Attachment 4 - LGSR Responses to Chair Blum QuestionsCHSSC Meeting: May 23, 2023 Questions for LGS Rec. from Jeffrey P. Blum, chair of the Community Health and Senior Services Commission 1 ATTACHMENT 4 NOTE – Questions were numbered to add clarity and reference points in future discussion. Commissioner questions appear in bolded black text and LGS Recreation responses appear in black italicized text. 1. I believe the town council is asking us at least in part to repair the damaged relationship existing between the town and LGS Rec. My first question to LGS Rec. is how do you suggest that we do that? SHORT TERM GOALS: • CHSSC to stand united in support of the 225K allocated by Town Council • CHSSC to stand united in support of additional $33K for Case Manager to support road map goals, if Commission agrees of value (discussion and suggestion from CHSSC requested by Rob Moore on 3/7). Preferably prior to the budget meeting on 5/16. • CHSSC create a Study Session for meaningful discussions of Agency future proposals and reports • Commissioners and Council rotate to attend key 55 Plus social events. Report back positive feedback and developments to Town Council on a regular basis. • Awareness campaign for donations to avoid confusion. Ex. Why donate to “55 Plus” directly versus “Friends of LG Seniors” • Advocate now for long term partnership and financial contribution from the Town. Goal is partnership not vendor relationship. • Advocate for standardization of grant award reporting from all Senior focused recipients of funds from Town Council. In the past LGS held to a different standard of reporting than other grant recipients. • Engage in a manner that does not threaten or question the relationship as it stands. Conversations of “if LGS is the provider at the time” leads to uncertainty/threat and prevents us from long-term strategy. Example of the behavior noted: In the 2/28 CHSSC meeting, Commissioner xxxx declares “we will sue LGS Rec if they don’t do what we want”. • Commission chair to coordinate with other commissioners prior to key Town Council meetings to ensure the Commission speaks with a unanimous voice and provides a consistent message. o Contradictory comments at the Town Council meeting on 3/7 left Town Council undecided. Lack of support, aside from Commissioner xxxx, was a surprise to 55 Plus staff, following a successful final ARPA grant presentation and call for support from CHSSC members. o Direct Example:  Commissioner xxxx – expressed concern that the reduced funding ($225K) would adversely affect the services delivered as compared to the prior year and spoke in support of further funding for 55 Plus.  Commissioner xxxx – “…possible for them (LGS Rec) to continue this CHSSC Meeting: May 23, 2023 Questions for LGS Rec. from Jeffrey P. Blum, chair of the Community Health and Senior Services Commission 2 ATTACHMENT 4 program at the same level using some of their own initiatives.” This is interpreted as LGS Rec does not need the financial support requested and should fund the shortfall out of their own pocket.  It was disappointing that other Commissioners did not speak in support of 55 Plus. LONG TERM GOALS: • Negotiate FREE use of park spaces for 55 Plus programs • Town to co-write economic vitality grants with Agency • Commission to seek new CHSSC members to offer new perspectives and help foster continued support and protect senior services • Build 55 Plus into Town budget long term for (at least) the cost recovery aspects of free / low-cost programs to allow for a sustainable program • Be viewed as partners and consultants in plans to build a new Senior/Community Center (10-year goal on roadmap). Can offer valuable feedback in design of new Senior focused space and provide 55 Plus programming therein. 2. Are there specific proposals you have in mind that might help with that? How would you like for us to communicate with LGS Rec. in a manner that would help to restore trust between the town and LGS Rec.? How can we best work together to provide robust and meaningful services to older adults? How will we know we are on track to make the relationship better? • LGS values the insight of the CHSSC. We attend monthly meetings, listen to what is important, and act. o For example, at the beginning of the year communication about senior services was highlighted as lacking. We expanded the number of pages dedicated to 55 Plus in our Brochure (giving seniors more attention on the front and back cover), emailed out to our database of >7000 people over the age of 55 to announce the 55 Plus program, expanded the PRINT content and delivered to key places around town as well as flyers for upcoming events, and worked on outreach at community events or gatherings. o The creation and development of the HUB is another demonstration of our willingness to work with CHSSC or SSC to reimagine senior services and meet gaps in service for older adults in Los Gatos. • Please see the short term and long-term goals listed in Q1 to track progress of coordinated efforts moving forward. 3. Will you let us know what else we can do to get the rest of your team on board with whatever game plan we come up with? If so, when and in what manner will you inform us? • LGS Recreation staff work in coordination and have developed our proposals as a full team. If this does not satisfy the answer, please clarify what is meant by “get the rest of your team on board”. CHSSC Meeting: May 23, 2023 Questions for LGS Rec. from Jeffrey P. Blum, chair of the Community Health and Senior Services Commission 3 ATTACHMENT 4 • Recommendations for the use of funding are outlined in documents previously provided to the Town Council and this Commission. 4. What do you perceive as essential senior services? • Essential services provided by our agency include, social activities, fitness classes, players groups, community gatherings, health education programs and access to resources. • Recreation and social opportunities that are AFFORDABLE especially to seniors most at risk of social isolation. 80% of our members are over the age of 70 and 40% over 80. • LGS Recreation is dedicated to offering free or low-cost programs that address social, physical, psychological, cognitive needs of older adults while minimizing financial barriers and therefore increasing participation. • 55 Plus program creates an environment where older adults can feel a sense of belonging, connectedness, fun and support. Our role is creating a community where older adults can thrive. • Additionally, we also recognize the importance of and often refer older adults to: o Live Oak Nutrition Program o Adult Day Services o Service providers offering transportation solutions (RYDE & VTA) 5. The HUB: Is this something that the town should take over updating to help with funding for other 55 plus programs? • Most beneficial action item in regard to the HUB from CHSSC would be to advocate for 0.2 FTE Case Manager. On 3/7 Rob Moore stated that Town Council would consider awarding an additional $33, 280. • The HUB is housed on the LGS Recreation website and is LGS Recreation content (not the Town of Los Gatos). Edits made through LGS Recreation IT Staff. • An added benefit of website being held by LGS Recreation is that we can adapt content based on phone calls/ email inquiries received for services (ex. podiatry and optometry listings just added) • Volunteer initiatives managed by recreation coordinator currently help maintain links (ex. Highschool students who are already involved in tech with teens, SJSU Nursing students, etc.) • Appreciate the collaboration with the Senior Service Committee subcommittee that volunteered time to this project, many of whom are also Commissioners. • Recall: ARPA funding was not allocated specifically for the HUB in 2022 but our agency prioritized the concerns of the CHSSC and SSC. • In letter addressed to Town Council on 3/7 “Re: Recommendations for Use of Potential 55 Plus Funding” LGS Recreation proposed continued efforts from LGS Rec Staff to review and edit HUB content. • NOTE: first quarter of 2023 LGS made edits and expansion to HUB content prior to Resource Fair and Launch. Our agency also added a page for Youth and those that Love Them Resource Page titled LGS CONNECT. o https://www.lgsrecreation.org/connect/ CHSSC Meeting: May 23, 2023 Questions for LGS Rec. from Jeffrey P. Blum, chair of the Community Health and Senior Services Commission 4 ATTACHMENT 4 o https://www.lgsrecreation.org/55-plus/hub/ • Town linking the HUB to Town website to make it accessible has been helpful. • CHSSC/Town can support annual health fair (funding, volunteering, marketing, etc.) • Office hours and a 55 Plus direct phone line assist and direct community members to resources. The reduction in financial support below the low-plan proposal will impact office hours to half day, as provided to Council on 3/7. 6. Which items, if any, from the 2009 lease agreement should be discarded? Which items, if any, from this lease are no longer relevant? • LGS Recreation will work with Town Manager to adjust the lease. CHSSC can provide advocacy to support change and update in terms set 15 years ago. • Recall: from CHSSC presentation on Final ARPA grant use - greatly exceeding terms listed in lease agreement in 2022. DIRECT SERVICES: OUTDATED CHANGE TO Wednesday Afternoon Movies (once per month) Movie Showing Senior Show Senior Social Senior Center Newsletter (bimonthly) Senior Center Newsletter – The PRINT Information and Referral to Other Agencies Information and Referral to Other Agencies – The HUB Recreation Classes will be expanded significantly as demand warrants. Examples include: language, arts and crafts, computer and other internet classes. Ongoing support of volunteer facilitated programs, partnerships with outside agencies (ex. West Valley College), socials, and flexibility to change offerings based on changing member interest. Ex. Socials, clubs, presenters, players groups, etc. INDIRECT SERVICES: • AARP Tax Appointment scheduling, phone calls and management create a burden for 55 Plus Staff. In future years we may reduce the number of appointments offered at our location. Remove/No Longer Relevant – o Brown Bag Grocery Distribution o Live Oak Senior Nutrition Program (will continue to refer & have calendar available) o BART Tickets o Older Women’s Group o Happy Hoofers Walking Group (should be moved to direct services) and title change to Tuesday Town Walk CHSSC Meeting: May 23, 2023 Questions for LGS Rec. from Jeffrey P. Blum, chair of the Community Health and Senior Services Commission 5 ATTACHMENT 4 Update Terminology to Reflect Current – OUTDATED CHANGE TO “55+ Alive Driving Class” AARP Driver Safety Course (by appointment) Health Presentations Guest Speaker 7. Which of the Senior Service Committees Road Map goals do you believe LGS Rec. can fulfill? Please describe how and to what extent LGS Rec. could fulfill these road map goals. • Refer to the original proposal presented to council January 2023 p.4- for full listing COMMUNICATION & INFORMATION ACCESS *Case Manager could additionally support information access. • Currently doing so via PRINT, 55 Plus Phone Line and members actively involved in our programs (580 as of 5/1) • The PRINT is an in-house communication tool to keep in touch with members and keep them aware of upcoming programs. o Willing to continue to promote other initiatives upon request (ex. Beautification committee, Community Events Page, Live Oak, Cinelux senior days, Adult Day reopening, etc.). Emailed to all members, hard copies available on-site, available online, placed in key locations around town. Additional use of flyers to supplement. • 55 Plus Phone Line (408.354.1514) *as indicated in 225K recommendation letter to Town Council - reduction in hours from 8-5pm to 9-12pm o Answered and monitored by 55 Plus Staff o 2023 Inbound Call Statistics: January 229, February 267, March 272, April 211 o Note: this does not include calls that go directly to Rec Coordinator or Front Office Line and therefore an underrepresentation. Also does not include outgoing calls. • 55 Plus Email (55plus@lgsrecreation.org) o Answered and monitored by 55 Plus Staff • The HUB Online Resource Page o Connects seniors, adult children, and LGS Rec staff to resources to guide older adults. o 2023 Page Visit Statistics: January 235, February 286, March 397, April 278 o Health Fair scheduled for 5/11 to unite service providers and bring awareness to seniors (would like this to be an annual event) ENGAGEMENT: *Case Manager could additionally support. • Currently provide social opportunities every day for seniors to participate in (please see the PRINT for an idea of programs offered) • Strong membership base • Provide Social Opportunities CHSSC Meeting: May 23, 2023 Questions for LGS Rec. from Jeffrey P. Blum, chair of the Community Health and Senior Services Commission 6 ATTACHMENT 4 • Recreation as a means of supporting physical, mental, and social wellbeing. APPEALING AND INVITING FACILITY: • Currently making the most of the Adult Recreation Center and Youth Recreation Center to offer classes, programs, socials. • Provide ideas and feedback on what is needed in a new facility. TRANSPORTATION: *Case Manager could additionally support. • Direct seniors to resources available to them to help with transportation barriers via HUB and in person/phone/email interactions. HOUSING: *Case Manager could additionally support. • Direct seniors to resources via HUB VOLUNTEER SUPPORT AND ENGAGEMENT: • Volunteers are impactful for both the volunteer and program. We have an active volunteer program and continue to invest in it as an organization. o Volunteers are helpful, but they are not in themselves a business model. Volunteers still require staff oversight, training, and support. o We have 15 weekly volunteer facilitated 55 Plus programs. o Beyond that, we have volunteer position opportunities throughout the year for regular service/in office, ongoing events, special events, for community outreach, and more. Ex. currently for Footbridge Mural Project o We continue to seek volunteers (both seniors and high school students). Ex. Currently recruiting for Day Trip Volunteer chaperone, badminton program volunteer, scrabble volunteer, 55 Plus events/social dance volunteers, game day facilitators and more. • Continued partnership with local service providers (Kiwanis, Lions, etc.) 8. What else does LGS Rec. need from the town to make these things happen? • Please refer to short- and long-term goals listed in Q1 • Commission to advocate for adding a 0.2 FTE Case Manager Role. With the launch of the HUB our phone line now receives a great number of calls that go beyond the scope of Recreation, ex. divorce attorney, tombstone purchases. Role of Case Manager would be to offer NEW service in conjunction with the HUB – below is copied from the letter to Town Council for 3/7 meeting with recommendations: o Case manager- 0.2 FTE, 8 hours/week to work out of the 55 Plus office. o Tasks would include scheduled 1:1 appointment with seniors to address a wide variety of topics and issues, host weekly or monthly support groups (cancer, grief, caregiver), support the HUB resource page, present on educational topics, organize an annual health fair with key service providers. o Benefits Senior Services Roadmap Goals. o Case manager would be open to all older adults in the community (not exclusive to members). CHSSC Meeting: May 23, 2023 Questions for LGS Rec. from Jeffrey P. Blum, chair of the Community Health and Senior Services Commission 7 ATTACHMENT 4 o LGS staff would schedule appointments and help direct content/programs offered based on feedback and needs of seniors. • Council member Rob Moore asked specifically for input from the CHSSC and indicated that Town Council would reconsider funding additional $32,280. LGS Recreation asks that CHSSC discuss this proposal and if seen as an asset in support of Road Map goals to bring back to Town Council for reconsideration. • Additional funding and fundraising/grant support will be necessary long-term. How does the CHSSC view their involvement with financial advocacy, donor development, grant application support, etc. in support of the 55 Plus program? 9. Do you need the town to subsidize the youth program and/or the adult program to keep 55 plus going? • Other program areas either break even or generate revenue. 55 Plus program is unique in that it is non-revenue generating section of LGS Recreation Agency. Therefore, initiatives for subsidy/funding should be focused on 55 Plus. • Commitment from the Town to partner with LGS Recreation and offer long term plan to support a sustainable program. Secured future finances allows LGS Recreation to support and foster skilled staff, as well as continue to offer a robust program in good faith to members. • CHSSC can additionally help support donation campaigns for 55 Plus funding. 10. Is Lisanne Kennedy going to continue to run 55 plus? • Staff will be in place to deliver the services agreed. 11. If so, to what extent? • The current level of funding allows for the Recreation Coordinator position to have a 0.70 FTE. The remaining 0.3 FTE supports Adult Enrichment that anyone over 18 can participate in ex. Great Getaway bus trips. 11. Thank you. Thank you CHSSC for your commitment and efforts to make improvements to Senior Services in Los Gatos.