Desk Item.Shannon Road Project Outreach Update with attachment PREPARED BY: Gary Heap Town Engineer Reviewed by: Town Manager, Assistant Town Manager, Town Attorney, Finance Director, and Parks and Public Works Director 110 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 ● (408) 354-6832 www.losgatosca.gov TOWN OF LOS GATOS COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT MEETING DATE: 6/20/2023 ITEM NO: 23 DESK ITEM DATE: June 20, 2023 TO: Mayor and Town Council FROM: Laurel Prevetti, Town Manager SUBJECT: Receive the Report on Potential Revisions and Community Input to the Shannon Road Pedestrian and Bicycle Improvements Project (CIP No. 813- 0218) and Provide Design Direction REMARKS: Attachment 7 contains PowerPoint presentation slides. Attachments previously received with the Staff Report: 1. Public Outreach Meeting Minutes June 1, 2023 2. Slide Deck from Community Meeting 3. Community Survey and Results 4. Cross-Section of New Modified Option 1 5. Public Comments Received between June 2, 2023, and 11:00 a.m. on June 15, 2023 Attachments previously received with the Addendum: 6. Public Comments received between 11:01 a.m. on June 15, 2023 and 11:00 a.m. on June 16, 2023, Attachment 6 Attachment with this Desk Item: 7. PowerPoint Presentation Slides This Page Intentionally Left Blank Shannon Road Pedestrian and Bikeway Improvements (CIP 813-0218) Town Council Meeting June 20, 2023 1 Why this Project? Safe pedestrian and cyclist access on this collector street to three nearby schools Priority project per Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan Supported by Town Council and Complete Streets and Transportation Committee 2 What We Heard April 18, 2023 Town Council Direction: Revise the Design to Minimize Excess Asphalt Pavement Areas Remove Parking Spaces Add Trees Where Possible Hold a Community Meeting April / May 2023 Emails from the Community: Shannon Road should look and feel like other residential streets in Los Gatos Option 1 (presented Sept 2021) is preferred Parking is required / Parking is NOT required Planting strips are required 3 Option 1 Concept Community Meeting –June 1, 2023 Meeting was attended by approximately 40 community members from Shannon Road and the surrounding streets Staff provided a brief presentation and introduced the new options: 2023-A 2023-B Break-out session facilitated by staff Participants were given the option to participate in a site visit Report out on general comments from each table A survey was also distributed to the community members to gauge design preference and to provide comments Staff also received feedback emails after the community meeting 4 Community Feedback Asphalt buffers of 3’ are inconsistent with current aesthetics Residents bordering Shannon wanted parking Community members not bordering Shannon supported trees over parking Option 1 is strongly preferred 5 Modified Option 1 Based on feedback, staff reevaluated the project and developed an alternative design which provides: 10’ Travel Lanes 5’ Sidewalk 5’ Bicycle Lanes 18” Bicycle Buffer 3’-4’ Planter Strips Parking on South Side 6” Buffer Between the back of walk and the property line 6 Modified Option 1 (Looking East) 7 N Modified Option 1 (Looking East) 8 N Modified Option 1 (Looking East) 9 N 2023 Concepts vs Option 1 10 Design Element Option 1 2023-A 2023-B Modified Option 1 Vehicle Lane Width 10 Feet 10 Feet 10 Feet 10 feet Sidewalk Width 5 Feet 5 Feet 5 Feet 5 feet Bike Lane Width 6 Feet 6 Feet 6 Feet 5 feet Painted Bike Buffer Width 0 3 Feet 3 Feet 18 inches Vegetated Buffer Width 4.5 Feet1 3.5 –5.0 Feet 3.5 Feet2 3-4 feet2,3 Parking Spaces Provided Yes4 No Intermittent on North and South Side5 Yes 4 Buffer Between Back of Walk and Property Line None None None 6 Inches Notes: 1.Along South Side Only 2.West of Magneson Loop –3’ Planter Strip on North Side Only only 3.East of Magneson Loop –4’ Planter Strip on Both Sides 4.South Side Only 5.Intermittent 2-stall Parking Bays on North and South Sides Modified Option 1 Attempts to meet the requests of the Shannon Road residents and other community members while still meeting the Town Council’s direction Balances good engineering design with community interests Provides bike lanes and sidewalk Maximize the placement of trees Reduce the bicycle lane buffer to minimum standards Provides a 6” buffer between the back of walk and the property line 11 Next Steps Staff recommends completing design of the Shannon Road Pedestrian and Bicycle Improvement Project using Modified Option 1 Staff will work with the consultant to finalize design by October Staff will present to plans to Caltrans in accordance with the grant requirements Caltrans approval of the plans is required by January 31, 2024 to maintain grant funding Construction is expected in Spring 2024 12 Questions/Comments? 13 This Page Intentionally Left Blank