Staff Report.CSTC2023WorkPlan PREPARED BY: Tracy Wang Transportation and Mobility Manager Reviewed by: Town Manager, Town Attorney, Finance Director, and Parks and Public Works Director 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● (408) 354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: 05/02/2023 ITEM NO: 12 DATE: April 18, 2023 TO: Mayor and Town Council FROM: Laurel Prevetti, Town Manager SUBJECT: Receive the 2022 Complete Streets Transportation Commission (CSTC) Accomplishments and Provide Direction on the CSTC 2023 Work Plan RECOMMENDATION: Receive the 2022 Complete Streets Transportation Commission (CSTC) accomplishments and provide direction on the CSTC 2023 Work Plan. BACKGROUND: The Complete Streets and Transportation Commission was created in 2019 to advise the Town Council on current trends and experience in enhancing all modes of travel in Los Gatos. The emphasis on all modes of transportation included topics such as grants, infrastructure, safety, traffic congestion, traffic calming, and parking, as well as the original responsibility for the review and recommendation of actions related to bikeways, pedestrian paths and walkways, and Safe Routes to School. Attachment 1 is a summary of CSTC accomplishments for 2022. In considering its work plan for 2023, the CSTC considered the Town Council Strategic Priorities for 2023-2025. The Traffic and Transportation Strategic Priorities are: 1. Comprehensive Parking Study - Short, Medium, and Long-Term Actions 2. Transportation Demand Management - Measure B Transportation Projects Bicycle & Pedestrian Improvements - Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements - Community Shuttle - Summer/Rush Hour/School Traffic 3. Regional Transportation Issues Traffic Calming/Safety for All Users PAGE 2 OF 3 SUBJECT: Receive the 2023 Complete Streets Transportation Commission Accomplishments and Provide Direction on its 2023 Work Plan DATE: April 18, 2023 BACKGROUND (continued): Pursuant to the Town Council’s endorsement of the Senior Services Roadmap in February, the Council referred the Year 1 Transportation Action items to the CSTC during the March 7, 2023 meeting, “for consideration and addition to its work plan for 2023.” The Year 1 Action Items in the Senior Roadmap are: • Form senior transportation advisory committee (tracking, input, advocacy) • Promote availability of mobility options and information • Increase use of existing Bus 27 and advocate for expanded local transit services • First steps: - Establish collaboration with Commissions and form a Senior Transportation Advisory Committee - Start exploring shuttle options - Expand community knowledge of available mobility options - Take action to create a more walkable Town DISCUSSION: During its April 2023 meeting, the CSTC discussed the Council Priorities and the Senior Roadmap and voted to create two ad hoc committees: Senior Services Transportation and Transportation Demand Management. A third ad hoc committee was created in February 2023 on the topic of Traffic Safety. The Traffic Safety ad hoc committee has created a charter and basic description of what they plan to tackle and that is presented in Attachment 2. Staff provided guidance and suggestions for each of the ad hoc committees to consider as they work through their respective topic areas. This information is in Attachment 3. The Commission also expressed strong interest in the Council Priority related to Summer / Rush Hour / School Traffic and recognized that the issue of addressing school traffic would be best addressed through the Youth Commission. To that end, the CSTC passed a motion to request that Town Council direct the Youth Commission to take up this issue in its work plan. CONCLUSION: The 2023 Work Plan recommends tasks specific to Transportation Demand Management (TDM), transportation services for seniors, and traffic calming/safety . This aligns with the purpose of the Commission to focus on all modes of transportation, the Town Council’s strategic priorities, the Senior Services Roadmap, as well as the goals, policies, and action items outlined in the Mobility and Environmental Elements of the General Plan. In addition, the Commission approved the motion to recommend the Youth Commission to take on the task of researching incentives for high schoolers to use alternative modes of travel. PAGE 3 OF 3 SUBJECT: Receive the 2023 Complete Streets Transportation Commission Accomplishments and Provide Direction on its 2023 Work Plan DATE: April 18, 2023 COORDINATION: This agenda item was coordinated with the Complete Streets Transportation Commission. FISCAL IMPACT: This agenda item has no fiscal impact. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: This is not a project defined under CEQA, and no further action is required. Attachments: 1. 2022 CSTC Accomplishments 2. Traffic Safety Ad Hoc Committee Charter 3. 2023 CSTC Work Plan Overview