Attachment 4 Staff PresentationTransportation Impact Fee Program Town Council Meeting May 2, 2023 1 Agenda 1 2 3 5 Background Project List Projected Development Discussion and Feedback 2 Fee Calculation4 TRAFFIC IMPACT FEES 3 •1987 -AB 1600 –California Mitigation Fee Act is promulgated and Codified in California Government Code Section 66000 –66008. •1991 –Town of Los Gatos adopts first Traffic Impact Fee •2014 –Year of most recent Los Gatos Nexus Study to set Traffic Impact Fee Rates (Resolutions 2014-017 and 2014-059) •2020 / 2021 –Town Amends to Traffic Impact Policy to include VMT as metric for conducting transportation analyses for CEQA and establishes standards to comply with SB 743 (Resolution 2020-45); Council directs staff to update Traffic Impact Fees to reflect use of VMT. •2021 –State adopts AB 602 which requires: a) completion of a Nexus Study to support the fee adoption; b) Updating the Nexus Study every 8 years; c) calculate the fees based on square footage of the proposed development.Traffic Impact Fees are fees imposed on specific development projects to offset the cost of new or additional public facilities needed to serve the development. Chapter Title Date BACKGROUND Scope of Current Study Update Traffic Impact Program To: •Update Fees to Reflect Current Project Needs and Development Impacts •Consider Implementation of VMT Fee •Comply with Current California Codes To: Complete Impact Fee Nexus Study Calculate Fees Based on Square Footage A Word about Language 4 Traffic Impact Program (TIP): Describes the Overall Program and Associated Council Policy. The TIP includes Two Components: Transportation Improvement Fee (TIF) Vehicle Miles Traveled Reduction Fee (VMT) Expands Transportation Infrastructure Decreases Demand for Driving PROJECT LIST -SUMMARY 5 Transportation Improvement Fee Project Costs (2022$) VMT Reducing Projects (2022$)Total (2022$) Total Project Costs $151,132,533 $40,523,441 $191,655,974 Estimated Funding from Other Source (e.g., grants)$124,228,307 $24,721,584 $148,949,891 Unfunded Cost Allocated to TIP $26,904,227 $15,801,857 $42,706,083 PROJECTED DEVELOPMENT 6 •Determined Using Projected Development per General Plan •Calculate the Traffic Demand of Each Land Use (from Institute for Transportation Engineers Data) and Convert Increased Demand into Dwelling Unit Equivalent Rates •Single Family Residential Demand is Set at 1.0; Other Land Uses Scale Up or Down from Residential. •DUE Rates are Applied to the Projected Development Amounts to Determine Total DUE’s that would pay into the Fee Program. Total DUE = 2,021 Land Use Dwelling Unit Equivalent Rates (DUE) Single-Family (per dwelling unit)1.00 Multi-Family (per dwelling unit)0.71 Retail (per 1,000 square feet)1.40 Office (per 1,000 square feet)1.23 Industrial (per 1,000 square feet)0.58 FEE CALCULATION 7 Transportation Improvements Fee VMT Fee Unfunded Cost Allocated to TIP (from Project List)$26,904,227 $15,801,857 Less Existing Mitigation Fee Fund Balance (as of Fall 2022; will be updated prior to final fee adoption) ($1,319,656)($775,084) Total Unfunded Cost Used in Calculations $25,584,570 $15,026,773 Net DUE’s (from General Plan Land Use and Trip Generation Estimates)2,021 2,021 Cost per DUE (Maximum Fee)$ 12,661 $7,437 FEE CALCULATION –PER LAND USE 8 Land Use / Unit Basis of Fee DUE Rate VMT Fee Transportation Improvement Fee Total Maximum Fee Per Unit Single-Family / per Dwelling Unit 1.00 $7,437 $12,661 $20,098 Multi-Family / per Dwelling Unit 0.71 $5,315 $9,050 $14,365 Retail / per 1,000 square feet 1.40 $10,374 $17,663 $28,037 Office / per 1,000 square feet 1.23 $9,141 $15,564 $24,706 Industrial / per 1,000 square feet 0.58 $4,288 $7,300 $11,588 Note: Residential Fee is converted to per square foot based on average unit size of 1,671 square feet for single family unit and 884 square feet per unit for multi-family. See memo Table 5. EXISTING VERSUS PROPOSED FEES 9 Project Calculated Fees to be Paid Under Existing Fee Program1 Proposed Fee Accessory Dwelling Unit $0 $0 New Single-Family Residence (hypothetical) (3,000 SF) $9,581.60 $36,090 Multi-family Residential Project (16940 Roberts Rd, 3 condominiums –1,820, 1,797, and 1,806 SF)$23,394.36 $88,069.52 Redevelopment (16212 Los Gatos Blvd), existing commercial building, 2,312 SF) with proposed retail/office at 6,185 SF $251,720 $91,315 Retail (15600-15650 Los Gatos Blvd, Whole Foods) 40,190 SF Retail $2,129,936 $1,126,807 Note: Existing fee is $1,015 per Average Daily Trip for all land use categories. DISCUSSION ITEMS 10 What should the new rate be? •Option 1: Use Calculated Fee •Option 2: Reduce the VMT Fee Component •Option 3: Reduce the Transportation Improvement Fee Component •Option 4: Reduce rates for certain land use types only Which Credits / Exemptions Should Staff Consider? •For all ADU’s? •For Deed Restricted Affordable Housing? •Others? Expectations for Outreach •Regulated Community? •Chamber of Commerce? •Others? TRANSPORTATION FEE POLICY OPTIONS 11 1.Council may adopt fees at any level up to the maximum fee presented tonight 2.Council may adopt different fee levels for each land use (e.g., 100% of proposed fees for commercial and 75% of proposed fees for residential) 3.Reducing VMT Fee reduces mitigation effectiveness 4.Reducing either fee implies need for additional alternative funding sources to deliver project list Keep in mind: Option Pro Con Adopt both fee components at proposed fee levels Maximizes funding for Town capital projects Higher fees than many jurisdictions Adopt VMT fee component at reduced fee level Reduces fee burden on development Lower fee revenue, less VMT mitigation effectiveness Adopt Transportation Improvement fee component at reduced fee level Reduces fee burden on development Lower fee revenue QUESTIONS? 12 DETAILED PROJECT LIST 13 Project Name Category Fee Program Component Total Project Cost ($2022) Estimated Funding from Other Sources Unfunded Cost Allocated to TIF Calculation State Route 17 Corridor Congestion Relief Project Safety and Capacity Improvements TI $110,820,000 $99,738,000 $11,082,000 Shannon Rd Widening and Safety Improvements Safety and Capacity Improvements TI $4,371,513 $1,471,513 $2,900,000 Union Avenue Widening and Sidewalks Complete Streets (Carryover)TI $4,226,672 $3,170,004 $1,056,668 Traffic Signal Modernization Program Traffic Signal TI $20,452,114 $12,452,114 $8,000,000 Highway 17 Bicycle & Pedestrian Overcrossing BPMP Priority Projects VMT $25,288,625 $18,966,469 $6,322,156 Kennedy Sidewalk & Bike Lanes BPMP Priority Projects VMT $1,402,065 $138,740 $1,263,325 Sidewalk Gap Filling Projects Other BPMP Projects -New Facilities VMT $600,000 0 $600,000 New and Expanded Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities (Non-Priority Projects) Other BPMP Projects -New Facilities VMT $2,000,000 0 $2,000,000 Los Gatos Almaden Road Complete Streets Improvements Complete Streets (Carryover)TI $4,226,672 $3,170,004 $1,056,668 Los Gatos Boulevard Multimodal Widening Complete Streets (Carryover)TI $5,635,562 $4,226,672 $1,408,891 Parking Program Implementation Lighting and Signage TI $400,000 0 $400,000 Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements Program -Safety Improvements Other BPMP Projects -Bicyclist and Pedestrian Safety TI $1,000,000 0 $1,000,000 Priority Projects from Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan BPMP Priority Projects VMT $11,232,751 $5,616,375 $5,616,375 TOTALS $191,655,974 $148,949,891 $42,706,083 COMPARISON OF PROPOSED FEE TO OTHER COMMUNITIES 14 City or Jurisdiction & Update Year Single-Family ($ per Dwelling Unit, unless indicated) Multi-Family ($ per Dwelling Unit, unless indicated) Office ($ per 1,000 square feet (KSF)) General Retail (unless indicated) ($ per KSF) Los Gatos (Current)$9,571 $6,841 $11,000 $10,045 Los Gatos (Proposed TIP)$20,098 $14,365 $24,706 $28,037 Menlo Park (2022)$18,845.593 $6,351.83 $21,880 $12,760 San Mateo (2022)$6,867.99 $3,468.58 $8,366.76 $27,735.48 San Carlos (2022)$7,243 $4,097 $8,413 $27,874 Los Altos (2022)$6,774.20 $4,159 $9,993.93 $12,408.73 Redwood City (2022)Non-Downtown: $1,617 Downtown: $1,212 Non-Downtown: $992 Downtown: $744 Non-Downtown: $2,380 Downtown: $1,790 Non-Downtown: $940 Downtown: $2,960 Palo Alto (2022)Citywide: $9,266 per net new PM peak hour trip Charleston/Arastradero district: $460/KSF commercial or $1,599 per DUE East Palo Alto (2022)$2,869.83 $2,024.79 $8,360 $8,360 Mountain View (2022)$5,364 $3,004 $5,720 $5,720 Cupertino (2022)$6,797 $4,215 $19,150 $10,940 Gilroy (2022)“Low-Density” $13,012 “High-Density” $10,548 Low Traffic Commercial: $14,397 High Traffic Commercial: $29,082 Morgan Hill (2022)$3,585 >1,200SF: $2,222 <1,200 SF: $1,399 $3,585 / Peak Hour Traffic City of Santa Clara (2022)$1,391.16 $618.30 $1,610 Retail elements >50KSF: $5,350 Sunnyvale (2023)Special planning zone: Lawrence Station Area Plan $1,472/Residential Unit, applying after 2,323 residential units have been built or approved in the plan area. Chapter Title Date Why How TIP supports the plans and policies we care about Plans for Safety and Reduced Congestion •Mobility Element of General Plan •MOB-1: Reduce VMT and manage vehicle congestion through a complete streets network •MOB-2: Provide continuous, safe, and efficient bicycle and pedestrian facilities •MOB-4: …transportation network with infrastructure and design features that allow safe and convenient travel for all users •Bike Pedestrian Master Plan •Highway 17 Bicycle and Pedestrian Overcrossing •Local Roadway Safety Plan •Council Strategic Priorities 2013-2025 •Traffic/Transportation •Capital Improvement Program •Traffic Signal Modernization Fee Program Policy Objectives •Defensibility: meet all statutory requirements and be able to withstand scrutiny with respect to methods, analysis, and data inputs. •Consistency: should be consistent with the General Plan in terms of expected growth in land use, assumed transportation infrastructure projects, and findings on the aggregated VMT impacts. •VMT Mitigation: Town wanted to use fee program as one tool in environmental clearance process for new development •Funding Efficiency: Town has ambitious program of planned projects of widely varying types-mostly bike/ped and safety but also traffic signal system and highway capacity (SR-17) •Maintain reasonable administrative burden 15