AgendaPage 1 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Community Meeting will be held at 6:00 p.m. on June 1, 2023, at the Congregation Shir Hadash located at 20 Cherry Blossom Road, Los Gatos, CA to discuss the Shannon Road Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements. In compliance with the Brown Act this meeting is being noticed as a Joint Special Meeting of the Town Council and Complete Street and Transportation Commission in the event that three or more Council Members and/or Commissioners attend. RULES OF DECORUM AND CIVILITY To conduct the business of the community in an effective and efficient manner, please follow the meeting guidelines set forth in the Town Code and State law. AGENDA ITEM 1. Community Discussion on the Shannon Road Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements from Cherry Blossom to Los Gatos Boulevard (This item includes Verbal Communications allowing members of the public to speak only on the matter listed on the agenda) ADJOURNMENT TOWN OF LOS GATOS COMMUNITY MEETING (ALSO BEING NOTICED AS A JOINT SPECIAL TOWN COUNCIL AND COMPLETE STREET & TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MEETING IN THE EVENT THAT A MAJORITY OF THE TOWN COUNCIL AND/OR COMMISSION IS IN ATTENDANCE) AGENDA JUNE 1, 2023 CONGREGATION SHIR HADASH 20 CHERRY BLOSSOM ROAD LOS GATOS, CA 6:00 PM Maria Ristow, Mayor Mary Badame, Vice Mayor Matthew Hudes, Council Member Rob Moore, Council Member Rob Rennie, Council Member Bill Ehlers, Chair Alice Miano, Vice Chair Jeff Thompson, Commissioner Gillian Verga, Commissioner Cindy Walker, Commissioner Taj Chunawala, Youth Commissioner