Desk Item. Adoption of Housing Element PREPARED BY: Erin Walters and Jocelyn Shoopman Associate Planner and Associate Planner Reviewed by: Town Manager, Assistant Town Manager, Town Attorney, and the Community Development Director 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● (408) 354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: 01/30/2023 ITEM NO: 1 DESK ITEM DATE: January 30, 2023 TO: Mayor and Town Council FROM: Laurel Prevetti, Town Manager SUBJECT: Consider the Adoption of the Los Gatos 2023-2031 Housing Element. An Environmental Analysis Based on the Previously Certified 2040 General Plan Final Environmental Impact Report has been Prepared for the Los Gatos 2023-2031 Housing Element. Location: Town-wide. Applicant: Town of Los Gatos. General Plan Amendment Application GP-22-003. REMARKS: In response to a request of a Council Member, Attachments 14 and 15 show track changes for Appendix D, Sites Inventory Analysis, and Appendix H, Sites Inventory Form. Attachment 15 is a condensed version of the Sites Inventory Form for more legible viewing. These are the changes made to the version submitted to the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) on October 14, 2022, in response to the direction from Town Council on December 20, 2022, to use minimum density in the Sites Inventory. These changes are part of the Housing Element included as Exhibit 1 to the Draft Ordinance. In response to a Council Member’s questions about the difference between the total number of sites included in the October draft and the total number of sites included in the current draft (when utilizing density versus minimum density), staff has provided the following response in italics: Using typical density, the Sites Inventory submitted to HCD in October 2022 had 46 sites with a total capacity of 2,371 units (Site Inventory + Pipeline, ADU and SB 9 projections). This included a 19 percent buffer. The revised Sites Inventory utilizing minimum density has 48 sites (two new sites are 15495 Los Gatos Blvd. and 15445 Los Gatos Blvd.) with a total capacity of 2,312 units (Site Inventory + Pipeline, ADU, and SB 9 projections). This includes a 16 percent buffer. PAGE 2 OF 2 SUBJECT: Adoption of the Los Gatos 2023-2031 Housing Element/GP-22-003 DATE: January 30, 2023 REMARKS (continued): It was brought to staff’s attention that two rows were not included in Appendix H and the corrected version has been included as Attachment 15 and as Exhibit 1 to Attachment 16. The Town Attorney has provided a revised Draft Resolution (Attachment 16). Attachment 17 includes additional public comments received between 11:01 a.m., Thursday, January 26, 2023, and 11:00 a.m., Monday, January 30, 2023. ATTACHMENTS: Previously received: 1. Draft 2023-2031 Housing Element 2. Environmental Analysis 3. Revised Appendix D, Sites Inventory Analysis 4. Revised Appendix H, Sites Inventory Form Previously received with the January 30, 2023, Staff Report: 5. December 20, 2022, Town Council Minutes 6. January 11, 2023, Planning Commission Staff Report with Exhibits 1-5 7. January 11, 2023, Planning Commission Addendum Report with Exhibit 6 8. January 11, 2023, Planning Commission Verbatim Minutes 9. January 12, 2023, HCD’s Findings Comment Letter 10. Public Comments Received by HCD 11. Revised Housing Element Update Process Timeline 12. Draft Resolution with Exhibits 1 and 2 13. Public Comment received between 11:01 a.m., Tuesday, December 20, 2022, and 11:00 a.m., Thursday, January 26, 2023 Received with this Desk Item: 14. Revised Appendix D, Sites Inventory Analysis – Showing Track Changes 15. Revised Appendix H, Sites Inventory Form – Showing Track Changes 16. Revised Draft Resolution with Exhibits 1 and 2 17. Public comments received between 11:01 a.m., Thursday, January 26, 2023, and 11:00 a.m., Monday, January 30, 2023.