Staff Report.Tree Trimming and Maintenance PREPARED BY: Jim Harbin Superintendent Reviewed by: Town Manager, Assistant Town Manager, Town Attorney, Finance Director, and Director of Parks and Public Works 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● (408) 354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: 06/20/2023 ITEM NO: 6 DATE: June 5, 2023 TO: Mayor and Town Council FROM: Laurel Prevetti, Town Manager SUBJECT: Authorize the Town Manager to Execute a Five-Year Agreement for Services with Brightview Tree Care Services, Inc. for Tree Trimming and Maintenance Services in an Amount not to exceed $200,000 in Fiscal Year 2023/24 and Total Five-Year Contract Value of Up to $1,000,000 RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the Town Manager to execute a five-year Agreement for Services with Brightview Tree Care Services, Inc. for tree trimming and maintenance services in an amount not to exceed $200,000 in Fiscal Year 2023/24 and total five-year contract value of up to $1,000,000. BACKGROUND: The Town of Los Gatos contracts tree trimming and removal services to maintain the Town’s trees in streets and parks. Staff reviews these maintenance contracts regularly to ensure that the services provided are being performed satisfactorily, are competitively priced, and continue to meet the Town’s expectations and contract terms. These services allow for basic ongoing management of the Town’s tree inventory with the goals of ensuring tree canopies provide vertical clearance for garbage and recycling pickup, addressing safety concerns, and managing the long-term health of the urban forest. The current tree trimming contract with Brightview Tree Care Services, Inc. will expire on June 30, 2023. PAGE 2 OF 3 SUBJECT: Authorize the Town Manager to Execute a Five-Year Agreement for Services with Brightview Tree Services, Inc. DATE: June 5, 2023 DISCUSSION: With the existing contract set to expire at the end of this fiscal year, staff initiated a Request for Proposals (RFP) for tree trimming and removals, tree planting and watering, and additional as- needed services such as emergency response. Firms were asked to provide their capability and qualifications across these services and to provide pricing for each category. Four proposals were received on May 8, 2023, with the results presented in Attachment 1. Staff determined that Brightview Tree Care Services, Inc. is the best qualified and the most cost competitive firm to provide the requested services. Brightview provides tree trimming services to multiple Bay Area municipalities including the City of Campbell and the County of Santa Clara and has provided professional tree care services to the Town for the past five years. The RFP requested line-item costs for miscellaneous services such as tree planting and watering on an as-needed basis. Staff anticipates the use of these services to re-forest and water newly planted trees in park strips, parks, and median islands throughout the Town, replacing trees that were lost in the 2023 winter storms. The agreement term allows for continuity of service and maximizes savings by engaging the firm for multiple years. The contract language provides for cancellation should the need arise during the contract term and ties the work to the budget appropriated by the Town Council annually. To accommodate the potential impacts of inflation on the service, the contract allows for annual increases tied to the Consumer Price Index beginning in year two. CONCLUSION: With this recommended action, Town Council would authorize the Town Manager to execute a five-year agreement for services with Brightview Tree Care Services, Inc. for tree trimming and maintenance services that are vital to the health of the Town’s trees. FISCAL IMPACT: The Adopted FY 2023/24 Operating Budget has sufficient funds for tree maintenance. This action will have no additional fiscal impact. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: This is not a project defined under CEQA, and no further action is required. PAGE 3 OF 3 SUBJECT: Authorize the Town Manager to Execute a Five-Year Agreement for Services with Brightview Tree Services, Inc. DATE: June 5, 2023 Attachments: 1. Bid Price Sheets 2. Agreement for Services