07-26-23 Agenda - HPC (PDF)Page 1 of 2 TOWN OF LOS GATOS HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMITTEE JULY 26, 2023 110 EAST MAIN STREET LOS GATOS, CA 4:00 PM MEETING CALLED TO ORDER ROLL CALL VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS (Members of the public are welcome to address the Committee on any matter that is not listed on the agenda. To ensure all agenda items are heard and unless additional time is authorized by the Chair, this portion of the agenda is limited to 30 minutes and no more than three (3) minutes per speaker. In the event additional speakers were not able to be heard during the initial Verbal Communications portion of the agenda, an additional Verbal Communications will be opened prior to adjournment.) CONSENT ITEMS (TO BE ACTED UPON BY A SINGLE MOTION) (Items appearing on the Consent Calendar are considered routine and may be approved by one motion. Unless there are separate discussion and/or actions requested by the Committee, staff, or a member of the public, it is requested that items under the Consent Calendar be acted on simultaneously. Any member of the Committee or public may request to have an item removed from the Consent Calendar for comment and action.) 1. Approval of Minutes – June 28, 2023 Barry Cheskin, Chair Susan Burnett, Vice Chair Steve Raspe, Planning Commissioner Martha Queiroz, Committee Member Lee Quintana, Committee Member Page 2 of 2 PUBLIC HEARINGS (Applicants and their representatives may be allotted up to a total of five minutes maximum for opening statements. Members of the public may be allotted up to three minutes to comment on any public hearing item. Applicants and their representatives may be allotted up to a total of three minutes maximum for closing statements. Items requested or recommended for continuance are subject to the Committee’s consent at the meeting.) 2. 92 Fairview Plaza Minor Development in a Historic District Application HS-23-013 Requesting Approval for Construction of Exterior Alterations to an Existing Multi-Family Residence Located in the Fairview Plaza Historic District on a Contributing Property Zoned R-1:8:LHP. APN 510-43-015. Categorically Exempt Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15301: Existing Facilities. PROPERTY OWNER/APPLICANT: 92 Fairview Ventures LLC. PROJECT PLANNER: Ryan Safty - Staff Report and Attachments OTHER BUSINESS (Up to three minutes may be allotted to each speaker on any of the following items.) 3. 385 Bella Vista Avenue Request for Review PHST-23-007. Preliminary Review for Construction of Exterior Alterations to an Existing Pre-1941 Single-Family Residence on Property Zoned R-1:8. APN 529-21-009. Categorically Exempt Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 Existing Facilities. Property Owner: Anthony Masterson. Applicant: Sherman Lee. Project Planner: Maria Chavarin. - Staff Report and Attachments ADJOURNMENT IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT, IF YOU NEED SPECIAL ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS MEETING, PLEASE CONTACT THE CLERK DEPARTMENT AT (408) 354-6834. NOTIFICATION 48 HOURS BEFORE THE MEETING WILL ENABLE THE TOWN TO MAKE REASONABLE ARRANGEMENTS TO ENSURE ACCESSIBILITY TO THIS MEETING [28 CFR §35.102-35.104]