Exhibit A - Grantee's ProposalOn behalf of the Board of Directors of KCAT TV15, the Los Gatos-based nonprofit community access television station, I am pleased to present the following proposal for consideration of American Rescue Plan Act funding by the Community Health and Senior Service Commission (CHSSC) on a new, impactful and, once established, sustainable TV and radio production program for the betterment of our senior "55 plus" community. "THE PRODUCERS" PROGRAM OVERVIEW KCAT is excited to build a community of age 55+ volunteers who are post-career, into retirement and beyond with an interest in running our growing local public access TV and, new this year, internet radio station. We are calling this program THE PRODUCERS. With this program, KCAT will empower our community's valued seniors to share their voice and perspective on issues, challenges and joys of our community, via TV, film and radio broadcast production. Having watched and learned about the successes of senior-produced programming from colleagues at other public stations around the Bay Area, the KCA T board and I have wanted to offer this to the Los Gatos community for years. KCAT staff has deep expertise in teaching and training community members how to produce, film, edit and broadcast video, TV shows and now radio. With support from this short-term Town­ affiliated ARPA funding, KCAT will be able to launch a sustainable program for senior producers, cinematographers, editors and on-air talent! THE PRODUCERS will bring a wealth of value and skills to KCAT and our community in a fun, exciting and innovative way for them and for us. The positives are abundant: a proven business model with an immediate program implementation; inclusive and creative environment; ongoing results and measurements; camaraderie; and a "plug and play" TV and radio studio! ABOUT LOS GATOS PUBLIC MEDIA INC./ KCAT TV15 Los Gatos Public Media Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit public benefit corporation providing public, educational and community access cable television and internet radio facilities via its KCAT TV station (on Comcast channel 15)and digital media center. Located on the Los Gatos High School campus, KCAT offers the community an interactive platform for collaboration, connection and engagement. We enable everyone to share stories, amplify messages and raise visibility through TV, streaming, on-demand videos, social media channels and internet radio. In addition to teaching year-round multimedia classes for youth, our in-house staff provides professional screenwriting, filming, podcasting, editing and video production services for individuals, organizations and businesses; recording, broadcasting, and streaming of local government meetings; and public access to media tools, equipment, training, and low-cost studio facilities. Celebrating 38 years of service, KCAT TV & Radio enables opportunities to create deeper connections by bringing together diverse communities. Our nine-member board of directors sincerely appreciates its viewers, staff and the incredible support of the Town of Los Gatos, City of Monte Sereno, Los Gatos Unified School District, wonderful sponsors and generous foundations and donors. KCATTVlS 15466 Los Gatos Blvd., #109-233, Los Gatos, CA 95032 www.kcat.org info@kcat.org EXHIBIT A KCAT 15 PROPOSAL TO CHSSC PAGE TWO ENDLESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR EVERYONE THE PRODUCERS program is intended to be a new, impactful and, once established, sustainable TV and radio production program for the betterment of our senior "55 plus" community. Implementation of THE PRODUCERS will contribute to decreasing senior isolation and increasing senior engagement and programming, noted issues of concern to CHSSC. Conveniently located on the Los Gatos High School campus, the KCAT TV studio, Control Room and Podcast/Radio studio provides an additional venue and workspace for Los Gatos seniors to gather while sharing their talents and learning new skills; creating; socializing; and enjoying accomplishments with friends and neighbors. We know that television remains a beloved platform to all for news and entertainment, particularly in our current digital media environment. In that spirit and as a local public access station, KCAT is seeking volunteer adults aged 55+ (individuals and teams) to learn about and then focus on the entire TV and radio on-location and in-studio production process, from talent searching, technical operations, directing and scheduling to developing original content, scriptwriting, set design, curating shows, running news and sports, and organizing a solid business model consisting of advertising and revenue streams. We've seen this model work at other Bay Area public access TV stations and believe that by empowering our seniors, we'll create a dynamic new program for our community! INCLUSIVITY: SIMPLY BRING YOUR LIFE EXPERIENCE THE PRODUCERS program will include seniors of any age, active/non-active, skill set, time limitation or desired role. The beauty of KCAT's model is everyone is free to incorporate their everyday interests, skills and talents in a fun and meaningful way while meeting new people and creating community. Every PRODUCER will be a valued participant, have clear expectations and the resources to be successful in a collaborative, fun, creative and fulfilling environment. KCAT envisions a stream of individuals and groups of seniors coming in-studio to develop and produce entire seasons of shows on an on-going, "rolling" basis, with one group following and coordinating with the other as they navigate the production process together. Examples of identifiable personality traits that can be transformed into exciting roles at the TV & Radio station: •Love to write ... letters, notes, anything? We can offer feature story writing and advertising copywriting, scriptwriting, cue cards •Have the gift of gab? Be an actor, floor director, podcast host, news anchor •Good with numbers? We have budgeting opportunities, TV scene schedules, equipment orders, viewership ratings and metrics •Organizing a passion? Organize our production schedule, develop workflows, keep equipment in order KCATTVlS 15466 Los Gatos Blvd., #109-233, Los Gatos, CA 95032 www.kcat.org info@kcat.org KCAT 15 PROPOSAL TO CHSSC PAGE THREE •Engineering/technical your thing? Then a TV station is a paradise for you I •Strategic thinker? Brainstorm and develop plans for ad campaigns to market the new shows •Love marketing and revenue? Bring your business acumen to drive sales and sponsorship opps As a community access TV station, we are always looking for local content. Here are some ideas that THE PRODUCERS could embrace when brainstorming to create a TV show with an entire season of episodes: •Cooking, Favorite Local Restaurants, Farm to Table, •Painting, Crafts, Art History, Intro to Art and Wine, Antiques •Gardening, Planting an Herb Garden, Bird Watching •Road Tripping in the USA, Best Local Trails, Health & Wellness •Local News, In-depth Stories and Interviews, Trivia, documentaries THE PRODUCERS will have complete freedom to bring their ideas to life and create shows of interest to them and the community. Here is an example of how large groups with a variety of talents can produce a show: Let's say someone identifies as having "the gift of gab" from the list above. That same individual also loves to bake and has a friend who bakes as well. They would have a great time as hosts of a new cooking show! KCAT would then assist in finding other individuals to produce, direct, write scripts, film, edit and market an endless amount of episodes. As a team, everyone involved shares in the pride of creating "The Baking Show" and seeing their names in the credits as their production comes to life through the magic of television! What could be a more exciting reason to celebrate our volunteers! SUSTAINABILITY AND REACH With the support from ARPA seed funding, KCAT will take its training expertise to local seniors. THE PRODUCERS will be certified as qualified to use KCAT's equipment, in studio or on location. Importantly, after training and with experience, THE PRODUCERS will have the skills necessary to continue to produce their own shows for broadcast and internet distribution in the years to come. Participants in KCAT's inaugural year of THE PRODUCERS program will be able to pass on their knowledge to incoming seniors. Our Comcast TV Channel 15 geographical area served includes Los Gatos and Monte Sereno, california; however, because we offer streaming and on-demand programming at www.kcat.org, Apple TV or Roku, our geographical area extends to Silicon Valley, the Bay Area and beyond-essentially, we're viewable worldwide through our website. The same can be said for our new KCAT internet radio, which will be available via an internet radio website and through Spotify and other streaming services. CROSS-GENERATIONAL KCAT has a substantial presence on the Los Gatos High School campus and works closely with middle, high school and college students throughout the community. We intend to foster and encourage an atmosphere of collaboration and learning experiences shared by seniors and our youth. This is a win-win environment: THE KCATTV15 15466 Los Gatos Blvd., #109-233, Los Gatos, CA 95032 www.kcat.org info@kcat.org KCAT 15 PROPOSAL TO CHSSC PAGE FOUR PRODUCERS will benefit by new digital/social media and mobile approaches familiar to youth, and the youth will be able to leverage the experience and skill set ofTHE PRODUCERS. BRING BACK LOCAL INITIATIVE KCAT will encourage THE PRODUCERS to help fill the local news gap by embracing a "Bring Back Local" initiative. We'll inspire the kind of locally sourced TV and podcast content that our community desperately misses. THE PRODUCERS volunteers will help spread the word about this unique new senior program by contributing feature stories and news articles to local publications that seniors read. Additionally, our senior volunteers who are trained for on-location filming and interview technique will themselves become valuable resources and ambassadors within our community: They will be able to film community events, LGS Recreation programs, ribbon cuttings and service club projects, for example. THE PRODUCERS ROLL-OUT PLAN & BUDGET The requested short-term funding of $200,000 will be allocated as follows: $60,000 $20,000 $40,000 $30,000 $10,000 $40,000 THE PRODUCERS Program Engagement & Marketing Manager •Develop an ongoing and adaptive plan to recruit seniors 55+; implement an ongoing marketing strategy that results in measurement, such as number of volunteers recruited and active; identify, develop and match people's skills and interests to roles, create and manage database, implement programs, such as friends bring friends, etc. Program Volunteer Coordinator •Supports the manager: ad min, scheduling, follow-up, meetings, coordinating events Tech Support & Training •Ongoing classes/training by KCAT staff and outside resources for seniors to learn the TV station, become proficient in using equipment and develop skills and interests Marketing and engagement •Create an exciting video outlining THE PRODUCERS program and distribute it to all senior living facilities, active adult groups, Nextdoor, TV before Council meetings, etc. •Continual distribution of print ads and articles (The Outlook), TV, and Radio ads, flyers, social media platforms; social activities, volunteer recognition events Content curation and programming •In addition to producing new content, curating content for KCAT TV is another exciting project for seniors, for example researching and purchasing documentaries, student films or other shows from around the Bay that would draw community interest on TV Program-specific equipment •Purchase program-related and user-friendly equipment beyond the full KCAT inventory •In support of programs, software and license subscriptions will be purchased that are necessary to produce a show, for example: editing, graphic templates, music, etc. KCAT management will oversee THE PRODUCERS program budget. KCAT adheres to strict accounting of employee hours and will be happy to provide programmatic expenses or performance reports as agreed upon. KCATTV15 15466 Los Gatos Blvd., #109-233, Los Gatos, CA 95032 www.kcat.org info@kcat.org KCAT 15 PROPOSAL TO CHSSC PAGE FIVE IMPLEMENTATION PLAN PHASE ONE: RECRUITING VOLUNTEERS •Host an event with Town Council members, all Los Gatos Commissioners, community members to create "buzz," raise awareness of the program, and kickstart outreach to our senior community for the THE PRODUCERS. An exciting recruitment video will be shown as well as distributed on key platforms •Event will feature a tour of KCAT 1V & Radio facilities, presentation of THE PRODUCERS program and a demonstration of equipment available to seniors 55+. •Initial marketing campaign to promote THE PRODUCERS: distribute flyers, posters, 1V and radio ads; post on Nextdoor, social media; connect with community partners, nonprofit groups; word of mouth; contribute feature stories and news articles to local senior print publications such as The Outlook. PHASE TWO: MATCH GAME •Onboarding, matching and prioritizing participant skills with roles, introducing creative process to produce shows and create content. •Volunteers will begin classes taught by KCAT staff to learn studio and on-location equipment operation, scriptwriting, acting techniques, editing, etc. •Timelines will be created for THE PRODUCERS team to begin the journey of producing their shows PHASE THREE: LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION I •We will have a Watch Party and Celebration event for THE PRODUCERS show I •Spread the word and let family, friends and the community know when and how to watch new shows on KCATlV by THE PRODUCERS DATA / TRACKING / MEASUREMENT THE PRODUCERS program is intended to be a new, impactful and, once established, sustainable 1V and radio production program for the betterment of our senior "55 plus" community. Our long-term goal is having individuals and groups of seniors become KCAT 1V and radio producers, developing and directing entire seasons of shows on an on-going, "rolling" basis. During this inaugural year, THE PRODUCERS program's effectiveness will be evaluated in the following ways: •Satisfaction of the senior participants: 100% of the seniors participating in the THE PRODUCERS will say that they have gained valuable skills and experiences •Participants will enjoy the program which will encourage them to bring others to join the fun. •Number of active THE PRODUCERS groups: Our goal isn't so much the quantity of shows but having multiple groups of seniors getting together to learn and implement the lV, podcast or radio entire production process: brainstorming, scriptwriting/storyboarding, producing, directing, filming, acting, tech, editing, marketing, and sponsorship/business planning. KCAT intends to create 5-10 such groups, approx. 30-50 active participants, during the inaugural year. KCATTV15 15466 Los Gatos Blvd., #109-233, Los Gatos, CA 95032 www.kcat.org info@kcat.org KCAT 15 PROPOSAL TO CHSSC PAGE SIX •KCAT will measure audience viewership, listenership and engagement through analytics, ratings providers, surveys, targeted advertising, and online and social media strategies to drive viewers, and possibly subscription services. •Percentage of participants that join a post-inaugural year production team: KCAT will strive to have 50% or more of the participants continue on to produce original broadcast content past THE PRODUCERS' inaugural year which will be sustained through show sponsorships, fund raising and grants secured by THE PRODUCERS and KCAT staff. Thank you for your strong consideration to fund this exciting new program that will benefit our Adult 55+ community in so many ways. If you have further questions or thoughts, please feel free to reach out to me anytime. Melissa Toren Executive Director KCATTV15 melissa@kcat.org KCATTVlS 15466 Los Gatos Blvd., #109-233, Los Gatos, CA 95032 www.kcat.org info@kcat.org