Staff Report.Minutes 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● 408-354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: 03/07/2023 ITEM NO: 1 DRAFT Minutes of the Town Council Meeting February 21, 2023 The Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos conducted a regular meeting in-person and utilizing teleconferencing means on Tuesday, February 21, 2023, at 7:00 p.m. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 7:00 P.M. ROLL CALL Present: Mayor Maria Ristow, Vice Mayor Mary Badame, Council Member Matthew Hudes, Council Member Rob Moore, Council Member Rob Rennie. Absent: None PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Andrew Berg led the Pledge of Allegiance. The audience was invited to participate. CLOSED SESSION REPORT Gabrielle Whelan, Town Attorney, stated the Town Council met in Closed Session on February 15, 2023 to discuss real estate negotiations with NUMU and Los Gatos Recreation and there was no reportable action. COUNCIL/TOWN MANAGER REPORTS Council Matters - Council Member Moore stated inclement weather is coming and encouraged all to prepare; judged a student speaker contest put on by the Los Gatos Lion’s Club; attended two trainings, one hosted by Working Partnerships for new local elected officials; met with residents; attended the West Valley Sanitation District Authority Board meeting, the Silicon Valley Clean Energy Authority Board meeting, the Finance Commission meeting as an observer, and the Housing Element Advisory Board (HEAB) meeting; and commented on Black History Month. Recess 7:09 p.m. due to a hybrid technology glitch. Reconvene 7:15 p.m. - Vice Mayor Badame stated she attended the Finance Commission meeting as an observer; met with NUMU Board Member Barney Davidge and KCAT Board Member Joanne Talisfore. - Council Member Hudes stated he attended the Senior Service Committee Road Map Subcommittee meetings; met with the Mayor of Monte Sereno and met with a Board Member of NUMU; attended the Cities Association City Selection Committee and Board meetings, and Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES)/Radio Amateur Civil Emergency PAGE 2 OF 6 SUBJECT: DRAFT Minutes of the Town Council Meeting of February 21, 2023 DATE: February 24, 2023 Council Matters – continued Services (RACES) group; observed the Finance Commission meeting; met with a member of the Los Gatos-Monte Sereno Police Foundation; and attended the Senior Service Committee meeting and the Housing Element Advisory Board (HEAB) meeting. - Council Member Rennie stated he attended Finance Commission and Joint Venture Silicon Valley State of the Valley. - Mayor Ristow stated she attended a Beautification Committee Kick-Off meeting and announced a volunteer beatification project on Saturday, March 4 at 8:30 a.m. gathering at Los Gatos Coffee Roasting Company; met with three faith-based community members with the Town Manager Prevetti regarding services for the unhoused; attended the Housing Element Advisory Board meeting as an observer, the Finance Commission meeting, a Ribbon Cutting at Mancini’s Sleep World, and the Joint Venture Silicon Valley State of the Valley; and met with many residents to discuss a variety of topics. Manager Matters - Announced a variety of Library programs are underway and encouraged the public to check the website for the current program offerings. CONSENT ITEMS (TO BE ACTED UPON BY A SINGLE MOTION) 1. Approve the Draft Minutes of the February 7, 2023 Town Council Meeting. 2. Approve the Draft Minutes of the February 15, 2023 Town Council Closed Session Meeting. 3. Approve the Draft Minutes of the February 15, 2023 Special Town Council Meeting. 4. Adopt a Resolution Reaffirming Resolution 2021-044 and Making Findings Pursuant to Government Code Section 54953, as Amended by Assembly Bill 361, and, Due to Health and Safety Concerns for the Public, Authorizing the Use of Hybrid Meetings for the Town Council and the Continued Use of Virtual Meetings for Boards and Commissions While Town Staff Makes the Necessary Arrangements to Transition to In-Person Meetings for All Town Boards, Commissions, and Committees except for the Planning and Finance Commissions. RESOLUTION 2023-009 5. Adopt an Ordinance Amending Chapter 24 (Subdivision Regulations) and Chapter 29 (Zoning Regulations) of the Town Code Regarding Town-Initiated Parcel Mergers. ORDINANCE 2337 6. Authorize the Town Manager to Execute a Use Agreement with Los Gatos Little League. 7. Authorize the Town Manager to Execute a Use Agreement with West Valley Red Hawks Lacrosse Club. 8. Adopt a Resolution Approving the Request to Change the Name “Terrace Court” to “La Terra Court” and Add the Name to the Town’s Official Street Names List to be Used at the Development Site. RESOLUTION 2023-010 9. Authorize the Town Manager to Execute a Fourth Amendment to Agreement Providing for Implementation of the Santa Clara Valley Urban Runoff Pollution Prevention Program and to Appoint the West Valley Clean Water Authority Executive Director as the Program Representative for the Town. 10. Receive the Monthly Financial and Investment Report for December 2022. PAGE 3 OF 6 SUBJECT: DRAFT Minutes of the Town Council Meeting of February 21, 2023 DATE: February 24, 2023 Consent Items – continued 11. Authorize the Town Manager to Execute a Certificate of Acceptance and Notice of Completion for the Fiscal Year 2021/22 Street Repair and Resurfacing Project (CIP No. 811- 9901), Completed by Pavement Coatings, and Authorize the Town Clerk to File for Recordation. 12. Approve the Changes to the Town’s Investment Policy as Recommended by the Finance Commission. POLICY 4-02 Opened public comment. No one spoke. Closed public comment. Council Member Hudes pulled item #3. MOTION: Motion by Vice Mayor Badame to approve items 1-12, exclusive of item 3. Seconded by Council Member Rennie. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS Lynley Kerr Hogan - Commented on abortion rates and fatherlessness in the Black community. Catherine Somers, Chamber of Commerce - Announced that the Chamber is holding its annual dinner at Testarossa on March 9, 2023 and invited the public to attend. OTHER BUSINESS 13. Receive Update on the Community Grant Program and Provide Direction on the Program’s Funding Level for Fiscal Year (FY) 2023-24. Ryan Baker, Library Director, presented the staff report. Opened public comment. No one spoke. Closed public comment. Council discussed the matter. PAGE 4 OF 6 SUBJECT: DRAFT Minutes of the Town Council Meeting of February 21, 2023 DATE: February 24, 2023 Other Business Item #13 – continued MOTION: Motion by Mayor Ristow to continue the grant program as stated in the staff report; set aside funds to continue the grant program; add an equity section to the scoring rubric; prioritize proposals that address the needs of unhoused residents and Council Strategic Priorities; and direct all community members, partners, and organizations to apply to the grant process to request funds barring any extenuating circumstances. Seconded by Council Member Hudes. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. 14. Mid-Year Budget Report - July 1 - December 31, 2022: a. Receive FY 2022/23 Mid-Year Budget Report; b. Authorize Budget Adjustments as Recommended in the Mid-Year Budget Report; and c. Provide Direction of the Order of Authorized Funding Source to Balance the FY 2022/23 Operating Budget, if Necessary, at the Final Close of the Fiscal Year. Gitta Ungvari, Finance Director, presented the staff report. Opened public comment. Catherine Somers, Chamber of Commerce - Commended the Finance Commission, requested the 0.2 FTE for the Senior Services Coordinator position to implement the Senior Services Committee Roadmap. Closed public comment. Council discussed the matter. MOTION: Motion by Vice Mayor Badame to authorize the order of funding sources to balance the FY 2022/23 Operating Budget if necessary Measure G, OPEB Pension and Trust Fund, and American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds. Seconded by Council Member Hudes. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. MOTION: Motion by Vice Mayor Badame to authorize budget adjustments as recommended in the Mid-Year Budget Report. Seconded by Council Member Hudes. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. Recess 9:01 p.m. Reconvene 9:11 p.m. PAGE 5 OF 6 SUBJECT: DRAFT Minutes of the Town Council Meeting of February 21, 2023 DATE: February 24, 2023 15. Review and Provide Comments Regarding the Five-Year Forecast (FY 2023/24 – 2027/28) and Scenarios and Provide Input for the FY 2023/24 Budget Direction. Gitta Ungvari, Finance Director, presented the staff report. Opened public comment. Nancy Rollett, Los Gatos-Saratoga Recreation Executive Director - Requested an ongoing lease abatement for facilities leased in Los Gatos. Tom Picraux, Senior Service Committee Chair - Requested the Council allocate funds for a part-time Age Friendly Coordinator. Amy Davis, NUMU Executive Director - Requested the lease fee for NUMU be lowered to $1 a year permanently. Lee Fagot - Requested the lease fee be lowered to $1 a year for the Los Gatos-Saratoga Recreation facilities permanently. Melissa Toren, KCAT - Requested Council allocate funds to continue The Producer’s Network. Patrick Dirks - Requested Council allocate funds for disaster preparedness including a full-time Emergency Services Coordinator, Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) recruitment outreach, Emergency Operations Center (EOC) upgrades, and Incident Command Post (ICP) equipment upgrades. Closed public comment. Council discussed the matter. MOTION: Motion by Council Member Hudes to allocate ARPA funds as follows: $225,000 to Los Gatos-Saratoga Recreation to continue 55+ programing for one year; $150,000 additional funds for community grants; $25,000 for unhoused services to be determined at a later date; and $100,000 for KCAT. Seconded by Council Member Rennie. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. PAGE 6 OF 6 SUBJECT: DRAFT Minutes of the Town Council Meeting of February 21, 2023 DATE: February 24, 2023 Other Business Item #15 – continued MOTION: Motion by Council Member Hudes to add a 0.2 FTE to Senior Service Age Friendly Coordinator, and an additional 0.5 FTE for the Emergency Services Coordinator. AMENDMENT: Direct a place holder in the budget once more information is received on the responsibilities of the 0.2 FTE Age Friendly Coordinator. Seconded by Vice Mayor Badame. VOTE: Motion fails 2-3. Council Member Moore, Council Member Rennie, Mayor Ristow voted no. MOTION: Motion by Council Member Hudes to direct staff to attempt to find one person as a point of contact for moving forward the Senior Services Roadmap at a level not to exceed one day a week. Seconded by Council Member Rennie. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. Pulled Consent Items 3. Approve the Draft Minutes of the February 15, 2023 Special Town Council Meeting. Gabrielle Whelan, Town Attorney, answered Council Member questions. Opened public comment. No one spoke. Closed public comment. Council discussed the matter. MOTION: Motion by Council Member Hudes to approve the minutes of February 15, 2023. Seconded by Mayor Ristow. VOTE: Motion passed unanimously. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 11:23 p.m. Respectfully Submitted: _____________________________________ Jenna De Long, Deputy Clerk