After Deadline Public Comment Item #17(3)From:Ali Sapirman To:Clerk Cc:Corey Smith; Deborah Schneider Subject:Public Comment Item #17 Date:Tuesday, April 18, 2023 4:05:41 PM [EXTERNAL SENDER] Dear Los Gatos Town Council, My name is Ali Sapirman and I am writing on behalf of the Housing Action Coalition to express our vehement disapproval of Commissioner Kylie Clark’s wholly unwarranted censure by the Council. Commissioner Clark has not violated any rule or code of conduct. She does not have any conflict(s) of interest. And according to the Los Gatos Town Code of Conduct, her comments were clearly expressing her “personal opinion” that she chose to make in her capacity as a private citizen. All of which is why the American Civil Liberties Union has deemed the Council’s reckless censure clearly unconstitutional, retaliatory, and deliberately intended to chill future speech. We stand together with the ACLU and countless other Bay Area community leaders and organizations in calling on the Council to immediately revoke Commission Clark’s censure and issue an appropriate public apology. Thank you for your swift attention to this matter. In solidarity, -- Ali Sapirman | Pronouns: They/Them South Bay & Peninsula Organizer | Housing Action Coalition50 Otis St, San Francisco, CA 94103 Cell: (407) 739-8818 | Email: ali@housingactioncoalition.org To opt out of all HAC emails, respond to this email with "unsubscribe all".