Item 4.Staff Report with Exhibits 1-9.253 W Main Street PREPARED BY: SEAN MULLIN, AICP Senior Planner Reviewed by: Planning Manager and Community Development Director 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● (408) 354-6872 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT MEETING DATE: 01/11/2023 ITEM NO: 4 DATE: January 6, 2023 TO: Planning Commission FROM: Joel Paulson, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Consider an Appeal of a Historic Preservation Committee Decision to Deny a Request to Modify the Previously Approved Front Door on a New Single- Family Residence Located in the Broadway Historic District on Property Zoned R-1D:LHP. Located at 253 W. Main Street. APN 510-45-006. Minor Development in a Historic District Application HS-22-051. PROPERTY OWNER/APPELLANT: Mike and Kim Wasserman. APPLICANT: Bess Wiersema, Studio Three Design. PROJECT PLANNER: Sean Mullin. RECOMMENDATION: Deny the appeal of the Historic Preservation Committee decision to deny a request to modify the previously approved front door on a new single-family residence in the Broadway Historic District on property zoned R-1D:LHP, located at 253 W. Main Street. PROJECT DATA: General Plan Designation: Medium Density Residential Zoning Designation: R-1D:LHP, Single-Family Residential Downtown with a Landmark and Historic Preservation Overlay Applicable Plans & Standards: General Plan, Residential Design Guidelines Parcel Size: 7,500 square feet Surrounding Area: Existing Land Use General Plan Zoning North Residential and Commercial Medium Density Residential and Central Business District R-1D:LHP and C-2:LHP South Residential Medium Density Residential R-1D:LHP East Residential Medium Density Residential R-1D:LHP West Residential Medium Density Residential R-1D:LHP PAGE 2 OF 8 SUBJECT: 253 W. Main Street/HS-22-051 DATE: January 6, 2023 S:\PLANNING COMMISSION REPORTS\2023\01-11-2023\Item 4 - 253 W. Main Street - HPC Appeal\Staff Report.253 W Main Street.docx CEQA: The request to modify the previously approved front door is not considered a project under the California Environmental Quality Act. FINDINGS: ▪ The project complies with the Residential Design Guidelines for single -family residences located in historic districts. CONSIDERATIONS: ▪ As required by Section 29.80.290, in evaluating applications, the deciding body shall consider the architectural style, design, arrangement, texture, materials and color, and any other pertinent factors. Applications shall not be granted unless: (2) In historic districts, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property, which is the subject of the application, nor adversely affect its relationship, in terms of harmony and appropriateness, with its surroundings, including neighboring structures, nor adversely affect the character, or the historical, architectural or aesthetic interest or value of the district. ACTION: The decision of the Planning Commission is final unless appealed within ten days. BACKGROUND: The subject property is located on the south side of W. Main Street across from its intersection with Tait Avenue (Exhibit 1). The property is located in the Broadway Historic District and a new single-family residence is currently under construction. On February 26, 2020, the Historic Preservation Committee reviewed a request for a determination regarding the contributing status of an existing single-family residence on the subject property and found that the residence was not historically or architecturally significant and that the integrity had been compromised through alterations over time. On July 22, 2020, the Historic Preservation Committee considered an Architecture and Site application requesting demolition of the existing residence and construction of a new single - family residence and forwarded a recommendation of approval. PAGE 3 OF 8 SUBJECT: 253 W. Main Street/HS-22-051 DATE: January 6, 2023 S:\PLANNING COMMISSION REPORTS\2023\01-11-2023\Item 4 - 253 W. Main Street - HPC Appeal\Staff Report.253 W Main Street.docx BACKGROUND (continued): On November 18, 2020, the Development Review Committee approved the project and Building Permits were issued on May 26, 2021. On November 3, 2022, staff was made aware that the installed front door was not consistent with door approved by the Development Review Committee. Staff determined that the installed front door was not in substantial conformance with the approved project and was unable to find an administrative remedy to allow the modification at the staff level. After consulting with the applicant, staff scheduled the modification request for the next available Historic Preservation Committee meeting. On December 14, 2022, the Historic Preservation Committee considered a request to modify the previously approved front door and by a vote of two to one denied the request finding that the proposed modification was not consistent with the chosen architectural style or with the Broadway Historic District (Exhibits 3 and 4). On December 20, 2022, the property owner appealed the decision of the Historic Preservation Committee to the Planning Commission (Exhibit 5). In their appeal, the appellant indicates that the proposed front door is consistent with Section 29.80.290 of the Town Code as it complements the architectural style, design, arrangement, texture, materials, and color and that the door does not adversely affect the architectural characteristics or other features of the property. Pursuant to Section 29.20.258 of the Town Code, the decision of the Historic Preservation Committee may be appealed to the Planning Commission by any interested person as defined by Section 29.10.020 within 10 days of the decision. Pursuant to Town Code Section 29.20.265, the appeal shall be set for the first regular meeting of the Planning Commission in which the bu siness of Planning Commission will permit, more than five (5) days after the date of filing the appeal. The Planning Commission may hear the matter anew and render a new decision in the matter. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: A. Location and Surrounding Neighborhood The subject property is located on the south side of W. Main Street across from its intersection with Tait Avenue (Exhibit 1). The surrounding properties are zoned R-1D:LHP and C-2:LHP. PAGE 4 OF 8 SUBJECT: 253 W. Main Street/HS-22-051 DATE: January 6, 2023 S:\PLANNING COMMISSION REPORTS\2023\01-11-2023\Item 4 - 253 W. Main Street - HPC Appeal\Staff Report.253 W Main Street.docx PROJECT DESCRIPTION (continued): B. Project Summary The property owner is appealing the Historic Preservation Committee’s decision to deny a request to modify the previously approved front door. DISCUSSION: A. Front Door Modification Request The property owner has appealed the Historic Preservation Committee’s denial of their request to modify the previously approved front door. The requested modification would change the front door from the approved divided-lite, aluminum clad wood door (Exhibit 3, Attachment 1) to a custom antique wood door (Exhibit 3, Attachment 2). A Letter of Justification presented to the Historic Preservation Committee provided reasons for the modification, including that the approved front door lacked the appearance o f a formal entry door and that the proposed door is an antique door that would formalize the entry by providing character in-keeping with traditional homes in the neighborhood (Exhibit 3, Attachment 2). This Letter of Justification also includes a letter from the property owners indicating that the proposed door originated in Mexico and is approximately 300 years old. This letter further details the familial origins of the proposed door and how it came into the owners’ possession. A supplemental letter from the property owners provides additional information and details regarding the door (Exhibit 3, Attachment 3). B. Required Review Criteria Section 4.10 of the Residential Design Guidelines provides guidance for new construction within the Town’s historic districts (Exhibit 6). In general, this section stresses the importance of designing within a recognized architectural style that is consistent with and supportive of the district, does not create a false sense of historical development within the district, and is respectful of the established patterns. Proposed exterior alterations in a historic district are required to comply with the Residential Design Guidelines. Town Code Section 29.80.290 provides standards for review that the deciding body shall consider in their review of a proposal for exterior alterations. The subject property is located in the Broadway Historic District, to which the following standard applies: (2) In historic districts, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property, which is the subject of the application, nor adversely affect its relationship, in terms of harmony and appropriateness, with its surroundings, including neighboring structures, nor adversely PAGE 5 OF 8 SUBJECT: 253 W. Main Street/HS-22-051 DATE: January 6, 2023 S:\PLANNING COMMISSION REPORTS\2023\01-11-2023\Item 4 - 253 W. Main Street - HPC Appeal\Staff Report.253 W Main Street.docx DISCUSSION (continued): affect the character, or the historical, architectural or aesthetic interest or value of the district. On July 22, 2020, the Historic Preservation Committee considered the proposed new home and forwarded a recommendation of approval to the deciding body. Included with this action was a recommendation that the deciding body make the required finding and consideration discussed above. On November 18, 2020, the Development Review Committee made all required Findings and Considerations and approved the project. The proposed alteration to the approved front door qualifies as an exterior alteration in a historic district and the project is required to comply with the Findings and Considerations outlined above. C. Historic Preservation Committee On December 14, 2022, the Historic Preservation Committee received the staff report (Exhibit 3), opened the meeting, and considered testimony from the applicant. After asking questions of the applicant, the Historic Preservation Committee closed the public hearing and discussed the project. The Historic Preservation Committee reopened the public hearing to ask the applicant specific questions before continuing their discussion. A motion was made to approve the request, but failed to secure a second. Another motion was offered to deny the request on the basis that the proposed door was not consistent with the chosen architectural style or with the Broadway Historic District . This motion was seconded and passed with a vote of two to one, with two Committee members absent (Exhibit 4). D. Appeal to Planning Commission The decision of the Historic Preservation Committee was appealed on December 20, 2022, by the property owner, Mike Wasserman (Exhibit 5). Per the appellant, the appeal should be granted for the three following reasons. The three points made in the appeal are followed by staff analysis in italic font. 1. Appellant: The proposed door meets with the requirements of Section 29.80.290 of the Town Code as it complements the architectural style, arrangement, texture, materials, and color. During their December 14, 2022, consideration of the proposed front door, the Historic Preservation Committee was unable to make the required Findings and Considerations PAGE 6 OF 8 SUBJECT: 253 W. Main Street/HS-22-051 DATE: January 6, 2023 S:\PLANNING COMMISSION REPORTS\2023\01-11-2023\Item 4 - 253 W. Main Street - HPC Appeal\Staff Report.253 W Main Street.docx DISCUSSION (continued): as discussed above. The Historic Preservation Committee discussed the proposed door and found that it was not consistent with the chosen architectural style or with the Broadway Historic District. The Historic Preservation Committee denied the request with a vote of two to one, with two Committee members absent. 2. Appellant: The proposed door does not adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property. As discussed above, the Historic Preservation Committee was unable to support the proposed door, finding that it was not consistent with the chosen architectural style or with the Broadway Historic District. 3. Appellant: The proposed door brings some history to the property. The appellant provided the history of the proposed door (Exhibits 3 and 5) and indicates in their appeal that including it on the new residence would preserve this artifact and add history to the new home currently under construction (Exhibit 5). The appellant also included a list of 50 residences in the area with solid wood front doors. In addition to the information provided by the appellant, the project architect submitted information on the chosen architectural style and discussed how the proposed door is consistent (Exhibit 7). The new residence is described by the project architect as being designed in the Tudor/Tudor Revival/New Traditional style. The project architect outlines some of the key design elements of the chosen architectural style, including “articulated/paneled entry doors, solid in nature, wood.” The architect, as well as the appellant, also stress that the front door would be well set back from the street, which would reduce its prominence. E. Neighbor Outreach The appellant has indicated that they have been communicating with the surrounding neighbors to discuss the proposed project. A summary of their outreach efforts is included as Exhibit 8. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Written notice was sent to property owners and tenants within 300 feet of the subject property. Public comments received by 11:00 a.m., Friday, January 6, 2023, are included as Exhibit 9. PAGE 7 OF 8 SUBJECT: 253 W. Main Street/HS-22-051 DATE: January 6, 2023 S:\PLANNING COMMISSION REPORTS\2023\01-11-2023\Item 4 - 253 W. Main Street - HPC Appeal\Staff Report.253 W Main Street.docx ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: The request to modify the previously approved front door is not considered a project under the California Environmental Quality Act. CONCLUSION: A. Summary The appellant is requesting that the Planning Commission grant their appeal of the Historic Preservation Committee’s decision to deny a request to modify the previously approved front door and approve the proposed front door. B. Recommendation For reasons stated in this report, it is recommended that the Planning Commission deny the appeal and uphold the decision of the Historic Preservation Committee to deny the request to modify the previously approved front door. C. Alternatives Alternatively, the Commission can: 1. Continue the matter to a date certain with specific direction; 2. Grant the appeal and approve the proposed front door, making the required findings and considerations provided in Exhibit 2; or 3. Remand the appeal to the Historic Preservation Committee with specific direction. EXHIBITS: 1. Location Map 2. Required Findings and Considerations 3. Historic Preservation Committee Staff Report and Attachments, December 14, 2022 4. Historic Preservation Committee Action Letter, December 14, 2022 5. Appeal of the Historic Preservation Committee Denial, received December 20, 2022 6. Residential Design Guidelines, Section 4.10 7. Summary of Architectural Style by the Project Architect 8. Summary of Neighbor Outreach 9. Public Comments Received by 11:00 a.m., Friday, January 6, 2023 This Page Intentionally Left Blank BRO A D W A Y W M A I N S TTAIT AVVICTORY LNBAYVIEW AVFARWELL LNPE N N S Y L V A N I A A V BEA N A V S SANTA CRUZ AVCLIFTON AVLYNDON AVBAY V I E W C T 253 W Main Street 0 0.250.125 Miles ° EXHIBIT 1 This Page Intentionally Left Blank S:\PLANNING COMMISSION REPORTS\2023\01-11-2023\Item 4 - 253 W. Main Street - HPC Appeal\Exhibit 2 - Required Findings and Considerations.docx PLANNING COMMISSION –January 11, 2023 REQUIRED FINDINGS & CONSIDERATIONS FOR: 253 W Main Street Minor Development in a Historic District Application HS-22-051 Consider an Appeal of a Historic Preservation Committee Decision to Deny a Request to Modify the Previously Approved Front Door on a New Single-Family Residence Located in the Broadway Historic District on Property Zoned R-1D:LHP. PROPERTY OWNER: Mike and Kim Wasserman APPLICANT: Bess Wiersema, Studio 3 Design PROJECT PLANNER: Sean Mullin FINDINGS Required compliance with the Residential Design Guidelines: ■ The project is in compliance with the Residential Design Guidelines for single-family residences located in Historic Districts. CONSIDERATIONS Required considerations in review of Minor Development in a Historic District applications: ■ As required by Section 29.80.290, in evaluating applications, the deciding body shall consider the architectural style, design, arrangement, texture, materials and color, and any other pertinent factors. Applications shall not be granted unless: (2) In historic districts, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property, which is the subject of the application, nor adversely affect its relationship, in terms of harmony and appropriateness, with its surroundings, including neighboring structures, nor adversely affect the character, or the historical, architectural or aesthetic interest or value of the district. EXHIBIT 2 This Page Intentionally Left Blank PREPARED BY: SEAN MULLIN, AICP Senior Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: 12/14/2022 ITEM NO: 7 DATE: December 9, 2022 TO: Historic Preservation Committee FROM: Joel Paulson, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Requesting Approval to Modify the Previously Approved Front Door on a New Single-Family Residence Located in the Broadway Historic District on Property Zoned R-1D:LHP. Located at 253 W. Main Street. APN 510-45-006. Minor Development in a Historic District Application HS-22-051. PROPERTY OWNER: Mike and Kim Wasserman. APPLICANT: Bess Wiersema, Studio Three Design. PROJECT PLANNER: Sean Mullin. RECOMMENDATION: Consider a request to modify the previously approved front door on a new single -family residence located in the Broadway Historic District on property zoned R-1D:LHP located at 253 W. Main Street. PROPERTY DETAILS: 1.Date primary structure was built: N/A, new residence under construction 2.Town of Los Gatos Preliminary Historic Status Code: N/A 3.Does property have an LHP Overlay? Yes 4.Is structure in a historic district? Yes, Broadway District 5.If yes, is it a contributor? No 6.Findings required? No 7.Considerations required? Yes BACKGROUND: On February 26, 2020, the Historic Preservation Committee reviewed a request for determination regarding the contributing status of an existing single-family residence on the subject property and found that the residence was not historically or architecturally significant and that the integrity had been compromised through alterations over time. EXHIBIT 3 PAGE 2 OF 3 SUBJECT: 253 W. Main Street/HS-22-051 DATE: December 9, 2022 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Reports and Attachments\2022\12-14-22 - SPECIAL 3pm\Item 07 - 253 W. Main Street\Staff Report.253 W. Main Street.docx 12/8/2022 11:57 AM BACKGROUND (continued): On July 22, 2020, the Committee considered a request for demolition of the existing residence and construction of a new single-family residence and forwarded a recommendation of approval. On November 18, 2020, the Development Review Committee approved the project and Building Permits were issued on May 26, 2021. The new residence is currently under construction. On November 3, 2022, staff was made aware that the installed front door was not consistent with the approved door. Staff determined that the installed front door was not in substantial conformance with the approved project and was unable to find an administrative remedy to allow the modification at the staff level. After consulting with the applicant, staf f scheduled the modification request for the next available Historic Preservation Committee meeting. DISCUSSION: The applicant is requesting approval to change the front door from the approved divided-lite, aluminum clad wood door (Attachment 1) to a custom antique wood door (Attachment 2). The applicant provided a Letter of Justification providing reasons for the modification , including that the approved front door lacked the appearance of a formal entry door and that the proposed door is an antique door that would formalize the entry by providing character in-keeping with traditional homes in the neighborhood (Attachment 2). The Letter of Justification also includes a letter from the property owners indicating that the proposed door originated in Mexico and is approximately 300 years old. The letter further details the familial origins of the proposed door and how it came into the owners’ possession. A supplemental letter from the property owners provides additional information and details regarding the door (Attachment 3). CONSIDERATIONS: A. Considerations Sec. 29.80.290. Standards for review. In evaluating applications, the deciding body shall consider the architectural style, design, arrangement, texture, materials and color, and any other pertinent factors. Applications shall not be granted unless: In historic districts, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of PAGE 3 OF 3 SUBJECT: 253 W. Main Street/HS-22-051 DATE: December 9, 2022 N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Reports and Attachments\2022\12-14-22 - SPECIAL 3pm\Item 07 - 253 W. Main Street\Staff Report.253 W. Main Street.docx 12/8/2022 11:57 AM CONSIDERATIONS (continued): the application, nor adversely affect its relationship, in terms of harmony and appropriateness, with its surroundings, including neighboring structures, nor adversely affect the character, or the historical, architectural or aesthetic interest or value of the district. CONCLUSION: The applicant is requesting approval to change the front door from the approved divided -lite, aluminum clad wood door to a custom antique wood door. Should the Committee find merit in the request the project would be completed with a Building Permit and would not return to the Committee. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Approved elevations and materials board 2. Applicant’s request and Letter of Justification 3. Letter from Property Owner This Page Intentionally Left Blank 8'-0" HD. HT. 24'-8" BUILDING HT.5 - PROPOSED NORTHEAST ELEVATION±9'-0" A.F.F.PL. HT.±0'-0"FIN.FLR. (427.67)±9'-0" A.F.F.PL. HT.±0'-0"FIN.FLR.(427.67)8SLOPE12CLASS "A" COMP.ASPHALT SHINGLESSTONE VENEERWOOD RAILINGEXPOSEDRAFTER TAILSDECORATIVEBRACKETTOP OF SLABSTUCCO, SMOOTHTYP . R . = 7 ' - 3 1 2"DOWNWARD DIRECTIONAL, SHIELDED EXTERIOR LIGHTING TBD.GENERAL NOTES:FLARED EAVE, TYP.5" WIDE WOOD TRIM,SILL AND HEADS,PAINTED, TYP.WOODSHUTTER,PAINTEDWINDOW:ALUMINUM CLADEXTERIOR, WOODINTERIOR, TYP.8'-0" 24'-0" BUILDING HT.6 - PROPOSED SOUTHWEST ELEVATION±9'-0" A.F.F.PL. HT.±0'-0"FIN.FLR.(427.67)±9'-0" A.F.F.PL. HT.±0'-0"FIN.FLR.(427.67)8SLOPE12FENCED + GATEDAREA FOR DOG RUNPROPERTY LINECLASS "A" COMP.ASPHALT SHINGLESSTONE VENEERCHIMNEYSTONE VENEEREXPOSEDRAFTER TAILSWOODRAILINGSTUCCO, SMOOTHFLARED EAVE, TYP.TYP . R . = 7 ' - 3 1 2"DOWNWARD DIRECTIONAL, SHIELDED EXTERIOR LIGHTING TBD.GENERAL NOTES:5" WIDE WOOD TRIM,SILL AND HEADS,PAINTED, TYP.ELEVATION / SECTION NOTES1. WHERE INDICATED, ROOFING TO BE HIGH DEFINITIONCOMPOSITION SHINGLES. MINIMUM FIRE RATEDCLASS A.2. WHERE INDICATED, ROOFING TO BE STANDING SEAMMETAL. MINIMUM FIRE RATED CLASS A.3. ALL FLASHING TO BE 26 GAUGE W/MIN. 10-INCH LAPW/ALL SEAMS SOLDERED TO BE WEATHERPROOFAND PAINTED TO MATCH ROOFING MATERIAL4. WHEN POSSIBLE LOCATE ALL PLUMBING, HVACVENTS, ETC. AT REAR ROOF SIDE (OPPOSITE ENTRY)\5. ALL DOWNSPOUTS SHALL BE DIRECTED TOLANDSCAPED AREAS, MINIMIZE DIRECTLYCONNECTED IMPERVIOUS AREAS, ETC.6. WHERE INDICATED STUCCO WALLS: (1) 3-COAT, 7/8"MINIMUM THICK; (2) OVER PAPER-BACKED METALLATH (3) OVER TWO LAYERS OF GRADE D PAPER (4)OVER PLYWOOD SHEATHING, (4) USE 26GA.GALVANIZED WEEP SCREED AT FOUNDATIONPLATE LINE AT LEAST 8" ABOVE GRADE OR 2" ABOVECONCRETE OR PAVING. CRC SECTION R703.67. DOWNWARD DIRECTIONAL, SHIELDED EXTERIORLIGHTING TBD.8. AT STONE VENEER ANCHOR USING 22 GAGALVANIZED SHEET METAL ANCHOR TIES (WITH A LIPOR HOOK ON EXTENDED LEG ENGAGING NO. 9 GACONTINUOUS WIRE JOINT REINFORCEMENT) SPACED@ 24” O.C. MAXIMUM HORIZONTAL AND 16” O.C.MAXIMUM VERTICAL – ALTHOUGH SPACING SHOULDRESULT IN ONE ANCHOR PER MAXIMUM 2 SQ. FT.(E.G., ANCHORS @ 16” O.C. VERTICAL ANDHORIZONTAL).WINDOW / DOOR NOTES1. SEE PROPOSED PLANS FOR WINDOW AND DOORSIZES AND EGRESS WINDOW LOCATIONS.2. ALUMINUM CLAD EXTERIOR, WOOD INTERIOR.3. ALL SLEEPING ROOMS TO BE PROVIDED WITH ONEEMERGENCY EGRESS WINDOW (OR DOOR) WITH AMINIMUM CLEAR OPENING OF 5.7 SQUARE FEET, WITHA 20" MINIMUM WIDTH, 24" MINIMUM HEIGHT, AND 44"MAXIMUM FROM FINISH FLOOR TO TOP OF FINISHSILL.4. PROVIDE TEMPERED GLASS IN THE FOLLOWINGAREAS AS REQU'D PER CBC 2406.3: A. ALL INGRESSAND EGRESS DOORS. B. ALL SHOWERS AND BATHTUBENCLOSURE DOORS AND WINDOWS WHERE THEBOTTOM EXPOSED EDGE OF THE GLAZING IS LESSTHAN 60 INCHES ABOVE A STANDING SURFACE C.GLAZING WITHIN 12" OF ANY DOOR'S VERTICAL EDGEWHERE THE BOTTOM EDGE OF THE WINDOW IS LESSTHAN 60" ABOVE THE FLOOR OR WALKING SURFACE.D. ANY GLAZING WHERE THE EXPOSED BOTTOMEDGE IS LESS THAN 18" ABOVE THE FLOOR WHEREONE OR MORE WALKING SURFACE IS WITHIN 36"HORIZONTAL E. GLAZING WITHIN A 24" ARC EITHERVERTICAL EDGE OF THE DOOR IN A CLOSEDPOSITION. F. GLAZING ADJACENT TO STAIRWAYSWITHIN 60" HORIZ.OF THE BOTTOM TREAD IN ANYDIRECTION WHERE THE EXPOSED SURFACE OF THEGLASS IS LESS THAN 60" ABOVE THE NOSE OF THETREAD.5. PROVIDE ALL EXTERIOR DOORS WITH FULLWEATHER-STRIPPING. PROVIDE ALL EXTERIORDOORS (EXCEPT GARAGE O.H.) WITH METALTHRESHOLD IN BED OF SEALANT.6. UNDERCUT ALL DOORS TO CLOSETS AND LAUNDRYROOMS TO FACILITATE VENTILATION.7. VERIFY ALL DOOR IN-, OUT-, RIGHT-HAND, LEFT-HANDSWINGS AND WINDOW OPERATIONS AT FLOOR PLANSAND BUILDING ELEVATIONS.8. VERIFY ALL OUTSIDE FRAME AND ROUGH OPENINGDIMENSIONS WITH MANUFACTURE'S SPECIFICATIONS.9. SEE TITLE-24 REPORT FOR ADDITIONAL DOOR &WINDOW INFORMATION INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITEDTO, SHADING COEFFICIENTS, U-FACTORS, ETC...10. TEMPORARY LABEL MUST SHOW THE U-FACTOR ANDSHGC, FOR EACH RATED WINDOW. THE LABEL MUSTALSO SHOW THAT THE WINDOW MEETS THE AIRINFILTRATION CRITERIA. THE TEMPORARY LABELMUST NOT BE REMOVED BEFORE INSTALLATION &INSPECTION BY THE CITY INSPECTOR.11. THE PERMANENT LABEL MUST AS A MINIMUMIDENTIFY THE CERTIFYING ORGANIZATION AND HAVEA NUMBER OR A CODE TO ALLOW TRACKING BACK TOTHE ORIGINAL INFORMATION ON FILE WITH THECERTIFYING ORGANIZATION. THE PERMANENT LABELCAN BE INSCRIBED ON THE SPACE, ETCHED ON THEGLASS, ENGRAVED ON FRAME, OR LOCATED SO ASNOT TO AFFECT AESTHETICS.SCALE:14" = 1'-0"A3.2PROPOSED EXTERIORELEVATIONSINTERIORSREMODELS +ADDITIONSNEW CONSTRUCTION638 UNIVERSITY AVE.LOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032t 408.292.3252f 253.399.1125STUDIO THREE DESIGNA.P.N. 510-45-006WASSERMAN253 W. MAIN STREETLOS GATOSCALIFORNIA9503026 FEBRUARY 202026 OCTOBER 2020PLANNING RESUBMITTAL III22 DECEMBER 2020BUILDING SUBMITTAL09 MARCH 2021 BP RESUBMITTAL22 MARCH 2021MWELO SUBMITTAL16 APRIL 2021 BP RESUBMITTAL12ATTACHMENT 1 24'-8" BUILDING HT.FROSTED WINDOW@ M. BATHVERIFY WINDOWSYSTEM + SHADES @MASTER SUITE7 - PROPOSED NORTHWEST ELEVATION±9'-0" A.F.F.PL. HT.±0'-0"FIN.FLR. (427.67)±10'-0" A.F.F.PL. HT. @M. BEDROOM8SLOPE12DORMERS @ ATTIC/HALL VESTIBULETOP OF SLABMATCH LINE MATCH LINE 8'-0"CLASS "A" COMP.ASPHALT SHINGLESSKYLIGHTSSTONEVENEERSTONE VENEERCHIMNEYEXPOSEDRAFTER TAILSWOOD RAILINGDECORATIVEBRACKET8SLOPE12STUCCO, SMOOTHSTUCCO, SMOOTHFLARED EAVE, TYP.TYP . R . = 7 ' - 3 1 2"DOWNWARD DIRECTIONAL, SHIELDED EXTERIOR LIGHTING TBD.GENERAL NOTES:SECTIONAL GARAGEDOOR, WOOD, PAINTED5" WIDE WOOD TRIM,SILL AND HEADS,PAINTED, TYP.5" WIDE WOOD TRIM,SILL AND HEADS,PAINTED, TYP.WINDOW:ALUMINUM CLADEXTERIOR, WOODINTERIOR, TYP.WINDOW:ALUMINUM CLADEXTERIOR, WOODINTERIOR, TYP.DOOR: ALUMINUMCLAD EXTERIOR,WOOD INTERIOR, TYP.18'-3" 8'-0" 24'-0" BUILDING HT.8 - PROPOSED SOUTHEAST ELEVATION±9'-0" A.F.F.PL. HT.±0'-0"FIN.FLR.(427.67)8SLOPE12±10'-4" A.F.F.PL. HT. @ LAUNDRYWINDOWMATCH LINE MATCH LINE CLASS "A" COMP.ASPHALT SHINGLES8SLOPE12STONE VENEEREXPOSEDRAFTER TAILSDECORATIVEBRACKETWOOD LATTICESTUCCO, SMOOTHFLARED EAVE, TYP.TYP . R . = 7 ' - 3 1 2"DOWNWARD DIRECTIONAL, SHIELDED EXTERIOR LIGHTING TBD.GENERAL NOTES:5" WIDE WOOD TRIM,SILL AND HEADS,PAINTED, TYP.5" WIDE WOOD TRIMAND HEADS, PAINTED,TYP.WINDOW: ALUMINUMCLAD EXTERIOR,WOOD INTERIOR, TYP.DOOR: ALUMINUMCLAD EXTERIOR,WOOD INTERIOR, TYP.MATCHLINEMATCHLINEMATCHLINEMATCHLINE SCALE:14" = 1'-0"A3.3PROPOSED EXTERIORELEVATIONSINTERIORSREMODELS +ADDITIONSNEW CONSTRUCTION638 UNIVERSITY AVE.LOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032t 408.292.3252f 253.399.1125STUDIO THREE DESIGNA.P.N. 510-45-006WASSERMAN253 W. MAIN STREETLOS GATOSCALIFORNIA9503026 FEBRUARY 202026 OCTOBER 2020PLANNING RESUBMITTAL III22 DECEMBER 2020BUILDING SUBMITTAL09 MARCH 2021 BP RESUBMITTAL22 MARCH 2021MWELO SUBMITTAL16 APRIL 2021 BP RESUBMITTAL12 FROSTED WINDOW@ M. BATHVERIFY WINDOWSYSTEM + SHADES @MASTER SUITE7 - PROPOSED NORTHWEST ELEVATION±9-0" A.F.F.PL. HT.±0'-0"FIN.FLR.(427.67)±10'-0" A.F.F.PL. HT. @M. BEDROOM8SLOPE12DORMERS @ ATTIC/HALL VESTIBULEMATCH LINE MATCH LINE CLASS "A" COMP.ASPHALT SHINGLESSKYLIGHTSSTONE VENEERSTONEVENEERSTONE VENEERCHIMNEYEXPOSEDRAFTER TAILS8'-0"HD. HT.WOOD RAILING8SLOPE12STUCCO, SMOOTHSTUCCO, SMOOTHFLARED EAVE, TYP.TYP . R . = 7 ' - 3 1 2"DOWNWARD DIRECTIONAL, SHIELDED EXTERIOR LIGHTING TBD.GENERAL NOTES:5" WIDE WOOD TRIM,SILL AND HEADS,PAINTED, TYP.5" WIDE WOOD TRIM,SILL AND HEADS,PAINTED, TYP.WINDOW:ALUMINUM CLADEXTERIOR, WOODINTERIOR, TYP.WINDOW:ALUMINUM CLADEXTERIOR, WOODINTERIOR, TYP.DOOR: ALUMINUMCLAD EXTERIOR,WOOD INTERIOR, TYP.24'-0"BUILDING HEIGHT8 - PROPOSED SOUTHEAST ELEVATION±9'-0" A.F.F.PL. HT.±0'-0"FIN.FLR.(427.67)8SLOPE12±10'-4" A.F.F.PL. HT. @ LAUNDRYWINDOWMATCH LINE MATCH LINE CLASS "A" COMP.ASPHALT SHINGLES8SLOPE12EXPOSEDRAFTER TAILSDECORATIVEBRACKETWOOD LATTICESTUCCO, SMOOTHSTUCCO, SMOOTHFLARED EAVE, TYP.TYP . R . = 7 ' - 3 1 2"DOWNWARD DIRECTIONAL, SHIELDED EXTERIOR LIGHTING TBD.GENERAL NOTES:5" WIDE WOOD TRIM,SILL AND HEADS,PAINTED, TYP.5" WIDE WOOD TRIMAND HEADS, PAINTED,TYP.WINDOW: ALUMINUMCLAD EXTERIOR,WOOD INTERIOR, TYP.DOOR: ALUMINUMCLAD EXTERIOR,WOOD INTERIOR, TYP.24'-8"BUILDING HEIGHT MATCHLINEMATCHLINEDOWNWARD DIRECTIONAL, SHIELDED EXTERIOR LIGHTING TBD.GENERAL NOTES:MATCHLINEMATCHLINEDOWNWARD DIRECTIONAL, SHIELDED EXTERIOR LIGHTING TBD.GENERAL NOTES:SCALE:14" = 1'-0"A3.4PROPOSED EXTERIORELEVATIONSINTERIORSREMODELS +ADDITIONSNEW CONSTRUCTION638 UNIVERSITY AVE.LOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032t 408.292.3252f 253.399.1125STUDIO THREE DESIGNA.P.N. 510-45-006WASSERMAN253 W. MAIN STREETLOS GATOSCALIFORNIA9503026 FEBRUARY 202026 OCTOBER 2020PLANNING RESUBMITTAL III22 DECEMBER 2020BUILDING SUBMITTAL09 MARCH 2021 BP RESUBMITTAL22 MARCH 2021MWELO SUBMITTAL16 APRIL 2021 BP RESUBMITTAL12 CertainTeed Presidential Shake TL Luxury Shingle, Aged bark 09-04-2020 253 W Main St. Material Board STUDIO THREE DESIGN 6 3 8 U n i v e r s i t y A v e n u e L o s G a t o s . C A 9 5 0 3 2 t 4 0 8 .2 9 2 .3 2 5 2 Accent wood for exterior columns and beams Stone veneer, Canyon Creek Ledge Stucco,Smooth mottled finish, Benjamin Moore HC-29 Kolbe window, Aluminum clad exterior, Wood interior, Exterior color: Coastal storm Wood trim, Painted, Benjamin Moore AC-27 ATTACHMENT 2 This Page Intentionally Left Blank TOWN OF LOS GATOS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION (408) 354-6872 Fax (408) 354-7593 December 15, 2022 Bess Wiersema Studio Three Design 638 University Avenue Los Gatos, CA 95030 Via email RE: 253 W. Main Street Minor Development in a Historic District Application HS-22-051 Requesting Approval to Modify the Previously Approved Front Door on a New Single- Family Residence Located in the Broadway Historic District on Property Zoned R - 1D:LHP. APN 510-45-006. PROPERTY OWNER: Mike and Kim Wasserman APPLICANT: Bess Wiersema, Studio Three Design PROJECT PLANNER: Sean Mullin On December 14, 2022, the Los Gatos Historic Preservation Committee denied the above request finding that the proposed modification was not consistent with the chosen architectural style or with the Broadway Historic District. PLEASE NOTE: Pursuant to Sections 29.20.258 and 29.20.260 of the Town Code, this approval may be appealed to the Planning Commission within 10 days of the date the approval is granted. Therefore, this action for approval should not be considered final, and no permits by the Town will be issued until the appeal period has passed. If you have any questions, I can be contacted by phone at (408) 354 -6823 or by email at smullin@losgatosca.gov. Sincerely, Sean Mullin, AICP Senior Planner cc: Mike and Kim Wasserman, via email N:\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Action Letters\2022\Letter has been sent\Main Street W, 253 - 12-14-22 Action Letter HPC.docx CIVIC CENTER 110 E. MAIN STREET LOS GATOS, CA 95030 EXHIBIT 4 This Page Intentionally Left Blank TOWN OF LOS GATOS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLEASE TYPE or PRINT NEATLY 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 APPEAL OF THE DECISION OF HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE I, the undersigned, do hereby appeal a decision of the HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE as follows: DATE OF DECISION: PROJECT/APPLICATION: LOCATION: 11/�To/t(C p(.J7l/tT ,ii�l.,(A"/1,,,11/ If S-.1-1 -0 51 t5'3 1)/. J/1,1/AI ,$7. t../s-J S't:>')D Pursuant to the Town Code, any interested person as defined in Section 29.10.020 may appeal to the Planning Commission any decision of the Historic Preservation Committee. Interested person means: 1.Residential projects. Any person or persons or entity or entities who own property or reside within 1,000 feet of a property for which a decision has been rendered, and can demonstrate that their property will be injured by the decision. 2.Non-residential and mixed-use projects. Any person or persons or entity or entities who can demonstrate that their property will be injured by the decision. LIST REASONS WHY THE APPEAL SHOULD BE GRANTED: IAf� /A}otJ/£A[A'A1.,4/Ec[S .5'El[ltUI Z?-ifl>,t9a A5 ITlWPtl.;/F"UtJ' Jlle 1&J'l7«lllfAL >V(E, ))E5/4Jff, AMM/�){Etlr. ffX[tt)( MTF/f/4/J AAIJ tDLt>Jf. M� ./>L>G"5 ffeT /l�­ V'51iJELY.#Ffft7 7"1/E EXL�!Yi IJltL'lf[Tt(1Q�>'}l /!}/1..f,rJl?f/tlmtJ �/(_ tSJll€!i. ll�ft>-F 7)/E fii;fo/'�,,e� /r ,l)�.1e. K/lJ,1/if ..}2>1(-E /lrf�lrY 71> T�E />A�YE/:TY, IMPORTANT: 1.Appeal must be filed not more than ten (10) days after the decision is rendered by the Historic PreservationCommittee. If the tenth (10th) day is a Saturday, Sunday, or Town holiday, then the appeal may be filed on the workday immediately following the tenth (10th) day, usually a Monday. Appeals are due by 4:00 P.M.2.The appeal shall be set for the first regular meeting of the Planning Commission which the business of thePlanning Commission will permit, more than five (5) after the date of the filing of the appeal. The PlanningCommission may hear the matter a new and render a new decision in the matter. 3.You will be notified, in writing, of the appeal date. 4.Contact the project planner to determine what material is required to be submitted for the public hear1ng. RETURN APPEAL FORM TO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PRINT NAME:/lltE /JIA->fE.&{{iN SIGNATURE: t:1fk: �� DATE: /Z/1') p 2. t I PHONE: YPJ>�;?tJ-32 5? ADDRESS: 3o/ /)/. i/,f,4/.N S/. t& rf"V.JD EMAIL: /J(IP 11..f .SE lrA11//' /}-I) t,. p;M_ ****************************************************************************** OFFICE USE ONLY DATE OF PlANNING COMMISSION HEARING: COMMISSION ACTION: !. _____________ _ DATE: __ _ 2., _____________ _ DATE: __ _ 3._____________ _DATE: __ _ No Appeal Fee for the decision by the Historic Preservation Committee. N:\DEV\FORMS\Planning\2022-23 Forms\Appeals -Done\Appeal -HPC.docx 02/22/22 EXHIBIT 5 Residential Design Guidelines54 Town of Los Gatos HISTORIC RESOURCES4 4.9 ADDITIONS/ACCESSORY BUILDINGS/SECONDARY UNITS Follow the provisions set forth in Guideline 3.9 on page 33. 4.10 NEW CONSTRUCTION This section applies only to new houses constructed within one of the Town’s designated historic districts •Replacement of an existing character-defining or historic structure with a new structure is strongly discouraged. •New structures should be built in the same style and de- sign of contributing structures in the district. In general, Victorian, Craftsman/Bungalow, and Mission Revival/ Mediterranean styles are the contributors to Los Gatos’ historic districts. •Exact duplication is neither required or encouraged. How- ever, a recognized architectural style and design in the district is required. •New Victorian and Craftsman style structures must accu- rately replicate the traditional style, design and integrity of those contributing structures in the district. •Replacement of a noncontributing structure is accept- able. •The established contextual patterns and rhythms should be respected. It is perfectly acceptable that a new “style” be introduced, if it is in keeping with the neighborhood. Historically that has occurred throughout the development of the Town of Los Gatos. •New structures should not create a false sense of the his- torical development of the district. •Conform new structures to the existing and/or required setbacks, and replace the “footprint” of the original struc- tures if any. •Respect the established site patterns and harmonize with neighboring buildings and existing topography. Exceptions might occur at corners, or where unusual existing condition or neighboring structures create a special condition. •Respect the street pattern created by open space. •New construction should be in keeping with the existing neighborhood. It should be especially sensitive to the height and scale of the homes on immediately adjacent parcels. Front facades should appear similar in height to those seen historically in the block. Taller portions should be set back further on the lot. EXAMPLES OF SYMPATHETIC NEW CONSTRUCTION EXHIBIT 6 Residential Design Guidelines 55 Town of Los Gatos HISTORIC RESOURCES4 • When a new project has more square footage than the surrounding structures, reduce the scale of the structure with sensitive design treatments. Setbacks, overhangs, bay windows, changes in roof slopes, and facade ornament are all methods for reducing the scale of a structure. • Floor to floor heights should match the floor to floor of adjacent contributing structures. • The proportion of window and door openings in new construction should be similar to that of the existing sur- rounding architecture. • Porches on new structures should have proportions, ma- terials and roof slopes similar to original porches in the district. They should also have depths similar to contribut- ing structures in the district which normally allows for the placement of furniture on the porch. 4.11 NONCONTRIBUTING STRUCTURES This section applies only to existing houses located within one of the Town’s designated historic districts 4.11.1 Remodel to a Contributing Status • Owners of noncontributing structures within the Town’s historic districts are encouraged to remodel them into the style and design of a contributing structure in the district. • Structures most suitable for this type of remodel are those that would likely have been classified as contributing structures absent previous remodel work or additions that were not sympathetic to the original architecture of the structure. • In some cases, it may also be possible to make changes that would convert an otherwise non-descript structure into a contributing structure for the district. In general, Victorian, Craftsman/Bungalow, and Mission Revival/Mediterranean styles are the contributors to Los Gatos’ historic districts. • An applicant must produce photographs, counts, and docu- mentation of the location of existing structures of that style in the district or reference materials indicating consistency with contributing styles in the district. • All exterior elements subject to review should be consistent with the proposed style. • Remove previous additions and alternations that are not consistent with the architectural style of the structure and the district. • Carry out exterior changes to the building facades and addi- tions using the guidelines in Section 4.8, 4.9 and 4.10. 1 Sean Mullin From:Bess Wiersema <bess@studio-three.com> Sent:Thursday, December 22, 2022 10:23 AM To:Sean Mullin; Mike Wasserman; kjwasserman; David Zicovich Cc:Kelly Kaufman Subject:Tudor / Tudor Revival / Cottage Doors for Main Street Follow Up Flag:Follow up Flag Status:Flagged EXTERNAL SENDER  Sean ‐  I wanted to provide some extra detail and imagery that should help to better justify the style of door selected  at the Wasserman residence.  As you are aware, the original home was found to have little to no historical  value, and was permitted to be demolished.  The subsequent new build was found by HPC to meet the Design  Guidelines, and had elements that paid homage to the original structure, especially with respect to the roof  lines.  This is a significant element of the home, and helped to define the overall design as Tudor / Tudor  Revival / New Traditional.  Some key elements of such style are:  steep pitched roof lines, and details such as a "jerkinhead" or turned hip‐over‐gable roofs casement windows with mullions in a classical pattern and vertical orientation stucco facades heavy timber details on the facade / defining elements articulated / panelled entry doors, solid in nature, wood Our project contains all of these, in a respectful and characterful manner.  On the original plans, there was no  front door articulation, rather an all glass French type door, recessed back in the heavily hooded porch.  There  was no mention about the door, door style, or articualtion in any HPC dicsussions.  As the project developed,  the Wasserman family was lucky to inherit a real, antique door with immense character ‐ and the aesthetic  coincides with the approved style of the home.  A little history on what a Tudor style door is:  the overalll type, is British, and came to be in the late 1400's  coinciding with the first Tudor monarchs, and is secular in nature with  timberwork, carved wooden doors  harkening a more mediaval time and influences from places that were colonized by the British.  Tudor Revival,  first manifested itself in the early 1800's in both America and Great Britain, and took the style of the original  English vernacular, and became popular elsewhere in the world, eliminating the heavier stone and plaster  details affiliated with the original, tending towards more timber details to articulate porches, eaves,  etc.  Doors remained iconic, and not glass, nor French Door in nature.  Ultimately Tudor Revival transitioned to  the American Arts + Crafts movement, and also still maintain the "New Traditional" today as well.  The  proposed door fits the very history of the style, and frankly is a better fit than the original all glass door  proposed.  A quick "google search" of tudor doors, as well as deeper dive into some Tudor history sites yielded the images  attached, for your reference.  Comparing our proposed door to these, I believe we are squarely within reason  with our proposal.  Please note the second to last image specifically ‐ where a door is set back within the entry  porch, with heavy timber details and a wood panel / carved door ‐ this is certainly our condition!  EXHIBIT 7 2   I believe my client has articulated the history of their particular door, as well as the desire to have some level  of privacy in their home, especially based upon its location.  The door is not a primary feature of the home in  that it is set back, significantly from the street, recessed under a heavy timber articulated porch, and adds to  the overall character of the home, consistent with the intended (and approved) style of the home.  Please  reach out with any questions about this!    Warm Regards,  B    Bess Wiersema principal + owner 408.292.3252   From: Bess Wiersema <bess@studio‐three.com>  Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2022 5:54 AM  To: Bess Wiersema <bess@studio‐three.com>  Subject: Tudor Doors            3       4     5       6       EXHIBIT 8 From: Maria Ristow < Sent: Tuesday, December 27, 2022 10:15 PM To: Planning <Planning@losgatosca.gov> Cc: Warren Ristow Subject: 253 W. Main Street, appeal of HPC decision EXTERNAL SENDER Good evening, We live in the Broadway Historic district, in a historic home, and we support the Wasserman family's request. They are building a brand new home in a historic district. Their proposed use of a 300-year-old antique wood door, with sentimental and historic value, will immediately tie the home back to the origins of California and add to the visual interest of the entry. It's impossible to understand how a new door made in China could possibly be preferable to a 300-year old wood church door from Mexico that graced another Los Gatos home for fivedecades. In the interests of Historic Preservation, we believe preserving family history will onlymake the new home at 253 W. Main fit better into the Broadway Historic District. The historic guidelines encourage Victorians to be painted multiple colors, require window styles to remain authentic, and overall look to keeping the charming character of our downtown alive. Our homes are varied styles, colors, ages, lending a lovely eclectic and authentic look to the district. The use of this antique family door seems like the perfect answer to helping a new home contribute to our history. Please grant the appeal and allow the Wassermans to use the family door on their new home. The neighborhood is asking! Thank you, Warren and Maria Ristow EXHIBIT 9 From: Christopher Morgan Sent: Wednesday, January 4, 2023 1:27 PM To: Planning <Planning@losgatosca.gov> Subject: Wasserman’s Door EXTERNAL SENDER Hello Planning Commission, I’m am writing in regards to Mike Wasserman’s front door. Mike and his family have been richly intertwined with Los Gatos for many years. I remember walking down Andrews Ave. to go to Collectors Corner ( Mikes shop) to buy comic cards and candy as a kid. Years later I find that Mike, my neighbor was the guy I’d see every weekend behind the counter. Wild stuff. My family has lived in Los Gatos since the 40s and in that time there have been a lot of changes here. My grandmothers childhood home, that they built from adobe on highway 9, was “absorbed” into a modern home build years ago. This saddens me, but I understand progress never stops. The towns reaction to Mikes plea to use his family’s historic front door greatly disturbs me. It is an absolutely gorgeous piece of historic craftsmanship, and as a professional woodworker/sculptor, it gives me great joy to see it when I pass by. There is a security factor to be addressed as well. The historic door is very thick and safe, a feature which we were required to abide by when building our own home on Main Street years ago. I personally feel that the proposed glass door would invite a level of exposure and potential danger to Mike and Kim. They, like us, are on a main frontage street. We do not have long driveways, so security measures must be taken where possible. Mike has been the target of protestors and threats in the past few years, and most of the neighbors feel that a clear glass door would be a mistake. My third point of contention is simply freedom. Would YOU like to be told what type of front door you could use on a house you shelled out hundreds of thousands of dollars to build? Would your life be more full and happy making your own choices? Our elected leadership needs to start taking into consideration the freedoms that make life great here, lest we end up like every other once colorful and vibrant town that was extinguished and reduced to gray monotony. Let the man put in his family door :) It means more to him than the modern glass door means to you. Mike has and always will have the full support of the neighborhood, because that’s how we do things on Main Street. Sincerely, Chris Morgan LG business owner Sculptor Friendly Neighbor From: Marc Dubresson Sent: Wednesday, January 4, 2023 6:55 PM To: Planning <Planning@losgatosca.gov> Subject: Wasserman’s door EXTERNAL SENDER To whom it may concern. I reside in the immediate neighborhood of Kim and Mike Wasserman’s new residence. I have seen the historic door in setting, with surrounding glass panels and find it perfectly fits the historic character of this beautiful Los Gatos street. Los Gatos is about personality and distinction and that door will be as much of a talking point as the interesting architecture of the house it is attached to and the rest of the unique residences surrounding it. Please allow this piece to stand. Regards, Marc Dubresson From: claire leclair > Sent: Thursday, January 5, 2023 10:43 AM To: Planning <Planning@losgatosca.gov> Subject: Wasserman Door EXTERNAL SENDER “I’ve seen the Wasserman’s wonderful hand carved historic wooden door and definitely think they should be able to use it as their new front door in the Town’s Historic District.” Sincerely, Claire Leclair From: Suzanne Meinhardt Sent: Thursday, January 5, 2023 12:08 PM To: Planning <Planning@losgatosca.gov> Subject: Wasserman’s door EXTERNAL SENDER I support the Wasserman’s door choice and I hope you will also. Suzanne Meinhardt Los Gatos, Ca 95030 From: Howard Labe Sent: Thursday, January 5, 2023 12:20 PM To: Planning <Planning@losgatosca.gov> Cc: Jill Nakamura Subject: Wasserman’s Door EXTERNAL SENDER Dear Planning commission, After visiting Mike Wasserman’s home, I’ve seen the Wasserman’s wonderful hand carved historic wooden door and definitely think they should be able to use it as their new front door in the Town’s Historic District. Thanks for your consideration. Sincerely, Howard Labe From: Dorothy B Sent: Thursday, January 5, 2023 4:32 PM To: Planning <Planning@losgatosca.gov> Subject: Washerman’s front door EXTERNAL SENDER I don’t believe that the planning department should decide about a resident’s front door. This is a historical family door, and most appropriate for a home in our Los Gatos historical district. I urge you to approve the Wasserman’s appeal. Thank you, Dorothy Burke From: Camila Mardesich Sent: Thursday, January 5, 2023 5:56 PM To: Planning <Planning@losgatosca.gov> Subject: Wasserman - front door EXTERNAL SENDER Hello Planning Dept. Wanted to drop a line to share our sentiments that we really enjoy the historic wooden Wasserman door in lieu of the originally planned door. Our corner of heaven is historic and we really appreciate the fact that we can maintain some sentimental value and nostalgia to those who care the most. Sincerely, The Mardesich Family on Broadway From: Marlene Ferrigno Sent: Thursday, January 5, 2023 7:32 PM To: Planning <Planning@losgatosca.gov> Subject: Washerman Front Door EXTERNAL SENDER We live at The Washerman’s are our new neighbors. Please allow them to install their historical front wood doors. It is the best choice for our block. We don’t want to have to look at aluminum glass doors that do not compliment the rest of our homes, Thank you, Marlene & Louis Ferrigno From: Frank Sent: Thursday, January 5, 2023 8:13 PM To: Planning <Planning@losgatosca.gov> Subject: Wasserman's Door EXTERNAL SENDER Hello, I would like to request that the attached PDF be included in the 1/11/2023 Planning Commission item to consider Mike Wasserman's appeal to approve his front door. Please feel free to let me know if this would be possible. Thank you in advance for your assistance. Much appreciated, Frank Villalobos January 5, 2023 Planning Commission Town of Los Gatos 110 E. Main St. Los Gatos, CA 95030 RE: Approval of Mr. Mike Wasserman’s Front Door Esteemed Members of the Planning Commission, I write to offer my support for Mike Wasserman’s appeal to have his front door approved. I must note that Mr. Wasserman has obtained his neighbors’ approval for the front door, and having seen the door myself, I find no logical reason why such a historic door would not be approved; it does not have an outlandish or unfitting design/color that would negatively impact the character of the Town’s Historic District. I have also been following Mr. Wasserman’s long and arduous home building process which has only been exacerbated by the ongoing pandemic, supply chain issues, and more recently, an economic downturn. There is no doubt that the previous action taken by the commission has been yet another obstacle which is only prolonging this process. On a more personal note, the door’s Mexican origin is also a reflection of the diversity and tolerance of Los Gatos and its residents. Let’s ensure that we continue to embrace these values, especially in this case where it perfectly complements the historic aesthetic of the town. I ask that you please grant Mike Wasserman his appeal. Thank you for your consideration. Kindly, Frank Villalobos From: Cameron Hunter Sent: Thursday, January 5, 2023 8:26 PM To: Planning <Planning@losgatosca.gov> Subject: Wasserman's door EXTERNAL SENDER To whom it may concern, I think it’s silly a decision about a person's door even had to go to the Planning Commission. The Wasserman’s historic hand carved door is aesthetically nicer than an aluminum and glass door. It is clearly more appropriate in the historic district, and safer, too. Please grant their Appeal. Sincerely, Cameron & Catriona Hunter From: Philip Knopf Sent: Thursday, January 5, 2023 8:53 PM To: Planning <Planning@losgatosca.gov> Subject: Mike Wasserman's Front Door EXTERNAL SENDER Members of the Los Gatos Planning Commission: I am writing this email in support of the installation of the Heritage carved wooden doors at the new home Mike Wasserman and his wife Kim are building at 253 West Main Street. I remember seeing these impressive doors at Mike's parents' home when he had his initial campaign rally 20 years ago, when he was running for the Los Gatos Town Council. I am a builder and remember outstanding woodwork. I think it is wonderful Mike was able to salvage and repurpose such a valuable piece of woodwork. Also, something that has a lot of history and so much meaning to him and his family. These doors share much the same character as the front door of the Historic Firehouse/Museum building across the street. I am asking you to approve the request by the Wasserman's to install the Heritage Wood Carved doors in their new home. Regards Phil Knopf From: Linda Loew Sent: Thursday, January 5, 2023 5:32 PM To: Planning <Planning@losgatosca.gov> Subject: Wasserman’s door EXTERNAL SENDER As a home owner and resident since 1985 living in the Almond Grove, I approve the Wasserman’s historic wooden door. Regards, Linda Loew , Los Gatos From: Nadav Buzi Sent: Thursday, January 5, 2023 9:43 PM To: Planning <Planning@losgatosca.gov> Subject: Wasserman’s door EXTERNAL SENDER Dear Planning Commission, As nearby neighbors, we would like to voice our wholehearted support for the beautifully hand carved door at the Wasserman's home. Its historic nature and design would only add to the lovely character of our neighborhood. Please allow the Wasserman family to keep their door, and wonderful family tradition, in place. Sincerely yours, Sharon and Nadav Buzi From: Jim Fuller Sent: Thursday, January 5, 2023 11:03 PM To: Planning <Planning@losgatosca.gov> Subject: Wasserman’s door EXTERNAL SENDER A few points on this subject: 1. This is the silliest thing you could possibly be wasting time on... if you really don't have anything better to do with PC time and Town resources perhaps that is a subject which would be more productive. 2. A hand crafted architectural element such as a three(3) century old wood door is certainly a vast improvement over anything a residential contractor is going to install. 3. Within a historic district, as this is, the architectural element in question seems infinitely more appropriate than something made from glass or tin. As a student of architecture and a follower of the organic architecture of F.L. Wright's use of natural elements, I find this issue absurdly disgusting. Please permit Mike and Kim Wasserman to use their family's door in their new home, the community will be better for it. Thank You, Capt. Jim Fuller Los Gatos, CA From: Steve McGrath Sent: Friday, January 6, 2023 12:06 AM To: Planning <Planning@losgatosca.gov> Subject: Wasserman’s door EXTERNAL SENDER To Whom it may concern We live at , directly adjacent to the Wasserman’s new home. We have been residents of Los Gatos for over 12 years and, along with every resident on W. Main Street, we are strongly in favor of the wooden door over the alternative generic glass door. We respectfully voice our opinion in support of allowing the Wassermans to use their historic wooden door. Regards Steve & Linda McGrath YogaSource Los Gatos | One Yoga From: TIM PERRY Sent: Friday, January 6, 2023 7:52 AM To: Planning <Planning@losgatosca.gov> Subject: Wasserman’s historic wooden door EXTERNAL SENDER Planning Commission, We prefer the Wasserman’s historic wooden door to the aluminum clad glass door on the plans for his home on Main Street. We understand, that like any piece of art, some individuals will appreciate the aesthetic properties of that door more than others. Some prefer the contemporary over the classical or the shiny-new over the aged historical. We believe that all the bits and pieces and the “one of a kind” items found on homes around our town are exactly what add to the history, uniqueness and character of Los Gatos. We respectfully ask that you please approve the Wasserman’s historic wooden door. Patti and Tim Perry Los Gatos From: Ken Rodrigues Sent: Friday, January 6, 2023 9:09 AM To: Planning <Planning@losgatosca.gov> Subject: Wasserman`s Front Entry Door EXTERNAL SENDER Dear members of the Town of Los Gatos Planning Commission, I am writing this email to ask your support of Kim and Mike Wasserman`s request to install a “Historic” hand carved wood door on their new home on Main Street I have lived in this beautiful neighborhood for 40 years and love its rich character and history. The homes are lovely and are very eclectic in their design and detailing. This is one of the strong character defining elements of the neighborhood`s fabric. I recently viewed the door and learned of it`s unique history and believe it is a good design element to add to their new home. This wood carved door is historic in character, age and material making it a good choice for a new home located in a neighborhood of older historical homes. A front door welcomes family, visitors and neighbors. This wood door, with it`s aged history and amazing story will become a historical design feature on the Wasserman`s new home. Isn`t this exactly why Los Gatos has a historical downtown neighborhood district-to encourage new homes to take on a historical character of their own? Wouldn’t it be the best green solution to re-use a beautifully hand carved wood door of this age on a new home in the district? As an architect who has designed many projects in Los Gatos I care deeply for the rich architectural history of the town and commend the planning commission for it`s successful past efforts to protect this history. Please approve the Wasserman`s request to use this unique door on their new home being built on Main Street. Thank you for your time and consideration of this request, Kenneth Rodrigues FAIA Kenneth Rodrigues & Partners Architects and Planners From: bettycolwell Sent: Friday, January 6, 2023 10:53 AM To: Planning <Planning@losgatosca.gov> Subject: Washerman’s Door EXTERNAL SENDER Planning Commission. Please grant the Wassermans’ appeal to use their historic hand carved door instead of the aluminum clad glass door. Privacy and safety should also be taken into consideration. Thank you. Betty Colwell