Presentation Five Year Forecast FY 2023/24 – FY 2027/28 Forecast Town Council Meeting 2/21/2023 Good Evening Madam Mayor and Council Members Gitta Ungvari, Administrative Analyst, Finance Department It is my pleasure to present to you this evening with the Finance Director the FY 2015/16 Mid-Year Budget performance report. 1 BASE CASE FIVE-YEAR FORECAST 2 GREATER GROWTH FIVE-YEAR FORECAST 3 LOWER GROWTH FIVE-YEAR FORECAST 4 WITHOUT GARBAGE FRANCHISE FEE FIVE-YEAR FORECAST 5 WITH 4% SALARY SAVING FACTOR FIVE-YEAR FORECAST 6 RECOMMENDATIONS Receive the Town’s Five-Year Financial Projection for FY 2023/24 to FY 2027/28 Confirm and Select Forecast Scenarios and Assumptions Provide Direction to the FY 2023/24 Budget Development Develop and Recommend a Balanced Budget that Maintains Service Levels Continue Progress on Strategic Priorities Identify Opportunities to Maintain and Enhance Service Delivery through New Revenue Sources and Technology 7