Item 4 - Staff Report and Attachments 1 to 6 (PDF) PREPARED BY: RYAN SAFTY Associate Planner 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6874 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE REPORT MEETING DATE: 6/28/2023 ITEM NO: 4 DATE: June 23, 2023 TO: Historic Preservation Committee FROM: Joel Paulson, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Requesting Approval for Construction of Exterior Alterations to an Existing Multi-Family Residence Located in the Fairview Plaza Historic District on a Contributing Property Zoned R-1:8:LHP. Located at 92 Fairview Plaza. APN 510-43-015. Categorically Exempt Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15301: Existing Facilities. Minor Development in a Historic District Application HS-23-013. Property Owner/Applicant: 92 Fairview Ventures LLC. Project Planner: Ryan Safty RECOMMENDATION: Forward a recommendation of approval to the Director on a request for construction of exterior alterations to an existing multi-family residence located in the Fairview Plaza Historic District on contributing property zoned R-1:8:LHP, located at 92 Fairview Plaza. PROPERTY DETAILS: 1. Date primary structure was built: 1901 (effective year built 1945) per County Assessor’s Database; 1900s per Bloomfield Survey 2. Town of Los Gatos Preliminary Historic Status Code: +; historic and intact or worthy of special note 3. Does property have an LHP Overlay? Yes 4. Is structure in a historic district? Yes, Fairview Plaza Historic District 5. If yes, is it a contributor? Yes 6. Findings required? No 7. Considerations required? Yes PAGE 2 OF 3 SUBJECT: 92 Fairview Plaza / HS-23-013 DATE: June 23, 2023 \\TLG-File\data\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Reports and Attachments\2023\06-28-23\Item 04 - 92 Fairview Plaza\Staff Report.92 Fairview Plaza.docx BACKGROUND: The Santa Clara County Assessor’s estimated construction date for the residence is 1901, with an effective year built date of 1945. According to Appendix B (Historic Districts) of the Residential Design Guidelines, the primary residence has a 1900s construction date, and the property is listed as a contributor to the Fairview Plaza Historic District (Attachment 1). The 1990 Anne Bloomfield Survey also lists a construction date of the 1900s, noting that the single- family residence is of Colonial Revival style and a preliminary historic rating of historic and intact or worthy of special note (Attachment 2). The Fairview Plaza Historic Resources Inventory Form (Attachment 3) lists a construction date of 1897-1899, with a note that units were added to the rear of the property. The Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps in Attachment 4 show that the property was vacant in 1895, with the historic single-family residence fronting on Fairview Plaza first appearing in 1904. The primary residence remains unchanged throughout the map iterations. In 1928, a detached garage at the rear of the lot is shown. In 1928-1944, the garage was removed, and a detached dwelling unit was added at the rear of the lot. No changes occurred in the 1928-1956 iteration. DISCUSSION: The detached dwelling unit at the rear of the lot is now occupied by a larger, two-story multi- family residential building. The primary residence at the front of the lot remains. As the property is a contributor to a historic district, all structures on the property are deemed historic, and changes to any of the structures require review by the Historic Preservation Committee. The applicant is proposing to make exterior modifications to the existing, non-historic multi- family residential building at the rear of the property. Specifically, the applicant is requesting approval to add two garage doors to the existing open garage area on the side of the building, and to install new patio doors at the rear of the building (Attachment 5). Plans, existing pictures, and pictures showing proposed garage door and rear patio door designs are included in Attachment 5. These proposed changes would not be visible from Fairview Plaza. Town records are minimal and are provided as Attachment 6. Records show a permit from the 1960s for what appears to be a remodel and a new carport, a letter from the Town in 1985 acknowledging that the multi-family residential building at the rear is legal non-conforming, a re-roof permit from 1994, and a gas line permit from 2001. PAGE 3 OF 3 SUBJECT: 92 Fairview Plaza / HS-23-013 DATE: June 23, 2023 \\TLG-File\data\DEV\HISTORIC PRESERVATION\HPC Reports and Attachments\2023\06-28-23\Item 04 - 92 Fairview Plaza\Staff Report.92 Fairview Plaza.docx CONSIDERATIONS: A. Considerations – related to the request for approval of detached accessory structure in an Historic District. X In evaluating applications, the deciding body shall consider the architectural style, design, arrangement, texture, materials and color, and any other pertinent factors. Applications shall not be granted unless: 2. In historic districts, the proposed work will neither adversely affect the exterior architectural characteristics or other features of the property which is the subject of the application, nor adversely affect its relationship, in terms of harmony and appropriateness, with its surroundings, including neighboring structures, nor adversely affect the character, or the historical, architectural or aesthetic interest or value of the district. CONCLUSION: The applicant is requesting approval for construction of exterior alterations to an existing multi- family residence located in the Fairview Plaza Historic District on a contributing property. Should the Committee find merit in the request, the recommendation of approval would be forwarded to the Community Development Director and the project would continue through the building permit process. The project would not return to the Committee. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Appendix B of Residential Design Guidelines, Fairview Plaza Historic District 2. 1990 Anne Bloomfield Survey 3. Fairview Plaza Historic Resources Inventory Form 4. Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps 5. Applicant’s Submittal Packet 6. Town Records This Page Intentionally Left Blank Residential Design Guidelines82 Town of Los Gatos APPENDIX B Historic Districts 86 Broadway 1930s 93 Broadway 1880s 107 Broadway 1870s 131 Broadway 1870s 16 Clifton 1910s 24 Clifton 1910s 249 W Main 1880s 251 W Main 1870s 253 W Main 1910s 325 W Main 1920s Source: Historic Inventory Survey conducted by Anne Bloom- field Architectural The proposed district contains approximately 51 struc- tures, many of which were built before 1900 and are sig- nificant both historically and architecturally. A variety of architectural styles are represented in the area, including Victorian, Craftsman/Bungalow, Colonial Revival and one Norman French. The Norman French is unique, not only to the district, but to the Town of that era. Although it is not as old as many of the other houses, it was designed by Henry Crall, whose family has been in Los Gatos since the late nineteenth century. The house was originally an exact replica of a house Mr. Crall had seen in Normandy, France. The exterior remains unchanged. The structure located on the corner of Tait and Main Street was the first fire house built in Los Gatos for that specific purpose. It was constructed in 1927 with funds raised through a bond issue and housed a 750-gallon American LaFrance pumper. The building now houses the Los Gatos Museum. One of the architectural gems of the area, the Water- man House, built in 1883 at 45 Broadway, is a superb and excellently preserved example of Victorian Italian- ate style. Taken together, the homes in the Broadway and Main Street area offer a diverse and irreplaceable sample of architectural styles, including some of Los Gatos’ oldest and most distinctive buildings. Listed below are Town features recommended for preservation. Review by the Historic Preservation Com- mittee is required for any changes to these features. 1.Roads are concrete and should be repaired to maintain appearance as of the year 1992. 2.Date stamps in concrete sidewalks. FAIRVIEW PLAZA HISTORIC DISTRICT Historical “Fairview Plaza” was the original name given the cul- de-sac termination of Pennsylvania Avenue in the subdivision known as “Fairview Addition”, surveyed in June, 1885 by Herrmann Brothers, Land Surveyors, San Jose, California, for Mr. F. H.McCullagh and recorded in County of Santa Clara, Book 5 of Maps, page 26. “Fairview Plaza” retains the same configuration as originally mapped and contains a landscaped island as a focal point. Approximately three quarters of the homes within the subdivision were built prior to 1900 and retain the character of that era. The pedestrian walk labeled ‘’Turnstile Walk” on the original map remains essentially unchanged and is located at the eastern end of the cul- de-sac. While originally named “Pennsylvania Avenue,” that portion of the street within the “Fairview Addition” subdivision has been renamed Fairview Plaza (from the cul-de-sac west to the intersection with Oak Knoll Road, Manzanita Avenue, and Wadsworth Avenue). Both the street and adjoining houses are popularly referred to as “Fairview Plaza.” “Fairview Plaza” is a rare and unique neighborhood because of the authentic, well-maintained Victorian and Craftsman houses in close proximity with one another. The atmosphere is enhanced because the street is not a “through street,” thus allowing a scale and sense of “apparitions” which is not found in most other neigh- borhoods. Contributors to the District Street Address Estimated Date of Construction 44 Fairview Plaza 19108 48 Fairview Plaza 1900s 52 Fairview Plaza 1890s 57 Fairview Plaza 18908 63 Fairview Plaza 1890s 75 Fairview Plaza 1880s 78 Fairview Plaza 1890s 80 Fairview Plaza 1860-1890s 89 Fairview Plaza 18708 90 Fairview Plaza 1890s 91 Fairview Plaza 19008 92 Fairview Plaza 19008 95 Fairview Plaza 1890s 98 Fairview Plaza 1890s 99 Fairview Plaza 1910s ATTACHMENT 1 Residential Design Guidelines 83 Town of Los Gatos APPENDIX B Historic Districts Source: Historic Inventory Survey conducted by Anne Bloom- field Listed below are Town features recommended for preservation. Review by the Historic Preservation Com- mittee is required for any changes to these features. 1. Central Plaza Island. 2. The access to Turnstile Walk. 3. Date stamps in concrete sidewalks. dlnnE. !Bfoom(utd ARCHITECTURAL /CULTURAL SURVEY LOS GATO S RESEARCH A R CHIT ECT URA L HIST O R Y <41 5 1 922-1063 22 2 9 WEBSTER STREET S AN FRANC I S CO . CA 941 1 5 -File address ~ _.. _?-,a PAR CEL MA P I NFORMATION Parc el # ~~ 0-4 '-2., -.:J • Lot shape: Rectangle __ L __ _ Loc a tio n : N Lot size : 4.3 ,. - fr o nt ft . x ~~~ f t. dee p Rectangle with small rear j o g_ Othe r r'o .2 qrt.N'I.~) side of F St Ave Ot he r P/a-z.a.. ~ 5--/ Jt:Tn ~"' ;...., ' ./v fiV distanc e to cross st: -4. ~ ft. N ___ S __ E __ W / from ~ r" , P » r/1- at NE NW SE SW c o rner of ------------------------ HISTORIC INFORMATION ON PARCEL MAP Old tract or subdivision name h rJ/ie,_. c::; L.P Old Block # Old lot # / ~ -------------------- FIELD SURVEY INFORMATION (handwritten in red) Preliminary rating -f Estimated age 1 4 90-.. Style c;;/c;n ~ft./~ v• V # stories 2--- Alterations {) Yt +-s -~~-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other ______________________________________________________________ _ ~OUNTY ASSESSOR--PROPERTY CHARACTERISTICS (paste on copy) EFFective date --------- OWNERSHIP SHOWN ON MAPS Source Source Source Location of property, or Lot Owner Name Date Page Old -tract/block/lot Size Name 1891 I Blk Book 1908 Survey 1944 l I I I I MISCELLANEOUS PHOTOS: Roll/frame # ~9¥A.:: Date 18./, q) Nat1onal Reg1ster l1sted date~------------------. County Inventory 1979 ______________ ~------------ Town of Los Gatos : Designation ___ Recognition __ _ District Name ~------------------------------- ATTACHMENT 2 ....,__ ' v ' dfnn£ !Bfoom(u.fd ARCHI'rBC~C..l/.t.'l'URAL SURVBY NAME DSBARCH ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY 141 5 1 922 ·1 063 2229 WEBSTER STREET SAN FRANCISCO. CA 94 1 15 •-(peraon, })\aildillq, or~iaation, etc)'::::'---------------------------------., . ,_- 'ddre•••• aaaociatec! with lllame. _ __.;....._..:,f-__.~;..."-;.:.f~V-"_-·-' ..;;\...;.....-------------------------- Alevant c!atea : conatr~ction~--birth~.-__ • death, ___ • other __________ _ 1 . DIRECTORY s&ARCH (City Direc:toriea , county Direc:toriea, Telephone Booka, aociety directoriea, etc:.) Year Book . Naae/Claaaified Naa.4··,.,,. Liatincr (cODY entire exactlY •• ahown• uae • for boldfa<>el (.:i") I ·.:;·; .ftt i ( 1' i r ·" 7' / .La~? ,-.,t.J ,_,.. ~ ' • "' ) l .A!r.L! r: -. ,., ·''~" c._~ ll_)€, ~·.J /{r-o; t.' c "';~ . /'5_16 r7 _41c~,A.j'/ 14 It It F'/~"u,., G~w II I: no acc:J ,.... 1!5~~""'4-..-Cl-V" "1 r .2~ C-z... " " -z~,._C?f Ar-tAur J-; t!Bc .... )d M~'~ /) 1:~ J-e:-'12. . .~. EMtt.'"" , , I?!Zl 'l r J.. v nd~ ~ c::t-IJ ;_/_ /...A;.-;. I r '*r I( I 1 '/@ ~J) ~ .... ../ ,4J .) Co """"W't2 rc. i <1../ _).. no. 11 ~ ~r-II k' r vi~ •. , Jlt~ ~.H7 ~ 110 n,-;7 ,-,. 7'-, rr:t.~ (I A; I' A I BIOGRAPHICAL SBARCR, illdexea • other alphabetical liatinqa. finitialt Mark 'X' (infd.or ••• (nothinq found) et each aouroa you try. Liat tindtllqa below. dttt Los Gatos Library: Californ~a Hi stor y Center, De Anza College : I City directories (name & street index) ___ Biographical file P1f$.11+f .(His toric Collection Index (green boxes) Photo collection ~~ 1 ___ Thompson &_West, 1876 (bi o index) ___ Pen Pictures, 1888 (bio index) Su nshine Fruit & Flowers, 1895 (bio ---Guinn, 1904 (bio index) Sawyer, 1922 (bio index) index) San Jose Historical Nuseum: ___ Great Registers (of voters) Indexes Extended index to Bruntz Blo index of Munroe Frazer, 1681 Photo co llection (2 boxes) Photo collection (Survey box) Other sources: ____ Indexes, California Historical 0narterly .Los Gatos Museum (Forbes Mill): State Library Information Index (fiche) Death r ecords by year State Library-S.F. Newspaper Index (") Funeral records (index c ards to big books) Photo collection III. LIST ALL REPER!IIICES FROM ABOVE. Fine! them. Copy 9ood material 6 attach. Or copy below if only a few worda . Or explain why not relevant (aa, wron9 peraon). j _ / /la"""~f..t r, ~ 31 A~ /~-S ,;9~7-P/J, 'I /~..::.... L 1-~/C-~~ ,- L:7 Continued on Reverse APPENDIX E. FAIRVIE\v PLAZA DISTRICT (extended) HISTORIC RESOURCES INVENTORY FORM ATTACHMENT 3 IDENTIFICATION ANQ LOCATION State o f Callfomfa -The Rnourc:es Agency DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION OFFtCE OF HISTORIC PRESERVATION HISTORIC RESOURCES INVENTORY 1. Historic Name ____ -J:F~aui..J:r:.J.''-"'j""''"'illl."-' ..:t..!.a.u· d.L.J1.... tL.-1~· au.n....._ _________ _ 2. Common o r Current Name Fairview Plaza District Ser.No. ___________ _ National Register Status -~5=:.-:S~--- Local Designation ________ _ 3. Number & Street 44 -101 Fai rview Plaza Cross-Corridor Fairview Ave . City Los Gatos CA VlclnHy Only_ ZIP 95030 County (3-Letter Designator) 085 4. UTM Zone ..JQ A 589950/4 1 20000 B 589790/4119940 C 589560/4120060 D 589790/4120130 5. Quad Map No.L osGatosParcet No. See p. 3 Other--------------------- DESCRIPTION 6. Property Category District If District, Number o f Documented Resources _____ ........ ......_ ___ _ 7. Briefly describe the present physical appearance of the property, Including condition, boundaries, surroundings, and (if appropriate) architectural style. This is a group of 23 one and two stor y wood frame residential buildings cover i ng both sides and the enclosed end of a o ne bl ock deadend street, Fairview Plaza , located immed i ately southwest of dow ntown Los Ga tos. At the eastern end the street cir cles around a spade shaped , well land scaped island about 155 x 60 ft., and a historic foo tpath called "Tu rn stile Walk" leads from it down to the western end of Maint Street. At the dist rict's western end , the street makes a sharp c ur ve and becomes Fairv iew Ave n ue (See Sketch Map , p. 3). The district is thu s a secluded and quiet enclave, totall y sel f-conta ine d. Th e n ame Fair view relates t o a knoll of which the nearly level street is the top. Before reforestation there was ind eed a lovely v iew to the east ove r t he town and adjacent fa rm s to the mountains. The four lots at the circular eastern e nd of the block are fan shaped. Next to them the street end s of the lots are rectan gular , most 50 ft . wide . At the western end two lots on the south side of the street make a third of a fan aro und the street's sharp curve on one large pivot lot on the other side of the street . The original tract was a so r t of lozenge s hape with the street pointed longways to the tips, but modern lot resubdivisions have nibbled away some of the outside edges , while leaving t he Plaza ends of lots intact. (See Co ntinuation page 4 .) 8 . Alterations & Date So me re placement building s . One striiwed & stuccoed . Various lesser changes 10. Planning Agency Tow n ofLos Gatos Planning De partment 11. Owner & Address 12. Type of Ownership Privat e......_ Res i dential Dev elopment CA 94296-0001 89 , 91 , 95 Fairview April 199 1 Fair view Pl aza Dis trict List of Properties in Distri ct Dst Address -- FP Fairview p· 1 -5/30/91 Hist oric Nome Rote 44 HARVEY HOUSE 50 48 SPENCER HOUSE 50 52 ANDERSON F HOUSE 50 55 LA FEYRE HOUSE 5N 56 HOUSE 5N 57 CUSHING HOUSE 50 62 APARTMEN 5N 63 PECK RENTAL HC 50 67 APARTMEN 5N 68 SCAMMON HOUSE 50 72 HOUSE 5N 75 EVANS HOUSE 50 78 ELLIS HOUSE 50 80 TOWNSEND HOUSE 50 81 BARNGROVE HOUSE 5N 86 HOUSE 5N 89 SMITH HOUSE 50 90 HAWLEY /S I~ RETIRE . HO 50 91 BARNGROVE HOUSE 92 BOND HOUSE 95 PECK HOUSE 98 BENDROITS HOUSE 101 HOUSE No n-contr i butor for dat e: 55 Fa i rview Plaza 05 4 /14 50 50 50 50 5N Porce 1N o 510-43-002 510-43-003 510-43-004 510-43-026 510-43-005 510-43-025 510-43-041 510-43-024 510-43-038 510-43-009 510-43-010 510-43 -022 510-43-011 510-43-012 510-43-021 510-43-013 510-43-020 510-43-014 510-43-019 510-43-015 510-43-018 510-43-016 510-43-017 Contin uation pag e 2 Buil t I ndex 1905-11 344 c.1 686 1,132 1891-9 2 345 1940 346 1978 1,133 1885-86 347 1961 1' 134 1897-99 348 1965 1 '135 c.1886 349 1949 1 '136 1888-90 350 c.1886 351 1893-94 352 1897/193 1' 137 1980+ 1 '138 1891-92 353 1893-94 354 1897-99 355 1897-99 356 1893-94 357 1893-94 358 1962 1 '139 --- ----· -----... z.;-~ !. ...........••.•. .......... o · b . ' --~-===------ 11 0 ~ ~ ~ c:c 4 0 4 II &OO• 5 10 II II w @ ~ 0 .<1 /~ \ FAIRVIEW PLAZA DISTRi~T 1" = 100 ' District Con tributor No n-Contribut or Dist rict Bo un dary As Recommended Bo un dary of 19 7 7 District (where different from recomm e ndation) AB 5/91 Fairview Plaza Distirct 7. DESCRI~TION (Cont .) The district's boundaries are one block of Fairview Plaza . island is protected by a high paths, and seats . Co ntinuation page 4 the out side edges of all the lots which front on the Ma n y of the sidewalks are paved. The little park concrete curb; it contains trees, lower plantings , The historic houses are free standing on all sides , well set back from their lot lines a nd heavily landscaped. Most stand o n somewhat raised basements or foundations so that the front door is a few s teps up from the street. The predominant style is Quee n Anne: ten of the 15 con tributing houses, but only one has t h e tower typical of more e l abo rate Queen Annes. There a re also two Italianates, two Craftsmen, and one Colonial Rev ival . All are low key, vernacular variants of their sty les, and no two a r e alike . About half have gabled roof~ a nd more than half present to the street the gable end of a mai n roof, a c ross ga ble, or a projecting bay . The original cladding is mostly channel r u s tic, some t imes with shaped and painted shingles for o rnamental sections. Porches may be inset or projecting, but most of them do not ex tend across their whole street facades . Several porches are oriented to the view . Porches tend to be simple, without atten tion-getting posts, screens , or railin gs . Wi nd ows are woo d and double hung, mos tly single light. The Colon ial Revival house (#9 1 ) fea tures a Palladian window on its cut shin gled gable end. Two houses (#62 a nd 92) ha ve clipped gabl es (sometimes called jerkinhead roofs). Almost all the facades are qu ite asymme trical. The district is mostly intact as to design, l ocation , materials, workmanship, feeling, and association. There have been some losses (including a Julia Morgan . design), two of which resulted in i ntrusive six-unit 1960s apartments (#62 a nd 67). Fo ur other post-1 960 houses a r e one-or two -unit residen ces that blend comfortably with the scale and sitin g of the historic houses; one of them (#86) imitates Queen Anne massing . The other two non-contributors achieved their present appearance earlier : #55 is a 1940 Mediterranean or Monterey style stuccoed house, and #81 is an 1897 Queen Anne stripped and carelessly stuccoed perhaps in 1935. Two other refaced houses are co n sidered contributors : #68 because only the inset porch has new board and batten siding, and #63 because the unpainted shingles do not conceal the c haracter defining height, jerkinhead roof, canted corne rs under full cornered eaves, and long side porch . Of the 23 bui ldings in the district, 15 (65%) contribute to the district, and eight (35%) do not . All the properties are listed on page 3. Each contributor is show n on later pages, with a photo and a minimum of historic information . Fair view Plaza District Co ntinuation page 5 HISTORICAL IN FORMATION 1 6 . Construction Oate(s) _...Jlu.8;u;8.l..S.=..l.L9::z..2"-l3 ___ Ortglnall...ocatlon ___ u;;;..o~------Date Moved ------- 11. Architect Unk now n Builder Unk n own --~~---~~~~----------------------------- 18. Historic Attribute s (with Number from Ust) __ 0_2 -......;;..S-'-in.........,g _l e.;;...__f a.;;..m'---i-'-l..._y_.....p_r -'-o..._p_e_r _t.._y-'-. __ 0_3_-_N_u_l _t _i _f _a_m_i _l""'-y__._p_r _o..:...p_e_r _t""'-y- SIGNIFICANCE AND EVALUATION 19. Context fOf' Evaluation: Theme Residential developme n t Area Los Gatos Period 1865-1941 Property Type __ ...:D;;.:i:..:s:;.;t:..:r:....;l::..;. c::..;t=-----------Co ntext Forma ll y Oeve loped?_N_o __ 20. Briefly discuss the property's Importance within the context. Use historical and architectural analysis as appropriate. Compare with similar properties. Th is report consid ers as a district the whole b l ock of Fairview Plaza, rather than j u s t the 11 houses grou ped arou nd the landscaped central island which form the historic district designated by the Town in 1977. The expanded district appears eligible for loca l histor ic design ation in the co n text of Los Gatos' residential development, 1865-1941, because all of it is the h istoric Fairview Addition tract, because most of its houses are vernacular versions of Queen Anne style, and because it retains a remarkable feeling of the 1885 subdivision as it might have l ooked after the first quar ter centu ry of development. The district demonstrates the success of the Fariview Addition's thoughtful planning for desirable location close to downtown, knoll with view , cul-de-sac street (with footpath to the commercia l district), and central lan dscaped island. This p lanning was successful in attracting land bu yers who actually built houses rather than merely speculating for future increase . The p r oposed distr ict includes all the original Fairview Addi- tion minus six lots resu bdivided off its fringes . Except for two six-unit apartment buildings in mid block (which stand in the way of National Register eligibility) the district appears nearly intact as to design , location , workmanship feeling , and association . Its period of significance is the dates of subdivision and const r uction : 1885-1923 . (See Continuation page 6.) 21 . Sources See Continuation page 7. Sketch map. Show location and boundaries of property in relation to nearby streets , railways , 22. Applicable National Register Criteria C-architecture/plan gn atural lan dm arks, etc. Name each feature. Part is local historic desig- 23 . Other Recognition nation #HD-7 6-1 State Landmark No . (if appl icable) ------------ 2 4 . Evaluator Anne Bloomfield ------------~~~~~~~-------Date of Evaluati on 21 Ma r ch 1991 ---~~~~~~~~----- 2 5. Survey Type ------!:::L.::::O.::::C!:::a..:::l'------------ 26. Survey Name Los Gatos Histor i c Resources Inventor 2 7. Year Form Prepared ___ ....;1:....9::....9::....1:::.._::-:----:~-::--::------ By(Name)~~-~--~A~n~n~e~B~l~o~o~m~f~l~·e~l~d~----­ Organization Bloomfield Architectural History Addres s _______ .:.2.:.2.:.2.:..9......:.:W.:::e.!:::b..:::s~t.:::ec!:.r_:::S~t~.---..,.-~ City & ZIP ______ _,S~a:.!:n~F...:.r..::ac::n:.:::c..:::ic:::::s:.::c.;;.o..;., _C.:::.A:..:...._9::....4..:..1:..1:::..:5::.. Phone _______ __..(-'-4""'"'15::....)<--..::.9:..:2~2_-=-1 0:::;..;6:..::3:..__ __ _ See Co nt inuation page 3 . Fairview Plaza Dis trict Co nt inua t i on pa ge 6 20. SIGNIFICANCE (Cont.) The Fairview Addition was part o f a 138 acre farm ow ned by Francis H. McCull~g h (see McC ullagh-Janes House, 18000 Overlook, listed in the Na tional Register and locally designated). Seeing its possibilities as a residential subdivision, Mc Cullah had the Herrmann Br others survey this portion in 18 85. The "Fair view Addition" map f iled with the Cou nty Reco r der that yea r shows the cul-de-sac street aroun d the c entral island, t he un c hanged path labeled "Turnstile Walk," and 28 l ots of which 18 (subdivision lots 2-10 and 17-26 ) a re 50 ft. wide near rec tangles wit h in the o verall lozenge s hape; nine (l o ts 11-16 and 27 -29) are fan sections ; and one is t he irregular pivot l o t at the west e nd. Most of these historic lot lines survive, but three have been merged , and seven new lots have been c ut out of the fringes , especially along Penns ylvania Ave nu e. Wh ile the 1895 Sanborn Map shows an early street name t o have been "Pennsylvania Plaza," t he 1904 Sanbo rn Map and all sub- sequent i ndications show the name o f the street as "Fairview Avenue" and/or "Fairview Plaza." By the 1891 tax assessment, McC ull a gh had sold off 21 of the lots and kept only s even. The first four houses were built about 1886 and show with improvements in t he 1887 Sa n Jose City Direct ory: t he tiny rear shack at 48 Fairview Plaza , the one story vernacular at #57, the larger two story Italianate at #68 , and the Queen Anne at #7 8. The fifth house was the Italianate at #75 . Four more ho uses, nine in all, were construc t ed before the 1895 Sanborn Map. Another four existed a nd were taxed by 1900. At that date only two modern lots, #55 and #62 (3 his toric lots ) remained vacant. This record contrasts strongly with the numerous 19 10s and 1920s infill houses i n subdivisions of the ot her residential historic districts existing and recommended: Almond Grove, Broadway, University-Ede len, Johnson~Los Gatos Boulevard, and Glen Ridge. This success was probably due partly to good adv ert ising a nd ap pro pr iate prices, and partly .due to the excellent subdivision layout and location . A t as te of the Fairv iew Ad d ition 's atmosphere in 1890 can be gleaned fro m the 1944 recollections of Ca rrie Fo rrest \vells (see 1 20 Oak MeadO\v), whos e series of "Old Timer" newspape r articl es i s preserved in the Hamsher Scra pb ooks at the Los Gatos Libr a r y . On 18 September 1980 , after a secret marriage to Jame s Gr i erson , We lls moved into ''a cottage I had rented on Fair View Plaza ... I had selected the cottage o n Fa ir View Pl aza fo r inspira tion's sake! And there, o n a sma ll vine-c lad po r ch, within a stone 's throw of the heavil y wooded foo thills, I s tarted to scribble on 'A Slap in the Face .'" Fairview Plaza District 21 . SOURCES Br un tz . History of Los Gatos, Gem of the Foothills , 1983. City Directories of San Jose and Los Gatos. Hamsh i re Scrapbook 34A , 210 (1944). Los Gatos Historic Designation 76 -1 . Los Gatos Tax Rolls . Sanborn Fire Insur ance Maps . No n-contributor fo r a lterations : 81 Fairvi ew Pla za 05 4/24 Continuation page 7 Fairview Plaza Di strict Continuation page 8 Town of Los Gatos Historical Resources Survey -Contributors to Fairview Plaza NELLIE S HARVEY HOUSE 44 Fairview Plaza Parcel: 510-43-002 Style: Craftsman Built 1905-11 City Directory Alt:Few or none apparent Res widow of Oliver Harvey Hip Roof. THEODORE SPENCER HOUSE 48 Fairview Plaza Parcel: 510-43-003 Style : Craftsman Built c.1886 Directory/Tax Rec. Alt: own/Res:carpenter Board & batten siding. Fai rvie w Plaza Di s trict Co n tinuation page 9 Town of Los Gatos Historical Resources Survey -Contributors to Fairview Plaza ANDERSON FAMILY HOUSE 5 2 Fairview Plaza Built 1891-92 Hist. Tax Alt:Few or none a pparent u-p lan. 054/17 Parcel: 5 10-43-004 Style: Quee n Anne Record Own/Res: Painters Fair view Plaza Distr ict Co nt i nuation page 10 Town of Los Gatos Historical Resources Survey -Contributors to Fairview Plaza 054 /18 FRANK CUSHING HOUSE 57 Fairview Plaza Parcel: 510-43-025 Style: Queen Anne Bu i lt 1 88 5-86 (Historical Map ) Alt:S om e Own j Res : Realtor 1940's Remodel. Dated a lso by directories. 054/19 WESLEY PECK RENTAL HOUSE 63 Fa irvi ew P laza Pa rcel: 5 10-4 3 -024 Style: Quee n Anne Bui l t 1897 -99 (T a x Rec .;sanb o rn ) Alt :some o wn : Rea ltor Sidin g a lte r e d. Natu ral s hingles . Fairview Pl aza Distr ict Continuation page 11 Town of Los Gatos Historical Resources Survey -Contributors to Fairview Plaza 054 /20 CHARLES F SCAMMON HOUSE 68 Fairview Plaza Parcel: 510-43-009 Style: Italianate Built c.1886 ~ist . Tax Record) Alt:Some LG.Real Estate&Bldg.Ass'n Porch altered. Board and hatton front. Dated also by subdiv. map. 054 /21 MRS PHOEBE EVANS HOUSE 75 Fairview Plaza Parcel: 510-43-022 Style: Italianate Built 1888-90 (Tax Assessor ) Alt:Some Owner:Evans Dated also by map. Upper side porch add'n. Holes in brackets. Fairview Plaza District Continuation page 12 Town of Los Gatos Historical Resources Survey -Contributors to Fairview Plaza JOHN E ELLIS HOUSE 78 Fairview Plaza Parcel: 510-43-011 054 /22 Style: Queen Anne Built c.1886 (City Directory ) Alt:Few or none apparent Dated also by map. OwnjRes:fruit&vines&fert. LIZZIE TOWNSEND HOUSE 8 0 Fairview Plaza Parcel: 510-43-012 Built 1893-94 (Tax Rec.;sanbor~ Alt:Few or none apparent Own: Townsend New vert. board foundation. 054/23 Style: Queen Anne Fair v iew Plaza Distr ict Co n t inua t ion pa ge 13 Town of Los Gatos Historical Resources Survey -Contributors to Fairview Plaza F N SMITH HOUSE 89 Fairview Plaza Built 1891-92 (Hist. Tax Alt:Few or none apparent Parcel: 510-43-020 Record) Own: Smith HAWLEY/SISSON RETIRE. HOUSE 90 Fairview Plaza Parcel: 510-43-014 \ ... ,'_ ' .. ': ·. r 05 4 /25 Style: Queen Anne 054 /30 Style: Queen Anne Built 1893-94 (Tax Rec.;sanborn) Alt:Few or none apparent OwnjRes:1900 A.J.Sisson ret. Fairview Plaza District Co ntinuation page 14 Town of Los Gatos Historical Resources Survey -Contributors to Fairview Plaza HARVEY M BARNGROVER HOUSE 054/26 91 Fairview Plaza Parcel: 510-43-019 Style: Queen Anne Built 1897-99 (Hist. Tax Record ) Alt:Some ownjRes:SJ manufacturer Porch and some windows altered. 054 /28 ALBERTA&ART J BOND HOUSE 92 Fairview Plaza Parcel: 510-43-015 Record) Style: Colonial Reviva Built 1897-99 (Hist. Tax Alt:Few or none apparent Units added. ownj Res:Comm'l traveler Fairview Plaza District Continuation page 15 Town of Los Gatos Historical Resources survey -Contributors to Fairview Plaza 0 54/27 WESLEY PECK HOUSE 95 Fairview Plaza Parcel: 510-43-018 Style: Queen Anne Built 1893-94 (Tax Rec.;sanborn) Alt:Few or none apparent Own/Res: Realtor 054/29 MARIANA BENDROITS HOUSE 98 Fairview Plaza Parcel: 510-43-016 Style: Queen Anne Built 1893 -94 (Tax Rec.;sanborn) Alt :Some Own:Bendroits Porch altered; side add'n;new bldg at rear. ATTACHMENT 4 ATTACHMENT 5 From: To: Cc: Subject: Date: Attachments: [EXTERNAL SENDER] Hi Sean and Ryan, Sounds good, thanks for the update. Attached is the completed application form. Here are exterior pictures of the existing rear windows to be replaced with patio doors (bottom left, bottom right): Here is a picture showing the patio door material/style (full lite): Lastly, here is a picture showing the proposed garage door materials/style. I haven't ordered the exact garage door yet but it will be a carriage-style overhead door with panels and 1/4 lite (windows in the top panels). I researched online and the carriage-style is the ideal type for Victorians. Let me know if you have any questions or need anything else. Thanks, This Page Intentionally Left Blank This Page Intentionally Left Blank