Attachment 1 - AGR 18.014 - Los Gatos-Saratoga RecreationI FIRST AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENTUSE RECREATION This FIRST AMENDMENT to USE AGREEMENT is entered into this 31' day ofOctober2017, by and between the TOWN OF LOS GATOS, State of California (' °Town "), and LOSGATOS- SARATOGA RECREATION ( "LGSR "). RECITALS A- Town and LGSR entered into a Use Agreement on June 25, 2014 to provide fee -based public recreation, supplemental education and child care programs for Los Gatos, Monte Serene, Saratoga and the Santa Cruz Mountain communities, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference as Attachment I to this Amendment. B. Town and LGSR mutually desire to extend the term ofthe existing Use Agreement through May 31, 2020. FIRST AMENDMENT NOW, THEREFORE, THE PARTIES HERETO AGREE AS FOLLOWS: The teen of this Agreement shall be extended for one additional three -year term as outlined in section 3 of the Use Agreement from June 1, 2017 through May 31, 2020. 2. All other Terms and Conditions of the Use Agreement dated June 25, 2014 remain in fullforce. IN WITNESS WHEREOF: Town of Los Gatos, by: Los Gatos- Saratoga Recreation, by: Lau - ure iSrevetti, Town Manager Ap roved as to Fonn: Attest: rt NC 4_u 41J ° t (($ Rah Schultz, T Attorney Shelly Neis, Int iim Town Clerk First Amendment to Use Agreement Town of Los Gatos and Los Gatos- Saratoga Recreation Page I of?. ATTACHMENT 1 Recommended by: Matt Morley, Director of Pa ks, a d Public Works First Amendment to Use Agreement Town of Los Gatos and Los Gatos - Saratoga Recreation Page 2 of 2 USE AGREEME4 T BRIAkIEN T 1lF TOWN OI' LOS GAT'OS AND HAS GAT OS- S.ARATOGA RECREATION This USE AGREENIEN I is entered into this _ _s ' day s'\ _ , N I4, by andbetweentheTOWNOFLOSGAT'OS. State of C`aliforma Crown-), and LOS C ATOS SARATOGARECREATION, ( °LGSR "). RECITALS A. I-os Gatos- Saratoga Community L-dncation and Rcercanon ("LGSR-), a joint powers agency of theLosGatosUnionSchoolDistrict, Saratoga Union School District and H_os Gatos - Saratoga UnionHighSchoolDistrict, was established to ensure the effective and efficient provision of community education and recreation services to the comniannics of Los Gatos, Saratoga, N(onte Screno andSantaCruzMountainsCommunities. B. LGSR provides fee -based public recreation, supplemental education and child care programs for LosGatos, Monte Screno, Saratoga and the Santa Cruz Mountains communities, C. In order to provide convenient and effective programs to its constituent communities, LGSR desires ro use various parks and open spaces owned and maintained by the Town of I os Gatos ( "Town`}. 1) The Town arid LGSR each desire an agreement between them setting forth the specific terms arid conditions under which LGSR may use certain Town parks. facilities and open spaces, includingdaysandhoursofuse, and the fees payable by LGSR for the exclusive use of the designated facilities_ AGREENIEN T NOW, THE'REFORL, THE PARTIFS HERETO AGREE AS FOLLOWS" Subjeet. Prcmises. The premises covered by this agreement. are C:reekside Sports Park, Blossom Hill Park, Town Plaza Park ( for Santa in the Park only) and Oak Meadow Park (collectively, thePremises'). LGSR may request the use of additional premises, which shall be considered by theTownaridauthorized . for use as more fully described in Section 7. Use of [?rpmis s LGSR shall he allowed use of the Premises for approved Programs dunng thosetimesanddatesasshownor. Attachment A, "Annual Schedule The mitial Annual Schedule shall cover camps and class for the 3014 Summer Session through the 2015 Spring SessioninitialProgramYear"). and snail identify what portion or poarons of the Premises shalt bedesignatedforeachapprovedProgram. No later than July 15th of each year this Agreement is in force, I 6SR shall submit to the Town a schedule for the upcoming Fall and Winter sessions. including the dates for the December Santa in the Park event. No later than December 151' of each year this agreement is in session, LGSR shall submit a schedule for the upcoming SpringandSunInc(- sessions. The period from Summer through the following Spring shrall constitute aProgramYear" for purposes of this agrc meo% with Premisesises use shon on the AnnualSchedule. LGSR ores request changes to the Annual Schedule by written notification to the Department of Parks and Public 'A orks, but shall endeavor to minimize changes ill 'he ,-chedu:e during the InitialProgramYearandcashsubsequentProgramYear. All changes should be made in writing no less ATTACHMENT I than 30 days prior to the effective date of the change. The Town of Los Gatos shall hax e sole authority to approve the Annual Schedule and any requested changes to the Annual Schedule. Term of,_R reement. Unless terminated sooner pursuant to Section 19 of this .Agreement, this Agreement shall expire on May 31. 2017. The term Hof this Agreement may be extended for up to two additional three year periods upon mutual written consent of the parties. Annua! Use F=ee. Beginning June 1, 2014, and every year thereafter, LGSR stall pay the 'I own of Los Gatos an Annual Use Fee for the use of the Premises. The initial Annual Use Fee shalt be 10,000. The Annual Use Fee shall be considered full and fair compensation for use of the Premises for those days and times on the approved Annual Schedule, and in conjunction with the Facility Maintenance Fee described in Section S, shall be used by the 'I own to help fund the cost of maintenance of the Premises. 5. La5 i(jty' ainten nc Fee. Beginning June 1, 2014, and continuing <or the full term of this agreement, including any ex=tensions, each participant in programs or classes offered by LGSR on Town premises will be charged a 52.00 Facility Maintenance Fee (rMP) per class or program. The Facility Maintenance Fee shall be assessed by LGSR at the time of registration or payment of program fees, and shall be remitted to the Town quarterly. Participants shall be charged a FMF for each separate registration in a program or class offered by LGSR offered on the Premises covered by this Agreement. 6. Annual L`se Vec Adjustmett haCng ine CK On June 1. 2015, and each anniversary thereafter, the Annual User Fee shall be adjusted equal to the CPI adjustment approved by the Town Council as part of its annual Comprehensive Fee Schedule adoption, which is based on the average increase in the CPI for the previous calendar year Annual L'.e Fee Adjustment-- Chamie i-- aaaningor Facilities. On June 1, 2015, and each anniversary thereafter, the Annual User Fee shall also be adjusted based on programming changes resulting in a material increase or decrease in the use of the Premises. In addition, the .Annual User Fee shall be adjusted to reflect the addition of any new facilities or the cessation of use at any of the facilities that comprise the Premises. ,Xnv fee adjustment under this section will be negotiated in good faith between the Town and LGSR as part of the development of the Annual Schedule described in Section 2 above. 8. Ma e. LGSR shall be responsible for general site clean -up including pick- up and disposal of trash that may results from the approved use of the Premises. 9. Fa_fJluy Usg Policies. LGSR shall comply, without limitation, to all applicable provisions of the Los Gatos Town Code, with special attention to the provisions of Chapter 19. Parks and Recreation. LGSR shall also comply with any park rules and regulations established by the Director of Parks and Public works pursuant to Section 19.10.025071 of the Pawn Code. including those tales set forth in Attachment B. Town of Los Gatos Park Rules and Regulations. and Attachment C, Town of Los- Gatos Creekside Sports Park Special Use Policies. Failure to comply with these policies may result in suspension and =or termination of this agreement. 10. Pa tnent LGSR shall make all payments, whether or not invoiced by Town, required pursuant to this Agreement no later than July P of each year that such payments are due. All payments shall be mailed by first class mail or delivered in person at Town offices and addressed as follows: Ibwn of Cos Gatos Attn. Finance Department P.O. Box 655 Los Gatos, California 9,SVV I1. .Ass'i9Wen €. LGSR shall not assign any portion of this Agreement, or allow any use of the Premises by any other person or entity contrary to the semis of this Agreerent, without prior written approval of town. LGSR is expressly prohibited from use of the Premises for any activity other than activities sanctioned and associated with LGSR. 12. I?ersonat Prooenv. Personal property of LGSR shall be LGSR', soie responsibility to acquire, repair, replace and store. Any storage of personal properly on the Premises shall require prior approval by the "rows LGSR shalt remove all personal properly at the expiration or termination of this Agreement, or sooner, as directed by the Town in its sole discretion. Any personal property not so removed with 30 days of nonfication by the Town shall become the sole propeGyofTownwithnocompensation. 13. Temporary Si} na4C LGSR shall be permitted to install temporary event sigttage on the Premises upon approval of an application to the Town of Los Owns Planning Department pursuant to the provisions of S io 28.10.120 (4I Firm SWu of the Town £'.ode. Each LGSR Activity Quaner summer, fall, spring, winter) shall be eligible for temporary event sigmage. Ail temporary event signage must include the LGSR logo of such size and placement that it is clear that the signage is for a program or activity sponsored by LGSR. The Town shall charge a single TemporarySignagefeeforeachProgramYear, 14. New Proeranr Vendors Referral. The Town and LGSR shall meet and negotiate in good faith a New Program Vendor Referral procedure, wherein the "town directs prospective new program vendors to LGSR for initial consideration prior to any issuance of penn;ts or negotiation of use agreements directly between the 7cmil and theprospective vendor. I i Insurance. a) Minimum Scope of brsuranee h j LGSR agrees to have and maintain_ for the duration of the contract, £ietteral Liability insurance policies insuring the LGSR, its officers and employees to an runouat not less than one million dollars (SI,000,000) combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage, htaurance is to be placed with insurers whiz a current f1cst's rating of no less than B =. Fi) i LGSR agrees to have and maintain for the duration of the contract, an Automobile Liability insurance policy insuring the LGSR. its officers and employees to an amount not Less than one milhoo dollars (S1,000,0(N_)} combined single limit per accident for bodily injury and property damage. iii) LGSR shall provide to the fown all certificates of insurance, with original endorsements . effecting coverage. LGSR shall provide all certificates and endorsements before tpvn of Agreement b) General Liability; i) The Town, its officers, cnnployees and volunteers are to be covered as additional insured as tespeets to liability arising out of activities occurring on or related to the occupancy and use of the Premises by the LGSR. ii) The LGSR's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respects the Town, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers. Any insurance or self - insurance maintained by the Town; its officials, emplovees or volunteers shall be excess of the LGSR's insurance and shall not contribute with it. iii) Any failure to comply with reporting provisions of the policies shall not affect coverage provided to the Town, its officers. officials, employees or vo.untccrs. iv) 'I lie LGSR's insurance shall apply separately to each insured against whom a claim is made or suit is brought, except with respect to the limits of the insurer's liability. c) All Coverages. Each insurance policy required in this Paragraph 13 shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be suspended, voided, canceled, reduced in coverage or in limits except after thirty (30) days' prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, has been given to the "Down. The LGSR shall ensure that current certification of such insurance is on file at all times with the Town Clerk during the term of this agreement. d) workers' Compensation. In addition to these policies. LGSR shall have and maintain Workers' Compensation insurance as required by California law. Further. LGSR shall ensure that all contractors employed on the Premises by the LGSR provide the required Workers' Compensation insurance; for their respective employees. e) Property Insurance. Town shall have no obligation to maintain any inswrance of the Premises or any personal property placed on the Premises. LGSR shall be solely responsible for obtaining whatever insurance coverage that the L(iSR believes may be appropriate to protect and indemnify the LGSR for loss to the Premises or to any personal property that the LGSR may place on the Premises. 16. Inder tnnifLcation. LGSR agrees to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend the Town, its officers, employees, volunteers, and agents, from and against any and all damages, claims or liability, penalties, costs or expenses in law or equity that may at any time arise from any toss, damage, or injury to persons or property occurring in or about the Premises that arises out of or incident to the LGSR's use of the Premises, including use by anyone that the LGSR has permitted oratlowed to use the Premises. This obligation to indemnify, hold hamtiess, and defend applies whether or not the incident or claim or liability is or may be related to negligence on Are part of The Town. 17. Qamaae and Des traction. a) Damage or destruction of any portion: of t!te Premises by any cause shall not terminate this Agreement or otherwise affect the respective obligations of the two panics, any present or future law to the contrary notwithstanding. except pursuant to the provisions of this Section I ?. b) If because of destruction or damage, a portion Of the Premises becomes unsuitable or Inadequate for a use as specified in the Annual Schedule, the Town and LGSR shall meet and work cooperatively to identify an aiternat,%c location: for the: usc. If the alternative location can be found on Town- owned properly, then no modification of the Annual Use Fee shall be made- If no alternative location can he found, or if an alternative location is `round that is not. on Town -owned property, than LGSR shall be entitled to a prorated refund of the Annual Use Fee, calculated by determining the fee that would have been assessed for the displaced program or activity is if it had been issued a Facility Use Fee Permit. Any such calculation will be based on the Town's approved schedule of Annual h "e" and Charges in effect at the time ofthe program displacement. c) Under no circumstances does the Town have any obligation to provide LGSR with all alternative property to conduct its operations, and LGSR is solely responsible for obtainingsuchinsuranceastheLGSRdeemsappropriatetoprotectitsinterestsshoulddamageor destruction to any of the Premises occur. d) LGSR shall be liable for any loss, damage or injury to the Premises as a result of tine direct orindirectuseofthePremisesbyLGSRunderthisagreement. 18. (omnhance with Fown Codes- LGSR shall comply with all provisions of the Town Code, including the provisions of Chapter 19 of the Code concerning Parks and Recreations. IJ. Termination. a) LGSR sha11 promptly terminate its use of the Premises at the expiration of this Agreement, leaving the Premises in the same condition it was received, in good order and repair, reasonable wear and tear and damage by the elements excepted. Any personal property notremovedbytheLGSRwithinthirty ('30) days of the wrminabotl of this Agreement shall become the property of the Town and nay be disposed (if as the l'own in its sole discretiondeemsadvisable. b) This .Agreement shall continue in full force and effect unless prior to February I' of anycalendaryear, either Party provides written notice to [he other Party that it desires to terminate the Agreement for convenicnoc and, upon such notice, the Agreement shallterminateonJune30" of the same calendar year. c) if Town in its sole discretion determines that it requires the Premises . for arty public purpose, Town may terminate this Agreement upon one hundred eighty (180) days written notice. In the event of an emergency, Town may terminate this Agreement upon five (5) days written notice. 'Emergency," for the purposes of this paragraph is defined as when the Town Council declares a State ofEmergency_ Upon terunation of this Agreement in tine event of an Emergency, 'Down and LGSR will work cooperatively to secure alterative facilities forLGSRprograms. d) In the event of any material default or breach by LGSR. Town may at any time thereafter. following arty notice required by stt'auie. and without larliting'iown in tote exercise of any right or remedy which may have reason ofsuch default or breach: a. Terminate LGSR's right to possession of the Premises by arty lawful means, in which case this .Agreement shall terminate and LGSR shall immediately surrender possession edthePremisesto "rowr.. In such event. Town shall be entitled to recover from LGSR any damages incurred by Town by reason of LCSL's default including but not limited to- the cost of recovering possession of the Premises and reasonable attorneys' fees. b. Pursue any other remedy now or hereafter available to Town under the laws of the State of California. "Town shall have all remedies Provided. in law and equity. c) LI3SR waives all rights of redemption or relief from forfeiture under California Code ot'Civil Procedure sections 1174 and 1174, and any other present and future law, in the event LGSR is evicted or Town otherwise lawfvlly takes possession of the Premises by reason of any default or breach of this Agreement by LGSR. 20. Vo Pro perty Righ {;. Nothing in tlus Agreement is in any way intended to establish, convey, create or otherwise grant to LGSR any form of property rights in the Premises, nor shall such rights be established, conveyed, created or otherwise granted by LGSR's use of the Premises pursuant to this Agreement. LGSR hereby acknowledges that it currently has no property interest in the Premises or any improvements thereto or fixtures location thereon, and that any claim it may have to same is hereby and forever waived. 21. Notices. Any written correspondence or Notices given under this Agreement shall be addressed as follows: To the LGSRr Fxecutiae Director Los Gatos- Saratoga Recreation 123 E. Main Street Los Gatos, CA 95030 To the Town: Director Department ol'Parks and Public Works Town of Los Gatos 41 Mites Avenue Los Gatos, CA 95030 Notices shail be delivered by first class, postage prepaid mail or in person. If mailed, a notice shall be deemed effective on the ffib day following deposit in the U.S Mail. 22. Waiven No failure on the pan of either parry to exercise any right or remedy hereunder shall operate as a waiver of any other right or remedy that party may have hereunder, nor does waiver ofa breach or default under this Agreement constitute a continuing waiver of a subseyuent breach of the same or any other provision of this License Agreement. 23. hjrtire Aiseemenl. This Agreement constitutes the complete and exclusive statement of the Agreement between Town and LGSR_ No tens, conditions, understanding or agreements purporting to modify or vary this Agreement, unless hereafter made m writing and signed by the party it) be bound, shall be binding on either party. IN WITNI,SS WIIIEREOF: Tow v Of LOS Gatos. b): Approved as to F )rm, Riberischul"Z,To m. homey Los Gatos - Saratoga Recreation, by: I- 71-Z'e___------------ S) inatu e Namu and T---7— P:,nt I IWe SheNy Neib, I owaUll-lrk- K W c J_ x 0 h Attachment R F2 Y s4a Q n fYWH aQa ti 5 d. MWn Vf u E Ca E E QO QN d M m Y N M Oi E S E ip m i m E v w E 6 E E Qmg E E c E E Q0nQ E a H E E EQ M Q M W m N G E F E a om g E On1 O N F2 Y s4a Q n fYWH aQa ti 5 d. MWn Vf u Ca2 a Y d S 0 h d m i1 w 9waI 5C1 ae d h O N Y w V d 0cc N Z 6 E U N u O ti EC M1 0. E E v o w M u N o E F F M ti m V 0. E E ro Q D u Q u W Q 0 d co Q E C ro QOM uVri y' C O. E uu a d' cW G enY a s VtdJN tL' CWcG G x a a d XQ0 CW G w C a O aA NXWWKV Ea00 Q 0 n v n W n Z Z F Ea N 0 N ba Vf X N r Z E d 06 O A NN OO N Q Ea0 y v¢i m mo\o a D M m Z n ti m O 3 Po Y pm v+ N S a m tD Z u E Q, a E 0 0 Po u G 2 O Z tL' CWcG G x a a d XQ0 CW G w C a O aA NXWWKV 0Z N Z ba d v¢i Z a EPo c a u E E vPou E e a Po a a u E E @ a u V z Np. a Po a a u E Y a uffEpp FS V E n p y in Q OR 00 O W CLE @ a a u E E v u Ll E0 W E 9 ry E09 E ry n pu pp c V A- na CL i E u y S E r o y u 0¢: L? MZ1ipM W U a eeO W' z\ W nd A LL YCQ6 S 0NQ W YfGda b Oa d 0 ATFACHMEN'T B PARK RULES AND REGULATIONS Effective March 1, 2013) All park users shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 19, Parks and Recreation of the Los Gatos Town Code, and the these Park Rules and Regulations established by the Director of Parks and Public Works pursuant to Section 19.10.025(17) of the Los Gatos Town Code General Hours: Parks and trails are open from official sunrise to one -half hour after sunset, unless posted otherwise. Parking at Oak Meadow Park: Residents of Los Gatos FREE all residents living in 95030 & 95032 zip codes) Non - Residents $6.00 per vehicle includes people living in 95033 zip code) Parking at all other Parks: Free No Smoking Smoking is prohibited within any park or on any trail. Food & Alcohol Beer and wine are allowed with a picnic meal but must not leave the picnic site. A Vehicle Escort Permit is required when a caterer delivers food to a picnic site. Barbecues are not allowed at Belgatos Park. Decorations & Signs Decorations must not interfere with other picnic sites. Decorations must be cleaned up and removed before leaving the park. Directional signs may be posted in designated areas, but must be removed before leaving. No lacks, nails or staples on park signs, tables or trees. No confetti, Egg toss or pinatas are allowed. Dogs A six (6) foot leash is required at ail times and dogs must be kept under physical control. 0 Pet owners are required to immediately clean -up after their pets. Miscellaneous 6 Portable BBQs (gas or charcoal) are allowed in picnic areas only. a Portable radios are allowed. Loud music is not allowed at any hour. Volleyball and Badminton nets are allowed. a Portable toilets are not allowed. Petting zoos and pony rides are not allowed. Water slides and 'Slip -n- Slides" are not allowed. Organized sports activities are not allowed without a permit. No golfing within any park. No overnight camping allowed. No sale or vending or other commercial activity except by permit. Clean -lice Facilities rented and used must be left in clean condition. A fee will be assessed to you for leaving the picnic area unclean or damaged. Applicant should provide means to clean up site, including extra trash bags. a Pick -up and dispose of all trash and food waste materials at reserved park site. Remove cans, bottles, bags, decorations, balloons, food and debris from park site. Use trash cans. Allow fires in barbecue pits to burn out. Do not use water because it will damage the grill and pit Reservations Prior to selecting and reserving any picnic area or bandstand /gazebo, we recommend that the applicant visit the park facility in advance or view Parks & Trails Map to obtain details of each of Town's parks and trails, including maps and driving directions. A Park and Trails Maa is available online and at Town offices. m The Parks and Public Works Department staff will finalize your reservation request once you have completed the on -line reservation process and payment by credit card in full is received. Checks will no longer be accepted. A reservation fee will be charged for each site you reserve. If you reserve two or more sites, a fee will be assessed for each site, as applicable. Park reservations do not include parking. Please view the Fee Schedule for current charges. Q Requests to reserve a picnic area should not be submitted with less than 48 hours of advance notice prior to the requested reservation date. All reservation requests must be completed through the on -line reservation process. Reservations by phone will not be accepted. All information collected is only for the use of the Town of Los Gatos Parks and Public Works Department for park reservations and will not be sold or shared with outside vendors. Also be assured that all data you send as part of this reservation process is through a secure server and the data is encrypted for transmission- We do not keep any of your credit card information on our system. Permits Special Use Permits are required for the following: 1. Use of a group area for 25 people or more. 2. Use of a jump house at any park in Los Gatos. 3. Use of a vehicle escort at any park. 4. Use of Bocce ball Courts at Oak Meadow Park, 5. Use of Gazebo/Bandstand at Oak Meadow Park. 6. For any organized recreational activities, such as formal classes or other similar activities. The permitee, under Town Municipal Code, Section 19.30.025, shall be bound by all park rules and regulations, and all applicable ordinances. The person to whom such permit is issued shall be liable for any loss, damage or injury sustained by the Town or by any person whomsoever by reason of the negligence of the person to whom such permit shall have been issued. Special Use Permit is approved by the Parks & Public Works Department upon review of reservation request and payment of applicable deposit. Use of a disc jockey (DJ) at the Gazebo /Bandstand at Oak Meadow Park is allowed only after receiving a Special Events Permit from the Los Gatos -Monte Sereno Police Department. The Police Department number is (408) 354 -8600. An insurance certificate in the amount of $1 million, naming the Town of Los Gatos, its Council members, Boards, Commissions, employees and agents as additionally insured is required for groups of over 100 people (reservations for events such as weddings, reunions and company picnics). Permits cannot be transferred, assigned or sublet. Jump Houses Use of a jump house requires a Special Use Permit. At Oak Meadow Park, a Special Use Permit for jump houses can be requested only if the associated picnic area is reserved concurrently. Jump houses can be rented only from companies that have provided proof of liability insurance naming the Town of Los Gatos as the additional insured. The following companies have registered with the Clerk's Office and have provided the required certificate: Astro Events & Jump (800) 300 -0922 Bali Baly Jump 408) 226 -2706 Jump For Fun 800) 281 -6792 Bay Area Jump 800) 514 -5867 Jump For Joy 800) 418 -5867 Any jump house company not listed above must provide insurance to the Town of Los Gatos Clerk `s Office for consideration. A permit will not be issued to an applicant without providing proof of insurance from the vendor. Jump houses must be hand carried in to the park and placed in the area specified by the Parks Service Officer. a No electricity is provided at the park for jump houses. Jump houses with combined features such as a jumper and a slide and/or obstacle course, and features containing water are not allowed. m Personally owned jump houses are not allowed. Jump house fees for residents are $95. Non - resident fees are $125. A Jump House Permit does not include Picnic Area Use Permit. Each must be obtained separately. aehicie Escort Individuals renting a park facility can request a staff vehicle escort to assist with the transport of supplies to/from a designated picnic area. Reservations must be made five 5) business days in advance of the event date for this service. No vehicles are allowed beyond designated public parking lots. If an individual would like to drop off supplies or equipment beyond these areas in a vehicle, a vehicle escort is required. Vehicle escorts conducted by a Park Service Officer must be scheduled in advance. Vehicle escorts are not available for Picnic Areas t. 2, & 7 at Oak Meadow Park. ATFACHXIEYF c CREEKSIDE SPORTS PARK SPECIAL RULES AND REGULATIONS Effective March 1, 2013) All park users shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 19, Parks and Recreation of the Los Gatos Town Code; Park Rules and Regulations established by the Director of Parks and Public Works pursuant to Section 19.10.025(17) of the Los Gatos Town Code; and these Special Rules and Regulations, also established pursuant to Section 19.10.025(17) of the Los Gatos Town Code. Permitted groups have priority use and other users shall promptly vacate field upon request by permitted users Smoking of any substance and use of any tobacco product, including chewing tobacco, is prohibited. Artificial Turf Field and Warm Up Area Use e No metal cleats or spikes allowed. No metal stakes, such as umbrellas or shade structures permitted. No bare feet. No spitting on artificial turf surfaces. No vehicles allowed on field or warm -up area No marking or painting of turf unless approved by the Town of Los Gatos. No golfing or use of golf clubs. No discus, hammer, javelin or other field events permitted. Food & Beverages No alcoholic beverages permitted within Creekside Sports Park. No open fires, flames or portable barbecues (gas or charcoal) permitted. e No chewing gum or sunflower seeds allowed within Creekside Sports Park. m No food or beverages allowed on playing field other than water. m No glass bottles or containers allowed on field or warm -up areas. Dogs and Other Animals 4 No dogs or other animals allowed except for certified guide animals. Signage Signs may be affixed with string, rope or ties only. No tape, tacks, staples, or nails allowed. ffi All signage and ties must be removed after use. No staking of any team signs or banners allowed.