LGCT to Hwy 9 Trailhead Connector Project Council MeetingLos Gatos Creek Trail to Highway 9 Trailhead Connector Project Council Meeting CIP #832-4505 Tuesday, January 17, 2023 Item #4 1 Project Location Highway 9 between University Avenue and Highway 17 Los Gatos Boulevard Woodland Avenue University Avenue Wraight Avenue 2 N North Santa Cruz Avenue Boyer Lane Project Limits Highway 17 Highway 9 Los Gatos Creek Trail 2 Project Description Los Gatos Boulevard Woodland Avenue University Avenue Wraight Avenue 3 N North Santa Cruz Avenue Boyer Lane Proposed ADA-Accessible Pedestrian and Bicycle Pathway Highway 17 Highway 9 Proposed ADA-Accessible Pedestrian and Bicycle Pathway Proposed Pedestrian Bridge to Connect To The Existing Los Gatos Trail Los Gatos Creek Trail Caltrans Right-of-Way (ROW) Highway 9 between University Avenue and Highway 17 3 Funding Sources 4 4 Recommendation 5 Los Gatos Creek Trail to Highway 9 Trailhead Connector Project (CIP No. 832-4505): Approve the Plans and Specifications; Authorize Advertising the Project for Bid Upon Receipt of Formal Funding Approval (E-76) from Caltrans; and c. Authorize the Release of a Request for Proposals for Construction Management, Inspection, and Materials Testing Services 5