Addendum.Item #23 - Shannon Rd Project Outreach Update PREPARED BY: Nicolle Burnham Director of Parks and Public Works 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● (408) 354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: 06/20/2023 ITEM NO: 23 ADDENDUM DATE: June 16, 2023 TO: Mayor and Town Council FROM: Laurel Prevetti, Town Manager SUBJECT: Receive the Report on Potential Revisions and Community Input to the Shannon Road Pedestrian and Bicycle Improvements Project (CIP No. 813- 0218) and Provide Design Direction REMARKS: A previous version of the staff report had inconsistencies regarding the numbering of the attachments. The online staff report was amended to reflect the correct order of the attachments which is: 1. Public Outreach Meeting Minutes June 1, 2023 2. Slide Deck from Community Meeting 3. Community Survey and Results 4. Cross-Section of New Modified Option 1 5. Public Comments Received between June 2, 2023, and 11:00 a.m. on June 15, 2023 Attachment 6 contains additional Public Comments received between 11:01 a.m. on June 15, 2023, and 11:00 a.m. on June 16, 2023. Attachments received with the Staff Report: 1. Public Outreach Meeting Minutes June 1, 2023 2. Slide Deck from Community Meeting 3. Community Survey and Results 4. Public Comments Received between June 2, 2023, and 11:00 a.m. on June 15, 2023 5. Cross-Section of New Modified Option 1 Attachments received with this Addendum: 6. Public Comments received between 11:01 a.m. on June 15, 2023 and 11:00 a.m. on June 16, 2023, Attachment 6 This Page Intentionally Left Blank From: Ryan Rosenberg < > Sent: Friday, June 16, 2023 1:00 PM To: Nicolle Burnham <NBurnham@losgatosca.gov>; Gary Heap <GHeap@losgatosca.gov> Subject: What wrote to residents following our meeting [EXTERNAL SENDER] Nicolle and Gary, Thanks again for meeting with me today. FYI, below is the note I sent out to residents as follow-up. All the best, Ryan -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Dear Neighbors, I met with two members of the town staff today: Parks and Public works director Nicolle Burnham and Town Engineer Gary Heap. Here are a few details I found: 1. Today they have cross-sections available. If (and when) the plan is approved by city council they will start work on updated top-down designs. Rather than create conceptual drawings (as they did for the recent community meeting) they will move directly to full engineering drawings. On the plus side those will be very accurate. On the downside, they won’t have them until the fall (they didn’t say when in the fall). 2. They assured me that, once they have the engineering drawings, they will reach out to residents to share the details and discuss comments and concerns. 3. I asked what residents could do in the meantime if they had questions and they said to contact Gary. His contact info: Gary Heap Town Engineer GHeap@LosGatosCA.gov 408-399-5773 ATTACHMENT 6 Gary is new in his position but seems knowledgable and I have (personally) found him to be easy to talk to. He lives in this area. 4. I asked about the planter strips. They plan to put trees in there. There are (at least) three types of trees that fit their criteria, such as being able to thrive in a planter strip, not interfering with utility lines, roots won’t damage the street, etc. I mentioned at least one resident was interested in the plans for the trees and they said when they get to that point they would be happy to share them. 5. I asked about watering and planting in the planter strips. They do indeed intend to build conduits from properties out to the planter strips (they have to work out the details). Residents will be able to run their own irrigation lines to the strips and to plant things (not trees I assume). I personally like this a lot; if many of us plant, and we take care of the plants, this could do a lot of for the street. Finally, we discussed the project process from the beginning. They agreed that process could have been improved, especially communications. They seem (to me) to have good ideas about how to make future projects run smoother; for the benefit of the town let’s hope that is the case. I think that was about it. If anyone else finds out other things please share! All the best, Ryan