERGY STAR RATED, VENTED TO EXTERIOR 4" RECESSED LED CAN AT/IC SURFACE MOUNTED LED FIXTURE HEADER MTD LED LIGHT WALL MTD LED FIXTURE HUMIDISTAT TIMER ELECTRIC/MECHANICAL LEGEND WALL HVAC REGISTER COMMUNICATIONS BUNDLE W INDICATES WET LOCATION S INDICATES SLOPED LOCATION SURFACE MOUNTED LED LIGHTS SUB-PANEL ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGING STATION CEILING MOUNT, UL LISTED, 75LB RATED JUNCTION BOX FOR LIGHT OR FAN SMOKE DETECTOR/CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTOR COMBO. PANASONIC FV-10VEC2 ENERTY RECOVERY VENTILATION UNIT. 50-100 CFM 4" RECESSED DIRECTIONAL LED CAN AT/IC 270 CFM FANTECH PB270-2 EXHAUST FAN-ENERGY STAR-VENTED TO EXT. WALL MOUNTED LED STEP LIGHT ERV A5.1 A5.2 A5.3 A5.4 A5.5 A5.6 A5.7 A5.8 A5.9 A5.10 A5.11 RECT. SINK(S) IN VANITY CABINET TILED SHOWER A5.0 PLUMBING LARGE DOUBLE SINK W/DISPOSAL PROVIDE AIR SWITCH FOR DISPOSAL ANNULAR SPACES ANNULAR SPACES AROUND PIPES, ELECTRICAL CABLES, CONDUITS OR OTHER OPENINGS IN PLATES OR FOUNDATIONS SHALL BE PROTECTED AGAINST RODENTS BY CLOSING THE OPENINGS WITH CEMENT MORTAR OR CONCRETE MASONRY. CGBSC 4.406.1 SHOWER STALL WITH WATER PROOF PAN & WETSET TILE FULL HEIGHT ABOVE FLOOR LINE OVER FIBER- CEMENT, FIBER-MAT REINFORCED CEMENT, GLASS MAT GYPSUM BACKERS & FIBER-REINFORCED GYPSUM BACKERS. WATER-RESISTANT GYPSUM BACKING BOARD SHALL NOT BE USED OVER A VAPOR RETARDER IN SHOWER OR BATHTUB COMPARTMENTS. R307.2 & R702.4.2 R702.3.8 SHOWER & TUB/SHOWER COMBINATIONS SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH INDIVIDUAL CONTROL VALVES OF THE PRESSURE BALANCE OR THE THERMOSTATIC MIXING VALVE TYPE. CPC 408.3 SPA BATH TUB THE MAXIMUM HOT WATER TEMPERATURE DISCHARGING FROM THE BATHTUB & WHIRLPOOL BATHTUB FILLER SHALL BE LIMITED TO 120ºF BY A DEVICE THAT CONFORMS TO ASSE 1070 OR CSA B125.3. CPC 409.4 SPA TUB ON SEPARATE GFCI PROTECTED CIRCUIT. FOR WHIRLPOOL TUB: CIRCULATION PUMP SHALL BE LOCATED ABOVE THE CROWN WEIR OF THE TRAP. PROVIDE REMOVABLE PANEL TO ACCESS & REMOVE THE PUMP. THE PUMP & CIRCULATION PIPING SHALL BE SELF- DRAINING TO MINIMIZE WATER RETENTION. CPC TBLE 1401.1. SUCTION FITTINGS ON WHIRLPOOL BATHTUBS SHALL COMPLY WITH THE LISTED STANDARDS. CPC 409.6 BATH TUB TO BE SELECTED BY OWNER HYBRID ELECTRIC HEAT PUMP WATER HEATER INSTALL HYBRID ELECTRIC HEAT PUMP WATER HEATER W/ INLET & OUTLET DUCT KIT TO EXTERIOR OF ENCLOSURE PER MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS. INSTALL W/SEISMIC STRAPS AT TOP & BOTTOM & PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE W/ OUTLET TO EXTERIOR. SMALL SINK W/DISPOSAL UTILITY SINK 30" WIDE UTILITY SINK PER OWNER PROVIDE AIR SWITCH FOR DISPOSAL MED. SINGLE SINK W/DRAINBOARD EACH SIDE W/DISPOSAL PROVIDE AIR SWITCH FOR DISPOSAL HIGH-EFFICIENCY TOILET PROVIDE ONLY HIGH-EFFICIENCY DUAL-FLUSH OR≤1.28 GPF TOILETS. NO FIXTURE SHALL BE SET CLOSER THAN 15" FROM ITS CENTER TO A SIDE WALL. THE CLEAR SPACE IN FRONT OF A WATER CLOSET, LAVATORY, OR BIDET SHALL BE NOT LESS THAN 24". CPC 402.5 OUTDOOR SHOWER OUTDOOR SHOWER WILL CONNECT TO THE SANITARY SEWER. OUTDOOR SHOWER HAS 2 FULL HEIGHT WALLS & 2 PONY WALLS W/24" OPENING W/4" CURB & A COVERED ROOF. WALLS OF ENCLOSURE SHALL BE SMOOTH, WATERPROOF, & WASHABLE. MUST BE HAVE A TRAP PRIMER. A6.1 A6.2 A6.3 A6.4 A6.5 A6.6 A6.7 A6.8 A6.9 WASHER A6.0 APPLIANCES, FIREPLACES, ETC. PROVIDE 36" ENERGY STAR REFRIGERATOR/FREEZER W/ WATER FOR AUTOMATIC ICE MAKER 48" INDUCTION RANGE DISHWASHER PROVIDE VENT HOOD W/ LIGHT AND VENTED TO EXTERIOR. PROVIDE NECESSARY POWER SOURCE. MIN. 100CFM RANGE VENT HOOD PROVIDE 240v POWER SOURCE ON SEPARATE CIRCUIT. DRYER PROVIDE 4"Ø MIN. VENT WITH BACKDRAFT DAMPER TO EXTERIOR AT CLOTHES DRYER. MAX. LENGTH 14' W/2 90º ELBOWS FROM THE CLOTHES DRYER TO THE POINT OF TERMINATION. REDUCE THIS LENGTH BY 2' FOR EVERY ELBOW IN EXCESS OF 2. PER CMC 504.4.2. MAINTAIN 6" MIN. CLEARANCE TO COMBUSTIBLES UNLESS DRYER IS LISTED FOR REDUCED CLEARANCE. COUNTER DEPTH REFRIGERATOR/FREEZER FRONT LOADING WASHING MACHINE TO MEET ENERGY STAR AND CEE TIER 2 REQUIREMENTS (MODIFIED ENERGY FACTOR 2.0, WATER FACTOR 6.0) PROVIDE ENERGY STAR DISHWASHER USING ≤ 3.5 GA/ CYCLE & ≤ 270 kWh/YEAR. NO DOMESTIC DISHWASHING MACHINE SHALL BE DIRECTLY CONNECTED TO A DRAINAGE SYSTEM OF FOOR WASTE DISPOSER WITHOUT THE USE OF AN APPROVED DISHWASHER AIR GAP FITTING ON THE DISCHARGE SIDE OF THE DISHWASHING MACHINE. LISTED AIRGAPS SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH THE FLOOD-LEVEL (FL) MARKING AT OR ABOVE THE FLOOD LEVEL OF THE SINK OF DRAINBOARD, WHICHEVER IS HIGHER. CPC § 807.3 WHERE COMBUSTION APPLIANCES OR SOLID-FUEL BURNING APPLIANCES ARE LOCATED INSIDE THE PRESSURE BOUNDARY, THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE NET EXHAUST FLOW OF THE TWO LARGEST EXHAUST FANS SHALL NOT EXCEED 15 CFM PER 100 SQ FT. OF OCCUPIABLE SPACE, WHEN OPERATING AT FULL CAPACITY. IF THE DESIGNED TOTAL NET FLOW EXCEEDS THIS LIMIT, THE NET EXHAUST FLOW MUST BE REDUCED BY REDUCING THE EXHAUST FLOW OR PROVIDING COMPENSATING OUT-DOOR AIRFLOW (NOTE: IF MAKE-UP AIR FAN IS INSTALLED IT MUST BE ELECTRICALLY INTERLOCKED WITH THE LARGEST EXHAUST FAN). ASHRAE 62.2 § 6.4 COMPACT REFRIDGERATOR PROVIDE ENERGY STAR REFRIGERATOR W/WATER HOOKUP FOR ICE MAKER STACKED WASHER/DRYER PROVIDE 24" ENERGY STAR UNDER COUNTER REFRIGERATOR/FREEZER UNDER COUNTER REFRIGERATOR/FREEZER PROVIDE 4"Ø MIN. VENT WITH BACKDRAFT DAMPER TO EXTERIOR AT CLOTHES DRYER. MAX. LENGTH 14' W/2 90º ELBOWS FROM THE CLOTHES DRYER TO THE POINT OF TERMINATION. REDUCE THIS LENGTH BY 2' FOR EVERY ELBOW IN EXCESS OF 2. PER CMC 504.4.2. MAINTAIN 6" MIN. CLEARANCE TO COMBUSTIBLES UNLESS DRYER IS LISTED FOR REDUCED CLEARANCE. A7.1 A7.2 A7.3 A7.4 A7.5 A7.6 A7.0 MECHANICAL HEAT PUMP UNIT BATHROOM FANS MECHANICAL EXHAUST FANS SHALL BE ENERGY STAR COMPLIANT & DUCTED TO TERMINATE OUTSIDE THE BUILDING, & SHALL BE CONTROLLED BY A HUMIDISTAT THAT IS CAPABLE OF ADJUSTING THE RELATIVE HUMIDITY BETWEEN 50%-80%. CGBSC 4.506.1 AIR HANDLER PROVIDE MIN. 240v OUTLET FOR SERVICE EQUIPMENT. UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED, NOT LESS THAN 30" IN DEPTH, WIDTH & HEIGHT OF WORKING SPACE SHALL BE PROVIDED. PROVIDE HIGH EFFICIENCY A.C. UNIT W/ ENVIRONMENTALLY RESPONSIBLE REFRIGERANTS ANCHORED ON AN APPROVED PAD THAT IS A MIN. OF 3" ABOVE THE FINISHED GRADE OR LANDSCAPING ENERGY RECOVERY VENTILATION PROVIDE PANASONIC FV-10VEC2 OR RENEWAIRE EV200 ERV BALANCED VENTILATION FAN PER TITLE 24. A MANUAL SWITCH FOR THE BUILDING VENTILATION MUST BE LABELED WITH THE FOLLOWING TEXT "THIS SWITCH CONTROLS THE INDOOR AIR QUALITY VENTILATION FOR THE HOME. LEAVE IT ON UNLESS THE OUTDOOR AIR QUALITY IS VERY POOR" CEnC § 150.0 (o) 1 DRYER VENT A DURABLE PLACARD (MIN. SIZE OF 4"X5") MUST BE PERMANENTLY AFFIXED ON A WALL NEAR & VISIBLE FROM THE DRYER LOCATION. THE PLACARD SHALL STATE THE ACTUAL LENGTH OF THE INSTALLED DRYER EXHAUST VENT & INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING LANGUAGE: SEE NOTE THIS PAGE FOR LENGTH RESIDENTIAL ELEVATOR RESIDENTIAL ELEVATOR SHALL COMPLY WITH ASME A17.1 CRC§ R321 A8.1 A8.2 A8.3 A8.4 SUB-PANEL-SIZE TO BE DETERMINED BY ELECTRICIAN 400 AMP. POWER PANEL-MAIN ELECTRICAL POWER PANEL W/ METER. PROVIDE INTERSYSTEM BONDING DEVICE AT OR NEAR MAIN ELECTRICAL PANEL CONNECTED TO UFER GROUND CEC 250.94 250.52.A.3 POWER SUB-PANEL A8.0 ELECTRICAL ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGING ALL SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS, LOW-RISE MULTIFAMILY BUILDINGS WITH PRIVATE GARAGES, & ADU'S SHALL PROVIDE TWO WIRED NATIONAL ELECTRICAL MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION (NEMA) OUTLETS, EACH SUPPLIED BY A SEPARATE 40 AMP MIN. DEDICATED BRANCH CIRCUIT, & SHALL BE INSTALLED SPECIFICALLY FOR SUPPLYING ELECTRICAL POWER TO AN ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGER. ONE OUTLET SHALL BE INSTALLED INSIDE THE GARAGE & THE OTHER OUTLET SHALL BE INSTALLED OUTSIDE THE GARAGE. BATTERY BACKUP 5kwh MIN. ALL SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS, LOW-RISE MULTIFAMILY BUILDINGS, & ADU'S SHALL BE PREWIRED FOR THE INSTALLATION OF BATTERY STORAGE. THE PREWIRING SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH CALIFORNIA BUILDING, RESIDENTIAL, & ELECTRICAL CODES & BE ADEQUATELY SIZED BY A LICENSED PROFESSIONAL TO ACCOMMODATE THE BACK-UP LOADS INSTALLED IN THE CRITICAL LOAD PANEL WITH A MIN. OF 5 KWH. DUV Heating and air-conditioning system design. Heating and air conditioning systems shall be sized, designed and have their equipment selected using the following methods: 1. The heat loss and heat gain is established according to ACCA Manual J, ASHRAE handbooks or other equivalent design software or methods. 2. Duct systems are sized according to ACCA 29-D Manual D, ASHRAE handbooks or other equivalent design software or methods. 3. Select heating and cooling equipment according to ACCA 36-S Manual S or other equivalent design software or methods. CGBSC 4.507.2 NOTE TO MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR: 244.8 CFM=.03*5910+7.5(8+1)Qfan = 0.03Afloor + 7.5(Nbr+1) DUV = DWELLING UNIT VENTILATION IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT THE LABEL TEXT SHOULD BE IN BOLD TYPE, PLACED ON A WHITE BACKGROUND, & NO SMALLER THAN THE EQUIVALENT OF ARIAL 12 POINT TYPE. THE SIGN SHALL READ "To maintain minimum levels of outside air ventilation required for good health, the fan control should be on at all times when the building is occupied, unless there is severe outdoor air contamination." EXHAUST ONLY KITCHEN WILL PROVIDE LOCAL VENTILATION EXHAUST. A2. DWELLING-UNIT MECHANICAL VENTILATION RATE (from ANSI/ASHRAE 62.2-2019) The required mechanical ventilation rate (Qfan) shall be the rate Qtot in Section 4.1.1 plus the required additional airflow calculated in accordance with Section A3. If the airtightness of the building envelope has been measured, the required mechanical ventilation rate may be reduced as described in Section 4.1.2 In these cases, Section A3 shall be applied before Section 4.1.2 when determining the final mechanical ventilation rate. 4.1 Ventilation Rate. A mechanical exhaust system, supply system, or combination thereof, shall be installed to operate for each dwelling unit to provide continuous dwelling-unit ventilation with outdoor air at a rate not less than specified in Section 4.1.1. 4.1.1 Total Ventilation Rate. The total required ventilation rate (Qtot) shall be as specified in Table 4-1a (I-P) or 4-1b (SI) or alternatively calculated using Equation 4-1a (I-P) or 4-1b (SI). Qtot = 0.03Afloor + 7.5(Nbr + 1) (4-1a) where Qtot = total required ventilation rate, cfm Afloor = dwelling-unit floor area, ft2 Nbr = number of bedrooms (not to be less than 1) Table 5-1 Demand-Controlled Local Ventilation Exhaust Airflow Rates Application Airflow Enclosed kitchen • Vented range hood (including appliance-range hood combinations): 100 cfm • Other kitchen exhaust fans, including downdraft: 300 cfm or a capacity of 5 ach Nonenclosed kitchen • Vented range hood (including appliance-range hood combinations): 100 cfm • Other kitchen exhaust fans, including downdraft: 300 cfm (150 L/s) Bathroom 50 cfm 5. LOCAL EXHAUST 5.1 Local Mechanical Exhaust. A local mechanical exhaust system shall be installed in each kitchen and bathroom. Nonenclosed kitchens shall be provided with a demand-controlled mechanical exhaust system meeting the requirements of Section 5.2. Each local ventilation system for all other kitchens and bathrooms shall be either one of the following: a. A demand-controlled mechanical exhaust system meeting the requirements of Section 5.2 b. A continuous mechanical exhaust system meeting the requirements of Section 5.3 5.4 Airflow Measurement. The airflow required by this section is the quantity of indoor air exhausted by the ventilation system as installed and shall be measured according to the ventilation equipment manufacturer instructions, or by using a flow hood, flow grid, or other airflow measuring device at the mechanical ventilation fan’s inlet terminals, outlet terminals, or in the connected ventilation ducts. Exception to 5.4: Manufacturer design criteria or the prescriptive requirements of Table 5-3 shall be permitted in place of a measurement. When using Table 5-3, the airflow rating according to Section 7.1 shall meet or exceed a static pressure of 0.25 in. of water (62.5 Pa). Use of Table 5-3 is limited to duct systems not exceeding 25 ft (8 m) in length, duct systems with no more than three (3) elbows, and duct systems with exterior termination fittings having a hydraulic diameter greater than or equal to the minimum duct diameter and not less than the hydraulic diameter of the fan outlet. Table 5-3 Prescriptive Duct Sizing Fan Airflow Rating, CFM at minimum static pressure of 0.25 in. of water (L/s at minimum 62.5 Pa) Duct Type Minimum Duct Diameter, in. (mm) a,b Rigid duct Flex ductc a. For noncircular ducts, calculate the diameter as four times the cross-sectional area divided by the perimeter. b. NP = application of the prescriptive table is not permitted for this scenario. c. Use of this table for verification of flex duct systems requires flex duct to be fully extended and any flex duct elbows to have a minimum bend radius to duct diameter ratio of 1.0. d. For this scenario, use of elbows is not permitted. e. For this scenario, 4 in. (100 mm) oval duct shall be permitted, provided the minor axis of the oval is greater than or equal to 3 in. (75 mm). Air Changes per Hour (ACH), which is determined by multiplying the volume of the space by 5, ACH = cubic feet per hour, and then dividing by 60 minutes per hour to determine the cubic feet per minute. (cfm). ≤50 (25) ≤80 (40) 4e (100) ≤100 (50) ≤125 (60) ≤150 (70) ≤175 (85) ≤200 (95) ≤250 (120) ≤350 (165) ≤400 (190) ≤450 (210) ≤700 (330) ≤800 (380) 5 (125) 5 (125) 6 (150) 6 (150) 7 (180) 7 (180) 8 (205) 9 (230) 10 (255) 12 (305) 10 (255) 12d (305) 4 (100) 5 (125) 6 (150) 6 (150) 7 (150) 7 (180) 8 (205) 8 (205) 9 (230) 10 (255)NP NP NP NOTE FOR DRYER OR STACKER LAUNDRY CENTER: A DURABLE PLACARD (MIN. SIZE OF 4"X5") MUST BE PERMANENTLY AFFIXED ON A WALL NEAR & VISIBLE FROM THE DRYER LOCATION. THE PLACARD SHALL STATE THE ACTUAL LENGTH OF THE INSTALLED DRYER EXHAUST VENT & INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING LANGUAGE: WARNING: CHECK THE MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR ANY DOMESTIC DRYER THAT WILL BE INSTALLED AT THIS LOCATION. THE INSTRUCTIONS SHOULD ALLOW THE DRYER TO BE CONNECTED TO AN EXHAUST DUCT (VENT) THAT IS A MAXIMUM ______ LONG. DO NOT REMOVE THIS PLACARD 10' 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" ELEC/MECH UPPER FLOOR PLAN BOUKNIGHTRESIDENCE144 WOOD ROADLOS GATOS, CA. 9503005/20/2022cad@meg4.comwww.montereyenergygroup.com831-359-4173 FAX 831-372-8328 VOICE 26465 Carmel Rancho Blvd. Suite 8, Carmel, CA 93923Consulting Mechanical EngineeringMONTEREY ENERGY GROUPTITLE TO THESE DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS REMAINS WITH THE ENGINEER WITHOUT PREJUDICE. VISUAL CONTACT WITH THESE DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALL CONSTITUTE PRIMA FACIA EVIDENCE OF THE ACCEPTANCE OF THESE RESTRICTIONS.THE USE OF THESE DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS IS RESTRICTED TO THE ORIGINAL SITE FOR WHICH THEY WERE PREPARED. PUBLICATION THEREOF IS EXPRESSLY LIMITED TO SUCH USE. REPRODUCTION OR PUBLICATION BY ANY MEANS, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, IS PROHIBITED.MONTEREY ENERGY GROUP, INC.SHEET: CHECKED: FILE NAME: CHECKED: DRAWN: SCALE: DATE: REVISIONS:BY: AS NOTEDENERGY COMPLIANCEMEG T-1 SHEET OF SHEETS BOUKNIGHTRESIDENCE144 WOOD ROADLOS GATOS, CA. 9503005/20/2022cad@meg4.comwww.montereyenergygroup.com831-359-4173 FAX 831-372-8328 VOICE 26465 Carmel Rancho Blvd. Suite 8, Carmel, CA 93923Consulting Mechanical EngineeringMONTEREY ENERGY GROUPTITLE TO THESE DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS REMAINS WITH THE ENGINEER WITHOUT PREJUDICE. VISUAL CONTACT WITH THESE DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALL CONSTITUTE PRIMA FACIA EVIDENCE OF THE ACCEPTANCE OF THESE RESTRICTIONS.THE USE OF THESE DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS IS RESTRICTED TO THE ORIGINAL SITE FOR WHICH THEY WERE PREPARED. PUBLICATION THEREOF IS EXPRESSLY LIMITED TO SUCH USE. REPRODUCTION OR PUBLICATION BY ANY MEANS, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, IS PROHIBITED.MONTEREY ENERGY GROUP, INC.SHEET: CHECKED: FILE NAME: CHECKED: DRAWN: SCALE: DATE: REVISIONS:BY: AS NOTED2019 LOW-RISERESIDENTIAL MANDATORYMEASURES SUMMARYMEG T-2 SHEET OF SHEETS WOOD ROAD (private)5 ' 73 0 720 74 0 744.74 FF 744.66 FS 744.66 FS 744.43 FS 1.5%744.44 FS 744.62 FS 749.26 FS 748.97 FS 748.97 RIM 747.50 INV 744.00 RIM 742.50 INV 744.00 RIM 742.50 INV 744.15 RIM 744.30 INV 744.15 RIM 744.40 INV 744.40 INV 743.69 INV 744.43 RIM 743.93 INV 736.00 INV 749.19 FS 1.5%1.5%722.66 RIM 721.31 INV 722.45 RIM 721.45 INV 722.45 RIM 721.45 INV 722.66 RIM 721.14 INV 722.80 RIM 720.93 INV 722.80 RIM 720.86 INV 722.80 RIM 720.70 INV 722.45 RIM 721.28 INV 722.45 RIM 721.45 INV 705.00 INV 723.58 FF 723.50 FS 722.61 FS 3.4%NDate Scale Drawn Job Of Sheet Sheets.The Bouknight Residence144 Wood RoadLos Gatos CaliforniaDRF/ MCF Booknight 408-761-0212 phone david@foxla.net1188 kotenberg Avenue san jose 95125David R. Fox & Company Landscape ArchitectureDrainge Plan11-18-21 1"=16'-0" L1.0 4" solid SDR35 drain line from inlets 3" - 8" gabian filled outfall Filter fabric lining 1'3'9' GABIAN OUTFALL1 Filter fabric wrap 3"-5" cobble fill SDR35 drainline See sheet L1.0 5'5'INFILTRATION PIT 12" soil cover 2 1 L1.0 GABIAN OUTFALL ADD ALTERNATE DETAIL 2 1 L1.0 GABIAN OUTFALL ADD ALTERNATE DETAIL 2 15-17-22 Per plan check comments DRF 1 1 1 WOOD ROAD (private)2'7'-2"5' 5 ' 5' 72'-6" 132'-7" 19 1919 1 2 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 7 8 9 9 9 9 10 1 L4.1 PAVING LEGEND 1 L4.1 PAVING LEGEND DETAIL D DETAIL D 13 14 14 14 14 20 20 20 7 A A A 3 17 17 17 18 18 NDate Scale Drawn Job Of Sheet Sheets.The Bouknight Residence144 Wood RoadLos Gatos CaliforniaDRF/ MCF Booknight 408-761-0212 phone david@foxla.net1188 kotenberg Avenue san jose 95125David R. Fox & Company Landscape ArchitectureSYMBOL DESCRIPTION Spa Pool These doors to be alarmed with Poolguard DAPT-2 Water Hazard Pool Door Alarm or equal LRDA line Property line New residence Perimeter 6` wood and wire fence and gates. Self-closing gates that open away from pool. Water tanks and pad, see civil engineer drawings Retaining wall, see civil engineers plans Driveway from this point to be asphalt to Wood Rd, see Detail 1, sheet L4.1, detail D For pool sections and engineering see sheets S1, S2 and D1 this set Curb, see civil engineering plans Self-closing gate that opens away from the pool Pool Patrol Model PA-30 in-pool alarm system. Meets ASTM F2208 5` Setback For tree information see Sheet L5.0 Tree plan 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 13 14 17 18 19 20 REFERENCE NOTES SCHEDULE Site Plan11-18-21 1"=16'-0" L2.0 15-17-22 Per plan check comments DRF 1 5'-4" 29'-8"18'-9"10'-9"R5 ' - 4 " 9'-8" R2'-3" 5' 6' 6' 3'-9"6'-7" 10'-4"3'-2"10'6'2'-5"37'-6"R27'9'-11"3'Line of House Wall25'-7"44'-3"18'-2"6" 6' 3'-7"10'-11" 46'-9" 26'-1"20'-8"33'-8"27'-1"23'-5"21'-5"20'-9"4'19'-4" 11'-9" 7'-5" 4'-6"6"6"1'1' 13'-8" 3'-5"1'20'9'-1"32° 2 1 ' - 3 "9'-4"6° 18' 9'-7"8'-5"4'-2"36'-6"17'-10"15'-3"8'-11"18'-9" 13'-2" 9'-5" 20'-8"2'NDate Scale Drawn Job Of Sheet Sheets.The Bouknight Residence144 Wood RoadLos Gatos CaliforniaDRF/ MCF Booknight 408-761-0212 phone david@foxla.net1188 kotenberg Avenue san jose 95125David R. Fox & Company Landscape ArchitectureFront Layout Plan11-18-21 1"=4'-0" L2.1 15-17-22 Per plan check comments DRF 1 32'14'2'30'16'20'15'R5'R9'1'6'28'15'4' 1'1'1'64'Line of House Wall10'-10"20'-10"9'14'2'14'-3"16'29'10°7'2'-6"1'1'1'1'20'-1"1' 3'-7"1'1'1' 3'8'-5"1'1'9'-5"3' 9'4'-4"2'2'-6"3'-4"9'-11"6'15'-10"1' 9'-7"18'-6"N33'-5" 5" 21'-5"27'-10" 15'-4"17'-2"5'-7"17'-2"Date Scale Drawn Job Of Sheet Sheets.The Bouknight Residence144 Wood RoadLos Gatos CaliforniaDRF/ MCF Booknight 408-761-0212 phone david@foxla.net1188 kotenberg Avenue san jose 95125David R. Fox & Company Landscape ArchitectureRear Layout Plan11-18-21 1"=4'-0" L2.2 15-17-22 Per plan check comments DRF 1 1 NWOOD ROAD (private)Utilities legend Pool equipment pad and screen S Sub-panel for pool equipment 5 4 3 2 1 6 All direct burial cable to be run in PVC sleeves under any paving Tranformers to be set on 4x4 posts or direct wall mounted, see detail All direct burial cable to be buried 18" minimum below grade If transformers are to be plugged in instead of hard wired, plugs shall be kept 10` min. from waterline of pool All transformers have timers and can be run with or without interior switches All stair treads shall have an illumination level of not less than 1 foot-candle. The specified fixture has an illumination of 1.80 foot-candles at tread level, 12" from source horiz/vert. 7 Any 120V lighting shall comply with Title 24 energy requirements Notes T Kichler lighting model# 15805BKT - Down facing, Low voltage path light Kichler lighting model #15764BBR - Low voltage wall mounted down light Hickley model #15014SK - Down facing, Low voltage path light 3.8W LED Kichler lighting model # 15746AZT30, in-tread step light LED waterproof strip lighting to be furnished by pool contractor Duplex GFIC plug in weatherproof housing Control for heaters, supplied by manufacturer Kichler lighting model # 15PL600 transformer w/ 15558 timer or approved equal Direct burial cable Notes: 1. Unless otherwise indicated all light fixtures are of low voltage type 2. All exterior light fixtures shall be downward directed and the light source shielded Lighting Legend C Electrical serviceE S T T T T T 21 21 22 E Date Scale Drawn Job Of Sheet Sheets.The Bouknight Residence144 Wood RoadLos Gatos CaliforniaDRF/ MCF Booknight 408-761-0212 phone david@foxla.net1188 kotenberg Avenue san jose 95125David R. Fox & Company Landscape ArchitectureSYMBOL DESCRIPTION 120V source for electric fireplace insert In-wall pool light by pool contractor 20 21 REFERENCE NOTES SCHEDULE Utilities Plan11-18-21 1"=10'-0" L3.0 15-17-22 Per plan check comments DRF 11 1 WOOD ROAD (private)NDate Scale Drawn Job Of Sheet Sheets.The Bouknight Residence144 Wood RoadLos Gatos CaliforniaDRF/ MCF Booknight 408-761-0212 phone david@foxla.net1188 kotenberg Avenue san jose 95125David R. Fox & Company Landscape ArchitectureDetail Callouts11-18-21 1"=10'-0" L4.0 4 L4.3 PERIMETER FENCE 4 L4.3 PERIMETER FENCE 4 L4.3 PERIMETER FENCE 1 L4.1 PAVING LEGEND 1 L4.3 DRIVEWAY CONCRETE PADS WITH TURF 1 L4.1 PAVING LEGEND 1 L4.1 PAVING LEGEND 5 L4.3 FRONT COURTYARD FOUNTAIN 2 L4.1 RETAINING WALLS 2 L4.1 RETAINING WALLS 3 L4.1 RETAINING WALL E 1 L4.2 SPA STAIRS 2 L4.2 UPPER PATIO WALL SECTION 3 L4.2 POOL PATIO FIREPLACE 4 L4.2 GRAVEL PATIO FIREPLACE 2 L4.3 POOL EQUIPMENT ENCLOSURE 1 L4.1 PAVING LEGEND 1 L4.1 PAVING LEGEND 3 L4.3 TYPICAL RAILING 3 L4.3 TYPICAL RAILING 1 2 13 A A A 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 77 8 9 9 9 14 10 11 1112 SYMBOL DESCRIPTION Spa Pool These doors to be alarmed with Poolguard DAPT-2 Water Hazard Pool Door Alarm or equal LRDA line Property line New residence Perimeter 6` wood and wire fence and gates. Self-closing gates that open away from pool. Water tanks and pad, see civil engineer drawings Retaining wall, see civil engineers plans Driveway from this point to be asphalt to Wood Rd, see Detail 1, sheet L4.1, detail D Paving in this area see architects plans Details for staircase and retaining wall, see architects plans For pool sections and engineering see sheets S1, S2 and D1 this set Curb, see civil engineering plans Planter Driveway paving with installation that meets H/20 and HS/20 load standards Self-closing gate that opens away from the pool Pool Patrol Model PA-30 in-pool alarm system. Meets ASTM F2208 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 REFERENCE NOTES SCHEDULE 5 1 L4.1 PAVING LEGEND DETAIL J DETAIL F DETAIL F DETAIL E DETAIL C DETAIL B 1 L4.1 PAVING LEGEND DETAIL C 15 15 16 16 16 5 L4.1 TRASH ENCLOSURE 1 L4.1 PAVING LEGEND DETAIL E 17 18 18 1 15-17-22 Per plan check comments DRF 10 L4.3 TYPICAL STEEL RAILING 11 1 1 1 Date Scale Drawn Job Of Sheet Sheets.The Bouknight Residence144 Wood RoadLos Gatos CaliforniaDRF/ MCF Booknight 408-761-0212 phone david@foxla.net1188 kotenberg Avenue san jose 95125David R. Fox & Company Landscape ArchitectureDetails11-18-21 As Shown L4.1 Decomposed Granite Paving Concrete Paving Stone over Concrete Paving Machine compacted sub-grade 3" compacted class 2 base rock 2x4 or dbl 1x4 Trex header w/ 10" stakes @ 36" OC 3" decomposed granite top layer, machine compacted w/ binder 'OrganicLock' or equal 95% compacted sub-grade 4" conc. slab, lt. broom finish w/ #4's @ 12" OC both ways 95% compacted sub-grade 8" 95% compacted class 2 base rock 4" concrete slab w/ #4's 12" OC, both ways Stone paving w/ colored mortar joints 8" 95% class 2 base rock A B C E Stepping Stones Amended top soil Ground cover between stones, see planting plan Compact soil under stones to set D Bluestone stepping stones, 3'-4' typ. size set 6-8" apart to allow for planting 4" asphalt base course, compacted thickness 8" 95% compacted class 2 base rock 95% compacted sub-grade 1.5" asphalt leveling course, compacted thickness Asphalt Paving F 80mm interlocking pavers 95% compacted sub-grade 8" 95% compacted class 2 base 1.5" Sand leveling course 6"w x 1'd conc. footing grout header course over footing Interlocking Paver w/ Conc. Footing G Permeable Pavers 6"w x 1'd conc. footing grout header course over footing Clean sand fill between joints 6" ASTM #2 open grade, self-compacting sub-base course 90% compacted sub-grade 80mm permeable pavers for H20/HS20 loading 4" ASTM #57 open grade, self-compacting base course 2" ASTM #8 open grade, setting bed Geo-textile layer H Permeable Stone Paving 6"w x 1'd conc. footing grout header course over footing Clean sand fill between joints 6" ASTM #2 open grade, self-compacting sub-base course Stone paving 4" ASTM #57 open grade, self-compacting base course 2" ASTM #8 open grade, setting bed Geo-textile layer over 95% compacted sub-grade PAVING LEGEND Gravel Paving Machine compacted sub-grade Geotextile layer or filter fabric 2x8 PT fir or 6" steel header w/ 18" stakes @ 30" OC 8" pea gravel or 14" granite gravel J 1 5' max exposed face6'1'6'1'8" 6" MiraDrain 6000 or equal 4" SDR35 perf. drainline Wrap fabric over pipe Paint back of wall and top of footing with liquid waterproofing membrane before application of MiraDrain 12" for backfill or paving section Smooth plaster finish 4'3' exposed face1'1'4'6" 8" 12" for backfill or paving section Smooth plaster finish MiraDrain 6000 or equal 4" SDR35 perf. drainline Wrap fabric over pipe Paint back of wall and top of footing with liquid waterproofing membrane before application of MiraDrain5' max exposed face1'6' 8" 6" MiraDrain 6000 or equal 4" SDR35 perf. drainline Wrap fabric over pipe Paint back of wall and top of footing with liquid waterproofing membrane before application of MiraDrain Smooth plaster finish 3'3' exposed face1'4'6" 8" Smooth plaster finish MiraDrain 6000 or equal 4" SDR35 perf. drainline Wrap fabric over pipe Paint back of wall and top of footing with liquid waterproofing membrane before application of MiraDrain5'#5 bar @ 12" OC BW Cast conc. wall #5 bar @ 12" OC BW Cast conc. wall #5 bar @ 12" OC BW Cast conc. wall Area drain Area drain Wall A Wall B Wall C Wall D #5 bar @ 12" OC BW Cast conc. wall RETAINING WALLS2 1'4'-6" 8" 6" MiraDrain 6000 or equal 4" SDR35 perf. drainline Wrap fabric over pipe Smooth plaster finish Cast conc. wall Wall E Paint back of wall and top of footing with liquid waterproofing membrane before application of MiraDrain Paving behind wall, See detail callouts for type 5' max exposed#5 bar @12" OC BW, wall and footing RETAINING WALL E 6' max.3 1" mastic top 3/4" foam expansion joint Thickened end of conc. slab House foundation Pool coping 1" poured mastic top, sand joint 3/4" foam expansion joint Concrete patio slab Pool bond beam Stone paving 1" mastic top 3/4" foam expansion joint Concrete steps 1" mastic top 3/4" foam expansion joint Concrete patio slab Concrete patio Retaining wall or stair case wall 1/2" foam expansion joint Concrete steps 3/4" foam expansion joint 3/4" foam expansion joint D C A B Outside house wall JOINT LEGEND4 3'3' Size opening for two 3' gates 5'-6"Plan View 4" conc. slab 6" Steel studs and channels +/- 8'-8", size opening for two, 3' gates 1/2" cement board Stucco finish to match house 8x8x16 CMU3' steel frame gates 1'1'-4"4"Stucco finish to match house 8x8x16 CMU grout solid #4 bar each cell #4 bar in slab at 12" OCBW Steel frame wood gates TRASH ENCLOSURE5 13-17-22 Per plan check comments DRF 1 Date Scale Drawn Job Of Sheet Sheets.The Bouknight Residence144 Wood RoadLos Gatos CaliforniaDRF/ MCF Booknight 408-761-0212 phone david@foxla.net1188 kotenberg Avenue san jose 95125David R. Fox & Company Landscape ArchitectureDetails11-18-21 As Shown L4.2 6" compacted base rock 4" concrete slab #4 rebar in step nose, 2" coverage min. #4 rebar @ 12" OC, Each way 12" mastic top sand to match grout 12" foam expansion joint Stone paving Stone treads and tile risers 2'-6"1'7"1' Retaining wall #4's @ 12" OC BW 4'10"1'-7" 12" mastic top sand to match grout both sides 12" foam expansion joint both sides Stone treads and tile risers Outer stair retaining wall 1' SPA STAIRS Handrail Spa wall 1/2" foam expansion joint, both sides of steps 1 Adjust wall height to allow for 6" soil cover over footing 5' max exposed face3'-6"3"Attach post flange to wall with Red Head Trubolt wedge type expansion anchor or equal. 4 anchors per plate, 6" into wall UPPER PATIO WALL SECTION Wrought iron railing, 42" high 2 3.5x1.5, 20 Ga. Steel studs @16" OC Attach track to slab with Red Head Trubolt wedge type expansion anchor or equal. Place anchors at 16" OC Stone cap 12" cement board Smooth plaster finish 3.5x1.25 20 Ga. steel track, top and btm Insert mounting tab screwed to framingAmantii BI-88-SLIM electric fireplace insert or approved equal 10' 2'-6"2'-10"1'-6"Retaining wall or slab on grade, see layout plan sht. L2.0 Attach track to slab with Red Head Trubolt wedge type expansion anchor or equal. Place anchors at 16" OC 3.5x1.25 20 Ga. steel track, top and btm Attach track to slab with Red Head Trubolt wedge type expansion anchor or equal. Place anchors at 12" OC 3.5x1.25 20 Ga. steel track, top and btm 6x1.25 20 Ga. steel track, top and btm 6x1.5 20 Ga. steel stud 12" cement board Smooth plaster finish 1'-3" Amantii BI-88-SLIM electric fireplace insert or approved equal Insert mounting tab screwed to frame, top & btm 3.5x1.5, 20 Ga. Steel studs @16" OC Retaining wall or slab on grade, see layout plan sht. L2.0 12" cement board Smooth plaster finish 3.5x1.5, 20 Ga. Steel studs @16" OC Stone cap glued to cement board 1'-6" 1'-3"1'-6"POOL PATIO FIREPLACE Retaining wall or slab on grade, see layout plan sht. L2.0 3 3.5x1.5, 20 Ga. Steel studs @16" OC Attach track to slab with Red Head Trubolt wedge type expansion anchor or equal. Place anchors at 16" OC 12" cement board Smooth plaster finish 3.5x1.25 20 Ga. steel track, top and btm Insert mounting tab screwed to framingAmantii BI-88-SLIM electric fireplace insert or approved equal Attach track to slab with Red Head Trubolt wedge type expansion anchor or equal. Place anchors at 16" OC 3.5x1.25 20 Ga. steel track, top and btm 6x1.25 20 Ga. steel track, top and btm 6x1.5 20 Ga. steel stud 12" cement board Smooth plaster finishAmantii BI-88-SLIM electric fireplace insert or approved equal Insert mounting tab screwed to frame, top & btm 3.5x1.5, 20 Ga. Steel studs @16" OC Retaining wall footing Retaining wall Retaining wall Extend retaining wall footing for length of fireplace surround only 8"5'2' GRAVEL PATIO FIREPLACE4 1 L4.1 PAVING LEGEND 1 L4.1 PAVING LEGEND DETAIL C DETAIL C 3 L4.1 RETAINING WALL E 10 L4.3 TYPICAL STEEL RAILING 13-17-22 Per plan check comments DRF 1 Date Scale Drawn Job Of Sheet Sheets.The Bouknight Residence144 Wood RoadLos Gatos CaliforniaDRF/ MCF Booknight 408-761-0212 phone david@foxla.net1188 kotenberg Avenue san jose 95125David R. Fox & Company Landscape ArchitectureDetails11-18-21 As Shown L4.3 5'-4"4'Adjacent patio 5'4"L x 4'W concrete 'pads' slab is to poured monolithically with voids for synthetic turf. See section Synthetic turf between pads 5'-4"6"6"6"5'4"L x 4'W concrete 'pads' slab is to poured monolithically with voids for synthetic turf. #4 bar @ 12" OC BW Synthetic turf strip, glue to bottom of void Colored, sandblast finish conc. Section Cut control joint along bottom of void DRIVEWAY CONCRETE PADS WITH TURF1 #4 bar @ 12" OC BW 8" Compacted base5'6"6"5'-6"6x6 Con-heart redwood post 2x6 Con-heart redwood top rail and sill 2x2 Con-heart redwood frame Solid CDX plywood panel (see section) 6"x6" curb three sides POOL EQUIPMENT ENCLOSURE 2x6 cap 2x2 trim 12" CDX ply 2" solid insulation Section (all walls) 2x2 nailer 6x6 WWM, all sides 2x2 nailer 2 6'-2" Attach post flange to wall with Red Head Trubolt wedge type expansion anchor or equal. 4 anchors per plate, 6" into wall Wrought iron railing, 42" high 3'-6"3"4" 1.5" top and bottom rail 34" solid picket 4"3"38" plate flange Block finial TYPICAL RAILING3 1'-2"3'2x4 PT fir top rail 4x6 PT fir post 4"x4" 10ga WWM Staple to frame 2x4 PT fir kicker 8'8'6'14" dia conc. footing PERIMETER FENCE4 48" Blue Thumb Achelous Aquabox or equal Sumbmersible pump, 660 gph min. Grate Sediment screen 1"-2" smooth gravel 3" layer Ceramic basin or stone tower 34" PVC pipe Flow control valve PVC pipe braces if needed Line out to 120v source in conduit FRONT COURTYARD FOUNTAIN5 2'-6"1'6"6"Thoroseal back of wall, two coats 6" cast conc. wall with 6x6, 8ga WWM 2x6 cedar cap 4x4 cedar post in corners and mid-run Secure to boards with deck screws 2x8 cedar field boards Concrete footing 10"2'1'-6"Concrete Planter Box Stucco finish with integral color Wood Planter Box Filter fabric GARDEN BOX SECTIONS 1/2" = 1'-0"BOUK-CONST-01 6 Slope to drain 4% min Typical Landscape Drain NDS #90 6" atrium drain NDS #66 - 6" pipe riser, as required NDS #101 or 210 Spee-D basin Typical Deck Drain NDS #101 or 210 Spee-D basin NDS 922PB - 6" collar, as required Paving Slope to drain 1.5% min NDS #921B 6" brass grate TYPICAL DRAINS7 House wall Downspout Adapter 4" SDR35 riser 4" SDR35 solid drainline DOWNSPOUT ADAPTER8 NDS Mini-Channel drain, model # 543, black w/ #552B brass grate Stone paving 4" conc slab with expansion joints @ 4" either side of channel drain, full length 4" solid drain line TRENCH DRAIN9 1.5" dia round steel tube railing 1.5" rnd steel tube post Core drill and epoxy post into stairs Set handrail 34"-38" above top of line of step nosing Steps, see details sheet L3.334"- 38"TYPICAL STEEL RAILING10 13-17-22 Per plan check comments DRF 1 1 Canopy from report Tree number from report Tree protective fencing see detail 2" dia x 8' galv. steel fence post Drive minimum 24" into soil Chain link fabric 2'6'6' TYPE I TREE PROTECTIVE FENCING NTS1 6'Date Scale Drawn Job Of Sheet Sheets.The Bouknight Residence144 Wood RoadLos Gatos CaliforniaDRF/ MCF Booknight 408-761-0212 phone david@foxla.net1188 kotenberg Avenue san jose 95125David R. Fox & Company Landscape ArchitectureTree Protection Zones and Fence Specifications 1. Size and materials: Six (6) foot high chain link fencing, mounted on two-inch diameter galvanized iron posts, shall be driven into the ground to a depth of at least two (2) feet at no more than ten-foot spacing. For paving area that will not be demolished and when stipulated in a tree preservation plan, posts may be supported by a concrete base. 2. Area type to be fenced: Type I: Enclosure with chain link fencing of either the entire dripline area or at the tree protection zone (TPZ), when specified by a certified or consulting arborist. Type II: Enclosure for street trees located in a planter strip: chain link fence around the entire planter strip to the outer branches. Type III: Protection for a tree located in a small planter cutout only (such as downtown): orange plastic fencing shall be wrapped around the trunk from the ground to the first branch with two-inch wooden boards bound securely on the outside. Caution shall be used to avoid damaging any bark or branches. 3. Duration of Type I, II, III fencing: Fencing shall be erected before demolition, grading or construction permits are issued and remain in place until the work is completed. Contractor shall first obtain the approval of the project arborist on record prior to removing a tree protection fence. 4. Warning Sign: Each tree fence shall have prominently displayed an eight and one-half-inch by eleven-inch sign stating: "Warning—Tree Protection Zone—This fence shall not be removed and is subject to penalty according to Town Code 29.10.1025.” Text on the signs should be in both English and Spanish (Appendix E). All persons, shall comply with the following precautions 1. Prior to the commencement of construction, install the fence at the dripline, or tree protection zone (TPZ) when specified in an approved arborist report, around any tree and/or vegetation to be retained which could be affected by the construction and prohibit any storage of construction materials or other materials, equipment cleaning, or parking of vehicles within the TPZ. The dripline shall not be altered in any way so as to increase the encroachment of the construction. 2. Prohibit all construction activities within the TPZ, including but not limited to: excavation, grading, drainage and leveling within the dripline of the tree unless approved by the Director. 3. Prohibit disposal or depositing of oil, gasoline, chemicals or other harmful materials within the dripline of or in drainage channels, swales or areas that may lead to the dripline of a protected tree. 4. Prohibit the attachment of wires, signs or ropes to any protected tree. 5. Design utility services and irrigation lines to be located outside of the dripline when feasible. 6. Retain the services of a certified or consulting arborist who shall serve as the project arborist for periodic monitoring of the project site and the health of those trees to be preserved. The project arborist shall be present whenever activities occur which may pose a potential threat to the health of the trees to be preserved and shall document all site visits. 7. The Director and project arborist shall be notified of any damage that occurs to a protected tree during construction so that proper treatment may be administered.Tree PlanSYMBOL DESCRIPTION Existing tree from arborist report Existing tree to remain (typical) Tree to be removed (typical) Tree canopy from arborist report Fire truck turnaround New residence Proposed pool and spa Proposed play area Stone patios set on permeable base Proposed tree protection fencing Type 1 Driveway paving with installation that meets H/20 and HS/20 load standards Driveway to garage This section of path to be deferred until tree fencing can be removed 1 3 4 5 8 10 11 12 14 15 29 30 49 REFERENCE NOTES SCHEDULE 1"=20'-0" L5.0 11/26/20 New 60" box Sequoia Sempervirens - Redwood to be planted as shown 15-17-22 Per plan check comments DRF 1 N75071072072073074 0 7107307403 QA 25 BP 5 CD 5 VRL 1 FM 3 FM 9 AH2 4 PB2 4 CG 3 SG 3 SV 3 LP2 2 ML 2 PR3 2 CY 2 LA 8 AH 4 CL 3 CO 6 AL 5 AL 3 VRL 3 CO 3 VRL 4 MS 3 PL 2 LP 1 DB2 17 CP2 8 ML 24 SP2 2 BG 5 AD2 14 AA2 1 CC 5 SP2 1 CH 10 SP2 1 LA 10 ML 7 LP 4 CO 25 CY 3 CD 9 RC2 6 CD 3 VC 4 VC 3 VC 8 PL 8 CL 5 CO 1 PR2 15 SP2 1 CH 6 LA 4 HC 4 LP2 6 AH2 3 LA 9 AA2 2 ZG 2 MR 3 FM 1 CD3 1 CD2 1 FM 1 CH 3 MP 4 CY 2 FM 5 AH2 2 ML 1 CC 1 PR2 4 CO Concrete pads with synthetic turf strips 3 AL 3 CO 9 BP 3 CO 7 BP 5 PL 5 LA 5 RC HZ1 - Low HZ2 - Low HZ4 - Low HZ5 - Low HZ3 - Low HZ7 - Low HZ8 - Low HZ9 - Low HZ10 - Low HZ11 - VL HZ12 - Low HZ13 - Low HZ14 - Low 13 AH Date Scale Drawn Job Of Sheet Sheets.The Bouknight Residence144 Wood RoadLos Gatos CaliforniaDRF/ MCF Booknight 408-761-0212 phone david@foxla.net1188 kotenberg Avenue san jose 95125David R. Fox & Company Landscape Architecture Note: This plant list is in conformance with low fuel varieties and the installation of the landscape shall comply with California Public Resources Code section 4291 numbers 1-6 and sections and California Government Code section 51882 numbers 1-6. Regular maintenance shall be performed by the homeowner as per cited code sections in this note. See calfire.ca.gov for information regarding creating defensible space. Note: Trees to replace ordnance size trees that are to be removed will be placed as space allows. Required replacement trees that cannot be planted on site will be subject to the Town in-lieu fee. Total replacement trees on this plan - 19, 24" box trees.Planting Plan4-12-21 1"=10'-0" L6.0 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 TREES CODE BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE QTY WUCOLS CH Ceanothus x `Ray Hartman`Ray Hartman Wild Lilac 24" Box 3 L CO Cercis occidentalis Western Redbud Multi-trunk 24" Box 24 VL CD2 Citrus x aurantiifolia `Dwarf Bearss Seedless` Dwarf Bearss Seedless Lime 15 gal 1 M CD3 Citrus x limon `Dwarf Improved Meyer` Dwarf Improved Meyer Lemon 15 gal. 1 M PR2 Platanus racemosa California Sycamore 24"box 2 M QA Quercus agrifolia Coast Live Oak 24" Box 3 VL SHRUBS CODE BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE QTY WUCOLS AD2 Abutilon x hybridum `Dwarf Red`Dwarf Red Flowering Maple 1 gal 5 M AL Acacia redolens `Low Boy`Low Boy Bank Catclaw 5 gal 14 VL AA2 Anemone x hybrida `Alba`White Japanese Anemone 1 gal 23 M AH2 Anigozanthos x `Big Red`Big Red Kangaroo Paw 5 gal 20 L AH Arctostaphylos densiflora `Howard McMinn` Howard McMinn Manzanita 5 gal 21 L BP Baccharis pilularis `Pigeon Point`Coyote Brush 5 gal 41 L BG Buxus x `Green Mountain`Boxwood 5 gal 2 M CL Callistemon citrinus `Little John`Dwarf Bottle Brush 5 gal 12 L CY Ceanothus `Yankee Point`California Lilac 1 gal 31 L CG Ceanothus gloriosus Point Reyes Creeper 5 gal 4 L CP2 Ceanothus griseus `Point Sal`Point Sal Carmel Ceanothus 1 gal 7 L CD Ceanothus x `Dark Star`California Lilac 5 gal 14 L CC Clytostoma callistegioides Violet Trumpet Vine 5 gal 2 M DB2 Distictis buccinatoria Blood Red Trumpet Vine 5 gal 1 M FM Ficus pumila minima Creeping Fig 5 gal 10 M HC Heuchera villosa `Citronelle`Coral Bells 1 gal 4 M LP Lantana montevidensis Trailing Lantana 1 gal 9 L LA Lantana montevidensis `Alba`White Trailing Lantana 1 gal 17 L LP2 Limonium perezii Statice 1 gal 7 L MS Miscanthus sinensis `Adagio`Adagio Eulalia Grass 5 gal 4 M ML Miscanthus sinensis `Little Kitten`Little Kitten Eulalia Grass 1 gal 22 L MP Miscanthus sinensis `Purpurescens`Flame Eulalia Grass 5 gal 3 M MR Muhlenbergia rigens Deer Grass 1 gal 2 L PR3 Pennisetum rubrum Red Fountain Grass 5 gal 2 L PL Perovskia atriplicifolia `Lacey Blue`Russian Sage 5 gal 16 L PB2 Phormium tenax `Bronze Baby`Bronze Baby New Zealand Flax 1 gal 4 L RC2 Rhamnus californica California Coffee Berry 5 gal 12 L VRL Rosa banksiae `Lutea`Banksia Rose 5 gal 11 L RC Rosa x `Iceburg`Iceburg White Rose 5 gal 5 L SP2 Salvia `Celestial Blue`Santa Rosa Island Sage 1 gal 45 L SG Sempervivum x `Green Giant`Hen-and-Chicks 1 gal 3 L SV Senecio vitalis Blue Chalk Fingers 1 gal 3 L VC Vitis californica `Roger`s Red`California Wild Grape 1 gal 9 L ZG Zantedeschia aethiopica `White Giant` White Giant Calla Lily 1 gal 2 M Plant schedule Plant schedule I have complied with the criteria of the ordinance and applied them for the efficient use of water in the landscape design plan and in the irrigation design plan. _____________________________________ Prior to final occupancy, a Certificate of Completion shall be submitted to the Town of Los Gatos. a. Irrigation audit report, prepared by a third party. b. Irrigation and landscape maintenance schedules. c. A diagram of the irrigation plan showing the hydrozones, which shall be kept with the controller. A three inch minimum layer of compost shall be incorporated into the soil. A three inch minimum layer of mulch shall be spread across the planting area, or where noted on the plans, after planting operations have been completed. Irrigation controller to be equipped with rain sensor. A soil management program shall be provided. A site specific soils analysis shall be provided prior to the start of construction with recommendations for soil preparation measures. A copy of these recommendations shall be submitted to the Town of Los Gatos. 25 25 25 24 SYMBOL DESCRIPTION Property line Line of zone 3, 100` defensible zone 30` ornamental planting zone and line of Zone 2, 30` defensible zone 5 23 24 REFERENCE NOTES SCHEDULE 1 15-17-22 Per plan check comments DRF 1 N75071073 0 72072073074 0 7107307403 4" 3 4" 3 4" 3 4" 3 4"3 4"3 4" 3 4" 4" 3 4"4" 4" 4" 3 4" 3 4" 3 4" 3 4" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1" 1"1" 3 4" 11.80 1" 0.332 1" 32.13 1" 46.47 1" 3.275 1" 62.13 1" 74.47 1" 93.67 1" 2.6710 1" 113.60 1" 124.20 1" 3.6713 1" C RS FM FM 3 4" 3 4" 81.00 1" 142.40 1" HZ1 - Low HZ2 - Low HZ4 - Low HZ5 - Low HZ3 - Low HZ6 - Low HZ7 - Low HZ8 - Low HZ9 - LowHZ10 - Low HZ11 - Low HZ12 - Low HZ13 - Low HZ14 - Low Date Scale Drawn Job Of Sheet Sheets.The Bouknight Residence144 Wood RoadLos Gatos CaliforniaDRF/ MCF Booknight 408-761-0212 phone david@foxla.net1188 kotenberg Avenue san jose 95125David R. Fox & Company Landscape ArchitectureIrrigation Plan4-12-21 1"=10'-0" L7.0 SYMBOL MANUFACTURER/MODEL/DESCRIPTION QTY DETAIL Rain Bird XCZ-100-PRF 1"14 Medium Flow Drip Control Kit, 1" DV valve, 1" pressure regulating filter, 40psi pressure regulator. 3 GPM-15 GPM. Pipe Transition Point in Drip Box 16 Pipe transition point from PVC lateral to drip tubing with riser in 6" (150mm) drip box. Area to Receive Drip Emitters Rain Bird PC 9,053 s.f. Single Outlet, Pressure Compensating Drip Emitters with Self-Piercing Barb Inlet. Flow rate: 5 GPH=light brown; 7 GPH=violet; 10 GPH=green; 12 GPH=dark brown; 18 GPH=white; 24 GPH=orange. Emitter Notes: PC-05 emitters (1 assigned to each 1 gal plant)193 PC-05 emitters (3 assigned to each 15 gal. plant)3 PC-05 emitters (2 assigned to each 5 gal plant)388 PC-05 emitters (3 assigned to each 15 gal plant)3 PC-05 emitters (4 assigned to each 24" Box plant)120 PC-05 emitters (4 assigned to each 24"box plant)4 SYMBOL MANUFACTURER/MODEL/DESCRIPTION QTY DETAIL Febco 765 1-1/2"1 Pressure Vacuum Breaker, brass with ball valve SOV. Install 12" above highest downstream outlet and the highest point in the downstream piping. Irritrol TC-18-EX-R (2) 1 Hybrid Controller, 18- Station, Outdoor Model, with Plastic Locking Cabinet. Climate Logic compatible, and Remote-Ready. Irritrol CL-100-WIRELESS (2) 1 Wireless Weather Sensing System. 100-Receive and Transmitter Kit. Outdoor sensor, and receiver attaches to Irritrol Controller. Compatible with Rain Dial-R, Total Control-R, KD2, and MC-E controllers. Monitors weather data for watering adjustments and provides rain-freeze shut-down. Irritrol FS-B100 (2) 2 Flow sensor, brass body, pipe connection size is 1", maximum water pressure is 400psi, suggested operating range is 2GPM-40GPM, K value of 109, offset value of 27. Water Meter 1" 1 Irrigation Lateral Line: PVC Class 200 SDR 21 3/4"93.9 l.f. Irrigation Mainline: PVC Class 315 SDR 13.5 91.9 l.f. Irrigation Mainline: PVC Class 315 SDR 13.5 1"544.7 l.f. Pipe Sleeve: PVC Schedule 80 4"99.3 l.f. C RS FM M Valve Number Valve Size Valve Flow Valve Callout ## #" IRRIGATION SCHEDULE NUMBER MODEL TYPE PRECIP SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT IN./WEEK MIN./WEEK GAL./WEEK GAL./DAY 1 Rain Bird XCZ-100-PRF Area for Drip Emitters 0.82 in/h 8 min 8 min 0.2 15 27.0 13.5 2 Rain Bird XCZ-100-PRF Area for Drip Emitters 0.58 in/h 11 min 11 min 0.2 21 7.0 3.5 3 Rain Bird XCZ-100-PRF Area for Drip Emitters 0.21 in/h 29 min 29 min 0.2 58 123.8 61.9 4 Rain Bird XCZ-100-PRF Area for Drip Emitters 0.25 in/h 24 min 24 min 0.2 48 310.6 155.3 5 Rain Bird XCZ-100-PRF Area for Drip Emitters 1.38 in/h 5 min 5 min 0.2 9 29.4 14.7 6 Rain Bird XCZ-100-PRF Area for Drip Emitters 0.35 in/h 18 min 18 min 0.2 35 74.7 37.4 7 Rain Bird XCZ-100-PRF Area for Drip Emitters 0.4 in/h 15 min 15 min 0.2 30 134.1 67.0 8 Rain Bird XCZ-100-PRF Area for Drip Emitters 0.14 in/h 42 min 42 min 0.2 84 84.0 42.0 9 Rain Bird XCZ-100-PRF Area for Drip Emitters 0.81 in/h 8 min 8 min 0.2 15 55.0 27.5 10 Rain Bird XCZ-100-PRF Area for Drip Emitters 0.34 in/h 18 min 18 min 0.2 35 93.4 46.7 11 Rain Bird XCZ-100-PRF Area for Drip Emitters 1.09 in/h 6 min 6 min 0.2 11 39.6 19.8 12 Rain Bird XCZ-100-PRF Area for Drip Emitters 1.15 in/h 6 min 6 min 0.2 11 46.2 23.1 13 Rain Bird XCZ-100-PRF Area for Drip Emitters 0.5 in/h 13 min 13 min 0.2 25 91.7 45.9 14 Rain Bird XCZ-100-PRF Area for Drip Emitters 0.73 in/h 9 min 9 min 0.2 17 40.8 20.4 TOTALS:212 212 414 1,157 578.7 WATERING SCHEDULE Concept Statement This irrigation system is designed to be water conserving with the use of drip line irrigation, an irrigation controller equipped with a rain sensor, and pressure compensating low flow spray heads for lawn. I have complied with the criteria of the ordinance and applied them for the efficient use of water in the landscape design plan and in the irrigation design plan. _____________________________________ A Certificate of Completion shall be submitted to the Town of Los Gatos. a. Irrigation audit report, prepared by a third party. b. Irrigation and landscape maintenance schedules. c. A diagram of the irrigation plan showing the hydrozones, which shall be kept with the controller. A three inch minimum layer of compost shall be incorporated into the soil. A three inch minimum layer of mulch shall be spread across the planting area, or where noted on the plans, after planting operations have been completed. Irrigation controller to be equipped with rain sensor. A soil management program shall be provided. A site specific soils analysis shall be provided prior to the start of construction with recommendations for soil preparation measures. A copy of these recommendations shall be submitted to the Town of Los Gatos. MAWA / ETWU Comparison MAWA 42.9 x 0.62 x [(.7x10004)+(0.3x0)] = 186,260 gallons ETWU (from table) = 78,612 gallons ETWU is less than MAWA Project Information Applicant:David Fox Project Address: 145 Wood Road Los Gatos, CA 95030 Total Landscape area: 12,274 sf Project Type:Private Water Supply:Potable Water Supplier: San Jose Water Applicant information: David Fox 1188 Kotenberg Ave San Jose, CA 95125 408-761-0212 Owner Information: Kavita and Omari Bouknight 145 Wood Road Los Gatos, CA 95030 408-761-0212 15-17-22 Per plan check comments DRF 1 1 144 wood RoadLos gatos, california 144 Wood RoadLos Gatos, California 144 wood RoadLos gatos, california 1 Planning Department January 30, 2023 Community Development Department, Town of Los Gatos 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 Re: The Bouknight Residence, 144 Wood Road, Los Gatos, CA 95032 Written Description of Project To Whom it May Concern: On behalf of my family, I am pleased to present background and perspective on our prospective single-family home, which received Architectural and Site Development application approval via the Planning Commission in August, 2021. DESCRIPTION OF EXISTING PROPERTY The subject property: Assessor Parcel Number (APN) 510-47-045 is a vacant, undeveloped parcel located approximately at the end of the public portion of Wood Road. It has a general plan designation under hillside residential with a zoning designation of HR-5 and applicable plans and standards of the Los Gatos Town (Town) General Plan and Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines. On August 26, 2014 a certificate of compliance was approved by the Town via its Development Review Committee (DRC) to legalize the lot. In 2016, the Town approved a lot line adjustment via its DRC, providing support for single-family residential development. The lot line adjustment was recorded by the Town on October 26, 2016. As part of the approval process, the DRC determined that the site was physically suitable for this type of development as part of its findings under the State Subdivision Map Act. Easements were established at the time of the lot line adjustment along with 138 Wood Road to provide ingress/egress, utilities access to the subject property and a Santa Clara County Fire Department (SCCFD) turnaround at the driveway of 138 Wood Road. This SCCFD turnaround was recorded as easement #23549384 on January 3, 2017 (Exhibit 4d). Access The 29,632 sq. ft. (0.68 Acre) vacant property is accessed from the north side of Wood Road, approximately 1,633 feet from the intersection of Wood Road and South Santa Cruz Avenue. On September 27, 2017 exclusive use easement and agreement #23763494 was recorded providing the parcel with access and broad use rights to an additional approximately 0.5 Acres of land physically adjoined to the vacant property. There are presently ten (10) other single- family residences along Wood Road and one non-operational senior living community (Exhibit 4e). EXHIBIT 4C 2 Topography The site has a north-east facing slope that averages at 35%. This is an undeveloped site with no existing driveway or building pad. A least restrictive development area (LRDA) was outlined on areas that are under 30% slope for the proposed building area, which happens to coincide with a natural clearing that is void of trees. The southern portion (along the “front” property line facing Wood Road) has a relatively steep exposed cut bank that was created when Wood Road was constructed. Apart from being visible to the adjacent Draa Residence at 138 Wood Road, the property is relatively private and isolated. PROPERTY ACQUISITION AND ARCHITECTURAL AND SITE DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL Property Acquisition Kavita Bouknight (spouse) and I acquired the subject property in June 2020 with a clear intent to build a single-family residence in accordance with the certificate of compliance and lot line adjustment approvals given by the DRC in 2014 and 2016. Prior to purchasing the subject property, Kavita and I spoke to multiple architects to understand its viability for a single-family residence. We ultimately selected a local, well-regarded Los Gatos architect who is very familiar with the Town’s approval processes. Together, we outlined a path to approval in accordance with the Town’s development review process (Exhibit 4f, pages 1-6). Architectural and Site Development Approval In January 2021, we submitted an architectural and site development application (S-21-003) for the subject property, requesting approval to construct a new single-family residence. As noted on page 2 of Exhibit 3, all development applications are required to go through a three or four step process in order to obtain approval. The technical review is a critical step in the development review process. As part of the technical review, staff representatives from Town departments (Planning and Building Divisions, Fire and Parks and Public Works) meet with the project applicant to ensure that the project: “is complete, meets all code and policy requirements” and meets the requirements of CEQA. Our staff technical project review meeting was held on May 19, 2021 (Exhibit 4g) following the standard process steps and with staff representatives present, including a representative from the SCCFD. We had a focused and effective dialogue with the representatives in an effort to finalize our application. Subsequent to our technical review meeting, there was additional engagement with SCCFD to further address its needs, and our application was modified with the necessary features to satisfy SCCFD requests. We received our approval letter from SCCFD dated June 22, 2021 (Exhibit 4h). As noted in the letter, site access is a component of the review, which is in alignment with the Town’s development guidelines that the technical review is to ensure that the project meets “all” code and policy requirements. The approval letter contains specific conditions of approval, which were proposed and eventually finalized through the Planning Commission approval process. On June 23, 2021 we were notified that with the SCCFD approval (the other divisions approved as follows: Building (6/15/2021), Engineering (6/16/2021), and Planning 6/10/2021), our project 3 was in line for Planning Commission evaluation in conjunction with a public hearing. With a notification period beginning on July 8, 2021, we posted the appropriate signage (Exhibit 4i) in preparation for a July 28, 2021 Planning Commission review meeting. On July 28, 2021 our application was formally reviewed by the Planning Commission in conjunction with a public hearing. Staff recommended approval of the Architecture and Site application subject to recommended conditions of approval. During the review, the Planning Commission noted that at one of the four primary viewing areas within a particular viewing window, parts of the home would be visible. The Planning Commission asked whether we were open to exploring placing screening trees to reduce visibility. We agreed to explore placing screening trees as well as reducing the overall height of the structure and agreed to a continuance with a date certain of August 25, 2021. On August 25, 2021 our application was formally reviewed by the Planning Commission in conjunction with a public hearing. Our application was updated to reflect the Planning Commission’s direction with plans reflecting a reduction in height and the addition of screening trees to reduce visibility. After the formal review and public hearing, the Planning Commission approved our architectural and site development application to build a single-family residence along with applicable site improvements. As part of its approval, the Planning Commission made the findings that the project complies with the objective standards of Chapter 29 of the Town Code (zoning regulations), including site access. This includes Section 29.10.06708, which guides the appropriateness of the Town’s roadways. On September 9, 2021 we were notified by the Town that the appeal period had closed and no appeal had been filed, thus confirming the finalization of our architectural and site development application. We were instructed that we could now submit for our building permits and that we should do so in alignment with our conditions of approval. On September 13, 2021 the Town furnished us with a formal letter noting that the Town Planning Commission had approved the meeting minutes from August 25, 2021, confirming any additional or modified conditions of approval for the project and that the Planning Commission’s decision was “now considered final” (Exhibit 4k). With this action, our final conditions of approval (Exhibit 4k) were codified and became an inseparable feature of our building permit submission(s). As part of our final conditions of approval, SCCFD confirmed that the approved application had been reviewed for the acceptability of site access (point #92). The Town’s development review process guidelines (Exhibit 4f, page 4) states: “The action of the Planning Commission is final on all applications except for certain applications such as zone, changes, planned developments, and/or Conditional Use Permits with alcohol service.” As part of its approval, the Planning Commission made the finding that the project complies with the objective standards of Chapter 29 of the Town Code (zoning regulations), including site access. This includes Section 29.10.06708, which guides the appropriateness of the Town’s roadways. 4 BUILDING PERMIT SUBMISSION AND RESPONSE Building and Grading Permit Submission After working diligently to assemble our construction document package according to our approved architectural and site development application and associated final conditions of approval, we submitted a request for our grading permit in October 2021 and a request for building permits in December 2021. SCCFD Response In a letter dated February 3, 2022, SCCFD proposed new conditions of approval never before discussed related to our application. These new conditions of approval related to PRC 4290 and focused on elements of Wood Road (public roadway) compliance. On March 10, 2022 we were notified by our architect of these new proposed conditions of approval. Over the next three months, we tried to assess what these new proposed conditions of approval could mean for our project status. I had significant concerns related to an attempt to alter the final conditions of approval post hoc. On May 26, 2022 I met with a Town planner to understand the implications of SCCFD proposing to alter our final conditions of approval and he recommended that I connect with SCCFD with his help. On June 16, 2022 we (Omari, Kavita and Planning) met with representatives from SCCFD to discuss the new proposed conditions of approval. The representatives recommended that we conduct a road survey to better understand at what level Wood Road (public roadway) was in compliance with the new proposed conditions of approval. On June 20, 2022 after our collective meeting, I communicated to representatives from SCCFD my significant concerns related to altering the final conditions of approval. On August 4, I communicated my concerns regarding altering final conditions of approval with Town Planning. Over a period of seven (7) months (mid-June to mid-January 2022), we had a detailed topographical survey of Wood Road completed, we had a geotechnical engineer conduct a fire truck apparatus load assessment of both Wood Road and our driveway (Exhibit 4l) and we had numerous communications and meetings with representatives of SCCFD in an attempt to address its compliance questions related to Wood Road. Over this time period, we re-submitted (after the initial SCCFD rejection response dated February 3, 2022) our application twice more in an attempt to obtain our building permits. We received disapproval letters to those submissions as well (dated: June 22, 2022 and November 30, 2022). On November 16, 2022 a representative from SCCFD informed us that we should pursue the submission of an exception (AMMR) request. We undertook significant efforts and engaged SCCFD representatives significantly in the development of our exception request. The exception request was submitted on December 5, 2022. On January 18, 2023 we received notification that our exception request was been denied and we received our fourth disapproval letter from 5 SCCFD citing proposed new conditions of approval that would alter our final conditions of approval. We are now appealing SCCFD’s exception denial and the Town’s decision to uphold the alteration of our final conditions of approval. CONCERNS WITH BUILDING AND GRADING PERMIT PROCESS FOR APPLICATIONS B22-0025 AND GR21-354 While we remain grateful for the continuous engagement of the SCCFD and the Town, we have raised important concerns as part of this process that must be noted in this Project Description and we hope can be helpful for the future. On October 27, 2022, at my request, our attorney sent a seven-page letter to the Town outlining our concerns with the process. Permit Streamlining We have concerns that altering final conditions of approval after they have been approved by the Town’s Planning Commission is a violation of the Permit Streamlining act (Exhibit 4m) and represents a violation of the Town’s guidelines (Exhibit 4f). Requirement for Offsite Improvements We have concerns regarding whether CalFire’s regulations require offsite improvements. The Office of the County Counsel in the County of Santa Clara has been following the implementation of PRC 4290 in the local county and issued a comprehensive memorandum dated September 26, 2022 (Exhibit 4n). The memorandum summarizes the issues surrounding PRC 4290 implementation, provides a recommendation for processing related applications and discusses the application of the regulations to existing roads and the approaches that other counties have taken, waiting to implement the Regulations or seeking to implement them with a practical, common-sense based approach. The memorandum notes on page 2, “…many other CAL FIRE units are still not applying the Regulations or are only applying them to new subdivisions and other large developments. CAL FIRE’s inconsistent approach to implementation across the state has created a challenging regulatory landscape for project applicants and local governments alike.” Further on page 5: “We contacted other local government attorneys across the state who have significant experience dealing with the Regulations to better understand how the Regulations have been applied over time. They reported that many local jurisdictions have previously received delegations of authority from CAL FIRE to implement the regulations and the Board of Forestry had also certified some local ordinances that exempted existing roads. They believe many of those jurisdictions are still operating under those prior delegations 6 and are either not applying the Regulations to existing roads or are liberally granting exceptions from the Regulations.” We have tried to understand what approaches other counties around the State have undertaken to the best of our ability and it does appear that Los Gatos is taking an approach that is misaligned with the other Cities and Towns in the State. Even broader Santa Clara County, which was the first to adopt these Regulations in such an impractical and irregular manner, has significantly changed its approach. Regarding approach, the memorandum states the following: “To facilitate a streamlined approach to the Regulations designed to accelerate review and action on a project application subject to the Regulations, County Counsel recommended that the County undertake project-specific evaluations as soon as feasible during the application process to determine whether the County could lawfully waive compliance with some or all of the Regulations on the basis that applying them would violate the Takings Clause of the U.S. Constitution. This approach was developed in coordination with and is supported by the Administration, which began implementing this process in July 2022.“ Lastly, the memorandum comments on the obscure process of having applicants apply for exception requests. The memorandum states: “However, CAL FIRE has denied all exception requests on the grounds that the applicants have not proposed mitigation that would have the ‘same practical effect’ as the Regulations.” Since the time of this memorandum, it appears that has been some movement on exception request approval, although it's clear that the vast majority of them cannot be successful with a point-by-point evaluation, which appears to be the primary practice. It is also not clear how determinations of exception approval would be made should they be issued. For these reasons, as well as concerns regarding violations of Permit Streamlining, the County of Santa Clara has moved away from this procedure while it remains the standard in the Town of Los Gatos. Requirement for Significant Reengineering to Wood Road Would Constitute a Taking Under three different legal doctrines, the requirement to reengineer Wood Road would constitute a taking without just compensation in violation of the Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution. First, the requirement is disproportionate to the impacts of our proposed single-family development project, and therefore violates the essential nexus and rough proportionality test announced by the United States Supreme Court in Dolan v. City of Tigard (1994) 512 U.S. 374 (“Dolan”). Second, the requirement constitutes a per se taking as described by the United States Supreme Court in Lucas v. South Carolina Coastal Council (1992) 505 U.S. 1003 (“Lucas”). Finally, applying the test announced by the United States Supreme Court in Penn Central Transportation Co. v. City of New York (1978) 438 U.S. 104 (“Penn Central”), the requirement constitutes a regulatory taking (Exhibit 4p). Conclusion Despite these concerns, we have endeavored to work positively with both SCCFD and the Town to obtain building permits for our approved Architectural and Site Development application. We have worked hard for nearly a year to have our building permits released and more than two years to start this project since preparing our application. In our letter of justification, we step through our appeal, addressing each of the items noted. We have pursued this appeal because of our desire to work with SCCFD and the Town, although the concerns raised have not been resolved. Exhibit 4q has been included to summarize the timeline and amount of engagement that has occurred across the course of this project. Thank you for the consideration of our appeal. Respectfully, /[}~~ Omari V. Bouknight 16717 Shannon Road Los Gatos, CA 95032 7 This Page Intentionally Left Blank EXHIBIT 4D Address Type 1 100 Wood Road Private residence 2 130 Wood Road Private residence 3 140 Wood Road Private residence 4 109 Wood Road Private residence 5 121 Wood Road Private residence 6 115 Wood Road Private residence 7 135 Wood Road Private residence 8 130 Wood Road Private residence 9 138 Wood Road Private residence 10 150 Wood Road Private residence 11 110 Wood Road Senior Center - Not currently operational EXHIBIT 4E This Page Intentionally Left Blank 1 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATION PACKAGE TOWN OF LOS GATOS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT CIVIC CENTER 110 E. MAIN STREET LOS GATOS, CA 95030 I.PURPOSE: All applications for development approval by the Town are submitted to the Community Development Department. This handout provides general information regarding the development review process and application submittal requirements . The Community Development Department is the central point of contact for all Development Applications in Los Gatos. II.ENCLOSURES: The materials in this handout include: A.Applicant Submittal Checklist B.Application for Development Permits C.Hazardous Wastes and Substances Statement D.Requirements for Preparation of Development Plans E.Fee Schedule F.Restaurant and CUP Checklist G.Community Development Application Process Agreement III.PRE-SUBMITTAL: Prior to the formal submittal of a specific development application, it is recommended that an applicant contact or meet with a planner at the counter and various departments/divisions to determine specific requirements and to assess completeness of the proposal. Pre-submittal review can reduce the time required for processing the application. Phone numbers of departments/divisions are: Community Development Planning Division 354-6874 Building Division 354-6876 Parks and Public Works Engineering Division 399-5771 Police Department 354-6859 Santa Clara County Fire Department 378-4010 IV.SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: The following constitutes a complete application package and must be submitted through the Town’s online portal (incomplete submittals will not be accepted) - https://www.losgatosca.gov/897/Planning: A.Applicant Submittal Checklist (attached). B.Application for Development Permits - All sections completed and all required signatures (attached). C.Hazardous Wastes and Substances Statement (attached). EXHIBIT 4F 2 D. Plans – One set of plans. Plans submitted shall include all of the applicant ’s information detailed in the Requirements for Preparation of Development Plans included in this packet (Attachment D). E. Fee Schedule - Application, Consultant, and Environmental Study fees are required to be paid at the time the application is filed (Attachment E). F. Signed Community Development Application Process Agreement (Attachment G). G. One (1) copy of the Grant Deed for the subject property. H. Two (2) copies of Chain of Title and one (1) copy of all recorded documents - Required for properties not part of a recorded subdivision where it is necessary to document when and by what means a parcel was created. I. Two copies of a Preliminary Title Report - Updated to reflect current ownership and conditions of property. Dated within thirty (30) days of filing. Policies of title insurance are not acceptable. J. Letter of Justification - Letter shall include the evolution of the project, and where applicable, required findings, and compliance with the General Plan. K. Photographs of the site and existing development. L. Environmental Checklist Form. M. Structure Condition Report - Required only when a demolition of an existing residence is proposed. Must be prepared by a licensed architect or structural engine er not associated with the project. See Section I-7 on the Requirements for Preparation of Development Plans supplement. N. Restaurant and Conditional Use Permit Checklist - If application involves a restaurant use. O. Build It Green GreenPoint Rated Checklist - For single-family remodel, new single-family, and new multi-family projects. P. Hillside Development Standards & Guidelines Compliance Checklist - For hillside projects. If the criteria is not applicable, please mark as ‘n/a.’ V. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW PROCESS: All development applications of any type are required to go through a three (3) or four (4) step process, depending on the type of application. This process is: A. Technical Review: 1. Staff representatives of Town departments, which include Community Development (Planning and Building Divisions), Fire, and Parks and Public Works (Engineering Division) meet with the project applicant to ensure that the project: a. Is complete; b. Meets all code and policy requir ements; and c. Meets the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act. 3 Applications that do not meet all of these requirement s are continued at this level until the application is complete. Pursuant to adopted fee schedule, if the requested information from any of the Technical Reviews is not submitted within one hundred eighty (180) days of a Technical Review meeting, the applicant will be required to pay a fee of ten (10) percent of the current application fee. Applications not proceeding in a reasonable manner to complete these requirements will be considered abandoned, denied, or recommended for denial. 2. Technical Review meetings are held Wednesday mornings beginning at 9:00 A.M.. Applicants are informed in writing of this review meeting. These meetings are not open to the general public. The applicants and/or their representatives are required to be present. 3. To be scheduled for a Technical Review meeting, applications must be submitted with all required information by Wednesday, 11:00 A.M., twenty-one (21) days in advance of the next Technical Review date. Complex projects may require a longer review period prior to a meeting date. B. Development Review Committee: 1. When complete, the application is forwarded to either the Development Review Committee (DRC) or Planning Commission. The DRC is a staff committee which includes the members of the technical review process. 2. The DRC meets Tuesday mornings beginning at 10:00 A.M.. Applicants are mailed a copy of the DRC agenda. Please note that these are public meetings and the applicants and/or their representatives are required to be present. 3. The DRC has the authority to approve certain applications pursuant to Town Code and/or policy requirements. Public hearing notices are mailed pursuant to Town Code requirement. 4. If any applicants or members of the public wish to appeal an action or decision of the DRC, such appeal must be made in writing with the required fee, to the Community Development Department within ten (10) calendar days of the DRC's action or decision. The matter will then be set for hearing on the next available Planning Commission agenda. 5. Applications that the DRC cannot act on, are forwarded to the Planning Commission when they are deemed complete. 6. Any development application approved by the DRC automatically expires two (2) years from the date of approval unless the use for which approval is granted is vested, or substantial construction has taken place. A one-time extension may be granted by the DRC. If the development application approval expires, the application becomes void. C. Planning Commission: 1. The Planning Commission meets at 7:00 P.M. on the second (2nd) and fourth (4th) Wednesdays of each month (except for November and December). In order for an 4 application to be scheduled for a Planning Commission hearing, the following must be completed at least twenty-one (21)-days before the hearing: a. Staff certification of completeness; b. Receipt of an electronic copy of the development plans; c. One copy of any application materials that have color graphics; d. One (1) or two (2) full-size display sets; and e. Story Pole installation and certification. 2. The staff report and agenda will be posted online prior to the meeting. Planning Commission meetings are advertised public hearings and the applicant s and/or their representatives must be present to respond to questions. 3. The action of the Planning Commission is final on all applications except for certain applications, such as, zone changes, planned developments, and/or Conditional Use Permits with alcohol service. In these cases, a Planning Commission recommendation will be forwarded to the Town Council. Final actions of the Planning Commission can be appealed to the Town Council. No building permits shall be filed for any approval until the end of the ten (10) day appeal period or until any appeal is heard. Appeals to the Town Council must be filed with the Town Clerk within ten (10) calendar days of the Planning Commission’s action or decision. The appeal must be accompanied by the required fees and be on forms available in the Town Clerk’s Office. 4. Any development application approved by the Planning Commission automatically expires two (2) years from the date of approval unless the use for which approval is granted is vested, or substantial construction has taken place. A one -time extension may be granted by the Planning Commission. If the development application approval expires, the application becomes void. D. Town Council 1. Town Council meets at 7:00 P.M. on the first (1st) and third (3rd) Tuesdays of each month (except July) in the Town Council Chambers on the lower level of Town Hall. 2. The staff report and agenda will be posted online prior to the meeting. Town Council meetings are advertised public hearings and the applicants and/or their representatives must be present to respond to quest ions. 3. The action of the Town Council is final on all applications. 4. Any development application approved by Town Council automatically expires two (2) years from the date of approval unless the use for which approval is granted is vested, or substantial construction has taken place. A one-time extension may be granted by the Town Council. If the development application approval expires, the application becomes void. VI. GENERAL INFORMATION: A. Other data such as letters, petitions, drawings, and/or photographs that the applicant wishes to present with the application, may be submitted. Additional information may also 5 be required by the Director of Community Development. All such exhibits become part of the public record and cannot be returned. B. The Town strongly recommends that applicants for any development proposal make contact with surrounding neighbors to determine their concerns prior to submittal of the development application. Neighborhood concerns should then be incorporated into the proposal to the extent feasible. C. At the time any development proposal is agendized for a Planning Commission hearing, all property owners and residents within a minimum of three hundred (300) feet of the property will be advised of the hearing and invited to participate in the hearing process. D. There is no way to anticipate potential changes to the Zoning Ordinance. Amendments to the Zoning Ordinance occasionally occur in all zones. It is the responsibility of every applicant who is submitting a development application to keep track of changes in the Zoning Ordinance. E. Plans submitted for Building Permit approval shall be prepared and certified by the person qualified under applicable State Code provisions to submit for Building Permit approval. Other than single-family buildings, this usually means a licensed architect or engineer. F. No Building Permits or other entitlements shall be granted by the Town until all Conditions of Approval are satisfied. G. The following additional information may be required to be shown on the development plans, depending on the type of application: 1. Energy Considerations - The Town has made a commitment to maximize both active and passive solar opportunities to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels. As a result of this commitment, development plans or proposals submitted to the Town must exhibit the following: a. Solar access to existing building and all installed solar energy systems on adjacent properties shall be identified and protected. b. The provision and protection of solar access in all new development shall be required through the dedication of private solar access covenants. c. The design of all new developments shall be required to the extent feasible, to take advantage of passive solar heating and cooling opportunities. d. The use of solar water heaters on all new residential buildings shall be required where solar access is available and natural gas is not available. Pre-plumbing for solar water heaters shall be required on all other new residential construction where solar access is available. e. Solar energy shall be required as the primary means of heating new swimming pools, where solar access is available. 2. Alarm Systems - The Police Department recommends that intrusion alarm systems be installed in all single-family homes and be so noted on the plans. 6 VII. The minimum time limits for the processing Development Applications is as follows: Filing for Technical Review is twenty-one (21) days minimum. A more accurate time schedule will depend on a number of factors, including the completeness of the submittal, the complexity of the proposal, and the applicant’s responses. Because of these variables, time limits can vary considerably. N:\DEV\FORMS\Planning\2022-23 Forms\Development Review\00 - Dev ReviewProcess.doc 06/15/2022 Page 1 of 3 TOWN OF LOS GATOS STAFF TECHNICAL PROJECT REVIEW MEETING WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, 2021 110 EAST MAIN STREET LOS GATOS, CA 9:00 AM NOTICE REGARDING MAY 19, 2021 STAFF TECHNICAL PROJECT REVIEW MEETING This meeting is being conducted utilizing teleconferencing and electronic means consistent with State of California Executive Order N-29-20 dated March 17, 2020, regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. In accordance with Executive Order N-29-20, project applicants may only participate in the meeting via teleconference and not in the Council Chambers. PARTICIPATION The purpose of this meeting is to communicate staff technical review comments to project applicants. To attend the meeting, project applicants must join the Zoom webinar at: https://losgatosca-gov.zoom.us/j/88413182889?pwd=TlB1RXZmUDk1RVBxNXdKd1lvS0FRZz09 Passcode: 715069. Or by telephone dial: USA 213-270-2124 or USA 888-273-3658 (US Toll Free). Conference code: 898841. APPLICATIONS 1.Wood Road (vacant property 510-47-045) Architecture and Site Application S-21-003Requesting Approval for Construction of a New Single-Family Residence and Site Improvements Requiring a Grading Permit on Vacant Property Zoned HR-5. APN 510-47-045. PROPERTY OWNER: Omari and Kavita Bouknight APPLICANT: Gary Kohlsaat PROJECT PLANNER: Sean Mullin Resubmittal 2.16461 S. Kennedy Road Architecture and Site Application S-18-043 Requesting approval for construction of a new single-family residence, site improvements requiring a grading permit, and removal of large protected trees on a vacant property zoned HR-1. APN 532-17-027. PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: Vista del Valle, LLC PROJECT PLANNER: Ryan Safty Resubmittal EXHIBIT 4G Page 2 of 3 3. 15897 Camino Del Cerro Architecture and Site Application S-20-006 Requesting approval for demolition of an existing single-family residence, construction of a new single-family residence to exceed the floor area ratio standards, and site work requiring a grading permit on property zoned R-1:8. APN 523-24-044. PROPERTY OWNER: Francesco Iacopino and Leire Carbone Aguero APPLICANT: Heather Brewer PROJECT PLANNER: Ryan Safty Resubmittal 4. 800 Blossom Hill Road Conditional Use Permit Application U-21-008 Requesting approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow alcohol service at an existing senior residential community (The Terraces) on property zoned RM: 5-20:PD. APN 523- 05-001. PROPERTY OWNER: HumanGood Norcal, Bethany Ghassemi APPLICANT: HumanGood Norcal, c/o Rawlings Consulting, Steve Rawlings PROJECT PLANNER: Erin Walters 5. 364-368 Village Lane Conditional Use Permit Application U-21-012 Requesting approval of a modification to an existing Conditional Use Permit for a restaurant with alcohol service (The Tasting House) on property zoned C-2. APN 529-04- 053. PROPERTY OWNER: Village Lane Los Gatos LLC APPLICANT: Michael Thornberry PROJECT PLANNER: Diego Mora 6. 307 N. Santa Cruz Avenue Conditional Use Permit Application U-21-013 Requesting approval for a new restaurant (Easy Breezy Frozen Yogurt) on property zoned C-2. APN 510-14-048. PROPERTY OWNER: Millen Family Partnership, LP APPLICANT: Ariel Ford PROJECT PLANNER: Diego Mora Page 3 of 3 7. 15860-15894 Winchester Boulevard & 17484 Shelburne Way Architecture and Site Application S-21-008 Conditional Use Permit Application U-21-010 Variance Application V-21-003 Requesting approval for demolition of one existing office and four residential buildings, construction of an assisted living and memory care facility, including a variance for height and lot coverage, and removal of large protected trees on property zoned O. APNs 529 - 11-013, -038, -039 and -040. PROPERTY OWNER/ APPLICANT: Green Valley Corp. d.b.a. Swenson PROJECT PLANNER: Jennifer Armer and Diego Mora This Page Intentionally Left Blank BLDG PERMIT No. 268221PLAN REVIEW No. DEVELOPMENTAL REVIEW COMMENTS Plans and Scope of Review: This project shall comply with the following: The California Fire (CFC) & Building (CBC) Code, 2019 edition, as adopted by the Town Of Los Gatos Town Code (LGTC), California Code of Regulations (CCR) and Health & Safety Code. The scope of this project includes the following : Proposed new 7,207 SF three-story single-family residence with attached garage. Plan Status: Plans are APPROVED with the following conditions. Plan Review Comments: 1.Review of this Developmental proposal is limited to acceptability of site access, water supply and may include specific additional requirements as they pertain to fire department operations, and shall not be construed as a substitute for formal plan review to determine compliance with adopted model codes. Prior to performing any work, the applicant shall make application to, and receive from, the Building Department all applicable construction permits. 2.Fire Sprinklers Required: (As noted on Sheet A0) An automatic residential fire sprinkler system shall be installed in new one- and two-family dwellings. 3.Fire Department (Engine) Driveway Turnaround Required: (As noted on Sheet L1.1) Dead- end fire apparatus access roads in excess of 150 feet in length shall be provided with an approved area for turning around fire apparatus. Provide an approved fire department engine driveway turnaround with a minimum radius of 36 feet outside and 23 feet inside. Maximum grade in any direction shall be 5%. Installations shall conform with Fire Department Standard Details and Specifications D-1. [CFC Section 503.2.5]. City Y E PLANS Y E SPECS Y E NEW Y E RMDL CONST. TYPE BY PAGE SEC/FLOOR R-3/U OCCUPANCY LOAD 7207 AREA Kohlsaat & Associates ApplicantName SFR NAME OF PROJECT LOCATION Y E AS 3OF 3 1VB DATE 06/22/2021LGA Ip, Kenny PROJECT DESCRIPTION Residential Development TABULAR FIRE FLOW REDUCTION FOR FIRE SPRINKLERS REQUIRED FIRE FLOW @ 20 PSI 2250 50%1125 PROJECT TYPE OR SYSTEM Architectural Site Wood Rd145 Los Gatos EXHIBIT 4H BLDG PERMIT No. 268221PLAN REVIEW No. DEVELOPMENTAL REVIEW COMMENTS 4. Private Fire Protection System: (As noted on Sheet A0, A1.1 & response letter) Residential fire protection systems shall comply with Fire Department Standards W-1 and manufacturer's requirements. Fire protection water systems shall be permitted, installed and approved by the Fire Prevention Office. The wharf hydrant shall be accessible at all times. Tank systems providing both the domestic supply and supply to the sprinkler system and/or hydrant may require cross contamination protection. Check with the local Building Department for specific requirements related to protection of the domestic supply. Hydrants and tank outlets shall be installed such that the center of the hose connection is not less than eighteen (18”) inches nor more than thirty (30”) inches above the final grade. Proposed two new 5k gallon water tanks are not sufficient. Given project proximity to relatively urban development, water supply in accordance with NFPA 1142 is appropriate, per CFC B103.3. Preliminary NFPA 1142 calculations suggest a minimum of 20,000 gallons are necessary for the proposed structure. The proposed tank system does not meet design standard W-1 with respect to combining domestic, sprinkler and hydrant storage. Tank capacity for combined domestic/fire sprinkler systems shall be determined by adding the required hydrant and sprinkler system volume to a minimum of 1K gallons for domestic use. Water for other purposes, such as irrigation, shall not be combined in the same tank system [SCCFD Standard Details and Specifications sheet W-1]. -Minimum of 20,000 gallons are required. -A more detailed design proposal for the water storage system is required. -Provide all details necessary to guarantee maintenance of the stored hydrant water for fire suppression purposes. 5. Fire Apparatus (Engine)Access Driveway Required: (As noted on Sheet 5 of 7) Provide an access driveway with a paved all weather surface, a minimum unobstructed width of 12 feet, vertical clearance of 13 feet 6 inches, minimum circulating turning radius of 36 feet outside and 23 feet inside, and a maximum slope of 15%. Installations shall conform to Fire Department Standard Details and Specifications sheet D-1. Driveway profile provided on Sheet 5 of 6 shows slopes up to 20%. The request for slope greater than 15% but not to exceed 20%, as outlined in the Letter of Justification dated January 18, 2021 and demonstrated in the driveway profile, has been acknowledged and approved by SFPE R. Campbell on 03/09/21. 6. Construction Site Fire Safety: (As noted on Sheet A0) All construction sites must comply with applicable provisions of the CFC Chapter 33 and our Standard Detail and Specification S1-7. Provide appropriate notations on subsequent plan submittals, as appropriate to the project. [CFC Chp. 33]. City Y E PLANS Y E SPECS Y E NEW Y E RMDL CONST. TYPE BY PAGE SEC/FLOOR R-3/U OCCUPANCY LOAD 7207 AREA Kohlsaat & Associates ApplicantName SFR NAME OF PROJECT LOCATION Y E AS 3OF 3 2VB DATE 06/22/2021LGA Ip, Kenny PROJECT DESCRIPTION Residential Development TABULAR FIRE FLOW REDUCTION FOR FIRE SPRINKLERS REQUIRED FIRE FLOW @ 20 PSI 2250 50%1125 PROJECT TYPE OR SYSTEM Architectural Site Wood Rd145 Los Gatos BLDG PERMIT No. 268221PLAN REVIEW No. DEVELOPMENTAL REVIEW COMMENTS 7.Water Supply Requirements: (As noted on Sheet A0) Potable water supplies shall be protected from contamination caused by fire protection water supplies. It is the responsibility of the applicant and any contractors and subcontractors to contact the water purveyor supplying the site of such project, and to comply with the requirements of that purveyor. Such requirements shall be incorporated into the design of any water-based fire protection systems, and/or fire suppression water supply systems or storage containers that may be physically connected in any manner to an appliance capable of causing contamination of the potable water supply of the purveyor of record. Final approval of the system(s) under consideration will not be granted by this office until compliance with the requirements of the water purveyor of record are documented by that purveyor as having been met by the applicant(s). 2019 CFC Sec. 903.3.5 and Health and Safety Code 13114.7. 8.Address identification: (As noted on Sheet A0) New and existing buildings shall have approved address numbers, building numbers or approved building identification placed in a position that is plainly legible and visible from the street or road fronting the property. These numbers shall contrast with their background. Where required by the fire code official, address numbers shall be provided in additional approved locations to facilitate emergency response. Address numbers shall be Arabic numbers or alphabetical letters. Numbers shall be a minimum of 4 inches (101.6 mm) high with a minimum stroke width of 0.5 inch (12.7 mm). Where access is by means of a private road and the building cannot be viewed from the public way, a monument, pole or other sign or means shall be used to identify the structure. Address numbers shall be maintained. [CFC Sec. 505.1]. New address pending approval as noted on Sheet A0. This review shall not be construed to be an approval of a violation of the provisions of the California Fire Code or of other laws or regulations of the jurisdiction.  A permit presuming to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of the fire code or other such laws or regulations shall not be valid.  Any addition to or alteration of approved construction documents shall be approved in advance. [CFC, Ch.1, 105.3.6] City Y E PLANS Y E SPECS Y E NEW Y E RMDL CONST. TYPE BY PAGE SEC/FLOOR R-3/U OCCUPANCY LOAD 7207 AREA Kohlsaat & Associates ApplicantName SFR NAME OF PROJECT LOCATION Y E AS 3OF 3 3VB DATE 06/22/2021LGA Ip, Kenny PROJECT DESCRIPTION Residential Development TABULAR FIRE FLOW REDUCTION FOR FIRE SPRINKLERS REQUIRED FIRE FLOW @ 20 PSI 2250 50%1125 PROJECT TYPE OR SYSTEM Architectural Site Wood Rd145 Los Gatos This Page Intentionally Left Blank Architecture and Site Development Application:145 WOOD ROAD (S-21-003) Requesting approval for construction of a new single-family residence and siteimprovements requiring a grading permit on vacant lot zoned HR-5. APN 510-47-045.Proposed home to be of 3,246sf, with an attached garage and a basement. A PUBLIC HEARING WILL BE CONDUCTED VIA TELECONFERENCE ON WEDNESDAY, JULY 28TH AT 7PM. A LINK TO ATTEND THIS MEETING WILL BE AVAILABLE ON THE TOWN'S WEBSITE MEETING AGENDA. http://www.losgatosca.gov For more information about this project, please contactthe Town of Los Gatos Planning Division at(408) 354-6872, located at 110 E. Main Street. 408-395-2555 APPLICANT: PROPERTY OWNERS: OMARI AND KAVITA BOUKNIGHT Plans are available for review on the Town's website at:http://www.losgatosca.gov/2216/Pending-Planning-Projects EXHIBIT 4I This Page Intentionally Left Blank N:\DEV\PC\PC ACTION Letters\2021\08-25-21 [Wood Rd - Item 3; Approved].docx TOWN OF LOS GATOS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION (408) 354-6872 Fax (408) 354-7593 August 25, 2021 Gary Kohlsaat 51 University Avenue, Suite L Los Gatos, CA 95030 Via Email RE: Wood Road Architecture and Site Application S-21-003 Requesting Approval for Construction of a New Single-Family Residence and Site Improvements Requiring a Grading Permit on Vacant Property Zoned HR-5. APN 510-47-045. PROPERTY OWNER: Omari and Kavita Bouknight APPLICANT: Gary Kohlsaat PROJECT PLANNER: Sean Mullin At its meeting of August 25, 2021, the Town of Los Gatos Planning Commission approved the above referenced application with additional conditions of approval. The attached conditions are identified as “draft” conditions since the Planning Commission has not approved the August 25, 2021 meeting minutes. You will be notified in writing once the Planning Commission has approved the minutes. PLEASE NOTE: Pursuant to Section 29.20.275 of the Town Code, this approval may be appealed to the Town Council within 10 days of the date the approval is granted. Therefore, this action for approval should not be considered final, and no permits by the Town will be issued until the appeal period has passed. If you have any questions, I can be contacted by email at SMullin@losgatosca.gov. Sincerely, Sean Mullin, AICP Associate Planner Cc: Jessie Delucchi, Omari Bouknight, Kavita Bouknight – Via email CIVIC CENTER 110 E. MAIN STREET LOS GATOS, CA 95030 EXHIBIT 4J This Page Intentionally Left Blank TOWN OF LOS GATOS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION (408) 354-6872 Fax (408) 354-7593 September 13, 2021 Gary Kohlsaat 51 University Avenue, Suite L Los Gatos, CA 95030 Via Email RE: Wood Road Architecture and Site Application S-21-003 Requesting Approval for Construction of a New Single-Family Residence and Site Improvements Requiring a Grading Permit on Vacant Property Zoned HR-5. APN 510-47-045. PROPERTY OWNER: Omari and Kavita Bouknight APPLICANT: Gary Kohlsaat PROJECT PLANNER: Sean Mullin At its meeting of September 8, 2021, the Town of Los Gatos Planning Commission approved the meeting minutes from August 25, 2021, confirming any additional or modified conditions of approval for the project. The Planning Commission decision is now considered final. The conditions of approval, including any additional or modified conditions of approval for the project in the underlined font attached to the letter dated August 25, 2021, are now considered final. If you have any questions, I can be contacted by email at smullin@losgatosca.gov. Sincerely, Sean Mullin, AICP Associate Planner Cc: Jessie Delucchi, Omari Bouknight, Kavita Bouknight – Via email N:\DEV\PC\PC ACTION Letters\2021 Follow up Ltrs\08-25-21 [Wood Road- Item 2; Approved].docx CIVIC CENTER 110 E. MAIN STREET LOS GATOS, CA 95030 EXHIBIT 4K PLANNING COMMISSION –August 25, 2021 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Wood Road (APN 510-47-045) Architecture and Site Application S-21-003 Requesting Approval for Construction of a New Single-family Residence and Site Improvements Requiring a Grading Permit on Vacant Property Zoned HR-5. APN 510-47-045. PROPERTY OWNERS: Omari and Kavita Bouknight. APPLICANT: Gary Kohlsaat, Architect. PROJECT PLANNER: Sean Mullin TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: Planning Division 1. APPROVAL: This application shall be completed in accordance with all of the conditions of approval and in substantial compliance with the approved plans. Any changes or modifications to the approved plans and/or business operation shall be approved by the Community Development Director, DRC or the Planning Commission depending on the scope of the changes. 2. EXPIRATION: The approval will expire two years from the approval date pursuant to Section 29.20.320 of the Town Code, unless the approval has been vested. 3. OUTDOOR LIGHTING: Exterior lighting shall be kept to a minimum and shall be down directed fixtures that will not reflect or encroach onto adjacent properties. No flood lights shall be used unless it can be demonstrated that they are needed for safety or security. 4. EXTERIOR COLORS: The exterior colors of all structures shall comply with the Hillside Development Standards & Guidelines. 5. DEED RESTRICTION: Prior to the issuance of a building permit, a deed restriction shall be recorded by the applicant with the Santa Clara County Recorder’s Office that requires all exterior materials be maintained in conformance with the Town’s Hillside Development Standards & Guidelines. 6. TREE REMOVAL PERMIT: A Tree Removal Permit shall be obtained for any trees to be removed, prior to the issuance of a building or grading permit. 7. EXISTING TREES: All existing trees shown on the plan and trees required to remain or to be planted are specific subjects of approval of this plan and must remain on the site. 8. TREE FENCING: Protective tree fencing, and other protection measures shall be placed at the drip line of existing trees prior to issuance of demolition and building permits and shall remain through all phases of construction. Include a tree protection plan with the construction plans. 9. ARBORIST REQUIREMENTS: The developer shall implement, at their cost, all recommendations identified in the Arborist’s report dated as received January 26, 2021 for the project, on file in the Community Development Department. These recommendations must be incorporated in the building permit plans and completed prior to issuance of a building permit where applicable. 10. TREE DEED RESTRICTION: Prior to issuance of a building permit, a deed restriction shall be recorded by the applicant with the Santa Clara County Recorder’s Office that identifies the on-site trees and those located in the adjacent exclusive use easement east of the subject property that were used to provide screening in the visibility analysis and requires their replacement if they die or are removed. 11. MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT: Following the issuance of a certificate of occupancy, the property owner shall execute a five-year maintenance agreement with the Town that the property owner agrees to protect and maintain the trees shown to remain on the approved plans, trees planted as part of the tree replacement requirements, trees planted for screening, and guarantees that said trees will always be in a healthy condition during the term of the maintenance agreement. 12. FRONT YARD LANDSCAPE: Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy the front yard must be landscaped. 13. TREE REPLACEMENT: Prior to issuance of final occupancy replacement trees must be planted. 14. WATER EFFICIENCY LANDSCAPE ORDINANCE: The final landscape plan shall meet the Town of Los Gatos Water Conservation Ordinance or the State Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance, whichever is more restrictive. A review fee based on the current fee schedule adopted by the Town Council is required when working landscape and irrigation plans are submitted for review. 15. STORY POLES: The story poles on the project site shall be removed within 30 days of approval of the Architecture & Site application. 16. TOWN INDEMNITY: Applicants are notified that Town Code Section 1.10.115 requires that any applicant who receives a permit or entitlement from the Town shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the Town and its officials in any action brought by a third party to overturn, set aside, or void the permit or entitlement. This requirement is a condition of approval of all such permits and entitlements whether or not expressly set forth in the approval, and may be secured to the satisfaction of the Town Attorney. 17. COMPLIANCE MEMORANDUM: A memorandum shall be prepared and submitted with the building plans detailing how the Conditions of Approval will be addressed. Building Division 18. PERMITS REQUIRED: A Building Permit is required for the construction of the new single-family residence and attached garage. Additional permits will be required for any detached structure such as pools, patio covers, vehicular gates, retaining walls that support a surcharge, etc... An additional Building Permit will be required for the PV System if the system is required by the California Energy Code. 19. APPLICABLE CODES: The current codes, as amended and adopted by the Town of Los Gatos as of January 1, 2020, are the 2019 California Building Standards Code, California Code of Regulations Title 24, Parts 1-12, including locally adopted Energy Reach Codes. 20. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: The Conditions of Approval must be blue lined in full on the cover sheet of the construction plans. A Compliance Memorandum shall be prepared and submitted with the building permit application detailing how the Conditions of Approval will be addressed. 21. BUILDING & SUITE NUMBERS: Submit requests for new building addresses to the Building Division prior to submitting for the building permit application process. 22. SIZE OF PLANS: Minimum size 24” x 36”, maximum size 30” x 42”. 23. SOILS REPORT: A Soils Report, prepared to the satisfaction of the Building Official, containing foundation and retaining wall design recommendations, shall be submitted with the Building Permit Application. This report shall be prepared by a licensed Civil Engineer specializing in soils mechanics. 24. SHORING: Shoring plans and calculations will be required for all excavations which exceed five (5) feet in depth or which remove lateral support from any existing building, adjacent property, or the public right-of-way. Shoring plans and calculations shall be prepared by a California licensed engineer and shall confirm to the Cal/OSHA regulations. 25. FOUNDATION INSPECTIONS: A pad certificate prepared by a licensed civil engineer or land surveyor shall be submitted to the project Building Inspector at foundation inspection. This certificate shall certify compliance with the recommendations as specified in the Soils Report, and that the building pad elevations and on-site retaining wall locations and elevations have been prepared according to the approved plans. Horizontal and vertical controls shall be set and certified by a licensed surveyor or registered Civil Engineer for the following items: a. Building pad elevation b. Finish floor elevation c. Foundation corner locations d. Retaining wall(s) locations and elevations 26. TITLE 24 ENERGY COMPLIANCE: All required California Title 24 Energy Compliance Forms must be blue-lined (sticky-backed), i.e. directly printed, onto a plan sheet. 27. TOWN RESIDENTIAL ACCESSIBILITY STANDARDS: New residential units shall be designed with adaptability features for single-family residences per Town Resolution 1994-61: a. Wood backing (2” x 8” minimum) shall be provided in all bathroom walls, at water closets, showers, and bathtubs, located 34 inches from the floor to the center of the backing, suitable for the installation of grab bars if needed in the future. b. All passage doors shall be at least 32-inch wide doors on the accessible floor level. c. The primary entrance door shall be a 36-inch-wide door including a 5’x 5’ level landing, no more than 1 inch out of plane with the immediate interior floor level and with an 18-inch clearance at interior strike edge. d. A door buzzer, bell or chime shall be hard wired at primary entrance. 28. BACKWATER VALVE: The scope of this project may require the installation of a sanitary sewer backwater valve per Town Ordinance 6.50.025. Please provide information on the plans if a backwater valve is required and the location of the installation. The Town of Los Gatos Ordinance and West Valley Sanitation District (WVSD) requires backwater valves on drainage piping serving fixtures that have flood level rims less than 12 inches above the elevation of the next upstream manhole. 29. HAZARDOUS FIRE ZONE: All projects in the Town of Los Gatos require Class A roof assemblies. 30. WILDLAND-URBAN INTERFACE: This project is located in a Wildland-Urban Interface High Fire Area and must comply with Section R337 of the 2019 California Residential Code, Public Resources Code 4291 and California Government Code Section 51182. 31. PROVIDE DEFENSIBLE SPACE/FIRE BREAK LANDSCAPING PLAN: Prepared by a California licensed Landscape Architect in conformance with California Public Resources Code 4291 and California Government Code Section 51182. 32. PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION: Provide a letter from a California licensed Landscape Architect certifying the landscaping and vegetation clearance requirements have been completed per the California Public Resources Code 4291 and Government Code Section 51182. 33. SPECIAL INSPECTIONS: When a special inspection is required by CBC Section 1704, the Architect or Engineer of Record shall prepare an inspection program that shall be submitted to the Building Official for approval prior to issuance of the Building Permit. The Town Special Inspection form must be completely filled-out and signed by all requested parties prior to permit issuance. Special Inspection forms are available from the Building Division Service Counter or online at www.losgatosca.gov/building. 34. BLUEPRINT FOR A CLEAN BAY SHEET: The Town standard Santa Clara Valley Nonpoint Source Pollution Control Program Sheet (page size same as submitted drawings) shall be part of the plan submittal as the second page. The specification sheet is available at the Building Division Service Counter for a fee of $2 or at ARC Blueprint for a fee or online at www.losgatosca.gov/building. 35. APPROVALS REQUIRED: The project requires the following departments and agencies approval before issuing a building permit: a. Community Development – Planning Division: (408) 354-6874 b. Engineering/Parks & Public Works Department: (408) 399-5771 c. Santa Clara County Fire Department: (408) 378-4010 d. West Valley Sanitation District: (408) 378-2407 e. Local School District: The Town will forward the paperwork to the appropriate school district(s) for processing. A copy of the paid receipt is required prior to permit issuance. TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE DIRECTOR OF PARKS & PUBLIC WORKS: Engineering Division 36. GENERAL: All public improvements shall be made according to the latest adopted Town Standard Plans, Standard Specifications and Engineering Design Standards. All work shall conform to the applicable Town ordinances. The adjacent public right-of-way shall be kept clear of all job-related mud, silt, concrete, dirt and other construction debris at the end of the day. Dirt and debris shall not be washed into storm drainage facilities. The storing of goods and materials on the sidewalk and/or the street will not be allowed unless an encroachment permit is issued by the Engineering Division of the Parks and Public Works Department. The Owner's representative in charge shall be at the job site during all working hours. Failure to maintain the public right-of-way according to this condition may result in the issuance of correction notices, citations, or stop work orders and the Town performing the required maintenance at the Owner's expense. 37. APPROVAL: This application shall be completed in accordance with all the conditions of approval listed below and in substantial compliance with the latest reviewed and approved development plans. Any changes or modifications to the approved plans or conditions of approvals shall be approved by the Town Engineer. 38. CONSTRUCTION PLAN REQUIREMENTS: Construction drawings shall comply with Section 1 (Construction Plan Requirements) of the Town’s Engineering Design Standards, which are available for download from the Town’s website. 39. PRIOR APPROVALS: All conditions per prior approvals shall be deemed in full force and affect for this approval. 40. GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE: The property owner shall provide proof of insurance to the Town on a yearly basis. In addition to general coverage, the policy must cover all elements encroaching into the Town’s right-of-way. 41. PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTIONS: The Owner or their representative shall notify the Engineering Inspector at least twenty-four (24) hours before starting any work pertaining to on-site drainage facilities, grading or paving, and all work in the Town's right-of-way. Failure to do so will result in penalties and rejection of any work that occurred without inspection. 42. SITE SUPERVISION: The General Contractor shall provide qualified supervision on the job site at all times during construction. 43. STREET CLOSURE: Any proposed blockage or partial closure of the street and/or sidewalk requires an encroachment permit. Special provisions such as limitations on works hours, protective enclosures, or other means to facilitate public access in a safe manner may be required. 44. PLAN CHECK FEES: Plan check fees associated with the Grading Permit shall be deposited with the Engineering Division of the Parks and Public Works Department prior to the commencement of plan check review. 45. INSPECTION FEES: Inspection fees shall be deposited with the Town prior to the issuance of any grading or building permits or recordation of the Parcel / Final Map. 46. DESIGN CHANGES: Any proposed changes to the approved plans shall be subject to the approval of the Town prior to the commencement of any and all altered work. The Owner’s project engineer shall notify, in writing, the Town Engineer at least seventy-two (72) hours in advance of all the proposed changes. Any approved changes shall be incorporated into the final “as-built” plans. 47. PLANS AND STUDIES: All required plans and studies shall be prepared by a Registered Professional Engineer in the State of California and submitted to the Town Engineer for review and approval. Additionally, any post-project traffic or parking counts, or other studies imposed by the Planning Commission or Town Council shall be funded by the Owner. 48. GRADING PERMIT: A grading permit is required for all site grading and drainage work except for exemptions listed in Section 12.20.015 of The Code of the Town of Los Gatos (Grading Ordinance). After the preceding Architecture and Site Application has been approved by the respective deciding body, the grading permit application (with grading plans and associated required materials and plan check fees) shall be made to the Engineering Division of the Parks and Public Works Department located at 41 Miles Avenue. The grading plans shall include final grading, drainage, retaining wall location(s), driveway, utilities and interim erosion control. Grading plans shall list earthwork quantities and a table of existing and proposed impervious areas. Unless specifically allowed by the Director of Parks and Public Works, the grading permit will be issued concurrently with the building permit. The grading permit is for work outside the building footprint(s). Prior to Engineering signing off and closing out on the issued grading permit, the Owner/Applicant/Developer’s soils engineer shall verify, with a stamped and signed letter, that the grading activities were completed per plans and per the requirements as noted in the soils report. A separate building permit, issued by the Building Department, located at 110 E. Main Street, is needed for grading within the building footprint. 49. ILLEGAL GRADING: Per the Town’s Comprehensive Fee Schedule, applications for work unlawfully completed shall be charged double the current fee. As a result, the required grading permit fees associated with an application for grading will be charged accordingly. 50. GRADING ACTIVITY RESTRICTIONS: Upon receipt of a grading permit, any and all grading activities and operations shall not occur during the rainy season, as defined by Town Code of the Town of Los Gatos, Sec. 12.10.020, (October 15-April 15), has ended. 51. COMPLIANCE WITH HILLSIDE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES: All grading activities and operations shall be in compliance with Section III of the Town’s Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines. All development shall be in compliance with Section II of the Town’s Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines. 52. DRIVEWAY: The driveway conform to existing pavement on Wood Road shall be constructed in a manner such that the existing drainage patterns will not be obstructed. 53. CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT: Prior to the issuance of a grading or building permit, it shall be the sole responsibility of the Owner to obtain any and all proposed or required easements and/or permissions necessary to perform the grading herein proposed. Proof of agreement/approval is required prior to the issuance of any Permit. 54. TREE REMOVAL: Copies of all necessary tree removal permits shall be provided prior to the issuance of a grading permit/building permit. 55. SURVEYING CONTROLS: Horizontal and vertical controls shall be set and certified by a licensed surveyor or registered civil engineer qualified to practice land surveying, for the following items: a. Retaining wall: top of wall elevations and locations. b. Toe and top of cut and fill slopes. 56. PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING: Prior to issuance of any grading or building permits or the commencement of any site work, the general contractor shall: a. Along with the Owner, attend a pre-construction meeting with the Town Engineer to discuss the project conditions of approval, working hours, site maintenance and other construction matters; b. Acknowledge in writing that they have read and understand the project conditions of approval and will make certain that all project sub-contractors have read and understand them as well prior to commencing any work, and that a copy of the project conditions of approval will be posted on-site at all times during construction. 57. RETAINING WALLS: A building permit, issued by the Building Department, located at 110 E. Main Street, may be required for site retaining walls. Walls are not reviewed or approved by the Engineering Division of Parks and Public Works during the grading permit plan review process. GEOLOGICAL AND GEOLOGY: 58. SOILS ENGINEER CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION: During construction, all excavations and grading shall be inspected by the Owner’s soils engineer prior to placement of concrete and/or backfill so they can verify that the actual conditions are as anticipated in the design-level geotechnical report and recommend appropriate changes in the recommendations contained in the report, if necessary. The results of the construction observation and testing shall be documented in an “as-built” letter/report prepared by the Owner’s soils engineer and submitted to the Town before a certificate of occupancy is granted. 59. SOIL RECOMMENDATIONS: The project shall incorporate the geotechnical/geological recommendations contained in the project’s design-level geotechnical/geological investigation as prepared by the Owner’s engineer(s), and any subsequently required report or addendum. Subsequent reports or addendum are subject to peer review by the Town’s consultant and costs shall be borne by the Owner. IMPROVEMENT PLANS: 60. JOINT TRENCH PLANS: Joint trench plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Town prior to recordation of a map/and or issuance of a grading permit. The joint trench plans shall include street and/or site lighting and associated photometrics. A letter shall be provided by PG&E stating that public street light billing will by Rule LS2A, and that private lights shall be metered with billing to the homeowners’ association. Pole numbers, assigned by PG&E, shall be clearly delineated on the plans. 61. UTILITIES: The Owner shall install all new, relocated, or temporarily removed utility services, including telephone, electric power and all other communications lines underground, as required by Town Code Section 27.50.015(b). All new utility services shall be placed underground. Underground conduit shall be provided for cable television service. The Owner is required to obtain approval of all proposed utility alignments from any and all utility service providers before a Certificate of Occupancy for any new building can be issued. The Town of Los Gatos does not approve or imply approval for final alignment or design of these facilities. 62. PRIVATE EASEMENTS: Agreements detailing rights, limitations and responsibilities of involved parties shall accompany any proposed private easement. Access driveway shall be within the recorded access easement. A new private access easement shall be recorded, and an electronic copy (PDF) of the recorded agreement shall be submitted to the Engineering Division of the Parks and Public Works Department, prior to issuance of a grading or building permit. A realigned access driveway shall be completed prior to the issuance of grading or building permit. 63. DRIVEWAY APPROACH: The Owner shall install a Town standard residential/commercial driveway approach. The new driveway approach shall be constructed per Town Standard Plans and must be completed and accepted by the Town before a Certificate of Occupancy for any new building can be issued. New concrete shall be free of stamps, logos, names, graffiti, etc. Any concrete identified that is displaying a stamp or equal shall be removed and replaced at the Contractor’s sole expense and no additional compensation shall be allowed therefore. 64. FENCING: Any fencing proposed within two hundred (200) feet of an intersection shall comply with Town Code Section §23.10.080. 65. SIGHT TRIANGLE AND TRAFFIC VIEW AREA: Any proposed improvements, including but not limiting to trees and hedges, will need to abide by Town Code Sections 23.10.080, 26.10.065, and 29.40.030. TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION: 66. CONSTRUCTION VEHICLE PARKING: Construction vehicle parking within the public right-of-way will only be allowed if it does not cause access or safety problems as determined by the Town. 67. ADVANCE NOTIFICATION: Advance notification of all affected residents and emergency services shall be made regarding parking restriction, lane closure or road closure, with specification of dates and hours of operation. 68. HAULING OF SOIL: Hauling of soil on- or off-site shall not occur during the morning or evening peak periods (between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. and between 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.), and at other times as specified by the Director of Parks and Public Works. Prior to the issuance of a grading or building permit, the Owner and/or Applicant or their representative shall work with the Town Building Department and Engineering Division Inspectors to devise a traffic control plan to ensure safe and efficient traffic flow under periods when soil is hauled on or off the project site. This may include, but is not limited to provisions for the Owner and/or Applicant to place construction notification signs noting the dates and time of construction and hauling activities, or providing additional traffic control. Coordination with other significant projects in the area may also be required. Cover all trucks hauling soil, sand and other loose debris. 69. CONSTRUCTION HOURS: All subdivision improvements and site improvements construction activities, including the delivery of construction materials, labors, heavy equipment, supplies, etc., shall be limited to the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., weekdays and 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Saturdays. The Town may authorize, on a case-by-case basis, alternate construction hours. The Owner shall provide written notice twenty-four (24) hours in advance of modified construction hours. Approval of this request is at discretion of the Town. 70. CONSTRUCTION NOISE: Between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., weekdays and 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Saturdays, construction, alteration or repair activities shall be allowed. No individual piece of equipment shall produce a noise level exceeding eighty-five (85) dBA at twenty-five (25) feet from the source. If the device is located within a structure on the property, the measurement shall be made at distances as close to twenty-five (25) feet from the device as possible. The noise level at any point outside of the property plane shall not exceed eighty-five (85) dBA. 71. CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT PLAN SHEET: Prior to the issuance of any grading or building permits, the Owner and/or Applicant’s design consultant shall submit a construction management plan sheet (full-size) within the plan set that shall incorporate at a minimum the Earth Movement Plan, Traffic Control Plan, Project Schedule, site security fencing, employee parking, construction staging area, materials storage area(s), construction trailer(s), concrete washout(s) and proposed outhouse locations. Please refer to the Town’s Construction Management Plan Guidelines document for additional information. 72. SHARED PRIVATE STREET: The private street accessing Project Site shall be kept open and in a safe, drive-able condition throughout construction. If temporary closure is needed, then formal written notice shall be provided at least one week in advance of closure. 73. PRIVATE STREET PAVEMENT RESTORATION: Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for any new building, the Owner/Applicant/Developer shall overlay to section of private street pavement immediately in front of/adjacent to the subject property, or alternative pavement restoration measure as approved by the Town Engineer. 74. COMMON PRIVATE DRIVEWAY: The common private driveway accessing the Project Site shall be kept open and in a safe, drive-able condition throughout construction and in perpetuity after construction has been completed. If temporary closure is needed, then formal written notice shall be provided at least one (1) week in advance of closure. 75. EMERGENCY VEHICLE ACCESS: The Emergency Vehicle Access Easement (EVAE) that traverses the Project Site shall be kept open and in a safe, drive-able condition throughout construction. If temporary closure is needed, then formal written notice shall be provided at least one week in advance of closure. 76. EMERGENCY VEHICLE ACCESS EASEMENT: Prior to the issuance of any grading or building permits, the Owner shall coordinate with the Santa Clara County Fire Department to ensure that any proposed modifications to the Emergency Vehicle Access Easement that traverses the Project Site are curvilinear, allows for the Department’s equipment to travel across said easement, and meets all Department specifications. Plans shall be submitted to the Santa Clara County Fire Department for approval prior to construction. OTHER PERMITS: 77. SANTA CLARA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT (SCVWD): Prior to start of any work along or within Santa Clara Valley Water District (SCVWD) right-of-way/easement, the Owner shall submit construction plans to SCVWD for review and approval and obtain necessary encroachment permits for the proposed work. A copy of approved encroachment permit is required to be submitted to the Engineering Division of the Parks and Public Works Department prior to Grading/Building Permit issuance. 78. WVSD (West Valley Sanitation District): Sanitary sewer laterals are televised by West Valley Sanitation District and approved by the Town of Los Gatos before they are used. A Sanitary Sewer Clean-out is required for each property at the property line, within one (1) foot of the property line per West Valley Sanitation District Standard Drawing 3, or at a location specified by the Town. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT: 79. STATE CONSTRUCTION GENERAL PERMIT: In the event that, during the production of construction drawings for the plans approved with this application by the Town of Los Gatos, it is determined that the project will disturb one (1) acre or more of site area, the filing of a Notice of Intent (NOI) and submittal of a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) to the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board as part of a State Construction General Permit will be required. These items shall all be completed and accepted by the Engineering Division before issuance of a grading/building permit. 80. NPDES STORMWATER COMPLIANCE: In the event that, during the production of construction drawings for the plans approved with this application by the Town of Los Gatos, it is determined that the project will create and/or replace more than 2,500 square feet of impervious area, completion of the NPDES Stormwater Compliance Small Projects Worksheet and implementation of at least one of the six low impact development site design measures it specifies shall be completed and submitted to the Engineering Division before issuance of a grading/building permit. 81. SITE DESIGN MEASURES: All projects shall incorporate at least one of the following measures: a. Protect sensitive areas and minimize changes to the natural topography. b. Minimize impervious surface areas. c. Direct roof downspouts to vegetated areas. d. Use porous or pervious pavement surfaces on the driveway, at a minimum. e. Use landscaping to treat stormwater. 82. UNLAWFUL DISCHARGES: It is unlawful to discharge any wastewater, or cause hazardous domestic waste materials to be deposited in such a manner or location as to constitute a threatened discharge, into storm drains, gutters, creeks or the San Francisco Bay. Unlawful discharges to storm drains include, but are not limited to: discharges from toilets, sinks, industrial processes, cooling systems, boilers, fabric cleaning, equipment cleaning or vehicle cleaning. 83. DUST CONTROL: Blowing dust shall be reduced by timing construction activities so that paving and building construction begin as soon as possible after completion of grading, and by landscaping disturbed soils as soon as possible. Further, water trucks shall be present and in use at the construction site. All portions of the site subject to blowing dust shall be watered as often as deemed necessary by the Town, or a minimum of three (3) times daily, or apply (non-toxic) soil stabilizers on all unpaved access roads, parking areas, and staging areas at construction sites in order to insure proper control of blowing dust for the duration of the project. Watering on public streets shall not occur. Streets shall be cleaned by street sweepers or by hand as often as deemed necessary by the Town Engineer, or at least once a day. Watering associated with on-site construction activity shall take place between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. and shall include at least one (1) late-afternoon watering to minimize the effects of blowing dust. All public streets soiled or littered due to this construction activity shall be cleaned and swept on a daily basis during the workweek to the satisfaction of the Town. Demolition or earthwork activities shall be halted when wind speeds (instantaneous gusts) exceed twenty (20) miles per hour (MPH). All trucks hauling soil, sand, or other loose debris shall be covered. 84. AIR QUALITY: To limit the project’s construction-related dust and criteria pollutant emissions, the following the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD)-recommended basic construction measures shall be included in the project’s grading plan, building plans, and contract specifications: a. All exposed surfaces (e.g., parking areas, staging areas, soil piles, graded areas, and unpaved access roads) shall be watered two times per day, or otherwise kept dust-free. b. All haul trucks designated for removal of excavated soil and demolition debris from site shall be staged off-site until materials are ready for immediate loading and removal from site. c. All haul trucks transporting soil, sand, debris, or other loose material off-site shall be covered. d. As practicable, all haul trucks and other large construction equipment shall be staged in areas away from the adjacent residential homes. e. All visible mud or dirt track-out onto adjacent public roads shall be removed using wet power vacuum street sweepers at least once per day, or as deemed appropriate by Town Engineer. The use of dry power sweeping is prohibited. An on-site track-out control device is also recommended to minimize mud and dirt-track-out onto adjacent public roads. f. All vehicle speeds on unpaved surfaces shall be limited to fifteen (15) miles per hour. g. All driveways and sidewalks to be paved shall be completed as soon as possible. Building pads shall be laid as soon as possible after grading unless seeding or soil binders are used. h. Post a publicly visible sign with the telephone number and person to contact at the lead agency regarding dust complaints. This person shall respond and take corrective action within forty-eight (48) hours. The Air District’s phone number shall also be visible to ensure compliance with applicable regulations. Please provide the BAAQMD’s complaint number on the sign: 24-hour toll-free hotline at 1-800-334-ODOR (6367). i. All excavation, grading, and/or demolition activities shall be suspended when average wind speeds exceed twenty (20) miles per hour. j. Vegetative ground cover (e.g., fast-germinating native grass seed) shall be planted in disturbed areas as soon as possible and watered appropriately until vegetation is established. 85. DETAILING OF STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITIES: Prior to the issuance of any grading or building permits, all pertinent details of any and all proposed stormwater management facilities, including, but not limited to, ditches, swales, pipes, bubble-ups, dry wells, outfalls, infiltration trenches, detention basins and energy dissipaters, shall be provided on submitted plans, reviewed by the Engineering Division of the Parks and Public Works Department, and approved for implementation. 86. CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES: All construction shall conform to the latest requirements of the CASQA Stormwater Best Management Practices Handbooks for Construction Activities and New Development and Redevelopment, the Town's grading and erosion control ordinance, and other generally accepted engineering practices for erosion control as required by the Town Engineer when undertaking construction activities. 87. SITE DRAINAGE: Rainwater leaders shall be discharged to splash blocks. No through curb drains will be allowed. Any storm drain inlets (public or private) directly connected to public storm system shall be stenciled/signed with appropriate “NO DUMPING - Flows to Bay” NPDES required language. On-site drainage systems for all projects shall include one of the alternatives included in section C.3.i of the Municipal Regional NPDES Permit. These include storm water reuse via cisterns or rain barrels, directing runoff from impervious surfaces to vegetated areas and use of permeable surfaces. If stormwater treatment facilities are to be used they shall be placed a minimum of ten (10) feet from the adjacent property line and/or right-of-way. Alternatively, the facility(ies) may be located with an offset between 5 and 10 feet from the adjacent property and/or right-of-way line(s) if the responsible engineer in charge provides a stamped and signed letter that addresses infiltration and states how facilities, improvements and infrastructure within the Town’s right-of-way (driveway approach, curb and gutter, etc.) and/or the adjacent property will not be adversely affected. No improvements shall obstruct or divert runoff to the detriment of an adjacent, downstream or down slope property. 88. MAINTENANCE OF PRIVATE STREETS: It is the responsibility of the property owner(s)/homeowners association to implement a plan for street sweeping of paved private roads and cleaning of all storm drain inlets. 89. SILT AND MUD IN PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY: It is the responsibility of Contractor and homeowner to make sure that all dirt tracked into the public right-of-way is cleaned up on a daily basis. Mud, silt, concrete and other construction debris SHALL NOT be washed into the Town’s storm drains. 90. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING: Good housekeeping practices shall be observed at all times during the course of construction. All construction shall be diligently supervised by a person or persons authorized to do so at all times during working hours. The Owner's representative in charge shall be at the job site during all working hours. Failure to maintain the public right-of-way according to this condition may result in penalties and/or the Town performing the required maintenance at the Owner's expense. GENERAL: 91. NEIGHBORHOOD CONSTRUCTION COMMUNICATION PLAN: Immediately upon approval of an encroachment permit, the Owner shall initiate a weekly neighborhood email notification program to provide project status updates. The email notices shall also be posted on a bulletin board placed in a prominent location along the project perimeter. TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE SANTA CLARA COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT: 92. Review of this Developmental proposal is limited to acceptability of site access, water supply and may include specific additional requirements as they pertain to fire department operations and shall not be construed as a substitute for formal plan review to determine compliance with adopted model codes. Prior to performing any work, the applicant shall make application to, and receive from, the Building Department all applicable construction permits. 93. FIRE SPRINKLERS REQUIRED: (As noted on Sheet A0) An automatic residential fire sprinkler system shall be installed in new one- and two-family dwellings. 94. FIRE DEPARTMENT (ENGINE) DRIVEWAY TURNAROUND REQUIRED: (As noted on Sheet L1.1) Dead- end fire apparatus access roads in excess of 150 feet in length shall be provided with an approved area for turning around fire apparatus. Provide an approved fire department engine driveway turnaround with a minimum radius of 36 feet outside and 23 feet inside. Maximum grade in any direction shall be 5%. Installations shall conform with Fire Department Standard Details and Specifications D-1. [CFC Section 503.2.5]. 95. PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM: (As noted on Sheet A0, A1.1 & response letter) Residential fire protection systems shall comply with Fire Department Standards W-1 and manufacturer's requirements. Fire protection water systems shall be permitted, installed and approved by the Fire Prevention Office. The wharf hydrant shall be accessible at all times. Tank systems providing both the domestic supply and supply to the sprinkler system and/or hydrant may require cross contamination protection. Check with the local Building Department for specific requirements related to protection of the domestic supply. Hydrants and tank outlets shall be installed such that the center of the hose connection is not less than eighteen (18”) inches nor more than thirty (30”) inches above the final grade. Proposed two new 5k gallon water tanks are not sufficient. Given project proximity to relatively urban development, water supply in accordance with NFPA 1142 is appropriate, per CFC B103.3. Preliminary NFPA 1142 calculations suggest a minimum of 20,000 gallons are necessary for the proposed structure. The proposed tank system does not meet design standard W-1 with respect to combining domestic, sprinkler and hydrant storage. Tank capacity for combined domestic/fire sprinkler systems shall be determined by adding the required hydrant and sprinkler system volume to a minimum of 1K gallons for domestic use. Water for other purposes, such as irrigation, shall not be combined in the same tank system [SCCFD Standard Details and Specifications sheet W-1]. a. Minimum of 20,000 gallons are required. b. A more detailed design proposal for the water storage system is required. c. Provide all details necessary to guarantee maintenance of the stored hydrant water for fire suppression purposes. 96. FIRE APPARATUS (ENGINE)ACCESS DRIVEWAY REQUIRED: (As noted on Sheet 5 of 7) Provide an access driveway with a paved all weather surface, a minimum unobstructed width of 12 feet, vertical clearance of 13 feet 6 inches, minimum circulating turning radius of 36 feet outside and 23 feet inside, and a maximum slope of 15%. Installations shall conform to Fire Department Standard Details and Specifications sheet D-1. Driveway profile provided on Sheet 5 of 6 shows slopes up to 20%. The request for slope greater than 15% but not to exceed 20%, as outlined in the Letter of Justification dated January 18, 2021 and demonstrated in the driveway profile, has been acknowledged and approved by SFPE R. Campbell on 03/09/21. 97. CONSTRUCTION SITE FIRE SAFETY: (As noted on Sheet A0) All construction sites must comply with applicable provisions of the CFC Chapter 33 and our Standard Detail and Specification S1-7. Provide appropriate notations on subsequent plan submittals, as appropriate to the project. [CFC Chp. 33]. 98. WATER SUPPLY REQUIREMENTS: (As noted on Sheet A0) Potable water supplies shall be protected from contamination caused by fire protection water supplies. It is the responsibility of the applicant and any contractors and subcontractors to contact the water purveyor supplying the site of such project, and to comply with the requirements of that purveyor. Such requirements shall be incorporated into the design of any water-based fire protection systems, and/or fire suppression water supply systems or storage containers that may be physically connected in any manner to an appliance capable of causing contamination of the potable water supply of the purveyor of record. Final approval of the system(s) under consideration will not be granted by this office until compliance with the requirements of the water purveyor of record are documented by that purveyor as having been met by the applicant(s). 2019 CFC Sec. 903.3.5 and Health and Safety Code 13114.7. 99. ADDRESS IDENTIFICATION: (As noted on Sheet A0) New and existing buildings shall have approved address numbers, building numbers or approved building identification placed in a position that is plainly legible and visible from the street or road fronting the property. These numbers shall contrast with their background. Where required by the fire code official, address numbers shall be provided in additional approved locations to facilitate emergency response. Address numbers shall be Arabic numbers or alphabetical letters. Numbers shall be a minimum of 4 inches (101.6 mm) high with a minimum stroke width of 0.5 inch (12.7 mm). Where access is by means of a private road and the building cannot be viewed from the public way, a monument, pole or other sign or means shall be used to identify the structure. Address numbers shall be maintained. [CFC Sec. 505.1]. New address pending approval as noted on Sheet A0. 100. GENERAL: This review shall not be construed to be an approval of a violation of the provisions of the California Fire Code or of other laws or regulations of the jurisdiction. A permit presuming to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of the fire code or other such laws or regulations shall not be valid. Any addition to or alteration of approved construction documents shall be approved in advance. [CFC, Ch.1, 105.3.6] N:\DEV\CONDITIONS\2021\Wood Road - A&S PC COA - 07-28-21 - FINAL.docx This Page Intentionally Left Blank This Page Intentionally Left Blank January 19 , 2023 – Town of Los Gatos Meeting RE: 144 Wood Road – Violation of Permit Streamlining Act Requirements The inclusion of the CAL Fire requirements to our permit (introducing new and additional conditions of approval) is a violation of the Permit Streamlining Act. Per the Permit Streamlining Act 65940. “(a) Each public agency shall compile one or more lists that shall specify in detail the information that will be required from any applicant for a development project.” •The final list of requirements for our development project were deemed final as confirmed viaformal letter from the Town dated September 13, 2021. This letter refers to the conditions ofapproval to be applied to the building permitting process and those conditions are confirmed in theletter as “final”. This is the definition of deeming the application complete for the explicit purposesof initiating a development project and protected under the Permit Streamlining Act. •The final conditions of approval protected under the Permit Streamlining Act do not include thespecified CAL Fire access road requirements in question. •Through a freedom of information act (FOIA) request, we have taken note that our project is theonly project in the town wherein modifications to finalized conditions of approval protected underthe Permit Streamlining Act are being requested for the purposes of CAL Fire off-site requirements.This is a major issue. The Permit Streamlining Act section 65942 defines the conditions under which an agency can add new requirements: “Any revisions shall apply prospectively only and shall not be a basis for determining that an application is not complete pursuant to Section 65943 if the application was received before the revision is effective except for revisions for the following reasons resulting from conditions which were not known and could not have been known by the public agency at the time the application was received.” The exception clearly does not apply. PRC 4290 (Fire Safe Regulations) were enacted by the State in 1987. In 2018 the State amended Section 4290 with expanded applicability, which is what Santa Clara County Fire is basing its modification of conditions of approval up. • The Fire Safe Regulations were clearly known and could have been known by the public agencyat the time of my application and were not cited through our approval from Santa Clara CountyFire (June 22, 2021) or the final approval with final conditions of approval from the Town(September 13, 2021). The CAL FIRE comments are not legally part of this application and our conditions of approval may not be modified. The Town (as represented by the people in this room) has the authority and obligation to uphold our conditions of approval and inform Santa Clara County Fire that they cannot be modified due to Permit Streamlining. EXHIBIT 4M This Page Intentionally Left Blank DocuSign Envelope ID: 511EFAOC-10EA-4525-MEE-5F8B9DD91 C99 County of Santa Clara Department of Planning and DeYelopment County Government Center, East Wing, 7th Floor 70 West Hedding Street San Jose, CA 95110 Phone: (408) 299-5700 www.sccplandev.org November 16, 2021 Board of Forestry and Fire Protection Attn: Regulations Priority Review P.O. Box 944246 Sacramento, CA RE: Feedback Regarding 2021 Regulations and Priority Review Dear Board of Forestry and Fire Protection: On behalf of the County of Santa Clara, Department of Planning and Development, I am writing to provide feedback on the impacts to our jurisdiction of the SRANHFHSZ Fire Safe Regulations (14 CCR§ 1270) (the ''Fire Safe regulations"), and their current application as part of the 2021 regulations and priority review by the Board of Forestry and Fire Protection (the Board). We wholeheartedly support the intention of these regulations to reduce the risk of wildfires, and thus reduce the loss of life and property resulting from them, as well as to protect natural resources and the environment We acknowledge that the severity of such wildfires is likely to continue to increase due to climate change. Comprehensive regulations are therefore not only required but welcomed to address this critical issue. The County of Santa Clara has also been undertaking several efforts which we believe help achieve these goals. Through our County General Plan, we discourage high intensity and high density uses in our hillsides and ranchland districts. County Parks and partner agencies such as the Santa Clara Valley Habitat Agency, Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority, and Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District actively acquire open space and recreational lands to keep in a natural state. However, we have several concerns about how the current Fire Safe regulations, as implemented locally by the Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL Fire), impact small-scale residential development on existing legal lots along existing roads in our County. For most of the first 30 years that these regulations have existed, CAL Fire requirements on such projects were limited to on-site improvements. For the past year or so, CAL Fire has strictly applied the regulations in Article 2 concerning Emergency Access and Egress to all proposed development projects in the State Responsibility Area (SRA), including those projects that had previously obtained approvals that had been reviewed by CAL FIRE. It is unclear if this is occurring statewide, or if there is variation in different CAL Fire offices. Because many of the roads, both public and private, in our County which pass through the Santa Cruz Mountains and the Diablo Range and their foothills were constructed well before 1991 (in some cases in the early twentieth century or based on horse carts from the nineteenth century), they do not fully meet the 1991 standards. Specifically, many are not two ten-foot traffic lanes and/or are too far down a dead-end Board of Supervisors: Mike Wasserman, Cindy Chavez. Otto Lee, Susan Ellenberg, S. Joseph Simitian County E.xerutive: Jeffrey V. Smith EXHIBIT 4N Page 2 of 3 road, although there are also some issues involving slope, turning radius, and weight bearance, especially concerning bridges. To date, over the last 11 months, this strict application has impacted over 30 projects in unincorporated Santa Clara County, some of which had received previous approvals and others which are similar to other projects in the same neighborhood which have received approvals in the past five years. This number continues to increase with significant push-back from the residents who own legally existing properties and who desire to build a new single-family residence. While there is an exception process set forth in § 1270.06, and our County has adopted a process to hear appeals of CAL Fire’s exception decisions, this has not provided relief to applicants at this time. The phrase limiting approval of these requests to “where the exceptions provide the same practical effect” severely limits the ability to grant exceptions from the access and egress standards. For example, it is difficult to come up with any alternate method to reducing the length of a dead-end road short of constructing an entirely new loop road or other access connection. The application of the maximum allowable dead-end road length on existing roads will render many legally existing parcels undevelopable and could lead to significant pressure on local public agencies to broadly apply their eminent domain power to create additional public road networks through terrain where new private roads may not be feasible due to lack of property rights or sufficient financial resources. Also, the County estimates that there are approximately 70-80 miles (if not more) of existing roads in the County-maintained road system that do not meet the 20-foot width requirement. Most of these roads are in rural areas affected by the Fire Safe regulations. This total does not include privately-maintained roads, for which the County believes there are at least as many impacted miles that would not meet the width requirement in the regulations. Many of these roads cannot be improved without major civil engineering projects due to their location neighboring steep terrain, sheer drop-offs, or watercourses. Upgrading these roads could also conflict with other State or Federal regulations, especially with regard to watercourses or protected habitats/species. These constraints have the practical effect of either stopping the development projects or requiring major upgrades to hundreds of miles of roads, costs by which the County would not be able to fund. We do not believe that the Legislature or the Board intended to prohibit this type of small-scale, residential development on existing legal lots along existing roads. This is consistent with the Board’s decision to categorically exempt Accessory Dwelling Units from the Fire Safe regulations through emergency rule making, as these projects also add to California’s housing supply. If the Board does intend to use the Fire Safe regulations to block this type of development or to force private property owners and public agencies throughout the state to dramatically upgrade the existing road systems in local jurisdictions, then the Board must consider the cost, feasibility, environmental impact, and equity of this significant policy decision. Additionally, the Board should seek out funding to supplement all local jurisdictions severely impacted to upgrade existing roads throughout the State. DocuSign Envelope ID: 511EFA0C-10EA-4525-AAEE-5F8B9DD91C99 Page 3 of 3 Although the existing Fire Safe regulations technically have been in effect within the SRA for 30 years, those regulations have rarely been applied to rural road networks or development projects within the SRA across the State. Consequently, it is incorrect to assume that most roads in the SRA meet the 1991 standards. As the roads within the local VHFHZ only became subject to these regulations on July 1, 2021, those road networks are even less likely to meet the regulatory standards. To remedy this situation, the County hopes that the currently in process amendments to 14 CCR § 1270 will alleviate some of these concerns, however given the time it will take to adopt these amendments, we strongly encourage the Board to act now. The Board should make clear to what extent the Fire Safe regulations should apply to small-scale residential development, through emergency rule making or through a directive to CAL Fire and local inspection entities on how to proceed with these projects. Requiring applicants to go through a lengthy and costly process, which may not provide them with any relief, is not fair to small property owners seeking to build a home for themselves in already established residential areas if there is no intent by the Board to block such development without the massive road upgrades currently required by the regulations. This could be handled through a categorical exemption, a formal clarification that the standards apply to roads constructed after 1991, or by delegating the determination of whether a road built prior to 1991 is sufficient to meet the intent of these regulations to generally allow for concurrent access to the site by emergency vehicles and evacuation of residents to local fire authorities. The Board should also provide guidance on what is considered “substantial compliance.” We would also encourage that the regulations in areas outside the SRA that are now covered by the regulations only be applied to roads constructed after July 1, 2021. The County of Santa Clara appreciates the Board’s efforts to make California residents safer from wildfires, and we fully support the goals and intentions of the State’s Fire Safe regulations. The County is hopeful that the Board will seriously consider our request to immediately take action to ensure the existing regulations are fairly applied across the State in a manner which does not unintentionally block small-scale, single-site residential development, and to fully address these concerns in the pending regulatory amendments. Sincerely, Leza Mikhail, MPL Robert Cain, MCP Planning Manager Associate Planner CC: Jacqueline Onciano – Director of Planning and Development Harry Freitas – Director of Roads and Airports Lizanne Reynolds – Deputy County Counsel DocuSign Envelope ID: 511EFA0C-10EA-4525-AAEE-5F8B9DD91C99 This Page Intentionally Left Blank Onnrcn oF THE CouNrv CouNsnl CouNrv or S.tNr,l, Ct Lnr County Government Center 70 West Hedding Street East Wing, 9th Floor San Jos6, California 95110-1770 (408)299-se00 (408)2e2-7240 (FAX) FROM: DATE: James R. Williams CouNrv CouNsrl Robert M. Coelho Michaela L. Lewis Tony LoPresti Steve Mitra Kavita Narayan Douglas M. Press Gita C. Suraj ASSISTANT CouNry CouNSnI Kim Forrester LEGAL AND COMPLIANCE OFFICER TO MEMORANDUM Honorable Board of Supervisors Jeffiey V. Smith, County Executive James R. Williams, County Counsel Au Tony LoPresti, Assistant County Counsel Elizabeth G. Pianca, Lead Deputy County Counsel Lizanrrc Reynolds, Deputy County Counsel Implementation of State Minimum Fire Safe Regulations September 26,2022 RE: EXEC SI]MMARY This memorandum summarizes the issues regarding application of the State Minimum Fire Safe Regulations ("Regulations")l to development projects in unincorporated Santa Clara County and provides a recommendation for processing such applications. The memorandum also discusses application of the Regulations to existing roads and the approaches that other counties have been taking to implement the Regulations. The County must refer all development applications within the State Responsibility Areas (SRA)2 to the local CAL FIRE unit for its review of whether the application complies with the Regulations. Most of the unincorporated area is subject to the Regulations, and it is likely that many development projects cannot feasibly comply with the access road requirements in the Regulations. Even though the Regulations have been in effect for decades, the local CAL FIRE I Cal. Code Regs. tit. 14 (*14 CCR"), $ 1270.00 et seq. This memorandum also responds to the Board of Supervisors referral from the June 28, 2022 meeting (Item No. 12) to County Counsel to provide an assessment of whether the County's interpretation of the Regulations is accurate. 2 State Responsibility Areas (SRA) are those areas of the state in which the financial responsibility of preventing and suppressing fires has been determined to be primarily the responsibility of the state. (Pub. Res. Code $ 4102.)Considered: 09/27/2022EXHIBIT 4O Memorandum to Board of Supervisors and County Executive Re: Implementation of State Minimum Fire Safe Regulations September 26,2022 Page 2 of 8 unit with responsibility for Santa Clara County did not start applying them until late-2020. By contrast, many other CAL FIRE units are still not applying the Regulations or are only applying them to new subdivisions and other large developments. CAL FIRE's inconsistent approach to implementation across the state has created a challenging regulatory landscape for project applicants and local governments alike. ln2020,the Board of Forestry and Fire Protection ("Board of Forestry" or "Board") began a rulemaking process to update the Regulations. The first official draft, released in April 2021, would have been significantly more onerous than the existing Regulations. In response to lengthy comments submitted by the County and other local jurisdictions,3 the Board of Forestry released a revised draft in January 2022that incorporated many of the County's comments and would have provided more flexibility for existing roads and other situations where compliance was extremely costly or infeasible. However, due to litigation threats from interested parties with opposing viewpoints, in May 2022the Board released another revised draft that severely reduced the scope of the amendments and retained the strict access standards in the existing Regulations for all roads, including existing roads. At its August 17,2022 meeting, the Board of Forestry directed staff to take all necessary actions to finalize the limited scope of amendments released in May 2022. Given the uncertain regulatory landscape, County staff and applicants with projects in the permitting process were unable to determine what Regulations and associated conditions of approval would apply to their projects, which understandably caused tremendous frustration. To facilitate a streamlined approach to the Regulations designed to accelerate review and action on a project application subject to the Regulations, County Counsel recommended that the County undertake project-specific evaluations as soon as feasible during the application process to determine whether the County could lawfully waive compliance with some or all of the Regulations on the basis that applying them would violate the Takings Clause of the U.S. Constitution. This approach was developed in coordination with and is supported by the Administration, which began implementing this process in July 2022. 3 June 3,2021 Letter from Jeffrey V. Smith, County Executive, to Board of Forestry; June 3, 2021 Letter from Mike Wasserman, President, County Board of Supervisors, to Board of Forestry, which are attached to the Aug. 17 ,2021 Board agenda (Item No. 106), and are available at: http://sccgov. iqm2.com/Citizens/Detail Meeting.aspx?lD: 1 3226. Memorandum to Board of Supervisors and County Executive Re: Implementation of State Minimum Fire Safe Regulations September 26,2022 Page 3 of8 BACKGROUND A. State Law In 1987 , the State enacted Public Resources Code section 4290 ("Section 4290\,4 which required the Board of Forestry to adopt regulations implementing minimum fire safety standards related to defensible space in the SRA. Those regulations must include: (a) road standards for fire equipment access; (b) standards for signs identifuing streets, roads, and buildings; (c) minimum private water supply reserves for emergency fire use; and (d) luel breaks and greenbelts.s The Regulations "apply to the perimeters and access to all residential, commercial, and industrial building construction within the SRAs approved before January 7,799I"6 except for the following "grandfathered" proj ects : o where a building permit application was filed before January 1, 1991; or o where a parcel or tentative subdivision map or other developments were approved before January l,l99l, if the final subdivision map was approved within the time required by local ordinance.T In light of growing wildfire activity and significant losses of life and property, in 201 8 the State amended Section 4290 to require the Board of Forestry to (i) expand the regulations to all lands within designated Very High FireHazard Severity Zones (VHFHSZ)8 effective July 1, 2021, and (ii) periodically update the Regulations for fuel breaks and greenbelts near communities to provide greater fire safety for residential, commercial, and industrial building construction.e Approximately 80 percent of unincorporated Santa Clara County is within the SRA or the VHFHSZ (see Attachment 1). a stats. 1987,c.955 (s.B. 1075), $ 2. s Pub. Res. Code $ a290(aX1)-(a). 6 Id. at g a29o(a). 7 lbid. t V"ry High Fire Hazard Severity Zones (VHFHSZ) are those areas designated as such by the State Fire Marshal that are not within a state responsibility area. (Gov't. Code $ 5l 177(i).) e Stats.2o18, c.626 (s.B. 901), $ 9. Memorandum to Board of Supervisors and County Executive Re: Implementation of State Minimum Fire Safe Regulations September 26,2022 Page 4 of 8 B. State Minimum Fire Safe Regulations 1. Current Regulations The State Minimum Fire Safe Regulations were first adopted in 1991. The Regulations contain detailed standards for access roads (e.g., minimum widths, maximum grades, minimum turning radii, turnarounds, turnouts, maximum dead-end road lengths), signage and building numbering, emergency water requirements, and fuel modification/defensible space standards.l0 The Regulations include an optional process for a project applicant to request an exception from the requirements of the Regulations.ll The first step is for the applicant to request an exception from the "inspection entity." CAL FIRE is the inspection entity for projects in the SRA unless CAL FIRE has delegated that authority to the local jurisdiction.12 If CAL FIRE does not grant the exception, the applicant may appeal that determination to the local jurisdiction. For projects outside the SRA, but within the VHFHSZ,the County is the inspection entity and may grant or deny exception requests. On August 31,2021, the Board of Supervisors adopted an ordinance establishing a specific appeal process for such exceptions.l3 Pursuant to this ordinance, the decision-maker on an appeal from CAL FIRE's denial of an exception for a project in the SRA is a person designated by the County Fire Marshal, who shall consult with the County Building Official and the Director of the Roads and Airports Department in making the decision.la The decision- maker for an exception request for a project in the VHFHSZ is a person designated by the Fire Marshal for that pu{pose, and the County Fire Marshal if the initial exception decision is appealed.l5 2. Application of Regulations The vast majority of unincorporated Santa Clara County is in the SRA. Thus, the Regulations apply to most development projects in rural Santa Clara County. Inlate-2020, the local CAL FIRE unit began applying the Regulations to all development applications referred to them by the County Department of Planning and Development, including 10 14 CCR $ 1273.00 et seq. " 14 CCR $ 1270.06. '2 l4 ccR g l27o.o5(a). 13 Ord. No. NS-1100.134, effective Sept. 30,2021,codified at County of Santa Ordinance Code $ Cl-100 et seq. ra County Ordinance Code $ C1-104(b). 15 County Ordinance Code $ C1-104(c). Memorandum to Board of Supervisors and County Executive Re: Implementation of State Minimum Fire Safe Regulations September 26,2022 Page 5 of8 development on existing roads. This coincided with a significant rise in wildfires throughout the state and the California Attomey General taking a more assertive position opposing approvals of large development projects in high-fire hazard areas that did not comply with the Regulations and/or the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).16 A significant percentage of development applications in unincorporated Santa Clara County are served by public (County-maintained) and private roads that do not meet one of more of the requirements in the Regulations. The most common deficiencies are failure to meet the 20-foot minimum width,lT and exceedance of the maximum length for dead-end roads.l8 This has stalled many project applications while the County waited for the Board of Forestry to amend the Regulations to provide some relief for single-family residences and other small-scale developments. We contacted other local government attomeys across the state who have significant experience dealing with the Regulations to better understand how the Regulations have been applied over time. They reported that many local jurisdictions have previously received delegations of authority from CAL FIRE to implement the regulations, and the Board of Forestry had also certified some local ordinances that exempted existing roads. They believe many of those jurisdictions are still operating under those prior delegations and are either not applying the Regulations to existing roads or are liberally granting exceptions from the Regulations. By contrast, in October 2020, a Board of Forestry attorney informed Sonoma County that it would not certiff Sonoma County's local fire safe ordinance because it was less stringent than the Regulations.le The Board of Forestry attorney provided the following response regarding applicability of the Regulations to existing roads: Sonoma County has repeatedly maintained that Public Resources Code section 4290 and the Fire Safe Regulations do not apply to existing roads. Sonoma County's position is incompatible with the plain language of PRC S 4290, the Fire Safe Regulations, and opinions and letters issued by the Attorney General of California. More importantly, the Fire Safe Regulations themselves-which 16 Pub. Res. Code $ 21000 et seq. See, e.g.,Oct.25,2019 Letter from Xavier Becerra, Attorney General, to Monterey County Planning Commission re Paraiso Springs Resort, available at: httos://oag.ca.gov/sites/alllfiles/agweb/pdfs/environment/comments-pariaso-springs-resort-rdeir.pdf. 17 14 ccR g l273.ol(a). 18 The maximum dead-end road length ranges from 800 feet to one mile depending on the minimum lot size established by the applicable zoning. (14 CCR $ 1273.08.) re Oct. 23,2020 Letter fiom Jeff Slaton, Senior Board Counsel, Board of Forestry, to Linda Schiltgen, Deputy County Counsel, County of Sonoma, attached hereto as Attachment 2. Memorandum to Board of Supervisors and County Executive Re: Implementation of State Minimum Fire Safe Regulations September 26,2022 Page 6 of 8 constitute the basis for the certification determination-clearly provide no exemption for existing toads, and it is these regulations that the Sonoma County ordinance must equal or exceed. This represents a fundamental and intractable disagreement between the Board and Sonoma County. Regardless of whether and how the Regulations are being applied in other counties, the County must determine how to deal with this situation in a legally compliant manner. 3. Recent Amendments to Regulations In April 2027,the Board of Forestry proposed comprehensive changes to the Regulations. The County and numerous other interested parties submitted detailed comments recommending further changes to lessen the burdens on owners of legal parcels along existing roads, and to allow more flexibility to grant exceptions where strict compliance was infeasible. In December 2021, the Board of Forestry released a revised set of amendments that incorporated many of the County's requests. However, several other interested parties commented that the proposed amendments would weaken the Regulations and, therefore, the Board of Forestry was required to conduct a comprehensive environmental review under CEQA before it could adopt the amendments. On April 29,2022, the Board of Forestry released a significantly scaled-down set of amendments that did not include the County's requested accommodations for existing roads or other situations where compliance is infeasible (e.g., significant environmental or topographical constraints). At its May 5, 2022 meeting, the Board Chair explained that they had narrowed the scope of the amendments because they did not have time to resolve all of the conflicting comments. When asked if there was any plan to resume a more comprehensive amendment process, the Board Chair responded that they had other immediate priorities and no plans to resume a broader rulemaking. At its August I7,2022 meeting, the Board of Forestry directed staff to take all necessary actions to ftnalize adoption of the scaled-down amendments. Consequently, the County does not expect any regulatory relief in the near term, and will need to determine how to deal with development applications that CAL FIRE determines would not comply with the Regulations. ANALYSIS A. Impact of Regulations on County Applications Several circumstances have made it difhcult for the County to promptly resolve situations where CAL FIRE determines that a project would not comply with the Regulations. These include the preemptive effect of the Regulations on less stringent local regulations, the timelines Memorandum to Board of Supervisors and County Executive Re: Implementation of State Minimum Fire Safe Regulations September 26.2022 Page 7 of 8 imposed by the Permit Streamlining Act,20 and the County's existing processes for reviewing, conditioning, and approving development projects. The Department of Planning and Development's initial approach was to recommend that applicants apply for an exception from CAL FIRE and, if CAL FIRE denied the exception, to appeal that determination to the County Fire Marshal under the County's local ordinance. However, CAL FIRE has denied all exception requests on the grounds that the applicants have not proposed mitigation that would have the "same practical effect" as the Regulations. For example, CAL FIRE does not agree that installing sprinklers in structures or doing greater vegetation control has the same practical effect as ensuring that the access road is wide enough to accommodate concurrent emergency vehicle access and civilian evacuation from a wildfire zone. The County Fire Marshal denied appeals of these CAL FIRE determinations on the same grounds. Anticipating that the Board of Forestry was going to amend the Regulations to exempt or lessen the requirements for single-family homes and other small-scale development on existing lots, the Department of Planning and Development began to condition projects to comply with the Regulations in effect when a building permit is issued. The hope was that the Regulations would be amended by the time building permits were issued, which usually takes several months However, in light of the Board of Forestry's recent action to finalize the scaled-back amendments, this strategy is no longer viable. In the meantime, some applicants have appealed their conditions of approval related to the Regulations to the Planning Commission on the grounds that the cost of compliance would be so exorbitant that it would result in an unconstitutional "taking" of private property for public use without just compensation.2l B. Recommendation for Future Processing of Applications and Appeals After analyzing various options for how to handle development applications that are subiect to the Regulations, County Counsel, in coordination with and supported by the Administration, recommends that for each application, and starting early in the application process, the County conduct project-specific determinations of whether compliance with the Regulations must be waived in full or in part to meet constitutional standards. Under this approach, the County would continue to refer project applications to CAL FIRE for review. For projects that CAL FIRE determines would not comply with the Regulations, the Administration would begin the project-specific takings analyses as soon as possible after the application is submitted without waiting for it to be deemed complete under the 20 Gov't Code $ 65920 et seq. 2r U.S. Const. amend. V, made applicable to the states through U.S. Const. amend. XIV; Cal. Const. art. I, $ 19 Memorandum to Board of Supervisors and County Executive Re: Implementation of State Minimum Fire Safe Regulations September 26,2022 Page 8 of 8 Permit Streamlining Act. This option would significantly accelerate the process for determining whether compliance with the Regulations must be waived in full or in part to avoid an unconstitutional taking and allow the Department of Planning and Development to incorporate any waivers into the conditions of approval without delaying the Department's normal decision- making process. The applicable takings tests are factually and legally complex and differ depending on whether the project takes access from a public or private road. For projects on private roads, the applicants would need to provide adequate documentation regarding the economic and technical burdens of complying with the Regulations and whether partial compliance with the Regulations would be feasible. For projects on public roads, the Department of Roads and Airports would do project-specific analyses of the cost and technical feasibility of complying with the Regulations. The Administration began implementing this approach and process in July 2022. CONCLUSION We recommend that the Administration make project-specif,rc determinations of whether compliance with some or all of the Regulations must be waived on constitutional grounds as soon as feasible during the application process instead of waiting until applications have been deemed complete or deferring waiver determinations to the Planning Commission or Board of Supervisors on appeal. Applicants could still appeal the Administration's determinations, but there should be significantly fewer appeals. This approach has been designed to facilitate a streamlined approach to the Regulations and to accelerate review and action on a project application subject to the Regulations. Attachments: 1) Map of SRA and VHFHSZ Areas in Santa Clara County 2) Oct. 23,2020 Letter from Jeff Slaton, Senior Board Counsel, Board of Forestry, to Linda Schiltgen, Deputy County Counsel, County of Sonoma c Greta S. Hansen, Chief Operating Officer Sylvia Gallegos, Deputy County Executive Jacqueline Onciano, Director, Department of Planning and Development Harry Freitas, Director, Department of Roads and Airports 2708126 ATTACHMENT 1(,\t{ ,'.'':t*#nt,ffi.t\..li.l\lrJt'tf*Js\.t'),1\\\.T/l:.i:I ,il:., 1,. ',I BOARD OF FORESTRY AND FIRE PROTECTION THE NATURAL RESOURCES AGENCY STATE OF CALIFORNIA P.O. Box 944246 SACRAMENTO, CA 94244-2460 (916) 653-8007 (916) 653-0989 FAX BoF Website lwww bol rtre ca.gov) October 23, 2020 Linda Schiltgen Deputy County Counsel County of Sonoma Linda.Schiltgen@sonoma-county.org Re: BOF Certification Questions: Sonoma County Responses Dear Ms. Schiltgen: ATTACHMENT 2 KEITH GILLESS, CHAIR Wade Crowfoot, Secretary Gavin Newsom, Governor • The Board is in receipt of your letter dated October 18, 2020, and addressed to Board of Forestry and Fire Protection (Board) Chair Keith Gilless and Vice Chair Darcy Wheeles. It has been distributed to the Board members for consideration. Because your letter provides responses to questions posed by Board staff, please accept this response by Board staff on their behalf. Background A brief summary is appropriate for context. For several months, the Board, its staff, and representatives from the County of Sonoma (Sonoma County) have been engaged in discussions relative to the potential certification of Sonoma County's local fire safe ordinance as equaling or exceeding the Board's Fire Safe Regulations (14 CCR§ 1270 et seq.). Board members and staff have expressed concerns about portions of Sonoma County's ordinance that either omit standards included in the Fire Safe Regulations or set standards that, on their face, appear to be less stringent than the Fire Safe Standards. At the September 22, 2020, Joint Committee Meeting of the Board, Board staff were directed to provide Sonoma County with a list of specific questions posed by both Board members and staff, that, if answered, would allow Board staff to properly evaluate the local ordinance and enable staff to make a recommendation to the Board in favor of certification. By letter dated October 12, 2020, Board staff issued those questions to Sonoma County. By your letter dated October 18, 2020, Sonoma County provided its responses for Board staff consideration. When being presented with the myriad of issues related to certification, it is important not to lose sight of the fundamental task before the Board. The Board is reviewing the Sonoma County ordinance pursuant to 14 CCR§ 1270.04 to decide whether to exercise its discretion "to certify [the ordinance] as equaling or exceeding [the Board's regulations] when they provide the same practical effect."1 While it is generally not difficult to determine whether a particular provision of an ordinance equals or exceeds a corresponding provision in the Board's regulations, the same cannot be said for determining whether a local ordinance that fails to equal or exceed the Board's regulation nonetheless provides the some practicol effect. To aid in this determination, the Board's regulations provide a detailed definition of the term some procticol effect. With these tools, the Board must evaluate each provision of a local ordinance and compare it to the corresponding provision in the Board's regulations to determine whether the local ordinance provision equals or exceeds the Board's regulation or provides the same practical effect. Still, the task before the Board is challenging and requires careful and deliberate consideration, especially when applying the complex definition of same proctical effect. Summarv of Staff Findings At its core, the Board's task is fundamentally a very narrow inquiry: For each substontive requirement in the Fire Safe Regulotions, does the locol ordinance hove o provision thot equols or exceeds or has the some practicol effect as thot Fire Safe Regulotion stondard? Board staff have completed their review of Sonoma County's responses and continue to have significant concerns that the ordinance does not satisfy the Board's standards for certification. Sonoma County's responses pertaining to standards for existing roads and for ingress/egress that allows concurrent civilian evacuation are of particular concern. Accordingly, Board staff lack an evidentiary basis to support a recommendation for certification. Board staff have enclosed an updated matrix, dated to reflect the upcoming November 3,2O2O, Joint Committee Meeting of the Board, that provides more specific observations and staff recommendations.2 This is an appropriate point to address Sonoma County's position that if the Board does not certify its ordinance, then Sonoma County is prevented from enjoying the benefits of the portions of its ordinance that it believes clearly equal or exceed the Fire Safe Regulations. The Board would like to reiterate to Sonoma County that certification of its ordinance by the Board is not required for Sonoma County to apply its own standards that go above and beyond the state minimum standards. Board certification is a creature of regulation, the benefit of which is to publicly document a mutual understanding of the Board and the localjurisdiction that a local ordinance equals or exceeds the Fire Safe Regulations. Under Public Resources Code $ 4290, subdivision (c), the Board's minimum standards do not supersede any Sonoma County 1 References in this letter to the "equal or exceed" standard includes this "same practical effect" standard. 2 The attached November 3,2020, matrix represents Board staff's current evaluation and recommendations to the Board, and supersedes any prior matrix, whether final or draft, including the deliberative draft September 4th matrix, which apparently Sonoma County misunderstood to be something more than merely an informal tool to facilitate productive discussion in advance of the September Board meeting. 2 ordinance that equals or exceeds the minimum state standards.3 Thus, if Sonoma County has stricter, greater, or enhanced requirements in its ordinance, the lack of certification by the Board does not preclude Sonoma County from deciding to apply these stricter requirements. Turning now to Sonoma County's responses, it is worth mentioning that it is unnecessary for Board staff to address each individual response. The purpose of the exercise is to provide Board staff sufficient information so that it may complete its evaluation of Sonoma County's ordinance and issue a recommendation for the Board's consideration. As noted above, the certification determination is made in light of the language of the local ordinance and any documents incorporated by reference. Supplemental information, such as Sonoma County's responses, merely illuminates the localjurisdiction's interpretation of its ordinance and how it equals or exceeds the Fire Safe Regulations. ln any event, Sonoma County's responses reflect a number of recurring issues of concern to Board staff that can be summarized generally without focusing on the content of specific responses or specific sections of the ordinance. Board staff have consistently expressed concerns that the Sonoma County ordinance and Administrative Policy do not articulate specific minimum standards for each type of road referenced in the ordinance and Administrative Policya nor does it articulate what standards govern the fire official's assessment that a road provides concurrent civilian evacuation. Board staff's questions were particularized and specific attempts to identify those standards so that Board staff could evaluate where they equal or exceed the Fire Safe Regulations. Detailed Discussion Board staff acknowledge that some of Sonoma County's responses on certain other issues resolved Board concerns or provided additional clarity. This letter focuses on major issues that preclude the Board staff from issuing a recommendation in favor of certification. Board staff refer interested parties to the staff-prepared final matrix for the November 3,2O2O, Board meeting for a more comprehensive discussion of portions of the ordinance that equal or exceed the Fire Safe Regulations. Sonoma County's ordinance and responses to staff questions on the following topics are inadequate. Sonoma County's responses do not provide the requested citations nor identify the specific standards that Sonoma County contends apply. lnstead, the responses reiterate 3 lt is necessary to acknowledge that the statute does not include a "same practical effect" standard. A local ordinance applied pursuant to Public Resources Code 5 4290(cl, without obtaining Board certification, must "equal" or "exceed" the Fire Safe Regulations in the ordinarily understood sense of those words. Thus, a non-certified local ordinance applied by a local jurisdiction is potentially subject to a stricter legal standard than is required for certification under 14 CCR I1270.O4. a The ordinance and Administrative Policy contemplate new roads, existing roads, existing public roads, existing private roads, and existing roads approved on a discretionary basis and a ministerial basis. Sonoma County is entitled to have as many subcategories as it chooses, but each must have an established standard that equals or exceeds the Fire Safe Regulations. 3 positions that, while not unimportant, are nonetheless irrelevant to the narrow certification inquiry before the Board. We will first address the various arguments that are not relevant to and therefore do not inform staff's analysis. Sonoma Countv Areument 1: Some oortions of the ordinance equal or exceed the Fire Safe Regulations Sonoma County's introductory paragraph includes a chart outlining several provisions showing how its ordinance equals or exceeds the Fire Safe Regulations. This general claim is reiterated in response to several questions. The Board acknowledges that many elements of Sonoma County's standards clearly equal and exceed the minimum standards of the Fire Safe Regulations. This has been well established in documents provided for Board consideration, as well as testimony at several Board and Joint Committee Meetings this year. However, exceeding the Fire Safe Regulations in certain aspects does not excuse an ordinance's failure to equal or exceed other standards imposed by the Fire Safe Regulations. Thus, the Board's determination that one provision of a local ordinance equals or exceeds the Fire Safe Regulations has no bearing on the Board's consideration of other unrelated provisions of the local ordinance. This argument is an unnecessary distraction and does not inform whether all provisions satisfy the certification standard. As such, the Board does not focus on these statements when applying the certification standard. Sonoma Countv Argument 2: Takings / lnabilitv to secure easements for expanding roads Another argument advanced in Sonoma County's preliminary comments asserts that the Fire Safe Regulations effect an unconstitutional "taking" of private property for public use because they make a landowner individually responsible for upgrading existing roads that serve other parcels. Other variations of this argument suggest that the Fire Safe Regulations encourage Not- ln-My-Backyard (NIMBY) opposition to prevent development or allow a landowner to extort a neighbor by refusing to sell an easement to facilitate road widening to comply with state standards. These arguments are also reiterated in response to several questions seeking clarity about Sonoma County's standards and how they equal or exceed the Fire Safe Regulation. The Fire Safe Regulations have not been legally challenged, let alone invalidated, as being unconstitutional in any sense. They are binding as minimum standards on Sonoma County, notwithstanding speculative practical inconveniences at the local level. lt is Sonoma County's prerogative to impose those burdens on individual landowners instead of exercising other options at its disposal, such as eminent domain. ln any event, the issue of who bears financial responsibility for upgrading existing roads that serve as access to new building construction has no bearing on whether road standards in Sonoma County's ordinance - such as minimum road 4 widths - equal or exceed the corresponding standard in the Fire Safe Regulations. As such, the Board does not focus on this argument when evaluating the ordinance for compliance with its certification standard. Sonoma Countv Argument 3: Fire Safe Regulation Exception Process Another argument advanced in Sonoma County's preliminary comments asserts inadequacies in the Fire Safe Regulations' "exception process" (14 CCR I L27O.O6), including a loophole authorizing local jurisdictions to waive any requirement in the Fire Safe Regulations. This argument is reiterated in response to several questions. While the Board appreciates Sonoma County's comments and will certainly takes these into account to consider whether regulatory changes are warranted to address this point, Sonoma County's concerns regarding 14 CCR 5I27O.OG do not have bearing on the present issues related to certification of Sonoma County's ordinance, for multiple reasons. First, Sonoma County adopted its own "exceptions to standards" provision, $ l-3-23, in its ordinance. Notwithstanding certain staff comments in the matrix, the Board may determine that these provisions equal or exceed the minimum standards in $ 1270.06. Second, assuming for the sake of argument that 14 CCR S L27O.OG allows for "behind closed doors" determinations, or fails to provide a thorough open and public process, this is irrelevant as to whether ofher sections of Sonoma County's ordinance equal or exceed the Board's minimum standards. Finally, to the extent Sonoma County finds the minimum standards in L4 CCR $ L27A.OG unsatisfactory, the regulation expressly states that local jurisdictions "may establish additional procedures or requirements for exception requests." Thus, to the extent Sonoma County believes that the Board's exception standards in 5 1270.06 are deficient, Sonoma County may remedy these by imposing additional requirements. Consequently, the Board does not focus on this argument when evaluating the ordinance for compliance with its certification standard. Sonoma Ordinance lssue 1: Existing Road Standards We now turn to Sonoma County's discussion of the specific standards and citations in response to the Board staff's questions relating to existing road standards and the concurrent evacuation requirement. Sonoma County's responses continue to make conclusory statements about the quality of its ordinance and Administrative Policy. Board staff are repeatedly told that these documents have "clear standards" and a "strict set of requirements," but do not reference actual standards or citations. Board staff needs this information to properly evaluate the ordinance for certification. Without it, Board staff are compelled to conclude that no such standards exist and recommend to the Board that Sonoma County's ordinance does not satisfy the certification standard for existing roads. 5 Throughout the certification process, Sonoma County has repeatedly maintained that Public Resources Code section 429O and the Fire Safe Regulations do not apply to existing roads. Sonoma County's position is incompatible with the plain language of PRC S 4290,s the Fire Safe Regulations,6 and opinions and letters issued by the Attorney General of California.T More importantly, the Fire Safe Regulations themselves - which constitute the basis for the certification determination - clearly provide no exemption for existing roads, and it is these regulations that the Sonoma County ordinance must equal or exceed. This represents a fundamental and intractable disagreement between the Board and Sonoma County. Sonoma County's position on existing roads, standing alone, is a legitimate basis for determining that the ordinance does not equal or exceed the Fire Safe Regulations. Moreover, Sonoma County's position has a discernible impact on it characterizes its ordinance, and the amount of effort necessary for Board staff to parse its assertions for accuracy and compliance with the certification standard. Specifically, any assertion Sonoma County makes about "roads" requires the Board to evaluate whether Sonoma County intends to apply that standard to existing roads. Setting aside this fundamental disagreement as to the applicability of the Fire Safe Regulations, Sonoma County has argued that, in the alternative, even though it believes existing roads are exempt, Sonoma County's Administrative policy nonetheless applies to existing roads and equals or exceeds the Fire Safe Regulations. Board staff have reviewed the ordinance and Administrative Policy in great detail. The only specific standard identified in the Administrative Policy is a l2-foot width requirement for existing private roads. On its face, this falls short of the minimum road standard in 14 CCR 5 L273.Ot. That is a significant obstacle to Board certification. More concerning, however, is that the policy provides no standards for other types of existing roads. As noted before, the Administrative Policy contemplates a public/private distinction, as well as a discretionary/ministerial distinction. No standards for these types of existing roads exist in the ordinance or Administrative Policy. Until these deficiencies are remedied to the Board's satisfaction, Sonoma County's ordinance and Administrative Policy is conclusively ineligible for certification. As Sonoma County's responses fail to provide the requested information with sufficient detail, Board staff can only conclude that no such standards exist and recommend to the Board that the ordinance does not meet the certification standard. Additionally, Sonoma County's reliance on the Administrative Policy as setting the exclusive standard for existing roads raises concerns beyond the road width issues. The Fire Safe u',@theperimetersandaccesstoallresidential,commercial,andindustrial buildine construction within state responsibility areas... ." (Emphasis added.) 6 See 14 CCR S 1270.02 which includes the same language in fn5 and includes an exemption for roads that is limited to agricultural, mining, and timber-related operations. 7 See, e.g., AG Opinion No. 92-807 (1993); AG letter to Monterey County Planning Commission (Oct. 25, 2}19',). 6 Regulations set other standards for roads, such as grade, surface requirements, radius, turnouts, turnarounds, and dead end roads. However, the Administrative Policy is silent on those issues, and Sonoma County's responses do not identify what standard, if any, apply for those existing road requirements, and where they can be located in the ordinance or Admi nistrative Policy. ln this respect, Sonoma County's response to Question L.1.3.3 is emblematic. The Board staff posed a direct request seeking specific information: "For convenience and reference, please complete the following table by filling in the specific ordinance section or Administrative Policy section that addresses the specified SRA Fire Safe Regulation." One axis of the referenced table identified (with citations)allof the above-referenced road requirements in the FireSafe Regulations that Sonoma County's ordinance must equal or exceed. Along the other axis, the table identified all of the categories of existing roads referenced in the Administrative Policy. Sonoma County's task was to provide an ordinance or Administrative Policy citation in each box. Board staff believed the table provided the best and simplest opportunity for Sonoma County to provide the information necessary to support certification with respect to requirements for existing roads. Sonoma County's response does not provide any relevant or informative citations. For two columns, Sonoma County cross-referenced six of its other responses to unrelated questions. The County responses did not comply with the call of the question to provide a citation, nor could any relevant citations or standards be discerned from the referenced answers. ln fact, some of the cited responses made no mention of the relevant terms. With respect to the remaining categories of existing road standards (public/private and ministerial/discretionary), Sonoma County referenced provisions of its ordinance that apply to new roads.8 These citations are also unresponsive to the call of the question because 513-25(f) of the ordinance clearly states that existing road standards are governed by the Administrative Policy. ln the last couple of weeks, Sonoma County has advanced a new argument indicating that its adoption of an optional appendix from the California Fire Code satisfies the requirement for establishing road requirement standards that satisfy the Fire Safe Regulations. As Board staff made clear in a prefacing comment to Question 2.2 and subsequent follow up questions, compliance with the California Fire Code does not ensure compliance with the Fire Safe Regulations. Those standards are relevant only to the extent that they equal or exceed the Fire Safe Regulations. The Board staff's follow up questions on this point quoted a number of the appendix standards which Sonoma County revised so that the standard may also be satisfied by compliance "with the Sonoma County Fire Safe Standards or as approved by the fire code official." The reference to the Sonoma County standard is a circular reference to the very 8 lf Sonoma County intends the particular referenced ordinance provisions to apply both to new roads and existing roads, the ordinance and Administrative Policy will require substantial revision. 7 standard that Sonoma County has been unable to identify to Board staff. Additionally, it appears that the fire code official has unfettered discretion to impose any standard - including a lesser standard or no standard at all. Sonoma County's responses do not contradict this reasoning or clarify the requirements. Board staff stand by the position that Sonoma County's adoption of the California Fire Code Appendix is meaningless in connection with establishing that the Sonoma County ordinance and Administrative Policy provide minimum standards that equal or exceed the Fire Safe Regulations' road requirement standards. Again, Sonoma County has had repeated opportunities to identify and provide citations for these standards. Sonoma County repeatedly declines to do so. Until Sonoma County can provide direct and adequate responses to the Board's important questions, the Board has no evidentiary basis to support a decision to certify the Sonoma County ordinance. Sonoma €ountv Ordinance lssue 2: Concurrent civilian evacuation A distinct component of the Fire Safe Regulations that is somewhat related to the road conditions issue is that emergency access requirements must accommodate ingress and egress for emergency vehicles ond concurrent civilian evacuotion. Board members and staff have asked Sonoma County on prior occasions to clarifiT how Sonoma County's ordinance and Administrative Policy satisfy this requ irement. The Administrative Policy states, in an introductory paragraph, that a Fire lnspector will perform an evaluation to "confirm that the proposed development equals or exceeds the below requirements, and the proposed development shall be safely accessed and served in the case of a wildfire, with adequate ingress, egress and the capacity for concurrent evacuation and emergency response." We acknowledge and appreciate that Sonoma County confirms in its responses that the concurrent evacuation standard is an additional standard to equaling or exceeding "the below requirements." However, Sonoma County does not articulate what standards guide the Fire Official in making that determination. The first requirement following that statement in the Administrative Policy highlights the importance of that query. The requirement sets a road width standard for existing private roads at 12-ft plus L-foot of vegetation clearance on both sides. This leads Board staff to question how a l-2-foot road, which falls short of the Fire Safe Regulation road width requirement, could be certified as ensuring concurrent civilian evacuation during a wildfire. Nor does this section of the Administrative Policy provide guidance as to what standards guide the Fire Official in making a subjective determination. Absent clarification - which did not occur in response to the Board staff's questions - the Board is appropriately reluctant in determining that the ordinance and Administrative Policy equal or exceed the Fire Safe Regulations. 8 ln addition, Sonoma County routinely refers Board staff to 55 fg-02 and 13-53, in response to Board staff's concerns about the lack of specific articulable standards in the ordinance and Administrative Policy. Sonoma County's reliance is misplaced, however, as those sections merely confer discretionary authority to require compliance with additional fire safety measures. Critically, permissive authority provides no assurances to the Board that additional requirements will be imposed at the level contemplated by the Fire Safe Regulations. Conclusion ln conclusion, Sonoma County's responses to questions issued by Board staff fail to resolve a number of significant concerns expressed by Board members and staff over the preceding months. The question before the Board at the November 3,2O2O, Board meeting is whether the Sonoma County ordinance equals or exceeds the substantive requirements in the Fire Safe Regulations. At this time, the Sonoma County ordinance and Administrative Policy include requirements that fall short of the Fire Safe Regulations and omit standards that are required as a counterpart to other provisions of the Fire Safe Regulations. Until Sonoma County addresses these infirmities, Board staff lack a basis to recommend, and the Board lacks a legal basis to certify, the ordinance as equaling or exceeding the Fire Safe Regulations. Consistent with our prior communications and correspondence, this letter reflects only the position of Board staff. We wish to be transparent with Sonoma County regarding our ongoing concerns and how we intend to advise the Board in advance of the November Board meeting. Ultimately, the Board will be responsible for making its own assessment on the question of whether the Sonoma County ordinance should be certified as equaling or exceeding the Fire Safe Regulations. Similarly, we respect the right of Sonoma County to disagree with Board staff positions expressed in this letter or the enclosed matrix when the matter is considered by the Board's Joint Committee on November 3,2O2O. Respectfully, Jeff Slaton Senior Board Counsel Board of Forestry and Fire Protection Jeffrev.Slaton @bof.ca.sov I A. Unconstitutional Condition In Dolan, a convenience store owner applied for a permit to expand the store. As a condition of its approval of the project, the city required the owner to dedicate land and to develop a pedestrian and bicycle pathway along an adjacent creek to relieve traffic congestion. The U.S. Supreme Court explained that normally a requirement for a property owner to dedicate private property to the public constitutes a per se taking that requires just compensation. The court further explained that compensation may not be required when a property owner voluntarily seeks approval of a development project, and the dedication is required as a condition of project approval. However, in this case there must be an essential nexus between the dedication requirement and the potential deleterious impacts of the project, and the dedication requirement must be roughly proportional to those impacts. Otherwise, the dedication requirement is extortionate, and constitutes a taking. The Dolan court accepted that the store expansion project would contribute to traffic congestion and that the extension of a pedestrian and bicycle pathway could help alleviate traffic congestion, so that an essential nexus existed between the dedication requirement and the project’s impacts. Nonetheless, the requirement to dedicate land and to develop the pathway was out of all proportion with the project’s likely incremental impact on local traffic congestion. On that basis, the court held that the requirement was an unconstitutional condition. Dolan’s unconstitutional conditions doctrine has not been limited to the requirement to dedicate property to the public. In Koontz v. St. Johns River Water Management District (2013) 570 U.S. 595 (“Koontz”), the Supreme Court applied the doctrine in the context of a condition to provide offsite mitigation or to pay an in-lieu fee. Long before either Dolan or Koontz were decided, the court in Scrutton v. County of Sacramento (1969) 275 Cal.App.2d 412 (“Scrutton”) reached a similar decision in holding that a property owner could not be required to provide offsite mitigation as a condition of approval of a rezoning application. There, as a condition of approval of an application to rezone property for multifamily residential use, the county required the property owner to agree to pave an offsite street. Because any benefit of the street paving to the property owner was greatly outweighed by the benefit to the community at large, the court held that the character of the government’s action was tantamount to a taking of private property without just compensation. Like in Dolan, Koontz, and Scrutton, the requirement here to reengineer Wood Road is out of all proportion with the proposed project’s impacts. Wood Road is an existing road with several existing residences. The appellant’s proposed new home, which will be built to modern fire safety standards, will not create an incrementally significant need for fire service that justifies requiring the applicants to perform the physically and legally impossible and cost prohibitive task of reengineering Wood Road. Also, like in Scrutton, any benefit to the appellant’s property of the road reengineering would be far outweighed by the benefit to the community at large. Accordingly, the requirement is an unconstitutional condition. EXHIBIT P B.Per Se Taking The requirement to reengineer Wood Road would also constitute a per se taking under the United States Supreme Court’s analysis in Lucas. In that case, a South Carolina environmental law effectively prohibited landowners from developing two vacant oceanfront lots because of the potential impacts of development on adjacent public beaches. Because the law deprived the owners of all economically beneficial use of their property, the court held that the law constituted a per se taking in violation of the Fifth Amendment. The same logic applies here. Again, it is not physically, legally, or financially feasible for the appelants to reengineer Wood Road all the way to their property. To impose such a requirement effectively renders their property undevelopable, thereby depriving them of all economically beneficial use of the property. Therefore, these requirements would constitute a per se taking and is unconstitutional as applied to my clients. C. Regulatory Taking Finally, the requirement to reengineer Wood Road would constitute a regulatory taking under the test announced by the court in Penn Central. In that case, the Supreme Court held that a regulation on the use of private property may constitute a taking even if it does not deprive the property of all economically beneficial use if the regulation “goes too far.” The court explained that whether a regulation goes too far depends upon three factors, including: (1) the economic effect on the landowner; (2) the extent of the regulation's interference with investment-backed expectations; and (3) the character of the governmental action. Applying these factors, the court in Avenida San Juan Partnership v. City of San Clemente (2011) 201 Cal.App.4th 1256, held that downzoning a parcel from low density residential to very low density residential constituted a regulatory taking in violation of the Fifth Amendment because new restrictions on the parcel substantially lowered its value and defeated the property owner’s investment- backed expectations of what they could do with their property. Additionally, the parcel was singled out for special zoning regulations because neighboring property owners wanted the land to remain open space for their benefit. In that regard, the downzoning was akin to taking a conservation easement in the property for the benefit of the community and at the expense of the property owner. Thus, the downzoning was in the character of a taking rather than an ordinary exercise of the city’s police power.1 Similarly, here, the cost to reengineer Wood Road would be exorbitant, so that the requirement would have a significant economic effect on the property. The reengineering requirement would also interfere with the appelant’s investment-backed expectations because it would effectively make it impossible to develop their land for a single-family home, which was the purpose for which they acquired the parcel. The character of the requirement would be to 1 Importantly, a regulation may effectuate a regulatory taking even if it offers a potential public safety benefit. The inquiry is not into the legitimacy of the regulation’s purpose, but into its character and effect. See McDougal v. County of Imperial (1991) 942 F.2d 668, 676. impose on them a burden that the community as a whole should bear. Several properties along the adjacent stretch of Wood Road in question have already been developed with single-family homes. Those properties would all benefit from the road work, but none of them would be required to contribute to the cost. Plus, the work would be focused on a public portion of Wood Road. Targeting my clients for special burdens in this manner goes beyond an ordinary exercise of the police power and therefore constitutes an uncompensated regulatory taking in violation of the Fifth Amendment. This Page Intentionally Left Blank 1 of 12 144 Wood Road Site Development and Architectural Approval Timeline -- Subject Property APN 510-47-045 8/26/14 Certificate of compliance approved by the Town via Development Review Committee to legalize the subject property. 10/26/16 Lot line adjustment for the subject property recorded by the Town. 1/3/17 Santa Clara County Fire Department (SCCFD) fire truck turnaround recorded by the Town as part of easement #23549384. May-20 Appelant engages local well-regarded architect who evaluates subject property and also engages the Town to confirm residential build viability. Jun-20 Subject property (APN 510-47-045) is purchased by appealants with intent to obtain approval for and build single-family residence. Jan-21 Appelants submit site development and architectural application (S-21-003). 3/3/21 Building and Engineering departments mark application as complete. 5/19/21 Technical project review meeting held with staff representatives of Town departments, including SCCFD. SCCFD representative provided final technical feedback on features required to receive approval, including contemplation of site access. Project plans were updated accordingly. 6/10/21 Planning department marks application as complete. 6/15/21 SCCFD requests to amend their previous comments to request more water tank capacity, an increase to 20,000 gallon capacity. Appelant agrees and project plans are updated accordingly. 6/22/21 Appelant receives approval for S-21-003 from SCCFD with final conditions of approval, encompassing its review, inclusive of site access. 6/23/21 Appelant is notified that the application S-21-003 was in line for Planning Commission review and public hearing with a tentative date of 7/28/2021. 7/8/21 Notification period of hearing begins. EXHIBIT Q 2 of 12 7/28/21 Formal Planning Commission review and public hearing meeting is held. As part of the Planning staff report, staff recomends approval of the project. Project review is continued to a date certain of August 25, 2021. 8/25/21 Formal Planning Commission review and public hearing meeting is held. Planning Commission approves architectural and site development application S-21-003 and delivers final conditions of approval to obtain building permits for the project. 9/9/21 Appelant is notifed by the Town that the appeal period has closed and no appeal was filed, confirming Planning Commission approval. 9/13/21 Appelant receives letter from the Town stating that the project had been approved by the Planning Commission and final conditions of approval had been rendered. 10/5/21 Appelant has documents for grading permit (GR21-354) issuance submitted to the Town. 10/15/21 Appelant's documents for building permit issuance for retaining walls supporting new driveway and pad for water tanks are receieved by the Town (B21-1015). 10/28/21 Town communicates to appelant that grading permit (GR21-354) review is nearly complete with need to only confirm owner, applicant and contractor information, address minor comments, and pay remainder of grading fees. No notations regarding site access are mentioned. 12/16/21 Appelant has construction documents for issuance of single-family home building permit (B22-0025) submitted to the Town. 1/10/22 Application B22-0025 is noted as complete and ready for review by Town departments. 2/3/22 Application B22-0025 is noted as denied by SCCFD. 2/8/22 Appealants deliver deed restrictions to Town per requests, unaware of denial at this point. Planning is also unaware at this point. 3 of 12 3/10/22 Appealants notified by architect of SCCFD issues noted in review of grading permit (GR21-354). At this point appelants had not directly heard about this issue from any other sources. Additional inquiry reveals that issues will also block building permit B22-0025. Additional inquiry also reveals that there is a proposed amendment to PRC 4290 implementation that would absolve existing roads. Inquiries reveal that most counties were waiting on proposed amendments and taking time for interpretation before proceeding with a forma of implementation. 5/17/22 Civil engineer informs appealants that the proposed amendments were being amended in a manner that makes implementation of PRC 4290 with respect to existing roads less clear. 5/18/22 Civil engineer informs appealants that her interpretation of the SCCFD disapproval letter from 2/3/2022 is that she believes that it (SCCFD) was requsting a full blown road study/design of Wood Road (public roadway). 5/19/22 Appelant raises concerns with civil engineer for feedback related to altering conditions of approval after final conditions of approval have been issued. 5/19/22 Appealant agrees with civil engineer to resubmit, due to lack of clarity from SCCFD. 5/19/22 Appelant notes to civil engineer and architect that an attempt to alter final conditions of approval after final conditions of approval have been issued is problematic for the Town. 5/26/22 Appelant meets with Planning at the Town's offices to understand what is known regarding the application of PRC 4290. Planning notes that there is lack of clarity regarding the application of PRC 4290 and makes the suggestion that Appelant reach out to SCCFD and offers to help with the process. 5/26/22 Planning provides contact information for SCCFD representative. 5/26/22 Appelant sends communication to SCCFD representative related to building permit application (B22- 0025) noting that the new conditions introduced were not part of the final conditions of approval. Appelant requests a meeting to achieve clarity. 4 of 12 5/27/22 Appelant inquires of Planning to review information related to subdivision application M-14-003, which was approved by the DRC on August 26, 2014. Planning agrees to meet at noon PT on June 23, 2022 to review information. 6/7/22 Appelant sends follow up communication to SCCFD representative requesting a meeting. 6/16/22 SCCFD, Planning and appelants have a meeting to discuss notations on building permit application (B22-0025). SCCFD representatives note that they are not yet completely clear on how the requirements apply to the project and how appelants might be able to address compliance with the new proposed conditions of approval. SCCFD representative suggests that appelants look at whether their zoning HR-5 might allow for them to meet the dead-end length requirement. SCCFD suggests openess to considering the segment of Wood Road from intersection of South Santa Cruz Ave and Wood Road up to subject property driveway. SCCFD representative suggests that appelants conduct a road survey to see if we comply and notes that SCCFD can help by providing data that they've received on other projects. 6/16/22 Appelants resubmit building permit request (B22-0025) for review doing the best they can to address questions from SCCFD. 6/17/22 Town contacts appellant noting that building permit B21-1015 for retaining walls for driveway and water tanks pad (B21-1015) has been approved and noted as: "ready to issue". Appelant notes that the expiration on the B21-1015 application is 12/13/2022 if it is not issued. Appelant notes concern with having the B21-1015 permit issued, because the time window to permit vesting would begin and there is no clarity on addressing SCCFD issues. 6/20/22 Appelant sends a communication to SCCFD representatives informing them of SCCFD's approval on June 22, 2021 of appelant's site development and architectural plans inclusive of site access, which align with appelant's final conditions of approval. Appelant raises concerns that final conditions of approval should not be altered. 5 of 12 6/22/22 SCCFD representative responds to communication from 6/20/2022 referring to 4290's application applying for building permits, but does not consider that in Los Gatos the application for approval of a site and architectural design is part of the building permit process and intimately linked. 6/27/22 Appelant receives notification of SCCFD rejection of resubmittal of building permit request (B22- 0025) submitted 6/16/2022. 6/28/22 A second SCCFD represenative responds to communication from 6/20/2022 with a similar response as other SCCFD representative, but also not considering that the application for approval of a site development and architectural plan is part of the building permit process and intimately linked. 6/28/22 Appelant sends the following response to SCCFD represntatives: "Thank you both for the replies. We really appreciate it, particularly as you are both very busy professionals. Further, I understand that these items are not for you to interpret, but rather to enforce. I will note that it's both inconsistent and spurious to have a rigorous site architectural planning and approval process with conditions of approval in hand, submit in a timely fashion building permits that meet those requirements and then subsequently face arbitrary application of regulation to a public road. As you can imagine, we've incurred substantial costs from the time of our approval to the submission of the building permits, which is dismaying. Forgive my candor... We are in the process of retaining (at our cost) a third party civil engineer to survey the public road leading to our parcel. I believe you were going to see if you provide some direction as to what could be suitable for the evaluation of the road. If you have anything that could be helpful, we would appreciate it. We look forward to re-connecting after the survey work has been completed. Thanks again for the help!" 6 of 12 July - August 2022 Appelant takes signifcant steps to have full road survey completed at personal cost. 7/22/22 Appelant sends communication to SCCFD representatives updating them that the road survey is nearly complete and appelant would like to review it with them for feedback. 8/4/22 Appelant sends a follow up communication to SCCFD representatives requesting a meeting to discuss the road survey. 8/4/22 Appelant sends a communication to Planning asserting that introducing new conditions of approval represents an attempt to alter final conditions of approval and appelant would like this addressed. Early August 2022 Planning reaches appelant via phone. Notes that Planning is starting to become aware of the impact PRC 4290 is having on applicants and notes that Planning is looking into it. 8/18/22 Appelant sends topographical road survey to civil engineer for consideration -- she responds: "the road up to our driveaway is more or less compliant". 8/19/22 Responding to communications from 7/22/22 and 8/4/22, representative from SCCFD responds to set a a follow up meeting. 8/22/22 Appelant sends topographical road survey to SCCFD and Planning for discussion at future meeting. 8/22/22 Appelant sends topographical road survey is to architect. 8/30/22 Appelant sends follow up communication to SCCFD represenatives requesting a meeting to discuss topographical road survey. 8/30/22 Appelant shares draft letter to Town sharing concerns regarding entire situation with architect. 7 of 12 9/1/22 Appelants meet with SCCFD representatives and Planning regarding topographical road survey results. SCCFD representatives note that the .dwg file cannot be read by them, but seem pleased with the .ppt file that includes raw data. SCCFD representatives encourage appelants to resubmit request for building permit B22-0025 with survey information and notes if not approved than appelants should follow up with an AMMR (exception) request. SCCFD representative follows up immediately after meeting with a link to the AMMR application for exception request. 9/1/22 Appelant communicates with Planning requesting clarification for SCCFD that subject poperty has a zoning designation of HR-5, which has implications related PRC 4290 road length compliance. Planning responds noting that a conversation with a SCCFD representative occurred that day and the zoning designation had been clarified. 9/7/22 Appelants communicate with architecture team regarding resubmittal of building permit request B22-0025, pulling together a comprehensive package with the topographical road survey and supporting documentation. 9/8/22 Appelant has building permit request B22-0025 resubmitted with plans for review with full analysis of Wood Road (public roadway) based on 9/1/2022 discussion with SCCFD. 9/8/22 Appelant sends communication to SCCFD representatives noting that they have resubmitted their building permit B22-025 request based on their input with full analysis regarding Wood Road, the underlying bases of the resubmittal was discussed with them on 9/1/2022. 9/8/22 SCCFD representative replies to appelant communication from 9/8/22 that he has more "follow up research" that he needs to conduct. 9/8/22 Appelant sends communication to architect to update him on status commentating that appelant is not sure what the follow-up research consists of. 9/20/22 Appelant follows up with SCCFD representative regarding follow up research to clarify whether it has been completed. 8 of 12 9/23/22 SCCFD representative responds to communication from 9/20/22 noting that SCCFD was trying to interpret a component of the PRC 4290 regulations that deal with zoning and roadway length and that they "still have some hurdles to navigate for your project". SCCFD representative notes that SCCFD will follow up with appelant. 9/26/22 Appelant responds to SCCFD representative communication from 9/23/22 noting that appelant is unclear on "how such clear language regarding zoning, which has been confirmed by the Town can be overlooked". 10/6/22 Appelant sends follow up inquiry to SCCFD representatives. Appelant notes that all Town disciplines have approved building permit B22-025 after comparing the submission against the final conditions of approval and notes that appelant is looking forward to SCCFD's response. 10/6/22 SCCFD responds to appelant noting that SCCFD will make a site visit on that day to be able to develop a complete picture of the project. 10/18/22 Appelant sends follow up communication to SCCFD representatives inquiring on feedback coming out of site visit and direction on next steps. 10/19/22 SCCFD representative responds to appelant that he is coordinating a call with Cal Fire to interpret a component of the PRC 4290 regulations that deal with zoning and roadway length. 10/19/22 Appelant sends communication to SCCFD representatives noting appelant's own research based on a detailed, public review that Napa County planning hosted to discuss how it was intending to interpret and eventually implement PRC 4290. Appelant notes that Napa County planning will interpret this component of PRC 4290 as relating to parcel zoning in terms of dictating dead-end road length. SCCFD representative requests Napa planning information for follow up. Appelant provides Napa County planning contact information and provides additional background regarding the manner in which the PRC 4290 regulations are being intepreted and implemented, which is significantly different than Santa Clara County. 9 of 12 10/21/22 SCCFD representative sends a communication to appelants noting that SCCFD will support the "zoned for language" that SCCFD representative first highlighted for the appelants during their 6/16/2022 meeting. SCCFD representative mentions "other concerns around slope and turnaround". 10/21/22 Appelant responds to the communication that the comment regarding the turnaround is "a little suprising" and appelant requests clarification. 10/24/22 Appelants meet with SCCFD representatives to discuss building permit package B22-025 and what is included. Meeting participants discuss the road survey analysis first sent on 8/22/22 and other aspects of the project. Appelants leave the meeting believing that they have addressed the practical issues related to PRC 4290 first raised in February 2022. 10/26/22 SCCFD representative communicates with appelants and Planning, suggesting that SCCFD still has issues with road grades and turnarounds and that appealants should address those issues via an exception (AMMR) request. This is surprising to appealants as it sounded as though they might be able to address these issues from a practical standpoint with the submission made on 9/8/2022. SCCFD representative further notes that he will have an fire apparatus sent to the site for a test drive and that he will follow up after he meets with the engine company on site . 10/27/22 Appelant sends documentation from lot line adjustment and convenant of easement (#23549384) recorded in January of 2017, which documents a SCCFD fire truck turnaround at the terminus of Wood Road. SCCFD representative seems pleased with this information and how it could support our application. 10/27/22 Appelant has seven-page letter sent to the Town voicing concerns related to the response to their building permit request (B22-0025). 10/31/22 Appelant sends communication to SCCFD representatives requesting whether a date for the fire apparatus test drive can be provided. 10 of 12 11/3/22 SCCFD representatives send appelants and Planning a communication indicating that they believe the building permit request (B22-0025) is on a path to resolution. The note also confirms that SCCFD representatives have coordinated a site visit with the engine company for 11/4/22. 11/3/22 Appelant responds to SCCFD representative with support and offers to help with facilitation. 11/4/22 SCCFD conducts fire apparatus drive through. Appelant attends to observe. Neighbors also observe. Drive through is conducted without issue. Appelant speaks with fire fighters conducting the drive through and they note that navigating the road is not an issue. The fire apparatus makes a successful turnaround in the the SCCFD turnaround from easement #23549384, recorded on January 3, 2017. 11/7/22 Appelant sends a communication to SCCFD representative noting that the fire apparatus trip was successful and inquiring on next steps. 11/15/22 Appelant sends a follow up communication to SCCFD representatives. 11/16/22 SCCFD informs appelant that an exception (AMMR) request is required. 11/16/22 Appelant begins working on exception (AMMR) request with architect team and civil engineer based on feedback from SCCFD represntative. 11/30/22 On behalf of appelant, architect submits draft exception (AMMR) request for preliminary review and receives guidance on draft from SCCFD representative with an inquiry regarding a full road profile to help visualize the slopes along the entire road. At this point, it is not clear to appelant what intervals of slope to provide or that the road survey with raw data first provided on 8/22/22 is insufficient. 12/2/22 Appelant inquires of civil engineer regarding submission of an extension request for building permit B21-1015 due to pending expiration on 12/13/2022. Appelant remains hesitant to have the permit issued, because the time window to permit vesting would begin and there remains no clarity on addressing SCCFD issues. 11 of 12 12/5/22 Appelant sends updated electronic exception request with three-page letter, providing substantial information on Wood Road (public roadway) along with the full topographic road survey with raw data, discussion of the SCCFD fire truck turnaround (easement #23549384), noting addition of a fire truck turnout at the subject property driveway entrance as well as other substantial elements introduced in the site development and architectural plans to improve fire safety on the vacant subject parcel. 12/9/22 SCCFD representative requests that appelant send the updated exception request for formal review. 12/12/22 Signed physical documents (exception request) are provided to SCCFD. 12/16/22 Appelant follows up on status and SCCFD representative states that he doesn't see the exception request in the system and mentions there are fees owed for the exception request review. SCCFD representative notes that he will review the application with his supervisor. Appelant confirms that the documents were provided on 12/12/2022. SCCFD representative confirms receipt of the documents. 12/16/22 Appelant submits and pays fees associated with an extension request for building permit B21-1015, due to unresolved SSCFD issues. Aa 180-day extension from the date of expiration is provided. 1/3/23 Appelant sends a communication to Planning noting that appelants have not received resolution to our building permit submission and that his final conditions of approval confirmed on September 13, 2021 are being altered significantly and that he has not received a response to concerns sent in letter form on 10/27/2022. 1/18/23 SCCFD sends a communication addressed to architect, appelant and Planning noting that the exception request has been denied citing road grade and turnarounds. 12 of 12 1/19/23 Meeting occurs with Planning. Planning suggests that the path forward for appelants is to appeal denial of exception request from SCCFD to planning commision. Appelants suggest that alteration of final conditions of approval after Planning Commission approval is a violation of permit streamlining and a violation of Town guidelines. Appelants agree to pursue a parallel track, preparing an appeal to the denial of the exception request while asking the Town to evaluate concerns raised. 12/02/2022 Santa Clara County Fire Department Exception Request for Building Permit B22-0025 Property: 144 Wood Road, Los Gatos, CA 95030 Dear Sir / Madam: This exception request application is per 14 California Code of Regulations (CCR) 1270.06 relative to building permit B22-0225. This building permit submitted December 8, 2021 is for the construction of a single family residence. In plan review comments dated February 3, 2022, June 27, 2022 and November 30, 2022 (attached) Santa Clara County Fire Department (SCCFD) noted that the application should satisfy requirements pursuant to California Public Resources Code (PRC) 4290. Specifically, in the most recent plan review comments dated November 30, 2022 SCCFD noted that requirements related to PRC 4290 should be addressed in the following areas: • Grades • Radius • Turnaround Through consistent communication with representatives from SCCFD, the applicants believe that they have sufficiently addressed the requests for information related to code requirements with the exception to requirements related to these three areas. As such, the exception request reviews potential deficiencies related to the grades, radius and turnaround requirements and presents and defines mitigating measures. Grades In its plan review letter dated November 30, 2022 SCCFD noted under point number four that: “(a) At no point shall the grade for all roads and driveways exceed 16 percent. (b) The grade may exceed 16%, not to exceed 20%, with approval from the local authority having jurisdiction and with mitigations to provide for same practical effect.” Based on feedback from SCCFD representatives, the applicants had a third party professional surveying firm conduct a comprehensive topographic survey of Wood Road leading from Santa Cruz Avenue to the subject property. The survey (attached) shows that the distance from the intersection of Wood Road and South Santa Cruz Avenue is approximated at 1,737 feet. The average grade across the 1,737 feet is 14.97% and more than 65% of Wood Road has a grade below 15 percent. There are, however, segments of road with grades up to 19%. Dividing the road into seven different segments (or sections) with straight paths shows the following, beginning from South Santa Cruz Avenue: • Section 1: 170 feet in length with 10.00 percent grade • Section 2: 412 feet in length with 12.14 percent grade • Section 3: 220 feet in length with 19.09% grade • Section 4: 240 feet in length with 12.92% grade • Section 5: 210 feet in length with 19.05% grade • Section 6: 175 feet in length with 19.43% grade • Section 7: 310 feet in length with 14.85% grade Reviewing the section analysis shows that three of the sections exceed the 16 percent stipulated in the requirement, however do not exceed 20 percent. Re-engineering the road to get these sections of road below 16% is not feasible due to significant topographical constraints. Reducing the grade would require lengthening the road and with significant geological mass on either side of the road in these sections, it is not feasible to create additional curvature in the road such that road lengthening and associated grade reduction might be achieved. Additionally, introduction of additional curvature to the road would result in tighter radii and create a new conflict with the stated requirements. Additional curvature would also make it more difficult for fire apparatus navigation. As such, mitigating measures have been evaluated to support acceptance of road grades in excess of 16 percent across certain sections of Wood Road. In the proposed (final) State Minimum Fire Safe Regulations (https://bof.fire.ca.gov/regulations/proposed-rule-packages/), section 1273.04 notes that for roads with grades of 16 to 20 percent that they satisfy the requirement if they have been treated to prevent slippage and highlights paving as a mitigating factor. Wood Road has incorporated paving from South Santa Cruz Avenue up to the property in question, which serves as a mitigating factor for the sections evaluated as more than 16 percent grade. We have also included a SCCFD approved turnout at our proposed new driveway entrance and the applicants will not install a driveway gate, so there will be no obstructions for the turnout (attached). Permit plans have been revised to indicate that no gate shall be installed in the driveway. The turnout serves as additional mitigation to the grade, as it is designed to allow fire apparatuses to more easily navigate the road. Radius In its plan review letter dated November 30, 2022, SCCFD noted under point number five that: (a) No road or road structure shall have a horizontal inside radius of curvature of less than fifty (50) feet. An additional surface width of four (4) feet shall be added to curves of 50-100 feet radius; two (2) feet to those from 100-200 feet. As part of the previously referenced third party professional survey, radii along Wood Road from South Santa Cruz Avenue to the subject property were assessed. The radii demonstrate broad compliance with requirement as noted below by segment (or section) and depicted in the attached survey: • Section 2: Radius of 188.2 with additional two feet surface width • Section 3: Radius of 60.3 with additional four feet surface width • Section 4: Radius of 114.6 with additional two feet surface width • Section 4: Radius of 59.1 with additional four feet surface width • Section 5: Radius of 54.4 with additional four feet surface width • Section 5: Radius of 101.1 with additional two feet surface width • Section 7: Radius of 179.0 with additional two feet surface width These are the primary radii along the stretch of road that fire apparatuses would need to navigate for site access and each demonstrates compliance with the radius requirements. There is one more radius that appears at the initial access / entrance to Wood Road from South Santa Cruz Avenue. This radius measures 36.7 feet, which is below the 50 feet requirement. Re-engineering this section of road (section 1) to increase the radius to 50 feet is not feasible due to significant constraints. The entrance to the road would need to be pushed out in the Northeast direction, into significant topography and geological mass, which is not feasible. The push out would also disrupt sidewalks, trees and electrical systems that are in place. The road push out would require significant disruption to private lands, which is not feasible for the applicants. It would also require re- engineering of South Santa Cruz Avenue at the connecting point. Mitigating measures have been evaluated and the width of Wood Road leading into the radius in question provides significant mitigation. The width of Wood Road leading into the radius junction measures over 30 feet, providing significant space for navigation. Practical evaluation (discussed further below) demonstrated confirmation of ability for successful navigation of a fire apparatus. Turnaround There is a SCCFD turnaround at the driveway of 138 Wood Road that is listed in a recorded easement #23549384, recorded January 3, 2017 (attached), which provides another point that enables fire apparatuses to circumnavigate the road and serves as a mitigating factor. As a practical evaluation of current road conditions, SCCFD had a fire apparatus drive up and down Wood Road and turn around at the terminus. The apparatus was able to navigate the entire road segments successfully. The applicants have dutifully responded to all inquiries regarding its building permit submission and believe they should be granted an exception based on the cited mitigations. We appreciate the consideration. This Page Intentionally Left Blank BLDG PERMIT No. 467022 B22-0025 PLAN REVIEW No. PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS Plans and Scope of Review: This project shall comply with the following: The California Fire (CFC) & Building (CBC) Code, 2019 edition, as adopted by the Town of Los Gatos Town Code (LGTC), California Code of Regulations (CCR) and Health & Safety Code. The scope of this project includes the following : Request for Exception to Fire Safe Regulations applicable to a proposed new 7,207 SF three-story single-family residence with attached garage. Plan Status: The proposed request for exception is DENIED. If conditions exist that rectify the findings herein, a revised request for exception may be submitted for consideration. Otherwise, the process to appeal the decision may be pursued, per 14 CCR § 1270.06 (c), in coordination with the Town of Los Gatos appeal process. Plan Review Comments: Discussion: The subject parcel is located within the Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone of the Local Responsibility Area (LRA), and is subject to the requirements of the Fire Safe Regulations, per 14 CCR § 1270.02. The primary findings, for which the subject project is deemed noncompliant, regard road grade, turning radius and fire apparatus turnaround. The proposed mitigation to the grade deficiency included a presentation of average road grades and lengths. Upon receipt of the civil engineering road profile, the grade summary was shown to misrepresent existing grades. Proposed mitigations for excessive road grades include a turnout at the driveway entrance to the subject property. Additionally, Santa Clara County Fire Department conducted a fire apparatus site visit to evaluate access concerns. It should be noted that a successful apparatus site visit does not mitigate legal requirements for compliance with stated regulations. Note: Comments include reference section text from California Code of Regulations, Title 14. 14 CCR § 1273.00. Intent. Roads and driveways, whether public or private, unless exempted under 14 CCR § 1270.02(d), shall provide for safe access for emergency wildfire equipment and civilian evacuation concurrently, and shall provide unobstructed traffic circulation during a wildfire emergency consistent with 14 CCR §§ 1273.00 through 1273.09. City Y E PLANS Y E SPECS Y E NEW Y E RMDL CONST. TYPE BY PAGE SEC/FLOOR R-3/U OCCUPANCY LOAD 7207 AREA Kohlsaat & Associates ApplicantName NEW SFR NAME OF PROJECT LOCATION Y E AS 4OF1VB DATE 1/18/2023LGA Campbell, Rob PROJECT DESCRIPTION Residential Construction TABULAR FIRE FLOW REDUCTION FOR FIRE SPRINKLERS REQUIRED FIRE FLOW @ 20 PSI 2250 50%1125 PROJECT TYPE OR SYSTEM Exception Request - PRC-4290 Wood Road144 Los Gatos EXHIBIT S BLDG PERMIT No. 467022 B22-0025 PLAN REVIEW No. PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS 1.The application states that the average grade across the 1,737 feet is 14.97% and more than 65% of Wood Road has a grade below 15%. An engineering road profile, received 1/6/2023, reflects the following rough grade and road length approximations: 37% (~670 ft.) of road length is less than 16% grade 62% (~1,100 ft.) of road length exceeds 16% grade (length includes those over 20%) 21% (~370 ft.) of road length exceeds 20% grade The road profile data is inconsistent with application data and show road grades exceeding 20%. The road lengths over 15% grade exceed the accepted length of 300 feet between 15% grade sections, as noted within the SCCFD SD-1 standard. The exception request provides mitigation in the form of a road turnout, at the project entrance. This application has misrepresented existing road grades and provides no mitigation for excessive slopes occurring before the project site. 14 CCR § 1273.03. Grades (a) At no point shall the grade for all roads and driveways exceed 16 percent. (b) The grade may exceed 16%, not to exceed 20%, with approval from the local authority having jurisdiction and with mitigations to provide for same practical effect. SCCFD SD-1 III. Grade NOTE: When approved by the Fire Code official, grades up to 20% may be allowed. In no case shall the portion of driveway exceeding 15% gradient be longer than 300- feet in length. For longer driveways, there shall be at least 100-feet of driveway at 15% or less gradient between each 300-foot section that exceeds 15%. 2.The subject road terminate at a dead-end. However, the subject parcel is zoned as HR5, allowing for maximum dwelling density of one per 5 acres. The subject parcel is less than 2,640 feet from the road beginning at S. Santa Cruz Avenue and complies with this provision. 14 CCR § 1273.01 § 1273.08 § Dead-end Roads (a) The maximum length of a dead-end road, including all dead-end roads accessed from that dead-end road, shall not exceed the following cumulative lengths, regardless of the number of parcels served: - parcels zoned for 5 acres to 19.99 acres - 2,640 feet All lengths shall be measured from the edge of the road surface at the intersection that begins the road to the end of the road surface at its farthest point. Where a dead-end road crosses areas of differing zoned parcel sizes requiring different length limits, the shortest allowable length shall apply. City Y E PLANS Y E SPECS Y E NEW Y E RMDL CONST. TYPE BY PAGE SEC/FLOOR R-3/U OCCUPANCY LOAD 7207 AREA Kohlsaat & Associates ApplicantName NEW SFR NAME OF PROJECT LOCATION Y E AS 4OF2VB DATE 1/18/2023LGA Campbell, Rob PROJECT DESCRIPTION Residential Construction TABULAR FIRE FLOW REDUCTION FOR FIRE SPRINKLERS REQUIRED FIRE FLOW @ 20 PSI 2250 50%1125 PROJECT TYPE OR SYSTEM Exception Request - PRC-4290 Wood Road144 Los Gatos BLDG PERMIT No. 467022 B22-0025 PLAN REVIEW No. PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS 3.The application demonstrates that an existing, approved and recorded turnaround is located at the terminus of Wood Road. A compliant turnaround is also part of the project plans. Subsequent to validating the 5 acre zone designation, 14 CCR 1273.05 was determined applicable, therefore requiring additional space for turnaround at maximum 1,320 foot road intervals. 14 CCR § 1273.05. Turnarounds (d) Each dead-end road shall have a turnaround constructed at its terminus. Where parcels are zoned five (5) acres or larger, turnarounds shall be provided at a maximum of 1,320 foot intervals. Relevant definitions per 14 CCR § 1271.00 Defensible space: The area within the perimeter of a parcel, development, neighborhood or community where basic wildland fire protection practices and measures are implemented, providing the key point of defense from an approaching wildfire or defense against encroaching wildfires or escaping structure fires. The perimeter as used in this regulation is the area encompassing the parcel or parcels proposed for construction and/or development, excluding the physical structure itself. The area is characterized by the establishment and maintenance of emergency vehicle access, emergency water reserves, road names and building identification, and fuel modification measures. Dead-end road: A road that has only one point of vehicular ingress/egress, including cul-de-sacs and looped roads. Distance Measurements: All specified or referenced distances are measured along the ground, unless otherwise stated. Exception: An alternative to the specified standard requested by the applicant that may be necessary due to health, safety, environmental conditions, physical site limitations or other limiting conditions, such as recorded historical sites, that provides mitigation of the problem. Hammerhead/T: A road or driveway that provides a “T” shaped, three-point turnaround space for emergency equipment, being no narrower than the road that serves it. City Y E PLANS Y E SPECS Y E NEW Y E RMDL CONST. TYPE BY PAGE SEC/FLOOR R-3/U OCCUPANCY LOAD 7207 AREA Kohlsaat & Associates ApplicantName NEW SFR NAME OF PROJECT LOCATION Y E AS 4OF3VB DATE 1/18/2023LGA Campbell, Rob PROJECT DESCRIPTION Residential Construction TABULAR FIRE FLOW REDUCTION FOR FIRE SPRINKLERS REQUIRED FIRE FLOW @ 20 PSI 2250 50%1125 PROJECT TYPE OR SYSTEM Exception Request - PRC-4290 Wood Road144 Los Gatos BLDG PERMIT No. 467022 B22-0025 PLAN REVIEW No. PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS Road: Vehicular access to more than two (2) parcels; more than four (4) residential units; or access to any industrial or commercial occupancy. Includes public and private streets and lanes. Same Practical Effect: As used in this subchapter, means an exception or alternative with the capability of applying accepted wildland fire suppression strategies and tactics, and provisions for fire fighter safety, including: (a) access for emergency wildland fire equipment, (b) safe civilian evacuation, (c) signing that avoids delays in emergency equipment response, (d) available and accessible water to effectively attack wildfire or defend a structure from wildfire, and (e) fuel modification sufficient for civilian and fire fighter safety. Turnaround: A road or driveway, unobstructed by parking, which allows for a safe opposite change of direction for emergency equipment. Design of such area may be a hammerhead/T or terminus bulb. This review shall not be construed to be an approval of a violation of the provisions of the California Fire Code or of other laws or regulations of the jurisdiction.  A permit presuming to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of the fire code or other such laws or regulations shall not be valid.  Any addition to or alteration of approved construction documents shall be approved in advance. [CFC, Ch.1, 105.3.6] City Y E PLANS Y E SPECS Y E NEW Y E RMDL CONST. TYPE BY PAGE SEC/FLOOR R-3/U OCCUPANCY LOAD 7207 AREA Kohlsaat & Associates ApplicantName NEW SFR NAME OF PROJECT LOCATION Y E AS 4OF4VB DATE 1/18/2023LGA Campbell, Rob PROJECT DESCRIPTION Residential Construction TABULAR FIRE FLOW REDUCTION FOR FIRE SPRINKLERS REQUIRED FIRE FLOW @ 20 PSI 2250 50%1125 PROJECT TYPE OR SYSTEM Exception Request - PRC-4290 Wood Road144 Los Gatos 1 Planning Department January 30, 2023 Community Development Department, Town of Los Gatos 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 Re: The Bouknight Residence, 144 Wood Road Letter of Justification To Whom it May Concern: On behalf of my family, I am pleased to present this letter of justification in support of our appeal of the exception denial issued by the Santa Clara County Fire Department (SCCFD) on January 18, 2023. BACKGROUND ON PUBLIC RESOURCES CODE SECTION 4290 (PRC 4290) The State of California enacted PRC 4290 in 1987, requiring the Board of Forestry to adopt regulations implementing minimum fire safety standards related to defensible space in the State Responsibility Area (SRA). They were first adopted in 1991. The regulations relate to: •Road standards for fire equipment access •Standards for signs identifying streets, roads and buildings •Minimum private water supply reserves for emergency fire use •Fuel breaks and greenbelts In 2018 the State amended PRC 4290 directing the Board of Forestry to increase the scope of the regulations to all lands within designated Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zones (VHFHSZ). The majority of Santa Clara County, including Los Gatos is designated within the SRA or the VHFHSZ and therefore prone to interpretations of how to implement PRC 4290. Approximately 80 percent of unincorporated Santa Clara County has been noted to be within the SRA or VHFHSZ and nearly 70 percent of the Town of Los Gatos lies within the VHFHSZ. Article 2. Emergency Access and Egress (Section 1273) is the relevant article for residential property owners. Article 2 intends to provide for safe access for emergency fire equipment and provide for unobstructed traffic circulation. EXHIBIT T 2 There are seven (7) standards listed as sub-sections in Article 2, including: 1. Road width standard 2. Roadway surface standard 3. Grades standard 4. Radius standard 5. Turnaround standard 6. Turnout standard 7. Dead-end roads standard In a memorandum from the Office of the County Counsel in the County of Santa Clara dated September 26, 2022 (Exhibit 4o – Written Description of Project), Office Counsel notes on page 5 that: “A significant percentage of development applications in unincorporated Santa Clara County are served by public (County-maintained) and private roads that do not meet one or more of the requirements in the Regulations. The most common deficiencies are failure to meet 20-foot minimum width, and exceedance of the maximum length for dead-end roads. This has stalled many project applications while the County waited for the Board of Forestry to amend the Regulations to provide some relief for single-family residences and other small-scale developments.” The same commentary applies to the Town of Los Gatos – a significant percentage of the public and private access roads do not meet all of the standards, particularly if interpreted under the most restrictive lens. One can easily assume that there are thousands of current and prospective homes in the Town with access roads that do not meet every letter of the seven (7) standards covered in the subsections. Due to their unwieldiness, lack of clarity, lack of practicality and potential for frequent conflict with other State or Federal regulations, the PRC 4290 regulations enacted in 1987, have been under review for amendment by the Board of Forestry for several months. Most counties have either waited for clarity around the amendments to begin implementation or have coordinated through their Planning organizations to introduce common-sense interpretations of the standards in ways that do not broadly prohibit small-scale, residential development on existing legal lots along existing roads. In our particular case, our parcel is an existing legal lot along an existing (public) roadway with approvals of site access, site development, and home construction just one month before requesting a grading permit and three months before requesting a building permit. We were denied both permits based on these standards without any warning, which reflects a proposed alteration of our final conditions of approval. Our concerns related to this have been noted at length in the Written Description of Project. In a letter dated November 16, 2021, directed to the Board of Forestry, the County of Santa Clara’s Department of Planning and Development notes its significant concerns with the way in 3 which PRC 4290 has been implemented within the County (Exhibit 4n). In its letter, the department highlights the challenges with relying on an exception process, because those exceptions are routinely denied by CAL Fire. The letter notes: “While there is an exception process set forth in § 1270.06, and our County has adopted a process to hear appeals of CAL Fire’s exception decisions, this has not provided relief to applicants at this time. The phrase limiting approval of these requests to ‘where the exceptions provide the same practical effect’ severely limits the ability to grant exceptions from the access and egress standards. For example, it is difficult to come up with any alternate method to reducing the length of a dead-end road short of constructing an entirely new loop road or other access connection.” Concerns with the effectiveness of the exception process and the County’s decision to move away from it has also been noted in the Written Description of Project as noted in sections of Exhibit 4o. WOOD ROAD ASSESSMENT RELATIVE TO SECTION 1273 (EMERGENCY ACCESS AND EGRESS) As covered in the Written Description of Project, we have spent significant time and effort working in concert with SCCFD to assess Wood Road relative to section 1273 (Exhibit 4q – Written Description of Project). Through this process of engagement, SCCFD has found Wood Road to be acceptable with respect to five (5) of the seven (7) standards, including: (1) Road width standard (2) Roadway surface standard (4) Radius standard (6) Turnout standard (7) Dead-end road standard There are two (2) of the seven (7) standards that did not meet point-by-point alignment: (3) Grades standard (5) Turnaround standard For both of these two standards, there are clear justifications to support our appeal. Grades Standard Assessment – 1273.03 The grade standard states that (a) At no point shall the grade for all roads and driveways exceed 16 percent and (b) The grade may exceed 16%, not to exceed 20% with approval from the local authority having jurisdiction and with mitigations to provide for same practical effect. A topographical road survey (Exhibit 4u) was divided into seven (7) different segments (or sections) with an evaluation of grades across the seven (7) sections from the intersection of Wood Road and South Santa Cruz up to the driveway of the proposed home. Across the combined seven (7) segments, the average road grade was estimated to be 15 percent based 4 on the data in the survey. The segment analysis indicated that there are three sections that exceed 16 percent, with average grades just under 20 percent. Mitigating factors were evaluated to support acceptance of road grades in excess of 16 percent across certain sections of Wood Road. In the proposed (final) State Minimum Fire Safe Regulations (https://bof.fire.ca.gov/regulations/proposed-rule-packages/), section 1273.04 notes that for roads with grades of 16 to 20 percent that they satisfy the requirement if they have been treated to prevent slippage and highlights paving as a mitigating factor. Wood Road has incorporated paving from South Santa Cruz Avenue up to the property in question, which serves as a mitigating factor for the sections evaluated as more than 16 percent grade. SCCFD requested additional grade analysis of Wood Road in the form of a road profile, evaluating grades at tighter intervals (Exhibit 4v). This analysis shows that there are portions of road that go up to 21.8% in grade. The analysis does show that the average grade from the intersection to the driveway of the home is 16%. Turnaround Standard Assessment – 1273.05 The turnaround standard states that (d) Each dead-end road shall have a turnaround constructed at its terminus. Where parcels zoned five (5) acres or larger, turnarounds shall be provided at a maximum of 1,320 foot intervals. There is a SCCFD turnaround at the terminus of Wood Road, approximately 2,450 feet from the South Santa Cruz Avenue and Wood Road intersection. Recorded in easement #23549384 (Exhibit 4c – Written Description of Project), SCCFD is satisfied with this component Part (d) in 1273.05. There is not, however, a full turnaround within a 1,320 foot interval. JUSTIFICATION Justification Based on Current Road Conditions and Proposed Development Attempting to identify point-by-point alignment with these standards make it challenging for nearly any assessment to pass without the notation of misalignment on a given feature. As previously noted, any exception request will likely fail due to inability to incorporate broader perspectives on how the expressed intent of effective ingress / egress has been or can be achieved. While SCCFD has expressed the inability to evaluate submissions beyond point-by-point evaluation due to its definition of “practical effect”, SCCFD has informally expressed support for our appeal. The Planning Commission has a broader mandate to consider overall alignment with the intent of the regulation. 5 Grades – 1273.03 While it is not possible for us to re-engineer Wood Road, road conditions related to grade do achieve the intent of ingress / egress. The average grade of Wood Road from the intersection to the proposed driveway is 16%. There is also a secondary road that appears approximately 920 feet up Wood Road running North/South with a bulbus component that can serve as a turn-in as a fire apparatus makes its way up the road. This feature can provide additional fire apparatus support along the roadway. Turnarounds – 1273.05 Similar to the justification in support of the assessment of grades, there are features of our proposal that allow for alignment with the overall intent of the regulation. Specifically, we have added to our proposal a turnout at the entrance to our driveway, which will be placed at approximately 1,633 feet from the intersection. The turnout provides the fire apparatus with one more option to assist in navigating Wood Road in addition to the on-site fire apparatus turnaround to be constructed at the home site itself. Important to our justification for both 1273.03 and 1273.05 is an operational assessment that could not be considered in a point-by-point assessment. On November 4, 2022 SCCFD had a fire apparatus conduct an operational drive on Wood Road, driving up to and beyond the subject property. The operational drive was conducted without issue. The fire apparatus also demonstrated successfully its ability to conduct a turnaround at the road terminus. Justification Based on On Site Improvements Enacted in 1987, PRC 4290 does not contemplate certain onsite improvements that have been incorporated into our approved site development and architectural plans. These improvements speak directly to the intent of establishing defensible space, which is a core aspect of the regulations. Specifically, on-site improvements that assist with fire safety and establishing defensible space include: • Use of Class A roof assemblies. • Use of materials and construction methods for exterior wildfire exposure in compliance with Section R337 of the 2019 California Residential Code, Public Resources Code 4291 and California Government Code Section 51182. • Provision of defensible space / fire break landscaping plan. This is prepared by a California-licensed Landscape Architect in conformance with California Public Resources Code 4291 and California Government Code Section 51182. • Provision of a letter from a California-licensed Landscape Architect certifying the landscaping and vegetation clearance requirements have been completed per the California Public Resources Code 4291 and Government Code Section 51182. • Automatic residential fire sprinkler system shall be installed. • Creation of an approved fire department engine driveway turnaround with a minimum radius of 36 feet outside and 23 feet inside. 6 • Implementation of a private fire protection system with wharf hydrant accessible at all times. • Installation of water tanks with a capacity for a minimum of 20,000 gallons of water. • Construction of a fire apparatus access driveway with a paved all-weather surface. These elements are all features of our final conditions of approval. The Planning Commission should contemplate these improvements as part of our justification as they substantially improve fire safety in comparison to leaving the parcel vacant with vegetation and these improvements have not been contemplated as part of a point-by-point evaluation of PRC 4290. Justification Based on Conflict with Other State or Federal Regulations Requirements to comply with certain sections of PRC 4290 can frequently conflict with other state and federal laws. In those cases, required compliance with conflicting off-site road improvements is abrogated. In our particular case, strict implementation of sections 1273.03 (Grades) and 1273.05 (Turnarounds) is not feasible and requiring strict compliance with these sections would constitute a taking. Under three different legal doctrines, the requirement to reengineer Wood Road would constitute a taking without just compensation in violation of the Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution. First, the requirement is disproportionate to the impacts of our proposed single-family development project, and therefore violates the essential nexus and rough proportionality test announced by the United States Supreme Court in Dolan v. City of Tigard (1994) 512 U.S. 374 (“Dolan”). Second, the requirement constitutes a per se taking as described by the United States Supreme Court in Lucas v. South Carolina Coastal Council (1992) 505 U.S. 1003 (“Lucas”). Finally, applying the test announced by the United States Supreme Court in Penn Central Transportation Co. v. City of New York (1978) 438 U.S. 104 (“Penn Central”), the requirement constitutes a regulatory taking. Supportive case law examples are included in Exhibit 4p (Written Description of Project). We had a civil engineer familiar with Wood Road and our project evaluate the feasibility of reengineering Wood Road in accordance with 1273.03 and 1273.05. In a letter (Exhibit 4w) dated January 30, 2023, the civil engineer notes that: “Altering your final conditions of approval with imposition of these slope and turnaround requirements would introduce physically impossible requirements.” Regarding cost of reengineering even if feasible, the civil engineer notes: “I cannot accurately or practically estimate how much it would cost to acquire the additional private lands to provide the space or to obtain the easements from the Town for the rights to reconfigure and reconstruct Wood Road given its public features, but I can estimate that the costs to reconfigure and reconstruct the road with the grading, creation of switchback horizontal curves 7 and extension of an additional 198 feet would easily be in the millions of dollars. Cost of land acquisition and negotiation of easements would be in addition to that not to mention having to navigate the disruption to the existing driveways.” The Town simply may not impose off-site improvements that are infeasible. This has been established in multiple recent cases in Santa Clara County (Exhibit 4x) and was the basis of the Town’s approval of site development architecture plan S-21-021 on November 21, 2022. Most importantly, irrespective of precedent and case law, we have put forth comprehensive justification supporting the view that we achieve the spirit of the regulations when road conditions and on-site improvements are evaluated together in concert against a practical assessment of the regulation’s intent. SUMMARY I urge the Planning Commission to accept our request to appeal the exception denial issued by SCCFD. As noted, exception requests feature a point-by-point assessment, whereas when considering the totality of information supplied in our justifications, we clearly align well with the intent of the regulations. More broadly, we do take issue with the alteration of final conditions of approval once rendered. In my humble opinion, this establishes a precedent that takes Planning Commission approvals to a slippery slope of second-guessing and introduces a new level of purgatory without finality. The process is hurdle-filled enough without having to be exposed to what is tantamount to “double jeopardy”. Should the allowance of alteration of final conditions of approval be enacted, we urge the Planning Commission to uphold our appeal request and remove the proposed requirements to strictly adhere to 1273.03 and 1273.05. As noted, in our most recent discussion with SCCFD it has informally expressed support for our appeal and we are thankful for the opportunity to collaborate and finalize this step such that we can receive our building and grading permits. To that end, should the appeal request be granted and our final conditions of approval be altered, we would accept the notation of the other five 1273 subsections: (1) Road width standard (2) Roadway surface standard (4) Radius standard (6) Turnout standard (7) Dead-end road standard SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSTSSSSSSSSSDSDSITESURVEYOR OF RECORDROYEVRUSDNALD ESNECIL tnoPuD.Dodn amrAST ATEOFCALI FOR NIA L.S. 7780Date Signed:08/12/2022UTILITY STATEMENTBENCHMARKREVISIONSBASIS OF COORDINATESPREPARED FORTOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYWOOD ROAD, LOS GATOS, CA 95030SITE INFORMATIONVICINITY MAPLEGENDGRAPHIC SCALEFEETSHEET 5SHEET 4SHEET 3SHEET 2EXHIBIT U SSSDSURVEYOR OF RECORDROYEVRUSDNALD ESNECIL tnoPuD.Dodn amrAST ATEOFCALI FOR NIA L.S. 7780Date Signed:08/12/2022UTILITY STATEMENTBENCHMARKREVISIONSBASIS OF COORDINATESPREPARED FORSITE INFORMATIONTOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYWOOD ROAD, LOS GATOS, CA 95030LEGENDGRAPHIC SCALEFEETSEE SHEET 3 SDSSSURVEYOR OF RECORDROYEVRUSDNALD ESNECIL tnoPuD.Dodn amrAST ATEOFCALI FOR NIA L.S. 7780Date Signed:08/12/2022UTILITY STATEMENTBENCHMARKREVISIONSBASIS OF COORDINATESPREPARED FORSITE INFORMATIONTOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYWOOD ROAD, LOS GATOS, CA 95030LEGENDGRAPHIC SCALEFEETSEE SHEET 2SEE SHEET 4 SDSSSSSSSSSSSURVEYOR OF RECORDUTILITY STATEMENTBENCHMARKREVISIONSBASIS OF COORDINATESPREPARED FORSITE INFORMATIONTOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYWOOD ROAD, LOS GATOS, CA 95030LEGENDGRAPHIC SCALEFEETSEE SHEET 5 SEE SHEET 3ROYEVRUSDNALD ESNECIL tnoPuD.Dodn amrAST ATEOFCALI FOR NI A L.S. 7780Date Signed:08/12/2022 SDSSSSSSTSSSDSURVEYOR OF RECORDROYEVRUSDNALD ESNECIL tnoPuD.Dodn amrAST ATEOFCALI FOR NIA L.S. 7780Date Signed:08/12/2022UTILITY STATEMENTBENCHMARKREVISIONSBASIS OF COORDINATESPREPARED FORSITE INFORMATIONTOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYWOOD ROAD, LOS GATOS, CA 95030LEGENDGRAPHIC SCALEFEETSEE SHEET4 This Page Intentionally Left Blank 1SHEET OF 220053 AS SHOWN TM AM XX AM NOVEMBER 2021DATE: DESIGN: DRAWN: CHECK: ENGR: SCALE: PROJECT NO.: DATEBYREVISIONS GRADING PERMIT APPLICATION NO. GR21-354 WOOD ROAD ALIGNMENT TOWN OF LOS GATOS PARKS AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT LANDS OF BOUKNIGHT - 144 WOOD ROAD PLAN FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF CONTRACTOR AGREES THAT HE SHALL ASSUME SOLE AND COMPLETE RESPONSIBILITY FOR JOB SITE CONDITIONS DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT, INCLUDING SAFETY OF ALL PERSONS AND PROPERTY; THAT THIS REQUIREMENT SHALL APPLY CONTINUOUSLY AND NOT BE LIMITED TO NORMAL WORKING HOURS;AND THAT THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DEFEND, INDEMNIFY AND HOLD THE OWNER AND THE ENGINEER HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY, REAL OR ALLEGED, IN CONNECTION WITH THE PERFORMANCE OF WORK ON THIS PROJECT, EXCEPTING FOR LIABILITY ARISING FROM THE SOLE NEGLIGENCE OF THE OWNER OR THE ENGINEER.REV.: DEC. 2015CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS CONSTRUCTION MANAGERS HANNA-B UN TTI EST. 1910 7651 EIGLEBERRY STREET GILROY 95020 CALIFORNIA OFFICE (408) 842-2173 FAX (408) 842-3662 EMAIL: ENGINEERING @ HANNABRUNETTI.COM APN 510-47-045NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONPRELIMINARY PLANSHB JOB NO. 20053EXHIBIT V 2SHEET OF 220053 AS SHOWN TM AM XX AM NOVEMBER 2021DATE: DESIGN: DRAWN: CHECK: ENGR: SCALE: PROJECT NO.: DATEBYREVISIONS GRADING PERMIT APPLICATION NO. GR21-354 WOOD ROAD PROFILE TOWN OF LOS GATOS PARKS AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT LANDS OF BOUKNIGHT - 144 WOOD ROAD PLAN FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF CONTRACTOR AGREES THAT HE SHALL ASSUME SOLE AND COMPLETE RESPONSIBILITY FOR JOB SITE CONDITIONS DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT, INCLUDING SAFETY OF ALL PERSONS AND PROPERTY; THAT THIS REQUIREMENT SHALL APPLY CONTINUOUSLY AND NOT BE LIMITED TO NORMAL WORKING HOURS;AND THAT THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DEFEND, INDEMNIFY AND HOLD THE OWNER AND THE ENGINEER HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY, REAL OR ALLEGED, IN CONNECTION WITH THE PERFORMANCE OF WORK ON THIS PROJECT, EXCEPTING FOR LIABILITY ARISING FROM THE SOLE NEGLIGENCE OF THE OWNER OR THE ENGINEER.REV.: DEC. 2015CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS CONSTRUCTION MANAGERS HANNA-B UN TTI EST. 1910 7651 EIGLEBERRY STREET GILROY 95020 CALIFORNIA OFFICE (408) 842-2173 FAX (408) 842-3662 EMAIL: ENGINEERING @ HANNABRUNETTI.COM APN 510-47-045NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONPRELIMINARY PLANSHB JOB NO. 20053 Conclusion Altering your final conditions of approval with imposition of these slope and turnaround requirements would introduce physically impossible requirements. It is not physically possible to improve the existing Wood Road to meet the slope and turnaround requirements of CCR §1273. Slope is a simple function of the elevation difference divided by the length. The roughly 1,133 foot length of noncompliant road has an average slope of 18.8% so it is not possible to reduce the slope to 16% within the existing right of way. Wood Road would require an additional 198 feet to reduce the slope to 16%. Therefore, in order to meet the requirements of CCR §1273, 1,150 feet of Wood Road would need to be completely reconfigured and reconstructed. Additional land would need to be acquired to provide the space needed for the turnaround and to provide space for the switchback horizontal curves that would be required to increase the length of the road to reduce the slope. There are two existing driveways taking access from Wood Road in the area that would need to be reconstructed. If the road is lowered to reduce the slope, these driveways might not have a feasible point of connection to Wood Road. It may be conceptually feasible that given enough money, Wood Road could be reconfigured and reconstructed to meet the access requirements of CCR §1273, however, given the constraints of the topography and existing development taking access from Wood Road, in reality it is physically infeasible to meet these requirements regardless of financial resources. I cannot accurately or practically estimate how much it would cost to acquire the additional private lands to provide the space or to obtain the easements from the Town for the rights to reconfigure and reconstruct Wood Road given its public features, but I can estimate that the costs to reconfigure and reconstruct the road with the grading, creation of switchback horizontal curves and extension of an additional 198 feet would easily be in the millions of dollars. Cost of land acquisition and negotiation of easements would be in addition to that not to mention having to navigate the disruption to the existing driveways. In short, compliance as requested is physically infeasible, riddled with regulatory hurdles and cost prohibitive for a private resident. Regards, Teresa Price, P.E. EXHIBIT X C o unt y o f San t a C l a r a Department of Planning and Development Count y G overnmen t Cen t er, E ast Wing, 7th Floor 7 0 Wes t Hed d in g Street S an Jose, C A 9 5110 Phone: (408) 299-5700 www.sccplandev.org asdfasdf Board of Supervisors: Mike Wasserman, Cindy Chavez, Otto Lee, Susan Ellenberg, S. Joseph Simitian County Executive: Jeffrey V. Smith STAFF MEMORANDUM July 19, 2022 Staff Contact: Robert Cain – Associate Planner (408) 299-5706, robert.cain@pln.sccgov.org FILE: Administrative Design Review (PLN20-141) SUBJECT: Land Use Entitlement for new 4,246 square-foot single- family residence and related improvements ADDRESS: 15570 Canon Drive (APN: 510-49-001) BACKGROUND The subject property is located at 15570 Canon Drive, in Los Gatos. The General Plan designation is Urban Service Area - Saratoga and Zoning District is Urban Hillsides Residential – Santa Clara Valley Viewshed District (RHS-d1). The parcel is approximately 1.8 acres in size. The parcel previously contained a single-family residence and is currently undeveloped. On December 8, 2021, the Department of Planning and Development approved this application for Administrative Design Review (DRX) and issued preliminary Conditions of Approval. The DRX was not subject to a public hearing. On December 23, 2021, the Applicant filed an appeal of the Conditions to the Planning Commission, requesting that Conditions No. 8 and 34 be removed or substantially modified. These Conditions relate to the applicability of the State Minimum Fire Safe Regulations (“Regulations”) and requires that the project comply with all standards in effect at the time of building permit issuance unless an Exception is granted. At the time the Property Owner agreed to delay scheduling the Appeal hearing to see how the amendments to the Regulations may impact the project. The Property Owner requested an Exception from the Regulations from CAL Fire on January 13, 2021, which was denied on January 28, 2021, by CAL Fire. The Property Owner later DocuSign Envelope ID: 3F57759C-D383-4E79-B6D7-2BD546FD4B03 Page 2 of 2 appealed this decision to the County, and on October 28, 2021 the appeal was denied by the County. At this time, the Board of Forestry had published a draft amendment to the Regulations which, if adopted, would have eased the Applicant’s ability to meet the standards therein. However, since that time the Board of Forestry has abandoned their attempt to overhaul the Regulations. On February 25, 2022, the Property Owner contacted Staff to see if a resolution could be reached and to avoid the Appeal moving forward to a hearing. County Staff began analyzing all available solutions and provided draft language on March 15, 2022. On March 16, 2022, the Property Owner notified Staff that the draft language was not acceptable, and requested the Appeal be scheduled for the next possible hearing date. After consultation with the Roads and Airports Department and County Counsel, Staff has determined that imposition of Condition No 34, which applies Regulation § 1273.01(a), would not comply with state and federal laws. Consequently, Staff modified Condition No. 8 and removed Condition No. 34 on July 11, 2022, and the Planning Director approved the modification on July 19, 2022. ATTACHMENTS • Attachment A: Final Conditions of Approval REVIEWED BY Prepared by: Robert Cain, Associate Planner Approved by: Jacquelin R. Onciano, Director, Department of Planning and Development DocuSign Envelope ID: 3F57759C-D383-4E79-B6D7-2BD546FD4B03 C o unt y o f San t a C l a r a Department of Planning and Development Count y G overnmen t Cen t er, E ast Wing, 7th Floor 7 0 Wes t Hed d in g Street S an Jose, C A 9 5110 Phone: (408) 299-5700 www.sccplandev.org asdfasdf Board of Supervisors: Mike Wasserman, Cindy Chavez, Otto Lee, Susan Ellenberg, S. Joseph Simitian County Executive: Jeffrey V. Smith August 2, 2022 David Reed 5525 Sierra Rd. San Jose, CA 95132 ***Via Email Only*** dandjreed@yahoo.com FILE NUMBER: PLN14-10694 Mod 1 SUBJECT: Minor Modification of Grading Approval SITE LOCATION: Felter Road, San Jose (APN: 042-32-002) Dear Mr. Reed, County Staff reviewed the details of your specific parcel on Felter Road, San Jose (APN: 042- 32-002) concerning the application for a Grading Modification and the applicability of the State Minimum Fire Safe Regulations (“Regulations”). After consultation with the Roads and Airports Department and County Counsel, the Department of Planning and Development (Department) has determined that regards to your specific application, requirements related to off-site road improvements are in conflict with other state and federal laws. As such, the Department will no longer require compliance with the regulations. Other requirements in the regulations still apply. Please note that the determination is specific to this particular property. Please let me know is you have any questions. Warm regards, Lara Tran Senior Planner cc Jacqueline R. Onciano, Director, Department of Planning and Development Leza Mikhail, Planning Manager Elizabeth Pianca, Lead Deputy County Counsel EXHIBIT 5 This Page Intentionally Left Blank Los Gatos SantaClaraCounty San Jose Campbell MonteSereno Saratoga SantaClaraCounty SantaClaraCounty SantaClaraCounty SantaClaraCounty SantaClaraCounty .0 0.4 0.80.2 MilesNovember 7, 2022 Fire Hazard Severity Zones State Responsibility Area Very High High Moderate Project Location Source: CalFire, California Board of Foresty and Fire Protection, Town of Los Gatos City/Town Boundary Roadways Creeks Lakes Parcels Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone Local Responsibility Area Very High EXHIBIT 6 This Page Intentionally Left Blank Source: Thomas Reuters Westlaw, California Code of Regulations. https://govt.westlaw.com/calregs/Browse/Home/California/CaliforniaCodeofRegulations?guid=I4650C2B05B4D11EC976B000D 3A7C4BC3&originationContext=documenttoc&transitionType=Default&contextData=(sc.Default). Accessed November 7, 2022. California Code of Regulations Title 14. Natural Resources Division 1.5. Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (Refs & Annos) Chapter 7. Fire Protection (Refs & Annos) Subchapter 2. SRA/VHFHSV Fire Safe Regulations Article 1. Administration § 1270.00. Title. These regulations shall be known as the “SRA/VHFHSZ Fire Safe Regulations,” and shall constitute the basic wildfire protection standards of the California Board of Forestry and Fire Protection. § 1270.01. Purpose. (a) These regulations have been prepared and adopted for the purpose of establishing minimum wildfire protection standards in conjunction with building, construction and development in the State Responsibility Area (SRA) and, after July 1, 2021, the Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zones as defined in Government Code § 51177(i) (VHFHSZ). (b) The future design and construction of structures, subdivisions and developments in the SRA and, after July 1, 2021, the VHFHSZ shall provide for basic emergency access and perimeter wildfire protection measures as specified in the following articles. (c) These measures shall provide for emergency access; signing and building numbering; private water supply reserves for emergency fire use; and vegetation modification. The fire protection standards which follow shall specify the minimums for such measures. § 1270.02. Scope. (a) These regulations shall apply to: (1) the perimeters and access to all residential, commercial, and industrial building construction within the SRA approved after January 1, 1991, and those approved after July 1, 2021 within the VHFHSZ, except as set forth below in subsection (b.); (2) the siting of newly installed commercial modulars, manufactured homes, mobilehomes, and factory- built housing, as defined in Health and Safety Code sections 18001.8, 18007, 18008, and 19971; (3) all tentative and parcel maps or other developments approved after January 1, 1991; and (4) applications for building permits on a parcel approved in a pre-1991 parcel or tentative map to the extent that conditions relating to the perimeters and access to the buildings were not imposed as part of the approval of the parcel or tentative map. (b) These regulations do not apply where an application for a building permit is filed after January 1, 1991 for building construction on a parcel that was formed from a parcel map or tentative map (if the final map for the tentative map is approved within the time prescribed by the local ordinance) approved prior to EXHIBIT 7 Source: Thomas Reuters Westlaw, California Code of Regulations. https://govt.westlaw.com/calregs/Browse/Home/California/CaliforniaCodeofRegulations?guid=I4650C2B05B4D11EC976B000D 3A7C4BC3&originationContext=documenttoc&transitionType=Default&contextData=(sc.Default). Accessed November 7, 2022. January 1, 1991, to the extent that conditions relating to the perimeters and access to the buildings were imposed by the parcel map or final tentative map approved prior to January 1, 1991. (c) Affected activities include, but are not limited to: (1) permitting or approval of new parcels, excluding lot line adjustments as specified in Government Code (GC) section 66412(d); (2) application for a building permit for new construction, not relating to an existing structure; (3) application for a use permit; (4) road construction, including construction of a road that does not currently exist, or extension of an existing road. (d) EXEMPTION: Roads used solely for agricultural, mining, or the management and harvesting of wood products. § 1270.03. Provisions for Application of These Regulations. This subchapter shall be applied as follows: (a) the local jurisdictions shall provide the Director of the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) or their designee with notice of applications for building permits, tentative parcel maps, tentative maps, and installation or use permits for construction or development within the SRA or, after July 1, 2021, the VHFHSZ. (b) the Director or their designee may review and make fire protection recommendations on applicable construction or development permits or maps provided by the local jurisdiction. (c) the local jurisdiction shall ensure that the applicable sections of this subchapter become a condition of approval of any applicable construction or development permit or map. § 1270.04. Local Ordinances. (a) Nothing contained in these regulations shall be considered as abrogating the provisions of any ordinance, rule or regulation of any state or local jurisdiction provided that such ordinance, rule, regulation or general plan element is equal to or more stringent than these minimum standards. (b) The Board may certify local ordinances as equaling or exceeding these regulations when they provide the same practical effect. (c) Counties may submit their local ordinances for certification via email to the Board. (d) The Board's certification of local ordinances pursuant to this section is rendered invalid when previously certified ordinances are subsequently amended by local jurisdictions without Board re- certification of the amended ordinances. The Board's regulations supersede the amended local ordinance(s) when the amended local ordinance(s) are not re-certified by the Board. Amendments made by local jurisdictions to previously certified ordinances shall be submitted for re-certification. Source: Thomas Reuters Westlaw, California Code of Regulations. https://govt.westlaw.com/calregs/Browse/Home/California/CaliforniaCodeofRegulations?guid=I4650C2B05B4D11EC976B000D 3A7C4BC3&originationContext=documenttoc&transitionType=Default&contextData=(sc.Default). Accessed November 7, 2022. § 1270.05. Inspections. Inspections shall conform to the following requirements: (a) Inspection shall be made by: (1) the Director, or (2) local jurisdictions that have assumed state fire protection responsibility on SRA lands, or (3) local jurisdictions where the inspection duties have been formally delegated by CAL FIRE to the local jurisdiction. (b) Inspections made under 14 CCR § 1270.05(a)(2) or 14 CCR § 1270.05(a)(3) shall occur only when these regulations are incorporated into local ordinance in one of the following manners: (1) these regulations have been incorporated verbatim or by reference into that jurisdiction's permitting or approval process for the activities described in 14 CCR § 1270.02; or (2) the local ordinances have been certified pursuant to 14 CCR § 1270.04. (c) Nothing in this section abrogates CAL FIRE's authority to inspect and enforce state forest and fire laws even when the inspection duties have been delegated pursuant to this section. (d) Reports of violations shall be provided to the CAL FIRE Unit headquarters that administers SRA fire protection in the local jurisdiction. (e) When inspections are conducted, they shall occur prior to: the issuance of the use permit or certificate of occupancy; the recordation of the parcel map or final map; the filing of a notice of completion; or the final inspection of any project or building permit. § 1270.06. Exceptions to Standards. (a) Upon request by the applicant, exceptions to standards within this subchapter or to local jurisdiction certified ordinances may be allowed by the inspection entity listed in 14 CCR § 1270.05, where the exceptions provide the same practical effect as these regulations towards providing defensible space. Exceptions granted by the inspection entity listed in 14 CCR § 1270.05 shall be made on a case-by-case basis only. Exceptions granted by the inspection entity listed in 14 CCR § 1270.05 shall be forwarded to the appropriate CAL FIRE Unit Office that administers SRA fire protection in that county and shall be retained on file at the Unit Office. (b) Requests for an exception shall be made in writing to the inspection entity listed in 14 CCR § 1270.05 by the applicant or the applicant's authorized representative. At a minimum, the request shall state the specific section(s) for which an exception is requested, material facts supporting the contention of the applicant, the details of the exception proposed, and a map showing the proposed location and siting of the exception. Local jurisdictions listed in 14 CCR section 1270.05 may establish additional procedures or requirements for exception requests. (c) Where an exception is not granted by the inspection entity, the applicant may appeal such denial to the local jurisdiction. The local jurisdiction may establish or utilize an appeal process consistent with existing local building or planning department appeal processes. (d) Before the local jurisdiction makes a determination on an appeal, the inspection authority shall be consulted and shall provide to that local jurisdiction documentation outlining the effects of the requested exception on wildfire protection. Source: Thomas Reuters Westlaw, California Code of Regulations. https://govt.westlaw.com/calregs/Browse/Home/California/CaliforniaCodeofRegulations?guid=I4650C2B05B4D11EC976B000D 3A7C4BC3&originationContext=documenttoc&transitionType=Default&contextData=(sc.Default). Accessed November 7, 2022. (e) If an appeal is granted, the local jurisdiction shall make findings that the decision meets the intent of providing defensible space consistent with these regulations. Such findings shall include a statement of reasons for the decision. A written copy of these findings shall be provided to the CAL FIRE Unit headquarters that administers SRA fire protection in that local jurisdiction. § 1270.07. Exceptions to Standards. [Repealed] § 1270.08. Requests for Exceptions. [Repealed] § 1270.09. Appeals [Repealed] § 1271.00. Definitions. Agriculture: Land used for agricultural purposes as defined in a local jurisdiction's zoning ordinances. Building: Any structure used or intended for supporting or sheltering any use or occupancy, except Utility and Miscellaneous Group U buildings. CAL FIRE: California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection. Dead-end road: A road that has only one point of vehicular ingress/egress, including cul-de-sacs and looped roads. Defensible space: The area within the perimeter of a parcel, development, neighborhood or community where basic wildland fire protection practices and measures are implemented, providing the key point of defense from an approaching wildfire or defense against encroaching wildfires or escaping structure fires. The perimeter as used in this regulation is the area encompassing the parcel or parcels proposed for construction and/or development, excluding the physical structure itself. The area is characterized by the establishment and maintenance of emergency vehicle access, emergency water reserves, road names and building identification, and fuel modification measures. Development: As defined in section 66418.1 of the California Government Code. Director: Director of the Department of Forestry and Fire Protection or their designee. Driveway: A vehicular access that serves up to two (2) parcels with no more than two (2) residential units and any number of non-commercial or industrial buildings on each parcel. Distance Measurements: All specified or referenced distances are measured along the ground, unless otherwise stated. EXCEPTION: An alternative to the specified standard requested by the applicant that may be necessary due to health, safety, environmental conditions, physical site limitations or other limiting conditions, such as recorded historical sites, that provides mitigation of the problem. Fire valve: see hydrant. Fuel modification area: An area where the volume of flammable vegetation has been reduced, providing reduced fire intensity and duration. Greenbelts: A facility or land-use, designed for a use other than fire protection, which will slow or resist the spread of a wildfire. Includes parking lots, irrigated or landscaped areas, golf courses, parks, playgrounds, maintained vineyards, orchards or annual crops that do not cure in the field. Source: Thomas Reuters Westlaw, California Code of Regulations. https://govt.westlaw.com/calregs/Browse/Home/California/CaliforniaCodeofRegulations?guid=I4650C2B05B4D11EC976B000D 3A7C4BC3&originationContext=documenttoc&transitionType=Default&contextData=(sc.Default). Accessed November 7, 2022. Hammerhead/T: A road or driveway that provides a “T” shaped, three-point turnaround space for emergency equipment, being no narrower than the road that serves it. Hydrant: A valved connection on a water supply or storage system, having either one two and a half (2 1/2) inch or one four and a half (4 1/2) inch outlet, with male American National Fire Hose Screw Threads (NH), used to supply fire apparatus and hoses with water. Local Jurisdiction: Any county, city/county agency or department, or any locally authorized district that issues or approves building permits, use permits, tentative maps or tentative parcel maps, or has authority to regulate development and construction activity. Occupancy: The purpose for which a building, or part thereof, is used or intended to be used. One-way road: A minimum of one traffic lane width designed for traffic flow in one direction only. Residential unit: Any building or portion thereof which contains living facilities, including provisions for sleeping, eating, cooking and/or sanitation for one or more persons. Manufactured homes, mobilehomes, and factory-built housing are considered residential units for the purposes of mandatory measures required in 14 CCR § 1270.01(c). Road: Vehicular access to more than two (2) parcels; more than four (4) residential units; or access to any industrial or commercial occupancy. Includes public and private streets and lanes. Road or driveway structures: Bridges, culverts, and other appurtenant structures which supplement the traffic lane or shoulders. Same Practical Effect: As used in this subchapter, means an exception or alternative with the capability of applying accepted wildland fire suppression strategies and tactics, and provisions for fire fighter safety, including: (a) access for emergency wildland fire equipment, (b) safe civilian evacuation, (c) signing that avoids delays in emergency equipment response, (d) available and accessible water to effectively attack wildfire or defend a structure from wildfire, and (e) fuel modification sufficient for civilian and fire fighter safety. Shoulder: Vehicular access adjacent to the traffic lane. State Board of Forestry and Fire Protection (Board): As defined in Public Resources Code section 730. State Responsibility Area (SRA): As defined in Public Resources Code sections 4126-4127; and the California Code of Regulations, title 14, division 1.5, chapter 7, article 1, sections 1220-1220.5. Structure: That which is built or constructed, an edifice or building of any kind, or any piece of work artificially built up or composed of parts joined together in some definite manner. Subdivision: As defined in section 66424 of the Government Code. Traffic lane: The portion of a road or driveway that provides a single line of vehicle travel. Turnaround: A road or driveway, unobstructed by parking, which allows for a safe opposite change of direction for emergency equipment. Design of such area may be a hammerhead/T or terminus bulb. Turnouts: A widening in a road or driveway to allow vehicles to pass. Source: Thomas Reuters Westlaw, California Code of Regulations. https://govt.westlaw.com/calregs/Browse/Home/California/CaliforniaCodeofRegulations?guid=I4650C2B05B4D11EC976B000D 3A7C4BC3&originationContext=documenttoc&transitionType=Default&contextData=(sc.Default). Accessed November 7, 2022. Utility and Miscellaneous Group U building: A structure of an accessory character or a miscellaneous structure not classified in any specific occupancy permitted, constructed, equipped, and maintained to conform to the requirements of Title 24, California Building Standards Code. Vertical clearance: The minimum specified height of a bridge or overhead projection above the road or driveway. Wildfire: As defined in Public Resources Code Section 4103 and 4104. § 1271.05. Distance Measurements. [Repealed] § 1272.00. Maintenance of Defensible Space Measures. [Repealed] Source: Thomas Reuters Westlaw, California Code of Regulations. https://govt.westlaw.com/calregs/Browse/Home/California/CaliforniaCodeofRegulations?guid=I4650C2B05B4D11EC976B000D 3A7C4BC3&originationContext=documenttoc&transitionType=Default&contextData=(sc.Default). Accessed November 7, 2022. Article 2. Emergency Access and Egress § 1273.00. Intent. Roads and driveways, whether public or private, unless exempted under 14 CCR § 1270.02(d), shall provide for safe access for emergency wildfire equipment and civilian evacuation concurrently, and shall provide unobstructed traffic circulation during a wildfire emergency consistent with 14 CCR §§ 1273.00 through 1273.09. § 1273.01. Width. (a) All roads shall be constructed to provide a minimum of two ten (10) foot traffic lanes, not including shoulder and striping. These traffic lanes shall provide for two-way traffic flow to support emergency vehicle and civilian egress, unless other standards are provided in this article or additional requirements are mandated by local jurisdictions or local subdivision requirements. Vertical clearances shall conform to the requirements in California Vehicle Code section 35250. (b) All one-way roads shall be constructed to provide a minimum of one twelve (12) foot traffic lane, not including shoulders. The local jurisdiction may approve one-way roads. (1) All one-way roads shall, at both ends, connect to a road with two traffic lanes providing for travel in different directions, and shall provide access to an area currently zoned for no more than ten (10) residential units. (2) In no case shall a one-way road exceed 2,640 feet in length. A turnout shall be placed and constructed at approximately the midpoint of each one-way road. (c) All driveways shall be constructed to provide a minimum of one (1) ten (10) foot traffic lane, fourteen (14) feet unobstructed horizontal clearance, and unobstructed vertical clearance of thirteen feet, six inches (13′ 6″). § 1273.02. Roadway Surface. (a) Roads shall be designed and maintained to support the imposed load of fire apparatus weighing at least 75,000 pounds and provide an aggregate base. (b) Driveways and road and driveway structures shall be designed and maintained to support at least 40,000 pounds. (c) Project proponent shall provide engineering specifications to support design, if requested by the local authority having jurisdiction. § 1273.03. Grades. (a) At no point shall the grade for all roads and driveways exceed 16 percent. (b) The grade may exceed 16%, not to exceed 20%, with approval from the local authority having jurisdiction and with mitigations to provide for same practical effect. Source: Thomas Reuters Westlaw, California Code of Regulations. https://govt.westlaw.com/calregs/Browse/Home/California/CaliforniaCodeofRegulations?guid=I4650C2B05B4D11EC976B000D 3A7C4BC3&originationContext=documenttoc&transitionType=Default&contextData=(sc.Default). Accessed November 7, 2022. § 1273.04. Radius. (a) No road or road structure shall have a horizontal inside radius of curvature of less than fifty (50) feet. An additional surface width of four (4) feet shall be added to curves of 50-100 feet radius; two (2) feet to those from 100-200 feet. (b) The length of vertical curves in roadways, exclusive of gutters, ditches, and drainage structures designed to hold or divert water, shall be not less than one hundred (100) feet. § 1273.05. Turnarounds. (a) Turnarounds are required on driveways and dead-end roads. (b) The minimum turning radius for a turnaround shall be forty (40) feet, not including parking, in accordance with the figures in 14 CCR §§ 1273.05(e) and 1273.05(f). If a hammerhead/T is used instead, the top of the “T” shall be a minimum of sixty (60) feet in length. (c) Driveways exceeding 150 feet in length, but less than 800 feet in length, shall provide a turnout near the midpoint of the driveway. Where the driveway exceeds 800 feet, turnouts shall be provided no more than 400 feet apart. (d) A turnaround shall be provided on driveways over 300 feet in length and shall be within fifty (50) feet of the building. (d) Each dead-end road shall have a turnaround constructed at its terminus. Where parcels are zoned five (5) acres or larger, turnarounds shall be provided at a maximum of 1,320 foot intervals. (e) Figure A. Turnarounds on roads with two ten-foot traffic lanes. Source: Thomas Reuters Westlaw, California Code of Regulations. https://govt.westlaw.com/calregs/Browse/Home/California/CaliforniaCodeofRegulations?guid=I4650C2B05B4D11EC976B000D 3A7C4BC3&originationContext=documenttoc&transitionType=Default&contextData=(sc.Default). Accessed November 7, 2022. (f) Figure B. Turnarounds on driveways with one ten-foot traffic lane. § 1273.06. Roadway Turnouts. Turnouts shall be a minimum of twelve (12) feet wide and thirty (30) feet long with a minimum twenty - five (25) foot taper on each end. § 1273.07. Road and Driveway Structures. (a) Appropriate signing, including but not limited to weight or vertical clearance limitations, one-way road or single traffic lane conditions, shall reflect the capability of each bridge. (b) Where a bridge or an elevated surface is part of a fire apparatus access road, the bridge shall be constructed and maintained in accordance with the American Association of State and Highway Transportation Officials Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges, 17th Edition, published 2002 (known as AASHTO HB-17), hereby incorporated by reference. Bridges and elevated surfaces shall be designed for a live load sufficient to carry the imposed loads of fire apparatus. Vehicle load limits shall be posted at both entrances to bridges when required by the local authority having jurisdiction. (c) Where elevated surfaces designed for emergency vehicle use are adjacent to surfaces which are not designed for such use, barriers, or signs, or both, as approved by the local authority having jurisdiction, shall be installed and maintained. (d) A bridge with only one traffic lane may be authorized by the local jurisdiction; however, it shall provide for unobstructed visibility from one end to the other and turnouts at both ends. § 1273.08. Dead-end Roads. (a) The maximum length of a dead-end road, including all dead-end roads accessed from that dead-end road, shall not exceed the following cumulative lengths, regardless of the number of parcels served: parcels zoned for less than one acre - 800 feet parcels zoned for 1 acre to 4.99 acres - 1,320 feet parcels zoned for 5 acres to 19.99 acres - 2,640 feet parcels zoned for 20 acres or larger - 5,280 feet Source: Thomas Reuters Westlaw, California Code of Regulations. https://govt.westlaw.com/calregs/Browse/Home/California/CaliforniaCodeofRegulations?guid=I4650C2B05B4D11EC976B000D 3A7C4BC3&originationContext=documenttoc&transitionType=Default&contextData=(sc.Default). Accessed November 7, 2022. All lengths shall be measured from the edge of the road surface at the intersection that begins the road to the end of the road surface at its farthest point. Where a dead-end road crosses areas of differing zoned parcel sizes requiring different length limits, the shortest allowable length shall apply. (b) See 14 CCR § 1273.05 for dead-end road turnaround requirements. § 1273.09. Gate Entrances. (a) Gate entrances shall be at least two (2) feet wider than the width of the traffic lane(s) serving that gate and a minimum width of fourteen (14) feet unobstructed horizontal clearance and unobstructed vertical clearance of thirteen feet, six inches (13′ 6″). (b) All gates providing access from a road to a driveway shall be located at least thirty (30) feet from the roadway and shall open to allow a vehicle to stop without obstructing traffic on that road. (c) Where a one-way road with a single traffic lane provides access to a gated entrance, a forty (40) foot turning radius shall be used. (d) Security gates shall not be installed without approval. Where security gates are installed, they shall have an approved means of emergency operation. Approval shall be by the local authority having jurisdiction. The security gates and the emergency operation shall be maintained operational at all times. § 1273.10. Driveways. [Repealed] § 1273.11. Gate Entrances. [Repealed] Source: Thomas Reuters Westlaw, California Code of Regulations. https://govt.westlaw.com/calregs/Browse/Home/California/CaliforniaCodeofRegulations?guid=I4650C2B05B4D11EC976B000D 3A7C4BC3&originationContext=documenttoc&transitionType=Default&contextData=(sc.Default). Accessed November 7, 2022. Article 3. Signing and Building Numbering § 1274.00. Intent. To facilitate locating a fire and to avoid delays in response, all newly constructed or approved roads and buildings shall be designated by names or numbers posted on signs clearly visible and legible from the road. This section shall not restrict the size of letters or numbers appearing on road signs for other purposes. § 1274.01. Road Signs. (a) Newly constructed or approved roads must be identified by a name or number through a consistent system that provides for sequenced or patterned numbering and/or non-duplicative naming within each local jurisdiction. This section does not require any entity to rename or renumber existing roads, nor shall a road providing access only to a single commercial or industrial occupancy require naming or numbering. (b) The size of letters, numbers, and symbols for road signs shall be a minimum four (4) inch letter height, half inch (.5) inch stroke, reflectorized, contrasting with the background color of the sign. § 1274.02. Road Sign Installation, Location, and Visibility. (a) Road signs shall be visible and legible from both directions of vehicle travel for a distance of at least one hundred (100) feet. (b) Signs required by this article identifying intersecting roads shall be placed at the intersection of those roads. (c) A sign identifying traffic access or flow limitations, including but not limited to weight or vertical clearance limitations, dead-end roads, one-way roads, or single lane conditions, shall be placed: (i) at the intersection preceding the traffic access limitation, and (ii) no more than one hundred (100) feet before such traffic access limitation. (d) Road signs required by this article shall be posted at the beginning of construction and shall be maintained thereafter. § 1274.03. Addresses for Buildings. (a) All buildings shall be issued an address by the local jurisdiction which conforms to that jurisdiction's overall address system. Utility and miscellaneous Group U buildings are not required to have a separate address; however, each residential unit within a building shall be separately identified. (b) The size of letters, numbers, and symbols for addresses shall conform to the standards in the California Fire Code, California Code of Regulations title 24, part 9. (c) Addresses for residential buildings shall be reflectorized. Source: Thomas Reuters Westlaw, California Code of Regulations. https://govt.westlaw.com/calregs/Browse/Home/California/CaliforniaCodeofRegulations?guid=I4650C2B05B4D11EC976B000D 3A7C4BC3&originationContext=documenttoc&transitionType=Default&contextData=(sc.Default). Accessed November 7, 2022. § 1274.04. Address Installation, Location, and Visibility. (a) All buildings shall have a permanently posted address which shall be plainly legible and visible from the road fronting the property. (b) Where access is by means of a private road and the address identification cannot be viewed from the public way, an unobstructed sign or other means shall be used so that the address is visible from the public way. (c) Address signs along one-way roads shall be visible from both directions. (d) Where multiple addresses are required at a single driveway, they shall be mounted on a single sign or post. (e) Where a road provides access solely to a single commercial or industrial business, the address sign shall be placed at the nearest road intersection providing access to that site, or otherwise posted to provide for unobstructed visibility from that intersection. (f) In all cases, the address shall be posted at the beginning of construction and shall be maintained thereafter. § 1274.05. Intersecting Roads, Streets and Private Lanes. [Repealed] § 1274.06. Signs Identifying Traffic Access Limitations. [Repealed] § 1274.07. Installation of Road, Street and Private Lane Signs. [Repealed] § 1274.08. Addresses for Buildings. [Repealed] § 1274.09. Size of Letters, Numbers and Symbols for Addresses. [Repealed] § 1274.10. Installation, Location and Visibility of Addresses. [Repealed] Source: Thomas Reuters Westlaw, California Code of Regulations. https://govt.westlaw.com/calregs/Browse/Home/California/CaliforniaCodeofRegulations?guid=I4650C2B05B4D11EC976B000D 3A7C4BC3&originationContext=documenttoc&transitionType=Default&contextData=(sc.Default). Accessed November 7, 2022. Article 4. Emergency Water Standards § 1275.00. Intent. Emergency water for wildfire protection shall be available, accessible, and maintained in quantities and locations specified in the statute and these regulations in order to attack a wildfire or defend property from a wildfire. § 1275.01. Application. The provisions of this article shall apply in the tentative and parcel map process when new parcels are approved by the local jurisdiction having authority. § 1275.02. Water Supply. (a) When a water supply for structure defense is required to be installed, such protection shall be installed and made serviceable prior to and during the time of construction except when alternative methods of protection are provided and approved by the local authority having jurisdiction. (b) Water systems equaling or exceeding the California Fire Code, California Code of Regulations title 24, part 9, or, where a municipal-type water supply is unavailable, National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 1142, “Standard on Water Supplies for Suburban and Rural Fire Fighting,” 2017 Edition, hereby incorporated by reference, shall be accepted as meeting the requirements of this article. (c) Such emergency water may be provided in a fire agency mobile water tender, or naturally occurring or man made containment structure, as long as the specified quantity is immediately available. (d) Nothing in this article prohibits the combined storage of emergency wildfire and structural firefighting water supplies unless so prohibited by local ordinance or specified by the local fire agency. (e) Where freeze or crash protection is required by local jurisdictions having authority, such protection measures shall be provided. § 1275.03. Hydrants and Fire Valves. (a) The hydrant or fire valve shall be eighteen (18) inches above the finished surface. Its location in relation to the road or driveway and to the building(s) or structure(s) it serves shall comply with California Fire Code, California Code of Regulations title 24, part 9, Chapter 5, and Appendix C. (b) The hydrant head shall be a two and half (2 ½ ) inch National Hose male thread with cap for pressure and gravity flow systems and four and a half (4 ½ ) inch for draft systems. (c) Hydrants shall be wet or dry barrel and have suitable freeze or crash protection as required by the local jurisdiction. Source: Thomas Reuters Westlaw, California Code of Regulations. https://govt.westlaw.com/calregs/Browse/Home/California/CaliforniaCodeofRegulations?guid=I4650C2B05B4D11EC976B000D 3A7C4BC3&originationContext=documenttoc&transitionType=Default&contextData=(sc.Default). Accessed November 7, 2022. § 1275.04. Signing of Water Sources. (a) Each hydrant, fire valve, or access to water shall be identified as follows: (1) if located along a driveway, a reflectorized blue marker, with a minimum dimension of three (3) inches shall be located on the driveway address sign and mounted on a fire retardant post, or (2) if located along a road, (i) a reflectorized blue marker, with a minimum dimension of three (3) inches, shall be mounted on a fire retardant post. The sign post shall be within three (3) feet of said hydrant or fire valve, with the sign no less than three (3) feet nor greater than five (5) feet above ground, in a horizontal position and visible from the driveway, or (ii) as specified in the State Fire Marshal's Guidelines for Fire Hydrant Markings Along State Highways and Freeways, May 1988. § 1275.10. General Standards. [Renumbered] § 1275.15. Hydrant/Fire Valve. [Renumbered] § 1275.20. Signing of Water Sources. [Renumbered] Source: Thomas Reuters Westlaw, California Code of Regulations. https://govt.westlaw.com/calregs/Browse/Home/California/CaliforniaCodeofRegulations?guid=I4650C2B05B4D11EC976B000D 3A7C4BC3&originationContext=documenttoc&transitionType=Default&contextData=(sc.Default). Accessed November 7, 2022. Article 5. Fuel Modification Standards § 1276.00. Intent. To reduce the intensity of a wildfire by reducing the volume and density of flammable vegetation, the strategic siting of fuel modification and greenbelts shall provide for increased safety for emergency fire equipment and evacuating civilians by its utilization around structures and roads, including driveways, and a point of attack or defense from a wildfire. § 1276.01. Setback for Structure Defensible Space. (a) All parcels shall provide a minimum thirty (30) foot setback for all buildings from all property lines and/or the center of a road. (b) When a thirty (30) foot setback is not possible for practical reasons, which may include but are not limited to parcel dimensions or size, topographic limitations, or other easements, the local jurisdiction shall provide for same practical effect. (i) Same practical effect requirements shall reduce the likelihood of home-to-home ignition. (ii) Same practical effect options may include, but are not limited to, noncombustible block walls or fences; five (5) feet of noncombustible material horizontally around the structure; installing hardscape landscaping or reducing exposed windows on the side of the structure with a less than thirty (30) foot setback; or additional structure hardening such as those required in the California Building Code, California Code of Regulations title 24, part 2, Chapter 7A. (c) Structures constructed in the SRA are required to comply with the defensible space regulations in Title 14. Natural Resources Division 1.5. Department of Forestry and Fire Protection Chapter 7. Fire Protection Subchapter 3. Fire Hazard. § 1276.02. Maintenance of Defensible Space Measures. To ensure continued maintenance of commonly owned properties in conformance with these standards and to assure continued availability, access, and utilization of the defensible space provided by these standards during a wildfire, provisions for annual maintenance shall be provided in emergency access covenants or similar binding agreements. § 1276.03. Disposal of Flammable Vegetation and Fuels. Disposal, including chipping, burying, burning or removal to a site approved by the local jurisdiction, of flammable vegetation and fuels caused by site development and construction, road and driveway construction, and fuel modification shall be completed prior to completion of road construction or final inspection of a building permit. § 1276.04. Greenbelts. Subdivision and other developments, which propose greenbelts as a part of the development plan, shall locate said greenbelts strategically as a separation between wildland fuels and structures. The locations shall be approved by the local authority having jurisdiction and may be consistent with the CAL FIRE Unit Fire Management Plan or Contract County Fire Plan. This Page Intentionally Left Blank BLDG PERMIT No. 337122 B22-0025 PLAN REVIEW No. PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS Plans and Scope of Review: This project shall comply with the following : The California Fire (CFC) & Building (CBC) Code, 2019 edition, as adopted by the Town Of Los Gatos Town Code (LGTC), California Code of Regulations (CCR) and Health & Safety Code. The scope of this project includes the following : Proposed new 7,207 SF three-story single-family residence with attached garage. Plan Status: Plans are NOT APPROVED.   Revise and resubmit drawings and provide a response letter addressing comments on this plan review. All comments having BOLD Font require correction prior to approval (Specifically Comment #4, #5 & #6). Plan Review Comments: 1.NOTE: The subject property is located within the Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone (VHFHSZ) of the Local Responsibility Area (LRA). Pursuant to California Public Resources Code (PRC) 4290, the California Board of Forestry and Fire Protection is required to “…adopt regulations implementing minimum fire safety standards related to defensible space” applicable to “the perimeters and access to all residential, commercial, and industrial building construction.” In 2018, the Legislature passed and the Governor signed SB 901 (Dodd), which expanded the applicability of the regulations promulgated under PRC 4290 to land in the Local Responsibility Area (LRA) Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone. All comments below that result from PRC 4290 are identified by **. Where a conflict exists between local & 4290 requirements, the more stringent requirement shall apply. **2. Road Surfaces: (Geotechnical letter with stamp provided) (a) Roads shall be designed and maintained to support the imposed load of fire apparatus weighing at least 75,000 pounds and provide an aggregate base. (b) Driveways and road and driveway structures shall be designed and maintained to support at least 40,000 pounds. (c) Project proponent shall provide engineering specifications to support design, if requested by the local authority having jurisdiction. California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Division 1.5, Chapter 7, Subchapter 2, Articles 1-5, § 1273.02. City Y E PLANS Y E SPECS Y E NEW Y E RMDL CONST. TYPE BY PAGE SEC/FLOOR R-3/U OCCUPANCY LOAD 7207 AREA Kohlsaat & Associates ApplicantName NEW SFR NAME OF PROJECT LOCATION Y E AS 5OF 3 1VB DATE 11/30/2022LGA Ip, Kenny PROJECT DESCRIPTION Residential Construction TABULAR FIRE FLOW REDUCTION FOR FIRE SPRINKLERS REQUIRED FIRE FLOW @ 20 PSI 2250 50%1125 PROJECT TYPE OR SYSTEM New Structure Wood Road144 Los Gatos EXHIBIT 8 BLDG PERMIT No. 337122 B22-0025 PLAN REVIEW No. PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS **3. Dead-end Roads: (a) The maximum length of a dead-end road, including all dead-end roads accessed from that dead-end road, shall not exceed the following cumulative lengths, regardless of the number of parcels served: parcels zoned for less than one acre - 800 feet. Parcels zoned for 1 acre to 4.99 acres - 1,320 feet. Parcels zoned for 5 acres to 19.99 acres - 2,640 feet. Parcels zoned for 20 acres or larger - 5,280 feet. All lengths shall be measured from the edge of the road surface at the intersection that begins the road to the end of the road surface at its farthest point. Where a dead-end road crosses areas of differing zoned parcel sizes requiring different length limits, the shortest allowable length shall apply. (b) See 14 CCR § 1273.05 for dead- end road turnaround requirements. California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Division 1.5, Chapter 7, Subchapter 2, Articles 1-5, § 1273.08. This parcel is located within the Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone. The Previously stated maximum dead-end road of 800 feet is hereby corrected to a maximum of 2,640 feet due to the HR-5 zoning applicable to the subject parcel. **4. Grades: (a) At no point shall the grade for all roads and driveways exceed 16 percent. (b) The grade may exceed 16%, not to exceed 20%, with approval from the local authority having jurisdiction and with mitigations to provide for same practical effect. California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Division 1.5, Chapter 7, Subchapter 2, Articles 1-5, § 1273.03. Provide documentation sufficient to demonstrate that the grades from all the roads leading to the proposed structure do not exceed 16%. Otherwise prepare & submit a request of exception and documentation as previously discussed. **5. Radius: (a) No road or road structure shall have a horizontal inside radius of curvature of less than fifty (50) feet. An additional surface width of four (4) feet shall be added to curves of 50-100 feet radius; two (2) feet to those from 100-200 feet. (b) The length of vertical curves in roadways, exclusive of gutters, ditches, and drainage structures designed to hold or divert water, shall be not less than one hundred (100) feet. California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Division 1.5, Chapter 7, Subchapter 2, Articles 1-5, § 1273.04. Provide documentation sufficient to demonstrate that all of the roads leading to the proposed structure have compliant turning radii. Otherwise prepare & submit a request of exception and documentation as previously discussed. City Y E PLANS Y E SPECS Y E NEW Y E RMDL CONST. TYPE BY PAGE SEC/FLOOR R-3/U OCCUPANCY LOAD 7207 AREA Kohlsaat & Associates ApplicantName NEW SFR NAME OF PROJECT LOCATION Y E AS 5OF 3 2VB DATE 11/30/2022LGA Ip, Kenny PROJECT DESCRIPTION Residential Construction TABULAR FIRE FLOW REDUCTION FOR FIRE SPRINKLERS REQUIRED FIRE FLOW @ 20 PSI 2250 50%1125 PROJECT TYPE OR SYSTEM New Structure Wood Road144 Los Gatos BLDG PERMIT No. 337122 B22-0025 PLAN REVIEW No. PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS **6. Turnaround: (a) Turnarounds are required on driveways and dead-end roads. (b) The minimum turning radius for a turnaround shall be forty (40) feet, not including parking, in accordance with the figures in 14 CCR §§ 1273.05(e) and 1273.05(f). If a hammerhead/T is used instead, the top of the “T” shall be a minimum of sixty (60) feet in length. (c) Driveways exceeding 150 feet in length, but less than 800 feet in length, shall provide a turnout near the midpoint of the driveway. Where the driveway exceeds 800 feet, turnouts shall be provided no more than 400 feet apart. (d) A turnaround shall be provided on driveways over 300 feet in length and shall be within fifty (50) feet of the building. (d) Each dead-end road shall have a turnaround constructed at its terminus. Where parcels are zoned five (5) acres or larger, turnarounds shall be provided at a maximum of 1,320 foot intervals. (e) Figure A. Turnarounds on roads with two ten-foot traffic lanes. California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Division 1.5, Chapter 7, Subchapter 2, Articles 1-5, § 1273.05. Where use of existing road turnaround is anticipated, provide a request of exception and documentation of legal access of the turnaround. **7. Turnout: Turnouts shall be a minimum of twelve (12) feet wide and thirty (30) feet long with a minimum twenty-five (25) foot taper on each end. California Code of California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Division 1.5, Chapter 7, Subchapter 2, Articles 1-5, § 1273.06. 22 ft wide at the turnout is accepted. 8. Fire Sprinklers Required: (As noted on Sheet A-1) An automatic residential fire sprinkler system shall be installed in new one- and two-family dwellings. 9. Fire Department (Engine) Driveway Turnaround Required: (As noted on Sheet A-2) Dead-end fire apparatus access roads in excess of 150 feet in length shall be provided with an approved area for turning around fire apparatus. Provide an approved fire department engine driveway turnaround with a minimum radius of 36 feet outside and 23 feet inside. Maximum grade in any direction shall be 5%. Installations shall conform with Fire Department Standard Details and Specifications D-1 [CFC Section 503.2.5]. 10. Fire Apparatus (Engine)Access Driveway Required: (As noted on Sheet 5 of 7) Provide an access driveway with a paved all weather surface, a minimum unobstructed width of 12 feet, vertical clearance of 13 feet 6 inches, minimum circulating turning radius of 36 feet outside and 23 feet inside, and a maximum slope of 15%. Installations shall conform to Fire Department Standard Details and Specifications sheet D-1. Driveway profile provided on Sheet 5 of 6 shows slopes up to 20%. The request for slope greater than 15% but not to exceed 20%, as outlined in the Letter of Justification dated January 18, 2021 and demonstrated in the driveway profile, has been acknowledged and approved by SFPE R. Campbell on 03/09/21. City Y E PLANS Y E SPECS Y E NEW Y E RMDL CONST. TYPE BY PAGE SEC/FLOOR R-3/U OCCUPANCY LOAD 7207 AREA Kohlsaat & Associates ApplicantName NEW SFR NAME OF PROJECT LOCATION Y E AS 5OF 3 3VB DATE 11/30/2022LGA Ip, Kenny PROJECT DESCRIPTION Residential Construction TABULAR FIRE FLOW REDUCTION FOR FIRE SPRINKLERS REQUIRED FIRE FLOW @ 20 PSI 2250 50%1125 PROJECT TYPE OR SYSTEM New Structure Wood Road144 Los Gatos BLDG PERMIT No. 337122 B22-0025 PLAN REVIEW No. PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS 11. Private Fire Protection System: (As noted on Sheet A-1 & A-2) Residential fire protection systems shall comply with Fire Department Standards W-1 and manufacturer's requirements. Fire protection water systems shall be permitted, installed and approved by the Fire Prevention Office. The wharf hydrant shall be accessible at all times. Tank systems providing both the domestic supply and supply to the sprinkler system and/or hydrant may require cross contamination protection. Check with the local Building Department for specific requirements related to protection of the domestic supply. Hydrants and tank outlets shall be installed such that the center of the hose connection is not less than eighteen (18”) inches nor more than thirty (30”) inches above the final grade. Given project proximity to relatively urban development, water supply in accordance with NFPA 1142 is appropriate, per CFC B103.3. -Preliminary NFPA 1142 calculations suggest a minimum of 20,000 gallons are necessary for the proposed structure. -Tank capacity for combined domestic/fire sprinkler systems shall be determined by adding the required hydrant and sprinkler system volume to a minimum of 1K gallons for domestic use. Water for other purposes, such as irrigation, shall not be combined in the same tank system [SCCFD Standard Details and Specifications sheet W -1]. -Details necessary to guarantee maintenance of the stored hydrant water for fire suppression purposes noted on Sheet A1. Fire protection system will be evaluated further during deferred submittal. 12. Construction Site Fire Safety: All construction sites must comply with applicable provisions of the CFC Chapter 33 and our Standard Detail and Specification S1-7. Provide appropriate notations on subsequent plan submittals, as appropriate to the project [CFC Chp. 33]. 13. Water Supply Requirements: Potable water supplies shall be protected from contamination caused by fire protection water supplies. It is the responsibility of the applicant and any contractors and subcontractors to contact the water purveyor supplying the site of such project, and to comply with the requirements of that purveyor. Such requirements shall be incorporated into the design of any water-based fire protection systems, and/or fire suppression water supply systems or storage containers that may be physically connected in any manner to an appliance capable of causing contamination of the potable water supply of the purveyor of record. Final approval of the system(s) under consideration will not be granted by this office until compliance with the requirements of the water purveyor of record are documented by that purveyor as having been met by the applicant(s). 2019 CFC Sec. 903.3.5 and Health and Safety Code 13114.7. City Y E PLANS Y E SPECS Y E NEW Y E RMDL CONST. TYPE BY PAGE SEC/FLOOR R-3/U OCCUPANCY LOAD 7207 AREA Kohlsaat & Associates ApplicantName NEW SFR NAME OF PROJECT LOCATION Y E AS 5OF 3 4VB DATE 11/30/2022LGA Ip, Kenny PROJECT DESCRIPTION Residential Construction TABULAR FIRE FLOW REDUCTION FOR FIRE SPRINKLERS REQUIRED FIRE FLOW @ 20 PSI 2250 50%1125 PROJECT TYPE OR SYSTEM New Structure Wood Road144 Los Gatos BLDG PERMIT No. 337122 B22-0025 PLAN REVIEW No. PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS 14. Address identification: (As noted on Sheet A-1) New and existing buildings shall have approved address numbers, building numbers or approved building identification placed in a position that is plainly legible and visible from the street or road fronting the property. These numbers shall contrast with their background. Where required by the fire code official, address numbers shall be provided in additional approved locations to facilitate emergency response. Address numbers shall be Arabic numbers or alphabetical letters. Numbers shall be a minimum of 4 inches (101.6 mm) high with a minimum stroke width of 0.5 inch (12.7 mm). Where access is by means of a private road and the building cannot be viewed from the public way, a monument, pole or other sign or means shall be used to identify the structure. Address numbers shall be maintained. [CFC Sec. 505.1]. New address pending approval as noted on Sheet A0. This review shall not be construed to be an approval of a violation of the provisions of the California Fire Code or of other laws or regulations of the jurisdiction.  A permit presuming to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of the fire code or other such laws or regulations shall not be valid.  Any addition to or alteration of approved construction documents shall be approved in advance [CFC, Ch.1, 105.3.6]. City Y E PLANS Y E SPECS Y E NEW Y E RMDL CONST. TYPE BY PAGE SEC/FLOOR R-3/U OCCUPANCY LOAD 7207 AREA Kohlsaat & Associates ApplicantName NEW SFR NAME OF PROJECT LOCATION Y E AS 5OF 3 5VB DATE 11/30/2022LGA Ip, Kenny PROJECT DESCRIPTION Residential Construction TABULAR FIRE FLOW REDUCTION FOR FIRE SPRINKLERS REQUIRED FIRE FLOW @ 20 PSI 2250 50%1125 PROJECT TYPE OR SYSTEM New Structure Wood Road144 Los Gatos This Page Intentionally Left Blank FIRE DEPARTMENT SANTA CLARA COUNTY 14700 Winchester Blvd., Los Gatos, CA. 95032-1818 (408) 378-4010 • (408) 378-9342 (fax) • www.sccfd.org Organized as the Santa Clara County Central Fire Protection District Serving Santa Clara County and the communities of Campbell, Cupertino, Los Altos, Los Altos Hills, Los Gatos, Monte Sereno, Morgan Hill, and Saratoga STANDARD DETAILS & SPECIFICATIONS Spec No __A-1____ Rev. Date 06/01/09 SUBJECT: Fire Department Apparatus Access Eff. Date 01/23/97 Approved By ________ Page ____1__ of __5____ SCOPE Applicable to Fire Department apparatus access roadways serving commercial buildings and three or more single-family dwellings. Note that the specifications contained in this Standard apply only to properties located within the service area of the Santa Clara County Fire Department. DEFINITIONS Roadway: A vehicular access roadway greater than or equal to 20 feet in width. Driveway: A vehicular access roadway less than 20 feet in width and serving no more than two, single-family dwellings. Temporary Access Roadway: A temporary vehicular access road or driveway that is provided until such time that the permanent road or driveway is installed. REQUIREMENTS ROAD DESIGN 1.Minimum clear width: The minimum clear width of fire department access roads shall be 20 feet. Modifications to the design or width of a fire access road, or additional access road(s) may be required when the fire code official determines that access to the site or a portion thereof may become compromised due to emergency operations or nearby natural or manmade hazards (flood prone areas, railway crossings, bridge failures, hazardous material-related incidents, etc.) The width of secondary access roads may be reduced to less than 20 feet provided turnouts are installed adjacent to the roadway every 500 feet with a minimum dimension of 10 feet wide and 40 feet long or as otherwise determined by the fire code official. 2.Access and loading: Facilities, buildings or portions of buildings hereafter constructed shall be accessible to fire department apparatus by way of an approved fire apparatus access road (including bridges and culverts) with an asphalt, concrete or other approved driving surface capable of supporting the imposed load of fire apparatus weighing at least 75,000 pounds (34050 kg) or as otherwise determined by the fire code official. EXHIBIT 9 Organized as the Santa Clara County Central Fire Protection District Serving Santa Clara County and the communities of Campbell, Cupertino, Los Altos, Los Altos Hills, Los Gatos, Monte Sereno, Morgan Hill, and Saratoga 2 3. Minimum clear height: Vertical clearance over required vehicular access roads and driveways shall be 13’6”. 4. Grade: Maximum grade shall not exceed 15% (6.75 degrees). 5. Turn Radius (circulating): The minimum outside turning radius is 42 feet for required access roadways. Greater radius up to 60 feet may be required where the Fire Department determines that Ladder Truck access is required. Circulating refers to travel along a roadway without dead ends. 6. Turning Radius (Cul-de-sacs): The minimum outside turning radius is 36 feet. Use of cul-de-sacs is not acceptable where it is determined by the Fire Department that Ladder Truck access is required, unless greater turning radius is provided. 7. Turnarounds: Turnarounds are required for all dead end roadways with a length in excess of 150 feet. The turnaround details shown in this document are intended to provide a general design concept only. Modifications or variations of these designs may be approved by the Fire Department on a case-by-case basis. All turnaround designs submitted for Fire Department review shall meet all previously stated requirements. These details are applicable when a 36-foot minimum turning radius for dead ends is specified. These details are not applicable where turning radius greater than 36 feet is specified or when a circulating radius is specified. 8. Dead ends: Dead-end fire apparatus access roads in excess of 150 feet (45720 mm) shall be provided with width and turnaround provisions as determined by the fire code official. 9. Parking: When parking is permitted on streets, in both residential/commercial applications, it shall conform to the following: • parking is permitted both sides of the street with street widths of 36 feet or more • parking is permitted on one side of the street with street widths of 28 – 35 feet • no parking is permitted when street widths are less than 28 feet NOTE: Rolled curbs can be part of the curb/sidewalk and used to increase the roadway width with approval from the fire code official. Additional requirements may apply for buildings 30 feet in height or greater. See requirements under AERIAL FIRE APPARTUS ACCESS ROADS. 10. Access to a hydrant: Fire hydrants located on a public or private street, or on-site, shall have an unobstructed clearance of not less than 30 feet (15 feet either side of hydrant), in accordance with California vehicle code 22514. Marking shall be per California vehicle code 22500.1 11. Traffic calming: Traffic calming devices and the design thereof shall be approved by the fire code official prior to installation. Organized as the Santa Clara County Central Fire Protection District Serving Santa Clara County and the communities of Campbell, Cupertino, Los Altos, Los Altos Hills, Los Gatos, Monte Sereno, Morgan Hill, and Saratoga 3 12. Alternate paving material: Alternative paving materials such as ‘Grass Crete’, turf block or similar type material may be used for emergency vehicle access (EVA) under certain conditions. The submittal shall include the design criteria based upon the imposed load of fire apparatus as identified in item 2, Access and Loading. The EVA shall: • Be marked. The lane at the curb delineated with lights, bollards, paint, contrasting material, etc. • Be structurally sound to preclude movement or disbanding with soil movement. • Be field tested by the contractor in the presence of the fire code official Testing may include driving the EVA by a weight verified vehicle. Prior to final approval, the engineer of record (civil or soils engineer) shall certify the installation. FIRE APPARATUS ROADWAY SIGNS Where required by the Fire Code Official, fire apparatus access roads shall be designated and marked as a fire lane as set forth in Section 22500.1 of the California Vehicle Code. The designation shall be indicated (1) by a sign posted immediately adjacent to, and visible from, the designated place clearly stating in letters not less than one inch in height that the place is a fire lane, (2) by outlining or painting the place in red and, in contrasting color, marking the place with the words “FIRE LANE”, which are clearly visible from a vehicle, or (3) by a red curb or red paint on the edge of the roadway upon which is clearly marked the words “FIRE LANE’. NUMBER OF ACCESS ROADS REQUIRED Commercial and Industrial Developments 1. Buildings exceeding three stories or 30 feet in height. Buildings or facilities exceeding 30 feet (9144 mm) or three stories in height shall have a least two means of fire apparatus access for each structure. 2. Buildings exceeding 62,000 square feet in area. Buildings or facilities having a gross building area of more than 62,000 square feet (5760 mm) shall be provided with two separate and approved fire apparatus access roads. Exception: Projects having a gross building area of up to 124,000 square feet (11520 mm) that have a single approved fire apparatus access road when all buildings are equipped throughout with approved automatic sprinkler systems. Multi-Family Residential Developments (R-1 & R-2 occupancies) 1. Multi-family residential projects having more than 100 dwelling units shall be equipped throughout with two separate and approved fire apparatus access roads. Organized as the Santa Clara County Central Fire Protection District Serving Santa Clara County and the communities of Campbell, Cupertino, Los Altos, Los Altos Hills, Los Gatos, Monte Sereno, Morgan Hill, and Saratoga 4 One-or-Two Family Residential Developments 1. Developments of one or two family dwellings where the number of dwelling units exceeds 30 shall be provided with two separate and approved fire apparatus access roads and shall meet the requirements listed under; separation of access roads. Exception: When approved by the fire code official, where there are more than 30 dwellings units on a single public or private fire apparatus road and all dwellings units are equipped throughout with an approved automatic sprinkler system in accordance with California Fire Code Section 903.3.1.1, 903.3.1.2 or 903.3.1.3, access from two directions shall not be required. The number of dwelling units on a single fire apparatus access road shall not be increased unless fire apparatus access roads will connect with future development, as determined by the fire code official. REQUIREMENTS FOR SECONDARY ACCESS ROADS 1. Separation of access roads. Where two access roads are required, they shall be placed a distance apart equal to not less than one half of the length of the maximum overall diagonal dimension of the property or area to be served, measured in a straight line between accesses (from centerline to centerline). 2. Connection to other roads: Where a secondary access roadway connects to a public or private street there shall be either; no curb, a rolled curb or a driveway cut as approved by the fire code official. 3. Easements: Only lands owned or in control of the property owner, held in common with adjacent properties or publicly owned may be used for secondary access. Secondary access roadways shall not be located in easements through private property unless specifically approved by the fire code official. When easements are required for secondary access roadways, they shall be recorded as Emergency Vehicle Ingress Egress Easements (E.V.I.E.E) granted to the Fire Department. 4. Marking and Identification: When necessary, signs or other approved notices shall be posted at secondary access roadways to prevent obstruction by parked vehicles. Such signs or notices shall be in accordance with Fire Department Standards. 5. Maintenance: Secondary access roadways shall be maintained at all times by the property owner. The roadway surface gates/locks and vertical and horizontal clearances shall be maintained in serviceable condition. Maintenance of secondary access roadways on commonly held lands shall be clearly stated in the Covenant, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&R) or Landscape Maintenance Organized as the Santa Clara County Central Fire Protection District Serving Santa Clara County and the communities of Campbell, Cupertino, Los Altos, Los Altos Hills, Los Gatos, Monte Sereno, Morgan Hill, and Saratoga 5 agreements of the development project. The CC&Rs shall mandate that the owners association shall retain professional management to oversee maintenance responsibilities. AERIAL FIRE APPARATUS ACCESS ROADS 1. Where required: Buildings or portions of buildings or facilities exceeding 30 feet (9144 mm) in height above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access shall be provided with approved fire apparatus access roads capable of accommodating fire department aerial apparatus. Overhead utility and power lines shall not be located within the aerial fire apparatus access roadway. 2. Width: Fire apparatus access roads shall have a minimum unobstructed width of 26 feet (7925) in the immediate vicinity of any building or portion of building more than 30 feet (9144 mm) in height. 3. Proximity to building: At least one of the required access routes meeting this condition shall be located within a minimum of 15 feet (4572) and a maximum of 30 feet (9144mm) from the building, and shall be positioned parallel to one entire side of the building, as approved by the fire code official. TEMPORARY ACCESS ROADS 1. When approved by the Chief, a temporary access road may be installed for fire department access to buildings under construction until such time that the permanent road or driveway is in place. A written request along with detailed plans for the temporary access road shall be submitted to the fire department for review and approval prior to installation. The plan submittal shall also include timelines for use of the temporary roadway and acknowledgment that the integrity of the roadway will be maintained at all times. 2. The width and turn radius dimensions of a temporary access road shall be the same as for the required permanent roadway. As a minimum, the roadway shall consist of a compacted sub base and six (6) inches of road base material (Class 2 aggregate base rock) both compacted to a minimum 95%. The perimeter edges of the roadway shall be contained and delineated by curb and gutter or other approved method. The use of geotextile reinforcing fabric underlayment or soils lime-treatment may be required if so determined by the project civil engineer. Provisions for surface drainage shall also be provided where necessary. 3. Engineering certification of the temporary roadway construction shall be documented and submitted to the Fire Department prior to or at the time of the acceptance inspection of the roadway. Standard Details & Specifications A-1/DM: dh/12.02.09 This Page Intentionally Left Blank SD&S D-1/bh/04.27.21 Driveway Turnaround 1 of 4 Serving Santa Clara County and the communities of Campbell, Cupertino, Los Altos, Los Altos Hills, Los Gatos, Monte Sereno, and Saratoga. SANTA CLARA COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT 14700 Winchester Blvd., Los Gatos, CA 95032 | (408) 378-4010 | www.sccfd.org SCOPE This standard is applicable to driveways serving up to two (2) single family dwellings where any portion of the dwelling(s) is greater than 200 feet from the center line of a public roadway. The specifications contained in this standard apply only to properties located within the incorporated city/town services areas of the Santa Clara County Fire Department. Fire department access for dwellings in unincorporated County areas shall conform to County of Santa Clara driveway/roadway standards. AUTHORITY California Fire Code (C.F.C), Applicable Municipal/Town Codes and Standards DEFINITIONS Driveway: A vehicular access roadway less than 20 feet in width and serving no more than two single-family dwellings. Roadway: A vehicular access roadway greater than or equal to 20 feet in width serving more than two single-family dwellings. REQUIREMENTS I.DRIVEWAY WIDTH A.For Campbell, Cupertino, Los Gatos, Monte Sereno, and Los Altos Hills: A 12- foot-wide paved surface. B.For Los Altos: A 14-foot-wide paved surface. C.For Saratoga: A 14-foot-wide paved surface. STANDARD DETAILS & SPECIFICATIONS Spec No D-1 Rev. Date 04/27/21 SUBJECT: Specifications for Driveways, Turnarounds and Eff. Date 01/23/97 Turn Outs Serving up to Two (2) Single Family Dwellings Approved By ____ Page __1___ of __4__ EXHIBIT 10 SD&S D-1/bh/04.27.21 Driveway Turnaround 2 of 4 Serving Santa Clara County and the communities of Campbell, Cupertino, Los Altos, Los Altos Hills, Los Gatos, Monte Sereno, and Saratoga. II. VERTICAL CLEARANCE A. The vertical clearance above the entire length of the driveway shall be in accordance with the CFC; 13 feet 6 inches. III. GRADE NOTE: When approved by the Fire Code official, grades up to 20% may be allowed. In no case shall the portion of driveway exceeding 15% gradient be longer than 300- feet in length. For longer driveways, there shall be at least 100-feet of driveway at 15% or less gradient between each 300-foot section that exceeds 15%. IV. GATES The installation of gates or other barricades across driveways shall comply with Santa Clara County Fire Department’s Standard G-1. V. PAVEMENT SURFACE: Driveways shall be an all-weather surface of either asphalt, concrete or another engineered surface acceptable to the fire department. The surface shall be approved by a civil engineer and be able to support apparatus weighing at least 75,000 pounds. NOTE: For alternative roadway surfaces such as “Turf Block” or other materials that blend into landscaping and/or that do not readily appear to be driving surfaces, the boundary edges of the alternate material shall be delineated as approved by the fire code official. Delineation shall be by concrete curbs, borders, posts, or other means that clearly indicate the location and extent of the driving surface. VI. BRIDGES AND CULVERTS: A. Where a bridge or an elevated surface is part of a fire apparatus access road, the bridge shall be constructed and maintained in accordance with AASHTO HB-17. B. All bridges, elevated surfaces and culverts shall be designed for a live load sufficient to carry the imposed load of a fire apparatus weighing at least 75,000 pounds. Vehicle load limits shall be posted at the entrance to the bridge. Additional signs may be required by the fire code official. Where elevated surfaces designed for emergency vehicle use are adjacent to surfaces which are not designed for such use, approved barriers, approved signs or both shall be installed and maintained when required by the fire code official. SD&S D-1/bh/04.27.21 Driveway Turnaround 4 of 4 Serving Santa Clara County and the communities of Campbell, Cupertino, Los Altos, Los Altos Hills, Los Gatos, Monte Sereno, and Saratoga. SANTA CLARA COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT 14700 Winchester Blvd., Los Gatos, CA 95032 | (408) 378-4010 | www.sccfd.org VII. ANGLES OF APPROACH AND DEPARTURE: For driveways sloping upward from the access roadway, the angles of approach and departure shall be as approved by the fire code official. VIII. TURNING RADIUS: The minimum outside turning radius is 40 feet, unless otherwise specified. Exception: Modified turning radius may be allowed by the fire code official in cases where conditions acceptable under the CFC allow for such deviation. Requests for such modifications must be made in writing to the fire code official for review. IX. TURNOUTS: Turnouts are required every 500 feet for driveways in excess of 500 feet. SD&S D-1/bh/04.27.21 Driveway Turnaround 4 of 4 Serving Santa Clara County and the communities of Campbell, Cupertino, Los Altos, Los Altos Hills, Los Gatos, Monte Sereno, and Saratoga. SANTA CLARA COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT 14700 Winchester Blvd., Los Gatos, CA 95032 | (408) 378-4010 | www.sccfd.org X. TURNAROUNDS: Turnarounds are required for all driveways with a length in excess of 150 feet. NOTE: Turnarounds cannot exceed 5% in any one direction. DIMENSION A: DRIVEWAY WIDTH: 12 FT • CAMPBELL • CUPERTINO • LOS GATOS • MONTE SERENO • LOS ALTOS HILLS 14 FT • LOS ALTOS • SARATOGA From: David Hutchison <> Sent: Monday, February 27, 2023 8:00 AM To: Sean Mullin <SMullin@losgatosca.gov> Subject: Letter in support of Bouknight's hearing on Wed Mar 8 [EXTERNAL SENDER] Sean, Please add this email to the public comment for the Bouknights' hearing on Mar 8. I have become interested in the case of the Bouknights and others (e.g. the Wades, and others in SCC/Saratoga) because I am a concerned homeowner worried about what this over-regulation means to property values and to our Towns' resident's freedom to build and improve on their lots. This is, plain and simple, an example of poorly-written poorly-interpreted law that benefits no one. Both homeowners and the Planning Commission should recognize it as such and we should make every effort to resist such things -- poorly-written poorly-interpreted fire law that ultimately causes LESS fire safety than we'd have if homeowners were allowed to build top-notch fire-safe homes where vacant combustible wooded lots or where old homes exist now, causes big problems and ultimately is an embarrassing waste of everyone's time and money -- the homeowners, and the Town's. The Bouknights should never be in this situation. (1) Having passed Planning approval including Fire Dept review, (2) Los Gatos is an outlier in the state at requiring strict 4290 compliance, (3) 4290 was never intended to apply to existing roads, and it is unenforceable to apply it in that way -- in general remedying existing road slope/length/... is either physically impossible or practically impossible for a homeowner, and opens up the town to significant litigation risk in cases such as this. Los Gatos should adopt the same approach SCC is now taking, wherein they consider but ultimately now routinely pass cases that would have a year ago gotten stuck on 4290 compliance; they recognize that SCCFD is an outlier and very few if any other counties are requiring compliance for existing roads, they recognize the huge cost and impossibility of compliance, and therefore they generally consider compliance to be a Taking under the US Constitution -- and allow the project to move forward. The Planning Commission should simply consider the Fire Department's stance, consider whether there are reasonable alternatives, and if not, they should allow the project to move forward, recognizing that the end result is a more fire-safe situation and more safe from litigation risk, compared to continuing to block a project. Best regards, David EXHIBIT 11 February 27, 2023 Planning Commission Los Gatos Planning 110 East Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 Re: Proposed Single Family Residence 144 Wood Road, Los Gatos, CA 95030 Dear Planning Commission Members: I’m writing in support of the Bouknight’s appeal request to be discussed at the upcoming Planning Commission meeting on March 8. The Bouknights have lived down the street from my family here in Los Gatos for the last few years. It has been nice getting to know them as we have a lot in common. We both have young families with our children attending the local public schools. The Bouknights are also frequent hosts to grandparents and I know that their goal is to have the future home serve as place where grandparents can live. As it turns out, the Bouknights started pursuing their single-family home project at nearly the same time that we did. We both purchased our properties around the same time, used the same renowned local architect and submitted our site and architectural plans within days of each other. One of the important aspects of the residential building process is the issuance of final conditions of approval. These conditions of approval guide the entire process of assembling the construction documents that are used for the permitting process. In fact, these conditions are included point for point with the permit submission to ensure that the applicant is living up to those conditions. I understand in the Bouknights’ case that they were given final conditions of approval after their planning commission approval back in August 2021 and that they submitted for permitting in October 2021 in accordance with those conditions. The fact that those final conditions were altered some months after their issuance is upsetting. With this type of precedent of changing the rules after the game has been played, how can any typical property owner have assurance that she could hit the mark without later having the target moved? It is extraordinarily expensive to change construction documents and building plans not to mention frustrating and time consuming to do so after final conditions of approval have been rendered. The entire purpose of final conditions of approval is to provide the property owner with explicit and individualized guidance on requirements to receive permits. I can only imagine how upset I would be if this was done to my family as part of our project. I really enjoy the town of Los Gatos as do the Bouknights and I completely understand that the process of obtaining approvals and building a home is a privilege that comes with its own set of challenges. That noted, what has been asked of the Bouknights is obscure and unnecessary. They have outlined a single- family residence with site improvements that clearly make the area more fire safe. What is the rational argument to block it? I’m in full support of the Bouknights’ appeal. Best regards, Jasleen Dhillon From: Lee Ann Wade Sent: Thursday, March 2, 2023 10:24 AM To: Sean Mullin <SMullin@losgatosca.gov> Subject: Support for Bouknight Appeal [EXTERNAL SENDER] We are writing in support for the Bouknight's appeal to remove PRC 4290 regulations from their property. Both Santa Clara County Planning and the Los Gatos Planning Departments have deemed these regulations unlawful. From a practical view, this development creates a MORE fire-safe area for the entire neighborhood. We urge you to remove these unconstitutional regulations without delay. Thank you, Lee Ann and Eric Wade Los Gatos Residents From: Monica Nilsson <> Sent: Thursday, March 2, 2023 9:02 PM To: Sean Mullin <SMullin@losgatosca.gov> Subject: Bouknights’ appeal request [EXTERNAL SENDER] Dear Planning Commission: We are the Nilsson family. We are residents and homeowners in Los Gatos. I am writing in full support of the Bouknights’ appeal request to be heard by the commission on March 8 for 144 Wood Road. My family has gotten to know the Bouknight family over the past few years and I would note that they have been a wonderful addition to the Los Gatos community. We have the unique commonality that we both have sets of twin boys who are the same age and attend the local public schools together. It’s been fantastic to see the four of them interact and become great friends. The Bouknights are very caring people. Their boys’ grandfather has lived with them for many years and they serve as his primary caregiver now that he has advanced medical needs. I can very much relate to wanting to be able to provide housing for parents as they advance in age. I have taken great interest in the Bouknights’ proposed single-family home project, in part because I have great interest in making improvements to my own property. I was very surprised when I heard that they have been blocked from receiving their building permits due this regulation PRC 4290. This is surprising for a number of reasons, one of which is that these guidelines had never been mentioned during their approval process or mentioned in their final conditions of approval. It is also surprising, because as someone who lives in an area that could be affected by this regulation (most of Los Gatos could be affected), I have never heard of this regulation. It is shocking to think that a regulation that could impact so many homeowners in Los Gatos has never been discussed here in a public forum. It is shocking to know that this regulation was implemented without any notice given to tax-paying homeowners. And it is shocking to learn how differently we are doing things here in Los Gatos regarding this regulation relative to other areas. As it turns out, the road in question (Wood Road) actually aligns very well with the intent of the regulations. There is no question that what has been proposed improves fire safety. I would urge the planning commission to approve the Bouknights’ appeal request. Thank you, Monica Nilsson