Exhibit A to Attachment 1 - AGR 19.172 - CSG Consultants, Inc.AGR Q.13 IHH FIRST AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR CONSULTANT SERVICES This FIRST AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT is dated for identification this 3r1 day of September 2019 and amends that certain agreement for Agreement for Services dated April 17, 2018, made by and between the Town of Los Gatos, ("Town,") and the CSG Consultants, Inc. Consultant"). RECITALS A. Town and Consultant entered into an Agreement for Services on April 17, 2018, Agreement"), a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference as Attachment 1 to this Amendment. B. Town desires to amend the Agreement for Services to increase compensation for the Scope of Services. AMFNnmFNT 1. 2.6 Compensation: Is amended to read: Compensation for Consultant's professional services shall not exceed $600,000, inclusive of all costs. Payment shall be based upon Town approval of each task. 2. All other terms and conditions of the Agreement remain in full force and effect. Page 1 of 2 CSG Consultants, Inc. —First Amendment to Agreement for Consultant Services North Forty Phase 1 Project EXHIBIT A IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Town and Consultant have executed this Amendment. Town of Los Gatos By: 0/ z,w Laurel Prevetti, Town Manager Department Approval: M Morley Director of Parks and Public Works Approved as to Form: Robert Schultz, To n ttorney Page 2 of 2 CSG Consultants, Inc. —First Amendment to Agreement for Consultant services North Forty Phase 1 Project Consultant by: Cyrus Kianoour, President Name/Title Attest: A-yu r, Shelley Neis, CMC, TA& Clerk AG R 1 K- 0E'1 AGREEMENT FOR CONSULTANT SERVICES lHH THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into on April 17, 2018 by and between TOWN OF LOS GATOS, a California municipal corporation, ("Town") and CSG CONSULTANTS, INC., Consultant"), whose address is 3150 Almaden Expressway #255, San Jose, CA 95118. This Agreement is made with reference to the following facts. I. RECITALS 1.1 The Town desires to engage Consultant to provide professional services for engineering, inspection, and project management based on time and materials (T&M) to assist the Parks and Public Works Department and Building Division for the Town's North Forty Phase 1 project. 1.2 The Consultant represents and affirms that it is willing to perform the desired work pursuant to this Agreement. 1.3 Consultant warrants it possesses the distinct professional skills, qualifications, experience, and resources necessary to timely perform the services described in this Agreement. Consultant acknowledges Town has relied upon these warranties to retain Consultant. II. AGREEMENTS 2.1 Scope of Services. Consultant shall provide services as described in that certain Statement of Qualifications sent to the Town on April 9, 2018, which is hereby incorporated by reference and attached as Exhibit A. The services include: Project oversite and management of engineering and infrastructure improvements Project inspection of both on -site and off -site improvements Engineering assistance Review and management of traffic control Project schedule coordination Building construction inspection 2.2 Term and Time of Performance. This contract will remain in effect from April 17, 2018 to June 30, 2023. 2.3 Compliance with Laws. The Consultant shall comply with all applicable laws, codes, ordinances, and regulations of governing federal, state and local laws. Consultant represents and warrants to Town that it has all licenses, permits, qualifications and approvals of whatsoever nature which are legally required for Consultant to practice its profession. Consultant shall maintain a Town of Los Gatos business license pursuant to Chapter 14 ofthe Code of the Town of Los Gatos. Agreement for Consultant Services — CSG Consultants, Inc. — North 40 Phase 1 Project Pagel of 6 2.4 Sole Responsibility. Consultant shall be responsible for employing or engaging all persons necessary to perform the services under this Agreement. 2.5 Information/Report Handling. All documents furnished to Consultant by the Town and all reports and supportive data prepared by the Consultant under this Agreement are the Town's property and shall be delivered to the Town upon the completion of Consultant's services or at the Town's written request. All reports, information, data, and exhibits prepared or assembled by Consultant in connection with the performance of its services pursuant to this Agreement are confidential until released by the Town to the public, and the Consultant shall not make any of the these documents or information available to any individual or organization not employed by the Consultant or the Town without the written consent of the Town before such release. The Town acknowledges that the reports to be prepared by the Consultant pursuant to this Agreement are for the purpose of evaluating a defined project, and Town's use of the information contained in the reports prepared by the Consultant in connection with other projects shall be solely at Town's risk, unless Consultant expressly consents to such use in writing. Town further agrees that it will not appropriate any methodology or technique of Consultant which is and has been confirmed in writing by Consultant to be a trade secret of Consultant. 2.6 Compensation. Compensation for Consultant's professional services shall not exceed 500,000, inclusive of all costs. Payment shall be based upon Town approval of each task. 2.7 Billing. Billing shall be monthly by invoice within thirty (30) days of the rendering of the service and shall be accompanied by a detailed explanation of the work performed by whom at what rate and on what date. Also, plans, specifications, documents or other pertinent materials shall be submitted for Town review, even if only in partial or draft form. Payment shall be net thirty (30) days. All invoices and statements to the Town shall be addressed as follows: Invoices: Town of Los Gatos Attn: Accounts Payable P.O. Box 655 Los Gatos, CA 95031-0655 2.8 Availability of Records. Consultant shall maintain the records supporting this billing for not less than three years following completion of the work under this Agreement. Consultant shall make these records available to authorized personnel of the Town at the Consultant's offices during business hours upon written request of the Town. 2.9 Assignability and Subcontracting. The services to be performed under this Agreement are unique and personal to the Consultant. No portion of these services shall be assigned or subcontracted without the written consent of the Town. 2.10 Independent Contractor. It is understood that the Consultant, in the performance of the work and services agreed to be performed, shall act as and be an independent contractor and Agreement for Consultant Services—CSG Consultants, Inc. —North 40 Phase I Project Page 2 of 6 not an agent or employee of the Town. As an independent contractor he/she shall not obtain any rights to retirement benefits or other benefits which accrue to Town employee(s). With prior written consent, the Consultant may perform some obligations under this Agreement by subcontracting, but may not delegate ultimate responsibility for performance or assign or transfer interests under this Agreement. Consultant agrees to testify in any litigation brought regarding the subject of the work to be performed under this Agreement. Consultant shall be compensated for its costs and expenses in preparing for, traveling to, and testifying in such matters at its then current hourly rates of compensation, unless such litigation is brought by Consultant or is based on allegations of Consultant's negligent performance or wrongdoing. 2.11 Conflict of Interest. Consultant understands that its professional responsibilities are solely to the Town. The Consultant has and shall not obtain any holding or interest within the Town of Los Gatos. Consultant has no business holdings or agreements with any individual member of the Staff or management of the Town or its representatives nor shall it enter into any such holdings or agreements. In addition, Consultant warrants that it does not presently and shall not acquire any direct or indirect interest adverse to those of the Town in the subject of this Agreement, and it shall immediately disassociate itself from such an interest, should it discover it has done so and shall, at the Town's sole discretion, divest itself of such interest. Consultant shall not knowingly and shall take reasonable steps to ensure that it does not employ a person having such an interest in this performance of this Agreement. If after employment of a person, Consultant discovers it has employed a person with a direct or indirect interest that would conflict with its performance of this Agreement, Consultant shall promptly notify Town of this employment relationship, and shall, at the Town's sole discretion, sever any such employment relationship. 2.12 Equal Employment Opportunity. Consultant warrants that it is an equal opportunity employer and shall comply with applicable regulations governing equal employment opportunity. Neither Consultant nor its subcontractors do and neither shall discriminate against persons employed or seeking employment with them on the basis of age, sex, color, race, marital status, sexual orientation, ancestry, physical or mental disability, national origin, religion, or medical condition, unless based upon a bona fide occupational qualification pursuant to the California Fair Employment & Housing Act. III. INSURANCE AND INDEMNIFICATION 3.1 Minimum Scope of Insurance: Consultant agrees to have and maintain, for the duration of the contract, General Liability insurance policies insuring him/her and his/her firm to an amount not less than: one million dollars ($1,000,000) combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage. ii. Consultant agrees to have and maintain for the duration of the contract, an Automobile Liability insurance policy ensuring him/her and his/her staff to Agreement for Consultant Services — CSG Consultants, Inc. — North 40 Phase 1 Project Page 3 of 6 an amount not less than one million dollars ($1,000,000) combined single limit per accident for bodily injury and property damage. iii. Consultant shall provide to the Town all certificates of insurance, with original endorsements effecting coverage. Consultant agrees that all certificates and endorsements are to be received and approved by the Town before work commences. iv. Consultant agrees to have and maintain, for the duration of the contract, professional liability insurance in amounts not less than $1,000,000 which is sufficient to insure Consultant for professional errors or omissions in the performance of the particular scope of work under this agreement. General Liability: i. The Town, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers are to be covered as insured as respects: liability arising out of activities performed by or on behalf of the Consultant; products and completed operations of Consultant, premises owned or used by the Consultant. This requirement does not apply to the professional liability insurance required for professional errors and omissions. ii. The Consultant's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respects the Town, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers. Any insurance or self -insurances maintained by the Town, its officers, officials, employees or volunteers shall be excess of the Consultant's insurance and shall not contribute with it. iii. Any failure to comply with reporting provisions of the policies shall not affect coverage provided to the Town, its officers, officials, employees or volunteers. iv. The Consultant's insurance shall apply separately to each insured against whom a claim is made or suit is brought, except with respect to the limits of the insurer's liability. 3.2 All Coverages. Each insurance policy required in this item shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be suspended, voided, cancelled, reduced in coverage or in limits except after thirty (30) days' prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, has been given to the Town. Current certification of such insurance shall be kept on file at all times during the term of this agreement with the Town Clerk. 3.3 Workers' Compensation. In addition to these policies, Consultant shall have and maintain Workers' Compensation insurance as required by California law and shall provide evidence of such policy to the Town before beginning services under this Agreement. Further, Consultant shall ensure that all subcontractors employed by Consultant provide the required Workers' Compensation insurance for their respective employees. Agreement for Consultant Services — CSG Consultants, Inc. — North 40 Phase 1 Project Page 4 of 6 3.4 Indemnification. The Consultant shall save, keep, hold harmless and indemnify and defend the Town its officers, agent, employees and volunteers from all damages, liabilities, penalties, costs, or expenses in law or equity that may at any time arise or be set up because of damages to property or personal injury received by reason of, or in the course of performing work which may be occasioned by a willful or negligent act or omissions of the Consultant, or any of the Consultant's officers, employees, or agents or any subconsultant. IV. GENERAL TERMS 4.1 Waiver. No failure on the part of either party to exercise any right or remedy hereunder shall operate as a waiver of any other right or remedy that party may have hereunder, nor does waiver of a breach or default under this Agreement constitute a continuing waiver of a subsequent breach of the same or any other provision of this Agreement. 4.2 Governing Law. This Agreement, regardless of where executed, shall be governed by and construed to the laws of the State of California. Venue for any action regarding this Agreement shall be in the Superior Court of the County of Santa Clara. 4.3 Termination of Agreement. The Town and the Consultant shall have the right to terminate this agreement with or without cause by giving not less than fifteen days (15) written notice of termination. In the event of termination, the Consultant shall deliver to the Town all plans, files, documents, reports, performed to date by the Consultant. In the event of such termination, Town shall pay Consultant an amount that bears the same ratio to the maximum contract price as the work delivered to the Town bears to completed services contemplated under this Agreement, unless such termination is made for cause, in which event, compensation, if any, shall be adjusted in light of the particular facts and circumstances involved in such termination. 4.4 Amendment. No modification, waiver, mutual termination, or amendment of this Agreement is effective unless made in writing and signed by the Town and the Consultant. 4.5 Disputes. In any dispute over any aspect of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorneys fees, including costs of appeal. 4.6 Notices. Any notice required to be given shall be deemed to be duly and properly given if mailed postage prepaid, and addressed to: Town of Los Gatos CSG Consultants, Inc. Attn: Town Clerk 3150 Almaden Expressway #255 110 E. Main Street San Jose, CA 95118 Los Gatos, CA 95030 or personally delivered to Consultant to such address or such other address as Consultant designates in writing to Town. Agreement for Consuhant services — CSG Consultants, Inc. —North 40 Phase I Project Page 5 of 6 4.7 Order of Precedence. In the event of any conflict, contradiction, or ambiguity between the terms and conditions of this Agreement in respect of the Products or Services and any attachments to this Agreement, then the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall prevail over attachments or other writings. 4.8 Entire Agreement. This Agreement, including all Exhibits, constitutes the complete and exclusive statement of the Agreement between the Town and Consultant. No terms, conditions, understandings or agreements purporting to modify or vary this Agreement, unless hereafter made in writing and signed by the party to be bound, shall be binding on either party. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Town and Consultant have executed this Agreement. Town of Los Gatos by: JfWVI/N I Laurel Pr vetti, Town Manager Ta ed by: Man Morle , Director of Pa}1 n Public Works \ Approved as to Form: Q Robert Sc" c d Town Attorney Consultant, by: oE Nourdin Khayat E Vices PlzarnFnrr Title Agreement for Consultant Services — CSG Consultants, Inc. —North 40 Phase I Project Page 6 of 6 ANT60* A. .y \ >y .. ogk.. H ( 1 cis y n STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS TO THE Town of Los Gatos STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS To THE TOWN Of Los GATOS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Table of Contents Cover Letter Introduction Capabilities & Approach to Work Key Personnel Related Project Experience Professional Fees i a :I UVF6 i,.. .:,I,F T, ,,,; 1,6,, TC5. PRCrr590- aI';P ,I ri Cover letter April 9, 2018 Lisa Petersen Assistant Director / Town Engineer Town of Los Gatos 41 Miles Avenue Los Gatos, CA 95030 RE: Statement of Qualifications for Professional Services Thank you for the opportunity for CSG Consultants, Inc. (CSG) to present its Statement of Qualifications to the Town of Los Gatos for various public works and building inspection services. For over 27 years, CSG has been providing a host of professional municipal services to the public sector. Our staff currently serves over 160 California communities providing engineering design, construction management and inspection, development review, grant administration, staff augmentation, building inspection, and project management services. Based on our knowledge, experience, and broad selection of services we are well suited to fulfill the requested services. Hatem Ahmed, PE, PMP, will serve as the primary contact for this project. His contact information is as follows: Hatem Ahmed, PE, PMP I Contract Manager phone ( 650) 522-2511 1 hatem@csgengr.com We are confident that our team is best suited to deliver civil engineering services for the Town. Below is a summary of specific reasons why the Town should choose CSG as their on -call consultant. The Right Experience — CSG has extensive experience in providing civil engineering design, development review, construction management and inspection, and building department services for public agencies throughout the San Francisco Bay Area. Experienced Project Managers — CSG's project managers have a proven track record of delivering projects on time and within budget. Many of our staff bring direct public sector experience providing the Town with a unique perspective toward approaching projects. Commitment to Quality Assurance / Quality Control (QA / QC) — CSG is dedicated in utilizing a peer review process with multi -level internal quality checking of the deliverables for each service line. The dedicated QA / QC personnel each have over 30 years of civil engineering and municipal experience. We are confident that our team is best suited to deliver public works and building inspection services for the Town. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Ahmed at the information provided above. Sincere' , Cyrus Kianpour President, CSG Consultants, Inc. 3150 Almaden Expressway 4255, San lose, CA 95118 Phone ( 408) 618-8300 1 Fax (408) 618-8310 1 www.csgengr.com CSG CONSULTANM STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS TO THE TOWN OF Los GATOS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES This proposal is printed double -sided on 50%port-consumer content recycled paper to minimize paper consumption. CSG Consultants, Inc. is a Certified Green Business through the Bay Area Green Business Program. With this certification, CSG is recognized as an environmental leader —meeting higher standards of environmental performance in conserving natural resources, reducing waste, preventing pollution, and using energy and water efficiently. air Afro Grua Buslarss STAB FMCNT cr QL,AI cr,-iC.ds TO -IF TOv: N Cr Les Gcros Fnr ess orttt iama s CIP PROJECT MANAGEMENT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT MANAGEMENT & STAFF AUGMENTATION CITY OF SAN CARLOS, CA CSG assisted the City of San Carlos with the delivery of their Capital Improvement Program, as well as provided design and construction management support for several projects including the Main Library and City Hall improvements. The scope of work consisted of developing an implementation plan through a tracking log to capturing the scope, schedule and budget for each project. CSG then monitored the completion of work for each project through periodic progress meetings and provided project management for the delivery of several facilities related projects. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT MANAGEMENT & STAFF AUGMENTATION CITY OF ALBANY, CA CSG is currently assisting the City of Albany with the delivery of their Capital Improvement Program, as well as provide design and construction inspection support for several projects including the following projects: Albany Community Center HVAC Replacement Project. This project involved the replacement of existing HVAC units with more energy efficient units Memorial Park Site Improvements: This project involved renovation of the park toddler play area and child care patio area Albany Senior Center Renovation Project: This project involves the renovation of the kitchen and kitchenette Evelyn Avenue Pavement Rehabilitation Project: This project involves the rehabilitation of the street pavement and drainage systems. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT MANAGEMENT & STAFF AUGMENTATION CITY OF GILROY, CA CSG has been providing engineering and staff augmentation services for the City of Gilroy since 2013. CSG assists the City with their CIP project deliver including water mains, sewer rehabilitation, trail improvements, wayfinding signage, and pavement rehabilitation projects. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT MANAGEMENT & STAFF AUGMENTATION1 TOWN OF COLMA, CA CSG has been providing full engineering and staff augmentation services for the Town of Colma since 1991. We provide the Town with engineering staff augmentation, construction management and inspection, grant management, building inspection, building plan review, engineering services, recycling program coordination, geographic Information system (GIS) management, and public works maintenance services. Our staff has also assisted the Town's Planning Division staff and reviewed documents for CEQA compliance relating to land development and capital improvement programs. CSG Consultants Slf=T[MrNT of G,nunc 6l iur!s ro'Nr Tovrr, or LosGarnr. Pear k'AIU1H Samos ENGINEERING PLAN REVIEW FORD ORD DEVELOPMENT REVIEW AND INSPECTION I CITY OF MARINA, CA CSG is currently providing comprehensive development review and inspection for the development of 420 acres of former Fort Ord property that lies within the boundaries of the City of Marina. The project, for which a Specific Plan was developed, consists of mixed use (retail, entertainment, commercial, and live/work), regional retail, low-income housing, office/research/light industrial, and residential areas. The development also includes numerous public parks and a multi -modal corridor. The Promontory - 174 unit student house adjacent to CSUMB Campus Imjin Office Park — 5 acre LEED certified civic center office site for Morino Coast Water District, Fort Ord Reuse Authority offices, Carpenters Union Local605, and Bureau of Land Management Veterons Affair Clinic— three story, 150,000 sq ft located on 14.3 acres. University Village Apartments —108 unit apartment complex The Dunes - New 332 SFH subdivision; including infrastructure and two new city parks DEVELOPMENT REVIEW AND INSPECTION SERVICES I CITY OF DUBLIN, CA CSG currently provides as -needed development inspection, Final/Parcel Maps and Engineering Plan review services to the City of Dublin. Notable projects are described below. Dublin Crossing - 189 acre mixed use site that will connect the east and west sides of Dublin currently separated by Camp Parks. It is a transit oriented development that will eventually contain nearly 1,000 residential homes, 35 acres of park, 75,000 to 200,000 square feet of retail and commercial space and a new elementary school. CSG provided development review services during the entitlement phase. Dublin Ranch Subarea 3 (Phase 2) - CSG staff provided development review services for six new neighborhoods within the master planned community of Dublin Ranch. The approximately 64 acre project will include 437 single family residential units. Moller Ranch - CSG staff provided review of improvement plans, rough grading, traffic signals, and parcel and final maps. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW I CITY OF ROHNERT PARK, CA CSG has provided on -call development review and staff augmentation services for the City of Rohnert Park since March 2013. Work performed to date includes the following: Southeast Specific Plan - Review of grading and improvement plans for a 450lot residential development; assisted staff in reviewing requested modifications to development agreement by developer. Cotati-Rohnert Park Unified School District Surplus Property - Assisted staff with ongoing discussions with District staff and developer concerning infrastructure needs for development of surplus District property. University District Specific Plan - Review of Tentative Map, Specific Plan, Hydrology and Hydraulic Study, and associated documents for 1,454 lot residential development. CSG Consultants STATE VENT OF QUALWICAT IONS TO THE TOWN OF Los GATOS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT FULL DEPTH RECLAMATION PROJECT ( CITY OF CONCORD, CA CSG provided construction management and inspection for a $2.5 million roadway rehabilitation project involving the reconstruction of two neighborhood collector streets over a distance of approximately 1.0 miles. The project scope utilized a full depth reclamation (FDR) process which included milling the top surface of asphalt, pulverizing, mixing and cement treating the remaining asphalt and base rock, shaping and compacting the street section to proper grades and then placing rubberized hot -mix asphalt as a top lift for the new street section. Work scope also included sidewalk repair, curb ramp installations, adjustment of existing utility covers, striping, signage and a section of fiber optics conduit with pull boxes. The project was started late in the season, with temperature -sensitive rubberized asphalt specified in the work scope. Tracking and maintaining the schedule as well as timely resolution of unforeseen issues was critical to the project's success. Challenges during the project included adjusting the means of construction to deal with a thicker than anticipated existing section of asphalt, researching existing conditions to resolve curb ramp constructability issues at a BART undercrossing and keeping adjacent community members notified with signs and notification flyers. The project was completed on time, within the working days allowed, and within the construction budget. CRYSTAL SPRINGS TRUNK SEWER IMPROVEMENTS TOWN OF HILLSBOROUGH, CA CSG provided resident engineer and inspection services for the installation of over two miles of new 26"-28" fusible high density polyethylene (HDPE) gravity sewer main to replace the existing, undersized vitrified clay pipe (VCP) along El Cerrito Avenue and Crystal Springs Road. The large pipe upsize increase requires the main installation to be completed with open trench construction. The project included the installation of over 60 new sewer manholes, 75 service lateral re -connections, system bypassing through portions of the existing pipeline, and four drilled concrete stitch pier walls to stabilize the adjacent San Mateo Creek embankment and support the utility work. Critical project elements included traffic control, communications/public relations, and utility coordination. Traffic control required daily monitoring and Town updates due to the project streets being important thoroughfares. Public relations efforts were ongoing for the project duration to ensure coordination with adjacent property owners on landscaping restorations, property access, and sewer service bypass notifications. ON -CALL PUBLIC WORKS AND DEVELOPMENT INSPECTION I CITY OF FOSTER CITY, CA CSG has provided construction inspection services to the City of Foster City for various development projects. CSG has provided these services since June 2014. Projects include: Foster Square — Construction inspection for this development which will include affordable housing, assisted living, commercial space, andopen space The Waverly— Construction inspection fora mixed -use 6.3 acre development which will include 730 residential units and over 290,000 square feet ofcommercial/industrial office use. Pilgrim Drive Sewer Line — Construction Inspection for a sewer line replacement Mariners Island Blvd 24" Transmission Project — Construction Inspection for Phase A and Phase B 1299 Chess Drive — Construction Inspection for ofive -story wood framed hotel CSG Consultants SI ATE MEW OF QUALIFICATIONS TO THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES HILLSIDE BOULEVARD REHABILITATION AND BEAUTIFICATION TOWN OF COLMA, CA Winner of the 2015 APWA Project of the YearAWard for Small aries/Rural Communities Hillside Boulevard, a principal north -south arterial through the Town of Colma, spans approximately 1.5 miles. CSG was involved in the master planning, final design and construction of this beautification project. During the master planning stage of the project, CSG conducted traffic studies, presented our conceptual design to the community at two public meetings and effectively coordinated with project stakeholders, City staff and City Council to review and approve an aesthetically pleasing design concept. CSG worked closely with the Planning Department to deliver a conceptual design that incorporated all elements ofcompletestreets", including sidewalks, lighting, andpip'... r'' bike lanes. Design elements incorporated sheltered left turns to act as traffic calming measures, additional street parking, continuous bike lanes, a continuous sidewalk where none exist before, curb ramps, and bio-retention areas or "rain gardens". Two traffic signal modifications were completed to match the new layout and bring those signals up to current standards. The design incorporated a retrofit to all intersections and pedestrian access points throughout the corridor in order to meet ADA requirements. In addition, the entire length of roadway was rehabilitated by full -depth reconstruction. 2016 PAVEMENT REHABILITATION PROGRAM I CITY OF SAN RAMON, CA CSG was selected as the design consultant for the City's 2016 pavement project. The scope involved the rehabilitation of more than 60 street segments, totaling over 7.5 centerline miles, in various locations throughout the city. After performing a deflection analysis on the most severely distressed pavements, three remediation methods were chosen, consisting of Overlays, Thin Maintenance Overlays, and Micro -surfacing. CSG staff conducted site visits to assess location ofdigout repairs, an inventory of existing iron (manholes, valves, etc.), evaluation of curb, gutter and sidewalk in need of repair, and evaluation of curb ramps for ADA conformance. CSG was also tasked with evaluation of several areas of existing brick pavers and determining a repair methodology. Al findings were documented through field notes and photographs. FAIR OAKS BIKEWAY and STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS CITY OF SUNNYVALE, CA The City of Sunnyvale proposed to construct safety improvements along Fair Oaks Avenue between Old San Francisco Road and Evelyn Avenue, and between Kifer Road and Ahwanee Avenue. Project scope included three public meetings and the development of several class I, II, and III bike lane alternatives along Fair Oaks Avenue. Design work included the installation of class III bikeways with shared -lane markings, or "sharrows" and appropriate signage, bicycle loop detectors and pull boxes, camera systems at intersections on existing signal mast arms with new conduits, and pedestrian push buttons post, and foundation. Additional scope of work included upgrades existing non-ADA compliant ramps to ADA compliance, concrete improvements, including sidewalk, curb and gutter, and valley gutter replacement, drainage inlet modifications, monument adjustment, and electrical pull boxes adjustments to finished grade. CSG Consultants STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS TO THE TOWN OF Los GATOS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Related Project Experience The following is a small sampling of recent projects for which CSG similar services. Additional example projects and references may be provided upon request. ENGINEERING DESIGN JUNIPERO SERRA BLVD. at KING DRIVE INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, CA CSG was selected by the City of South San Francisco to redesign the intersection of Junipero Serra Boulevard and King Drive. Junipero Serra Boulevard is a four -lane divided highway and King Drive is a two-lane arterial with median separations at Its intersection with Junipero Serra Boulevard. The project goal was to improve mobility for all modes and brings the intersection up to current standards for bicyclists, pedestrians, and ADA access. CSG's team developed the project from preliminary design, lead the community outreach process with multiple public meetings, multiple agency coordination including Caltrans, City of Daly City, and the South San Francisco Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee, and completed final design while managing the federal funding process. The project scope included redesign of the existing medians and right -turn islands to improve intersection geometry and provide ` ADA compliance. Replacement of the existing traffic signals < located in the median with mast arm signals to improve visibility; hr upgrade of the existing traffic signals to provide protected left - turn phasing for King Drive, addition of a speed feedback sign on southbound Junipero Serra Boulevard to increase driver awareness of the posted speed limit; installation of standard ADA curb ramps throughout the intersection to improve pedestrian accessibility; addition of pedestrian signal heads and countdown timers at all crosswalks to improve pedestrian safety, and extension of existing bike lanes along Junipero Serra Boulevard through the King Drive intersection to improve bicycle safety. VARIOUS STREETS AND ROADS PAVEMENT PROJECT I CITY OF MILLBRAE, CA CSG was selected by the City to perform the design of pavement rehabilitation for a major City arterial, Millbrae Avenue, and a residential street, Magnolia Avenue. The project included pavement coring sample testing, surveying, pavement recommendations report, traffic handling plans, ADA curb ramp upgrades, traffic signal repair and traffic detours. Stakeholder coordination was required with Caltrans Local Assistance for compliance with Federal funding guidelines (an E-76 was obtained for this project), as well as Caltrans Encroachment Permit Department for coordination with Caltrans design review staff regarding Caltrans owned facilities. CSG Consultants LATE ME FIT OF QUA LINCATIONS TO THE TOWN OF Los GATOS PRORSSIONAL SERVICES CSG Consultants STATEMENT OF QUAt IF ICAT IONS TO THE TOWN OF Los GATOS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Key Personnel As elaborated on in the organizational chart below and on the following pages, CSG's team will be led by Hatem Ahmed, PE, serving as the overall contract manager. Ourteam includes highly qualified staff who have experience working for government agencies throughout the California and many have provided the requested services as extension of the agencies' staff on projects and tasks of similar scope and size. Cyrus Kianpour, PE, PLS Mark Lander, PE Mo Sharma, TE, PE Nourdin Khayata, PE Resident Engineer Dave Bishop, PE Resident Engineer Mojtaba Nahrvar, EIT Assistant Resident Engineer Bassam Badr Assistant Resident Engineer Ramon Bernardo Construction Inspector Saeid Mostafavi Construction Inspector Ahmad Lamb, PE Construction Inspector Gaetano Cosentino Construction Inspector Curtis Brian Construction Inspector Hatem Ahmed, PE, PMP Contract Manager Michael Fisher, PE, QSD/P Principal Engineer Lawrence Lau, PE, PLS, QSD/P Principal Engineer Ed Slintak, PE Principal Engineer Tommy Cho, PE Senior Engineer David Seto, PE Senior Engineer Sandra Meditch, PE Associate Engineer Allan Simeon, EIT Associate Engineer Cesar Caronongan Associate Engineer Kareem Arabi Assistant Engineer Frank Navarro, PE, QSD/P Principal Engineer David Rubcic, PE, PLS Principal Engineer Mehdi Sharifi, PE, LEED AP Senior Engineer Michelle Bocalan Assistant Engineer ChaiLor Senior Building Inspector Juan Serrano Building Inspector Steven Davis Building Inspector CSG Consultants BUILDING INSPECTION SERVICES Standards and Responsibilities CSG provides fully integrated, multi -disciplined building inspection services for residential, commercial, and industrial projects, and are experienced in all construction types. We provide experienced, ICC/CSFM-certified (and/or with other appropriate entities in accordance with A8717) inspectors. Our inspectors ensure compliance with applicable codes and requirements by identifying code violations, offering solutions to developers, property owners and tenants on potential risks and safety hazards, and by working as a team to correct violations. Our inspection staff easily integrates into client organizations, consistently implementing policies and procedures and remaining transparent to applicants and customers. Specific responsibilities include but are not limited to the following: Providing inspection services for project compliance with relevant codes including accessibility, fire, grading, building, electrical, mechanical and plumbing Addressing inquiries and resolving complaints Assisting with the construction and demolition permitting process Providing code administration, inspection and enforcement Maintaining records and files concerning construction permits and building code administration, documents for storage and/or imaging In addition, we can utilize inspection personnel whenever possible to perform over-the-counter plan reviews or assist as customer service back-up at the front counter in addition to regular inspection duties to save jurisdictions valuable time and expenses. Our inspection staff easily integrates into client organizations, consistently implementing policies and procedures and remaining transparent to applicants and customers. CSG provides all vehicles, fuel, maintenance and other equipment necessary for inspectors to carry out duties with no additional cost to the Town. CASp Inspection Services To facilitate the Town's compliance with current rules and regulations, CSG can provide a CASp certified professional for technical questions and interpretations, and to perform accessibility compliance inspections and CASp inspection report development. Continuing Certification and Training We take pride in working with inspectors who have variety of inspection project experiences and who are motivated to achieve the highest level of certification. We work hard to match your jurisdiction's level of safety and code compliance and understand that personality and customer service are crucial to on-the-job success. All CSG inspectors are ICC certified and/or possess additional required certifications. In addition, they routinely update their knowledge and skills through attendance of specialized training classes and seminars in approved and modern methods, materials, tools and safety used in building inspection, as well as the most current building standards. CSG Consultants STATE ME NT OF QUAL IF ICATION5 TO THE TOW N w Los GAT05 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT & INSPECTION CSG's experienced construction managers and inspectors provide construction administration for all types of public works infrastructure projects including transportation, underground utilities, parks and public facilities. All of our personnel are familiar with Caltrans Standard Plans and Specifications, and use the provisions along with agency standards, project plans, specifications and other applicable reference documents to enforce contract provisions. Most CSG construction managers have served as Resident Engineers on projects involving Caltrans oversight and are accustomed to incorporating the higher standard of project documentation required of a project subject to a federal audit. We employ a web - based, integrated project control system closely following the Caltrans standards, monitoring all project documentation including correspondence, submittals, RFls, diaries, schedules, material testing, contract change orders and progress payments. We also furnish photo and video documentation. Construction Management CSG acts as jurisdictional agent during the construction of CIP projects and is responsible for the successful completion of construction by overseeing contractors' activities. CSG staff is responsible for ensuring that all work is built to the standards defined by the contract documents and typical duties include: Communicating and coordinating with project participants including the jurisdiction, contractor, testing forces and regulatory/permitting agencies Monitoring and assessing project budgets and providing cost control Tracking project progress against the schedule and contract duration Resolving, as necessary, project issues that may cause project scope, cost or duration to vary Completing contract administration paperwork including, but not limited to, processing and reviewing RFI's submittals, potential change orders, progress payments and potential claims Supervising construction inspection efforts Coordinating and participating in weekly progress meetings to discuss and resolve project issues Reviewing and ensuring the accuracy of the contractors'red-lined record drawings, preparing thefinal punch list and overseeing punch list item resolution Construction Inspection Our inspectors are responsible for observing, measuring, and documenting contractors' operations. Typical duties performed by our inspectors include: Fully understanding requirements in plans and specifications, and maintaining an open dialog with construction managers for clarifications as necessary Monitoring and coordinating operations with contractors to ensure that critical operations are observed Bringing unacceptable work or material to the attention ofthe contractor and, If not resolved promptly, bringing the matter to the attention ofthe construction manager for resolution Maintaining complete, up-to-date and accurate diaries and photo logs reflecting equipment utilized; compliance with contract documents; work completed including the location, quantity and methods, • testing results; communications with the contractor including instructions, suggestions and requests; instructions from the engineer; and communications with the public or other agencies Reviewing construction staking Reviewing, measuring and calculating quantities for progress payments CSG Consultants S1 1.L111I []u ,. ..Y.1( I .:Qr: LnaF:.li i° FrSFa" " stormwater treatment measure and landscape maintenance agreements), and staff reports. Meet with developers, consultants, and other agencies on behalf of staff, as requested. Staffing All plan reviews will be conducted by a State of California licensed civil engineer or under the supervision of a licensed civil engineer. Each plan review is assigned to a plan reviewer with oversight of the project manager. The assigned design plan reviewer will be committed to the project and will furnish all subsequent reviews for the project. It is the goal of CSG Consultants to provide, where practical, a cradle -to - grave approach for project review, where a review team is assigned to the project from entitlement through plan review and construction to closeout and acceptance. Provide specialized qualified licensed engineers to assist in any structural, soil and geotechnical reviews, for any of the assigned projects. Map checking will be overseen by licensed professional land surveyors or by professional engineers licensed to practice land surveying in the State of California. The review team will be available for applicant inquiries or conferences during normal business hours, Monday through Friday, from 8:00 AM through 5:00 PM. Web conferences, fax, and conference calls are optional forms of communications between CSG and Town staff. Online Plan Check Status CSG shall make available online services to enable Town and authorized applicants to determine the status of plan checks. There is no additional cost for this service. Typical Plan Review Schedule Development of hard-and-fast schedules for completion of development review and plan review work is difficult as timing and scope of projects is not always known. Examples of time frames for completing certain tasks are provided below. Pre - application entitlement review, PRC review Review Tentative Map Application or Other Entitlement Package Prepare Conditions of Approval Complete Improvement Plan or Map Review ( 11' Check) Prepare fee estimate, review bond estimate, or prepare permit Review application material in advance of requested meetings; complete formal comments and submit to Planning within one week of meeting Fifteen ( 15) working days of notice of submittal by Town Prepare within one week of request by Planning, or within reasonable shorter time frame if needed to meet hearing date Fifteen ( 15) working days of notice of submittal by Town Ten ( 10) working days of request Review request for right-of-way vacation Ten (10) working days of notice of submittal by Town Review Lot Line Adjustment/ Lot Merger Ten (10) working days of notice of submittal by Town on scope, typically within five (5) Turnaround times include pickup, QA/QC, and delivery to Town. CSG will attempt to reduce the need for formal resubmittals to the Town by reviewing electronic submittals of revisions provided directly to CSG. Turnaround times would vary based on the scope of the review but would typically be returned within one to two working days. CSG Consultants STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS TO THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ENGINEERING PLAN CHECK / DEVELOPMENT REVIEW Drawing on the combined experience and talent of our staff, we have found the following practices helpful in approaching development review, and plan review. The exact Scope of Work will be determined based on our discussion with the Town and the type of project. New Development Entitlements Review tentative maps, tentative parcel mops, architectural review, and other entitlement applications. Coordinate review with other Town staff and/or outside agencies as needed. Attend follow-up meetings with Planning staff, the applicant, or others as needed to resolve issues regarding the proposal. Review subsequent submittals of the proposal. Assist the Town with development of conditions of approval, development agreements, and other requirements associated with development applications. Assist Town in negotiating with developers regarding terms of agreements or conditions (Additional tasks associated with the entitlement process are described above). Plan Review and Map Review Review final maps, improvement, and landscape plans. Review includes evaluation of required records, studies, grading and improvement plan, and additional materials submitted by the design professional. Confirm that plans conform to Town standard design criteria, conditions of approval, and infrastructure or other master plans..._ ' Each plan review will be accompanied with a letter summarizing the red -line comments addressed to the applicant's engineer or landscape architect, with a copy to Town staff and the applicant. A complete red -lined set of drawings and any reports will be returned to the design professionals for use In their corrections. At the applicant's discretion, the comment summary letter and red -lined plan sheets can be scanned and submitted electronically to the design consultant to expedite the review process. CSG will meet with the applicant/representative and Town staff to review comments or to delineate the standards which are not being met, in order to facilitate timely completion of the review and meeting the maximum goal of two plan checks. CSG will accept and review subsequent submittals electronically, when feasible, in order to expedite the review process. Soils reports will be evaluated, and confirmation of recommendations will be included on the plans. Boundary conditions will be evaluated to maintain continuity with surrounding properties and maintain existing drainage patterns. Construction erosion control and post -construction water quality control will be evaluated for compliance with the storm water quality management permit in effect for the Town. Assist the Town with development of conditions of approval, development agreements, and other requirements associated with development applications. Assist Town in negotiating with developers regarding terms of agreements or conditions (Additional tasks associated with the entitlement process are described above). Confirm that the developer has obtained necessary permits or approvals from other public agencies as needed, and that plans conform to the Town's NPDES Municipal Regional Permit requirements for storm water treatment and retention. Review and recommend approval of engineering bond estimates and subdivision guarantees. Assist the staff in preparing subdivision improvement agreements, other agreements (including CSG Consultants Project Manager and QA / QC staff routinely perform their inter -discipline coordination and constructabilhy reviews on all deliverables at draft and pre - final submittal stages in order to adhere to project's goals and agencies' expectations. The QA QC Manager conducts periodic audits ofthe QA / QC process to ensure that all reviews are being properly conducted and documented by all team members. Deliverables will be reviewed for: STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS TO THE TOWN OF Los GATOS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1LEW, ENGINEERSMorrurwE •inv uwW4 tEwM•nEln uvn `PROJWT MANAGER +QAfQC STASIF 2 I-••••bF rw.r.• . _ r- Compliance with approved formats, criteria, specifications, and professional standards of practice. Adequacy, clarity, ease of interpretation Consistency Constructability Compatibility of design discipline interfaces Errors and discrepancies Coordination with related designs and project elements Integration of design disciplines Incorporation ofdesign changes Conformance to required environmental mitigation and governmental regulations Review comments made by QA / QC staff will be noted on the deliverables being reviewed. All comments and the corresponding action items needed will be transcribed onto the comment forms. Design Engineers will document their responses on the comment forms. A log of all QA / QC measures taken during the course of the project, including any corrective actions taken, will be maintained by the Project Manager. CSG Consultants Si,vt Ha C'Quc.n iCauC:_'Cl'.l 101 nogl"IGres Pu r, s,, .,;,$r±.. rt s Identify permits required and prepare documentation Right of way research and mapping Coordination with affected property owners Utility and other stakeholder coordination, mailing letters of intent and determination and coordination of any required relocations or conflict resolutions AutoCAD base map development, using AutoCAD Civil3D 2013 Field assessments of existing features (with potential field meetings with the Town) o Striping and pavement marking identification o Concrete curb ramp condition survey o Traffic signal detection locating and identification o Pedestrian & Bicycle safety and MUTCD compliance needs Identification of applicable Town/County/Caltrons Standard Plan details or development of customized construction details Prepare reports and recommendations Develop plans, specifications & estimates for construction o PS&Esubmittal review meetings with the Town o Finalize design concept Attend the Town's Design group to Construction group "Hand-off' meeting Bid phase support Construction phase support Conduct a "Lessons Learned" meeting QUALITY ASSURANCE / QUALITY CONTROL (QA/QC) CSG's in-house QA / QC Implementation Plan utilizes a peer review process with multi -level internal project checking. CSG will assign a staff member who will be dedicated to the QA / QC Implementation Plan and will be responsible for the followings: Establishing guidelines & assigning accountable personnel and responsibilities for each task. Assuring that all deliverables are reviewed, including products from subconsultonts. Monitoring the process to assure that the schedule and budget are followed. Participating in the internal and external reviews. Reviewing and signing off on deliverables before submittal to the clients. The Implementation Plan highlights that quality control is the responsibility of every team member of our staff at every level and at every milestone of the project development processes. All deliverables, including technical engineering reports, studies, design notes, maps, drawings, engineering cost estimates and specifications are subject to a multi -tiered approach for review to ensure that all products are checked for accuracy, correctness, completeness and conformity with standards. Design Engineers are accountable for making sure that their engineering design works are in conformance with local agencies' design guidelines, standards and specifications as well as the generally accepted industry standard practices. CSG Consultants I,f ,%If':t,, Gc1c1 PPI," E'I CNAL I P ' (,: various trenchless pipeline replacement methods into sanitary sewer replacement projects for the City of Los Altos, City of Millbrae and Towns of Los Altos Hills and Hillsborough. In addition to sanitary sewer pipeline replacement, CSG also has substantial experience in the rehabilitation of existing manholes and sanitary sewer structures. Utilizing epoxy coating and liners, CSG provides cost effective design alternatives to full replacement of existing structures. Having prepared complete plans and specifications for sanitary sewer pipeline replacement both within street right-of-way and within backyard easements, CSG staff is very familiar with controlling cost while incorporating the least disruptive methods of pipeline replacement for a variety of site constraints. Stormwater Improvements CSG performs hydrologic and hydraulic analysis for an existing system, prepare drainage reports, and proposed drainage improvements using the latest versions of computer software's such as HEC-HMS, HEC-RAS, and HydraFlow, following the Town's design standards. CSG also perform stormwater quality and hydromodification analysis of the permanent treatment measures using Stormwater quality Manual and Handbook and Bay Area Hydrology Model (BAHM), provide runoff calculations, and prepare stormwater quality management as well as site exhibit showing best management practices (BMP), treatment devices and locations. CSG is knowledgeable in the hydrologic investigation of storm drains systems to evaluate drainage capacity, and condition assessment of existing storm drains using surface examination, internal inspection using video cameras, and confined space entry. Using the results of these basic investigations, CSG has evaluated the storm drains for rehabilitation and/or replacement using cut and cover and trenchless methods. CSG is also experienced in the design of repairs for slopes damaged by inadequate storm drainage outlets. Storm drain replacements within street right of way generally do not present too many issues once appropriate traffic control measures are implemented. Replacements of damaged storm pipes using open cut or trenchless methods such as pipe bursting on the drainage easements on backyard, especially on steep slopes, however, are challenging. In many communities, residents have constructed improvements within their backyard that might interfere with the access to the damaged section of the drainage system. In this case, gaining access to the work location over non -easement areas may be a preferred option with the approval of the property owner. CSG staff is sensitive to this type of issues and will take all necessary precautions to minimize any disturbance to the property owners and avoid any damage to the existing improvements. Design Checklist CSG's general design approach checklist is shown below. We make sure to address all of these items with the agencies we work with to ensure a well -managed and designed project. Design kick off meeting with the Town, and record and distribute minutes CSG Consultants STATE ME HE OF QUALIFICATIONS TO THE TOwH OF Los GATOS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Green Infrastructure CSG's team of experienced designers can assist the Town in selection and design of permanent green infrastructure features, including the following: Permeable pavers Sloinfiltration/bioretentions/biotreatments/buffer strips Flow -through planters/rain gardens Detention basins/ subsurface detention CSG has assisted multiple jurisdictions in applying low impact development in accordance with the Municipal Regional Permit on new development projects, and has reviewed and inspected permanent green infrastructure features, including bioretentions, detention basins. CSG understands that in today's limited water resource environment, we must focus on protecting the functionality of our streets during storm events, while maximizing the rainfall infiltrating into the soils, and maintaining a natural flow in our existing streams. Some of the traditional LID features we commonly use are: Permeable Pavers Permeable pavers and other permeable pavement types allow water to get below the top layer of a sidewalk or street, in order make use of a vast amount of public space for either infiltration, or detention depending on a wide array of subsurface improvements. A Low Impact Development (LID) infiltration measure designed to detain stormwater runoffthrough biotreatment soil media and plant roots, and infiltrate stormwater runoff to underlying soils as allowed by site conditions. Bioretention A type of LID treatment measure designed to detain stormwater runoff, filter stormwater runoff through biotreatment soil media and plant roots, and either infiltrate stormwater runoff to underlying soils, as allowed by site conditions, or release treated stormwater runoff to the storm drain system, or both. The difference between a bioinfiltration area and bioretention area is that the bioinfihration area is never lined with an impermeable layer, whereas a bioretention area may be lined or unlined. Detention Basins A type of LID treatment measure designed to detain stormwater runoff, ideally combined with a method to filter stormwater runoff through biotreatment soil media and plant roots, and release the treated storm water runoff to the storm drain system. Sewer System Improvements CSG has extensive experience in the design of sanitary sewer systems. Our firm has completed variety of improvement projects and some of our recent projects include the design of sewer system improvements for the City of Los Altos, sanitary sewer improvement projects for the City of Millbrae, as well as smoke testing and point repairs for the Town of Colma. In addition to traditional open cut installations and replacements, CSG staff is well versed in the application, as well as the limitations, of various techniques for trenchless construction such as pipe bursting, horizontal drilling, pipe reaming and lining with Cured -In -Place -Pipe. CSG will work closely with the Town to determine the most cost effective and practical method of replacement for existing sewer lines. While most sanitary sewer projects are located in streets and roadways, many are located within backyard easements. To minimize disruption to existing landscaping and hardscapes, CSG implemented CSG Consultants STATE ME NT OF QUALIFICATIONS TO THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES an Sidewalks / Pedestrian Improvements CSG has completed many pedestrian accessibility projects throughout the state of California. CSG staff includes CASIO certified personnel, in addition to ADA designers and construction inspectors. Key project components to consider include: ADA compliance Right of way Funding (federal vs. local) Materials Bulb outs (and effect on drainage) Shared usefacilities Traffic Signal Integration Signage Crossing locations with vehicles Bicycle Improvements Right of way Funding {federal vs. local) Materials Shared use facilities Traffic Signal Integration Signage and channelization Separation (buffer) from vehicles (both high speed vehicles, and parked vehicles can present hazards) Crossing locations with vehicles CSG has completed many bicycle and trail projects throughout the state of California. CSG staff includes complete Streets and ATP designers with extensive experience on class 1, 2, 3, and even the new class 4 bicycle facilities. CSG recently assisted the City of San Mateo and Town of Hillsborough on a Safe Routes to School effort that includes pedestrian improvements, signing and striping, curb ramp/ADA improvements, bulb outs, signal equipment upgrades, and bicycle facility improvements. CSG engineers are familiar with all the current bicycle standards, Cahrans standards, ADA and pedestrian standards and MUTCD ASHTO; Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities, NATCO's Urban Bikeway Design Guide and ITE's Recommended Design Guideline to Accommodate Pedestrian and Bicycles at Interchange. CSG Consultants STATE ME NI OF QUALIFICATIONS TO THE TOW N OF Los GATOs PROFEWONAi SEawccs pedestrian push button relocations. Being cognizant of these items during design will limit changes in the field during construction and prevent potential change orders. Bulb Outs Bulb outs not only effectively channelize vehicles and reduce high speed vehicle turning movements, but they also create a safer environment for pedestrians by shortening the "at -risk" crossing distance. They also provide a refuge area that gives pedestrians a greater site distance of oncoming vehicles without having to encroach into the street. Bulb outs should be designed so as to allow for proper truck turning movements without blocking or restricting bicycle travel and should contain gradual curves that still allow for street sweeping. Another factor to be considered is the effect on the ease of use of the driveway and how it affects the motorist's ability to pull in or back out, and the required coordination between the CSG Team and the Town to determine the best solution that provides the needed improvements. CSG propose bulb outs and the associated pedestrian and bicyclist safety measures with consideration of National Association of City Transportation Officials' Urban Street Design Guide, Caltrans Standard and Specifications, and Town's Standards. 11. Signing and Striping Consideration should be given to include crosswalk markings, yield lines, and appropriate signage at key intersections, particularly adjacent to schools to enhance visibility and increase pedestrian safety. On a typical roadway improvement project, the stop bar, stop legend, stop sign, and crosswalk marking may require addition and relocation, depending on the pedestrian path of travel alignment between curb ramps. The proposed striping and markings should be in compliance with California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices and Town's Standard and Specifications. Beyond the typical striping and signage, the use of pedestrian awareness equipment, such as in -road -warning -lights, round and/or rectangular rapid flashing beacons, LED enhanced flashing signage, pedestrian countdown signals, street lighting, and even speed radar feedback signs, should be considered to increase the visibility, safety, and awareness of pedestrians. Coordination with PG&E to establish service connections is a key task to power this equipment. CSG Consultants t'- will also be readily available to meet in -person during the bidding and construction phases of the project. Public Outreach CSG will work with the Town to provide outreach to project all stakeholders. All CSG project managers have experience conducting community / public outreach for capital improvement projects they have managed. Outreach can be provided in both the English and Spanish languages. The efforts will consist of the following: Preparation of meeting exhibits Assisting in public and stakeholder meetings to discuss proposed improvements Presentations to various Committees and Town Council Meetings Notifications prior to construction Providing access during construction, with disruption minimized For largescale projects, CSG can provide and host a public outreach website to keep all interested parties informed and updated about the Project. The website will be designed, hosted, and updated by our CSG project staff to ensure information presented is both relevant and up to date. Professional web development staff will tailor the site design to be complementary to the Town's own website. Town stakeholders will be given the opportunity to provide input during site development CIVIL DESIGN APPROACH Roadway / Complete Streets CSG have been involved in roadway and complete street improvements for numerous public agencies. Each of these improvement projects has its own set of challenges, which include but not limited to existing physical constraints, jurisdictional restrictions, community opposition, and budgetary limitations. CSG will understand these challenges based on discussions with the Town, project stakeholders, and the community, and will propose design concepts which consist of right of way and lane widths, horizontal and vertical alignment layouts, and intersection and roundabout configurations in compliance with the latest Caltrans Highway Design Manual, California Highway Capacity Manual, AASHTO's Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets (Green Book), National Association of City Transportation Officials' Urban Street Design Guide, FHWA Transportation Research Board's National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP): Roundabouts: An Informational Guide, and Town's design guidelines and standards. Curb Ramps Providing accessibility to sidewalks and curb ramps is critical for roadway projects in order to meet ADA requirements per Caltrans Standards and Specifications and Town Standards. Depending on the physical constraints, there are limitations to the type of curb ramps that can be constructed. During the selection process, CSG's staff would evaluate the existing grades, right-of-way limitations, drainage patterns and proximity to drain inlets, sign relocations, stop bars and striping, signal foundations, pull boxes, and CSG Consultants SuiIM1J 141CF QU%-IuuAT I,' TC, Tar T Te. I! LCSG S PFCH 6Si,hAl SiF cz Capabilities & Approach to Work CIP MANAGEMENT & COORDINATION CSG can assist the Town in delivering CIP projects by providing on -call civil engineering services. CSG will also work with all stakeholders, utility companies, and permitting agencies including Caltran5, and FHWA as needed. Below is CSG's typical approach in managing projects once CSG is authorized to perform requested on -call tasks. CSG will implement a project management plan including all project elements establishing the project scope of work, budget, schedule, and design standards to allow for solid Project traceability and accountability for any changes or variances from the project baseline Management Plan components. In addition, our team will identify any potential variances early in the project phase to allow for the development of an alternative approach to prevent potential schedule or cost slippages. We intend to do this by offering real-time data to the Town through our daily contact with the Town Project Manager and weekly project meetings. Scope control occurs with the development of a well written scope of work as defined by the Town. As changes are identified, a change request process will be followed Scope/Control encompassing the cost and schedule impact of each potential change, as well as the Management additional scope description. Potential changes will be included in a Monthly Report that will be discussed weekly with the Town. As changes are approved or rejected, the appropriate revisions will be made to the Scope of Work and the schedule/cost baseline will be revised and resubmitted for approval by the Town. A baseline schedule will be developed and submitted for approval by the Town for the Schedule selected projects. CSG will use the built-in Microsoft Project tools to ensure that only Management contractually required dates are constrained and out -of -sequence activities are not present. Once changes are approved, the schedule will be updated and finalized. A Project Quality Management Plan will be drafted and submitted as part of the QA/QC Quality Implementation Plan that will include the review requirements for design work and the Management QA/QC process during construction. This will be inclusive of all process and testing requirements and the contractor's ability to follow its process and ensure successful testing of installed work. As project estimates become finalized, they will be included in the project budget and Budget/Cost loaded into the project costs. Once a project change is approved, it will be tied to a change Management order and the schedule and budget will be revised accordingly. All baselines revisions and change orders will be tracked and documented. Effective Communication and Project Understanding CSG prides itself on its ability to effectively communicate, build relationships, and partner with its clients. To effectively communicate throughout the project, CSG staff will actively participate in meetings, provide progress updates, and provide clear lines of communication for the Town to reach us via email, office phone, cell phone, and even cell phone text messaging. Effective communication is an essential key to project success. As needed throughout the entire project, CSG's Project Manager will act as the single point of contact to coordinate the project with the Town. Coordination efforts will consist of conference calls, emails, and any necessary in -person meetings. For the discussion of project issues, a conference call and/or emails should suffice to share feedback from the Town. In addition to on -going coordination, CSG will meet in -person with Town staff at the kick off meeting and the design review meetings. During these in -person meetings, CSG review the progress of the project, discuss any review comments provided by the Town and stakeholders, review the project schedule and budget, discuss any project issues with design, and identify action items for all parties. CSG CSG Consultants STATEMENT Of QUALIFICATIONS TO THE TOWN Or Los GATOS PROFE5510NAL SERVICES CSG Consultants n OI LOS S,'oS pFo-L55 Oiaa S L pd -f S Introduction FIRM PROFILE CSG Consultants, Inc. (CSG) is a California company with our corporate office located in Foster City. Additional support is available from our other offices in San lose, Pleasanton, Sacramento, Newman, Orange, and Redlands. We furnish a wide range of municipal services including comprehensive development review, program management, capital improvement design, construction management and inspection, building plan review, fire -life safety, inspection, code enforcement and planning services. The majority of the 300+ individuals within our firm have provided public agency services throughout their careers. Our talented personnel bring a wealth of ideas and experiences having provided similar services with agencies dealing with the same challenges as the Town of Los Gatos. Firm Summary NAME OF FIRM: CSG Consultants, Inc. POINT OF CONTACT: Hatem Ahmed, PE, PMP I Vice President CORPORATE OFFICE: 550 Pilgrim Drive, Foster City, CA 94404 650)522-2500 phone, (650) 522-2599 fax www.csgengr.com I info@csgengr.com REGIONAL OFFICES: 3150 Almaden Expressway, #255, San Jose, CA 95118 6200 Stoneridge Mall Road, Suite 300, Pleasanton, CA 94588 1022 G Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 930 Fresno Street, Newman, CA 95360 3707 West Garden Grove Blvd., Orange, CA 92868 1177 Idaho Street, Suite 102, Redlands, CA 92374 YEARS IN BUSINESS: 27 • Founded In 1991 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 300+ TYPE OF BUSINESS: California Corporation • Incorporated June 15, 2000 • Federal ID: 91-2053749 STAFF COMPOSITION Our professional municipal services staff consists of: Civil Engineers P Structural Engineers Plan and Map Review Engineers Program & Project Managers Land Development Review Engineers P C.3 Review Engineering & Specialized Inspectors Planning Professionals Building Inspectors 0 Project Managers P Construction Managers & Inspectors P CASp Professionals 0 Building Officials Building Plan Reviewers Fire Plan Reviewers & Inspectors Sustainability Professionals P Information Technology Professionals CSG Consultants STATEME HT OF QUAIIfICA110NS TO THE TOWN OF Los GATOS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES I!w e..yi nCl-rti';I-iniiq I, tt CSG Consultants STATE NIFNT OF QUA UFICATIONS TO: HE TOWN OF Los GATOS FROFESSIONAI SERVICES BUILDING INSPECTION 1440 MULTIVERSITY CENTER I CITY OF SCOTTS VALLEY, CA CSG performed building inspection for this project which involved reconditioning, repurposing, rebuilding of seven old structures that previously comprised a private college campus. In addition to the reconditioned buildings, there are also four new buildings to replace previously lost buildings, or to add additional program capabilities. Structures range in uses from the administrative lodge building, to dormitories, meeting rooms, a large commercial kitchen and dining hall, fitness center, healing center, and outdoor auditorium. All structures have been updated to the current building and fire codes and as a result, have been retrofitted with fire sprinkler systems and fire alarm systems. CARMAX I TOWN OF COLMA, CA CSG performed building plan review, building inspection and land development review for the construction of a Carmax dealership in the Town of Colma. The 20,213 sq. ft. structure includes over 11,000 sq. ft. of sales area, 6,000 sq. ft. of service area,1,900 sq. ft. of presentation area, and a 936-sq. ft. car wash. The 8.8-acre project site also includes a large bioretention area at the southwest side of the property designed to function as 4 separate bioretention units to treat the stormwater runoff from the impervious areas onsite. GENENTECH DEVELOPMENT I CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, CA CSG has been providing building plan review and inspection services for all of the Genentech corporate headquarters campus buildings since 1991. This campus -wide project consists of over 3.6 million sq. ft. of office, research & development and manufacturer operations space spread across over 44 buildings. CSG has coordinated pre -construction meetings to clarify and resolve all matters prior to plan submittal; provided building plan review services and 24/7 on -call building inspection services; and coordinated and resolved construction issues between the City, project engineer, special inspector(s). Notable recent projects include: Campus wide refrigeration water and hydrocarbon upgrade Building 34 — Newfour story employee center totaling 71,671 sq.ft. Building 35 — Newseven story office building, totaling 155,000 sq.ft. Genentech project manager and CSG Consultants Professional Fees AEOTIDN 6 Engineering and public works services are billed on a time -and -materials basis according to our standard rates, shown below. Professional Services Administrative Assistant Hourly Rate 70 Building Inspector 105 Analyst 120 Engineering Designer 130 Construction Inspector 135 Senior Analyst 145 Assistant Resident Engineer 160 Assistant Engineer 140 Associate Engineer 160 Senior Construction Inspector 150 Senior Engineer 185 Resident Engineer 190 Structure Representative 190 Senior Structural Engineer 200 Senior Project Manager 200 Principal Engineer 210 Senior Principal Engineer 230 Two -Person Survey Crew 310 Rates reflect and include administrative costs and routine expenses such as local mileage, copying, fox, telephone, mail, in-house printing, software, and computer usage. Reproduction and subconsultants are billed at cost plus 15%. Rates will remain effective through December 31, 2018. Rates are subject to an annual increase based on CPI. CSG Consultants