Attachment 5 - 2022 CHSSC AccomplishmentsDraft Report From Chair Konrad Calendar Year 2022 Accomplishments In addition to the goals and tasks set at the beginning of the calendar year the Commission was asked to monitor the use of ARPA funding and report on the use of funds and the results achieved. All recipients reported in detail in second quarter meetings of the Commission. At our October meeting LGS Recreation (55 plus) presented their anticipated use of all funds granted. All funds were expected to be used in 2022. Their results and achievements far exceeded pre-Covid actual results. The full report is available in the Agenda for the October Commission meeting. At our November Commission meeting SASCC and KCAT presented their use of ARPA funds and achievements for us of all funds in 2022. Both had good results. The full reports are available in the Agenda for the November Commission meeting Overall the use of funds has generated a high level of enthusiasm on the community for Senior Services. The lack of additional funding as ARPA funds are fully deployed in 2022 could cause 55 plus to return service to prior contracted levels with the Town. HUB maintenance and further development could be impaired. The lack of further funding for KCAT could cause them to reduce the scope of their Senior Programs. SASCC has agreed to continue their cooperation on the Outlook. There are no funds for Health Fair or Drive throughs in 2023. We need all ARPA recipients to define the actual consequences going into 2023. The Commission will address the tasks that were detailed in our 2022 plan •A separate complete report on mental health has been prepared to submit to the Council. A presentation was made at the Service Providers meeting on mental health. It was well-received and as a result Marico Sayoc has agreed to champion a project to coordinate and improve mental health service in the local community. Commissioners met with our County Commission to seek help for improving mental health services. •We participated in the planning of the Community Health Fair emphasizing mental health with SASCC and encouraged the Chamber of Commerce, the Youth Commission and 55 plus to participate. We staffed a Booth at the Fair and spoke at the ceremonies. •Public health information is now widely available through 55 plus and the Town website on the HUB. •Many articles have been written by Commissioners in the Outlook and the Los Gaton. The articles publicized the Commission. •Commissioners attended Senior Committee meetings and provided ideas to enhance their goals. A commissioner was a member of the Road map planning of the Senior Committee. Now as originally advocated all Commission members will be on the Senior Committee. •A major project for the Commission was the HUB where all relevant information for Seniors would be easily available on a website. Led by commissioners and 55 plus program staff, the first phase has been completed. We encourage everyone to visit the HUB which is available through 55 plus or the Town website. •Commissioners participated in government activities to further our goals. Commissioner Rossman is a member of Sourcewise and Commissioner Konrad has applied for membership. Commissioners have met with our County Commissioner. ATTACHMENT 5 •Commissioners have monitored the Planning Commission and the Housing Authority Meetings to promote Senior Housing opportunities. •Commissioners have worked with Service Clubs to provide volunteers for Drive through events. Service Clubs are now attempting to coordinate efforts to provide volunteers. •Commissioners have lead efforts to develop the HUB and have suggested the development of a 55 plus volunteer effort and activities like Bocce Ball. •Commissioners were volunteers for Senior Drive throughs and staffed Booths at Spring into Green and the Community Health Fair. •There has been active involvement by Seniors in KCAT. We are just beginning to use KCAT to promote Senior Goals. •The Commission is short one member and there is at least one person who has applied to fill the open slot. •Commissioners have reviewed applications for one-time grants, innovations grants and sustaining grants. See attached summary of grants. •Commissioners have accessed sustaining grant applications. See attached. •Although not in our goals a commissioner met with Adult Day Care officials to encourage resumption of services. Community Grant Program Summary Twenty-three (23) applications were submitted for One-time Community Grants for Non-profits to offer a new program or initiative. This year, some of the top-ranking proposals had smaller budgetary asks which allowed the Town to fund eleven proposals instead of ten. The proposals that will receive funding are: •Los Gatos Music and Arts for the program "Jazz Masterclass or Youth with Chris Brubeck" •Friends of the Los Gatos Library for the program "Weekend Readers' Theatre for High School Students'' •Los Gatos Public Media for the program "KCAT Youth and Teen Scholarship Program" •Bay Area Housing for the program "Making Homes Work/Una Casa Mas in Los Gatos" •Youth Theater Alliance for the program "Stars Off Stage" •Los Gatos Museum Association for the program "NUMU Teen Council Internship Program" •AWO for the program "Stories in Schools for Los Gatos" •Jewish Silicon Valley for the program "Film Screening of Where is Anne Frank and discussion with film's director" •Los Gatos United Methodist Church for the program ''Essential Showers for the Unhoused in Los Gatos" •Lousie Van Meter Project Cornerstone for the program "Classroom and Volunteer Support" •NAMI Santa Clara County for the program "Ending the Silence" Four organizations eligible for Two-year Sustaining Grants all submitted applications and will be awarded funding: •Live Oak Senior Nutrition & Service Center for the program "Senior Lunch Program" •Counseling and Support Services to Youth for the program "Mental Health Counseling for Los Gatos Students" •West Valley Community Services for the program "Community Access to Education and Resources (CARE)" •Next Door Solutions to Domestic Violence for the program "Support Services for Survivors of Domestic Violence” Assessments of Two-Year Sustaining Grants - Year #1, FY 2022 Author - George Rossmann October 14, 2022 #1- Next Door Solutions to Domestic Violence: $10,000 over two years In its original and current applications, Next Door proposed to serve 20 Los Gatos residents out of a program projected to serve 1,809 adults. In FY 2020 it served 51 residents and continues to expand its services. It received additional funding in the amount of $35,000 from COVID relief funds during FY 2021. #2 - West Valley Community Services: $40,000 over two years In its original application, WVCS through its CARE program had a target of 166new individuals served from Los Gatos. It met or exceeded its program goals. Its follow-on application has a target of 150. The total CARE budget is $320,000, with support from El Camino Hospital and Santa Clara County. #3 - Counseling and Support Services for Youth: $20,000 over two years Its original application projected that it would serve over 20% of the students in Los Gatos. It held 2744 individual and group therapy sessions in the LGS Union HS District and 259 students were directly impacted. It has made a major expansion in the Ravenswood District and its program budget in Los Gatos has grown from $330,000 to $693,000. It is supported by the Lions, the Rotary, and El Camino Hospital. #4 - Live Oak Nutrition Center - $44,000 over two years In its original application, 100% of the grant was for luncheon meals for seniors and approximately 90 would be served per day. Attendance has doubled over the last two years indicating that this goal has been significantly exceeded. The Center will be receiving an additional $25,000 in ARPA funding.