EV Zone Code Preso 6 20 23LAND USE STREAMLINING & ZONING CODE MODIFICATIONS Town Council Meeting June 20,2023 →Strategic Priority of the Town Council →Streamlining builds in flexibility →Encourages business retention & growth →Flexibility allows for more natural business evolution & synergy PERSONAL SERVICE BUSINESSES •1:1 services •Remove CUP requirement in downtown •Allow in office zones •Meal service not required •Limited hours •CUP with DRC approval TASTING & TAP ROOMS SPECIALTY RETAIL BUSINESSES •Consider expanding the definition of Specialty Retail •Currently •Specialty Retail includes grab and go style, pre-made items •Specifically excludes ice cream, bagels with condiments, coffee, smoothies, etc. •Food uses that require a customized order are restaurants •Traffic Impact Policy defines many of the same uses as Impulse Businesses, and not as restaurants •Specialty Retail does not require a CUP •Restaurants require a CUP, DRC as the approving body SPECIALTY RETAIL BUSINESSES •Recommendation •Continue to allow Specialty Retail without a CUP •Expand the definition of Specialty Retail to include food uses that are more impulse or walk-by driven •At Planning Commission, concerns were raised with coffee uses specifically •PC recommends coffee uses continue to be defined as a restaurant, not specialty retail •Much of the conversation at stakeholder meetings was focused on coffee, with varying opinions CODIFY DEFINITIONS FOR BANKS & FINANCIAL SERVICES •PC recommends that the definition of a Bank includes the ability to exchange cash such as an ATM, teller, etc. •Banks are allowed with a CUP in Downtown (C2 Zone), PC is deciding body •Financial Services are defined as an office use, and prohibited on the ground floor of Downtown VETERINARY BUSINESSES IN C1 •Vet services with no boarding •Allow use in C1 Zone •Remove CUP requirement for businesses +6,000 SF •Expands previous streamlining •Eliminates Formula Retail provisions from Code FORMULA RETAIL •Remove CUP requirement in downtown GROUP CLASSES IN C2 DISCUSS & PROVIDE DIRECTION •Personal Service Businesses •Tasting &Tap Rooms •Group Classes •Veterinary Businesses •Formula Retail •Specialty Retail Businesses •Banks & Financial Institutions