Item2.Addendum with Attachment 9 (PDF) PREPARED BY: Jocelyn Shoopman and Erin Walters Associate Planner and Associate Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov MEETING DATE: 07/20/2023 ITEM NO: 2 ADDENDUM TOWN OF LOS GATOS HOUSING ELEMENT ADVISORY BOARD REPORT DATE: July 19, 2023 TO: Housing Element Advisory Board FROM: Joel Paulson, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Review and Discuss Portions of the Town’s Interim Working Draft Revised Housing Element Addressing the California Department of Housing and Community Development’s (HCD) Findings/Comment Letter Received by the Town on May 30, 2023. REMARKS: Attachment 9 contains public comments received between 11:01 a.m., Thursday, July 13, 2023, and 11:00 a.m., Wednesday, July 19, 2023. ATTACHMENTS: Previously received with the June 15, 2023, Staff Report: 1. January 12, 2023, HCD Findings/Comment Letter 2. April 14, 2023, HCD Findings/Comment Letter 3. May 30, 2023, HCD Findings/Comment Letter 4. Draft Response Memorandum to HCD’s Findings Comment Letter Previously Received with the June 15, 2023, Addendum Report: 5. Public Comments received between 11:01 a.m., Friday, June 9, 2023, and 11:00 a.m., Wednesday, June 14, 2023. Previously Received with the June 15, 2023, Desk Item Report: 6. Public Comments received between 11:01 a.m., Wednesday, June 14, 2023, and 11:00 a.m., Thursday, June 15, 2023. Previously Received with the July 20, 2023, Staff Report: 7. Interim Working Draft Response Memorandum to HCD’s Findings Comment Letter PAGE 2 OF 2 SUBJECT: Review and Discuss Portions of the Town’s Interim Working Draft Revised Housing Element DATE: July 19, 2023 ATTACHMENTS (continued): 8. Public Comments Received between 11:01 a.m., Thursday, June 15, 2023, and 11:00 a.m. Thursday, July 13, 2023 Received with this Addendum Report: 9. Public Comments received between 11:01 a.m., Thursday, July 13, 2023, and 11:00 a.m., Wednesday, July 19, 2023. From: Phil Koen <> Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2023 12:57 PM To: Joel Paulson <jpaulson@losgatosca.gov>; Laurel Prevetti <LPrevetti@losgatosca.gov>; Gabrielle Whelan <GWhelan@losgatosca.gov>; Wendy Wood <WWood@losgatosca.gov> Cc: Maria Ristow <MRistow@losgatosca.gov>; Mary Badame <MBadame@losgatosca.gov>; Subject: HEAB Meeting - Agenda Item #2; General Planning Commission - Agenda item #2 - Meeting date July 20, 2023 Dear Members of the HEAB and General Planning Commission, The Los Gatos Community Alliance (LGCA) believes the Town does not have sufficient sites iden�fied in the Housing Element site inventory to provide the development capacity to meet the Town’s 6th cycle RHNA alloca�on plus 15 % buffer for very-low-income, low- income, and moderate-income categories. This has been documented in Table 10.3 which is atached. Table 10.3 has been adjusted to reflect the planned development that was submited by the developers on their SB 330 applica�ons for the N40 parcels (APN 424-07-009/053/095/094/081/115/116) and the Los Gatos Lodge parcels (APN 529-24-001/003/032). There are material differences between the SB 330 applica�ons and the Towns’ adopted site inventory as submited to HCD on February 13, 2023. The site inventory can be found on the Town’s website at this link (htps://www.losgatosca.gov/DocumentCenter/View/32742/Electronic-copy-of-the-Sites-Inventory- Form-PDF?bidId= ). A copy has also been atached for your reference. It should be noted that the February 13 site inventory list is different from the site inventory that was used to prepare Table 10.3. The February site inventory list, which was adopted by the Town Council, totaled 81.86 acres of land and 1,840 units of which 972 were low-income units (very low and low combined). The site inventory that was the basis for Table 10.3 totaled 87.1 acres of land and 1,997 units of which 1,008 were low-income units (very low and low combined). The later site inventory list has not been adopted by the Town Council nor approved by HCD. For purposes of this email, Table 10.3 was used as published in the latest dra� of the Housing Element, understanding that there is an unexplained discrepancy between the two site inventory lists. Once the adjustment is made for the SB 330 planned development for the N40 and Los Gatos Lodge parcels, the Town has a deficit of 190 very-low-income units, 20 low-income units and 53 moderate income units. Worse, the Town does meet the RHNA alloca�on for very -low (deficit of 109 units) and moderate-income levels (deficit of 5 units), while exceeding the above moderate-income category by 459 units or 56%! This is very troubling. Given these deficits it appears the Town is viola�on of the Government Code Sec�on 65863 – No Net Loss Law. The purpose of this law is to ensure development opportuni�es remain available throughout the planning period to accommodate a jurisdic�ons’ regional housing need alloca�on (RHNA), especially for lower and moderate-income households. A jurisdic�on must maintain sites to always accommodate its remaining unmet RHNA by each category throughout the en�re planning period. A memo from HCD which explains in detail the requirements of No Net Loss Law is also atached. Please refer to page 15 which shows a No Net Loss Law decision flow chart. It should be noted that the flow chart starts when a development is proposed which then triggers a capacity calcula�on. The relevant ATTACHMENT 9 ques�on is “would the approval of the proposed project result in a lower density than was assumed in the housing element or create a shor�all of capacity to accommodate the RHNA by income”. The answer is absolutely yes. Given the development applica�on was made under SB 330 and the Town does not have a cer�fied Housing Element, the Town has very litle discre�on regarding the approval of these projects. Under State law once a SB 330 applica�on is received by the Town, the applica�on is deemed to be complete, even though final documenta�on is not due for an addi�onal 180 days. Given this, it is highly likely the Town will approve the development units as submited. Furthermore, if the Town makes no adjustment to the current dra� site inventory, it is highly likely the Town Council will be unable to make a truthful finding supported by substan�al evidence in the record that the current dra� site inventory is adequate to meet the jurisdic�on’s RHNA for the 6th cycle by income category. For sake of clarity, given all the evidence in the record today, which includes leters from the developers and the related SB 330 applica�ons, the current dra� site inventory will not meet the Town’s 6th cycle requirements by income category. Recommenda�ons 1. Since the housing element has not been cer�fied by HCD and the Town does not have a compliant site inventory list, the Town should immediately increase the number of parcels in the dra� site inventory list to address the deficit in very-low-, low- and moderate-income categories. This is required by the No Net Loss Law. This will also improve the chances that the Town will have the Housing Element cer�fied by HCD in a �mely manner which is a major concern given the Town’s con�nuing exposure to the builder remedy. 2. Un�l the Town has a compliant site inventory list, the Town should not begin the process to amend the General Plan to include a descrip�on of the HEOZ or amend the Town Code to modify the AHOZ. Since the current site inventory list must be amended to comply with the No Net Loss Law, any ac�on taken now would be premature and deny the public the right to full disclosure of the parcels to be included in the zoning changes subject to HEOZ and AHOZ. 3. There seems to be considerable confusion with the Staff regarding the need to amend the current dra� of the site inventory list to address the deficits noted in Table 10-3. For sake of clarity and to remove all doubt, Staff should immediately request HCD to issue a leter of technical assistance which would address all issues regarding the Town’s responsibility under Housing Element Law (ar�cle 10.6 of Gov. Code) and the related No Net Loss Law (Govt. Code sec�on 65863) and the impact of all SB 330 applica�ons the Town has received as of today. The public deserves a clear explana�on as to how the Town should legally address in the Housing Element all the SB 330 applica�ons given the material impact on the current dra� of the site inventory. Thank you for reviewing my recommenda�ons. Please let us know if you have any ques�ons. Phil Koen Los Gatos Community Alliance Please Start Here, Instructions in Cell A2, Table in A3:B17Form FieldsSite Inventory Forms must be submitted to HCD for a housing element or amendment adopted on or after January 1, 2021. The following form is to be used for satisfying this requirement. To submit the form, complete the Excel spreadsheet and submit to HCD at sitesinventory@hcd.ca.gov. Please send the Excel workbook, not a scanned or PDF copy of the tables.General Information Jurisidiction NameLOS GATOSHousing Element Cycle6thContact InformationFirst NameJoelLast NamePaulsonTitleCommunity Development DirectorEmailJpaulson@losgatosca.govPhone4083546879Mailing AddressStreet Address 110 East Main StreetCityLos Gatos Zip Code94538Websitehttps://www.losgatosca.gov/897/Planning Table A: Housing Element Sites Inventory, Table Starts in Cell A2For Santa Clara County jurisdictions, please format the APNs as follows: 999 99 999Jurisdiction Name Site Address/Intersection5 Digit ZIP CodeAssessor Parcel NumberConsolidated SitesGeneral Plan Designation (Current)Zoning Designation (Current)Minimum Density Allowed (units/acre)Maximum Density Allowed (units/acre)Parcel Size (Acres)Existing Use/VacancyInfrastructure Publicly OwnedSite StatusIdentified in Last/Last Two Planning Cycle(s)Lower Income CapacityModerate Income CapacityAbove Moderate Income CapacityTotal CapacityOptional Information1 Optional Information2Optional Information3LOS GATOS 50 Park Avenue 95030 529-01-040 A Medium Density Residential R-1D 5 12 0.18 Residential YES - Current NO - Privately-Owned Ava lable Not Used in Prior Housing Element001 1Site A‐1 consolidated parcelsProperty Owner Interest Form SubmittedLOS GATOS61 Montebello Way 95030 529-01-041 AMedium Density Residential R-1D512 0.69 Residential YES - Current NO - Privately-Owned Ava lable Not Used in Prior Housing Element004 4Site A‐1 consolidated parcelsProperty Owner Interest Form SubmittedLOS GATOS101 South Santa Cruz Avenue 95030 529-01-022Central Business District C-22030 0.8 Commercial YES - Current NO - Privately-Owned Ava lable Not Used in Prior Housing Element00 16 16Site A‐2Property Owner Interest Form SubmittedLOS GATOS165 Los Gatos Saratoga Road 95030 529-04-083Central Business District C-22030 0.37 Commercial YES - Current NO - Privately-Owned Ava lable Not Used in Prior Housing Element007 7Site A‐3Property Owner Interest Form SubmittedLOS GATOS50 Los Gatos Saratoga Road 95030 529-24-032 BMixed Use Commercial CH PD3040 7.04 Hotel/motel YES - Current NO - Privately-Owned Ava lable Not Used in Prior Housing Element151 519 211Site B‐1 conso idated parcelsProperty Owner Interest Form SubmittedLOS GATOSLos Gatos Saratoga Road 95030 529-24-001 BMixed Use Commercial CH PD3040 1.49 Hotel/motel YES - Current NO - Privately-Owned Ava lable Not Used in Prior Housing Element189 18 45Site B‐1 conso idated parcelsProperty Owner Interest Form SubmittedLOS GATOSLos Gatos Saratoga Road 95030 529-24-003BMixed Use Commercial CH PD3040 0.28 Hotel/motel YES - Current NO - Privately-Owned Ava lable Not Used in Prior Housing Element323 8Site B‐1 conso idated parcelsProperty Owner Interest Form SubmittedLOS GATOS15300 Los Gatos Bouelvard95032 424-17-036Mixed Use Commercial C-13040 1.6 Commercial YES - Current NO - Privately-Owned Ava lable Not Used in Prior Housing Element3396 48Site C‐1Property Owner Interest Form SubmittedLOS GATOS15349 Los Gatos Bouelvard95032 424-19-049 CMixed Use Commercial CH3040 0.34 Commercial YES - Current NO - Privately-Owned Ava lable Not Used in Prior Housing Element721 10Site C‐2 consolidated parcelsProperty Owner Interest Form SubmittedLOS GATOSLos Gatos Bouelvard95032 424-19-048 CMixed Use Commercial CH3040 1.2 Commercial YES - Current NO - Privately-Owned Ava lable Not Used in Prior Housing Element2682 36Site C‐2 consolidated parcelsProperty Owner Interest Form SubmittedLOS GATOSLos Gatos Bouelvard95032 424-19-069 CMixed Use Commercial CH3040 1.34 Commercial YES - Current NO - Privately-Owned Available Not Used in Prior Housing Element2884 40Site C‐2 consolidated parcelsProperty Owner Interest Form SubmittedLOS GATOS15425 Los Gatos Bouelvard95032 424-19-067Mixed Use Commercial CH3040 1.09 Commercial YES - Current NO - Privately-Owned Available Not Used in Prior Housing Element2373 33Site C‐3Property Owner Interest Form SubmittedLOS GATOS15975 Los Gatos Boulevard95032 529-15-059Mixed Use Commercial CH3040 0.64 Commercial YES - Current NO - Privately-Owned Available Not Used in Prior Housing Element1342 19Site C‐4Property Owner Interest Form SubmittedLOS GATOS16203 Los Gatos Bouelvard95032 529-16-069Mixed Use Commercial CH3040 0.79 Commercial YES - Current NO - Privately-Owned Available Not Used in Prior Housing Element1752 24Site C‐5Conceptual Development Advisory Committee application for a mixed-use development submitted on 11/17/2020 anticipating for increased density per the General Plan updateLOS GATOS16492 Los Gatos Bouelvard95032 532-07-086 DLow Density Residential C-11020 0.23 Commercial YES - Current NO - Privately-Owned Ava lable Not Used in Prior Housing Element002 2Site C‐6 consolidated parcelsProperty Owner Interest Form SubmittedLOS GATOSLos Gatos Bouelvard95032 532-07-085 DLow Density Residential C-11020 0.38 Vacant YES - Current NO - Privately-Owned Available Not Used in Prior Housing Element004 4Site C‐6 consolidated parcelsProperty Owner Interest Form SubmittedLOS GATOS15495 Los Gatos Bouelvard95032 424-22-030Mixed Use Commercial CH30403.85 Commercial YES - Current NO - Privately-Owned Ava lable Not Used in Prior Housing Element81 23 12 116Site C‐7Property Owner contacted staff with inquiry on residential developmentLOS GATOS15445 Los Gatos Bouelvard95032 424-19-068Mixed Use Commercial CH3040 1.53 Commercial YES - Current NO - Privately-Owned Ava lable Not Used in Prior Housing Element3295 46Site C‐8Adjacent to sites within the Site InventoryLOS GATOS14859 Los Gatos Boulevard 95032 424-07-094 ENorth Forty Specific Plan North Forty Specific Plan 3030 2.9 Residential YES - Current NO - Privately-Owned Ava lable Used in Prior Housing Element - Non-Vacant57 13 17 87Site D‐1 consolidated parcelsProperty Owner has been involved in submitting public comments on the Housing Element Update regarding residential development on the siteLOS GATOS16392 Los Gatos Boulevard 95032 424-07-095 ENorth Forty Specific Plan North Forty Specific Plan 3030 0.78 Vacant YES - Current NO - Privately-Owned Ava lable Used in Prior Housing Element - Non-Vacant1535 23Site D‐1 consolidated parcelsProperty Owner has been involved in submitting public comments on the Housing Element Update regarding residential development on the siteLOS GATOS16260 Burton Road95032 424-07-053 ENorth Forty Specific Plan North Forty Specific Plan 3030 0.44 Residential YES - Current NO - Privately-Owned Ava lable Used in Prior Housing Element - Non-Vacant823 13Site D‐1 consolidated parcelsProperty Owner has been involved in submitting public comments on the Housing Element Update regarding residential development on the siteLOS GATOS16250 Burton Road95032 424-07-009 ENorth Forty Specific Plan North Forty Specific Plan 3030 0.44 Residential YES - Current NO - Privately-Owned Ava lable Used in Prior Housing Element - Non-Vacant823 13Site D‐1 consolidated parcelsProperty Owner has been involved in submitting public comments on the Housing Element Update regarding residential development on the siteLOS GATOS14917 Los Gatos Boulevard 95032 424-07-081 ENorth Forty Specific Plan North Forty Specific Plan 3030 3.74 Residential YES - Current NO - Privately-Owned Ava lable Used in Prior Housing Element - Non-Vacant73 17 22 112Site D‐1 consolidated parcelsProperty Owner has been involved in submitting public comments on the Housing Element Update regarding residential development on the siteLOS GATOS14925 Los Gatos Boulevard 95032 424-07-115 ENorth Forty Specific Plan North Forty Specific Plan 3030 6.07 Residential YES - Current NO - Privately-Owned Ava lable Used in Prior Housing Element - Non-Vacant 118 27 37 182Site D‐1 consolidated parcelsProperty Owner has been involved in submitting public comments on the Housing Element Update regarding residential development on the siteLOS GATOSLos Gatos Boulevard 95032 424-07-116ENorth Forty Specific Plan North Forty Specific Plan 3030 1.02 Vacant YES - Current NO - Privately-Owned Ava lable Used in Prior Housing Element - Non-Vacant2056 31Site D‐1 consolidated parcelsProperty Owner has been involved in submitting public comments on the Housing Element Update regarding residential development on the siteLOS GATOS16245 Burton Road95032 424-06-115North Forty Specific Plan North Forty Specific Plan 3030 1.17 Residential YES - Current NO - Privately-Owned Ava lable Used in Prior Housing Element - Non-Vacant2357 35Site D‐2 consolidated parcelsNo however the parcel is located within Phase II of the North 40 Specific Plan Area where recent significant housing development is underwayLOS GATOSBurton Road95032 424-06-116North Forty Specific Plan North Forty Specific Plan 3030 0.11 Vacant YES - Current NO - Privately-Owned Ava lable Used in Prior Housing Element - Non-Vacant201 3Site D‐2 consolidated parcelsNo however the parcel is located within Phase II of the North 40 Specific Plan Area where recent significant housing development is underwayLOS GATOS16240 Burton Road95032 424-07-010North Forty Specific Plan North Forty Specific Plan 3030 0.26 Residential YES - Current NO - Privately-Owned Ava lable Used in Prior Housing Element - Non-Vacant512 8Site D‐3No however the parcel is located within Phase II of the North 40 Specific Plan Area where recent significant housing development is underwayLOS GATOS16270 Burton Road95032 424-07-052North Forty Specific Plan North Forty Specific Plan 3030 0.43 Residential YES - Current NO - Privately-Owned Ava lable Used in Prior Housing Element - Non-Vacant823 13Site D‐4No however the parcel is located within Phase II of the North 40 Specific Plan Area where recent significant housing development is underwayLOS GATOS16210 Burton Road95032 424-07-054North Forty Specific Plan North Forty Specific Plan 3030 0.26 Residential YES - Current NO - Privately-Owned Ava lable Used in Prior Housing Element - Non-Vacant512 8Site D‐5 consolidated parcelsNo however the parcel is located within Phase II of the North 40 Specific Plan Area where recent significant housing development is underwayLOS GATOS14831 Los Gatos Boulevard95032 424-07-063North Forty Specific Plan North Forty Specific Plan 3030 0.56 Residential YES - Current NO - Privately-Owned Ava lable Used in Prior Housing Element - Non-Vacant1133 17Site D‐5 consolidated parcelsNo however the parcel is located within Phase II of the North 40 Specific Plan Area where recent significant housing development is underwayLOS GATOS14849 Los Gatos Boulevard95032 424-07-064North Forty Specific Plan North Forty Specific Plan 3030 0.93 Residential YES - Current NO - Privately-Owned Ava lable Used in Prior Housing Element - Non-Vacant1846 28Site D‐6No however the parcel is located within Phase II of the North 40 Specific Plan Area where recent significant housing development is underwayLOS GATOS14823 Los Gatos Boulevard95032 424-07-065North Forty Specific Plan North Forty Specific Plan 3030 0.37 Residential YES - Current NO - Privately-Owned Ava lable Used in Prior Housing Element - Non-Vacant614 11Site D‐7No; however, the parcel is located within Phase II of the North 40 Specific Plan Area where recent significant housing development is underwayLOS GATOS14800 Oka Road95032 424-08-057Low Density ResidentialR-1 8052.97 Vacant YES - Current NO - Privately-Owned Ava lable Used in Prior Housing Element - Non-Vacant01 11 12Site E‐1 consolidated parcelsNo; however the property owner has submitted a public comment to the HEAB regarding future development of the site.LOS GATOSOka Lane95032 424-08-029Low Density Residential R-1 805 0.31 Vacant YES - Current NO - Privately-Owned Ava lable Not Used in Prior Housing Element001 1Site E‐1 consolidated parcelsNo; however the property owner has submitted a public comment to the HEAB regarding future development of the site.LOS GATOSOka Lane95032 424-08-059Low Density Residential R-1 805 1.01 Vacant YES - Current NO - Privately-Owned Ava lable Not Used in Prior Housing Element004 4Site E‐1 consolidated parcelsNo; however the property owner has submitted a public comment to the HEAB regarding future development of the site.LOS GATOSOka Lane95032 424-08-060Low Density Residential R-1 805 1.29 Vacant YES - Current NO - Privately-Owned Ava lable Not Used in Prior Housing Element005 5Site E‐1 consolidated parcelsNo; however the property owner has submitted a public comment to the HEAB regarding future development of the site.LOS GATOS14800 Oka Road95032 424-08-058Low Density Residential R-1 805 1.41 Residential YES - Current NO - Privately-Owned Ava lable Not Used in Prior Housing Element006 6Site E‐1 consolidated parcelsNo; however the property owner has submitted a public comment to the HEAB regarding future development of the site.LOS GATOS16603 Lark Avenue95032 424-08-017Medium Density Residential R-M 5-121422 2.48 Residential YES - Current NO - Privately-Owned Ava lable Not Used in Prior Housing Element33 29 35Site E‐1 consolidated parcelsNo however the property owner has submitted a public comment to the HEAB regarding future development of the site.LOS GATOS14840 Oka Road95032 424-08-021Medium Density Residential R-M 5-121422 4.32 Vacant YES - Current NO - Privately-Owned Ava lable Used in Prior Housing Element - Non-Vacant66 49 61Site E‐1 consolidated parcelsNo however the property owner has submitted a public comment to the HEAB regarding future development of the site.LOS GATOSOka Lane95032 424-08-074Low Density Residential R-1 805 6.41 Vacant YES - Current NO - Privately-Owned Ava lable Used in Prior Housing Element - Non-Vacant21 23 26Site E‐2No however the property owner has submitted a public comment to the HEAB regarding future development of the site.LOS GATOSOka Road (Cal Trans ROW)95032 000-00-000Medium Density Residential R-1 81422 4.9 Vacant YES - Current YES - State-Owned Ava lable Not Used in Prior Housing Element77 55 69Site E‐3LOS GATOS110 Knowles Drive95032 424-32-077High Density Residential CM AHOZ3040 7.34 Commercial YES - Current NO - Privately-Owned Ava lableUsed in Prior Housing Element - Non-Vacant 1067935 220Site F‐1No however the site is located within the Affordable Housing Overlay Zone.LOS GATOS206 Knowles Drive95032 424-32-076High Density Residential CM3040 2.41 Commercial YES - Current NO - Privately-Owned Ava lable Not Used in Prior Housing Element35 26 11 72Site F‐2No however the site is located immediately adjacent to 110 Knowles Drive (Site F-1) which has an Affordable Housing Overlay Zone.LOS GATOS440 Los Gatos Almaden Road 95032 527-49-048Neighborhood Commercial C-11020 0.52 Commercial YES - Current NO - Privately-Owned Ava lable Not Used in Prior Housing Element005 5Site G‐1 consolidated parcelsProperty Owner Interest Form SubmittedLOS GATOS445 Leigh Avenue95032 527-49-049Neighborhood Commercial C-11020 0.29 Commercial YES - Current NO - Privately-Owned Ava lable Not Used in Prior Housing Element003 3Site G‐1 consolidated parcelsProperty Owner Interest Form SubmittedLOS GATOS14000 Blossom Hill Road95032 527-32-028Neighborhood Commercial C-11020 0.69 Commercial YES - Current NO - Privately-Owned Ava lable Not Used in Prior Housing Element007 7Site H‐1Property Owner Interest Form SubmittedLOS GATOS401-409 Alberto Road95032 529-23-018Mixed Use Commercial CH3040 2.19 Vacant YES - Current NO - Privately-Owned Ava lable Not Used in Prior Housing Element44 52 60Site I‐1Property Owner Interest Form Submitted; Development application submitted on 12/6/2022 for a mixed-use project with 27 du/ac Table B: Candidate Sites Identified to be Rezoned to Accommodate Shortfall Housing Need, Table Starts in Cell A2For Santa Clara County jurisdictions, please format the APNs as follows: 999-99-999Jurisdiction Name Site Address/Intersection5 Digit ZIP CodeAssessor Parcel NumberVery Low-IncomeLow-IncomeModerate-IncomeAbove Moderate-IncomeType of Shortfall Parcel Size(Acres)Current General Plan DesignationCurrent ZoningProposed General Plan (GP) DesignationProposed ZoningMinimum Density Allowed Maximum Density AllowedTotal CapacityVacant/NonvacantDescription of Existing UsesInfrastructure Optional Information1 Optional Information2 Optional Information3LOS GATOS 50 Park Avenue 95030 529-01-0400001Shortfall of Sites 0.18 Medium Density ResR-1D Medium Density ResR-1D 5 12 1 Non-Vacant Residential YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone (HEOZ) implementation program LOS GATOS 61 Montebello Way 95030 529-01-0410004Shortfall of Sites 0.69 Medium Density ResR-1D Medium Density ResR-1D 5 12 4 Non-Vacant Residential YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone (HEOZ) implementation program LOS GATOS 101 S. Santa Cruz Avenue 95030 529-01-022 0 0 0 16 Shortfall of Sites 0.8 Central Business DisC-2Central Business DisC-2203016 Non-Vacant Commercial YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone (HEOZ) implementation program LOS GATOS165 Los Gatos-Saratoga Road95030 529-04-0830007Shortfall of Sites0.37 Central Business DisC-2Central Business DisC-220307 Non-Vacant Commercial YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone (HEOZ) implementation program LOS GATOS50 Los Gatos-Saratoga Road95030 529-24-0327675519 Shortfall of Sites7.04 Mixed Use CommercCH:PDMixed Use CommercCH:PD3040211 Non-Vacant Hotel/motel YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone (HEOZ) implementation program LOS GATOSLos Gatos-Saratoga Road95030 529-24-00199918 Shortfall of Sites1.49 Mixed Use CommercCH:PDMixed Use CommercCH:PD304045 Non-Vacant Hotel/motel YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone (HEOZ) implementation program LOS GATOSLos Gatos-Saratoga Road95030 529-24-0031223Shortfall of Sites0.28 Mixed Use CommercCH:PDMixed Use CommercCH:PD30408 Non-Vacant Hotel/motel YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone (HEOZ) implementation program LOS GATOS15300 Los Gatos Boulevard95032 424-17-03624996 Shortfall of Sites1.6 Mixed Use CommercC-1Mixed Use CommercC-1304048 Non-Vacant Commercial YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone (HEOZ) implementation program LOS GATOS15349 Los Gatos Boulevard95032 424-19-0495221Shortfall of Sites0.34 Mixed Use CommercCHMixed Use CommercCH304010 Non-Vacant Commercial YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone (HEOZ) implementation program LOS GATOS15367 Los Gatos Boulevard95032 424-19-04818882 Shortfall of Sites1.2 Mixed Use CommercCHMixed Use CommercCH304036 Non-Vacant Commercial YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone (HEOZ) implementation program LOS GATOS15405 Los Gatos Boulevard95032 424-19-06920884 Shortfall of Sites1.34 Mixed Use CommercCHMixed Use CommercCH304040 Non-Vacant Commercial YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone (HEOZ) implementation program LOS GATOS15425 Los Gatos Boulevard95032 424-19-06716773 Shortfall of Sites1.09 Mixed Use CommercCHMixed Use CommercCH304033 Non-Vacant Commercial YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone (HEOZ) implementation program LOS GATOS15795 Los Gatos Boulevard95032 529-15-0599442Shortfall of Sites0.64 Mixed Use CommercCHMixed Use CommercCH304019 Non-Vacant Commercial YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone (HEOZ) implementation program LOS GATOS16203 Los Gatos Boulevard95032 529-16-06912552 Shortfall of Sites0.79 Mixed Use CommercCHMixed Use CommercCH304024 Non-Vacant Commercial YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone (HEOZ) implementation program LOS GATOS16492 Los Gatos Boulevard95032 532-07-0860002Shortfall of Sites0.23 Low Density ResidenC-1Low Density ResidenC-110202 Non-Vacant Commercial YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone (HEOZ) implementation program LOS GATOSLos Gatos Boulevard95032 532-07-0850004Shortfall of Sites0.38 Neighborhood CommC-1Neighborhood CommC-110204 VacantVacantYES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone (HEOZ) implementation program LOS GATOS15495 Los Gatos Bouelvard95032 424-22-03058232312 Shortfall of Sites3.85 Mixed Use CommercCHMixed Use CommercCH3040116 Non-Vacant Commercial YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone (HEOZ) implementation program LOS GATOS15445 Los Gatos Bouelvard95032 424-19-06823995 Shortfall of Sites1.53 Mixed Use CommercCHMixed Use CommercCH304046 Non-Vacant Commercial YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone (HEOZ) implementation program LOS GATOS14859 Los Gatos Boulevard95032 424-07-09444131317 Shortfall of Sites2.9 North Forty Specific North Forty Specific PNorth Forty Specific North Forty Specific 303087 Non-Vacant Residential YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone (HEOZ) implementation program LOS GATOS16392 Los Gatos Boulevard95032 424-07-09512335 Shortfall of Sites0.78 North Forty Specific North Forty Specific PNorth Forty Specific North Forty Specific 303023 Non-Vacant VacantYES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone (HEOZ) implementation program LOS GATOS16260 Burton Road95032 424-07-0536223Shortfall of Sites0.44 North Forty Specific North Forty Specific PNorth Forty Specific North Forty Specific 303013 Non-Vacant Residential YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone (HEOZ) implementation program LOS GATOS16250 Burton Road95032 424-07-0096223Shortfall of Sites0.44 North Forty Specific North Forty Specific PNorth Forty Specific North Forty Specific 303013 Non-Vacant Residential YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone (HEOZ) implementation program LOS GATOS14917 Los Gatos Boulevard95032 424-07-08156171722 Shortfall of Sites3.74 North Forty Specific North Forty Specific PNorth Forty Specific North Forty Specific 3030112 Non-Vacant Residential YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone (HEOZ) implementation program LOS GATOS14925 Los Gatos Boulevard95032 424-07-11591272737 Shortfall of Sites6.07 North Forty Specific North Forty Specific PNorth Forty Specific North Forty Specific 3030182 Non-Vacant Residential YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone (HEOZ) implementation program LOS GATOSLos Gatos Boulevard95032 424-07-11615556 Shortfall of Sites1.02 North Forty Specific North Forty Specific PNorth Forty Specific North Forty Specific 303031 Non-Vacant VacantYES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone (HEOZ) implementation program LOS GATOS16245 Burton Road95032 424-06-11518557 Shortfall of Sites1.17 North Forty Specific North Forty Specific PNorth Forty Specific North Forty Specific 303035 Non-Vacant Residential YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone (HEOZ) implementation program LOS GATOSBurton Road95032 424-06-1162001Shortfall of Sites0.11 North Forty Specific North Forty Specific PNorth Forty Specific North Forty Specific 30303 VacantVacantYES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone (HEOZ) implementation program LOS GATOS16240 Burton Road95032 424-07-0104112Shortfall of Sites0.26 North Forty Specific North Forty Specific PNorth Forty Specific North Forty Specific 30308 Non-Vacant Residential YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone (HEOZ) implementation program LOS GATOS16270 Burton Road95032 424-07-0526223Shortfall of Sites0.43 North Forty Specific North Forty Specific PNorth Forty Specific North Forty Specific 303013 Non-Vacant Residential YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone (HEOZ) implementation program LOS GATOS16210 Burton Road95032 424-07-0544112Shortfall of Sites0.26 North Forty Specific North Forty Specific PNorth Forty Specific North Forty Specific 30308 Non-Vacant Residential YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone (HEOZ) implementation program LOS GATOS14831 Los Gatos Boulevard95032 424-07-0638333Shortfall of Sites0.56 North Forty Specific North Forty Specific PNorth Forty Specific North Forty Specific 303017 Non-Vacant Residential YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone (HEOZ) implementation program LOS GATOS14849 Los Gatos Boulevard95032 424-07-06414446 Shortfall of Sites0.93 North Forty Specific North Forty Specific PNorth Forty Specific North Forty Specific 303028 Non-Vacant Residential YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone (HEOZ) implementation program LOS GATOS14823 Los Gatos Boulevard95032 424-07-0655114Shortfall of Sites0.37 North Forty Specific North Forty Specific PNorth Forty Specific North Forty Specific 303011 Non-Vacant Residential YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone (HEOZ) implementation program LOS GATOS14800 Oka Road95032 424-08-05700111 Shortfall of Sites2.97 Low Density ResidenR-1:8Low Density ResidenR-1:80512 VacantVacantYES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone (HEOZ) implementation program LOS GATOSOka Lane95032 424-08-0290001Shortfall of Sites0.31 Low Density ResidenR-1:8Low Density ResidenR-1:8051 VacantVacantYES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone (HEOZ) implementation program LOS GATOSOka Lane95032 424-08-0590004Shortfall of Sites1.01 Low Density ResidenR-1:8Low Density ResidenR-1:8054 VacantVacantYES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone (HEOZ) implementation program LOS GATOSOka Lane95032 424-08-0600005Shortfall of Sites1.29 Low Density ResidenR-1:8Low Density ResidenR-1:8055 VacantVacantYES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone (HEOZ) implementation program LOS GATOS14800 Oka Road95032 424-08-0580006Shortfall of Sites1.41 Low Density ResidenR-1:8Low Density ResidenR-1:8056 Non-Vacant Residential YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone (HEOZ) implementation program LOS GATOS 16603 Lark Avenue 95032 424-08-017 0 3 3 29 Shortfall of Sites 2.48 Medium Density ResR-M:5-12 Medium Density ResR-M:5-12 14 22 35 Non-Vacant Residential YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone (HEOZ) implementation program LOS GATOS 14840 Oka Road 95032 424-08-021 0 6 6 49 Shortfall of Sites 4.32 Medium Density ResR-M:5-12 Medium Density ResR-M:5-12 14 22 61 VacantVacantYES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone (HEOZ) implementation program LOS GATOSOka Lane95032 424-08-07402123 Shortfall of Sites6.41 Low Density ResidenR-1:8Low Density ResidenR-1:80526 VacantVacantYES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone (HEOZ) implementation program LOS GATOSOka Road (Cal Trans ROW)95032 000-00-00007755 Shortfall of Sites4.9 Medium Density ResR-1:8Medium Density ResR-1:8142269 VacantVacantYES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone (HEOZ) implementation program LOS GATOS110 Knowles Drive95032 424-32-07766407935 Shortfall of Sites7.34 High Density ResideCM:AHOZ High Density ResideCM:AHOZ3040220 Non-Vacant Commercial YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone (HEOZ) implementation program LOS GATOS206 Knowles Drive95032 424-32-07622132611 Shortfall of Sites2.41 High Density ResideCMHigh Density ResideCM304072 Non-Vacant Commercial YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone (HEOZ) implementation program LOS GATOS440 Los Gatos Almaden Road95032 527-49-0480005Shortfall of Sites0.52 Neighborhood CommC-1Neighborhood CommC-110205 Non-Vacant Commercial YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone (HEOZ) implementation program LOS GATOS445 Leigh Avenue95032 527-49-0490003Shortfall of Sites0.29 Neighborhood CommC-1Neighborhood CommC-110203 Non-Vacant Commercial YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone (HEOZ) implementation program LOS GATOS14000 Blossom Hill Road95032 527-32-0280007Shortfall of Sites 0.69 Neighborhood CommC-1Neighborhood CommC-110207 Non-Vacant CommercialYES ‐ CurrentHousing Element Overlay Zone (HEOZ) implementation program LOS GATOS401-409 Alberto Way95032 529-23-01804452 Shortfall of Sites2.19 Mixed Use CommercCHMixed Use CommercCH304060 VacantVacantYES ‐ CurrentHousing Element Overlay Zone (HEOZ) implementation program  Table C: Land Use, Table Starts in A2Zoning DesignationFrom Table A, Column G and Table B, Columns L and N (e.g., "R-1")General Land Uses Allowed (e.g., "Low-density residential")R-1DSingle‐family dwelling, provided that there is not more than one principal residential structure on a lot, two‐family dwelling, provided that there is not more than one principal residential structure on a lot, family daycare home, and residential care facility, small family home.C-1Retailing, including formula retail up to six thousand (6,000) square feet, Personal service businesses and service businesses necessary for the conduct of households, Office activities, Limited manufacturing activities when a majority of sales are made, on site, to the ultimate consumer, Activities permitted in the LM zone which were approved on or before February 1, 1993,  provided any change of use must be a conforming use in the C‐1 zone, and Group classes,  and single‐family, two‐family, and multi‐family in a mixed‐use project through a CUP.C-2Retailing, including formula retail up to six thousand square feet, Office activities subject to subsection (c), Limited manufacturing activities when a majority of sales are made, on site, to the ultimate consumer, Wholesaling without warehousing on the premises, Single‐family and two‐family uses, in conjunction with the other uses permitted in this section and multi‐family in a mixed‐use project through a CUPCHRetailing, including formula retail up to six thousand square feet, Personal service businesses and service businesses necessary for the conduct of households, Office activities, Limited manufacturing activities when a majority of sales are made on site to the ultimate consumer, Group classes, and single‐family, two‐family, and multi‐family in a mixed‐use project through a CUPCH:PDHotel up to 300 rooms, a conference facility containing approximately 10,000 square feet, and an underground parking facilityNorth Forty Specific PlanRetail, Restaurant, Personal Service, Office, Hotel, Townhomes, Rowhouses, Multi‐Family, Condominiums, Live/Work Lofts, Park, Public Transpiration and Parking Facilities, Small Family Daycare, Alternating Use/Shared Parking, and Botanical NurseryR-1:8Single‐family dwelling, provided that there is not more than one principal residential structure on a lot, raising of trees, vegetables and horticultural specialties, but not including commercial greenhouses, retail nurseries, or storage of landscaping equipment, products or supplies for commercial uses, family daycare home, and residential care facility, small family home.R-M:5-12Single‐family dwelling, two‐family dwelling, family daycare home, residential care facility, small family home, multi‐family dwelling, and a transitional Housing facility as defined by Health and Safety Code section 50675.2CMActivities involving controlled manufacturing, research and development, wholesaling, warehousing, and other light industrial uses, Sales to the ultimate consumer of articles manufactured on the premises to the customer's order, Professional and administrative offices, Emergency shelters as defined by Health and Safety Code section 50801CM:AHOZMultifamily dwellings, Two‐family dwellings, and Single‐family dwellings.HEOZHousing Element Overlay Zone Implementation Program BF to apply to the sites included in the Site Inventory to modify the development standards (i.e., density, lot coverage, FAR, height) on those sites Page 2 Table of Contents Background ......................................................................................................................................... 3 No Net Loss Law and Charter Cities ................................................................................................. 4 Responsibilities and Requirements Under No Net Loss Law ......................................................... 4 Maintaining Sites ................................................................................................................................ 4 Helpful Hints ...................................................................................................................................... 5 Decisions to Carefully Consider – Development Limitations ............................................................. 5 Jurisdiction Actions ........................................................................................................................... 6 Helpful Hints ...................................................................................................................................... 7 Decisions to Carefully Consider – Changes to Zoning ...................................................................... 7 Approval of Development at a Lower Density .................................................................................. 8 Helpful Hints ...................................................................................................................................... 9 Decisions to Carefully Consider – Development Approval ................................................................ 9 California Environment Quality Act (CEQA) ................................................................................... 10 Failure to Comply with No Net Loss Law ........................................................................................ 10 Resources .......................................................................................................................................... 11 Identifying your Remaining RHNA and Maintaining Capacity .......................................................... 11 No Net Loss Capacity Calculation Tool Example ............................................................................ 11 No Net Loss Law Decision Flow Chart ............................................................................................ 14 Sample Housing Element Program ................................................................................................. 16 No Net Loss Law Statute (Government Code Section 65863) ........................................................ 17 Page 6 How do growth control ordinances relate to the RHNA? Government Code section 65302.8 requires findings be made to ensure that a jurisdiction can continue to fulfill requirements of Housing Element Law, including the accommodation of the RHNA. Findings include a description of the following: •The jurisdiction’s RHNA. •The specific housing programs and activities being undertaken by the jurisdiction to achieve RHNA objectives. •How the public health, safety, and welfare would be promoted. •Fiscal and environmental resources available to the local jurisdiction. Moratoriums – Pursuant to Government Code section 65858, jurisdictions may adopt a 45-day interim ordinance prohibiting any uses, including housing, that may be in conflict with a contemplated general plan, specific plan, or zoning proposal. This applies to a general plan, specific plan, or zoning proposal that the legislative body, planning commission or the planning department is considering, studying, or intends to study within a reasonable time. While the ordinance may be extended for other uses, a moratorium on the development of multifamily housing cannot be extended unless specific findings are made. In addition, regardless of its duration, a moratorium that affects sites in the Housing Element inventory may be in conflict with the No Net Loss Law, as the law requires a jurisdiction to maintain capacity at all times to accommodate the RHNA. A jurisdiction should consult counsel prior to enacting a moratorium on housing. Jurisdiction Actions Jurisdiction actions include downzoning or other actions taken by a jurisdiction to reduce a parcel’s allowable residential density. This can be done through a change in zoning or an imposition of density limitations that preclude that ability to achieve densities assumed in the Housing Element sites inventory. If the parcel to be downzoned is identified in the Housing Element, a jurisdiction must make written findings, supported by substantial evidence, that: •The reduction is consistent with the jurisdiction’s adopted general plan, including the Housing Element. For example, this finding could be made if downzone does not change the land use and zoning designation. •The remaining sites identified in the Housing Element are adequate to meet the requirements of Section 65583.2 and to accommodate the jurisdiction’s remaining share of the RHNA for the planning period. The finding must include a quantification of the remaining unmet need for the jurisdiction’s RHNA at each income level and the remaining capacity of sites identified in the Housing Element to accommodate that need by income level. Page 10 Denying an application - A jurisdiction may not deny a housing development application on the basis that approval of the development would trigger the identification, or zoning, of additional adequate sites to accommodate the remaining RHNA. However, since the term “housing development” is used in the statute, it does not prevent a jurisdiction from denying a non-residential development on an identified site if it would trigger the identification, or rezoning, of additional adequate sites. Requests for developer assistance with complying with No Net Loss Law – While the jurisdiction is solely responsible for compliance with No Net Loss Law, under limited circumstances the statute does allow a jurisdiction the option to require the applicant to assist the jurisdiction in meeting these provisions. Specifically, requests can be made if an applicant’s initial development application requests a residential density that results in the remaining sites in the sites inventory being insufficient to accommodate it remaining RHNA. A jurisdiction cannot require developer assistance if the subsequent approval process results in a reduction of units. Types of assistance required could include help with the identification of additional sites for potential rezones or community outreach. However, requests should be balanced with the potential impact on the overall viability of the project. Overly burdensome requirements may make a development project financially infeasible and could, in effect, constitute a denial of the project or may violate the Housing Accountability Act (Government Code section 65589.5.) California Environment Quality Act (CEQA) The act of identifying or making available additional adequate sites, in and of itself, to comply with the statutory requirements to accommodate the remaining unmet RHNA, does not trigger a CEQA review. However, if making available additional adequate sites requires an increase in density, a rezone, or other actions that constitute a “project” under CEQA, a CEQA analysis would be required. When approving a site at a lower residential density, the possibility of a CEQA analysis should be considered since the CEQA review must be completed within the 180-day timeline to identify and rezone additional, adequate sites to accommodate the remaining RHNA by income category. The failure to complete a timely CEQA analysis would render the additional sites inadequate to accommodate the remaining unmet RHNA. This would be a violation of No Net Loss Law and could also render the Housing Element out of compliance with state Housing Element Law. Failure to Comply with No Net Loss Law In addition to violating of the No Net Loss Law, the failure to ensure that there are sufficient adequate sites to accommodate the unmet RHNA by income category throughout the entire planning period is also a violation of the Housing Element Law. This is because the Housing Element will also fail to identify adequate sites to accommodate the RHNA by income category. As a result, pursuant to Government Code section 65585 (i) and (j), the Department may revoke a jurisdiction’s Housing Element compliance and/or refer the violation to the Attorney General. In addition, a third party may file an action to challenge the jurisdiction in court. Page 11 Resources Identifying Your Remaining RHNA and Maintaining Capacity A jurisdiction should implement an ongoing, project-by-project evaluation of each approved residential development to ensure that sufficient adequate site capacity is available to accommodate the remaining RHNA by income category throughout the planning period. This evaluation could also be used to complete the APR required to be sent to the Department by April 1 of each year. The evaluation procedure could utilize a spreadsheet or tool, such as the No Net Loss Capacity Calculation Tool below, to subtract the number of residential units in each approved development from the RHNA to determine the remaining unmet RHNA by income category. The total number of approved units by income category could then be subtracted from the Housing Element’s sites inventory site capacity by income category to determine the remaining site capacity. No Net Loss Capacity Calculation Tool Example Step 1: Determine remaining RHNA • Identify the reported RHNA from permitted projects as reported in the Housing Element Annual Progress Report (Table B of the Annual Progress Report). If the jurisdiction has not yet completed those reports for the planning period, please go to the Departments Webpage and select “Annual Progress Reports.” • Identify any projects from the planning period that have received their approvals/entitlements and are anticipated to pull their building permits. • Identify the number of units permitted or that have been approved/entitled in the current reporting year (including accessory dwelling units and other alternatives under Government Code section 65583.1.) • Calculate the remaining RHNA to date. • If determining potential No Net Loss capacity of a proposed development, subtract the units from the proposed development to get the remaining RHNA resulting from the proposed project. Page 16 Sample Housing Element Program Sample Program: No Net Loss of Residential Capacity to Accommodate the RHNA by Income Category (Government Code section 65863) To ensure sufficient residential capacity is maintained to accommodate the RHNA for each income category, within one year of adoption of the Housing Element, develop and implement a formal, ongoing (project-by-project) evaluation procedure pursuant to Government Code section 65863. The evaluation procedure will track the number of extremely low-, very low-, low-, moderate-, and above moderate-income units constructed to calculate the remaining unmet RHNA. The evaluation procedure will also track the number of units built on the identified sites to determine the remaining site capacity by income category and will be updated continuously as developments are approved. No action can be taken to reduce the density or capacity of a site (e.g., downzone, moratorium), unless other additional adequate sites are identified prior to reducing site density or capacity. If a development is being approved on an identified site at a lower density than what was assumed for that site identified in the Housing Element, additional adequate sites must be made available within 180 days of approving the development. A program to identify the replacement sites, and take the necessary actions to make the site(s) available and ensure they are adequate sites, will be adopted prior to, or at the time of, the approval of the development. Time Frame: Within six months of adoption of the Housing Element, develop and implement a formal ongoing evaluation procedure pursuant to Government Code section 65863. Subsequent to adopting an evaluation procedure, monitor rezones and development of residential units, and update Housing Element sites inventory. Housing Element sites inventory is posted on the Planning Department’s website and will be updated at least once a year. At least annually, update the sites inventory in conjunction with Housing Element Annual Reports pursuant to Government Code section 65400, as necessary. Responsibility: Community Development Department Funding Source: General Fund Page 17 No Net Loss Law Statute (Government Code Section 65863) 65863. (a) Each city, county, or city and county shall ensure that its housing element inventory described in paragraph (3) of subdivision (a) of Section 65583 or its housing element program to make sites available pursuant to paragraph (1) of subdivision (c) of Section 65583 can accommodate, at all times throughout the planning period, its remaining unmet share of the regional housing need allocated pursuant to Section 65584, except as provided in paragraph (2) of subdivision (c). At no time, except as provided in paragraph (2) of subdivision (c), shall a city, county, or city and county by administrative, quasi-judicial, legislative, or other action permit or cause its inventory of sites identified in the housing element to be insufficient to meet its remaining unmet share of the regional housing need for lower and moderate-income households. (b) (1) No city, county, or city and county shall, by administrative, quasi-judicial, legislative, or other action, reduce, or require or permit the reduction of, the residential density for any parcel to, or allow development of any parcel at, a lower residential density, as defined in paragraphs (1) and (2) of subdivision (g), unless the city, county, or city and county makes written findings supported by substantial evidence of both of the following: (A) The reduction is consistent with the adopted general plan, including the housing element. (B) The remaining sites identified in the housing element are adequate to meet the requirements of Section 65583.2 and to accommodate the jurisdiction’s share of the regional housing need pursuant to Section 65584. The finding shall include a quantification of the remaining unmet need for the jurisdiction’s share of the regional housing need at each income level and the remaining capacity of sites identified in the housing element to accommodate that need by income level. (2) If a city, county, or city and county, by administrative, quasi-judicial, legislative, or other action, allows development of any parcel with fewer units by income category than identified in the jurisdiction’s housing element for that parcel, the city, county, or city and county shall make a written finding supported by substantial evidence as to whether or not remaining sites identified in the housing element are adequate to meet the requirements of Section 65583.2 and to accommodate the jurisdiction’s share of the regional housing need pursuant to Section 65584. The finding shall include a quantification of the remaining unmet need for the jurisdiction’s share of the regional housing need at each income level and the remaining capacity of sites identified in the housing element to accommodate that need by income level. (c) (1) If a reduction in residential density for any parcel would result in the remaining sites in the housing element not being adequate to meet the requirements of Section 65583.2 and to accommodate the jurisdiction’s share of the regional housing need pursuant to Section 65584, the jurisdiction may reduce the density on that parcel if it identifies sufficient additional, adequate, and available sites with an equal or greater residential density in the jurisdiction so that there is no net loss of residential unit capacity. (2) If the approval of a development project results in fewer units by income category than identified in the jurisdiction’s housing element for that parcel and the jurisdiction does not find that the remaining sites in the housing element are adequate to accommodate the jurisdiction’s share of the regional housing need by income level, the jurisdiction shall within 180 days identify and make available additional adequate sites to accommodate the jurisdiction’s share of the regional housing need by income level. Nothing in this section shall authorize a city, county, or city and county to disapprove a housing development project on the basis that approval of the housing project would require compliance with this paragraph. Page 18 (d) The requirements of this section shall be in addition to any other law that may restrict or limit the reduction of residential density. (e) This section requires that a city, county, or city and county be solely responsible for compliance with this section, unless a project applicant requests in his or her initial application, as submitted, a density that would result in the remaining sites in the housing element not being adequate to accommodate the jurisdiction’s share of the regional housing need pursuant to Section 65584. In that case, the city, county, or city and county may require the project applicant to comply with this section. The submission of an application for purposes of this subdivision does not depend on the application being deemed complete or being accepted by the city, county, or city and county. (f) This section shall not be construed to apply to parcels that, prior to January 1, 2003, were either (1) subject to a development agreement, or (2) parcels for which an application for a subdivision map had been submitted. (g) (1) If the local jurisdiction has adopted a housing element for the current planning period that is in substantial compliance with Article 10.6 (commencing with Section 65580) of Chapter 3, for purposes of this section, “lower residential density” means the following: (A) For sites on which the zoning designation permits residential use and that are identified in the local jurisdiction’s housing element inventory described in paragraph (3) of subdivision (a) of Section 65583, fewer units on the site than were projected by the jurisdiction to be accommodated on the site pursuant to subdivision (c) of Section 65583.2. (B) For sites that have been or will be rezoned pursuant to the local jurisdiction’s housing element program described in paragraph (1) of subdivision (c) of Section 65583, fewer units for the site than were projected to be developed on the site in the housing element program. (2) (A) If the local jurisdiction has not adopted a housing element for the current planning period within 90 days of the deadline established by Section 65588 or the adopted housing element is not in substantial compliance with Article 10.6 (commencing with Section 65580) of Chapter 3 within 180 days of the deadline established by Section 65588, “lower residential density” means any of the following: (i) For residentially zoned sites, a density that is lower than 80 percent of the maximum allowable residential density for that parcel or 80 percent of the maximum density required by paragraph (3) of subdivision (c) of Section 65583.2, whichever is greater. (ii) For sites on which residential and nonresidential uses are permitted, a use that would result in the development of fewer than 80 percent of the number of residential units that would be allowed under the maximum residential density for the site parcel or 80 percent of the maximum density required by paragraph (3) of subdivision (c) of Section 65583.2, whichever is greater. (B) If the council of governments fails to complete a final housing need allocation pursuant to the deadlines established by Section 65584.05, then for purposes of this paragraph, the deadline pursuant to Section 65588 shall be extended by a time period equal to the number of days of delay incurred by the council of governments in completing the final housing need allocation. (h) An action that obligates a jurisdiction to identify and make available additional adequate sites for residential development pursuant to this section creates no obligation under the California Environmental Quality Act (Division 13 (commencing with Section 21000) of the Public Resources Code) to identify, analyze, or mitigate the environmental impacts of that subsequent action to identify and make available additional adequate sites as a reasonably foreseeable consequence of that action. Nothing in this subdivision shall be construed as a determination as to whether or not the subsequent action by a city, county, or city and county to identify and make available additional Page 19 adequate sites is a “project” for purposes of the California Environmental Quality Act (Division 13 (commencing with Section 21000) of the Public Resources Code). (i) Notwithstanding Section 65803, this section shall also apply to a charter city. From: Phil Koen <> Sent: Friday, July 14, 2023 12:11 PM To: Joel Paulson <jpaulson@losgatosca.gov> Cc: Laurel Prevetti <LPrevetti@losgatosca.gov>; Gabrielle Whelan <GWhelan@losgatosca.gov>; Wendy Wood <WWood@losgatosca.gov>; Mary Badame <MBadame@losgatosca.gov>; Maria Ristow <MRistow@losgatosca.gov>; ; Rick Van Hoesen () <> Subject: Re: Reference: HEAB Meeting - Agenda Item 2 and General Plan Meeting - Agenda Item 2 Joel, Given the wrong site inventory list has been on the Town’s website up to this very moment, and the lack of clarity around the appropriate site inventory list, please include the attached site inventory list in the HEAB and the General Plan Committee meeting package. I believe I have attached the correct one. Also, given these numbers, the adjustment for the low-income units lost as a result of the N40 planned development creates an even bigger deficit than outlined in my July 3 email to you. It is important that both the GEAB and the General Plan Committee understand that more BMR sites must be added to the site inventory now. I see no avenue for the Town to make the finding there are sufficient parcels in the site inventory to accommodate the 6th cycle RHNA for all income categories based on the substantial evidence in the record including the developers SB 330 application. There is no reason why the Town should not add more BMR parcels given this fact pattern. Thank you, Phil Koen Please Start Here, Instructions in Cell A2, Table in A3:B17 Form Fields Site Inventory Forms must be submitted to HCD for a housing element or amendment adopted on or after January 1, 2021. The following form is to be used for satisfying this requirement. To submit the form, complete the Excel spreadsheet and submit to HCD at sitesinventory@hcd.ca.gov. Please send the Excel workbook, not a scanned or PDF copy of the tables. General Information Jurisidiction Name LOS GATOS Housing Element Cycle 6th Contact Information First Name Joel Last Name Paulson Title Community Development Director Email Jpaulson@losgatosca.gov Phone 4083546879 Mailing Address Street Address 110 East Main Street City Los Gatos Zip Code 94538 Website https://www.losgatosca.gov/897/Planning Table A: Housing Element Sites Inventory, Table Starts in Cell A2 For Santa Clara County jurisdictions, please format the APNs as follows: 999-99-999 Jurisdiction Name Site Address/Intersection 5 Digit ZIP Code Assessor Parcel Number Consolidated Sites General Plan Designation (Current) Zoning Designation (Current) Minimum Density Allowed (units/acre) Maximum Density Allowed (units/acre) Parcel Size (Acres) Existing Use/Vacancy Infrastructure Publicly-Owned Site Status Identified in Last/Last Two Planning Cycle(s) Lower Income Capacity Moderate Income Capacity Above Moderate Income Capacity Total Capacity Optional Information1 Optional Information2 Optional Information3 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 LOS GATOS 0 Table B: Candidate Sites Identified to be Rezoned to Accommodate Shortfall Housing Need, Table Starts in Cell A2 For Santa Clara County jurisdictions, please format the APNs as follows: 999-99-999 Jurisdiction Name Site Address/Intersection 5 Digit ZIP Code Assessor Parcel Number Very Low- Income Low-Income Moderate- Income Above Moderate- Income Type of Shortfall Parcel Size (Acres) Current General Plan Designation Current Zoning Proposed General Plan (GP) Designation Proposed Zoning Minimum Density Allowed Maximum Density Allowed Total Capacity Vacant/ Nonvacant Description of Existing Uses Infrastructure Optional Information1 Optional Information2 Optional Information3 LOS GATOS 50 Park Avenue 95030 529-01-040 0 0 0 1 Unaccommodated Ne 0.18 Medium Density Resid R-1D Medium Density Resid R-1D:HEOZ 5 12 1 Non-Vacant Residential YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone Property Owner Interest Form Submitted LOS GATOS 61 Montebello Way 95030 529-01-041 0 0 0 4 Unaccommodated Ne 0.69 Medium Density Resid R-1D Medium Density Resid R-1D:HEOZ 5 12 4 Non-Vacant Residential YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone Property Owner Interest Form Submitted LOS GATOS 101 S. Santa Cruz Avenue 95030 529-01-022 0 0 0 16 Unaccommodated Ne 0.8 Central Business Dist C-2 Central Business Dist C-2:HEOZ 20 30 16 Non-Vacant Commercial YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone Property Owner Interest Form Submitted LOS GATOS 165 Los Gatos-Saratoga Road 95030 529-04-083 0 0 0 7 Unaccommodated Ne 0.37 Central Business Dist C-2 Central Business Dist C-2:HEOZ 20 30 7 Non-Vacant Commercial YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone Property Owner Interest Form Submitted LOS GATOS 50 Los Gatos-Saratoga Road 95030 529-24-032 76 75 51 9 Unaccommodated Ne 7.04 Mixed Use Commerci CH:PD Mixed Use Commerci CH:PD:HEOZ 30 40 211 Non-Vacant Hotel/motel YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone Property Owner Interest Form Submitted LOS GATOS Los Gatos-Saratoga Road 95030 529-24-001 9 9 9 18 Unaccommodated Ne 1.49 Mixed Use Commerci CH:PD Mixed Use Commerci CH:PD:HEOZ 30 40 45 Non-Vacant Hotel/motel YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone Property Owner Interest Form Submitted LOS GATOS Los Gatos-Saratoga Road 95030 529-24-003 1 2 2 3 Unaccommodated Ne 0.28 Mixed Use Commerci CH:PD Mixed Use Commerci CH:PD:HEOZ 30 40 8 Non-Vacant Hotel/motel YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone Property Owner Interest Form Submitted LOS GATOS 15300 Los Gatos Boulevard 95032 424-17-036 19 9 10 10 Unaccommodated Ne 1.6 Mixed Use Commerci C-1 Mixed Use Commerci C-1:HEOZ 30 40 48 Non-Vacant Commercial YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone Property Owner Interest Form Submitted LOS GATOS 15349 Los Gatos Boulevard 95032 424-19-049 4 2 2 2 Unaccommodated Ne 0.34 Mixed Use Commerci CH Mixed Use Commerci CH:HEOZ 30 40 10 Non-Vacant Commercial YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone Property Owner Interest Form Submitted LOS GATOS 15367 Los Gatos Boulevard 95032 424-19-048 15 7 7 7 Unaccommodated Ne 1.2 Mixed Use Commerci CH Mixed Use Commerci CH:HEOZ 30 40 36 Non-Vacant Commercial YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone Property Owner Interest Form Submitted LOS GATOS 15405 Los Gatos Boulevard 95032 424-19-069 16 8 8 8 Unaccommodated Ne 1.34 Mixed Use Commerci CH Mixed Use Commerci CH:HEOZ 30 40 40 Non-Vacant Commercial YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone Property Owner Interest Form Submitted LOS GATOS 15425 Los Gatos Boulevard 95032 424-19-067 13 6 7 7 Unaccommodated Ne 1.09 Mixed Use Commerci CH Mixed Use Commerci CH:HEOZ 30 40 33 Non-Vacant Commercial YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone Property Owner Interest Form Submitted LOS GATOS 15795 Los Gatos Boulevard 95032 529-15-059 7 4 4 4 Unaccommodated Ne 0.64 Mixed Use Commerci CH Mixed Use Commerci CH:HEOZ 30 40 19 Non-Vacant Commercial YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone Property Owner Interest Form Submitted LOS GATOS 16203 Los Gatos Boulevard 95032 529-16-069 9 5 5 5 Unaccommodated Ne 0.79 Mixed Use Commerci CH Mixed Use Commerci CH:HEOZ 30 40 24 Non-Vacant Commercial YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone Conceptual Development Advisory Committee application for a mixed- LOS GATOS 16492 Los Gatos Boulevard 95032 532-07-086 0 0 0 2 Unaccommodated Ne 0.23 Low Density Resident C-1 Low Density Resident C-1:HEOZ 10 20 2 Non-Vacant Commercial YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone Property Owner Interest Form Submitted LOS GATOS Los Gatos Boulevard 95032 532-07-085 0 0 0 4 Unaccommodated Ne 0.38 Neighborhood Comm C-1 Neighborhood Comm C-1:HEOZ 10 20 4 Vacant Vacant YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone Property Owner Interest Form Submitted LOS GATOS 16151 Los Gatos Boulevard 95032 529-16-040 42 21 21 22 Unaccommodated Ne 3.52 Mixed Use Commerci CH Mixed Use Commerci CH:HEOZ 30 40 106 Non-Vacant Commercial YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone Property Owner Interest Form Submitted LOS GATOS 620 Blossom Hill Road 95032 529-16-041 31 16 16 16 Unaccommodated Ne 2.64 Mixed Use Commerci CH Mixed Use Commerci CH:HEOZ 30 40 79 Non-Vacant Commercial YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone Property Owner Interest Form Submitted LOS GATOS 15480 Los Gatos Boulevard 95032 424-14-034 7 3 3 4 Unaccommodated Ne 0.56 Mixed Use Commerci CH Mixed Use Commerci CH:HEOZ 30 40 17 Non-Vacant Commercial YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone Property Owner Interest Form Submitted LOS GATOS 15500 Los Gatos Bouelvard 95032 424-14-035 47 23 23 24 Unaccommodated Ne 3.9 Mixed Use Commerci CH Mixed Use Commerci CH:HEOZ 30 40 117 Non-Vacant Commercial YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone Property Owner Interest Form Submitted LOS GATOS 14859 Los Gatos Boulevard 95032 424-07-094 35 17 17 18 Shortfall of Sites 2.9 North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P 30 40 87 Non-Vacant Residential YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone Property Owner has been involved in submitting public comments on t LOS GATOS 16392 Los Gatos Boulevard 95032 424-07-095 9 4 5 5 Shortfall of Sites 0.78 North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P 30 40 23 Non-Vacant Vacant YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone Property Owner has been involved in submitting public comments on t LOS GATOS 16260 Burton Road 95032 424-07-053 5 2 3 3 Shortfall of Sites 0.44 North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P 30 40 13 Non-Vacant Residential YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone Property Owner has been involved in submitting public comments on t LOS GATOS 16250 Burton Road 95032 424-07-009 5 2 3 3 Unaccommodated Ne 0.44 North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P 30 40 13 Non-Vacant Residential YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone Property Owner has been involved in submitting public comments on t LOS GATOS 14917 Los Gatos Boulevard 95032 424-07-081 45 22 22 23 Unaccommodated Ne 3.74 North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P 30 40 112 Non-Vacant Residential YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone Property Owner has been involved in submitting public comments on t LOS GATOS 14925 Los Gatos Boulevard 95032 424-07-115 73 36 36 37 Unaccommodated Ne 6.07 North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P 30 40 182 Non-Vacant Residential YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone Property Owner has been involved in submitting public comments on t LOS GATOS Los Gatos Boulevard 95032 424-07-116 12 6 6 7 Shortfall of Sites 1.02 North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P 30 40 31 Non-Vacant Vacant YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone Property Owner has been involved in submitting public comments on t LOS GATOS 16245 Burton Road 95032 424-06-115 14 7 7 7 Unaccommodated Ne 1.17 North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P 30 40 35 Non-Vacant Residential YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone No; however, the parcel is located within Phase II of the North 40 Spec LOS GATOS Burton Road 95032 424-06-116 2 0 0 1 Unaccommodated Ne 0.11 North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P 30 40 3 Vacant Vacant YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone No; however, the parcel is located within Phase II of the North 40 Spec LOS GATOS 16240 Burton Road 95032 424-07-010 3 1 2 2 Shortfall of Sites 0.26 North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P 30 40 8 Non-Vacant Residential YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone No; however, the parcel is located within Phase II of the North 40 Spec LOS GATOS 16270 Burton Road 95032 424-07-052 5 2 3 3 Shortfall of Sites 0.43 North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P 30 40 13 Non-Vacant Residential YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone No; however, the parcel is located within Phase II of the North 40 Spec LOS GATOS 16210 Burton Road 95032 424-07-054 3 1 2 2 Shortfall of Sites 0.26 North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P 30 40 8 Non-Vacant Residential YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone No; however, the parcel is located within Phase II of the North 40 Spec LOS GATOS 14831 Los Gatos Boulevard 95032 424-07-063 7 3 3 4 Shortfall of Sites 0.56 North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P 30 40 17 Non-Vacant Residential YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone No; however, the parcel is located within Phase II of the North 40 Spec LOS GATOS 14849 Los Gatos Boulevard 95032 424-07-064 11 5 6 6 Shortfall of Sites 0.93 North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P 30 40 28 Non-Vacant Residential YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone No; however, the parcel is located within Phase II of the North 40 Spec LOS GATOS 14823 Los Gatos Boulevard 95032 424-07-065 4 2 2 3 Shortfall of Sites 0.37 North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P North Forty Specific P 30 40 11 Non-Vacant Residential YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone No; however, the parcel is located within Phase II of the North 40 Spec LOS GATOS 14800 Oka Road 95032 424-08-057 0 0 0 12 Unaccommodated Ne 2.97 Low Density Resident R-1:8 Low Density Resident R-1:8:HEOZ 0 5 12 Vacant Vacant YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone No; however the property owner has submitted a public comment to t LOS GATOS Oka Lane 95032 424-08-029 0 0 0 1 Unaccommodated Ne 0.31 Low Density Resident R-1:8 Low Density Resident R-1:8:HEOZ 0 5 1 Vacant Vacant YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone No; however the property owner has submitted a public comment to t LOS GATOS Oka Lane 95032 424-08-059 0 0 0 4 Unaccommodated Ne 1.01 Low Density Resident R-1:8 Low Density Resident R-1:8:HEOZ 0 5 4 Vacant Vacant YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone No; however the property owner has submitted a public comment to t LOS GATOS Oka Lane 95032 424-08-060 0 0 0 5 Unaccommodated Ne 1.29 Low Density Resident R-1:8 Low Density Resident R-1:8:HEOZ 0 5 5 Vacant Vacant YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone No; however the property owner has submitted a public comment to t LOS GATOS 14800 Oka Road 95032 424-08-058 0 0 0 6 Unaccommodated Ne 1.41 Low Density Resident R-1:8 Low Density Resident R-1:8:HEOZ 0 5 6 Non-Vacant Residential YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone No; however the property owner has submitted a public comment to t LOS GATOS 16603 Lark Avenue 95032 424-08-017 0 0 0 35 Unaccommodated Ne 2.48 Medium Density ResidR-M:5-12 Medium Density ResidR-M:5-12:HEOZ 14 22 35 Non-Vacant Residential YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone No; however the property owner has submitted a public comment to t LOS GATOS 14840 Oka Road 95032 424-08-021 0 0 0 61 Unaccommodated Ne 4.32 Medium Density ResidR-M:5-12 Medium Density ResidR-M:5-12:HEOZ 14 22 61 Vacant Vacant YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone No; however the property owner has submitted a public comment to t LOS GATOS Oka Lane 95032 424-08-074 0 0 0 26 Shortfall of Sites 6.41 Low Density Resident R-1:8 Low Density Resident R-1:8:HEOZ 0 5 26 Vacant Vacant YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone No; however the property owner has submitted a public comment to t LOS GATOS Oka Road (Cal Trans ROW)95032 37.256167, -121.9596 0 0 0 69 Unaccommodated Ne 4.9 Low Density Resident R-1:8 Medium Density ResidR-M:5-12:HEOZ 14 22 69 Vacant Vacant YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone (HEOZ) implementation program Cal Trans site with no current AP LOS GATOS 110 Knowles Drive 95032 424-32-077 88 44 44 44 Shortfall of Sites 7.34 High Density Residen CM:AHOZ High Density Residen CM:AHOZ:HEOZ 30 40 220 Non-Vacant Commercial YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone No; however the site is located within the Affordable Housing Overlay LOS GATOS 206 Knowles Drive 95032 424-32-076 29 14 14 15 Unaccommodated Ne 2.41 High Density Residen CM High Density Residen CM:HEOZ 30 40 72 Non-Vacant Commercial YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone No; however, the site is located immediately adjacent to 110 Knowles LOS GATOS 440 Los Gatos Almaden Road 95032 527-49-048 0 0 0 5 Unaccommodated Ne 0.52 Neighborhood Comm C-1 Neighborhood Comm C-1:HEOZ 10 20 5 Non-Vacant Commercial YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone (HE Property Owner Interest Form Submitted LOS GATOS 445 Leigh Avenue 95032 527-49-049 0 0 0 3 Unaccommodated Ne 0.29 Neighborhood Comm C-1 Neighborhood Comm C-1:HEOZ 10 20 3 Non-Vacant Commercial YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone (HE Property Owner Interest Form Submitted LOS GATOS 14000 Blossom Hill Road 95032 527-32-028 0 0 0 7 Unaccommodated Ne 0.69 Neighborhood Comm C-1 Neighborhood Comm C-1:HEOZ 10 20 7 Non-Vacant Commercial YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone (HE Property Owner Interest Form Submitted LOS GATOS 401-409 Alberto Way 95032 529-23-018 0 4 4 52 Unaccommodated Ne 2.19 Mixed Use Commerci CH Mixed Use Commerci CH:HEOZ 30 40 60 Vacant Vacant YES - Current Housing Element Overlay Zone (HE Property Owner Interest Form Submitted; Conceptual Development Ad LOS GATOS 646 362 347 642 1997 3 Table C: Land Use, Table Starts in A2 Zoning Designation From Table A, Column G and Table B, Columns L and N (e.g., "R-1") General Land Uses Allowed (e.g., "Low-density residential") R-1D Single-family dwelling, provided that there is not more than one principal residential structure on a lot, two-family dwelling, provided that there is not more than one principal residential structure on a lot, family daycare home, and residential care facility, small family home. C-1 Retailing, including formula retail up to six thousand (6,000) square feet, Personal service businesses and service businesses necessary for the conduct of households, Office activities, Limited manufacturing activities when a majority of sales are made, on site, to the ultimate consumer, Activities permitted in the LM zone which were approved on or before February 1, 1993, provided any change of use must be a conforming use in the C-1 zone, and Group classes, and single-family, two-family, and multi-family in a mixed-use project through a CUP. C-2 Retailing, including formula retail up to six thousand square feet, Office activities subject to subsection (c), Limited manufacturing activities when a majority of sales are made, on site, to the ultimate consumer, Wholesaling without warehousing on the premises, Single-family and two-family uses, in conjunction with the other uses permitted in this section and multi-family in a mixed-use project through a CUP CH Retailing, including formula retail up to six thousand square feet, Personal service businesses and service businesses necessary for the conduct of households, Office activities, Limited manufacturing activities when a majority of sales are made on site to the ultimate consumer, Group classes, and single- family, two-family, and multi-family in a mixed-use project through a CUP CH:PD Hotel up to 300 rooms, a conference facility containing approximately 10,000 square feet, and an underground parking facility North Forty Specific Plan Retail, Restaurant, Personal Service, Office, Hotel, Townhomes, Rowhouses, Multi-Family, Condominiums, Live/Work Lofts, Park, Public Transpiration and Parking Facilities, Small Family Daycare, Alternating Use/Shared Parking, and Botanical Nursery R-1:8 Single-family dwelling, provided that there is not more than one principal residential structure on a lot, raising of trees, vegetables and horticultural specialties, but not including commercial greenhouses, retail nurseries, or storage of landscaping equipment, products or supplies for commercial uses, family daycare home, and residential care facility, small family home. R-M:5-12 Single-family dwelling, two-family dwelling, family daycare home, residential care facility, small family home, multi-family dwelling, and a transitional Housing facility as defined by Health and Safety Code section 50675.2 CM Activities involving controlled manufacturing, research and development, wholesaling, warehousing, and other light industrial uses, Sales to the ultimate consumer of articles manufactured on the premises to the customer's order, Professional and administrative offices, Emergency shelters as defined by Health and Safety Code section 50801 CM:AHOZ Multifamily dwellings, Two-family dwellings, and Single-family dwellings. R-1D:HEOZ Housing Element Overlay Zone Implementation Program to apply to the sites included in the Site Inventory to modify the development standards (i.e., density, lot coverage, FAR, height) on those sites This Page Intentionally Left Blank