Comment for 1_24 Town Council meetingFrom:Kitty Muller To:Clerk; Town Manager; Council Subject:Comment for 1/24 Town Council meeting Date:Tuesday, January 24, 2023 4:32:44 PM [EXTERNAL SENDER] Hello, My name is Kitty Muller and I am a resident of Los Gatos. I am writing to strongly encourage you to include homelessness as a strategic priority for the town. For the past twenty years Ihave been involved in serving our unhoused neighbors. I had noticed that I was seeing the same individuals when I walked, shopped and drove. I started to bring my preschool agedaughter with me to serve lunch at St Luke's as I wanted her to see and experience those there as real human beings. When my church, Los Gatos United Methodist Church, partnered withSt Luke's to do the shower ministry, I became a volunteer and am active to this day. I have seen how effective it is when we work as a collective to address the needs of our unhousedwho live among us. My church, St. Luke's, St. Mary's, West Valley Community Services and LGPD (Officer Hoyt) have all worked together and I believe more can be done with the TownCouncil involved. Possible suggestions are a warming shelter perhaps in the LG Recreational buildings or a case manager who can be a point person/resource for the unhoused, the town council/LGPD and allthe churches/organizations who presently volunteer their services. These and other ideas can be researched by the town staff. Looking at what other towns have done will also be useful. I truly hope the town will include our unhoused neighbors as a strategic priority as it will bebeneficial for us all. most sincerely, Kitty Muller