Addendum.Mid-Year Budget Performance Report PREPARED BY: Gitta Ungvari Finance Director Reviewed by: Town Manager and Town Attorney 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● (408) 354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: 02/21/2023 ITEM NO: 14 ADDENDUM DATE: February 17, 2023 TO: Mayor and Town Council FROM: Laurel Prevetti, Town Manager SUBJECT: Mid-Year Budget Report - July 1 - December 31, 2022: a. Receive FY 2022/23 Mid-Year Budget Report; b. Authorize Budget Adjustments as Recommended in the Mid-Year Budget Report; and c. Provide Direction of the Order of Authorized Funding Source to Balance the FY 2022/23 Operating Budget, if Necessary, at the Final Close of the Fiscal Year. REMARKS: A Council Member had the following inquiries and staff’s response is below. Please confirm if $4,998,746 of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds are currently available to be reprogrammed by the Town Council, itemize what ARPA funds have actually been spent, specify what funds have been programmed but not spent and what is the estimated revenues over expenditures. FY 2020/21 GRAND BUDGET ADJ. ACTUALS ESTIMATED ACTUALS BAL REMAINING ESTIMATED EST. MID-YEAR TOTAL ARPA FUNDS REVENUE RECOGNIZED 200,911$ 3,413,961$ 3,614,872$ 7,229,744$ GOV SERVICES (WAIVERS,CUP&ADA,DIRECT GRANTS)200,911 200,911 REVENUE LOSS -GOV SERVICES (PUBLIC SAFETY)3,413,961 3,413,961 3,614,872 7,028,833 200,911$ 3,413,961$ 3,614,872$ 7,229,744$ GENERAL FUND ARPA REPLACEMENT REVENUES AVAILABLE 200,911$ 3,413,961$ 3,614,872$ 7,229,744$ LESS APPROVED USES TO BE BUDGETED: PARKLETS (DOWNTOWN IMPVTS PROJECT)-$ 680,000$ 466,428$ 213,572$ 250,000$ -$ 930,000$ RENT WAIVERS 121,255 341,452 341,452 - 283,756 746,463 CUP/ADA FEE WAIVERS 19,656 27,672 27,672 - 27,672 75,000 DESTINATION MARKETING 55,000 55,000 - 55,000 K-RAILS (DOWNTOWN IMPVTS PROJECT)68,000 88,654 (20,654) 68,000 PROMENADES 80,000 69,855 10,145 120,000 90,628 200,000 DIRECT GRANTS 60,000 50,000 50,000 - 110,000 ENHANCED SENIOR SERVICES 500,000 249,597 250,403 500,000 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SUPPORT TRANSFERS 2,900,000 580,000 2,900,000 REQUIRED FOR GF BALANCING OF OPERATING REV_EXP 1,645,281 1,645,281 TOTAL ALLOCATIONS OF GENERAL FUND ARPA REPLACEMENT REVENUES 200,911$ 1,802,124$ 1,348,659$ 453,465$ 5,226,709$ 670,628$ 7,229,744$ FY 2021/22 FY 2022/23 PAGE 2 OF 3 SUBJECT: Mid-Year Budget Performance Report – Six Months Ending December 31, 2022 DATE: February 17, 2023 REMARKS (continued): The table above is also found on page 27 of the Mid-Year Budget Report. It depicts that all of the blue highlighted items that were not fully spent as of December 31 2022 will be fully expended per Council direction for parklets, enhanced senior services, rent waivers, and other items as listed. The Adopted Budget included $2.9 million of ARPA allocation for Capital Purposes (highlighted in orange in the above table). At its August 16, 2022 meeting, the Council approved the partial programming of the $2.9 million as demonstrated in the table below. Project Name Recommended Funding Allocation East Main Street Crosswalk Improvements 300,000 Downtown Restroom Feasibility Study/Design 25,000 Rehabilitate Automatic Gates - 41 Miles Avenue 25,000 Termite Abatement at Water Tower – 41 Miles Avenue 25,000 Civic Center Plumbing Repair – 110 E. Main Street 40,000 HVAC Improvements – Police Operations Building 25,000 Engineering Counter Modifications – 41 Miles Avenue 40,000 Unanticipated Repairs 100,000 Council Add: Pinehurst Community Garden Project 100,000 Reserve for Future Capital Projects or Matching Funds 2,220,000 TOTAL $2,900,000 As demonstrated in this table, $2,220,000 were set aside for Future Capital Projects or Matching Funds, such as Shannon Road repair and the required $750,000 match for the Wildfire Grant. The Capital Improvement Program and direction will be discussed separately at the the Finance Commission and Town Council March meetings. Based on staff mid-year estimates, there is approximately $1.4 million operating revenues over operating expenditures. If all assumptions hold true, the $1.6 million (highlighted in green in PAGE 3 OF 3 SUBJECT: Mid-Year Budget Performance Report – Six Months Ending December 31, 2022 DATE: February 17, 2023 REMARKS (continued): the table on the first page) most probably will not needed to balance the FY 2022/23 budget and would be available for Council reprogramming at the final close of the Fiscal Year with the audit (December 2023). The following table demonstrates of the actual spending as of 2/15/2023 as a snapshot. The actual numbers do not include encumbrances, or future obligations under signed agreements. *Conditional Use Permit and Americans with Disability Act fee waivers for FY2022/23 will be determined at the close of the fiscal year. Attachments previously received with the Staff Report: 1. Mid-Year Budget Report - July 1 - December 31, 2022 as Presented at the Finance Commission February 13, 2023 Meeting. 2. Public Comments Receive before Posting the Staff Report Attachments received with this Addendum: 3. Public Comments received after publishing the Staff Report and before 11:01 a.m. on Friday February 17. GRAND ACTUAL SPENDING TOTAL AS OF 2/15/2023 ARPA FUNDS REVENUE RECOGNIZED 7,229,744$ GOV SERVICES (WAIVERS,CUP&ADA,DIRECT GRANTS)200,911 REVENUE LOSS -GOV SERVICES (PUBLIC SAFETY)7,028,833 7,229,744$ GENERAL FUND ARPA REPLACEMENT REVENUES AVAILABLE 7,229,744$ LESS APPROVED USES TO BE BUDGETED: PARKLETS (DOWNTOWN IMPVTS PROJECT)930,000$ 926,262$ RENT WAIVERS 746,463 746,463 CUP/ADA FEE WAIVERS*75,000 47,328 DESTINATION MARKETING 55,000 55,000 K-RAILS (DOWNTOWN IMPVTS PROJECT)68,000 88,654 PROMENADES 200,000 200,000 DIRECT GRANTS 110,000 110,000 ENHANCED SENIOR SERVICES 500,000 455,067 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SUPPORT TRANSFERS 2,900,000 65,900 REQUIRED FOR GF BALANCING OF OPERATING REV_EXP 1,645,281 - TOTAL ALLOCATIONS OF GENERAL FUND ARPA REPLACEMENT REVENUES 7,229,744$ 2,694,674$ AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN ACT (ARPA) SUMMARY WORKSHEET