Attachment 5 - Public Comments Received between 6-2-23 and 6-15-23_RedactedATTACHMENT 5 Public Comments Received between June 2, 2023, and June 15, 2023 From: Sheldon Gilbert Sent: Friday, June 2, 2023 12:07 PM To: Nicolle Burnham <NBurnham@losgatosca.gov> Subject: Shannon Road improvements [EXTERNAL SENDER] Hi Nicole, I was a the meeting last night at Shir Hadash and found it to be very valuable. Really appreciate the town staff taking the time to hear the concerns of the neighbors. I don’t live on Shannon, but do live in the area. I have served on the Bicycle and Pedestrian committee and am interested in seeing the improvements that the town is making to support bike and pedestrian traffic. One idea occurred to me after the meeting which I wanted to share with you and your team as something to consider. The crosswalk at LG Blvd and Shannon has always been inconvenient. Because of the way that Roberts Rd. doesn’t quite line up with Shannon, there is a bit of a jog which makes the traffic lights and the cross walk complicated. If you are crossing LG Blvd from the West, you have cars turning right from Roberts Rd.that might not see you. If you are crossing LG Blvd from the east, you have to first cross onto that little island and watch for right turners coming off of Shannon from behind you. A very complicated crosswalk. My guess for why it is located on the North side of Shannon, is that historically, that is where the sidewalk has been. Since there is no sidewalk on the South side of Shannon, it wouldn’t make sense to have everyone cross Shannon to get to a crosswalk for LG Blvd. If the new plan is to put sidewalk and bike lane on the South side of Shannon as well I wonder what the plan is for LG Blvd crosswalks? Will you be adding one from the SouthEast corner of LG Blvd/Shannon? Will you plan to eliminate or modify the one on the NE corner that is so complicated? Thanks, Sheldon Gilbert ATTACHMENT 5 From: Ryan Rosenberg <> Sent on: Friday, June 2, 2023 3:15:39 AM To: Nicolle Burnham <NBurnham@losgatosca.gov>; Gary Heap <GHeap@losgatosca.gov> Subject: Thank You (plus bonus info for you on the current width of Shannon Road) [EXTERNAL SENDER] Nicole and Gary, It was a pleasure to meet both of you tonight at the Shannon Road project meeting. I appreciate the challenge of being in public service...it is not easy! Both of you showed a great demeanor tonight (working late!) and willingness to put in the effort to engage with the community. Great to see. On another topic: I went and measured the current width of the Shannon Road traffic lanes. (Don’t worry I was careful!) It turns out the current width is 9’ 4” (as measured from the outside of the central yellow lines to the inside of the white line at the side of the road). I’m not sure exactly how you measure width, maybe you go from the very center of the road. A but even starting there it seems to me the new plans will actually keep the current width, or maybe they even widen slightly the traffic lines. They do not narrow them. Therefore perhaps it is possible to go to a 2’ bike buffer? Just a thought. All the best, Ryan Rosenberg From: Sent: Friday, June 2, 2023 1:39 PM To: Nicolle Burnham <NBurnham@losgatosca.gov> Cc: Gary Heap <GHeap@losgatosca.gov> Subject: Re: concerned with parking in front of our home [EXTERNAL SENDER] Hi Nicolle, Thanks for your prompt reply. Let me know when you would like to meet and I will be available. To confirm, I definitely don't want parking. I like the green-space in front of all of our homes. We have plenty of side streets in this project for parking and as I mentioned to you yesterday, we walk at night every evening and there are no cars parked on the street. I just wanted to let you know my thoughts on parking in case spots were left in the plan which I hope won't be the case. Having green-space in front of my home is essential as it will beautify the neighborhood. I spent thousands of dollars for plants, planting and irrigation in front of my home so it would be nice if I could reuse some of my plants in the planting strip. Thanks, Sheila ATTACHMENT 5 On Fri, Jun 2, 2023 at 11:44 AM Nicolle Burnham <NBurnham@losgatosca.gov> wrote: Hi Sheila – Thanks for your follow up note. I’m sorry to hear you lost sleep over this. Please don’t do that! We have a ways to go before anything permanent is done here. Our work for the next two weeks will be to assess the feedback we received (and I’ll add this input to that list) and prepare to discuss the themes with Council on 6/20. I don’t think we are in a posi�on to say for certain exactly where any parking would be located (and many people s�ll prefer to not have any parking). I’m hoping that a�er council hears this item on 6/20 we will be able to move toward deciding on the design specifics about where exactly parking should be located. That said, your comments and informa�on about the Magneson Loop intersec�on is very helpful. The design team will need to assess that intersec�on during design. If parking is proposed along Shannon Road we may need to consider a no parking area (i.e., red curb) on each side of the intersec�on to insure there is enough sight distance for drivers. I would like to see what the next two weeks bring, including the council direc�on we receive, and then revisit this issue with you, rather than going to visit now. And, full disclosure, I’ll be out of Town from 6/21 through 7/5. However, I am confident that we will s�ll have �me to work with you as the design develops. -Nicolle From: Sent: Friday, June 2, 2023 11:31 AM To: Nicolle Burnham <NBurnham@losgatosca.gov> Cc: Gary Heap <GHeap@losgatosca.gov> Subject: concerned with parking in front of our home [EXTERNAL SENDER] Hi Nicolle, It was nice to see you yesterday. If I have to choose one of the plans proposed, plan A is a the better plan for our neighborhood. I forgot to mention my issue with parking in front of my home in plan B. The first issue is the loss of visibility drivers would have trying to turn out of Magneson Loop onto Shannon road which is very dangerous. Adding parking at that corner will block visibility and is not a good decision. Drivers take right and left turns out of Magneson Loop even with the "no left turn arrow" sign on Magneson. I hear screeching cars daily pulling out of Magneson Loop onto Shannon because of the current low visibility while pulling out on to Shannon. The parking proposed in front of my home will make it much more dangerous. What bothers me the most with plan B is the lack of greenery in front of my home. Currently, my home has the most green space in front of my property than any ATTACHMENT 5 other residence in the project and the engineering dept decided to put parking in front of my home without green space? I am dumbfounded to say the least. I have to say how disappointed I was seeing that. If the engineering dept insists on keeping some parking can you please remove it in front of my home and put it somewhere else? You could move it in front of another residents home who wants the parking. This really bothered me to the point of lack of sleep last night. Also, why the parking spots with "bulb outs" they don't look nice in a residential neighborhood. Please come out to my home so we can discuss this and I can point out the dangerous visibility issue and my greenery issue with you. I will clear my calendar to accommodate your visit availability. Would be nice if Gary could attend also. Thanks, Sheila & Mark From: Helen Sun Sent: Sunday, June 4, 2023 4:14 PM To: Maria Ristow <MRistow@losgatosca.gov>; Mary Badame <MBadame@losgatosca.gov>; Mathew Hudes <MHudes@losgatosca.gov>; Rob Rennie <RRennie@losgatosca.gov>; Rob Moore <RMoore@losgatosca.gov>; Nicolle Burnham <NBurnham@losgatosca.gov>; Michael Vroman <MVroman@losgatosca.gov>; Gary Heap <GHeap@losgatosca.gov> Subject: Shannon Rd Project: More Observa�ons and Feedback [EXTERNAL SENDER] Hi Town Councilmembers and Town Engineers, Thank you for hos�ng the very welcoming and informa�onal community mee�ng last week. I want to thank the town engineers for working hard to produce the updated plans and op�ons. I think all residents can agree that it is amazing to see the green/tree spaces added to the plans. So, many thanks to you all for that. We have shared the ini�al feedback during the mee�ng, but felt that I should follow up with an email with more details based on what I have gathered from the nearby streets. One ques�on remains as to why this sec�on of the Shannon Rd needs all of the elements of an artery road considering it is much less busier than some of the other streets around it. Please spend a few minutes to review the lane spec on the nearby streets, addi�onal observa�ons and feedback. It is important to provide safety to users on the street, but we ask to please implement a plan that is ra�onal, balances all aspects while maintaining the look and feel of the town! Thank you! ATTACHMENT 5 Best, Helen From: Sent on: Monday, June 5, 2023 8:33:06 PM To: Mary Badame <MBadame@losgatosca.gov>; Maria Ristow <MRistow@losgatosca.gov>; Matthew Hudes <MHudes@losgatosca.gov>; Rob Moore <RMoore@losgatosca.gov>; Rob Rennie <RRennie@losgatosca.gov> CC: Gary Heap <GHeap@losgatosca.gov>; Nicolle Burnham <NBurnham@losgatosca.gov>; Michael Vroman <MVroman@losgatosca.gov>; Subject: Re: [shannon-road-project] Shannon Rd Project: More Observations and Feedback [EXTERNAL SENDER] Hello, Council members and Town Engineers, Thank you for your continued interest and engagement with the Shannon residents on this project. I felt the community meeting we had last week was well organized and had great engagement from everyone. Initially, the PPW proposed design concept #1 as a “vetted” option for us to choose from. The good news is that design #1 already meets the intent of points #1, #2, and #3 made by Helen below and echoes what many of us have said since the start of this project! I wanted to add to Helen’s well-researched message and ask each one of you just two questions: ATTACHMENT 5  Would the town of Los Gatos even have any need of state funding to execute design #1 which is simpler, preferred by most residents, and less costly in design, but still meets the original safety improvements goals set out by the council? Council members: please consider answering this question before making your final decision. Design #1 is less intrusive on impacted Shannon residents, is more attuned to our beautiful neighborhood, and most importantly offers a substantial safety improvement over what already exists today. Note: Vice Mayor Badame said * the following statement in the 4-18-23 Town Council which perfectly summarizes the impacted Shannon resident‘s main concerns. It also contains an important piece of information (bolded): “I echo a lot of the sentiments…I think we can all agree as one team for safe roads, bikes, and pedestrians…in a staff report dated 10-14-21, staff noted that design #1 and design #3 BOTH served the purpose of improving the visibility and safety of bicyclists on Shannon Road. I continue to question the need for excessive designs based on unsubstantiated safety concerns and keeping fiscal prudence in mind…” If design #1 already meets the safety intent and is liked by most Shannon residents, why push forward a more polarizing, expensive design? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AT7JEk5A62o&t=18811s *2:08:42 time stamp for the relevant starting point of the above quote. Thank you, Mark Bony From: Cheri Finalle Sent: Monday, June 5, 2023 2:15 PM To: Maria Ristow <MRistow@losgatosca.gov>; Mary Badame <MBadame@losgatosca.gov>; Mathew Hudes <MHudes@losgatosca.gov>; Rob Rennie <RRennie@losgatosca.gov>; Rob Moore <RMoore@losgatosca.gov>; Nicolle Burnham <NBurnham@losgatosca.gov>; Michael Vroman <MVroman@losgatosca.gov>; Gary Heap <GHeap@losgatosca.gov> Cc: Peter Binkley > Subject: Shannon Road [EXTERNAL SENDER] Town Council, I appreciate the last mee�ng with staff and happy to have so much engagement with the Council. The future humps and sidewalks will make commu�ng to school easier/safer/more pleasant. I humbly request the Council to please give the town staff direc�on to remove the buffer for parking in the op�on that has green space/trees/plan�ng strips. Elimina�ng all parking op�ons will only cause parking to occur in the bike lanes. Deliveries, parents of local school children, guests, contractors, service equipment all need a place to park with this many homes. I think it a mistake to have there be zero parking. Obviously the road is only so wide. But the minimal requirements for a residen�al road esp one this rural, should have both green space and parking. Please eliminate the buffers. These are beter served on the LG Blvd or Winchester. The goal on this road is to slow down traffic. Best regards, Cheri Finalle Binkley ATTACHMENT 5 From: Helen Sun > Sent: Monday, June 5, 2023 10:47 AM To: Nicolle Burnham <NBurnham@losgatosca.gov> Cc: Gary Heap <GHeap@losgatosca.gov>; Michael Vroman <MVroman@losgatosca.gov> Subject: Re: Shannon Rd Project: More Observa�ons and Feedback [EXTERNAL SENDER] Much appreciated, Nicolle. Please help to make it right for the residents and the town. The roads serve many groups who use it daily, not just the bikers. We want to make them safe, but the current plan is simply over engineered with the wide lanes, buffers and speed bumps. Thanks! Best, Helen On Mon, Jun 5, 2023 at 9:13 AM Nicolle Burnham <NBurnham@losgatosca.gov> wrote: Helen – Thank you for these comments and the analysis. We will review this informa�on as we prepare for the June 20th Town Council mee�ng. -Nicolle From: Andrew Horwitz Sent on: Monday, June 5, 2023 8:46:44 PM To: Mary Badame <MBadame@losgatosca.gov>; Rob Rennie <RRennie@losgatosca.gov>; Rob Moore <RMoore@losgatosca.gov>; Maria Ristow <MRistow@losgatosca.gov>; Matthew Hudes <MHudes@losgatosca.gov>; Nicolle Burnham <NBurnham@losgatosca.gov>; Michael Vroman <MVroman@losgatosca.gov>; Gary Heap <GHeap@losgatosca.gov> CC: Subject: Additional perspective Shannon Rd Project: Post in person meeting [EXTERNAL SENDER] Town Council and Town Engineers, First, thank you for hosting the in-person meeting and coming forward with positive suggestions. We do appreciate the efforts. As shown very well by our neighbor, Helen, the current design is still a significant over design. However, there is a good path to accomplishing the objectives of significant improvements in safety as maintaining the community feel and satisfy the residents of Shannon Road. But we are not there yet. For another objective perspective, I brought my 16 year old son (rising junior at LGHS), to the meeting, who rode his bike to Fisher everyday from our previous home in the Manor on ATTACHMENT 5 Cherrystone and rides to LGHS everyday from our current Shannon Road Home. He showed me some very valid perspectives on safety. He didn't care about parking or property impact. It was helpful to me hearing his views, which I included below. 1) Adding Speed Bumps was his biggest concern. Already in the plan, consider two with the planned space. Cars speed, so stopping speeding is the most important thing to do. 2) Both a bike walk and sidewalk are helpful, so walkers use the sidewalk and bikers use the bike path. In his opinion, that is what limits bikes going into the street when they go around walkers, less around bikers. 3) He thinks a sidewalk on one side of the road is fine, because most kids walk on the North side because of the light at LG Blvd. But he thought two bike lanes, one on each side, was needed because bikers use both sides more. 4) Many kids don't listen, no matter what the design, so enforce rules more about walkers not using bike lanes. He asked why the town just doesn't have police watching speed during the walk to and from school times. Slowing cars down was his biggest safety improvement. From my perspective, my big takeaways from the meeting were: 1) The buffers are not needed and eliminating them won't materially change the safety of the project but will make the street residents much happier. And don't meet the neighborhood. 2) The cost and budget impact to the city for this project are not fully understood in regards to property damage. This project will cost more than currently proposed. 3) The plan for utility poles seems unclear and likely to further impact more trees as the poles are moved closer to homes. 4) The full removal of green and trees are being understated. As I have highlighted, there are 4 trees at the edge of my property that will be removed but are not in the plans. These trees are all bigger than the replacement trees planned for the road. Additionally, with the sidewalk closer to the home, many other trees closer to the sidewalk will need significant trimming to not block the sidewalk. It appears that the sidewalk will go right against many fences, trees, bushes on homeowners property which will limit useful portions of sidewalk or impact property in a negative way. 5) Plan B, with the parking, had excess sidewalk in many places, especially around parking spots, that seemed unnecessary vs. greenery. Gary did mention that those could be evaluated to make it more green. 6) The risk of losing the large grant if not a plan by January is real. So finding a plan should have urgency. 7) The homeowners on Shannon are the most incented people to keep Shannon Road beautiful via landscaping. We should keep the ownership with the homeowners as much as possible. I thought it was great that irrigation for the planters would be part of the plan. A special thank you to Nicole and Gary for listening and being flexible. Thank you for listening and I believe a design without the buffers more than accomplishes the safety and aesthetic objectives of the project. Regards, Andy ATTACHMENT 5 From: Andrew Horwitz Sent on: Monday, June 5, 2023 10:11:33 PM To: Nicolle Burnham <NBurnham@losgatosca.gov> CC: Gary Heap <GHeap@losgatosca.gov> Subject: Re: Additional perspective Shannon Rd Project: Post in person meeting [EXTERNAL SENDER] Hi Nicole, Thank you for reading my email. My address is Shannon Road. Right at the intersection of Englewood and Shannon on the North side. Gary did come out with me to the property. My specific concerns are the trees and then impact to my fence (on my property) but complete landscape design flows into ROW. As you look at my property and others I ask you to consider how much tree trimming and root destruction will happen the closer we get to the houses. And I am happy to have you interview both of my kids to hear their perspective. My daughter is a 7th grader at Fisher and walks to school each day along Shannon. Someone picks her up along the way almost every day. Regards, Andy On Mon, Jun 5, 2023 at 2:45  PM Nicolle Burnham <NBurnham@losgatosca.gov> wrote: Mr. Horowitz – Thank you for this email, and for your son’s perspective. I love hearing from the students that use the space every day! Would you be willing to share your address with me? I would like to look more closely at the tree issue you have raised. -Nicolle ATTACHMENT 5 From: tim king Sent on: Monday, June 5, 2023 7:41:35 PM To: Maria Ristow <MRistow@losgatosca.gov>; Mary Badame <MBadame@losgatosca.gov>; Matthew Hudes <MHudes@losgatosca.gov>; Rob Rennie <RRennie@losgatosca.gov>; Rob Moore <RMoore@losgatosca.gov>; Nicolle Burnham <NBurnham@losgatosca.gov>; Michael Vroman <MVroman@losgatosca.gov>; Gary Heap <GHeap@losgatosca.gov> CC: Subject: Oh no, not another email about Shannon Rd... [EXTERNAL SENDER] Hi everyone, I'll keep this as short as possible. When cars pass pedestrians or cyclists there's a statistical probability of a collision. If we bring back the school buses, there will be less cars and kids on the road which will increase safety. SInce time is $, so who wouldn't say yes to having someone drive their kids to and from school. There's my 2 cents on all this. Again, in the first discussion we had on this the officer running the call said Shannon is safer than a similar road in the area. This seems to have become a bug under someone's skin and it's somehow become contagious. The way I see it, school buses are the cure. Let's not go crazy. Thanks-Tim King From: Ned Finkle > Sent on: Monday, June 5, 2023 6:39:39 PM To: Maria Ristow <MRistow@losgatosca.gov>; Mary Badame <MBadame@losgatosca.gov>; Matthew Hudes <MHudes@losgatosca.gov>; Rob Rennie <RRennie@losgatosca.gov>; Rob Moore <RMoore@losgatosca.gov>; Nicolle Burnham <NBurnham@losgatosca.gov>; Michael Vroman <MVroman@losgatosca.gov>; Gary Heap <GHeap@losgatosca.gov> CC: Subject: Fwd: [shannon-road-project] Shannon Rd Project: More Observations and Feedback [EXTERNAL SENDER] Adding to Helen’s comments. Thank you for the recent meeting with the street at Shir Hadash. As one resident stated, “if we had this engagement almost 2 years ago we would be much more aligned right now”. ATTACHMENT 5 Consensus feed back from the street at this point: • Bike lane should be 4-5ft max & sidewalks 5ft max in line with the rest of the town. • Buffer should be no more than 1.5ft. In line with the reduced speed of the road due to speed humps (like the rest of Shannon enjoys). • Return the 2.5-3.5ft to the property line next to the sidewalk. Reduces damage to property and matches LG in general. The speed humps give us a big safety boost by greatly lowering speed. The nature & size of the bike lane should be ra tionalized from there. 6ft bike lane + a 3ft buffer makes no sense for a neighborhood street that will be 15-20+ mph after the speed humps are installed. East Shannon road is a clear demonstration of the speed reduction. Plan A & B must have these reductions to gain full support from the street. Thanks From: Sent on: Tuesday, June 6, 2023 12:11:31 AM To: Mary Badame <MBadame@losgatosca.gov>; Matthew Hudes <MHudes@losgatosca.gov>; Rob Rennie <RRennie@losgatosca.gov>; Rob Moore <RMoore@losgatosca.gov>; Maria Ristow <MRistow@losgatosca.gov>; Nicolle Burnham <NBurnham@losgatosca.gov>; Michael Vroman <MVroman@losgatosca.gov>; Gary Heap <GHeap@losgatosca.gov>; Subject: Concept # 1 solves all safety/parking/sidewalk issues on Shannon Road ATTACHMENT 5 [EXTERNAL SENDER] Dear town council members and town engineers, Thank you for hosting the community meeting last week. We appreciate your efforts to try to soften the pedestrian and bike way plan. The only option that solves any safety/parking/sidewalk issues on our street is concept #1 which has green space on both sides of the street and parking on the south side of the road and no painted buffers. I learned at the meeting last week that the PPW dept takes all direction from the town council. Town council members-please reflect on how many Shannon Rd residents called in the on the 10/19/21 zoom meeting and and voted for concept # 1. No residents on Shannon Rd. wanted concept #3 yet you ignored our input. You can right this wrong by directing the PPW to go back to concept #1 and this back-and-forth will be finally be over. For your convenience, here is a refresher of concept #1: ATTACHMENT 5 1. I spent time going through staff reports and if you look at the paragraphs below, a class II bike lane with sidewalks ( Concept #1 ) meets the standard requirements of the Town for active transportation! ( link to the staff report below: https://mccmeetingspublic.blob.core.usgovcloudapi.net/losgatos-meet- de6e6590f9104ff79e28d7e0ca806719/ITEM-Attachment-015- 67fb8ae9411546bba21370eb9addffb7.pdf ) 2. As for the larger grant, does the town really need it? As you can see below, concept # 1 is cheaper than concept # 3 which is a more fiscally responsible option for the town which currently has a deficit problem. 3. Concept #1 is less intrusive on impacted Shannon residents, is more attuned to our beautiful neighborhood, and most importantly offers a substantial safety improvement over what already exists today. Please council members: approve concept # 1 as it is a less expensive plan and meets the standard requirements of the town for active transportation. It is a simple and rational choice. Regards, Sheila Bony ATTACHMENT 5 From: Pooja Venugopal > Sent: Wednesday, June 7, 2023 12:50 PM To: Maria Ristow <MRistow@losgatosca.gov>; Mary Badame <MBadame@losgatosca.gov>; Mathew Hudes <MHudes@losgatosca.gov>; Rob Rennie <RRennie@losgatosca.gov>; Rob Moore <RMoore@losgatosca.gov>; Nicolle Burnham <NBurnham@losgatosca.gov>; Michael Vroman <MVroman@losgatosca.gov>; Gary Heap <GHeap@losgatosca.gov> Subject: Thoughts on Shannon Road Project [EXTERNAL SENDER] Dear Town Council, I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for hosting the highly informative meeting recently. It was wonderful to see the community come together to discuss the plans and options for Shannon Road. I would also like to appreciate the efforts put forth by the town council in developing these plans. It is evident that there has been a great deal of thought and consideration given to improving the road's safety and functionality. The addition of new features is certainly commendable. However, I would like to draw your attention to an important aspect that requires further consideration. Shannon Road, unlike Blossom Hill Road, is not as heavily trafficked. In fact, there have been no documented accidents on this road for many years. Given this information, it is crucial that we carefully examine the proposed plans to ensure that any changes made do not inadvertently create more harm than good. Please understand that we, as residents, fully support positive changes that enhance the safety and well-being of our community. However, we must also be cautious not to implement changes that may have unintended consequences or disrupt the character of our neighborhood. We would love to keep as much greenery as possible! I kindly request that the town council take a closer look at the plans for Shannon Road and consider whether all the proposed elements are truly necessary. Let us strive for a solution that strikes a balance between safety and maintaining the unique charm of our road. Thank you for your time and consideration. We trust that you will take our concerns into account as you move forward with the decision-making process. Best regards, Pooja Venugopal & Varun Sivakumar ATTACHMENT 5 From: Sent: Wednesday, June 7, 2023 3:59 PM To: Nicolle Burnham <NBurnham@losgatosca.gov> Cc: Gary Heap <GHeap@losgatosca.gov>; Michael Vroman <MVroman@losgatosca.gov> Subject: Shannon Rd revised plans for 6/20 town council mee�ng [EXTERNAL SENDER] Hi Nicolle, I know you are working on the plans via our feedback from last week. Could you please upload your revised plans (to present at the town council meeting) to the project website a couple of days before 6/20? Residents would like to see the plans before the meeting to prepare questions and it does take a long tome to view the entire scope of the project on our computer monitors. Thanks! Sheila From: Sent on: Wednesday, June 7, 2023 10:58:56 PM To: Nicolle Burnham <NBurnham@losgatosca.gov> CC: Gary Heap <GHeap@losgatosca.gov>; Michael Vroman <MVroman@losgatosca.gov> Subject: Shannon Rd revised plans for 6/20 town council meeting [EXTERNAL SENDER] Hi Nicolle, I know you are working on the plans via our feedback from last week. Could you please upload your revised plans (to present at the town council meeting) to the project website a couple of days before 6/20? Residents would like to see the plans before the meeting to prepare questions and it does take a long tome to view the entire scope of the project on our computer monitors. Thanks! Sheila