Attachment 2 Traffic Safety Ad Hoc Letter Ad Hoc Committee on Traffic Safety Background and Charter Page 1 ATTACHMENT 2 The following information is excerpted from information provided by the ad hoc Traffic Safety Committee. Background The CSTC has created a new Ad Hoc committee on Traffic Safety. This need has been raised previously, due to concerns about speeding and reckless driving since the pandemic, but has been brought into sharp attention recently, due to the two fatalities on Blossom Hill Road this year. While this new ad hoc committee still has work ahead of them, they have identified the fact that there are existing studies and roadmaps to understand and improve town traffic safety. The Los Gatos Local Roadway Safety Plan (LRSP), completed in April 2022, analyzes collision history from 2015-2019, identifies emphasis areas where collisions are more frequent, and makes recommendations to improve safety. Likewise, the Los Gatos Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan (BPMP), first adopted in 2017 and with a progress report created this year, with an online story map, lays out recommended infrastructure improvements designed to increase safety for cyclists and pedestrians. The General Plan 2040 (GP2040) Mobility Element (Chapter 5) encompasses many of the recommendations from these two documents. The Traffic Safety Ad Hoc committee will be reviewing these documents and making recommendations for the highest priority actions, as well as bringing any new recommendations they identify based on new information. We'll also be highlighting recommendations that will impact traffic safety quickly, so that we can see improvements without waiting for long-term infrastructure projects to be completed. The bottom line is that this is not a new area: studies and prioritizations have already been done and clearly outline the same road and safety problems on our roads. CSTC strongly urges the Town Council to allocate budget for the implementation proposals recommended in the BPMP, LRSP and GP2040. Charter of the Ad Hoc Committee on Traffic Safety Prepare a report for the Commission and the Town Council on traffic safety that outlines the most pressing issues, as well as general recommendations for potential solutions. The report should include: • A review of feedback from town residents on traffic safety issues • Assessment and information gathering about traffic safety measures being implemented by other towns in our area; • A review of priorities laid out by: - The General Plan 2040 Mobility Element Ad Hoc Committee on Traffic Safety Background and Charter Page 2 ATTACHMENT 2 - The Local Roadway Safety Plan - The Bike and Ped Master Plan • General recommendations on how to move forward to improve traffic safety. These may include roadway design but should also consider other tools, including: - Policy - Technology - Vehicle safety education - Bike/ped safety education - Lighting / visibility - Signage - Speed - Enforcement