Attachment 1 - Exhibit A and BEXHIBIT “A” STEPHENIE LANE NO. 4 ANNEXATION TO THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS GEOGRAPHIC DESCRIPTION All that certain real property, situate in portion of Rancho Rinconada De Los Gatos, lying in the County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: Beginning at the angle point on the most westerly line of the Annexation to the Town of Los Gatos, as defined by the Annexation titled “Linda Avenue No. 2”, said point being S. 22°00’00”E., 21.39 feet from the northwesterly corner of the Lands of Meyer, as shown upon said annexation; thence along the most westerly line of said Annexation and its southwesterly extension (1) S. 12°45’00”E., 35.05 feet to the westerly corner of the Annexation to the Town of Los Gatos, as defined by the Annexation titled “Linda Avenue No. 4”; thence (2) S. 12°45’00”E., 56.70 feet to the southerly corner of said; thence leaving said annexation (3) S. 12°45’00”E., 8.21 feet to an angle point; thence (4) S. 68°28’00”W., 232.64 feet to a point on the southwesterly line of that certain 12.217 Acre Parcel of Land conveyed by Leo Baumgartner, ET UX, to Bend Chiro by deed recorded March 23, 1923, in the Office of the County Recorder of Santa Clara County, in Book 20 of Official Records, at page 45, said point also being the northeasterly corner of the Annexation to the Town of Los Gatos, as defined by the Annexation titled “Stephanie Lane No. 1”; thence along said southwesterly line (5) N. 12°45’00”W., 50.00 feet to the southeasterly corner of the Annexation to the Town of Los Gatos, as defined by the Annexation titled “Stephenie Lane No. 2”; thence along the easterly line of said Annexation (6) N. 12°45’00”W., 50.00 feet to the most southerly corner of that certain Parcel of Land conveyed by Corrine Chiro, ET VIR to Daniel T. Fisk, ET UX, by deed dated June 9, 1939, recorded July 11, 1939, in Book 936 of Official Records, at page 598, said corner also being the northeasterly corner of said Annexation titled “Stephenie Lane No. 2”; thence, along the southeasterly line of said Parcel of Land (7) N. 68°28’00”E., 232.64 feet, to the Point of beginning and containing 0.528 acre, more or less For assessment purposes only. This description of land is not a legal property description as defined in the Subdivision Map Act and may not be used as the basis for an offer for sale of the land described. Date: 1/31/2023 EXHIBIT A EXHIBIT B