Attachment 1. SCVURPP Agreement and Amendments One, Two and Threel(o.Z2C). THIRD AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT PROVIDING FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SANTA CLARA VALLEY URBAN RUNOFF POLLUTION PREVENTION PROGRAM THIS THIRD AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT PROVIDING FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SANTA CLARA VALLEY URBAN RLINOFF POLLUTION PREVENTION PROGRAM (the "Amendment") is entered into by and between the SANTA CLARA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT, a local public agency of the State of California ("District"); CITY oF CAMPBELL, a municipal corporation of the State of California; CITY OF CUPERTINO, a municipal corporation of the State of California; CITY OF LOS ALTOS, a municipal corporation of the State of California; TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS, a municipal corporation of the State of California; TOWN OF LOS GATOS, a municipalcorporation of the State of California; CITY OF MILPITAS, a municipal corporation of the State of california; clrY oF MONTE SERENO, a municipal corporation of the State of California; CITY OF MOLTNTAIN vIEw, a municipal corporation of the State of california; clrY oF PALO ALTO, a municipal corporation of the State of California; CITY oF sAN JOSE, a municipal corporation of the State of california; CITY oF SANTA CLARA, a municipal corporation of the State of California; CITY OF SARATOGA, a municipal corporation of the State of California; CITY OF SUNNYVALE, a municipal corporation of the State of California; and COLTNTY OF SANTA CLARA, a political subdivision of the State of California. All of the above-mentioned entities are hereinafter collectively referred to as Parties" or individually as "Part)2." RECITALS A. The Parties previously entered into that certain Agreement Providing For Implementation of the Santa Clara Valley Urban Runoff Pollution Prevention Program the "Agreement" or "MOA") pursuant to which the Parties established certain terms and conditions relating to the implementation and oversight of the Santa Clara Valley Urban Runoff Pollution Prevention Program (the "Program"), including a cost sharing allocation, which was appended thereto as Exhibit A. A copy of the Agreement, including Exhibit A, is attached hereto as Appendix l. Unless otherwise set forth herein, all terms shall have the meaning set forth in the Agreement; B. The Agreement originally provided for a five-year term, which, based on its execution, was set to conclude on or about March 10,2005. However, on or about February 20,2005, the Parties unanimously entered into a First Amendment to the Agreement (attached hereto as Appendix 2), which extended the term of the Agreement by one additional year; C. The Parties thereafter unanimously entered into a Second Amendment to the Agreement (attached hereto as Appendix 3), which extended the term of the amended IHH I ATTACHMENT 1 Agreement by "one fiscal year beyond the termination date of the (then) next NPDES Permit issued to the Parties, including any administrative extension of the (then) next NPDES Permit's term which occurred pursuant to the NPDES regulations." The next NPDES permit applicable to the Parties (and others) was subsequently adopted the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Francisco Bay Region ("RWQCB SFBR") on October 14,2009 and was known as the Municipal Regional Permit ("MRI"'; because it covered numerous public agencies in the San Francisco Bay Region in addition to the Parties; D. The MRP was then administratively extended until a new NPDES Permit applicable to the Parties (and the other public entities in the San Francisco Bay Region) was adopted by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Francisco Bay Region, on November 19, 201 5 ("MRP 2.0"). MRP 2.0 became effective on January 1 , 2016 and, unless subject to an administrative extension, is scheduled to terminate on December 31,2020; E. The Parties expect to utilize the Program to continue to represent their interests relative to MRP 2.0 (including with respect to an administrative appeal of its adoption that is currently pending before the State Water Resources Control Board), to help them effectuate certain aspects of compliance with MRP 2.0, and, beyond that, in negotiating the terms of a further renewed NPDES Permit when MRP 2.0 nears the end of its anticipated five-year term and any administrative extension provided thereto; F. The Parties also expect to continue to utilize the Program's preferred approach of achieving consensus to resolve issues and reach decisions, and to rely on the Majority Vote mechanism set forth in Section 2.08 of the Agreement at the Management Committee level only when consensus-based resolutions appear or become elusive; G. The Parties now desire to update the amended Agreement and further extend the term of the MOA as set forth below; H. Section 7.02 of the MOA provides that it may be amended by the unanimous written agreement of the Parties and that all Parties agree to bring any proposed amendments to their Council or Board, as applicable, within three (3) months following acceptance by the Management Committee; and I. The Program's Management Committee accepted this Amendment for referral to the Parties' Councils and/or Boards at its meeting on August 18,2016. NOW, THEREFORE, THE PARTIES HERETO FURTHER AGRBE AS FOLLOWS: I . Recognition of Current Permit. Recital F of the Agreement, as previously amended, is hereby further amended by the addition of the following subsections: 6. OrderNo. R2-2009-0074 (the MunicipalRegional Permit, NPDES Permit CAS6l2008);adopted, October 14,2009 and amended by the RWQCB SFBR on November 28,2011; 2 7. Order No. R2-2015-0049 (MRP 2.0, NPDES Permit CAS6l2008); adopted by the RWQCB SFBR on November 19, 2015. 2. Extension of Term of Agreement. Sections 6.02 and 6.02.01 of the Agreement, as previously amended, are hereby replaced as follows: This Agreement shall have a term extending one fiscal year beyond the date of termination of MRP 2.0; such termination date shall, however, be deemed to include any administrative extension of MRP 2.0 which occurs or arises pursuant to the NPDES regulations or any modification of the MRP 2.0 termination date that arises from an NPDES permitting action undertaken by the RWQCB SFBR or California State Water Resources Control Board. 3. Superseding Effect. This Third Amendment of the Agreement shall supplement the Second Amendment of the Agreement and supersede any conflicting provisions of the Second Amendment of the Agreement. remainder of page intentionally blank] 3 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Third Amendment effective as of the last date indicated below or December 19,2016, whichever arises earlier. Santa Clara VaUey Water District: By: Name: Title: Date: County of Santa Clara: By: Name: Title: Date: cia By: Name: Title: Date: 4 THIRD AMENDMENT TO AOREEMENT PROVIDINC FOR IMPLEMENTATTON OF TI{E SANTA CLARA VALLEY URBAN RUNOFF POLLU'IION PRIiVENTION PROGRAM IN WITNESS WIIEREOF, the Parties have executed this Third Amendment effective as of the last date indicated below or December 19,2016, whiohever arises earlier. Santa Clara Valley Water District: By: Name: Title: Date: County of Santa Chra: By: Name: Title: Date: City of _Campbell : By: Name: Title: Date: Todd Capurso Director of Public Works 4 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Third Amendment effective as of the last date indicated below or December 19, 2016, whichever arises earlier. Santa Clara Valley Water District: By: Name: Title: Date: County of Santa Clara: By: Name: Title: Date: City of Cupertino: By: Name: Title:Citv Manaser Date: I ,-l v 4 IN WITNBSS WItEIIEOF, the llarties havc o'xecuted this Thircl Anrcndnrernt ctfuctive as of the last date indicatecl belorv or Dccember I 9, 2016, whichever alises earlier. Santu Clara Vallesr lltuter District: By: Name: Title: Date : Counly of Santa Clara: By: Name: Title: Date: Ctry o/ ros af tos .. By: Name: Title: Date: Chris topher City Manaser 4 i t I I I I I I I I I 1 I i I i I l I I I I I I IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Pmties have executed this Third Amendment effective as of the last date indicated below or December 19, 20l6,whichever arises earlier. Santa Clara Yalley Water District: By: Name: Title: Date: Coiunt! of Santa Clara:By: Name: Title: Date: Town of Los Ahos llills:By: Name: Carl Cahill Title: CityManager Date: THIRD AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT PROVIDING FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SANTA CLARA VALLEY URBAN RUNOFF POLLUTION PREVENTION PROGRAM IN WITI\ESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Third Amendment effective as of the last date indicated below or December 19,20l6,whichever arises earlier. Santa Clara Valley Water District: By: Name: Title: Date: County of Santa Clara: By: Name: Title: Date: Town of Los Gatos_: By: Name: Title: Town Manager Approved As to Form Robert Schultz,Town Attest:tkc(,Cr-., \s2rA ShellbyTieis, Toft Cterk Date 4 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Third Amendment effective as of the last date indicated below or December 19, 2016, whichever arises earlier. Santa Claru Yallcy Water District: By: Name: Title: Date: Coanly of Santa Clara: By: Narne: Tifle: Date: City las By: 0mas 0 vV; lliotms Title:ltAaw Date:u J. City Attorney 4 sf-3677154 T}IIRD AMENDMBNT TO AOIEEMENT PROVIDING FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SANTA CLARA VALLEY UREAN RUNOTF POLLUTlON PREVENTION PROCRAM IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have oxecuted this Third Amendment effective as ofthe last date indioated below or December 19,2016, whichever arises earlier. Sanu Clara Valley llater Dbfiict: By: Name: Title: Date: Coung bf Santa Claru: By: Name: Title: Date: City of Monte Sereno_: By: Name: Title:City Manager Date: IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Third Amendment effective as of the last date indicated below or December 19,2015, whichever arises earlier. CITY OF MOUNTAIN VIEW, a municipal corporation of the State of California By,N--,r# fhf -r By, APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: I Fire Chief FINANCIAL APPROVAL: Finance Services APPROVED AS TO FORM: Iic- Arssl-tcitY EA/2/FrR 151-10-20-15AG-E 4of4 IN WITIYESS WIfiREOF, the Parties have executed this Third Amendment effective as of the last date indicated below or Decembe r l9,20l6,whichever arises earlier. Santa Cloru Valley lfater District: By: Name: Title: Date: County of Sonta Clara: By: Name: Title: Date: cia 'PoLo A t to tBy: Narne: Title: Date: C( r'I ,n/o, k&.c A I 4 IN WITIYESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Third Amendment effective as of the last date indicated below or December 19, 20l6,whichever arises earlier. Santa Clma Valley Water District:By: Narne: Tifle: Date: Coanty of Safia Claru: By: Name: Title: Date: City otSan Josi: By: Name: Tifle: Date: TOttt -tAAEfL 4 Ll- ? - 7.DV IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Third Amendment effective as of the last date indicated below or December 19, 2016, whichever arises earlier. Santa Clara Valley Water District: By: Name: Title: Date: County of Santa Clara: By: Name: Title: Date: City of Santa Cloru: By: Name: Rajeev Batra Title: Acting City Manager Date: {O'Lb' ASTO FORITI: cmr clrc8 fir 4 t IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Third Amendment effective as of the last date indicated below or December 19, 2016, whichever arises earlier. Santa Clara Yalley lVater District: By: Name: Title: Date: County of Santa Clara: By: Name: rifle: FEW BOAHDOFSUPERVISoRS Nov 1 5 2016 r{r Date: Attest: Name: Title: 4EGAN , l Clerk of the Board o=l$uperyisorc Approved as to form and legality: cia By:-vffi Name: lvt{C+{f€U L. gofsl Title: t€AD DE;?lrT/ Cot X-fl COUASSL- By: Name: Title: Date: 4 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Third Amendment effective as of the last date indicated below or December 19,2016, whichever arises earlier. Santa Clara Valley Water District: By: Name: Title: Date: County of Santa Clara: By: Name: Title: Date: citv of Bv: Name: Title: Date: i/tro.1 at(a<t aan/? 4 THIRD AMENDMEN'T TO ACREDMENT PROVIDINC FOR IMPLEMENT^TION OF TI{E SANTA CLARA VALLEY URBAN RUNOFF IULLUTION PREVENTION PROGRAM Santa Clara Valley Water District: By: Name: Title: Date: Counly of Santa Cbra: By: Name: TitIC: Date: City of Saratoga :, By: Name: Title: Form: \-.af- S.Attomey Q City Clerk f>q ckil-* Date: 1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Third Amendment effective as of the last date indicated below or December 19, 2016, whichever arises earlier. Santa Clara Valley lyater Distriar; By Name: Title: Date Counly of Santn Clara: By: Name: Title: Date: Citt Sunnyvale By: N Deanna J. Santana City Manager Date:l-el < AS TO FORM: By hn A. Nagel City Attomey 4 THIRD AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT PROVIDING FOR IMPLEMENTATION OT THE SANTA CLARA VALLEY URBAN RUNOFF POLLT]TION PREVENTION PROGRAM Appendix I Agreement Providing For Implementation of the Santa Clara Valley Urban Runoff Pollution Prevention Program as fully executed as of March 10,2000 THIRD AMEN'DMENI TO AGREEMENT PROVIDING FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF TTIE SANTA CLARA VALLEY URBAN RT'NOFF POLLUTION PREVENTION PROGRAM page intentionally blank] AGREEMENT PROVIDING FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SANTA CLARAVALLEY URBAN RUNOFF POLLUTION PREVENTION PROGRAM THIS AGREEMENT, is made and entered into this day of 1999 by and between rhe SANTA CLARAVALLEYWATER D|STRICT DISTRICT), a local public agency of the State of California; COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, a political subdivision of the State of California; CITY OF CAMPBELL, a municipal corporation of the State of California; CITY OF CUPERTINO, a municipal corporation of the State of California; CITY OF LOS ALTOS, a municipal corporation of the State of California; TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS, a municipal corporation of the State of Califomia; TO\ /N OF LOS GATOS, a municipal corporation of the State of Califomia; CITY OF MILPITAS, a municipal corporation of the State of Califomia; CITY OF MONTE SERENO, a municipal corporation of the State of California; CITY OF MOUNTAIN VIEW, a municipal corporation of the State of Califomia; CITY OF PALO ALTO, a municipal corporation of the State of Califomia; CITY OF SAN JOSE, a municipal corporation of the State of Califomia; CITY OF SANTA CLARA, a municipal corporation of the State of California; CITY OF SARATOGA, a municipal corporation of the State of Califomia; and Clry OF SUNNWALE, a municipal corporation of the State of Califomia. All of the above-mentioned entities are hereinarfter collectively refened to as'PARTIES" or individually as "PARTY." RECITALS: The 1986 Water Quality Cohtrol Plan for the San Francisco Bay (Basin Plan), adopted by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Francisco Bay Region, in implementation of the Federal Clean Water Act, required that PARTIES develop a program to control pollution from urban runoff, or nonpoint sources of water pollution in the Santa Clara Valley. ln furtherance of their responsibilities pursuant to the Basin Plan, the PARTIES have previously entered into a series of agreements to jointly fund the cost of preparing an action plan to evaluate nonpoint source pollutants, monitor identified pollutants, and develop control measures to mitigate or reduce nonpoint source pollution. Collectively, the measures undertaken pursuant to the previous agreements and anticipated to continue pursuant to lhis Agreement, were known as the Santa Clara Valley Nonpoint Source Pollution Control Program and upon execution of this agreement henceforth shall be known as the Santa Clara Valley Urban Runoff Poilution Prevention Program (hereinafter called "Program"). ln 1987 Congress added Section 402 (p) to the Federal Clean Water Act (CWA) (33 U.S.C. Section 1342 (p)), which requires certain municipalities and industrial facilities to obtain a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination system (NPDES) permit for the A. B C JRG:MGD 10/19/9976075_4 MOA D E G rt SCVURPPP MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT F discharge of stormwater to navigabre waters. NpDES permits are arso requiredundersection402 (p) for any stormwater discharge *ni"n inl FederarEnvironmentalProtectionAgency (EpA) or a state nas oei:rmineo contributes to a vioiation ofawaterqualitystandardorisasignificantcontributorofpoilutantsto.urr".l *"i.i.. section 402 (p) further required EpA to promulgate regurations for initiarNPDESpermitappricationsforstormwaterdischarges. ine rin promurgateJ su"t ---regulations in November 1990. Iire Eil has deregated authority to the carifomia state water ResourcescontrorBoard (SWRCB) to administer the NpDES permit process within carifomia and, intum, the swRcB has deregated authority tb tne iariiornia negionJ wai", iirJriivcontrolBoard - san FrancLco Bay Region (RWecB-sFBR) to administertheNPDESpermitprocesswithinitsrlgiori. Pursuanilo qigtio! 402 (p) of the CWA and EpA regutations, the RWQCB_SFBRadoptedthefollowingordersturtherdefiningtheproiramthatthepARTTESareiodevelopandimplement: 1 . Order No. 90-094 (NPDES permit No. CAOO2971 8), adopted June 20,.1990; and 2. order No 95-180 (NPDES permit No. cAS02971B); adopted August 23, 1995. ln and for the mutuar interest of the pARTTES, the pARTIES wish to continuetheProgrambyenteringintothisAgreementforthepurposeofensuringcontinueo participation, in terms of cost and administrative responsibilities. DlsrRlcr is a locar pubric agency of the state of carifomia dury organizedandexistingwithinthecountyo-f S. anta ctara. The county of sant;cta;; i. poiiti""rsubdivisionofthestateofcalifomia. All other PARTiES are municipal .orior.ii*r, duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of Califomia. : The RWQCB-sFBR is conducting a watershed Management rnitiative (wMr) inSantaclaracounty. The program is required, as pariof its NPDES p"i*it, i" develop and implement a watershed Managemeni Measures strategy. TheurbanRLrnoffManagementpranoftheprogramcontainstheprogram,s wiiersneo Management Measures Strategy. This strategy, consisteni with the NpDis permit, coordinates Program activities with the wMl to develop and implement cost-ifrectiveapproachestoaddressspecificurbanrunoffpolrutionilrobremi. rne erojram,- through a continuous improvement process, annually ieviews the strategyl Page 2 of 13 JRG:MGD 10/19/9976075_4 MOA SCVURPPP MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT Page 3 of 13 NOW, THEREFORE, THE PARTIES HERETO FURTHERAGREE, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1 Santa Clara Vallev Urban Pollution Prevention Proqram 1 .0'l The Santa Clara Valley Nonpoint Source Pollution Control Program Program') is hereby continued as the Santa Glara Valley Urban Runoff Pollution Prevention Program to fulfill the requirements of NPDES Permit No. CAS029718 as it exists, may be modified, or may be reissued in the future (hereinafter referred to as NPDES Permit"). 1.02 The Program is a collective effort and implementation of area-wide activities, designed to benefit all PARTIES. Section 2.Manaoement Committee 2.01 A Management Committee is hereby reconstituted to provide for overall Program coordination, review, and budget oversight, with respect to the NPDES Permit. 2.02 The Management Committee may as necessary adopt and revise Bylaws for its govemance. 2.03 The Management Committee is the official management and oversight body of the Program. The Management Committee shall direct and guide the Program and review and approve the Program Budget. The Management Committee shall consider permit compliance, including benefit to a majority of the PARTIES, as a primary objective in approving Program tasks and conesponding budgets, 2.04 The Management Committee may periodically re-evaluate and make recommendations to the PARTIES concerning reallocation of the proportion of the annual Program contribution that each PARTY shall pay. 2.O5 The voting membership of the Management Committee shall consist of one designated voting representative from each PARry. An alternative voting representative may be appointed by each PARry. The RWQCB- SFBR may appoint a non - voting representative and alternate to the Management Committee. 2.06 A quorum of the Management Committee shall be achieved when at least nine (9) voting representatives, including at least one (1) representative from each of City of San Jose and Santa Clara Valley Water District, are present at any Management Committee meeting. 2.O7 Meetings of the Management Committee, including any closed sessions with Program Legal Counsel, shall be conducted in accordance with the "Brown Acf' 76075 4 MOA JRG:MGD 10/1 9/99 SCVURPPP MEMORANDTJM OF AGREEMENT Page 4 of 13 Govemment code section 54950 et seq.) The individual parties have differing opinions on whether the Brown Act legally should be interpreted as applying tj members of the Management committee. ln executing this Agreemeni, itre parties do not waive their right to take the position that the Brown Act legally does not apply, but voluntarily agree to follow Brown Act procedures for Management committee meetings. Except for official meetings of the Management committee, nothing herein shall be interpreted to require meetings between staff rnembers of the individual Parties (including designated representatives of the parties) to be subject to the Brown Act, where the Brown Act would not othenrvise apply. Each party is individually responsible for ensuring that it complies with the Ejrown Act. 2.08 The affirmative vote of at least eight (8) voting members of the Management Committee, which collectively contribute at least fifty percent (50olo) of the area-wide Program costs (a "Majority Vote'), is necessary to approve any measure brought before the Management Committee. 2.09 The Management Committee shall be responsible for selecting any consultant(s) or contracto(s) who are to be paid from Program funds ("Outside Contractors'), using a process approved by the Contracting Agent, and for reviewing and approving any contracts with Outside Contractors, including the scope(s) of work, schedules of performance, use of subcontractors, and compensation for such Outside Contractors. 230 The Management Committee shail select a PARTY or Outside Contractor to act as Program Manager for the Program. The Program Manager shall be responsible for Program management and administration, Permit management, and technical program management all in accordance with the NPDES Permit, this Agreement, Program Bylaws, and as directed by the Management Committee in the best interest of the PARTIES as a whole and individually. The Program Manager shall be paid, from Program funds in accordance with the adopted Program budget, for providing the services described hereunder. The Program Manager shall not be responsible for providing program management services related to individual PARTIES permit programs, but may provide such services under separate contract with any PARTY or PARTIES. 2.11 The Management Committee may select an attomey (Program Attorney) or firm that is experienced with the Clean Water Act and Municipal Stormwater NPDES Permits to provide legal advice to the Management Committee on all matters involving administration of the Program's NPDES permit and such other matters upon which the Management Committee may seek legal advice or request legal representation. Program Legal Counsel shall not be responsible for providing legal advice related to permit compliance to individual PARTIES, but may provide such services under separate contract with any PARTY or PARTIES. The Program Manager may 76075 4 MOA JRG:MGD 10/'19/99 SCVURPPP MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT Page 5 of 13 assist in coordination of activities with the Program Attomey but shall not give direction without prior authorization from the Management Committee. 2.12 The Management Committee shall establish timelines and budgets for completion of Program tasks. The Management Committee shall rate the performance of the Program, and in turn rate the performance of the Program Manager, based upon the Program's ability to meet such approved timelines and budgets. 2.13 The Management Committee, through its Bylaws, may establish procedures for tracking, accounting for, and auditing the Program Fund. 3.01 A collective budget for the Program (Program Budget) shall be based upon a projection of two consecutive fiscal year cycles, however, the Budget shall be adopted for only one fiscal year cycle. The Budget shall include a Contingency/Reserve Fund which shall not exceed ten percent (10olo) of the operating costs of the adopted Budget. 3.02 The PARTIES shall each pay a yearly assessment into a fund established for Program operationsfortheir assigned portion ofthe Program Budget. The proportionate share of the Program Budget that each PARTY shall pay is shown in the schedule marked Exhibit A hereto and incorporated by reference herein. 3.03 Except as provided in Section 6.03, the ending fund balance at the close of each fiscal year shall be disbursed annually to the PARTIES, or credited to the PARTIES' share of the next fiscal year's costs, in accordance with the PARTIES deflned participation rates, as requested by each PARW. Section 4.Contractino/ Fiscal Aqent 4.01 DISTRICT shall serve as the initial Contracting/Fiscal Agent for the Program. 4.02 DISTRICT may withdraw as the Contracting Fiscal Agent upon the provision of ninety days (90) days written notice to the Management Committee. 4.03 ln the event that the Contracling/Fiscal Agent withdraws from the Program or from providing Contracting/Fiscal Agent services to the Program, another PARTY may serve as a successor Contracting/Fiscal Agent. Any PARTY willing to serve as successor Contracting/Fiscal Agent may be nominated by another PARTY. Selection of a Contracting/Fiscal Agent must be by maiority vote of the Management Committee. JRG:MGD l0/19/99 Section 3. Prooram Budqet 76075-4 MOA SCVURPPP MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT Page 6 of 13 4.O4 The Contrac{ing/Fiscal Agent shall act in a reasonable amount of time to execute contracls with Outside Contraclors, including the Program Manager, which have been requested and approved by the Management Committee. 4.05 The Contracting/Fiscal Agent shall be the treasurer of Program funds. The ContractingiFiscal Agent, in accordance with generally accepted accounting procedures, shall keep the Program funds segregated from any other funds administered by the ContractingiIiscal Agent shall credit the Program with appropriate interest income eamed on Program funds in each fiscal year; and shall not expend any funds except in arcordance with the annual budget approved by the Management Committee or as otheruvise directed by the Management Committee. 4.06 The Contracling/Fiscal Agent shall provide a copy of any contract executed on behalf of the Program to any PARTY or person designated by any PARW or the Management Committee upon request. The governing body of the Contracting/Fiscal Agent, at its discretion, may delegate authority to execute agreements and contrac{s approved by the Management Committee, to a designated employee. Notice of any such delegation of authority shall be provided to the Management Committee. 4.07 The Contracting/Fiscal Agent may request, as Part of the annual Program Budget, reimbursement for reasonable and customary cosls incuned in providing the services described hereunder. Reimbursement to the Contracting/Fiscal Agent shall be subject to Management Committee review and approval as part of the Program Budget. Seclion 5. Ancillarv Riqhts and Duties of the Parties 5.01 ln addition to the participation in the Management Committee, the PARTIES accept and agree to perform the following duties: 1. Each will comply with the NPDES Permit conditions set forth in its Community-Specifi c plan; 2. Each will participate in Management Committee meetings and other required meetings of the PARTIES; 3. Each will implement its Community-Specific program; 4. Each will provide certain agreed upon reports to the Program for purposes of reporting, on a joint basis, compliance with applicable provisions of the NPDES Permit and the status of Program JRG:MGD 10/19/9976075_4 MOA SCVURPPP MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT Page 7 of 13 implementation; and 5. Each will individually address inter-agency issues, agreements or other cooperative efforts. 5.OZ This Agreement does not restrict the PARTIES from the ability to individually (or collectively) request NPDES Permit modiiications and/or initiate NPDES Permit appeals for permit provisions to the extent that a provision affects an individual party (or group of PARTIES); however, any such PARTY (or PARTIES) shall make reasonable efforts to provide advance notice of their action to the other PARTIES and allow them to comment upon or join in their action before proceeding. Section 6.Term of Aoreement 6.01 The term of this Agreement shall commence on the date the last duly authorized representatlve of the PARTIES executes it. 6.02 This Agreement shall have a term of five (5) years. 6.03 Any PARfi may terminate its participation in this Agreement by giving the Chair of the Management Committee at least thirty (30) day written notice. The terminating PARry will bear ihe full responsibility for its compliance with the NPDES Permit commencing on the date it terminates its participation, including its compliance with both Community-Specific and Program-wide responsibilities. Unless the termination is scheduled to be effective at the close of the fiscal year in which the notice is given, termination shall constitute forfeiture of all of the terminating PARTYs share of the Program Budget, for the fiscal year in which the termination occuned (both paid and obligated but unpaid amounts). ln addition, unless notice of termination is provided at least ninety (90) days prior to the date established by the Management Committee for approval of the budget for the succeeding fiscal year, termination shall constitute forfeiture of all of the terminating PARTYs share of any unexpended, unencumbered funds remaining from all previous fiscal years. The cost allocations for the remaining PARTIES' may be recalculated for the following fiscal year by the PARTIES without the withdrawing PARW's participation. Section 7.General Leqal Provisions 7.O1 . This Agreement supersedes any prior agreement among all the PARTIES regarding the Program, but does not supersede any other agreements between any of the PARTIES. 7.O2 This Agreement may be amended by unanimous written agreement of the PARTIES. All PARTIES agree to bring any proposed amendment to this Agreement to their Council or Board, as applicable, within three (3) months following acceptance by the Management Committee. 76075 4 MOA JRG:MGD 10/19i99 SCVURPPP MEMORANDUM AF AGREEMENT Page I of 13 7.03 This Agreement may be executed and delivered in any number of copies counterpart') by the PARTIES, including by means of facsimile. When each PARTY has signed and delivered at least one counterpart to the Program, each counterpart shall be deemed an original and, taken together, shall constitute one and the same Agreement, which shall be binding and effective as to the PARTIES hereto. 7.O4 No PARTY shall, by entering into this Agreement, participating in the Management Committee, or agreeing to serve as Fiscal Agent, Contracting Agent, Program Manager, andlor Legal Counsel, assume or be deemed to assume responsibility for any other PARTY in complying with the requirements of the NPDES Permit. This Agreement is intended solely for the convenience and benefit of the PARTIES hereto and shall not be deemed to be for the benefit of any third party and may not be enforced by any third party, including, but not limited to, the EPA, the SWRCB, and the RWQCB-SFBR, or any person acting on their behalf or in their stead. 7.05 ln lieu of and notwithstanding the pro raia risk allocation which might otherwise be imposed between the PARTIES pursuant to Government Code Section 895.6, the PARTIES agree that all losses or liabilities incuned by a PARTY shall not be shared pro rata but instead the PARTIES agree that pursuant to the Govemment Code Section 895.4, each of the PARTIES hereto shall fully defend, indemnify and hold harmless each of the other PARTIES from any claim, expense or cost, damage or liability imposed for injury (as defined by Government Code Section 810'8) occurring by reason of the negligent acts of omissions or willful misconduct of the inOemnfifin-g pARTy, its ofiicers agents or employees, under or in connection with or arising fr6m any work, authority or jurisdictions delegated to such PARTY under this Agreiment, including but notlimited to any non-compliance by a PARTY with its obligaiions undir the Program NPDES Permit. No PARW, nor any ofiicer, board rber, employee or agent thereof shall be responsible for any damage'or liability incurred by reaion of the negligent acts or omissions or willful misconduct of the' other partLs hereto, their ofircJrs, board members, employees or agents under or in connection with or arising from any work, authority or jurisdictions delegaled to.such pARTy under this Agreement, inciuding but not limited to any non-compliance by a PARTY with its obligations under the Program NPDES Permil 7.06 ln the event that suit shall be brought by either party to this contract, the Parties agree that venue shall be exclusively vested in the state courts of the County of Santa Clara, or where otherwise appropriate, exclusively in the united states District court, Northern District of california, San Jose, California. 76075 4 MOA JRG:MGD 10/19/99 SCVURPPP MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT Page 13 of 13 EXHIBIT A SANTA CLARAVALLEY URBAN RUNOFF POLLUTION PREVENTION PROGRAM SCHEDULE OF COST-SHARING PROPORTIONS 1.88% 2.460/0 1.59% 0.43o/o 1.74o/o 2.75To 0.14o/o 3.91% 4.060/o 6.23% 1.5994 7.25o/o 5.94o/o Subtotal San Jose District TOTAL 39.970/o 30.01% 30.02Yo 100.00% JRG:MGD 10/19/99 Jurisdiction Prooortional Share Campbell Cupertino Los Altos Los Altos Hills Los Gatos Milpitas Monte Sereno Mountain View Palo Alto Santa Clara Saratoga Sunnyvale Santa Clara County 76075_4 MOA SCVURPPP MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT Page 9 of 13 lN WITNESS WHEREOF, the PARTIES hereto have exeq.rted this Agreement as of the dates shown below. Date: DEC 21 p99 APPROVED AS TO FORM: By:85c Chai ofDelo By:- Chair, Board of Supervisors CITY OF Date: By: Name: Title: ATTEST: Date By:- Deputy County Counsel ATTEST: Date B APPROVED AS TO FORM: By:- Name : Title: n COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, a public entity of the State of Califomia APPROVED AS TO FORM: 76075_4 MOA JRG:MGO 10/19/99 SANTA CLARA VALLEY WATEF, DISTRICT, a body corporate and politic of the State of California SCVURPPP MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT Page 9 of 13 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the PARTIES hereto have executed this Agreement as of the dates shown below. SANTA CLARAVALLEY WATER DISTRICT, a body corPorate and politic of the State of Caliiornia Date:APPROVED AS TO FORM: By:- Chair, Board of Directors By:- General Counsel ATTEST: By:- General Manager By: COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, a public entity of the State of Califomia Date:APPROVED AS TO FORM: Date: Bv By:- Deputy CountyCounselChair, Boarcj of Supervisors ATTEST: Date: By: Date: . I /1 /9e APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: t\N riil I i an R. SeIi nn Prrh'l i z- W^?Lc ni ra-+ Bv: Titie: 76075_4 MOA or Title: city Atrorn eY JRG:MGO 10/19/99 CITY OF _-cAI4.pBEr.l__ SCVURPPP MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT Date: By,By: Chair,Board of Directors APPROVED AS TO FORM: 6sngral egrmsgt ATTEST: Date: ame :CharlesKilianTitle: City .A,norney Page g of t3 IN MTNESS WHEREOF, the pARTIES hereto have executed this Agreement as ofrhedatesshownbelow tm"atO* VALLE, WATER DiSTRICT, a body corporate aad politic of the State of Bvr Geaeral Managei By: COLINTY OF SANTA CLARA, a public entiry of the State of Califoraia Date APPROVED AS TO FORM: By:By: Chair , Board of Supervisors Deputy County Counsel ATTEST: Date: By: CITY OF CUPERTINO Date:t/- zt-21 APPRO TO FO By' ame: Title: John Statton Vice lvlayor, City of Cupenino runoff agreement JRG:MGD 10/19/99 SCVURPPP MEMARANDUM OF AGREEMENT Page 9 of 13 lN WITNESS WHEREOF, the PARTIES hereto have executed this Agreement as of the dates shown below. SANTA CLARA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT, a body corporate and politic of the State of California ATTEST: By:- General Manager Date B COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, a public entity of the State of Califomia Date: APPROVEDASTO FORM: By:- Chair, Board of Directors By:- Chair, Board of Supervisors CIry OF LOS ALTOS Date:ber By: Name: Title: By:- General Counsel By- Deputy County Counsel AfiEST Date: By: APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: Name Title: Robert K. Booth MOA.doc Citv M anaoer itv ev JRG:MGO 10/19/99 Date:- APPROVED AS TO FORM: SCVURPPP MEMORANDIJM OF AGREEMENT Page g of 13 rN wlrNESS WHEREOF, the pARTIES hereto have executed this Agreement as ofthedatesshownbelow. SANTA CLARA vALLEy WATER DrsrRrcr, a body corporate and poritic of the stateofCalifornia Date:APPROVED AS TO FORM: By:By: GeneraiCounselchair, Board of Directors ATTEST: B Date: General Manager By: COUNTY OF SANTA CI-ARA, a public entity of the State of Califomia Date:APPROVED AS TO FORM: By:By:- Deputy CountyCounselChair, Board of Supervisors AfiEST: Date: By: CITY OF Ls Altos Hills Date:L/6/oo APP DASTOF RM: By:By:6',i."-> N ame:I'Erk l4iUer Name : Title: Sloan Ti e: City lEnager City Attornev 76075 4 MOA JRG:MGD 10/19/99 SCYURPP P MEMORANDUM AF AGREEMENT crw oF Page 1A of 13 APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: Name Title: APPROVED AS TO FORM: ATTEST: ,,i'r''' B Date: By: Name : Titte: TOWN OF GATOS Date: LL. ?- n1 cBy: Date By:ar;'! AN V. C05GRO\I CLERK Name Tltle: rz CITY OF MONTE SERENO- APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: Name Title: crTY oF _SARATOGA_ Name Title: APPROVED AS TO FORM:Date B By Name : Title: Name Title: MOAfinal JRG:MGD 10/19/99 COUNTY OF SANTA CL..l,RA, a public enriry of rhe State of Califomia Date: By: Chair, Board of Superviso- APPROVED AS TO FORIvt: Bv: pury Countv Counsel ATTEST: Date: By: APPROVED AS To FoRjvI: By, Title: APPROVED AS TOFORM: By Name : Title: Bv: Name : Title: Date: By: Actino Clty Manaoer CITY OF ra<.tl c By: Bv Date Name : Tirle: CITY OF Name : Tirle: CITY OF Milpitas Date:.-- APPROVED AS TO FOR.T!I: SCYURPPP MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT CIry OF PBELL Date: By By: Name : Title: TOWN OF GATOS Date: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Page 10 of 13 Name : Title: APPROVED AS TO FORM: B Name Title CIry OF MONTE SERENO- Date: December 7, I999 By Na Title !1a crw oF _SARATOGA_ Date: By: Name : Title: Name Title: APPROVED TO FORM: ci AI APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: a N Name : Title: MOAfinal JRG:MGD 10/19/99 lN wlrNESS WHEREOF, the pARTIES hereto have executed this Agreement as ofthedatesshownbelow. SANTA cl-ARA VALLEY WATER DlsrRlcr, a body corporate and politic of the stateofCalifornia By:- Date: General Manager By:- ctra@ JRG:MJD 1 0/19/99 Date: By: ch air, Board of Directors CITY oF y'4ou,'r\:,Vrer.^f Date: By: Name : Title: CITY OF APPROVEDAS TO FORM: By: General Counsel ATTEST: By:- Deputy County Counsel ATTEST: Date: By: APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: Name : Title: By COUNry OF SANTA CIARA, a pubtic entity of the State of Califomia 76075 4.doc 1 0 Date:_ APPROVED AS TO FORM: SCVURPPP MEMORANDI)M OF AGREEMENT Page 9 of 13 lN WTNESS WHEREOF, the PARTIES hereto have executed this Agreement as of the dates shown below. SANTA CLARA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT, a body corporate and politic of the State of California Date:APPROVED AS TO FORM: Chair, Board of Directors Chair, Board of Supervisors crTY oF /a/o f) /f" By:- Rv. Date: General Manager By:- COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, a public entity of the State of Califomia Date:- APPROVED AS TO FORM: By:- General Counsel ATTEST: By:- Deputy County Counsel ATTEST: Date: By: APPROVED AS TO FORM: By:tJ- C+----.- 669 I S,u. s 77 L<<<- Title: Sr,r .'or As<i Date: By Name: Title:,l.i t-tt,:7 T'-.a4liC rne.l MOA 10-28-99.doc JRG:MGD 10/'t 9/99 I SCVURPPP MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT CITY OF Date: By:By Name:' lltle: CITY OF SANI.A CLARA Date: November 30 1999 By: me nntracinoe: City Mana qer ATTEST: ry Date: By By: Name: Title: CITY OF n-r-.lJ<ttE- By:By: Name: Title: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Name: Title: APPROVED AS TO FORM: B % Name:LT.N ra rL€ Title: D € 0u1Y AT-ro{t,rJE APPROVED AS TO FORM: Name: Titie: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Name: Title: Page 12 of 1 3 v NPS Modet MOA 1999 JRG:MGD 10/19/99 SCYURPPP MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT CITY OF Date: By:By: Name: Title: By:By; APFROVED AS TO FORM: Page 12 of 13 i t Name: Title: APPROVED AS TO FORM: I -Tr:rName: Title:f tfY tl Atl Name' lltle: APPROVED AS TO FORM: tcr r r\L CITY OF By:By: Nanne: Title: Name: Title: APPROVED AS TO FORM:u cl tg. By:By: Name: Title: Name: Title: 76075 4 l\40A JRG:MGD 10/19/99 crry oF 5n zt+raoA oate: Ttrtutbr.L l, I|li CIry OF SCVURPPP MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT Date: By:Bvt Ch air, Board of Directors By: Date B CITY OF Sunnyvale Date: By me:ber t . LaSala APPROVED AS TO FORM: lN wlrNESs WHEREOF, the pARTTES hereto have executed this Agreement as ofthedatesshownbelow. SANTA CLARA vALLEy WATER DlsrRrcr, a body corporate and poritic of the stateofCalifomia General Counsel AfiEST: Date: General Manager By: COUNTY OF SANTA CUBA, a public entity of the State of California Date:APPROVED AS TO FORM: BY: B Chair, Board of Supervisors Deputy County Counsel ATTEST: t\ 76075_4 MQA,doc JRG:MGD 10/19/99 Page 9 of 13 APPROVED AS TO FORM: r^,4 ay: UaL.*, ,/,1. l/z--^o^z> Name : valetie J. ArmentoTitle: citv Attorne.rTitle: citv !,lanaqer SCWRPPP MEMARANDUM OF AGREEMENT Page 9 of 13 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the PARTIES hereto have executed this Agreement as of the dates shown below. SANTA CLARA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT, a body corporate and potitic of the State of California B By: Chair, Board of Directors General Counsel ATTEST: Date:By:- General Manager By: COUNTY OF SANTA CI-ARA, a public entity of the State of Califomia Date: DECi4lggg APPROVEDAS TO FORM By:By:-.\ Cha Board of Supervi Deputy Cou Counsel ATTEST: Date: DEC 14 lggg By: lis d Perez. clsl( CITY OF Board ol SupeMsors Date:APPROVED AS TO FORM: By:By: Name : Title: Name : Title: Date:_ APPROVED AS TO FORM: c JRG:MJD 3/5100 IN WTNESS WHEREOF, the PARTIES hereto have executed this Agreement as of the dates shown below. SANTA CLARAVALLEYWATER DISTRICT, a body corporate and politic of the State of California P',._ Chair, Board of Directors R,r._ General Counsel Date: ATTEST: A','_ General Manager Rr"- COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, a public entity of the State of Califomia Date: APPROVEDASTOFORM: By:- By:- Chair, Board of Supervisors Deputy County Counsel ATTEST: Date: By: CITY OF SAN JOSE Date 3./o, oD APPROVED AS TO FORM: By:By me: Jenn ag rre Name: Mollie . Dent Title: Assistant to the City Manager 7607 5 4 10 Title: Senior Deputy City Attorney Date:- APPROVED AS TO FORM: f- THIRD AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT PROVIDING FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF T}IE SANTA CLARA VAILEY TJRBAN RTJNOFF POLLT]TION PREVENTION PROGRAM Appendix 2 First Amendment to Agreement Providing For Implementation of the Santa Clara Valley Urban Runoff Pollution Prevention Program as fully executed as of March 10,2005 THIRD AMEN'DMENT TO AGREEMENT PROVIDING FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF T}IE SANTA CLARA VALLEY IJ'RBAN RUNOFF POLLUTION PREVENTION PROGRAM page intentionally blank] Appendix 2 This first amendment to Agreement providing for implementation of the Santa Clara Valley Urban Runoff Pollution Prevention Program (THE 'Amendment") is entered into by and between the SANTA CLARA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT, a local public agency of the State of California ("District'); Clry OF CAMPBELL, a municipal corporation of the State of California; CITY OF CUPERTINO, a municipal corporation of the State of California; CITY OF LOS ALTOS, a municipal corporation of the State of California; TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS, a municipal corporation of the State of California; TOWN OF LOS GATOS, a municipal corporation of the State of California; CITY OF MILPITAS, a municipal corporation of the State of California; CITY OF MONTE SERENO, a municipal corporation of the State of California; CITY OF MOUNTAIN VIEW, a municipal corporation of the State of California; Clry OF PALO ALTO, a municipal corporation of the State of California; CITY OF SARATOGA, a municipal corporation of the State of California; CITY OF SAN JOSE, a municipal corporation of the State of California; CITY OF SANTA CLARA, a municipal corporation of the State of California; CITY OF SUNNWALE, a municipal corporation of the State of California; and COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, a municipal corporation of the State of California. All of the above mentioned entities are hereinafter collectively referred to as "Parties" or individually as "Party.' RECITALS A. The Parties previously entered into that certain Agreement Providing For lmplementation of the Santa Clara Valley Urban Runoff Pollution Prevention Program the "Agreement" or "MOA') pursuant to which the Parties established certain terms and conditions relating to the implementation and oversight of the Santa Clara Valley Urban Runoff Pollution Prevention Program (the "Program"). A copy of the agreement is attached hereto as Appendix A. Unless otherwise set forth herein, all terms shall have the meaning set forth in the Agreement; B. The Agreement provided for a five-year term, which, based on its execution, is currently set to conclude on or about March 10, 2005; C. The Parties expect to utilize the Program to submit a reapplication for the NPDES Permit in early 2005 and to otherwise address a variety of matters related to assisting the Parties in effectuating compliance with the Permit after March 10, 2005; D. The Parties therefore desire to extend the term of the MOA as set forth below; E. Section 7.02 of the MOA provides that it may be amended by the unanimous written agreement of the Parties and that all Parties agree to bring any proposed amendments to their Council or Board, as applicable, within three (3) months following acceptance by the Management Committee; and 1 FIRST AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT PROVIDING FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SANTA CLARAVALLEY URBAN RUNOFF POLLUTION PREVENTION PROGRAftI Appendix 2 NOW, THEREFORE, THE PARTIES HERETO FURTHER AGREE AS FOLLOWS: Section 6. Section 6.02 of the Agreement is hereby amended as follows: Section 2.04 of the Agreement is hereby amended as follows: 2 6.02.01 This Agreement shall continue in full force and effect for an additional one year beyond its original termination date of March 10, 2005, unless otherwise terminated by the Parties in accordance with Section 6.03. Section 2. 2.04.0'l The Program shall conduct an independent review by December 31, 2005 to evaluate the MOA's cost allocation formula and evaluate the term, scope and cost of the Program MOA. Appendix 2 lN UIflTNESS WHEREOF, The Parties have executed this Amendment effective asofMarch10,2005. Sanfa Clan Valley Water District By Name: Tifle: Date: County of Santa Clara: By: Name: Title: Date: City of Carnpbell By: Narne: Title: Date:r[e\o( Robert Kass Int,erim city llanager rI 3 Appendix 2 NOW, THEREFORE, THE PARTIES HERETO FURTHER AGREE AS FOLLOWS: Secti on 6. Section 2. Section 2.04 of the Agreement is hereby amended as follows: 2.04,01 The Program shall conduct an independent review by December 31, 2005 to evaluate the MOA'S cost allocation formula and evaluate the term, scope and cost of the Program MOA. lN WTNESS WHEREOF, The Parties have executed this Amendment effective as of March 10, 2005. Sarta Clara Valley Water Disffici. By:. Name: Title: Date: Caunty of Santa Clarai By: Name: Title: Date: DAu, o d lZat A Po t Section 6.02 of the Agreemeni is hereby amended as follows: 6.02.01 This Agreement shall continue in full force and effect for an additional one year beyond its original termination date of March 10, 2005, unless otheruvise terminated by the Parties in accordance with Section 6.03' By: Name: Title: Date:qS 2 7. to City of Cupertino: if^ lv1a"."ra.r.- J Appendix 2 lN SflITNESS WHEREOF, thc Parrics hate esecuted this :\nrcndnrcnt effcctivc as of itlarch 1(1.2(,05. Saaa Claru YaIIey lVatet Disttict: llr: Namc: I itlc: I)atc: Coudqr ofSanta Clara: Ilr: Narne: Iitlc: Date: City of Los Alos-: B1': Namc: Phllip [.. Rosc Date: U Iitlc: Cin \ Ianagcr Appendix 2 lN WTNESS WHEREOF, The Parties have executed this Amendment effective as of March 10, 2005. Santa Clara Valley Water Districf By: Name: Title: Dale: County of Santa Clara: By: Name: Title: Date: Town of Los Aitos Hills By ) Name: Title: Date: l\/aureen Cassingham City Manager L-rJLB /to; i 3 Appendix 2 lN WF NESS WHEBEOF, The Parties have o(ecuted this Amendment eftective as o, March 10,2005. Santa Clara Valley Watet Disttict' By, Narne: Trtle: Date: County af &nta Clam. By: l.lame: Titb: Date: Town of LosGatos. By:. Debra tr Manager Date: Agprcved as to Form B1t Date: d & Attest By MatL J.Admhistrator A'O{ Date: Town Altomey Appendix 2 NO}Y, THE,REFORE, THE PARTIES HERE,TO FI.JRTITER AGREE AS FOLLOWS: Section 6. Scction 6.02 of the Agreement is hereby amcndcd as follow.s: 6.02 This Agreement shall continue in full torce and effect for an additional one year be,*-ond its original termination date of March l0- 2005, unlcss othenvise terminated by the Parties in accordance rvith Section 6.03. Section 2. Scction 2.04 of the. Agreement is hereby amended as follows: 2.04 The Program shall conduct an indcpcndcnt rcview bv December 31, 2005 to evaluate the MOA's cost allocation formula and evaluate the term, scope and cost of thc Program MOA. IN WITNT^SS WIIEREO}', The Parties have executed this Amendment as of March 10, 2005. Santa Clara Valley Woter Dirtrict: By: Narnc: Titlc: Date: Caunly of Santa Clara; By Name: Titlc: Ciry of MIT,PT APPROVED a / os/,<tis Date By: Narne: l'itle Ac t ins 7 2 DATE GITY ATTCBNEY Date: City l,lanaqer Appendix 2 IN WTNESS WHEREOF, The Parties have executed this Amendment effective as of March 10, 2005. Santa Clan Vattey Water District By: Name: lltle: Date: Countyof Sanla Clan: BY: Name: Title: Date: City of By: Name: Title: Date: 3 Appendix 2 lN WI'fllESS \\iHFIRI':O[.'i hc l]irrtics luvc creculcd thi.s..\nrentlnrenl cll'ucrive as u{' N{rrch 10. 2005. Santa Claro l'alle1,|Yater District: I3;' Narne: l'itle: Date: County of Sonta Clara: By: Name: Title: Date: City olMountain View: Lly: Name:Kevin itle: Citr- Manaeer: - Datc: 3 flarckr cl ,3oo5 Appendix 2 lN WITNESS WHEREOF, The Parties have executed this Amendment effective as of March 10, 2005. Santa Clara Valley Water Dislrict By: Name: Title: Date: County of Santa Clara'. By: Name: Title: Date: City of PaIo Alto By: Name: Title: Date: Jim Rrrrr:h Mayor I,larch 10 2005 J Appendix 2 lN WTNESS WHEREOF, The Parties have executed this Amendment effective as of March 10,2005. Santa Clara Valley Water Disttict By'. Name: Title: Date: County of Senta Clara'. By: Name: Title: Date: City ofS h Cl,.*a By: Name: Title: Date: c- r i I .I: city Clerk s aatn AS TO D D. PFEIF Ci$ Ano J c;{y fy'ramlger fv\o.nc],r I aooS Appendix 2 lN WITNESS WHEREOF, The Parties have executed this Amendment effective as of March 10. 2005. Santa Clan Valley Water Disttict Byl Name: Title: Date: County of Santa Clara:By: Name: Title: Date: City of Saratoga:By: Name: Title: Date: Dave Anderson CiW Manaoer ro'c,5 A'I-TEST: lity 3 a5*- I Appendix 2 lN WITNESS UITHEREOF, The Parties have executed this Amendment effective as of March 10,2005. Sanfa Clara Valley Water District' By: Name Title: Date: County of Sanla Clara:. BY: Name: Title: Date: r. Citv of Sunnwale: By: Name: Title: Date: Approved as to Form; BY: Name: Chan City M 1-/( Joan Boroer Title Date: Cifu Attornev 3 Appendix 2 tN WITNESS WHEREOF, The Parties have executed this Amendmenteffective as of March 10,2005. Sanfa Ctala Vatley Water District By: Name: fitle: Date: I City of County ofSanta Clam: By: Narne: Title: Date: By Narne: Title: Date: KrfIsS cuAa, sCIARp or $uPEn\rts0ag HAR 0 1' 2005 Anesr f,/l o*. Phyllis Pffi, fierlx of the eoard of$Oervisors Date: tAR 012005 Approved as to form and legality Deputy County Counsel Date: )l{CS 3SCVURPPPFIRSTAMENBMENT Appendix 2 IN TVITNESS \ryHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Amendment effective as of March 10,2005. Sonta Clara Valley lYater District: By: Name: Title: Date : Coanty otSanta Clara: By: Name: Title: Date: iily of San lose:MByt Nanre: Title: Date: PTTER ,ffi TO THE CITY MANAGER J,: i.".rii ".I';-,i 3-raof J a r THIRD AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT PROVIDING FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF TIIE SANTA CLARA VALLEY URBAN RUNOFF POLLUTION PREVENTION PROGRAM Appendix 3 Second Amendment to Agreement Providing For Implementation of the Santa Clara Valley Urban Runoff Pollution Prevention Program as fully executed as of March 10,2006 THIRD AMEN'DMENT TO AGREEMENT PROVIDING FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF TTIE SANTA CLARA VAILEY URBAN RUNOFF POLLI]TION PREVENTION PROGRAM page intentionally blank] SECOND AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT PROVIDING FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SANTA CLARA VALLEY URBAN RUNOFF POLLUTION PREVENTION PRO GRAM THIS SECOND AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT PROVIDING FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SANTA CLARA VALLEY IIRBAN RLTNOFF POLLUTION PREVENTION PROGRAM (the "Amendment") is entered into by and between the SANTA CLARA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT, a local public agency of the State of California ("District"); CITY OF CAMPBELL, a municipal corporation of the State of California; CITY OF CUPERTINO, a municipal corporation of the State of California; CITY OF LOS ALTOS, a municipal corporation of the State of California; TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS, a municipal corporation of the State of California; TOWN OF LOS GATOS, a municipal corporation of the State of Califomia; CITY OF MILPITAS, a municipal corporation of the State of Califomia; CITY OF MONTE SERENO, a municipal corporation of the State of Califomia; CITY OF MOI-INTAIN VIEW, a municipal corporation of the State of California; CITY OF PALO ALTO, a municipal corporation of the State of California; CITY OF SAN JOSE, a municipal corporation of the State of Califomia; CITY OF SANTA CLARA, a municipal corporation of the State of Califomia; CITY OF SARATOGA, a municipal corporation of the State of California; CITY OF SI-INNYVALE, a municipal corporation of the State of California; and COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, a political subdivision of the State of Califomia. All of the above-mentioned entities are hereinafter collectively referred to as Parties" or individually as "Party." RECITALS A. The Parties previously entered into that certain Agreement Providing For Implementation of the Santa Clara Valley Urban Runoff Pollution Prevention Program the "Agreement" or .'MOA") pursuant to which the Parties established certain terms and conditions relating to the implementation and oversight of the Santa Clara Valley Urban Runoff Pollution Prevention Program (the "Program"), including a cost sharing allocation, which was appended thereto as Exhibit A. A copy of the Agreement, including Exhibit A, is attached hereto as Appendix 1. Unless otherwise set forth herein, all terms shall have the meaning set forth in the Agreement; B. The Agreement originally provided for a five year term, which, based on its execution, was set to conclude on or about March 10, 2005. However, on or about February 20,2005,the Parties unanimously entered into a First Amendment to the Agreement (attached hereto as Appendix 2), which extended the term of the Agreement by one additional year and, during that year, directed the Program to undertake a management and cost allocation review. The Program used an independent contractor to conduct the management and cost allocation review, which was completed and submitted to the Management Committee in Novembet 2005; 1 C. The Parties expect to utilize the Program to continue to represent their interests in negotiating the terms of a renewed NPDES Permit, which may manifest itself in a Municipal Regional Permit ("MRP"), in2006, and to otherwise address a variety of matters related to assisting the Parties in effectuating compliance with the Permit and/or MRP after March 10,2006; D. The Parties also expect to continue to utilize the Program's preferred approach ofachieving consensus to resolve issues and reach decisions, and to rely on the Majority Vote mechanism set forth in Section 2.08 of the Agreement at the Management Committee level only when consensus-based resolutions appear or become elusive; E. The Parties desire to update the Agreement and extend the term of the MOA as set forth below; F. Section 7.02 of the MOA provides that it may be amended by the unanimous written agreement of the Parties and that all Parties agree to bring any proposed amendments to their Council or Board, as applicable, within three (3) months following acceptance by the Management Committee; and G. The Program's Management Committee accepted this Amendment for referral to the Parties' Councils and/or Boards at its meeting on December 15, 2005. NOW, THEREFORE, THE PARTIES HERETO FURTHER AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. Recoenition of Current Permit. Recital F of the Agreement is hereby amended by the following additional subsections: 3. Order No. 01-024 (re-issued NPDES Permit No. CAS029718); adopted February 21,2001; 4. Order No. 01-i 19 (Modification to re-issued NPDES Permit No CAS02971 8); adopted October 17, 2001; 5. Order No. R2-2005-0035 (Further Modification to re-issued NPDES Permit No. CAS0297 l8); adopted July 20, 2005. 2. Cost Sharine Allocation. Effective with fiscal year 2007, the following footnote shall be deemed to have been added to "Exhibit A" of the MOA and to be shown by means of an asterisk placed immediately following the Proportional Share of 30.02oA" shown for the District: One-third of the District's 30.02% contribution is expected to be from funding derived by the District from Outcome 2 and Activity 2.5 of the voter-adopted Clean Safe Creeks program; the remaining twothirds of the District's contribution is expected to be derived by the District from property tax revenues. 2 3. Contractine/Fiscal Asent. Section 4.02 of the Agreement is hereby replaced by the following: In March 2005, the District notified the Management Committee that it was withdrawing as the Contracting/Fiscal Agent within ninety (90) days; the City of Sunnyvale thereafter agreed to serve as the Contracting/Fiscal Agent and was nominated to do so by another Party and selected as the Program's ConkactinglFiscal Agent by a majority vote of the Management Committee. The City of Sunnyvale may withdraw as the Contracting/Fiscal Agent upon the provision of ninety (90) days written notice to the Management Committee. 4. Extension of Term of Asreement. Sections 6.02 and 6.02.01of the Agreement, as previously amended, are hereby replaced as follows: This Agreement shall have a term extending one fiscal year beyond the termination date of the next NPDES Permit issued to the Parties by the RWQCB-SFBR; such termination date shall, include any administrative extension of the next NPDES Permit's term which occurs pursuant to the NPDES regulations. 5. Supersedine Effect. This Second Amendment of the Agreement shall supersede and replace the First Amendment of the Agreement. remainder of page intentionally blank] J I, 1l IiY LTNESS II'HEREOF. the Parties,have executed this Arnendment effective as of V1arch 10,2006. Santa Clara Valley Water District: By: l '".1' rt jrl i il"II i.,t .'i i. t.t',.! l',,i 1.t J ,r,l,.'.1 ln,i, ,, I., ' i Jir': N Title: Date: Cowfiy of Santa Clara: By: Name: Title: Date: By: Name: Title; Date: eldd z/tt-0o ,(- City of l" i l i il 2().i()d"i 5 ti,1z':*.rr* I i, IN 1VXTNESS WHERSOF, the Parties have executed this Amendrnent effective as of Ivlarch t4,2006. Santa ClaruYslley Water Distrtct: By: Name: Iitle: Date: Coanty af Santa Clara: By, Name: Tirle: Date: Ctty Canpbell By: Name: Title: Date: RoberE Kasg Public Works Di.rector January 23, 2006 IA f? rll i:,'," ' r ' ' 1, ' I f, t, I t,.' I,I,t.," t IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Amendment effective as of Ivlarch 10, 2006. gB'd rulol Santa Clara Valley ll/ater District: By: Name: Title: Date: County of Santo Clara: By: Name: Title: Date: City 67 guOertino: By: Name: Sant r> vt ( J 2(, Title: l, zL. oc 1.r,, ' il; t rlt. oa )mo? 7CO BTa Date: IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Amendment effective as of March 10,2006. Santa Claro Valley ll/ater District: By: Name: TitIE: Date: County of Santa Cloro: By: Name: Title: Date: City of Los Altos: By: Name:Philip Rose Title: Cttv lt4auager Date: 4 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Amendment effective as of March 10,2006. Santo Clara Volley ll/ater Dbtrict: By: Name: Title: Date: County of Santa Clora: By: Name: Title: Date: Town of Los Altos Hills: By: Narne, Acting CityManagerTitle: Date: 4? 4 p e ^Lfil IN WITNESS THEREOF, the Parties have executed this Amendment Effective as of March 10,2006. Santu Clara Yalley Water District: By: Name: Iitle: Date: County of Santa Clara: By: Name: Title: Date: Town of Los Gatos: By: Town Manager Date: Approved as to Form By: Town Attomey Date:l, Attest By: J Date: ,'ta 4 a IN IVITNESS IYI{ERBOF, the Parties have executed this Amendment effective as of March 10, 2006. Santa Clara Valley Water District: By, Name: Title: Date: County of Santa Clara: By: Name: Title: Date: CtA of s By Name: Title: Date: CTTY 3 TEBP;luAqY 2OOID APPROVED DATE 1.H.znt CTTY A1'' l,r.lLJ{vs l//r;1s 4 sf-2050445 IN MTNESS WHERBOF, the Parties have executed this Amendment effective as of March 10,2A06. Santa Clara Valley Water District: By: Name: Title: Date: County of Santa Clara: By: Name: Title: Date: City of Monte Sereno By: Name: Title: Date: Brian Loventhal Januarv I 2006 4 Ii\ WITNESS lV[IEREOF, the Partics have executed this Amendment cffectivc as of March I0. 2006. Santa Clars Valley ll/ater District: By: Name: Title: Date: Coungt of Santa Clara: By: Name: Title: Date: City of Mountain View: By: Name: Title: Date: 4 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Amendment effective as of March 10,2006. Santa Clara Vallel, Water District: By: Name: Title: Date: County of Santa Clara: By: Name: Title: Date: I ciq,PaIo Alto By: Name: Title: Date: Kleinber Mayor March 6 , 2006 4 sf-2050445 IN WITNESS WIIEREOF, the Parties have executed this Amendment effective as of March 10,2006. Santa Clara Yalley lYater District: By: Name: Title: Date: Courrty of Santa Clara: By: Name: Title: Date: Cityof SM OLrt&4 :By:&^rniJ u( dnanan-lt:y xu*(Lt1r{M*, Title: e Dare: / *.3A -O1' r AS B. City Attcrney T C Clci'k 4 IN WITNESS WHER-EOF, the Parties have executed this Amendment effective as of March 10,2006. tanta ClaruYallcy Watu Distrlia; By: Name: Title: Date: County of Santa Clwa: Byt Name: Title: Date: City SoL,<t{*5 <e-/By: Name: Tirle: Date: 4^-*/" .-! crd C,Y 2t-q -Lt- 2 7- 2do( 4 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Amendment efl'ective as of March 10, 2006. Santa Clora Valley Woter District: By: Name: Title: Date: County of Santa Clora: By: Name: Title: Date: City of Sunnyvale: By: Name: Title: Date: Amv Chan r\'Approved rc lo Form: City of Sunnyvale) By: Name: Title: Date: David Kahn Citv A l- -t f -r:C 4 City Manager t i";.'l iJil,;', ffi il,ti -eil[t' : '{ i.\\Qr.:';;;I.{ rJ'!ll. .',{ i:;,.,,,iil t''\, 1.. j 1 ,, )rlr 't t IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Amendmcnt effectivc as of March 10,2006. Santa Clara Valley Water District' By: Name: Title: Date: County of Santa Clara: By: Name:T. BEALL, JR. CfI.AiR n,,i,.: i.r.i, ri i',1 7 Ti By: Name: Title: Date: Date: JAf,lZ4?006 A?TEST : Phyllls A. Psrar, Sls{k Bpard of r.l City Fonn ard lt 4 sf-2050445 r .,i' .,1i d 11.$ I oabW IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Amendment effective as of March 10,2006. Santo Clara Yolley lYater Districl: By: Name: Title: Date: County of Santo Claro: By: Name: Title: Date City of San Jose: By: Nanre: Deanna Santana l'itlc: Deputy City Manager Date: lvlarch 10,2006 Approved As To Form By: Nanrc: iviollie J. Dent l'itlc: Senior Deputy City Attorney 1 sl--20-5 1296 er^^^- I^1-*