Item2.Desk Item with Attachment 6 PREPARED BY: Jocelyn Shoopman and Erin Walters Associate Planner and Associate Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov MEETING DATE: 03/16/2023 ITEM NO: 2 DESK ITEM TOWN OF LOS GATOS HOUSING ELEMENT ADVISORY BOARD REPORT DATE: March 16, 2023 TO: Housing Element Advisory Board FROM: Joel Paulson, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Review and Discuss the Town’s Revised Draft Housing Element Addressing the California Department of Housing and Community Development’s (HCD) Findings/Comment Letter Received by the Town on January 12, 2023. REMARKS: Attachment 6 contains suggestions from the Vice Chair for modifications to Chapter 10, Section 10.6, Implementation Programs, Quantified Objectives, and Performance Measures. ATTACHMENTS: Previously received with the March 16, 2023, Staff Report: 1. January 12, 2023, HCD Findings/Comment Letter 2. Response Memorandum to HCD’s Findings Comment Letter 3. Revised Draft Housing Element, Track Changes Received with this Addendum Report: 4. RHNA Buffer Comparison Table 5. Public Comments received between 11:01 a.m., Friday, March 10, 2023, and 11:00 a.m., Wednesday, March 15, 2023 Received with this Addendum Report: 6. Suggestions from the Vice Chair This Page Intentionally Left Blank Note: if the PM is a measurement, it would be against a known baseline or a specific target (number). A baseline might need to be established if unknown. Implementation Program Quantified Objective Performance Metric A Meet once a year to generate list of opportunities and constraints Number of applications for new housing development B Good as written Good as written C Zero net loss Good as written D Good as written Good as written E Number of Town-owned properties suitable for afford ablehousing Number of applications for new affordable housing development F Reduce processing time by five percent from baseline Measure actual reduction of processing time from baseline G Annual housing reort reflects input from non- profit proviers, special needs providers and other commnuty resources Report number of units entitled H Increase FAR to promote higher denisity housing development Number of higher density unit entitled I Prioritize current or future resources for lower income unit development Number of units entitled J maintain existing housing stock by funding five home repairs to lower income seniors Measure retention of housing stock, or number of units assisted versus need K (use performance metric for objective)entitled L XX large units built Good as written M small MU housing Measure the number of units entitled N Good as written Measure BMP units year over year O Complete nexus study to determine if linkage fees are appropriate determined appropriate) and how they are used to fund affordable housing P Subsidize (fix typo Good as written ATTACHMENT 6 Q Increase number of homes (or insert a specific number) repaired through HH Measure how many homes are repaired through HH R Good as written Measure actual fee reduction S Good as written Good as written T Good as written Good as written U Good as written Good as written V Good as written Measure the number of affordable units entitled W Retain AHOZ at Knowled Avenue Number of units entitled at Knowles Ave AHOZ X Increase affordable housing on religious sies Measure number of congregational units entitled Note: if you want to do the meetings as the objective, recommend one meeting for all congregation/religious properties, and your Y Meet to identify constraints and barriers Number of applications received Z Support NP organizations to identify shelter, transitional housing and permanent housing Number of LG residents housed AA Good as written need AB Increase housing for persons with disabilities Good as written, or measure number of PWD housed AC Zoning code amendment to increase the number of disabled persons housed Number of residents housed ineach of the categories, and measure increase/decrease year over year AD Good as written Good as written AE Increase number of disputes resolved Measure % disputes resolved, year-over-year AF Provide rental assistance for persons with disabilities Measure % of persons helped versus number of requests AG Fund Town's support to WVCS to . . . Number of LG residents (or families) assisted through WVCS AH Imlement (replace the word study) Measure the number of disputes resolved versus unresolved AI Zoning code amendment to reduce parking requirements (this is more of a local knowledge derived measure, and the units measured will be counted in other Ips) AJ Amend the GP to allow for 100% . . .Measuer number of mixed use units entitled AK Annually document the number of units in need of rehabilitation Measure the number of units repaired or replaced (is this connected to Habitat?) AL Measure SB35 applications processed year-over- year AM Zoning code amendment to allow . . . Measure number of mixed use permits year over year AN (is Notify Me the primary means of delivering education? If so, fine. If not broaden Good as written AO Zoning code amendment to promote sustainable use LU practices measure number of MU and standalone residential units entitled within transit areas AP Zero loss of affordable housing Good as written AQ Zero loss of rental housing Measure loss of rental housing AR Zero loss of housing due to need for rehabilitation Measure number of houses retained through CDBG support Note: This objecive could be for any of the programs that strive to repair housing AS Zero lossof housing due to need for repairs Number of homes lost OR number of homes receiving assistance compared to the number of homes needing assistance AT Increase the number of all electric housing built Good as written AU objective Good as written AV Increase solar energy use through ministerial building permits Number of solar improvements compared to previous years (trend) AW Increase housing resources guide useage Measure number of persons accessing (digital count??) AX Zero displacement Measure number of tenants counseled versus displaced AY Same as AW, but for seniors Same as A but senior focus AZ Increase the number of families served Measure number of families served versus need BA Increase availability of information Measure number of persons reached Not sure about this one . . . BB Provide education re SB9 and ADUs Measure the number of lot splits leading to permits and ADUs permitted, year-over-year t show trends BC Amend the zoning code to remove barriers (or create incentives) to build SN housing Number of SN units entitled, year-on year (trend) BD Increase affordable housing on religious sies Measure number of religious sites' units entitled BE Good as written Good as written BF Amend the zoning code, consistent with HE compliance timing Good as written BG Adopt GP amendments, consistent with HE compliance timing Same as BF performance metric BH housing on nonvacant and vacant site spreviously identified measure number of housing units entitled, year- over-year BI Increase the population of disproportionate housing, including Hispanic, Black households Count the number each marketing measure is conducted and compare to increase, decrease or no change in number of H, B households BJ Amendments complete by Dec 2023 Deadline met BK New policy adopted by (deadline) Measure number of replacement houseing units entitled that are restricted to LI households, etc BL change 12 to 100%? Measure number of permits issued versus SB9 requests BM Reduce cost of development by Eliminating the requirement for story poles Measure impact of eliminating SPs on number of units built