Attachment 1.Grant Scoring RubricGRANT SCORING RUBRIC FY2022-2023 – ONE-TIME GRANTS FOR NON-PROFITS Criteria 5 points Exemplary 3-4 points Good 1-2 points Passable or Needs Improvement subtract 1 point from final tally Evidence not demonstrated. Project overview Proposal clearly explains the project and the scope, steps, methods and intended results with logical and systematic detail Proposal adequately explains the scope, steps, methods and intended results of the project in general terms Proposal explains the general scope and intended results but lacks detail of the project steps and methods Proposal lacks sufficient detail to convey the scope or intended results of the project Advancing new ideas or surmounting new challenges The project clearly represents the implementation of a new insight or idea that has not been piloted previously, or surmounts a new (non- financial) challenge facing the organization The project clearly represents the implementation of an emerging innovation or trend that has been piloted in other communities but will be new to the Los Gatos community The project clearly represents the adoption of a change, addition, or variation to an already established program for the Los Gatos community The project just continues an already established program or service, or the proposal lacks information or evidence to suggest that it is a new project or service ATTACHMENT 1 Community Impact Target audience/population clearly and specifically defined. Strong presentation of the meaningful positive impact to the target audience/population provided with evidence or data specific to Los Gatos. Target audience/population reasonably well defined. Sufficient presentation of meaningful positive impact to the target audience/population provided with general evidence or data although specific to Los Gatos. Target audience/population very broadly defined. Presentation of positive impact based on realistic assumptions despite gaps in evidence Target audience/population not sufficiently defined or too broadly defined Proposal lacks demonstration of meaningful impact to target audience/population Direct Benefit to Los Gatos Community Project is highly local and specifically targets the incorporated Los Gatos Community (whether or not the organization is based in Los Gatos) Project is regional but specifically is targeting expansion into the incorporated Los Gatos Community or shows significant benefit to the Los Gatos Community Project is regional but gives strong evidence for how the incorporated Los Gatos Community will directly benefit Project is regional with a wide regional target audience indicating only an indirect benefit for the Los Gatos Community Organizational Goals The goals of the organization are clearly aligned with Applicant demonstrates it has adequate experience or knowledge in the field as it relates to completing the project or expertise in a related Applicant has gaps in experience or knowledge as it relates to the proposal but demonstrates that it can reasonably bridge gaps to successfully accomplish project Applicant does not demonstrate the experience or knowledge to complete the project field that would transfer to the project Budget Analysis Strongly detailed and realistic budget with sound use of funds. Any funding necessary above the limit of the grant is both accounted for and secured through commitments from other means. Realistic budget with general detail to show responsible use of funds. Any funding necessary above the limit of the grant is accounted for with reasonable certainty or commitment. Budget generally appears to support the project activities as described although there are gaps in detail. Applicant has realistic opportunity to secure necessary funding above the limit of the grant even if commitment from those sources is not certain Described proposal is not supported by the budget or no reliable source of funding is presented to provide any necessary funding beyond the limit of the grant. Feasibility and Timeline Project, personnel, available resources, and timeline are realistic and congruent with project descriptions and outcomes. High likelihood of project being achievable based on information presented. Deficiencies or overestimations exist in project, personnel, available resources or timeline within tolerable range. Outcome appears achievable despite some gaps or leaps. Project, personnel, timeline or resources as described expose weaknesses in the proposal that will leave gaps. Project outcome’s ability to be achieved is questionable at the level proposed, but likely will be achievable at a smaller level. Insufficient information about personnel, resources, project or timeline to gauge feasibility. Assessment/Evaluation Clear definition of success of program. Clear picture of how data will be collected to demonstrate degree to which outcomes are met. Good understanding of anticipated specific results of success, but plan lacks details about data or methods. Success difficult to ascertain, flawed by untestable outcomes, inappropriate methods, or lack of useful data collection. Evaluation plans missing or unusable. Fairness considerations to organizations that do not have access to alternative Town funding N/A N/A N/A Deduct 5 points from proposals that receive funding for projects from the Town through sources other than One-time Community Grants, Los Gatos Community Grant Scoring Rubric – Innovation Grants for Individual Community Members and Students Criteria 5 points Exemplary 3-4 points Good 1-2 points Needs Improvement 0 points Not demonstrated Innovation Project represents the implementation of a new insight or idea Project represents local implementation of emerging popular innovations or trends Project represents the adoption of a change, addition, or variation to an already established program in Los Gatos No innovation described. Project reproduces or continues an already established program in Los Gatos. Sustainability Evidence presented that the project can be sustained locally beyond the grant period without additional funding necessary from the Town Project is temporary, designed to end when the grant ends with meaningful rational of ending explained. Plans for future are stated as assumptions without supporting evidence. Project is not designed to be temporary, but no meaningful plans for future beyond funding term appear in proposal. Community Spirit Proposal is a role model of inclusive spirit, desire to better the community and/or provide new opportunities. Proposal demonstrates a good to strong sense of inclusive spirit, desire to better the community and/or provide new opportunities. Proposal implies an adequate sense of inclusive spirit, desire to better the community and/or provide new opportunities even if wording is somewhat vague in this area. Proposal lacks demonstration of inclusive community spirit or desire to better the community. Community Impact Strong presentation of positive impact based on robust evidence of need. Sufficient presentation of positive impact based on reliable observations of need. Presentation of positive impact lacking but based on realistic assumptions. Proposal lacks demonstration of meaningful positive impact or is based on unsupported assumptions. Applicant Starting Point Applicant demonstrates they have significant experience, expertise, or resource connections as it relates to completing the project. Applicant demonstrates they have adequate experience, knowledge, or resource connections that would translate to completing the project Applicant has gaps in experience, knowledge, or resource connections as it relates to the proposal but demonstrates they can reasonably bridge gaps to successfully accomplish project Applicant does not demonstrate the experience, knowledge, or resource connections to complete the project Feasibility High likelihood of project being achievable based on information presented. Outcome appears achievable despite some gaps or leaps. Project outcome’s ability to be achieved is questionable at the level proposed, but likely will be achievable at a smaller level. Insufficient information to gauge feasibility, or project is unrealistic as presented.