Attachment 1 - 2022 General Plan Annual Progress Report GENERAL PLAN 2022 ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT ATTACHMENT 1 2 INTRODUCTION The Town Council adopted the Town of Los Gatos 2020 General Plan on September 20, 2010, after an extensive two-year community process to update and build upon the strong foundational framework established by the Town’s 2000 General Plan. On May 5, 2015, the Town adopted its 2015-2023 Housing Element which is a required sub- element of the General Plan. The State Housing and Community Development Department certified the Housing Element on May 20, 2015. On June 30, 2022, the Town Council adopted the Town of Los Gatos 2040 General Plan after an extensive four-year process. On August 16, 2022, signatures were submitted to the Town in support of a referendum on the Land Use and Community Design Elements of the adopted 2040 General Plan. The referendum proposes that the Land Use and Community Design Elements of the 2040 General Plan be repealed. Once the referendum signatures were verified by the County Registrar in late September, the 2040 General Plan Land Use and Community Design Elements were suspended in accordance with Elections Code Section 9237. On October 4, 2022, Town Council adopted a Resolution to confirm suspension of the 2040 General Plan Land Use and Community Design Elements and provide that the 2020 General Plan Land Use and Community Design Elements govern during the suspension period. Government Code Section 65400 mandates that cities and counties submit an annual report on the status of their General Plan and any progress in its implementation to their legislative bodies. Annual Progress Reports (APRs) must be presented to the local legislative body for its review and acceptance, usually as a consent or discussion item on a regular meeting agenda. 2022 SIGNIFICANT PROJECTS The following significant Planning efforts made progress or were completed in 2022: • General Plan Update After the completion of the environmental review process, the Planning Commission conducted four meetings on April 13, April 25, April 27, and May 2, 2022, for consideration of the Draft 2040 General Plan. It unanimously recommended that the Town Council adopt the Draft 2040 General Plan with modifications and certify the Final EIR. Town Council met on June 20 and June 30, 2022, to consider the Draft 2040 General Plan and Final EIR. On June 30, 2022, the Town Council adopted the Town of Los Gatos 2040 General Plan and certified the Final EIR. 3 • Housing Element Update The Housing Element update process started in 2021 and continued through 2022. The work included numerous meetings of the Housing Element Advisory Board (HEAB) and extensive community outreach. A Draft Housing Element was developed and submitted to HCD in October 2022. • Objective Design Standards After completing the work of the subcommittee of the Planning Commission in 2021, Town staff conducted community engagement meetings both prior to and after completion of a preliminary draft of the Objective Design Standards. As a result, a set of Draft Objective Design Standards was presented to the Planning Commission and discussed on June 22, August 24, and September 14, 2022, with revisions and updates prepared for each meeting. At the September 14, 2022 meeting, the Planning Commission recommended approval to Town Council. Town Council considered and adopted Objective Design Standards at their meeting on November 15, 2022. • Senate Bill (SB) 9 The Town Council adopted an Urgency Ordinance to implement SB 9 with local objective standards in late 2021, and adopted an extension to that Urgency Ordinance in February 2022. On September 28, 2022, Planning Commission reviewed and recommended approval of a Permanent Ordinance to regulate projects allowed under SB 9. On November 1, 2022, Town Council approved a Permanent Ordinance to go into effect before the end of the year. HOUSING ELEMENT ANNUAL PROGRESS The Housing Element Annual Progress Report for 2022 is attached as Exhibit A. PROPERTIES ANNEXED TO THE TOWN IN 2022 The Town Council approved the following annexation to the Town of Los Gatos from Unincorporated Santa Clara County in 2022: • Roseleaf Ln No. 1: 16253 Roseleaf Lane (approximately 1.353 acres) Approved April 22, 2022 This Page Intentionally Left Blank