Attachment 2 - Councilmember Moore Memo re Los Gatos State and Federal Legislative PrioritiesAttachment 2 Los Gatos State and Federal Representative’s 2023 Legislative Priorities In anticipation for the 3/28 Policy Committee Legislative Priorities discussion, I took the liberty to contact all of our state and federal legislators. I included our pre-redistricting and post-redistricting representatives, as some of our representatives have changed. In order to be effective at the state and federal level, we in Los Gatos need recognize the hard work and support the legislative priorities of our elected representatives. These representatives are able to secure significant funding and legislative victories for communities like Los Gatos if we are able to assist each other and act in partnership. Assemblymember Gail Pellerin: AB 1206 - Electronic Registration Information Center • If passed, California would join the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC). ERIC is a nonpartisan nonprofit governed by its 30+ member states. • These member states mutually agree to share data, such as voter registration and vehicle licensee data, in order to keep their voter rolls accurate and to reach out to eligible unregistered citizens to encourage their participation. AB 492 - Behavioral Health Integration in Reproductive Health Care Pilot Program • This bill would empower reproductive health care providers through a pilot program requiring the State Department of Health Care Services to provide funding to develop and implement reproductive and behavioral health integration pilot programs. • This would expand the availability and government integration of behavioral health services for beneficiaries with mild-to-moderate behavioral health conditions. Senator Cortese: SB 333 - Homeless pupils: California Success, Opportunity, and Academic Resilience (SOAR) Guaranteed Income Program • Approximately 15,000 high school seniors experiencing homelessness would receive direct cash assistance to help them advance to higher education or employment. • SB 333 would establish the Success, Opportunity, & Academic Resilience (SOAR), a guaranteed income pilot program. The funding would be eligible to all 12th grade unhoused students who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence. SB 406 - California Environmental Quality Act: exemption: financial assistance: housing • This bill would promote affordable housing development without circumventing environmental review by extending to local governments an existing law that makes State financial assistance for affordable housing projects—but not the projects themselves—exempt from California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review. Congresswoman Anna Eshoo: Largely due to a divided federal government, federal lawmakers do not have as much latitude as they would like to push legislation. Accordingly, our federal representatives are advocating for Los Gatos and other Bay Area cities in the budgeting process. A few key areas Congresswoman Anna Eshoo is focused on this legislative cycle are: • Housing o In response to feedback from cities in her district, Congresswoman Eshoo has been focused on helping cities build more affordable housing and support the needs of low- income community members. Attachment 2 o Accordingly, Congresswoman Eshoo is pushing for the expansion of the Housing Choice Voucher (formerly called Section 8) program and with Council feedback, would advocate for more Housing Choice Vouchers to be allocated to Los Gatos. • Transportation o Transportation is one of the Congresswoman’s top priority areas. o She shared that “build.gov” is home to many transportation grants for municipalities like Los Gatos to apply for. Many of these grants focus on topics like Vision Zero, Safe Streets, Safe Routes to Schools, Road Diets, and more. o Further, the Congresswoman’s office has asked Los Gatos Town Staff to reach out to her office (eric.henshall@mail.house.gov) if we do apply for any federal grants. Congresswoman Eshoo has offered to author a letter of support for grants on our behalf. • Protecting Choice o In response to the United States Supreme Court decision overruling Roe v. Wade, Congresswoman Eshoo is doing everything in her power to protect choice in all areas of life, from a woman’s right to choose to gay marriage. (Incoming Representative) Senator Josh Becker: SB 49 - Renewable energy: solar canopy tax incentives: Department of Transportation strategic plan • This bill would provide tax incentives for the construction of solar canopies over large parking lots to boost the local generation of clean electricity in urban and suburban areas. SB 308 - Carbon Dioxide Removal Market Development Act • SB 308 would create a long-term predictable market for carbon removal, signaling to California’s innovators to jumpstart carbon removal & sequestration investment for the trillions of tons California will need to remove. (Past Representative) Assemblymember Evan Low ACA 5 – Marriage equality • ACA 5 would bring a 2024 ballot initiative to voters to remove anti-same sex marriage language from the California constitution.