Attachment 1 - NUMU ProposalDocuSign Envelope ID: 2B7C4A33-8B2D-467B-8AF6-5A416DCFB02A DocuSign Envelope ID: 19655E6A-D6C3-421C-98D5-35FDD9CFF93C Los Gatos Town Council The Honorable Mayor Ristow, Vice Mayor Badame, and Council Members Hudes, Moore, and Rennie 110 E. Main St. Los Gatos, CA 95030 January 17, 2023 Dear Mayor Ristow, Vice Mayor Badame, and Council Members Hudes, Moore, and Rennie, We are writing today to encourage you to treat NUMU | New Museum Los Gatos as an integral part of the Town of Los Gatos’ strategic priorities by removing rent payments from NUMU’s lease with the Town. Now more than ever, NUMU provides critical services to the Town that makes Los Gatos an incredible place to live, work, play, and learn, in addition to attracting visitors from the greater Bay Area. We are asking the Town to reduce rent for 106 E. Main Street to $1 per year to support NUMU’s ongoing responsibility to maintain and steward the Town of Los Gatos’ history collection and provide arts, history, and cultural educational services to the Los Gatos community. This arrangement is in line with other museum/city partnerships in our region. By retaining the funds that NUMU obtains through donations and grants, it will allow us to recirculate them into more services and programs that ultimately serve the Town of Los Gatos with art, history, and culture. We want to express our ongoing gratitude for forgiving our rent this past three years, which has helped us not only navigate the pandemic, but deepen our ability to serve our community. Rent forgiveness has enabled NUMU to achieve several key mission-aligned goals that directly support the Town’s priorities for local history, community vitality, and inclusivity. NUMU is also a key feature of the Town Culture initiatives in the 2040 Town Plan. The 2040 General Plan for Los Gatos commits to “Enrich the Town by making visual arts, the performing arts, literary arts, and other cultural Tx amenities more accessible to the Town’s residents.” We have been working tirelessly on critical areas that support these goals such as the Los Gatos History Project; delivering the high-visibility ArtNow high school exhibition and program; and collaborating with local community partners and beyond, like the Los Gatos Library, CASSY, and LGS Recreation. The Town’s rent forgiveness has been a true lifeline for all of these efforts, and is a testament for what we can achieve together. We can continue to achieve all this and more with your increased support: ●The Los Gatos History Project makes our permanent art and history collection accessible in-person and through an online database. We display, steward, protect, and in the future, will loan our collection of art and history objects that represent Los Gatos. The staff has decades of cumulative experience in collections care and display. The collection includes unique objects and archives from Los Gatos history, including the world’s most comprehensive collection representing the lives of prolific artists and life partners Frank Ingerson and George Dennison, and their home, Cathedral Oaks, a mountain destination for creatives in mid 20th century Los Gatos. ●We are hosting the exhibition, Reclamation, a partnership between the Muwekma Ohlone Tribe and San Jose State University, featuring Los Gatos and Bay Area places of significance to the Tribe. It amplifies the Muwekma Ohlone Tribal Council’s efforts to gain visibility and federal recognition. ●The ArtNow high school exhibition program creates visibility for Los Gatos with high schools county-wide, and attracts a large audience to the Museum and the Town. The program features teen artists from Los Gatos and across the county, and provides scholarships for award winners. ATTACHMENT 1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 2B7C4A33-8B2D-467B-8AF6-5A416DCFB02A DocuSign Envelope ID: 19655E6A-D6C3-421C-98D5-35FDD9CFF93C ● We completed a Packard Foundation-funded, year-long diversity, equity, accessibility, and inclusion (DEAI) strategic planning process that will help us shape our exhibitions and programs, educate our audience about the untold histories of Los Gatos, and help us build alignment with Town DEAI initiatives. ● NUMU collaborates with local community partners like the Los Gatos Library, LGS Recreation, the Chamber of Commerce, Los Gatos Art Association, CASSY, and Mosaic America to implement programs and exhibitions that provide a platform for underrepresented artists and communities. We run the Footbridge summer camp program in partnership with LGS Recreation to enhance the Town and involve students in local history. As we are all learning, NUMU, like other arts and culture organizations, will not fully recover by July 2023; in fact, full recovery will take years. Starting rent payments in July 2023 will paralyze our ability to become a truly world-class destination for art and culture in the Bay Area. Moreover, we will be unable to adequately steward the history collection and it will once again languish, hidden away in boxes. This domino effect would decimate our ability to serve Los Gatos with history, culture, and art. There is no better time to re-imagine the Town’s relationship with its community museum. NUMU is in the Town's 2040 Plan both as a steward of the collection and a center for arts and culture. These proposed lease amendments not only ensure that the museum will exist in 2040, but will be able to thrive for decades to come. Nominal rent would be in line with virtually every museum in our area (see appendix), and signal to the region that Los Gatos values inclusivity, community, and culture. Please vote to reduce rent for 106 E. Main Street to $1 per year to support NUMU’s critical role in maintaining–and expanding–the Town’s cultural footprint, moving toward a deep and permanent partnership. NUMU’s relationship with the Town of Los Gatos is vital to us and our ongoing ability to serve our community. Thank you from all of us for your continued support. In partnership, Ami Davis | Executive Director Jan Schwartz | Board President Jillian Troftgruben | Vice President Florence Cheung | Treasurer Member Barney Davidge | Board Member Allison Railo | Community Representative Matt Schechter | Board Member Maureen Cappon-Javey | Board Museum Name Most Recent Operating Budget (FY18) Total Expenses Total Revenue Contributed Income Earned Income Total Facilities Utilites City Rent Add hyperlink to 990 form Add'l Info/NOTES San Jose Museum of Art 2016 $4,317,176 $4,582,092 $3,278,807 $491,871 $66,630 $1 per year receives funds from the TOT :https://www.san joseca.gov/hom e/showpublished document/7010/ 6366442109578 00000 Saratoga History Museum 2016 $23,658 $66,544 $48,800 $17,744 $0 Santa Cruz Museum of Art and History (MAH) 2016 $1,864,470 $2,457,382 $1,935,159 $514,713 $0 Montalvo 2017 $6,196,158 $6,293,180 $2,422,323 $2,534,318 $445,451 $114,197 owns http://montalvoarts.org/document/12 Tech Museum - San Jose 2017 $21,777,974 $26,382,036 $20,438,835 $5,635,454 https://990s.foun dationcenter.org/ 990_pdf_archive /942/942864660 /942864660_20 1706_990.pdf As of May 2019, it is known called "The Tech Interactive" Computer History Museum 2016 $12,796,532 $9,252,904 6 574 509 $1,078,019 Per a 9/18/2002 NYT article, the museum "acquired" its current space - formerly the home of Silicon Graphics - in 2002 https://990s.foun dationcenter.org/ 990_pdf_archive /770/770507525 /770507525_20 1706_990.pdf Los Altos History Museum 2015 $467,109 $527,797 $285,985 $0 $0 $0 $0 https://990s.foun dationcenter.org/ 990_pdf_archive /942/942542813 /942542813_20 1606_990.pdf bldg owned by city, no utilities or rent. Treated like Police Dept, Town Hall. Do pay weekly cleaning service. FREE admission Palo Alto Art Center 2017 $778,213 $989,841 $757,421 $129,638 city funded - no utilities or rent city funded - $0 https://990s.foun dationcenter.org/ 990_pdf_archive /942/942382459 /942382459_20 1706_990.pdf City funded - no utilites or rent Museum Name Most Recent Operating Budget (FY18) Total Expenses Total Revenue Contributed Income Earned Income Total Facilities Utilites City Rent Add hyperlink to 990 form Add'l Info/NOTES Quilt & Textile Museum 2017 $740,416 $487,707 $429,162 $32,213 $37,000 owns https://990s.foun dationcenter.org/ 990_pdf_archive /770/770123939 /770123939_20 1706_990.pdf Campbell Museums (Ainsley + History Museum) 2018 $410,826 $410,826 $346,696 $64,130 $21,000 $0 https://www.ci.ca mpbell.ca.us/Arc hiveCenter/View File/Item/1122 Page 180 of the City of Campbell budget highlights the most information. Parks and musuem trust: $142,952 Pacific Art League 2018 $1,011,789 $1,176,348 $200,920 $565,764 97,300 incl. utilities $9,000 $0 i used budget De Saisset Museum $0 Triton Museum 2016 $684,131 $716,296 $486,178 $76,166 $12,499 Electric from City; budget gas $25K/year, usually under based on usage $1/year https://990s.foun dationcenter.org/ 990_pdf_archive /946/946122076 /946122076_20 1706_990.pdf Triton houses city art & historic artifacts; gets rent & elec in recognition