Attachment 3 - First_Amendment_with_Exhibit_A - W-TransFirst Amendment to Agreement for Consultant Services  W‐Trans for Signal Traffic Signal Modernization Project Management 1 of 2  FIRST AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR CONSULTANT SERVICES  This AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT is dated for identification this 19th day of August  2020 and amends that certain Agreement for Consultant Services dated April 18, 2018, made by  and between the Town of Los Gatos, ("Town,") and Whitlock & Weinberger Transportation, Inc.  (W‐ Trans), ( "Consultant"), whose address is 505 17th Street, 2nd Floor, Oakland, CA94612.  RECITALS  A.Town and Consultant entered into an Agreement for Consultant Services Agreement on April 18, 2018, (“Agreement”), a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference as Attachment 1 to this Amendment. B.The Town desires to engage Consultant to provide project management services for the Signal Traffic Signal Modernization (a.k.a. Los Gatos Smart Signals project) based on time and materials (T&M). C.The Consultant represents and affirms that it is willing to perform the desired work pursuant to this Agreement. D.Consultant warrants it possesses the distinct professional skills, qualifications, experience, and resources necessary to timely perform the services described in this Agreement. Consultant acknowledges Town has relied upon these warranties to retain Consultant. AMENDMENT  2.1  Scope of Services.  Consultant shall provide services as described in that certain Proposal  dated July 30, 2020, which is hereby incorporated by reference and attached as Exhibit  A.    2.2 Term and Time of Performance. This contract will remain in effect until June 30, 2023.  2.6 Compensation.  Compensation for Consultant's professional services for the additional  scope of services shall not exceed $75,000, for a total agreement amount not to  exceed $200,000 inclusive of all costs.  Payment shall be based upon Town approval of  each task.  All other terms and conditions of the Agreement remain in full force and effect.  DocuSign Envelope ID: 3F824A4E-2B1C-4FC8-B7A8-3498F73E45FD ATTACHMENT 3 First Amendment to Agreement for Consultant Services  W‐Trans for Signal Traffic Signal Modernization Project Management 2 of 2  IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Town and Consultant have executed this Amendment.  Town of Los Gatos  By: _______________________________   Consultant by:  By:  ______________________________         Laurel Prevetti, Town Manager Print Name, Title  Department Approval:  _______________________________________  Matt Morley  Director of Parks and Public Works  Approved as to Form: Attest:  ______________________________  ______________________________  Robert Schultz, Town Attorney Shelley Neis, MMC, CPMC   Town Clerk  DocuSign Envelope ID: 3F824A4E-2B1C-4FC8-B7A8-3498F73E45FD 9/8/2020 Mark Spencer, Vice President and Senior Principal 9/8/2020 9/10/2020 9/11/2020 9/11/2020 1276 Lincoln Avenue, Suite 204 San Jose, CA 95125 650.314.8313 w-trans.com SANTA ROSA • OAKLAND • SAN JOSE July 30, 2020 Ms. Ying Smith Town of Los Gatos 41 Miles Avenue Los Gatos, CA 95030 Proposal for On-Call Services as Project Manager for Implementation Phase of the Los Gatos Smart Signals project Dear Ms. Smith; W-Trans is pleased to present this proposal for continued project management services for the system evaluation and engineering phases of the controller upgrade and system purchase projects. Our original scope, written in April 2018, was prepared in response to the Town’s broad request for on-call services and included our best estimation of work tasks at the time, including: •Scheduling; •Conducting meetings and preparing progress reports; •Facilitating work of the selected System Vendors, Econolite, including providing Town-furnished items, reviewing materials submittals, monitoring schedule, budget, and contract completion status, and system acceptance; •Facilitating work of the selected design consultant, Iteris, including providing Town-furnished items, coordinating work with system vendor, monitoring schedule, budget, and contract completion status, and reviewing plan submittals; •Finalizing the Request for Proposals for the System Performance Measure and Virtual Bike Detection contract, reviewing proposals and selecting a vendor, providing Town-furnished items, monitoring schedule, budget, and contract completion status, and system acceptance; and •Various on-call assignments that might become necessary. Of these tasks, facilitating work and providing Town-furnished items of Econolite and Iteris has already begun, and preparing the first draft of the RFP for SPM and VBD vendor is complete Tasks to be addressed over the next year of project development are described in the following section. Scope of Services 1.Project management and oversight, including: a.Maintain schedule: To include tracking funding deadlines and E76 approval status. b.Meetings and progress reports: W-Trans will continue to schedule periodic informal meetings with Town staff and other involved parties with a focus on deliverables and due dates. We will provide monthly progress reports. Following each meeting we will prepare meeting notes. c.Grant funding: Includes coordination with MTC to determine requirements, verifying that the NEPA/ CEQA filing already completed by MTC is adequate, and working with Town staff to submit reimbursement requests to MTC. 2.Facilitating work of the selected System Vendor, Econolite, including: a.Monitoring schedule, budget, and contract completion status b.Responding to requests for information or clarifications c.Coordinating work with other vendors or consultants d.Reviewing deliverables and coordinating comments with Town staff e.Review signal timing recommendations f.Attending or coordinating system training sessions Exhibit A DocuSign Envelope ID: 3F824A4E-2B1C-4FC8-B7A8-3498F73E45FD Ms. Ying Smith Page 2 July 30, 2020 g. Attending progress meetings every other week 3. Facilitating work of the selected design consultant, Iteris, including: a. Monitoring schedule, budget, and contract completion status b. Responding to requests for information or clarifications c. Coordinating work with selected vendors d. Reviewing deliverables and coordinating comments with Town staff e. Attending progress meetings every other week and monitoring status of action items 4. Finalizing the Request for Proposals for the System Performance Measure and Virtual Bike Detection vendor, reviewing proposals, developing a short list and interviewing firms (if needed), and selecting a vendor. 5. Facilitating work of the selected System Performance Measure and Virtual Bike Detection vendor, including: a. Monitoring schedule, budget, and contract completion status b. Responding to requests for information or clarifications c. Facilitating requests for information to be furnished by the Town or other contracted parties d. Reviewing deliverables and coordinating comments with Town staff e. Attending progress meetings every other week and monitoring status of action items f. System acceptance 6. On-Call Services: W-Trans will provide additional services that are not already described in Tasks 1 through 5 on an as-needed basis. All on-call work will be documented via an email describing the scope, fee, and schedule before starting work. Exclusions: The scope of services does not include items that are not specifically identified above. Any additional services needed would be provided on a time and materials basis after receiving written authorization. Schedule and Budget The schedule for services in Tasks 1 through 5 will match the schedule submitted to MTC. On-call services are expected to occur over the next 12 months. Our services will be conducted on a time and materials basis at the rates indicated on the enclosed sheet; note that a new rate schedule will be provided in January 2021 for services that occur next year. Monthly invoices will be provided electronically unless a hard copy via mail is requested. The estimated maximum fee is $75,000. I will be your primary contact for these services. Please contact me at (650) 314-8313 or sfitzsimons@w-trans.com if you have any questions about this proposal. Please issue a Purchase Order if you wish to initiate services. This proposal will remain a firm offer for 90 days from the date of this letter. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to propose on these services. Sincerely, Steve Fitzsimons, PE Principal SMF/smf/LGA006.P3 Enclosures: 2020 Fee Schedule, Project Fee Estimate DocuSign Envelope ID: 3F824A4E-2B1C-4FC8-B7A8-3498F73E45FD 490 Mendocino Avenue, Suite 201 SANTA ROSA, CA 95401 707.542.9500 505 17th Street, 2nd Floor OAKLAND, CA 94612 510.444.2600 1276 Lincoln Avenue, Suite 204 SAN JOSE, CA 95125 650.314.8313 w-trans.com Fee Schedule 2020 Staff Billing Rates Position Billing Rate (per hour) Senior Principal $280 – $305 Principal $220 – $260 Senior Engineer/Planner $195 – $210 Engineer/Planner $150 – $160 Associate Engineer/Planner $135 – $150 Assistant Engineer/Planner $115 – $125 Technician/Administrative $95 – $110 Intern $30 – $80 Field Technician $30 – $75 2020 Expense Charges Item Charge Mileage $0.63/mile* Services and Expenses 10% surcharge These rates are valid for work performed prior to December 31, 2020. Work performed after January 1, 2021, and any subsequent year may be billed at the revised rates established for that year. * Mileage charge will be based on the IRS Standard Mileage Rate (set at $0.575 effective January 1, 2020) plus 10 percent. DocuSign Envelope ID: 3F824A4E-2B1C-4FC8-B7A8-3498F73E45FD Task Steve Fitzsimons Associate 4 Associate 2 Admin 2 Misc Total Hours 1. Project Management and Oversight 30 0 0 20 $0 50 2. Facilitate Econolite Work 47 0 117 0 $80 164 3. Facilitate Iteris Work 38 0 49 0 $80 87 4. Finalize SPM-VDB Vendor RFP 39 22 0 8 $40 69 5. Facilitate SPM-VBP Vendor Work 17 50 0 0 $60 67 171 72 166 28 $260 437 Task $220 $150 $140 $110 LS TOTAL 1. Project Management and Oversight $6,600 $0 $0 $2,200 $0 $8,800 2. Facilitate Econolite Work $10,340 $0 $16,380 $0 $80 $26,800 3. Facilitate Iteris Work $8,360 $0 $6,860 $0 $80 $15,300 4. Finalize SPM-VDB Vendor RFP $8,580 $3,300 $0 $880 $40 $12,800 5. Facilitate SPM-VBP Vendor Work $3,740 $7,500 $0 $0 $60 $11,300 $37,620 $10,800 $23,240 $3,080 $260 $75,000 Los Gatos ATMS On-Call Support, Phase 3 W-Trans Fee Estimate HOURS BY STAFF MEMBER FEE AT HOURLY RATES INDICATED These rates are valid for work performed prior to December 31, 2020. Work performed after January 1, 2021, and any subsequent year may be billed at the revised rates established for that year. Mileage charges will be based on the IRS Standard Mileage Rate (set at $0.575 effective January 1, 2020; subject to change) plus 10 percent. DocuSign Envelope ID: 3F824A4E-2B1C-4FC8-B7A8-3498F73E45FD