Item 2.Staff Report with Exhibits 21-26.400 Surmont PREPARED BY: Ryan Safty Associate Planner Reviewed by: Planning Manager and Community Development Director 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● (408) 354-6872 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT MEETING DATE: 1/11/2023 ITEM NO: 2 DATE: January 6, 2023 TO: Planning Commission FROM: Joel Paulson, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Requesting Approval for Construction of a Shared Driveway, Two New Single- Family Residences to Exceed the Maximum Height for Visible Homes in the Hillsides, and Site Work Requiring a Grading Permit on Vacant Property Zoned HR-2½. Located at 400 Surmont Drive. APN 527-20-003. Architecture and Site Applications S-21-004 and S-21-023. PROPERTY OWNER: Sandra K. Anderson, TTE. APPLICANT: Studio 3 Design. PROJECT PLANNER: Ryan Safty. BACKGROUND: On November 21, 2022, the Planning Commission considered the applications and continued the matter to January 11, 2023. The Planning Commission directed the applicant to consider the comments of the Planning Commission, including: • Reduce the height of the proposed residences; • Incorporate additional landscape and tree screening to the east of the proposed footprints; and • Conduct additional neighborhood outreach. DISCUSSION: The applicant has revised the project to reduce the height of the proposed residences by approximately two to three feet; added landscape and tree screening behind each proposed residence; and submitted evidence of additional neighborhood outreach. The applicant’s neighborhood outreach summary is provided as Exhibit 21. A summary of the design changes is provided as Exhibit 22. Updated plans are included as Exhibits 23 and 24. PAGE 2 OF 5 SUBJECT: 400 Surmont Drive/S-21-004 and S-21-023 DATE: January 6, 2023 DISCUSSION (continued): Parcel 1 (Architectural and Site Application S-21-004) The proposed residence on Parcel 1 was reduced by up to three feet, as shown in the updated project plans (Exhibit 23). The elevation sheets in Exhibit 23 show the updated proposal, with the previous elevation outline shown in a red-dashed line for comparison. Additionally, the roof plan notes both previous roof heights (in black text) and proposed roof heights (in blue text and boxed) for comparison. As explained in the applicant’s response letter (Exhibit 22), the roof pitch was reduced from 4:12 to 3.5:12 and the plate heights were reduced by two to two- and one-half feet throughout the residence. As noted on the roof plan (Sheet A2.2 of Exhibit 23), the maximum roof height was reduced from 398.58 feet to 395.42 feet. The updated building sections on Sheets A4.1 – A4.3 show maximum height along each section, but that height line is drawn to the top of the finished floor, while height is measured to existing grade below. Building Section-G on Sheet A4.4 is drawn correctly and shows a maximum proposed height of 21 feet, six inches, therefore an exception from the 18-foot height limit is still required. The maximum height of the previous proposal was approximately 24 feet, six inches. In addition to the height reduction, the applicant has added landscape screening behind the proposed residence. The landscaping is located to the east of the building footprint, compliant with the Fire Defensible Space requirements, to help address neighbor concerns regarding visibility and massing of the proposed residence. As noted on Sheet L-6 of Exhibit 23, five new, native 24-inch box trees would be placed roughly 40 feet east of the rear of the residence, along with a mixture of shrubs. The proposed footprint would remain the same. The application would still require exceptions to the Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines (HDS&G) for maximum height of visible homes in the hillsides, maximum height of the lowest finished floor of a structure above existing grade, maximum cut for the rear yard area adjacent to the residence, and maximum cut and fill for the shared driveway and fire turnaround area, as noted on pages 6 through 8 of the November 21, 2022, Planning Commission meeting staff report. Parcel 2 (Architectural and Site Application S-21-023) The proposed residence on Parcel 2 was reduced by up to two- and one-half feet, as shown in the updated project plans (Exhibit 24). The elevation sheets in Exhibit 24 show the updated proposal, with the previous elevation outline shown in a red-dashed line for comparison. Additionally, the roof plan notes both previous roof heights (in black text) and proposed roof heights (in blue text and boxed) for comparison. PAGE 3 OF 5 SUBJECT: 400 Surmont Drive/S-21-004 and S-21-023 DATE: January 6, 2023 DISCUSSION (continued): As explained in the applicant’s response letter (Exhibit 22), the majority of the roof pitch was reduced from 6:12 to 5:12 and the plate heights were reduced by one-half to two feet throughout the residence. As noted on the roof plan (Sheet A2.2 of Exhibit 24), the maximum roof height was reduced from 426.75 feet to 424.25 feet. With this height reduction, the countable attic floor area within the roof form was reduced by 178 square feet, reducing the overall proposed floor area from 4,343 square feet to 4,256 square feet. The updated building sections on Sheets A4.1 – A4.3 show maximum height along each section, but that height line is drawn to the top of the finished floor, while height is measured to existing grade below. The maximum proposed height of the updated Parcel 2 residence would be approximately 22 feet, therefore an exception from the 18-foot height limit is still required. The maximum height of the previous proposal was approximately 24 feet, six inches. In addition to the height reduction, the applicant has added landscape screening behind the proposed residence. The landscaping is located to the east of the building footprint, compliant with the Fire Defensible Space requirements, to help address neighbor concerns regarding visibility and massing of the proposed residence. As noted on Sheet L-7 of Exhibit 24, four new, native 24-inch box trees would be placed roughly 40 feet east of the rear of the residence, along with a mixture of shrubs. The proposed footprint would remain the same. The application would still require exceptions to the HDS&G for maximum height of visible homes in the hillsides, maximum height of the lowest finished floor of a structure above existing grade, maximum cut for the rear yard area adjacent to the residence, maximum cut and fill for the private driveway and fire turnaround area, and maximum retaining wall heights, as noted on pages 8 through 10 of the November 21, 2022, Planning Commission meeting staff report. The applicant has also added two small retaining walls at the downhill side (north side) to allow for additional landscape screening and to reduce the visibility of the home from the north as shown on Sheet C-9 of Exhibit 24. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Story poles and project signage were originally installed on the site on October 24, 2022. To show the updated massing with reduced heights, revised story poles with blue netting was installed on the site along with the original poles and orange netting on December 23, 2022 (Exhibit 25). Staff was informed on January 4, 2023 that the poles and netting on the site were damaged by the recent storms (Exhibit 26) a few days after the installation. The applicant is unable to correct the damaged story poles prior to the January 11, 2023 Planning Commission hearing. If the Planning Commission feels the story poles need to be installed prior to taking action on the applications, the item can be continued to a date certain to allow the applicant time to correct the story poles and netting. PAGE 4 OF 5 SUBJECT: 400 Surmont Drive/S-21-004 and S-21-023 DATE: January 6, 2023 PUBLIC COMMENTS (continued): No public comments following the November 21, 2022, Planning Commission hearing have been received. CONCLUSION: A. Summary The applicant has submitted revised development plans (Exhibits 23 and 24) and conducted additional neighborhood outreach (Exhibit 21) in response to the Planning Commission’s direction. B. Recommendation Should the Planning Commission determine that the revised project meets the direction provided at the November 21, 2022 meeting and finds merit with the proposed project, the Commission can take the actions below to approve the Architecture and Site applications: 1. Make the finding that the proposed project is Categorically Exempt, pursuant to the adopted Guidelines for the implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act, Section 15303: New Construction, and consistent with the previously prepared Notice of Exemption (NOE) (Exhibit 2); 2. Make the finding that the project complies with the applicable sections of the Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines with requested exceptions for: maximum allowed height of visible homes in the hillsides; maximum height of the lowest finished floor of a structure above existing grade; maximum cut for the rear yard areas adjacent to the proposed residence; maximum cut and fill for the shared driveway and fire turnaround area; and maximum retaining wall height (Exhibit 2); 3. Make the finding that the project complies with the Hillside Specific Plan (Exhibit 2); 4. Make the considerations as required by Section 29.20.150 of the Town Code for granting approval of an Architecture and Site application (Exhibit 2); and 5. Approve Architecture and Site Applications S-21-004 and S-21-023 with the conditions contained in Exhibit 3 and the updated development plans in Exhibits 23 and 24. C. Alternatives Alternatively, the Commission can: 1. Continue the matter to a date certain with specific direction; or 2. Approve the applications with additional and/or modified conditions; or 3. Deny the applications. PAGE 5 OF 5 SUBJECT: 400 Surmont Drive/S-21-004 and S-21-023 DATE: January 6, 2023 EXHIBITS: Previously received with the November 21, 2022 Staff Report: 1. Location Map 2. Required Findings and Considerations 3. Recommended Conditions of Approval 4. Subdivision Notice of Exemption 5. Project Description/Letter of Justification 6. Property Photos 7. Color and Materials Board – Parcel 1 8. Color and Materials Board – Parcel 2 9. Visibility Analysis 10. Consulting Architect’s Report 11. Applicant’s Response to Consulting Architect’s Report 12. Consulting Arborist’s Report 13. Applicant’s Response to Consulting Arborist’s Report 14. Neighbor Outreach Summary 15. Development Plans – Parcel 1 16. Development Plans – Parcel 2 17. Public Comments 18. Applicant’s Response to Public Comments Previously received with the November 21, 2022 Desk Item Report: 19. Public Comment received between 11:01 a.m., Friday November 18, 2022, and 11:00 a.m., Monday, November 21, 2022 20. Applicant’s Response to Public Comments in Exhibit 17 Received with this Staff Report: 21. Updated Neighbor Outreach Summary 22. Applicant’s Summary of Design Changes 23. Updated Development Plans – Parcel 1 24. Updated Development Plans – Parcel 2 25. Updated Story Pole Pictures and Certification Letter, installed December 23, 2022 26. Pictures of damaged story poles following storm, received January 4, 2023 This Page Intentionally Left Blank From:Bess Wiersema To:Ryan Safty; Terence J. Szewczyk; Jennifer Armer; bob; Ana Manzo Subject:email for the record regarding outreach Date:Friday, December 2, 2022 9:20:47 AM EXTERNAL SENDER Ryan, Per our email chain, I am providing you documentation that should go on record for PC. We were all a little shocked and surprised that the consensus seemed to be we had not done neighbor outreach. In fact, it has been significant. Terry will provide a brief summary and attachments so you can forward those to the commissioners as well. As you know, this has been a lengthy process, and my client (and our team) has been very proactive in accommodating comments whether they are related to roads, drainage, fire, visibility, garbage cans, etc. I think it's very important that all parties are aware of the outreach from the start, as well as the fact that we are again, working with an expanded neighborhood, rather than the "immediate" neighborhood that is mandated in Design Guidelines, etc. Thanks, B EXHIBIT 21 This Page Intentionally Left Blank 638 University Avenue Los Gatos. California. 95032  T 408.292.3252 F 253.399.1125 studio-three.com December 19, 2022  Studio Three Design has prepared a summary of changes based on the Planning Commission Special  Meeting on November 21, 2022. The following are the changes for each parcel:  PARCEL 1 (S‐21‐004):  No exceptions will be requested for height, only the grading ones that were received and seemingly accepted at Planning Commission. Roof pitch reduced from 4:12 to 3.5:12 Underfloor exception requested at North side, see sheet A4.3/Section F and sheet C8. Plate height at West elevations reduced at both levels from 10' to 7.5' and 8' Plate height at North elevation reduced from 10' to 8.5' at dining room Plate height at North elevation reduced overall from 10' to 7.5' Plate height at gable at Nook reduced from 10' to 7.5' Plate height reduced at South side from 10' to 8' Added Sheet L6 – Proposed Landscape Screening (Parcel 1), provides additional landscaping per neighbor’s request and meets the fire / defensible space concerns of the owner. PARCEL 2 (S‐21‐023):  Request a minor height exception at East Elevation (portion of gable), see sheet A3.2, sheet A4.1/Section B, sheet A4.2/Section C. Overall main roof ridgelines under the 18'. The roof rework reduced the countable attic SF from 713 SF to 535 SF o Main House ‐ 3,450 SF (no change) o Attic Area –535 SF (reduce) o Garage – 671 SF (no change) o Total – 4,656 SF (reduce 178 SF) Roof pitch was reduced from a 6:12 to a 5:12 (with one section of main ridge remaining at 6:12). Plate height at West elevation was reduced from 10' to 8', and 9' to 8' respectively across the split levels. Plate height at North elevation was reduced from 10' to 8' and 10.5' to 9'5' respectively Plate height at East elevation was reduced from 10.5' to 9.5', reduced Great Room + Covered Deck #1 from 10.5’ to 8’ (with gable at covered deck). Plate height at South elevation was reduced from 10.5' to 9.5'. Two small retaining walls (less than 3' in height) were added at the downhill side to allow for additional screening / landscaping as well as reduce the overall massing of the home and designed as planters, see sheet A4.2/Section C and sheet C9/Section E‐E. Added Sheet L6 – Proposed Landscape Screening (Parcel 2), provides additional landscaping per neighbor’s request and meets the fire / defensible space concerns of the owner. The client will be providing a letter describing the additional neighborhood efforts he has made with  regards to the noted privacy concerns from the neighbors in the expanded neighborhood. Revised story  poles plans submitted and approved on 12/12/2022.  EXHIBIT 22 This Page Intentionally Left Blank S U R M O N T D R JUN. 21ST 9 AMJUN. 21ST 12 PMJUN. 21ST 3 PMDEC. 21ST 9 AMDEC. 21ST 12 PMDEC. 21ST 3 PMDEC. 21ST 3 PMDEC. 21ST 9 AMDEC. 21ST 12 PMJUN. 21ST 3 PMJUN. 21ST 9 AMJUN. 21ST 12 PMPARCEL #1PARCEL #2200 SURMONT DRIVE(EXISTING 1-STORYRESIDENCE)198 SURMONT CT.(EXISTING 1-STORYRESIDENCE)175 WESTHILL DRIVE(EXISTING 2-STORYRESIDENCE)183 WESTHILL DRIVE(EXISTING 2-STORYRESIDENCE)400 SURMONT DRIVEPARCEL #2(PROPOSED 1-STORYRESIDENCE)(PROPOSEDGARAGE)±63'-3" ±67'-11"A1.1COVER SHEETSCALE: N/A400 SURMONT DRIVEPARCEL #1LOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032INTERIORSREMODELS +ADDITIONSNEW CONSTRUCTION638 UNIVERSITY AVELOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032W..f 253.399.1125STUDIO ..... DESIGN20 AUGUST 201931 JANUARY 2020PLANNING SUBMITTAL23 AUGUST 2021PLANNING SUBMITTAL II16 NOVEMBER 2021PLANNING SUBMITTAL III29 APRIL 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL IV08 JULY 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL V19 DECEMBER 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL VIIINDEXVICINITY MAPOwner:Sandra K. Anderson, Trustee400 Surmont DriveLos Gatos, CA 95032C/O Bob Hughes (408) 559-8850PROJECT INFO.Designer:Studio 3 DesignContact: Bess Wiersemabess@studio-three.com638 University AvenueLos Gatos, California 95032ph: (408) 292-3252fax: (253) 399-1125PARCEL MAPPROJECT DATAArchitectural PlansA1.1 Cover SheetA1.2 Tree Preservation Req'ts + GreenPoint ChecklistA1.3 Proposed Site Plan + Site Line StudyT-1 Tree Protection RequirementsA2.1 Proposed Floor PlanA2.2 Proposed Roof PlanA2.3 Proposed Garage Floor + Roof PlansA3.1 Proposed Exterior ElevationsA3.2 Proposed Exterior ElevationsA3.3 Proposed Exterior Elevations (Garage)A3.4 Proposed Exterior ElevationsA4.1 Building SectionsA4.2 Building SectionsA4.3 Building SectionsA4.4 Building SectionsLandscape PlansL1 Cover SheetL2 Frontage + Driveway Proposed Tree +Planting Parcel 1 + 2L3 Parcel 1 Proposed Trees + PlantingL4 Parcel 2 Proposed Trees + PlantingL5 Tree TableL6 Proposed Landscape Screening (Parcel 1)L7 Proposed Landscape Screening (Parcel 2)Civil PlansC-0 Cover SheetC-1 Tentative Map (Previously Approved)C-2 Access Road Plan + ProfileC-3 Utility PlanC-4 (Not included in this Submission)C-5 Access Road Plan + ProfileC-6 Erosion Control PlanC-7 Erosion Control + Construction DetailsC-8 Parcel 1 Site PlanPROJECT DESCRIPTIONThis project is a new, one-story, single-family residence with an attached garage (connected viapartially enclosed, covered walkway).SHADOW STUDYPROJECT ADDRESS:400 SURMONT DRIVE(CROSS STREET, WESTHILL DRIVE)A.P.N. :527-20-003LOT AREA (FROM COUNTY RECORD)60,752 SF (1.395 AC)ZONING =HR-2.5LAND USE = HILLSIDE RESIDENTIALFLOOD ZONE = ZONE XHISTORIC ZONE = NOFIRE SPRINKLERS = YESOCCUPANCY = R3/U (SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING / UTILITY)WUI FIRE AREA =YES (WILDLAND URBAN INTERFACE)HAZARD ZONE =COUNTY FAULT RUPTURE HAZARD ZONECONSTRUCTION TYPE= V-BREQUIRED PARKING:2 OFF STREET SPACESSETBACKSALLOWEDFRONT: 30'SIDE (INTERIOR):20'REAR:25'BUILDING HEIGHTALLOWEDPROPOSEDHOUSE:18' - 0" (MAX.) ± 18'-0"FLOOR AREA RATIO (FAR) CALCULATIONGross Lot Size: 60,752 SFAve. Slope: 27.3%Net Lot Size: 60,752 SF x (1-30% + 3% x 7) OR 60,752 x 49% = 29,768 SFReduction of net site area on sloping lotsAverage lot slope: 20.01 - 30%Percentage of net lot area to be deducted (30% = 3% for each 1% of slope over 20%)As Los Gatos IV Development Intensity Table 2, FAR = 19%Allowable Floor Area = 29,768 x 19% = 5,700SFFLOOR AREA RATIOALLOWEDPROPOSEDHABITABLE HOUSE5,700 SF3,683 SFATTIC AREA OVER 7-FEET N/A GARAGE:GARAGE 996 SFCOVERED WALKWAY 106 SFTOTAL5,700 SF 4,785 SFCivil Engineer:TS/Civil EngineeringContact: Terrance J. Szewczykterry@tscivil.com1776 Technology DriveSan Jose, California 95110ph: (408) 452-9300 EXT 220Contractor:The Building WorksContact: Robert O. Hughesbldngworks@aol.com2730 Union Avenue; Suite BSan Jose, California 95124ph: (408) 559-8850fax: (408) 559-3075SCC FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTES1.Review of this Developmental proposal is limited to acceptability of site access, water supply and mayinclude specific additional requirements as they pertain to fire department operations, and shall not beconstrued as a substitute for formal plan review to determine compliance with adopted model codes.Prior to performing any work, the applicant shall make application to, and receive from, the BuildingDepartment all applicable construction permits.2. Fire Sprinklers Required: An automatic residential fire sprinkler system shall be installed in one- andtwo-family dwellings as follows: 1) In all new one- and two-family dwellings and in existing one- and two-familydwellings when additions are made that increase the building area to more than 3,600 SF whether by increasingthe area of the primary residence or by creation of an attached Accessory Dwelling Unit. 2) In all new basementsand in existing basements that are expanded by more than 50%. 3) In all attached ADUs, additions or alterationsto an existing one- and two-family dwelling that have an existing fire sprinkler system. Please indicate on thecover sheet that an automatic fire sprinkler system shall be provided and installed per NFPA 13D.3. Fire Apparatus (Engine) Access Driveways Required: Provide an access driveway with a paved all weathersurface, a minimum unobstructed width of 12 feet, vertical clearance of 13 feet 6 inches, minimum outside turningradius of 36-feet and a maximum slope of 15%. Installations shall conform to the Fire Department StandardDetails Specifications D-1 and CFC Section 503.4. Fire Department (Engine) Driveway Turnaround Required: Provide an approved fire department enginedriveway turnaround with a minimum radius of 36 feet outside and 23 feet inside. Maximum grade in anydirection shall be a maximum of 5%. Installations shall conform with Fire Department Standard Details andSpecifications D-1. CFC Sec. 503 Driving surface shall be capable of supporting the imposed load of fireapparatus weighing at least 75,000 pounds (34050 kg).5. Fire Hydrant Systems Required: Where a portion of the facility or building hereafter constructed or movedinto or within the jurisdiction is more than 400 feet from a hydrant on a fire apparatus access road, as measuredby an approved route around the exterior of the facility or building, onsite fire hydrants and mains shall beprovided where required by the fire code official. Exception: For Group R-3 and Group U occupancies, equippedthroughout with an approved automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1, 903.3.1.2or 903.3.1.3, the distance requirement shall be not more than 600 feet. [CFC, Section 507.5.1].6. Water Supply Requirements: Potable water supplies shall be protected from contamination caused by fireprotection water supplies. It is the responsibility of the applicant and any contractors and subcontractors tocontact the water purveyor supplying the site of such project, and to comply with the requirements of thatpurveyor. Such requirements shall be incorporated into the design of any water-based fire protection systems,and/or fire suppression water supply systems or storage containers that may be physically connected in anymanner to an appliance capable of causing contamination of the potable water supply of the purveyor of record.Final approval of the system(s) under consideration will not be granted by this office until compliance with therequirements of the water purveyor of record are documented by that purveyor as having been met by theapplicant(s). 2019 CFC Sec. 903.3.5 and Health and Safety Code 13114.7.7. Address identification: New and existing buildings shall have approved address numbers, building numbersor approved building identification placed in a position that is plainly legible and visible from the street or roadfronting the property. These numbers shall contrast with their background. Where required by the fire code official,address numbers shall be provided in additional approved locations to facilitate emergency response. Addressnumbers shall be Arabic numbers or alphabetical letters. Numbers shall be a minimum of 4 inches (101.6 mm)high with a minimum stroke width of 0.5 inch (12.7 mm). Where access is by means of a private road and thebuilding cannot be viewed from the public way, a monument, pole or other sign or means shall be used to identifythe structure. Address numbers shall be maintained. CFC Sec. 505.1.8. Construction Site Fire Safety: All construction sites must comply with applicable provisions of the CFCChapter 33 and our Standard Detail and Specification SI-7. Provide appropriate notations on subsequent plansubmittals, as appropriate to the project. CFC Chp. 33.DEFERRED SUBMITTAL(S)·FIRE HYDRANT (PC 19-2053) - Hydrant installation shall occur prior to the commencementof combustible construction.·AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM - PROVIDED + INSTALLED PER NFPA 13DWATER FLOW LETTERIn accordance with the Town Code Section 6.70.020 and 6.120.020:1. All new single-family residential buildings, low-rise multifamily buildings, and ADU's(Accessory Dwelling Unit) shall use electricity as the source of energy for its spaceheating, water heating (including pools and spas), cooking appliances, clothes dryingappliances, and other features for both interior and exterior applications.2. All single-family residential buildings, low-rise multifamily buildings, and ADU's(Accessory Dwelling Unit) shall be pre-wired for the installation of battery storage. thepre-wiring shall be in accordance with California Building, Residential, and ElectricalCodes and be adequately sized by a licensed professional to accommodate theback-up loads installed in the critical load panel with a minimum of 5 kwh.3. All single-family residential buildings, low-rise multifamily buildings with privategarages, and ADU's (Accessory Dwelling Unit, shall provide two wired nationalelectrical manufacturers association (NEMA) outlets, each supplied by a separate40-ampere minimum dedicated branch circuit, and shall be installed specifically forsupplying electrical power to an electric vehicle charger. One outlet shall be installedinside the garage and the other outlet shall be installed outside the garage.REQUIRED PV SYSTEM1. PV System 2.53 kWdc” is a ‘Required PV Systems’ of the Energy Calculations2. A separate building permit is required for the PV system that is required by the EnergyCalculations compliance modeling. The separate PV System permit must be finaledprior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy”.TOWN OF LG ENERGY REACH CODE CODES USEDThe following codes are currently in effect:2019 California Building Code2019 California Residential Code2019 California Electrical Code2019 California Mechanical Code2019 California Plumbing Code2019 California Energy Code2019 California Fire Code2019 California Existing Building Code2018 International Existing Building Code2019 California Green Building Standards CodeTown of Los Gatos New Energy Reach CodesLandscape Architect:Alyson FlynnLandscape Architect & AssociatesContact: Alyson Flynn50 San Tropez DriveHollister, California 95023ph: (408) 274-4114EXHIBIT 23 a1.2TREE PRESERVATIONINSTRUCTIONS +GREENPOINT CHECKLISTSCALE: N/A400 SURMONT DRIVEPARCEL #1LOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032INTERIORSREMODELS +ADDITIONSNEW CONSTRUCTION638 UNIVERSITY AVELOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032W.22.22f 253.399.1125STUDIO ..... DESIGN20 AUGUST 201931 JANUARY 2020PLANNING SUBMITTAL23 AUGUST 2021PLANNING SUBMITTAL II16 NOVEMBER 2021PLANNING SUBMITTAL III29 APRIL 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL IV08 JULY 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL V19 DECEMBER 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL VIITREE PRESERVATION INSTRUCTIONSThe Los Gatos Town Code requires a tree removal permit in order to remove any tree designated as a Protected Tree under theTown Code. The Town Code also requires a permit to prune more than 25% of a Protected Tree within a 3-year period, or toremove or cut any branch or root greater than 4 inches in diameter of any Large Protected Tree or Heritage Tree (see definitionsbelow). Property owners may be subject to significant fines and civil actions by the Town if removal or pruning requiring a permit isdone without first obtaining a permit.Protected Tree(s)Protected Trees are defined in the Town Code as any of the following:1.All trees which have a 12 inch or greater diameter on developed residential property.2. All trees which have an 8 inch or greater diameter on developed Hillside residential property3.All trees of the following species which have an 8 inch or greater diameter located on any developed residential property:a- Blue Oak (Quercus douglasii)b- Black Oak (Quercus kellogii)c- California Buckeye (Aesculus californica)d- Pacific Madrone (Arbutus menziesii)4. All trees which have a 4 inch or greater diameter on vacant or non-residential property.5.All trees which have a 4 inch or greater diameter when removal relates to any development review.6. Any tree that was required to be planted or retained by the terms and conditions of a development approval, buildingpermit, tree removal permit or code enforcement action.Large Protected Tree(s) or a Heritage Tree (s)A Large Protected Tree is any tree with a diameter of 48 inches or more. In addition, all Oak, California Buckeye, andPacific Madrone with a diameter of 24 inches or more are considered Large Protected Trees.A Heritage Tree is a tree specifically designated by action of the Town Council which possesses exceptional aesthetic,biological, cultural, or historic value to the community.Diameter of a Tree(s)Diameter is measured at a height of 4.5 feet above the average natural grade. For multi-trunked trees, diameter is the sumof all trunk diameters measured at 4.5 feet above the average natural grade.A permit is not required for removal or major pruning of any of the following trees:1. A fruit or nut tree less than 18 inches in diameter.2.Any of the following trees that are less than 24 inches in diameter:·Black Acacia (Acacia melanoxylon)·Tulip Tree (Liriodendron tulipifera)·Tree of Heaven (Ailanthus altissima)·Blue Gum Eucalyptus (E. globulus)·Red Gum Eucalyptus (E. camaldulensis)·Other Eucalyptus (E. spp.)--Hillsides only·Palm (except Phoenix canariensis)·Privet (Ligustrum lucidum)Sec. 29.10.0985. - Determination and conditions of permit.The Director shall determine whether to grant a permit. The Director may consult with other Town departments or outside agencies at his/her discretion. When adevelopment application for any zoning approval, or subdivision of land, including lot line adjustment, is under consideration by the Planning Commission, the determinationon the tree removal permit shall be made concurrently by the Planning Commission with the related matter. The Director or the deciding body shall impose, except whenremoval is permitted if the tree is dead or a Tree Risk Rating of Extreme or High is present, as a condition on which a protected tree removal permit is granted that two (2)or more replacement trees of a species and a size designated by the Director or designee, shall be planted in the following order of preference:(1)Two (2) or more replacement trees, of a species and size designated by the Director, shall be planted on the subject private property. Table 3-1, TreeCanopy-Replacement Standard shall be used as a basis for this requirement. The person requesting the permit shall pay the cost of purchasing and planting thereplacement trees.(2)If a tree or trees cannot be reasonably planted on the subject property, an in-lieu payment in an amount set forth by the Town Council by resolution shall be paidto the Town Tree Replacement Fund to:a.Add or replace trees on public property in the vicinity of the subject property; orb.Add or replace trees or landscaping on other Town property; orc.Support the Town's urban forestry management program.Notes1  To measure an asymmetrical canopy of a tree, the widest measurement shall be used to determine canopy size.2  Often, it is not possible to replace a single large, older tree with an equivalent tree(s). In this case, the tree may be replaced with acombination of both the Tree Canopy Replacement Standard and in-lieu payment in an amount set forth by Town Council resolution paid to theTown Tree Replacement Fund.3  Single Family Residential Replacement Option is available for developed single family residential lots under n thousand (10,000) square feetthat are not subject to the Town's Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines. All fifteen-gallon trees must be planted on-site. Any in-lieufees for single family residential shall be based on twenty-four-inch box tree rates as adopted by Town Council.4  Replacement Trees shall be approved by the Town Arborist and shall be of a species suited to the available planting location, proximity tostructures, overhead clearances, soil type, compatibility with surrounding canopy and other relevant factors. Replacement with native speciesshall be strongly encouraged. Replacement requirements in the Hillsides shall comply with the Hillside Development Standards and GuidelinesAppendix A and section 29.10.0987 Special Provisions--Hillsides.Replacement with native species is strongly encouraged. Most fruit and nut trees, palm trees, or "nuisance" species (see section 29.10.0970(2) of theTown Code) are generally not considered suitable replacement trees. If a tree or trees cannot be reasonably replanted on the subject property, theTown Arborist may approve a full or partial in-lieu fee payment. Where the payment of in-lieu fees are approved, permits will not be issued until allin-lieu fees are paid in full. If approved by the Town Arborist, in-lieu fees are as follows: 24 inch box tree = $250, 36 inch box tree = $500Dangerous Tree(s)A tree may be removed or severely pruned without a permit when there is an imminent danger to life, property, utilities oressential transportation facilities. Property owners are still required to notify the Town prior to any removal or pruning andmust receive approval from the Town before taking any emergency action. Contact the Parks and Public WorksDepartment at (408) 399-5770 Monday through Friday between the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. or the Police Department at(408) 354-8600 after hours or on weekends to report a dangerous tree and request approval for removal or pruningwithout a permit. Within 72 hours following removal or pruning, photos and a description of the emergency action taken must besubmitted to the Department of Parks and Public Works.Requirements for a Removal or Pruning Permit *The following items are required to apply for a tree removal or pruning permit:1.A completed application signed by the property owner. Applications are available online athttp://www.losgatosca.gov/DocumentCenter/View/14925 or at the Parks and Public Works Department, Monday through Fridaybetween the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.2.Photos and/or a site plan of the tree(s) proposed for removal or pruning (for pruning, proposed cuts should be indicated onphoto).3.A completed tree replacement worksheet (located on the reverse side of the application).4.Inspect trees prior to removal or major pruning to confirm the absence of active bird nests, particularly during thespring/summer nesting season (February 1 through August 31).5.If required by the Town Arborist following initial inspection, a certified or consulting arborist's written report.6.If part of a development application, a copy of the associated tree report.7.If structural damage to a building, major landscape feature or utilities is the basis for the request, a report from a licensedarchitect or engineer may be required describing what modifications to buildings, structures, improvements or utilities would benecessary to mitigate the damages caused by the tree.8.For Large Protected Tree or Heritage Tree removal or pruning permits, notification will be sent to neighboring residents andproperty owners prior to issuance by the Parks and Public Works Department (more information on noticing is provided on page 4of this FAQ).9.Payment of a permit fees, as established by Town resolution. The current fee is $130 for one tree, plus $65 for eachadditional tree included in the same application.*Pruning or root pruning must be supervised by an ISA-certified arborist or an ASCA-Registered Arborist. See Section29.10.1010 of the Town Code for specifications to determine if a pruning permit is required.Tree Protection ZoneThe tree protection zone (TPZ) means the area of a temporary fenced tree enclosure at or beyond the tree's dripline or as specified in a reportprepared by a certified or consulting arborist. The TPZ is a restricted activity zone before and after construction where no soil disturbance ispermitted unless approved and supervised by the certified or consulting arborist.Tree Protection Fencing Requirements*1.Six-foot high chain link fencing mounted on two-inch diameter galvanized iron posts shall be driven into the ground atleast two-feet deep at no more than ten-foot spacing. When stipulated, for existing paving areas that will not be demolished,posts may be supported by concrete base.2.Posted eight and one-half-inch by eleven-inch sign on each tree fence stating: "Warning - Tree Protection Zone - Thisfence shall not be removed and is subject to penalty according to Town Code 29.10.1025"3.Labeled photographs of the installed fencing shall be emailed to the project planner prior to issuance of permits.4.Tree protection fencing is required to remain in place throughout construction.*Any protected tree on-site will require replacement according to its appraised value if it is damaged beyond repair as a resultof construction.GREENPOINT CHECKLIST PROPOSED SITE PLANNORTH375.00380.00385.00390.00395.00370.00365.00360.00355.00350.00345.00400.00405.00410.00415.00420.00425.00340.00335.00±16'-2" ±27'-3" ±33'-2"EXIST ING GRADE PROPERTY LINE 330.00325.00320.00315.00310.00305.00±18'-912"400 SURMONTPARCEL #2400 SURMONTPARCEL #1200 SURMONT159 WESTHILLDRIVE420.00410.00400.00390.00380.00370.00360.00350.00340.00330.00320.00310.00PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINEEXISTING GRADE ±26'-6" ±18'-1" ±26'-5" ±20'-3" S U R M O N T D RS U R M O N TCT400 SURMONT DRIVEPARCEL #1(PROPOSED 1-STORYRESIDENCE)(PROPOSEDGARAGE)200 SURMONT DRIVE(EXISTING 1-STORYRESIDENCE)400 SURMONT DRIVEPARCEL #2(PROPOSED 1-STORYRESIDENCE)(PROPOSEDGARAGE)159 WESTHILL DRIVE(EXISTING 1-STORYRESIDENCE)W E S T H I L L D R±63'-3"±67'-11" 20'-0" SIDE SETBACK 25'-0"REAR SETBACK20'-0" SIDE SETBACK 20'-0" SIDE SETBACK N89°44'26"W531.37'N90°00'00"E488.91'120.00' 14.95'(E) FRUIT(E) 8" OAK(E) FRUIT(E) FRUIT(E) FRUIT(E) FRUIT(E) FRIUT(E) 8" OAK(E) 8" OAK(E) 10" OAK(E) 10" OAK(E) 10" OAK(E) FRUIT(E) FRUIT(E) FRUIT(E) 12" OAK(E) 14" OAK(E) 14" OAK(E) 6" OAK(E) FRUIT(E) FRUIT(E) 10" OAK(E) 11" + 9"OAK(E) FRUIT(N)DRIVEWAYGASMETERELECTRICALPANEL129XXXEXISTING TREES NOT IN THE AREA OFCONSTRUCTION TO REMAINXXXXEXISTING TREES IN THE AREA OFCONSTRUCTION + NOTED WITHAN "X" TO BE REMOVED(E) FRUIT(E) 9" PINE(E) 8" + 5" +5" OAK(E) 7" + 7" +7" TOYON(E) 14" OAK(E) 13" + 15"OAK(E) FRUIT114699130131113(E) 14" + 9"OAK(E) 13" OAK(E) 7" + 7"PLUMNEW FIREHYDRANTPROVIDE TREE PROTECTIVEFENCING PER TOWN REQ'TS +ARBORIST RECOMMENDATIONXXX(E) FRUITX±392.33±393.0±390.5±395.42±395.42±394.5±391.67±393.5"P.1'-0"TYP.PARCEL 160,752 SF(1.395 AC)20' WIDE I.E.E,E.V.A.E, P.U.E, S.S.E,P.S.D.E, & P.S.S.E.I.E.E, E.V.A.E, P.U.E,S.S.E, P.S.D.E, & P.S.S.E.±25'-0"±18'-0"900899898897896895132PROVIDE TREE PROTECTIVEFENCING PER TOWN REQ'TS +ARBORIST RECOMMENDATION700XX506346A1.3PROPOSED SITE PLAN +SITE LINE STUDY/MASSING RELATIONSHIPSCALE: AS NOTED400 SURMONT DRIVEPARCEL #1LOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032INTERIORSREMODELS +ADDITIONSNEW CONSTRUCTION638 UNIVERSITY AVELOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032W..3f 253.399.1125STUDIO ..... DESIGN20 AUGUST 201931 JANUARY 2020PLANNING SUBMITTAL23 AUGUST 2021PLANNING SUBMITTAL II16 NOVEMBER 2021PLANNING SUBMITTAL III29 APRIL 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL IV08 JULY 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL V19 DECEMBER 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL VIISITE LINE STUDY / MASSING RELATIONSHIPSITE PLANSCALE:116" = 1'-0"GOOGLE EARTH IMAGE 1GOOGLE EARTH IMAGE 2159 WESTHILL DRIVE200 SURMONT DRIVE400 SURMONT DRIVEPARCEL 2400 SURMONT DRIVEPARCEL 1159 WESTHILLDRIVE200 SURMONT DRIVE400 SURMONT DRIVEPARCEL 1400 SURMONT DRIVEPARCEL 2 SCALE:N/A400 SURMONT DRIVEPARCEL #1LOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032INTERIORSREMODELS +ADDITIONSNEW CONSTRUCTION638 UNIVERSITY AVELOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032t 408.292.3252f 253.399.1125STUDIO THREE DESIGN20 AUGUST 201931 JANUARY 2020PLANNING SUBMITTAL23 AUGUST 2021PLANNING SUBMITTAL II16 NOVEMBER 2021PLANNING SUBMITTAL III29 APRIL 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL IV08 JULY 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL V19 DECEMBER 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL VIItTREE PROTECTIONREQUIREMENTSTREE PROTECTION REQUIREMENTSTree ProtectionTree protection focuses on avoiding damage to the roots, trunk, or scaffold branches (Appendix D). Themost current accepted method for determining the TPZ is to use a formula based on species tolerance, treeage/vigor, and trunk diameter (Matheny, N. and Clark, J. 1998) (Fite, K, and Smiley, E. T., 2016).Preventing mechanical damage to the trunk from equipment or hand tools can be accomplished bywrapping the main stem with straw wattle or using vertical timbers.Trees #131, #332, #133 and #894 are all located close to proposed construction and will require treeprotection fence around them to help prevent damage. There are four trees in close proximity to theseincluding #134, #135, #892 and #893 which will be enclosed as a group with #131 and #132. Tree #133will need a minimum of eighteen feet of protection radii to help ensure its survival. The remaining threetrees are small and ten feet of protection radii would be ideal.ConclusionThe inventory contains 39 trees comprised of 6 different species. Two coast live oaks are considered LargeProtected, and sixteen fruit trees are Exempt. Eighteen trees are in good condition, eleven fair, nine in poorshape and one is dead. Most of the trees in poor condition are remnant orchard trees. The best specimen inthe building area is coast live oak #133. Eighteen trees are poorly suited for retention which are primarilyfruit trees. Ten trees have fair suitability for preservation and the remaining eleven have good suitability.Sixteen trees will be highly impacted and are expected to be removed, four moderately affected andnineteen are not near the improvements. Seven trees will require replacements (#111, #127, #128, #129,#130, #700, and #896) resulting is twenty-one (21) 24 inch box specimens.. Seven of the sixteen treesexpected to be highly impacted are Protected (#111, #127, #128, #129, #130, #700, and #896) while theremaining are Exempt fruit trees. Trees #131, #332, #133 and #894 are all located close to proposedconstruction and will require tree protection fence around them to help prevent damage. There are fourtrees in close proximity to #131 and #132 including #134, #135, #892 and #893 which will be enclosed as agroup. Tree #133 will need a minimum of eighteen feet of protection radii to help ensure its survival. Theremaining three trees are small and ten feet of protection radii would be ideal. A total of 39 trees wereappraised for a rounded depreciated value of $64,260.00 using the Trunk Formula Method.Recommendations1.Update the site plans and survey to show the current existing conditions and correctedlocations (Appendix A) of the trees and their trunks, including those along the drainage andtheir associated numbers.2. Place tree numbers and tree protection fence locations and guidelines on the plansincluding the grading, drainage, and utility plans. Create a separate plan sheet that includesall protection measures labeled “T-1 Tree Protection Plan.”3. Place tree protection fence along the service road near the drainage outside the tree diplines (#113, #114, #115, and #116), around #133 at eighteen feet (18'), and around #332,#133 (#134 and #135) and #894 (#892 and #893) at a radius of ten feet (10').4. Provide a landscape plan that accounts for the loss in tree canopy to include in tabularform the required replacements in accordance with the Town's Tree Canopy ReplacementStandard. Seven trees will require replacements (#111, #127, #128, #129, #130, #700, and#896) resulting is twenty-one (21) 24 inch box specimens..5. All tree maintenance and care shall be performed by a qualified arborist with a C-61/D-49California Contractors License. Tree maintenance and care shall be specified in writingaccording to American National Standard for Tree Care Operations: Tree, Shrub and OtherWoody Plant Management: Standard Practices parts 1 through 10 and adhere to ANSIZ133.1 safety standards and local regulations. All maintenance is to be performedaccording to ISA Best Management Practices.6. Refer to Appendix D for general tree protection guidelines including recommendations forarborist assistance while working under trees, trenching, or excavation within a trees dripline or designated TPZ/CRZ.7. Provide a copy of this report to all contractors and project managers, including thearchitect, civil engineer, and landscape designer or architect. It is the responsibility of theowner to ensure all parties are familiar with this document.8. Arrange a pre-construction meeting with the project arborist or landscape architect toverify tree protection is in place, with the correct materials, and at the proper distances.Section 29.10.1005. - Protection of Trees During ConstructionTree Protection Zones and Fence Specifications1. Size and materials: Six (6) foot high chain link fencing, mounted on two-inch diametergalvanized iron posts, shall be driven into the ground to a depth of at least two (2) feet at nomore than ten-foot spacing. For paving area that will not be demolished and when stipulatedin a tree preservation plan, posts may be supported by a concrete base.2. Area type to be fenced: Type I: Enclosure with chain link fencing of either the entire driplinearea or at the tree protection zone (TPZ), when specified by a certified or consulting arborist.Type II: Enclosure for street trees located in a planter strip: chain link fence around the entireplanter strip to the outer branches. Type III: Protection for a tree located in a small plantercutout only(such as downtown): orange plastic fencing shall be wrapped around the trunk from theground to the first branch with two-inch wooden boards bound securely on the outside.Caution shall be used to avoid damaging any bark or branches.3. Duration of Type I, II, III fencing: Fencing shall be erected before demolition, grading orconstruction permits are issued and remain in place until the work is completed. Contractorshall first obtain the approval of the project arborist on record prior to removing a treeprotection fence.4. Warning Sign: Each tree fence shall have prominently displayed an eight and one-half-inchby eleven-inch sign stating: "Warning—Tree Protection Zone—This fence shall not beremoved and is subject to penalty according to Town Code 29.10.1025.” Text on the signsshould be in both English and Spanish (Appendix E).All persons, shall comply with the following precautions1. Prior to the commencement of construction, install the fence at the dripline, or tree protectionzone (TPZ) when specified in an approved arborist report, around any tree and/or vegetationto be retained which could be affected by the construction and prohibit any storage ofconstruction materials or other materials, equipment cleaning, or parking of vehicles withinthe TPZ. The dripline shall not be altered in any way so as to increase the encroachment ofthe construction.2. Prohibit all construction activities within the TPZ, including but not limited to: excavation,grading, drainage and leveling within the dripline of the tree unless approved by the Director.3. Prohibit disposal or depositing of oil, gasoline, chemicals or other harmful materials withinthe dripline of or in drainage channels, swales or areas that may lead to the dripline of aprotected tree.4. Prohibit the attachment of wires, signs or ropes to any protected tree.5. Design utility services and irrigation lines to be located outside of the dripline when feasible.6. Retain the services of a certified or consulting arborist who shall serve as the project arboristfor periodic monitoring of the project site and the health of those trees to be preserved. Theproject arborist shall be present whenever activities occur which may pose a potential threatto the health of the trees to be preserved and shall document all site visits.7. The Director and project arborist shall be notified of any damage that occurs to a protectedtree during construction so that proper treatment may be administered.MonitoringAny trenching, construction or demolition that is expected to damage or encounter tree rootsshould be monitored by the project arborist or a qualified ISA Certified Arborist and should bedocumented.The site should be evaluated by the project arborist or a qualified ISA Certified Arborist afterconstruction is complete, and any necessary remedial work that needs to be performed should benoted.Root PruningRoots greater than two inches in diameter shall not be cut. When roots over two inches indiameter are encountered and are authorized to be cut or removed, they should be pruned byhand with loppers, handsaw, reciprocating saw, or chain saw rather than left crushed or torn.Roots should be cut beyond sinker roots or outside root branch junctions and be supervised bythe project arborist. When completed, exposed roots should be kept moist with burlap orbackfilled within one hour.Boring or TunnelingBoring machines should be set up outside the drip line or established Tree Protection Zone.Boring may also be performed by digging a trench on both sides of the tree until roots one inchin diameter are encountered and then hand dug or excavated with an Air Spade® or similar airor water excavation tool. Bore holes should be adjacent to the trunk and never go directlyunder the main stem to avoid oblique (heart) roots. Bore holes should be a minimum of threefeet deep.Tree Pruning and Removal OperationsAll tree pruning or removals should be performed by a qualified arborist with a C-61/D-49California Contractors License. Treatment, including pruning, shall be specified in writingaccording to the most recent ANSI A-300A Standards and Limitations and performedaccording to ISA Best Management Practices while adhering to ANSI Z133.1 safety standards.Trees that need to be removed or pruned should be identified in the pre-construction walkthrough.APPENDIX A, B, D + DETAILS TREE INVENTORY, ASSESSMENT + PROTECTION REPORT400 SURMONT DRIVE, LOS GATOSPREPARED FOR: TOWN OF LOS GATOS, DATED SEPTEMBER 27, 2019,REVISED FEBRUARY 11, 2022PREPARED BY: MONARCH CONSULTING ARBORISTS, RICHARD GESSNER 42" GASFIREPLACEQUEENQUEENWASHERDRYER DINING ROOMBUTLER'SPANTRYKITCHENNOOKGREAT ROOMMASTER BEDROOMMASTER BATHROOMMASTERW.I.C. BEDROOM #2 BEDROOM #3LAUNDRYROOMBATH #2PWDRBATHOFFICE/BEDROOM #4ENTRY HALLSITTING/LIVINGROOOMHALL #1HALL #3HALL #2CA KINGBATH #3W.I.C. #2MUD ROOMQUEEN48" GAS RANGE48" REFRIG.PULL OUTPANTRYPULL OUTPANTRYT/CD/W7.5' X 5'ISLAND6' X 6'RAISEDISLAND30"OVENMICROWINEREFRIG.42"FIREPLACESINK W/DISPOSALDNDNDNDNCOVEREDFRONTPORCHPROPOSED RETAINING WALLPROPOSED FLOOR PLANPARCEL #1SKYLIGHT SKYLIGHTSKYLIGHTREARPATIO/DECKMASTERPATIO/DECKBENCH SEAT TUB W/RAISEDPLATFORM84'-0"(TO ROUGH FRAMING)84'-3"(TO EXTERIOR FINISH)6'-6"18'-0"18'-0"12'-4"22'-0"7'-2"COVERED WALKWAYCOVEREDPORCH #2UNCOVEREDPORCH #3NORTH54'-3" (TO ROUGH FRAMING) 53'-6" (TO EXTERIOR FINISH) 0'-6"3'-0"25'-0"17'-6"8'-3"84'-0"(TO ROUGH FRAMING)6'-6"22'-912"26'-012"17'-212"11'-512"53'-3"(TO ROUGH FRAMING)11'-9"10'-4"31'-2"2A3.11A3.1 4A3.23 A3.2 SKYLIGHTSKYLIGHTSKYLIGHT3'-0"3'-0"1'-0"1'-0" 1'-0"1'-0" 1'-0"AA4.1BA4.1CA4.2DA4.2 E A4.3 F A4.3 G A4.4 CEILING HT: 7'-6"CEILING HT: 7'-6"CEILING HT: 7'-6"CEILING HT: 8'-6"CEILING HT: 7'-6"CEILING HT: 7'-6"CEILING HT: 7'-6"CEILING HT: 7'-6"CEILING HT: 7'-6"CEILING HT: 7'-6"CEILING HT: 8'-0"CEILING HT: 10'-0"CEILING HT: 10'-0"CEILING HT: 8'-0"CEILING HT:8'-0"CEILING HT: 8'-0"CEILING HT: 8'-0"CEILING HT: 8'-0"CEILING HT: 8'-0"CEILING HT: 8'-0"CEILING HT: 8'-0"CEILING HT: 8'-0"CEILING HT: 8'-0"CEILING HT: 7'-6"CEILING HT: 8'-0"CEILING HT: 7'-6"CEILING HT: 8'-0"OPEN RAFTERSW/HA/C UNITENTRYFOYER2'-6"3'-0"7'-0"3'-0"2'-6"2'-2"2'-0"2'-4"0'-912"2'-6"5'-212"2'-6"0'-6"1'-5"2'-6"1'-0"2'-6"1'-0"2'-6"1'-5"4'-912"3'-0"0'-512"3'-0"0'-512"3'-0"0'-512"3'-0"2'-0"1'-3"2'-6"0'-512"2'-6"0'-512"2'-3"1'-10"2'-0"2'-3"3'-6"15'-0"7'-6" 0'-512" 2'-6" 0'-512" 2'-6"1'-512"3'-0"7'-112" 0'-1112" 2'-8"4'-712"84'-3"(TO EXTERIOR FINISH)3'-8"1'-612"2'-0"2'-0"4'-4"2'-0"1'-812"2'-3"2'-8"0'-512"2'-8"0'-512"2'-8"2'-8"0'-512"2'-8"0'-512"2'-8"1'-9"2'-012"2'-3"3'-512"3'-0"3'-3"13'-1"53'-6"(TO EXTERIOR FINISH)29'-10"13'-6"3'-5"3'-6"3'-5"3'-9"3'-0"1'-312"3'-10"1'-612"2'-0"3'-0"0'-512"3'-0"3'-1112"0'-912"2'-0"3'-212"1'-1"3'-0"0'-512"3'-0"0'-512"3'-0"1'-9"2'-012"6'-212"2'-1"8'-512"4'-0"6'-0"14'-912"6'-212"13'-4"5'-012"7'-0"5'-012"5'-612"6'-1"5'-512"2'-6"9'-212"6'-6"6'-912"13'-2"13'-2"16'-6"8'-1112"4'-312"10'-612"10'-9"5'-1112"3'-8"6'-6"4'-0" 2'-1112"3'-612"1'-11" 7'-10" 4'-512"5'-0"4'-7" 3'-0"1'-6"3'-0"0'-712"2'-11"13'-012"3'-812"7'-112"17'-212"4'-6"7'-6"5'-6"4'-1112"9'-312"8'-012"9'-0"6'-312"2'-6"4'-9"15'-112"2'-0"6'-1112"4'-0"2'-6"12'-3" 7'-512"3'-0"2'-112"1'-0"6'- 1 12" 1'-512"DNDNSTUCCO WALLW/ARCHEDOPENINGS +WROUGHT IRONDNDNDNDN A2.1PROPOSED FLOOR PLANSCALE:14" = 1'-0"400 SURMONT DRIVEPARCEL #1LOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032INTERIORSREMODELS +ADDITIONSNEW CONSTRUCTION638 UNIVERSITY AVELOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032W.22.22f 253.399.1125STUDIO ..... DESIGN20 AUGUST 201931 JANUARY 2020PLANNING SUBMITTAL23 AUGUST 2021PLANNING SUBMITTAL II16 NOVEMBER 2021PLANNING SUBMITTAL III29 APRIL 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL IV08 JULY 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL V19 DECEMBER 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL VII 2A3.14A3.23 A3.2PROPOSED ROOF PLANPARCEL #1NORTH1A3.1 AA4.1BA4.1CA4.2DA4.2 E A4.3 F A4.3 G A4.4S1S2S3S4S6S5SKYLIGHT SKYLIGHTSKYLIGHTS-TILE ROOFINGCURB MOUNTEDSKYLIGHTRIDGERIDGERIDGERIDGERIDGE RIDGE RIDGE RIDGE HIPHIPVALLEYHIP HI P HIPHIP HIPHIPHIPHIPVALLEYVALLEYVALLEYHIPVALLEYVALLEYVALLEY3.5:12 PITCH 3.5:12 PITCH 3.5:12PITCH3.5:12PITCH3.5:12 PITCH3.5:12PITCH3.5:12PITCH3.5:12PITCH 3.5:12 PITCH 3.5:12PITCH3.5:12PITCH3.5:12PITCH3.5:12PITCH3.5:12PITCH SKYLIGHTSKYLIGHTSKYLIGHT±392.75±394.21±396.125±398.58±396.125±394.0±398.25±394.0HIPVALLEY3.5:12PITCHVALLEYOPEN/EXPOSEDROOF RAFTERS,MIN. 3x REDWOODHI P RIDGEVALLEYHIP±392.33±393.0±390.5±395.42±395.42±394.5±391.67±393.5A2.2PROPOSED ROOF PLANSCALE:14" = 1'-0"400 SURMONT DRIVEPARCEL #1LOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032INTERIORSREMODELS +ADDITIONSNEW CONSTRUCTION638 UNIVERSITY AVELOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032W.22.22f 253.399.1125STUDIO ..... DESIGN20 AUGUST 201931 JANUARY 2020PLANNING SUBMITTAL23 AUGUST 2021PLANNING SUBMITTAL II16 NOVEMBER 2021PLANNING SUBMITTAL III29 APRIL 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL IV08 JULY 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL V19 DECEMBER 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL VII PROPOSED GARAGE PLANPARCEL #1PROPOSED GARAGE ROOF PLANPARCEL #11A3.3PROPOSEDELECTRICALPANEL LOCATIONPROPOSED GASMETER LOCATION 3-CARGARAGE16080O.H.SECTIONAL GARAGE DOOR307010080O.H.SECTIONAL GARAGE DOORUPPER + LOWER CABINETSPROPOSEDRETAINING WALLS2 A3.33A3.34A3.3 20'-0"21'-412"17'-412"22'-1012"S-TILE ROOFINGRIDGEHIPHIPVALLEYRIDGE HIPHIPHI PVALLEYRIDGEHIP4:12 PITCH 4:12 PITCH 4:12PITCH4:12 PITCH4:12PITCH4:12 PITCH NORTHNORTH41'-2"20'-8"20'-6"27'-0" 2'-1012"24'-112"41'-2"21'-4"19'-10"27'-112" 24'-112" 3'-0"1A3.32 A3.33A3.34A3.3 CEILING HT: 9'-6"4950515453521'-0"TYP.1'-0" TYP.±394.67±394.71±394.58RIDGEVALLEY4:12 PITCH COVERED WALKWAYCEILING HT: 10'-0"COVEREDPORCH #2COVEREDPORCH #3CEILING HT: 10'-0"CEILING HT: 10'-0"HI PVALLEY ±18'-0"(FIELD VERIFY)3'-2"1'-8"3'-4"1'-8"3'-4"1'-8"3'-2"1848ARCHEDOPENING1848ARCHEDOPENING1848ARCHEDOPENING1848ARCHEDOPENING1848ARCHEDOPENING1848ARCHEDOPENINGSTUCCO WALLW/ARCHEDOPENINGS +WROUGHT IRONA2.3PROPOSED GARAGEFLOOR + ROOF PLANSSCALE:14" = 1'-0"400 SURMONT DRIVEPARCEL #1LOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032INTERIORSREMODELS +ADDITIONSNEW CONSTRUCTION638 UNIVERSITY AVELOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032W.22.322f 253.399.1125STUDIO ..... DESIGN20 AUGUST 201931 JANUARY 2020PLANNING SUBMITTAL23 AUGUST 2021PLANNING SUBMITTAL II16 NOVEMBER 2021PLANNING SUBMITTAL III29 APRIL 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL IV08 JULY 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL V19 DECEMBER 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL VII 1 - WEST (FRONT) ELEVATIONPARCEL #1-3'-0" B.F.F.(377.5)(375.0)PAD+0'-0"FINISH FLOOR(380.5)+7'-6" A.F.F.PL. HT.PITCH12(380)(385)(390)(375)PAD(370)+8'-0" A.F.F.PL. HT.7'-0" 9'-0"373.5380.5377.5HEAD HEIGHT ±17'-212" HEAD HEIGHT ±13'-012" ±14'-1112"(377.5) F.F.(378)PADMAX 25' ABOVEEXISTING GRADE3'-6" GUARDRAIL 3'-6" GUARDRAIL MAX 18' ABOVEEXISTING GRADE3.5+0'-0"FINISH FLOOR(380.5)+8'-6" A.F.F.PL. HT.±17'-512"PREVIOUS DESIGN(OUTLINE)EXISTING GRADE±396.125±398.58±394.21±396.125±392.33±393.0±395.42±393.5S-TILE ROOFINGEXPOSED, SHAPEDRAFTER TAILSWROUGHT IRONGUARDRAIL, 42" HIGHWOOD COLUMNSCOVERED WALKWAYTO GARAGEDASHED LINEINDICATESEXISTING GRADINGPROPOSED FINISHGRADEDASHED LINE INDICATESRETAINING WALLSTUCCO FINISH,PAINTED+0'-0"FINISH FLOOR(380.5)-3'-0" B.F.F.(377.5)-4'-0" B.F.F.(376.5)+0'-0"FINISH FLOOR(380.5)(374.0)PAD+10'-0" A.F.F.PL. HT.PITCH122- NORTH (SIDE) ELEVATIONPARCEL #19'-0" 3'-6"372.00375.003'-6"3'-6"(375)PAD(378.0)PAD374.00373.00372.00375.00374.00373.00373.00+7'-6" A.F.F.PL. HT.+7'-6" A.F.F.PL. HT.3.5+8'-6" A.F.F.PL. HT.17'-6" 17'-4" 8'-0"2'-0" 8'-0" 8'-0" 9'-0"PREVIOUS DESIGN(OUTLINE)±394.0±398.25±398.58±396.125±394.21±393.21±398.58±395.42±395.42±390.5±393.0±392.33±394.5WROUGHT IRONGUARDRAIL, 42" HIGHCURB MOUNTED SKYLIGHTWOOD CORBELSSTUCCO FINISHS-TILE ROOFINGEXPOSED, SHAPEDRAFTER TAILSS-TILE GABLEVENTSWROUGHT IRONOVER WINDOWWOOD COLUMNSPORCH POST WOODCORBELSPROPOSED FINISHGRADEA3.1EXTERIOR ELEVATIONSSCALE:14" = 1'-0"400 SURMONT DRIVEPARCEL #1LOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032INTERIORSREMODELS +ADDITIONSNEW CONSTRUCTION638 UNIVERSITY AVELOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032W..3f 253.399.1125STUDIO ..... DESIGN20 AUGUST 201931 JANUARY 2020PLANNING SUBMITTAL23 AUGUST 2021PLANNING SUBMITTAL II16 NOVEMBER 2021PLANNING SUBMITTAL III29 APRIL 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL IV08 JULY 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL V19 DECEMBER 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL VII +0'-0"FINISH FLOOR(380.5)-4'-0" B.F.F.(376.5)+0'-0"FINISH FLOOR(380.5)-3'-0" B.F.F.(377.5)PITCH12±17'-6"3 - EAST (REAR) ELEVATIONPARCEL #1(380)(385)(390)(375)(370)378.58'-0" 10'-0"MAX 25' ABOVEEXISTING GRADE380.40376.50373.0382.50391.00(378)PAD(374)PAD(374.0)PAD375.00374.00+7'-6" A.F.F.PL. HT.3.5+10'-0" A.F.F.PL. HT.+8'-0" A.F.F.PL. HT.7'-0" 14'-112" 17'-712"MAX 18' ABOVEEXISTING GRADEEXISTING GRADEMAX 25' ABOVEEXISTING GRADEPREVIOUS DESIGN(OUTLINE)±394.0±394.0±393.21±391.67±394.5±390.5WOOD CORBELSS-TILE ROOFINGEXPOSED, SHAPEDRAFTER TAILSDOOR ASSEMBLYSTUCCO FINISHGUARDRAILDASHED LINEINDICATESEXISTING GRADINGPROPOSED FINISHGRADENOTE: EXCEPTIONREQUESTED FOR CUTAMOUNTS SEE CIVILPLANS - SHEET C-8/SECTION D-D+0'-0"FINISH FLOOR(380.5)+8'-0" A.F.F.PL. HTPITCH12PITCH3.512+0'-0"FINISH FLOOR(380.5)+8'-0" A.F.F. PL. HT.4- SOUTH (SIDE) ELEVATIONPARCEL #1378.7380.5378.7PROPOSED FINISHGRADEPROPOSED A/C UNITSLOCATIONPROPOSED A/C UNITSLOCATION(378)PAD(378)PADSTUCCO WALL W/ARCHEDOPENINGS + WROUGHT IRONOPEN/EXPOSED RAFTERS,MIN. 3X REDWOOD+10'-0" A.F.F.PL. HT3.5±15'-10" 13'-112" 16'-9" 7'-0" 13'-012" 7'-0" 7'-0" 7'-0"PREVIOUS DESIGN(OUTLINE)±396.125±396.125±398.58±398.25±394.0±394.0±398.58±395.42±395.42±391.67±393.5±394.5±393.0S-TILE ROOFINGEXPOSED, SHAPEDRAFTER TAILSCURB MOUNTED SKYLIGHTA3.2EXTERIOR ELEVATIONSSCALE:14" = 1'-0"400 SURMONT DRIVEPARCEL #1LOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032INTERIORSREMODELS +ADDITIONSNEW CONSTRUCTION638 UNIVERSITY AVELOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032W.22.322f 253.399.1125STUDIO ..... DESIGN20 AUGUST 201931 JANUARY 2020PLANNING SUBMITTAL23 AUGUST 2021PLANNING SUBMITTAL II16 NOVEMBER 2021PLANNING SUBMITTAL III29 APRIL 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL IV08 JULY 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL V19 DECEMBER 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL VII PROPOSEDELECTRICALPANEL LOCATIONPROPOSED GASMETER LOCATION+0'-6"TOP OF SLAB(381)+10'-0" A.F.F.PL. HT+0'-6"TOP OF SLAB(381)+10'-0" A.F.F.PL. HT+0'-6"TOP OF SLAB(381)+10'-0" A.F.F.PL. HT+0'-6"TOP OF SLAB(381)+10'-0" A.F.F.PL. HT1- GARAGE NORTH (FRONT) ELEVATIONPARCEL #14 - GARAGE EAST (SIDE) ELEVATIONPARCEL #13 - GARAGE SOUTH (REAR) ELEVATIONPARCEL #12 - GARAGE WEST (SIDE) ELEVATIONPARCEL #1+0'-6"TOP OF SLAB(381)+10'-0" A.F.F.PL. HT.8'-0" HEAD HT.+0'-6"TOP OF SLAB(381)+10'-0" A.F.F.PL. HT.+0'-6"TOP OF SLAB(381)+10'-0" A.F.F.PL. HT.+0'-6"TOP OF SLAB(381)+10'-0" A.F.F.PL. HT.S-TILE ROOFINGO.H. SECTIONALGARAGE DOOREXPOSED, SHAPEDRAFTER TAILSEXTERIOR LIGHTFIXTUREDASHED LINE INDICATESBUILDING BELOW GRADEWROUGHT IRON DETAIL@ WINDOW, TYP.DASHED LINE INDICATESBUILDING BELOW GRADEDASHED LINE INDICATESBUILDING BELOW GRADEPITCH412PITCH412PITCH412PITCH412PROPOSED FINISHGRADEPROPOSED FINISHGRADEPROPOSED FINISHGRADESTUCCO FINISH,PAINTED389.00385.00381.00382.0389.0381.00381.00385.00DASHED LINEINDICATESEXISTING GRADINGDASHED LINEINDICATESEXISTING GRADINGPROPOSED FINISHGRADEDASHED LINEINDICATESEXISTING GRADINGDASHED LINEINDICATESEXISTING GRADING±13'-7" ±13'-812" ±13'-7" ±13'-8"±394.58±394.71±394.67±394.71±394.71±394.67±394.71±394.58MAX 15' ABOVEBUILDING PAD±394.58COVERED WALKWAYTO GARAGEMAX 15' ABOVEEXISTING GRADEMAX 15' ABOVEBUILDING PADMAX 15' ABOVEEXISTING GRADEMAX 15' ABOVEEXISTING GRADEMAX 15' ABOVEBUILDING PADMAX 15' ABOVEBUILDING PAD9'-6"MAX 15' ABOVEEXISTING GRADEA3.3EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS(GARAGE)SCALE:14" = 1'-0"400 SURMONT DRIVEPARCEL #1LOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032INTERIORSREMODELS +ADDITIONSNEW CONSTRUCTION638 UNIVERSITY AVELOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032W..3f 253.399.1125STUDIO ..... DESIGN20 AUGUST 201931 JANUARY 2020PLANNING SUBMITTAL23 AUGUST 2021PLANNING SUBMITTAL II16 NOVEMBER 2021PLANNING SUBMITTAL III29 APRIL 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL IV08 JULY 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL V19 DECEMBER 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL VII -3'-0" B.F.F.(377.5)(375.0)PAD+0'-0"FINISH FLOOR(380.5)+10'-0" A.F.F.PL. HT.+0'-6"TOP OF SLAB(381)+7'-6" A.F.F.PL. HT.+0'-0"FINISH FLOOR(380.5)+8'-6" A.F.F.PL. HT.-3'-0" B.F.F.(377.5)+0'-6"TOP OF SLAB(381)+10'-0" A.F.F.PL. HTSTUCCO WALLW/ARCHEDOPENINGS +WROUGHT IRONA3.4EXTERIOR ELEVATIONSSCALE:14" = 1'-0"400 SURMONT DRIVEPARCEL #1LOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032INTERIORSREMODELS +ADDITIONSNEW CONSTRUCTION638 UNIVERSITY AVELOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032W4..3f 253.399.1125STUDIO ..... DESIGN20 AUGUST 201931 JANUARY 2020PLANNING SUBMITTAL23 AUGUST 2021PLANNING SUBMITTAL II16 NOVEMBER 2021PLANNING SUBMITTAL III29 APRIL 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL IV08 JULY 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL V19 DECEMBER 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL VII GREATROOMKITCHENOPEN TOSITTING/LIVINGROOMENTRYHALLATTICHALLCOVEREDFRONTPORCHPATIO /DECKA - BUILDING SECTIONCRAWL SPACECRAWL SPACECRAWL SPACEATTIC-4'-0" B.F.F.(376.5)+0'-0"FINISH FLOOR(380.5)+10'-0" A.F.F.PL. HT.+0'-0"FINISH FLOOR(380.5)+7'-6" A.F.F.PL. HT.-3'-0" B.F.F.(377.5)(374)PAD(375)PAD±17'-1112" 3'-4"(378)PAD+7'-6" A.F.F.PL. HT.SITTING/LIVINGROOMHALLMASTERBEDROOMATTICCOVEREDFRONTPORCHMASTERPATIO /DECKB - BUILDING SECTIONCRAWL SPACECRAWL SPACECRAWL SPACECRAWL SPACEATTIC+0'-0"FINISH FLOOR(380.5)+10'-0" A.F.F.PL. HT.+0'-0"FINISH FLOOR(380.5)+7'-6" A.F.F.PL. HT.-3'-0" B.F.F.(377.5)±2'-012" ±4'-612"(378)PAD(375)PADCRAWL SPACE±14'-1112" 17'-1112"A4.1BUILDING SECTIONSSCALE:14" = 1'-0"400 SURMONT DRIVEPARCEL #1LOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032INTERIORSREMODELS +ADDITIONSNEW CONSTRUCTION638 UNIVERSITY AVELOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032W4..f 253.399.1125STUDIO ..... DESIGN20 AUGUST 201931 JANUARY 2020PLANNING SUBMITTAL23 AUGUST 2021PLANNING SUBMITTAL II16 NOVEMBER 2021PLANNING SUBMITTAL III29 APRIL 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL IV08 JULY 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL V19 DECEMBER 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL VII MASTERBEDROOMMASTERW.I.C.BEDROOM#2BEDROOM#3HALLW.I.C.BATH #3COVEREDPORCH #2ATTICC - BUILDING SECTIONATTICCRAWL SPACEMASTERPATIO/DECK+0'-0"FINISH FLOOR(380.5)+10'-0" A.F.F.PL. HT.+0'-0"FINISH FLOOR(380.5)+8'-0" A.F.F.PL. HT.±3'-512"(378)PADCRAWL SPACECRAWL SPACE±13'-012"(378)PADATTICDININGROOMENTRYHALLSITTING /LIVINGROOMW.I.C.OFFICE /BEDROOM#4D - BUILDING SECTION(380)(385)(390)(375)(370)CRAWL SPACECRAWL SPACE+0'-0"FINISH FLOOR(380.5)+8'-0" A.F.F.PL. HT.+0'-0"FINISH FLOOR(380.5)+8'-6" A.F.F.PL. HT.-3'-0" B.F.F.(377.5)±4'-9"(375)PAD(378)PADMAX 25' ABOVEEXISTING GRADE±17'-1112"MAX 18' ABOVEEXISTING GRADEEXISTING GRADEA4.2BUILDING SECTIONSSCALE:14" = 1'-0"400 SURMONT DRIVEPARCEL #1LOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032INTERIORSREMODELS +ADDITIONSNEW CONSTRUCTION638 UNIVERSITY AVELOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032W4.22.22f 253.399.1125STUDIO ..... DESIGN20 AUGUST 201931 JANUARY 2020PLANNING SUBMITTAL23 AUGUST 2021PLANNING SUBMITTAL II16 NOVEMBER 2021PLANNING SUBMITTAL III29 APRIL 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL IV08 JULY 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL V19 DECEMBER 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL VII ATTICBUTLER'SPANTRYPWDRBATHHALLHALLMUDROOME - BUILDING SECTION(380)(385)(390)(375)(370)CRAWL SPACECRAWL SPACE+0'-0"FINISH FLOOR(380.5)+7'-6" A.F.F.PL. HT.-3'-0" B.F.F.(377.5)+0'-0"FINISH FLOOR(380.5)+8'-0" A.F.F.PL. HT.(378)PADMAX 25' ABOVEEXISTING GRADE±17'-1112" ±5'-10"(375)PADMAX 18' ABOVEEXISTING GRADEEXISTING GRADEATTICBEDROOM#2HALLKITCHENNOOKF - BUILDING SECTION(380)(385)(390)(375)(370)CRAWL SPACECRAWL SPACE+0'-0"FINISH FLOOR(380.5)+7'-6" A.F.F.PL. HT.-3'-0" B.F.F.(377.5)+0'-0"FINISH FLOOR(380.5)+8'-0" A.F.F.PL. HT.(378)PAD(375)PADMAX 25' ABOVEEXISTING GRADE±14'-1112" ±17'-1112" ±5'-6"MAX 18' ABOVEEXISTING GRADEEXISTING GRADEA4.3BUILDING SECTIONSSCALE:14" = 1'-0"400 SURMONT DRIVEPARCEL #1LOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032INTERIORSREMODELS +ADDITIONSNEW CONSTRUCTION638 UNIVERSITY AVELOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032W4..3f 253.399.1125STUDIO ..... DESIGN20 AUGUST 201931 JANUARY 2020PLANNING SUBMITTAL23 AUGUST 2021PLANNING SUBMITTAL II16 NOVEMBER 2021PLANNING SUBMITTAL III29 APRIL 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL IV08 JULY 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL V19 DECEMBER 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL VII ATTICGREATROOMMASTERW.I.C.MASTERBATHROOMOPEN TOMASTERBEDROOMG - BUILDING SECTION(380)(385)(390)(375)(370)CRAWL SPACECRAWL SPACE-4'-0" B.F.F.(376.5)+0'-0"FINISH FLOOR(380.5)+7'-6" A.F.F.PL. HT.+0'-0"FINISH FLOOR(380.5)+8'-0" A.F.F.PL. HT.±1'-712"(374)PAD(378)PADMAX 25' ABOVEEXISTING GRADE21'-512" 5'-10"NOTE: EXCEPTIONREQUESTED FOR CUTAMOUNTS SEE CIVILPLANS - SHEET C-8/SECTION D-DMAX 18' ABOVEEXISTING GRADEEXISTING GRADEA4.4BUILDING SECTIONSSCALE:14" = 1'-0"400 SURMONT DRIVEPARCEL #1LOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032INTERIORSREMODELS +ADDITIONSNEW CONSTRUCTION638 UNIVERSITY AVELOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032W4..f 253.399.1125STUDIO ..... DESIGN20 AUGUST 201931 JANUARY 2020PLANNING SUBMITTAL23 AUGUST 2021PLANNING SUBMITTAL II16 NOVEMBER 2021PLANNING SUBMITTAL III29 APRIL 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL IV08 JULY 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL V19 DECEMBER 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL VII PROPOSED SITE PLANNORTH20'-0" SIDE SETBACK 25'-0"REAR SETBACK20'-0" SIDE SETBACK 20'-0" SIDE SETBACK N89°44'26"W531.37'N90°00'00"E488.91'120.00' 14.95'(E) FRUIT(E) 8" OAK(E) FRUIT(E) FRUIT(E) FRUIT(E) FRUIT(E) FRIUT(E) 8" OAK(E) 8" OAK(E) 10" OAK(E) 10" OAK(E) 10" OAK(E) FRUIT(E) FRUIT(E) FRUIT(E) 12" OAK(E) 14" OAK(E) 14" OAK(E) 6" OAK(E) FRUIT(E) FRUIT(E) 10" OAK(E) 11" + 9"OAK(E) FRUIT(N)DRIVEWAYGASMETERELECTRICALPANEL129XXXEXISTING TREES NOT IN THE AREA OFCONSTRUCTION TO REMAINXXXXEXISTING TREES IN THE AREA OFCONSTRUCTION + NOTED WITHAN "X" TO BE REMOVED(E) FRUIT(E) 9" PINE(E) 8" + 5" +5" OAK(E) 7" + 7" +7" TOYON(E) 14" OAK(E) 13" + 15"OAK(E) FRUIT114699130131113(E) 14" + 9"OAK(E) 13" OAK(E) 7" + 7"PLUMNEW FIREHYDRANTPROVIDE TREE PROTECTIVEFENCING PER TOWN REQ'TS +ARBORIST RECOMMENDATIONXXX(E) FRUITX±392.33±393.0±390.5±395.42±395.42±394.5±391.67±393.5"P.1'-0"TYP.PARCEL 160,752 SF(1.395 AC)20' WIDE I.E.E,E.V.A.E, P.U.E, S.S.E,P.S.D.E, & P.S.S.E.I.E.E, E.V.A.E, P.U.E,S.S.E, P.S.D.E, & P.S.S.E.±25'-0"±18'-0"900899898897896895132PROVIDE TREE PROTECTIVEFENCING PER TOWN REQ'TS +ARBORIST RECOMMENDATION700XX506346L-6PROPOSED LANDSCAPESCREENINGSCALE: AS NOTED400 SURMONT DRIVEPARCEL #1LOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032INTERIORSREMODELS +ADDITIONSNEW CONSTRUCTION638 UNIVERSITY AVELOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032..............f 253.399.1125STUDIO 7+5(( DESIGN20 AUGUST 201931 JANUARY 2020PLANNING SUBMITTAL23 AUGUST 2021PLANNING SUBMITTAL II16 NOVEMBER 2021PLANNING SUBMITTAL III29 APRIL 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL IV08 JULY 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL V19 DECEMBER 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL VIIPROPOSED TREES + PLANT LISTSITE PLAN - LANDSCAPE/SCREENINGSCALE:116" = 1'-0"24" BOX TREEAPPROX. 12' DIAMETERDEFENSIBLE SPACINGAPPROX. 10-FEETBETWEEN BRANCHES/LIMBS22-FEET BETWEEN TREES30-FOOT PERIMETER OFDEFENSIBLE SPACEAROUND RESIDENCEMIX OF SHRUBS24" BOX TREEAPPROX. 12' DIAMETER#1-AC#2-AC#3-HA#4-PIPARCEL 1#5-HA 25'-0"REAR SETBACKSIDE SETBACK 20'-0" SIDE SETBACK 20'-0" SIDE SETBACK 30'-0"'FRONT SETBACK±420.0±418.33±424.25±419.0±421.0±420.75±420.25PARCEL 257,813 SF(1.327 AC)PARCEL 3 - REMAINDER530,095 SF(12.169 AC)20' WIDE SLOPE STABILITYPROTECTION AREA FOREX. WATERCOURSE25' NON-EXCLUSIVERIGHT OF WAY(2484 OR 282)±6'-6"±14'-10"N90°00'00"E488.91'120.24' 120.00' 14.95'S03°51'59"E (E) 14" OAK(E) 14" OAK(E) 11" + 9"OAK(E) 20" OAK(E) FRUIT(E) 11" OAK(E) 14" OAK(E) 8" PLUM(E) 8" PLUM(E) 12" OAK(E) 12" OAK(E) 12" OAK(E) 27" OAK(E) 9" + 9"OAK(E) 13" OAK(E) 10" + 9"OAK(E) 18.5"OAK(E) 12" OAK(E) 8" OAK(E) FRUIT(E) FRUIT(E) FRUIT(E) 5" OAK(N)DRIVEWAYN90°00'00"E480.52'A/C UNITSA/C UNITS133134135127894X129123126125124116122117115(E) 6" PLUM(E) 8" + 4" +4" PLUM(E) 8" + 8"APRICOT(E) 8" + 6"OAK(E) 6" + 4" +4" OAKPROVIDE TREE PROTECTIVEFENCING PER TOWN REQ'TS +ARBORIST RECOMMENDATIONXXEXISTING TREES NOTIN THE AREA OFCONTRACTION TOREMAIN(E) FRUITFENCING PER TOWN REQ'TS +ARBORIST RECOMMENDATION128893892118119120121±7'-9"PROPOSED SITE PLANNORTHSCALE: AS NOTED400 SURMONT DRIVEPARCEL #2LOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032INTERIORSREMODELS +ADDITIONSNEW CONSTRUCTION638 UNIVERSITY AVELOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032t 408.292.3252f 253.399.1125STUDIO THREE DESIGN20 AUGUST 201917 JANUARY 2020PLANNING SUBMITTAL23 AUGUST 2021PLANNING SUBMITTAL II16 NOVEMBER 2021PLANNING SUBMITTAL III29 APRIL 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL IV08 JULY 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL V19 DECEMBER 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL VIIPROPOSED TREES + PLANT LISTSCALE:116" = 1'-0"24" BOX TREEAPPROX. 12' DIAMETERDEFENSIBLE SPACINGAPPROX. 10-FEETBETWEEN BRANCHES/LIMBS22-FEET BETWEEN TREES30-FOOT PERIMETER OFDEFENSIBLE SPACEAROUND RESIDENCEMIX OF SHRUBS24" BOX TREEAPPROX. 12' DIAMETERSITE PLAN - LANDSCAPE/SCREENINGPARCEL 2...PROPOSED LANDSCAPESCREENING#6-PI#7-AC#8-HA#9-PI S U R M O N T D RJUN. 21ST 9 AMJUN. 21ST 12 PMJUN. 21ST 3 PMDEC. 21ST 9 AMDEC. 21ST 12 PMDEC. 21ST 3 PMDEC. 21ST 3 PMDEC. 21ST 9 AMDEC. 21ST 12 PMJUN. 21ST 3 PMJUN. 21ST 9 AMJUN. 21ST 12 PMPARCEL #1PARCEL #2400 SURMONT DRIVEPARCEL #1(PROPOSED 1-STORYRESIDENCE)(PROPOSEDGARAGE)198 SURMONT CT.(EXISTING 1-STORYRESIDENCE)175 WESTHILL DRIVE(EXISTING 2-STORYRESIDENCE)183 WESTHILL DRIVE(EXISTING 2-STORYRESIDENCE)200 SURMONT DRIVE(EXISTING 1-STORYRESIDENCE)±63'-3" ±67'-11"A1.1COVER SHEETSCALE: N/A400 SURMONT DRIVEPARCEL #2LOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032INTERIORSREMODELS +ADDITIONSNEW CONSTRUCTION638 UNIVERSITY AVELOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032W..f 253.399.1125STUDIO ..... DESIGN20 AUGUST 201917 JANUARY 2020PLANNING SUBMITTAL23 AUGUST 2021PLANNING SUBMITTAL II16 NOVEMBER 2021PLANNING SUBMITTAL III29 APRIL 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL IV08 JULY 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL V19 DECEMBER 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL VIIINDEXVICINITY MAPOwner:Sandra K. Anderson, Trustee400 Surmont DriveLos Gatos, CA 95032C/O Bob Hughes (408) 559-8850PROJECT INFO.Designer:Studio 3 DesignContact: Bess Wiersemabess@studio-three.com638 University AvenueLos Gatos, California 95032ph: (408) 292-3252fax: (253) 399-1125PARCEL MAPPROJECT DATAPROJECT DESCRIPTIONThis project is a new, one-story, single-family residence with a attached garage.PROJECT ADDRESS:400 SURMONT DRIVE, PARCEL #2A.P.N. :527-20-003LOT AREA (FROM COUNTY RECORD)57,840 SF (1.328 AC)ZONING =HR-2.5FLOOD ZONE = ZONE XHISTORIC ZONE = NOOCCUPANCY = R3/U (SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING / UTILITY)WUI FIRE AREA =YESHAZARD ZONE =COUNTY FAULT RUPTURE HAZARD ZONECONSTRUCTION TYPE= V-BREQUIRED PARKING:2 OFF STREET SPACESSETBACKSALLOWEDFRONT: 30'SIDE (INTERIOR):20'REAR:25'BUILDING HEIGHTALLOWEDPROPOSEDHOUSE:18'-0" (MAX.) ± 18'-0"FLOOR AREA RATIO (FAR) CALCULATIONGross Lot Size: 57,840 SFAve. Slope: 27.3%Net Lot Size: 57,840 SF x (1-30% + 3% x 7) OR 57,840 x 49% = 28,342 SFReduction of net site area on sloping lotsAverage lot slope: 20.01 - 30%Percentage of net lot area to be deducted (30% = 3% for each 1% of slope over 20%)As Los Gatos IV Devlopment Intensity Table 2, FAR = 19%Allowable Floor Area = 28,342 x 19% = 5,500 SFFLOOR AREA RATIOALLOWEDPROPOSEDHABITABLE HOUSE5,500 SF3,450 SFATTIC AREA OVER 7-FEET 535 SF GARAGE:671 SFTOTAL5,500 SF4,656 SFCivil Engineer:TS/Civil EngineeringContact: Terrance J. Szewczykterry@tscivil.com1776 Technology DriveSan Jose, California 95110ph: (408) 452-9300 EXT 220SHADOW STUDYContractor:The Building WorksContact: Robert O. Hughesbldngworks@aol.com2730 Union Avenue; Suite BSan Jose, California 95124ph: (408) 559-8850fax: (408) 559-3075Landscape Architect:Alyson FlynnLandscape Architect & AssociatesContact: Alyson Flynn50 San Tropez DriveHollister, California 95023ph: (408) 274-4114SCC FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTES1.Review of this Developmental proposal is limited to acceptability of site access, water supply and mayinclude specific additional requirements as they pertain to fire department operations, and shall not beconstrued as a substitute for formal plan review to determine compliance with adopted model codes.Prior to performing any work, the applicant shall make application to, and receive from, the BuildingDepartment all applicable construction permits.2. Fire Sprinklers Required: An automatic residential fire sprinkler system shall be installed in one- andtwo-family dwellings as follows: 1) In all new one- and two-family dwellings and in existing one- and two-familydwellings when additions are made that increase the building area to more than 3,600 SF whether by increasingthe area of the primary residence or by creation of an attached Accessory Dwelling Unit. 2) In all new basementsand in existing basements that are expanded by more than 50%. 3) In all attached ADUs, additions or alterationsto an existing one- and two-family dwelling that have an existing fire sprinkler system. Please indicate on thecover sheet that an automatic fire sprinkler system shall be provided and installed per NFPA 13D.3. Fire Apparatus (Engine) Access Driveways Required: Provide an access driveway with a paved all weathersurface, a minimum unobstructed width of 12 feet, vertical clearance of 13 feet 6 inches, minimum outside turningradius of 36-feet and a maximum slope of 15%. Installations shall conform to the Fire Department StandardDetails Specifications D-1 and CFC Section 503.4. Fire Department (Engine) Driveway Turnaround Required: Provide an approved fire department enginedriveway turnaround with a minimum radius of 36 feet outside and 23 feet inside. Maximum grade in anydirection shall be a maximum of 5%. Installations shall conform with Fire Department Standard Details andSpecifications D-1. CFC Sec. 503 Driving surface shall be capable of supporting the imposed load of fireapparatus weighing at least 75,000 pounds (34050 kg).5. Fire Hydrant Systems Required: Where a portion of the facility or building hereafter constructed or movedinto or within the jurisdiction is more than 400 feet from a hydrant on a fire apparatus access road, as measuredby an approved route around the exterior of the facility or building, onsite fire hydrants and mains shall beprovided where required by the fire code official. Exception: For Group R-3 and Group U occupancies, equippedthroughout with an approved automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1, 903.3.1.2or 903.3.1.3, the distance requirement shall be not more than 600 feet. [CFC, Section 507.5.1].6. Water Supply Requirements: Potable water supplies shall be protected from contamination caused by fireprotection water supplies. It is the responsibility of the applicant and any contractors and subcontractors tocontact the water purveyor supplying the site of such project, and to comply with the requirements of thatpurveyor. Such requirements shall be incorporated into the design of any water-based fire protection systems,and/or fire suppression water supply systems or storage containers that may be physically connected in anymanner to an appliance capable of causing contamination of the potable water supply of the purveyor of record.Final approval of the system(s) under consideration will not be granted by this office until compliance with therequirements of the water purveyor of record are documented by that purveyor as having been met by theapplicant(s). 2019 CFC Sec. 903.3.5 and Health and Safety Code 13114.7.7. Address identification: New and existing buildings shall have approved address numbers, building numbersor approved building identification placed in a position that is plainly legible and visible from the street or roadfronting the property. These numbers shall contrast with their background. Where required by the fire code official,address numbers shall be provided in additional approved locations to facilitate emergency response. Addressnumbers shall be Arabic numbers or alphabetical letters. Numbers shall be a minimum of 4 inches (101.6 mm)high with a minimum stroke width of 0.5 inch (12.7 mm). Where access is by means of a private road and thebuilding cannot be viewed from the public way, a monument, pole or other sign or means shall be used to identifythe structure. Address numbers shall be maintained. CFC Sec. 505.1.8. Construction Site Fire Safety: All construction sites must comply with applicable provisions of the CFCChapter 33 and our Standard Detail and Specification SI-7. Provide appropriate notations on subsequent plansubmittals, as appropriate to the project. CFC Chp. 33.WATER FLOW LETTERIn accordance with the Town Code Section 6.70.020 and 6.120.020:1. All new single-family residential buildings, low-rise multifamily buildings, and ADU's(Accessory Dwelling Unit) shall use electricity as the source of energy for its spaceheating, water heating (including pools and spas), cooking appliances, clothes dryingappliances, and other features for both interior and exterior applications.2. All single-family residential buildings, low-rise multifamily buildings, and ADU's(Accessory Dwelling Unit) shall be pre-wired for the installation of battery storage. thepre-wiring shall be in accordance with California Building, Residential, and ElectricalCodes and be adequately sized by a licensed professional to accommodate theback-up loads installed in the critical load panel with a minimum of 5 kwh.3. All single-family residential buildings, low-rise multifamily buildings with privategarages, and ADU's (Accessory Dwelling Unit, shall provide two wired nationalelectrical manufacturers association (NEMA) outlets, each supplied by a separate40-ampere minimum dedicated branch circuit, and shall be installed specifically forsupplying electrical power to an electric vehicle charger. One outlet shall be installedinside the garage and the other outlet shall be installed outside the garage.REQUIRED PV SYSTEM1. PV System 2.53 kWdc” is a ‘Required PV Systems’ of the Energy Calculations2. A separate building permit is required for the PV system that is required by the EnergyCalculations compliance modeling. The separate PV System permit must be finaledprior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy”.TOWN OF LG ENERGY REACH CODE Architectural PlansA1.1 Cover SheetA1.2 Tree Preservation Req'ts + GreenPoint ChecklistA1.3 Proposed Site Plan + Site Line StudyT-1 Tree Protection RequirementsA2.1 Proposed Floor PlanA2.2 Proposed Roof PlanA2.3 Proposed Garage Floor + Roof PlansA3.1 Proposed Exterior ElevationsA3.2 Proposed Exterior ElevationsA3.3 Proposed Exterior Elevations (Garage)A3.4 Proposed Exterior ElevationsA4.1 Building SectionsA4.2 Building SectionsA4.3 Building SectionsLandscape PlansL1 Cover SheetL2 Frontage + Driveway Proposed Tree +Planting Parcel 1 + 2L3 Parcel 1 Proposed Trees + PlantingL4 Parcel 2 Proposed Trees + PlantingL5 Tree TableL6 Proposed Landscape Screening (Parcel 1)L7 Proposed Landscape Screening (Parcel 2)Civil PlansC-0 Cover SheetC-1 Tentative Map (Previously Approved)C-2 Access Road Plan + ProfileC-3 Utility PlanC-4 (Not included in this Submission)C-5 Access Road Plan + ProfileC-6 Erosion Control PlanC-7 Erosion Control + Construction DetailsC-8 Parcel 1 Site PlanC-9 Parcel 2 Site PlanDEFERRED SUBMITTAL(S)·FIRE HYDRANT (PC 19-2053) - Hydrant installation shall occur prior to the commencementof combustible construction.·AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM - PROVIDED + INSTALLED PER NFPA 13DCODES USEDThe following codes are currently in effect:2019 California Building Code2019 California Residential Code2019 California Electrical Code2019 California Mechanical Code2019 California Plumbing Code2019 California Energy Code2019 California Fire Code2019 California Existing Building Code2018 International Existing Building Code2019 California Green Building Standards CodeTown of Los Gatos New Energy Reach CodesEXHIBIT 24 SCALE:N/A400 SURMONT DRIVEPARCEL #2LOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032INTERIORSREMODELS +ADDITIONSNEW CONSTRUCTION638 UNIVERSITY AVELOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032t 408.292.3252f 253.399.1125STUDIO THREE DESIGN20 AUGUST 201917 JANUARY 2020PLANNING SUBMITTAL23 AUGUST 2021PLANNING SUBMITTAL II16 NOVEMBER 2021PLANNING SUBMITTAL III29 APRIL 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL IV08 JULY 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL V19 DECEMBER 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL VIID.2TREE PRESERVATIONINSTRUCTIONS +GREENPOINT CHECKLISTTREE PRESERVATION INSTRUCTIONSThe Los Gatos Town Code requires a tree removal permit in order to remove any tree designated as a Protected Tree under theTown Code. The Town Code also requires a permit to prune more than 25% of a Protected Tree within a 3-year period, or toremove or cut any branch or root greater than 4 inches in diameter of any Large Protected Tree or Heritage Tree (see definitionsbelow). Property owners may be subject to significant fines and civil actions by the Town if removal or pruning requiring a permit isdone without first obtaining a permit.Protected Tree(s)Protected Trees are defined in the Town Code as any of the following:1.All trees which have a 12 inch or greater diameter on developed residential property.2. All trees which have an 8 inch or greater diameter on developed Hillside residential property3. All trees of the following species which have an 8 inch or greater diameter located on any developed residential property:a- Blue Oak (Quercus douglasii)b- Black Oak (Quercus kellogii)c- California Buckeye (Aesculus californica)d- Pacific Madrone (Arbutus menziesii)4. All trees which have a 4 inch or greater diameter on vacant or non-residential property.5. All trees which have a 4 inch or greater diameter when removal relates to any development review.6. Any tree that was required to be planted or retained by the terms and conditions of a development approval, buildingpermit, tree removal permit or code enforcement action.Large Protected Tree(s) or a Heritage Tree (s)A Large Protected Tree is any tree with a diameter of 48 inches or more. In addition, all Oak, California Buckeye, andPacific Madrone with a diameter of 24 inches or more are considered Large Protected Trees.A Heritage Tree is a tree specifically designated by action of the Town Council which possesses exceptional aesthetic,biological, cultural, or historic value to the community.Diameter of a Tree(s)Diameter is measured at a height of 4.5 feet above the average natural grade. For multi-trunked trees, diameter is the sumof all trunk diameters measured at 4.5 feet above the average natural grade.A permit is not required for removal or major pruning of any of the following trees:1. A fruit or nut tree less than 18 inches in diameter.2. Any of the following trees that are less than 24 inches in diameter:·Black Acacia (Acacia melanoxylon)·Tulip Tree (Liriodendron tulipifera)·Tree of Heaven (Ailanthus altissima)·Blue Gum Eucalyptus (E. globulus)·Red Gum Eucalyptus (E. camaldulensis)·Other Eucalyptus (E. spp.)--Hillsides only·Palm (except Phoenix canariensis)·Privet (Ligustrum lucidum)Sec. 29.10.0985. - Determination and conditions of permit.The Director shall determine whether to grant a permit. The Director may consult with other Town departments or outside agencies at his/her discretion. When adevelopment application for any zoning approval, or subdivision of land, including lot line adjustment, is under consideration by the Planning Commission, the determinationon the tree removal permit shall be made concurrently by the Planning Commission with the related matter. The Director or the deciding body shall impose, except whenremoval is permitted if the tree is dead or a Tree Risk Rating of Extreme or High is present, as a condition on which a protected tree removal permit is granted that two (2)or more replacement trees of a species and a size designated by the Director or designee, shall be planted in the following order of preference:(1)Two (2) or more replacement trees, of a species and size designated by the Director, shall be planted on the subject private property. Table 3-1, TreeCanopy-Replacement Standard shall be used as a basis for this requirement. The person requesting the permit shall pay the cost of purchasing and planting thereplacement trees.(2)If a tree or trees cannot be reasonably planted on the subject property, an in-lieu payment in an amount set forth by the Town Council by resolution shall be paidto the Town Tree Replacement Fund to:a.Add or replace trees on public property in the vicinity of the subject property; orb.Add or replace trees or landscaping on other Town property; orc.Support the Town's urban forestry management program.Notes1  To measure an asymmetrical canopy of a tree, the widest measurement shall be used to determine canopy size.2  Often, it is not possible to replace a single large, older tree with an equivalent tree(s). In this case, the tree may be replaced with acombination of both the Tree Canopy Replacement Standard and in-lieu payment in an amount set forth by Town Council resolution paid to theTown Tree Replacement Fund.3  Single Family Residential Replacement Option is available for developed single family residential lots under n thousand (10,000) square feetthat are not subject to the Town's Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines. All fifteen-gallon trees must be planted on-site. Any in-lieufees for single family residential shall be based on twenty-four-inch box tree rates as adopted by Town Council.4  Replacement Trees shall be approved by the Town Arborist and shall be of a species suited to the available planting location, proximity tostructures, overhead clearances, soil type, compatibility with surrounding canopy and other relevant factors. Replacement with native speciesshall be strongly encouraged. Replacement requirements in the Hillsides shall comply with the Hillside Development Standards and GuidelinesAppendix A and section 29.10.0987 Special Provisions--Hillsides.Replacement with native species is strongly encouraged. Most fruit and nut trees, palm trees, or "nuisance" species (see section 29.10.0970(2) of theTown Code) are generally not considered suitable replacement trees. If a tree or trees cannot be reasonably replanted on the subject property, theTown Arborist may approve a full or partial in-lieu fee payment. Where the payment of in-lieu fees are approved, permits will not be issued until allin-lieu fees are paid in full. If approved by the Town Arborist, in-lieu fees are as follows: 24 inch box tree = $250, 36 inch box tree = $500Dangerous Tree(s)A tree may be removed or severely pruned without a permit when there is an imminent danger to life, property, utilities oressential transportation facilities. Property owners are still required to notify the Town prior to any removal or pruning andmust receive approval from the Town before taking any emergency action. Contact the Parks and Public WorksDepartment at (408) 399-5770 Monday through Friday between the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. or the Police Department at(408) 354-8600 after hours or on weekends to report a dangerous tree and request approval for removal or pruningwithout a permit. Within 72 hours following removal or pruning, photos and a description of the emergency action taken must besubmitted to the Department of Parks and Public Works.Requirements for a Removal or Pruning Permit *The following items are required to apply for a tree removal or pruning permit:1.A completed application signed by the property owner. Applications are available online athttp://www.losgatosca.gov/DocumentCenter/View/14925 or at the Parks and Public Works Department, Monday through Fridaybetween the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.2.Photos and/or a site plan of the tree(s) proposed for removal or pruning (for pruning, proposed cuts should be indicated onphoto).3.A completed tree replacement worksheet (located on the reverse side of the application).4.Inspect trees prior to removal or major pruning to confirm the absence of active bird nests, particularly during thespring/summer nesting season (February 1 through August 31).5.If required by the Town Arborist following initial inspection, a certified or consulting arborist's written report.6.If part of a development application, a copy of the associated tree report.7.If structural damage to a building, major landscape feature or utilities is the basis for the request, a report from a licensedarchitect or engineer may be required describing what modifications to buildings, structures, improvements or utilities would benecessary to mitigate the damages caused by the tree.8.For Large Protected Tree or Heritage Tree removal or pruning permits, notification will be sent to neighboring residents andproperty owners prior to issuance by the Parks and Public Works Department (more information on noticing is provided on page 4of this FAQ).9.Payment of a permit fees, as established by Town resolution. The current fee is $130 for one tree, plus $65 for eachadditional tree included in the same application.*Pruning or root pruning must be supervised by an ISA-certified arborist or an ASCA-Registered Arborist. See Section29.10.1010 of the Town Code for specifications to determine if a pruning permit is required.Tree Protection ZoneThe tree protection zone (TPZ) means the area of a temporary fenced tree enclosure at or beyond the tree's dripline or as specified in a reportprepared by a certified or consulting arborist. The TPZ is a restricted activity zone before and after construction where no soil disturbance ispermitted unless approved and supervised by the certified or consulting arborist.Tree Protection Fencing Requirements*1.Six-foot high chain link fencing mounted on two-inch diameter galvanized iron posts shall be driven into the ground atleast two-feet deep at no more than ten-foot spacing. When stipulated, for existing paving areas that will not be demolished,posts may be supported by concrete base.2.Posted eight and one-half-inch by eleven-inch sign on each tree fence stating: "Warning - Tree Protection Zone - Thisfence shall not be removed and is subject to penalty according to Town Code 29.10.1025"3.Labeled photographs of the installed fencing shall be emailed to the project planner prior to issuance of permits.4.Tree protection fencing is required to remain in place throughout construction.*Any protected tree on-site will require replacement according to its appraised value if it is damaged beyond repair as a resultof construction.GREENPOINT CHECKLIST 25'-0"REAR SETBACKSIDE SETBACK 20'-0" SIDE SETBACK 20'-0" SIDE SETBACK 30'-0"'FRONT SETBACK±420.0±418.33±424.25±419.0±421.0±420.75±420.25PARCEL 257,813 SF(1.327 AC)PARCEL 3 - REMAINDER530,095 SF(12.169 AC)20' WIDE SLOPE STABILITYPROTECTION AREA FOREX. WATERCOURSE25' NON-EXCLUSIVERIGHT OF WAY(2484 OR 282)±6'-6"±14'-10"N90°00'00"E488.91'120.24' 120.00' 14.95'S03°51'59"E (E) 14" OAK(E) 14" OAK(E) 11" + 9"OAK(E) 20" OAK(E) FRUIT(E) 11" OAK(E) 14" OAK(E) 8" PLUM(E) 8" PLUM(E) 12" OAK(E) 12" OAK(E) 12" OAK(E) 27" OAK(E) 9" + 9"OAK(E) 13" OAK(E) 10" + 9"OAK(E) 18.5"OAK(E) 12" OAK(E) 8" OAK(E) FRUIT(E) FRUIT(E) FRUIT(E) 5" OAK(N)DRIVEWAYN90°00'00"E480.52'A/C UNITSA/C UNITS133134135127894X129123126125124116122117115(E) 6" PLUM(E) 8" + 4" +4" PLUM(E) 8" + 8"APRICOT(E) 8" + 6"OAK(E) 6" + 4" +4" OAKPROVIDE TREE PROTECTIVEFENCING PER TOWN REQ'TS +ARBORIST RECOMMENDATIONXXEXISTING TREES NOTIN THE AREA OFCONTRACTION TOREMAIN(E) FRUITFENCING PER TOWN REQ'TS +ARBORIST RECOMMENDATION128893892118119120121±7'-9"PROPOSED SITE PLANNORTH±16'-2" ±27'-3" ±33'-2" ±26'-6" ±18'-1" ±26'-5" ±20'-3"EXIST ING GRADE PROPERTY LINE ±18'-912"400 SURMONTPARCEL #2400 SURMONTPARCEL #1200 SURMONT159 WESTHILLDRIVE420.00410.00400.00390.00380.00370.00360.00350.00340.00330.00320.00310.00PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINEEXISTING GRADE S U R M O N T D RS U R M O N TCT400 SURMONT DRIVEPARCEL #1(PROPOSED 1-STORYRESIDENCE)(PROPOSEDGARAGE)200 SURMONT DRIVE(EXISTING 1-STORYRESIDENCE)400 SURMONT DRIVEPARCEL #2(PROPOSED 1-STORYRESIDENCE)(PROPOSEDGARAGE)159 WESTHILL DRIVE(EXISTING 1-STORYRESIDENCE)W E S T H I L L D R±63'-3"±67'-11"A1.3PROPOSED SITE PLAN +SITE LINE STUDY/MASSING RELATIONSHIPSCALE: AS NOTED400 SURMONT DRIVEPARCEL #2LOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032INTERIORSREMODELS +ADDITIONSNEW CONSTRUCTION638 UNIVERSITY AVELOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032W..3f 253.399.1125STUDIO ..... DESIGN20 AUGUST 201917 JANUARY 2020PLANNING SUBMITTAL23 AUGUST 2021PLANNING SUBMITTAL II16 NOVEMBER 2021PLANNING SUBMITTAL III29 APRIL 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL IV08 JULY 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL V19 DECEMBER 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL VIISITE LINE STUDY / MASSING RELATIONSHIPSITE PLANSCALE:116" = 1'-0"GOOGLE EARTH IMAGE 1GOOGLE EARTH IMAGE 2159 WESTHILL DRIVE200 SURMONT DRIVE400 SURMONT DRIVEPARCEL 2400 SURMONT DRIVEPARCEL 1159 WESTHILLDRIVE200 SURMONT DRIVE400 SURMONT DRIVEPARCEL 1400 SURMONT DRIVEPARCEL 2 SCALE:116" = 1'-0"400 SURMONT DRIVEPARCEL #2LOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032INTERIORSREMODELS +ADDITIONSNEW CONSTRUCTION638 UNIVERSITY AVELOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032t 408.292.3252f 253.399.1125STUDIO THREE DESIGN20 AUGUST 201917 JANUARY 2020PLANNING SUBMITTAL23 AUGUST 2021PLANNING SUBMITTAL II16 NOVEMBER 2021PLANNING SUBMITTAL III29 APRIL 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL IV08 JULY 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL V19 DECEMBER 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL VIITTREE PROTECTIONREQUIREMENTSTREE PROTECTION REQUIREMENTSTree ProtectionTree protection focuses on avoiding damage to the roots, trunk, or scaffold branches (Appendix D). Themost current accepted method for determining the TPZ is to use a formula based on species tolerance, treeage/vigor, and trunk diameter (Matheny, N. and Clark, J. 1998) (Fite, K, and Smiley, E. T., 2016).Preventing mechanical damage to the trunk from equipment or hand tools can be accomplished bywrapping the main stem with straw wattle or using vertical timbers.Trees #131, #332, #133 and #894 are all located close to proposed construction and will require treeprotection fence around them to help prevent damage. There are four trees in close proximity to theseincluding #134, #135, #892 and #893 which will be enclosed as a group with #131 and #132. Tree #133will need a minimum of eighteen feet of protection radii to help ensure its survival. The remaining threetrees are small and ten feet of protection radii would be ideal.ConclusionThe inventory contains 39 trees comprised of 6 different species. Two coast live oaks are considered LargeProtected, and sixteen fruit trees are Exempt. Eighteen trees are in good condition, eleven fair, nine in poorshape and one is dead. Most of the trees in poor condition are remnant orchard trees. The best specimen inthe building area is coast live oak #133. Eighteen trees are poorly suited for retention which are primarilyfruit trees. Ten trees have fair suitability for preservation and the remaining eleven have good suitability.Sixteen trees will be highly impacted and are expected to be removed, four moderately affected andnineteen are not near the improvements. Seven trees will require replacements (#111, #127, #128, #129,#130, #700, and #896) resulting is twenty-one (21) 24 inch box specimens.. Seven of the sixteen treesexpected to be highly impacted are Protected (#111, #127, #128, #129, #130, #700, and #896) while theremaining are Exempt fruit trees. Trees #131, #332, #133 and #894 are all located close to proposedconstruction and will require tree protection fence around them to help prevent damage. There are fourtrees in close proximity to #131 and #132 including #134, #135, #892 and #893 which will be enclosed as agroup. Tree #133 will need a minimum of eighteen feet of protection radii to help ensure its survival. Theremaining three trees are small and ten feet of protection radii would be ideal. A total of 39 trees wereappraised for a rounded depreciated value of $64,260.00 using the Trunk Formula Method.Recommendations1.Update the site plans and survey to show the current existing conditions and correctedlocations (Appendix A) of the trees and their trunks, including those along the drainage andtheir associated numbers.2. Place tree numbers and tree protection fence locations and guidelines on the plansincluding the grading, drainage, and utility plans. Create a separate plan sheet that includesall protection measures labeled “T-1 Tree Protection Plan.”3. Place tree protection fence along the service road near the drainage outside the tree diplines (#113, #114, #115, and #116), around #133 at eighteen feet (18'), and around #332,#133 (#134 and #135) and #894 (#892 and #893) at a radius of ten feet (10').4. Provide a landscape plan that accounts for the loss in tree canopy to include in tabularform the required replacements in accordance with the Town's Tree Canopy ReplacementStandard. Seven trees will require replacements (#111, #127, #128, #129, #130, #700, and#896) resulting is twenty-one (21) 24 inch box specimens..5. All tree maintenance and care shall be performed by a qualified arborist with a C-61/D-49California Contractors License. Tree maintenance and care shall be specified in writingaccording to American National Standard for Tree Care Operations: Tree, Shrub and OtherWoody Plant Management: Standard Practices parts 1 through 10 and adhere to ANSIZ133.1 safety standards and local regulations. All maintenance is to be performedaccording to ISA Best Management Practices.6. Refer to Appendix D for general tree protection guidelines including recommendations forarborist assistance while working under trees, trenching, or excavation within a trees dripline or designated TPZ/CRZ.7. Provide a copy of this report to all contractors and project managers, including thearchitect, civil engineer, and landscape designer or architect. It is the responsibility of theowner to ensure all parties are familiar with this document.8. Arrange a pre-construction meeting with the project arborist or landscape architect toverify tree protection is in place, with the correct materials, and at the proper distances.Section 29.10.1005. - Protection of Trees During ConstructionTree Protection Zones and Fence Specifications1. Size and materials: Six (6) foot high chain link fencing, mounted on two-inch diametergalvanized iron posts, shall be driven into the ground to a depth of at least two (2) feet at nomore than ten-foot spacing. For paving area that will not be demolished and when stipulatedin a tree preservation plan, posts may be supported by a concrete base.2. Area type to be fenced: Type I: Enclosure with chain link fencing of either the entire driplinearea or at the tree protection zone (TPZ), when specified by a certified or consulting arborist.Type II: Enclosure for street trees located in a planter strip: chain link fence around the entireplanter strip to the outer branches. Type III: Protection for a tree located in a small plantercutout only(such as downtown): orange plastic fencing shall be wrapped around the trunk from theground to the first branch with two-inch wooden boards bound securely on the outside.Caution shall be used to avoid damaging any bark or branches.3. Duration of Type I, II, III fencing: Fencing shall be erected before demolition, grading orconstruction permits are issued and remain in place until the work is completed. Contractorshall first obtain the approval of the project arborist on record prior to removing a treeprotection fence.4. Warning Sign: Each tree fence shall have prominently displayed an eight and one-half-inchby eleven-inch sign stating: "Warning—Tree Protection Zone—This fence shall not beremoved and is subject to penalty according to Town Code 29.10.1025.” Text on the signsshould be in both English and Spanish (Appendix E).All persons, shall comply with the following precautions1. Prior to the commencement of construction, install the fence at the dripline, or tree protectionzone (TPZ) when specified in an approved arborist report, around any tree and/or vegetationto be retained which could be affected by the construction and prohibit any storage ofconstruction materials or other materials, equipment cleaning, or parking of vehicles withinthe TPZ. The dripline shall not be altered in any way so as to increase the encroachment ofthe construction.2. Prohibit all construction activities within the TPZ, including but not limited to: excavation,grading, drainage and leveling within the dripline of the tree unless approved by the Director.3. Prohibit disposal or depositing of oil, gasoline, chemicals or other harmful materials withinthe dripline of or in drainage channels, swales or areas that may lead to the dripline of aprotected tree.4. Prohibit the attachment of wires, signs or ropes to any protected tree.5. Design utility services and irrigation lines to be located outside of the dripline when feasible.6. Retain the services of a certified or consulting arborist who shall serve as the project arboristfor periodic monitoring of the project site and the health of those trees to be preserved. Theproject arborist shall be present whenever activities occur which may pose a potential threatto the health of the trees to be preserved and shall document all site visits.7. The Director and project arborist shall be notified of any damage that occurs to a protectedtree during construction so that proper treatment may be administered.MonitoringAny trenching, construction or demolition that is expected to damage or encounter tree rootsshould be monitored by the project arborist or a qualified ISA Certified Arborist and should bedocumented.The site should be evaluated by the project arborist or a qualified ISA Certified Arborist afterconstruction is complete, and any necessary remedial work that needs to be performed should benoted.Root PruningRoots greater than two inches in diameter shall not be cut. When roots over two inches indiameter are encountered and are authorized to be cut or removed, they should be pruned byhand with loppers, handsaw, reciprocating saw, or chain saw rather than left crushed or torn.Roots should be cut beyond sinker roots or outside root branch junctions and be supervised bythe project arborist. When completed, exposed roots should be kept moist with burlap orbackfilled within one hour.Boring or TunnelingBoring machines should be set up outside the drip line or established Tree Protection Zone.Boring may also be performed by digging a trench on both sides of the tree until roots one inchin diameter are encountered and then hand dug or excavated with an Air Spade® or similar airor water excavation tool. Bore holes should be adjacent to the trunk and never go directlyunder the main stem to avoid oblique (heart) roots. Bore holes should be a minimum of threefeet deep.Tree Pruning and Removal OperationsAll tree pruning or removals should be performed by a qualified arborist with a C-61/D-49California Contractors License. Treatment, including pruning, shall be specified in writingaccording to the most recent ANSI A-300A Standards and Limitations and performedaccording to ISA Best Management Practices while adhering to ANSI Z133.1 safety standards.Trees that need to be removed or pruned should be identified in the pre-construction walkthrough.APPENDIX A, B, D + DETAILS TREE INVENTORY, ASSESSMENT + PROTECTION REPORT400 SURMONT DRIVE, LOS GATOSPREPARED FOR: TOWN OF LOS GATOS, DATED SEPTEMBER 27, 2019,REVISED FEBRUARY 11, 2022PREPARED BY: MONARCH CONSULTING ARBORISTS, RICHARD GESSNER CA KINGQUEENQUEEN42" FIREPLACEWASHERDRYERMUD RMKITCHENENTRY FOYEROFFICE/BEDROOM #4DINING ROOMGREAT ROOMWINEROOMLAUNDRYROOMMASTER BEDROOMMASTER BATHROOMMASTER W.I.C. BEDROOM #2 BEDROOM #3HALL #3HALL #1BATH #2BATH #3ENTRY PORCHW.I.C. #2QUEENLOW WALLLOW WALLWINEREFRIG.8' X 5'ISLAND48" GAS RANGE SINKW/DISPOSALT/CD/WPREP SINK30"OVENMICRODESK48" REFRIG.DN UP COVERED DECK #1UNCOVERED DECK #2PROPOSED RETAINING WALL42"BUILT-IN BBQ24" U/CREGRIG.DN DNPWDRRMUPDINING PATIOREAR PATIOBENCH SEATBENCH SEATBENCH SEAT TUB W/RAISEDPLATFORMSINKPLANTERPLANTER2A3.11A3.1 3 A3.24A3.2PROPOSED FLOOR PLANPARCEL #2NORTH96'-4"(TO ROUGH FRAMING)96'-7"(TO EXTERIOR FINISH)15'-0"16'-0"23'-2"27'-2"15'-0"96'-4"14'-612"16'-512"65'-4"54'-0"(TO ROUGH FRAMING)40'-0" 54'-0" 1'-6"29'-9"22'-9"WALKWAY, SEE SHEET A2.354'-3"(TO EXTERIOR FINISH)8'-10"5'-0"35'-0"7'-112"7'-0"7'-0"SKYLIGHTSKYLIGHTSKYLIGHT2'-0"2'-0"2'-0"2'-0"VAULTEDVAULTEDVAULTEDVAULTED1'-6"1'-6"AA4.1BA4.1 C A4.2DA4.2FA4.3EA4.3CEILING HT = 8'-0"CEILING HT = 9'-0"CEILING HT = 8'-0"CEILING HT = 8'-0"CEILING HT = 8'-0"CEILING HT = 8'-0"CEILING HT = 8'-0"PEAK = ±14'-4" PEAK = ±14'-2"CEILING HT = 9'-6"CEILING HT = 8'-0"CEILING HT = 9'-6"CEILING HT = 9'-6"CEILING HT = 9'-6"CEILING HT = 9'-6"CEILING HT = 9'-6"CEILING HT = 9'-6"CEILING HT = 9'-6"CEILINGHT = 9'-6"W/HA/C UNITHALL #2 5'-912"4'-212"2'-8"2'-4"3'-11"1'-4"2'-8"2'-8"1'-4"4'-1"1'-912"2'-8"2'-8"1'-4"6'-2"1'-4"2'-8"2'-8"1'-1112"6'-512"1'-612"2'-8"0'-6"2'-8"0'-6"2'-8"1'-612"1'-612"7'-8"1'-3"2'-912"1'-412"2'-8"2'-8"1'-612"9'-412"2'-8"2'-6"2'-1"5'-4"2'-1"5'-4"1'-712"3'-8"2'-8"2'-4"2'-8"2'-212"4'-512"2'-8"0'-1012"2'-4"2'-8"2'-4"2'-8"3'-612"4'-012"2'-8"2'-4"2'-8"3'-9"14'-10"3'-3"16'-0"4'-912" 0'-1112" 2'-8"3'-1012" 1'-112"2'-8"1'-10"2'-8"3'-1112"10'-6"1'-212"2'-8"2'-8"8'-6"1'-7"10'-8"6'-3"8'-8"4'-6" 3'-0" 1'-912" 18'-0"19'-0"5'-7"5'-0"6'-012"0'-10"4'-0"8'-2"4'-6"5'-3"5'-0"2'-0"6'-512"8'-712"3'-812"7'-0"6'-912"4'-0"3'-6"6'-212"4'-0" 5'-5"13'-11"2'-712" 5'-6" 4'-6"4'-6"2'-6"13'-6" 20'-1112" 3'-11"2'-8"1'-3"6'-11"6'-212" 3'-11"5'-1112"6'-112" 2'-4"9'-4"9'-4"4'-0"1'-6"4'-0"7'-812"4'-212"13'-012"7'-612"2'-0"2'-0"VAULTEDCEILING HT = 8'-0"PEAK = ±13'-4"VAULTEDVAULTEDSKYLIGHT SKYLIGHTA2.1PROPOSED FLOOR PLANSCALE:14" = 1'-0"400 SURMONT DRIVEPARCEL #2LOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032INTERIORSREMODELS +ADDITIONSNEW CONSTRUCTION638 UNIVERSITY AVELOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032W.22.22f 253.399.1125STUDIO ..... DESIGN20 AUGUST 201917 JANUARY 2020PLANNING SUBMITTAL23 AUGUST 2021PLANNING SUBMITTAL II16 NOVEMBER 2021PLANNING SUBMITTAL III29 APRIL 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL IV08 JULY 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL V19 DECEMBER 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL VII RIDGERIDGERIDGE RIDGE RIDGE VALLEYHIPVALLEYRIDGE VALLEYCRICKET6:12PITCH 6:12PITCH5:12PITCHPROPOSED ROOF PLANPARCEL #2NORTHRIDGEVALLEYHIP PITCH BREAK5:12PITCH 5:12PITCH 5:12 PITCH 5:12 PITCH 5:12PITCH5:12PITCHVALLEY5:12 PITCH WOOD SHINGLE ROOFWOOD SHINGLE ROOFWOOD SHINGLEROOFSTANDING SEAMMETAL ROOF2A3.13 A3.24A3.2SKYLIGHTSKYLIGHTSKYLIGHT1A3.1 AA4.1B A4.1 C A4.2DA4.2FA4.3EA4.3S1S2S3S435341'-0"TYP.1'-0"TYP.5:12PITCH5:12PITCH±426.0±421.375±422.875±426.75±420.95:12PITCH±426.0±422.79±421.875HATCHED AREA INDICATEDATTIC AREA OVER 7'-0" + AREADOWN TO 5'-0" (535 SF)GARAGEVALLEYVALLEYHIPPITCH BREAK5:12PITCHSKYLIGHT SKYLIGHT 5:12 PITCHRIDGE5:12PITCH VALLEYHI P 5:12 PITCHRIDGE VALLEYVALLEYHI P ±420.0±418.33±424.25±419.0±421.0±420.75±420.25S55:12PITCH 5:12PITCH5:12PITCH5:12PITCH5:12 PITCH 5:12PITCHA2.2PROPOSED ROOF PLANSCALE:14" = 1'-0"400 SURMONT DRIVEPARCEL #2LOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032INTERIORSREMODELS +ADDITIONSNEW CONSTRUCTION638 UNIVERSITY AVELOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032W.22.22f 253.399.1125STUDIO ..... DESIGN20 AUGUST 201917 JANUARY 2020PLANNING SUBMITTAL23 AUGUST 2021PLANNING SUBMITTAL II16 NOVEMBER 2021PLANNING SUBMITTAL III29 APRIL 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL IV08 JULY 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL V19 DECEMBER 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL VII 3070PROPOSED GARAGE PLANPARCEL #2PROPOSED GARAGE ROOF PLANPARCEL #2NORTH1A3.32 A3.33A3.34 A3.3 28'-0"23'-6"28'-0"23'-6"3'-3"2'-0"2'-912"16'-0"4'-0"2'-6"3'-0"18'-0" 22'-7"27'-1"2'-0"23'-1"2'-0" 2-CAR GARAGERIDGE PITCH BREAK 6:12PITCH6:12PITCH3:12PITCHRIDGEVA L L E YVALLEY 4:12 PITCH 4:12 PITCH PROPOSEDELECTRICALPANEL LOCATIONPROPOSED GASMETER LOCATIONWOOD SHINGLE ROOF1A3.32 A3.33A3.34 A3.3 CEILING HT = 8'-0"123NORTH1'-0"TYP.1'-0" TYP.±419.76HI P ±6'-6"FIELD VERIFYENTRY PORCHWALKWAYMAINHOUSEMAINHOUSEA2.3PROPOSED GARAGEFLOOR + ROOF PLANSSCALE:14" = 1'-0"400 SURMONT DRIVEPARCEL #2LOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032INTERIORSREMODELS +ADDITIONSNEW CONSTRUCTION638 UNIVERSITY AVELOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032W.22.322f 253.399.1125STUDIO ..... DESIGN20 AUGUST 201917 JANUARY 2020PLANNING SUBMITTAL23 AUGUST 2021PLANNING SUBMITTAL II16 NOVEMBER 2021PLANNING SUBMITTAL III29 APRIL 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL IV08 JULY 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL V19 DECEMBER 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL VII 1- WEST (FRONT) ELEVATIONPARCEL #2+0'-0"FINISH FLOOR(406.5)+8'-0" A.F.F.ENTRY PORCHPL. HT.+0'-0"FINISH FLOOR(406.5)+8'-0" A.F.F.ENTRY PORCHPL. HT.PAD(403.5)+9'-6" A.F.F.PL. HT. @DINING ROOMPREVIOUS DESIGN(OUTLINE)MAX 18' ABOVEEXISTING GRADEEXISTING GRADE±426.0±420.9±426.75±424.25±418.33±18'-0" ±16'-4" 15'-412"MAX 25' ABOVEEXISTING GRADEPITCH612WOOD SHINGLEROOFINGSTANDING SEAM METALROOF @ ENTRY PORCH +GARAGEBOARD + BATTEN,PAINTED(8" O.C. w/2" BATTS)GUARDRAIL, WOODCROSS MEMBERS +HORIZONTAL CABLEWOOD POSTSDASHED LINEINDICATESEXISTING GRADINGPROPOSED FINISHGRADE(405)(410)(415)400.00405.00410.00415.00(406.5) F.F(403.5) PAD410.5PITCH612402.00PITCH512PITCH512PITCH5127'-0" HEAD HT. 3'-6" GUARDRAIL +0'-0"FINISH FLOOR(406.5)+0'-6"FINISH FLOOR(407.0)-1'-6" B.F.F.(405.0)+9'-6" A.F.F.PL. HT. @MASTER BEDROOM+8'-0" A.F.F.PL. HT.2- NORTH (SIDE) ELEVATIONPARCEL #2PAD(403.5)PAD(402.0)PAD(402.0)PAD(404.0)(400.0)(400.0)PREVIOUS DESIGN(OUTLINE)±422.875±421.375±426.75±420.9±426.0±422.79±421.875±419.0±421.0±420.0±424.25±424.2522'-212" 17'-0" ±15'-11" ±16'-4"PITCH512PITCH512PITCH512WOODCOLUMNSWOOD SHINGLEROOFINGBOARD FORMCONCRETE @EXPOSED BASEBOARD FORMCONCRETE @EXPOSED BASEBOARD + BATTEN,PAINTED(8" O.C. w/2" BATTS)ACCESS DOORS TOSUBFLOOR10" WOODBELLY BANDHORIZONTAL WOODSIDINGSTANDING SEAMMETAL ROOFGUARDRAIL, WOODCROSS MEMBERS +HORIZONTAL CABLEBOARD FORMCONCRETE @EXPOSED BASEPLANTERSWOOD SHINGLEROOFINGBOARD FORMCONCRETE @EXPOSED BASEPROPOSED FINISHGRADEPITCH512MAX 25' ABOVEBUILDING PADMETAL GABLE ATTICVENT w/WOOD TRIM7'-0" HEAD HT. 9'-0" HEAD HT. 8'-0" HEAD HT. 8'-0"HEAD HT.3'-6"3'-6" 3'-6"A3.1EXTERIOR ELEVATIONSSCALE:14" = 1'-0"400 SURMONT DRIVEPARCEL #2LOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032INTERIORSREMODELS +ADDITIONSNEW CONSTRUCTION638 UNIVERSITY AVELOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032W..3f 253.399.1125STUDIO ..... DESIGN20 AUGUST 201917 JANUARY 2020PLANNING SUBMITTAL23 AUGUST 2021PLANNING SUBMITTAL II16 NOVEMBER 2021PLANNING SUBMITTAL III29 APRIL 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL IV08 JULY 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL V19 DECEMBER 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL VII -1'-6" B.F.F.GREAT ROOM(405.0)+0'-6"FINISH FLOOR(407.0)+9'-6" A.F.F.PL. HT.+9'-6" A.F.F.PL. HT3 - EAST (REAR) ELEVATIONPARCEL #2(400)(405)(410)(415)(407)-2'-6" B.F.F.DECK(404.0)PAD(404.0)PAD(402.0)415.00410.00405.00400.00401.00MAX 18' ABOVEEXISTING GRADEPREVIOUS DESIGN(OUTLINE)EXISTING GRADE+8'-0" A.F.F.PL. HT±422.875±421.375±426.0±426.0±426.75±421.0±419.0±17'-0" ±16'-3" ±14'-212"MAX 25' ABOVEEXISTING GRADEPITCH512BOARD + BATTEN,PAINTED(8" O.C. w/2" BATTS)4" WOOD BELLYBANDSTEPS TO GRADEPLANTERSWOOD COLUMNSWOOD SHINGLEROOFINGPLANTERSMAX 25' ABOVEEXISTING GRADEGUARDRAIL, WOODCROSS MEMBERS +HORIZONTAL CABLEDASHED LINEINDICATESGUARD RAILDASHED LINEINDICATESEXISTING GRADINGPROPOSED FINISHGRADEBOARD FORMCONCRETE @EXPOSED BASESTEPS TO GRADEPITCH5128'-0" HEAD HT. 7'-0" HEAD HT.+0'-0"FINISH FLOOR(406.5)+8'-0" A.F.F PL. HT.+0'-6"FINISH FLOOR(407.0)+9'-6" A.F.F.PL. HT4- SOUTH (SIDE) ELEVATIONPARCEL #2-1'-6"FINISH FLOOR(405.0)PAD(404.0)PAD(402.0)PAD(403.5)+9'-6" A.F.F.PL. HT.PREVIOUS DESIGN(OUTLINE)±426.75±426.0±422.875±421.0±421.0±424.25±14'-212" ±15'-412"WOOD SHINGLEROOFING4" WOODBELLY BANDBOARD + BATTEN,PAINTED(8" O.C. w/2" BATTS)WOOD SHINGLEROOFINGSTANDING SEAMMETAL ROOFPROPOSED FINISHGRADEHORIZONTAL WOODSIDINGBOARD + BATTEN,PAINTED(8" O.C. w/2" BATTS)PROPOSED A/C UNITSLOCATIONPITCH512PITCH512STEPS TO GRADE8'-0" HEAD HT. 8'-0"HEAD HT.7'-0"HEAD HT.A3.2EXTERIOR ELEVATIONSSCALE:14" = 1'-0"400 SURMONT DRIVEPARCEL #2LOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032INTERIORSREMODELS +ADDITIONSNEW CONSTRUCTION638 UNIVERSITY AVELOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032W.22.322f 253.399.1125STUDIO ..... DESIGN20 AUGUST 201917 JANUARY 2020PLANNING SUBMITTAL23 AUGUST 2021PLANNING SUBMITTAL II16 NOVEMBER 2021PLANNING SUBMITTAL III29 APRIL 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL IV08 JULY 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL V19 DECEMBER 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL VII GARAGE SLAB(405.0)+9'-0" A.F.F.PL. HT.1- GARAGE ELEVATIONPARCEL #2PITCH612PITCH312METAL GABLE ATTIC VENTw/WOOD TRIMBOARD + BATTEN,PAINTED(8" O.C. w/2" BATTS)EXTERIOR LIGHTFIXTURESPITCH612PITCH312METAL GABLE ATTIC VENTw/WOOD TRIMBOARD + BATTEN,PAINTED(8" O.C. w/2" BATTS)2- GARAGE ELEVATIONPARCEL #23- GARAGE ELEVATIONPARCEL #24- GARAGE ELEVATIONPARCEL #2GARAGE SLAB(405.2)+8'-0" A.F.F.GARAGEPL. HT.+8'-0" A.F.FGARAGEPL. HT.GARAGE SLAB(405.2)+9'-0" A.F.F.ENTRY PORCHPL. HT.+8'-0" A.F.FGARAGEPL. HT.GARAGE SLAB(405.0)+8'-0" A.F.F.GARAGEPL. HT.GARAGE SLAB(405.2)+8'-0" A.F.FGARAGEPL. HT.GARAGE SLAB(405.2)GARAGE SLAB(405.0)±14'-214" 6'-812"+9'-0" A.F.FENTRY PORCHPL. HT.GARAGE SLAB(405.0)STANDING SEAMMETAL ROOFSTANDING SEAMMETAL ROOFPITCH BREAKBOARD + BATTEN,PAINTED(8" O.C. w/2" BATTS)BOARD + BATTEN,PAINTED(8" O.C. w/2" BATTS)BOARD + BATTEN,PAINTED(8" O.C. w/2" BATTS)PROPOSED FINISHGRADEPROPOSED FINISHGRADEPROPOSED FINISHGRADEPROPOSED FINISHGRADEDASHED LINE INDICATESBUILDING BELOW GRADEDASHED LINE INDICATESBUILDING BELOW GRADEDASHED LINEINDICATESEXISTING GRADINGDASHED LINEINDICATESEXISTING GRADINGDASHED LINEINDICATESEXISTING GRADINGWOOD SHINGLEROOFINGWOOD SHINGLEROOFINGBOARD + BATTEN,PAINTED (8" O.C. w/2" BATTS)O.H. SECTIONALGARAGE DOORPROPOSEDELECTRICALPANEL LOCATIONPROPOSED GASMETER LOCATION±419.76±419.76±419.76±419.76+8'-0" A.F.F.GARAGEPL. HT.+9'-0" A.F.F.PL. HT.415.00414.50411.50412.00408.00MAX 15' ABOVEBUILDING PADMAX 15' ABOVEEXISTING GRADEMAX 15' ABOVEEXISTING GRADEMAX 15' ABOVEBUILDING PADMAX 15' ABOVEBUILDING PADMAX 15' ABOVEEXISTING GRADEMAX 15' ABOVEBUILDING PADMAX 15' ABOVEEXISTING GRADEA3.3EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS(GARAGE)SCALE:14" = 1'-0"400 SURMONT DRIVEPARCEL #2LOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032INTERIORSREMODELS +ADDITIONSNEW CONSTRUCTION638 UNIVERSITY AVELOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032W..3f 253.399.1125STUDIO ..... DESIGN20 AUGUST 201917 JANUARY 2020PLANNING SUBMITTAL23 AUGUST 2021PLANNING SUBMITTAL II16 NOVEMBER 2021PLANNING SUBMITTAL III29 APRIL 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL IV08 JULY 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL V19 DECEMBER 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL VII +0'-0"FINISH FLOOR(406.5)+8'-0" A.F.F.ENTRY PORCHPL. HT.+0'-0"FINISH FLOOR(406.5)+8'-0" A.F.F.GARAGEPL. HT.1a- WEST (FRONT) ELEVATION W/GARAGEPARCEL #2GARAGE SLAB(405.2)GARAGE SLAB(405.0)2a- NORTH (SIDE) ELEVATION W/GARAGEPARCEL #2+8'-0" A.F.F.GARAGEPL. HT.A3.4EXTERIOR ELEVATIONSSCALE:14" = 1'-0"400 SURMONT DRIVEPARCEL #2LOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032INTERIORSREMODELS +ADDITIONSNEW CONSTRUCTION638 UNIVERSITY AVELOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032W4..3f 253.399.1125STUDIO ..... DESIGN20 AUGUST 201917 JANUARY 2020PLANNING SUBMITTAL23 AUGUST 2021PLANNING SUBMITTAL II16 NOVEMBER 2021PLANNING SUBMITTAL III29 APRIL 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL IV08 JULY 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL V19 DECEMBER 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL VII ATTICBATH #3OFFICE/BEDROOM #4ENTRYFOYERMUDROOMENTRYPORCH(SIDE)A - BUILDING SECTIONCRAWL SPACECRAWL SPACE+0'-0"FINISH FLOOR(406.5)+8'-0" A.F.F.PL. HT.+0'-0"FINISH FLOOR(406.5)+8'-0" A.F.F.PL. HT.(403.5) PADMAX 25' ABOVEEXISTING GRADEEXISTINGGRADE(403.5) PADNOTE: EXCEPTIONREQUESTED FOR CUTAMOUNTS SEE CIVILPLANS - SHEET C-9/SECTION B-BATTIC7'-0" 5'-0"±12'-10"3'-0"MAX 18' ABOVEEXISTING GRADEEXISTING GRADEB - BUILDING SECTIONATTICKITCHENHALLDININGROOMCRAWL SPACE+8'-0" A.F.F.PL. HT.-1'-6" B.F.F.(405.0)+9'-6" A.F.F.PL. HT.-1'-6" B.F.F.(405.0)MAX 25' ABOVEEXISTING GRADE(402) PADEXISTINGGRADE(402) PADNOTE: EXCEPTIONREQUESTED FOR CUTAMOUNTS SEE CIVILPLANS - SHEET C-9/SECTION B-B5'-0" 7'-0"±11'-1012"3'-0"MAX 18' ABOVEEXISTING GRADEEXISTING GRADEA4.1BUILDING SECTIONSSCALE:14" = 1'-0"400 SURMONT DRIVEPARCEL #2LOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032INTERIORSREMODELS +ADDITIONSNEW CONSTRUCTION638 UNIVERSITY AVELOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032W4..f 253.399.1125STUDIO ..... DESIGN20 AUGUST 201917 JANUARY 2020PLANNING SUBMITTAL23 AUGUST 2021PLANNING SUBMITTAL II16 NOVEMBER 2021PLANNING SUBMITTAL III29 APRIL 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL IV08 JULY 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL V19 DECEMBER 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL VII C - BUILDING SECTIONGREATROOMLAUNDRYROOMHALLBATH#2ATTICCRAWL SPACECRAWL SPACE+8'-0" A.F.F.PL. HT.-1'-6" B.F.F.(405.0)+0'-6"FINISH FLOOR(407.0)+9'-6" A.F.F.PL. HT.±3'-7"(402) PADMAX 25' ABOVEEXISTING GRADEEXISTINGGRADE±14'-112"(404) PADNOTE: EXCEPTIONREQUESTED FOR CUTAMOUNTS SEE CIVILPLANS - SHEET C-9/SECTION B-BMAX 18' ABOVEEXISTING GRADEEXISTING GRADE3'-0"D - BUILDING SECTIONENTRYPORCHENTRYFOYERHALLWINEROOMLAUNDRYROOMCOVEREDDECK #1COVEREDDECK #2REARPATIOATTICATTICCRAWL SPACECRAWL SPACECRAWL SPACECRAWL SPACECRAWL SPACE+8'-0" A.F.F.PL. HT.-1'-6" B.F.F.(405.0)+0'-0"FINISH FLOOR(406.5)+9'-0" A.F.F.PL. HT.-1'-6" B.F.F.(405.0)+0'-6"FINISH FLOOR(407.0)7'-0"(403.5) PAD(402) PAD±19'-212"(404.0)PADATTIC5'-0"±41'-7"A4.2BUILDING SECTIONSSCALE:14" = 1'-0"400 SURMONT DRIVEPARCEL #2LOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032INTERIORSREMODELS +ADDITIONSNEW CONSTRUCTION638 UNIVERSITY AVELOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032W4.22.22f 253.399.1125STUDIO ..... DESIGN20 AUGUST 201917 JANUARY 2020PLANNING SUBMITTAL23 AUGUST 2021PLANNING SUBMITTAL II16 NOVEMBER 2021PLANNING SUBMITTAL III29 APRIL 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL IV08 JULY 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL V19 DECEMBER 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL VII ATTICE - BUILDING SECTIONENTRYPORCHOFFICE/BEDROOM#4COVEREDDECK #1REARPATIOKITCHENGREATROOMCRAWL SPACECRAWL SPACECRAWL SPACECRAWL SPACE+8'-0" A.F.F.PL. HT.-1'-6" B.F.F.(405.0)+0'-0"FINISH FLOOR(406.5)+8'-0" A.F.F.PL. HT.-1'-6" B.F.F.(405.0)(403.5) PAD(402) PAD±14'-1112"(402) PAD±14'-112"F - BUILDING SECTIONATTICATTICMASTERBATHROOMMASTERBEDROOMHALLDININGROOMENTRYFOYERENTRYPORCHATTICCRAWL SPACECRAWL SPACECRAWL SPACECRAWL SPACE+8'-0" A.F.F.PL. HT.-1'-6" B.F.F.(405.0)+0'-0"FINISH FLOOR(406.5)+9'-6" A.F.F.PL. HT.-1'-6" B.F.F.(405.0)+0'-6"FINISH FLOOR(407.0)(402) PAD±2'-4"(403.5) PAD(404) PAD±12'-9" ±16'-012" ±15'-2" ±3'-312" ±14'-4"A4.3BUILDING SECTIONSSCALE:14" = 1'-0"400 SURMONT DRIVEPARCEL #2LOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032INTERIORSREMODELS +ADDITIONSNEW CONSTRUCTION638 UNIVERSITY AVELOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032W4..3f 253.399.1125STUDIO ..... DESIGN20 AUGUST 201917 JANUARY 2020PLANNING SUBMITTAL23 AUGUST 2021PLANNING SUBMITTAL II16 NOVEMBER 2021PLANNING SUBMITTAL III29 APRIL 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL IV08 JULY 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL V19 DECEMBER 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL VII PROPOSED SITE PLANNORTH20'-0" SIDE SETBACK 25'-0"REAR SETBACK20'-0" SIDE SETBACK 20'-0" SIDE SETBACK N89°44'26"W531.37'N90°00'00"E488.91'120.00' 14.95'(E) FRUIT(E) 8" OAK(E) FRUIT(E) FRUIT(E) FRUIT(E) FRUIT(E) FRIUT(E) 8" OAK(E) 8" OAK(E) 10" OAK(E) 10" OAK(E) 10" OAK(E) FRUIT(E) FRUIT(E) FRUIT(E) 12" OAK(E) 14" OAK(E) 14" OAK(E) 6" OAK(E) FRUIT(E) FRUIT(E) 10" OAK(E) 11" + 9"OAK(E) FRUIT(N)DRIVEWAYGASMETERELECTRICALPANEL129XXXEXISTING TREES NOT IN THE AREA OFCONSTRUCTION TO REMAINXXXXEXISTING TREES IN THE AREA OFCONSTRUCTION + NOTED WITHAN "X" TO BE REMOVED(E) FRUIT(E) 9" PINE(E) 8" + 5" +5" OAK(E) 7" + 7" +7" TOYON(E) 14" OAK(E) 13" + 15"OAK(E) FRUIT114699130131113(E) 14" + 9"OAK(E) 13" OAK(E) 7" + 7"PLUMNEW FIREHYDRANTPROVIDE TREE PROTECTIVEFENCING PER TOWN REQ'TS +ARBORIST RECOMMENDATIONXXX(E) FRUITX±392.33±393.0±390.5±395.42±395.42±394.5±391.67±393.5"P.1'-0"TYP.PARCEL 160,752 SF(1.395 AC)20' WIDE I.E.E,E.V.A.E, P.U.E, S.S.E,P.S.D.E, & P.S.S.E.I.E.E, E.V.A.E, P.U.E,S.S.E, P.S.D.E, & P.S.S.E.±25'-0"±18'-0"900899898897896895132PROVIDE TREE PROTECTIVEFENCING PER TOWN REQ'TS +ARBORIST RECOMMENDATION700XX506346L-6PROPOSED LANDSCAPESCREENINGSCALE: AS NOTED400 SURMONT DRIVEPARCEL #1LOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032INTERIORSREMODELS +ADDITIONSNEW CONSTRUCTION638 UNIVERSITY AVELOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032..............f 253.399.1125STUDIO 7+5(( DESIGN20 AUGUST 201931 JANUARY 2020PLANNING SUBMITTAL23 AUGUST 2021PLANNING SUBMITTAL II16 NOVEMBER 2021PLANNING SUBMITTAL III29 APRIL 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL IV08 JULY 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL V19 DECEMBER 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL VIIPROPOSED TREES + PLANT LISTSITE PLAN - LANDSCAPE/SCREENINGSCALE:116" = 1'-0"24" BOX TREEAPPROX. 12' DIAMETERDEFENSIBLE SPACINGAPPROX. 10-FEETBETWEEN BRANCHES/LIMBS22-FEET BETWEEN TREES30-FOOT PERIMETER OFDEFENSIBLE SPACEAROUND RESIDENCEMIX OF SHRUBS24" BOX TREEAPPROX. 12' DIAMETER#1-AC#2-AC#3-HA#4-PIPARCEL 1#5-HA 25'-0"REAR SETBACKSIDE SETBACK 20'-0" SIDE SETBACK 20'-0" SIDE SETBACK 30'-0"'FRONT SETBACK±420.0±418.33±424.25±419.0±421.0±420.75±420.25PARCEL 257,813 SF(1.327 AC)PARCEL 3 - REMAINDER530,095 SF(12.169 AC)20' WIDE SLOPE STABILITYPROTECTION AREA FOREX. WATERCOURSE25' NON-EXCLUSIVERIGHT OF WAY(2484 OR 282)±6'-6"±14'-10"N90°00'00"E488.91'120.24' 120.00' 14.95'S03°51'59"E (E) 14" OAK(E) 14" OAK(E) 11" + 9"OAK(E) 20" OAK(E) FRUIT(E) 11" OAK(E) 14" OAK(E) 8" PLUM(E) 8" PLUM(E) 12" OAK(E) 12" OAK(E) 12" OAK(E) 27" OAK(E) 9" + 9"OAK(E) 13" OAK(E) 10" + 9"OAK(E) 18.5"OAK(E) 12" OAK(E) 8" OAK(E) FRUIT(E) FRUIT(E) FRUIT(E) 5" OAK(N)DRIVEWAYN90°00'00"E480.52'A/C UNITSA/C UNITS133134135127894X129123126125124116122117115(E) 6" PLUM(E) 8" + 4" +4" PLUM(E) 8" + 8"APRICOT(E) 8" + 6"OAK(E) 6" + 4" +4" OAKPROVIDE TREE PROTECTIVEFENCING PER TOWN REQ'TS +ARBORIST RECOMMENDATIONXXEXISTING TREES NOTIN THE AREA OFCONTRACTION TOREMAIN(E) FRUITFENCING PER TOWN REQ'TS +ARBORIST RECOMMENDATION128893892118119120121±7'-9"PROPOSED SITE PLANNORTHSCALE: AS NOTED400 SURMONT DRIVEPARCEL #2LOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032INTERIORSREMODELS +ADDITIONSNEW CONSTRUCTION638 UNIVERSITY AVELOS GATOSCALIFORNIA95032t 408.292.3252f 253.399.1125STUDIO THREE DESIGN20 AUGUST 201917 JANUARY 2020PLANNING SUBMITTAL23 AUGUST 2021PLANNING SUBMITTAL II16 NOVEMBER 2021PLANNING SUBMITTAL III29 APRIL 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL IV08 JULY 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL V19 DECEMBER 2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL VIIPROPOSED TREES + PLANT LISTSCALE:116" = 1'-0"24" BOX TREEAPPROX. 12' DIAMETERDEFENSIBLE SPACINGAPPROX. 10-FEETBETWEEN BRANCHES/LIMBS22-FEET BETWEEN TREES30-FOOT PERIMETER OFDEFENSIBLE SPACEAROUND RESIDENCEMIX OF SHRUBS24" BOX TREEAPPROX. 12' DIAMETERSITE PLAN - LANDSCAPE/SCREENINGPARCEL 2...PROPOSED LANDSCAPESCREENING#6-PI#7-AC#8-HA#9-PI Job No. 16-233 October 24, 2022 Ryan Safty, Associate Planner Town of Los Gatos Planning Division ll O E. Main StreetLos Gatos, CA 95030Subject: Story Pole Certification Parcels I & 2 400 Surmont Drive , Los Gatos, CA Dear Mr. Safty, On October 20, 2022, I inspected the height and location of the story poles and netting at the subject property. The poles were found to be consistent with the approved Architectural Plans by Studio Three Design. These poles were also installed consistent with the requfred building setbacks. Photographs are attached. Should you require more information, please contact me at terzy@tsciyil com or ( 408) 316-2696. Sincerely, 1�� TS/CIVIL ENGINEERING, INC. Terence J. Szewczyk, P.E. C35527 Principal Engineer DECEMBER 23, 2022MODIFIED TO 18' HEIGHTON DEC 23, 2022, I INSPECTED THE LOWERED ROOF HEIGHT AS INDICATED BYTHE BLUE NETTING AND FOUND THE STORY POLES TO BE ACCURATE.EXHIBIT 25 EXHIBIT 26 This Page Intentionally Left Blank