Staff Report. SB 1 Resolution FY 2023-24 PREPARED BY: Gary Heap Town Engineer Reviewed by: Town Manager, Town Attorney, Finance Director, and Parks and Public Works Director 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● (408) 354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: 5/16/2023 ITEM NO: 5 DATE: May 2, 2023 TO: Mayor and Town Council FROM: Laurel Prevetti, Town Manager SUBJECT: Adopt a Resolution to Adopt a List of Projects for Fiscal Year 2023/24 Funded by the State Senate Bill 1, the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017 RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution (Attachment 1) to adopt a list of projects for Fiscal Year (FY) 2023/24 funded by the State Senate Bill 1 (SB 1), the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017. BACKGROUND: SB 1, the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017, was passed by the State Legislature and signed into law by the Governor in April 2017 to address the significant multi-modal transportation funding shortfalls statewide. SB 1 is intended to enable cities and counties to better address significant maintenance, rehabilitation, and safety needs on their local street systems. Maintenance and rehabilitation projects are used to extend the serviceable life of streets. The Town will receive an estimated $829,760 in Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Account (RMRA) funding through SB 1 in FY 2023/24. Built into the Road Repair and Accountability Act are accountability and transparency measures, including a requirement that a list of all streets proposed to receive RMRA funding be adopted by the applicable governing body at a regular meeting. To comply, the Town Council must adopt a resolution with a list of streets that may receive RMRA funding in the upcoming fiscal year, including a description and the location of each proposed street segment, a proposed schedule for the project’s completion, and the estimated useful life of the improvement. PAGE 2 OF 3 SUBJECT: Adopt a Resolution to Adopt a List of Projects for Fiscal Year 2023/24 Funded by the State Senate Bill 1, the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017 DATE: May 4, 2023 DISCUSSION: In considering which roads may receive RMRA funding, staff recommends Town road segments that carry heavier traffic loads and volumes, such as arterials that may involve more design scope and construction work to repair and maintain compared to other local roadways. Staff has identified the project segments shown in Table 1 for use of SB 1 funding in FY 2023/24 and upcoming years: Table 1. SB1 Road List Fiscal Year 2023/24 Street Name From To Functional Classification Treatment Scheduled Start and Completion Estimated Useful Life Blossom Hill Road Los Gatos Boulevard Harwood Road Arterial Micro-surfacing which is placement of thin, tough layer of asphalt emulsion blended with finely crushed stone for traction. Spring - Fall 2024 5-7 years Lark Avenue Garden Hill Drive Los Gatos Boulevard Arterial 3" Mill and Overlay with leveling course and dig-outs Spring - Fall 2024 10-15 years Los Gatos Boulevard Simons Way Gateway Drive Arterial Micro-surfacing which is placement of thin, tough layer of asphalt emulsion blended with finely crushed stone for traction. Spring - Fall 2024 5-7 years Shannon Rd Los Gatos Boulevard Hilow Collector Slurry Seal with dig-outs Spring - Fall 2024 7-8 years Camino Del Cerro Los Gatos- Almaden Road Ross Creek Collector 2" Rubberized Hot Mix Asphalt (RHMA) or Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) with leveling course and dig-outs Spring - Fall 2024 10-15 years The required work on the identified streets may exceed the available SB 1 funding. Funding from other sources would be required to complete the projects, such as the General Fund Appropriated Reserves (GFAR) and the voter-approved 2016 Measure B. Modifications to the SB 1 funding project list are permitted, and staff may recommend modifications when greater needs for funding emerge; for example, due to winter weather impacts. Staff will return with the final proposed project list for FY 2023/24 for Council’s approval prior to advertising for construction bid. Construction for the FY 2023/24 Street Repair and Resurfacing project is anticipated to start in the spring or summer of 2024. One important element associated with SB 1 is a continued maintenance of effort (MOE) requirement. The MOE requirement means that local funding for routine street maintenance must not be less than the average of the three base years (2009/10 – 2011/12) as set by SB 1. The State continues to refine the calculation and reporting requirements for the MOE, and it PAGE 3 OF 3 SUBJECT: Adopt a Resolution to Adopt a List of Projects for Fiscal Year 2023/24 Funded by the State Senate Bill 1, the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017 DATE: May 4, 2023 DISCUSSION (continued): would be important for the Town to sustain historic maintenance funding levels into the future to avoid risking loss of the annual RMRA appropriation. CONCLUSION: Adoption of the recommended resolution would meet the SB 1 RMRA funding requirement to have an adopted project list and allow the continuation of the Town’s roadway maintenance through the Capital Improvement Program. FISCAL IMPACT: The Town’s Proposed FY 2023/24 -2027/28 Capital Improvement Program has already included the estimated funds in the Street Repair and Resurfacing project. This action will have no effect on the Town’s budget and only identifies the specific streets. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: In accordance with CEQA Guidelines Section 15301, adoption of this resolution is categorically exempt from CEQA, because it involves maintenance of existing roads. Attachment: 1. Resolution Adopting a List of Projects for Fiscal Year 2023/24 Funded by the State Senate Bill 1: The Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017.