EV Zone Code Preso 6 20 23 LAND USE STREAMLINING & ZONING CODE MODIFICATIONS Town Council Meeting June 20, 2023 1 Strategic Priority of the Town Council Streamlining builds in flexibility Encourages business retention & growth Flexibility allows for more natural business evolution & synergy Los Gatos is open for business 2 PERSONAL SERVICE BUSINESSES 1:1 services Remove CUP requirement in downtown Allow in office zones Meal service not required Limited hours CUP with DRC approval TASTING & TAP ROOMS 3 SPECIALTY RETAIL BUSINESSES Consider expanding the definition of Specialty Retail Currently Specialty Retail includes grab and go style, pre-made items Specifically excludes ice cream, bagels with condiments, coffee, smoothies, etc. Food uses that require a customized order are restaurants Traffic Impact Policy defines many of the same uses as Impulse Businesses, and not as restaurants Specialty Retail does not require a CUP Restaurants require a CUP, DRC as the approving body 4 SPECIALTY RETAIL BUSINESSES Recommendation Continue to allow Specialty Retail without a CUP Expand the definition of Specialty Retail to include food uses that are more impulse or walk-by driven At Planning Commission, concerns were raised with coffee uses specifically PC recommends coffee uses continue to be defined as a restaurant, not specialty retail Much of the conversation at stakeholder meetings was focused on coffee, with varying opinions 5 CODIFY DEFINITIONS FOR BANKS & FINANCIAL SERVICES PC recommends that the definition of a Bank includes the ability to exchange cash such as an ATM, teller, etc. Banks are allowed with a CUP in Downtown (C2 Zone), PC is deciding body Financial Services are defined as an office use, and prohibited on the ground floor of Downtown 6 VETERINARY BUSINESSES IN C1 Vet services with no boarding Allow use in C1 Zone Remove CUP requirement for businesses +6,000 SF Expands previous streamlining Eliminates Formula Retail provisions from Code FORMULA RETAIL Remove CUP requirement in downtown GROUP CLASSES IN C2 7 DISCUSS & PROVIDE DIRECTION Personal Service Businesses Tasting & Tap Rooms Group Classes Veterinary Businesses Formula Retail Specialty Retail Businesses Banks & Financial Institutions 8