Staff Report.Senior Roadmap Next Steps PREPARED BY: Ryan Baker Library Director Reviewed by: Town Manager, Town Attorney, and Finance Director 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● (408) 354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: 03/07/2023 ITEM NO: 9 DATE: February 27, 2023 TO: Mayor and Town Council FROM: Laurel Prevetti, Town Manager SUBJECT: Discuss and Provide Direction on the Senior Roadmap, Including: a. Identify Specific “Core Senior Services” to be Provided by Los Gatos- Saratoga Recreation with the Funding of $225,000 for Fiscal Year (FY) 2023/24; b. Focus Community Efforts Towards Establishing a Potential 501c(3) for Fundraising for Ongoing Senior Services Expenditures and/or a Future Renovation/Rebuild of the Adult Recreation Center; c. Refer the Transportation Year One Action Items to the Complete Streets and Transportation Commission for Consideration and Addition to its Work Plan for 2023; d. Defer the Housing Year One Action Items for Future Council Discussion and Direction After the Certification of the Housing Element; e. Recognize the Recent Accomplishments of the Community Health and Senior Services Commission (CHSSC), Discuss the Capacity of CHSSC, and Identify Specific Year One Priorities from the Roadmap for the CHSSC 2023 Work Plan; f. Determine Other Specific One Year Action Items from the Roadmap; and g. Thank the Senior Services Committee (SSC) Members for Their Service to the Town, Encourage the Members to Stay Engaged with Roadmap Implementation as Active Community Members with the CHSSC, and Sunset the SSC. RECOMMENDATION: Discuss and provide direction on the Senior Roadmap, including: a. Identify specific “core senior services” to be provided by Los Gatos-Saratoga Recreation with the funding of $225,000 for FY 2023/24; PAGE 2 OF 5 SUBJECT: Discuss and Provide Direction on the Senior Roadmap DATE: February 27, 2023 RECOMMENDATION (continued): b. Focus community efforts towards establishing a potential 501c(3) for fundraising for ongoing senior services expenditures and/or a future renovation/rebuild of the Adult Recreation Center; c. Refer the transportation year one action items to the Complete Streets and Transportation Commission for consideration and addition to its work plan for 2023; d. Defer the housing year one action items for future Council discussion and direction after the certification of the Housing Element; e. Recognize the recent accomplishments of the Community Health and Senior Services Commission (CHSSC), discuss the capacity of CHSSC, and identify specific year one priorities from the Roadmap for the CHSSC 2023 work plan; f. Determine other specific one year action items from the Roadmap; and g. Thank the Senior Services Committee (SSC) Members for their service to the Town, encourage the members to stay engaged with Roadmap implementation as active community members with the CHSSC, and sunset the Senior Services Committee. BACKGROUND: On February 7, 2023, the Town Council voted unanimously to endorse the Roadmap for Senior Services (Attachment 1) presented by the Senior Services Committee (SCC). In order to advance the work outlined in the Roadmap, the Council will need to identify priorities and assign actionable steps within the limitations of the Town’s budget, staffing resources, capacity of Town Commissions, and expectations of partner organizations. DISCUSSION: a. Identify specific “core senior services” to be provided by Los Gatos-Saratoga Recreation with the funding of $225,000 for FY 2023/24: On February 21, 2023, the Town Council voted to allocate $225,000 of one-time American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding in the FY 2022/23 budget to Los Gatos-Saratoga Recreation (LGSRec) for the purpose of providing “core senior services” through that organization’s 55+ program. LGSRec has provided an overview of how it intends to utilize the funding given their interpretation of what core senior services might entail (Attachment 2). For context, Attachment 3 contains a report of the accomplishments of LGSRec with the American Rescue Plan (ARPA) funds and Attachment 4 contains the scope of senior services for reduced rent at the Adult Recreation Center. Council Consideration: Review the overview provided by LGSRec and identify if those specific services meet Council’s expectations of core senior services for expenditure of those funds. Council may also suggest alternative core services that should be added, substituted, or prioritized. PAGE 3 OF 5 SUBJECT: Discuss and Provide Direction on the Senior Roadmap DATE: February 27, 2023 DISCUSSION (continued): b. Focus community efforts towards establishing a potential 501c(3) for fundraising for ongoing senior services expenditures and/or a future renovation/rebuild of the Adult Recreation Center: The formation of a 501c(3) was fundamental to the success of the Roadmap for ongoing program funding and capital project fundraising as envisioned by the SCC. As an individual community member and not in his capacity as SSC Chair, Tom Picraux wrote a competitive application for, and was awarded, one of the Town’s Community Innovation Grants for $1,500 to cover the administrative costs of the legal formation for this proposed non-profit organization. After the organization is formed, a Letter of Agreement outlining the terms of partnership between the Town and the new organization could be drafted. Community effort and volunteer potential could be directed towards a point of contact in that new organization. Staff views that a partnership structure exemplified between the Town and Friends of the Library is an excellent model in terms of coordinating volunteer effort, fundraising, and mutual benefit while remaining separate organizations. While this new organization could further the mission of senior services and would be a valuable partner to the Town, it is important that it remain legally, financially, and administratively separate from the Town. Council Consideration: Encourage community members to create a 501c(3) organization with the understanding that it would function similarly to the Friends of the Library. After the organization obtains its legal tax status, the Council may consider entering into a Letter of Agreement spelling out the partnership, the separation of duties, identification of a point of contact, and other parameters. c. Refer the transportation year one action items to the Complete Streets and Transportation Commission for consideration and addition to its work plan for 2023: The Roadmap as presented by the SCC identifies goals and suggests advisory committees related to enhanced transportation options. These items would best be brought to action through the existing Complete Streets and Transportation Commission to consider as appropriate as part of their 2023 workplan. Council Consideration: Refer transportation year one action items to the Complete Streets and Transportation Commission. PAGE 4 OF 5 SUBJECT: Discuss and Provide Direction on the Senior Roadmap DATE: February 27, 2023 DISCUSSION (continued): d. Defer the housing year one action items for future Council discussion and direction after the certification of the Housing Element: The Roadmap as presented by the SCC identifies goals and advocacy related to senior housing and development of housing options. The Housing Element is the Town’s plan for housing and once certified will have specific short term implementation programs that must be completed within State deadlines. The efforts of implementing a certified Housing Element align with the Council’s Strategic Priority of affordable housing partnerships and with the Roadmap. Council Consideration: Defer the year one housing action items in the Roadmap until after certification of the Housing Element. e. Recognize the recent accomplishments of the Community Health and Senior Services Commission, discuss the capacity of CHSSC, and identify specific year one priorities from the Roadmap for the CHSSC 2023 work plan: The CHSSC is committed to furthering the work of the Roadmap and has determined that it has the capacity and drive to accomplish many of the year one priorities as part of their 2023 workplan. They have complied a list of their 2022 accomplishments (Attachment 5) for recognition and as a show of the capacity by which they can operate as a Commission. They have also compiled a draft Roadmap Gameplan for Year One (Attachment 6) detailing the scope of the year one items of the Roadmap that they are able to undertake and fully manage. Council Consideration: Recognize the 2022 accomplishments of the CHSSC, review the year one items provided by the CHSSC, and identify if those specific priorities fall within the purview and capacity of the CHSSC as well as eliminate any duplication of effort. Council may also suggest alternative year one items that should be added, substituted, or prioritized. f. Determine other specific one year action items from the Roadmap: Council may review the Roadmap for any additional year one action items that have yet to be assigned to a Commission and assign those as appropriate to existing Commissions or staff as it fits with the purview of the scope of their work. Council may also consider if any remaining items should be deferred due to capacity or financial limitations. Council Consideration: Refer any additional, specific year one priorities to the appropriate Commission/staff and defer remaining items until staff and funding resources are available. PAGE 5 OF 5 SUBJECT: Discuss and Provide Direction on the Senior Roadmap DATE: February 27, 2023 DISCUSSION (continued): g. Thank the SSC for its service to the Town, encourage the members to stay engaged with Roadmap implementation as active community members with the CHSSC, and sunset the Senior Services Committee. On August 3, 2021, the Town Council adopted Resolution 2021-035 establishing the SCC tasked with the purpose developing a comprehensive report on how best to serve the Town’s older adult community. The SCC has now accomplished their directed task by delivering the Roadmap for Senior Services to Council on February 7, 2023. With year one action items divided as appropriate among the CHSSC, the other Town Commissions, LGSRec, Town staff, and a forthcoming 501c(3), the role of the SCC is complete. Council Consideration: Thank the SSC for its service to the Town, encourage the members to stay engaged with Roadmap implementation as active community members with the CHSSC, and sunset the Senior Services Committee. FISCAL IMPACT: Fiscal impacts will need to be analyzed and added to appropriate areas of the Town’s operational or Capital Improvement Program budgets depending on recommendations from Council during discussion. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: This is not a project defined under the California Environmental Quality Act, and no further action is required. Attachments: 1. SCC Roadmap for Senior Services 2. LGS Recreation 55+ Proposal 3. LGS Recreation Final ARPA Report 4. LGS Recreation Senior Services Scope from Lease Agreement 5. CHSSC 2022 Accomplishments 6. CHSSC Draft Roadmap Gameplan for Year One