Staff Report.Pinehurst and Lynn Ave PREPARED BY: Marina Chislett Environmental Programs Specialist Reviewed by: Town Manager, Assistant Town Manager, Town Attorney, Finance Director, and Parks and Public Works Director 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● (408) 354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: 06/20/2023 ITEM NO: 4 DATE: June 7, 2023 TO: Mayor and Town Council FROM: Laurel Prevetti, Town Manager SUBJECT: Authorize the Town Manager to Execute an Agreement with Dillingham Associates for Preliminary Design Services for the Pinehurst Community Garden (CIP No. 831-4610) and Lynn Avenue Pedestrian Path Design (CIP No. 832-4510) for a Total Amount Not to Exceed $123,556. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the Town Manager to execute an agreement with Dillingham Associates (Attachment 1) for preliminary design services for the Pinehurst Community Garden (CIP No. 831-4610) and Lynn Avenue Pedestrian Path Design (CIP No. 832-4510) for a Total Amount Not to Exceed $123,556. BACKGROUND: In 2021, community members advocated for a community garden for a Town-owned parcel on Pinehurst Avenue (APN: 523-43-7), and for a pedestrian path at Lynn Avenue between Union Avenue and Pinehurst Avenue. These lots are encumbered with PG&E and Valley Water easements and existing utility services. The Town plans to work closely with the utility companies for permissions and any design requirements for these projects. The Town currently has $120,685.80 budgeted for the Pinehurst Community Garden and $75,000 for the Lynn Avenue Pedestrian Path Design. Pinehurst Community Garden: The parcel for the Pinehurst Community Garden has undergone soil characterization testing in late 2022. Additional soil testing will be necessary to identify optimal design layouts for the community garden. The Town expects the design consultant to identify any soil testing needs for the project. PAGE 2 OF 4 SUBJECT: Authorize the Town to prepare and execute an agreement for design services for the Pinehurst Community Garden and Lynn Avenue Pedestrian Path Design DATE: June 7, 2023 BACKGROUND (continued): Lynn Avenue Pedestrian Path Design: Lynn Avenue is utilized heavily by Union Middle School and Alta Vista Elementary students, as well as adult bicyclists and pedestrians. However, there are currently no sidewalks, decreasing walkability and presenting safety hazards and accessibility issues. The proposed project would provide an off-road walking and biking path. No soil characterization testing has taken place at this location. If necessary, future testing may be required. DISCUSSION: In February 2023, the Town issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for Preliminary Design Services for the Pinehurst Community Garden and Lynn Avenue Pedestrian Path Design. The design scope of these projects includes project management, evaluation of existing conditions, community engagement, development of conceptual designs, and advancing a preferred design the 35% completion. The Town received three proposals from the following firms: Callander Associates, Dillingham Associates, and Gates + Associates. Bid results are shown below. Firm Pinehurst Community Garden Lynn Avenue Pedestrian Path Design Callander Associates $84,201 $73,368 Dillingham Associates $66,093 $55,133 Gates + Associates $119,070 $74,990 Dillingham Associates was found to be the lowest qualified bidder to provide preliminary design services for these projects. During development of the final scope of services, slight changes to the Dillingham Associates’ proposal were made resulting in a fee of $68,108 for the Pinehurst Community Garden and $55,448 for the Lynn Avenue Pedestrian Path Design, for a total amount not to exceed $123,556. The full scope, fee summary, and project schedules are shown as Exhibit A to Attachment 1 of this report. CONCLUSION AND NEXT STEPS: Approval of the recommended action would allow the Town to execute an agreement with Dillingham Associates for Preliminary Design Services for the Pinehurst Community Garden and the Lynn Avenue Pedestrian Path Design. Once base mapping and other initial work is complete, a future agenda item will provide an opportunity for the Town Council to provide direction on a vision for these two projects. PAGE 3 OF 4 SUBJECT: Authorize the Town to prepare and execute an agreement for design services for the Pinehurst Community Garden and Lynn Avenue Pedestrian Path Design DATE: June 7, 2023 COORDINATION: This staff report was coordinated with the Town Attorney, Town Manager and Finance Director. FISCAL IMPACT: The adopted Fiscal Year 2022/23-2026/27 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Budget is sufficient for this preliminary design service phase of the Pinehurst Community Garden and the Lynn Avenue Pedestrian Path Design. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: The recommended action is not a project as defined under CEQA, and no further action is required. The construction phase of the Pinehurst Community Garden and Lynn Avenue Pedestrian Path are projects as defined under CEQA and environmental review will be completed in future phases. Budget Costs GFAR 135,000$ Total Budget 135,000$ Costs Prior Consultation Services 14,314$ Agreement with Dillingham Associates (Approved with this Staff Report)68,108$ Total Costs 82,422$ Available Balance 52,578$ Budget Costs GFAR 75,000$ Total Budget 75,000$ Costs Agreement with Dillingham Associates (Approved with this Staff Report)55,448$ Total Costs 55,448$ Available Balance 19,552$ Pinehurst Community Garden CIP No. 831-4610 Lynne Avenue Pedestrian Path Design CIP No. 832-4510 PAGE 4 OF 4 SUBJECT: Authorize the Town to prepare and execute an agreement for design services for the Pinehurst Community Garden and Lynn Avenue Pedestrian Path Design DATE: June 7, 2023 Attachment: 1. Agreement for Consultant Services