Attachment 7 - Public Comment received between 1101 a.m., Thursday, March 2, 2023, and 1100 a.m., Tuesday, March 7, 2023From: Seiler, Chad W <> Sent: Monday, March 6, 2023 7:34 PM To: Planning <Planning@losgatosca.gov> Cc: Shadi Allen <>; Seiler, Chad W <> Subject: Written Correspondence - Los Gatos Town Hall / Planning Commission (Mar 7, 2023 Hearing) Importance: High [EXTERNAL SENDER] Attention Los Gatos Town Council and Planning Board: This written correspondence is being provided to you in regard to Planned Development Application PD-22-001 (Lot 14) at 300 Mountain Laurel Ln, Los Gatos, CA. Purpose: Members of the Shannon Valley Ranch Homeowner’s Association (the “HOA”) have met to discuss various matters related to the proposed construction of a residential property at 300 Mountain Laurel Ln (Lot 14) of the Shannon Valley Ranch Subdivision. In accordance with your Notice of the March 7, 2023 Town Council hearing, the HOA wishes to proactively and formally engage in various matters concerning the Property at the hearing. In accordance with the Notice, a written outline of such matters is set forth in the attached document. Thank you in advance for your attention to this important matter and we look forward to tomorrow’s hearing. Shannon Valley Ranch Homeowner’s Association The information in this email is confidential and may be legally privileged. It is intended solely for the addressee. Access to this email by anyone else is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it, is prohibited and may be unlawful. When addressed to our clients any opinions or advice contained in this email are subject to the terms and conditions expressed in the governing KPMG client engagement letter. *********************************************************************** ATTACHMENT 7 Los Gatos Town Council Public Hearing – March 7, 2023 (7:00pm) Written Correspondence Re: Planned Development Application PD-22-001 (Lot 14); 300 Mountain Laurel Lane, Los Gatos, CA Background: Members of the Shannon Valley Ranch Homeowner’s Association (the “HOA”) have met to discuss various matters related to the proposed construction of a residential property at 300 Mountain Laurel Ln (Lot 14) (the “Property”) of the Shannon Valley Ranch Subdivision (the “Subdivision”). Purpose of this correspondence: In accordance with Notice of the March 7, 2023 Town Council hearing (the “Hearing”), and in the spirit of community safety and aesthetics of the Subdivision, the HOA wishes to proactively and formally engage in the below matters concerning the Property at the Hearing. It is understood by the HOA that some of the matters below will need to be addressed directly with the Applicant and homebuilder with support of the Town Council. 1. Property (safety and fire access): An understanding of physical safety and fire access to the Property (including the top of the hill / residence) given the Property layout and topography and the location of current fire hydrants on Mountain Laurel Ln and Santa Rosa (and in light of limited access to the top of the hill when the prior residence burned). This includes potential access from Santa Rosa, Mountain Laurel Ln and other access points to the North and West of the Property. 2. Property driveway (primary location of driveway entrance to the Property): An understanding of Property access to the driveway, which may include a) entry from Santa Rosa (which may provide enhanced fire/safety access and lower driveway construction costs for the homebuilder) or b) a new driveway off Mountain Laurel Ln adjacent to the driveway entrance to 299 Mountain Laurel Ln. In either case, the HOA sees these options as overwhelmingly favorable compared to sharing the driveway of 299 Mountain Laurel Ln to enter the Property. 3. Property driveway (creek bridge and culvert off Mountain Laurel Ln): In the event the driveway is accessed via Mountain Laurel Ln, an understanding of how the bridge and culvert will be constructed to ensure both aesthetics and proper creek drainage. 4. Property driveway (erosion and drainage control): In the event the driveway is accessed via Mountain Laurel Ln, an understanding of how the homebuilder will address sufficient curbing and other technical features of the driveway from the primary residence (at the top of the hill) to Mountain Laurel Ln to prevent erosion and drainage issues that would impact either 299 or 290 Mountain Laurel Ln. 5. Property driveway (aesthetics): An understanding of the overall look (aesthetics, contours, color, texture, landscaping, lighting, etc.) of the driveway in its entirety (regardless of Property location). 6. Property driveway (parking locations): An understanding that there will be no automobile parking locations on the Property other than at the top of the hill adjacent to the primary home structure. 7. Property driveway (public trailhead entrance/easement off Mountain Laurel Ln): An understanding of how trailhead access would be practically granted and physically conveyed (aesthetically and otherwise) in the event the driveway is accessed from Mountain Laurel Ln. 8. Property driveway (public trailhead crossing over the Property driveway from the trail entrance near Hicks Road): In the event a driveway is accessed from Mountain Laurel Ln, and understanding of how the trail extending from Hicks Road to the Property hillside (along the fence bordering the Property and Venture Christian Church) would cross over the driveway, potentially requiring speed control signage on the Property driveway and new directional signage for trail hikers, etc. 9. Property (roof pitch of primary home structure): An understanding that the roof pitch of the Property’s single-story residence will adhere to related specifications of the HOA community. 10. Property (exterior aesthetics of primary home structure): An understanding that the exterior aesthetics of the home will be in accordance with HOA requirements and Los Gatos standards. 11. Property (access to exterior plans): The HOA seeks to obtain access to the exterior plans of the primary home structure in advance of construction. 12. Property (access to landscape plans): The HOA seeks to obtain access to the landscape plans of the Property in advance of construction. 13. Property (future garbage can storage): An understanding that future homeowners will not leave any garbage, garbage cans or recycling cans at the Property’s driveway entrance from the street (whether from Santa Rosa or Mountain Laurel Ln) outside of customary garbage days/timeframes. 14. Construction (parking location of construction vehicles): An understanding that the location of parked construction vehicles and waste disposal storage (days, nights, or weekends) will only be at the top of the Property hill and not on Mountain Laurel Ln or in the proximity of the area between 299 Mountain Laurel Ln and the fence bordering Venture Christian Church. 15. Construction (Subdivision street cleaning): An understanding that the homebuilder bears responsibility to perform regular (i.e., weekly unless otherwise needed more often) street cleaning of Mountain Laurel Ln and Shannon Oaks (wash, sweep, etc.) during the construction period. 16. Construction (Subdivision street restoration if needed): An understanding that the homebuilder bears responsibility to ensure that the streets (and curbs, sidewalks, etc.) of Mountain Laurel Ln and Shannon Oaks are restored at least to the operational and aesthetic state they were in immediately prior to construction. 17. Property contact person: An understanding that the names and contact information of the persons able to address the above matters (and other matters that may arise in the future) will be provided to the HOA and that such persons will be reasonably available to respond to HOA questions, concerns and matters from the date of the Hearing onward. Such persons may include the Applicant (Kunling Wu, Trustee) and Project Planner (Sean Mullin), among others