PRESENTATION Appeal of Planning Commission Decision RE 380 Blackwell A-VAppeal of Planning Commission Decision RE 380 Blackwell Drive Electronic Gate to Los Gatos Town Council Lawrence (Larry) Cesnik August 1, 2023 …from “Appeal of Planning Commission” document dated June 14, 2023 (modified wording) The Planning Commission’s decision is not supported by substantial evidence in the record. The Planning Commission allowed the exception request for a higher-than- standard electronic gate for safety reasons –but added the condition that the gate would need to be set back an additional ~5 feet in order to prevent traffic back-up they believed would occur as a safety issue for passing motorists. There are several issues that I have with the commission’s decision: Issue 1: The statement made by one of the commissioners that the vehicle picking up our son for his day program is likely a van/longer vehicle –and therefore would protrude into the street without a gate setback. In fact, the transportation company with which we contract –Union Taxi –picks up in our son in compact/medium size sedans or SUVs- which fit between the the “outer lip” of the curb and gate without protrusion. The photos on the following slide support this statement. Views of Union Taxi vehicle between curb and gate at 380 Blackwell Drive Issue 2: The assumption that there will be a “queuing/backup hazard” when we exit or enter the gate due to the delay in opening it. In fact –as I explained to the commission, our plan is to avoid this problem by a) waiting to back out until the gate is sufficiently open and b) before approaching the for entering, opening it remotely (via manual control in car) early enough (it has a good range) so that it is sufficiently open when we are in front of the driveway. The videos on the following slides illustrate that this is feasible 380 Blackwell Drive –Backing Out of Driveway after Electronic Gate Is Open –no delays as I back out of driveway at normal speed https://cvws.icloud-content.com/B/AWX6ogsqF6mfki 79ipabSy4BsuubAcLnNey8DdYzD WZ- vRnEsNIjNpXN/IMG_1981.MOV?o=AsElk9Nb0vXB8AcIUoHvKRcAMdatjQypCNfiCsk4Mh85&v=1&x=3&a=CAog-pFYlq45dA4k-PVADuB0-H90s1o5CxFWI0RIQkwHrnoSehCMmeC9mTEYjKnbkaMxIgEAKgkC6AMA_26ViCBSBAGy65taBCM2lc1qJ0ZheKBl15ngBLRT6lHel-LXM5PckDWm9uPLdI8ldPjUyTvV4UKMqnInN2Au-yOKruzrZpWV41X_IpcCDOjQEcvU FZR0LotSRJSL2dpj77h9&e=16930 59568&fl=&r=7A854FB8-2438- 4857-8455-E56D11E8230F-1&k=iufxIeEN2Hxgmz0LFpAK7w&ckc=com.apple.largeattachment&ckz=F54C56FB-52A0-4A86-8574-80B152C0BC38&p=34&s=Thz5pM4xG1feuy47ToA10LV0fdQ&teh=1&+=f7493d2f-8361-4bb2-a109-df33312c3c10 Opening gate remotely from National Avenue southbound –no delays as I enter driveway https://cvws.icloud-content.com/B/AVQdFjmE9o_RV8Y2w5tVZmn8DyJNAd48UMs_2lI6tLknl_ItJ3fTcJ7a/IMG_1985.MOV?o=AmSkC0Gnu1xDszT8BA3W4DninJH8QfPeH96_JYdSPIv8&v=1&x=3&a=CAogpDZJ3EXqaNT8VxwwMpk0AKm4a0V_8yBZcRaj1Ml6VpwSehDxgua9mTEY8ZLhkaMxIgEAKgkC6AMA _2E9QshSBPwPIk1aBNNwntpqJ4N FEGQHaMkUSGdXLfhamlzITPXcActvgN7PYao-TWdNsiVer-tm-HIncArrXnQws9iayjRv4aA3ZmdnHPzGWG6FHuGQrHfw-IuD-Q4BlQe2&e=1693059664&fl=&r=9F6D2C9E-C61D-44B6-A44E-0DACF009CF36-1&k=UGfkjEO_lJM94ZEq5w4hjA&ckc=com.apple.largeattachment&ckz=F54C56FB-52A0-4A86-8574-80B152C0BC38&p=34&s=XYcl1jP6 yn3XDbo3la9NbpcheZE&teh=1&+ =e6354b38-9291-4c7a-aaca- 7ca173e2963f Opening gate remotely from National Avenue northbound –no delays as I enter driveway https://cvws.icloud-content.com/B/AQuJNrKbmXQ80Xy-FvfwDgfQ_aPTAR36aA-Ync_7oyOcup8zUkadk4A7/IMG_1218.MOV?o=AhNdFXqWlBSUHPl7ZJnkE7QE MLndvmlibIjqsWpTJpBc&v=1&x=3&a=CAog_s1c_vB41nzvGs1eW8CKQNw3I5uXPvF5a5sLycqkNLISehDMx-- 9mTEYzNfqkaMxIgEAKgkC6AMA_x787chSBND9o9NaBJ2TgDtqJ2mBHTpO564w ahMGG8qHQWMNb-7HqUbvtQHtF39lVHLH-9xl8Jx6Z3In_Wm9mcZg- 4kJbSrbASujfyXT9NOviRRvSVyw6xKRL9mPr1V4ESJg&e=1693059820&fl=&r=58 973C14-3F0D-4EDE-82EF-BDF9D69A3B09-1&k=Jq6cDuXCvaiF_dOnGq59bA&ckc=c om.apple.largeattachment&ckz=F54C56FB-52A0-4A86-8574- 80B152C0BC38&p=34&s=BfKY7xEQfQN2O3__iqP6Tq8LKd8&teh=1&+=b2fac099-9cb1-4775-b670-d29935403a09 Issue 3: With a gate setback of 5 feet and need to park 2 cars, we would have very limited space to maneuver our vehicles Current distance from front of ADU to gate = 25 feet Proposed distance from front of ADU to gate =20 feet Length of vehicle 1 = 14 feet, 4 inches Length of vehicle 2 = 14 feet, 2 inches This leaves just a few feet of leeway and defeats the purpose of having a “driveway” to be able to move vehicles around as needed. It essentially “traps us” into a very confined space Photos of vehicle 1 parked with “simulated gate set back 5 feet*” behind it *front of recycling bin is 5 feet in from current electronic gate location Issue 4: the 5 feet setback will increase risk to our son by shortening the amount of time for him to reach the gate during any potential “bolt” •The 5 feet setback would put our son approximately 1 second closer to the gate should he decide to climb over it 25 feet 20 feet Issue 5: The requested gate setback of 5 feet will disrupt the aesthetics and environment of our home, yard and neighborhood that we have worked so hard and invested into to improve THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME