Attachment 1 - Required Findings S:\COUNCIL REPORTS\2023\03-07-23\07 300 MOUNTAIN LAUREL LANE\ATTACHMENT 1 - REQUIRED FINDINGS.DOCX TOWN COUNCIL –March 7, 2023 REQUIRED FINDINGS FOR: 300 Mountain Laurel Lane Planned Development Amendment PD-22-001 Introduce a Planned Development Ordinance, by Title Only, Amending Planned Development Ordinance 2172 Relative to the Maximum Residence Size Allowed on Lot 14 and the Maximum Average Residence Size Allowed in the Shannon Valley Ranch Subdivision and Repealing Ordinance 2172 for the Shannon Valley Ranch Subdivision at Shannon and Hicks Roads (Shannon Oaks and Mountain Laurel Lanes) on Property Zoned HR-5:PD.. APN: 567-24-023. This Request for Modification of a Planned Development Ordinance is not Considered a Project Under the California Environmental Quality Act. PROPERTY OWNER: Bright Smile Dental Office Defined Benefit Plan APPLICANT: Kunling Wu, Trustee PROJECT PLANNER: Sean Mullin CEQA This request for modification of a planned development ordinance is not considered a project under the California Environmental Quality Act. FINDINGS Required compliance with the Town Code: ■ As required by Section 29.80.095 of the Town Code for granting a Planned Development Overlay Zone, the proposed amendment: • Is consistent with Chapter 29, Article VIII, Division 2 of the Town Code in that it meets the purpose and intent of a Planned Development Overlay; • Is in conformance with the goals, policies, and applicable land use designations and standards of the Town’s 2040 General Plan and its Elements and with the 2020 Land Use and Community Design Element, including but not limited to Policies LU-1.3, LU-1.4, LU-6.8, and LU-7.3; • Is in conformance with the Town Code, Hillside Development Standards and Guidelines, and the Hillside Specific Plan; and • Does not include an amendment that would deviate from the residence size allowed by the underlying zone. S:\COUNCIL REPORTS\2023\03-07-23\07 300 MOUNTAIN LAUREL LANE\ATTACHMENT 1 - REQUIRED FINDINGS.DOCX ATTACHMENT 1 Required consistency with the Town’s General Plan: ■ That the amendment to the Planned Development Overlay is consistent with the 2040 General Plan and its Elements and with the 2020 Land Use and Community Design Element, including but not limited to Policies LU-1.3, LU-1.4, LU-6.8, LU-7.3, and LU-7.4; and that the amendment to the Planned Development Overlay zoning is consistent with the existing General Plan designation.