Staff Report.LLD PREPARED BY: Meredith Johnston Administrative Technician Reviewed by: Town Manager, Assistant Town Manager, Town Attorney, Finance Director, and Director of Parks and Public Works 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● (408) 354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: 06/20/2023 ITEM NO: 16 DATE: June 5, 2023 TO: Mayor and Town Council FROM: Laurel Prevetti, Town Manager SUBJECT: Authorize the Following Actions for Landscape and Lighting Assessment Districts No. 1 and 2: a. Adopt a Resolution Confirming the Diagram and Assessments and Levying and Authorizing Collection of Assessments for Landscape and Lighting Assessment District No. 1-Blackwell Drive Benefit Zone. b. Adopt a Resolution Confirming the Diagram and Assessments and Levying and Authorizing Collection of Assessments for Landscape and Lighting Assessment District No. 1-Kennedy Meadows Benefit Zone. c. Adopt a Resolution Confirming the Diagram and Assessments and Levying and Authorizing Collection of Assessments for Landscape and Lighting Assessment District No. 1-Santa Rosa Heights Benefit Zone. d. Adopt a Resolution Confirming the Diagram and Assessments and Levying and Authorizing Collection of assessments for Landscape and Lighting Assessment District No. 1-Vasona Heights Benefit Zone. e. Adopt a Resolution Confirming the Diagram and Assessments and Levying and Authorizing Collection of assessments for Landscape and Lighting Assessment District No. 1-Hillbrook Drive Benefit Zone. f. Adopt a Resolution Confirming the Diagram and Assessments and Levying and Authorizing Collection of assessments for Landscape and Lighting Assessment District No. 2-Gemini Court Benefit Zone. PAGE 2 OF 4 SUBJECT: Landscape and Lighting Assessment Districts No. 1 and 2 DATE: June 5, 2023 RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the Following Actions for Landscape and Lighting Assessment Districts No. 1 and 2: a. Adopt a resolution (Attachment 1) confirming the diagram and assessments and levying and authorizing collection of assessments for Landscape and Lighting Assessment District No. 1- Blackwell Drive Benefit Zone. b. Adopt a resolution (Attachment 2) confirming the diagram and assessments and levying and authorizing collection of assessments for Landscape and Lighting Assessment District No. 1- Kennedy Meadows Benefit Zone. c. Adopt a resolution (Attachment 3) confirming the diagram and assessments and levying and authorizing collection of assessments for Landscape and Lighting Assessment District No. 1- Santa Rosa Heights Benefit Zone. d. Adopt a resolution (Attachment 4) confirming the diagram and assessments and levying and authorizing collection of assessments for Landscape and Lighting Assessment District No. 1- Vasona Heights Benefit Zone. e. Adopt a resolution (Attachment 5) confirming the diagram and assessments and levying and authorizing collection of assessments for Landscape and Lighting Assessment District No. 1- Hillbrook Drive Benefit Zone. f. Adopt a resolution (Attachment 6) confirming the diagram and assessments and levying and authorizing collection of assessments for Landscape and Lighting Assessment District No. 2- Gemini Court Benefit Zone. BACKGROUND: On April 18, 2023, the Town Council initiated the annual process of renewing the Landscape and Lighting Assessment Districts No. 1 and 2 for the fiscal year commencing July 1, 2023. The Districts are comprised of six distinct zones of benefit, five of which are included in District No. 1, and one included in District No. 2. Maps of each zone are contained in the Engineer’s Report (Attachment 7). The primary purpose of each District is to provide for the ongoing maintenance and care of landscaped areas that especially benefit the properties within each of the zones. These services are performed by a contractor retained by the Town on behalf of the property owners. For a specific description of the services provided in each zone, please refer to the attached Engineer’s Report. On May 2, 2023, Council received and approved the Engineer’s Report and adopted Resolutions confirming diagrams and assessments and levying and authorizing collection of assessments for Landscape and Lighting Districts for Fiscal Year (FY) 2023/24 and set June 20, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. as the date and time for the required Public Hearing on the proposed assessments. PAGE 3 OF 4 SUBJECT: Landscape and Lighting Assessment Districts No. 1 and 2 DATE: June 5, 2023 DISCUSSION: The Notice of Intention to Levy Annual Assessments for FY 2023/24 was published in the Los Gatos Weekly on June 9 and June 16, 2023. Additionally, notices of the proposed assessments and of the scheduled public hearing were mailed to each of the property owners in the Districts, and to date, no protests or other written communication have been received. If communication is received prior to the hearing, it will be presented to the Council for consideration at the hearing. The following table shows the number of parcels for each benefit zone and the proposed FY 2023/24 assessments: Benefit Zone No. of Parcels Per Parcel Assessment Blackwell Drive 5 $632 Kennedy Meadows 15 $685 Santa Rosa Heights 15 $300 Vasona Heights 33 $295 Hillbrook 34 $175 Gemini Court 20 $230 CONCLUSION: Staff recommends that the Town Council adopt the six resolutions (Attachments 1-6) to continue the annual process of renewing the Landscape and Lighting Assessment Districts 1 and 2 for Fiscal Year 2023/24. ALTERNATIVES: If the Council chooses not to adopt the six resolutions, then the renewal process would halt and staff would follow the alternative direction given by the Council. If the Council were to decide not to renew the Assessment Districts, staff would look to Council for a policy direction about whether the services currently provided by the Districts should continue and how. The two most likely options that the Council could choose would be to either: 1. Give the responsibility for providing the services back to the property owners within the districts, or 2. Assume responsibility for providing the services through the Town’s General Fund Operating Budget. PAGE 4 OF 4 SUBJECT: Landscape and Lighting Assessment Districts No. 1 and 2 DATE: June 5, 2023 ALTERNATIVES (continued): As the Districts provide for higher levels of landscaping and lighting services within the specific benefit zones than in other areas of the Town, staff does not recommend either of these two approaches. FISCAL IMPACT: There are no direct fiscal impacts on the Town's General Fund as a result of administering the Landscape and Lighting Assessment Districts. All the costs associated with the Districts are recovered via the assessments levied against the property owners within the Districts. There are no proposed increases in any of the parcel assessments for FY 2023/24 that would require a ballot vote under Proposition 218. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: This is not a project defined under CEQA, and no further action is required. Attachments: 1. Resolution Confirming Diagram and Assessment and Levying and Authorizing Collection of Assessments – Blackwell Drive Benefit Zone. 2. Resolution Confirming Diagram and Assessment and Levying and Authorizing Collection of Assessments – Kennedy Meadows Drive Benefit Zone. 3. Resolution Confirming Diagram and Assessment and Levying and Authorizing Collection of Assessments – Santa Rosa Heights Benefit Zone. 4. Resolution Confirming Diagram and Assessment and Levying and Authorizing Collection of Assessments – Vasona Heights Benefit Zone. 5. Resolution Confirming Diagram and Assessment and Levying and Authorizing Collection of Assessments – Hillbrook Drive Benefit Zone. 6. Resolution Confirming Diagram and Assessment and Levying and Authorizing Collection of Assessments – Gemini Court Benefit Zone. 7. Engineer’s Report for Fiscal Year 2023/24.