After Deadline Public comment item #17 (2)From:Kily Tracy To:Clerk Subject:Public comment item #17 Date:Tuesday, April 18, 2023 4:00:42 PM [EXTERNAL SENDER] Dear Honorable Mayor Ristow and Los Gatos Town Council: Your formal censure of Miss Kylie Clark - based on a November 18, 2022 email sent to theCalifornia Department of Housing and Community Development - has outraged your constituents. This censure was made for her purported failures to engage in “constructive communication.” Miss Clark is a role model: she advocates for low-income housing, for slightly leveling theplaying field in an otherwise extraordinarily privileged town. If indeed, there is a code of conduct violation, it is on behalf of the counsel, not on the behalf of Miss Clark. Miss Clark has stood up and stated very clearly her own opinion regarding the underlyingwhite, mostly male-dominated privilege in our town. Los Gatos has resisted low income housing for decades. We are now mandated and still we draw up a referendum to the general plan and obfuscate our responsibilities. We have been sofar unable to step up to the plate and level that playing field. I demand no further action against Ms. Clark, and strongly recommend respecting her first amendment rights. The Los Gatos Town Council owes her a public apology. I have lived most of my life in Los Gatos. I owned and operated a successful business in LGfor 16 years and then retired after 10 years as a clinical professor. I am intimately familiar with Los Gatos. We have not been an inclusive town. We have discouraged diversity. I am so grateful for Miss Kylie Clark. She is using her privilege and her voice to amplify thishousing inequity, so far at great personal cost. She is willing to be a lightning rod. She has my full support and I hope that she has yours as well. Most respectfully, Kily Tracy