Attachment 8 - Business Outreach Meeting SlidesATTACHMENT 8 •Introductions •Land Use Streamlining & Zoning Code Modifications •Q&A •Streamlining builds in flexibility and encourages business retention & growth •Strategic Priority of the Town Council •Economic Recovery Resolution •Evolution & current status •Next Steps to continue efforts •Planning Commission considered in April •Recommendations go to the Town Council on June 20 •Expand zoning allowances & opportunities for: •Personal service businesses •Tasting and tap rooms •Group classes •Veterinary businesses •Formula retail •Specialty retail businesses •Codify definitions for banks and financial institutions •Personal Service Businesses •Remove CUP requirement in downtown •Allow in office zones •Tasting &Tap Rooms •Limited hours •CUP with DRC approval •Group Classes •Remove CUP requirement in downtown •Veterinary Businesses •Allow use in the C1 zone •Formula Retail •Remove CUP requirement for +6,000 SF •Specialty retail businesses •Remove CUP for quick/impulse food businesses •Planning Commission recommends coffee remains a restaurant & continue to require a CUP •Codify definitions for banks and financial institutions •Bank must include the ability to exchange cash such as an ATM, teller, etc. •Financial institution is an office use, prohibited on the ground floor of downtown ▪Thank you for your engagement! ▪General questions or feedback? ▪Detailed staff reports will be available online on Thursday, June 15 at losgatosca.gov ▪Public Comment is welcome in writing, no later than 11 a.m. on June 20. ▪Public Comment is welcome in person at the meeting on Tuesday, June 20 at 7 p.m. This Page Intentionally Left Blank