Attachment 6 - Public Comments Received before Publishing the Staff ReportFrom: PublicComment Subject: Attachments: FW: Overlook Road Eucalyptus Tree Removal Unknown-1 Jpeg; Unknown.jpeg From: Linda S Rodriguez Sent: Monday, February 6, 2023 3:29 PMTo: Mary Badame <MBadame@losgatosca.gov>; Maria Ristow <MRistow@losgatosca.gov>; Matthew Hudes <MHudes@losgatosca.gov>; Rob Moore <RMoore@losgatosca.gov>; Rob Rennie <RRennie@losgatosca.gov>; manager@losgatosca.com; Clerk <Clerk@losgatosca.gov>; Arn Andrews <aandrews@losgatosca.gov> Cc: Rob Moulden <rmoulden@losgatosca.gov> Subject: Overlook Road Eucalyptus Tree Removal I [EXTERNAL SENDER) Dear Mayor, Vice Mayor, Members of Council and Town Manager, My name is Linda Rodriguez. I live at , Los Gatos. My building faces Overlook Road and I am in the unit directly under the two Eucalyptus trees that uprooted and fell during the storm last month and the three remaining trees Fortunately the two trees did not fall on top of this building or any of the homes across the street. The purpose for this email is to reinforce (letter sent on Jan. 24th by our Overlook Trees Neighborhood Group, and a letter sent by a board member of our HOA), the importance, and the need, for the removal of the remaining trees on Overlook Road; especially the three leaning trees next to the two that fell, directly over Building #6. (See attached photos) All of the trees on Overlook Road are a hazard to the homes and families that live, walk and drive under these trees, not only during winter storms but also during fire season. Living under these trees causes me, and my neighbors a lot of stress and fear during the winter months and fire season. Many property owners on Overlook Road support the removal of these trees as well as neighbors in the surrounding neighborhood. Four years ago we sent several emails to the Town Arborist requesting that the trees be trimmed. The trees were finally trimmed, however we were unhappy with how little trimming was done. We were informed at that time that the Town put these trees on a more frequent trimming cycle. We didn't then and certainly don't now, believe that a more frequent trimming schedule is a long term solution for the danger these trees pose. I am aware of the fact that many trees in Los Gatos fell during this past storm. However, these Eucalyptus trees are not a new problem or concern for the residents that live on this street. When the two trees fell it exacerbated the concern we have had for years. The potential loss of life and property that these old, extremely tall, highly flammable, non-native Eucalyptus trees present is a unique and long standing neighborhood concern and one that I hope the Town of Los Gatos takes very seriously when planning the 2023 1 ATTACHMENT 6 2 Please approve the allocation of funds for the removal of these trees in your upcoming budget meetings.   I appreciate all the hard work and time each of you dedicate to keeping Los Gatos a wonderful place to live.   Thank you for your service,    Linda S. Rodriguez Los Gatos, CA 95030 budget.    1 From:Debra Townley Sent:Thursday, February 9, 2023 4:55 PM To:Maria Ristow; Town Manager; Rob Moore; Matthew Hudes; Mary Badame; Rob Rennie Subject:Budget Item: Homelessness [EXTERNAL SENDER]  Dear Council Member,  My name is Debra Townley and I am an advocate at West Valley Community Services. I am writing to you to ask you to include supportive services for our homeless residents in the budget for this coming year.  Services for people experiencing homelessness are important because more and more community members are facing homelessness daily. This is a crisis and an emergency. Los Gatos is not immune to the problem of homelessness as vulnerable people need help staying sheltered and re-establishing stable housing.  We conducted a focus group earlier this week to learn what people experiencing homelessness in our town would like included in the budget. We were able to gather a group of 15 people, 9 of whom are currently experiencing homelessness in our town. Here is what they came up with: More showers (2 or 3x/week instead of 1x/week), a shelter (either permanent or temporary for events like the storm we experienced last month), and funding for faith groups to distribute things like propane tanks and laundry vouchers.  Los Gatos is a brilliant and compassionate town that likely understands the weight of this issue. I trust that homeless services will be included in the budget and look forward to the innovative and effective efforts for solving homelessness that emerge.  In community,  Debra Townley  1 From:kathleen elliott Sent:Thursday, February 9, 2023 4:56 PM To:Maria Ristow; Mary Badame; Rob Rennie; Matthew Hudes; Rob Moore; Town Manager Subject:Homelessness in Los Gatos [EXTERNAL SENDER]  Dear Councilmember,  My name is Kathleen Elliott, and I am a client at West Valley Community Services. I am writing to ask you to include supportive services for our homeless residents in the budget for this coming year. I understand that you have stepped forward to address this issue directly and applaud that action. Though challenged with the opposite situation of being homebound in recent years I am concerned about those who cannot find affordable housing in our area.  It is a win-win situation to provide supportive services to help catapult people from homelessness to housed as both they and the community benefit. Here are some specifics to consider:  We conducted a focus group earlier this week to learn what people experiencing homelessness in Los Gatos would like included in the budget. We were able to gather a group of 15 people, 9 of whom are currently experiencing homelessness in our town. Here is what they came up with: More showers (2 or 3x/week instead of 1x/week), a shelter (either permanent or temporary for events like the storm we experienced last month), and funding for faith groups to distribute things like propane tanks and laundry vouchers.  Thank you again for adding homelessness as a strategic priority and for including services in the budget.  In community,  Kathleen Elliott  1 From:Elizabeth Olmos Sent:Thursday, February 9, 2023 4:58 PM Subject:Homelessness services in Los Gatos [EXTERNAL SENDER]  Dear Councilmember,  My name is Elizabeth Olmos and I am a staff member at West Valley Community Services. I am writing to you to ask you to include supportive services for our homeless residents in the budget for this coming year.  I believe it is important for all individuals to have access to resources for their basic everyday necessities.   We conducted a focus group earlier this week to learn what people experiencing homelessness in our town would like included in the budget. We were able to gather a group of 15 people, 9 of whom are currently experiencing homelessness in our town. Here is what they came up with: More showers (2 or 3x/week instead of 1x/week), a shelter (either permanent or temporary for events like the storm we experienced last month), and funding for faith groups to distribute things like propane tanks and laundry vouchers.  Thank you again for adding homelessness as a strategic priority and I ask that you please take these crucial needs into  consideration for services in the budget.   In community,  Elizabeth  (Pronouns: she, her, hers, ella)  -----  Elizabeth Olmos  HTH Program Case Manager  West Valley Community Services, Inc  10104 Vista Drive, Cupertino, CA 95014 Direct: 408.618.6299 | Main: 408.255.8033 | Fax: 408.366.6090 We need your help more than ever before. Please donate today to help your community!  Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | YouTube | LinkedIn | WVCS Blog Chefs of Compassion | WVCS in The News To help protect your priv acy, Microsoft Office prevented automatic download of this picture from the Internet. 1 From:Janet Farabaugh Sent:Thursday, February 9, 2023 5:00 PM Cc:kyliec@wvcommunityservices.org Subject:Support for Unhoused in Los Gatos [EXTERNAL SENDER]  Dear Councilmember, My name is Janet Farabaugh, and I am a Board Member at West Valley Community Services. I am writing to you to ask you to include supportive services for our homeless residents in the Los Gatos town budget for this coming year. Our organization conducted a focus group earlier this week to better understand what people experiencing homelessness in Los Gatos would most like to have included in the budget. From this discussion with 15 individuals, (9 of whom are currently experiencing homelessness), the priorities were: - Increased frequency of shower availability (2-3x per week) - A shelter (either permanent or temporary for events like the January storm - Funding for faith groups to distribute essential items such as propane tanks and laundry vouchers. Thank you for your consideration of the above. These additional services would go a long way to support the most vulnerable in our community, through a relatively modest expenditure. Los Gatos would be an example for other towns and cities of a truly inclusive community where all are welcomed and supported. In community, Janet Farabaugh 1 From:Anusha Mannava Sent:Thursday, February 9, 2023 5:01 PM To:Maria Ristow Subject:Homelessness services in Los Gatos [EXTERNAL SENDER]  Dear Councilmember,  My name is Anusha Mannava, and I am a staff member at West Valley Community Services. I am writing to you to ask  you to include supportive services for our homeless residents in the budget for this coming year.  Thanks to our advocacy, the Los Gatos Town Council voted to add support for homeless residents as a Strategic Priority.  However, much is to be done to address the housing crisis in this city.   We conducted a focus group earlier this week to learn what people experiencing homelessness in our town would like  included in the budget. We were able to gather a group of 15 people, 9 of whom are currently experiencing  homelessness in our town. Here is what they came up with: More showers (2 or 3x/week instead of 1x/week), a shelter  (either permanent or temporary for events like the storm we experienced last month), and funding for faith groups to  distribute things like propane tanks and laundry vouchers.  In community,  Anusha   ‐‐   Anusha (Pronouns: she, her, hers) -- Anusha Mannava Client Services Associate West Valley Community Services, Inc. 10104 Vista Drive, Cupertino, CA 95014 Direct: 408.471.2204 | Main: 408.255.8033 | Fax: 408.366.6090 1 From:Kathryn Hedges Sent:Friday, February 10, 2023 2:02 PM To:Kathryn Hedges Subject:Homelessness services [EXTERNAL SENDER]  Dear Councilmember,   My name is Kathryn Hedges, and I am a member of the West Valley Community Services Lived Experience. I am writing  to you to ask you to include supportive services for our homeless residents in the budget for this coming year.  (Say why you think services for people experiencing homelessness are important, why Los Gatos specifically should do  this, what this means to you, any other thoughts you have)  We conducted a focus group earlier this week to learn what people experiencing homelessness in our town would like  included in the budget. We were able to gather a group of 15 people, 9 of whom are currently experiencing  homelessness in our town. Here is what they came up with: More showers (2 or 3x/week instead of 1x/week), a shelter  (either permanent or temporary for events like the storm we experienced last month), and funding for faith groups to  distribute things like propane tanks and laundry vouchers.  (Provide any closing thoughts, thank them for adding homelessness as a strategic priority, and ask again for them to  include these crucial services in the budget).   In community,  (Your name)  1 From:Kathryn Hedges Sent:Friday, February 10, 2023 2:22 PM To:Kathryn Hedges Subject:Funding for homelessness services [EXTERNAL SENDER]  Dear Councilmember,  My name is Kathryn Hedges, and I am a member of the Lived Experience Advisory Board of West Valley Community Services. I am writing to you to ask you to include supportive services for our homeless residents in the budget for this coming year.  We must provide these services as a human rights issue. Though we cannot immediately house everyone who needs housing, at the very least we can help with other basic needs.  We conducted a focus group earlier this week to learn what people experiencing homelessness in our town would like included in the budget. We were able to gather a group of 15 people, 9 of whom are currently experiencing homelessness in our town. Here is what they came up with: More showers (2 or 3x/week instead of 1x/week), a shelter (either permanent or temporary for events like the storm we experienced last month), and funding for faith groups to distribute things like propane tanks and laundry vouchers.  People complain about unhoused people being dirty, but if you could only shower once a week and couldn't do laundry (and probably slept in your clothing for warmth outside) you would be dirty too. And people die in storms, whether because they are swept away on a creekside or get hypothermia, or it exacerbates other health conditions. Providing foul weather shelter is the lowest bar we can possibly pass towards the human right to housing.  In community,  Kathryn Hedges  Member, WVCS Lived Experience Advisory Board  1 From:PublicComment Subject:FW: Letter of Support for NUMU and the Proposal for Annual Rent Reduction Attachments:Los Gatos Town Council 2023.docx From: George Rivera   Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2023 2:06 PM  To: Council <Council@losgatosca.gov>  Cc: Maria Ristow <MRistow@losgatosca.gov>; Mary Badame <MBadame@losgatosca.gov>; Matthew Hudes  <MHudes@losgatosca.gov>; Rob Moore <RMoore@losgatosca.gov>; Laurel Prevetti <LPrevetti@losgatosca.gov>  Subject: Letter of Support for NUMU and the Proposal for Annual Rent Reduction  [EXTERNAL SENDER]  February 14, 2023 Los Gatos Town Council The Honorable Mayor Ristow, Vice Mayor Badame, and Council Members Hudes, Moore, and Rennie Dear Mayor Ristow, Vice Mayor Badame, and Council Members Hudes, Moore, and Rennie, My name is George Rivera and I have attached my email letter of support on behalf of NUMU and the Proposal of Annual Rent Reduction. Thank you. Sincerely, George Rivera Los Gatos Town Council The Honorable Mayor Ristow, Vice Mayor Badame, and Council Members Hudes, Moore, and Rennie 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos Ca. 95030 February 14, 2023 Dear Mayor Ristow, Vice Mayor Badame, and Council Members Hudes, Moore, and Rennie, Thank you for this opportunity in allowing me to share my concerns and perspectives regarding the fiscal budget challenges facing one of the Town of Los Gatos and the South Bay Cultural Arts institutions, NUMU. You are all aware of the unprecedented and unexpected impact that the pandemic/Covid-19 has had on individuals, businesses, education, and non-profit organizations locally, nationally, and globally. The financial impact has been devasting and has been the main reason for so many significant cultural Arts organizations to ultimately close their doors and stop to exist. The majority of these Arts organization are not the large world renowned art museums or other highly endowed institutions which are privately funded by the original founders and prominent wealthy national financial leaders with extraordinary funded endowments to survive any financial disasters. Once these smaller community Arts organizations cease to exist, the impact to the entire community is significant, and rarely can any of these organization rise from this situation. The loss to all of these communities is tremendous and impacts all areas of potential funding and income resources to any community, town, and city. For non-profit organizations, raising General Operating funding during “normal” average years is challenging enough, but the fiscal realities and impact of Covid-19 have been extraordinary. It has brought way too many cultural Art organizations to the brink of closure, and unexpected numbers of Arts institutions throughout the country have closed. Towns and Cities throughout America are working together to find ways to address these difficult issues, and working towards solutions to strengthen these vital relationships and partnerships which greatly impact their communities as significant community assets. As a former Los Gatos resident and NUMU and current Museums of Los Gatos supporter since the late 1980s, I am writing today to request amendments to the New Museum Los Gatos’ current lease with the Town of Los Gatos. When this agreement was created, the fiscal and financial realities that have impacted the community of Los Gatos due to Covid-19 in 2020 to the present, could not have been predicted or foreseen, and they continue today. Even if this were to change in the immediate future, the financial recovery period and opportunities for funding towards General Operations for any and all cultural Arts organizations will experience a very slow recovery. The request for the Town of Los Gatos to reduce the annual rent from $25,000 annually to an amount more aligned to those of similar “partnerships/relationships” throughout the Greater Bay Area, seems to be a very constructive and successful model and foundation to preserve impactful community assets such as NUMU. All along, I have been under the impression that the Town, like other cities in our region, supports the museum through free or minimal “symbolic” rent/lease such was the scenario with the former location for the Museums of Los Gatos on Tait Avenue, and annual grant opportunities for General Operations. NUMU is a great Los Gatos treasure, as well as a highly recognized and respected cultural Arts organization in the South Bay arts community. The programming, exhibitions, educational services, the community impact both on-site and off-site, the partnerships with other outstanding programs throughout the Town of Los Gatos; all of this and more, combine to create significant beneficial impact on the entire community. NUMU provides critical services to the Town that makes Los Gatos an incredible place to live, work, play, and learn, in addition to attracting visitors from throughout the Greater Bay Area and beyond, having a positive impact financially to local businesses. My wife Kristin and I are proud to be members and active supporters of NUMU and to live near a Town that offers a vibrant cultural center and a museum that represents the region and safeguards our history. I believe that solutions can be found that would mutually benefit all parties and build an even more successful outcome which would help to address any future unexpected financial challenges and create an ongoing structure and model for support that benefits the Town of Los Gatos and NUMU. I understand these challenges very well, as a former Executive Director of two different non-profit private not-affiliated with the City cultural Arts organizations for over 32 years, one in the City of San Jose, and the other in the City of Santa Clara, these same issues were at the core of which all else could be built and planned upon for the future. In both instances a sum of $1.00 a year was created and agreed upon for the annual lease/rent fee. This is significant and I hope that this situation can be addressed with something similar to these models for solutions and possibilities to address the current fiscal challenges. The presence and future of this treasured, recognized, and respected cultural Arts organization is in my opinion both a tremendous asset both financially and in the value and quality of life for the residents of Los Gatos, but also a commitment towards preserving and insuring a bright future of this distinguished institution in the town of Los Gatos. Thank you. Sincerely, George Rivera Advisory Board Member NUMU, Former Executive Director of the Triton Museum of Art, Santa Clara, Ca., and the San Jose Art League Center & Galleries, San Jose, Ca. 1 Subject:FW: Agency Lease Waiver Request Attachments:2023 Town Agency Lease Waiver Request.pdf From: Nancy Rollett    Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2023 10:19 AM  To: Laurel Prevetti <LPrevetti@losgatosca.gov>  Cc: Maria Ristow <MRistow@losgatosca.gov>; Mary Badame <MBadame@losgatosca.gov>; Matthew Hudes  <MHudes@losgatosca.gov>; Rob Rennie <RRennie@losgatosca.gov>; Rob Moore <RMoore@losgatosca.gov>  Subject: Agency Lease Waiver Request  [EXTERNAL SENDER]  Hello Laurel,   The Agency and our Board are seeking Council consideration of the attached lease waiver request I referenced in public  comment at the Special Town Council meeting yesterday.   Please include this in the Council packet for the next meeting on 2/21/2023.   Regards,  Nancy    Nancy Rollett  Executive Director   Direct: 408.207.4900  LGS Recreation  Main Office: 408.354.8700  208 E. Main St, Los Gatos, CA 95030  Building a Healthy Community Through Enrichment, Innovation, and Fun!  February 16, 2023 Town of Los Gatos Attn: Laurel Prevetti, Town Manager 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 Re: Los Gatos-Saratoga Community Education and Recreation Lease Agreement Request for Waiver: Lease Abatement Dear Town Manager Laurel Prevetti: This letter constitutes a Request for Waiver of terms with respect to the "Lease Agreement between Town of Los Gatos ["Town"] and Los Gatos-Saratoga Community Education and Recreation" ("Lease Agreement.") This Request is submitted in conjunction with the January 16, 2023 written proposal submitted by Los Gatos-Saratoga Recreation ("LGS Recreation"). Background Since 2009, LGS Recreation has leased the ARC and YRC facilities from the Town, under which LGS Recreation provided staffing, financial management, programs and services to operate the 55 Plus Program, providing free or low-cost access to recreation, education, social, and wellness programs to the Town's residents. With the support of the Town, Community Health and Senior Services Commission, and Senior Services Committee, as well as the Town's provision of funds under the American Rescue Plan Act ("ARPA"), the 55 Plus Program saw a resurgence in 2022, with 730 members, and over 1700 persons served through the program. However, the post-pandemic economic environment has forced LGS Recreation to revisit the economic model upon which it provides free or low-cost adult recreation services to the Town's citizens, subsidized in part by LGS Recreation's other programs. The extended shelter-in-place in 2020-2021 significantly reduced participation levels LGS Recreation's programs, as well as the revenue generated from those programs. The partnership entered between the Town and LGS Recreation in 2009 allowed the parties to provide valuable and meaningful recreational and social opportunities Town's citizens, and also, it was noted at the time, allowed such programs to be offered at a cost savings to the Town. However, the current economic climate has compelled LGS Recreation to re-evaluate the approximately $500,000 in costs it incurs to provide the recreation services under the Lease Agreement on a free or low-cost basis to the Town's residents, in addition to the approximately $250,000 facilities payments under the Lease Agreement that the Town is contemplating reinstating. Terms of the Lease Agreement The lease payments made by LGS Recreation are governed by Section 3 {"Rent") of the Lease Agreement. Section 36 of the Agreement ("Waiver") permits the Town to waive "one or more conditions of performance" without waiving "any other condition of performance." As noted above, the Town's decision to waive LGS Recreation's payments under the Lease Agreement in the past three years has been crucial to the rejuven·ation of the 55 Plus Program. LGS Recreation is requesting that the Town consider releasing LGS Recreation from its obligations to deliver the 55 Plus Program, or agree to modifying the scale of the program, as set forth in LGS Recreation's January 13, 2023 proposal, starting July 1, 2023. The basis of such a request is that the partnership with LGS Recreation entered into in 2009 has allowed the Town to achieve cost savings by having its recreation programs provided in partnership with a third party. These programs have been offered to the Town's participants, many of whom are on a fixed income, on a free or low-cost basis, as LGS Recreation forecasts that they will only generate approximately $44,000 in revenue in 2023. We believe that the programmatic and financial benefits to the Town offset any opportunity costs to the Town. The cost of providing the 55 Plus Program to LGS Recreation is the catalyst for LGS's request for continuation of the lease abatement. Prior to the pandemic, LGS Recreation subsidized the program in part through revenue generated by its other programs. In the post-pandemic economic climate, this economic model will prove infeasible on a going-forward basis. LGS Recreation asks the Town to consider the value of 55 Plus Program, using the $500,000 annual costs incurred by LGS Recreation to deliver such program as a benchmark, against the alternative scenarios of either having such programs discontinued due to economic infeasibility, providing such programs as a municipal service or through a new vendor, or providing such program at greater expense to the Town's participants. LGS Recreation believes that the Town's willingness to consider adjusting the scale the 55 Plus Program in light of the fiscal impact to LGS Recreation of the lease payments_will provide greater benefit the Town both programmatically and financially than the alternative scenarios. Na ��Lctor Los Gatos-Sa�atoga Community Education and Recreation Cc: Mayor Ristow, Vice Mayor Badame, Council Members Hudes, Rennie and Moore